juanjoseojedadiaz · 4 years
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El vicealmirante Fitzpatrick era un oficial de bandera de la Flota Estelar que, en 2268 , ordenó al USS Enterprise proteger el quadrotriticale en Deep Space K-7 . ( TOS : " El problema con Tribbles ") Fitzpatrick fue el único almirante en The Original Series en tener insignias de rango visibles, era una banda ancha de oro (como la que usan los comodines ), con una sola franja de rango sólida por encima y por debajo. Aunque simplemente llamado "almirante", dado que un estilo uniforme similar, en Star Trek: The Motion Picture , usaba una insignia de comodoro con una franja encima para indicar que era un almirante trasero , Fitzpatick parecería ser un vicealmirante. El papel del almirante Fitzpatrick fue interpretado por el conocido locutor Ed Reimers. #startrekcosplay #startrekships #viajealasestrellas #viajealasestrellaslaserieoriginal #capitankirk #spock #enterprise #mrspock #trekkie #tekkies #startrekfan #generodenberry #ussenterprise #scifi #startrektheoriginalseries #tos https://www.instagram.com/p/B47XXMjlZWe/?igshid=1c9i6asegljwj
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iliminoal · 7 years
(br) Congratualations on the milestone! Something about me.... would be that I am actually about to move across the country to switch universities and I am super excited!!! My studyblr is a side blog : breannestudies and I tag anything og with /mine :) thankyou so much hope you are having a wonderful day!
Hey, thank you! That’s so cool, good luck! 
url: nice | good | really cute | amazing | perfect
icon:  good | really cute | amazing | this is the definition of fabulous
theme: nice | good | really cute | amazing!! | I can FEEL your aesthetic
original posts: nice | really good | stunning! | omg this is p.e.r.f.e.c.t.
overall:  5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 10++
compliment: We have the same theme and your blog is very cute! Thank you and have a nice day! 
want a blog rate?
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delzinrowe · 7 years
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@rninyoonqi & @capitankirk It's this one: https://youtu.be/fZ9Dmvknn-0 (Sille: i found so many of these and they are hurting me. I s2g please listen to the version of bst)
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tomasisudios-blog · 4 years
What would happen if Thrawn set out to fight the TOS Enterprise
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ojodecine-blog · 6 years
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Resident Evil, junto con Alice. De verdad que me encanto ver este cosplay, muy original, felicitaciones a la chica #cccl2018 #comiccon #comicconchile #comicconchile2018 #espacioriesco #alice #residentevil #residentevilalice #residentevilalicecosplay #startrek #capitankirk #atrek #atrekchile #amigostrek (en Comic Con Chile)
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Os deseamos larga vida y prosperidad... y un broche tan molón como este. #startrek #broche #spook #enterprise #space #friki #freak #brooch #capitankirk
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loca-tv2 · 7 years
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Soy la capitana kirk!!... Motorea a su máxima potencia, entremos a velocidad warp #me #crazy #crazycolor #fun #relax #grayandpurplehair #friends #startrek #startrekfan #capitankirk
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dirkgentlybuzz · 7 years
Tag Thingy!!!
Thank you so much @gentledirkgently for tagging me!!!!!!!!!! :))) <3
Rules: Answer the questions and tag nine followers or just ppl tbh.
How old are you: 16
Current job: I am currently unemployed, but I’m thinking about trying for a job at pet land. 
Dream job: Zoologist, focusing on a variety of different research projects. I already have so many ideas and I’m not even done high school yet XD
What are you talented at: Idk man.... Skiing??
What is a big goal you are working towards, or have already achieved: Getting into the university I want and actually having enough money to do so. ((Im going to drown in student loans, dear god.)) 
What is your aesthetic: I never know how to answer this question XD. Just put a ton of plants in a wooden cabin and were good. Or a lonely picnic table in a mountain meadow. 👍👍
Do you collect anything: *laughs* Um, feathers, kind of... Definitely not skulls
What’s a pet peeve of yours: When people bump into you or step on your foot etc, and it’s clearly their fault, and because you’re a nice person you say sorry and then they don’t say anything. Like bee please, you wanna go? 
Good advice to give: Try not to care about what other people think of the way you look. You’re beautiful, and if other people are too naive to realize that, then I pity them. Also, wear what you're comfortable in, you shouldn’t have to dress for other people, dress for yourself. (unless your going to a job interview) 
Recommend three songs: 
Megalomania by David Lemaitre is so good, you have to watch the music vid too though if you can.
Animal Instinct by The Cranberries, it’s been one of my favourites since I was like 6. 
Thank U by Alanis Morissette, it’s a bit of an acquired taste, but I like it.
@littlerosepose @backatthebein @goteamjacket @wuxxtry @capitankirk @asphodel-lumos @nadademaiss2 @girlfromthatfandomlovesyou @ Anyone of my lovely followers who wants to! <3
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lestatslestits · 7 years
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@dont-offend-the-bees @capitankirk asdfghkl thank you so much reading asks and reblogs and comments has made me feel so much better and this is genuinely just. The nicest fandom???
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juanjoseojedadiaz · 4 years
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#startrekcosplay #startrekships #viajealasestrellas #viajealasestrellaslaserieoriginal #capitankirk #spock #enterprise #mrspock #trekkie #tekkies #startrekfan #generodenberry #ussenterprise #scifi #startrektheoriginalseries #tos Kelinda era un miembro de Kelvan de una expedición del Imperio Kelvan en la galaxia de Andrómeda, impregnada de radiación . Sus antepasados ​​fueron parte de una ola de naves espaciales multigeneracionales enviadas a las galaxias cercanas para encontrar nuevos territorios para que el Imperio conquistara y ocupara. Al llegar a la Vía Láctea después de siglos en el vacío intergaláctico, su nave fue destruida cruzando la barrera galáctica . Bajo el mando de Rojan , Kelinda escapó con otros tres miembros de la tripulación en una nave de vida a un planeta Clase M no identificado . Los Kelvans adoptaron formas humanoides más compatibles con la vida inteligente de la nueva región y el transporte disponible. Después de que una falsa llamada de auxilio atrajo la atención del Capitán James T. Kirk , la tripulación de Rojan secuestró el USS Enterprise (NCC-1701), para que pudieran regresar a casa e informar sus descubrimientos al Imperio Kelvan . La mente de Kelinda fue brevemente sondeó por Spock , y ella fue atacada por Kirk en un intento de fuga. Las percepciones de los sentidos humanoides y las tendencias emocionales eran ajenas a la experiencia de Kelvan, lo que llevó a Kirk y sus oficiales superiores a explotar las debilidades de Kelvan. Kelinda inmediatamente reconoció que la disculpa de Kirk por golpearla era simplemente una oportunidad para la seducción, pero ella agradeció sus esfuerzos y abrazos. Rojan fue incitado a una furia celosa por las repetidas sesiones de 'disculpa' de Kirk y Kelinda. Kirk sugirió que la nueva humanidad de Kelvan podría realizarse plenamente en un planeta en la Vía Láctea, y Kelinda respaldó con entusiasmo la idea de una vida de sensaciones humanoides experimentadas con Rojan. ( TOS : " Por cualquier otro nombre ") Kelinda fue interpretada por la actriz Barbara Bouchet . https://www.instagram.com/p/B6f0N8DFecJ/?igshid=a4qag9zjz83p
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lowkeyloloki · 6 years
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Design veloce per una fic che gli Dei soli sanno se mai avrà vita (visti i precedenti) #sketchbook #sb03 #p108 #greenink #green #characterdesign #outfit #asianclothes #clothesdesign #vulcan #startrek #startrekaos #jameskirk #capitankirk #enterprise #nyotauhura #uhura #kirk #vulcanfashion #newvulcan #littleshits #theyknowclappinghandsistaboo #bestfriends #friendshipgoals #aos
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findlahistoria · 7 years
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Tal día como hoy Gene Roddenberry cumpliría años! (19/8/1921 - 24/10/1991) creador de un universo increíble. Gracias Genne! #StarTrek #StarTrekTOS #StarTrekTheOriginalSeries #Spock @sirpatstew #Trekkies #Cine #Series #Movies #CapitanKirk #WilliamShatner #LeonardNimoy #LiveLongAndProsper #TaldiaComoHoy
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blogarea53 · 6 years
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As histórias de Star Trek normalmente mostram as aventuras de humanos e alienígenas que servem a Frota Estelar, uma armada pacífica que serve a Federação Unida dos Planetas. Os personagens são essencialmente altruístas, cujos ideais são aplicados nos dilemas apresentados na série. Os conflitos apresentados em Star Trek às vezes representam uma alegoria para conflitos contemporâneos: a série original discute questões da década de 1960, assim como seus spin-offs refletem as questões de suas respectivas décadas.  Questões refletidas nas séries incluem: guerra e paz, lealdade,autoritarismo, imperialismo, economia, racismo, religião, direitos humanos, sexismo, feminismo e o papel da tecnologia. #arte #art #poster #desenho #desenhos #drawing #draw #startrek #entreprise #ussenterprise #capitankirk #kirk #picard #estelar #espaço #space #ufo #scifi #grey #geekgirl #geek #nerdgirl #nerdculture #popculture #culturapop #culturanerd #youtube #youtuber
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ojodecine-blog · 6 years
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Con Kakashi sensei #naruto #kakashi #startrek #startrekchile #amigostrek #comiccon #comicconchile #capitankirk (en Comic Con Chile)
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bilbos · 7 years
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No real reason for this, just wanted to spread some love!
Irl Babes
@haylees-comet: I wish we were able to spend more time together, but you will always be the Frodo to my Sam
@melstryderccl: We’ve known each other since 8th grade (8 years now??? what??) and honestly even though we don’t talk a whole lot, I love you bunches <3
@taysherring: Honestly I can’t believe we’ve also known each other since 8th grade?? We’ve both changed a lot, but I always love talking to you about life and anything that comes up
Main Squad
@foreverpersonafan: honestly I’m so bad at remembering to talk, but I always enjoy talking to you <3
@newtsckamander: bless Fernando Torres for bringing us together bc I no that no matter how long it’s been since we’ve talked, I can come to you with almost whatever (esp if it’s boy problems lol)
@saintvader: I’ve followed you for so long and I still blame you for everything I ship in the Silmarillion. Even though we don’t talk anymore, I still adore you
@starlightgems: my go to person if I’m drunk and need some quality hockey humor tbh
@transesfrancis: idc what fandom you’re and even if I don’t watch whatever you’re blog is about, I’m never unfollowing <3
@xkurtwagner: I feel like we’ve been mutuals for like 5 million years. I honestly don’t remember a time we haven’t been following each other whoops
Rays of Sunshine
@ajtheslayer // @allurabluepaladin // @arofili // @argorns // @barduil // @bookreader1617 // @bronweathanharthad // @capitankirk // @celebrlan // @complexitiesareme // @daenerysn // @diggrycedric // @duchesspeggy // @elfmaidens // @eomer // @feanory // @federations // @fishfingersandscarves // @frodobaggins // @froodooboogins // @justlarajean // @lancemcclains // @lotrlorien // @maedhroswashere // @markedasinfernal // @murdockmatthew // @niallsthecr4ic // @nimrodels // @princemaedhros // @princessaredhel // @queershakespeare // @queerzaza // @sauron-is-a-pretty-girl // @sensuell // @shiremaiden // @tea-and-acorns // @tolkien-in-beleriand // @thranduilings // @undomiel // @wildmasterpiece // @yourpllot
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ahdromeda · 8 years
I voted for Tumblr Awards! 😄
yay thank you!!
url: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | who did u killicon: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | saving for latertheme: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | changing mine nowsidebar: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | how the frickmobile theme: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | i wish mine was like thiscontent: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | brb reblogging everythingoverall: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | literal goals
following: not yet! | why wasn’t i before? | duh | til the end of the line pal
comments: ur posts are so great!! i just don’t post a lot of color, i’m sorry :(
want one? no more please
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