minettas-ploy · 4 months
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Tanthamore <What if/canon div + au>
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reivun · 7 days
Given the lack of participation (or general clarity), what is Ivan after? What's his purpose in opening Raven Tail?
This is a great question!
Canon never gives us any reason of why Ivan was excommunicated, how his relationship with Makarov was before, how the guildmaster/mage relationship affected their father/son relationship. All we know is that they definitely do not get along by the time in canon, Makarov is lowkey obsessed with what Ivan is up to (as much as Ivan is lowkey obsessed with what Makarov is up to) but doesn't know. Ivan apparently has some secrets he doesn't reveal, but somehow knows. And I think if we look at what we do know through Laxus' POV and the relationship with Makaorv and Laxus, the one with Makarov and Ivan must have been somehow even worse. I think, for Makarov, he's trying to learn from his mistakes with Ivan re: Laxus but he ends up excommunicating Laxus anyway! Which, I think punishment was needed, but for some reason excommunication means...banishment from the city? From your support system? (Which imo, Laxus needed post-Fantasia.) Why does being fired from your job mean leaving the city you were born and raised in? Anyway. There are all these little bits and pieces that are mentioned but never brought up again.
I think that, like canon states, Ivan made Raven Tail to get at Makarov. I don't think his overall grudge is with the Fairy Tail members (def not at his own child or other children) but it is focused on Makarov and Makarov is so attached to Fairy Tail. Makarov is the son of one of the founders, we know his mom died when Makarov was young and that his dad died as well. So his attachment to the guild on a deeply personal level was set up from the time he was very young. Ivan would know this. Ivan lived this. I do think, just like it affected Makarov&Laxus, it affected Makarov&Ivan. So going after the thing Makarov cares the most about — Fairy Tail — is the correct move. Ivan wants to destroy everything Makarov cares about as punishment for his bad decisions re: Ivan and also, in my canon, he holds Makarov responsible as GM for the death of his wife, Leona. Ivan is driven by vengeance and well, hatred for Makarov and that poisons other connections to Fairy Tail, like Laxus.
However, what it ends up becoming is a guild filled with people who are negatively affected by society in some way. Flare was an outcast by virtue of have one of the most unique life experiences of growing up in a hidden village of Giants. Sadly, she's the only RT member we get a full backstory on, but I don't think she's the only one in the guild to have a life like that. Look at Nullpudding. He is clearly Not fully human, neither is Obra. And we see in other arcs how Others are treated (Galuna arc, they assumed the curse turned them into Demons, when the curse turned them into humans but they're happier in their Demonic form!) Honestly, I think this part of it goes back to Zeref and his hmm. Actions. And how it shaped the magical population's reputation in the sea of non magical people. But that's a sidebar of this conversation.
Raven Tail, in practice, becomes a place for Others to gather. As a dark guild, what did they accomplish, lmao? They weren't apart of the Dark Guild alliance, they didn't terrorize people of Fiore. It was really easy for them to become legitimate in canon because it happened three months before the GMG. In a hilarious way, they are like an edgier Fairy Tail.
I would also like to point out the fact that in chapter....2 of the manga, I beleive, Makarov scolds a bunch of members (Natsu, Cana, Gray etc) for their destruction before burning up the council paperwork. And like...I think if they're causing That much destruction...there probably are Raven Tail members who dislike Fairy Tail because they may have been negatively impacted by their destructive tendencies. And some of that cannot be canon div'd away because its a core canon aspect of the guild. So, the members are a mixed lot!
Overall, I jokingly call Raven Tail "Daddy Issues But Make It a Guild" and this is parts of the reason for that.
edit: im just now realizing that hilariously, Phantom Lord does worse things to Fairy Tail in canon and Phantom Lord was a legitimate guild!
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clown-demon · 1 month
"Oh, I guess I didn't notice. I wass baking all day and I tend to get a little messy. Minus the kitchen being the clean thing, always happens to me." Soldan sheepishly blushed, rubbing the back of her neck. Mustering up a calm nerve, for now. "I've been doing okay, the ssame routine as ussual with no change that I normally follow."
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"Oh, baking? What did you bake today, might I ask?" He was curious what Soldan baked. It actually smelled good in her little home.
"It's okay, it does no harm to get a bit dirty when you bake or cook. I can't cook or bake or anything to do with making food. So I never have it happen to me. But Nikolai gets dirty a lot when he cooks, so he often wears an apron."
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bxdbxdboy · 1 year
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I am living for the fact canon Luz is looking more like “Bad Boy” it’s so great!
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countlessrealities · 4 months
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Discussed starter for @angeliclute - Evil Rick & Lute
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Rick was used to trouble and potentially deadly situations. They had been a constant in his life since his youngest years, no matter if he had tried to avoid them...At least for a while. By the time he had turned sixteen, he had become so jaded not to care enough to do so anymore.
That, however, didn't mean that he didn't find such occurrences extremely annoying to deal with. Even more when he had other, more important plans on the way.
That was hardly his first time in a Hell dimension. He visited them almost on a regular basis, both as an observer and as an active participant. He had even captured and dragged away a few specimens in some occasions.
That particular visit, though, should have been a swift one. He had come to recover a very interesting sort of weapon he had by chance seen used. An alien metal alloy, which seemed to have special properties, definitely worth a closer look and some experimenting.
Unfortunately, choosing a time of chaos in the city to go unnoticed had turned out to be a double-edged sword. While, on one hand, most of the residents were too busy with their petty turf wars to notice him, the few who did necessarily needed to be terminated before they went screaming that a live human being was walking around their streets.
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The demon's blood splashed on the bottom of his lab coat as he shot the latest nuisance that had step in his way in the skull, their blood joining the rest of the stains that already covered his skin and clothes. Not that he noticed. He was more than used to be covered in blood, his own and others' alike. What mattered was that he had finally reached his destination. He just had to find the right room and then he could have left to never return.
Yet, he barely had the time to cross the atrium, when he felt a presence close behind him. Rick jumped on the side, much more quickly than a human should have been capable off, avoiding the sword that had been aimed at his back.
The creature he found himself facing was more humanoid than most of the beings he had encountered so far and with less animal traits, aside from the wings on her back. Under other circumstances, those differences would have piqued his interest, but right now he was single-mindedly following his aim.
"L-Let me go." Cold, emotionless gray blue eyes locked on her weapon. "Or I'll take what I've come for off your corpse."
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archorcist · 4 months
thinking about adam's heaven takeover verse ...
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stillsolo · 5 months
I RUN: lots of blogs || A FEW BLOGS || just this one
I FOLLOW BACK: muses in the same fandom || only muses who interest me || fandomless muses || FRIENDS OF MUTUALS || only members of a closed rp group || EVERYONE
I AM ACTIVE: more days than not || as often as not || some days here and there || DEPENDING ON MY school SCHEDULE || rarely || I'm often lurking even if I seem inactive
I PREFER ROLEPLAYS THAT ARE: one-liners || single-para threads || MULTI-PARA THREADS || NOVELLA || different lengths depending on my mood
FOR SHIPPING, I AM: MULTISHIP || single ship || poly ship || no ship || plotted ships only || OPEN TO NEW SHIPS || not looking for new ships || mostly or exclusively looking for high engagement ship partners || mostly or exclusively looking for casual or low engagement ship partners || not picky about ships || SOMEWHAT PICKY ABOUT SHIPS || extremely picky about ships
I LIKE TO PLOT: everything || most interactions || some interactions || first interactions || nothing || threads || everything except memes and crack || ships || family relationships || HISTORY/BACKSTORY FOR OUR MUSES
TALK TO ME OUT OF CHARACTER: ANYTIME || TO PLOT || IF YOU'RE CONFUSED OR HAVE QUESTIONS IN GENERAL || to remind me to reply || sparingly || only if it's really important
I GIVE ALTERNATIVE CONTACT METHODS (discord / social media) TO: FRIENDS || mutuals || anyone who asks || PEOPLE I'VE SPENT A LOT OF TIME TALKING TO ALREADY || SHIP PARTNERS || members of a certain rp group || no one
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`➠⠀:⠀⠀ ACQUIRED FROM :⠀⠀@valorums thank you for thinking of me!!
TAGGING : @techniiciian @desiccation @sgterso @strcngered @forcenexus / @magikborn @alootus @vibraea @desireandduty @jundlcndwastes & whoever wants to do this!!
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hannigrarnrecs · 6 months
each according to its kind by chaparral_crown (m, 192k)
will does the only reasonable thing that someone fresh out of a mental hospital with no support system does - he leaves, and goes on a road trip to the pacific northwest.
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fightinspirit · 8 months
( @house-of-tales. )
"... não. nem adianta vir com essa carinha pra mim dessa vez." disse convicto, como se seus olhinhos fechados não fossem uma estratégia para evitar olhar Hiei.
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"e pode tirando os sapatos sujos daí." ordenou. "eu já lhe disse que minha cama não é chiqueiro."
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dangaer · 3 days
i'll always be a barbatos truther first, human second.
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nocentis · 4 days
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astrummorte · 2 months
alt !!
ex muses & hidden characters. still accepting!
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"Ah man, you guys are so weird. I like that. Weird is in season, I'm pretty sure." they chuckle, the sound backed by countless bouncing echoes that seem to come from nowhere. "Hey, have you spoken to Oz lately? They seem to be worried about something. Us living horrors have to stick together. This marble you live on gives you so much hell - stick together. See you later."
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varietales · 9 months
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clown-demon · 28 days
@swordduels asked:
Clarimonde to Dazai. "I'm not gonna burn the building down, maim anyone or disturb the heathens. Uh. The public." Clarimonde paused before scratching their own neck. "I just want to do a ritual."
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"Just what exactly does this ritual involve?" Dazai asked them. He'd probably allow it, but it depended what it was exactly.. He didn't want the other causing trouble...
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bxdbxdboy · 3 months
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countlessrealities · 1 month
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Send a 💋 for a short drabble on a time our muses kissed || Selectively accepting !
@mcltiples sent: 💋 { To Evil Rick from My Weird Rick ! }
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There were many things Rick didn't understand of the shows his partner had him sitting through whenever he didn't feel like watching them on his own. Almost everything relating to relationships, romantic ones especially, puzzled him, because he could never relate to the dynamics. No matter how much researching he did, no matter how deeply he dissected them. They never fully made sense.
And, as a consequence, copying the motions felt unpleasantly unnatural to him.
Yet, that hadn't stopped him from trying over and over. The moment he had understood how much his alternate enjoyed that nonsense, he had directed a decent amount of time and effort in providing the other with at least some of it. At times, forcing himself wasn't easy because of how tedious or foolish it all was in his eyes, but he had quickly come up with a way to make it all less obnoxious for him: he had started to put his own spin in the scenarios, adding the sort of flavour he could enjoy despite the absurdity of the situation.
Of course, seeing that his partner enjoyed his adaptation had spurred him on getting creative with them.
Lately, he had noticed one particular recurring scene in many of the movies his alternate so assiduously consumed. Yet another thing that made no sense to Rick, but that seemed worth the trouble...if done how he was picturing it. Besides, there was a new prototype of nano-explosive he wanted to test.
It was the perfect chance to catch two birds with one stone.
The plan was easily set in motion while his partner was occupied in another room of the bunker, busy enough for Rick to be sure that he wouldn't come out before he was done.
The text subject he had procused for that particular occasion was appropriate for what he had in mind: an alien belonging to a species whose members were mostly made of fluids and gelatinous tissues.
Strapping it on the ceiling after having paralysed it so that it wouldn't make a sound was easy. Calculating the right amount of explosive to inject inside it, instead, was a little trickier and Rick checked his calculations thrice before proceeding. The smallest mistake could have ruined the whole set-up.
When his alternate joined him, just as he knew the other would have, everything was ready. Rick had come to stand underneath his chosen guinea pig and, once his partner was within arm's reach, he didn't hesitate a split second to grab him by the front of his jacket and yank him forward.
His other hand hit the button of the small remote control he was holding and the moment thick blood and cold pieces of organic matter started to rain down on them, he pulled the other into a kiss.
The gesture was as sloppy as the mess the exploding creature had made, with all too much biting and too little kissing, the taste of his alternate's blood mixing with the alien fluids on his tongue. His grip on the other's clothes was too tight, forcing them too stiffly close for them to achieve the right angle, but that didn't stop him from holding them there until the last drop had fallen.
By the end of it, they were both soaked from head to toes in blood and gore, which was the result Rick had been aiming to achieve. After all, the characters in the movies always got soggy wet during those scenes, so he had assumed that this was how it was supposed to go.
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"K-Kiss in the rain," he announced taking a step back, in a flat tone that certainly didn't convey the right sort of sentiment. "C-Carry on."
And with that, he turned on his heels and headed back to the workbench were a bunch of unfinished toxins were waiting for him. One task achieved, onto the next.
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