#cancer horoscope accurate
froznwater · 8 months
do you guys think Alejandro believes in zodiacs?
he doesn’t at the beginning, okay? But he’s one of those people who read his and is like. This. This is me? I am the embodiment of Virgo. I am reliable. I am a perfectionist. I don’t get along with my brother the pisces.
But it says Virgo’s and Sagittarius(no he did not look up his and Noah’s star compatibility) get along and can end up good if they work out their differences but need to watch out.
And that’s not creepy at all. How accurate is sounds.
And one day his horoscope does not say it’s a good day to take a chance on love and he most definitely does not ask Noah out on a date because of it.
NOAH SAYS YES!!! the stars are amazing.
And he continues following it until Noah finds out and explains to him why he thinks it’s stupid.
“Okay read the Aries one.”
“This one sounds like me too.”
“And cancer?”
“I’m.. emotional.”
“Exactly. They trick you using hyper relatable synopses to suck you in and then pressure you into buying constellation merch.”
And Alejandro cancels his Amazon order.
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This solar eclipse is tapping into the energy of Chiron, known as the wounded healer. Chiron might reveal the ways we’ve been self-sabotaging and what’s needed to mend those wounds. It’s a time to confront what truly challenges us at our core. Aries energy revolves around identity and embracing our individuality. Often, we restrict ourselves for various reasons, but this eclipse nudges us to address our wounds head-on. It’s about summoning the courage to lead with autonomy. While there might be resistance to embracing change, destiny beckons—offering a beautiful opportunity to leave the past behind and stride forward on our own terms. For some, this solar eclipse could feel like an internal tug-of-war, as it’s tough to bid farewell to comfort zones that keep us in familiar territory. What does that uphill battle look like for you? It’s not about following someone else’s playbook; it’s about blending your unique essence with what you need to heal. If running isn’t your thing, why join a running club to get active? Find independence in your healing journey and allow yourself to be impulsively inspired. When you quiet the noise and listen to your inner voice, what propels that change? Can you infuse a bit of playfulness into your actions, embodying the bold Aries spirit as you charge ahead confidently? This solar eclipse encourages self-discovery through personalized action, so trust your own path rather than someone else’s. Here’s the thing: while Aries energy may urge us to dive headfirst into challenges like a ram, we can’t sustain that meteoric pace. Take your time as you reconnect with yourself and heal those wounds. Healing isn’t a linear journey, and greatness isn’t achieved overnight. Expect setbacks and stumbles along the way, but don’t let them deter you. It’s okay to pause and reassess. You’re in control of your actions and decisions, so own your journey and hold yourself accountable.
And remember, for the most accurate horoscope interpretation, check your rising sign first, followed by your sun sign for a more comprehensive understanding.
Here's how it affects each zodiac below:
This eclipse brings a dual energy vibe your way. On one hand, it signals new beginnings and opportunities in your career; you might find yourself finally getting the recognition you deserve. Whether that looks like stepping into a new career path or solidifying your position in your current job, you’re about to bloom. You might receive that long-awaited job offer or unexpectedly find yourself taking on a leadership role.
But here’s the twist: the eclipse is also singing Miley Cyrus’s “Flowers” to you—reminding you that, while it’s great to receive recognition from others, you also have the power to acknowledge your achievements without waiting for someone else’s approval. This is your moment to silence that inner voice of doubt and prove it wrong. What do you want your legacy to be? How can you take active steps towards achieving your goals? Embrace this eclipse as a catalyst for stepping into your greatness and owning your journey.
Get ready for some exciting new adventures because the solar eclipse is calling your name. If you’ve been feeling stuck in a rut lately, this eclipse is about to give you a much-needed jolt of energy. It’s time to shake things up! The universe is giving you the green light to make those plans. The solar eclipse wants you to dive into new experiences that broaden your perspective and shift your view of the world and your place in it.
But here’s the thing: embracing new adventures doesn’t always mean packing your bags and moving to a different country or enrolling in a degree program. It can be as simple as tuning into a new podcast or striking up a conversation with someone who has a different worldview than yours. Seeking out new information and embracing adventure is the key to healing any doubts you may have about yourself or feeling like you’re lacking answers. So, Leo, prepare to embark on a sparkling journey of discovery!
Brace yourself, because this eclipse packs a powerful punch just for you. You might be feeling weighed down lately, like there’s a heaviness lingering in the air. Parts of yourself that you’ve tucked away are now bubbling up to the surface, and it can be unsettling to face those skeletons. But fear not, because you’re being presented with an opportunity to undergo a profound spiritual awakening, nudging your third eye to rouse.
During this time, your views on sex, death, and intimacy are likely to undergo a transformation—but only if you’re willing to confront the wounds associated with these aspects of life. Don’t shy away from what’s inside or ignore the issues weighing heavy on your heart. The more you suppress, the harder it becomes to move forward. It’s crucial to be honest with yourself about changing your approach when it comes to dealing with or avoiding the things in this world that frighten you. Embrace this period of introspection and transformation—it’s all part of your journey toward growth and self-discovery.
today brings fortuitous opportunities as the sign of relationships ushers in fresh connections. The solar eclipse in Aries activates the realm of interpersonal bonds, opening avenues for new relationships to flourish. Whether platonic, romantic, or professional, there’s ample potential to both initiate new connections and strengthen existing ones. However, it’s crucial to address any lingering emotional wounds to establish healthy boundaries and foster genuine connections. Take time to heal and create the necessary space to navigate relationships authentically. One challenge lies in examining how you perceive others’s perceptions of you. While it’s natural to prioritize other people’s experiences, it’s essential to consider how you experience them in return. Do they truly appreciate and accept you for who you are? Embrace this opportune moment to cultivate connections that resonate with your true self. Open yourself to new relationships that align with your authenticity and values.
Bid farewell to any lingering couch potato vibes from the challenging astrological years past, because this eclipse will sweep them away. The swift arrival of the solar eclipse signals a golden opportunity to break free from detrimental habits and routines that may hinder your mastery of your craft. Your focus should turn to your physical well-being and daily routines. Are you following a regimen that truly aligns with your identity and aspirations? This eclipse prompts you to reassess and realign your habits to better serve your goals. While changes may ripple through your professional sphere, they serve as reminders of how you prefer to navigate your work life. Consider this eclipse as the beginning of a personal 21-day challenge, aimed at establishing a new, more fulfilling routine. Whether it’s committing to regular gym sessions or dedicating time each day to personal projects outside the typical 9-5 grind, prioritize activities that nourish your well-being and passion. Remember, every daily choice shapes your overall life. Seize this moment to prioritize self-care and set the stage for a more balanced and fulfilling existence.
Picture this eclipse as the coolest birthday party from your youth, revisited. While you might not wake up to a house festooned with streamers or a backyard bouncy castle, you’ll certainly feel your inner child stirring within you. Amid the hustle and bustle of everyday life, it’s easy to stifle your whims and desires. But remember, life is an adventure meant to be embraced fully. So, what will enrich your life experience moving forward? Perhaps it’s time to explore a new hobby or allow yourself to be swept away by romance and passion with a new flame. This eclipse serves as a gentle nudge to reconnect with your youthful spirit and playful nature. Even though the wide-eyed wonder of childhood may have faded, you still possess the ability to infuse your life with joy and spontaneity. Embrace the opportunities to rediscover the magic of being alive and let your inner child lead the way.
The solar eclipse is knocking on your door, urging you to reclaim your power. It’s happening right in your sign, giving you the green light to embrace your desires and authentic self. Get ready for a wave of self-discovery, reminding you of your true capabilities and igniting the motivation to pursue what makes you feel whole. Feeling the urge to revamp your wardrobe, indulge in a little retail therapy, or embark on a spontaneous solo adventure? Sounds tempting, doesn’t it?
But here’s the kicker: focus on actions that heal your ego. Sometimes, you might catch yourself doing things just to prove a point. But what if you could let go of that competitive streak and instead cultivate a sense of self-assurance that doesn’t seek validation from others? This eclipse marks a significant shift in your identity and self-perception, so embrace the journey wholeheartedly.
The solar eclipse is nudging you towards fresh starts by closing those chapters you’ve been holding onto tightly. This eclipse season has been stirring up some stressors in our lives, possibly unearthing parts of your past that still exert influence on you. As a fixed earth sign, you crave stability, which can make it challenging to admit when things need to change.
This solar eclipse urges you to step out of your comfort zone and embrace new spiritual and creative practices. It’s about facing your fears and stressors head-on instead of burying them under a pile of artisanal goodies. This eclipse invites you on a spiritual journey, helping you become more aware of how your past self has evolved beyond certain limitations. Dive into healing rituals that allow you to remove distractions and uncover what’s been holding you back. It’s time to let go of the old and embrace the transformative energy of the eclipse.
The solar eclipse brings a burst of social energy, perfect for a social butterfly like you. During this Aries season, you might feel motivated to reassess your social circles and friendships, and the eclipse offers a chance to heal any wounds associated with your societal connections. Sometimes, you might find yourself wearing masks and mirroring others, but this eclipse encourages you to drop the act and embrace your authentic self.
It’s possible that this newfound authenticity might lead to drifting apart from some friendships or feeling like you no longer fit into certain groups—but remember, when one door closes, another opens. You’ve got a natural playfulness that thrives on genuine connections without fear of judgment, so focus on nurturing relationships that allow you to be yourself. Take the initiative and dive into new social circles—there are plenty of fish in the sea waiting to swim with you.
this eclipse will shed light on what’s necessary to manifest your desires. Yes, your financial situation and material world are poised for delightful transformations during this celestial event. However, there’s a crucial caveat to bear in mind—money doesn’t magically appear. It requires acknowledging and valuing your self-worth. Do you genuinely believe you deserve the abundance you seek? While opportunities may present themselves, you must cultivate the inner confidence to seize them. It’s understandable for Pisces to sometimes lean towards melodrama, but now is the time to cast aside doubts and embrace your desires. Let go of the what-ifs and allow yourself to pursue what you want because, without a doubt, you deserve it.
you’ve got an electrifying period ahead. Keep a journal handy, because the experiences and conversations coming your way will shed light on how you interact and exchange information with folks. The solar eclipse may stir up past communication frustrations you’ve faced, or the feeling of being misunderstood. However, it also presents an opportunity to explore fresh avenues for expressing your truth authentically.
brace yourself for a revitalization of energy in your domestic realm with this solar eclipse. It could manifest as a move to a new abode or the initiation of plans for such a change. Alternately, you might feel inspired to spruce up your living space with redecoration or simply prioritize quality time with your loved ones. If you’ve been contemplating expanding your family, now is an auspicious time to do so. This eclipse invites you to nurture and heal any disturbances that disrupt your sense of security at home. You may find yourself engaged in tense conversations or needing to extricate yourself from challenging situations to establish a greater sense of autonomy and stability. Ultimately, take a moment to reflect on what you truly desire and require when you clock out for the day and return to the sanctuary where you lay your head at night. Prioritize creating a space that nourishes your soul and fosters a sense of belonging and tranquility
Source: Wmagazine. com
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blessed1neha · 10 months
What is the difference between Vedic and Western Astrology
Both the type of astrology are is primarily individual choice but some major differences are as under Different historical background Vedic Astrology came about through “rishis” who lived many thousands of years ago. The origins of Vedic Astrology can be traced back to the Rig Veda , Atharva Veda which is the oldest part of the Vedas, containing the spiritual knowledge of India. Western Astrology goes back to the intellectual life of ancient Greece and Rome where it was a powerful force. But was reawakened in the Middle Ages and once again came to permeate philosophy, literature, and art Different methods are used to calculate the position of the planets: The Vedic system of astrology is basically a fixed zodiac as used by astronomers against the background of certain fixed stars (Nakshatra). It is called the “sidereal zodiac”. Hence, in the past, the term Astronomy covered astrology as well as the study of the physical heavens.
Western astrology is a movable zodiac, as it is based on the orientation of the Earth to the Sun, and applies the “Tropical zodiac”. It “assumes” that every year, the Sun at the spring and autumnal equinoxes is at the first degree of Aries and Libra respectively, and at the first degree of Cancer and Capricorn at the summer and winter solstices. As a result of this fundamental assumption, the tropical zodiac ignores an astronomical event called the Precession of the Equinoxes (that is as the Sun moves along its apparent path as viewed from the Earth, it does not return to the same position against the background of the fixed stars at the spring equinox on 21 March, where it was at the same time one year earlier. It is short by 50.29 seconds of one degree, and this builds up to a difference of one degree every 71.585 years and over a period of 2,148 years the gap between the sidereal and tropical positions of the planets grows to 30 degrees, or one whole sign of the zodiac. The time span required for a new precessional cycle (when sidereal and tropical zodiac meets) would take approximately 25,800 years.)
Different number of planets are used Nine planets are used in Vedic Astrology viz. Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn and the two nodes of the Moon called Rahu and Ketu. The nodes, as recognised by astronomers, are points on the ecliptic path of the Sun where Moon cuts every month as it circles the Earth at a 5° inclination to the Earth’s orbit.
Western Astrology also use the all the above mentioned planets. but in addition the outer planets – Uranus, Neptune and Pluto – as well as their moons and some of the largest asteroids are also used in interpreting horoscopes. Different primary focus Tropical astrology is largely “Sun” based and may more accurately be called “solar houses” as it directly interprets results based on the sign in which sun is posited according to the month ( 21 March to 20- April = Aries, 21 April to 20 May = Taurus etc) . Thus Western Astrology is primarily concerned with psychology, the personality and character, or the “solar” side of our life and nature. Sidereal astrology can be called “Cosmic astrology” as it is moon based astrology. Moon revolves around earth in 27.3 days. during its revolution it crosses all fixed stars (Nakshatra). As moon is the closest to earth can influence to a large extent. In Vedic system results are based on measures the relationship between the fixed stars and the solar system to ourselves. Vedic Astrology covers all areas of life – our desires, talents, responsibilities, financial resources, creativity, likelihood of marrying and having children, and the potential for spiritual growth. It can also indicate times of ill-health, failures, emotional and physical difficulties; and confinement in a hospital, prison or monastery, etc. Ayurveda is the medical branch of Vedic Astrology; whilst Vastu is its architectural branch. Different use of the Fixed Stars Besides using the 12 signs, Vedic Astrology breaks down the 360º circle into 27 lunar constellations, called Nakshatras, which were originally identified with particular stars, but these days each one is deemed to cover a span of 13 degrees 20 minutes thus creating a full circle. These Nakshatras are used for indicating the quality of a person’s mind-set as well as ascertaining subtle qualities of the nine planets specific to each natal chart. They can be used for determining personality types; the starting points of the planetary periods, favorable times for beginning important actions in electional astrology
In Western Astrology there are Millions of stars available, but out of these 26 zodiacal latitudes are selected and interpretation of horoscopes is done on the basis of transit of the planets over these specific latitudes. Thus out of 360 degrees available only few (26 specific positions ) are taken in to account. Different systems to determine the timing of events In timing major events or changes in our lives, Western Astrology uses progressions (any method of advancing the planets and house cusps of a natal horoscope to a particular time after birth) and transits (the position and movement of the planets on a given day; used in reference to planets passing over a natal planet or crossing a natal house). Vedic astrology may also apply these systems, but their primary system is the use of planetary periods, called dashas. There are 32 such systems outlined by Parashara in his treatise. Under the most commonly used Vimshottari Dasha system, each of the nine planets is given a particular time span, periods varying from 6 to 20 years, giving a total of 120 years, when their particular influence will have a predominant effect on an individual’s life. These periods can be divided into sub-periods and sub-sub periods to show the planetary influences operating on a particular day.
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achillea-astro · 2 years
Hello! I thought I’d do a brief description of my practice and techniques used for anyone curious
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Traditional Astrology
Traditional astrology varies from modern astrology in a few ways, but the most notable is the rulership scheme and planets used. Traditional astrology only uses the first seven celestial bodies. Sun, Moon, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, and Mercury. Though a lot of traditional astrologers still use the modern planets (Neptune, Uranus, and Pluto) as ways to gather more information, they only use the traditional seven for their rulerships. Traditional astrology also typically uses Whole Sign Houses and does not contain the psychological aspect that modern astrology does, as the addition of psychology to psychological practices was a later development. Personal preferences and practice do vary from astrologer to astrologer, though.
Traditional Rulerships
Aries: Mars
Taurus: Venus
Gemini: Mercury
Cancer: Moon
Leo: Sun
Virgo: Mercury
Libra: Venus
Scorpio: Mars
Sagittarius: Jupiter
Capricorn: Saturn
Aquarius: Saturn
Pisces: Jupiter
Whole Sign Houses
Using Whole Sign Houses is pretty standard for Traditional Astrology. Basically, it’s only one House per Sign. Cusps like the MC, IC and ASC are depicted as floating points within the sign. Whatever sign your Ascendant falls in will be your first house, and the next sign will be your second house, and so on. The Houses are all the same size. This is how horoscopes were done in the past, because it was easy to see what transits were happening and where in a broad range of peoples charts without knowing anything else about them, so it was easier to make statements. Ex. Leo risings will always have a Scorpio 4th house, so anytime something happened in Scorpio, you could make statements for Leo risings about 4th house matters.
Me, as an Astrologer
I am not a full-time Astrologer, but I do take my study seriously. I’ve trained with Maren Altman to get me started, and now I’m studying independently through texts and gaining experience synthesizing what I see. Ultimately, I hope to help people. I know what it feels like to be so lost in life, and divination can be a powerful tool to give you information on your life. The more you know about yourself, the more you have to work with. To me, Astrology isn’t about changing the future, it’s about the acceptance of reality and learning to work with what you have. I aim to learn to use Astrology to be able to depict accurately what people are dealing with so I can help them gain some footing in their life. As such, I don’t focus a lot of time on personality traits. I focus a lot on life events and life patterns that may or may not have a psychological aspect to them. I don’t work with degrees, but I do work with Decans. I work mainly with the traditional planets, but I’ll use Neptune, Uranus, Pluto, and Chiron for more insight.
Currently, I don’t accept clients. But if you enjoy my work, consider tipping me through Tumblr or buying me a coffee through Ko-fi. I put a lot of effort into my work, I do a lot of research, so if you’re able to, please consider showing your thanks. I do a lot of my work in a coffeeshop, so you’d be paying for a nice lil day to sit and work. However, no money is needed to enjoy my work. It’s a tough world out there, and everyone deserves to engage in spirituality without a monetary requirement. I’m happy to answer questions through asks (within reason).
~ Achillea 26.06.22
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elytrafemme · 1 year
i think astrology is so funny cause like, im a scorpio, right? so of course my whole life all ive seen for horoscopes is basically "you're a bitch, people think you're mean, you're absolutely relentless, you're a really sexual person, and also you dont give a shit about anyone." and genuinely i am none of those things (except maybe the people think i'm mean, it comes from the autism though <3 ). i just found that scorpios were always painted in such an unfairly bad light so ive always thought it was total bullshit and i hated it. then a few years ago it got really popular for a while so i downloaded costar for funsies and suddenly found myself being accurately psychoanalyzed and that shit was fucking crazy. anyway real or not i dont really care, but i think its fun to look at now :]
HELP DSFKJHDSF YEAH . every zodiac sign has the like Main Stereotype I feel like (Aries are immature, Cancers are crybabies, Leos are egoists, etc) but with Scorpios (and Geminis i also see) people lose their fucking SHITS with stereotyping them dear God !!!
it absolutely does not shock me though that you're a Scorpio Sun like that makes so much sense to me. its really funny like Scorpio is a sign im shocked i dont have more of in my chart bc ive always resonated with it but ppl are just so wacky about it LMAO
they r super fun!!! so agree w u there :]
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jyotishwithakshayg · 9 days
When Mercury turns direct, these zodiac signs are going to shine, careers will be fulfilled, and every wish will be fulfilled.
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When Mercury turns direct, these zodiac signs are going to shine, career will be fulfilled, every wish will be fulfilled.
When Mercury turns direct, the luck of these zodiac signs will shine, their career will be successful and all their wishes will be fulfilled.
The careers of these zodiac signs are very successful. Every hope of these zodiac signs, whether it is for job or promotion, will be fulfilled when Mercury turns direct.
According to astrology, Mercury is going to move direct in Pisces at 05:49 pm on April 25, 2024. The direct movement of Mercury will affect all zodiac signs. During this time, some people may get promotion in the job, while some people may experience discord in marital life. Mercury is turning direct which will affect people's romantic and professional lives as well. Which zodiac signs will get professional benefit from the direct movement of Mercury?
When Mercury turns direct, people born in these zodiac signs will get promotion and recognition in their jobs.
These zodiac signs will have a great career.
Virgo If you're a Taurus and are considering changing anything at work, now is a great time to make these changes. You will progress in your job and feel satisfied. Additionally, there are indications that you may also get excellent employment opportunities abroad. You will find that this is a really lucky period for you, and this will help you get your career on the right track. At this time, you will be satisfied with the work given to you at the workplace. Additionally, you will feel more confident, which will help you complete your work quickly and accurately.
Gemini When Mercury turns direct, people of Gemini zodiac sign are likely to get great success in their job. If your career has just started then this will be an even better time for you. You will get new employment opportunities. With the help of these opportunities, you can clear the path for your progress. Now you will be quite satisfied with the progress in your work. There are indications that you may find potentially favorable prospects abroad.
Cancer zodiac sign People who work in the travel industry or are considering making a career in it are likely to get excellent opportunities when Mercury is in Cancer. Individuals in the workforce can potentially find excellent opportunities abroad. But, your supervisor may overlook the efforts you put into your work. Right now you need to be patient.
Pisces Pisces people will also get success in their career at this time. You will organize your tasks in an expert manner. If you do this then you have good chances of getting success in work. If you've been considering changing jobs in hopes of getting a promotion and making more money, you'll be pleased with the options that are now open to you. You may also have to travel in connection with business. The world will be able to see your talents and abilities. You may be eligible for a promotion or salary increase as a result of your diligence and hard work at work.
Capricorn If you are a Capricorn and are employed then you are going to get positive results at the workplace at this time. Your work will make you feel good. This is the time when you will grow a lot. You will see your bosses appreciating your work. Apart from this, you may also get an opportunity to travel abroad for job. Apart from this you can also get some onsite work. You may possibly be eligible for a promotion. Your career will progress on a good path, which will make you very happy.
Akshay Jamdagni: Expert in Astrology, Vastu, Numerology, Horoscope Reading, Education, Business, Health, Festivals, and Puja, provide you with the best solutions and suggestions for your life’s betterment. 9837376839
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Exploring Marriage Prospects Through the Zodiac Signs
The journey to finding a life partner is an intricate tapestry woven with compatibility, understanding, and shared goals. While there's no one-size-fits-all approach to love and marriage, astrology offers insights into the dynamics between individuals based on their zodiac signs. Let's delve into the marriage prospects of each zodiac sign and discover how celestial energies shape our romantic lives. Best Astrologer In Delhi,   Astrologer In Delhi,  Best Astrologer In Jodhpur,  Best Astrologer In Mumbai,  Astrologer In Mumbai
Astrologer In Delhi NCR
Aries (March 21 - April 19):
Aries individuals are known for their fiery passion and determination. In marriage, they seek a partner who can match their energy and enthusiasm. They thrive in relationships where there's mutual respect for independence and a sense of adventure. However, patience and compromise are key ingredients for a successful union with an Aries.
Taurus (April 20 - May 20):
Taureans are grounded and reliable partners, seeking stability and security in marriage. They value loyalty and commitment above all else, making them steadfast companions. A Taurus marriage is built on trust, affection, and a shared appreciation for life's simple pleasures. However, they can be stubborn at times, requiring patience and understanding from their partner.
Gemini (May 21 - June 20):
Gemini individuals are charismatic and intellectually stimulating partners. They crave mental stimulation and thrive in relationships where there's constant communication and exchange of ideas. However, their dual nature can sometimes lead to indecisiveness and inconsistency in marriage. Flexibility and spontaneity are essential for navigating the twists and turns of life with a Gemini.
Cancer (June 21 - July 22):
Cancerians are deeply emotional and nurturing partners, prioritizing emotional connection and intimacy in marriage. They are fiercely loyal and protective of their loved ones, creating a strong foundation for a lasting relationship. However, their sensitive nature requires patience and empathy from their partner, as they can be prone to mood swings and insecurities.
Leo (July 23 - August 22):
Leos are confident and passionate individuals who bring warmth and excitement to their relationships. In marriage, they seek admiration and adoration from their partner, craving love and attention. While they are generous and loyal companions, they also have a strong need for independence and recognition. Balancing their ego with humility and appreciation is key to a harmonious Leo marriage.
Virgo (August 23 - September 22):
Virgos are practical and analytical partners, known for their attention to detail and commitment to perfection. They seek a partner who shares their values of diligence and responsibility, creating a supportive and organized home life. However, their critical nature can sometimes lead to nitpicking and overthinking in marriage. Patience and open communication are essential for fostering understanding and harmony with a Virgo.
Libra (September 23 - October 22):
Librans are charming and diplomatic partners, seeking harmony and balance in marriage. They value fairness and compromise, striving to create a peaceful and harmonious environment for their relationship to flourish. However, their indecisiveness and tendency to avoid conflict can sometimes lead to passive-aggressive behavior. Cultivating assertiveness and honesty is crucial for maintaining a healthy and fulfilling marriage with a Libra.
Scorpio (October 23 - November 21):
Scorpios are intense and passionate partners, craving depth and intimacy in marriage. They are fiercely loyal and protective of their loved ones, forming deep emotional bonds that withstand the test of time. However, their possessive nature and tendency to hold grudges can sometimes create friction in relationships. Trust and transparency are paramount for building a strong foundation of love and mutual respect with a Scorpio.
Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21):
Sagittarians are adventurous and optimistic partners, seeking excitement and freedom in marriage. They value honesty and authenticity, craving a partner who shares their love for exploration and new experiences. While they are generous and fun-loving companions, they can also be restless and commitment-phobic at times. Cultivating trust and open communication is essential for fostering a deep and meaningful connection with a Sagittarius.
Capricorn (December 22 - January 19):
Capricorns are ambitious and disciplined partners, prioritizing stability and success in marriage. They value loyalty and reliability, seeking a partner who shares their long-term goals and aspirations. While they are responsible and pragmatic companions, they can also be reserved and emotionally distant at times. Building emotional intimacy and trust is essential for nurturing a lasting and fulfilling marriage with a Capricorn.
Aquarius (January 20 - February 18):
Aquarians are progressive and independent partners, craving intellectual stimulation and freedom in marriage. They value friendship and mutual respect, seeking a partner who embraces their quirks and individuality. While they are open-minded and unconventional companions, they can also be emotionally detached and aloof at times. Cultivating emotional connection and understanding is essential for fostering a deep and meaningful relationship with an Aquarius.
Pisces (February 19 - March 20):
Pisceans are sensitive and intuitive partners, seeking spiritual connection and empathy in marriage. They value emotional depth and creativity, craving a partner who shares their dreams and ideals. While they are compassionate and romantic companions, they can also be idealistic and prone to escapism at times. Grounding them in reality and providing unconditional love and support is essential for nurturing a lasting and fulfilling marriage with a Pisces.
Astrology offers valuable insights into the dynamics of marriage, providing guidance on how different zodiac signs interact and complement each other in relationships. While compatibility is important, it's essential to remember that love transcends astrological differences, and with patience, understanding, and mutual respect, any two individuals can create a deeply fulfilling and harmonious union.
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drasmaabbasi · 5 months
Who gives the best astrology report?
If you are searching for any good astrology report then i strongly recommended you to subscribe for “Natal Chart”.
What is a natal chart?
A natal chart is a uniquely personalized birth chart based on the principles of astrology.
Derived from your date, time, and place of birth, your natal chart serves as your cosmic roadmap, giving you precious insights of everything that lays ahead of you - kind of like a navigation system telling you where to turn and when to turn to reach your ultimate destiny - unscathed, and filled with abundance.
The exact moment when you were born and where you born has a massive impact on your natal chart. It calculates this information using the positions of the planets relative to your date, time, and place of birth, gifting you a complete and panoramic perspective of your personality and soul.
Most of us know our sun signs (or horoscope signs), for example, someone born in early July would belong to the sun sign of Cancer, and someone born in late April would belong to the sun sign of Taurus. However, Astrology does not end there. In fact, you can dive much deeper into your astrological profile through your natal chart.
Your natal chart also takes into account the 12 Houses (or the 12 different areas of experience), aspects, and planetary positions. What you're left with is an accurate depiction of who you are, and how your entire life will unfold, all plotted neatly in a single, natal chart.
It does, however, take an experienced Astrologer to interpret your natal chart - after all, there can be hidden revelations and insights that can amateur astrologers tend to miss out on.
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astrovijayjoshi · 8 months
Maximize Your Returns with the August 2023 Stock Market Horoscope
Are you ready to delve into the world of market astrology predictions for 2023? Worry not. We will help you explore the potential of using astrology to enhance your investment strategy. We will focus on the stock market astrology for the month of August 2023. Keep reading to know how it can help you make informed decisions to maximize your returns.
What is Market Astrology?
Market astrology is the analysis of the movements of planets to predict aspects of financial markets. This however is not a guaranteed method for success. Astrologers analyze planetary alignments, lunar cycles, and other astrological factors to make predictions about the stock market. Nevertheless many seek its guidance before taking an important financial decision.
Stock Market Predictions 2023: August
On August 17th, 2023, the Sun God will enter Leo, and the next day, on August 18th, Mars will move into Virgo. Additionally, on August 8th, 2023, retrograde Venus will be seen in the western sky in the sign of Cancer. Shravan Purnimant is supposed to be unlucky during this period, whilst Surya Singh Sankranti is said to bring good luck.
In terms of stock market predictions for August 2023, a mixed trend with bullish and negative swings is possible. Initially, growth may be seen in banking, finance, vegetable oil, rubber, computer software technology, information technology, shipping corporations, and oil industries. From August 13, 2023, there are possibilities of consistent growth in industries like Chemical fertilizers, Tea, Coffee, Steel, Heavy Engineering, Construction, Leather, ONGC, Oil, Coal, Hindalco, Woolen Mills, AVV, and others. However, these same industries will also face some challenges from the same date, but opportunities may still arise.
According to the Stock Market Predictions 2023, on August 17, 2023, the entire stock market might seem to move in a specific direction, but sectors like Reliance Industries, Perfume and Cosmetic Industries, Computer Software Technology, and Information Technology may experience a slowdown by the end of the month, with the potential for continued impact.
Suggestions for Investors:
Investors should never rely entirely upon stock market predictions as they are only partly true. An investor’s experience can sometimes prove astrological predictions wrong. Going with the gut instinct may help in time of confusion. To make the most of the astrology stock market 2023, it is crucial to treat them as one the possibilities, as just one aspect of your investment strategy. The following tips might help you maximize your returns:
Conduct thorough fundamental analysis: As mentioned earlier, do not completely rely on astrological predictions. Consider several other practical factors such as financial health, market trends, and company fundamentals. These can help you in making a solid investment decision.
Diversify your portfolio: Remember to spread your investments across different sectors. Do not forget to consider asset classes to reduce risks.
Stay up-to-date: It is crucial to keep yourself updated all the time. Monitor market news daily. Keep gathering information about economic indicators, and company announcements to stay well informed.
Consult with a financial advisor: There are experienced financial advisor available who can help you in this. Professional guidance may prove to be extremely beneficial. To better understand how astrology can complement your investment strategy, you can always contact a professional rather than dealing with a dilemma.
Always remember, market astrology predictions are only mathematics and it can always go wrong. Nobody can predict everything accurately. So, do apply practical knowledge along with astrological predictions to get the best results. Use astrology as a supplementary tool and stay disciplined in your investment approach to maximize your returns. If you are looking for an Astrologer in Ujjain, Pandit AstroVijay is one with whom you should consult for the best and most effective remedies. Here’s wishing you all the best!
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astrojyotirani · 9 months
Get your accurate marriage prediction by dob in your zodiac sign
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Can a horoscope predict the difference between love and marriage prediction? want to know about marriage prediction and how to find the perfect partner. Use a free marriage prediction to learn more about your marital life.
Marriage and love are significant aspects of our lives. Marriage creates various changes in life. It is very important to have a good marriage to lead a happy and suitable life because sometimes a bad marriage may damage your entire life.
The couple always expects their soulmate to understand them and their desires. Marriage prediction service where you can predict your soulmate before marriage and find a suitable life partner for your whole life.
Can your Cancer Horoscope predict the quality of your marriage life?
In Hinduism, the cancer horoscope plays a key role in marriage. The horoscopes of both boys and girls are matched in order to identify any bad effects after marriage. At present, there are lots of people who want to know about their marriage possibilities, age, and year of marriage.
Cancer marriage horoscope people are very sensitive and caring. They fall in love quickly and with a very loud thud. They always hide their emotions from the world when they are attached to someone, and Cancer people don’t experience jealousy frequently because they are involved with someone, they are completely in love and expect the same from others. 
Cancer Horoscope People who are involved in a long-term relationship can discuss marriage, they can even set the date of the big event, and the relationship can go through a period of consolidation and harmony.
Free Marriage age prediction by date of birth online
People Plan for marriage after they get mature, and maturity comes with age. So, in our Indian culture, people marry in their adult years. For marriage, age plays an important role. Through marriage prediction by date of birth free online service they can discuss all the details of even age and odd age, which have different specialisations for marriage.
Many marriage age prediction issues are addressed by Indian astrologers, and that could be very helpful for you to maintain a healthy marital life.
Prediction of Love or arrangement of marriage
As per marriage prediction astrology, there are 14 houses in each horoscope, wherein the 5th house plays the major role in predicting your love marriage astrology, and the 7th house is the house of Arranged marriage in your horoscope.
The 1st house is indicative of personality, and the 7th house is indicative of one’s life partner.
The lords of the 1st and 7th houses are sitting in each other’s houses, it is a good sign of love marriage.
The 5th house also indicates love. If Shukra (Venus) and Buddha (Mercury) are in the 5th house,
If the lord of the 5th house is also in the 7th house and vice versa, it again indicates strong chances of love marriage; otherwise, not!
What are the roles of Houses?
Here you can Know Your Love or arranged marriage Astrology through 12 Houses.
Some marriage related queries that people always bring to mind are: When will I get married Indian astrology?
The goal is to find someone who shares your same values, wants the same things for the relationship that you do, naturally agrees with you on how to acquire those things, and last but not least, has a reciprocal love and desire for each other.
So never worry about looking up "When will I get married?" on behalf of Marriage prediction by date of birth. Because Marriage is a lifestyle choice, not a requirement.
Online marriage prediction: -
We provide free marriage compatibility analysis services! For free astrology predictions for marriage, the forecast provides information on:
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Marriage Life Prediction-Nature, Difficulties
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Love affairs and the possibility of love marriage
For more information regarding marriage predilection, horoscope analysis, or love marriage-related issues, consult our astrologer at 9776190123; otherwise, visit our website, Oooom.in
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blessed1neha · 9 months
Horoscope of Lord Rama & Lord Krishna
PREFACE & ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS:- Before starting with the topic of Lord Rama & Lord Krishna, I would like to tell that Date & Time of Birth of both the avatars are not accurately known, due to passage of thousands of years from their birth time and no english calenders were available at thar time. The information were passed on from generation to generation with comments from famous astrologers, astronomers & philosophers. The validity & correctness have to be verified by practical events, established facts & archaeological evidences. It is in this context, I would like to thank Sri K.N.Rao, a reputed & famous astrologer & living legend, who boldly put forward the horoscopes of both Lord Rama & Lord Krishna as taken from his Guru Sri Yogi Bhaskar Anandji & logically analysed the practical events with standard astrological norms. The splendid analysis by Sri K.N.Rao in his 5 “You Tube” videos in an interview to “Saptharishi Astrology” is breath taking & monumental gift to the viewers. I acknowledge having taken reference from his videos, but he is in no way responsible for the views expressed on my own. In the absence of exact degrees of planets & missing information about Mercury’s position,even in Valmiki Ramayan, I would go by the statement of Sri K.N.Rao & accept Mercury was in Aries & contradictory statement of position of Sun in Pisces as against Aries indicated in Valmiki Ramayan.
Lagna & Moon—Taurus, Jupiter-Cancer, Sun & Venus -Leo, Mercury-Virgo, Saturn- & Rahu-Libra, Mars-Capricorn, Ketu-Aries
Lagna, Jupiter & Moon-Cancer, Saturn-Libra,Venus & Sun-Pisces, Mercury-Aries, Mars-Capricorn, Ketu-Gemini, Rahu-Sagittarious
Lord Vishnu takes his incarnation on earth at his will based on demands of the world in different forms at different times. The incarnations reinforce the idea that rules & regulations that maintain law & order are in tune with the changes taking place. The concept of incarnation is based on Yuga Dharma.
Lord Rama’s incarnation justified the needs of Treta Yuga. The challenges of Dwapara yuga required much more & Lord Krishna’s incarnation justified it. Krishna’s departure from this world paved way for Kaliyuga.
There are many differences in these 2 incarnations. Krishna appeared as a Universal God to preach humanity. He was the embodiment of all that Universe was symbolized. All his childhood experiences that exposed his mystical actions & performances were beyond anybody’s guess.
Even before he attained 11 years of age, many mystical happenings took place. His very birth was in a jail at “Abhijit Muhurta”, most auspicious(rarely referred to night birth). His life started with very 1st miracle, that all the lights went off & all inmates of jail were rendered unconscious & jail gate opened suddenly of its own, automatically & allowed Vasudeva to go out with the child in the basket on his head & jail gate closed on its own. Vasudeva carrying the child proceeded towards river Jamuna, which was in spate of floods due to heavy downpour of rain. The river did not allow him to move forward until he lowered the basket & made Jamuna to touch Krishna. He then proceeded to Brindavan & exchanged with female child & returned to jail, where again jail gates open up on their own & allows him inside. Gates get closed & all inmates regain consciousness as if they were waken up from sleep.
All miracles like, killing Putana (rakshasi), by sucking her breast full of poison, Kalinga Mardhana, killing of Shakatasura, lifting of Govardhana Giri(hill), Rasa kreeda with Gopis, Vishwarupa darshan to faster mother Yashoda when he opened his mouth & many more incredible things unimaginable in normal circumstances.
“ Rasa kreeda”, of Krishna dancing with 1608 Gopis simultaneously at the same time symbolizes Kundalini Shakti going up & reaching “Sahasrara”, thousands of lotuses called Gopis blooming. This is a form of transforming sexual energy into creative energy. When these incidents took place, Krishna’s age was within 11 years & do not have any bearing to sexual implication.
Lord Krishna proclaims in chapter 4, text 8, of Bhagavad Gita,
“Paritranaya Sadhunam,Vinasaya cha duskritam,Dharma-Saamsthapanarthaya,Sambhavami Yuge Yuge”(Protection of good & virtuous,destruction of evil, re-establishment of natural law, I will come in every age)
Krishna’s support to Pandavas & making Mahabharata war as a meeting point to destroy evil forces & establish Dharma was a “Miraculus high voltage drama”. But for Krishna, Pandavas could not have dreamed of winning the war. Every stage of the war was preplanned by “Divine Force” & guided by Krishna, through his wisdom & timely unprecedented action. The preaching of Bhagavad Geeta to Arjuna was not a mere incident by any means, but a very calculated logical conclusion of worldly teaching to humanity. His timely guidance to Pandavas for appropriate method to kill great warriors was not a mere concoction but revealing of past births of important opponents & their expected nature of death & timing. Complete past life history & curses of all important warriors were exposed at appropriate times, when the death time of each was approaching.
Jayadratha’s death was one such case, when Krishna guided Arjuna to kill him. Seeing the fast approaching sun set, he delayed the sun set by magic (maya or eclipse) & created an illusion as if sun was set & then after eclipse is removed, he asked Arjuna to kill him & transport his head to his father’s lap, killing him also.
Instances of deaths of Karna, Drona, Duryodhana etc..had their own stories. Dharmaraja’s Rajasuya yaga witnessed the death of Sishupala, when he opposed Krishna being respected. Krishna killed him with Sudarshan Chakra, in the midst of dignitaries due to his last chance of 100 mistakes.
Protection of Draupadi in Kaurava Sabha was another historic event. When Dushyasana dragged Draupadi’s sari, neither Pandavas nor assembled dignitaries could come to her rescue. When Draupadi prayed Krishna with single hand & holding the sari in another, Krishna did not come to her rescue. When she prayed with both hands together, Krishna protected her by magic of increasing the length of sari continuously until Dashyasana gave up fully tired. This showed that “ABSOLUTE SURRENDER TO GOD” does protect one in distress.
1.Born in Rohini Nakshatra in astami tithi in Taurus Lagna
2.Moon, Jupiter, Mercury, Mars, Saturn(All exalted)
3.Sun in his own house with Venus
4.Venus is lord of 1st & 6th(Behaves more as lagna lord, because of moola trikona)
5.Venus as 1st lord & Sun as 4th lord in own house (kendra & kona)in 4th from lagna
& sandwitched between 2 exalted benefic planets,Jupiter & Mercury & forms several
good yogas.
6.7th house(Scorpio) aspected by exalted Moon & exalted Jupiter.7th & 12th lord Mars, exalted in 9th in mutual aspect with Jupiter(8& 11th lord) & Moon, creates vipareeta Raja yoga in addition to many other Yogas. Krishna had 16108 wives but with sublimated sex energy, due to Venus free from any blemish, due to non interference of Rahu, which is under the control of Saturn. Krishna was with all the wives simultaneously, something that nobody can imagine or evaluate.
7.Moon in Rohini(Moon’s constellation), exalted in lagna, made him mentally strong & powerful. Moon being 3rd lord exalted in lagna & Jupiter, exalted in 3rd in mutual aspect with exalted Mars,
8.Mercury as 2nd & 5th lord exalted in his moola trikona & own house, unaspected by either benefic or malefic made Krishna, the master of 64 Kalas & 14 Vidyas of Ancient India, which was a remarkable outstanding performance by any means.This made him a great intellect of all times surpassing all others.
9.Jupiter 8th & 11th lord exalted in Moon’s house(3rd), made him the youngest of all. Since Jupiter is heavily afflicted by exalted Mars & exalted Saturn, all those born before Krishna were brutally killed by Kamsa(Saturn in 6th-house of uncle)
10.4th lord Sun in own house & aspected by 12th lord Mars, made his mother to be jailed by Kamsa
11.9th lord Saturn exalted in 6th aspecting 12th, made his father to be jailed
12.10th lord Saturn in 6th, along with Rahu(in the house of maternal uncle) & Mars as 7th lord exalted in 9th & aspecting afflicted 6th lord Venus in 4th with 4th lord Sun, makes Krishna to kill Kamsa. It appears imperative that his mother was one of the conditions for this act, since she was imprisoned by Kamsa &Kamsa killed all her 7 children mercilessly.
13.Jupiter, deva guru exalted in 3rd(house of preaching) & Moon, 3rd lord lord exalted in Moon’s constellation, made him preach philosophy of life, a guarded secret of the past, present & the future.
14.Mercury as lord of 2nd(speech) & 5th intelligence, with the support of exalted Moon(strength of mind)& exalted Jupiter(knowledge of the Universe & all 64 kinds of Kalas &14 Vidyas), made him a super intelligent avatar purusha, the highly intellectual personality, 2nd to none. This was the only avatar of God out of 9 avatars, which gave humanity, the complete picture of Universe.
15.Exalted 7th lord(Mars) & exalted 11th lord Jupiter in mutual aspect with each gave Krishna, thousands of wives, who were blessed souls & devotees.
15.Putra karaka Jupiter exalted & Mercury in 5th own house exalted, resulted in birth of several good children.With all these, it remains an unbelievable historic account that Krishna had sublimed sex energy.Whenever one talks about Krishna as incarnation of Lord Vishnu, his human form & actions & emotions are found to be an eye wash, calling it as “Maya” or magic, which cannot be assessed by humans.
16.Since divisional charts cannot be casted due to absence planets degree positions, one cannot judge number of wives & children. In astrology, there are no ways to find thousands of wives or children.The prediction of this type leaves one guessing the essence of astrology. Krishna marrying 16108 women has a story that a rakshasa imprisoned 16108 women princesses(It is difficult to even imagine that number of princesses). Krishna killed that rakshasa & freed all. Society did not accept these women & hence as per their request, Krishna gave them the status of wives.
17.A very striking feature in his horoscope is that except 6th & 1st lord Venus & 4th lord(in own house), all other house lords are exalted. Moon dasa was running at the time of birth, made him strong in will power & courage which enabled him to show his prowess throughout Moon dasa & in subsequent Mars dasa of 7 Years & Rahu dasa for 18 years. All his childhood miracles & killing of rakshasas were before he attained 11 years of age due to Mars dasa & part of Rahu dasa. Rahu(represents Rakshasa) in 6th house,created innumerable enemies from Rakshasas, Saturn in exaltation in 6th in the company of Rahu fuelled the situation for inviting more enemies & crushing . In all probabilities, Mars dasa Rahu bukty would have brought destruction of Rakshasas, before the age of 11.
19.5 planets exalted & 1 planet own house justifies all miracles & unusual things happening. Rahu in 6th with exalted Saturn indicates black magic & miracles.
20.Krishna was always tricky, which was due to 10th lord in 6th
21.His smiling disposition & attractive personality, playing on flute, were all the result of exalted Jupiter, strong position of Sun,Venus in 4th house & strong 3rd house, in addition to exalted Moon in lagna.
Rama was an embodiment of GOD in human form. He was bent upon meeting the commitments of his father to his 2nd wife Kaikeyi by obeying his order. He did not deter from facing the hands of fate even in the most adverse circumstances. When Krishna had smiling disposition, Rama was always “Gambhir”(Dignified) & was called “Maryada Purusha”. He had no smile in his face. He was always bent upon doing his duties & never deviated from truth.
He was symbolic representation of a true & obedient son of a father, faithful husband of a wife, affectionate & helpful to his brothers, real tie of friendship to those who offered to help him at all times, respect to elders, reverence to Rishis & holy people & a terror to wicked & sinful people.
When Krishna was a terror, miraculous & naughty right from his birth, Rama was a quiet, duty bound & obedient to his parents. Rama was symbolized with bow & arrow, whereas Krishna was symbolized with counch & Sudarshan Chakra. Both were bent upon protecting good & destroying evil, but their approach were modified in tune with the Yuga Dharma.
Krishna claimed himself as”Krishna astu Bhagavan Swayam” & a full or total incarnation of God. While Krishna reveals about himself, Rama never speaks a word about himself & unassuming. Rama avatar was not a full avatar. He was an avatar of GOD Vishnu in simple human form & was a teacher & demonstrator of way of life in theory & practice. His conduct, character & practical way of life was eye opening to one & all. His avatar was tailor made to suit the people of Treta Yuga, but the lessons he left behind applies even to Kali Yuga.
1.Rama was born in Chaitra masa, Navami Tithi in Punarvasu Nakshatra in Cancer.
2.Four Planets Jupiter,Venus,Mars & Saturn were exalted & Moon in his own house.
3.While Mercury was highly elated in 5th own, moola trikona, exalted house in Krishna’s horoscope, it was in Aries(house of Mars) in 10th house in the case of Rama.This is a glaring difference in their horoscopes. Krishna was highly intellectual, philosophic & master of all 64 Kalas,14 Vidyas. Rama did not preach philosophy, did not show extra ordinary talent, magic or miracle which Krishna demonstrated right from his birth. In Krishna’s horoscope,7th & 11th lords exalted & in mutual aspects gave Krishna innumerable wives, whereas in Rama’s horoscope Venus was exalted & aspected by exalted Jupiter(Dispositor of Venus)from lagna, where Moon, lagna lord is in lagna itself, Saturn, 7th lord exalted in 4th, gave Rama a beautiful, loving, affectionate, God fearing, dutiful single wife in contrast.
3.Even though Mars & Jupiter were exalted in both the horoscopes, there were differences with regard to lagna & position of Moon. Moon in Krishna was in Rohini in exalted state in Moon’s constellation, Whereas in Rama’s horoscope, Moon was in Punarvasu, Jupiter’s constellation & is placed along with exalted Jupiter. This made Rama, pious & God fearing, obedient person, whereas Krishna was outgoing, strong willed & courageous.
4.A great feature in Rama’s horoscope is that Jupiter, exalted lord of 6th & 9th is in mutual aspect with exalted Mars, lord of 5th & 10th from both lagna & Moon thus establishing contacts with 1st, 5th, 9th & 10th lord(Best kendras & Trikonas). This has made Rama “Maryada Purusha” of highest moral conduct & duty bound in performing his Dharma & Karma. Jupiter aspecting Sun in 9th house is “RAJA LAKSHANA YOGA”. Royal mansions are shown by Venus & Sun aspected by Jupiter.
5.Mercury as 12th lord & Saturn exalted in 4th made Rama to leave home & live in foreign place in forest life. Saturn is 7th lord, representing Sita. His wife also lived in forest due to aspect of Mercury 12th lord on Saturn.This aspect also separated Rama from Sita.
6.Aspect of exalted Mars & exalted Saturn on Jupiter & Moon separated Rama from his father & wife.This also indicates “SANYASA YOGA”
7.Sun, pitru karaka in pitru sthana & 9th lord Jupiter aspected by exalted Mars & exalted Saturn made Rama’s father to die early.
8.Ketu in 12th house denied bed comforts.
9.Rahu in 6th,made him “Kodanda Sani”. Rahu in 6th invites enemies & destroys them. Ravana & other rakshasas were killed by Rama.
10At the age of 16 Years, Vishwamitra Rishi took Rama to destroy rakshasas, Who were causing havoc to Rishis in their yagas & Penance. This must have happened in Saturn dasa, Rahu Bukty. Saturn is 7th lord exalted in 4th & Rahu in 6th house of enemies. Rahu symbolically represents Rakshasas & their destruction due to placement of Rahu in 6th house of enemies, killed them. Dasarata first refused to send Rama to forest at tender age, but after getting convinced of Rama’s strength as perceived by Rishi, he sent him along with Lakshmana.
11.Having born in Punarvasu Nakshatra, he was running Jupiter dasa at the time of birth. Subsequent dasa was that of Saturn for 19 Years. He got married to Sita, when he was 16 Years old in Saturn dasa/Jupiter Bukty, after Rama destroyed Rakshasas, who were causing troubles to Rishis. Saturn is 7th lord in exaltation in 4th & aspecting lagna, lagna lord Moon & Jupiter aspecting 7th house.Mars as 5th & 10th lord exalted in 7th & in mutual aspect with Moon & Jupiter in lagna. Since 1st, 4th, 5th, 7th, 9th & 10th lords have established contacts, marriage to Sita was destined & change of place of residence to Sita to enter royal palace was destined.
12.Mercury dasa, Sun Bukty would have caused the death of Dasaratha. See, Sun pitru karaka in pitru sthana, Mercury in 2nd maraka house from Sun & 9th house(father).
13.Mercury dasa, Mars Bukty would have caused kidnapping of Sita by Ravana. Mars in the 7th house exalted brings troubles to spouse. 12th lord,wherever he sits & aspects the house & the planet therein will bring trouble like kidnapping. Mercury as 12th lord is aspecting exalted 7th lord Saturn in 4th house, causing separation from Rama & denying comforts of house, represented by Mercury’s aspect on 4th house. Here, it may also be construed that Lakshmana(Lord of 3rd Mercury)might have been instrumental to go away from Sita & caused Ravana to come in disguise & cross Lakshman Rekha drawn by Lakshmana.This was due to Sita’s mistaken identity of Ravana in disguise of a Sanyasi, whom Sita wanted to respect. This enabled Ravana to kidnap Sita. All these incidents are pre planned by Ravana, ie sending Maricha in the form of abeautiful golden deer & attracting Sita. Being carried away by the beauty of deer, she asked Rama to fetch the deer. Rama who wanted to fulfil her wish, went behind the deer after asking Lakshmana to take care of Sita. When lord Rama hit the deer, Maricha in the form of deer cried in the voice of Rama & died. After hearing this shout, Sita mistook that Rama was in trouble & asked Lakshmana to go & save him. In spite of assurance from Lakshmana that nothing would have happened to him, she after abusing Lakshmana for crooked intentions insisted & forced Lakshmana to leave the place & protect Rama in trouble. Lakshmana after knowing her plight, reluctantly left the place after he put a “REKHA” in front of her & strictly instructed her not to cross the line or allow anybody inside under any circumstances. But due to Ravana’s trick, Sita mistook Ravana as a real Sanyasi & allowed him inside. This triggered her misfortune when Ravana kidnapped her.
14.Mercury dasa, Rahu Bukty would have caused the destruction of Ravana & other Rakshasas. Rahu in 6th destroys enemies.
15.Ravana had 10 heads gifted by Lord Shiva for his rigorous penance.They symbalised kama, krodha, moha, mada, matsarya, manas,buddhi, chitta, ahankara. Except Buddhi or intellect all others are harmful.10 heads of Ravana controlled his actions & made him perverted & ultimately caused his own destruction in addition to all his followers. Rama silently demonstrated the importance of controlling one’s senses & by killing Ravana, he proved the consequences of blindly obeying & succumbing to senses. Ravana’s 10 heads also depicted his mastery over 6 shastras & 4 Vedas, 64 types of knowledge & all arts of weaponry. But none of these came to his rescue when he was slaved by the senses.
16.Mercury dasa, Jupiter Bukty would have enabled Rama to rescue Sita from the clutches of Ravana & return to Ayodhya. Jupiter is 9th lord exalted in lagna & aspected by exalted 5th & 10th lord Mars from 7th. Since lagna, 4th, 5th, 9th & 10th houses & lords are involved, most of the matters connected with these houses were amicably solved.
17.Under same Mercury dasa, Jupiter Bukty, Sita became pregnant. See Jupiter aspecting 5th lord Mars(exalted).
18.Rama acquired the faithful & reliable friendship of Vibeeshana, brother of Ravana, Sugreeva(Vanara king) & faithful, obedient & ever devoted Hanuman, whose role in whole Ramayana was exemplary. See11th lord from lagna & Moon exalted in 9th & aspected by Deva Guru Jupiter from his exaltation position.
19.5th lord Mars exalted & aspected by exalted Jupiter & own house Moon gave him dutiful, virtuous & prosperous children.
20.Ketu dasa would have brought in separation from Sita & denying of bed comforts. Ketu is in 12th house of both lagna & Moon.There is a proverb in tamil that “Rahu poley koduppan illai, Ketu poley keduppan illai”,which means that Rahu gives plenty(material gains) & Ketu spoils material gains & gives spiritual enlightenment & liberation from shackles of birth & death.
21.Rama asked Lakshmana to leave Sita in Valmiki Ashram under the pretext of a dhobi’s comment that Sita was not pure under the influence of Ravana, when she was kept in Ashoka Vana of Ravana. Even though he knew the purity of Sita, as a common man, he took this decision to prove the world that he was bound by circumstances & planetary influences. Story continues…
Finally, we have to imagine the planetary positions in thousands of years to come to expect the next avatar of Lord Vishnu in the form of”KALKI”. The permutations & combinations will be such that when the planets take up their positions, they would synchronize with the avatar of God & purpose of that avatar. These happen in thousands of years of transits of planets. It is not humanly possible to predict such an event.Whatever may be the form of avatar, one common goal of avatar would be for “Protection of good & virtuous, destruction of evil & re-establishment of law & order.
It is believed for thousands of years, that Lord Rama & Lord Krishna were God incarnations, in “Treta” & “Dwapara Yugas” respectively to establish “Dharma” by annihilating evil. Whereas Lord Rama showed the virtuous way of living through practical demonstration & Lord Krishna opened up the subject of creation of “Cosmos “ & imparting “True” knowledge through his legendary “Bhagavatgeeta” narrated to Arjuna, only as a channel in the context of “Mahabharata War between Pandavas & Kauravas”. What made the differences in these two Incarnations is the subject for study through an attempt to analyze the horoscopes in the context of human forms, though humanly impossible to give explanations through senses & limited intelligence.
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noisynutcrusade · 10 months
Accurate Daily Horoscope For Sunday, July 2, 2023
Your daily horoscope for July 2, 2023, with an accurate prediction for all zodiac signs in astrology. The Sun in Cancer and the Moon in Sagittarius entering Capricorn today. Your zodiac sign’s daily horoscope for Sunday, July 02, 2023. Aries (March 21 – April 19) Aries, don’t let the grass grow under your feet now. This a big month for you, and you have been waiting for this. The lunar nodes…
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washingtonposttoday · 10 months
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Horoscope Today, Monday, June 26, 2023: Accurate astrology predictions for Sagittarius, Leo, Cancer, Virgo and all zodiac signs http://dlvr.it/SrDLhV
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lifeastrology1 · 11 months
Horoscope Reading and Analysis: Unlocking the Secrets of the Stars
A horoscope is a sky map at the moment of a person's birth. It is created by plotting the positions of the Sun, Moon, planets, and other significant celestial bodies on the Earth. The birth chart, also known as the natal chart, is a blueprint that outlines the energetic influences and potentialities imprinted upon an individual at birth. The zodiac is divided into twelve signs, each representing distinct personality traits and characteristics. These signs are Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces. The Sun sign, determined by the position of the Sun at the time of birth, is the most well-known element of astrology. Horoscope reading and  analysis can shed light on the dynamics and compatibility between individuals. By comparing the birth charts of two people, astrologers can identify potential areas of harmony and challenges in their relationship. This insight helps individuals navigate their interpersonal connections with greater understanding and empathy.      
 While astrological advice on the phone can be insightful and beneficial, it's essential to approach it with a balanced perspective. Astrology should not replace critical thinking or personal responsibility. It is crucial to remember that astrologers offer guidance based on interpretations and predictions, which may not always be accurate or guarantee specific outcomes. Seekers should exercise wisdom and use astrological advice as a tool for self-reflection and exploration rather than mindlessly relying on it for all decisions. Additionally, it's important to seek guidance from reputable and ethical astrologers who prioritize the well-being of their clients. Do thorough research, read reviews, and ask for recommendations before choosing an astrologer for a phone consultation. Trustworthy astrologers will respect your privacy, maintain confidentiality, and advise ethically.
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your-sweet-cookie · 1 year
💘 = Does your muse believe in astrology signs? If so, what sign are they most compatible with? And is this important when considering a date? 
☆ Headcanon Prompts ☆
💘 = Does your muse believe in astrology signs? If so, what sign are they most compatible with? And is this important when considering a date? 
While Kukki believes in the myth of the red string of fate, she thinks that the horoscope and astrology is pretty much bs (sure, some stuff might be accurate to some personality traits shared between people with the same sign, but basing your love life on the horoscope? That's the dumbest thing she's ever heard).
If we were to go by the horoscope, Kukki being a LIbra would make her compatible mostly with Gemini, Taurus, Aquarius, Cancer and Sagittarius. But let's not base her good chemistry with Niragi only on the fact that their signs are compatible!
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astroramtulasiji · 1 year
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Ram Ji is a Famous & Best Astrologer in Texas, India. He is offering Astrology Consultation since 2001. He is well known for his Accurate Astrology predictions & Honest opinion. Checked more than Ten Thousand horoscopes. Having client base from INDIA, USA, Europe, Australia, Canada, #zodiac #astrology #zodiacsigns #horoscope #virgo #leo #scorpio #capricorn #libra #aries #zodiacmemes #gemini #cancer #aquarius #taurus
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