#camicazi is snoring
aldoodles · 28 days
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sleeping w weapons probably isn’t a good idea but they’re a little jumpy
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ravenclawisms · 4 years
Doomsday day 10
Title: Another Way to Spend Your Birthday
Word Count: 1337
Summary: At the time of Hiccup’s 14th birthday, he’s on the run, the most wanted person in the Archipelago. This is how his birthday may have gone.
AN: So ever since this post (which was like a year ago wow) I really could not get this idea out of my head and it’s been causing me pain ever since. Now my readers must share in my suffering. Enjoy :P
Also sorry for being late - I was at a block yesterday :( 
Keep reading under the cut (or read on AO3):
Hiccup awoke fifteen feet above the ground.
This wasn’t, in and of itself, news at all. He had fallen asleep fifteen feet above the ground, and for a minute after he woke, all he could do was thank Thor he was still in the tree.
Hiccup, you see, was rather prone to tree-related injury.
It was pitch-black, the air so thick and inky that he couldn’t even see his own hand stretched out in front of him. He could feel the Wodensfang over his heart, slowly breathing in and out with the telltale rhythms of sleep. Toothless and the Windwalker were surely nearby, perhaps sleeping on another branch.
That was how he got to wondering what on earth had woken him.
He sat very still, listening for the shifting of branches or crunching of leaves that meant a bounty hunter was passing by below. But apart from his own heartbeat, pulsing in his head, he could hear nothing.
After five breathless minutes, he decided that it was nothing, and he was just about to close his eyes and go back to sleep when there was a loud flapping of wings by his right ear.
It surprised him so much that he startled and promptly fell from the tree, just managing to catch himself on the branch he was sitting on.
Now, at this point, anybody else would immediately start panicking.
Hiccup had no such luxury.
“Windwalker!” he said, in Dragonese, as loud as he dared. “Windwalker! My sword!”
The Wodensfang stuck his head out of Hiccup’s waistcoat, bleary-eyed. “What’s going on?”
“I don’t know--WINDWALKER!” cried Hiccup, starting to lose patience.
As if the situation wasn’t dire enough, with a horribly stomach-turning crack, the branch above Hiccup began to splinter.
Another flapping of wings, closer this time, and Hiccup raised his voice. “Windwalker?”
No answer.
Now he was starting to panic.
He turned his head down, trying to keep from screaming. “Wodensfang, can you go find the Windwalker, please?”
No verbal answer came from the Wodensfang, but Hiccup assumed that he had gotten the message, for he departed from Hiccup’s waistcoat out into the inky night.
There was complete silence for what felt like a long time following, although it very well could have been just a few seconds. Darkness warped Hiccup’s sense of time. He had sent away his only ally, and there he was, alone. A skinny boy of thirteen who had been speaking Dragonese for so long he almost forgot how to speak in Norse, draped in scraps of clothing, hanging from a slowly splintering tree branch fifteen feet above the ground in complete darkness.
The Outcast of the Archipelago, everyone. 
Quite suddenly, out of the blue (or rather, black), there was a bright light shining directly into Hiccup’s face. 
With a cry of surprise, he instinctively took one hand away from the branch to shield his eyes.
This, it turned out, was a huge mistake. Hanging by only one hand proved much harder than hanging by two, and the shift in his weight caused the branch to splinter off from the tree completely. 
So it was that Hiccup fell fifteen feet from the tree, luckily onto the Windwalker, who caught him halfway down. He didn’t realize the dragon he had landed on was his riding dragon at first, and so he nearly jumped right off the Windwalker’s back in an attempt to keep himself from getting captured, only desisting when the Windwalker spoke. “I’ve got you.”
“Yes,” the Windwalker said.
“Oh, thank Thor--do you have that sword we stole from the Uglithugs? I think someone’s found us--”
Hiccup paused mid sentence to look up at the bright light that had caused him to fall from his tree in the first place. It was a beam of light, emanating from a dragon’s eyes, but Hiccup couldn’t see what the dragon looked like other than the fact that its eyes were remarkably small.
Hiccup squinted, and he could see more details--the dragon’s wings were small, too, and its tail, and--
Hiccup slumped on the back of the Windwalker in powerful relief. They weren’t being attacked, and the Windwalker wasn’t dead, and Hiccup was going to kill Toothless for giving him the fright of his life (but what else was new?).
The Wodensfang landed on Hiccup’s knee, looking proud. “I found him.”
Hiccup nodded at him. “Yes, I know, great work.”
Toothless flapped down excitedly, hovering around Hiccup’s face. “Wake up!”
“I’m already awake,” grumbled Hiccup, “thanks to you--I thought we were being attacked.”
The Wodensfang looked disapprovingly at Toothless. “Manners, Toothless. You scared him.”
Hiccup rubbed his eyes and stood up, immediately pitching to the side and just barely catching himself on a nearby tree (the falling ordeal had left him with a horribly askew sense of balance).
The Windwalker looked concerned. “Are you all right? Do you still need the sword?”
“No,” Hiccup assured him, “I’m all right--Toothless, can you explain to me why I needed to wake up so early?”
Toothless had been looking wildly excited, flapping around, doing loop-the-loops in the air, and at this, he promptly stopped. “What?”
Hiccup pushed off from the tree and stood up, swaying slightly. “Why on earth did you wake me up?”
Toothless flew closer. “It’s your b-b-birthday.”
Hiccup, still shaken from the events of the last few minutes, voiced the first thought that came into his head, which was “Seriously? You make me think I’m in mortal danger just because it’s my...”
He paused.
Since when was it his birthday?
“It’s my birthday?”
Toothless nodded earnestly. 
“Happy birthday,” supplied the Wodensfang, nestling back into Hiccup’s waistcoat.
The Windwalker smiled at Hiccup. “Happy birthday.”
Hiccup, out of habit, put his hand around the lobster claw necklace, sitting proudly on his chest. It was his birthday.
The sun was starting to rise, and he could see everything a little better now. He sat down in the dirt, and the Windwalker curled around him. Toothless had taken up debating with the Wodensfang again.
“T-t-toothless was polite,” he argued. “He remembered Hiccup’s birthday.”
“Yes, well done, Toothless,” said the Wodensfang. “But you still gave him a great scare.”
Hiccup thought, again, of his family. He wondered how his father was holding up, if Gobber was still the same proud teacher, if Camicazi was still burgling the pants off everybody in the Archipelago with her usual swagger about her. He wondered where his mother was; if Valhallarama was far away, and if she had heard that her son had been pronounced an Outcast and a slave and a fugitive.
And he thought of Fishlegs, placing the necklace around his neck, saying I do not turn, over and over again.
A part of him believed that it was the necklace that had kept Hiccup alive so far, because, let’s face it, the odds of him surviving this far on his own was not just improbable, it was impossible.
Then again, Hiccup was always doing impossible things.
Please, let them be safe, he prayed. Let them all be okay. Please. Just for my birthday.
The sun was the only answer Hiccup got--it continued to rise steadily over the horizon, and Hiccup could see a glimpse of orange between the trees.
The Wodensfang had given up fighting Toothless and instead went back to sleep inside his waistcoat, and Toothless, for lack of a better place to sleep, settled on Hiccup’s shoulder. The Windwalker was already asleep, snoring lightly, and Hiccup rested his head on the back of his dragon, looking up at the canopy of trees.
It was his birthday.
That meant he was fourteen, or three-and-a-half.
There was a good chance he would only ever live to be that old.
Even Toothless, however energized he had been, was starting to get sleepy now, and he closed his eyes and curled into a little ball on Hiccup’s shoulder.
“Happy b-b-birthday, Hiccup,” he whispered, just loud enough for Hiccup to hear.
Hiccup gave him an affectionate scratch behind the horns in response.
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jayalaw · 5 years
Twelve Days of Doomsday, Day Four: The Second Potato
@inhonoredglory @kingofthewilderwest @thefellowshipofthedragonmark @thepotatoreader
It was remarkable how the weather changed rapidly on Berk. The cold winters seemed to last for months, but on a random day the ice could snap and the snowbanks would melt. Hiccup waited for those days. And this year, it was especially important. 
Hiccup spent a few days recovering from a bad bout of Vorptentitis. Old Wrinkly had surmised that sledding in freezing weather, falling into lukewarm onion soup, and wrestling with the Doomfang hadn’t helped with the cure. Hiccup had gone to get the cure, a potato, because he had thought Fishlegs was sick with Vorpentitis. No one else would do it, except Camicazi; his father surmised it was dangerous, and Snotlout would rally the boys so that none would have accompanied Hiccup. Normally Hiccup wouldn’t have allied with Camicazi, but she had said if he didn’t take her then she would tattle on him to Stoick. And he was grateful, because Bog Burglars were better at burgling than he was. 
There would always be a scar in his big toe, a reminder of the cure. Hiccup hadn't needed words to thank Fishlegs for saving his life. It hadn’t been a potato after all, but an arrow that had been lodged in the potato. Hiccup had been bringing the potato, but a giant dragon called the Doomfang had stolen it. But Hiccup had kept the arrow. It was good that he did. 
On one day when the snow finally gave way to boggy mud and the nearby rivers threatened to overflow, Hiccup set off with Toothless to a patch of land where he knew the seeds wouldn’t  be destroyed. Rather, he had bundled Toothless into a fur sling so that the dragon would not wake up. He didn’t want to leave the dragon at home because Stoick was louder than usual, complaining about how muddy things were and how hard it was to start a fire. 
The arrow was still damp, and had a dried-brown fleck of Hiccup’s blood. He found the right patch of land and started to dig with his helmet. A shovel would be better, but Hiccup didn’t have access to a shovel. 
Shuffling steps. Hiccup looked up. He smiled. It was a tired smile, a reminder of what he had done to get this arrow.
“Greetings,” a quavering voice in Dragonese said. 
“Hello, One-Eye,” Hiccup said. He kept digging, since he had never planted an arrow. 
The sleigh dragon surveyed him. It was amazing how much had changed in a matter of days. One-Eye had claimed to hate all humans and only served Hiccup when he promised to bring the cure back.
“I’m just making sure that you’re keeping your word,” One-Eye said. “That wood is long dead, if you’re trying to plant it.”
“Do you see these clumps?” Hiccup picked up the arrow and showed him. “I think these are potato seeds. Or something. Besides, if the arrow saved me, maybe it can save others from Vorpentitis.”
One-Eye surveyed him. Then he shuffled forward and started digging in the damp mud. Hiccup stared at the long claws. 
“Your human tools are too puny and fragile to make a proper hole,” he said. 
“Thanks,” Hiccup said. He backed out of the way. Toothless’s snores vibrated through the furs. It was like carrying a scaly water bottle.  
He watched One-Eye dig, as if he had done it many times before. 
“I hope the Doomfang is well,” he said. 
“He’s free and swimming in the largest oceans,” One-Eye grunted. “And he stole the potato that would have saved you.” 
“He was fighting to save his life,” Hiccup replied. “I cannot begrudge him for that.”
He placed the arrow in the hole that One-Eye’s claws made. They covered it together and watched, as if it would sprout in front of them. 
“You will make a good chief,” One-Eye said. “Maybe one day you’ll free us all.”
“I hope I can,” Hiccup replied. 
He honestly didn’t know if the arrow would sprout in the soil, giving more potatoes for Berk, any more than he knew if Snotlout would usurp him as chief. But he had to try, so that no one else would have to steal a potato to save their friends or dragons. Maybe he’d have to try better at being chief.
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honestly i was at a softball camp since like 7:30 this morning and I’m too tired to work on an edit or fanart or something but I did write this fanfic awhile back. This is technically a repost but it does fit with day 10 of doomsday. 
Technically this fanfic falls in between books 9 and 10-during Hiccup’s time living as an outcast for nearly a year. 
This is just the first story in a small collection of them I made. The full version can be viewed here
Missing Year: 
The trees seem to whisper in hushed tones before him, their branches waving ominously, creating shadows of monsters at his feet. Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the Third shivered as a cold wind blew around him. This night was especially cold in the archipelago, Hiccup hoped it was even too cold for search parties, though just as a precaution he had blown out the fire and was now laying curled up inside the Windwalker's wings, waiting for another sleepless night. Toothless seemed the only one completely unaffected by the life of an outcast, his slept just as soundly as ever on Hiccup's chest, gently blowing small smoke rings up into the night. The Wodensfang slept beside Hiccup, he seemed to have just drifted off and was snoring quietly, his old shriveled body curled up against the cold. The Windwalker stood over all of them, his head curling around them, his eyes were closed and Hiccup could feel his breathing slowing into the steady hum of sleep. Hiccup leaned was leaned against the Windwalker's neck, using the soft scales as a pillow. He tried to follow the Windwalker's slow breathing, desperately trying to lure his body into sleep. Just as he was closing his eyes his heart gave a frantic pumping, jolting him upright again, his vision blurry from the lack of sleep.
Toothless seemed undisturbed by Hiccup's sudden movement and continued to sleep on, his small body much like a warm boulder against Hiccup. Hiccup wished he could sleep as soundly as Toothless, but his mind seemed to think something very different and elected to wander into the darkness. Hiccup strained his eyes and peered into the looming shadows of the shallow cave they were sleeping in and out into the forest surrounding them. The trees whispered their quiet song and Hiccup peering into their depths. Was that an Alvinsmen peering at him in the dark? Hiccup swore he could see a movement in the shadows. Were there more out there? Should he tell the others? Hiccup could feel his heart pounding faster and faster, his chest felt heavy and his breaths felt shorter. He panted, desperately trying to stay calm. Probably nothing. It's just my mind playing tricks on me.
"Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the Third," came a cool voice from the shadows, Hiccup jumped, desperately straining to see the speaker of the voice, he whirled desperately looking around the cave but there was no one. Impossible, Alvin must have a stealth dragon or something, he was here, Hiccup had heard him.
Hiccup shook as he gazed around the cave, should he wake Wodensfang? He would know what to do right? Would he be mad Hiccup had woken him up? Probably. What could he do anyway? They were alone.
Hiccup found himself shaking harder, he wished he were back on Berk, back home. He wished that he had just said goodnight to his father and was heading to bed, smuggling Toothless in his waistcoat. He wished that he was sitting in his own bed on Berk, Toothless asleep on his chest, as usual, a warm presence in the cold room. He wished that he could still hear the shouts of late night party goers heading home as he waited to fall asleep. He wished he could hear his father downstairs, maybe even his mother. He wished he could hear them talking, he wished he could hear the wood floors creaking with their footsteps.
But that was gone. Berk had been burned to the ground by Furious' troops, Hiccup's childhood home was nothing more than a couple splinters now. He tore his mind away from the thoughts, desperately trying to focus on the current problem.
There was someone here, there had to be, Hiccup had heard someone. But the more Hiccup peered into the darkness the more he felt that the voices and movement had been a figment of his imagination. He should sleep. It was late, Hiccup worried that the sun was only a few hours away from reaching the horizon. He laid his head down on Windwalker's tail and closed his eyes desperately trying to sleep.
To his relief, the world slowly faded to blackness as Hiccup closed his eyes. He could feel his breathing slowing into the slow drone of sleep. But the calming darkness didn't stay for very long. Soon fire consumed him, his entire body felt hot, he looked down and saw that his legs had been consumed in a bright red flame, its fingers grabbing at his ratty old fire suit; it barely served as clothes anymore, the old suit was torn badly all over, the sleeves barely even existent. It was so worn out it offered little protection against the flame. Hiccup tried to move but found that he was tied to a tall wooden mast that was standing in the middle of the fire, slowly burning with him. Heavy metal chains were wrapped around the boy, their cold gray slowly turning to an orange as the flame burned brighter and brighter. Hiccup struggled, desperately trying to creep out from the chains but they held fast.
He frantically scanned the world around him looking for someone to help but all he was greeted with was a plane of fire. He screamed, desperately crying for help. "Fishlegs? Camicazi? Toothless? Wodensfang? Windwalker?" he yelled out into the blaze, but there was no response.
He could feel himself blacking out from the heat, his skin burning in the fire. But just before the world faded he heard a voice, "They're gone," whispered the cold voice. "They're dead." There was cackle from behind him and he felt a hand close around his throat.
"Soon you'll be joining them." Came another voice, higher pitched and female. Hiccup knew that voice; the Witch. 
"Goodbye, Hiccup." Said Alvin above the crackling fire.
"NO!" Hiccup yelled, struggling against Alvin's grasp. "NO, NO, NO!"
But the burning inferno was gone. They were gone. Everything was gone.
"Hiccup!" He felt a claw against his face, "Hiccup!" came the voice again. "Hiccup wake up!"
Hiccup opened his eyes, the Wodensfang was crouched over him, his old wrinkled brown face riddled with concern. The Windwalker hovered above him, his brow creased in soft lines of concern and Toothless sat on Hiccup's chest, his large green eyes staring directly into Hiccup's blue. Toothless' eyes looked large and scared, in the dimly lit cave, they seemed to emanate a soft green light. "H-h-hiccup? Are you a-a-alright?" his stammer seemed more prominent than normal as he spoke. His small body appearing to quiver and Hiccup wondered if it was because of him.
"Yes Toothless, I'm alright." Hiccup said shakily, though he could still feel the fire against his skin.
"Are you quite sure, Hiccup?" Wodensfang's old voice seemed to have a bit of a quiver of its own. "You seemed quite ill only a moment ago…" The old dragon trailed off as he looked at Hiccup his eyes seeming to darken with an unknown understanding.
Even the Windwalker, though he said nothing seemed to be worried about Hiccup. Hiccup himself wondered what he had done to cause them to worry so much. "Guys I'm alright." He whispered, desperately trying to keep his voice level, "Really, I just had a bad dream, I didn't mean to wake you all."
"B-b-but you d-did." Said Toothless, looking at him with those big green eyes, "Y-you woke us up because of s-s-something's wrong. T-toothless knows it." Hiccup smiled weakly as Toothless seemed to be doing his very best to console him.
"Toothless, I'm okay. There's no need to worry, really. It was just a bad dream."
"Hiccup," said Wodensfang slowly, "We've been out here nearly six months." Again, the old dragon seemed to trail off in a sense of worry.
"And?" asked Hiccup
"Hiccup you've been alone for six months, on the run, practically trapped in a cave!" Wodensfang exclaimed with worry.
"I haven't been alone," said Hiccup, "You all are here."
"Yes, but you haven't been with other Vikings in ages, Hiccup. Is that even normal for a human? Hiccup, humans are different than dragons!" Wodensfang seemed to be heading into one of his fits.
"It's fine Wodensfang, besides it's not like we can really go anywhere." He laughed, a bit sarcastically, and Wodensfang raised an eyebrow at Hiccup's exclamation.
"Hiccup I'm worried. Honestly, this situation is by no means good for anyone but humans are very different than dragons and I worry that you're going to be sick Hiccup. It's no surprise to anyone that this is the most stressful on you and being under that kind of pressure and torment for that long isn't good for anyone." Wodensfang was nearly hopping up and down in agitation at this point. All his spines were on edge with worry.
"Humans shouldn't be alone."
They all turned the find the source of the voice. It was Windwalker who had spoken, his voice was soft and filled with a worry brought on by memories. "Back on the Lava-Lout islands, they had a few jailers there, Vikings to control us dragons. Many left and soon there was only one left, he stayed with us and tried to control us, he tried to keep the other prisoners there too. But as the months turned into years he started to go crazy. It was slow, but eventually he-he- "the Windwalker stammered, his voice growing softer, "he slit his own throat and then we were alone.
"I left shortly after that, many of the remaining prisoners did. The island was abandoned for many years, of course then Alvin the Treacherous took over a few years later—but you already know that story." The Windwalker shook as he finished the story. Clearly, the words were bringing back harsh memories.
Hiccup gulped, he had never known that the jailkeeper had gone insane. He shuddered the think what it must've been like on that island. "But he couldn't speak Dragonese, right Wodensfang?" Hiccup asked, his voice growing soft in the early hours of the day.
"No." The Windwalker admitted, "but he wasn't being hunted by the entire archipelago either."
"Windwalker has a point," said Wodensfang after a long time. "We're worried, Hiccup. We know that something is wrong and it's okay." Hiccup shrugged weakly, though the burned sensation had worn off he still felt weakened since the dream.
"I just—I miss home I guess." He mumbled, "I miss Berk, I miss my father, I even miss Gobber's classes! I miss having to get up and go out in the freezing cold to go fail at being a Viking. I miss Fishlegs, I miss sitting with him after class. I miss having days off and taking Toothless to go play with Fishlegs and Horrowcow. I miss visiting wild dragon cliff. I miss writing. I miss trying to study dragons. I miss early mornings before the sun had risen and during the spring I could sit on our steps and watch it rise in the east. I miss Camicazi's stupid and crazy ideas. I miss Fishlegs' sarcasm. I miss going to the Meathead Public Library. I miss trying to surf in the ocean with Fishlegs and Camicazi. I miss—I miss Berk!" Hiccup hadn't realized he was crying until Toothless used his wing to wipe a tear from Hiccup's cheek.
"It's going to be okay, Hiccup," said Wodensfang quietly.
"It always is," whispered Windwalker, a small smile creeping across his face.
"If it isn't it's not the e-e-end." Stammered Toothless, his large eyes looking up into Hiccup's face, they seemed to shine with sympathy and Hiccup held the small dragon in his arms and for once Toothless let the sign of compassion go. He licked Hiccup's cheek with his warm pink tongue.
Wodensfang sat on Hiccup's lap, he patted it gently with his wing. Windwalker sneaked his long neck around the trio encircling them in warmth. His head rested near Hiccup and he used the opportunity to give Hiccup a gentle lick on his face. Hiccup smiled at Windwalker, some color restoring to his pale face.
The four stayed like that, watching the morning sun come up slowly over the East. For a moment, there was no rebellion, there was no danger. It was just a morning on Berk; a beautiful sun chasing the darkness away.
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astridthevalkyrie · 6 years
I Knew You Were Trouble: Chapter 18
Modern AU. Jerkcup/Nerdstrid. After getting knocked out, Astrid could only hope that she was beginning to imagine things. Because being stuck with Hiccup Haddock for a week HAS to be a delusion...right? Rated T for language and sexual references.
There is a slight POV change in the beginning of this chapter, only because guest Troublemaker asked for a scene between Toothless and Dagur, and I loved the idea of it.
Chapter 17
He was shaking again.
Toothless didn’t want to be shaking, per se, but it was cold and he was scared and every time the red man wanted him to do something, he would take out his knife and tell him to do it. Toothless didn’t need the knife - by now, he would just do whatever it was, but the red man wouldn’t let up.
All he wanted to do was go back to the orphanage and be with everyone again.
But his eyes filled with tears at the thought. What if they wouldn’t come for him? He had never played like the other kids had, never jumped up and down or been responsive. They probably thought they were better off without him.
Toothless brought his knees to his chest and tried not to lean against the wall behind him because it felt like it would crack.
There was a couch near him that the red man was sitting on, and it reminded Toothless a lot of his dad’s couch, and it was like he was in the same situation. His parents would sit comfortably on the couches and the chairs but they always made him sit on the floor. And sleep on the floor.
Toothless was shaking violently now. He didn’t want that again. He wanted the orphanage. He wanted Stormfly’s loud morning greetings and Barf and Belch climbing on his back. He wanted Hookfang challenging him to an endless amount of races and Meatlug smiling when she offered to share her food with him. He wanted Astrid to lean down and hug him and muss up his hair. And he really really wanted Hiccup to talk to him about all the cool art he used to draw and what planes were like because Hiccup never made him talk. He let him do that on his own.
He didn’t want to be Nigel, he wanted to be Toothless.
The red man was whistling as he smoked, and then he turned his head to see him. “What are you sniffling about?”
Toothless didn’t answer, until the red man screamed the question. “Y-you’re gonna keep me here.”
“Oh, don’t be such a gloomy Gus. I’m not into having kids, wouldn’t really wanna keep you.” He grinned, leaning forward. “But you’re still lucky you’re not a girl.”
He didn’t know what that meant, but it sent shivers up his spine nonetheless.
He wanted to go home and never be near the red man again.
“All Hiccup has to do is pay off my debts with that hella rich father of his, and then utterly humiliate himself for a few weeks, maybe -” He licked his lips, and Toothless shuddered in disgust. “Maybe push Astrid Hofferson in here by mistake…”
“Leave Hiccup and Astrid alone,” Toothless said boldly, summoning what little courage he had at the moment.
The red man looked angry, and Toothless thought he would be hit or scraped with the knife, but all the man did was throw his head back and let out a howling laugh.
For some reason, it was worse than a punishment.
Camicazi swung a bat wildly, making Snotlout jump back and scowl at her. She grunted in disapproval, and then swung it at Hiccup, who stepped back and imitated his cousin.
“Hiccup, when will they get here?” Heather, who was leaning against a brick wall, asked. “Soon?”
“Soon,” he promised, gazing around to try and spot Astrid and her friends. “Are you sure you want to -”
Heather cut him off sharply. “He kidnapped a little kid, Hiccup. Brother or not, Dagur is crazy. He already killed Windshear, I’m not letting him kill Toothless too.” Her voice softened a little. “Especially because I see how much the kid means to you.”
Cami shoved him and wrapped an arm around Heather, who leaned into her shoulder and closed her eyes. Hiccup and Snotlout exchanged glances.
Truthfully, he’d much rather focus on Cami and Heather’s relationship than on his own. Okay, so maybe he shouldn’t have ignored Astrid for the most part that day. Maybe he had felt bad. But maybe she shouldn’t have been so quick to think that he would have, in any universe, helped Dagur take Toothless. It was like their week together had meant nothing at all.
“It’s a school night,” Snotlout whispered, “maybe that’s why Hotshot Hofferson isn’t coming.”
Hiccup scoffed. “Please. Astrid would set the school on fire if it meant getting Toothless back.”
Snotlout gazed at him oddly, raising a brow. “Astrid? Not Hotshot?”
Hiccup didn’t answer, turning around and looking out into the dark. Finally, he saw a small blue car - Fishlegs’ car, he was sure - with the four of them in in. As they got out, all of them looked deadly serious, but then again, so did his group.
Him and Astrid nodded curtly at each other.
“So?” Ruff hissed, wrapping her arms around herself. “Where’s the building?”
“A block away,” Heather said, all business now, “we want to avoid Dagur -”
“And make as little noise as possible. I don’t even think the building is stable,” Hiccup added as they started walking. “So no touching, either.”
“No touching,” Fishlegs repeated, with a significant look at the twins.
When they came to the two story building, Hiccup opened the glass door slightly. There were stain marks everywhere inside, and he didn’t want to look at the red ones.
If that bastard had harmed a hair on Toothless’s head....
Hiccup growled internally, before Astrid’s hand brushed against his, by mistake, most likely. He turned to look at her. She was pale.
Pale, yet looking more determined than he had ever seen her.
It took her a few seconds to realize that Hiccup’s fingers were brushing against her own, but when she did, she didn’t move them. There was something comforting about him, about his friends, who were rough-and-tumble and knew what they were doing.
But of course it was still scary to go into a lion’s den.
Astrid held his hand, and to her relief, he didn’t do anything but squeeze it gently. They didn’t look at each other, and it was dark enough that no one else would notice, but it still gave her confidence to take another step.
“He’s not on the first floor,” Tuff whispered, his eyes scanning around. “There are no more rooms, right, Hiccup? Everything was demolished, there’s no place to hide.
She felt Hiccup nod next to her, so she said, “Then he’s on the second floor. Let’s go.”
They were careful to not all trample up at once, because the stairs were rickety and no one wanted to break a leg.
Then they heard snoring.
“Son of a bitch,” Snotlout hissed, “we could have sent the police and they would have gotten the kid. He’s sleeping.”
“I’m glad we didn’t take that chance,” Heather said back quietly, “it doesn’t matter. Let’s get him and get out of here.”
“Where is he?”
“I don’t know. I can’t see…”
“There! On the floor!”
Astrid’s blood boiled as she ran forward. Toothless was sleeping as well, with his head on the floor and a frown on his face. There were no visible injuries from what she could see, but she couldn’t really judge with dim light and all his clothes still on.
Slowly, with Hiccup behind her, she scooped Toothless up in her arms. Hiccup leaned down until he was her height and kissed the smaller boy on the forehead.
“Let’s get him out of here,” he whispered.
But it just couldn’t have been that easy.
All of a sudden there was a crack, and the next thing Astrid knew, Heather was screaming. The floor had given out under her.
In a speed that she didn’t know Camicazi was capable of, the wild haired girl ran to the hole and slid on her belly to grab Heather’s hand before the rest of them could move even a muscle. She was groaning with the weight.
Heather’s scream had woken Toothless, who shouted as he woke up, thrashing. And consequently, Dagur woke up.
Hiccup stiffened as the red haired man sat up slowly, his eyes taking a few seconds to adjust. When he saw them, and Toothless, he snarled.
No one moved. Cami was still holding on to Heather’s hand, but she was staring at Dagur. They all were.
Dagur took a step forward, and Fishlegs took a step backwards, but it was the wrong move. He had been right next to the hole in the floor.
It cracked open some more, and both Heather and Camicazi slipped through the hole, falling with a scream. The twins sweared at the exact same time, with Tuffnut, who was closest to the stairs, rushing down, and Ruffnut pulling Fishlegs away. Dagur’s eyes blazed.
“Heather,” he said, growling, “Heather! You brought her here!”
“You brought a ten year old here!” Astrid shouted, and he turned his furious gaze on her. She wrapped her arms tightly around Toothless, who had realized who it was and was now holding back just as tightly.
If they moved, the floor could give way. If they stayed, Dagur would get them.
He was shaking with rage.
Hiccup kept a steady gaze on him, and called out, not taking his eyes away, “Heather! Camicazi! Are you two okay?”
In the millisecond they didn’t answer, Astrid’s heart thumped. But then there was a groan and a shout, and Cami called out, “We’re -”
“Heather’s unconscious, I’m calling an ambulance!” came Tuff’s voice, and everyone’s eyes widened. “Get out of there, now, you guys!”
Dagur glared, with his fists clenched. “Oh, I don’t think you’re going anywhere. No one hurts Heather and gets away with it.
“Dagur, be reasonable,” Ruffnut growled out lowly, as Fishlegs whimpered next to her. Neither of them made a move.
He chuckled, and with a motion so quick Astrid almost missed it, threw a knife at Toothless.
She shrieked as she turned without thinking, as Hiccup moved as quickly as he could to shove them all to the ground, and the knife pierced her right shoulder.
Astrid felt the pain, but not in an agonizing, burning way. It was more of a panicked frenzy; she wouldn’t be able to carry Toothless if her arm was of no use.
Toothless’s eyes widened as the knife clanged to the floor, and the white fabric of the sweater turned red. Hiccup growled in his throat, shouting out for Snotlout to help her up before grabbing the knife and running towards Dagur furiously.
“Hiccup! Don’t!”
Snotlout grabbed Toothless and held him as tightly as Astrid would want, and Fishlegs and Ruffnut came on her other side to help her up. Everything was becoming dizzy very quickly, and she was well aware that there was a lot of blood leaking out her shoulder.
But one thing was clear, Hiccup was fighting Dagur. Alone.
And if that moron thought that that was a good idea, he was worse than a jerk.
“Get Toothless out,” she gasped to Snotlout, trying to clear her head. “Go. Go!”
Toothless shook his head, terrified. “Astrid, no -”
“Go now, Snotlout!”
While he went down the stairs - carefully, she hoped - Astrid broke away from her friends’ grips and ran, with pain throbbing throughout her right arm as she went towards the brawl.
The knife had been knocked away from Hiccup, and now it was just a fistfight, with both boys bleeding in different places.
She knew the floor would crack before it did.
More of it gave out, and Astrid, in her dizzy state, prayed that Fishlegs and Ruffnut weren’t coming after her.
Dagur fell first. He tried throwing one last punch at Hiccup, who leaned backwards, looking worse than she had ever seen him. Before he could fall, Astrid tried sliding the way Cami had earlier, and while she succeeded in catching Hiccup, her arm began to scream in protest.
A horrifying cry of pain escaped her throat. Hiccup yelled out, pushing himself up as Dagur hit the floor with a thud, unconscious.
“Astrid!” he yelled, and she barely even registered it. “Astrid, why did you - why would you - ”
He cradled her arm, tearing off as much of his shirt as he could and tying it around her shoulder. Neither of them moved from the floor.
“You idiot,” fell out of both their mouths at the same time.
There was another crack, and Astrid clenched her fists, ready to fall, but the floor didn’t give out. With a fearful expression, she looked up, seeing the ceiling begin to crack open.
One single piece of debris fell, and began an avalanche.
“Hiccup!” she gasped out, but it was too late.
He launched himself over her, shielding her right arm most of all, and she had to witness the extreme look of agony that came over him when the debris began to fall.
As she fell unconscious for the second time in two weeks, the last thing Astrid heard was the loud siren of the ambulance.
I never have, and never will be, good at writing action scenes.
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      So...I did a thing. I wrote in on fanfiction.net a bit ago but I figured I owed it to everyone to bring it to Tumblr too because lets face it, there is NO POSSIBLE WAY poor Hiccup actually survived that year as an Outcast without his dragons. So I bring you angst and fluff and also !badly invented backstory Windwalker, because he needed more lines XD
Missing Year
Word Count: 2.153K
Rated: K+ {To be safe}
The full story viewable at  https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12324095/1/Missing-Year
           The trees seem to whisper in hushed tones before him, their branches waving ominously creating shadows of monsters at his feet. Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the Third shivered as a cold wind blew around him.  This night was especially cold in the archipelago, Hiccup hoped it was even too cold for search parties, though just as a precaution he had blown out the fire and was now laying curled up inside the Windwalker’s wings, waiting for another sleepless night. Toothless seemed the only one completely unaffected by the life of an outcast, his slept just as soundly as ever on Hiccup’s chest, gently blowing small smoke rings up into the night. The Wodensfang slept beside Hiccup, he seemed to have just drifted off and was snoring quietly, his old shriveled body curled up against the cold. The Windwalker stood over all of them, his head curling around them, his eyes were closed and Hiccup could feel his breathing slowing into the steady hum of sleep. Hiccup leaned was leaned against the Windwalker’s neck, using the soft scales as a pillow. He tried to follow the Windwalker’s slow breathing, desperately trying to lure his body into sleep. Just as he was closing his eyes his heart gave a frantic pumping, jolting him upright again, his vision blurry from the lack of sleep.
         Toothless seemed undisturbed by Hiccup’s sudden movement and continued to sleep on, his small body much like a warm boulder against Hiccup. Hiccup wished he could sleep as soundly as Toothless, but his mind seemed to think something very different and elected to wander into the darkness. Hiccup strained his eyes and peered into the looming shadows of the shallow cave they were sleeping in and out into the forest surrounding them. The trees whispered their quiet song and Hiccup peering into their depths. Was that an Alvinsman peering at him in the dark? Hiccup swore he could see a movement in the shadows. Were there more out there? Should he tell the dragons? Hiccup could feel his heart pounding faster and faster, his chest felt heavy and his breaths felt shorter. He panted, desperately trying to stay calm. Probably nothing. It’s just my mind playing tricks on me.
“Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the Third,” came a cool voice from the shadows, Hiccup jumped, desperately straining to see the speaker of the voice, he whirled desperately looking around the cave but there was no one. Impossible, Alvin must have a stealth dragon or something, he was here, Hiccup had heard him.
        Hiccup shook as he gazed around the cave, should he wake Wodensfang? He would know what to do right? Would he be mad Hiccup had woken him up? Probably. What could he do anyways? They were alone.
        Hiccup found himself shaking harder, he wished he were back on Berk, back home. He wished that he had just said goodnight to his father and was heading to bed, smuggling Toothless in his waistcoat. He wished that he was sitting in his own bed on Berk, Toothless asleep on his chest, as usual, a warm presence in the cold room. He wished that he could still hear the shouts of late night party goers heading home as he waited to fall asleep. He wished he could hear his father downstairs, maybe even his mother. He wished he could hear them talking, he wished he could hear the wood floors creaking with their footsteps.
           But that was gone. Berk had been burned to the ground by Furious’ troops, Hiccup’s childhood home was nothing more than a couple splinters now. He tore his mind away from the thoughts, desperately trying to focus on the current problem.
         There was someone here, there had to be, Hiccup had heard someone. But the more Hiccup peered into the darkness the more he felt that the voices and movement had been a figment of his imagination. He should sleep. It was late, Hiccup worried that the sun was only a few hours away from reaching the horizon. He laid his head down on Windwalker’s tail and closed his eyes desperately trying to sleep.
        To his relief, the world slowly faded to blackness as Hiccup closed his eyes. He could feel his breathing slowing into the slow drone of sleep. But the calming darkness didn’t stay for very long. Soon fire consumed him, his entire body felt hot, he looked down and saw that his legs had been consumed in a bright red flame, its fingers grabbing at his ratty old fire suit; it barely served as clothes anymore, the old suit was torn badly all over, the sleeves barely even existent. It was so worn out it offered little protection against the flame. Hiccup tried to move but found that he was tied to the tall wooden mast that was standing in the middle of the fire, slowly burning with him. Heavy metal chains were wrapped across the boy, their cold gray slowly turning to an orange as the flame burned brighter and brighter. Hiccup struggled, desperately trying to creep out from the chains but they held fast.
            He frantically scanned the world around him looking for someone to help but all he was greeted with was a plane of fire. He screamed, desperately crying for help. “Fishlegs? Camicazi? Toothless? Wodensfang? Windwalker” he yelled out into the blaze, but there was no response.
          He could feel himself blacking out from the heat, his skin burning in the fire. But just before the world faded he heard a voice, “They’re gone,” whispered the cold voice. “They’re dead.” There was cackle from behind him and he felt a hand close around his throat.
“Soon you’ll be joining them.” Came another voice, higher pitched and female. Hiccup knew that voice; Alvin and the Witch.
“Goodbye Hiccup.” Said Alvin above the crackling fire.
“NO!” Hiccup yelled, struggling against Alvin’s grasp. “NO, NO, NO!”          
But the burning inferno was gone. They were gone. Everything was gone.
“Hiccup!” He felt a claw against his face, “Hiccup!” came the voice again. “Hiccup wake up!”
       Hiccup opened his eyes, the Wodensfang was crouched over him, his old wrinkled brown face riddled with concern. The Windwalker hovered above him, his brow creased in soft lines of concern and Toothless sat on Hiccup’s chest, his large green eyes staring directly into Hiccup’s blue. Toothless’ eyes looked large and scared, in the dimly lit cave they seemed to emanate a soft green light. “H-h-hiccup? Are you a-a-alright?” his stammer seemed more prominent than normal as he spoke. His small body appearing to quiver and Hiccup wondered if it was because of him.
“Yes Toothless, I’m alright.” Hiccup said shakily, though he could still feel the fire against his skin.
“Are you quite sure, Hiccup?” Wodensfang’s old voice seem to have a bit of a quiver of its own. “You seemed quite ill only a moment ago …” The old dragon trailed off as he looked at Hiccup his eyes seeming to darken with an unknown understanding.
        Even the Windwalker, though he said nothing seemed to be worried for Hiccup. Hiccup himself wondered what he had done to cause them to worry so much. “Guys I’m alright.” He whispered, desperately trying to keep his voice level, “Really, I just had a bad dream, I didn’t mean to wake you all.”
“B-b-but you d-did.” Said Toothless, looking at him with those big green eyes, “Y-you woke us up because s-s-something’s wrong. T-toothless knows it.” Hiccup smiled weakly as Toothless seemed to be doing his very best to console him.
“Toothless, I’m okay. There’s no need to worry, really. It was just a bad dream.”
“Hiccup,” said Wodensfang slowly, “We’ve been out here nearly six months.” Again, the old dragon seemed to trail off in a sense of worry.
“And?” asked Hiccup
“Hiccup you’ve been alone for six months, on the run, practically trapped in a cave!” Wodensfang exclaimed with worry.
“I haven’t been alone,” said Hiccup, “You all are here.”
“Yes, but you haven’t been with other Vikings in ages, Hiccup. Is that even normal for a human? Hiccup humans are different than dragons!” Wodensfang seemed to be heading into one of his fits.
“It’s fine Wodensfang, besides it’s not like we can really go anywhere.” He laughed, a bit sarcastically, and Wodensfang raised an eyebrow at Hiccup’s exclamation.
“Hiccup I’m worried. Honestly, this situation is by no means good for anyone but humans are very different than dragons and I worry that you’re going to be sick Hiccup. It’s no surprise to anyone that this is the most stressful on you and being under that kind of pressure and torment for that long isn’t good for anyone.” Wodensfang was nearly hopping up and down in agitation at this point. All his spines were on edge with worry.
“Humans shouldn’t be alone.”
         They all turned the find the source of the voice. It was Windwalker who had spoken, his voice was soft and filled with a worry brought on by memories. “Back on the Lava-Lout islands, they had a few jailers there, Vikings to control us dragons. Many left and soon there was only one left, he stayed with us and tried to control us, he tried to keep the other prisoners there too. But as the months turned into years he started to go crazy. It was slow, but eventually, he-he- “the Windwalker stammered, his voice growing softer, “he slit his own throat and then we were alone.
“I left shortly after that, many of the remaining prisoners did. The island was abandoned for many years, of course then Alvin the Treacherous took over a few years later—but you already know that story.” The Windwalker shook as he finished the story. Clearly, the words were bringing back harsh memories.
Hiccup gulped, he had never known that the jailkeeper had gone insane. He shuddered the think what it must’ve been like on that island. “But he couldn’t speak Dragonese, right Wodensfang?” Hiccup asked, his voice growing soft in the early hours of the day.
“No.” The Windwalker admitted, “but he wasn’t being hunted by the entire archipelago either.”
“Windwalker has a point.” Said Wodensfang after a long time. “We’re worried, Hiccup. We know that something is wrong and it’s okay.” Hiccup shrugged weakly, though the burned sensation had worn off he still felt weakened since the dream.
“I just—I miss home I guess.” He mumbled, “I miss Berk, I miss my father, I even miss Gobber’s classes! I miss having to get up and go out in the freezing cold to go fail at being a Viking. I miss Fishlegs, I miss sitting with him after class. I miss having days off and taking Toothless to go play with Fishlegs and Horrowcow. I miss visiting wild dragon cliff. I miss writing. I miss trying to study dragons. I miss early mornings before the sun had risen and during the spring I could sit on our steps and watch it rise in the east. I miss Camicazi’s stupid and crazy ideas. I miss Fishlegs’ sarcasm. I miss going to the Meathead Public Library. I miss trying to surf in the ocean with Fishlegs and Camicazi. I miss—I miss Berk!” Hiccup hadn’t realized he was crying until Toothless used his wing to wipe a tear from Hiccup’s cheek.
“It’s going to be okay, Hiccup.” Said Wodensfang quietly.
“It always is.” Whispered Windwalker, a small smile creeping across his face.
“If it isn’t it’s not the e-e-end.” Stammered Toothless, his large eyes looking up into Hiccup’s face, they seemed to shine with sympathy and Hiccup held the small dragon in his arms and for once Toothless let the sign of compassion go. He licked Hiccup’s cheek with his warm pink tongue.
Wodensfang sat on Hiccup’s lap, he patted it gently with his wing. Windwalker sneaked his long neck around the trio encircling them in warmth. His head rested near Hiccup and he used the opportunity to give Hiccup a gently lick on his face. Hiccup smiled at Windwalker, some color restoring to his pale face.
The four stayed like that, watching the morning sun come up slowly over the east. For a moment, there was no rebellion, there was no danger. It was just a morning on Berk; a beautiful sun chasing the darkness away.
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