diemon · 1 month
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˗ˏˋ 💜 」 —— " get over here , you . " claws steal the glass in uriah's hand , throwing back his drink of choice as if she could taste . performative drinking was one of her many talents . she even simulate the way the throat moved as it swallowed .
with his drink out of the way , there would be no other excuse, " you're all mine . ♥ "
and without the decency to ask , evelynn tosses his drink aside and drags him out to the dance . she's bored , and sure she doesn't care much for music . . . but she loves the discomfort of a hot , sweaty dance .
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epilvgue · 2 months
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「𝔟𝔞𝔫𝔤 𝔟𝔞𝔫𝔤!」- People had been coming and going from the fields for hours now as the Fanalean residents and others from Arcanus City, Echos and native people's alike, all came, had their fun, and moved on to other activities. This included the farmers and their farm hands, many taking turns in rotation for making sure that everything was going smoothly, helping where help was needed, or selling their own wares to commemorate the start of spring. The sky was clear and air was crisp, still slightly chilly but not as bad as it had been during the winter season. All sorts of flora was budding and blossoming anew while those creatures who slept through the dreary months began to rouse themselves back to life.
Right now, dressed in a casual pair of jeans and a white button up, Vash was grinning ear to ear as he was surrounded by people talking and watched over a number of people picking from the many strawberry bushes. Several children were full of dirt, finding it more fun to play in the soil than to collect the ripe red fruits.
Vash was more than glad to see everyone enjoying themselves. However, something caught his eye enough to turn his head. He had just heaved up a crate full of the berries and was walking it over to a long table that had been set up with various boxes and bowls of water for washing and packaging when he noticed one man just milling about. He wasn't sitting in the field or any of the provided benches, he wasn't perusing wears or in the field picking berries, he didn't seem to be sipping any drink - the guy just seemed to be observing. Not like that was a crime or anything, but…
Well… sticking his nose where he didn't belong was one of the things he did best…
The Plant wandered over to the other man, the crate heavy in his arms as he held it by the handles on either side. He smiled. "Hey there friend, ya need some sort'a help?"
Maybe he was lost or looking for someone. Intuition told him the guy was probably an 'Echo', like he was.
@cagedfreedom || amity celebration starter
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bvrriers · 6 months
@cagedfreedom / starter call
If there was anything that Ito disliked, it was being told he shouldn't go somewhere or shouldn't do something. Honestly, all it did was encourage a rebellious streak that was already miles long. Besides, he was 19. Nearly an adult by Japanese standards. He also knew how to fight - confidence had never been a problem for the young man. He knew he was strong, he knew that he
To the Rosewood District it was.
The place was vibrant and yet also much darker than he had expected. He supposed that it was comparable to back alleys or red light districts. Things boiling just below societies surface. Every city needed to have some place like that, it seemed. A place where all of those unsavory things could bubble up and out so that the entire place didn't fall into chaos. He had managed to sneak into places a few times in the past but he never got very far before someone pegged him as being underage and he was promptly tossed out. ….So here, he'd try to keep to the streets. Just some kid who accidentally wandered into a place he shouldn't be.
Casino's, bars, clubs. There were plenty of interesting things… but there were also bouncers outside of basically every door to check and make sure. However, soon enough he found an opening. While the bouncer was busy, he slipped into a place simply called The Pub.
Now, he had never actually been inside of a bar before. It was an assault on the senses but he kept his head low and worked to find somewhere to sit.
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fellstcr · 6 months
⚔️ // this day , it seemed the local tea shop was rather full of patrons from all across the isles. byleth chalked it up to the winter festivities all around downtown arcanus. and as such , the isles were filled with tea-goers of all shapes and sizes. so much so that it seemed the employees here could not quite keep up with the demand.
one such worker had been drawn away from another guest nearby byleth , who observed the crowd and the hasty chaos of the store all around her with a keen eye. ( her ear picked up the faintest machinations of a search for a specific kind of tea. a blend that she had eyed on several occasions now in her personal quest to stock her own collection. )
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byleth stepped towards the man she had noticed. "excuse me. you ... said you were looking for the lavender blends , right? i can show you. since they're busy."
@cagedfreedom / starter for jade ! <3
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cagcdlxve · 1 day
⋆˙⟡ Her Music Box
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She hadn't been expecting it to come back. Especially not now. It was the one item she'd longed for the most. It was her greatest comfort in her darkest times. The song it played reminded her every day that she did have friends. It gave her hope she could be more than her purpose. That her heart could be free.
And there she saw it. On the table beside her bed.
She rubbed her eyes thinking it was a dream. With trembling hands, she reached out to touch it. She reeled when she made contact, realizing that it was absolutely real. Quickly, she took the little thing close to her chest.
Opening it she heard that familiar song. The lullaby she knew so well, though she did not know where it was from.
Just where the box was. She felt a flash of pain in her mind as fog and memory swirled in her head. She... she always held onto this one thing. No matter what Mother Elouisa had ordered her to abandon, no matter what Master Phineas tried to erase. She knew what he was doing too, she gave up her will in those places, but not here.
She'd never forget her first friends. She'd never let them go... that was the moment she knew what it felt like. To just be accepted and wanted for herself. Something she couldn't have anywhere else.
It didn't take her long for the pain and the emotions to overwhelm her as she covered her face in arms and wept till she fell asleep to the song of her music box, wondering where that friend was now... U̸̻̚͝r̵͙̰̈́̅î̷̡̠̀a̸̧̯̠̻͒͋̐h̸͚̺͂ ̵̬̦͋̄͒͝C̶͖̩̒̑͆͠ř̸̼̏̕͠e̸̙͇̓̈́̀ͅd̸̩͚̹́̅
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flameindream · 2 months
The Fanalean Fields were always pleasant, fresh air and the scent of morning dew—and it's even more ideal with its inhabitants out in the spirit of merrymaking. Grimm sports a fancy white shirt and softly colored pink and orange spring flowers donned upon his head, smiling carefree as he clutches his zephyr lily wine. He flits between making small talk with a few locals and glancing to those dancing about the green fields, the sight appearing more like a colorful fae ballet with all these flowers and long dresses and exuberant laughter.
Oh, how the Troupe Master wishes to join in... Imagine that he, the clearly loved celebrity that he is, being without a dance partner! Unthinkable. But it won't be hard to find one, no. After a quick glimpse of the current pickings, Grimm spots a fine looking white haired man all on his lonesome, a pointy grin taking over his face.
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"Much more enjoyable than that freezing excuse for a winter festival, is it not?" the creature utters after darting over, inserting himself into Uriah's personal space probably a little too much. "So hard did I try to involve myself, but the winds had bit at my poor wings... and now a blessing comes upon us! The sun gentle, caressing... the floral aroma carried by the air, and so too has the life returned in us all. Why do you lurk alone, my friend? The festivities wait for you, and plenty willing am I to accompany."
And Grimm raises his glass to take a long sip of the fragrant wine, staring expectantly.
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aevummarket · 8 days
And I believe last but not least, let's purchase an unlock for Uriah. I'd like to unlock Uriah's electric manipulation! You can find his currency under /statscurrency.
When you awaken, you feel rekindled. As though some small piece of you has assembled itself back together….
You can now Manipulate Electricity from technology.
ABILITY UNLOCK 500 Emblems ALL Abilities and Items listed on a Muse’s application can be bought back at any time. Application unlocks are limited to two (2) abilities/items per Activity Check without exception.
— 🏵️ Creo
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magnusmodig · 6 months
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THOR TALKS ABOUT ... / @cagedfreedom / Accepting ! ╰┈➤ 5 . someone they've forgiven.
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❝ 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐇𝐔𝐌𝐀𝐍𝐒 𝐀𝐑𝐄 𝐓𝐑𝐔𝐋𝐘 𝐒𝐊𝐄𝐏𝐓𝐈𝐂𝐀𝐋 beings, ❞ thor said , idly swirling the contents of the clear glass in his hand. the sting of alcohol burned the back of his throat , and a deliciously familiar swirling had overtaken his mind , as though his head were just beginning to swim through a lake of honey. in this state , his words flowed a tad more freely from him.
❝ indeed , YOU remind me of a man i know. nick fury. truly he is the most skeptical of any mortal i have met. ❞ he was a man who wore many masks and many disguises. one who distrusted the many beings that lived beyond earth's stars ( starting with , including , and surely not limited to thor himself even now , thor was certain. ) and even his own champions even less.
why does S.H.I.E.L.D. need weapons of mass destruction? the weight of the silence that followed was insurmountable. thor , felt it weighing heavy even upon him , though nothing could have prepared him for the swivel of arm and shoulder as a finger was pointed ... directly at thor's own chest. because of HIM.
( though then earth had been better , safer , QUIETER , before thor had set foot on its soil again. ... so perhaps in bitter truth , fury had been right. )
❝ he is a good man though. one who holds his home and its safety in high esteem. so in that manner of speaking , it is not a wholly bad trait to have yourself — the skepticism. ❞
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mischiefmodig · 6 months
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the agency of it all \ / @cagedfreedom \ / "They should have asked first."
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❝ Some believe that stripping one of the ability to choose brings about a happier existence. ❞ Almost 9 years ago, he was the one uttering that same belief among a crowd of those unfortunate enough to be caught in his wake. ( 'Is this not your natural state' ) Is it not easier to submit to others than stand on your own? Some were meant to be kings, while others stayed at their feet.
Perhaps for some, Loki was not one of those. To rise above, and keep rising above was his life's great ambition. And yet reflecting upon them now, what had he really gained at all? It was far too late for him to be satisfied with blissful ignorance; curiosity was his greatest weakness. But there was nothing more miserable than knowledge.
❝ Why would they ask if they knew what was best for you all along? ❞
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hollywoodarizona · 4 years
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Smoker 👄 Lips pucker up Buttercup daddy’s coming home tonight! My entire live I do lip curls when singing dancing and so on!!!! It’s just who I am!!!! #cagedfreedom #4x4 #smokerlips #spifi.me2 #anchorcustomcoatings #empiremarketing https://www.instagram.com/p/B-fnwn0FLhs/?igshid=9yo39fqg73md
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diemon · 4 months
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˗ˏˋ 💜 」 ——  mortals put a lot of stock in symbolism , and yet they don't even question its fallibility . take roses , for example . in the demacian tradition , it was commonplace to exchange a rose as a sign of affection . . . beautiful , if but for a week . but the noxians got it right , for roses ( like all things ) rot , and sting , and lose its color . . . and when you no longer can stand its sight , you throw that shit right into the trash .
the rosewood district took its namesake to another level : the facade was alluring , glowing with invitation ; however , stay long enough and a person could see that underneath the beauty . . . its enjoyment was temporary . and thats why evelynn loved this place . sex , money , murder , booze ; vice was nectar to the demons .
and the regulars weren't half bad too . ♥
" i've seen you around here before . you back for more action , darling ?? "
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THE E"SCAPE" (110) Untitled #monochrome #bw #blackandwhite #originalphotographers #avenon28mmf35ltm #avenon #avenonkohiki #vintagelens #leicalens #epsonrd1s #series #fish #ocean #myphotography #theescape #fishes #freedom #japan #aquarium #aquariums # #waterfront #seaside #oceansidetown #seasidetown #naturelife #countryside #tropicalfish #watertank #cagedfreedom (志摩マリンランド)
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The Box and the Victimized Persons
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The box is the culprit of self-destruction of highly victimized persons. It forces them to compromise damagingly until they hurt themselves or continue to allow other to hurt them. This is a harsh truth that people often overlook. An understanding of The Box and our emotions alleviates the suffering. The problem intensifies as feelings of being a victim begin to overcome us from being steadily or horribly abused by The Box.  We begin to set up rules in our mind about who or what we can and cannot trust.  Sometimes these rules are so broadly defined that we can begin to have one or more of the following senses of victimization—when we are owned by certain hatreds or fears such as the list below: Hate/fear all men or all women Hate/fear school or teachers Hate/fear bosses or all authority figures Hate/fear the dark or anything like it Hate/fear giving speeches in public Hate/fear social settings or certain kinds Hate/fear doctors or hospitals or dentists Hate fear parent mom, dad, or both Hate/fear physical pain or things that cause it Hate/fear money or lack of it Hate/fear tests or quizzes Hate/fear certain animals or insects Hate/fear being alone or being with others Hate/fear certain places or activities Hate/fear of being criticized or found out, and etc. (the mind can create many hatreds and fears) Why We Develop Hate and Fear? You might be thinking that at one time or another we all developed such fears or hatreds–and that can be true.  But, what we are talking about—in the case of victimized thinking or victimized feelings—are thoughts and feelings so interwoven that a person is owned by this web-like hold rather than approaching things in a healthy way. Victimized persons are in The Box almost constantly—and they help keep it in place when it causes them to rely on coping skills that (most times) are not normal behavior strategies.  In fact, when highly victimized persons are present we tend to wonder why they act in such ways. Their choices for reacting to things can be categorized into the following: too emotional, not emotional enough, not appropriate for the situation, or happening far too soon or far too late.  Remember, they are owned by The Box in some kind of complex and strong way, and have become victims of corresponding (deeply held) thoughts and feelings—their own Box. The feelings associated with victimized thinking are often so robust that the victim develops a need to create ways to offset them.  Self-medication is a strategy whereby a person uses food, drugs, or alcohol to drown out the feelings. Self-destruction is another strategy whereby a person tears himself down, places himself in situations to fail, or gravitate to causing mental or physical harm to himself—sometimes suicide. Also, drawing attention is another strategy whereby a person knows things are not right (perhaps unconsciously) and does things to cause people to pay attention to them.  Hiding out is still another strategy whereby a person becomes reclusive or shrinks from building social relationships, even to the point of pulling away from family members and friends.  Remember, highly victimized persons lost control of their lives—as others controlled them frequently and abusively. The Box trampled their free will. Now they are simply trying to survive as comfortably as possible, even if they rely on strange ways of dealing with things. Therefore, we need to help those who feel or act like victims – not ridicule them or add to their woes.  If they are truly overwhelmed in this way, they need professional help – and our compassion.     Read the full article
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fellstcr · 6 months
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byleth talks about .... / @cagedfreedom / accepting ! ↳ someone they view as a mentor
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⚔️ // "...my father , jeralt , taught me a great deal when he was alive. we used to be mercenaries by trade, so everything that i learned about combat and strategy , i learned from him. he was a well seasoned warrior , and he taught well. it's thanks to him that i learned how to survive in any situation , and that i can pass that knowledge down to my students in turn , so that they may survive as well."
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cagcdlxve · 1 month
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listennn I just had a thought u3u spring babies!
please do not reblog/repost, except for @cagedfreedom
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ronfather · 7 years
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'merica. #fuji #fujifilm #fujix100t #fujiframez #baldeagle #tulsazoo #tulsa #tulsaok #zoo #bird #america #usa #cagedfreedom (at Tulsa Zoo)
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