#cad conversion
george430 · 11 months
Cad Conversion Services In USA
Let's introduce the process of CAD conversion by converting a scan-based drawings, design, PDF and data on paper from one CAD file format to another.
We deliver high quality based CAD conversion services by redrafting the drawings with reference to original hard copies for real estate & architects.
To know more about our services on CAD Conversion, kindly go through our website link to learn more. Cad Conversion Services In USA
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shalin-designs · 21 days
CAD Design and Drafting Service Provider in Australia
At Shalin Designs, we understand the power of a clear vision. Whether you're an architect crafting a masterpiece or an engineer shaping the future, your ideas deserve to be brought to life with precision and detail. That's where our expertise in Computer-Aided Design (CAD) comes in.
We are a leading CAD design and drafting service provider in Australia, dedicated to empowering businesses and individuals across various industries. Our highly skilled and certified professional team utilizes the latest CAD software to translate your concepts into accurate, functional, and visually stunning 2D and 3D models.
Why Choose Shalin Designs for Your CAD Needs?
Unmatched Expertise: Our team boasts extensive experience in a wide range of CAD applications, ensuring we can handle projects of any complexity and scale.
Precision and Accuracy: We prioritize meticulous attention to detail, delivering models that meet the most rigorous engineering and architectural standards.
Enhanced Communication: Leverage the power of CAD to effectively communicate your ideas with stakeholders, clients, and collaborators.
Streamlined Workflow: Our streamlined CAD processes guarantee efficient project completion, keeping you on time and within budget.
Unwavering Commitment: We believe in building strong partnerships with our clients. We are here to understand your unique vision and provide exceptional service throughout the entire design process.
Our Diverse CAD Services
2D Drafting: Produce detailed and dimensionally accurate technical drawings for manufacturing, construction, and other applications.
3D Modeling: Create realistic and interactive 3D models that bring your ideas to life, allowing for design visualization, prototyping, and virtual walkthroughs.
Building Information Modeling (BIM): Develop intelligent 3D models containing comprehensive building data to optimize design, construction, and facility management.
CAD Conversion: Seamlessly convert existing legacy drawings into modern CAD formats, ensuring compatibility with current software and workflows.
Partner with Shalin Designs and Experience the Advantage
Shalin Designs is your one-stop shop for all your CAD design and drafting needs in Australia. We are passionate about using our expertise to transform your vision into a tangible reality. Contact us today for a free consultation and discover how our CAD services can empower your next project.
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monarchinnovation · 11 months
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cados-blog · 1 year
Paper-based drawings or any other format like pdfs don’t permit design modifications. Furniture designers struggle to modify designs or change revise/update them with paper-based design database. Even pdfs aren’t enough. Converting these paper-based formats to CAD drawings and models give an edge to furniture manufacturers as well as designers. Check out this blog to know more benefits of CAD for furniture manufacturers.
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daftpatience · 7 months
omg your draluc nenodroid is so cute, was he easy to make? its so genius, i wanna make my own blorbo dress up dolls
nendoroid dolls are very easy to make!! draluc had some extra steps cus i painted his body but here are some guides and some doll bodies that people often use for their nendoroid heads:
obitsu11 bodies are really popular and fairly easy to get. they do need a neck peg alteration and there are a few tutorials online [1] [2] for how to do it! (i can't seem to find it now but if anyone can find the one that uses cut up plastic credit cards to replace the connecting part i'd love that as reference as it's the most sturdy one imo)
nendoroid dolls are a little smaller and very easy to put together since they're the same brand and meant for this use. as a note: they're kinda flimsy!! and imo the proportions arent as cute as other dolls. too tiny of hands
ninimal (a very good clothes shop for obitsuroids/nendoroid dolls you WILL get sucked in by all their tiny cute things) also has a ninibody (this is the one draluc has!) that is a bit taller and slimmer.
there are also nowadays a few different kinds of ball jointed dolls that are compatible with nendoroids! the way the S hook and elastic attach is already compatible with the hole left in the neck joint. off the top of my head there's UFDoll 1.0, UFDoll 2.0 (with toonier limbs) and bonbon galaxy's 1/12 dolls that come in human as well as three different styles of anthro plus mermaids and taurs!
on top of that there are all these really cute blind box bjds out there that you could take apart to use for nendoroids, and they even already come with outfits and everything!
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piratespencil · 1 year
God… listening to ep 129 and 130… I’m getting so emotional about the way the Nein are getting their affairs in order. Saying goodbyes.
It’s about Veth and Jester promising Yeza and Marion that they’ll come back alive, but you know that they don’t really believe it. It’s about Caduceus telling his sister that he doesn’t think he’ll come back, but he’d like his name somewhere in the Grove if his family doesn’t get his body back.
It’s about the rest of the Nein not having anyone to say goodbye to like this, because they are already each other’s closest family. It’s about wondering if it’s better to have people you love and have to leave, or to go to your death with the people you love most at your side.
It’s Veth saying this is the last time. It’s Caduceus saying it has to be me because I don’t want it to be you.
These episodes are really hitting so hard.
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janitorjuliann · 10 months
also i have absolutely nothing against orym n ashton as a pairing, far from it! i think theyre a great dynamic! but im also extremely attached to liam and taliesin CONSISTENTLY maintaining a flirty yet hostile, tense yet trusting, full of potential yet always unfulfilled, relationship across every single one of their characters. if they actually hooked up in game it would feel like the end of an eight year game and im not willing to lose
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chaos-and-recover · 7 days
Being normal about the new summer Sleep Token merch from Impericon because shipping to Canada is like $80 lmfao.
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@zephyrus77 I wasn’t sure I had good enough pictures to work with the generator, but this turned out pretty cool! (And the randomly generated phrase is perfect)
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uniquescadd · 1 month
CAD to BIM: Biggest Evolution in the AEC Industry
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The expanding horizon of technology has transformed the face of the AEC industry, with the introduction of CAD services and the revolution of CAD to BIM services. With help from CAD to BIM services, AEC professionals can produce efficient and accurate project outcomes. Explore the evolution of the AEC industry with CAD to BIM services.
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catsandrandomness · 1 year
A golden moment I forgot in the wake of Nott and Caleb's backstory clash the first go around:
Fjord: What about the one that studies history? You ever met a bunch of really dangerous historians?
Beau, deadpan: Yeah, yeah I have
Fjord: what do I know man I'm a fucking sailor.
Caduceus: If you all don't stop arguing I'm gonna turn this cart right around!
I don't know if you were arguing I just always wanted to say that
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canadian-riddler · 9 months
I've always wanted to go to Rome but I'm scared of the pickpockets
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shalin-designs · 1 year
Affordable CAD conversion services from Shalin Designs. We offer a fast and reliable service that will get your files converted quickly and accurately. Contact us today to learn more!
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evilpenguinrika · 3 months
looking through the cute and cool outfits on the mog station with a forlorn look because damn the USD to CAD conversion breaks my little gremlin heart
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What you thought was a one night stand with Bane turns into a two night stand. As per usual I can’t write summaries but yeah, this follows “Seeing Double.”
The usual warnings, F/M, P in V, P in A, just everywhere, dub-con (gotta throw that one in there), spanking, delay/denial, restraints,swearing, jealousy, toxic relationship, seriously not healthy, thank god for fiction, my lovely trash writing style, self-indulgent x100, minimal to no proofreading, written while sleep deprived, Cad’s an ass and I’ll stand by that.
This was actually inspired by an offhand comment from my husband, which made me feel a lot better about my figure. So I had to write it out.
As a side note, in no way shape or form is this body shaming on anyone. It’s more of a way for me to process and continue learning how to appreciate this body I have to pilot around.
The Duros is back.
You almost tripped and dropped the tray of clean(ish) glasses when you noticed the familiar broad hat, lean leather covered form, and long knobby blue fingers.
Remembering what those fingers can do…
Dazed, you freeze in the middle of the busy carina as memories from the last…encounter crash through your mind. The things he did your body again, and again, again.
Cad Bane tips his hat back, runs his scorching gaze up and down your frame, and smirks. One large hand reaches for a toothpick, places it between hairline thin lips, and gestures you over.
Taking a deep breath you carefully place the glasses down, card a nervous hand through your hair, and saunter over to the hunter. It doesn’t hurt to add a bit of swing to your step, a little extra sway to your hips, and his smirk broadens.
“We’ll hello dere li’l lady, looks like ya remember ol’ Cad Bane,” his deep modulated voice rasping around the breathing apparatus.
“You’re a hard man to forget Bane.” As a smirk of your own flits across your lips.
The Duros removes the toothpick from his mouth and takes another long look, his red eyes taking in your warm, mammalian curves, taking note of your flushed cheeks and slightly parted lips.
“Gotta’ be hard ta be good doll.”
You’re entire body warms under his scrutiny as you inhale sharply. Memories of his unique anatomy, and how it had fuzzed every coherent thought from your head, parade through your thoughts.
Bane grins. “How ‘bought ya close up shop early an’ let me remind ya how much ya like these Duros cocks.”
A blush stains your cheeks as your core clenches. But no, you tell yourself firmly, the money is more important than acting like some bounty hunter’s booty call…barely.
“Sorry Bane, but I need the credits more than I need dick. You’re going to have to wait, I’ll send one of the droids over with a drink.” You throw him a cheeky wink and saunter off, making sure your hips sway with every step.
Cad Bane growls around his drink. It’s a low noise, rattling deep from his chest. That little minx, thinking she’s got the upper hand. He gets what he wants, and right now he wants to fuck the smirk right off that pretty little mouth.
He watches her stroll away, watches every other eye in the bar take an appreciative glance at her plush hips, round ass, and deep cleavage. Hell, he can SMELL the arousal pouring off the cantina clientele as she walks by. He’s halfway tempted to take her now, on the bar, and let every sleemo in this joint know who she belongs to. Spread her open so every lowlife scoundrel can see her shudder and clench…dripping for him, ONLY him.
The doors open, breaking his train of thought, and a gaggle of tipsy females of various races stagger through the door. A lean Twi’lek, listing slightly, makes a beeline for the hunter’s empty booth. Bane watches her, appraising the situation. This could work well.
A cruel smile twists across his face, revealing sharp canines. That little minx is gonna learn some better manners.
Just an hour left to go. Just. One. Hour. Your mind is chaos as you attempt to keep up with the late night rush of inebriated customers and try NOT to think about what the bounty hunter will do to you after the last drunk is kicked out.
A shiver of apprehension rolls down your spine. Bane isn’t the type of creature you say no to. If he’s really pissed you might be spending the night getting yourself off. But he most of anyone should understand the need for credits…hopefully.
During a lull in the press of bodies at the bar you glance at the corner booth where the hunter was sitting and go rigid with shock.
The lanky blue Duros is still there, relaxing, with a thin Twi’lek practically sitting in his lap. Her hands trace lazy patterns down his leather trench and he dips his head, to murmur something in her ear. She giggles, it’s a high pitched sound.
Rigidly you tear your gaze away from the sight before you. You know he’s doing this as retaliation for turning him down earlier but it still hurts. Physically the Twi’lek is your exact opposite, all lean muscle and narrow hips. Exactly like Bane.
Cursing under your breath you resume your job, pointedly ignoring the dark booth and the asshole sitting there.
Bane watches her from under the brim of his hat while the Twi’lek prattles drunken nonsense in his ear. That minx behind the bar is pissed, that’s for sure. Her normally fluid movements are stiffer, the casual teasing and flirting with the clientele seems forced.
Perfect. Time to rile her up some more.
He pushes the body next to him roughly. The Twi’lek squeaks in surprise.
“Time ta go missy.”
“Where we goin’ big boy?” she slurs.
“I ain’t goin’ no where, you are.”
With that he pulls out one elegant LL-30 blaster and fires two shots above the crowd. The silence after is deafening.
“Everybody OUT” he rasps.
He meets your furious gaze “I’ve got business with tha bartender.”
That cruel smirk crawls across his face, fangs flashing in the dim light as he settles back into the booth.
He’s already hard.
You’ve never been so pissed in your life.
Pushing past the rush of bodies quickly exiting the bar, you storm up to the Duros reclining with his hat tipped back.
“You ARROGANT cocky son-of-bi…..all over some skinny ass Twi’lek….Why don’t you just fuck off with her and NOT WRECK MY BAR!” It’s hard to string a coherent sentence together.
Bane tilts his head. Interesting, he’d expected her to be mad about the blaster marks but she seems more riled up about the Twi’lek. She’s yelling right now, but not in the way he wants her yelling. Time to fix that.
Bane steps up to you and you meet his deep red eyes. Emotions boil over and you reach a hand back to slap him.
Should have remembered what happened the last time you tried that.
Quicker than humanly possible Bane catches your wrist.
“Bad move li’l lady.”
Before you have time to sputter out a reply the bounty hunter is behind you and has your wrists trapped in a set of his bracers behind your back.
“What the FUCK Bane! Not the fucking time for thi….”
A gag is forced through your teeth, cutting off your tirade.
“No more a that now.”
The Duros steps back around in front of you, grinning and the enraged expression in your eyes. He leans in, breath brushing against your neck.
“Gonna teach ya some manners princess, not polite ta ignore ol’ Cad Bane when he comes all this way ta see ya.”
You can’t do anything but glare at him. At least until he hoists you up and unceremoniously dumps you on the table. Your breath leaves your lungs in a huff as he arranges your body to his liking. Ass on the cold table, sitting up facing him, with your legs dangling towards the floor.
The Duros wastes no time, pulling down the straps of your dress and yanking the bottom up from under your ass. Now it’s just a wrinkled band of fabric arouind your middle. Your undergarments are next, torn if half in his haste to get them off. He steps back to admire his work.
You’re exposed, cuffed, and gagged glaring up at the hunter. He pushes your torso back until your leaning on your bound elbows.
You have never been so mad.
“Much betta’”
You have never been so turned on.
Cad Bane is not one to waste time. He looms over you, broad hat shading his face from the bar lights, and places one massive hand on each thigh, spreading them open. You clench your legs together, determined to make it as difficult as possible for him.
He chuckles and overpowers you easily, holding open your soft thighs.
“Well look at’chu li’l lady, already drippin’ fer me.”
Your feel your face flush deeply, humiliated at how your body responded to his rough treatment.
“Now princess, you’ve been a li’l minx tanight, flauntin’ that ass” he gives it a squeeze hard enough to bruise “those tits” he gropes your breast, engulfing it in one massive hand “that sweet, warm little body.” His right hand moves closer to your soaked sex.
“Gonna make sure ya got your priorities straight.”
He pushes two long, knobby digits into your soaked cunt. You’re wet enough where he slides in with ease, and a rattle emits from his chest in appreciation.
Every damn time. Those damn fingers get you every. Damn. Time. Your back arches and a moan vibrates against the gag in your mouth. Anger slips away and those thick digits send sparks up your spine as his fingers reach deeper than any other species has been able to.
Bane sets to work, pounding into you until white flickers at the edge of your vision and your arousal is pooling on the table. Your walls clench, and the heat in your groin coils tighter and tighter. A couple more thrusts, a couple more taps against that sweet spot deep inside your cunt and…
He pulls his fingers from you completely.
The needy whine you make around the gag is even more humiliating than your obvious arousal. He sneers at you as your cunt clenches on nothing. Tears prick at the corners of your eyes.
“Gonna be a good girl now princess?”
Shit. Good girl? Why does that cause your entire body to tighten up? You swallow the excess saliva dripping behind the gag. Wide eyed you nod.
“That’s right” he rumbles as he reaches behind your head to remove it.
The gag drops the the table and he shoves his fingers back into your throbbing cunt. Working his hand he pumps into you hard, while his thumb comes up to circle your clit. His other hand grasps and kneads the supple flesh of your breast.
Your climax hits hard and fast, swamping your body with pleasure as your cunt clenches around his pounding fingers. Back arched, braced against your still bound arms, a guttural moan is torn from your throat as slickness soaks your thighs.
Panting and whimpering you come down from your high and dimly watch the bounty hunter remove his blasters, unbuckle his belt and pull out his alien anatomy.
Those twin cocks, stacked one on top of the other, blue, and achingly hard. He begins to stroke upper one, mixing your juices dripping from his hand with the pre-cum leaking from the tip.
“I wanna see dat ass princess, roll over.”
Awkwardly, struggling with your bound wrists, you manage to roll over. Your face and chest are now pressed into table, legs supporting your lower half, ass presented to the hunter.
You spread your legs as wide as you can, exposing your dripping cunt and tight ass to him. The cool table beneath you feels divine against your overheated skin. It’s always like this, the little voice in your head reminds you, you’re always the one shaking and gasping and WET, exposed and presented to the Duros like a damn feast.
But somehow you can’t say no. Can’t stay angry.
“Good girl” he rattles behind you, and watches your cunt clench at his words.
Cool fingers trail through the slick leaking from your core and smear it around the tight ring of muscle. Your entire body twitches.
His other hand cracks across the meat of your ass, hard, as he slips one finger into your ass.
“That’s fer tellin’ me ta leave with a damn Twi’lek.”
You’d completely forgotten about the Twi’lek.
Another smack, another finger slipped inside.
“Ain’t gonna fuck no bony ass, I want it soft” Smack “thick” Smack “plusssssh” SMACK.
The last word comes out as a hiss, a warning. Your cunt throbs with every hit, and the slick between your thighs gets wetter.
One hand kneads the hot tender flesh of your ass while he starts to scissor his fingers, buried deep inside it.
“I like me a mammal li’l lady, curves and warmth. A nice pillow ta pound into.”
All you can do it gasp for breath.
The gasps become whimpers as he sinks a cock into your wet heat, still scissoring and slicking your ass. A couple strokes, just enough to get it wet, and he’s removed his fingers to press it against your now slick hole.
The long, agonizing stretch of him penetrating your ass releases enough endorphins to tranquilize a bantha. The cool feel of his anatomy soothes the burning heat of the intrusion and soon his hips are flush with the red, overheated skin of your ass.
He pulls almost all the way out, lines up his second cock, and slides back in.
You let out a long keening whine at the feeling, his twin anatomy stretching and stuffing your oversensitive sex to the brim. Completely drunk off the dizzying levels of endorphins flooding your body.
“Good girl.”
Your entire frame convulses at the praise. Bane groans behind you as you clench down on him. Mewling and writhing, you attempt to get a little more friction, another hit of the addictive hormones surging through your body.
The Duros starts to flex his hips, building up a rhythm that sends electricity singing down and up every nerve ending. There’s no more room for conscious thought, just the sensations rolling through your body and the whimpers pouring from your lips. Drool leaks down your chin.
A hand caresses your hair before strong blue fingers grip tightly near your scalp, arching your back towards the hunter. The painful sting propels your shaking body closer and closer to climax.
“So…sooo fuckin’ tight princess.” He snaps his hips harder and your volume increases. “Like ya made for this, bent over a table takin’ Duros cock so…so fuckin’ well.”
One hand fisting your hair, one hand pressed into the small of your back he relentlessly pounds himself into your wet heat, pulling and bending your body for his own pleasure and chasing his own release.
Obscene sounds echo around the bar, the slap of skin meeting wet skin, moans, whimpers, curses.
The Duros hisses above you.
“Manners princess.”
You moan, he really is an ass.
“Cad…fuck….Cad please” another mind breaking snap of his hips. “Cad PLEASE…ah….harder!”
“Dats a pretty way ta say my name.”
He grips harder and winds you up tighter. The hand in your hair arches your back, the hand on your lower spine presses into the curve and his movements become rougher, pounding your soft hips into the unforgiving surface of the table.
The wind up of your body matches the wind up of heat radiating from your core. Three hard thrusts later and it…snaps.
Pleasure floods your ass, cunt, everywhere as your climax wracks your body. White hot it burns down every nerve ending as your vision goes black. Wet heat gushes from your cunt, soaking the front of the Duros’s chaps as you scream out your orgasm beneath him.
It’s just like last time, Bane thinks, she’s like fuckin’ the inside of a reactor. Soft silky and scorching hot. The plush softness of her ass, beet red from his hands, is perfect for hammering his narrow hips into over and over and over.
When she cums beneath him he feels the slick heat coat his groin, his lower stomach…upper thighs.
“Fuck…ah….fuckin’ hot princess.”
The clench of her cunt and ass send him over the edge, one hard thrust later he’s pressed into that warmth as deep as he can go, growling and cursing as her tight holes milk every drop of Duros blue out of him.
You feel the chill of his cum, filling you up and leaving you mewling at the overfull sensation. His hips buck into yours as he pumps it in deep.
You both stay like that, locked together for a long moment, catching your breath as you ride out the aftershocks.
The sound Bane’s cocks make as he pulls out of you is positively filthy and leaves you feeling achingly empty.
Lukewarm cum slides down your inner thighs.
A gentle caress on your ass, the binders click and fall from your wrists and you scratch your sore shoulders forward. A towel is laid across your back. It’s oddly intimate.
“Fuck ya look good like dat, Duros blue leakin’ outta both holes.”
Nothing like ruining a good moment.
Standing is not in the cards right now, not with the way your legs are shaking. Tremors still wrack your body. Settling for sliding the towel on to the booth, you maneuver yourself on to it to try and mitigate the mess.
Finally you turn to look at the Duros. As expected, he’s already tucked himself away and looks just as collected as when he walked in. Jerk.
“You know Cad, I do have a bedroom here. We don’t have to fuck in the bar every time.”
He arches a brow ridge at you.
“Pour me a glass of dat stuff I was drinking’ earlier and we’ll put it ta good use den.” He smirks. “Ya said please just fine, but cha’ still gotta learn ta say thank you.”
It’s going to be a long night.
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daftpatience · 7 months
is your store located in the US?? i want the TVDINT charms but US shipping to my country is so expensive :sobs:
im in Canada! shipping can still be kind of expensive depending on where you are. unfortunately shipping standards for international mail vary a lot and often cost a lot - i manage to keep things a little cheaper by squeezing what i can into "oversized" lettermail (over .5cm and under 2cm thick) which is much more affordable to ship than parcels. international oversize lettermail is $12 CAD vs the $20 to $60 CAD that int'l parcels can cost.
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