#c: kaya
escortingsouls · 1 year
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closed starter // @kaya-yildiz​ 
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It’s well known within the spiritual community that ghosts are terrible gossips, and Sonya is no exception to that. Kamelya has been putting off visiting Kaya for weeks, but there’s only so long you can ignore an attractive, very tall, dominating ghost who likes to pester you as soon as you open your eyes. So, thanks to his dead wife, Kamelya is now standing outside her ex-husband’s front door, secretly hoping that he’s not home. “If he doesn’t answer in the next thirty seconds, I’m going home.” She feels a cold pressure against her shoulder – she doesn’t need to look to know Sonya is giving her a gentle shove. With a grumbling sound of disapproval, she knocks on the door again. “I don’t know why you think he’s going to tell me anything about his new roomie, mon chéri. I’m the last person he’d share things with.”
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closed starter // @kaya-yildiz​​
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Alara has been eyeing him since he sat down at the bar. He’s tall, handsome, and alone. Usually, she doesn’t drink until the evening, but after seeing Ihsan a couple of days ago, she’s open to day drinking just this once. She doesn’t think he’s noticed her staring – in fact, he seems completely oblivious to the world around him as he sips his drink. Finishing the remnants of the pinot noir in her glass in one swift gulp, she finally plucks up the courage to approach him. 
The stools at the bar are a little too high for her liking; Alara manages to seat herself on the one next to him without too much difficulty. “Drinking whisky in the afternoon is usually a sign that someone is sick of their job or tired,” she comments, gesturing to his glass with a nod before ordering herself another glass of wine. “Fuck, did that sound judgey? I’m sorry. I just meant that I get it. I’m on my third glass, so,” she says, shrugging a shoulder, “cheers, I guess.”
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I am so feral about him it isn't even a joke. Like yes, my hot, loser, weeb boy. Ruin my life. PLEASE THE HOUSE HUSBAND COSPLAY IS LIKE-
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warningsine · 19 days
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nataliasquote · 4 months
Honesty teaser | n romanoff | wattpad book
Ok hello :) I know this goes against posting on Tumblr, seeing as it won’t be updated on here, but I really need to kick myself back into writing, so what better way than to promote my book on here so that I have more of an incentive if more people know about it! For now it’s Wattpad only whilst I figure out how AO3 works (idk if I even have an account) but I will try to get it up on there too. But… until then… here is the first chapter of ‘Honesty’.
College!AU | Enemies to lovers
Natasha Romanoff x O!C
O!C: Kaiiarina Lenkova (Kaia/ Ky). Sister to JB Lenkov (James Buchanan aka Bucky)
Current available chapters: 9
The classic ringing of an incoming facetime call sounded through the speakers of a MacBook, which made a rather exhausted 18 year old leap up from her sprawled out place on her bed. She threw herself onto her spinning desk chair, which spun a bit too far, meaning she had to grab the edge of her desk and haul herself back around before she fell off.
She lifted the lid and quickly typed in her password as an excited face filled the screen, their voice far too loud as the volume had been left turned all the way up from last night's dance session. Dark curly hair swung against her back as the girl winced at her friend's squeal.
"Have you looked?" The blonde girl screeched, far too close to the camera to create a flattering angle.
"Lena, it's 8am. It's a miracle I'm awake at this point." Kaiiarina groaned before she was cut off by a yawn, which only emphasised her point. She'd been awake since 7, knowing that today was one of the most important days of her life. Every possibility and outcome of her future was shuffled through her head as she tried to grasp any ounce of sleep that made itself available to her. But instead of blissful dreams, she was faced with pits of anxiety that made her dream feel like her worst nightmare.
"We promised we'd open them together, so hurry up!" Yelena was horrendously impatient, which was a huge contrast to Kaia's more laid back approach in life. But they'd planned this day since they were 11 years old, having been inseparable since they were 6.
Their first day of ballet class. Yelena was only there because Melina wanted her to follow in Natasha's footsteps; the golden child. But, naturally, the blonde wanted to be anywhere else, so she was stubborn in not moving from her spot on the bench. Her hair was pulled up into what could have been a neat bun, but she had wriggled so much that her baby hairs were everywhere.
Kaia, on the other hand, couldn't have been more different. Her uniform was pristine, tiny feet slipped into perfectly tied ballet shoes. Her almost black hair was pulled into a braided bun, secured perfectly on the top of her head, not a single hair out of place. She sat on the bench with her back straight, her hands folded in her lap. She looked alert, attentive; her blue eyes wide as she took in every person who walked past. She looked in wonder at the older girls who walked past, admiring their pointe shoes with lust. She was going to be like them one day.
Their teacher called everyone into the studio as a group, knowing a lot of the children would be nervous. Kaia walked in with her head held high; this was where she was meant to be. But out of the corner of her eye, she saw Yelena putting up a fight with her mother, who was trying to coax her defiant 6 year old from the bench.
What spurred her to do this was a complete mystery, but Kaia found herself wandering over to Yelena and extending out her hand.
"I'm Kaia." Was simply all she said. Yelena stopped squirming, peering up at the girl with her big green eyes. She looked at her mother briefly, who just smiled.
"You know that class is about to start, right?" Kaia stated, confused as to why the girl wasn't in the studio like everyone else.
"Yes. But I'm not going." The young Russian was stubborn and folded her arms over her chest, pouting slightly.
"Ballet isn't sissy, you know. It's strong. You don't see the 'tough' boys doing it, do you?" Yelena shook her head, slightly confused at her point. Kaia leaned towards Lena and whispered in her ear. "It's because they can't handle it. They're not strong like we are."
Yelena smiled at the thought of being stronger than the boys in her class. She was fiercely competitive and she revelled in the idea of being better at something than someone else. Kaia's hand was still outstretched and so the blonde Russian took it gladly, their tiny hands clasping tightly together.
Melina watched the girls disappear into the glossy studio, a proud smile on her face. Those girls were going to be best friends, she just knew it.
And she was exactly right. Kaia transferred to Yelena's school in 2nd grade, and they became inseparable. Even the teachers knew they wouldn't be able to find one without the other 2 steps behind. And when one of them were sick and off school... it was like the one left behind was missing a limb.
When they transferred to middle school together, they made a pact. The girls would go to the same high school and the same college.
And that day had finally come. Acceptance letters were being sent out and the girls had applied to the same university. Which was what prompted Yelena's early morning facetime call.
Kaia scrolled through her emails, her heart pounding out of her chest. This was what they'd worked towards for 4 years. Their extra-curricular activities, sports, dance, languages... everything leading up to this moment.
"Oh fuck." Kaia muttered, seeing the email appear in her inbox. "I've got it."
On the other side of the screen, Yelena had her email open too, the link tempting her mouse, but also making her hesitate. What if their plan didn't work out?
"Wait." Yelena rushed, making Kaia freeze. "Whatever happens, we stay best friends, right?"
"I can't believe you just asked me that question Belova." Kaia scoffed, slightly offended as she adjusted the neck of her hoodie.
"I just had to be sure. Okay," Yelena let out a big breath. "It's now or never."
There was silence on both ends of the call as they waited for the link to load up. Time seemed to slow down, seconds turning into minutes as the loading circle span round and round. Yelena had picked up a hair tie and was spinning it around her finger as Kaia chewed on the edge of her thumb.
But the circle stopped spinning. The girls stopped fidgeting. They both held their breath as a message appeared on their screens.
Pale Oak University is delighted to offer you a place on your chosen course. We hope that you accept our offer and will join us in August on campus. Please click 'confirm choice' at the bottom of the page to secure your place.
But neither of them said anything. They tried to read each other's expressions as they looked back at the camera, but they were so scared of not going to the same college that neither wanted to burst the bubble.
But Kaia couldn't help let a small smile slip, which prompted Yelena to do the same.
"Did you-"
"Are you-"
Both girls started to speak at the same time but paused for the other continue. Kaia just nodded at Yelena's question, not trusting her voice to be strong enough to speak.
"Oh my god, me too." Lena's voice came out as nothing more than a hushed whisper, her hands flying to her mouth as tears welled in her eyes.
"Lena." Kaia croaked out, a tear slipping down her cheek. "We did it." She laughed lightly, which blended into a choked sob.
"We really did it."
"We fucking did it!" Kaia leaped out of her chair, spinning around like an excited puppy. "Mama! Dad! We did it! I got in!" Although she was still on facetime, Kaia sprinted downstairs to find her parents, screaming her results to them.
On the other side of the screen, Yelena did the same thing, racing into the kitchen where her parents and sister were sat.
"I got in!" She announced as she skidded to a halt in her fluffy socks, grabbing onto the back of a chair so she didn't slip. "I'm going to Pale Oak!"
Melina and Alexei scooped their youngest into a huge group hug as they cheered, leaving Natasha sitting alone at the table. She would have joined in, if it wasn't for the news that her little sister was going to be at the same university that she was currently at.
"Natasha, come and congratulate your sister. You know out of everyone just how hard the entry process is." Melina said, giving her 20 year old daughter a stern look as she rolled her eyes.
"Nice job Yelly." Nat said, ruffling her sister's hair, purposely messing it up even further. "Just don't bother me okay? I don't want you hanging onto me all the time. It's annoying."
"Natasha be nice." Alexei said disapprovingly. "Your sister is blessing to us all. We are so so proud." He pulled Yelena into his side, which she did not appreciate as she pushed him away with a disgusted look.
"Don't worry Nat. I've got Kaia. We're gonna be just fine."
Nat's head whipped round and she stared at her sister with a raised brow. "Wait... Kaia's going?"
"Duh. She's my best friend." Yelena rolled her eyes, not believing her sister's comment.
Nat shrugged, turning back to her phone. "Wow. Didn't know she had what it took." She mumbled under her breath for only Yelena to hear.
Rage flooded the blonde's cheeks and she clenched her fists at her side. "You're a bitch." she spat through gritted teeth, before marching up the stairs and slamming her door shut, slumping onto her chair in front of her laptop where Kaia was waiting.
"I'm guessing Nat didn't take it too well then." Kaia quipped, throwing an m&m up in the air before catching it in her mouth.
"You know me too well."
"No, well yes, but I also know just how much your sister hates me." Natasha always had a distaste for Lena's best friend, but no one quite knew why. Maybe it was due to them being in the same ballet class, despite Kaia being 2 years younger, or maybe how much time Kaia spent at the Romanoff's. But the brunette didn't really care. Having Nat like her wasn't exactly on the top of her to do list.
"Well, forget about her. She's not going to ruin it for me, or for you. We've had everything planned out since we were 10 years old Ky, and it's actually going to happen."
"Still gonna be roommates right?" Kaia asked, reading over the email one more time to cement it into her brain. It still felt surreal that they were actually going to college. No more high school. No more living at home. No more living 25 minutes away from each other. It was perfect.
"If you really think I'm gonna sleep in the same room as some random ass girl who snores and talks in her sleep, then think again. I'm sleeping with you or not sleeping at all."
"Well then I think we need to contact someone about it, because I don't even know if you can pick your roommates."
"I'll just say I have major attachment issues and breakdown into floods of tears whenever I'm not around you." Yelena said, spinning around on her chair before getting distracted by her massive shark plushie. She reached for it and pulled it onto her lap, stuffing her face into its fur.
Kaia just rolled her eyes. Yelena was always one for the dramatics. "Well that's going to work so well seeing as we are taking different majors, but sure." Yelena was majoring in sports science, seeing as she was on the women's football team and she loved it with all of her heart. Ballet was never really her thing, so as soon as she could quit, she did.
Kaiiarina was majoring in dance and they both were taking a Russian language class, as it was easy credits seeing as they both wanted to be fluent in their 'motherland' language.
"Well if that doesn't work, we can just get your brother to intimidate them all into putting us together." JB Lenkov (or James Buchanan) was in the army and had been away for 8 months. He was 5 years older than Yel and Kaia, so they joked about him a lot. Plus, he did try to ask Natasha out on a date, only to be turned down by her harsh words. "If you have a dick, I'm not into you."
"Let's just email them. See what they say." Kaia clicked on the email link, excitement surging through her body. It felt real now. But with the excitement came a lot of nerves. The kind that sent butterflies swarming in all different directions, extending from her fingertips to the depths of her stomach. A nauseating feeling descended in her throat, but she swallowed it down.
New experiences weren't really her thing. She grown a lot more self conscious from the bold and daring 6 year old she once was, but within the duo she was still the sensible and down to earth one. A stickler for the rules, which Yelena often felt were mere suggestions.
"I know its 8:30, but something in my body is screaming for a Starbucks right now, and unfortunately my asshat of a sister won't drive me." Yelena peaked over the top of her shark, which she had nicknamed Brucie, and batted her eyelashes rather dramatically at her best friend, who payed absolutely no notice to her.
"Kaia..." Still nothing.
"Ky!" Crickets.
"Kaiiarina!" Oh now she'd done it. The brunette's blue eyes seemed to darken as she peered up at the camera, narrowing her eyes into what became a bone chilling glare.
"Yelena Fyodorovna Belova. Did you just use my government name?" Although she was joking, Kaia made no effort to smile or even lighten her expression, loving how scared her friend looked. Similarly to a deer in headlights.
Lena flashed a sheepish smile. "Coffee?" Was all she offered, trying to hit Ky's sweet spot. "Caramel iced coffee?" Kaia was still glaring. "I'll buy you a blueberry muffin."
Now that was a deal breaker. "Even when I hate your guts, you still manage to win me over." Kaia groaned, pushing away from her desk and wheeling over to her closet whilst still sat on her chair. She grabbed a jacket and stood up, walking over to her table to grab her keys. "I'll be there in 20. Be ready or I'm taking Nat instead." She leaned over her laptop and hovered her mouse over the red 'end call' button.
"Oh wow. Threat of the century." Yelena feigned offense and Kaia blew a raspberry. Childish, yes, but
"Bye bitch."
Kaia's family was rich, very rich, but it hadn't gone to her head like many privileged girls she could mention. Her father was the CEO of a major jewellery company back in Russia, that had gone global in the last 10 years.
She had all the physical signs of a rich girl; expensive clothes, dainty jewellery, designer sunglasses that were nearly always placed in her wavy hair, pristinely manicured nails and of course, her most prized possession... her tesla. It was an extravagant 18th birthday gift from her father, and as normal as it seemed in a life like hers, Kaia burst into tears when she saw the sparkling white car parked on their driveway.
Yelena seemed more eager to show off Kaia's new car than she was, hopping into the front seat and immediately connected her phone to the aux, Mitski blasting at full volume.
And even though it had been 6 months since Ky's birthday, Yelena still clambered into the sleek white car with a gleeful expression, her phone ready in her hand to Bluetooth. Kaia's once peaceful music was soon replaced with songs more to Yelena's taste, reflecting her wild and chaotic personality.
"This is just like a free taxi service for you isn't it?" Kaia commented as Yelena clearly made herself comfortable, her hands adjusting the direction of the aircon as Kaia pulled away from the drive.
"Yeah, but you're rich so it's fine." It was true. Kaia didn't care about giving Yelena lifts. And besides, it's not like she payed for the electricity that powered her car.
10 minutes later she swerved into the Starbucks parking lot, a smile gracing her face as she saw the all-too-familiar store. The girls pushed the doors open and went inside to order their drinks. Yelena offered to collect their drinks so Kaia took a seat in a booth next to the window and peered outside, watching the hustle and bustle of the world outside.
Her hand was propped up under chin and she soon drifted into her thoughts, trying to process the events of this morning even though it was only 9:20am.
Yelena observed her best friend from afar, watching how she retreated into her head. She knew Kaia's concerns about college, especially with Natasha who was also doing the same course. The tension between the 2 could be cut clearly with a knife, which made thanksgiving and birthdays slightly awkward. But Yelena's outlandish personality always helped muffle the discomfort with a joke or a random song, which Kaia was thankful for.
She carried their coffees and blueberry muffins over to the table and slid in opposite Kaia, who was still staring into space out of the window. Her bottom lip was pulled between her teeth and Lena could feel Ky's knee bouncing up and down as their legs touched under the table.
"Hey. Kaia." Yelena said gently, placing her hand on her friend's knee. "I got that muffin you wanted." She slid the muffin across the table and watched as Kaia's eyes flickered into focus and she took a deep breath.
"I was beginning to think you'd forget." She joked, taking a sip of her coffee and smiling at the taste. Her grin was slightly forced and Yelena could tell it didn't quite reach her eyes.
Yelena laughed, her adorable giggle making Kaia smile harder. "Me? Forget? Never." She watched as her best friend slowly picked apart her muffin, breaking it into pieces on the wrapper. "What's going on?"
Kaiiarina sighed. Her anxiety wasn't anything new, and the duo had learned to cope with it really well. Yelena was goofy but always understanding, switching her naturally comedic tone to a more serious one when she needed to. And she was an excellent observer, which definitely came in handy as Kaia usually withdrew into herself whenever anxiety took over.
"Oh nothing." She said casually, more so to convince herself than Yelena. "It's just- well, college is a lot."
Yelena knew where this was coming from. They'd spoken about it a few times, but Ky still struggled to wrap her head around it. "Yeah... but it's not different for us."
"Why?" Kaia questioned as she bit into a chunk of muffin. A blueberry exploded on her tongue and sent a fuzzy feeling in her stomach. That's why those muffins were her favourites.
"Because we're still together. And we always will be."
Kaia thought for a moment as she chewed. Yes, they would be together, but they'd also be around Natasha and a bunch of new people they'd never seen before. Plus, they were doing different courses which meant different people, different professors, different buildings, different schedules... it was a lot.
Yelena took her silence as a hint to keep talking. "You're worried about Nat aren't you?"
"No." Kaia snorted. "Well... I'm hoping your sister is too busy to worry about making my life a living hell... but you know..." she trailed off and Yelena smiled, having figured out the root of her worries.
"You'll be fine. Besides, you won't even see her. You have me instead!"
"Hmmm... I wonder which Romanoff-Belova sibling I like best..." Kaia pretended to think long and hard, knowing it would mess with Yelena all too well.
Yelena narrowed her eyes and lined up a blueberry to flick, her lips curling into a pout. "For the sake of your white sweatshirt, you better say me. Or I'm gonna find another roommate."
"Okay Miss 'I breakdown in tears when I'm not around you'. Can't fool me Belova.". A smug expression crossed Kaia's face and Yelena huffed, sinking into the soft leather seat as she tossed the blueberry into her mouth and chomped on it with force.
"I hate you." She mumbled, glaring around the half empty coffee shop as her arms folded across her chest and one foot came to rest on the maroon seat.
Kaia chuckled at her childish behaviour, expecting nothing less. "No you don't."
With her infamous pout and inability to look her friend in the eye, Yelena answered "Yes I do" whilst eyeing up the baristas working quickly behind the counter, taking drive-thru orders as they drizzled caramel onto several frappuccinos.
"Okay then. See you around." Kaia grabbed her keys and iced latte and made a move to stand up from the booth, before Yelena put her leg on her seat so she couldn't get out. "No wait! I need a lift!"
Kaia sat down with a scoff. "Wow... so you are using me!"
"Yeah I am." Yelena said with no shame with a mouth full of muffin. "What about it?"
"Remind me why I'm friends with you again?"
"Because you need someone with good music taste to test your car speakers. And someone to bring banners to your dance recitals." A cheeky glint shone in Yelena's eyes as Kaia groaned, her head falling into her hands at the memory.
"No! Never again." She peeked through her fingers to see her best friend sniggering, to which she kicked her rather hard in the shin, earning a pained yelp from the blonde. "You may find it hilarious, but I will never live that down. I almost got kicked off the team for that!"
Yelena rolled her eyes. "Oh shut up. Natty was only jealous because I didn't make her a sign. She would never kick you off. You're too good. They need you to win." She was right. Kaia was unbelievably talented, although she would never admit it.
One of the many things the girls had in common was their dedication. When they wanted something, they were some of the most driven teenagers around. Both sets of parents were proud, although Yelena's showed it a lot more than Kaia's did. Her's seemed to think that the money they gave her was enough to make up to the detached and cold behaviour they showed towards her and her brother. But it just brought the siblings closer than they ever would be.
"We have 3 months until college. What the fuck are we gonna do?" Yelena asked, slurping the last of her coffee. It seemed like a hell of a long time to sit around stressing, which is what Kaia would do.
"We need to buy stuff for our dorm. And I want to go to the beach."
"Okay Ky that's boring stuff. I'm talking sleeping under the stars, going to haunted houses, days at the lake, getting drunk whenever we want! We have all this time and no pressure to do anything. We can't waste it!"
Kaia chewed on her lip before smiling. The sun as shining and it was warm. Perfect May summer weather. "Okay fuck it. Lake day?" She asked, grabbing her keys and adjusting her sunglasses on her head.
"I love you!"
They dumped their trash and ran out to the car, jumping in before racing home to collect their stuff. Kaia's parents weren't home (surprise surprise) so she didn't need to ask permission from anyone. And Yelena never asked permission She was 18 and frankly Melina and Alexei trusted her enough for her to do what she wanted.
"First day of stress free summer is about to commence!" Yelena announced when they were both back in the car. The electric guitar intro of 'Sweet Child O'Mine' blared through the tesla speakers as they pulled out of the driveway and it suddenly felt real.
It was summer.
They were going to college.
10 year old Kaiiarina and Yelena would be proud.
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dianessunflower · 1 month
Elsbeth x Kaya Fruity Gifs - Part Two
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they just seem a bit too familiar here...
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why is this giving "liz has fallen in love with diane" iykyk
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these two touch starved idiots
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grumpy x sunshine through and through until mother makes her laugh
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they're such goofballs
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this is so soft please
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she's so protective of mother alr
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same kaya same
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lovelyjasmari · 8 months
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Nobody talk to me right now! DON’T EVEN FUCKING LOOK AT ME!!!
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flwrsmyth · 1 year
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ㅤㅤ    。୭̥‧₊˚┇𝓝𝓮ᴡ ρȯʂᡶ 𝄒𓏲࣪ . ☄️ 𝄒 p𒀭st ๑゚˛𓍊𓋼
ㅤㅤ    𓂃 ࣪៙͘⸳⭑ࣶࣸ 🅖𝕚𝐯e̲ ✿ꦿ𝕮ꪹ𝘦𝗱ỉтṡ –ﻌ–ა ָ࣪ ۰ !さ
ㅤㅤ    𓍊𓋻𓍊 % . . 𝗹𝘪𝗄ȇ̈ ꪮя 𝚛ᴥb̶𝕝ᴏ𝐠 𖥻 🦚 !? ✫៳!
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escortingsouls · 2 years
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closed starter // @kaya-yildiz​
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She’s dreaming, and she’s drunk and on the ground, smoking and talking to someone with no face. It’s not creepy or uncomfortable, though. Cordelia often dreams of faceless people, and she assumes it has something to do with her mutation. She’s had dreams involving spirits; they tell her things, even when she’s trying to rest. There’s no peace. “And then I said: fuck you! I won’t let anyone take my drink, Roger. You know that.” It’s all nonsense. She hadn’t even been to the bar in her dream. 
Dream Cordelia is ranting about some unintelligible nonsense. She’s switched to French rather than English, so she’s clearly passionate about whatever did or didn’t happen at the bar. Halfway through a cigarette, she notices a familiar face standing in the distance. Even in her dreams, she knows she doesn’t want to see it. Even when she’s asleep, he’s bringing her misery. "Oh, god, not you...” she mumbles, still on the ground. The area around him is blurry and there’s nothing identifiable except for him. 
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warningsine · 12 days
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junhorhee · 1 year
closed for @melinakaya​
location: her place
"I'm starting to think you like getting me drunk," he let out a chuckle, taking another sip of his drink nonetheless, even if he was beginning to notice the number he'd had grow. Beyond being beautiful, Jun really did see her as someone he cared about, their 'with benefits' situation going beyond just a quick hookup. "What happened to the movie you promised me?" he added teasingly, eyebrow raising as he glanced at her.
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dianessunflower · 1 month
Elsbeth x Kaya Fruity Gifs - Part One
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they met like 10 hours ago lol that smile of approval i would die mommy
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the way elsbeth praised kaya's name "i like it" knowing how people screw up her name all the time
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every time they look at each other (which is A Lot)
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OK BUT SHE WINKED (and she smiled back and then pursed her lips)
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kaya picking up elsbeth's mannerisms hellooooo???
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they are so impossibly in sync from the very beginning and for what
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anyways, kaya was the only one to welcome elsbeth (she needed another woman in there frfr)
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and elsbeth immediately began hyping up kaya stahpppp
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get yourself an elsbeth hype queen
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the "dinner" that turned into a "sleepover"
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the way kaya went from "i'm not a gala girl" to rocking up as elsbeth's date
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cameronxwhite · 2 years
where: wherever our hearts desire status: closed ( @kaya-yildiz​​ )
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It doesn’t take all that long to figure out who the plushie belongs to— it’s certainly not hers, though it did end up dropped in her bag. But, the only other person of plushie age in the park is a toddler, seemingly not yet in distress over the missing fabric friend. Though, Cameron has seen enough toddler meltdowns to know what’s coming for this child’s caretaker when the plushie is missed. 
“I think the kid has a future in basketball,” Cam offers, holding up the stuffed animal, “Nothing but net, right into my bag, and none of us even noticed.”
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apaise · 2 months
“It doesn’t even hurt anymore.” george @ kaya
kaya's hand catches george's wrist gently the moment she spies the injury, the suture thread pitch black against her freckled skin. george blithely tells her about some accident in the stables during her last odd job as kaya frets, examining the wound for any sign of loose thread or infection. thankfully, it looks like good patchwork at least; it would heal clean and add to george's building gallery of scars. building along with kaya's worries -- it seems like every time george visits, kaya only feels more adamant she should simply move here with emma, villagers' gossip be damned.
yet she knows it isn't her place to keep her here. if george wants to clear her name -- the last keepsake from her father, her family's legacy -- kaya could not stand in her way for something as small as her own selfish wish to keep her safe. her thumb brushes the unbroken skin beside the scar, smile a little sad before she pulls away.
❝ . . . i'll pack more salves and ointments this time. ❞ hearing the somberness of her own tone and hating it, kaya endeavors to lighten the mood again. ❝ i think you go through those faster than emma goes through books, ❞ she teases. it makes a nice challenge for merry, at least -- trying to keep their library flush with more than merely kaya's medical texts.
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realizing george had arrived just after luncheon, kaya seeks another way to care for her, always wanting george to get plenty of rest during her visits. ❝ oh -- have you eaten yet? ❞ there's a bit of excitement hidden in the question for once, hands fiddling in anticipation. lately kaya had been learning how to cook alongside her other studies, feeling such basic knowledge vital when working in the service of people's care. and though her skills are anything but impressive so far . . . she'd like to share them with george nevertheless ( she had been working on one dish in particular, with generous guidance from emma too. . . ).
❝ newt and sungtae are on their day off, but i could whip up something if you'd like. ❞
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