#byuneebuns requests
byuneebuns · 6 years
Pianissimo (Requested)
loser-dot-com said: 
177 and Chanyeol please~ ☺️
177: “You’re so beautiful.”
Chanyeol x Female Reader
Tags: FLUFF. That’s it thats the fic. 
Author’s Note: So this is kind of weird maybe but I really wanted to try something different so here it is in all of its short and strange glory !!!
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Chanyeol was in love with the way that your lips moved. What they were saying couldn’t reach his ears, but he was fascinated with watching the formation of your words. 
Chanyeol was in love with how your eyes crinkled when you laughed too loudly, with how you slapped your thigh and rocked back and forth, feeling undue pangs of jealousy when the uncontrollable fits were spurred by someone, or something, that wasn’t him.
Chanyeol was in love with how your fingers danced on the piano, with how uncertainly they sought out the sounds it made, with how your cheeks reddened when you made a mistake but you played on undeterred.
Chanyeol was tirelessly, hopelessly, ceaselessly in love with you. 
He could scarcely remember what his life had been like before you started to occupy all of the space in his heart. All that mattered now was the sun surely shone when you smiled, flowers bloomed where you walked, and birds sang when you laughed.
He wanted you with every fiber of his being, to hold you, to show you what you looked like through his eyes, to tell you that you were a glittering, flawless gem, one that could only be seen from an angle for it was too splendid to behold straight on.
You barely knew that Chanyeol existed. 
He didn’t even know your name.
He remembered the first time that he’d seen you like it was yesterday. You’d come to the bar he’d wandered into after work to perform and when you stepped into the spotlight it was like the world stopped spinning. 
Background noises and conversations died in his ears; everyone and everything else ceased to exist.
You sat on the bench wordlessly, taking a moment to smooth your skirt over your thighs before you pressed your fingers to the keys, a haunting melody escaping them, fighting to stay afloat on the constant stream of chatter.
Your song was too short, your technique too clumsy, your delivery too underwhelming from a technical standpoint, but Chanyeol found it without flaw.
You’d left as suddenly as you came, like a petal on the wind, unaware of how you had turned his world inside out with only a handful of clumsy chords.
You came every Tuesday night and Chanyeol was there each time without fail, watching with a swollen heart as you played your songs for strangers.
From time to time your music would brush against someone else’s soul and they would have courage where he did not and approach you. He would watch the two of you interact and wonder what would happen if he did the same.
He would never. Could never. The thought of possibly tarnishing something so precious to him was far more mortifying than the allure of seeing your radiant smile up close. 
Tonight the luxury of choice was stolen from him, much like the oxygen from his lungs when you took the chair beside his, offering him a small grin in greeting.
You introduced yourself and Chanyeol thought that your name sounded like poetry. 
He was in love with the feeling of your eyes confidently meeting his, demanding that his gaze never timidly falter from yours again, with the way that you were resting your chin in your hand while you waited for a reply, with the way that your palm held some of your round cheek and shrunk your eye behind it.
Chanyeol was in love with the way your eyes sparkled when his name fell from your lips, with the way your delicate hand fit in his large one, with the way your mouth formed a soft ‘oh’ and how your long lashes dusted your cheeks when he admitted that he always came to hear you play the piano and you looked both immeasurably flattered and bashful as you finally broke the eye contact that you had formerly demanded.
You were in love with how Chanyeol’s eyes shone with adoration when you took the stage. With how his large hands always boomed their support, with how his features were always arranged as if he was truly at peace when you performed.
You were in love with how he was always in the same seat, with how his face lit up when your fingers pressed the keys, a beacon despite the dim lighting in an unforgiving crowd, a firework in the dark night, with how your chest felt like it was expanding when he smiled at you.
You were in love with how he kept a polite distance from you every week, with how he shyly looked away when your eyes met for too long, with how his shaggy hair fell in his face as if trying to shield him from you.
You were in love with the look of shock he had when you appeared at his side, with how he softly repeated your name under his breath as if he was carving the word into his heart, with how warm his palm was when it encased yours.
You were in love with the way his long fingers drummed on the bar, betraying his nerves. You were in love with how easily laughter tumbled from his rosy lips, with the rapt attention he paid to you, as if you were the only human on Earth, with how the clear liquid in the glass he offered you was water rather than vodka.
You were plunging from a plane without a parachute, falling swiftly and terrifyingly in love with Chanyeol.
You wanted nothing more than to be wrapped in his arms, the willing subject of his never-ending affection, to tell him how his face shone like the moon in the night sky, how you longed to look upon it forever.
“You’re so beautiful.”
The words escaped him like convicts executing a prison break: possibly well-thought out but too easily thwarted. 
He had meant to tell you that your music was beautiful but his racing heart had overthrown his rational brain in a devastating coup, forcibly taking the reins to  steer him towards speaking what was truly on his mind.
A scarlet flush stained your cheeks like the sweet syrup poured over a snowball.
Without knowing why, without giving it as much thought as you perhaps should have, without any words, you leaned forward, your hand laying over Chanyeol’s on the bar, and pressed your soft lips into his trembling ones in a fleeting kiss.
Chanyeol was in love with the way that your lips moved. 
With the warmth that lingered when they left. 
With how perfectly they fit against his own as if two halves of the same whole. 
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byuneebuns · 6 years
Syntax Error (Requested)
@wonboowoo asked: 
“can I request a fluffy wonwoo imagine or scenario (whichever it fits better as cause I'm not sure) where he's the shy quiet boy in your college english class that has a crush on you but isn't sure how to tell you? ty ily lots stay beautiful ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ (*⌒▽⌒*) ~♪”
Tags: Fluff, The Fluffiest Thing I’ve Ever Written Tbh, Just Fluff, Classmate AU
Author’s Note: Thank you for the request! Its a little short but I hope you enjoy it ♡ 
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You sighed with irritation as your eraser tumbled out of your grip, bouncing along the ground and under the desk next to yours.
“Um, excuse me...could you pass my eraser please? It fell under your chair.” You whispered, startling the raven-haired boy that was your desk neighbor. He rarely spoke to you if he could help it and his cat-like eyes narrowed as he considered you before reaching one long arm under his chair to retrieve your belongings.
“Thank you!” You whispered, smiling sweetly. He stared at you for a moment, almost like he was thinking about what to say, but turned back to his worksheet without a word.
You sighed to yourself, your eyes downcast.
You’d been in the same English class as Jeon Wonwoo for months now and he had always been like this. You’d seen him talking with his friends and even other girls and boys, so the only conclusion you could come to was that he just didn’t like you.
You’d spent countless hours trying to win him over, offering him some of your lunch when he forgot his, trying to make small talk about assignments, but he never seemed interested in the conversation. You’d caught him staring at you on a few occasions but his expression was hard to read so you just chalked it up to intense dislike.
It was a shame, really. He was incredibly smart, easily the top of the class, and wildly handsome. Tall, tanned, toned, with features sharp enough to cut someone. His hair was usually slicked back and his voice was deep and husky. If you didn’t know any better you would have thought he was a troublemaker, but in reality he was just a quiet bookworm.
You tried to return to your work but the nagging thoughts of Wonwoo plagued you and you were sure half of your answers were wrong because of him.
Class continued on and you kept your eyes glued forward, refusing to waste anymore time on your neighbor’s theorized poor opinion of you, until you were forced to acknowledge him yet again.
“As you all know we have a project due when we come back from spring break. With us being a little behind schedule I’ve decided to make it a joint effort to reduce everyone’s workload a little bit with our midterms on the horizon. You’ll be teaming up with the person sitting next to you for this one, so please spend the last few minutes of class exchanging information and starting your project planning.”
The teacher’s decree felt like a death sentence. You couldn’t imagine anything more awkward than being forced to work with someone who wouldn’t even speak to you.
You turned to face your new partner, hoping beyond all reasonable doubt that you would somehow find him more agreeable. Instead you found him with his gaze fixed on his desk, his cheeks red for some reason, presumably with anger.
You sighed again as you scribbled your phone number on a post-it note and stuck it in front of the spot on his desk that he seemed intent on staring a hole into.
“That’s my phone number. I’m free pretty much everyday, so just let me know when you want to get together and do this.”
Wonwoo nodded jerkily, still not meeting your eyes, making your stomach drop with sadness a little.
Nearly a week had passed and you still hadn’t heard hair nor hide from Wonwoo. He’d been sending all of your calls to voicemail. You were growing irritable and nervous about how it would affect your grade if you had to do it by yourself. The project very specifically stated that it was to be presented together. You rolled over on your bed and moaned into your pillow with frustration. 
If Wonwoo wasn’t going to make an effort you would have to take matters into your own hands.
Your feet hit the pavement with dull thuds as you trudged through the neighborhood looking from house to house for your destination. You were beginning to regret not wearing more comfortable shoes, the walk has been longer than you anticipated. Despite your anger you couldn’t help wanting to look cute, so you’d chosen a pale blue sundress with brown sandals. You nervously wondered if it would be obvious that you’d tried so hard to look nice.
Your feet stopped in front of a modest single family home with a brass number 17 hanging next to the door. You glanced down at the address scribbled on your sticky note and took a deep breath. There were no cars in the driveway. Stupid. You hadn’t considered what you’d do if no one was home. Your shoulders slumped, either from the weight of your backpack or defeat, you weren’t sure.
“Well, I’m already here, I might as well knock I guess.” You mumbled to yourself, chewing your lip nervously as your made your way up the driveway to the front door.
Your heart was pounding in your chest while your fist pounded on the door.
You sighed. He wasn’t home after all.
You turned to walk away when the door swung open, revealing a disheveled looking Wonwoo. He was wearing basketball shorts and a large white t-shirt, and his eyebrows raised comically when he saw you.
“What are you doing here?” He asked, visibly perplexed.
You spun around, pointing a finger at him accusingly.
“I’m here to do our English project! You’ve been avoiding me all break! I don’t care if you hate me, I just want to keep my GPA up!” The words left your mouth like a whirlwind, your breathing was heavy from shouting and your cheeks were red, both from embarrassment and exertion.
Then, for the first time ever, Wonwoo smiled at you.
It was a beautiful sight. You thought to yourself that even if you never saw it again that you were truly blessed to have witnessed something so precious. 
He chuckled lowly.
“Why don’t you come inside?” He stepped aside, allowing you step past him into the entrance way. You glanced down, noting the lack of shoes by the door.
“Is anyone else home?”
“No, just me.”
You gulped, your cheeks heating as you followed Wonwoo silently up the stairs. 
His room was exceptionally clean and well-organized. Not a pile of dirty clothing or even a stray sock in sight. You couldn’t help being impressed, boys weren’t usually known for their cleanliness.
You stood awkwardly in the doorway wringing your hands, praying your nerves weren’t showing on your face, but Wonwoo was too busy rummaging through his backpack to notice either way. 
He sat down in the middle of the floor with a few open textbooks in front of him, and gestured for you to join him.
“Why did you ignore all of my calls?” You blurted out before you could help yourself. If you’d known how compliant he would be if you just showed up at his house you would have come by ages ago, but he’d sure gone out of his way to make this inconvenient.
“I never received any calls from you. I wouldn’t ignore you like that. Maybe you have my number wrong?” He replied quietly, looking away from you and rubbing the back of his neck.
“How did you find my address? And why do you think that I hate you?” He countered, eyeing you with an inscrutable expression.
“Student directory. You never talk to me in class, you never make eye contact, and I thought you were ignoring all of my calls because you didn’t want to do this project with me.” You said, feeling increasingly childish with each word.
“Why didn’t you ever call me? I gave you my phone number during class. If you hadn’t heard from me you could have called instead.”
Wonwoo avoided your gaze, his cheeks tinged with pink again.
“Hey, answer me. We need to clear up our misunderstandings properly so we can work together.” You said, tugging on his shirt to reclaim his attention.
“I was...too nervous.” He mumbled, barely audible over the loud thump of your heart.
He nodded, still refusing to look at you.
“You make me nervous.” He whispered.
You were speechless. You took a few minutes to digest this new information before pressing him further.
“So...all of the times you ignored me in class...were you nervous then, too?” You asked, your voice faint.
Wonwoo swallowed roughly and nodded in confirmation a second time.
Your mind was reeling. All of this time you’d been assuming he hated you, you’d never thought to consider that it could have been the opposite. Your brain was replaying every interaction you’d ever had with one another on a loop and the more you looked back on them the more foolish you felt for not seeing it. You’d assumed the worst without considering other options.
“Do you, um, want to start working?” Wonwoo mumbled, his face radiating heat with the fury of his blush.
You beamed at him.
The two of you worked in comfortable silence together, speaking only to share ideas or confirm what direction to take your joint effort in. Despite the silence there was a tangible electricity in the air. Whenever you looked at each other, when your fingertips brushed together reaching for the same thing. Your faces were both permanently stained red.
You brushed eraser dust from your page and sat back, admiring your work.
“I think my part is all done!”
You glanced out the window and saw the sun was already setting and gasped.
“Oh no, I have to get going, I didn’t realize how long we’d been working.” You said, springing to your feet nervously. Wonwoo rose to his feet as well, quietly helping you retrieve your scattered belongings, and followed you from the room.
“Can I...walk you home? It’s too dark for you to be out alone.” He asked, rubbing the back of his neck again. You were quickly noticing that it must have been a nervous habit of his.
You chewed on the inside of your mouth thoughtfully.
“It isn’t too far but if you don’t mind I would appreciate the company.” You said, unable to keep the smile from your lips. He returned it, shyly meeting your eyes before swiftly looking away again. Your heart throbbed painfully again.
The two of you walked through the twilit streets together, occasionally breaking the silence to make some comment about the scenery or school.
You had never known just being in someone’s presence to be so...comforting.
You found yourself glancing at his hand swinging in sync with your own, mere inches from one another. You wanted so badly to reach out and touch him, to confirm this was real, and as if in answer to some unspoken prayer you both swung your arms at just the right speed, just the right angle, that your fingers crashed together, tangling with one another. 
You both looked in opposite directions, but your hands stayed clasped together, fingers slowly entwining.
The rest of the walk felt like it was in slow motion and sped up all at once. You wished it could have lasted forever but you were already in your driveway. You reluctantly pulled your hand away and turned to face Wonwoo. He held your gaze this time, both of you searching for words.
“Thank you for walking me home.” You said in a hushed tone, swinging your newly freed arms nervously.
“You’re welcome. Thanks for coming and getting this done with me. Well, uh, enjoy the rest of your break.” He awkwardly waved at you and started making his way back down your driveway.
You felt overwhelmed by an emotion you couldn’t place and before you could really consider what you were about to do you were running after him.
“Wonwoo, wait!”
He turned to you, his eyebrows raised.
You barely managed to stop before you would have doubtlessly knocked him off of his feet, skidding to a halt just in front of him and throwing your arms around his neck. You stood on the very tips of your toes and pressed your lips gently into his cheek, trying to put all of your unspoken feelings into that single action.
You turned and ran back to your front door without another word, internally screaming in embarrassment.
Wonwoo watched you flee, his mouth slightly open, one hand resting on his cheek where your lips had been only moments before, his face blazing like a sunset.
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byuneebuns · 6 years
You’ve already technically seen it but here is your gore/vore/feces-free Changkyun smut ♡♡ 
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byuneebuns · 6 years
A small update~
Hi everyone!
I am currently working on requests and taking a teeny break from Fenced In to keep myself from getting worn out on it. Not an extended hiatus or anything like that, I’ll be back to working on it again in a few weeks~ 'ㅅ' 
I have written Attribution part 3, uhhhhhh, four times now? So I’m trying, I really am, but I end up disliking it no matter what I do. I haven’t given up though!!! I’m just picky.
My next request miiiight be a very short mini-series because I don’t think that I can do what I want to do with it in only one chapter without the word count being excessively high. I’m thinking probably two or three parts, the first of which will be out by the end of the week. No more than that though because I already have plans for a series for this group hehe~
Thank you once again to everyone that has sent me requests, I’ve had a lot of fun with the ones I’ve done so far and I’m really looking forward to the other ones that I’ve gotten! I’m sorry that I’m so slow but I appreciate the patience. ♡ 
Also, if you’ve sent me a request or enjoy my writing please consider leaving me a tip on my ko-fi or send me an ask or leave a comment or send me a cute picture of ChanBaek or whatever! 
Bye for now~!
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byuneebuns · 6 years
I know that requests are closed but for those of you that submitted Monsta X requests and for future reference:
Please try to be detailed in your requests! Even if it isn’t an entire prompt or plot idea, try to include some things you’d like to see! Kinks you like, if you want it to be fluffy, angsty, anything! The more detail you give me the easier it is for me to write something that you will enjoy ‘ㅅ’
Thank you~ ♡
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byuneebuns · 6 years
Short Requests Disclaimer
I will not necessarily write them in the order that they are received so please don’t be offended if I take longer to get to your request than someone else’s! I will write them as inspiration comes to me and requests that pique my interest will be written first.
I can and will refuse any request for any reason! If I don’t want to write it then I won’t, and I will not publish something that I am unhappy with. At times I may refer you to another author that I feel will do a better job. Please understand that this isn’t intended to be rude at all, I just want to make sure mutual satisfaction is achieved. ♡ 
That’s it for now!
EDIT: Also! I will take creative liberties with your request! I repeat: I will take creative liberties with your request! You may not get exactly what you ask for, so I’m sorry in advance if that is disappointing at all.
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byuneebuns · 6 years
177 and Chanyeol please~ ☺️
Posted~ You can find it here ♡ 
Thanks for the request, I love writing fluff.
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byuneebuns · 6 years
I beg you, please for love of god, do something with vampire baek. Please.
Posted ♡ Thanks for your request!
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byuneebuns · 6 years
Hihiii I've been cravin some Gud changkyun smut but idk what plot it should be wooops
Hi! You can find this fic here, I hope you like it!
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byuneebuns · 6 years
Can you do 192 and 197 for Mark Lee from NCT? If you can that would be awesome and thank you so much!!❤
Hi!! Thank you so much for the request! ♡ I’m really, really, really sorry but I’ll have to decline this. ;-;I know that Mark is an adult but he’s my favorite son and I just can’t see him sexually at all. I have this super weird maternal instinct for him and he puts me in my uwus the hardest. Please feel free to re-submit a fluff or angst request for him or you can choose another member, and I’m so sorry again for the disappointment.
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byuneebuns · 6 years
Okay well I don’t want you to die at all BUT I wrote Changkyun smut here. Enjoy and please live to see another day!
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byuneebuns · 6 years
Requests Closed
Just until I have some time to catch up! Being out of town and then getting sick really set me back and I still have a lot of other obstacles this month.
Ask box is, of course, still always open. ♡ 
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byuneebuns · 6 years
for scenarios/imagines only! thank you!
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