#butterfly flower slayer girl from demon slayer
lunaxite · 11 months
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Kanao Tsuyuri 🦋🌸🌺
I felt like drawing something different today thats not hphm stuff and Kanao came up in my mind 😀
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midnightwriter21 · 1 year
May I have one where Giyuu saves a 4 year old girl from a demon and thus decides to adopt her? The girl is very quiet, like Tomioka quiet but also very friendly and curious. She hates loud noises due to coming from an abusive home and is often found on Giyuu? Headcanons please
demon slayer hcs: giyuu's adopted daughter
characters: fem!reader x giyuu, the hashira
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giyuu arrives at the location for his mission
it was reported that a lower class family had been turned into demons and were recking havoc on the small town they lived in
at nightfall giyuu approaches the home of the demon family and is greeted by the father and mother
as well as a human child
the two demon parents toy with the child
pushing her to the ground
pulling her hair
but when the father raises a clawed hand to her
giyuu takes the opportunity
before the strike can land on the childs face
the demons heads have already hit the ground
the child stares at the severed heads with a blank look
immediately giyuu is kneeling in front of her to block the line of sight
and he is assessing the damage done to her and asking
"do you have other family?"
the girl stays silent but shakes her head
he stands abruptly causing the child to flinch and his eyes soften
by now the sun has begun to rise and the bodies of the demons are gone
giyuu walks into the house to find anything of necessity for the child
and he is disgusted to see that even though the family had no obvious lack of money
the child was provided NOTHING of importance
feeling a small hand latch onto his haori he looks down
and with a sigh giyuu is carefully picking her up and beginning the walk back his estate
several months after the incident a meeting is called with the hashira
before leaving his estate Giyuu receives a letter
taking it from his crow and quickly reading it Giyuu walks to the backyard
sitting there amongst the flowers is the young girl he saved
he walks to her and reaches out a hand to help her up
she takes it, stands, and then motions for him to lean down
he does
and then she plops a flower crown on the top of his head
its messy and its more stems and leaves then flowers but giyuu allows it
together they leave the estate and begin the travel to the butterfly mansion for the meeting
standing outside of the mansion the child digs her heels into the ground due to her nervousness stopping giyuu in his tracks
he kneels to her height taking the makeshift crown from his head and placing it on hers
and then reaches out a hand
she takes it and then he opens the door to the mansion
as the door opens and they step into the room hand in hand all heads turn to them
a small women with purple hair and a teasing smile is the first to speak, "you're late Tomioka"
before the other slayers can add to her comment
a man with a gentle voice speaks "he is late because I had a last minute request for him"
he turns to Giyuu
"is she here?"
the other slayers murmur their confusion
Giyuu just gently tugs the hand of the girl and pulls her from behind him with a "she is"
The man introduces himself as the leader of the demon slayer corps and then asks for her to be introduced to the other people in the room before giving a gentle smile and leaving
The slayers go around the room introducing themselves
Tengen, Mitsuri, and Obanai were nice enough
Muichiro was kind but reintroduced himself 3 times because he forgot what was happening
Sanemi was intimidating and angry
Shinobu was also very nice but the girl didn't like how she interacted with her adoptive parent so rudely
and Kyojuro was a bit too loud
soon enough the girl finds herself sitting in the lap of the love hashira having her hair braided while the rest of the hashira are poking fun at Giyuu
the girl sits there silently watching until Sanemi takes it a step too far
"the poor girl probably doesn't even like you! i sure fucking don't. she's probably miserable staying with y-"
"don't be mean to him!"
its the first words she spoken since she walked through the door
running and latching onto Giyuu's leg she glares at Sanemi
"the only person I don't like is you!" before hiding her face in Giyuu's leg
no one says a word
until Tengen bursts out laughing lol
quickly Sanemi becomes the victim of teasing and Giyuu and the child are forgotten
Giyuu kneels down to her and puts a hand on her head
gives her a small smile quick enough so that no one else sees
picks her up and they head back home together
im soft for papa giyuu
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bones4thecats · 1 month
Their S/O Is A Slayer's Ancestor
Type of Writing: Random Idea Name: Their S/O Is A Slayer's Ancestor Characters: Kokushibo, Douma, Akaza, and Gyutaro Idea-Giver: Random Thoughts
A/N: Because the reader is placed in a ranking of another character's, the others moons are pushed down a rank, with Gyutaro and Daki being uppermoon 7 in each part. This may not be my best piece, but I do hope you guys enjoy it! Have a great rest of your days/nights!
⚠️ TW: Slight swearing, mentions of death, violent actions, and gore ⚠️
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Uppermoon 2! Reader ; Ancestor to Himejima Gyomei
🌘 These damned crows were starting to annoy you more than anything ever
🌘 Hearing the constant croaks of the birds was only pressuring you to the point of using your blood demon art - which was to create boulders of different sizes and masses - smashing at someone, to the max
🌘 But now with these slayers coming in from all corners, and with them now attacking at full-strength, Kokushibo was even becoming annoyed at them
🌘 And the certain duo that were attacking you just glared and let out a large amount of swears, much to your agitation
🌘 Though, the larger-built hashira seemed familiar
" Himejima-Sensei! Boulder on your left! "
🌘 Himejima…? He's… he can’' be…
🌘 You then froze in place as memories began to wash over your brain, though the faces of the males and females were all blurry except for one… a young baby with gorgeous black hair, he looked so similar to him… because he as a part of his lineage
" Himejima…? You can't be… " " What shit-stained nonsense are you spilling from your mouth, demon?! " " You’re my boy descendant's kin, aren't you? "
🌘 Gyomei froze in place as Kokushibo stood beside you with his sword drawn and ready for any incoming attack from the other three slayers
" Gyomei… you're related to that thing?! " " You- you're Y/N L/N? "
🌘 Well… this just got awkward
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Uppermoon 3! Reader ; Ancestor to the Kocho Sisters
🧊 You sat as the wind flowed through your hair, sending the long locks in the direction of the sakura trees, a frustrated expression laid on your face as your spouse walked through the doors
" My love? Why are you still sitting there? The sun will be rising soon, we wouldn't want you burning alive, now would we? " " Douma… is it true you killed the Flower Hashira today? "
🧊 Looking at you with slightly widened eyes, Douma chuckled and rubbed his neck
" Well- I mean, yes. Why, love? "
🧊 Standing up, your large black butterfly wings spread out as your kimono began to rapidly flow in the sudden burst of wind caused by your anger
" You killed my descendant, you insolent moron! Can you not use your brain for a few seconds before killing a woman?! Good gods! "
🧊 Douma stared at you in shock, you had never been so mad at someone - well, other than Gyokko when he dared to call your care for your deceased and ongoing family line to be disgusting
🧊 He held his head down as his heart squeezed lightly in his chest
🧊 How could he have not seen the slight similarities, the long hair style, the similar eyes, hell, the girl even had a similar ability; controlling something nature related
" Y/N, I am sorry for not thinking more. But, please understand, she was going to kill me then you! I cannot let anything harm the one being I have ever felt for throughout my centuries of life. "
🧊 Nodding lightly as the wind calmed and vines receded down into the ground, you buried your face into the second uppermoon's chest as he cooed and hugged you
🧊 If only you knew what awaited you both years later…
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Uppermoon 4! Reader ; Ancestor to Insouke Hashibira
❄️ Akaza was starting to get worried, he had been searching for you for hours. The last he had seen of you, you had argued with Douma, resulting in him cutting your eye, making you scream and run off in anger and terror
❄️ As he flung himself through the trees of the nearby forest and landing on the ground, Akaza began to hear a melody being sung
" As a souvenir from her hometown, what did she give you? A toy drum and a small bamboo flute. "
❄️ He noticed that you were singing while looking down at a small gravestone, engraved into it was a name he was far from familiar with, at least from a distance
❄️ As he got closer, the letters became more familiar; Kotoha Hashibira - Loving mother and outstanding daughter of M/N and F/N Hashibira, granddaughter of M/N and F/N L/N, and Great-granddaughter of M/N and Y/N L/N
❄️ His eyes widened; this woman was your great-granddaughter, but why were you crying over her, and how did you remember her so well? You have been a demon for quite a while, maybe around 80 or so years now, and memories normally go away after mere hours
❄️ Your sobs were hurting his heart, and as he stepped closer, he began to hum the melody as you continued to sing, your tears falling into the ground as you finished for the fourth time
" Why did that bastard have to harm her? She did nothing wrong… " " Did one of the moons kill her, love? " " Douma… he just- he killed her without giving her the chance of running away with him… Inosuke. " " Inosuke? " " Her son. She had thrown him down a cliff and into water, but- I don’t know if he survived or not… he’d be sixteen now if he did. Oh lord, I hope he lived. "
❄️ Looking down at the stone and back at you, he ran to the field and grabbed a flower before putting it into your hair as you cried into his shoulder
❄️ He was going to have to speak to Douma later. That guy needs to explain his doings in more detail.
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Uppermoon 3! Reader ; Ancestor to Kyojuro Rengoku
��� The sounds of grunts and screams were echoing throughout the Infinity Castle, alarming every inhabitant besides Muzan Kibutsuji, who knew what was going on, he always kept tabs on his subjects
🩸 Gyutaro looked up in shock as he heard a door open and a loud crash, and as he looked up, he noticed that Daki was staring in shock as you stood there, your eyebrows furrowed as your yellow and red hair flared up in flames
🩸 Looking to his right he saw Akaza, the man a rank below you in uppermoon 4, and he could tell just from a glance how bloodied he was, after all, there were cuts and holes gushing blood throughout his frame
🩸 This was even to much for Gyutaro to look at
" You killed him, you sick fucker! " " Who in the world are you talking about, Y/N?! " " You killed Kyojuro! He was my descendant, you shithead! He was supposed to fight me, not your pink-haired ass! "
🩸 The rest of the moons who were summoned there watched as you grabbed Akaza and burned him with your Blood Demon Art, and they could all tell you were beyond speaking to
🩸 Only Muzan was capable of calming you in this situation - well, him and Gyutaro, but he was getting more nervous with every passing second
🩸 You eventually let Akaza go and allow your flame-coded hair to fall back down as your anger began to subside, allowing the uppermoon to stand up and start healing himself as you just stared at him blankly
" If you ever dare lay your hands on any Rengoku member again, I will not stop burning you until you become a pile of ash and blood, like the hand you left in Kyojuro's stomach. Understood, Akaza? " " Understood, Rengoku-sama. " " Good. "
🩸 You then walked away and wrapped your arms around Gyutaro's extremely malnutritioned form, a small amount of warmth radiating off of your body from the previous rage
🩸 Gyutaro sighed and hugged you back, knowing his comfort was beyond yours right now. Your rage was far scarier than Muzan's - well, it was close to it, but still!
🩸 You merely hummed and asked Nakime to send you both back to your selected room in the Castle, and the other moons noticed how shaky she was when striking the cord on her biwa to send you away
🩸 Thank goodness he was in the Entertainment District at the time of this Kyojuro guy's death, he didn't wanna be on the other end of his lover's anger. That wouldn't be the best for the poor guy
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irene9900 · 10 months
His Little Flame Part 1
Kyojuro Rengoku x Fem!Tsuguko!Reader
Part 2
Description: After the recent passing of the Flower Hashira, Shinobu thinks it would be best for you to train under someone stronger, who is more capable of honing your abilities. You become Rengoku’s tsuguko, practically relearning everything you thought you knew.
CW: Teacher/Student dynamic, pet names (little flame), brief mentions of death, mentions of grief, ANGST, mentions of anxiety and dread, reader has past trauma, survivor’s guilt, mentions of kids and marriage, slow burn romance, eventual smut, fluff, sexual tension, dare I say idiots to lovers?
Please let me know if I missed any warnings.
Minors and Ageless Blogs DNI.
A/N: This started out as porn with no plot and I added a bunch of fluff and story and still haven’t even gotten to the smut. It’s now developed into a three parter at least. This is also what I would consider to be my first actual piece.
Word Count: 3,000+
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The past nine months you have been training under the Flame Hashira, Kyojuro Rengoku. You formally trained under the Kocho sisters, who took you in after your village was ransacked by a duo of demons. Your fighting style leaned more offensively compared to theirs. They admired your eagerness to learn and how quickly you picked up on their teachings. You followed Shinobu’s insect breathing style, training with her. After passing the final selection, you worked with the girls at the butterfly mansion, along with your required duties as a slayer. Donning a uniform similar to Kanroji’s, a white haori with yellow butterfly detailing towards the bottom.
After her sister's passing, Shinobu wanted to help push you to become stronger, in a way she wouldn’t be able to. She enlisted the help of a fellow hashira, the flame hashira to be precise. His determination and skill would be a more effective teacher for you.
It was a quiet evening when she first brought up the idea. The two of you were reading books she had just bought, hoping to find easier remedies for the slayers that pass through the halls. The two of you in silence enjoying tea, the only disruption coming from notes being written down.
“Say Y/N-san, have you ever thought about learning with another person? Branching off from the butterfly mansion?”
You gently shut the book you were reading, looking up at her with a puzzled look on your face.
“No, I haven't Shinobu-san.”
“I think you’d benefit greatly if you received training with someone else. You have the potential to be a hashira yourself.” She leans up in her chair. “You are limiting yourself by staying here.”
“I’m- I do not understand what you are trying to say.”
“To put it bluntly, it is a waste of everyone’s time. You being here. You have good reflexes and swordsmanship. Someone with higher skills would be able to help you improve your technique and breathing style and that isn’t anyone here unfortunately.”
You leaned back in your chair. Letting her words sink in. Shinobu can come off as abrasive sometimes, but her words ring true. She doesn’t say her words with malice, more so as concern.
“May I ask why you’re bringing this up now?” You ask, meeting her gaze.
“In light of my sister’s passing a few months ago, this is something that I have weighed on my mind. I cannot teach you to be a better swordsman, with you relying heavily on the blade you need someone better trained. I do not wish to force you into my fighting style either. You have been a tremendous help here, but I think it’s time to move forward. For everyone’s benefit.”
“Shinobu-san.” Your voice cracked, tears stinging your eyes. You didn’t want to think about the thought of leaving her, nor the other girls at the butterfly mansion. This had become your home after the demon took your family away.
“I have discussed this matter with some of the hashira and one has agreed to take you on as their tsuguko.”
“Who?” You looked up at her.
“The Flame Hashira, Kyojuro Rengoku.”
You had met the man a handful of times, having come and gone from the butterfly mansion for injuries before. You recall a couple of times when it was you yourself who patched him up. He has a younger brother as well, seeing him in the room a couple times when you walked in to access his brother’s wounds.
You also remember his thunderous voice. He only had one volume. Loud. Though it did not seem purposeful, more like he genuinely thought he was talking normally. And his laugh, you could hear it in every part of the mansion when he was there.
Shinobu informed you that, should you accept, he would be prepared to start training after he finishes his mission in a northern village, a distance from his residence and the butterfly mansion.
He had arrived at the butterfly mansion with minor scrapes, which wouldn’t take too long to patch up and Shinobu sent you both on your way.
“Rengoku-san” you bowed, entering the room. You carried with you gauze and an antiseptic to clean his wounds. You felt a nervousness in the pit of your stomach that you had never felt around him before. You placed the tools on the table next to the bed and stood in front of him.
“Rengoku-san, can you unbutton your shirt for me or would that be too painful for you?”
“I can do it Y/L/N-san.” He reaches for the buttons of his shirt, pulling them apart while you prepare the antiseptic.
Small scratches littered his arms, almost like claw marks. Just how close did the demon get to him, you thought, it looks like they wrestled one another.
You noticed that he made no face while you cleaned his wounds. Most slayers you patched up often recoiled at the burning sensation the antiseptic provided.
“That’s how you know it’s working,” you would always say to them.
You hummed quietly, distracting yourself with the task at hand. Choosing to bury your anxiety about leaving until later.
You finished wrapping up his left arm, “and… done,” you exclaimed. “You’re welcome to rest for a bit, and I believe Shinobu-san has prepared a meal for us before departing.”
“Wonderful news.” He smiled, buttoning his shirt back up. “From what I’ve heard you will make a fantastic tsuguko.”
“I promise I will do my best.” You smile at him before bowing and leaving the room.
Rengoku’s thundering voice filled the quiet hall as you ate together. His “Umai” and the tale of his latest mission intermixed. The young girls listened intently to his story.
Before you knew it, it was time to leave the place you’ve come to know as home. Shinobu placed a small book in your hands. A small gift from the girls at the butterfly estate she told you. You smiled and held the book close to your chest.
The walk to his estate was a quiet one, but the silence was bearable, calming. There was a burning question you’d been wanting to ask him though.
“Yes?” He answers, turning his head towards you.
“Why did you say yes to training me?”
“You have great skill and determination. There is no doubt you won’t become stronger.” He replies.
It’s hard to see yourself as strong whether mentally or physically when the people you want to protect most aren’t able to live on because of your failures.
Rengoku’s voice pulled you from your thoughts.
“We’re here! We will begin training in the morning. Let me show you to your room.” He gestures forward into the abode.
A little boy comes hurtling out of the door, shouting Rengoku’s name, excited to see him.
“My younger brother, Senjuro.” He chuckles. “My father lives here as well, although you'll seldom see him. He prefers to keep to himself.”
Nodding, you follow him into the estate, barely listening as he chats with his younger brother, not wanting to disrupt their conversation.
He slides open the door, gesturing you in.
“This will be your room from now on. I’ll come get you in the morning for our first day of training. Good night. Y/L/N-san.”
“Good Night Rengoku-san.” You bowed.
It took awhile for you to fall asleep that night. The normal hustle and bustle of the butterfly mansion was gone, replaced by the distant chirps of crickets in the night. The first quiet night you had experienced in a long time.
When Rengoku said early, he meant beating the sun to its spot in the sky.
The sliding door to your room opens, “Good morning Y/N-san!” His booming voice startling you awake.
Jumping up from your futon, and assuming a defense position. Relaxing when your tired eyes see your master.
“It’s not time for combat training yet, eager one, we will start the day with a warm up jog.”
Warm up jog my ass, you thought. Three miles in and Rengoku shows no signs of stopping. It’s become harder to keep up with him.
When you finally arrive back at the estate your legs feel like jelly. Rengoku, however, looks unfazed.
“Let us eat before we begin the real training.”
If you thought the warm up jog was rough, what he had in store for your training was worse.
Five hours in and you haven’t managed to land a single hit on him. Hunched over with your hands on your knees, trying to combat the dizzying feeling in your head.
“Ready to call it a day Y/L/N-san?”
“Not until I manage to land a hit on you.” You move into a fighting stance, planting your feet steady into the ground, the dizzying feeling still present in your body.
He chuckles, “I admire your determination. But that’ll be all for today.”
A look of confusion littered your face, “but sir, I haven’t even succeeded once.”
“And you wouldn’t have. Your attacks were unfocused. The longer we fought, the sloppier your form got.”
He gave you a small pat on the shoulder. “Don’t worry little one, that’s why you’re here with me. With your determination you’ll improve in no time.”
He was right. The following weeks included a similar schedule. Once the warm-up started becoming easier, he made you run longer. You’ve also managed to become quicker on your feet, and while you still haven’t managed to land a hit on him, you’ve become better at dodging his attacks.
You also accompanied him on his missions, applying your lessons as much as you could. It was during those missions when you noticed how sloppy your attacks could get, how unfocused your breathing got during battle.
You brought those observations into your training periods. You’d sit for hours focused on total concentration breathing. Rengoku right next to you, pointing out the mistakes you were making and gently correcting your posture.
It was four months in when you managed to land your first attack on him. Amidst dodging his upper handed swing, you managed to slide behind him and land a blow to his side.
“Nice job little flame!” He exclaimed, using his new nickname for you, now that you’ve made the switch to flame breathing. His hand grasped your shoulder firmly, “but remember one blow does not equal winning.”
He shoves you to the ground in one push, pinning your arms above your head, his knees keeping your legs locked firmly in place.
The women’s uniform you wore often left little to the imagination and being put in this position made you feel more exposed than normal, but you couldn’t manage to wiggle yourself out of his grasp.
“Rengoku-san, that was a dirty play.” You exclaim, trying to desperately free yourself from his grasp.
“Demons don’t play using the same rules as us. Keep your guard up at all times.” His grip tightens as he leans closer to your face. “I’ve won, little flame.”
“You’re right Rengoku-san,” you said, leaning your head up to peck his cheek.
Your unexpected boldness caused Rengoku to loosen his grip, giving you the time to lock your legs around his, shoving him on the dirt. You sat in his lap, legs pressed tightly against both sides, hands holding his down.
You didn’t notice how close your breasts were to his face, or how suggestive the position you’ve put yourself in looks. Too focused on keeping him pinned to the ground.
“Good job little flame. You did well to gain the upper hand against me.”
“And I’ve won? For real this time?”
“Yes little flame, I say you have deserved that win.”
Letting go of his hands, you rest back against his lap, taking a few moments to catch your breath, finally relaxing.
Rengoku, on the other hand, was concentrating with every fiber of his being. Curse that uniform, he thought. Though it’s never bothered him until today. It gave him thoughts he shouldn’t be having about his tsuguko. The one who had entrusted him to train her, not have perverted thoughts about her just from training. The kiss she gave him was just part of her distraction, it meant nothing, just to surprise him.
His arms snuck up your waist before he could even comprehend what he was doing. His firm hands gripped your sides, before he caught himself. You peered down upon him with those pretty eyes, and he tightened his grip.
That snapped him out of his impure thoughts, realizing the situation. Trying to play it off, he loosens his grip and tickles your sides.
“Ren— Rengoku! Ah! Please stop!” You begged trying to lean out of his grip, arching your back against him. “I’ll get off! Ah! Just-Just stop!”
He finally lets you go.
You laugh, “You really meant don’t let my guard down at all times. Even with the people I trust most.” You dust yourself off, and extend your hand to help him up, which he accepts.
“I’d say you’re done training for today Y/N-san.” He pats your shoulder before walking off.
Y/N-san? He used my first name. You blushed, wondering what caused him to make the switch.
“You’ve almost mastered half of the flame forms. Good work my little flame!” He exclaimed proudly, “This one is tricky at first, let me properly guide you.”
He stood behind you, grabbing your hips and adjusting your stance. He slid your feet in the proper spots using his own, leaning his body against yours slightly. Once your feet were in the proper form, his hands slid up to yours, wrapping his firmly over yours.
Bringing his face close to your ear, he guides your body through the motion of the form.
“Doesn’t that feel more fluid?” He asks you.
“Yes Rengoku-san, it makes a lot more sense now.”
“Good. Again, on your own.” He removes himself from you, watching the determination in your eyes, willing to finally get it right.
And that you did.
“Good job Little Flame, with time your motions will become more relaxed. Let’s practice the motion 100 more times then we eat dinner?”
“Yes sir.” As you planted your feet in the proper stance.
You don’t know when you started to harbor feelings for him, but the realization hit that day.
After training all you could think about were his big hands against your hips, the way he leaned into you. He had complete control over your body and you were ready to let him do as he pleased with it.
You sunk your body deeper into the hot springs, trying to ignore the invading thoughts of your master.
Which became harder when he joined you in the hot springs minutes later. You could barely glance at the man opposite to you.
“G-good evening Rengoku-san.” You stutter.
“I see we had similar ideas after our training today.”
“Ah, yes sir. The forms I’ve been learning have been putting a bit of strain on my body. Every time I come here, I feel like it washes the pain away.” You sigh, leaning your head back against the rocks.
He laughs at your statement, then lets silence fills the air. Not the most comfortable kind either.
Both of you feel like saying something, anything, but can’t get the words out. Long minutes pass in the tense air before you decide to get out.
“Good night Rengoku-san. I’ll see you in the morning for our warm-up.” You slide your body out of the springs. Wrapping yourself up as quickly as possible, not feeling his eyes wandering you the entire time.
It was nine months in when you started feeling like his proper tsuguko. You felt like you earned your place.
After your warm-up one morning, you both rest in a grassy part of the estate.
“If you’re okay with talking about it, I’d like to ask why you joined the corps?” He asks, laying back against the soft grass.
“I joined in the way most do.” You sigh, pulling your knees to your chest, resting your chin on them. “It was two years ago, I remember it being the first snowfall of the year. I remember being excited, tanding outside in the falling snow. My family and I were walking home when the first flakes fell.”
Rengoku watched your smile fade as you looked into the distance.
“That night two demons invaded my home, the Kocho sisters had arrived not long after. But it was too late. I was the sole survivor from my family.”
You clench your teeth. Your grip on your legs becoming tighter.
“I’m angry that they took innocent people’s lives. My family didn’t do anything wrong. I joined the corps so hopefully I could stop anyone else from feeling the pain I felt during that day.”
“What did your parents do?” He asks, trying to change the subject, not wanting to work you up in anger.
“They ran a small udon shop in the village. It was always bustling with people.” You replied. Kyojuro’s ears perked up hearing that.
“You’ll have to make your family recipes for me one day.”
“I definitely will. You haven’t experienced the best until you’ve tried their recipes. I’ll even teach you how to make them yourself.”
“Switching roles with me, my little flame?”
You laugh and lean back against the soft grass next to him, staring at the sky.
“When I retire, I’m going to open up an udon shop.”
“Already thinking about retirement?” He muses.
“Just a dreamer that’s all.”
“Where do you think you’d be if that night never happened?”
“I probably would’ve been married off by now with at least one kid. I’d have hoped to continue helping my parents with the business.”
Hearing you mention marriage and kids made Kyojuro’s heart burn. He felt jealous? The thought of never having met you hurt. You with another man. He didn’t want to fathom it.
“How about when we both retire we open the shop up together? I can’t let you do all the work yourself, you’ll need a taste tester.” He said, turning his head towards you.
You giggle and playfully push his shoulder.
“That sounds nice. Senjuro can help too! He’s already a great chef. Don’t dare think you’ll only be taste testing though.”
“Yes. That would be wonderful!” He exclaims.
You both look at each other, huge smiles on your faces. Finding yourselves slowly leaning towards one another, eyes closing as your lips meet.
He cups your face gently with one hand, using the other to pull you closer to him. You put your arms around his neck deepening the kiss.
Pulling apart after what felt like ages, you stared into each other's eyes.
The realization of what happened hit you like a train. You felt sick to your stomach, guilty for indulging yourself, allowing that kiss to happen.
You quickly pushed yourself up off the ground. Apologizing profusely for kissing him, overstepping boundaries.
He grabs your hand in an attempt to stop you from leaving, but you manage slip away, rushing off into the estate. Brushing past a confused Senjuro.
To be continued…
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pulim-v · 3 months
First digital drawing I'm posting this year! Natsuko Kocho, my KnY oc that's been in the oven since 2022! (Comparison to an older drawing of his and long-ass backstory under the cut)
(Also shoutouts to @shycroissanti for the anti-AI watermark girl you're amazing tysm for this)
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For reference, this is a comparison between my first drawing of him and the one at the top; as you can see, I grew a lot in art over the last couple years LMAO
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TW: Depression, substance abuse/alcoholism, and murder.
Natsuko's story is not a happy one. A troubled mind since childhood, he lived his life isolated from his peers, sinking into bouts of inexplicable sadness and alcoholism as time went on.
That changed, though, once he met Kanae, a gentle soul who saved him from an attack his village suffered from a demon. The two became friends, Kanae enjoying his interest in flowers and gardening and Natsuko finding someone who didn't mind his quirks, and, eventually, love blossomed between them, the two eventually marrying each other.
A conflict arose, as Natsuko wanted his wife to be beside him, and begged her to either teach him her breathing style for him to assist her or retire from the Corps, but in her unending kindness and flawless moral compass Kanae couldn't let her lover throw himself to die, neither could she stop battling demons and saving lives.
In one fateful day, Kanae's mission seemed to be more dangerous than the ones before, so Natsuko went after her to at least assist civilians and treat her wounds. What awaited them was a cold-hearted killer, who devastated the village Kanae was protecting, and nearly took her life. Arriving in the scene too late, Natsuko, who had accompanied Kanae's sister, saw his lover's body covered in blood, the life nearly leaving her eyes.
The demon slayer looked into her loved ones' eyes, and told them the truth: she did not want either to follow in her footsteps, Shinobu should take care of the family house and Natsuko should keep to his garden. However, knowing the two wouldn't follow her commands, Kanae gave them instructions should they want to avenge her: she had left books and guides on Flower Breathing for Natsuko, and he should train along with Kanao to become a slayer, and both of them should know what her killer looked like to fight him.
Natsuko, having lost his lover, has his heart fall into an ever-expanding abyss, spending his days in the local tavern and drowning in alcohol. He tried to train to become a slayer, but his intoxicated body was far too damaged for him to develop strength, even if Flower Breathing was a natural fit for him.
After significant berating on Shinobu's part, he dedicated himself to control his mind and heart, gaining a deep understanding of Total Concentration Breathing and starting to overcome his issues, becoming a demon slayer after a few months of training and starting his journey to become stronger and, by being of significant help to the Butterfly Mansion, avenging his lover.
And that's it! This is Natsuko's story, it's really edgy, cliché, and honestly not better than the OG one, I think Kanae's bond with Shinobu and Kanao is a lot better than what I have here, but!!!! I really like Natsuko, and wish I could draw him more, so I guess it kinda balances out :P
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silverynight · 10 months
Zenitsu rolls his eyes when a girl approaches him with a bouquet of flowers. No, that wouldn't be his reaction if he thought that was meant for him, but he knows it isn't.
"Since you're Tanjirou's friend could you please–"
"No," he cuts her off, feeling bad when he notices the sad and confused expression on her face. But he knows it's better that way, besides, she'll probably get over it soon since it's just a crush (judging by the way her heart is beating).
"You'll be wasting your time," Zenitsu mumbles and then gestures at her to follow him until they're in the backyard. "He's taken."
He doesn't need to say anything else, she sees it all: Tanjirou is taking a break, sitting on the grass when the flame hashira takes him in his arms and squeezes him until Kocho gets angry and tells him to let him breathe. Tanjirou is not upset at all, he's used to the Pillars forgetting about personal space when it comes to him, even though he has no idea why they do that.
"So, does Rengoku-san..." She doesn't even get to finish because the mist hashira appears and gives Tanjirou a kiss on the cheek. "What? But..."
Zenitsu doesn't say anything at all, he knows she'll figure it out, like everyone does; it's not that difficult to notice since all the hashira are everything but subtle.
"Oh, I get it now..." She mumbles right before Himejima leans closer to Tanjirou to nuzzle affectionately against the redhead's cheek. "They all love him."
Yes, they do, which is why no one else has any chance with Tanjirou. At first Zenitsu thought one of the Pillars would end up being the chosen one, but lately it seems that none of them want to give up on Tanjirou; he's almost sure they all have agreed to share him.
Out of the corner of his eye, Zenitsu notices two boys talking to each other; he doesn't need to get closer to know they're speaking of Tanjirou and how pretty he is.
One of them is determined to ask him out, but the idea dies quickly in his mind as he watches Shinazugawa walk in the butterfly estate with a very tired Tanjirou in his arms.
"It's just a scratch, Shinazugawa-san," the redhead assures him. "You need to let the kakushi do their job."
The wind hashira is not letting anyone near Tanjirou, cradling him close to his chest and growling at whomever tries to approach them. Fortunately, Uzui and his wives are there and while Makio scolds Shinazugawa for making everything more difficult, the other two take Tanjirou to one of the recovery rooms.
Uzui kisses the boy's cheek before Aoi and the butterfly girls start patching him up.
"It's a shame he's taken already," the boy mumbles to his friend, before both of them sigh in defeat before leaving the room.
At least Zenitsu didn't have to explain anything this time.
Honestly, Zenitsu understands Tanjirou's appeal; he's beautiful, kind and does everything he can to help other people. The problem is that he's unbelievable oblivious and seems to think people just want to be friends with him.
The other problem, for demon slayers and kakushi and most people who develop a crush on him is that all the hashira (deadliest swordsmen alive) have called dibs on him a while ago.
"Why are the cute ones taken?" Zenitsu hears a kakushi girl complain as she watches Tanjirou being squeezed in between Kanroji and Iguro.
"Of course the Pillars take the best ones for themselves!" Another huffs as the love hashira keeps kissing Tanjirou's face before offering him a couple of rice balls.
Not all of them, Zenitsu thinks as he feels relief spread all over his chest and thanks the gods the hashira are so in love with Tanjirou they are incapable of seeing anyone else...
So he can focus on Nezuko.
However, he is glad for his friend, even though sometimes it irritates him the blatant adoration coming from the Pillars, Zenitsu knows they'd do anything for Tanjirou. And he's sure he'll be in good hands, they clearly know how to take care of him.
The only thing he needs to do is to see what's in front of him.
"I have never seen the water hashira being so soft with anyone before," a slayer comments, as Tomioka greets Tanjirou by pulling him into his arms.
The other Pillars arrive then; lately they've been trying to be in the butterfly estate whenever Tanjirou comes back from a mission. It's obvious to anyone who pays a little bit of attention that they want to spend as much time with him as they can.
Even Zenitsu thinks that's kinda sweet.
"I hope he marries them all. I can't imagine him choosing just one; they all love him so much..."
They do. Honestly Zenitsu agrees with the kakushi girl, they adore him too much... As they gather around Tanjirou and the redhead beams at them, Zenitsu realizes that they all are like a big family already.
Maybe it'll take them a while to get to marry him, but Zenitsu is sure they will.
They'll make him happy and honestly Tanjirou deserves all the happiness in the world.
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catlover31 · 11 months
Tanjiro happy birthday 🎈 ( warning bit of 18+ content )
How the kamado squad made a birthday party for tanjiro:
🪷 Genya cussing at inosuke for eating all of the sweets for tanjiro
🪷 Genya,kanao, inosuke, zenitzu,aoi, senjuro, butterfly girl, murata , yuichiro , lady tamayo and all of the hashira and ex hashira preparing a birthday party for tanjiro.
🪷 tanjiro not knowing that it is his birthday and nezuko distracting him away from the main building of the demon slayer corps.
🪷 everyone has a small gift for tanjiro and the food that he likes.
🪷 Genya, kanao, senjuro, sanemi , kyojuro cooks all of the food for the guest at the party
🪷 after 8:00 pm nezuko brings her brother to the party and tanjiro is happy and confused to whose birthday party is it for .
🪷 then everyone screams "HAPPY Birthday tanjiro!!!" When they see him.
🪷 tanjiro is very happy and everyone give him the gift they brought for tanjiro and then cuts the cake . Made by rengoku family.
🪷 giyuu gift is the most special because he gave tanjiro makamo's mask and a harori that belongs to sabito and Urokodaki . Urokodaki pats his and said happy birthday tanjiro
🪷 half of the swordsmith village came to his birthday party
🪷 after the party is over , tanjiro thanks everyone for making the best party for him.
🪷 Genya, kanao, inosuke, muichiro have a final gift for tanjiro and oh god it so good at the end of the sex he thanks his lovers but he was a bit sad to learn that he was always a bottom . Then they all kiss him on the forehead and say goodnight our sunshine
🪷 when he falls asleep he sees all of his dead love ones saying happy birthday to him. Sabito and makamo tell tanjiro that if any of his bfs or gf break his heart they will break all of their bones.
🪷 tanjiro laughs and says that not to worry and that he will tell them and then they hug him. He sees his family and they run towards him and say happy birthday oni-chann/happy birthday my baby boy.tanjuro and kie say my baby you and nezuko have grown so much and we proud of you tanjiro for protecting nezuko and the family that you have now. We all love you.
🪷 then he wakes up and sees a blue spider lily in his hand and wonders where did it come? Then he decided to put the flower on his head and fall asleep again and all his lovers cuddle to him and sleep because the moon was still full and the beautiful sun was resting after many days .
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tanjirosjuliet · 1 year
Tanjiro,zenitsu and kyojuro with a s/o like noelle from genshin impact?
A/n : I watched a few videos and I think I can write for her! I've never played with Noelle nor I have her (I'm a keqing main) but I'll try my best to write this!<3 and I'm so sorry if its bad I just don't know her personality very well😭
Tanjiro , Zenitsu And Kyojuro With A S/o Who Is Like Noelle
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You are a helper in the butterfly mansion but also a slayer and you use stone breathing! Stone breathing is the closest to geo so yea
How you guys first met..
You guys met when after the natagumo mountain arc, when shinobu told you to patch him up you first saw him. You two had a normal chat about your job and why was he carrying a demon around with him he explained everything and after that you became very protective for nezuko after that.
How he confessed....
His confession was pretty simple and cute. You both walked up to a field full of flowers and that's where he confessed with a flower I his hand "would you mind if I be your boyfriend?" His eyes were shining so beautifully with the sunset rays hitting his face,and a little pout of his face🫶he looked absolutely ethereal and of course, your answer was yes. You cried a little when he confessed, finally being able to date the man you loved the most. He pulled you into a hug and asked your permission to kiss you. And his kisses were so gentle and sweet. You can't help but melt into his touch<3
When you guys started dating...
He has never been in a relationship before so this was very new to him. He is very affectionate towards you, he treats you like you are made of fine glass which can break anytime. His kiss are always so cute and he blushed alot after that. He was mostly the one who initiates the kiss because you're shy, but when you do it it's like a complete shock to him!. And he lovesss physical affection because after his family's death he never gets it anymore. Whenever he'll be sad or upset or just wanting some cuddles, he would come up to you. As you're really quite he always asks for your permission before even touching you.
He knows how much high expectations you have from yourself and most of them are not even possible, he tried his best to comfort you whenever you disappoint yourself and tells you not to push yourself more than your limits.
Whenever you smile at him he literally Bursts inside, he feels like a free bird lol since you don't do it so often
Whenever he is having those beautiful moments with you he feels so happy because he gets you have someone so caring and affectionate like you<3 you don't know how much those little moments mean to him<3
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How ou guys met
You guys met around the hashira training arc. He found out you were Gyomei's tsuguko. He was so shocked to see you push giant rocks and carry heavy logs all by yourself! He was so amazed when he was unable to do any of those😭
How he confessed
He confessed to you during training and it was so stupid yet so cute . He gifted you a promise ring telling you that he will take care of you forever!
When you guys started dating
He literally stopped flirting with girls after you guys started dating and he treats you like a literal QUEEN
Whenever a man even approaches you he gives them a scary look and shoo's then away and then hugs you "mine" he says kissing your cheek "and only yours" you say while smiling
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How you guys met
You were around his age but not a hashira yet you were training under Gyomei and he met you when you went to Gyomei to ask him about something. Then he saw you training with him. He asked Gyomei about you and he told him everything. Ofc you heard it because he was so loud xd
He confessed to you while you both were assigned on a mission together. After you both killed the demon he came towards you and politely confessed to you and even told you that if you didn't liked him it'd completely fine and you can just say no!. When you told him that you share the same feelings too he hugged and said alot of I love yous to you
When you guys started dating
Hes very affectionate towards you and always holds your hands when you guys are together or just walking around.
He wants you to be a hashira and trains you hard for it
He notices how hardworking you are finds it amazing and you don't run away because every tsuguko he had ran away from the horrendous training he had
He would just come up to your room and ask if you're doing okay because he knows how much you overwork yourself! He makes sure you had proper meals and sleep
He always puts you and senjuro before himself because you guys matter alot to him
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muichirolover12 · 21 days
Kanao is one of my favorite characters from Demon Slayer because she is so beautiful and quiet just a butterfly! And butterflies loves flowers. So today I will name 4 things I love about her while giving her some flowers!
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° I really like her color palette. It is a mix of Purple to Magenta to Pink with yellow! I also love her uniform. It was actually an inspiration for Zaria's uniform.
°Flower 1 is Tulips!🌹
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° I kin Kanao. I had said that somewhere in my blog. We both are indecisive and use a person or object to decide something. We are also both quiet and smart. But I'm a ambivert and she's a introvert.
°Flower 2 is Lavender!💐
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° Kanao has two other sisters, Shinobu and Kanae. She also has Aoi and the little butterfly girls. I have many siblings and I also have two other sisters. So like I said, we kin!
° Flower 3 is Carnations!💮
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° ( I just found out Shinobu is 4'11 which is my height. I'm so short😭) Well anyway... Kanao loves nature, including butterflies and flowers. Every time I'm in a forest I must take pictures and I would just stare up at the trees (Cause I'm short and they tall😭) and listen to the birds tweet. I would also look for ponds or any source of water because it's so calm and relaxing in the wilderness. :3 And Fun Fact, Kanao is 5'1.
° Flower 4 is @pinkwisteria
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That's all folks! Have a nice day! Happy Birthday Kanao 🎂🌷🍓💮
Also look at the tags! @larz-barz
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intheclearblueskies · 1 month
Accidentally Making You Cry
| Masterlist |
You had gotten horribly sick during the night and were puking your guts out. Tanjiro woke up when he heard you throwing up and stayed by your delirious side, rubbing your back and offering you wet towels and easy drinks.
You were in tears when he helped you back into your bed, and as he held your hand you sobbed like a baby. You kept blubbering about how grateful you were to have him until you fell back into an uneasy sleep.
You were sitting and watching Nezuko run around the garden, picking little flowers and humming to herself. She looked so innocent, and it reminded you of one of the children from your hometown, a cute little girl who always used to bring you wildflowers. She was long dead now, one of the few turned (and killed by slayers) in a demon attack years ago.
Nezuko finally padded over to you, holding a small flower crown in her hands, a triumphant look on her face. For a moment, your throat tightened at the sight, and you accepted the crown with teary eyes and a tight hug.
You had a nightmare and woke up looking for your boyfriend. When you opened the door to the boys' room and found him sleeping peacefully, you let out a quiet sigh of relief and walked in to give him a kiss.
The moment you kissed his cheek, his eyes opened, and he smiled groggily up at you, wondering aloud if this was a dream. The tears filling your eyes immediately made his eyes go wide, and he sat up to comfort you when you started crying.
Your stubborn boyfriend had gotten himself severely injured on a mission and was now recovering in the butterfly estate. He'd been unconscious for a day now, and you were worried sick.
Finally, Aoi came to you and said he was awake and looking for you. You ran to the room and threw yourself onto his lap, sobbing in relief and yelling at him for worrying you so much. He sat there, stunned, as you weakly hit his leg with your fists, crying over him.
You were having a pretty bad day, and you'd fallen asleep right after dinner. Apparently, this greatly worried Giyuu, because when you awoke, hot and sticky and disoriented, a few hours later, he was at your bedside, stroking your hair gently and giving you a worried look.
He gently asked if you were okay, and the sheer compassion in his voice made you burst into tears. You held onto his middle as you cried yourself back to sleep.
You were training, and you just couldn't get the hang of one of your moves. When Kyojuro came out and asked how you were doing, your frustration finally bubbled over and you threw down your katana, angry tears rising to your eyes.
He was surprised, but immediately went to your side, asking if you were okay and telling you to take a break.
Muichiro had awoken from a nightmare at your home, and to calm down you asked him to tell you about his family. He spoke of his parents and of his brother Yuichiro fondly, even though at some points he teared up again. In the middle of one of his stories about his twin, he looked over to see you trying to keep from sniffling.
He panicked, asking what was wrong. You had simply been moved by his love for his brother, and of course it manifested as tears.
Shinobu had been having a worse day than usual, and she snapped at you a little when she was trying to go to her room to sulk. It made her feel guilty to see you walking off with your shoulders drooped, but she turned and went back to her room anyway. If she didn't cool off, she was worried she'd say something else that she'd regret.
Finally, when she was feeling a little better, she went out to seek you. She eventually found you in the garden, sitting in the grass. You'd obviously been crying, but you tried to hide it when she approached, giving her a shaky smile and asking if she was feeling better.
She simply went to you, gathered you in a hug, and held you for a while.
Gyomei had been telling you about the story of his temple. You'd begged him to tell you, as he always hesitated when telling the story, but for some reason tonight, he capitulated. You gazed intently at him through the duration, gently wiping away tears that trickled down his face at certain parts.
When he got to the part of the massacre, he was surprised to hear you quietly sniffle to yourself. He hugged you close, and you both cried it out. He never finished the story.
Sanemi was having an awful day, and it didn't help that you had too much energy and decided to expend it on him. You were bouncing around him, giggling and teasing and poking him, but when he yelled at you to "cut it out, annoying bitch--!" you stopped. You quietly left when his back was turned, and he didn't notice you were gone until he turned around to say something.
He felt guilt well up in his heart, but he chose to wait and blow off some steam on the training dummies. When at last he felt calmer, he went to search you out. It took him a while, but eventually Mitsuri pointed him in the direction of a small pond.
He found you there, sniffling to yourself and petting one of the ducks. When you turned and realized he was there, you stood, ready to apologize, but he beat you to it by bringing you in for a tight hug.
He mumbled an apology to you as he hid his face. His grip clenched when you started crying again.
You were sitting beside a boulder with Akaza, hand-in-hand on a date. He'd told you about this place earlier in the week, and you were excited to come here.
Now, he turned to you with a soft expression and said he loved you.
To your surprise, your body reacted to that by tears welling up in your eyes. Happy tears.
He soothed you as you hugged him, a little uncomfortable, but concerned nonetheless.
You'd been pretty stressed today, so you decided to go see your boyfriend. When you got to his compound, he must've understood how ragged you were, because he immediately took you into his private bathing chambers and ran you a warm bath with flower petals in the water. As soon as you were done and changed into some comfy robes he'd lain out for you, he sat you in his lap on his lotus, brushing through your hair with an expensive comb.
The gesture was so touching that you soon found yourself crying, and when Douma gently wiped your tears away you could do nothing but thank him, leaning against his frame.
You'd been having a pretty good day today, but when nightfall came and you were walking home, you heard a scream. You ran to it, but hid just in time to see your boyfriend killing a corps member. You could tell by the navy-black uniform that hung off their lanky frame.
The sight made the memories of your fallen comrades go through your mind, and you began to hyperventilate, falling to the ground and shutting out everything but your own terror. You didn't even realize when Kokushibo walked up to you.
You flinched when his hand settled on your shoulder, and when you looked up at him, terrified, tears dribbling down your hot cheeks, you noticed the blood splattered on his face and wrenched your arm away, turning and breaking into a stumbling run.
Muzan had cancelled on you. Again. He had 'urgent business' to attend to. Again.
You tried not to take it so hard, but sometimes you felt as if you were dating a ghost rather than your incredibly charming boyfriend. You sighed, hugging the pillow closer to your chest, tears falling down your face as you tried not to wallow in your loneliness.
You were out gathering some berries for a dessert you wanted to try for dinner that night. As soon as you'd gotten back to the house, you noticed the scent of (f/f) from inside. Lo and behold, Yoriichi had made it just for you.
"It's our anniversary today," he reminded you with a wisp of a smile. He pulled out a bunch of your favorite flowers and held them out to you.
You had been frozen in your spot in surprise, but as soon as he held out the flowers, a few tears filled your eyes.
"What's wrong?" He asked, looking concerned.
"I just..." You sniffled, wiping your eyes. "I didn't expect something like this. I'm really happy, thank you."
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Hey! I finished my Perfuma Re-design! I made her a deer person to diferenciate her a bit from other characters and also because i think would make sense with her character since she lives in the forest. As for her outfit, i pretty much mixed a whole bunch of stuff, like the hippie fashion of the 70s, Fairy core and Galadriel from LOTR, i think the dress still looks a bit too simple and empty but i imagine it having a silk like texture especially her top, i wanted to make a flower crown but i wasn't able to draw it so i simply added to her horns.
As for her character, i imagine her kingdom being a close ally to Bright Moon since they are probably the closest one, her father was part of the rebellion a long time ago and ended up dying because of one of the Horde's machines,making Perfuma resenting technology a lot. She was born blind and was dubed not fit to rule the kingdom due of her disability, being treated as incapable for a big part of her life till the Horde invaded the Kingdom, killing her parents and destroying a big portion of the forest on the process, because of the anger of losing her parents, Perfuma awekend an incredible powerful magic that she used to create a giant plant monster and banished the Horde soldiers alway from her home. After the Horde was send alway, she realized that their home was almost entirely destroyed, she then ordered to flee the kingdom and rebuild it in another place, completly hid from the Horde and any outsider deemed unworthy.
Because of her powerful magic, Perfuma was the only protector of her kingdom for a very long time, having the help of only the animals and creatures from the forest to help her, since then the Horde has been unable to enter the Whisper Forest and it was deemed an dangerous place protected by a blood thirsty monster that kills whoever enters it. Perfuma was considered a very valueble and strong ally to the Rebellion, being the one who keeps the Horde alway from Bright Moon, but she's been distant ever since her parents died and rarely visits the Kingdom or even keeps contact, which is what causes Adora, Bow and Glimmer to visit her and show She-Ra.
In question of personality, Perfuma is a very pacific, compasionate and kind person that sees the good on everyone and everything, she fantasized with She-Ra her whole life being the center hero of all her people's myths, hoping that someday She-Ra would come back to save her people and put an end to their suffering. Perfuma's was very shielded on her childhood, not being alowed to play with other kids, with the only exception being Glimmer who is her childhood friend, but despite that Perfuma was a very lonely kid and spend most of her life playing with the animals from the forest, learning to speak with them and training to be more independent despite her condition, that friendship with the animals would later pay up with them helping her defend The Forest and Bright Moon. Despite having a calm demeanor, Perfuma can be easily prone to anger and stress, due of being trusted with a lot of responsability in a very young age (she was only 14 when her parents died, with Glimmer being around 9) because her powers are linked to her emotions, Perfuma constantly meditates to keep herself calm because she's afraid to hurt someone if she's snaps. But despite being gentle, Perfuma holds a big anger and hate towards the Horde for taking her parents, destroying her home and for their machines who cause a mess in the enviroment, making her very suspicious of Adora when she find out she's a former Horde soldier, but begins to trust her after seeing she have a pure heart. She pretty much acts like a mix between Galadriel and the butterfly girl from Demon Slayer.
Perfuma's the oldest of the princesses (being around her early 20s) and she doesn't really know any if them except from Glimmer who was her closest and only friend. She acts like a big sister to her and is very worried about her friendship with Adora at first but after seeing how Adora cares for Glimmer she calms down a bit, she's also have a close friendship to Mermista after entering the Rebellion and later on she's also makes friends with Frosta and Scorpia, despite not trusting her at first either. She doesn't like Catra at all, especially after knowing what she did to Scorpia and Adora (when i say "don't like her" i mean she's literally ready to kill that cat at first moment notice) and she also have a complicated relationship with Entrapta because her machines often cause a lot of harm to the forest and because their kingdons have been at war before (i'll explore that lore a bit, give me some time). After the Horde attack, her kingdom rune stone had almost been destroyed, with one of the remaining piece being the gems she use around her body and after hearding She-Ra was back, she hoped to finally heal the stone and bring the kingdom to it forme glourious self, since she knows a lot about She-Ra, she acts as kind of a guide to Adora, helping her connect with She-Ra trought meditation and teaching her about her connection to the planet, which made them very close and she have kind of a motherly way to treat Adora. Among her powers, Perfuma have heightened senses for being part animal (and above that, being blind) especially her hearing who is 2 times better than other people from her race, she have a very powerful plant magic which can be dangerous if she gets too anger or emotional, making her a bit scared to use her full potencial, she also have healing powers which is an old magic of her people that they learned with She-Ra herself and she can talk to animals, even monstruous creatures
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octoooo · 9 months
It’s finally time for Magical Girl au yaaay! I’ve wanted to make one since I started watching Sailor Moon (& rewatched Magica Madoka) a couple months ago 🐙
I use the term Magical Girl loosely, but it doesn’t mean everyone has a skirt & highlighter color palette. Really it only means you get a cool outfit transformation & magic for fighting demons.
The breathing styles are like different forms of magical girls. Different divisions that Magical Girls train under I should say. (Aka if canon Slayer corps cared more about having strong highly trained members from the start instead of the final arc). The most popular/prevalent Breathing Styles have their own division (which is why Insect or Love doesn’t have one, since those were created recently and used only by one person)
There’s a bigger emphasis on teamwork (because that’s usually how the protagonists overpowers enemies that would definitely kill them otherwise) so just about every mission no matter your rank is with at least one other Slayer.
I also use “Division Leader” & “Hashira” often but don’t get them mixed up. Out of the Hashira, only about 4-5 have led their own divisions.
All Division Leaders are Hashira, but not all Hashira are Division Leaders if that makes sense.
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Division Leader’s Estates are for housing (temporarily) and training of the lower ranks of their breathing style.
The non-Division Leader Hashira don’t have personal Estates. But because teamwork & friendship is important, they all share one Estate. Its the size of an average personal Estate, just split between the rest of the Hashira. It’s big enough for them to live comfortably without overcrowding each other
Out of the non-division leaders, Mitsuri, Uzui, Muichiro and Obanai share that estate. Shinobu stays with Kanae in the Butterfly Estate.
(The Kakushi are same as in canon)
Main divisions:
Magical Water Division, led by Giyuu & Sabito
Magical Wind Division, led by Sanemi
Magical Stone Division, led by Gyomei
Magical Flame Division, led by Kyojuro
Magical Flower Division, led by Kanae (yes she’s alive)
I know that Thunder Breathing was one of the original five, but I can’t find a suitable Leader or purpose for their Division. Zenitsu isn’t near powerful enough, Jigoro retired before the era of our current hashira. So I replaced their division slot with Flower because Kanae <3
As far as weapons go;
Every magical slayer has a sword and learns their respective breathing style, and each one of them has a specific ability/magic set.
I’m Introducing magic as a stand-in for the Pretty Guardians’ specialized attacks. (Like how Sailor Moon has ‘Moon Spiral Heart Attack’ that’s specialized to her usage only.)
In the au, Everyone has a Sword and their Breathing Style, but everyone’s magic abilities are different.
Sometimes you just need that extra slap to take out demons. This would definitely help when swords break mid fight. While magic alone isn’t enough to take out a demon, it can weaken them which could give slayers time to call for backup or retreat.
Also you pretty much sell your soul to become a Slayer
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lychniis · 2 years
↷  various ! hashira x reader
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✦ synopsis : life was as cruel as it was ironic. sometimes you think you still remember them, the moments before they departed and left you behind. those moments when they felt real and alive and the moments when you weren't torn apart at the edges ( or, the last few moments you spent with them before they died ).
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WARNING(S) : angst angst angst, spoilers for demon slayer : mugen train ( rengoku ) and the infinity castle arc in the manga ( shinobu ). these are mostly read as romantic. NOT PROOFREAD.
# masterlist
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&& . shinobu kocho · ( wisteria eater ; there are flowers in your blood )
“Kanao? What’s wrong?”
Kanao bears no answer to your concern when she passes you by. You do not find it strange at first; for all the time you knew her, she was always so reserved and so quiet, keeping to herself and her own world and whims ( and anything else that went on in that head of hers ). From the moment Shinobu and Kanae brought her home and scrubbed her matted hair down of any grime or lice to the present, her silence was the unspoken norm in the Butterfly Estate. No one questions it and you were not going to either.
But you see her gaze trained on the floor, the pinch in her brow and the glossiness in her eyes. 
She was upset.
“Kanao.” you repeat yourself, turning around to watch after her stumbling form. “Kanao — ” You almost drop the basket of laundry in hand as you call after her with exasperation.  She still ignores you, turning the corner and away from your nagging. You consider chasing her down but a peek into the room she had emerged from showed Shinobu’s hunched frame sorting out her herbs. 
An argument, perhaps? You haven’t a clue but you step inside anyway, pressing your lips together as you watch the woman in front of you pack up the last of those plants she so religiously dabbles with and puts them away. There is a smile on her face ( there always was one, no matter how forced it was, ever since Kanae died ) when she looks up and tilts her head to the side.
( It was the kind of smile that seemed so easy to pull off but if you knew her well enough, you could see the strain at the corners and the underlying unnaturalness that seeps through the cracks like murk. You could see it now, hints of that seething anger and grief trembling beneath the surface. Water against fragile porcelain, pressing so persistently against the surface. )
“Is there a reason why you linger around so ominously?” her playful titter flies over her head, even when she pulls at the sleeves of your kimono. “One would think you were plotting my murder, you know.”
As dismissive as she sounds and as much as you picked up on those subtle hints of hers to leave and let her stew in her silent suffering, you plant your feet to the floor resolutely, sliding the shoji screen shut behind you.
The basket was placed down, you grab Shinobu’s haori and meet her narrowed stare. You were used to this song and dance Shinobu played; a tune you were not fond of listening to. But you knew this woman, you knew her enough to know how to deal with the parts of her she allows you to deal with.
The two of you needed to talk.
“Kanao looked upset when I saw her.” You went straight to the point. Shinobu’s shoulders relax and her smile seems to falter a little. “Shinobu, what happened? She’s never looked so…frazzled.”
She tugs her small hand out of your hold but after a moment, she grasps your finger and sighs. 
She looked tired.
“There is nothing much to discuss. I simply told Kanao what needed to be said.”
Silence. She sounds resigned while she absently plays with some of the scars on your palm, tracing a particularly nasty one that travels down from the bottom of your index finger to the base of your thumb ( “Shinobu’s favorite spot.” you jokingly called it when the two of you were younger, when she was still the hot-headed girl you trained with ).
You frown. “And that is?” you urge on, taking a cautious step forward. Shinobu laughs and you try not to reel back at how bitter and empty it sounds.
“Our battle with Muzan will soon be upon us. Perhaps tonight, or tomorrow, or the night after…” Her voice drops to a whisper and you unconsciously tighten your finger around her own, as something ugly latches on to your chest. “You know better than I do…I will not survive this battle. Not with my weaknesses, not with my inability to cut off a demon’s head.”
Something sour settles in your mouth. You do not like this feeling that is slowly bubbling up, dragging its ice cold claws up your spine.
“Don’t say that!” The words come out with a little more anger than intended, all of it pure acid and uncontrollable fire. The heaviness in your chest fester; you pull away from her and settle a scathing glare on her form. Shinobu raises her brow. “You won’t die.” your voice trembles with each enunciated syllable. “You have your poisons, don’t you?”
But she only laughs once more. No mirth, no humor, none of the idle charm her genuine happiness would bring. It was an empty laugh and your stomach churns uneasily despite the anger clouding your judgment.
“You still refuse to face reality it seems…” she muses bitterly. “You know better than anyone that I won't. Don’t try to fool yourself into believing some silly little fantasy.”
Her words cut sharp and deep down, you knew they might have been necessary. But you were stubborn, you were always stubborn and this time, you pulled away from her hold and took a step back. 
“My venom may not work against an Upper Rank.” she reasons, as if she’s come to accept this inevitability already, as if her dying was a completely justifiable and acceptable notion to comprehend. That only spurs you on even more.
“Then make one that will.” You seethe, the initial loud timbre now dropping to a softer tone. 
“What if I have no time?” was her counter, her lips tugging upwards. When you give no response, stunned to silence, she chuckles, covering her mouth briefly behind her fingers.
“As I thought…” the steely glint leaves her eyes in favor of something softer. “I understand your concern…but you need to accept this sooner or later…I wouldn't want you to go through that pain all over again.” 
A soft exhale. 
The brief rustling of silk fabric against cotton. 
Shinobu’s scent fills your nose. 
“I will miss you anyway.” you whimper out. “Shinobu, I can’t lose you too…not after Kanae — please, if you do leave, come back to me — ”
She does not respond save for her pulling you into a hug. You take her in, all of her, the feel of her touch, the smell of her hair, her breathing you take it all and lock it all away somewhere deep inside you. “Come back — ” you try again. “Please.”
She does not answer.
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&& . kyojuro rengoku · ( come springtime ; your seat stays empty )
Kyojuro reminds you of the sun. Loud, bright and near impossible to miss on a clear day given his absolutely garish appearance. The uncommon coloring of his hair and eyes ( “all thanks to the works of Shrimp tempura.” he laughed one day. “But there is also another fascinating story that comes with it…” ) and exuberant personality always brought him looks, some put off, some curious, some utterly terrified.
You weren’t a demon slayer, but Kyojuro showed you the monsters that crept through the shadows at night, the ones that clawed away at human flesh and devoured and devoured till there was nothing but pain and emptiness left. He was young too, no older than you were ( or perhaps the same age ) at sixteen with so much to do and so much to say when he started his friendly conversation.
( If friendly conversations usually began with him staring at you for fifteen minutes straight. )
Kyojuro reminds you of fire. It was his hair again — it always was — but if you were feeling a little more poetic, you’d also say it was because of his duality. You bore witness to it when he cut a demon down; a man with a streak of ferocity behind his smile. But he was considerate too, warm, kind and loving. He held your hand gentle when you were nervous and he holds you gently when you needed to be comforted.
He easily won you over ( he barely even tried ) and you always found yourself flustered around him. A sky, awkward mess pining after something you found to be out of reach. You had lost count of the times you tried to be honest, brave, blunt ( like him).
I love you.
It wasn’t hard to say. It shouldn’t have been. But the words are caught in your mouth and weigh down on it when you try. It only takes one look, a smile and you’re floundering again back to those awkward years in your childhood where you could barely string together a sentence in the presence of someone you liked. 
You’re being stupid, you tell yourself. Don’t freeze next time. But you would, over and over and over and before you knew it, the days bled to months and the months to years. The snow and frost came and melted thrice and with the closing of winter and onset of spring, came Kyojuro.
The sword on his hip told you enough. He was off on another mission tonight and he was here to say his goodbyes.
“Where are you off to this time?” you ask, handing him some packed lunch for the trip. His face lights up at the sight of food and your heart melts into a puddle of pining and adoration. 
“I’ll need to investigate a few attacks on a train.” he explains, peeking into the bento. “Ah! You made tempura. Thank you for the food.” He passes you a content grin ( he always found pleasure in simplicity, in those moments with you over a shared lunch ), sliding the lid shut. “But there have been a few more reports as well of a slasher. I am inclined to believe there is another demonic presence I must investigate.”
“Two missions in a night, huh? It sounds like your schedule is leaves no time for breaks.” you comment lightly but your eyes betray your worry. Kyojuro’s smile softens and he reaches out to ruffle your hair fondly, ignoring your surprised protest in favor of his raucous laughter. “Oi! Oi! No, I just managed to comb it down today — Kyo stop!” 
He respectfully steps back with playful innocence, tilting his head to the side. “There is no need to worry. I will be fine.” His assurance was familiar; it was a song and dance both of you seem to play before his leaves but the harrowing concern and the familiar slimy dread that keeps creeping up your throat never seems to abate. Demons were dangerous, unpredictable and as powerful as Kyojuro was —
— he was as human as you were.
Don't be foolish, you berate harshly. He is a hashira; one of the strongest in the corps. If anyone can return from a mission with all his limbs intact, it’s him. You shut your eyes for a moment. You needed to trust his judgment, you needed to trust his experience.
Kyojuro always came back, bruised and battered, yes.
Sometimes with injuries that made your skin crawl and bile rise to your throat, yes.
But he was determined and he always picks himself up after being knocked down.
Trust him.
“Still…” you manage out through furrowed brows as you reach out and grasp his hand ( yours was a little shaky, to your chagrin ). “Please, be careful. I care about you a lot…” Much more than you let on at least. 
I love you, the words rise again but they stay where they were. You still lack the courage to say it and your frustration only intensifies at the face of your cowardice. 
“Of course!” he is beaming at this point, luminous, his assurance unyielding in the face of your blatant nervousness. He rests his hand on your shoulder and a quiet, nagging part of you almost feels like it lingered a tad bit too long before he steps back and walks away. You watch his shrinking frame with twitchy fingers and for some reason, the breath in your chest only grows heavier. 
It’s cold, the feeling rising inside you, prickling at the tips of your ears and face and cheeks like the relentless winter frost. Your throat runs dry so you take a few steps forward, mouth opening and his name spilling out before you registered anything around you.
He turns around, his gaze inquisitive. You find yourself lapsing to the overbearing quiet again.
I love you. I love you. I love you. Please, I know there isn’t much of a chance that you feel the same way, but I love you and I want you to know that; that you’re loved.
“I’ll treat you to dinner when you come back! So stay safe!” you yell, waving him down, a grin tugging at the corner of your lips. He laughs again, crossing his arms with elation. 
“How about I treat you instead?” he offers. “As a ‘thank you?” 
Your cheeks did not grow warm when he said that. It did not — you were perfectly fine and not at the verge of screaming. You nod. “I’d love that! Thank you!” You smiled even wider now if that were possible and Kyojuro turns around, sparing you one last glance back at you and the world stills to peaceful silence.
For a moment, you almost think he feels the same way.
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❪⠀🎬⠀❫ AINE SPEAKS ;;
yes you can kill me now but angst angst for the hashiras hehe-
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AINE © 2022. do no plagiarize, repost or rework this piece.
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2demon2slayer · 1 year
Hello, the new guy that kinda found the tsugoku AU in whim of fate and has been rereading all the entries religiously.
So, to the questions, how are Aoi's relationship with the resto of the characters, specially with Kanao, Kanae, Shinobu and Inosuke?
Does she do Insect breathing like Shinobu, with a modified sword because she's to weak to behead a demon or does she use a normal sword that also has poison?
Also I have this Head canon that Shinobu wants to speedrun her way to a Hashira so she can convince Aoi to retire a fully dedicate to being a doctor, but I would like to know what's Shinobu's personality in this AU?
Where do the butterfly girls Land on this, are they still nurses at the mansion?
welcome to the party! i'm glad you're having a good time!! this all started as a silly little roleswap au, but it's mostly thanks to you and everyone else who really enjoyed it that it's grown to be so big!
for the questions, aoi is at times a bit more distant with some of the others, because she's not super into the whole demon slaying thing. besides kanao, she's probably closest with zenitsu, inosuke, and tanjirou, mostly just because they hung out around her a lot since she was the only one of their friend group who had decent medical knowledge
inosuke, i'd say, is probably better friends with kanao at the moment than with aoi, but that's mostly because aoi's kind of . reserved? but methinks they'll probably get closer over the course of the story now that they've both got a bunch of kids to take care of
(as a quick aside, with regards to ships, i haven't said it yet but while i'll make allusions to various ships and many will be basically canon within the au, this story probably won't be super shippy or anything. it's about a bunch of friends doing dumb shit together and saving the country)
aoi is very close to her sisters, though! kanao is like her little sister, even though they're only maybe a couple months apart in age, and kanae and shinobu are her baby sisters! kiyo, sumi, and naho also come to be under aoi and kanao's care, but because they're a fair bit older than in canon, their relationship is a bit less "sisters" and a bit more "coworkers". they're still pretty familial with each other, though!
when aoi first became a demon slayer, she used water breathing! but over time, she realized that water breathing wasn't really for her. aoi is a bit scrawnier than kanao, and so she ended up picking up insect breathing to better cater to her strengths. this is also why she became a hashira a little later than kanao even though she became a demon slayer first
she does use a modified blade and poison, though she also still carries around her old katana from when she still used water breathing (y'know, just in case)
as for shinobu, she may have lost her parents, but she still has kanae and she's also been basically adopted by aoi and kanao, so she's still got a lot of life in her! she doesn't hide her personality behind niceties or politeness, she'll call you a dumbass straight to your face! she's stubborn and headstrong and she does what she wants!
for a while, after taking the kochou sisters in, aoi and kanao shared the task of training the two of them, but eventually kanae settled on learning flower breathing and shinobu on insect breathing. both sisters do know some moves from each other's style as well as some water breathing techniques (not the sword forms, just the concepts)
and also that's a really cool headcanon you've got there, so i hope you don't mind if i yoink it for my au! because wow, yeah, That's the reason shinobu would become a demon slayer. because shinobu is pretty perceptive a lot of the time (unless she doesn't want to be), so it makes sense that she'd see how much being a hashira really wears aoi down!!
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rubylarkspur22 · 5 months
Random Plot Idea (💕)
So! Ship Swap! Guess what plot bunny wriggled its way into my brain.
I got an idea for the Kamado family.
Here's my notes that led to this:
Tanjirou and Nezuko were kidnapped, then separated by Nezuko being bought into the Entertainment District. Neither of them have any memory of each other, or their lives prior to the separation, due to the trauma they both experienced and dealt with in their own ways.
Tanjurou is alive, having been away from the house when Muzan attacked. Because I think it'd be super sucky if Tanjirou and Nezuko reunite and go home... only to find out the rest of their entire family is dead. So Tanjurou lives, but is also grieving his 4 kids who got slaughtered, unsure if the eldest two are even alive after a decade of absolutely nothing to indicate that.
Muzan has sentient waypoints across Japan, probably keeping especially close tabs on Mount Kumotori, and he also has really bad Yoriichi PTSD. And Tanjurou is even more similar to Yoriichi than Tanjirou is, having the Transparent World and Selfless State on top of Sun Breathing mastery and the appearance.
So! What happens when you combine the man who's basically Yoriichi 2.0 with a nerfing, and the man who lives in eternal fear of Yoriichi 1.0 and attacks the Sun Breathing family, and later finds out he missed one(I mean, he technically missed 3, but he doesn't know about the other 2. Yet...)?
Bad things. Namely, Muzan sends someone to finish the job(because there's no way he's knowingly walking into that a**-beating after last time he faced a Sun Breather). And Tanjurou may be a boss, but he's also not armed with the sword that can kill demons. So, a Demon Slayer steps in, it's probably Giyuu wondering why the hell he got called back here. They comment on the sudden increase in demon attacks on Mount Kumotori, and suggest Tanjurou vacate the premises and go to a more secure location until they can find out WTF is going on.
Naturally, seeing as someone's clearly targeting the man and)or his home, they send Tanjurou to one of the two most secure locations in the Corps; the Ubuyashiki Mansion. Kagaya may not be the leader here, but that just means he's a man of chaos who can see the chaos he causes. So he mentions to Amane that the guy the Kakushi brought in(and Giyuu mentioned) looks freakishly like the Kochou Sisters' tsuguko. And then suggests they send their new guest to the Butterfly Mansion to double check for injuries.
Tanjurou gets there, and damn near has a heart attack at who he meets.
Their family's hair and eye colour aren't common. He can recognize who it is a mile away. It is his boy, his eldest son, still very much with a pulse and now carting around a sword.
And this is after Mount Natagumo, because I said so, so not long after, Papa Kamado sees his eldest daughter as well. And has a heart attack upon hearing she stabbed herself in the leg to get rid of demon spider venom. Someone please get the poor man some blood pressure meds.
Of course, it's been a decade since he's seen them, so he's a little unsure of how to handle this. Especially since he has no clue how they got here. Both of them seemed fine, and Kanao was there and showed no signs of distress. So what the heck? And neither of the kids are approaching him either, though Nezuko occasionally accompanies Kanao when the older girl comes to talk.
Eventually, he learns what little the Flower, Insect, and Sound Hashira can offer for info. And suddenly things make a lot more sense, even with only a little context.
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demonslayedher · 2 years
Hi! What are your opinions on Kanao? Like how her trauma was dealt with/developed, how she was just characterized in general? I sort of want to write a fic and I was wondering if you have any tips on how you would write her?
Gut reaction opinion: She’s baby.
But, to think more deeply on Kanao (a few thousand words more), I hope you don’t mind me borrowing a few lines from one of my own fics about the pre-canon Butterfly Mansion:
“Deep down inside, Tsuyuri may have always had the spirit of a Flower Breath user. She withered early in life, but she’s got roots, slowly, slowly strengthening her. She’s got Kanzaki to prepare food for limber and strong limbs, little ones to shade and protect, and a shower of love to help her grow. Deep in her heart, sleeping quietly, she may possess the will of a weed.” “The Wasp's Nest” – Chapter 5
If I bring up this fic a lot, it’s because it’s the result of all the questions I’ve asked about Shinobu, Aoi, and Kanao, especially in light of the Taisho Secret before Chapter 164 which details how Kanao learned Flower Breath by watching, and despite not thinking for herself, she decided of her own accord to do something as drastic as joining the Final Selection. I was stunned by that Taisho Secret, as without it, I would have interpreted Shinobu and Kanao's relationship completely differently, with Kanao having been raised to use Breath Technique and been told to go participate in the Final Selection.
Some of my reasons for that: 1. In the flashback extra chapter of Shinobu complaining to Kanae about Kanao being unable to think for herself, she says its “dangerous.” I had misremembered this as being in reference to taking her to battle, though the actual text doesn’t necessarily imply that. 2. In Chapter 100, Gotou describes Kanao as a seriously weird kid who doesn’t even talk, and that she’s been made to fight demons ever since she was a child. 3. The fact that we had zero indication of Kanao having made a choice on her own prior to Tanjiro’s influence on her.
The most damning evidence of the three of these is Gotou’s comment, though it’s possible to explain this in-universe as Gotou’s erroneous assumption. He’s not far off, as the other little girls might not have been forced to fight demons (perhaps for lack of aptitude) but they do have to work as nurses for slayers with gruesome injuries. What’s interesting is that in the manga, we aren’t presented with Kanao’s back story until after hearing that she makes decisions by flipping a coin, whereas Ufotable shaped our perception of the coin flipping scene with Tanjiro by giving Kanao’s back story and Kanae’s “when she meets a boy” commentary an episode earlier. (Also, the glittery-eyed moment with the wind sweeping by her is anime-only, and they removed the part with Kiyo startling her and making her fall off the engawa.) A part of me suspects this change in presentation order is because Kanao was a hard character for Gotouge to get right. Wani-sensei probably wasn't decisive on the skirt length and then blamed it on Maeda, I bet. There was a vision in mind for Kanao all along (no pun intended), but like the rest of the cast, she was extreme in ways that didn’t totally come across without more explicit explanation, and Gotouge might have gotten to know her better over the course of writing her. I also suspect that, in light of the cruel realities of fighting demons and the strictness that requires, and already being a world in which children often undergo grueling Breath technique training, the original intention might had been for Kanae to have taught her Flower Breath all along. However, this idea might had gotten ret-conned via Taisho Secret to soften the image of the Kochou girls and show them raising orphaned girls purely out of the goodness of their hearts, not to pass on their demon fighting legacy to the next generation of swordsmen, even though this is exactly what we see Shinobu doing by raising Kanao as her Tsuguko.
While I’m not an expert in trauma and recovery (and I look for a story to be convincing as opposed to realistic), what I found most jarring in Kanao’s development was the switch from Shinobu as “Shihan” (Master) to Shinobu as “Neesan,” and if it was always meant to be a “Neesan” relationship all along, then why did only Kanao, among all the other Butterfly Mansion girls, get this extra level of closeness? Those were questions I wanted to wrestle with in fic, which was why I created Tsuguko OCs to try to unravel how the Butterfly Mansion dynamic became the way it was (ultimately that fic is just my own personal take on how canon might had come about, but in the end it is still fanfic and can’t speak for canon, and everyone is entitled to their own imagination on how to work with any given character in fic. I still like my version, though).
So, with this as background for how I am most curious about Kanao’s development, let’s look at her from a chronological perspective with what clues canon provides.
Childhood: Sucked.
According to the second fanbook, Kanao was the eighth of eleven children, we know that at least a couple of her brothers died, and their bodies were just left around to be cold by morning. They were especially punished if they cried, which was why Kanao desperately tried to avoid that. She refined a skill of narrowly avoiding being hit in her vital spots, but one day, it was all too much, and something in her snapped, and she didn’t feel anything anymore.
We do see some light return to her eyes when she encounters the Kochou sisters. By that time, she is covered in filth and bugs, so much so the man who expects to make money off of her doesn’t even want to be physically near her. To expand on this, I’ve copied about half of this post of random Kanao thoughts: I was reading the section in this book about Kanao being sold as a child, and they theorized that between being sold to a factory or do agricultural labor or being sold into prostitution, she was most likely sold into prostitution, for she could be sold into prostitution to be a Kamuro at a younger age than she could had been sold to other places. Her parents likely could had gotten a higher upfront price for her this way (somewhere around the range of 1M-3M yen in modern currency) and gotten rid of her earlier. This makes me wonder if the reason we only see brothers in her flashbacks is because any older sisters were already long gone, and they had to hang onto the boys until around age 12 when they could legally work in factories. As for the man who bought her finding her so dirty that he kept her on a rope, the book proposes that perhaps like the Yarite of the Ogimoto-ya spotting a beauty like Inoko under all the ugly makeup, he also had a good eye for spotting diamonds in the rough and getting them for cheap. As for Kanao’s age, this is a bit of a mystery to me, as there is a big difference between her height and Shinobu’s, implying that Kanao is very, very young. However, I think there’s only a four year window in which this encounter could had possibly taken place, and given that Kanae is wearing that haori (though it’s possible she wore it since before becoming a Pillar) and Shinobu seems drawn more similar to the flashback in which Kanae dies than in the light novel chapter when the freshly orphaned girls meet bother Himejima, that makes me narrow it down to more like a 2-year window, and to keep Kanao on the very young side, I’m making a big assumption by saying she’s a very scrawny 10-year-old.
But it’s just so hard to see this Shinobu as 12! I tell you, one of the facts that shakes me the most, still!!! Is that when canon takes place, Shinobu is 18 and Kanao is 16. SIXTEEN!!!?? But… but she’s baby… but also, like how do they even know that!?!? She didn’t know her own birthday, so they picked they day they found her (which Ufotable totally did not follow, as they set this against winter scenery and the day they took her home was May 19). So were they like, “so how old are you? Aoi’s age?” and Kanao didn’t deny it, so they just decided, okay, she’s the same age as Aoi (even though she clearly seems younger, it must be due to undernourishment and trauma, right??? Did they not see she’s baby???)
So anyway. Baby who they have decided is only two years younger than Shinobu needs a name. We do not know if Kiyo, Sumi, or Naho were around yet, but Aoi sure was, though not in a Corp uniform yet. We also do not know what Aoi’s relationship with the Butterfly Mansion was in the first place. Aoi has her own story and we can make guesses but we will never know it. What we do know is that the four girls made a game of letting Baby choose her name, writing some ideas for names down (and I assume having read them aloud to her as I doubt she’d have ever been taught to read—she probably got a lot of education to keep her busy after entering the mansion). Among the first names, Shinobu added some fishy names that she didn’t realize would sound weird, and Kanao was about to go for “Kamasu” (barracuda) when Aoi swept it out of her reach. As for surnames, they let her pick this out too and gave her options that included “Kochou” and “Kanzaki” but she went for the rare (but existent) surname Tsuyuri. As for Kanao’s name sounding so close to Kanae’s, there is a theory in the Japanese fandom that there is a pun woven into it which shows Kanae’s wishes for Kanao.
Kanao doesn’t go out of her way to interact, and but will cooperatively do whatever she’s told. As a reminder, she was in such a state that even with her stomach growling with hunger, she won’t eat unless she’s told to (probably a rule around her family home about not eating without permission). With all her sense of suffering having snapped, she might not had even recognized that’s she felt hungry, and I’m willing to interpret her as having had other emotions, but being unable to recognize them. After all, years later when she’s slaying demons, she is still convinced that everything is “whatever” so there’s no need for her to decide a thing; it has been 5 to 7-ish years since Kanae told her to make decisions with the coin and Kanao has been doing exactly that for this whole time. At some level, Kanao has chosen via indecision to remain as she is, giving herself no pressure to get in touch with her own feelings.
However, she does have them.
When Kanae died, Kanao was distressed, and recognized this—was even troubled by the fact that she was distressed, and felt she should be crying, but could not. This was a moment when Kanao was forced to recognized that there was something wrong with herself, despite having given herself permission—by way of indecision—to remain in a numb “whatever” state in which she doesn’t need to face her own heart, and the pain it carries. She wasn’t only experiencing a physical inability to cry due to her history having to keep from getting physically harmed, but was forced to peer into her own Pandora’s Box. While we wasn’t aware of it, at the time she was probably facing a decision: open the box more, or close it? By way of indecision, it stayed as it was.
Kanao really couldn’t help that she felt pain and sympathy and righteous anger, especially when seeing (specifically, according to that aforementioned Taisho Secret) how Aoi and the little girls had lost their families to demons, and how Shinobu lost her parents, her sister, and her Tsuguko to demons. Kanao knew she had to do something,  but since she wasn’t good at nursing work like the other girls were, she became a demon slayer. THIS WAS A DECISION. The Taisho Secret makes it absolutely clear that this was Kanao’s will, even if Shinobu worried that this was a decision Kanao made because of the environment she was in instead of this being a decision Kanao wanted.
So maybe the voice in Kanao’s heart is small, and she still relies on the coin even for small things like whether or not she wants to train with the boys (the coin said not, at least in the anime, because the anime added tons more breathing room (no pun intended) to the Functional Recovery Arc) and whether or not to say anything to Tanjiro (the coin said yes). However, these are pretty innocuous decisions; Kanao has zero confidence in deciding what she wants, and is used to not even asking herself. It’s easier not to. It’s also easier not to get emotionally involved with other people…
…because Kanao has does care very, very deeply for other people.
While I considered more about Kanao’s potential relationship with her other siblings on this Ask, what I want to focus on here is that Kanao was of course scared for her own physical safety, but she had to watch her siblings suffer and die. Kanao, who was willing to risk her life because of the injustice she felt for her new housemates/sisters-ish, probably could no longer take helplessly watching her siblings perish.
I really like that one of the ways Ufotable added to her story was in a scene where the Kamaboko boys are training together, Kanao is watching, and Shinobu suggests she join, after all, they’re from the same batch (translation: You need friends, Kanao). Kanao silently smiles and bows and nopes off to the side (which Shinobu probably was resigned to expecting), and after pondering them a moment, Kanao flips the coin. The kicker is that Kanae instructed Kanao all those years ago to use the coin “when she can’t decide” and in this moment, Kanao really didn’t know if she wanted to train with (aka, bond with) those boys. Caring about people opens oneself to being hurt; it’s safer to feel nothing.
But let’s look back at that big decision Kanao made, resolutely. She went to that Final Selection and came out without a scratch. This was not due to any external pressure put on her or instruction whatsoever, Kanao knew to do this without a doubt. Her selfless empathy and righteous anger drove her to that, no matter how much she believes she doesn’t feel anything.
So anyway, Kanao, in this resoluteness while also being untouchable for as long as she never makes the decision to peer into her own heart, blasts through the first five of ten ranks within a couple months. Baby is bonkers, I hope Shinobu was astounded. But then Tanjiro BOOM-BOOMed his way into Kanao's life with his Functional Recovery period, and took the top of her box and threw it away as forcefully as he threw her coin. Kanao’s locked away emotions stood no chance.
Let’s be clear, Kanao might had fallen in love with Tanjiro in that scene, but it wasn’t until his declaration of how he was going to wrestle that box open one away or another—I mean, not give up if the first coin toss failed. No, Kanao was emotionally invested for other reasons. It was all a safe, if not awkward conversation until Tanjiro took possession of her coin, and Kanao fretted about having given someone the power to make decisions for her which might have emotional consequences; until this point it’s always been easy to follow instructions as long as she’s numb to the results either way. She’s put herself in a vulnerable position by letting Tanjiro hold that coin, which is for when Kanao is emotionally invested in something enough to not be able to decide something. But then when Tanjiro tosses it, she’s eager to know what fate will decide. On the one hand, she’s terrified of the result Tanjiro wants. Listening to her own heart means being vulnerable, to care, to suffer. But on the other hand, she does want this, but has been too scared this whole time to make the decision to do anything with that partially open box. Having someone else force the decision on her is what she’s been pining for all this time, a push which neither Kochou sister ever gave her, hoping she’d come around in her own time.
And then, once the box is open and the decision is made, Kanao’s changes are fast.
At least, in comparison to the numb-by-virtue-of-having-decided-nothing state she in for years, her changes are relatively rapid. It’s not overnight, but as Kanao learns to confront her own vulnerability, she is likewise able to better understand what she likes, and what she wants. Fanbook 1 tells us that she used to be happy just to sit and stare out into space when not training o on missions, but lately she’s been actively blowing bubbles (BABYYYY), helping cook, buying little candies and presents for everyone back at the mansions when she’s sent to run errands, and poking the pads of cat’s paws (BAABBBYYYYY). Now that she’s open to positive emotions too, she’s exploring the world with wonder for the first time. (BAAAAAAAABBBBBBYYYYY.)
This development as a human being seems to have come at the expense of her progression in the Corp, but Shinobu likely does not push this at all, now that Kanao is finally coming around and expressing her own tastes and interests (and defying a Sound Pillar’s orders, as one does). I dedicated a whole post to pondering how and why her accession through the ranks slowed so dramatically after she got Tanjiro’ed, including pondering in more detail why was at those particular ranks. We also see in the light novels that Kanao is progressing in her friendships with Aoi (who still found it hard to communicate with Kanao even after all this time) and Inosuke, whom she goes so far as to have an argument with when he’s being insensitive about Kiyo being distraught over losing one of her butterfly hairpieces from Kanae (righteous anger!), but when appreciative of him later, she asks Aoi to help her make tempura for him. Within the pages of serialized manga, Kanao can even listen to her heart when it wants everyone to SHUT UP because Tanjiro is sleeping. We see time and time again how Kanao’s deep emotions stem from how much she cares about others.
A big turning point, one which Shinobu points out, is when Kanao verbalizes an “I want” statement. She wanted to train with her own Shihan. This is when Kanao graduates from doing things for others like an extension of doing what other people would want her to do, to taking up her own space in the world. This when Shinobu can finally feel that Kanao can act as her own person, but this means she can also be trusted with the full responsibility of a Tsuguko.
(Quick tangent here. Kanao totally took part in the other Pillar Trainings and I wish we could had seen how it went. Any bad blood between her and Uzui? Blowing through Muichiro’s training like its nothing and making everyone else watching feel as inadequate? Her greatest difficulty in Flexibility Training being surviving a hug that’s too tight? Showing up to Snake Pillar training and hitting it off with a friendly snake only to have the Pillar say his training isn’t suitable for girls and sending her on her way? The meditation with the Rock Pillar being refreshing but then who knows if and how she succeeded at moving the rock? Showing up ready for hard training with the Wind Pillar but he goes very obviously easy on her because he doesn’t want to be the one to harm Kanae’s adoptive sister? No wonder Kanao would have wanted to train with her Shihan if she lost out on so much of it elsewhere! But at least she got to see a snake and that was cool, right?)
So. Kanao is now getting instructions from her Shihan which are hard to stomach (again, no pun intended), but it’s the true test of her abilities now to follow these instructions while also having vulnerable emotions.
Growing up: Sucks.
Even if she was prepared, Kanao is consumed with righteous anger and a slew of other ugly emotions when Shinobu is killed right in front of her, and this is when Kanao really must step up and live out her decision to be a demon slayer. That means keeping her cool, not being numb. That means making decisions in the moment, including social decisions to keep Douma distracted. I don’t think she planned everything she said to him; that was the ugly depths of Kanao’s heart open and doing all the talking when she told him how she felt about him. There was zero hesitation in saying any of it. Even if she was still in the habit of flipping a coin by that point in the story, she wouldn’t have felt even an itch of temptation for it because she felt those words so strongly. Taking her own place in the world means not only knowing her own likes, but also discerning her dislikes.
And man, she slays and slays hard. While the fight against Douma is impressive enough as it is (and yes, unlocking her ability to cry at the end of it (right before that big Taisho Secret reveal) is indeed a major moment in her character arc, as she’s finally been able to unlock that last hidden piece of vulnerability), the fight against Muzan? Everyone else went down, down to bits and pieces, she is deeply shredded with injuries that were too fast to avoid, but she still managed to avoid getting hit in her vital areas and, even if she fell to her knees, she did the best at standing her ground. When I had originally read that chapter (that awful, heartbreaking Chapter 191) I took this as Gotouge not wanting to rip the girls apart as viciously as the boys, which was why Kanroji was already removed from the fight, but haha… hahahaha…. Clearly this was never a concern and I was naïve. No. Kanao was not lucky. Kanao was acting on deeply rooted trauma and narrowly avoided getting hit in a “bad place.”
Sorry, my writing is getting all over the place as I’m mentally reliving this arc and how much pain it put me through as I was following week to week. My gosh, though, can we give it up for that Kakushi who was charging in to save her without a shred of hesitation? Charging straight toward a direct hit from Kibutsuji Muzan himself? Kanao was totally doing her best, deciding as hard as she could to stand up and keep fighting, she wanted more than anything to do that but she physically could not.
So anyway. After this, Kanao disappears for a while, which is why I called it when I suspected Kanao might be the key to dealing with demon!Tanjiro. I was right although for totally unexpected reasons, but dang, THAT WAS AWESOME. The final, defining Breath of this whole manga was Kanao’s, it was her moment, and she was amazing. She was still bleeding from her abdomen and limping and gasping for air (this is our 24-hour Total Concentration Breath pro, you know panting like that is a bad sign) but she knew she could do it and she did it. You’re amazing, Baby. I know I’m getting off-track, but if we bring this back to being a moment of characterization for her…
…Kanao, at some level, still believes in fate.
She believes in a reason for things happening, like every time she flipped the coin, the universe was making a better decision than she could. When she knows what she needs to do in this moment, she feels this must be the reason fate left her with one eye left. She is still a deeply emphatic person who cares about the welfare of others before her own; as she approaches the Kamado siblings she’s moved with pity for them.
Zero hesitation.
Kanao has reached a point of peace with herself that can she act on these feelings, which is what points in her in the direction of wanting to practice medicine. Although being vulnerable makes her open to pain, it makes her open to joy, she and doesn’t hesitate in embracing what she likes—and we can assume, she doesn’t hesitate about what she wants, either. The fact that she believes in fate may be something that helps her. It wouldn’t have been possible for her while she was numb to everything, but now she sees how good things came from the painful sacrifices, and she’s ready for all the suffering and joys life still has ahead. While every fic writer is welcome to take their own approach because that is how fic works, I choose to write my post-canon Kanao with a generally positive outlook. I don't write her with survivor's guilt; instead of wishing she could had died in her sister's place she wishes that no one had to die in the first place, and she remains filled with gratitude for her sisters. In the case of TanKana developments, I write her as knowing what she wants, being decisive about it, and embracing the joys as well as the suffering. I was never really sold on her being a capable doctor if she's freshly (near) blinded and never showed much aptitude for tending the injured slayers before, but I suppose where there's a will there's a way, and Kanao's got the will of a weed.
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