#but yeah mostly a pop science idea of quantum information
essektheylyss · 1 year
What's dunamis, in your words? For the uninitiated
So, with apologies for watering down an already watered down scientific metaphor, there's an anecdote that comes up a lot if you read any sort of pop science books on quantum theory or physics, wherein a professor burns a sheet of paper and tells a class, "All of the information on the paper still exists in the ashes," because in theory, quantum information cannot be destroyed. This analogy is super metaphorical, generally referring to the idea that, for example, anything that gets pulled into a black hole is not in fact lost, it's just beyond our reach, with the understanding that "information" is a highly broad term applied to many, many things and in this realm of physics it has a very particular meaning that most people do not consider when they hear the word 'information,' but this isn't a semiotics lecture.
Anyway, as such, it gets completely misconstrued as the idea of quite literally being able to reconstruct whatever notes or ideas were recorded on that paper, which is not accurate in real world physics. Information as ideas and concepts are not recorded in subatomic particles, at least not in anyway we can access or reconstruct.
However... it could be true in an arcane system, if you wanted it to, cuz why not! And given dunamis's impact on probability, and pulling from alternate timelines and potential, as well as the fact that consecution suggests souls are held within a beacon and then put back into a newly-born body, I'm essentially of the mind that dunamis could take the place of those subatomic particles and, when manipulated in the arcane sense, can be used to essentially reconstruct conceptual information of the universe. (That's the very basic idea, anyway, and I'm just using this for fic fodder, but if you are interested in wading through a very introspective chunk of fic for more, it's mostly in here.)
Which is just slightly to the left (and essentially could be a next possible conjecture) of what Caleb described.
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[Synchronicity] How to Generate it in Your Business and Why You Should
I have a confession to make.  And I’m not ashamed to reveal it.  Matter of fact, it’s kind of freeing.  So here goes... I’ve been secretly having a love affair with synchronicity.
It’s been going on for about 9 years now.  And at first, the flirting was innocent, but then I began to notice it more and more.  I felt uncertain.  I didn’t believe it was sincere.  I mean, how could the powers that be have such an interest in getting MY attention?  
I tried to brush it off.  But it kept happening, when I’d least expect it.  Synchronicity would show up and totally turn my world upside down by showing me that what I wanted was within my control to create.  That all of my internal states were and are reflected in my physical world.  
And yet, when I pursued synchronicity...it would totally ghost me.
Not cool.  I don’t chase. 
So I took a step back and then took a step inward.  What I found was astonishing.  Every time I went inward and focused on the love, excitement, and bliss that synchronicity created in my life, I’d start catching a glimpse of my suitor again out of the corner of my eye.
Realization dawned that my inner actions could generate synchronicity.  And synchronicity, or a series of meaningful events, always gave me direction.  Like an arrow pointing, saying “Turn left, here.”  It gave me clarity and the much needed confirmation that I was doing the right thing, taking the right steps, and on the right path.  
As I continued to nurture this love affair, I found it amplified and if I really paid attention and followed this unbelievable golden thread from one event to the next, it always led me to my desired outcome.
It was this realization that made me do the unthinkable.
I abandoned the relationship.  Left silently.  Pretended I knew nothing of this thing called synchronicity.  
Truth is, I was scared.  I could see the commitment I was entering and like a jaded soul, I bolted. 
I was given time and space to think “us” through - synchronicity and me.  Subtle notes were left despite my outright attempt to be normal and shut out my awareness and live in blissful ignorance.  (It wasn’t really blissful.)
But I couldn’t stay away, no matter how much I tried.  I opened the door once again and made the decision that I would commit to the relationship and take control of my reality.  It still scares the %$@ out of me at times, but what relationship doesn’t?
With renewed curiosity, I decided I wanted to know the other side of this “thing” I had going on.  Inside and out, I wanted to understand synchronicity.  
How does it work and why?
Can it be generated intentionally?
What makes it show up?
Are there others experiencing this like me?
Can I apply it to anything?  Like creating the business I dream of?
When I asked these questions and turned inward, the series of events that ensued were staggering, doubt-inducing, and quite literally the turning point in my life.  My understanding of time, space, and reality shifted.
“....Time, space, and reality itself, all ultimately depend upon us.” Robert Lanza, MD & Matej Pavsic, Physicist (The Grand Biocentric Design: How Life Creates Reality)
You see, there’s always a tipping point that precedes something life-altering becoming everyday, normal, stuff like microwave popcorn.
I believe we are experiencing the tipping point for understanding how we do, indeed, create our own reality.  More than just positive outlooks or dreaming big, there’s a subtle buzz happening that is about to blow the roof off of your understanding of yourself and the role you play in the Universe.
Physicists know it.  Sages know it.  Now everyday people (like you and me) will know it.
Ok, so what?
Well, if you could apply a process to how you think of your business, envision your business, and take action on anything within your business that would pretty much ensure everything you want it to become...it became - would you want to know what the process is?
Heck, yeah!
For the last 9 or so years, I have been aware of how my internal actions are reflected in my external world.  When I first noticed the pattern of synchronicities occurring in my life, I decided to run an experiment to see if I could use the same practices and science to create the business I dreamed of.
My experiment was an attempt to intentionally invoke synchronicity (rather than wait for it to randomly surprise me) and use that string of meaningful events as a golden thread to my desired outcome.  
I wanted to turn my business desires into form using an internal process.  (Scandalous, I know.)
You see, synchronicity is a rare event when the mind and environment become entangled.  It’s a temporary event where because of the connection or series of connections, what’s in the mind is born into the environment. 
It sounds unreal and rather fantastical, I know.  But so did the idea of the world being round at one point in time.  
Synchronicity is what gives you direction, clarity, and confirmation of what you can and will make real. Your business is no exception. 
Trick is, you have to recognize synchronicity and intentionally generate it.  
Most people I talk to about turning desire into form have had an experience or two.  They doubt it (naturally) and can’t necessarily repeat it (a theory untested).  It feels random and certainly not around when they really, really need it.  
It’s elusive and ethereal, but so are quantum packets, yet they exist.  
But if you knew what to look for and what to do to create synchronicity, and generate the roadmap that turns the business you dream of into reality, would you do it?
AND… all it requires of you is applying an internal process that you practice daily.  This practice allows you to steer in the right direction and know your next turn.
Sound good? (Of course it does.)
Let’s take a look at how you begin to generate synchronicity in your business.
Identify the outcome
Determine the sensory environment of the outcome
Learn the state you must create to intentionally invoke synchronicity
Maintain the state (using what I call, SoMA or State of Mind Augmentation™ )
In following the above steps, you can generate synchronicity.  This means you will generate a series of meaningful events that act as a literal lighted path to turning desire (the business you dream of) into form.
Let’s break it down further.
Identify the outcome.  
If you have what you desire, what would the end state look like?  What’s the outcome of having the business you desire? 
Determine the sensory environment of the outcome.
In order to select THE wave of potentiality that is your business just as you dream it, you must collapse ALL other waves of possibility.  With great detail in how you feel, see, hear, and even taste the end state environment, you collapse all other waves. In other words, you give the creative aspect of the cosmos the raw material it needs to create form.
Learn the state you must create to intentionally invoke synchronicity.
There’s a specific state you must create and maintain that generates synchronicity which acts as the golden thread to turning your business desires into form.  Learn it and practice it daily.
Maintain the state.
I’ve studied this for years.  The one thing that really clued me in to what was keeping me from intentionally creating my reality with consistency was failing to maintain the state.
Have you ever experienced something incredible happening that you wanted to happen (or maybe even a few things) and then suddenly everything seems to go dead in the water?  Reason is - when everything was happening as you wanted you stopped maintaining the state.  
You stopped peddling.  Momentum ceased.
I developed a process for maintaining the state that I call SoMA or State of Mind Augmentation™.  It’s designed to elevate or increase the correct state of mind that generates synchronicity consistently. 
Hold up...there’s one problem:  You may not recognize synchronicity happening.  
What good is all that effort if you can’t see the results for what it is?!
Don’t worry, this will help you avoid that happening:
As you begin to generate synchronicity, you will not see it unless you train your brain to recognize it.  To do this, you need to track events daily. 
One way I do this is by writing down everything that has happened in the day.  But let me back up a bit.  At the start of my day, I voice my intentions for the day.  I mentally repeat my desired outcome and of course, throughout the day, employ SoMA™.  
Part of this practice deals with the subconscious mind.  Science is learning that there’s a direct connection to what the subconscious mind believes and it becoming form.  The conscious mind feeds the subconscious and unfortunately, it is full of false information.
At the end of my day, I write down everything that has happened and review.  In the review, I see connections and synchronicities, I circle them.  Some are small, some are HUGE.  But all of it is a result of my inner actions and as time goes on it builds and becomes MORE and MORE noticeable.  You’ll see a pattern.  You’ll see a direction with clarity and confirmation. 
Side Note:  Something happened during the experiment that I did not expect.  As I began to generate more and more synchronicities AND recognize the events, my intuition started popping!  I started getting intuitive hits almost immediately (something I had tried to cultivate for years).  Sometimes images, mostly a random thought of a person or event that would show up within 24 hours, began flashing into my mind regularly.  So be aware that this may happen to you.
As you begin, it’s important to understand that synchronicity might be something as simple as:   
Walking up to the coffee shop counter to get my coffee and thinking how I would love a scone.  
But the scones have been cranberry and almond all month.  I’m allergic to almonds, so it’s probably unlikely that I will be able to have one.  They look like cranberry almond, but who knows, I’ll ask anyway.  
Thinking on how nice it would be if the scone did not have almonds...I ask.  The barista says, “I think they’re cranberry almond.”  
I think, “no, they’re not.”  Before I get a chance to respond, the barista says, “Let me double check...hey [co-worker] aren’t these cranberry almond scones?”  [Coworker] “No, they’re cranberry apricot today.”  
Barista: “That’s weird, we’ve never made cranberry apricot scones before.”  
Scone in hand, I acknowledge the synchronicity.  It’s like a tap on the microphone…”is this thing on?”  Yep, I’m listening, I see it, I hear you.
It takes practice to see it happening, to recognize it.  You can’t follow the golden thread to your desired outcome if you don’t see the thread in the first place.  
And it takes discipline.  (I know, I’ve never been good at that either, it’s ok).
But this is part of who we are meant to be as human beings.  It’s part of our inherent nature and something we’ve evolved to do.
So begin here and practice generating & recognizing synchronicities.  Circle them in your daily review.  
Warning: Things are about to get weird...and fun. 
Frequently Asked Questions:
How does synchronicity lead to the business I want?
Think of your day-to-day reality as a dream.  You’re kind of lost in it and easily distracted by everything going on around you.  The job, the kids, the weather...it all grabs your attention.  Meanwhile, outside of the dream, there’s a path outlined for creating your business (your overriding desire).  
The impulses of this desire are weak, they’re not breaking through into your dream (remember, aka reality).  But you persevere and apply a process.
Back in the dream, you begin to notice these small occurrences and give attention to this desire and as a result the impulses get stronger.  
So, as the impulses become stronger in your dream, you begin to notice the path coming through, stronger and stronger.  Events are occurring that feel strange, like coincidences.  
You pay attention and follow the synchronicity and create the business you dream of because you can see the direction you must go with clarity and get confirmation that you’re doing the right thing every step of the way.  That’s how synchronicity works.
Fun Tidbit: Did you know that much like how electrical impulses that thoughts generate in the brain travel on neural pathways, the Universe is filled with invisible filaments that electricity travels through too?  The more an electrical impulse (thought) travels a neural pathway, the more ingrained it becomes and the behavior (an act in physical reality) becomes permanent.  So what happens from the electrical impulses flowing through the filaments of the Universe?  Think on that for a minute.
Point being, the activities of the mind are reflected in the world of matter :)
Run the experiment with me.  It can’t hurt, right?
And what is as foreign as the idea of a round world once was, becomes common knowledge.
 But wouldn’t it be fabulous to become one of the early adopters of the idea and in doing so, master the ability to turn desire into form now vs waiting till it’s commonly accepted by everyone?
Start with generating (and recognizing) synchronicity.
Is this really a thing?
Yes.  Look it up.  There are countless books on the science of synchronicity.  And there are studies you can google. Not to mention the hints we get throughout history from people who studied and applied similar practices.  Till now, much of the “evidence” has been spiritual in nature and intangible. We are on the cusp of concrete evidence and a tipping point.
What if it doesn’t work?
It will work.  It may take some time to build the momentum, but it works and has been studied in laboratory settings.  
It’s something you have to exercise like any muscle in your body to get it to a point where it can do something it could not previously do.
Does this mean I don’t DO anything in my business like marketing, selling, etc?
No.  Synchronicity is a natural element designed to give you direction, clarity, and confirmation.  You will still take outer action on your business, but with direction, clarity, and confirmation.  In this sense, the effort begins to feel effortless.  It takes practice and an ability to sense the flow of it all, but you’ll get there. 
Why should I bother?
Well, if you don’t have the business you dream of yet or the business you do have is certainly not what you dreamed of...how hard would it be to turn inward and apply a process?  Has anything incredible ever come out of experimentation?
Oh, yes. 
If you are someone who is more inwardly inclined and you have a deep awareness that you are meant for more, then I dare say, this is your opportunity to BE and CREATE something more.
Synchronicity occurs all around you.  You can learn to see it and pull it into your reality or simply pretend it does not exist and continue on with the way you’ve been doing things.  
I promise you, life (and business) becomes so much more interesting, fun, and fulfilling when you can see synchronicity happen and grab hold of the lightning bolt.
Join the experiment.
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briarsouls · 6 years
Cloverfield Paradox SPOILERS
Ok so I just watched The Cloverfield Paradox and let me tell you it was a wild ride. Cloverfield 1 was a nice iteration on the shaky-cam monster flick, and 10 Cloverfield Lane was probably the most tense thriller I’ve ever seen, so I was ready to really enjoy a true sci-fi film from the series. And my god it was a disaster.
It started off ok, with the presentation of an energy-starved earth and the multi-national endeavor of the Cloverfield Space Station to solve the crisis. The main character is a woman who blames herself for the death of her children after a battery she installs in the house causes a fire, thus her involvement in the project is sort of a redemption thing. The rest of the cast includes a stoic commander, a goofy maintenance guy (Chris O’Dowd, which gave me a lot of hope), a German physicist, a Russian dude (who was actually a Norwegian actor) that mostly just serves as a crazy man, a Chinese engineer, and finally the bad guy from the Fast & Furious movies playing as the resident doctor.
So, all in all, a pretty diverse cast. All is well as we go through a montage of them failing to successfully get The Science™ to work. Now, it’s pretty standard for Sci-fi to be shaky in the way of explanations, but they seem to use an awful lot of real physics terminology (a particle accelerator, the “God Particle”, quantum entanglement) and then basically say that it will give them Unlimited Power. Painful, but suspension of disbelief is important to all fiction, so we’ll roll with it. Then the news comes on and a conspiracy theorist that looks slightly like Guillermo Del Toro says that if The Science™ doesn’t work right then portals could open and demons could flood out. Ok.
So the science finally happens and, of course, overloads the entire space station. Once they’re mostly settled though they notice the earth is gone. Somehow one of their first reactions is that they accidentally blew it up? Like, the entire earth. Just, vaporized. Whatever. Also missing is the gyroscope that is apparently the main component of their “Navigation system”. It looks like it’s straight out of Thor, and they very well could have called it the Allspark.
So that’s about the time things go completely off the fuckin rails. They hear screaming from within the walls, and when they open it up, there’s a woman that looks kinda like Tilda Swinson inside. Except, she was obviously teleported there, as she’s impaled by like 100 wires and pipes. SOMEHOW they’re able to extract her, and take her to the medical bay, where before she passes out she seems to recognize some of the crew. They got no idea who this bitch is though.
Meanwhile, crazy slavic man is losing his goddamned mind, wiggling one of his eyes about and 3d printing a gun. He then confronts German Physicist, who has been trying to help Chinese Engineer get the Science Machine working again. Before Crazy Russian can extract ANY paranoid facts about the government infiltration, he breaks down and starts foaming at the mouth and convulsing. The two people he threatened rush to help him (???) and later he vomit-bursts a room’s worth of missing earthworms onto the floor before dying. What? The fuck?
So mysterious Tilda wakes up and basically explains that everyone should know her except Chinese Engineer, whose job is hers. Also, the main character shouldn’t be on board?? She supposedly couldn’t come on the mission because of her family? (For those that haven’t caught on, Tilda’s from a parallel dimension, one where main character’s family is still alive). Also she seems to think Crazy Slavic man was right and German Physicist is, indeed, a government spy who has been fucking up the whole experiment this entire time, in both dimensions. She gets Stoic Commander to check the message logs and?? He is totally a spy???
Comic relief Maintenance guy is (tHe OnLy OnE doing his goddamned job) fixing the ship when he suddenly acquires super strength and punches through a metal panel, only to have the panel steal his arm. Not, like, bloodily sever it. Like it pops off painlessly and he’s like “Doc I got a problem”. Then the doctor looks at what is *clearly* a cross section and is just “It’s like he was born this way...” WHAT THE FUCK HAVE YOU EVER SEEN SOMEONE BORN WITHOUT A LIMB IT’S NOT A PERFECT CROSS SECTION AAAAHHHH
German Physicist, who is still very much under suspicion, finds the arm. Except it’s still alive like it’s Thing from the Addams Family. And when they give it a pen, it tells them to cut open the corpse of Crazy Russian, as it contains secrets (and, also, the Allspark. Just hanging out in his intestines. Except it’s the size of a big softball?? So I don’t really know how they missed that.) The arm is also mostly forgotten about after that, even though it clearly seems to be the only character that knows what’s going on.  ._.
So they have a nice long chat with Tilda and she lays out the whole parallel dimension thing, and somehow they get to the point where they’re like “Oh, yeah, YOUR German Physicist was a traitorous spy, but OURS definitely isn’t” even though?? The message logs?? Also, literally they are just on the other side of the sun from the earth.
Chinese Engineer finds out that The Science™ only needed some ventilation and it would have been totally fine, and tells possibly traitorous German Physicist to “Run the math” before she’s unceremoniously drowned/frozen/killed by the vacuum of space. Ok.
So they come to the conclusion they just need to run the machine again to get home. Oh, and also, the current dimension has a wreckage of the Cloverfield Station, so Tilda’s whole crew is probs dead, and the world has gone to war. The main character puts 2 and 2 together and realizes her two children are alive in the current dimension and (shocker) wants to stay. Except SHE IS ALSO ALIVE, THERE IS ANOTHER ONE OF HER. Which is the same opinion Stoic Commander has, though at a certain point he seems to be like “Fuck it I don’t care anymore” and tells her she can do whatever.
So one armed maintenance guy sets off to get the machine ready to run again but gets killed by the sweet magnetic putty he’s been using the whole film (and, also, an explosion). They then have to detach the part of the station ruined by the explosion, so Stoic Commander makes an entirely unnecessary sacrifice to uncouple it. For those counting, those we have left are the Doctor, the Physicist, the Main Character, and Tilda Swinson.
The plan now is, send Tilda and the Main character off in a shuttle so that they can Save The World with the information that they have on how to build the machine and get it to work, then overload the machine again to send the Doctor and the Physicist back, then run it one more time at proper levels to unlock Unlimited Power. Cool.
Except Tilda steals the 3d printed gun, knocks out the main character in the shuttle (with the intent of sending her to the alternate earth, with the information) then shoots and kills the Doctor, and shoots and almost kills the Physicist. Apparently she blames them for the death of her crew? Much more practically, she knows that her planet has broken out into war, and that they need the Unlimited Power immediately. Faced with those deaths in the world she knows, she feels compelled to fight for the working science machine. Fair enough.
The main character wakes up and succeeds in foiling the insidious plot (read: moral dilemma) by wrestling the gun from Tilda and shooting out a window, sucking her into the vacuum of space. All better!
The main character then sends a heartfelt message to herself about the importance of love and family (she *literally* just murdered a woman) and attaches the schematics and parameters for a working Science Machine, because suddenly the communication systems with the earth work again. Then, she and German Physicist return the station to their dimension, after which they run the Science Machine with the right parameters for Unlimited Power. Then they board a shuttle and send themselves down to earth. The end!!!
Oh except there’s been some flashes to what her original dimension husband has been up to during this. The Cloverfield monsters have been wreaking havoc (Guillermo was RIGHT) and he saved some kid and took her to a bunker. He’s also been in contact with Nasa or whatever about the legit missing space station while it’s been in the other dimension. The movie ends with him screaming into the phone that the Main Character and German Physicist should stay up on the station where it’s safe, even as the Nasa guy says it’s too late, they’re coming down. As they break the cloud cover, the original cloverfield monster rears up and screams.
Theeee Eeeennndddd
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