#but their descendants wouldn't and i would probably bring or find a bunch of other things
nucanitickles · 5 months
Kuya Gets Got (Or Not) Drabble + Headcanons
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Eiden was never the kind to play with fire, but his efforts to... mess with his newest clanmates had stopped going quite so well.
As evidenced by his magically-pinned hands and Kuya's prettily-painted claws wrecking havoc in his armpits.
"The young master thought it wise to try and tickle me, hmm?" The yokai chuckled wickedly, barely heard beneath the others shrieking laughter. "Hehe, well, it appears that you are far more susceptible than I... I suppose one must take their entertainment where they can, no?"
Eiden practically screamed as Kuya's hands made their way down his body, stopping at his thighs. "Oya?" The fox's grin sharpened, fingers slowing down to teasingly stroke at the sensitive skin. It was gentle enough to barely be felt through Eiden's jeans, but the simple promise of what was to come had Eiden begging for Kuya to have mercy, straining uselessly against the purple sigil.
"Ahh, how pleasant it is to hear true begging every once in a while." Kuya sighed happily, pausing briefly as if soaking in the rare occurrence. "Alas, unfortunately for you, on this rare occasion I am not bored."
Eiden wouldn't be escaping for a while...
💜 Ok so Kuya is a bitch but he's my bitch ok I love he
💜 I really tried to think of any situation where Eiden could flip the tables but alas without involving Quincy I really couldn't see it
💜 If, and only if, anyone managed to fill the tables on Kuya, his most sensitive spots would probably be his ears, his hips and probably his feet (hotspot of toes because foxes have toebeans and toebeans are one of the few things that bring happiness in life)
💜 His laughter, and hear me out, would be very shrieky and screechy and screamy - like a fox! Despite his silky smooth voice he really be yellin up a storm while laughing.
💜 Will bite you to get you to stop, and will not apologise.
💜 As a ler, god he's the fucking worst. Teasy, merciless, and with magic to boot? Say your prayers, you are not getting out of this alive without agreeing to something.
💜 Will attack whenever and wherever he wishes. Does not give a fuck about your dignity or reputation. If he's bored he will find a victim.
💜 Is not above using his magic to fuel some group tickly shenanigans and hiding just to watch the chaos. Man will cast tickly spells on a bunch of people in one room, lock the door, and watch them descend into madness as they try and find him.
💜 If you can get him to be softer, he probably gives really nice gentle tickles. Like as aftercare or comfort. He's got that fluffy fox tail and long nails that can be really nice and give you the pleasant kind of shivers.
💜 Good luck getting him there tho 🙄
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deathbyoctopi · 6 months
SongXueXiao 2023
So apparently!! Treats are an opt-in in this exchange, and for it you need a letter. ok, consider this my letter >w<
These are the different takes I can suggest for this thing. Look out for DNW at the end, plz!!
The Yi City option
Fluff in Yi City! Or smut in Yi City!! Or crack in Yi City!!! XD ...Just don't give me angst. Let's have an established relationship with XueXiao, when old XXC's flame comes along. Don't have them die like in canon!! Have Xue Yang do whatever it takes so Xiao Xingchen doesn't discover his secret and Song Lan doesn't blow his cover, even if that something is somehow blowing Song Lan! Guy is resourceful. Demonic cultivation, his aptitude for disguises, excellent storyteller and liar... IDC if he blackmails Song Lan, or he somehow manages to hide his identity from him, or convinces him he's gone insane and thinks he's the Emperor of the Heavenly Court. Hell, make it omegaverse if you want and baby-trap him. Free range!
The angsty option
Ok, time for angst! Two to choose from here, both pre-Yi City. In both instances, SongXiao might be an item and Xiao Xingchen might have been infatuated with Xue Yang at some point. EXTRA KUDOS if XueXiao actually got to flirt at some point before the Chang massacre, or even get in bed together... 1. Xiao Xingchen's fist night hunt after he lost his sight, barely after he descended from the mountain and was still getting used to his eyes. His mission? Appease the souls of Baixue Temple, which he didn't even have time to bury properly when he rescued Song Lan... 2. The whole reason Xue Yang hurt (not killed) Song Lan was because he wanted Xiao Xingchen to bring him to his master... And in doing so, revealing the location of the sacred mountain to Xue Yang! Can the immortal and her disciples fight against an unhinged demonic cultivator looking for revenge?
The non-con option! >w<
So this is for everything non-con, which very necessarily sets it in M or E. Again, free range here! Any canon or canon-adjacent setting, any pair or threesome, any levels of consent. Xue Yang non-conning the hell of the two daoshis? Blackmailing Xiao Xingchen with Zichen's death so he gives himself to him? Omegaverse induced heats? Dark!XXC and/or Dark!SL willing to teach Xue Yang a lesson? Aah... Options! Just know that. At LEAST one of the three must be non-willing. The only one that can be "spared" from sex for plot reasons is Song Lan, but he must be well aware of what is happening.
The Time Travel option!!
SongXiao are reborn back in time (in their adult bodies) and are tasked with taking care of Xue Yang. If you think this has already been done, consider... Xue Yang also remembers their previous life! XD Maybe he tells them, maybe he doesn't. Maybe he had already been in Xiao Xingchen's bed, or maybe he never got to take that last step. He certainly knows it feels good to be in daozhang's arms...
And finally... a bunch of Do Not Wants
1st and 2nd person narrative, scat, gore and watersports... AND NECROFILIA, please, Xiao Xingchen MUST be alive. Song Lan being a sentient fierce corpse wouldn't "technically" count as necrophilia as far as I'm concerned. About underage... I'd rather not, if Xue Yang has not hit puberty, even if he has an adult mind. And EVEN if he would probably be ok with sex in his child body, XXC would probably be categorically opposed to it. On the other hand, any mentions of underage and/or child prostitution are a-ok (again, because XXC would be horrified to learn such things...)
Yup! That's it! I'm not sure if this counts as a "letter", never done one, so just in case I'll finish it with a flourish.
Treats are such a rare and precious thing, that all is welcome. Long or short, fic or art, if you find anything here that inspires you, I'll be very happy if you want to share it with me.
In the meantime, I remain your fellow mdzs fan,
Valls_Safanoria (deathbyoctopi)
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atheautistic · 1 year
Hey everybody!
So, i think an introduction's in order here. My name is Jonathan and i am a fairly new atheist. I am a slightly Queer Nurse, married, and have a number of kids (about 8 at last count) that are all adults now. Maybe i should just tell the story of my religious journey and how i came to atheism.
Without going into too much detail, i became a Christian at 18 years old. To be honest, it was mostly the influence of my high school best friend. At that time, i did believe that there was something out there, but i wasn't sure what it would be. I did some occult stuff/magic at that time and was fully convinced that the spirit world at least existed. It was probably that stuff that prompted my friend to lead me to the faith. Cause i don't remember him bringing up Christianity until i mentioned that i was living in a haunted house. (Still not totally sure it wasn't, lol)
My friend suggested that i read the bible. He thought i might find what i was looking for there regarding my interest in the spirit world. So, my ADHD brain kicked in and i read the thing from front to back in a matter of days. I devoured it alongside other books on paarapsychology and ghosts. Now, i DO remember having issues with the bible even then, but my bestie was pretty good at apologetics and i put aside my concerns for later consideration. I mean, i could die at any moment right? Better get right quick!
So, i "got saved," started going to youth group, church, and even started going to church with my parents. Speaking of my parents, i should probably mention that my mom and step father are the pastors of a pentecostal church. The church my friend was taking me to was a non-denominational Protestant church of some sort. So i got a decent range of protestant church experiences.
Anyway, i went along being a Christian for about the next 23+ years or so. I picked up a wife and a bunch of kids along the way, and we trained them up in the way a child should go. That is to say according to the faith. Towards the last two years of that time, my late wife was diagnosed with cancer. I know what you're thinking if you are a Christian! I got mad at God because my wife got sick. Not the case at all.
The truth of it was that i had already begun to seriously question many things that the church and bible had to say. So i started studying apologetics and the scriptures more fervently, trying to reconcile many, many troublesome passages, policies and views that i had been taught by the church. I was seriously troubled by the fact that i was unable to rationalize them. I could explain them away using standard Christian rhetoric, but it seemed too much like avoidance and dishonesty. It was at that time that i decided that maybe the bible isn't really the infallible text christians claim it to be. Worse, i was finding it more and more difficult to rationalize certain beliefs the church holds when challenged on them. Stuff like homosexuality, abortion, etc for example.
Now, as a good Christian, i KNEW i was having a crisis of faith, so I prayed about it. A LOT. For years. Like probably at least once a day, and whenever i ran into another troublesome passage or question. I think everyone can guess what i heard from the Lord... Not a thing.
One day, during a particularly unpleasant day of chemo for my late wife, i remember needing comfort in a really bad way. The grief was monstrous because my analytic mind had already figured out how this illness was going to play out. I couldn't confide in her about it, because she had so much hope and i couldn't and wouldn't disabuse her of that. So, during that visit, i told her that i was going to get a massage like she suggested (i probably looked super stressed). Instead, i went to the chapel to seek Him and ask Him for his Comforter to descend upon me. I spent nearly an hour in there on my arthritic knees. Nothing happened. I felt nothing but pain. No comforting presence walking me through the shadow of death. No random stranger with kind and wise words. No feeling of His presence. Nothing. Not that i was expecting a release from pain, but any kind of comfort would have been nice.
It was that moment i realized that nothing happened and i felt nothing because there IS nothing to comfort me. It kind of crashed in on me all at once. Every inconsistency, every awful passage about God sanctioned mass murder and slavery. Every argument that more clear headed skeptics had thrown my way. The vast loneliness of the universe. All that ran through my head like a freight train. I thought i would be crushed by the grief and pain when i realized that not only was my wife going to die, i would NEVER see her again. I felt like i was going to die right then. Sobbing, i got up, walked down the aisle and in a fit of rage, threw the crucifix onto the floor. I thought briefly of destroying it utterly, but decided against it. Even though in that moment i became an infant atheist i wasn't ready to go whole hog just yet. And i wasn't willing to attack the faith in a way that would interfere with others finding the succor i so desperately sought. Instead, i just stared at the crucifix for a while, angry about all the time and money i had wasted on the Farce of Faith. I was furious about all the terrible ideas i had espoused to my children. Ashamed that i had believed in something that was now so clearly fantasy. Then i pulled myself together as best i could and left the chapel.
Very shortly after that i had the first and worst of many panic attacks. We thought it was a heart attack (I remember thinking how ironic Christians would think it was for me to die right after becoming an apostate. It actually amused me a little) but it wasn't. It turns out that existential crisis can bring on a little fear with it! And since I'm an anxious person anyway, it certainly didn't help. So many things had changed for me that i couldn't share with anyone. In the midst of my spouse's illness i had to keep playing church. Do you have any idea how galling it is to be surrounded by Christians when you are a closet atheist? It's kind of torture. But you can't tell your dying spouse that there is no heaven right? Seems like cruelty.
I didn't share my revelation with anyone until i posted it on facebook a couple weeks ago. I couldn't. I still try to walk softly around Christians and their faith because existential crises are unpleasant at best and deadly at the worst. Mine was incredibly unpleasant and i wouldn't want to do it to anyone. That's why i started this blog to be honest. So that I'm not posting this on facebook where it will cause more drama than I'm interested in experiencing. I guess I'm just hoping people who are questioning will find it. I know humanity needs to eventually do away with religion as a whole. But it is definitely not something that can happen overnight. Any activism on the part of atheism should be gentle, in my opinion.
By way of confession, not even my new wife knew about how i really felt until pretty recently as well. Much to my shame, i taught my new wife things about Christianity from my wealth of theological knowledge and years of service in the church. To woo her of course. She was a Catholic (although she would say not a great one, ha ha!) at the time and I wanted her to like me. Gonna have to apologize for that manipulation later i think. (Update: She took it very lovingly. She suggests that it's possible that she was just following along with the crowd, and forgave me instantly. Damn, she's a good woman.)
Anyways, i eventually realized that being a closet atheist was almost worse than just being an atheist. Because at least this way, I'm being honest. And isn't honesty the best policy anyway? Totally. So, now I'm honest about it. I talk to wifey about it now, but i try not to exhort too much.
So, that's where i stand now. I hesitate to give an idea of what this blog will focus on, because i know i may lose interest, but it will probably mostly be about my journey of religious deconstruction and philosophical studies. Or maybe i'll just pick an interesting topic and wrote an article. I dunno.. If that sounds like something you're interested in, welcome! If you wanna help me see the light, welcome! I will try to answer all comments!
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wildselkie · 4 years
Top 10 Scenes in TDP Season 1 (pt. 1/3)
Top 10 Scenes in TDP Season 1 (pt. 1/3)
*not ordered in which is better or worse, but it will be in chronological order*
Also some things are worded weirdly. I have a pain in the ass time trying to get my thoughts across in words so... I thank you for your patience :))
1) The scene where Callum, Ezran, and Rayla find the dragon prince. Ep. 2
I think this is one of the more pivotal moments in the show. I mean it is literally the scene that sets the story in motion after all! Two human princes, an elf assassin, and the lost dragon prince (who was thought to be dead/gone/egg destroyed(?)).. this is just IT.
*also i’m aware that Ez probably found the egg first cos he already knew about this secret area but still
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2) Viren (attempts to) proposes the idea to trade his life in for Harrow. Ep. 3
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Now there are other well thought and well written posts on this scene with Viren and Harrow, so I won't waste your time with all the gushy stuff. I find this scene important because it shows the lengths that Viren would go for his friend. Whether he's doing out of the goodness of his heart or some other selfish reason... maybe both(?)..
In the book Moon, it dives deeper into the plot along with expressing the characters' thoughts and feelings. As for Viren, it's stated in the book that he wanted to:
"offer his life for Harrow's, but he wanted him to understand that this was more than just a sacrifice of a subject to his king. This was personal"
"... he would need to be straightforward. He wanted to say simply I love you and I will die for you" (Ehasz 80).
I have no doubts that Viren didn't not love Harrow or anything of the sorts, but at the same time it feels like there was another motive. Maybe there was, who knows.
All we know about Viren is that he's a father of two (Claudia & Soren), divorced/ separated from his wife, and he's a dark mage. Of course there's some more (like he's taller than Harrow according to the character line up)... also his staff... like if you look at it, it's the same one as the mage who faced Sol Regem all those centuries (?) ago. Maybe he's related to him, or possibly descended from one of the followers. I'd imagine that teaching dark magic may be a thing within his family and ancestors... he taught Claudia dark magic. That doesn't prove anything but it's a small thought.
ANYWAY-- this scene is one of many scenes that show Viren in a vulnerable state. The book gives a look into how he felt when he decided to sacrifice himself and everything. It's just interesting and I'm here for it. 
3) Amaya and her weapons grade baguette Ep. 4
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On a less serious and more fun note, the fact that Amaya is a breakfast connoisseur is just perfect. Amazing. Fantabulous.
"As a breakfast connoisseur, she was offended that Ezran would neglect a hearty morning meal" (Ehasz 120).
I only emboldened and italicized "offended" because in the show YOU CAN LITERALLY SEE HER FACE WHEN EZ TELLS HER.
Bruh she was so offended lmaooo
It's right at 13:36 time in the show... the slow zoom in and all 😂
4) Amaya and Gren meeting Viren at the statue Ep. 5
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I’m trying to see if I should have paired this with the first scene where Amaya arrives first. That scene is pretty calm but has a somber feeling. It introduces the relationship of Amaya and Sarai without having to directly say it. 
But this scene here is... interesting. Not in a good way or bad way, but we see they’re reminiscing of the past. At some point, they all got along nicely. Callum even noted in his spellbook that Viren’s family became like a second family to him when he moved to the castle. 
This interaction was cute tho. It started out positive (sort of) with them joking about Viren eating the last jelly tart which pissed Sarai off lol. But then Viren went on to apologize to Amaya and reassured her that what he does is out of the goodness of his heart and love for Katolis. But...
“Aaaaand, he’s back, Amaya thought” (Ehasz 150). 
And then went on to sign that he’s on a bunch of bs. See? Even Amaya knows he’s full of shit lol. But really tho... it makes me wonder how much of bs Viren goes on even before the events of the current story line. 
5) Rayla saves Bait from the sea monster Ep. 5
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Let us give a round of applause for Rayla going against her fear of water to save Bait, the grumpy frog who hates her. I think this just goes to show how compassionate Rayla really is. This would include the time when she goes back to grab bait back in the banther lodge in episode 4. 
6) Viren giving his kids their *secret* missions Ep. 6
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Okay this isn’t just one scene. I cheated yeah yeah whatever >:3
When Viren is telling Soren what he must do when he finds the princes, at first he doesn’t fully get it, but then.. OH n0
Viren’s intentions are starting to unfold and come together as one. Like, this man just told his own SON that should he find the princes, he should kill them. This 18 yr old bby 
And Viren didn’t say it aloud, but he heavily implied it. Only to then gaslight him later on when Claudia confronts him in prison. 
As for Claudia, Viren tells her that she must retrieve the egg. And do everything in her power to bring it back, even if it means that she’ll have to sacrifice Soren... her own damn brother ;-;
7) When Callum finally lets Rayla hold the egg Ep. 6
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This scene is pretty big. Rayla knows that Harrow is long gone and is trying to find a way to tell them. Obviously she doesn’t choose the best time to try it.
They were in a dire situation that could potentially kill them (even tho they had plenty of those moments already). The reason why this scene is so big is because it shows her struggle to break the bad news (ever since the right binding fell) as she continues to grow closer to them. Here you can see Callum passing the egg to her, despite her hand being in the terrible state that it is in. It is also the scene where right before passing it, he finally tells Rayla that he trusts her. 
8) Human Rayla!! Ep. 7
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Human Rayla is so corny but it’s the good kind of corny. One of the best comedic jokes in the series! 
That is all cos human Rayla needs an AU of being a nighttime tv host or smthg
9) Viren and Runaan Ep. 8
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yo this is alot okay. The scenes with these two introduced some Moonshadow philosophy and such (ie. not being scared of death). Runaan being the stoic and serious assassin that he is. And Viren not having any of this shit. 
There are three major things here:
 Runaan knows about the mirror and is most likely aware of who Aaravos is. He literally says, “That mirror? You have found something worse than death.” Goddamn...
And then Viren just... trapped his soul.. his essence into a goddamn coin. Just like that? wow. And hold it, almost admiring it in front of Gren. 
Also this is the first time we officially see Viren in that form. In the beginning of episode 5 we are given a darkened silhouette of Viren and the butterflies. But here we see the damage resulted from years of having done dark magic, and it’s horrifying. He is the high mage and all but goddamn. I mean with every action there are consequences so- 
10) Callum destroying the primal stone Ep. 9
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I feel like this is one of the “of course it’s this one!” scenes but it really is! Callum realizes that only a sky dragon can be hatched in the eye of storm and there he is with a literal storm in his hand. By now, Callum has come to understanding what feels right and that being a mage is his destiny. But he also understands that he needs to sacrifice some things for new beginnings. This whole journey was to get the lost dragon prince home and restore balance and peace and with the egg starting to die... well you can’t really do that without the egg. 
It’s at 18:50 where he realizes all of this. It’s one of the big boy moments in the show. Seriously, it’s a big moment and the suspension helped get the feels in. And we got a cute baby dragon!! 
End, begin. it’s all the same. (pls someone get that reference ;-;;;)
Some honorable mentions:
- Episode 7: Claudia and Soren interacting. I love their sibling bond; it’s so silly and sweet and I love it. It makes me wish I had an older brother of some sort. 
Ellis and Ava,, I like the flashback story given when they meet the dragang. I just like it, okay? Smol chiald w/ smol wolf pup and a hippie Lujaane seeing the beauty & strength in Ava. 
CGI Coran. That all I have to say about that guy lmao
- Episode 8: When the group is going up the cursed caldera and they encounter that giant leech. Like can we just appreciate Callum’s funny way of making out a plan? Fat respect for that. 
Another is when the group split up and waited for the leech to leave. The conversation between Ellis and Callum were sweet as was the one between Rayla and Ez. I loved Ellis’s admiration for Callum being a mage. And her expectations of what a mage was is pretty hilarious. So wholesome. The same goes for Ez when he gave Rayla that daily fill of positivity. 
Like... Ellis is telling Callum how smart and confident and cool he is. And meanwhile Callum is like... it’s not me, it’s this. *whips out primal stone* And she goes on to tell him that she believe he’ll be amazing with or without the stone. 
And Rayla is telling Ez how she failed in her job of killing the enemy. And Ez is telling her how she’s awesome at everything she does.
this is the positive wholesome shit I come for like... this is parallels but GODDAMNIT it’s so.. ;;;;-;;
Yo this is long ENOUGH! Thank you so damn much if you read to the end. You’re the real beauties. Anywho... uh parts 2 and 3 will be up soon. 
 It’s 11 now so I need some sleep. goodnight kids
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davidstirlings · 7 years
i know this is gonna sound like a lot, and i totally wouldn't blame you for only doing some of these, but can you do that ship thing for nate and ray (i don't know what their ship name is)
Hi anon. Thanks for the ask :) First off, I’m going to assume that you mean all of the numbers for the ship ask meme. And my answer is of course I can. I love doing asks (though from the time it took me to actually finish this, you probably wouldn’t be able to guess. Sorry about that).
Secondly, the ship name for Nate x Ray is SteelAtom, I believe (at least, that’s what I’ve been tagging all my posts as. If I’m wrong, please correct me).
And we shall now descend into the (very large and long amount of) madness that is about to ensue:
Who made the first move? I feel like neither of these cute (and completely oblivious) cinnamon rolls would have made the first move. They probably only realised the other had feelings for them when the others pointed it out. (I can definitely see Sara and Mick just saying something like “So are you two sleeping together yet, or what?”)
Who said ‘I love you’ first? Nate. After what happened with Anna, and then Kendra, Ray’s a bit nervous about telling someone that he loves them. He does, obviously, but he’s scared that as soon as he admits that, they’ll leave him, or something bad will happen. But he does say “I love you too” as soon as Nate says it.
Who first suggested moving in together? They already live on a time-ship together, so that’s a bit of a pointless question, but Nate’s stuff slowly migrates its way into Ray’s (much bigger) room, and one day Nate just doesn’t bother going back to his room because it’s empty.
What was their first fight about? Ray throwing himself into ridiculously dangerous situations, almost as if he doesn’t care, as if there isn’t someone he’d be leaving behind. Nate worries a lot because his boyfriend isn’t bulletproof, and he always runs headlong into danger, and he’s scared that one day, Ray won’t come back with him, so they end up fighting every time the other does something unnecessarily dangerous (which, let’s admit, with this bunch of losers, is pretty much every week, or every time they get off the ship).
Who is the better cook? Neither of them is particularly brilliant at cooking, but for all his intellect, Ray Palmer is the ‘burn water’ type of guy, which means that either Nate cooks, or they order takeaway (there are a ridiculous number of pizza boxes which they keep forgetting to throw away. Jax says they could probably build a wall with them).
Who proposed? Ray. Despite being nervous about saying ‘I love you’ or making the first move, he’s a romantic at heart, and he eventually works up the courage to take Nate out to dinner when they land in Tuscany for a break, and he proposes to him after the meal.
Who remembers the anniversaries? You’d think, being a historian and all, that this would be Nate. You’d be wrong. As brilliant as he is at research, and remembering facts about ancient history, this guy has a really terrible memory when it comes to more recent dates to remember. This dude forgot their first anniversary, and their wedding anniversary. Ray sets about a billion remindersto make sure that he doesn’t forget, and it works about 60% of the time. (They’re both terrible, even though they’re supposed to be super-smart).
Where would they go for their honeymoon? Assuming the Legion of Doom don’t manage to destroy reality (and probably the entire world at the same time), then they’d probably go to all the cliche, romantic places people go on their honeymoon, like Paris and Rome and Hawaii. And they also go to different time periods too, because why wouldn’t you when you have a time-traveling space-ship? So they get to see the Eiffel Tower being built and walk along the streets of Paris in the 1920s.
Who wakes up first in the mornings? They usually wake up at the same time, though since Ray has been on the ship longer, and is more used to Rip’s rigid 8am wake-up schedule, he’ll sometimes wake up earlier. He’ll just lay there, tangling his fingers with Nate’s, waiting for the other to wake up so he can kiss him good morning.
Who works the latest? Ray. He always gets so caught up in different projects and he doesn’t want to leave them until they’re finished. And he doesn’t just work the latest, but also the longest. He’ll stay up for 36 hours before he crashes, and Nate often has to drag him to bed and remind him to sleep.
Who spins in those squeaky office chairs to annoy the other? They both do, because they’re immature toddlers who want to wind up Sara and Stein, and the best way to do that is by spinning in the two squeakiest chairs on the bridge until the other two walk away (or until Sara gets out a gun and threatens to shoot them).(Jax 110% joins in with them when he’s pissed off with Stein, and they encourage him like awful influences they are).
Who has the most questionable taste in music? Nate, though it’s more because he has such a wide range of taste in music, from Baroque to House to Hip-hop to Punk. His playlist is a mess of different songs that drive Ray mad, because he’ll get used to the low bass in one song, only to have flutes and violins assault his ears 3 minutes later, which then change to something that sounds more like a call to war than music.
Who opts for buying take away instead of cooking? Ray, because he can’t cook to save his life. Nate only opts for it when he really can’t be bothered to cook, and no one else is on cooking duty.
Who plans the best dates? They both plan pretty good dates. Nate always takes them somewhere (and sometime) that he knows they’ll both find very interesting and somewhere beautiful, like a lake in the mountains, or a museum/gallery he knows Ray will find interesting, and Ray plans very romantic dates at restaurants and cinemas and more generic date venues. What he lacks in originality, he makes up for in thought and romantic gestures (like flowers and favourite desserts).
Who blushes the most? Ray, with his dark hair and pale skin, blushes very easily, and it’s a look that Nate loves on him, so he tries to make Ray blush as often as possible. Whispering (really inappropriate) things in his ear and complimenting him are surefire ways to do this.
Who gets super into holidays like Christmas and Halloween and who only does it because it makes the other happy? They both like holidays a lot. Nate gets very excited about the cultural significance and history of the holidays, while Ray just loves being able to spoil Nate. And he loves to see him dress up as Indiana Jones. (The same can be said for Nate when he sees Ray in his Han Solo costume. However, Ray doesn’t always see the point in dressing up, seeing as it usually all ends up on the floor five minutes later anyway).
Who has the biggest kink (and what is it)? Ray once asked Nate if he liked Indiana Jones so much because of the whips. This prompted Nate to ask if the reason Ray liked Han Solo so much was because he was usually in handcuffs. (Jax wishes he didn’t have a room next to those two, and that the walls were thicker).
Who is more aggressive in bed? At first, Nate was really careful in bed with Ray, because he was really scared of going all ‘Steel-On’ and accidentally hurting Ray. It wasn’t until Ray told Nate to stop treating him like a fragile doll (and that he liked being held down) that Nate decided to be a little bit more adventurous and aggressive in bed. (Alternatively: Ray kicks Nate in his sleep, and even though he can turn into Steel, the bruises still hurt). (Jax wants a new room).
Who is constantly groping the other in public? Nate is shameless. It started off as one of those things to make Ray blush, and Nate hasn’t stopped doing it since he started, even though Mick says he’s going to gag, Martin’s eye does this weird twitching thing every time he sees Nate grope Ray’s ass, Amaya politely ignores their adolescent antics, and Sara always throws a saucy wink when she catches the two of them. Jax pretends not to notice anything and then asks Gideon if she can make brain bleach. The answer is unfortunately no.
Lights on or off? On. They like to be able to see each other. (Ray is also afraid of the dark, but he pretends that he just wants to see Nate and his beautiful face. Nate is such a sappy dork that he believes this).
Who is the animal lover? Ray always wanted a puppy when he was growing up, but he was allergic, so now that he has access to future drugs and antihistamines, he adopts all the stray pets he can find, and showers them with love. Nate does love animals, but “there is a limit, Ray”. He puts his foot down after the 6th half-drowned kitten Ray brings home. (Ray pouts for five minutes until Sara threatens to make Ray take all of the animals to a shelter if he adopts another animal). (He starts hiding them in Mick’s room. Mick only realises this when he finds a kitten in his underwear drawer).
Who hogs the blankets? Nate steals all the blankets. His core temperature was lowered after his skin was turned to steel, and so he needs the blankets to stay warm. (Ray is highly doubtful about this explanation). However, he does learn to share the blankets after Ray threatens to kick him out of the bed if he wakes up with cold toes. One. More. Time.
Who is basically used as a body pillow by the other? They swap during the night, and sometimes Ray will wake up with Nate’s head on his stomach (”seriously, I know that my skin turns to steel, but are your abs made of steel?”), or Nate will wake up to Ray’s warm breath puffing against his neck, head pillowed on his shoulder, curled up around his like some overly-warm, snuggly octopus.
Do they ever spontaneously dance together? Sometimes, when they’re in the kitchen together, and Nate is baking something, an old song will come on the vintage radio (they have this for…some reason that nobody is quite clear on. Sara stole it from Stein’s younger self. He was rather upset at the revelation that this is where his favourite radio disappeared too). Ray will come up behind Nate, and slip his arms around his waist, rest his head on Nate’s shoulder, and they’ll just sway together to the music for a little while.
Who has a really cute freckle and where? Ray has this really cute smattering of freckles in the middle of his back, and Nate loves kissing them one by one, because they’re ticklish and they make Ray blush
Who sings in the shower? Nate will take his phone into the bathroom with him and put on his terrible, mismatched playlist, and sing completely out of tune to all of the songs. Rays pretty sure that Nate doesn’t even know the words to half the songs, and just makes most of it up
Who takes pictures of the other at random times? They both do, thought Ray tends to do it more. After Anna died, he realised that he didn’t have many photos of them, at least not personal ones, and he used to freak out when he found himself forgetting things like what she looked like when she laughed, or first thing in the morning as the sun came through the windows. So he takes every opportunity he can to take pictures of Nate, so that he can never forget.
Who does the laundry? Gideon. They’ll just chuck clothes in the direction of the laundry chute and hope that they go in. Half the time their room looks like a clothes-bomb exploded in there. Jax occasionally goes in to check that the two morons haven’t drowned in fabric yet, and drops off the clothes that Gideon has done, seeing as if it was left to Nate and Ray, they’d have literally nothing to wear. (Jax does not want to see Ray streaking to the laundry room to pick up all of his clothes ever again, thank you very much)(Sara recorded the entire thing as blackmail material)
Who gets babied when they’re sick? Neither of them gets overly babied. Obviously they’re very worried, and Nate’s a lot more worried when Ray takes physical damage, but they don’t baby the other. They do, however, make (or get Gideon to replicate) chicken soup, and take care of the other when they’re sick
I hope that was ok for you anon, and that I did a good job with these two, since this is my first time doing a SteelAtom headcanon :)
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