#but the colours in this are kinda ... me likey
titaniumions · 28 days
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i found this parade anthem netto study from december ...
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invisibleraven · 7 months
Doing skin care together for Carrie(& or /)anyone because that is such a Carrie Prompt
Carrie hummed as she piled her hair into a messy bun, adjusting her headband afterwards and flicked on her ring light.
"Whatcha doing?"
Carrie turned and looked at Flynn and Julie who were smirking at her from the bathroom door. "If you must know I was going to give myself a spa day," she replied, tilting her nose up at them. "Do my nails, give myself a facial, all that fun stuff."
"Oooh, I could do with some pampering!" Julie squealed. "Can we join in?"
"or is more of a 'me' time?" Flynn asked. "Because if so we can skedaddle, we were just wondering if you wanted to watch a cheesy rom-com with us."
"We can do both," Julie offered. "You can even pick the movie as long as it's not She's All That again."
"10 Things I Hate About You?" Carrie asked, brandishing her tweezers in one hand and a bottle of nail polish in the other.
"Young Heath Ledger? Sign me up!" Julie exclaimed.
"I'm here for the Shakespeare adaptation and Allison Janney," Flynn interjected. "Also the mani."
So maybe this was not how Carrie pictured her day going, sitting with her expensive foaming charcoal mask on while Flynn painted her nails an electric pink and Julie recited along with Kat's famous monologue in the movie while plucking her brows.
But it was kinda nice.
They all switched places a few times, with Flynn opting for a sheet mask with a cute panda decal on it while Julie chose a peel off aloe and camomile mask. She was soaking her feet in Carrie' little foot bath while Flynn was debating polish colours.
"I kinda want to go orange, but that might seem too Halloweeny," she mused.
"What if we did an ombré effect with some yellow?' Carrie suggested.
"Oooh, mam likey," Flynn crooned. "Jules, what about you?"
Julie shrugged. "Figured i'd go with my standard purple."
Carrie and Flynn exchanged a look. "Girl, you can't be so afraid to break the mold every once in a while," Flynn replied.
Julie bit her bottom lip, looking at Carrie's vast array of polish colours. "Maybe that cherry red?"
"Perfect," Carrie said with a smirk. "I know someone who will love that you picked it too."
"Shut up!" Julie shrieked, but her blush said it all, and Carrie was willing to bet one of her dad's platinum albums that Reggie would sit up and take notice when Julie's nails matched his bass next band practice.
"I will not," Carrie retorted, sticking out her tongue, then squealed when Julie tossed a pillow at her from the couch. "Hey, watch it, this mask is horrendously hard to get out of fabric!" She then tapped her face, seemingly satisfied. "Mine's dry, I'm gonna go wash it off."
Flynn had long ago tossed her mask, and had her tongue stuck between her teeth as she slowly helped Julie peel hers off. "Sure thing Care Bear. You got toner and the like for after we get our nails done?"
"You know I do," Carrie said, rolling her eyes, but there was no bite to it. She'd already let them use her pricey cleanser, and Flynn had seen her large collection of skin care then.
Later, their faces clean, tones, moisturized, and glowing, they munched on popcorn, their now dry nails shining as Hugh Grant and Julia Roberts fell in love on the screen.
"This was nice," Carrie murmured. "Thanks for hanging with me today."
"We were here anyways since we stayed last night doing that stupid history paper," Flynn replied. "But thanks for leting us."
"Any time, we're always down for a girl's night, or a spa day," Julie offered. "Invite Kayla and the rest of the Candis if you want, we can have a real to do."
"Maybe warn me if you're inviting Kayla so I can make sure my braids are fresh," Flynn requested, blushing just a little, even if her obvious crush on the dancer could be seen from space.
"Will do," Carrie promised. "Especially since she asked me if she could 'tag along' to the next Phantoms practice you're attending."
Julie giggled at Flynn's increasing blush, the two of them teasing each other back and forth. Which, Carrie didn't really get, being pretty damn aroace, but she loved that her friends were happy and interested in good, kind people who liked them back.
Plus with them playfully bickering, it gave Carrie the chance to steal the last of the popcorn, and that was more than worth the counteracting effects it was surely having on her facial.
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beatlynxx · 1 year
didnt get the chance to send you an ask earlier NOW'S MY CHANCE
dont know if you're still doing the top 5 thing but. top 5 beyblade designs. as in the actual beys
it is indeed your chance !! keep the asks coming !! you can send multiple btw
erm please know i am at no means in a position to judge the beys by their capabilities irl or anything so this is just me judging how nice the beys look to me
5 — black dranzer
idk it was just super intimidating in the show kinda /pos
4 — deep caynox
erm .. cool colour palette me likey :) i like when beys fit to their owner, makes my autistic brain happy
3 — cosmic pegasus
same as above .. the other pegasuses (haha sus) didn't get me but i took a liking to cosmic
2 — amphilyon
hehe cyan :3c i found myself oddly captivated by its sacred beast whose name i can't remember for the life of me .. please release the euro team beys
honorable mentions — draciel v, geist fafnir, meteo l-drago, wolborg 2
1 — samurai pegasus
i just like the shogun steel bey designs in general but this one specifically fucks idk i think it's the colours
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iced-souls · 1 year
So for the drawing i just posted—
During that process i accidentally did some stuff at the end that i loved, and included 1 sort of.
If I’m being honest this is mainly for myself as a reminder cause me likey but yeah—
Sorry if this is just me praising myself, i feel like its kinda weird but I felt a need to say these things ehehehhe
So theFIRST happy little accident was i had a white lighting that i had turned the opacity down. And so i thought “well hey, what about if i added a more opaque white lighting halfway through that? Maybe it’ll look neat i dunno”
So me wanting to be lazy just decided to duplicate the original layer with its opacity up, and then shift it to where i want it.
However i kinda forgot that… ITS TOO BIG. And i was focus on the hand as my reference for how far up i should shift.
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It just looks neat i dunno— kinda like rain??? Or something. I dunno anyway—
I didnt keep it cause i felt it wasa lil too much.
So there’s that. And THEN
I was like “oh, the og drawing kinda looks way less duller in colour than mine, so I’ll just put a wash thing of a different colour on it to saturate it or something.”
Except i had the airbrush tool on at the time and so i just rolled with it and put it on the top and bottom
And in the first pic below i did with just a bright purple cause hehedonnieourplehehe, and AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Okokokkok but then it was i felt a lil too thick so i think i darkened the colour and put a lil less on top and the second one came to be
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But yeah. And then i did stuff and then the final came up so yippe—
I also added myself if you didnt notice that—
In the front window. I actually did something there with the shine i think to make it less distracting. I think with the shine… but yeah.
Oh and then the background. I’m sorry but I’m actually really really proud of the background, fowlaroundtown if your reading this i thank you’s very much for noticing and am very very glad you liked it too—!!!
The middle building was supposed to be the grand nexus hotel backside… however it does look a lil chonky but WE AINT TALKING ABOUT THAT—
OH and then finally for Donnie’s lighting it started off as hard lines, which did look pretty neat by itself, but i had to add the fade out cause i felt it made his face look a lil flat or something. I think its just how i draw him but yeah.
Actually lemme get some screenshots for the heck of it—:
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p0l-anka · 2 years
Hi! For the color asks: orange, turquoise, sea green, amber, claret, salmon, pecan, brass? ^^
Hey. Thanks for asking ^^
Orange : If you could, would you change your eye color?
Im not sure.. I have black hair and to have an eye colour that isn't dark brown will look awkward i think? And i dont want to change hair colour too, i like my black hair xD maybe.. Kinda like light brown, maybe
Turquoise : Favourite sea animal
Whale 🐋 im still looking for a good tattoo artist, planning to get my second tattoo with whale as main character
Sea Green : Can u fold a fitted sheet
For the love of god, i abhor folding. So can i fold a fitted sheet? Definitely not xD
Amber : Ur phone lockscreen
I dont have a lockscreen, or wallpaper. Its a typical phone theme. I hope i didn't disappoint u xD
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Claret : Do you play an instrument? Do you want to learn to play any?
No, I dont play any instrument, I also don't have any interest to learn to play, as I'm busy with work and trying to learn another language wc is taking all of my braincells xD. I like listening to piano ^^
Salmon : How many pair of sunglasses do you own?
I dont have sunglasses, I do have eyeglasses tho to help me see stuff xD. I'm keeping the old ones. Currently have 4.
One of my eyeglass has a metallic clip sunglass, and it allows me to wear a sunglass xD (i dont wear it now though, i like my all clear eyeglass now ^^)
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Pecan : Shuffle your playlist, Whats the first song that comes up
Ruthless by The Marias
Brass : Least favourite food condiment
Mustard? I prefer and can take a little bit of wholegrain mustard. But the pasteform, no likey xD
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Link for the ask game
Taglist @dimobserver @1-800-i-ship-it
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meenadraws · 2 years
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Dtiys entry for @raviolibee
i really like the way you colour, it's so soft and pleasing to my eyes (´,,•ω•,,)✨
the way i color is a bit different than before, me kinda likey
Well it's a mixture of old and new techniques
this was done too well, i kinda dont believe it myself, but i'm still far from other good artists (´~`)
drawing hands are always so difficult...
i miss drawing chibis... (´~`)9 next time
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caseydoingart · 2 years
Casey’s rapid fire thoughts and feeling in starstuck ep3
“Skips” in the intro
The little pose was cute
So much info but the fast looks so good
Just best friends
They’re all so cute.
Oh the art. Give me more of that
Brennan these descriptions
“ I think I should move into the captains courters” “right on”
“I take the carpet samples into the escape pod”
“I can’t see colours.” “I can see about 18 different colours but not red”
“This is an investment” full crisis
Skipper was bad. And I don’t like him.
Skips is sweetie tho
Full overhaul thank god
Gun flute????? Emily. EMILY
Skips dancing for advantage.
Chaos. Chaos.
My lord. These motherfuckers are insane
Resind, baby
Everyone is rolling so so average.
Mona Is so hot
“Our life is still bad but it’s moving up” “our lives are bad”
Zac in glasses very good looking
Siobhan looks so good in the blue. And her hair.
Sid not seeing in colour is sad to me
I also forgot the sid is also a protocol droid
Margaret girlbossing this ship
Honestly here for the pushing out of Norman
I do enjoy learning about this. What happened with him and the brigade
Starstuck is just so like just like empowering in just the best way.
Norman was just so bad at his job
That back to back moment is so fuckinh cute. Don’t talk to me.
Norman sitting like cat.
Oh boy. Meal prep time
Sid and Gunnie as caters oh no
Oh lord. I love these guys
Cooking cheeks oh no.
Gun champagne
What is Sidney’s gun
Get there ball rolling up
They just want to help gunnie
Let’s get this ball rolling flat
The wrust crew of lord. Guys
Oh my lord the pleasure putty centre. Oh that’s so cute
Oh them all putting money in.
Oh gunnie. and everyone being like oh boy
Oh Barry. Haunted
Oh the art. My lord the art I love it.
The art the art.
Hotbox420. Ally. ALLY
When there’s no gravity the ball going up is unexceptional
the way Siobhan say “SHE’S GETTING MARRIED” I live. I love.
Ohh spicy
“Barry likey”
Zac does weird thing. He’s a quick learner
Bar crawl
“Things are looking bright for the Wrust”
Zvoon the orb. Me.
She’s marry a concept. Mood
Ally and em un hinged
All the putty made me gush
This putty is really just humour
“Nailed it. Filler her up”
Get them into the mlm Riva
Riva dance
Oh boy that’s sad. Poor Norman
Oh never mind. Norman was just kinda awful. Fun
Oh skips. Your gonna get so drunk my guy.
Skip. Oh no. Skips.
Zac what was that
What the fuck did the do too Norman
And what the fuck did the set him up to do
I can go the pawn shop
I’m very curious about Norman’s past.
“Don’t eat the napkins”
Brennan almost saying handy Andy
Oh a droid. Interesting
Little ally voice cracks.
A possible plus 18. Huh wow
Okay that makes more sense. Still great
I keep saying but the art. My god the art
I like all these like skills things. They’re pretty neat
Oh lord. Mmmmmmmm that doesn’t feel great. At all. I’m so worried for these goofs
Sunglasses gang
Oh boy. Weird droid
Ally that was an impressively bad roll
I want to draw side with socks over her skates
Gunnie dance
I’d there another droid. Oh. Did. Sweetie.
Oh no sid.
All my friends hate warfare Whitney
That’s so much to unpack
Where is this lady going with this.
Zac’s no instantly catching Brennan
Sid just getting quietly drunk
That dogs getting Nancy Kerrigan’d apparently
Drunk Em droid. I love her
Let’s tattoo a dog
Stealing a dog. Very cowboy bebop
“He eat exclusively money”
Oof the table is rolling collectively bad.
A box of doom. Oh lord. Oh no. Oh lord.
They’re fucked
Like fuck fucked. I’m so nervous for whatever that means.
Fuck yeah ally. That was so good. 
Truly intrigued by everything going on here.
Oh no. I can’t do another pirates brawl I just emotional can’t.
Anyways until next week.
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sonder-paradise · 2 years
Hello again!
Asking you about Mitsuya and chuuya mase me wanna make an experiment!
(Please do not mind my horrible coloring ability and laziness. The base art is obv the official one (or I think so). Sorry for spamming so much in like 2 days)
So here they are!
Color inverted Chuuya and Mitsuya (I think Mitsuya's eye colour is similar or I might just have gotten it wrong. Probably the latter. Btw I was too lazy to color the clothes and Mitsuya's hair had too many traits for me to go around it like Chuuya's. I'm too lazy for that)
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Do you still like them?
Which one do you think would look better?
Ps: hope physics goes well
mitsuyas is kinda nice 😳❤️
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summermations · 3 years
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The concept is cute aight since Lucy’s the flower and Schroeders the gardener. But god the designs look kinda bad.... so I changed Lucy’s and Schroeders Design up. I might even do an edit. As well my Lucy design was highly based off an outfit in a game 💀 I was gunna put the pic but literally I don’t have room on the slides stuff so I’ll post it on my story instead😩🖐 but I hope y’all likey!! But if you want to see more of my art follow me @summermations Tags~ #sketch #oc #artist #digitalartist #digitalsketch #digitalart #digitalpainting #digitalillustration #art #sketching #pencil #color #colour #drawing #creative #originalcharacter #artwork #finearts #illustration #pencilsketch #procreate #medibangpaint #characterdesign #animation #characterillustration #characterdesigner #characterdesigns #charactersketches #summermations #thepeanuts https://www.instagram.com/p/CNEPOdUF7H3/?igshid=3sw39d78957m
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jnyonghoon · 5 years
@softmingis i did it all because you are tHaT special ok have my love!!!
i will cheat and copy paste the ones i already did odsj
😳: what do you think of me
I’m at the point where i think you are like genuinely the most interesting person i know like let me explain i always thought you were really unique and not like other people i have met and i interact with a lot of my mutuals now but you will always be my number one because i feel like i’m getting to know you more and you always surprise me like i keep discovering new things about you shdc you are a really cool person Luna :(
😑: am I annoying?
the least annoying person i have ever met ily
♥️: am I your favorite mutual?
my number one my one and only ksdjnf i don’t like picking one favourite tho cause i don’t want others to feel bad but ii have 3 people on here who i genuinely love to death and you are one of them
🍒: make a moodboard/aesthetic for me!
gudbhsd i don’t know how moodboards work ok but as for aesthetic i always think of the colour yellow and strawberries and very soft filters and the sound of a soft piano
😌: am I funny?
hilarious ok i lose my shit often likei am easily entertained but you are very funny sdbha
🥀: what’s one of your favorite things about me?
Your good morning messages because they always make me start the day with positive vibes
😊: do you have a crush on me?
no but for real i don’t really have crushes and i don’t get crushes on people who i don’t know irl i know i’m terrible but yeah if we knew each other irl i could have a crush on you let’s be real
💕: do you love me?
a lot but you know that
✨: am I your best friend?
that top 3 i told you about earlier? yea you are my best friend like you are better than some of my irl friends tbh
🥰: rate my blog from 1-10
15 of course
🥳: what would you give me as a birthday gift?
i would buy you tickets to vav
🤯: one secret thought about me
not really a secret but i noticed that i randomly think of you at a certain time almost every day and i realzed that it’s around the time that you usually wake up so i kinda always unknowingly wait for you to wake up jdsjksdk
👌🏻: do you think I’m pretty?
absolutely breathtakingly gorgeous ok
🙈: If you don’t know what I look like, guess!
heh i do know
🎀: am I a friend mutual or just a mutual?
:(((( you know the answer to this
🎊: would you date me?
who wouldn’t is the real question
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humanitys-shortest · 6 years
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✨Simself Tag!!✨
I was tagged by the lovely @shyysims to do the Simself Tag, so here we go with the 125 bloody questions! (I commend whoever came up with all of them, because that’s a lot of brain power that I do not possess.) But! I’m so excited to do this, so thank you so much shyysims!! (●´ω`●)
I will tag @calsea-ger, @alienshootlove, @wolfy-drawsstuff, @hallucinosims and @stories4sims - of course, you don’t have too! Only if you wanna & have the spare time. :D
Rules: You have to make a simself and include whatever you wish (like traits or anything about you) Then answer the following questions!! (✿◠‿◠)
And heeeree weee go~
Traits: creative, coffee lover(I liked the icon bcuz I love warm drinks but I actually hate coffee dont sue me), geek, music lover, a photo album, geek, loner, hearts(cuz I’m full of love duh) and bookworm!
I also included my aspiration - to become a photographer. 
What is your full name? Charlotte
What is your nickname? Char, Lottie, and Petey!
Birthday? February 22nd
What is your favorite book series? ..Twilight..
Do you believe in aliens or ghosts? Yep!
Who is your favorite author? I wish I could say J.K Rolling but I’ll go with Stephenie Meyer cuz Twilight fueld my younger teenage years.
What is your favorite radio station? Heaven knows
What is your favorite flavor of anything? Wellllll s’kinda confusing! I love chocolate flavoured ice-cream but I can’t have chocolate flavoured crisps, can I? I’m just gonna go with chocolate. 🍫
What word would you use often to describe something great or wonderful? awesomeeee possssummmm
What is your current favorite song? Flightless Bird, American Mouth by Iron & Wine
What is your favorite word? coolio
What was the last song you listened to? Lisztomania by Phoenix 
What TV show would you recommend for everybody to watch? Gotham!!
What is your favorite movie to watch when you’re feeling down? The Amazing Spider-Man
Do you play video games? Yessiree
What is your biggest fear? Moths & heights
What is your best quality, in your opinion? my storytelling? I’m pretty proud of the ideas I come up with, if that means anything. xD
What is your worst quality, in your opinion? S’always overthinking everything.
Do you like cats or dogs better? kitty
What is your favorite season? Autumn & Winter - can’t chooseeee!!
Are you in a relationship? Yep :)
What is something you miss from your childhood? I relate with @shyysims’ last answer - friends, lmao.
Who is your best friend? My Amber
What is your eye color? Dark brown
What is your hair color? Dark brown
Who is someone you love? My boyf and my bestfriend
Who is someone you trust? The above :)
Who is someone you think about often? Jack Napier
Are you currently excited about/for something? AVENGERS INFINITY WAR TRAILER POSSIBLY DROPPING TOMORROW
What is your biggest obsession? rn, batjokes ofc!!
What was your favorite TV show as a child? Ed, Edd and Eddy & Rugratz. c:
Who of the opposite gender can you tell anything to, if anyone? My s/o
Are you superstitious? kinda?
Do you have any unusual phobias? Not that I can think of? Ooh! I hate it when a single strand of hair lands on my skin or something. It freaks me out cuz it feels weird.
Do you prefer to be in front of the camera or behind it? Behind. I take the photos, I ain’t in them :P
What is your favorite hobby? Writing! Followed by gaming!!
What was the last book you read? Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them (script)
What was the last movie you watched? Fantastic Beasts, The Crimes Of Grindelwald
What musical instruments do you play, if any? The triangle.
What is your favorite animal? Wolves! I also rlly rlly love deers and elephants.
What are your top 5 favorite Tumblr blogs that you follow? mellie, freddie-luthor, wolfy, elijah & smolbeanjoker :)
What superpower do you wish you had? The power of SELF DAMN CONFIDENCE
When and where do you feel most at peace? Anywhere my s/o is.
What makes you smile? Jack Napier :)
What sports do you play, if any? I used to really love playing basketball and cricket. S’been ages.
What is your favorite drink? Any kind of hot chocolate. :)
When was the last time you wrote a hand-written letter or note to somebody? October for my bestfriends birthday. :D
Are you afraid of heights? b o i 
What is your biggest pet peeve? Liars?
Have you ever been to a concert? Not with this anxiety I haven’t 
Are you vegan/vegetarian? No. but full respect to those who are :)
When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? When I was in primary school, a zoo-keeper... high-school, an author.
What fictional world would you like to live in? The fuckin Harry Potter world please.
What is something you worry about? Life
Are you scared of the dark? Not really
Do you like to sing? Yep! But can I? Nope.
Have you ever skipped school? Uhh yes
What is your favorite place on the planet? My bed
Where would you like to live? Anywhere near a forest/woodland. Honestly Arcadia Bay is my aesthetic.
Do you have any pets? One doggo, three kitto’s.
Are you more of an early bird or a night owl? twittwoo
Do you like sunrises or sunsets better? Sunsets
Do you know how to drive? No :c
Do you prefer earbuds or headphones? Earbuds
Have you ever had braces? Nada
What is your favorite genre of music? The LIS Soundtrack is a genre of music, right?
Who is your hero? Peter Parker.
Do you read comic books? What do you think if my account is based on Batman hmmmm
What makes you the most angry? Liars
Do you prefer to read on an electronic device or with a real book? Real book
What is your favorite subject in school? Media
Do you have any siblings? two sisters, two brothers
What was the last thing you bought? a selection box. for myself. no no m’actually sharing with @crycel ;)
How tall are you? 5′3
Can you cook? Toast? Yes.
What are three things that you love? My boyfriend, my bestfriend and Jack Napier
What are three things that you hate? liars, my lack of self confidence n’ belief, and widowmaker auto-lockers
Do you have more female friends or more male friends? Female
What is your sexual orientation? pink yellow and blue baby
Where do you currently live? tea land
Who was the last person you texted? Ammmbaaah
When was the last time you cried? Last week?
Who is your favorite YouTuber? Depends on my mood! But recently it’s Shane
Do you like to take selfies? I do, because I really wanna try and bring my self confidence up. Buuuut most of the time it fails and I just feel worse about myself god dammit
What is your favorite app? tech not an app but ao3
What is your relationship with your parent(s) like?
What is your favorite foreign accent? Aussies!!
What is a place that you’ve never been to, but you want to visit? Bristol. To see my bestfriend.
What is your favorite number? 7
Can you juggle? xD
Are you religious? no
Do you find outer space or the deep ocean to be more interesting? Outer space 
Do you consider yourself to be a daredevil? Absolutely not
Are you allergic to anything? Some sort of washing power lmao my skin doesn’t likey much
Can you curl your tongue? nuuu
Can you wiggle your ears? nuuuuuuuu
How often do you admit that you were wrong about something? As soon as I realize I am
Do you prefer the forest or the beach? forest
What is your favorite piece of advice that anyone has ever given you? always try and see the good side of things
Are you a good liar? Mehhhh
What is your Hogwarts House? HUFFLEPOOF
Do you talk to yourself? not really?
Are you an introvert or an extrovert? introvert 
Do you keep a journal/diary? used too! Now I have scrapbooks, if thats any consolation 
Do you believe in second chances? Yes. But it’s got me into trouble, lmao
If you found a wallet full of money on the ground, what would you do? Turn it in somewhere, whatever shop/place is closest if they’re trustworthy
Do you believe that people are capable of change? Yes and no
Are you ticklish? ...no
Have you ever been on a plane? Hell no
Do you have any piercings? all natural bby
What fictional character do you wish was real? Peter Parker. (but i’m the female version of him okay)
Do you have any tattoos? Not yet
What is the best decision that you’ve made in your life so far? HAH
Do you believe in karma? aye
Do you wear glasses or contacts? I think I need glasses tbf
Do you want children? no, my sim bbies are my children. and my cats.
Who is the smartest person you know? my bestfriend (sorry boyf)
What is your most embarrassing memory? we don’t go there
Have you ever pulled an all-nighter? what’s sleep? at least, CONISTENT HOURS of sleep?
What color are most of you clothes? Black from my emo days, but now I’m really into yellows and soft colours
Do you like adventures? Yessss, as long as I’m with someone I feel safe with
Have you ever been on TV? I hope not
How old are you? 19
What is your favorite quote? “ohana means family, family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten.” or  “worrying means you suffer twice”
Do you prefer sweet or savory foods? Sweet
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urmeline · 3 years
#10 Greece
More sparkles! More glitter!
She looks like she would be a candidate on Germany's Next Topmodel :D Alright, the half-invisible dancers are the freakiest thing to happen thus far, so props for that for sure
(Also its all kinda in bi and ace flag colours, me likey :D)
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raaven-nerd · 6 years
[br] Omg! Congrats on 2.5k, I'm so proud of you asdffghj. More followers to come. I srsly love you and your aesthetic. Anyways, most people find it weird, but I love heights or being in really high places.
omigosh thank you so much!! you’re actually sweet
I can kinda get that,, like I’m kinda scared of heights but not super scared? so I can get why you’d like being in high places. 
But a lot of people at my school think I’m weird for liking drama (the subject not like people getting angry at each other lol) because apparently I seem really quiet and shy,, but lmaoo I’m actually so loud and crazy (you can kinda tell from the way I type lol) 
Icon:  default/selfie | not really my style,, sorry | cute!! | aww it’s so beaut :’) | aw heck yeeee it’s awesome !!
Url: ,,i don’t get it :(( | ooh noice!! | aw yiss i likey | oooh yassss I love it !! | this is such an awesome url!! I wish i thought of it!! c:
Theme: default | nice!! | so pretty :D | hOW is this so aesthetic?? | don’t mind me just,, *copies and pastes theme* totally not stealing your theme whAT hah (it’s true beauty!!) |  
Original posts: Couldn’t find any :c | neato!! | super duper coolio!! | how!! is!! this!! so!! pretty!! | bow down to the master of aesthetics please teach me your ways
Overall: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Comments: I love how your blog is pink so so so much!! (Pink’s my fav colour lol) Your original posts are so cool and you just seem like a super supportive person and just an awesome person :) Also, completely unrelated, but if your birthday was 5 days later (on the 15th) you’d be exactly 1.5 years older than me!! (at least I think so,, I hope I did the math correctly lol) 
I hit 2.5k followers!! I’m doing blog rates and having an open inbox (so send feel free to tell me anything you want!!)
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5view · 6 years
Soft Tag
Tagged by @dragonslayerfire thanks love!☺️
What’s your favorite song(s) to sing/hum?
- so many, but at the moment it’s mostly baby baby/sentimental by winner (uhh, as always i guess lol), half moon by dean, honeymoon by b.a.p, black out by vixx and just chill/she is by jonghyun (these two kinda comfort me)
What are your favourite flower/tree/plant (all 3 or whatever you have an answer to)
- peonies, weeping willows, water lilies
Favourite colour(s)?
- pastel colours, mostly purple and pink
What do you always doodle (if you ever do)?
- flowers and the stars & moon
How do you take your coffee/tea? If you don’t like those what’s your fav warm drink?
- I like coffee super sweet, as for tea i try to not add anything in it, but something i do add some sugar. but tbh i mostly drink hot chocolate lmao
Favourite candle scent?
- something fresh, that has kind of a spring feel? idk, like flowers or smth woody
Sunrise or sunset?
- sunset! 
What perfume do you wear if any?
- the ones i wear most are from the body shop (again, fresh smells), lady million by paco rabanne and rose the one by dolce gabbana
What’s your go to dance move when you’re alone?
- lmao umm i don’t think i have one? i just dance however i feel like it depending on the song. but i *do* do the move that mino did all the time and that momo did in the likey mv, y’all know the one? anyway lol
Favourite quote?
- ahh this is hard to choose one… i guess i really like  “Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth.” - Buddha
Favourite self care thing(s) or routine(s)?
- listening to music, watching my  fave shows, getting drunk with friends (thats therapeutic im telling you) and going to the beach when im in england
Fuzzy socks or house slippers?
- house slippers!
What colour are your eyes?
- blue grey with a bit of green thrown in there
What’s your favourite eye colour on others?
- hazel!! listen i love brown eyes so much
Favourite season? Why?
- (late) spring!! listen, where i’m from its always cold af -which i hate-, so its a no go for autumn/winter, but in spring everything is so lovely?? i mean its kind of changing with global warming 🙃 but i love seeing flowers and trees come back to life, when it’s not hot yet but not too cold… idk thats when im in the best mood
Cheek, neck or nose kisses
- neck kisses!!… but since i’m from the south of belgium we always kiss people on the cheek à la française (although we only do it once) to say hi/bye so im used to it
What does your happy place look like?
- a place with large windows with room to sit there, there are lots of plants, music in the bg, it’s sunny and you can see the sea
- a busy street in a big city, in a country far away, everything is colourful, the weather is warm and i’m with people i love having a good time
Favourite breed of dog?
- labradors!! i love big doggies… i owned a labrador when i was a kid and i loved him sooo much
Do you ever want to be married? If so what colours would you pick for your wedding theme?
- maybe? i guess that’d be nice? but not very realistic considering i’m…me lmao. obviously pastel purple :/
Silk or lace?
- making me choose is homophobic
Favourite weather?
- sunny but not too warm, when you can feel some fresh air
I tag @namtjoon, @ayzis, @ohwinners, @fatenumberfor4 @http-lance  if you want to! :)
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11 question tag
I was tagged by @folatefangirl and @amygdalalangblr (I hope you don’t mind that I made only one post)!
1. Post the Rules. 2. Answer the questions given to you. 3. Make 11 questions of your own. 4. Tag 11 people.
@folatefangirl‘s questions:
1. If you could be any animal/creature, real or fictional, what would you be?
Idk do witches count?? Cuz I kinda like being human lol
2. What food or drink are you craving at the moment?
Nothing really but I wouldn’t say no to some chocolate or a lemonade :P
3. You’ve been granted a gift and you can only pick one of two options: Knowing any language in the world but only in written form (yes, even code) or having the ability to teleport to cities but only if you’ve visited them before. Which one would you pick?
Teleporting to cities! :D I absolutely love the places I’ve been to and I mean I can always travel to other places by plane
4. How would you describe your current style, clothing-wise?
I honestly don’t know? I wear a lot of dresses and skirts with tights and sweaters, but idk if I have a particular style tbh
5. What’s your favorite animated movie? 
Anastasia or Road to El Dorado
6. Who was your favorite person/fictional character or a person you looked up to when you were a child?
I actually really loved George from the Famous Five :P she’s the reason Ive always wanted short hair hahaha
7. What kind of music do you like? Any recommendations? 
Anything in Spanish, especially salsa and merengue :)
I’d recommend: 28 by LODVG, Toda una vida by Leoni Torres, Mi PC by Juan Luis Guerra, and pretty much anything by Olga Tañon :P
8. Do you have a favorite hangout spot? If so, what kind of place is it (a cafe, a library, a bar, your room etc.)? 
Ehh not particularly, but I do like going to coffee shops with my friends :)
9. What is something about you that you think would surprise people the most if they met you in real life?
I honestly have no clue :/ probably the fact that I have an accent in French?? Like I likeI act like I know everything about French, but anyone that hears me speak can immediately tell that it’s not even close to being my native language.
Either that or the fact that I’m really shy and awkward and have no idea how to act around new people
10. If you could tell your younger self one bit of advice, what would you say?
Stop being a whiny brat and don’t quit your tennis classes
11. What are you looking forward to the most in 2018? 
…ngl probably the rogers cup (I haven’t actually thought about 2018 yet lol)
 @amygdalalangblr‘s questions
1. What do you think about linguistics?
Very cool but also hella complicated
2. Do you prefer to handwrite notes or type them?
Handwrite them cuz I type really slowly (also I love my handwriting :P)
3. What’s your least favourite subject?
Right now its methodology (its so damn useless)
4. What do you like most about your native language? Dislike?
Honestly my favourite part of Spanish is the music because it just sounds sooo nice! Other than that, I really love how many different accents and variations there are :) and dislikes… idk, there’s nothing really
5.  What’s a cultural quirk you like from a country in your target language?
Idk if it counts, but ive been told germans never jaywalk, which I find really funny? Like I live in a place where everyone jaywalks even tho its illegal, and I cant actually imagine actually waiting to cross the street? Especially in winter?? Idk it’s just very amusing to me lol
6. How elaborate are your notes?
Ehh so-so. They tend to be written in mostly one colour with no fancy titles or anything. Recently I started using two colours, one for important notes, and another for      little side-notes, but it’s all pretty simple
7. Why did you decide to learn your (first) target language?
I read a book about imperial Russia and just fell in love with the history and the country and of course the language :)
8. What sort of background music do you like?
Lol I just listen to regular music in the background (it’s not very productive cuz I spend more time singing and dancing than doing what Im supposed to be doing but whatever)
9.  What sort of non-langblr hobby do you have?
Watching/playing tennis, writing, drawing,  reading, and go shopping
10.  Would you wear a hat?
Yep! I wear berets in winter! :)
11. Soup or stew?
Soup all the way!!!
 My Questions
1. What languages have you studied?
2. If you could have one wish granted, what would it be?
3. What’s your favourite season? Why?
4. What language are you most comfortable speaking in?
5. Did you ever sleep with a stuffed animal? How old were you when you stopped?
6. Do you spend a lot of time on tumblr?
7. If you could study anything in university, what would it be? Why?
 8. What’s your favourite TV show?
9. Have you ever visited a country where you didn’t speak the language? How did you communicate?
10. Are you shy?
11. What’s a fun fact about yourself?
I tag: @langblog, @existentialcrisissundaes, @jacklisowski, @laneythelesbian, @mynameisgoliath, and anyone else that wants to do it!! :)
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oswednesday · 6 years
the first dream i remember was like me and this dude were like adventurer travelers in this like modern d&d setting like there were Some cars and we found like a secret hidden city that hid away to preserve a certain quality of life and they were looking for certain people to join them so the major lady sent me and this dude on a quest to get this person and we tredged through like a TON of snow and at one point i was some sort of animal so i think i must have been a druid and the dude was obvi a ranger which is, you know what, thats a kink thing he was getting his beast mastery skills all over my magic animal bod
anyway we found them and were paid this huge sum of money that only applied to the city so we stayed and they were having like a carnival and me in my human form was kinda crona-y and like an ambigious aged likey adult but experiencing life for the first time so i got lumped in with kids and my sheer mass of wealth was causing a hubbub cause i had bought all the tickets they had with it
then the next dream was set in like my old grade school but it was all the teachers i had in high school as well and i couldnt remember what class i was suppose to go to so i leaned my head into a class and asked if i was suppose to be there and got chewed out so i like scampered away and then like slunk into a grade school-ish area where there was a coat room and this woman who i didnt recognize like every teacher was a teacher i had but her and i was like oh youre new and she had a tired sort of face and maybe a birth mark on her face or just my impression thats what she had going on she had a long sort of nose and she was working on a project for the class and she had all these healing crystals and some of the desks were just these massive chunks of amethysts with flat tops and smoothed out spaces for peoples bodies to go and the rest was bumpy chunky crystal and i was like huddled in the coat area and there wasnt like a lot of coats at all there were a few hanging lunch bags and some personal stuff but it was v empty and the classroom was empty despite the other classes being full and i was telling this teacher what happened and then that first teacher came back and one of the other teacher’s students came in and was like reassuring me too as i was like eating lunch on the floor there and then the first teacher came in and started like picking at me like the other two werent even there and the other teacher was like omg whats even going on and then the first teacher threatened to shoot the little girl in the back of the head and the other teacher like called people about it and then i got like? carted out on like a stretcher into the hall and the walls and ceiling were changing into like this dark maybe textured like a fine velvet wallpaper that like some parts of the walls were raised up and some were brought down so the textured parts were down and the raised up parts were like becoming this lavander to deep mauve colour and the floors were all changing and that woman was there with a few other people only one i think i can apply a face too that i know but i think im only doing that now that im awake and they were all telling me it was going to be all right then i woke up
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