#but the autism TM makes him way more Interested in the truth
barnbridges · 7 months
marion once told francis his mother must have not loved him as a child and i think neither of them recovered from that one ever
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woosh-floosh · 4 months
Here's everything notable I watched/played/listened to in January yay!! All the yewchub videos and music are linked (and also there's spoilers for the ending to season 5 of Fargo). Let's a go!!
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Fun RPG! I see why it’s kept the reputation it has! I love Mario!!!
I don’t know what changed with Seven Days a Week/Ah Maria but I’m really digging the latest Goddamn Wolves. I prefer the first song but the second one has a real Fountains of Wayne sound to it.
It’s fine, doesn’t live up to hype at all for me. Extremely hamfisted, shallow, babies first feminist message. Doesn’t seem to be interested in exploring anything deeper. The girl calls Barbie out when she first meets her for all the reductive views of women she represents and this never gets explored! The image of womanhood and femininity it represents is narrow and alienating for someone like me. White feminism at its peak.
IDK I guess it’s fine for preteens who are first being introduced to feminist thought, I probably would have liked it more at 11. But… can’t we do better now?
It’s fine I didn’t pay that much attention.  I liked Helena, I think she’s a good foil to the older Indiana Jones. There’s a lot of noticeable CGI and fake places and that made me sad. Half an hour too long.
Deepfake Harrison Ford is so scary
So fun and funny ^_^ I’ve been rewatching TM NZ with my parents and it’s good… but when you go back to UK you think “Why do I even watch the other versions, nothing could ever top this.”
They also announced the Series 17 line up! I only recognize Nick Mohammad from the couple episodes of Ted Lasso I watched.
Seems like everytime a new Good Kid comes out I think “this is good and awesome, their songs seem to keep getting better and better.” I think I am just a bigger Good Kid fan than I want to admit!!
Really good!! Lots of themes to dissect. I was mainly focusing on the theme of misogyny throughout but the finale brought in themes of religion and debt that I hadn’t thought about.
Very glad it stuck the landing in the finale. The ending scene was really funny, and thoughtful and sweet.
Going into the finale I knew they were going to give an ending to the character arc for Lorraine. I was worried that the fact that runs a debt collection agency was going to go uncommented on and thought “the only way I would come around fully to her character is if she forgives all the debt she owns.” The finale has her starting a fund to forgive the debt of prisoners specifically to fuck with the one guy she hates is 1. Very funny and 2. Perfect for her character.
The best video essays are the ones that make you want to gaze out of the window after watching, Jacob Geller consistently does it for me
Thinking about how there is an “other” component to Pinocchio. He’s a little wooden boy but not a “true” boy. Most stories end with Pinocchio becoming a “real boy.” Geller brings up how the story can be about being human, but at the same time becoming a real boy takes away the thing that’s special about him. A Pinocchio story about embracing his own difference and how that doesn’t make him any less of a real boy (because he was a real boy all along!) would make an easy trans metaphor.
Pinocchio also having to learn about the world from a lower baseline than other children seem to have (and being much more gullible) also makes an autism reading easy.
The comments are filled with people saying “You forgot about this story!” and “What about this reading?” that I think this video hit a lot of people the same way.
that's a hell of a mystery no one thought was a mystery and didn't even really need solving but damn if it didn't just get solved so nice work
In all honesty, a really good deep dive about a tradition most of us take for granted.
You can really hear the homestuck influence in this, I love it
Wish they were working with a bit better samples though
One of those movies that makes me go “Wow! This is a really well made movie! Must be amazing for someone who actually likes musicals, romance movies, and classic hollywood.”
Reminds me of the Fargo main theme, even though I don’t think they actually sound that similar? Might just be a me thing
Wah! I’ll miss you Taskmaster Minnesota!! Wah!!
Way better than last season thanks to the better equipment (I also think Carter makes a much better Taskmaster than Luke, though I think Luke was pretty good as a fill-in contestant!)
David Ha (and whoever else) is extremely good at making up tasks. Multiple tasks that made me think “they should do this on Taskmaster UK!” or use the setting so well it’s perfect
The performance is BAD, the environment textures are BAD, the story is BAD, but those monsters? But those monsters.. Those monsters are damn good
The end ended up being pretty grind-y, I think dragon quest games are known for that, but still a bit of a bummer way to end what I thought was a pretty fun game!
The gameplay loop of synthesis is addicting, every new area feels like an iceberg where beneath the surface are all the new monsters you can make in synthesis!
The ranking system also pushes you to change your team throughout the game to add those higher ranking monsters to your team. One of my problems with pokemon is how the game starts to grow stale once you have a full team. Dragon quest monsters and Yo-Kai watch both side step this problem and keeps the gameplay fresh to the end!
I’m curious about playing the older entries now!
My favorite monster is every slime and Imp
LEAST FAVORITE THING: When Jacob Geller brought AI: Artificial Intelligence in his Pinocchio video and I had to remember how much I hated that movie. We watched in Philosophy class. We didn't even discuss it, we just watched it.
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how would the allies react to their autistic s/o having a special interest on their country's history?(:
Awe- okay this is just a cute ask in general! I think they'd all be pretty flattered if anyone, regardless of their health or state of being, would love it! Like, that's a LOT of stuff to remember! At some points they're like "OH YEAH! That happened!" Also, there is a couple articles about autism and the special interests they can have and how they can use it to their advantages!
Allies with an autistic S/O with special interest in the countries history!
He's pretty flattered! I mean- look at all the heroic stuff he's done!
He has SO MANY history books and his S/O has an infinite library card.
Like it doesn't matter the questions his S/O has either.
He really loves talking about his history. Especially because there was so much trial and error.
It's also very interesting to hear Alfred's own opinions of his own history. Like, he was there. He knows exactly how to describe the very smell of George Washington! (Which was not cherries!)
He'd even let them see some of the weapons, or antics he owns from throughout the year!
If they need space though, they shouldn't be afraid to ask him. He gets it.
He will also be totally cool with helping them find ways to help incorporate it into their day if it helps! Audio books are nice, he might even parade around in an old outfit, making jokes about how the clothes still fit.
He's very glad to be of any form of assistance!
No matter how well, or how much information you retain he's very impressed! Let alone flattered!
This also makes him feel a little more self love as well.
If they're that interested and actually enjoy his history, why shouldn't he?
Will ask his S/O if they'd be interested in a trip to a museum. But don't be surprised if he points out any inaccuracies or misconceptions.
He just wants his beloved to know the truth. Even if it's a touchy subject.
Maybe they'll be interested in some history classes? If not that's cool too! He has book. And I mean a whole library at his home so- yeah.
If his S/O needs a way to use their interest to help get through the day england can teach them how to do things the old fashion way. Kind of like experiencing history first hand!
He has the definition of an ego boost. He already really loves his country and is more than happy to (romanticize the crap out of) teach or show his S/O some of the most famous places in France!
They could literally ask him what France's National bird is (A Gallic Rooster, apperantly?) And he'd go on a 15 minute play by play of why, when, how, and where!
Do not worry, let him get his fancy performance out of his system and he'll start acting a little calmer. Unless you like seeing a sparkling France dance around!
His pride and joy though, really is the architecture and clothing throughout the years.
Would also LOVE to read to you any books you can't read since most of his stuff is in french!
Be prepared for some funny translations though!
Let's be honest, seeing France parade around and dance with a broom stick while he talks about art is probably the best way to get through a rough day. He probably doesn't mind helping his S/O keep focus so long he gets to show off...
They've literally hit the jackpot when it comes to someone who likes to ramble about his culture and history, cause MAN does he have a lot of it!
He's literally just a walking librarian, and probably remembers most, if not all of his past.
Will but you books and stuff on his history for gifts, and will even get them pretty oriental looking shelving.
Careful, he can be a gift giver, no matter the price.
Once bought them a tea set that was so old it came with a certificate of authenticity, and a booklet of information.
He will also show them some stuff from his personal collection as well! Don't worry about accidentally breaking the stuff he hands them either- he wouldn't let anyone, not even himself, touch the stuff he doesn't want to risk breaking anyway.
They can look at those, just no touching.
His house is literally a museum. Just point out an object and ask. He'll have a nice history lesson to share with them, and it makes him feel important.
Since his house is pretty old fashion, he can find hundreds of ways to help get through the day if his S/O needs it. Would literally dress up for them, and let them wear his clothes if it makes them happy.
Confused TM
You wanted to know more about him???
Literally just, why?
Once he sees how eager his S/O when learning anything about Russia's past he gets a weird fuzzy feeling inside. He's not use to it, and doesn't really like it so his sunflower is probably going to have to avoid the topic until he's ready.
That might take a minimum of a month, but if his S/O is careful and starts out with small things like, how vodka was made, or the history of the sunflowers, they can coax it out of him a little at a time.
Once he realizes they have no I'll intentions, and are genuinely courious that fuzzy feeling comes back, but this time he can enjoy it.
He's surprisingly really good at making his history entertaining. Though his S/O needs to prepare themselves for goosebumps Because Russia has a niche for story telling, and that includes the pitch and tone in his voice.
Like, letting him teach you about his history is like watching a well thought out play!
For Russia, this is not only a bonding experience, but a really good way to practice his social skills, and he wouldn't want to practice with anyone else but S/O!
It might be a struggle, but Russia would probably be the only who wouldn't want to incorporate much of his history into their daily routines. He's more concerned with it scaring them off... But audio books are an option!
Okay! I had like, 3 paragraphs worth of a rant, but I figured I'd just site the articles I read that helped me with this. So if anyone has any better ideas for some of the Headcannons (preferably if you're autistic and see any inconsistency or have a better idea in general) let me know, because I want my Headcannons to work, but I want them to be accurate as well! Same thing goes for if I have a site noted, and the organization is no good, let me know! I want to learn these things for future references! I did like these two because get the views of parents/researchers/ and people with Autism.
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