#but that doesn't mean the wounds have to be depicted in inaccurate ways
hanzajesthanza · 9 months
gimme calanthe (i am so unpredictible i know)
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a beast kickass mother unleashed - first of all, i'm not calling her a beast, that seems rude. but i wanted to select this option because just knowing how she did everything to protect pavetta and ciri, i think this is really where her 'lioness' moniker shines. i mean, regarding emhyr, if it were not for her who knows what would have happened to pavetta and ciri, and sooner! one of the worst things a parent can do is be careless about the safety of their child... i adore and respect that calanthe guarded them from evil, even when the evil was in the house:
‘(...) Calanthe was keeping a weather eye on me.’ ‘She never trusted you.’ ‘I know. I think she knew something about that prediction. And would have done anything to hamper me, and in Cintra I was in her power. (...) Calanthe guarded little Ciri like the apple of her eye. I couldn’t even have dreamed of kidnapping her.’
my friend's favorite, the blorbo by proxy -hiii :D and well, it's true. especially since i'm more of an aficionado of the saga than the short stories, i think you got me to appreciate calanthe a lot more and i'm very grateful for that <3
the fandom is so mean smh - or, alternatively phrased, unfortunately, our apartment's wall is right up against that of the netflix fandom's. but the book fandom also doesn't treat her well, particularly on reddit i've read some nasty comments about her with armchair military direction, essentially saying that they could have done a better job at defending cintra... guys. it's a story, and in this story the fairytale land is trampled by the big evil empire - no matter how good of a queen or military strategist calanthe ever was, no matter how good of defense cintra had, the massacre of cintra was going to happen because its what the plot demanded. i also think it's inaccurate to lambast calanthe for the nilfgaardian invasion, because not only are the nilfgaardians depicted as some kind of medieval-esque fantasy blitzkrieg, in these circumstances it's actually depicted that calanthe did a great and heroic job defending cintra. compare and contrast with the other northern monarchs during time of contempt! foltest, hem hem!
"They surrounded the Cintran army in the Marnadal valley. A battle was joined lasting the whole day, from dawn till dusk. The forces of Cintra fought courageously, but were decimated. The king fell, and then their queen (…) headed off a stampede, didn’t let them disperse, gathered anyone she was able to around herself and the standard. (...) They fought their way through the encirclement and fell back across the river towards the city. She defended the river crossing with a handful of knights, and shielded the retreat. They say she fought like a man, threw herself like a woman possessed into the greatest turmoil. They stabbed her with pikes as she charged the Nilfgaardian foot. She was transported to the city gravely wounded."
that's a solid design right there - "Calanthe adjusted the narrow golden circlet on her curled ash-gray hair (...)" "Calanthe, her fingers tapping an emerald necklace, the smallest stone of which was the size of a bumblebee (...)" i adore her design, it's so wonderfully fantastical, which adds to the entire fairytale atmosphere of "a question of price" and cintra in general. and i also appreciate how it is mentioned that she gained weight in her grief following pavetta's death. i also really love the imagery of her in geralt's brokilonian vision: "The woman is wearing a silvery suit of armour, bloody, dented and punctured by the points of pikes or halberds. Blood drips in a thin stream from the corner of her mysteriously and hideously smiling mouth." strikingly saintworthy.
literally i would kiss them - i'm sure one of her "unfailing smiles" would make me blush!
if anything happens to them i will cry - i guess, "when things happened to them i cried," the massacre of cintra especially told through geralt's vision in "sword of destiny" and dandelion's account in "something more" are crushing, and especially taking into account the end of calanthe's part in "something more" where she tells geralt that she feels it will be the last time they see each other. there was so much vision, foreshadowing, and premonition around her death that it's like a wave of dark molasses... it inches closer and closer, as a reader you're entirely powerless. and i believe calanthe herself felt this too, but refused to live any different way because she would not abandon her country and people.
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kokoch4n3l · 4 months
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ONE — mr. kurokawa
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“patient is a possible narcissist sociopath but is oddly calm. It’s a bit scary honestly. I wonder what he’s thinking… he's pretty nice though. Sometimes that is” — MAYA’S ROUGH NOTES ON K.I
chapter summary: enter Kaneko Maya, a newly graduated psychiatrist with a shit load of student debt racked up and her scary but hot patient from 4th floor, Kurokawa Izana.
chapter warnings: unrequited love, inaccurate depictions of psychiatric hospitals, usage of drugs, mentions of gang violence, mentions of pedophiles, mentions of suicide, mentions of addiction, mentions of alcohol, f!oc with absolutely zero self-preservation skills
word count: 3500
moodboard | masterlist | chapter 2
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There was something about one-sided love that was so tragic but so beautiful to Maya. Just loving someone so much despite them not feeling the same way back. It was beautiful but tragic and also Maya's favourite book trope.
One-sided love, Hanahaki disease, right person wrong time, major character death.
Maya lived for tragic endings. When Disney movies with their happy ending stopped sufficing, she turned to books with dark romance, thriller and just dark shit in general. It was pretty nice to read. Don't get her wrong, she still loves her Disney movies just... It was nice to read about a girl who doesn't get the guy she wants at the end. After all, that was basically her life story. "Dude, I'm literally about to start my shift" Maya hisses at her 8-year-long crush over the phone as she
"Maya, what the fuck are you doing taking the night shift on a Friday anyway? I told you to switch to the day shift. It's gotten dangerous at night" Matsuno Chifuyu scolds her on the phone
Matsuno Chifuyu, Maya's senior from middle school. He was about 5 years older than her, currently 26, about to turn 27 in a few months. Maya met him in middle school when she was in 7th grade and he was in his final year of high school. She met him at a park in the middle of the night while he was trying to bandage the wounds on his face without a mirror. Maya called him stupid and Chifuyu scolded her because he was obviously older. He was older and seemed so out of her league but oh did Maya fall head over heels for him. There was just something about guys who rode motorcycles that did something to her heart. Unfortunately for her, Chifuyu did not go that young in terms of dating. She asked him before when he took her out after she graduated high school. He said the youngest he'd go was 2 years and any girl younger just seemed like a little kid to him.
Long story short, Maya got child-zoned.
She doesn't even know if that was a thing but Chifuyu didn't even friend zone her nor did her sister zone her. He just implied she was too young. It made her sad but Maya was alright with pining from afar and never confessing to him. "Night shift makes more money y'know... Besides, I don't actually have to work during the night shift and just make sure everyone goes to sleep after taking their medication. I told you this c'mon" Maya says as she clips her ID to the front pocket of her white coat and puts on the black keycard bracelet thing they gave her that allows her to go from floor to floor by pressing it against the scanners around all the doors and exits in the building.
"Maya. I understand you're not worried because you've been working there for a month now but it's gotten dangerous at night time in general. Don't you watch the news?"
Chifuyu sounds worried. He always sounds worried and his worry makes butterflies erupt in Maya's stomach. "you mean that Tokyo Manji Gang guys? C'mon Chifuyu, the probability of me being attacked by a gang is low" she says pressing her phone to her ear while fixing her bangs with the other as she looks at herself in the mirror of the locker room "I may be drowning in student debt but like, at least it's no interest and I haven't taken money from any sketchy place. I'll be fine. And, you have my live location so it should be fine"
She hears Chifuyu sigh on the other side. "Alright fine. But keep applying and see if you get somewhere better. And I am seeing you tomorrow right?"
Maya worked weekdays Monday to Friday on the night shift and had the weekends off. It wasn't that bad in her opinion. Her job paid crazy well for a simple psychiatrist job and she was able to steadily start to pay off her student loan and pay the rent for her apartment. So maybe it was fine that she worked at night time in the midst of... 'crazy' people, drug addicts, suicidal, violent killers and even more, she got money. Right? "Yup, I will see you tomorrow. Pick me up?" Maya asks
"Of course. Be safe Maya."
Maya feels her heart clench and she bids Chifuyu goodbye. He cut the call and not long after she gets a text from him telling her goodnight. She sighs. Kaneko Maya had a university degree, wrote multiple essays, and read many articles but she still read Chifuyu's text as I love you.
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Sunshine Grove Psychiatric Hospital had 4 levels.
1st floor was the entry with the employee locker room, front desk, storage, etc.
2nd floor was where all the drug addicts recovering from addiction were as well as those under suicide watch.
3rd floor had every one that came under other.
The 4th floor was the high-risk area with people that were there under court order. This means they got sent here as part of their sentence under the claims of insanity.
Each floor had a psychiatrist, 2-3 doctors and about 4 nurses assigned. There weren't many people admitted into Sunshine Grove due to how eerie and scary the building was and Maya doesn't blame them. But that also means less work for her so she isn't complaining. Maya was unfortunately assigned to the 4th floor. The 4th floor was lacking the required amount of employees by a lot. It had just 1 nurse and 1 doctor. The doctor, Sawamura or something, rarely ever even showed up. The nurse always tended to hide on the lower floors as well. Which left Maya alone on the floor with the security guard who was always stationed at the elevator. "good evening doctor" The security guard, Mr. Ueda greeted her as she stepped out of the elevator with a large cart
4th floor looked like what you'd imagine the inside of any psychiatric hospital look like. Unlike the other two floors which had some pop of colour, the 4th floor was just bland and gloomy. Flickering tube lights, white tiled floors and grey walls. If Maya didn't love money so much she wouldn't be working in such a shitty place. Especially in a place that looked like the set of a horror movie. "good evening" Maya said with a smile
The cart was stacked with trays on the inside. Food for the patients. It was dinner time and unlike the lower floors, 4th-floor patients didn't get the luxury of eating with other people and had to be given their food in their rooms. "how about you give me the tray for room 410" The guard said with his usual deadpan-monotonous-I-take-no-shit face
Maya nods and pulls out the tray and hands it to the guard to take to room 410. Room 410 had a convicted child predator rapist. According to Mr Ueda, Maya looked too much like a child and he wasn't about to let her get close to him. It was a pretty sweet gesture in her opinion and she never stopped him. So as Mr Ueda goes over to room 410 to give food to the child predator, Maya starts going from room to room with each tray. Despite the 4th floor housing psychotic criminals, it was relatively the calmest among them all. Very rarely any incidents and honestly speaking, Maya doesn't think any of them actually have anything wrong with them. Well all except him.
The man in room 401 at the end of the hall.
Kurokawa Izana. He was 30, and about to be 31 in a month or so. He was half Japanese and half Filipino with white hair, long white lashes, tan skin and violet eyes.
Absolutely fucking gorgeous in Maya's opinion.
Older guys just really hit the spot for her if you couldn't tell already. However, not only was Kurokawa Izana a criminal but he was also her patient. She had to keep things ethical here especially since it was her first job in this field. "Good evening Mr Kurokawa" Maya greets carrying the tray as she steps into his room after scanning her bracelet on the card reader system outside his door, the door locking shut behind her
But there was something odd she found about Kurokawa Izana and that was the fact that unlike the other criminals here, he was often hooked up to some IV bag. Not always but, very often. A lot of the other criminals didn't even get medication so it was weird for Maya to see this. "good evening Doc, I hope the drive here wasn't bad" Izana says with no smile but a sweet tone as usual
Once again, Izana is hooked up to the IV bag. He's lying in his hospital bed with the blanket pulled up to his hips, wearing the all-white 2 piece outfit all the patients here were required to wear. He's leaned back into the bed in a half-sitting half laying position looking a bit groggy like always when hooked up to the IV. It was a pretty potent drug and she couldn't even pronounce the name if she tried. Many times when clocking in she'd be visited by the hospital director himself and he'd tell her to go hook Izana up to the drip. She of course would comply. But it raised many questions in her as to why. "It's Friday night, such a shame you're working the night shift" Izana says as Maya sets the food down on the table in front of him
Maya shrugs as she set the food out like she does for all the patients. "It's whatever. I'm making good money so"
Izana smiles this time. It's eerie. "of course. That's what matters huh? You told me about your student loans last week, need to pay those off"
But unlike the other criminals on this floor, Kurokawa Izana was the only one she would have conversations with about things other than the usual things she was supposed to talk about. "Yeah ugh... So glad they got rid of interest else I would have been dying" Maya says with a laugh "would've sold a kidney or something at that point"
Izana laughs at her joke then slowly brings a hand up and starts to eat. His movements are slow because of the drug. Maya wonders why they're giving it to him. She wasn't a doctor so she didn't exactly know what it did but from the numbers on the bag she knew the dosage was high. "How about you give me some company while I eat, doctor?" Izana asks, cocking his head to the side
Maya nods and takes a seat on the chair in the room. Unlike the other patients, Maya didn't know what Izana did. When she was given his file, so many things about him were blacked off except for his birthday, name, gender and non-important things. Maya had to start off by knowing absolutely nothing about the guy. To make things worse she didn't find anything online either. If he was a criminal she should have found something online but there was nothing. So, Maya had to start from scratch. Over the month she was there she spent time trying to figure out exactly what Izana's condition was and why he was there but she got no answers from the staff and she didn't want to ruin Izana's privacy by asking him even though it was basically her job. It was a bit annoying since she didn't know what she was working with but she figured it could be worse. "Doing anything special this weekend?" Izana asks as he eats
Maya shrugs. "nah, not really. Just going out with a friend"
Izana raises a brow and then completely twists her words. "Boyfriend. You didn't tell me you had a boyfriend"
Getting to know Izana from scratch meant that she also ended up sharing information about herself which she knows she shouldn't have done but... Izana was nice. Kind of. "No, no! Not boyfriend. Just a friend" Maya corrects but the slight pink tinge on her cheeks says otherwise
"You definitely like him" Izana says with a teasing smirk, pointing his spoon at her
There were moments when Maya felt like she was talking to a friend rather than a patient. It was pretty unprofessional on her part but Izana had always been the one to initiate it so it wasn't exactly her fault. "that's... not true" Maya attempts to deny but fails miserably
"You can't fool me, Doctor Kaneko, you're an open book" Izana says, not smiling but his tone eerily cold now
Maya suppresses a shiver. If there was one word she could use to describe Kurokawa Izana(other than fucking hot), it would be scary. The constant switch of emotions on his face made her nervous. It felt like if she lied to him, he'd know. Maya sometimes wonders if Kurokawa Izana is a mind reader because he always seems to know everything before she even finishes telling him. But she is a psychologist working in a psychiatric hospital and she shouldn't let a patient get into her head, especially a criminal. So Maya puts on a professional smile and sucks it up. She needs the money, she'll get through it. "You got me. Just this guy I met in middle school. He's older" She thinks about Chifuyu and feels her heart speed up a bit "He doesn't like me back though. We're just friends"
"Awe... So it's one-sided" He says and Maya can't help but think he's mocking her
Maya shrugs. "Yeah I guess"
As Izana continues to eat, Maya looks around his room to make sure everything is in place. It's something she was required to do to make sure nothing was missing or a possible security breach wouldn't happen. But nothing like that would happen. These rooms were bland. A single hospital bed, a window with acrylic glass and white curtains, light grey walls, tube lights, white tiled floors, a table that was bolted to the ground and a chair that was too heavy to be picked up. The 4th-floor rooms were just glorified jail cells, nothing like the rooms on the 2nd floor with the colours and pretty pot lights that you could adjust. Then again, this floor was full of criminals. Maya often forgets that thought because of how oddly calm everyone on this floor is. Apparently, it wasn't always like this. Maya would rather not know the reason for this tranquillity, fearing the answer wouldn't be something she liked. "So I'm guessing you won't be confessing to him?" Izana asks
Maya giggles, covering her mouth with her hand. "I'm starting to think you like gossip, Mr. Kurokawa"
Izana scowls and denies it immediately but Maya laughs and stands up after seeing the time on her Apple watch and that Izana is almost done with his food. "Okay uh... I'm gonna go collect all the trays" Maya tells him "Be back later for yours"
She walks towards the door and feels his gaze on her back. He was scary. So fuckin scary but also so damn hot. Maya knows it was unethical and just morally wrong to be thinking that way about her patient. It was messed up. But thinking and acting were two different things. She was in no way abusing her power. She was just, admiring. Right? She was a fresh out of college single 22-year-old. Cut the girl some slack. She looks back at him one last time and for a moment everything just felt wrong. Izana is staring at her. Head cocked to the side and eyes blank, void of any emotion. Maya smiles nervously and presses the bracelet on her wrist against the magnetic reader and the door clicks open. She leaves quickly but not after making sure that the door is properly locked. Maya shivers as she walks back down the hall toward the first room she had given food to and sees that the security guard has already brought back the tray from room 410 as usual. It was a routine almost. Maya would bring everyone dinner first, Mr. Ueda would bring it to 410's inhabitant, Maya would end off at 401 and talk to Izana for a while, she'd leave and go get the trays from the rooms and Mr. Ueda would get it from 410. Now Maya was back at room 401 to finally get Izana's tray. She stares at the door for a moment, almost not wanting to go in. They didn't exactly restrain the criminals at Sunshine Grove. She found it weird that they wouldn't. It was just their rooms with the heavy metal doors that were keeping them confined. However, inside the rooms, she was vulnerable. However, Maya never felt that way with any of the other patients on the 4th floor except for Izana. She presses her bracelet against the magnetic reader and the door clicks open. She walks in. "I'm back Mr. Kurokawa!" She says with a smile
But even if Izana was scary and made her feel vulnerable, he was still her favourite patient. "Welcome back, sweetheart." Izana says in his usual low timbre
Deep down Maya knew she was going to be disappointed the day she found out exactly what Izana did to end up here. She knew it was going to make her sad because he was pretty nice to talk to if you ignored how his gaze would go blank and how he seemed almost like an evil spirit— then Kurokawa Izana was a pretty solid guy.
Maya ends her shift at 5 am. As she's waiting for the elevator to come up so she can go back down to the first floor and clock out, Mr. Udea, like always asks how her shift was. "It was fine. Can't wait to go and sleep" Maya tells him with a sigh
Mr Ueda nods and looks around at the single hallway. "From the past month you've been working here I see you spend a lot of time in 401" He says
Technically, all patients were supposed to be asleep after dinner. But the rules for the 4th floor were different. They didn't care what they did in their rooms as long as they weren't causing a ruckus. However, many of the patients still slept anyway. Many except Izana. Maya was a psychiatrist working the night shift when all patients were sleeping. It was dumb for her to even be here in the first place. But money is money no matter what time it is earned. "Well, he's the only one awake and insists on talking to me. I'm a psychiatrist and it's kinda my job to talk to him" Maya tells him with a shrug
Mr. Ueda is frowning for some reason. It almost looks like he knows what Kurokawa Izana did. "What did he do to get in here by the way? 100 percent not a child groomer or pedophile since you let me go into his room... Uh, probably not a rapist either..." Maya keeps trying to think of the possibilities but they're endless
It's been a whole month since she was hired here and she made absolutely no progress in figuring out what Kurokawa Izana did to be admitted into Sunshine Grove. "Maybe don't think about it too much Doctor" Mr. Ueda says cutting her off "It's not important. You're doing your job better than any other psychiatrist that has worked here so far and I think that's enough. Don't concern yourself with what Kurokawa Izana did or who he is"
It sounds more like a demand than a suggestion. Maya is about to ask him what he means but the elevator doors open. "I'll see you Monday, Doctor Kaneko" Mr. Ueda says simply
Maya just nods and steps into the elevator.
How odd...
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notes: reblogs, comments and likes are very much appreciated! I hope you enjoyed. I usually don’t edit my works and just say fuck it and post so if there are mistakes, my bad lol. Once again, not meant to be accurate depiction of psychiatric facilities!
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yourdeepestfathoms · 3 years
so are we just not going to address that Sue didn’t even TRY to save Carrie
like, this drives my anatomy-nerd self up the wall, so i’m going to evaluate a lot of the different Carrie: The Musical death scenes and see if they would actually be as fatal as they were shown to be and if Sue could have saved Carrie if she hadn’t been a bumbling idiot
(i’m not doing the movies because in 1976 she dies from the house collapsing, in 2002 she’s actually saved, and in 2013 Sue couldn’t really do anything with Carrie using her powers on her)
also i’m not saying any of this is completely accurate. i’m not a med student, i just did a lot of research and am in an anatomy class. i could be wrong BUT here’s my shot at it
Broadway Kids
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okay, so, at first glance, this one looks like it could be very much fatal. you can see that Carrie gets stabbed near her spine, on the (if i did my directions correctly) left side, which is where the heart is located. HOWEVER, she is stabbed in the upper part of the back instead of the center, so it would have missed her heart.
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in return, the uppermost part of the left trapezius would have sustained the most damage. the trapezius’ main function is to support the weight of the arm and control the movement of the scapulae, so a puncture wound would have most likely caused it to seize up in the reaction to the pain, resulting in the inability to lift the left arm above the shoulder. a stab to the upper part of the back would also most likely puncture the left dorsal scapular nerve, which provides motor innervation to muscles, allowing them to move the scapula.
additionally, underneath all that muscle and tissue, we come to the skeleton.
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depending on exact location, Carrie most likely would have been hit around the second to fifth rib. these upper ribs are incredibly tough. to cause actual damage to the organs they protect, you would need to go between the ribs. however, you can see that Margaret stabs vertically, not horizontally, so the knife would not go in all the way. that bone is going to do its job and protect the lungs and heart by blocking it from entry. the most that could have happened is that maybe the tip got through and nicked one of the lungs, but not nearly enough to be fatal. damage would lie mainly in the flesh, muscle, and tissue.
for example:
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i don’t think Carrie would be able to prop herself up on her arms like that. all her weight is going onto that injury and causing it to bleed even more, which could have been the thing that actually killed her, but not as quickly as it did.
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and then we see here that she shifts all of her weight onto that injured side, which would only deepen her pain. though it is more realistic than her using the left arm to stop Margaret, as she most likely would have not been able to lift it with her injury.
BK Carrie should have survived, but dumbass Sue didn’t think to do ANYTHING, even though Carrie TELLS HER she’s hurt.
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like the most she’s doing, MAYBE, is that with the way Carrie is positioned, Sue’s leg may be pressing against the wound, which would help stem the bleeding, but that’s a huge “maybe.”
but yeah, Carrie should have survived this wound.
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it’s a little hard to see because it’s so dark, but Carrie is stabbed in the center of her back on what looks like the left side. furthermore, and what makes this version more lethal than BK, is that Margaret stabs Carrie horizontally, meaning the blade would have gone between the ribs and punctured her lung or maybe even her heart. but realistically, it would have been the lung, and this would result in something called a “sucking wound”, which is when holes are opened up in the wall of the lung and cause air to leak into the thoracic cavity instead of the lungs. despite this, they are actually rarely life-threatening. while there may be blood leaking into her lung, Carrie still has another lung to keep her breathing.
unfortunately, it’s most likely her reaction that made the stab so lethal.
i don’t know if it was done on purpose or completely on accident, but the way Carrie doesn’t scream is very much accurate to what it’s like to be stabbed. a lot of times, you aren’t going to feel the knife going in. that rush of adrenaline is going to completely numb your body for several moments. what she is going to feel, however, is her punctured lung beginning to fill with blood and her body grasping for air as breathing is reduced. this causes her to gasp, wheeze, and make strangled noises instead of an actual scream or anything verbal.
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whether or not she would be able to prop herself up like that is debatable, as her trapezius was also stabbed and we’ve learned that that restricts arm movement, but it’s that panic that really does a number on her. her heart is going to start beating faster and faster, which is going to increase blood flow. so while her platelets are trying to form a clot over the wound to stop the bleeding as quickly as possible, the blood is just going to keep gushing out and disrupt that process. and to make things worse, she’s breathing very rapidly. that’s going to put a strain on the lung trying to make up for the loss of the other, while also straining that injured lung filling with blood. it’s also just harder to get air when you’re panicking, so she’s not getting nearly as much oxygen as she needs, especially when she direly needs it.
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here we see a loss of limb control from the way she lies down, most likely from shock, but also potentially from the crushing pain of her lung collapsing on itself. because while a sucking wound isn’t as lethal as it may seem, panicking is going to increase that level of danger. shock will be actively working against her, but if she kept herself calm, she would be able to stay awake longer. but because she’s panicking, she’s not getting enough air to her brain, thus causing her to begin to lose control of her body.
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another big “maybe” if she would be able to life the arm on the side she got stabbed in, but i’ll let it slide.
now, i think Carrie could have survived this wound, even with her panic. the thing that killed her? fucking Sue.
there’s so many things wrong about the way Sue reacted. i mean, they always react badly, but this one especially.
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first of all, punctured lung. i know that Sue can’t tell that Carrie’s lung is damaged, but she should have guessed something was wrong with the way Carrie was breathing abnormally. like, the girl could barely even speak without sounding choked up.
and speaking of choking! one of her lungs is bleeding! laying her down is going to make it easier for her to inhale that blood and begin to choke. and just in general, she shouldn’t be laying down. maybe it’s more comfortable for her, but laying down is only going to decrease the room in her chest for her lungs to expand and get air. she should be sitting up.
but most of all,  Sue should have APPLIED PRESSURE TO THE FUCKING WOUND. SHE SHOULD HAVE CALLED FOR HELP. she can’t expect the victim of the injury to do all that for her- she should be smart enough to know to stop the bleeding instead of just sitting there like a useless idiot.
you wanna know what i think? i don’t think Carrie died. not in that moment. i think she just passed out from the shock, but Sue thought she had died and left her there to suffocate, even though she could have been saved.
2012 Revival
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really shitty quality because the boot sucks and Marin stabs FAST, but Carrie is stabbed in the lower back, close to her waist, on what i believe is her left side because it looks like the knife is pulled out from the area closest to the audience.
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so, Carrie is going to get stabbed somewhere in the left latissimus dorsi, specifically in the middle-to-lower area if i’m correct, but it’s kinda hard to tell exactly in the video. the latissimus dorsi controls several different movements for the upper body and the arms, so being stabbed in that area will most likely cause those muscles to seize up in reaction. it’s probably going to be hard for Carrie to sit up, move her arms, and even potentially move her legs.
in terms of lethality, i think this may be the most fatal blow so far if i tracked the projection of the knife correctly because i’m pretty sure it went straight into where her kidney would be. and the kidneys are essentially blood sponges.
have you ever had a kidney stone before? women who have given birth and had kidney stones say that the stones hurt worse. the first time i had one, it put me on the floor, weeping like a little baby until my mom took me to the ER at one in the morning. they’re even worse than period cramps. so if these tiny, grain-of-sand-sized chunks can cause this much pain, imagine what a knife to the kidneys could do.
the kidneys are full of nerve endings and have a lot of blood flow throughout them. they are also highly sensitive to pain. if you’ve ever been punched in the kidney before, it feels like getting the wind knocked out of you, except it’s not your lungs, it’s your whole body. and if Carrie had been stabbed here, she’s not getting up from it. certainly not as easily as she does in the show.
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a shot to the kidney is going to put Carrie into immediate shock. i don’t think she would be able to scream they was she does because a blow to such a sensitive place is going to wind her. the pain would completely render her stunned for several moments. nor do i think she would be able to crawl away as she also does in the show. she should have crumpled straight to the ground after taking the hit and her body probably would have seized up for a moment because of how much pain she would be in.
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the way she sits up after killing Margaret isn’t very realistic, either. she wouldn’t be able to get up after taking a knife to her kidney- not that quickly. i don’t think she would have even been able to kill Margaret in the first place. the pain had to be excruciating.
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even though Sue still should have called 911 and tried to stop the bleeding, really the only thing she could do for Carrie at that point was make her comfortable. Carrie was bleeding out. so i do think this stab was realistic in how fatal it was, they just need to teach Molly how to properly act with a punctured kidney.
Branching Out!
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also hard to see because of the angling, but Carrie does grab at the wound
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and it looks like she had been stabbed somewhere in the center of her middle back, close to her spine and sort of where her ribs end, which means it probably struck a kidney. but not only that- the average kitchen knife tends to be eight inches in length. so that’s eight inches down to the handle going into this girl’s back, not only piercing her kidney, but also potentially a part of her large intestines and even maybe her small intestines. the result would be extremely painful, so much so that it would probably send her into shock instantly, as it should have done for 2012. but instead she screams and crawls away, which would not have been possible with such a lethal wound. the more realistic thing would be for her to crumple to the floor and open her mouth to scream and cry, but not actually be able to make any noise.
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once again, Sue should have done more to save her life, but the wound was really bad. Carrie was rapidly bleeding out. it was nice that Sue soothed her, but she could have at least TRIED. like, CARRIE is the only putting the pressure on the wound. Sue should be doing that, not the victim.
Off-West End
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you can’t see the knife because Margaret actually slashes Carrie’s throat instead of stabbing her, but this actually has to be the most realistic version of Carrie’s death, even though you would think neck wounds would be complicated.
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so, Carrie gets her throat slit. the simplest damage she’s going to sustain is injury to her platysma, which serves to produce different facial expressions such as surprise, sadness, and horror, and also helps open the mouth from where it’s attached to the mandible. this would most likely make it painful for her to speak.
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even further than her platysma, there’s damage to her sternocleidomastoid, which connects the sternum and clavicle to the skull. this is the muscle that allows the head to turn and nod, so when that gets cut through, she’s going to have some problems turning her head, if she is even capable of doing so in the first place.
and then even deeper and more severe than that are all of the organs in her neck. the most at risk are her larynx and trachea. but most importantly are the two major vessels in her throat: the jugular and the cartoid.
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upon getting her throat slashed, Carrie immediately begins to sputter and cough as her jugular was most likely cut through and her lungs begin to fill with blood. despite this, she would actually be able to still talk, as there are many stories of people talking even after they got their throat slashed.
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props to them for the realism in making Carrie HOLD THE DAMN WOUND SHUT. when it comes to something that is bleeding or just spilling in general, especially a throat wound, your first instinct is to COVER IT UP and STOP THE FLOW.
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not only is Sue’s hand over it, but Carrie’s is, too, meaning even more pressure on that wound. this is a good thing because not only will the jugular and cartoid bleed a ton, they will also spray blood like a high pressure hose. of course, this isn’t possible onstage, so i’ll let them slide, but MAJOR points on not having Sue be completely useless. she still should have called an ambulance, especially for a slit throat, but i can give her a pass because she is having to hold the wound shut and hold Carrie’s body up.
speaking of: that’s a good position she’s in. Carrie is slouched at an angle with her head downwards, meaning the blood will fall out of her mouth instead of going back in if she were to cough it up. lying her down or cradling her on her back with her head tipped up will only make it easier for her to choke.
as the scene goes on, we hear Carrie start to gasp and wheeze as she drowns in her blood. very realistic. that’s going to cause a panic, but she probably doesn’t have the energy or blood to even do that.
despite all of these injuries, i don’t think Carrie would have died from them if Sue had just done something more to help her.
here’s my running theory: Sue let Carrie die. she knew she could have done something, she just chose not to. there was a chance for Carrie to live, but she didn’t let that happen. perhaps out of revenge for the massacre? maybe Sue was darker than we all thought...
extreme tldr: Miss Gardener should have gone to Carrie’s house instead of Sue because she would have actually done something
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