#but still vibing babey
gothbirb · 2 months
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Literally me lately
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tracle0 · 8 months
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Man hates his god
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skeletalheartattack · 7 months
wait hold on now I am genuinely curious: Why is D-Sides your favourite Gorillaz album? I never vibed with it myself so I am interested in hearing what you like about it that I'm missing out on.
so, i haven't listened to Gorillaz in a long while, nor do i tend to listen to music that actively these days, but i re-listened to the entire album, side 1 and side 2, to try and come up with a reason why i like it so much. i do want to preface and say, yeah, the album (side 1 atleast) is very "plain", there's not a whole lot going on, nor are there any guest artists on any of the songs.
but in listening to the album again, a few things kinda appear in my brain regarding the album. one is that it brings back a set of memories of taking trips to and from Ohio to live with my mother and step-father during a few breaks between high school, and how a lot of the songs in the album i remember heavily listening to while trying to sleep in the back of their car (i'm 6'2", and sleeping horizontally in the back of a moderately small car was. not great). i had the main 6 albums before Humanz installed to my kindle, since Humanz hadn't come out yet as these trips were between... 2014 and 2016. i mainly remember hearing D-Sides the most i feel on those trips, whether it be intentional, or my sleep patterns would have me looping back around to D-Sides... that or i mostly started with D-Sides at the beginning of those trips.
another thing i'm kinda thinking about after having re-listened to the album is how much side 1 kinda reminds me of Boe, in terms of the vibes; there's a lot of somber vibes i get from some songs that fits well for him (Hong Kong and Spitting Out the Demons both being notable songs that remind me of Boe himself, and also of those long trips). side 2 on the other hand, it's remixes remind me a lot of the Sims 2, specifically the console version, as i associate a lot of Sims 2 with it's console selection of music... which is mostly a more heavy focus on the electronic tracks from the PC version; a lot of the remixes feel like something i could hear playing on the radio while i'm controlling my sim around and doing tasks.
last thing, maybe, is that i never hear folks refer to D-Sides as one of their favourites, so maybe that's why i have it as mine. out of respect perhaps.
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neuloef · 1 year
believe it or not, artistry is about development and growth as much as it is about expression and creation, especially beacuse sometimes there is creative expression in growth
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zaideaben · 1 year
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local bisexual is in WAY over his head with this one
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yuriprince · 10 months
*slams my fists on a table* YOU ALREADY KNOW I GOTTA GO WITH FERDIE! Legit you have put so much work into the ship lore for Mana and Ferdie and it is just so good. They're narrative foils, your honor! (And special shoutout to Hilda because I'm a sucker for blue+pink ships)
YAAAAY TYSM :D!!!! i’m so pleased with how ferdimana has turned out, they bring me so much joy and comfort. and hildamana!! they don’t have as much lore as ferdimana, they’re just gay and in love, but that also makes me really happy 🥺 and fuck yes i also love blue/pink ships!!!
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springcatalyst · 1 year
🐮 2!!!
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there is a recurring theme... or. visual sameness
send me a 🐮 and I'll refresh my pinterest and give you the first four pictures
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arsenicflame · 1 year
more quilt stuff (lmao sorry)
once again, see previous posts for better context <3
soo i mentioned in the last post that there was a potential to switch out my light grey 'white' for a cream, so heres the option:
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[left is what i currently have, right is the cream]
im really not sureeee its worth it? its currently sewn into a silly lap blanket i made myself so i would have to dismantle that, and i feel like the light grey presents whiter, if you get my drift
HOWEVER i am wondering if these could make better shadow sides? honestly idk- my original plan was the go greyer for the shadow sides but maybe this could also work? heres my suggestion if i did go that way (again. see prev post to get a better view)
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light grey as bright side, cream as upper shadow and the beige as the lower shadow
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did another run of far cry 5 because the ‘tism so here’s more Deputy Cricket
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travelbystarlight · 2 years
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Morgan Kernow | Hawkins High's Resident Ice Princess
(x) (x) (x)
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drashleighreid · 2 years
there’s not a single skin in the collection event that i like but do you think that will stop me from buying every single one of them? no x
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msommers · 2 years
thinks about elena meeting pelor then her equipping her cape of the mountebank for the first time like an hour later and its appearance transforming into the cape she saw him wearing
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mvncesa · 10 months
I think that ignoring how he is in general flash would be kind of good / gentle with kids …
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bumblingest-bee · 3 months
nine people to get to know better
ty for the tag @gudgercollege :)
last song: in my life - the beatles. i've also had the my fair lady soundtrack on loop for the past like two days lol
favorite color: usually say yellow but honestly i've been vibing with like dusty mauve lately. love me some muted pinks
currently watching: the latest season of jet lag: the game has me so engrossed i finally signed up for nebula to get new episodes a week early. playing hide and seek across an entire country is my childhood dream and i am living it vicariously
sweet/savory/spicy: savory babey
relationship status: single. hopeless romantic. trying and failing to get over a guy
current obsession: oh god. can i admit that, despite never having given a single shit about the british royal family, i'm genuinely obsessed with this missing kate middleton thing. it's pure concentrated schadenfreude to see how spectacularly the royal PR is fucking it at every possible opportunity. they've reached like bialystock and bloom levels of backfiring
last thing you searched: "audition monologues" because i love putting things off to the last minute <3 (the audition is on MONDAY and i still cannot find a decent one)
now for the final challenge let's see if i can find nine mutuals to tag (no pressure!) @the-common-pigeon @lemoncholy-stars @sparklyshakespeare @droughtofapathy @catboyrichardkarinsky @catboymoses @pealeii @ivorypiano @gingerpeachtea
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this is probably one of my favorite outfits that i've ever put together! and it's all for one of my top five fav character designs, like... Ever!
i would like to note that my dear beloved Jaime (@/awkwardalphajay here on our very own hellsite<3 check em out <3) helped out a Ton by sending inspiration photos and providing insightful commentary on details and vibes!
overall i wanted Sally to have fancy vibes! while i was originally going to have her fit very much based on her canon one, i wound up veering off course and - while still keeping some elements - mostly went for Medieval Entertainer and Her House insp! continuing with the day/night theme, and leaning heavily into the fire aspect - she's a literal star fallen to earth, after all!
it was suggested that she should have dragonscale used in the making of her clothes since she's, you know, kind of made of fire! and it was genius! I imagine she has extra fire charms on this fit and also the rest of her clothes, since dragonscale is hard to come by and is a finite resource once Gathered. she gets better at Not burning everything she wears over time, thankfully!
i think that, like Frank, she'd have One (1) Dagger. for emergencies! it's likely very ornate, and she'd hate to scuff up the gleaming blade. Probably. plus, why would she need it? she's got firepower, babey!
there isn't quite as much to say about this as usual... mostly because this one was more Vibes than strategic "ok this and this and this because this and also-" i was just! makin a fun outfit!
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spockandawe · 3 months
NOW. We get into a section of binderary I like to call exciting new leathers. So what happened. Well, I read Moby Dick for book club, and frankly, there was a lot more bookbinding content in that book than i EVER would have guessed. Not that much, by volume, but any bookbinding is always a fun surprise! And one detail that SNAGGED me was the mention of a book bound in shark leather. Naturally, i immediately went on a quest to see if I could find 1) affordable and 2) ethically sourced shark leather, and never mind point two, because I struck out hard on one. So in a fit of self-pity, I bought a scattering of snake, fish, and ray leather, and then had to start thinking about how to use it.
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I spent a while kind of paralyzed, but the first thing that REALLY caught my eye was this one white and gold snake hide (with purple tones here and there around the scales), and how it made me think of lyctoral robes, and that means it's time for another round of 'It's About The Bones 👌,' babey!! By the incredibly talented @sunderedstar, of course. Benefits of being friends with an incredible writer include the constant supply of gourmet food that's a pleasure to bind and practice with!
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And since this fic had been one of my earliest test subjects for a k118 binding, I wanted to keep that going, and try one of my favorite fics in one of my favorite styles, testing out then new leathers in this format! And the book is a success, but the k118 thing, uh, didn't work. A fun feature of the snake leather is that its so thin I'd be afraid to even try paring it further. Which is great, that's the step I'm worst at! But now I wonder if that thinness means that paste isn't able to saturate the hide the way it would with goat, because the first time I opened this book, the spine IMMEDIATELY popped off the text block 🤣
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I'm not mad at all, the book still works great, it's just got a breakaway spine now and can't do the k118 360 degree party trick. And the binding came together gorgeous! This is a typeset I'm still proud of, and I think i found the right fabric in my stash to match and contrast to the snake leather colors, and the embossed endpapers gave it a nice weight and elegance, all without losing that locked tomb flavor, but capturing a very different vibe than my prior bindings. All things told, I'm very pleased, this was so fun to work with!
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