#but please consider sharing or donating to this cause
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Firas family, his mother, his kids, Magid and Rokaya , desperately need our help to rescue them from Gaza. DONATE NOW! verified by @el-shab-hussein Here and on list here
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Firas Salem is a father of two Wonderful kids (2 Year Old and 1 Year old )
Currently he is the Provider for his Parents and younger siblings
His Family All together in Gaza = 11 Members).
They need to get out as soon as possible (hopefully together) .
Your Donations will help them get out of Gaza to Egypt ( 5000$ per person).
A part of it will help them afford life and medical expenses in Gaza and in Egypt for one month until they can work and get on their feet again.
Their current living condition is hellish but they're considered lucky to live in cramped tent !
They're trapped in war with 11 members, including a sick one-year-old Magid battling severe illness.
His condition worsened with relentless vomiting and diarrhea, causing him to lose nearly 9 pounds !
Additionally, his mother and teenage brother suffer from Hepatitis A, struggling to find clean food, water, and medicine and a SAFE PLACE. Your donation can provide them with safety and vital medical care in Gaza and in Egypt. Help us reach €33,000 ! Less than €3,000 away!!
SHARE GUYS PLEASE AND DONATE ! Thank you so much!!
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fairuzfan · 3 months
Thank you so much everyone for your continued support these past few weeks. Because the situation in the North is incredibly dire and your support has been so generous, we decided to open a North Gaza specific drive from March 4th-March 10th where 100% of the donations made during this time will be sent to families in North Gaza so that they may buy food and other necessary supplies!
Hussam has a special video he narrates where you can see the level of destruction caused to the North of Gaza these past few months. This video was taken just two days ago exclusively for this campaign.
If you can't donate, please consider spreading the word far and wide across multiple different platforms!
More Info about Help Gaza Children located here.
Please, please, please consider donating today! This will help so many families who are literally starving! No amount is too little!!
Note: due to technical difficulties we aren't able to continue Help North Gaza campaign separately at this time. We will update you with information regarding the previous campaign I published as soon as we receive it.
ID: the video is of the decimation caused to North Gaza both in aerial view and walking through the streets.
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simandy · 11 months
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Commissioned by @konpeitogalaxy !
Coolest hairstyle ever by @konpeitogalaxy ! Thank you for allowing me to recreate your cool hair!
IMPORTANT NOTICE: I'm changing this hair's thumbnail and post image because the original commissioner asked me to :) Here's his open letter to simblr:
"hello :3 this is konpeitogalaxy! im sorry for causing a fuss, but as a trans masc person it took me off guard and made me very dysphoric to see hundreds of people exclusively tag a creation based off real life pictures of me exclusively as #female hair and #female sims and whatnot ^^* i understand i look very feminine because i can't start hrt due to finances and health, but as a favor to me, please use the cc i commissioned for more non-female characters as well as tagging it as both female *and* male hair (because it works on both frames which is super awesome!!) i understand if you only want to use my hair for feminine sims, but out of respect, please just tag it as #male cc as well as your other tags or something like that when youre sharing it around ^^* <3 thank you very very much for reading all this and i hope you have a beautiful delightful and lovely day :-)"
I hope everyone understands it! Have a nice day! ^^ Changing the post's picture was our shared decision so we could remind you of the different usages of the hair, as it fits all frames! Thank you!
For all frames!!
All Lods
Hat Chops
24 EA Colors
40 Puppy Crow Colors (You will need the mesh with the EA colors)
64 Root Overlay ADD-ONS located in HATS!
                           ⭐ • DOWNLOAD • 💗
PLEASE CONSIDER DONATING ON KO-FI OR BECOMING A PATRON. I’m trying to pay for my new ADHD meds, antidepressants and therapy, also college. Please, consider sharing too, if you can’t pay. Thank you for the support :)
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discovery-at-sea · 1 year
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(May 12, 2023) We are raising money for a crowd funded research project investigating the cause of blueberry hermit crabs in Okinawa, Japan using trash found on the beach as “homes” instead of natural shells. These hermit crabs are endemic to the southern islands of Japan, and they act as coastal environmental engineers. They are endangered on several islands, and we want to try and understand why they are resorting to beach trash for shells. Please consider sharing this post and donating to the project. The fundraising will be active for the next 45 days (until June 26). 
You can find all project details here: https://experiment.com/projects/blueberry-hermit-crabs-with-beach-trash-homes
We suspect that areas with high rates of tourism lead to beach combers collecting natural shells leaving nothing for the hermit crabs to use. It’s possible that overfishing of turbo snails which would naturally provide shells for the crabs may also be a factor. We will survey many sites across several islands in Okinawa to try and determine a cause of this behavior. 
We will be working closely with national geographic photographer Shawn Miller (photo credits above) and several researchers in Japan. Additionally, we will complete extensive beach clean ups in the areas we study. Thank you so much for reading! 
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toothfund · 3 months
Please help my best friend save their teeth!
Hello, my name is Tulip and I made this blog as a supplementary way to boost the GoFundMe campaign currently underway for my best friend Peyton's dental expenses.
Peyton has been my best friend for seven years now, and for as long we’ve known each other they’ve had to deal with a multitude of dental issues. They were recently able to visit a dentist for the first time in over a decade, and it was only after their broken tooth had gotten so bad, they were unable to eat, sleep, or do anything but try and distract themselves from the pain. We were able to get that tooth extracted, but due to the cost the remaining issues have gone untreated. If they aren’t able to get more work done soon they’ll end up needing root canals for the worst two.
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The priority right now are two teeth-- #19 and #29 in the diagram. Those are the pair causing the most pain and can be fixed with crowns--so long as they're treated ASAP. An appointment has been made for March 18th, with the estimated total coming out at $1,088.60 after the amount covered by insurance. This will be our short-term goal to reach.
I'm sure many of you reading this have personally experienced mouth pain, so you can imagine how hard this has been on Peyton. They've been dealing with most of these since they were still in high school. I don't want them to have to live with this burden anymore or have to give up teeth that can very much be saved! Any amount donated will put us that much closer to bringing them some relief. If you can’t donate, please consider sharing. Thank you for reading!
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fallahifag · 22 days
just cleared out over 1700 asks from my inbox and i just want to say thank you to anyone who has ever sent me a nice or supportive message that i could not respond to. i have read them all and appreciate them more than anything. from here on forward, i'd like to focus this blog more on sharing resources to help palestinians- which is why i have not been answering any asks that are not related to donation campaigns.
alongside the sweet messages, i have been getting a ton of hate messages that promote weird accounts that were created to exclusively harass me and other palestinians on tumblr, accusing us of things that are extremely untrue and even questioning our backgrounds. despite not letting this hate personally impact me, i understand that it may have taken a great toll on my other palestinian friends who have been working tirelessly for the palestinian cause. i luckily did not have access to my phone when most of the conspiring against us took place, meaning i did not see the worst of it - but it still bothers me that this is the type of attention we are getting when the only attention we want is attention to help those suffering in palestine.
we have said this a million times and in a million different ways. we are real people. our families are being impacted. our friends are being killed. our lives are being changed. all we want is justice. you don't deserve a pat on the back for simply reblogging one of our posts, or asking us personal questions irrelated to the subject we are desperately trying to bring focus on. you need to be doing more. you COULD be doing more. donate, share, interact with gazans and palestinians in non-parasocial ways.
it is not hard. if you can't decide on a specific campaign to place your donation, click this link for a spotlight fundraiser you can support. regularly check palestinian sources and blogs on here for more updates on fundraisers you can support. can't donate? sharing and interacting with these posts goes a long way. we need attention. attention will bring forth action. do not undermine your privilege and power. you can always be doing more.
lastly, i would like to remind you all that i am planning to start my hunger strike in a couple of days. this hunger strike is meant to encourage more and more people to donate to help save my friend hani's family. if you have an extra dollar, please consider donating to hani's campaign. and if you cannot donate, share his fundraiser.
throughout my hunger strike (and moving forward), my blog will mostly focus on bringing attention to fundraisers that you can support, as well as news and updates from gaza and the west bank. it has been over 225 days of relentless genocide in gaza and torture in the west bank. we are coming up on a full year. none of us should be able to rest in these conditions. no more playing games. take us seriously and do more.
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saltiestsoprano · 1 year
Hello everyone, I was attacked unprovoked on the Subway yesterday. I believe I was targeted because I was wearing my pride shirt work uniform I am also a bisexual woman with a very public presence on the internet and in the city as I am a performer at Ellen’s Stardust Diner in Times Square. I was beaten badly and taken to hospital by ambulance. It took two phone calls to 911 and an hour wait for police to arrive, so clearly my assailant got away. The cops also victim blamed me for the attack as if sitting quietly with your AirPods on is somehow not being vigilant enough at 3 o’clock in the afternoon on a busy subway car. But what else do we expect from the NYPD at this point. I have large bruises and giant swellings on the right side of my head, and it’s caused my vision to blur, my hearing is gone because my eardrum is filled with fluid and I am dizzy and nauseas all the time. Laying down is painful because of the contusions but sitting up is miserable too. Until my visions improves, my hearing returns and my bruises and swelling fade I don’t know when I’ll be able to return to work not even considering the fear of taking the subway now. More of what happened is explained in my fundraiser I’m linking. But I could use the help of the good folks on the internet. If you could donate and share or if you can’t donate please share. My husband is the organizer and can also answer any questions you have. Please boost my signal, I really need the help right now.
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thegoldenhigh · 4 months
Posting a new link with an update!! Share/donate if you can pls!! 🙏🏼🙏🏼
I'm Tyler, I'm 29, and I recently had several strokes and now I need heart surgery to close the hole in my heart that is causing it! I don't have much family I can go to (I escaped a cult and was excommunicated, and I'm disowned by the majority of my family) so I'm trying to reach out to ppl and friends I have online! Please consider sharing and donating if you can, I really need help. I know I keep spamming my link and sob story and I feel shitty bc it obviously annoys ppl but I'm trying my best to get help.
Anything at all helps! Even if you want to just dm me and say a kind message that helps me stay positive. :')
(Also if you don't want to go through GFM I have CashApp and Venmo at @tblank20)
Thanks for reading, I really appreciate your time! ❤️
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petr1kov · 2 months
hey, y'all. this month has been pretty rough for me financially, with a bunch of unexpected bills i had to pay and even having to deal with taking in another pet and the expenses that ensued. i asked for help with that before and got it, for which i am very grateful as i could not have taken her to the vet without it, but now i'm having to deal with food and medicine expenses that i ended up putting off because of that and that i have no way to handle right now.
so i ask, if you're able to help me out, to please consider donating to my ko-fi account! or if not, just sharing this post would be a huge help. thank you!! 💗💞💗💞
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simandy · 2 months
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Hello again!
Managed to take some time to update my PuppyCrow gradient maps to the version I'm currently using. Thank you @xvampiresimmerx for reminding me to update it!
.GRD file. Goes inside your Photoshop files at the \Presets\Gradients folder OR you can drag and drop to your open Photoshop gradients menu.
ACTIONS NOT INCLUDED THIS TIME, because it causes conflicts to your PS version and folders organization. If you have the previous actions already set up, these ones might work with the same commands.
       💙 • DOWNLOAD • ❤️
PLEASE CONSIDER DONATING ON KO-FI OR BECOMING A PATRON. I’m struggling to pay my college tuition and buying my ADHD meds, I can't work or study without them. Please, consider sharing too, if you can’t help. Thank you for the support :)
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nords-sims · 3 months
Whiskers Corner Update:
Dear kind souls and animal lovers, ♥️
As some of you know, my sister and I have been taking care of some homeless cats (25 cats and kittens as of today), and I arranged a small cat shelter/catio in an abandoned yard in my neighborhood for them. My sister has moved out and now has other responsibilities and can no longer help me, at least not every month.
I am now the sole caretaker of my sister's cats, our homeless ones and my own. I've managed to do this for over 3 months, but now I'm really struggling financially. I've spent all of my savings on the shelter and I'm drowning in debts, I can't do this alone anymore 😞
Please consider helping me take care of some of the most wonderful living beings on earth by sharing, donating once or by becoming a member at my ko-fi page:
Puurfect Whiskers Corner
Here are some of my beloved babies 🥰
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Thanks a bunch ♥️🥰
My vet asked me to stop buying a cheap local brand of wet food that, as we discovered recently, has been harming the cats and even causing the death of some of my kittens. So from now on I'll have to buy a more expensive brand of food or chicken.
If I could get enough members to get 150€ a month that would be amazing, and 300€ would be a dream. A girl can dream 🫣
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toothfund · 3 months
Peyton has been my best friend for seven years now, and for as long we’ve known each other they’ve had to deal with a multitude of dental issues. They were able to get two teeth extracted recently, but due to the cost the remaining issues have gone untreated.
Thanks to everyone's generosity we've managed to raise enough to cover the costs of the two teeth in the most urgent need of treatment! However, their other teeth are still in bad shape and cause them a lot of pain daily.
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As of March 3rd we're very close to funding treatment for the second set. Being able to fund this work ASAP means we can have more work done faster, which would give them the best chance of saving all of their teeth.
Peyton has been dealing with most of these since they were still in high school. I don't want them to have to live with this burden anymore or have to give up teeth that can very much be saved! Any amount donated will put us that much closer to bringing them some relief. If you can’t donate, please consider sharing. Thank you for reading!
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ibtisams · 4 days
My name is Ahmed, and I reside in Gaza with my wife Dina, who is in her last month of pregnancy, and our three children. We are suffering from the continuous attacks and harsh living conditions caused by the war in Gaza.I am pleading for your assistance to get my wife and children out of Gaza for a safer and brighter future.Thank you for your attention and help.❤️❤️❤️🙏🙏🙏
Please share my link and write about my story to reach my family goal
This is a legitimate gofundme, please consider helping Ahmed and his family. There are many pictures of his beautiful children on his blog and in the fundraiser’s story
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monstrous-fusion · 23 days
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[ID: A painting of Skyward Sword Link with beautiful white kuffiyeh draped around his neck. There are red poppy flowers on his shoulders and in his hair. In the background, there is the net symbol that is common in Kuffiyah designs. /end ID]
"No one is free, until all of us are" - Emma Lazarus, 19th century Jewish American Activist.
In collaboration with Operation Olive Branch's "pass the hat" movement, we would like to raise funds for one of the many families trying to evacuate Gaza to get to safety.
Our family is Nashwa and her family. (HERE'S THE DONATION PAGE LINK)
Nashwa is the owner of Beauty Garden Clinic "I had a clinic that I had started from zero and it became one of the most famous in Gaza, but suddenly everything turned to dust, my home got bombed while we were inside it, I got injured on my back." Fatma has Diabetic Foot condition and she has been injured (minor injury) in her foot. She was able to show it to a doctor but we think it could further develop without proper care.
Here's the message from the gofundme that one of her family members posted. It reads:
"Hello My name is Nashwa Ashour, I live with my mom, my sister in Law and her kids, I am the only breadwinner for them. I had a clinic that I had started from zero and it became one of the most famous clinics in Gaza, but suddenly everything turned to dust, my home got bombed while we were inside it, I got injured on my back , and all my certificates, clothes, everything I had, vanished in my damaged house .
now I am homeless without any certificates to start a job, all I need is your help, thank you"
Nobody deserves what the people of Gaza have faced in these past few months. Even if you cannot donate, please share this post, share her story and support her. Her goal is only 12,000$, as of writing she has only gained 3,794 of that. Here's a picture of her.
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Please consider donating. Even 5$ makes a huge difference in helping her reach her goal and escape to Egypt.
I know that this account is a Legend of Zelda AU account, but we are a human right's activist first and foremost. It is difficult, and ill advised, to pretend like everything is fine as innocent men, women and children are being slaughtered. Thank you to those who donate, to those who share and spread this cause through word of mouth. Thank you. Please help Nashwa reach her goal.
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transfloridaresources · 5 months
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[Photo ID: A color image of an adult with a keffiyeh wrapped around their face, standing in front of a gray sky holding two large Palestinian flags on a pole. Text in a dark gray box over the image reads: 'How to avoid centering yourself in strikes for Palestine (& beyond)' and 'transfloridaresources.' /End ID]
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[Photo ID: A color image of an adult with a keffiyeh wrapped around their face, standing in front of a gray sky holding two large Palestinian flags on a pole. Text in a dark gray box over the image reads: '01. Announcing your actions isn't necessary We are here to support Palestinians and boost their voices. Do that. Remove yourself as much as possible from the things you are doing to support the strike. This includes things like only showing art / signs you've made without your presence in the photos, sharing posts without commenting on them yourself, etc.' and 'transfloridaresources.' /End ID]
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[Photo ID: A color image of an adult with a keffiyeh wrapped around their face, standing in front of a gray sky holding two large Palestinian flags on a pole. Text in a dark gray box over the image reads: '02. Focus on what you CAN do. Nobody needs to hear the reasons why you can't do a specific thing. There are many ways to support the strike beyond not working / spending money. Just do ANYTHING. Do what you can and be silent about the rest.' and 'transfloridaresources.' /End ID]
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[Photo ID: A color image of an adult with a keffiyeh wrapped around their face, standing in front of a gray sky holding two large Palestinian flags on a pole. Text in a dark gray box over the image reads: '03. Ask yourself 'Who is this for?' before speaking, especially to another person. Oftentimes, bringing up disabilities and other struggles is a way to alleviate guilt at 'not doing enough' and is seeking comfort and reassurance from the other person. Ask yourself if you've considered who the other person is and what they might be struggling with as well before assuming you're the only person with these problems. Strikes always require a sacrifice and the cause is greater than you. Don't burden others with coddling your guilt, especially anyone of BIPOC identities if you’re white.' and 'transfloridaresources.' /End ID]
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[Photo ID: A color image of an adult with a keffiyeh wrapped around their face, standing in front of a gray sky holding two large Palestinian flags on a pole. Text in a dark gray box over the image reads: '04. Ask yourself 'What am I inspiring?' before speaking. When people comment with excuses for why they can't do something, it not only inspires others to use that same excuse, it distracts from the focus of the action. Suddenly we're not remembering Palestinians anymore, we're focused on 'this is too hard for me to do, actually, I'm just gonna sit this out.' Would you want someone to say that about helping you? Is that what you’d want people to be talking about instead of helping in any way they could realistically offer?' and 'transfloridaresources.' /End ID]
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[Photo ID: A color image of an adult with a keffiyeh wrapped around their face, standing in front of a gray sky holding two large Palestinian flags on a pole. Text in a dark gray box over the image reads: '05. Don't double down. If someone, especially anyone of BIPOC identities & especially anyone Palestinian, tells you to stop talking & stop centering yourself - do that. Do not get louder about the reasons you are suffering for XYZ thing. This is about Palestine. They are suffering. We are here to support them. This is about them. Those without food, medical care, homes, families, friends, etc. You could be speaking to someone who has direct connections to this in some way. Respect that and learn to be quiet.' and 'transfloridaresources.' /End ID]
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[Photo ID: A color image of an adult with a keffiyeh wrapped around their face, standing in front of a gray sky holding two large Palestinian flags on a pole. Text in a dark gray box over the image reads: 'We should all be outraged and uncomfortable while witnessing genocide. It is not 'life as usual' right now.' and 'transfloridaresources.' /End ID]
If you learned something from this post, please consider a donation to Palestine Children's Relief Fund, Care for Gaza, and/or Muslim Aid USA.
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communistchilchuck · 2 months
Fadi reached out and asked me to help share his fundraiser. He is a student at the Islamic University of Gaza studying electrical engineering urgently trying to raise money to evacuate Gaza City and continue his education in Malaysia. He has only made €185/€35,000 so far! Please donate if you can, and if you can’t, please share!
From Fadi’s GFM:
About Me:
Hello everyone, I'm Fadi Adwan, a dedicated college student pursuing a degree in Electrical Engineering at the Islamic University of Gaza. Despite facing numerous challenges, I've remained committed to my education and determined to achieve my dreams.
The Challenge:
Unfortunately, the recent conflict in Gaza has had a devastating impact on my education and personal life. The university was completely destroyed, and my family's home was demolished, leaving me without a place to study or live. And I am planning to continue my education in Malaysia!
My Dream:
Despite these challenges, I refuse to let my dreams fade away. I am determined to change my future and build a better life for myself and my community through education.
How You Can Help:
Your support can make a world of difference in my journey. By donating to this campaign, you'll help me cover tuition fees, purchase essential study materials, and rebuild my life after the destruction caused by the conflict.
Every Dollar Counts:
No donation is too small. Your generosity will not only empower me to continue my education but also inspire hope for a brighter future in Gaza.
Thank You:
Thank you for considering supporting my campaign. Your kindness and generosity will not be forgotten. Together, we can overcome any obstacle and make dreams a reality.
Donate Now to Support Fadi's Education Journey!
17000 University fees / continuing my education at Universiti Tenaga Nasional (UNITEN)!
11000 Living Fees
7000 evacuation form Gaza city
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