#but now we have this lovey picture of DT and GT
ingravinoveritas · 1 year
Not the first thing I'm thinking when Georgia has the pride flag in her vday post (bless her) being "ah, Michael :)"
(I love David's cards every year, they're so cute?)
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Hi, Anons! (Grouping all these together since they're related.)
I did indeed see Georgia's Valentine's day post, and thought it was quite interesting. (It's here, for those who haven't seen it yet.) And let's get a few visuals up so we can discuss:
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My first thought was that this appears to be Georgia's card to David, rather than David's card to her (which I think is what you were thinking it was, Anon #1). But we can see him holding it, and also the message on it seems more like Georgia's style than his (to me, at least). Interesting, though, that she shared both their cards last year, but only the one this time around.
I also found it curious that Georgia put the pride flag in her post, especially without any context. I know that it certainly could be because of the volatile atmosphere around gay/trans rights in the UK (particularly the horrific murder of Brianna Ghey), but Georgia posted a picture of Brianna in her Insta story yesterday, so I'm not sure the pride flag was related to that. It could also be a sign of support for Wilf...but I can't help thinking that it's somehow for David, too. Even if it's not said aloud, or specifically named, it's just...there, you know?
So I totally get you thinking of Michael, because that crossed my mind, too. I could so easily see Michael and David wishing each other a Happy Valentine's Day, and getting each other sweet little gifts. Nothing flashy or expensive, and certainly nothing "traditional" (flowers, chocolates, etc.), but something that is meaningful to them specifically. Like David getting Michael an autographed copy of his favorite Stephen King novel, or Michael getting David a pair of rainbow cufflinks or a childhood toy he'd always wanted but would never buy for himself.
(I could also see David giving Michael one of these cards:
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...Or heck, either of them giving the other any one of several of these hilarious and cute Valentine's cards for same-sex couples.)
But yes...like you, Anon #2, I did notice the lack of a post from AL, and I also found it telling. It was pointed out to me by @invisibleicewands earlier that several folks spotted Michael in Cardiff today, so it does make one wonder whether he and AL were even together for V-Day. Whatever the case may be, to your point, Anon #3, I'm actually glad AL didn't comment on Georgia's post, because I'd rather no comment than some insincere, PR-laced sentiment that continues pushing the disingenuous "AL and Georgia are BFFs" narrative.
I do think AL has very much been trying to model herself after Georgia and her and Michael's relationship after GT and DT's for the last few years, but with limited (if any) success, especially given how much more attention Georgia's "other wife" posts have gotten than anything AL has ever posted. So it would not surprise me if AL was slightly jealous of or annoyed by Georgia's post (or more precisely by the fact that she had nothing to post next to it).
As for Michael dressing more like David, I assume you're referring to the ridiculous shirt Michael wore on Australian TV in December, but I'm not so sure I agree. Michael used to dress much more flamboyantly than he does now (top hats, onesies, and blue fur-lined paisley ponchos all come to mind), so if anything, I'd say Michael wearing that shirt was him dressing more like himself, rather than David. (I could definitely see David stealing that shirt from him, though.)
So, those are my thoughts on this year's Valentine's Day content. Thanks for writing in, Anons, and Happy V-Day to you all! 💗
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