#but now this country is doing military stuff in places there's not supposed to be military stuff
digitalcactusblog · 11 months
oh man finally gotten to bed after packing hell so IT'S TIME FOR OPAL
opal. is my most MOST dnd pc. by a massive margin. my god. i love them to bits, but they are so much in every possible direction at all times
to summarize them in one quick phrase, you can think of opal as a barbie sephiroth powerpuff girl winter soldier. none of these words belong in one phrase together, yet we've gotten it there anyway!!!!
under the cut bc i expect this to get quite long 😂
god, where do i even start with opal. imagine the platonic ideal of a manic pixie dream girl, add in a touch of airheadedness, then give the entire creation the attention span of a magpie on crack.
that's what opal is like.
opal is also the clone of the princess of the enemy country to the country the party is currently traveling through.
opal is a top secret government project created as a gift to the royals of that country, a tribute to wizard hubris, and a proof of concept for a devastating military weapon that will win this country the war.
because opal isn't just a clone of the princess (her name is vasya). opal is a marble statue of the princess, carved into shape, then engraved with the magical principles and equations to bring that statue to life. opal wasn't just made to be a genetic clone of vasya. opal was made to be vasya. a complete clone, down to the skills and memories of the original vasya.
imagine, if you will, an army. there are people in it. and people die. people have families they'll never return to, loved ones who'll miss them, and, quite frankly, they're pretty freaking expensive to keep as functional soldiers!
now, i must copy paste the description block for the spell True Polymorph.
"Choose one creature with at least 1 hit point or nonmagical object that you can see within range. You transform the creature into a different creature, the creature into an object, or the object into a creature (the object must be neither worn nor carried by another creature). The transformation lasts for the duration, or until the target drops to 0 hit points or dies. If you concentrate on this spell for the full duration, the transformation becomes permanent."
imagine, if you will. a quick, easy, and cheap way to mass produce True Polymorph, without the need for a high leveled wizard to cast a level 9 spell every time. all you need are a handful of pebbles, and boom, you have sentient, sapient, competent soldiers.
this is what opal was a proof of concept for.
SO, to summarize so far:
peppy, sunny attitude! that's the barbie part
devastating military superweapon person: sephiroth
entirely artificial being, yet extremely cheerful about it: powerpuff girl
devastating SECRET military superweapon. is also from a russian empire-inspired fantasy country: winter soldier
also we named opal's creator after rasputin. yeah, that rasputin. yeah, like ra ra, russia's greatest love machine? yeah, we thought it'd be funny. her name is grigori and she has a lot of problems (opal is the cause of most of them 😊)
anyways, so opal gets created, and is, for all intents and purposes, a carbon copy of vasya. but as a prototype for this weapon, there are still some kinks to work out, one of being that, to maintain the same memories and whatnot as vasya, they need to essentially get regular software updates. but otherwise, perfect vasya clone!
except grigori starts noticing little discrepancies. little anomalies. the clone isn't a perfect vasya clone. the clone is developing a nascent personality—a nascent personality that keeps getting overwritten with every download.
the clone isn't a hollow clone.
the clone is alive.
"my god," grigori says, horrified, "what have i done? i have created life; not in the mundane, mortal way. i once posited myself on par with the gods, and now i have created life, just like they do.
"...i am so fucked."
and so, with that religious and moral crisis in her pocket, grigori decides to steal the clone and scram.
it's time to be fugitives!!!!!
grigori is a genius, if, at this point, a genius with extreme anxiety. and so, grigori has several contingencies ready, on the off chance she needs to bail. the one she goes with now is a classic wizard tower, hidden from prying eyes by magic and a beautiful grotto where no one goes. think tangled, the tower in the grotto that rapunzel lived for most of her life
and during this entire fugitive road trip, without regular downloads from the og vasya herself, the clone's vasya memories start to fade, but their new mannerisms start to stick. and now we have opal, who could not be more different from vasya in demeanour if they fuckin tried
also now, after much work on grigori's part, opal has been true polymorphed (even more) to look like someone entirely different! vasya is a magenta-y purple-y tiefling with tall horns, whereas opal is now a lanky purple drow around the height of vasya's horns. they got to customize their Look heavily (perks of having a high level wizard who can cast ninth level spells regularly).
oh also, chronologically, opal is only 6 years old 😊 when they were 'born,' they were created as the then-teenaged vasya, and while the memories of being vasya has mostly faded (not everything), the rough mental age and whatnot remained the same, so technically opal is like 22? but chronologically 6, so you bet your ass i'm so ready for the day i get to drop that bombshell 😂
OH YEAH and most recently, much to grigori's distress, opal has broken out of the secret wizard tower to go explore the world. it'll be fine grigori i'll be so careful!!!!!!!!!!
(they were not, in fact, careful)
mechanics-wise, opal is an echo knight, and while i'm not yet privy to all the deets (there are discoveries to discover and i can't wait :3) their echoes are like, something something potential versions of opal? mechanically, this just means that every time i summon an echo, i roll on a random table to see what form the echo takes, with some dnd species having higher probabilities to show up. and yes, if i roll tiefling, i then roll a d4 to see if vasya herself shows up. EXTREMELY NERVEWRACKING AND WONDERFUL!!!
also the first time i described how opal looked to the entire party, and that they were wearing a long, black coat with silver buckles all up the front, everyone was like "..............hey olive? is this sephiroth?"
and that was the first time i realized that opal dresses like pirate sephiroth. they even have a scarlet macaw familiar. shoulda named it genesis, methinks. (her name is actually ariadnoula)
opal is so freaking much i love them. last session they gave the other pc (vae) a minor religious crisis by asking too many questions about the logistics behind death rites. they tried to ambush-slam a flower crown on vae's head and ate shit when he dodged. they impulse-held a woman's hands as she went nuclear and died because they didn't want her to die alone and afraid. one of their life dreams is to swing on a chandelier.
oh also opal may have just started ww2. maybe.
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ceilidho · 10 months
prompt: ex special forces ghost working as a “travel companion for hire” and reader hires him because she’s too nervous to go solo travelling
It’s not the first time you’ve been somewhere on your own, but it’s the first time you’ve realized that maybe solo trips aren’t for you. 
It’s in Germany, three drinks in and stumbling back to your hotel room, paranoia gripping you every time you pass a dark alleyway or take a right onto a deserted street. It’s the man walking your way on the same side of the street that has you stuffing your hand into your purse, clammy fingers gripped tight around your keys. 
On the flight home, you’re wiped. Beat. Finally untethered from a week’s worth of anxiety slowly reaching a boiling point. You’ve traveled on your own before, but it’s the first time you can remember being acutely aware of your vulnerability. Granted, before this trip, it’s not like you’d traveled all that much on your own, especially outside of the country. 
Ghost comes as a recommendation from a friend of a friend. You’d hemmed and hawed about the whole ordeal the Monday after getting home from your trip—working the front desk at an auto-body shop means that there’s no shortage of people to talk to. The guy picking up his car (fender bender, a wicked crack down the front that’s since been fixed) listens to you gripe with an absent look on his face, but you’ve learned to tune those out. People will listen to you even in spite of their indifference when there’s nothing else to do. 
“Y’know, I know a guy that does stuff like that,” he says, cutting you off halfway through another half-baked rant about airline fares these days. Your mouth puckers into something quizzical. Tell me more, it says without saying. “Ex-special forces. Left because of some medical thing, I think. Dunno. Anyway, he’s been all over the world—built like a brick shithouse, that one—and last I heard he was, uh, renting out his services.”
“Like, he’d go with you, hang back while you do your thing, but basically the muscle. There to back you up if someone fucks with you.”
You’re just fresh enough off your vacation (an entirely miserable week, lest you explain the whole thing all over again) to give him your number. He promises to put you in touch with the friend of a friend who’ll put you in touch with one Simon Riley. He then gives you shit about the price on his bill and you knock ten percent off begrudgingly because the piece of paper with your number written on it is still crumpled in his palm.
No good deed goes unpunished or whatever.
“He’s not actually in the country right now,” Laswell, the friend of a friend, explains over coffee, Biscoff cookies spread out on a little tea plate between the two of you. “Or the continent.”
“Where is he?”
“For the rest of the month? Indonesia. He’s supposed to be back on the ninth. Should I let him know that you’re interested in his services?”
It’s a toss up at first. The thought of sacrificing your dignity (he would be more or less your babysitter) for adventure is tricky. With the way the dates line up—when you plan on traveling and when he gets back to the UK—you also won’t have much time to make his acquaintance before setting off. 
But there are places you want to go, sites you have scribbled down in a pocket-sized notepad folded up in the inner lining of your backpack. So you give her your permission and promise to join her and her wife for dinner sometime (repayment, and also it’s only been a few months since you moved, so you currently have a dearth of friends in your life anyway). 
The first time you see him when he stops by your workplace, you can’t help the double take. It just doesn’t seem possible. You know from Laswell and the guy at the body shop that Ghost is ex-military, but you’d been expecting some buzz-cut, slightly smarmy army reserves guy, maybe six-foot and decently muscled. What you don’t expect is the tatted beast that’s near twice your size. Only the top half of his face is exposed, the rest hidden beneath a black mask; you think briefly of asking him about it, but chicken out under his withering stare.
He doesn’t seem impressed when he meets you. “What’s your list?”
“Um…just around Europe. I haven’t thought about it too much.”
He stares down at you. “You wanna hire me just to run around the continent?”
“I haven’t thought about it!”
“Well, best give it a think fast, doll. Haven’t got all day for you to figure it out.”
You do have to think fast. He doesn’t leave until you’ve spelled out exactly where you want to go, until he’s watched you book plane tickets over your shoulder, heavy at your back while sweat beads at the nape of your neck. He’s entirely too intimidating to be looming over you like that. 
You watch him whip out his phone and fire off a couple of texts; your phone pings with an email telling you that you’ve been reimbursed for his flight and when you protest, he brushes you off by saying that he’ll invoice you for everything at the end of your trip.
Then what was promised falls into place. Free of burden, free of anxiety or restless energy, new possibilities open up to you: countries where you don’t speak the language; countries where the sites you want to see are spread out across a wide enough area that it warrants having a man packed beside you in a too-small taxi, his thigh a hot line against yours; hiking trips through national parks, where you don’t feel like you might slip down a hill and twist your ankle, stuck without water or cell service. 
You only have two weeks worth of vacation, so you use them wisely. A week traveling across Switzerland and Austria, and then a week in Cairo to see the pyramids. 
Ghost hangs back most of the time while you traipse around and do your own thing. You can feel him at your back when you approach the stands where the local vendors have set up shop, perusing silver trinkets and jewelry, only returning to your side when someone stands too close to you. 
He fists a hand in a pickpocket’s shirt when they try for your purse, giving them a shake and sending them off. 
“You didn’t have to do all that,” you mutter in his direction as you watch the young man scurry away. Not sure if you’re blushing or sunburnt. 
“You hired me to deal with this shit my way. Don’t get mouthy now.”
You think it might be the former because while you might not be the best at reapplying sunscreen, Ghost has been gentle-parenting you this whole trip. He pulls you off into corners and growls down at you while squirting a dollop of sunscreen into the palm of his hand to spread across your face. You close your eyes when his rough hands trace over your face and breathe out heavily when he spins you around, big hands engulfing your shoulders and spreading down your back.
You don’t think it could get worse. It gets worse. 
He won’t spring for his own room. You stare at him in disbelief in the lobby of the two star hotel where you’ve booked a room with a single bed. There’s a vending machine in the corner of the lobby that only sells coke (all of the other buttons are broken). One of the ceiling lights flickers on and off, an ominous buzz filling the room. Ghost doesn’t so much as blink.
“You didn’t tell me—I didn’t know that was my job,” you rebuff, anxiety a fist in your throat. You’ve already asked the front desk for another room, but they’ve been sold out for weeks, the woman at the front desk informed you with no small amount of pity. It’s the busy season; even two-star hotels get booked up in the dog days of summer. 
He cocks an eyebrow, unimpressed. “Never had to before. My job isn’t to book shit.”
“I sent you my itinerary.” 
“That’s not how I work, love. Where’s your room?” 
It’s nothing short of humiliating to have him follow you back to your shabby little hotel room. Your hands shake when you unlock the door, opening it to something no bigger than a closet. You’d purposefully gotten a smaller room than you usually would, anticipating the cost of Ghost's invoice at the end of your trip. No good deed goes unpunished. 
He ushers you into the room with a hand on your back, shutting the door behind him. You flick on the only light in the room, a bulbous thing hanging from the ceiling. No bedside lamp. 
When he settles on the end of the only twin bed in the room, the bedframe groans under his weight. Your hands are already clammy. He’s already making himself at home, unbuckling his belt with a single hand; it makes you almost dizzy to look over at him so you try desperately to avert your eyes.
“At least wait until I’m in the other room,” you hiss, rifling through your suitcase faster to get your clothes for after your shower. 
“Quit moping, love,” Ghost scolds, resting back on his elbows and toeing off his boots. “We’ll make it work. Just gonna have to get comfortable together.”
You scurry off to the bathroom with your pajamas clutched tight to your chest, paying no attention to the fact that he doesn’t sound as upset as you thought he might.
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Steph the Alter Nerd is reading Omid’s new book.
Following the live read:
I joined late so Steph was already reading. She was starting the Sophie section. Seriously, why pick on Sophie who just puts her head down and focuses on work? That’s strikes me as unnecessarily vile.
Omid apparently thinks Charles hasn’t modernized the monarchy. Dude is an environmental icon and we now have a blended family in BP. That may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but you can’t deny that it’s modern.
Apparently Omid writes pages and pages about Charles’ “leaky pen” incident. It’s just a pen, Omid. Omid thinks this means Charles may not be up to the job, lololol. I’m dying. Mind you, Omid worships Harry who stripped in Vegas, wore a Nazi uniform, and called his fellow soldiers names. But yes, the leaky pen is far more significant than all that, somehow.
Really boring part about government stuff. Charles negotiates and reaches compromises with the government and that’s apparently bad? Also, Charles didn’t know what to expect after he became King??? Lolololol.
Charles lost sympathy for the Harkles after the documentary. Well, duh. We all did, Omid. That documentary was a huge own goal.
He blames the Royal Family for the documentary’s melodrama? Seriously? Who was crying on Oprah? Who was crying in a rented Vancouver mansion with her head wrapped in a towel? Who dropped hot, salty tears on her Hermes blanket? That’s the person responsible for the melodrama.
Anne supposedly kicked them out of Frogmore. I suspect this is fanfiction, but I love it. I want it to be true. This is my headcanon now.
And I do thin fanfiction is the right term for this book. The BRF is super popular right now so the book thesis itself (that the BRF is in trouble) is pretty fantastical.
This book seems very, very boring. Omid seems to be desperately trying to argue that Charles’ first year went badly, but that’s just not reality. Omid used to be better at spinning than this.
Make the Royals Great Again? Uh, that was done in 2011. Everything we are seeing now was planted way back then, down to Kate’s leafy crown. There’s a general lack of both self-awareness and historical awareness in this book. Omid writes like someone who first became a “royal reporter” in 2016…which is exactly what he is. Too bad, because I do think there’s an interesting analysis that could be made regarding 2023 and it’s place in royal pr. That’s above Omid’s pay grade though.
Lol, Omid discusses UK politics and it’s every bit as much of a disaster as one would expect. Stick to gossip, Omid.
Ok, Steph’s hydrating, so let’s step back for a minute and recall what this book was supposed to be. This was to be “Finding Freedom 2.0,” a chronicle of the Harkle post-Megxit success story. The publishers clearly didn’t like that and they made Omid write a book about the family as a whole. That’s because there was no Harkle success story and the publisher didn’t think another Harkle book would sell. Unfortunately, Omid is a Harkle specialist. He can’t write a book about the family (let alone successfully argue for its imminent demise). He simply doesn’t know enough.
Back to Steph. We’re now in Harry’s military service? Er, why? We jumped from 2023 to 2016 and now to the Afghanistan War?
I agree with Steph that Omid’s trying to associate the royals with MAGA and I can’t even articulate how stupid that is. Completely different countries, completely different cultures, completely different iconography. Just doesn’t work.
Now we’re at the Coronation Concert? The royals are in trouble because Elton wasn’t at the concert! Lolololol. The Harkle bubble is out of this world. Basically, if their inner circle wasn’t centered (Oprah, Elton, Omid, etc…), it’s because of a MAGA conspiracy that will bring the royals down.
Something, something throne. Charles looked awkward again. Constitutional crisis!
I feel like I’m grading student briefs. There’s a way to argue this and there is evidence you can cite for this argument, but this isn’t it. You shouldn’t write pages and pages about a leaky pen and then minimize the bags of charity money as “perception.” You should start with the bags of charity money then use the leaky pen to bolster the “perception” argument.
Another disagreement with the government. Aargh! That should be lumped together with the other arguments with the government. Or it shouldn’t be mentioned at all. You’re arguing that Charles is and old-fashioned idiot who is not a good king, so why make him look like someone who is aware of current social issues and engaged with his government?
Racism. Finally! No wait, it’s boring.
Charles had an affair with Camilla. Lol, that’s not exactly news, love. The time jumping is driving me nuts.
Took a break to let the dog out and now we’re in Andrew’s interview. Of course we are.
Will exiled Andrew. I hope this is true. Wait, that’s the famous “power struggle”? Andrew??? I don’t think that’s a power struggle. That’s just Charles passing the buck.
Oh, lord. More Andrew. That’s it. I’m going to bed. I’ll tune back tomorrow.
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beardedmrbean · 8 months
Seeing a lot of my friends posting Instagram Infographics about the Israel-Palestine conflict, which is to be expected, but today, I saw a tonne of them reposting the exact same one which included the incredible statement that “so many people including progressives and leftist are learning meaningfully about Palestine for the first time” and I just
What happened before? There wasn’t any information then? There wasn’t any conflict before? It’s just infuriating seeing people treat this like a football team, where you support a side and just post picture after picture, statement after statement, without needing to worry about anything that happens in the region bc it likely wouldn’t have affected you.
Back when they had that whole dust up over evicting squatters from a home someone bought before WW1 a couple years back I expected more people to look into this stuff, suppose the fact that even if the place were still under the ownership of the Ottoman Empire the people would have been evicted shifted things.
One of my favs is the "map" everyone pulls out, which on the surface looks bad until you start looking at the dates where everything changes and realize that most if not all of the increases in the land size for the current state of Israel happened because one of their neighbors with the aid of the palestenians decided to try and invade and while I'm not a history major or anything I'm fairly sure that that's how borders happen, there's a war and territory is sometimes included in the spoils of war.
Right or wrong is irrelevant, it's just how it is, or at least always has been, look at Tibet it's recognized as part of china. They annexed it had a little war and won so now it's part of china.
Was Russia always as big as it is or were there expansionist wars?
Whole apartheid thing is weird too, place has equal rights for all citizens, resident aliens don't do so bad either, not equal responsibility though in a similar vein to men in the US only Jewish residents are required to serve a mandatory term in the military, I think, Arabs are exempt I know that much.
It's all insane, and I hate it, wish people would be honest. Israel is far from perfect but seriously some of the complaints,
with current news and accusations, let's remember this gem which was buried oddly never had to dig for this one before time to bookmark I guess.
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This part is new information to me, doesn't make the whole thing any less batshit other than someone that hates Jews quoting Jewish research, I'd the nut bag must be getting the Eduard Bloch treatment, but Bloch wasn't an academic he was a healer, also Bloch wasn't an idiot.
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let's end with this one check the date
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oh look down at the bottom is it a ray of hope
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I'm good with legitimate fair criticism of people and countries and faiths and traditions and all that stuff.
Key word is fair
Fucking amnesty international can go and inspect and tell Ukraine that using schools to house munitions or soldiers or stage operations from is bad because it makes them a legitimate military target.
One for brits now, cuz cuntbin
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If the accusations of white phosphorous are found to be true, I hope the people involve are prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, if a civilian in intentionally murdered I hope the person responsible is prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, if a rape is committed I hope the rapist is not only prosecuted but also castrated, if any one causes a noncombatant to be killed through their own actions I hope they are prosecuted, if any war crimes are committed I hope the perpetrators are held fully responsible.
You will notice I did not indicate a side on this, that's because if something is bad when one side does it, it is just as bad when the other does it.
But ya it's fairly obvious people haven't been paying attention and a lot of them are just picking a side now without any background perspective, there's legitimate gripes against Israel, they don't justify what happened though.
war crimes don't justify war crimes, I hope all of the guilty are punished
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naturalrights-retard · 10 months
Vivek Ramaswamy - the youngest Republican - sat down with Tucker Carlson in a wide-ranging interview this evening.
Ramaswamy talks about his controversial (for some) accusations that the government, the 9/11 Commission, and the FBI lied about certain events, leading to demands for accountability.
"It's not okay for the government to lie to us. In a democracy, it's poison and it corrodes the system that we revere: democracy.
But his main themes were on the public's dwindling trust in the government, the need for hard truths, and historical shifts in power dynamics.
"We're going to have a reckoning. I think that reckoning is likely going to be 2024."
Our 'establishments' refuse to give us the truth, Ramaswamy says "we can handle the truth," extending the analogy to a new American Revolution:
"we, the people live in a moment where the government believes that citizens of this nation cannot be trusted with the truth."
Ramaswamy then tells Carlson:
“I think there is a bipartisan consensus in this country right now that we the people, we can’t handle the truth,” “It’s like Jack Nicholson at the end of movie, right? You can’t handle the truth, you need me on that wall. My view, my basic view in this campaign is no, we don’t need you on that wall and yes, we can handle the truth.”
He goes on:
"I think we're on the cusp of chaos, there is definitely something going on... we are in a fall of 1775, spring of 1776 moment..."
But warns "there's a lot of ways that energy can go..."
"...there's a dam that's going to break and the river's going to go somewhere... I hope it leads towards national revival rather than... other places where this could go."
Ramaswamy emphasizes the importance of addressing defense vulnerabilities, both nuclear and cyber, and discusses China's influence and the Taiwan issue (consummate the co-dependent relationship with China, aware that Xi is pushing for a deal where he gets to make our stuff - via Taiwan - and in return, gets our IP).
With regard to foreign relations: the Republican candidate raises concerns about driving Russia closer to China - due to the arming of Ukraine - which is perceived as a major military threat. Additionally, he points out America's dependence on an island nation off China for its modern way of life and debates surrounding the Ukraine war and economic dependence on China.
("I will not send our sons and daughters to die over somebody else's nationalistic dispute in the Ukraine war," the candidate said, suggesting instead to reopen economic ties, and commit to NATO constraint.
, Hunter Biden's business dealings, and what really happened on January 6th.
He will be about as popular among the deep state-ers as Trump.
Ramaswamy also told Carlson that the modern LGBTQ movement is a “religious cult,” making people justify their beliefs despite them disconnected from logic.
“These are cult-like belief systems. Right, because if it’s a religious cult, then you don’t have any obligation to logic if you’re subscribing to a religion,” he said. “And the worst religions are the ones that fail to recognize themselves as religions … The most dangerous religions of all are those that claim to be secular but are actually religious in their conviction.”
Finally, Ramaswamy reflects on his campaign:
"I’d rather lose some election than to play some political snakes and ladders of what we’re supposed to say," he said. "And I think that that’s really one of the questions at issue today as it was in 1776. Do we believe that the public can be trusted with the truth? Whatever the truth is, just give me the hard truth.”
Watch the full
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claire-starsword · 11 months
Shining Force World Book translation - part 6
Previous part here
This is it for this book for now, there’s an interview with the developers as well but that kind of stuff is always harder for me to translate, and I have other things I want to be doing, so I don’t know when I’ll be getting to it. There are also sections on items and magic but they don’t really say anything interesting.
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Full Guide to the Continent of Rune
A huge continent where many countries big and small prosper together
There are nine countries in the continent of Rune, where the adventure takes place. Most countries are in the western side where civilization has developed more, creating a huge disparity between it and the eastern side.
Compared to the western side, which has grown for a long time centered around Guardiana, the eastern side has many undeveloped regions. Among them, only Runefaust has for some reason began to suddenly increase their military power in an intense way.
Ancient History of Rune
It was around a thousand years ago...
The continent of Rune was controlled by people of a highly advanced civilization. However, none of them realized how, in the shadow of that prosperity, darkness also began to grow in power once more.
And one day, in order to release its power, this darkness became Dark Dragon and came to the surface. With its enormous destructive power, the land was engulfed in flames in the blink of an eye.
The survivors mustered all of their strength to oppose Dark Dragon. After a long battle, finally they achieved victory, and placed a strong seal on Dark Dragon, so that it wouldn't ever return to this world. "I shall revive upon a thousand years...", those were its last words...
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A country of long history which respects the military arts, and has a duty to protect a secret treasure of the Ancients
The "Legacy of the Gods" is said to be a frightening beast and a superweapon. Guardiana has for a long time inherited the duty of protecting this legacy built by the Ancients. Perhaps because of this noble sense of duty, they don't place much value in idle amusement, and maintain a warrior-like disposition. To be a role model for the citizens, the royal family also keeps a modest way of living.
The 18th King of Guardiana Since he keeps good politics, the people of the country adore him.
A small castle town that still has everything the country needs
It you peruse the town's shops, you'll find medical herbs, swords, bows and many other indispensable items for adventurers. Since green is the national color, the knights can definitely be seen sporting it, and the townspeople favor it in their clothes as well.
A tranquil country, with the huge ocean spreading across its sight
With the ocean right ahead and plenty of wilderness around it, it could expand its territory at any time. However, because of their duty to protect the Legacy of the Gods, they have not invaded other countries or such. They protect an ancient castle to the east.
-The neighboring country to the north is Alterone. Since there's a road through the whole way, traveling to it is not very difficult.
Population: 2602 inhabitants Area: 3259 km² Climate: Warm and humid Main industry: Agriculture
[The other guide says 3000 inhabitants, which is close enough i suppose. enjoy this coherence while it lasts.]
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A country that seeks nothing but wealth, living off rare metals
A country allied to Guardiana. Due to having recently discovered rare metals in their mines, they've acquired enough wealth to be flooded with paintings and sculptures and other works of art, and boast some of the best military equipment in all of Rune. However, the people's hearts have been corrupted, and the soldiers especially lack dedication, so it's not a country that can be relied upon right now.
The 4th King of Alterone
He's obsessed with gold and high class things, but the citizens also have plenty, so he doesn't seem to be a bad person.
The goods are plentiful, but on the other side the people's hearts have become poor
Since their own country is wealthy, they look down on people from other countries. Because of that, the products on shops geared towards travelers are not too good. The national color tends to be blue.
The prosperity of the country is tied to the prosperity of the mine
Since the country's wealth is closely tied to the mines, they don't reveal their location. Thanks to the road built with their money, and huge river nearby, they carry on as a plentiful kingdom.
-To the south is their allied country, Guardiana, and to the north is Rindo. There are no enemies nearby, so they're very used to peace.
Population: 2942 inhabitants Area: 5056 km² Climate: Continental Main industry: Manufacturing
[The coherence lasts no longer, the other guide book says 5000 inhabitants. They must have expanded a lot between the two census.]
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The center of business in Rune, a country built by traveling merchants of different countries
Long ago, merchants from different countries gathered there to start business. Eventually they made a guild, and now Rindo has become a whole country. The town has a bunch of shops in a row, and they work with no care as to when it's day or night. Also, they have a great harbor, so they can sell goods and strong weapons to other countries.
The mayor of Rindo
He is more of a merchant leader than a king. A strict man who doesn't tolerate unfair business practices.
The citizens all have business spirit, impartial in their deals
As the scales in the country's crest show, they're fair in their business. They'll deal with anyone as long as they have the money. The national color is gold, as expected of merchants.
The center of Rune in geography and more, maintaining the harbor
The place used to be nothing, yet through the merchants' hard work and the harbor, a great urban area was born. Built by immigrants, the building are either rectangular or like tents. It has a unique atmosphere than other countries.
-The countries close by are Alterone and Manarina. Anyone can visit from anywhere else through the harbor.
Population: 2130 inhabitants Area: 1934 km² Climate: Mediterranean Main industry: Commerce
[The other guide says 3000 inhabitants.]
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A small country ruled by magicians perfecting secret arts deep in the mountains
A country deep in the mountains built inconspicuously by powerful mages who disliked to be used by others, even kings. Though called a country, it is as small as a fortress. With the research facilities provided in the castle, the mages can continue with their studies day and night. It is heaven to them.
He works hard so that each citizen can continue on their beloved studies.
A kingdom of ambitious people trying to discover new magic
There are those doing useless research as well. However, many there are extremely passionate about magic. Their crest, using their theme purple color and a snake symbolizing wisdom, tells everything one has to know about the citizens' values.
[Yes the crest looks very much dark green and not purple to me too, don't ask me what happened here]
With a deep history, this is the holy land of mages
The country has a deep history, as it seems mages have been doing research on this land since quite long in the past. So despite looking like nothing special, it is possible that this land holds some sort of secret.
-Rindo is their main neighbor, but the mountainous path makes travel difficult. They don't communicate much with other countries.
Population: 238 inhabitants Area: 15 km² Climate: Continental Main industry: Commerce
[The other guide says 200 inhabitants, which is pretty much just rounding.]
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The only homeland in this world for those of mixed beast blood
A kingdom in the huge forest regions of northern Rune. The country's activities are centered around forestry, and lumber is their main exported good. The citizens enjoy a simple lifestyle, and their activities makes them almost entirely self sustained. Being a country built by half beasts, they don't interact much with humans from outside. They apparently aren't allied to any other nation.
King of the people with werewolf blood. His wolf heritage is greater than anyone else's.
A beautiful country living in harmony with nature, using their plentiful lumber
The country's economy is centering around the exportation of building materials obtained through forestry and mining at the quarry. The town is built utilizing well the natural resources, with buildings made of wood without any stone. It's an environment that puts your heart at ease.
A natural fortress surrounded by stone and forest
Thanks to the dense forests, it is hard for a big army to cross the region, and thus the country is easily protected. The plentiful forests also provide riches in the form of lumber. You can call it the biggest treasure of the people with werewolf blood.
-If you go east, you'll reach the huge plains of Pao. Going around Shade Abbey is shorter, though.
Population: 453 inhabitants Area: 1189 km² Climate: Siberian Main industry: Manufacturing
[contradiction time let's goooo i'm putting these guide books to fight in a pit, there's not a single thing they agreed on with this one. According to the other, it is forbidden to cut lumber from Bustoke's forests, which is why they build their houses in the mountain walls, something that is weirdly not mentioned at all here?? We do see a couple of regular buildings in game though.
The other guide also mentions a joint business venture between Bustoke and Rindo, meaning it's not as isolated as this one says it is
This one also seems to be treating everyone in the country as a wolfling which is just, wrong.
Population in the other book is 800 inhabitants.]
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The unique grounds of the free people who run through a massive land
A nation of nomadic people who move freely, camping across all the wide territory of Pao plains. The people of Pao are raised as resolute warriors since childhood. That's how they've survived conflicts with other countries while moving through the plains all their lives. Hunting is their main activity, but they also raise grazing livestock.
Queen Koron of Pao
She lives freely, with her own tent. You could call her the symbol of Pao.
A fighting force quietly managing their pastures, while having strong troops
They live a tranquil life, letting their paopigs, animals similar to sheep, graze in their camps. When peace is disturbed, they can endure due to their past as a warrior tribe, and their strong troops.
The nation's capital moves, following its people
In order to move as they please through the plains along with their leader, their capital has no fixed location. The country's symbol colors are green, white and blue, representing the plains, the sun and the wind. It is clear that they deeply love the plains.
-A wide plain region that doesn't fully fit in the screen. To the west are Bustoke and Shade.
Population: 562 inhabitants Area: 26985 km² Climate: Continental Main industry: Agriculture
[Population in the other book is 130 inhabitants.]
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The unique pirate country, started from a bunch of thieves
As seen from the use of waves in their crest, their connection to the ocean is deep. These people gathered to build a country in a small island because in the distant past, they were a group of pirates. Since then they've quit the pirate business, and live mostly off fishing. The harbor is filled with shops selling marine products, and the town is bustling with life.
The 5th King of Waral
It is said the ancestor of the royal family was the chief of pirates that constantly assaulted various continents.
A town full of life wisdom, and the birthplace of fishermen
The buildings have small windows to cope with the harsh sunlight. The castle is proudly decorated with spoils of battles from their time as pirates, and the history of the country's foundation comes across from every corner.
An archipelago of big and small islands
The territory is formed by islands of all sizes, and there are plenty of small ones, save for the one with the castle. The country's economy relies on fishing, yet the boats they use are generally small. But there are many of them, so extracting marine resources is still no trouble.
-There's always some danger in traveling by boat, but access to the country is still easy due to facing the ocean in all directions.
Population: 1536 inhabitants Area: 429 km² Climate: Temperate Main industry: Fishing
[round two of the pit fighting! the other guide book claims Waral was founded by fishermen from Rindo. Also its population there is only 300 inhabitants.
I also find it very weird that this one does not bring up the mermaids in the country at all.]
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The mysterious country that suffers in poverty, yet is inhabited by descendants of the Ancients
The buildings are of poor quality, and it cannot in any way be called a lively town. It's only saving grace is that the townspeople are still somehow happy and friendly. Rumor has it that the descendants of the legendary Ancient people live there, and the citizens are all sages, hence why it is also called "the country of sages". There might be clues about the Ancients somewhere in town.
King Kusko
A sage who treats visitors from outside harshly, so as to protect his historical country.
The sad country of the descendants of Ancients, having survived many disasters
The choice of the owl as national crest and platinum as national color are also both tied to their relation to the Ancients. Both represent the deep wisdom they've inherited from that civilization.
Complex nature protects this historical country
Runefaust is a neighboring country with massive military power, yet they have not been attacked. Perhaps they've been looked down at as "unworthy of being enemies", or maybe the real reason is that they're surrounded by steep mountains and deep forests.
-Runefaust is close by to the south, but they're protected by the surrounding terrain.
[Note: this is the only screenshot map that points out places not named in game as far as i recall. To the north is Sirius Mountain, previously mentioned as Gong's place of origin. To the east is Conga Basin, which i don't recall being mentioned anywhere, but is probably the space between mountains where the Tower of the Ancients stands.]
Population: 952 inhabitants Area: 2351 km² Climate: Continental Main industry: Agriculture
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East Rune's leading power, boasting great military might over good policies
Ever since the current emperor ascended to the throne, he has relocated the castle, increased military power, and imposed harsh policies. With that, it turned into a military superpower incredibly fast, and has made unsettling moves such as aiming for the Castle of the Ancients. It has annexed the undeveloped areas near it as allies, and as it keeps improving its superior force, the citizens have been putting up with many struggles.
Emperor Ramladu
He enjoys demon-like decorations like monster statues and eerie paintings.
As it builds up superior military might, the citizens suffer with heavy taxes
Having to pay for the country's huge expenses, the people have been suffering a lot. With that, the streets also look plain and without much embellishment. The national colors are red and black, representing chaos and power.
A country in East Rune whose real power is still unknown
Civilization in East Rune hasn't developed as much as in the western side. There's no much communication between the two sides. Because of that, they have a history of being treated as "savages" until recent years.
-To the north is Prompt, and beyond the ocean is Guardiana, which protects the Castle of the Ancients.
Population: 2950 inhabitants Area: 3289 km² Climate: Temperate Main industry: Commerce
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Other Cities and Villages
Fort Uranbatol
A fort to serve as base for Runefaust's invasion of the western side of the continent. Despite being still under construction, it already has considerable forces stationed in it. Commander Balbazak is the one responsible for it.
Village of Rudo
A small village at the foot of the holy mountain Dragonia. Despite its size it still has establishments such as a church. They're of a minor religion that worships the Sacred Dragons who live in Dragonia. They have some knowledge on the Ancients.
[Note: I assumed there was a typo on this one. It is the only place I've seen referring to Bleu's race as "真竜" (real dragons) instead of "神竜" (sacred dragons). Both are read as "shinryuu" which would explain the mistake.]
A village between Rindo and Bustoke. Being close to Rindo, the people there make a living out of guiding travelers to Bustoke through the twisting mountain paths.
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December 31, 1919
Just made it onto base today after being hired a few days ago. I say "base", however this place is more like a small town in itself. It's warmer here than back home in Boston this time of year, and it came at a surprise when I stepped out of the train just how warm it was while I was dressed in full winter garb. So, I had to shed several layers and stuff them into my suitcases.
It's New Year's Eve, so the guys and I are having a get together to know one another better. My neighbor in the room beside me is quite pleasant, most amiable. I think he's from across the ocean over in one of those English countries. Maybe Scotland? Maybe England? I can't quite tell to be honest. I'm not good with accents. He's quite the handsome fellow. No doubt married even if I did not spy a band upon his finger. I don't know how he couldn't be.
I was told that my studies in Australia, earning my Ph.D in engineering as well as my Master's in medicine and combat medic experience earned me this position of 2nd in command for my team. I also get to work with the engineering department on the various coding that's required. Quite exciting! It's all thanks to the military for sending me over there after my service in the Great War was through after an injury to my weaker leg. It took less time to complete my studies than I thought, but I had already gotten a head start, I suppose before the war.
So far most of them, my colleagues, seem friendly. The Russian though is a bit, forgive the pun, cold. I do hope his personality warms.
I do hope my dear little girl has a good New Years without me being there. It wouldn't be the first year. At least I had been able to be up in Boston for a short time.
It's a good thing that no one will read these since I tend to write whatever comes to mind...
Anyway, here's to a new year for this brave new world, especially after we finish our work on this wondrous new machine. I was told that it would eliminate preventable deaths by bringing the fallen back! It all seemed so preposterous, but I will not argue with my grand paycheck. Especially since I can send money back for my daughter's schooling. If it works, it would change the world forever. It would save so many lives.
The project starts on the third of January next year. My job right now is to help the Engineering Department and to start screening through volunteers for the testing phase when we get to that. When we really get into things, our jobs will shift slightly to medical tests on the volunteers before and after they've gone through. Unfortunately that means autopsies on the dead. I was told that before they go with human trials, they'll use various animals. Shame though, but for the sake of progress, some sacrifices must be made.
I hear a knock at my door as I write, it must be Mr. Gyles coming to fetch me. I suppose I lost track of time.
Happy New Year!
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yesyourstalker · 10 months
Warabi: ikkan!!! Ikkan! Open the fucking do- oh.. hey Neta.
Neta: ikkan went out. He has a meeting with ink towers studios. He's working on a soundtrack for some movie...... Why are you here
Warabi: yeah I know I'm supposed to be there but I told him I'll get ready at his place ..... He left an hour early as usual.
Neta: well make it quick. I have to open up shop in an hour... Don't want you snooping though my shit.
Warabi: yeah.... Yeah what ever Neta..... You know when ikkan told me he got a boyfriend I thought 'wow that's great. He needed to get laid'
Neta: watch it.
Warabi: 'he's so up tight and standoffish, a partner would be good for him' you know what? It is good for him. He changed. I mean he's no social butterfly but he's become a little more open, slightly vulnerable. His smiles are slightly bigger and he's able to hold a conversation that's more than 2 minutes.
Like his vibes have completely changed. He walks into the studio and the whole room gets a little bit lighter. I thought to myself wow this guy must be great for ikkan. I have to meet this guy I have to see the man who got lill ol ikkan out of his shell. Come to find it's this jealous possessive ass with an attitude problem and always has something negative to say about me. Well apparently everyone has something negative say about me nowadays.
Neta: there's a lot to say about you. you can't help it, You're just that irritating. Now do what you need to do and go. Also I'm not jealous! I've actually known ikkan longer than he's known you.
Warabi: you know what you are such an asshole! What did I do to you honestly?! I'm not going to steal ikkan away from you! If I wanted to I would have done it by now.
Neta: watch it!
Neta:................... Are you crying?
Warabi: .............. (Crying) Cod shut up!!! (full on sobbing)
Neta: *sigh* ok ....... what happened what do mean by that?
Warabi: sniff...... It's nothing........ It doesn't concern you
Neta: Warabi I'm actually trying to be nice to you just please tell me-
Warabi: some one told inksider Media that my grandfather is Octavio and it spread to other news sources and so many are like asking me weird questions and accusing me of things and spreading lies that I'm a spy or that I was in the military and that I was a part of some coup against inklings and the meeting is just the movie producers telling us that they don't want diss-pair to be a part of the movie or the soundtrack anymore because of the controversy and everything is happening all at once on my way here someone told me to go back to the sewers *gasp* (incoherent sobbing) I don't know what to do! (harder sobbing) I'VE NEVER BEEN TO THE SEWERS
Neta:.............. Ok l.... -
Warabi: *sigh* I just wanted to get dressed and just try to make it through the day and then you come in your usual asshole self just treats me like garbage and I don't need it right now..... Especially from you.
Neta: ........
Warabi:...... *Sniff* I don't know a lot of octarians .... I spent most of my life on the surface in other countries..... I know I'm so privileged..... I was surrounded by mostly fishlings, coral and anatomies I was barely around any cephalopods growing up. My parents were no help and they were barely around they didn't teach me anything about the culture. I moved to Inkopolis and I made mostly inkling friends the only octarian that I could truly call my friend was Marina and then I met you.
Neta: .......
Warabi: (ugly crying) I was really excited to meet you. I've seen you play with squid squad. like wow another octarian he is a part of the culture, he could probably teach me about octarian stuff, real octarian culture. all I got was the cold shoulder and anger! And for what!? What did I do!? That really hurt Neta! it really did. (Sobbing but not as hard as it was)
Neta: nothing....... You did absolutely nothing to deserve that..... I'm sorry.... I guess part of it is jealousy.... I guess
Warabi: uh my Cod I don't want to fuck ikkan! I don't even know why you want to! He's weird, emotionally impotent and owns two pairs of shoes!
Neta: no that's not what I meant and that's not true He's very emotional just not in public.
What I meant by jealousy. I meant I was jealous of you. Like you said you were on the surface your whole entire life. I spent 14 years not even knowing what the real sun looked like....my mom never never got to see it she didn't even know what rain was hehe ....... I guess I was just angry that I didn't get to have that life that you had. I hate when people call it the sewers but that's what they were. Those bunkers were part of abandoned sewers left by mammalian, I lived in the lowest rundown part. We had to boil all our water and freeze and try to preserve our food because we always got it a week past the expiration date. The closest school available for me was near octo valley which is like an hour away so I had to get up extra early just to go to school. The kids are nicer areas used to say that I smell bad. I probably did because again the sewers. We didn't have enough water so we had to bathe at least once a month. Honestly it's still something I'm self-conscious about I haven't been home in like 20 something years and I still worry that I smell like waist water....
Warabi: you don't
Neta thank you........ It was mean when they said it. It was so much worse when I went to the surface for a mission and I snuck off to play turf war you know like a regular kid. Some shitty little inkling covered his nose and said that I smelled like a toilet......... That hits so different..... I felt this intense shame when he said that..... Like I was less than I was beneath them.....*Sniff*.....
Warabi: looks like we're both crying huh
Neta: heh I guess hehe. so Instead of actually dealing with that trauma I just took it out on you, thinking that you believed you were above everybody else because of your life.
Warabi : That's not true I'm very grateful for what I have and I don't look down on others who don't............ What did you do
Neta: huh?
Warabi: when he said that you smell like a toilet. What do you do? How do you react to that kind of stuff? I was on the train and some urchin just said go back to the sewers to my face. I don't- I froze, I was shocked. I didn't say anything to him, I should have done something and I didn't know what I should have done.
Neta: That's the shitty thing about it you can't do anything sometimes. If you say something then they're just going to paint you as this violent reactionary octarian and if you ignore them they're just going to assume that you don't speak inkish and if you don't even bother speaking the language what's the point in being here. it's a lose lose situation and sometimes you just...............you just have to let them be. It's frustrating but you look at them and let them know that you understood what they said and look away. Don't give them the satisfaction of being offended because that's what they want they want a reaction and you don't give them one.
Warabi: (deep sigh) ok. And what about the other stuff All these rumors about me and my grandfather I had no control in what he does. Why are they blaming me for all his shit!
Neta: you have squitter right?
Warabi: yeah
Neta: just make a thread and tell your side of the story Tell the truth. You're related to Octavio and that's it. You don't work for him, you don't work with him and you are not associated with anything. You're not a spy you were never in the military. The only thing that they got right was that he is your grandfather and for those who are spreading those lies and choosing to believe those lies you need to check their biases and prejudice against octarians that's all you need to say and that's all you need to do. If someone has something to say let ikkan or Marina or any of your friends support you and let them deal with naysayers. This will All blow over okay trust me. When I joined the squid squad it felt everyone hated me. I was replacing their favorite member. They didn't like that and they tried to find any reason to dislike me and they used me being octarian as a reason. Saying crap like 'I'm not even squid why would he even join' 'are we sure we can trust him' 'he looks like a criminal' a lot of stuff just don't let it get to you I guarantee they're just a vocal minority.
Warabi: ok.............. Thank you....
Neta: it's not a problem..... I'm sorry I did you so terribly I just-
Warabi: doesn't matter now ......
Neta: [hugs back ]
Warabi.. .. Oh shit! I'm late for the meeting I'm not even dressed!
Neta: screw that meeting. You said that they're only having the meeting so they can fire you from some shit movie you don't need to deal with that let ikkan handle it. You want to come to work with me at the mall? they have an abandoned movie theater and a shrimp Castle
Warabi: oh my Cod Yes! are we becoming best friends? All we needed to do was trauma bond oh ikkan is going to hate this!!
Neta: HA yeah he will...........and he's not that weird
Warabi: I once caught him sucking on his shirt collar when he was working on a song
Neta: see that's cute.... means he was focused
Warabi: ugh..........whatever you say he's your partner
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daz4i · 1 year
Oooooh, 14, 21, and 30 for the ask game!!!!!!! 👀👀👀
thank you my dear!!!!! ^o^
14. do you enjoy your country’s cinema and/or TV?
hmmmmmmm sometimes! a lot of them are either about the military or about religion and i'm not a fan of those for obvious reasons, but usually when i watch other movies they're p good! we got lots of high quality crime stuff which is nice. i feel like while i'm at it i gotta recommend Doubtful if you can find a place to watch it and don't mind Teenagers Who Do Violence. by far one of the best local creations i've ever watched
21. if you could send two things from your country into space, what would they be?
sending our prime minister with no space suit <3 adjkfghg but ngl idk what you're supposed to send to space?? 🤔 so i've got no answer to that. for now
30. do you have people of different nationalities in your family?
yeeeeeee i've got a few distant-ish (second cousins? maybe??) who are from the us! unless this isn't what this question means in which case oops
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the-firebird69 · 2 months
A few other things happening there are a great number of people who are simply harassing for what we were saying and we don't feel like we deserve it and we're going to come back and notify you if you're errors pretty soon too we have several other things to announce what are you going to go ahead with them now they're fairly large and all encompassing yes
-there's a huge amount of people who are coming into the country and they say it's illegally but it's not now it it is really the morlock who are doing that and it is the pseudo empire keep him out and they are doing it illegally and they're doing plenty of it there sending troops to the border they want the hardware from the Midwest to seal off the border they refuse to do any kind of deal and don't understand our position and it's ridiculous it's supposed to be these friends and they're not at all they're running around admitting it like these dirt bags and they're not going anywhere I've had enough of their hardware right next door too everybody is paranoid about it they should be and we've had enough of Tommy f it's just not how it's going to go here it doesn't go there and regular society much easier and they're not near the outskirts now we're going to have to start doing this here and enforcing it and going in and pulling stuff out every night and pulling both out every night until they're gone and replacing people and yeah the max have their stuff together but are not insane like these people it is gross it is happening tonight they're sending 30 households out and they're at 110 30 went out and 20 came back they came back weekend they lost two or three people per household therefore the original 20 are going out with 10 new.
-additionally they are going to try and solicit more people from inside and outside to go into the rings and they are upset at these rings they're angry that the world is not helping as much or their own people haven't figured out that it's a necessity is what they say and Tommy f is overhead and who's going to take care of those guys so this argument ensued and they go round and round lots of times and what we think is if the pseudo empire is pushed out they will continuously keep Tommy f from landing and they will infiltrate and stay here if their equipment can't get here and that's what they said they intend to do and it forced to so these warlock once again have placed her hand around the neck of the pseudo empire who do a lot more for our son and the people of the Earth and even the max were separate yeah and it's true too they have a plan and it starts squeezing and it's like well what can they do so they don't know what to do they say that's their way and they're telling us son to stay out of the way and our son says you're going to stay out of my way that's what's going to happen I'm not going to tell you it's going to happen that way because it's just going to happen. And he is of course upset but who cares he's not our people we have some other stuff to talk about too many games against our son too many times everything is almost ruined and too many times he has to hurry and Rush because things were almost destroyed right now we don't want to see it
-we do have a couple more things and ideas to eat and we have a couple more things we have to get going on helping him here the day-to-day stuff we need the teams to come in and he says it we know it we need your personage in a meeting and you're important and we need to discuss what's going on in the meeting will be duplicated after and on Earth and we need the stuff right now so please report in
-and yeah a couple more things we are helping him while he's juggling what he's doing he knows about it but it's very aggravating doing this but we only have so many hours from the day when we say we need assistance we need you to sign on to our military if you have questions ask your friends and family in the military ask people who are your mentors study it immediately as your life depends on it.
We will return momentarily with more messages we do anticipate having several more of great importance and shortly they are not completely materialized yet that in about 30 minutes to an hour there shall be and it's about battles that are going on
Thor Freya
We have a lot to talk about so hang in there Zeus
This is the gross part his belly is protruding and he says it's pretty big but you drank a lot of water and the sauce is way too saucy and we noticed you say it later but here it is we see you trying to recover and that's good we do have some pointers you need some calcium in there and I understand it's difficult but we do have to get things going I'm going to have to review what's happening in the Midwest and other areas there's big battles were going on right now we have a lot of people who are calling us rude names because they don't know or suggested and for heaven sakes not say it and his role is different but okay we know that they do believe him a lot of the times we have to act on it but if you do say stuff we need to know about it immediately and we need to know why are saying it or why you think you are and please report it in you've heard what he says you know that it's not right and sometimes they force you to say it sometimes they've heard things on the radio sometimes they've seen it on cartoons and they say it and sometimes they see shapes that look like it and they're fooled so you don't know exactly what it is but we need to know most of the time you're going to be in jeopardy your situation is becoming compromised that's why we find a lot of the time we need to get this out right now
Nuada Arrianna
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hardynwa · 5 months
Plateau Attack: Don’t just condemn, take actions, Sultan urges govt
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The Sultan of Sokoto, Alh. Sa’ad Abubakar has condemned the recent attack in Plateau State communities where over 155 people were killed during Christmas day, urging the government to up its games instead of just condemning the incessant attacks. Sultan who admitted that Nigeria has serious issues of insecurity said that just a couple of days back, “there were these clashes in Plateau over 100 lives were lost. Why do we keep on having these clashes? Why do we keep on having these deaths caused by ourselves? Just a couple of weeks back the Tudu Biri issue was still fresh with us now the one on the Plateau.” He spoke at the closing ceremony of the 8th National Islamic Vocational Course (IVC) held at the Abubakar Tafawa Balewa Stadium on Wednesday, organised by the Muslim Students’ Society of Nigeria (MSSN). He said: “We always condemn such things but after condemning such activities by these bandits and criminals, what next? What are the roles of the government who are supposed to protect lives and property? Why can’t we be proactive and stop such attacks before they happen? What happened to our intelligence-gathering mechanism? “Can anybody tell me that no one knew such attacks were coming on? In various places, whether in Sokoto or Birnin Kebbi or Kaduna or anywhere, have we lost our sense of intelligence information to avert any of such crimes? We must ask our government to up the game because these bandits are always a step ahead. “For some of us who are opportuned to serve in the military we know what the activities of these security agencies are. So we keep on asking questions about what is really happening. Things are politicised and that is the worst way to go when you politicize insecurity. We are all in one big country where we have poverty, yes.” He said that Muslims, Christians and those without religion go to the same market, buy the same food stuff, board the same vehicle, “so it’s not an issue of religion. Anybody planning anything against Muslims, no. Against Christians, no. It is an issue of leadership and I have said this many times. Let’s have confidence in the leadership that within the next few, years, or months, something will change. Let’s keep on having hope because the moment you lose hope I’m telling you, you’re finished. “We must call on our leaders to rise up to the occasion, things are not right and where things are not right anything can happen. But as Muslims, we believe in Almighty Allah who does what He wants to do when he wants to do so. Let’s continue with our prayers. Let’s pray and as we pray we will put pressure on our leaders. Let’s not leave our leaders with their own problems. “I call on all our leaders to fear Almighty God who is going to ask you what you did with your leadership here on earth. All of us will go and answer the Almighty Allah. “Let’s wake up. The time to sleep in deep slumber is over.” Read the full article
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First thing you wash in the shower? - My hair.
2. Are you more of a coffee or alcohol drinker? - Neither.
3. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? - Yes.
4. Do you plan outfits? - Yep, the night before. So before I get into bed so I can get up and go quickly.
5. How are you feeling RIGHT now? - Tired
6. Whats the closest thing to you thats red? - Nothing really lol
7. What would you do if you opened your door and saw a dead body? - Gasp
8. Tell me about the last dream you remember having? - It was my best friend, her daughter and parents.
9. Three of your current feelings? - tired, relaxed, and proud
10. What are you craving right now? - Pizza
11. Turn ons? - An understanding partner that can make me laugh
12. Turn offs? A partner who doesn’t understand, someone who is too serious about everything
13. What comes to mind when I say cabbage? - St Patrick’s Day
14. When was the last time you cried? Why? - On my way home from work because my husband would not listen to me and hear me out
15. If you could be a superhero, who would you want to be? - not sure
16. Did the one person who hurt you most in your life apologize? - Heh, nope but I guess they feel a half ass apology was good enough and then karma bit them in the ass because they told me someone said something that upset them and offended them and they got an apology like “well if I said anything like that which I don’t recall I apologize”….what comes around goes around.
17. Do you bite into your ice cream or just lick it? - lick it mostly
18. Favorite movie ever? - Wizard of Oz and all of the Back to the Future movies
19. Do you like yourself? - Of course. I’m not perfect but I’m a good person with a huge heart
20. Have you ever met a celebrity? - yes I have
21. Could you handle being in the military? - Not at all
22. What are you listening to right now? - The first Back to the Future movie
23. How many countries have you visited? - Two
24. Are your parents strict? - Not so much
25. Would you go sky diving? - Yeah I think I might go if someone wanted to
26. Would you go out to eat with a stranger? - probably not
27. Whats on your mind right now? - my baby and the registry
28. Is there anything you want to say to someone? - nope .. Don’t like wasting my breath
29. Have you ever been in a castle? - don’t think so
30. Do you rent movies often? - no
31. Whats your zodiac sign? - Aquarius
32. When was the last time you had sex? - this past weekend
33. Name five facts about yourself. - I’m an identical twin, I’m the oldest of the two, I love foodie adventures, im the last of the siblings to have kids, I was the first to graduate college n my dad’s side of the family
34. Ever had a near death experience? If so, what happened? - nope. or we’ll maybe when my sister pushed me off the top of a slide-she thought I was dead because she couldn’t wake me up
35. Do you believe in karma or predestiny? - karma, yes
36. Brown or white eggs? - doesn’t matter to me
37. Do you own something from Hot Topic? - I used to own a lot of stuff from Hot Topic
38. Ever been on a train? - Yes
39. Ever been in love? - Yes
40. If you were paid 1 million dollars to spend the night in a supposed haunted house, would you do it? - Sure!
41. If you could trade places with any person living or dead, who would you trade places with? - No one
42. If you could shorten your life expectancy by 10 years to becopme more attractive, would you do it? - no
43. Whom do you admire and why? - My mother because she’s amazing
44. What was your favorite bedtime story as a child? - don’t remember
45. You’re walking down the street, you come across a burning building. A woman says her baby is trapped inside, what would you do? - I’d be walking on the other side of the street first of all
46. If you could choose the future profession of your son or daughter, would you? - No, I want them to have their own choice
47. What was your best experience on drugs or alcohol? - no such thing.
48. What was your worst experience on drugs or alcohol? - don’t have one
50. As your walking down the street you find a suitcase full of money sitting next to a parked car, would you take it? - probably
51. If you found that a close friend has AIDS, would you still hang out with them? My one friend did and I still hung out with them
52. In front of you are 10 pistols, 5 of which are loaded. If you survive you’d receive 100 million dollars. Would you be willing to place 1 to your head and pull the trigger? - No!
53. How old were you when you lost your virginity? - 19?
54. Do you believe in ghosts, werewolves or vampires? - ghosts yes
55. If you could live forever, would you want to? - with the way the world is, no
56. Which fictional movie character most resembles who you are? - not sure
57. If you could go back in time, which time period would you visit? - -1940s-1960s
58. If they were to televise a live execution, would you watch it? - No!
59. If you could be the president of the USA, would you be willing to do it? - fuck no!
60. If you could choose the sex of your unborn child, would you want to? - No!
61. Would you rather live longer or be wealthy? - be wealthy
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johnnyrobish · 9 months
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis Won't Rule Out Bombing Mexico
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In a tense exchange with CBS Evening News’ Norah O’Donnell, Florida Gov. and Republican presidential hopeful Ron DeSantis said he wouldn't rule out launching missiles into Mexico to combat drug cartels shipping drugs into this country if elected president.  This wasn’t the first time DeSantis has threatened the use of military force against Mexico.  At the presidential debate in August, DeSantis said he would send U.S. special forces over the border.  When asked if troops would be allowed to shoot migrants crossing the border, the governor said: “A woman carrying a baby would not be the focus, but when somebody’s got a ‘backpack on,’ and they’re breaking through the wall, you know that’s hostile intent, and you have every right to take action under those circumstances.”
Wait, the little Floridian dictator said what?  Now, let’s see.  So far, DeSantis has declared war on teachers teaching history, LGBTQ+ folks, drag queens, free speech, women’s healthcare, educational institutions, persons of color, immigrants, voting rights, Bud Lite, and Disney.  Now, he wants to declare war on Mexico?  What I find most interesting about that is that many of the MAGA base Gov. DeSantis is trying so hard to impress with all this chest-beating - probably couldn’t even identify Mexico on a map.
And, just exactly where do these MAGA half-wits think they’re going to bomb, anyway?  I mean, it isn’t like the cartels have big fancy headquarters in glamorous highrise buildings or operate giant fentanyl processing facilities.  Hell, you can manufacture kilos of fentanyl - right in your garage.  These cartel operations are spread out all over the place.  His bombing raids could kill tons of innocent people.  And, just suppose Mexico decided to take loudmouth DeSantis’ threat seriously - and launched a preemptive strike of their own against Florida?  Now, wouldn’t that make things interesting?
After all, the fact is its US gun manufacturers who illicitly provide the majority of weapons used by the Mexican cartels. Funny how MAGAs are so concerned about Mexican cartels sending drugs over the border - yet seem pretty quiet about the US gun manufacturers who actually arm them.  Of course, being the fair-minded gentleman that he is, I’m sure Gov. DeSantis and his MAGA pals would fully understand if Mexico ever decided to launch drone strikes on gun manufacturing plants throughout the US.    
Hey, maybe DeSantis could get the House GOP Freedom Caucus to investigate any links between the drug cartels and “Hunter Biden’s laptop?”  Proof?  “We don’t need no stinkin’ proof!  We’re Republicans.”  Fact is, Mexico has recently overtaken China and is now our largest trading partner, but Republicans still have no real interest in addressing immigration issues.  Hell, that sounds way too much like work.  They’re just here to complain about stuff.  Their new battle cry is, “Let’s start a war with Mexico - and pay for it with tax cuts for the wealthy!”
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zorilleerrant · 10 months
you know people say Captain America would be against racism but I really don't think he'd understand it very well and I don't think there's much of anyone in the MCU who could help him
Steve: Do you know about racism?
Tony, white billionaire who's never had to care how his personality plays to other people: oh, don't worry about it, that just means you have to be careful about singing the n word in rap songs when you're not in private
Pepper, white top tier educated gender conforming business type: Yeah, gender is really a much more important issue than race these days. Sexuality, too. Racism mostly happens in other countries, which you do have to watch out for.
Steve: So then they couldn't tell me much about it.
Sam, who agreed to let the military experiment on him and thought it was great and only recently learned sometimes the government does bad things: You know, that's because it's so much better than it was. Aside from a couple of people who like to put up confederate flags, almost no one's really racist anymore. Mostly they thank you for your service. And then you can correct mistakes really easily.
Steve: Was he right?
Nick Fury, who gave up on his personal comfort so long ago so he could optimize for saving lives: I wouldn't worry about it, Steve. It's easier if you don't. In fact, if anyone tries to talk to you about something other than fighting aliens, you should just walk out on them. If you cultivate the strong, silent persona, no one even tries to call you out on it. And if they do you can hit them with your shield.
Steve: Do you guys have any advice on this topic, or should I just give up? I've read a few books.
Clint, who doesn't even realize half the shit that's been happening to himself, and has never had a nonwhite friend, only coworkers: Uh, I can give you a list of words you're not supposed to say, I think. But there aren't any racist laws anymore or anything. Sometimes people publish racist books, I think? That might have been before, too, though, I don't read a lot.
Yelena, who was raised by a cult: Where I come from we have no racism. Only good spy, bad spy. Good spy gets reward and bigger assignment. Bad spy gets fed to wildlife. America is much better place to live than this.
Natasha, who also escaped from that cult: Yeah, I can't say any of that was race based. And no one here has ever tried to feed me to forest creatures, so I prefer that. I'll ask around if anyone has tried to feed anyone to forest creatures over their race, okay?
Steve: So then they said they'd ask around but they're pretty sure racism isn't a big deal anymore.
Bucky, who doesn't remember shit about fuck and is also from the past: Oh, you mean like segregation? I watched a documentary on that. They got rid of it already. You don't have to fight it.
Steve: Who got rid of it?
Bucky: Obama, I think? People keep thanking him for stuff and I figure that's probably what they're thanking him for. He ended racism, you know. I also watched a documentary on that.
Steve: ...so I wanted to know what you're reading in school on the topic, so I can sort out the holes in my education.
Peter, a white teenager at a very prestigious mostly white school, whose systemic problems are all entirely divorced from racism: I don't think we have that anymore. Aunt May told me Obama fixed it. Now we have aliens trying to take over the country instead.
MJ: Obama fixed what?
Peter: Racism. That's why we don't have it anymore.
MJ, suddenly on fire: OK! Both of you sit your asses down right the fuck now. Let me get my slides.
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Lunar Return April 22, 2023-May 19, 2023
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Another attempt at this month’s lunar return!
LR Moon in 9H
Higher education, colleges/universities, long distance travel, beliefs, ceremonies, religion, commerce, counselors, foreign countries, hips, horses, judges, the law, juries, upper legs, liver, philanthropy, philosophy, air travel, religious publications, sciatic nerve, spirituality, college teachers, thighs, long distance travel
Highlight is most likely on the higher mind, philosophy, and higher education. I definitely have no long distance travel plans for overseas.
Edit 5/5/23 I’m seriously considering going back to school to get a second Master’s degree as a backup in case my job is terminated by Fall 2024.
Waxing Crescent Moon Phase
Growth and awareness. Overcoming obstacles
Virgo Asc (theme of the month)
Analytical, critical, detail oriented, service-minded. Work environment, coworkers, health, daily tasks 
My job 100% calls for detail and being service minded towards customers/patrons. I’m tired of health stuff, please stop lol
Ascendant ruler in 9H
Again with the higher mind, philosophy, and higher education. Now that I think of it, I’ve also been doing a lot of professional development, which I suppose could count for higher ed. Oh yeah, and I AM in higher ed, and have to be involved with upcoming commencement stuff. (See LR Moon in 9H edit)
9H Stellium
Focus on higher education, colleges/universities, long distance travel, beliefs, ceremonies, religion, commerce, counselors, foreign countries, hips, horses, judges, the law, juries, upper legs, liver, philanthropy, philosophy, air travel, religious publications, sciatic nerve, spirituality, college teachers, thighs, long distance travel
OK I GET IT, I’m in higher ed, I got a lot of stuff coming up that takes place in that industry! (See LR Moon in 9H edit)
Other Things
Area of life important for the month-->Ascendant at 13°, Aries degree= Outlook on life, outward behavior, persona, self awareness, general health, appearance, individuality, skin blemishes, inflammatory diseases, the face, fire, hardware, hats, head in general/organs within the head, headaches, sharp/cutting instruments, military matters, surgical operations, sharp tools.  Knowing me, it’ll most likely have to do with face blemishes
Cancer in 11H ( where in your life you are able to work out some of your emotional challenges this month)= Hopes and wishes, friends, groups, money made from career, ideals/goals, organizations, social media
What catches my eye immediately is Venus tightly conjunct MC. This can be popularity in my career, maintaining good relationships with my superiors. Already true, I’ve really slid into my new job so easily and got the hang of things pretty quickly that it seems not only my superiors and coworkers in my department like me, but also people from different departments, which is good because I have to maintain good working relationships in order to get buy-in and support. Edit: I’m currently working in partnership with an instructor on a huge project for their class
LR Sun conjunct LR North Node= Maybe feeling confident this month and opportunities that will push me forward will fall in place. Becoming more aware of my strengths that will help me fulfill my mission in life.
LR Mercury conjunct LR Uranus= Maybe bringing new ideas to  existing, static environment. Thinking outside the box. 
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thememphislee · 2 years
"An Education Does Not Mean You Are Educated"
“An Education Does Not Mean That You Are Educated”
   I would say that the majority of college students do more partying than studying.  I would also suggest that more individuals got into a good college rather than the ones that deserved to be there.  If your family is well off, you’re going to college and unlikely going to have to work during that time, however if you grow up poor, you begin your career at sixteen as a laborer or working for McDonalds.  It’s the separation of classes in society.  At twenty-one years of age, a less fortunate person is educated, yet someone with a family of means simply has an education, yet they’re still going to be dependent on their parents.  That’s just how it works.  Are there exceptions to the rule, of course.
   I didn’t got to college until I was in my thirties, but guess what, I had an education when I got there.  I hated college, not because it was difficult, it was because of the obnoxious professors and the spoiled brats that we’re not taking it seriously.  We would have to go over the same stuff repeatedly because either everyone was screwing around when we were supposed to be listening and taking notes or the lazy students that kept asking for extensions on assignments.  I felt like college was a waste of my time, and as most of you may know, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg and Steve Jobs felt the same way, all billionaires, well, two of them anyway.  They say an apple a day keeps the doctor away, well, unless you’re Steve Jobs.  Bad pun, I know but some of you will just have to look that one up because I’m not explaining it.
    I think working an actual job should be part of an education, I think managing a household and bills as well as military service should be part of it.  Not in that order, but if it were me, I would recommend if you haven’t already begun working a minimum wage job, you begin that your senior year.  Next you serve two years in the military learning discipline and learn what it’s like to defend something and stand for something, and your next year you spend working in social services, God knows that they could use some smart, trained and patriotic members of our society and this great nation.  You want to burn the flag and peacefully protest, do the work, because then no one can say that you have earned your place in this proud country.  But that’s just my thoughts.  “No Tickee, No Washee”  Some of you may need to look that one up too, sounds so racist doesn’t it?
The Memphis Lee speaks, now ya’ heard!
That’s how I roll.!!!
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