#but my doctor wanted to send me for a mammogram and to a specialist e aide of the family history
raeathnos · 1 year
#holy fucking shit#I just got off the phone from trying to make an appointment to a specialist my doctor is referring me to and like#rudest fucking person#I don’t do well with phone calls they really aggravate my anxiety and then I don’t do well with confrontation#and idk what this woman’s fucking problem was but she nearly fucking made me have a panic attack#I’m fucking shaking#I have a family history of breast cancer and having some issues and like I already had an ultrasound of my breast done that showed I’m okay#but my doctor wanted to send me for a mammogram and to a specialist e aide of the family history#felt like the entire time they were just lecturing me and talking down to me and like#she was very aggressive and practically yelling at me#she refused to schedule the mammogram#and then was berating me for having the ultrasound done through a different network (switching because it’s cheaper for insurance)#then she starts telling me she’s not schedule an ultrasound cause I already had one#which like yes? I’m not being sent for an ultrasound it was a mammogram they wanted#then my doctor wants me to get blood work done and i literally just got told this on Friday#it’s only Wednesday and I haven’t gone cause I have to fast for 12 hours#which is difficult with my job because I work in a stockroom and it’s physical#so she’s yelling at me about that and I’m telling her I’m going Saturday because of my job#and then she’s like well you don’t need to make the appointment till you do that#which is like????? it’s takes a fucking day to get test results#and she’s like not explaining things well and I’m very confused#so I’m like well they were also referring me to a specialist can you help me make that appointment#and then she’s giving me so much attitude and she’s like no! I only schedule mammograms!#like lady! how the fuck am I supposed to know that? this is the number they gave me to fucking call on the referral voicemail#so I’m practically in tears and I’m on the verge of a panic attack and I’m like is there any way you can transfer me?#and in the most sarcastic voice ever tells me she can#and then like I just barely started to say thank you and she cut me off and had me on hold already#thankfully the person she transferred me to was very nice#but the best fucking part was she’s looking at my chart and she tells me oh it looks like you need to schedule a mammogram first#so I tell her about the other rude woman I had just spoken to
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