#but live in environments and systems that don’t cater to them
Idk if I was blinded a little bit by mads mikkelsen or this is just an unpopular opinion. Hear me out: Tonny in pusher 2 isn’t a complete pile of garbage 🤷🏻‍♂️. Like I get that he spent most of the movie doing progressively bad shit but I don’t think some people are actually taking into account the gravity of his situation or how the circumstances of his environment has affected his life. Like im of the full understanding that most people have full control over their actions and should be held accountable. Like I said, Tonny made bad choices and did bad things. But there’s such an important topic in this film that I don’t see a ton of people talk about. He mentions to the mother of his child in one scene that the events of the first movie with frank left him with a traumatic brain injury and that it affects his memory. But (through mads’s acting choices) we see time and time again as he tries to prove himself to others, he has a difficult time thinking critically about his actions before he does them. This shows itself every time he tries to prove himself to his father. It shows everytime “the cunt” takes advantage of him and manipulates him into helping him. And even towards the end when he takes his son and runs. It even shows in tiny moments, like when he’s having a convo with the mother of his child and she tries to hand him off the baby to smoke a cigarette. He looks at her confused and she says “ take his legs”. For the most part, people know not to grab a baby by the legs. But he does it because he’s so focused on his own awkward nature that his brain tells him to grab the babies legs almost on autopilot. It’s only after she calls him stupid (as almost everyone else in the film has repeatedly called him as well) that he realizes he wasn’t actually suppose to grab the babies legs. There’s more instances where it’s made apparent that the general physical brain trauma and the trauma that has been built up by his father (which we can assume has been a long time thing) has caused issues for him in the long run. You could argue that his father was done with his sons antics,but based on the fact that his father owns what is basically a car theft business and also later asks that tonny be the one to kill his ex wife, it’s made evident that his father isn’t necessarily a good person either. Not to mention the fact that his father had no intention to feel even the slightest bit of compassion after tonny finds out about his own mother and repeatedly expresses how she was crazy and in turn, lumping her in as another reason for him to hate his own son. I see all the time people say “well I was raised in a similar fashion and I know better than to fuck up like that and do bad stuff like that”. And that’s fine. But your story and how you handle it doesn’t dictate how others do. Everyone is dealt a certain hand and has to use whatever skills are given to them to decide how they go about it. If your decision making skills are off and you have no support system, and you think everyone is a against you, how can you possibly heal or make things better for yourself. You can argue “but it’s fiction, it’s not a realistic scenario” and you’d be wrong. I know personally a couple of people in similar boats. Sometimes, the system isn’t set up for people. And sometimes they struggle their whole lives to figure it out. And sometimes they don’t. Most of all it’s genuinely depressing and sad. But that doesn’t mean that tonny didn’t have the ability to be a good person. Or that he was inherently a bad person. He was just a human in a state of making bad decisions and doing bad things. I think you see that in the way he treats the baby despite the hand the of his raising. He could easily decide to be a bad father, to neglect the baby at times. But really it’s the only time we see him genuinely gentle and at ease. He knows how it feels to be small and to have bigger beings in your face. They decide if you’re worthy of their time and affection. So he tries to make it a point to take on being a dad even if he’s not sure how.
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centrally-unplanned · 2 months
after your last post about STEM, what do you think about expanding the fields of 1) environmental science and other study of the environment and our interactions with it and 2) urban design and urban planning. Imo both of these should be as big as health sciences and engineering respectively, the only reason they’re not is that people don’t care about our interaction with the environment we need to care about and systemic place-drivers behind inequality, liveable lifestyles, and our ability to actually live sustainably as a species. mostly asking bc these are fields I’ve studied in and there’s very minimal, very introductory education imo compared to how much potential there is for 1) innovation and 2) applied study of ecosystems etc to actually care for said ecosystems
These are classic individual-cart-before-the-structural-horse issues. Does the current US economy (I'm talking about US, this will be unique by country, no commentary on Italy or w/e) lack for environmental scientists? When the EPA makes job postings for inspectors, when Williams & Connolly LLP puts out the call for environmental consultants for pending litigation, when Siemens is drowning in NEPA paperwork for a solar installation and needs to onboard staff, do they lack for candidates? Like fresh-out-of-school candidates, not "30 years of experience litigating environmental impact statements in United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit" candidates? I think the answer is "no" - its a popular major. It has tiers for levels of math skill, it has politics & business subfields, and so on. The system only needs so many of these people to do its job - I actually know about the environmental field from a professional capacity having built a degree in it, and right now we graduate too many in this field if you made me bet (but again not by like a ton, they do fine).
You can't make the system care more via the lever of supply of college majors. We currently empower environmental scientists by X% because that is how much we value the environment as a society. You wanna budge that you gotta convince people, win hearts and minds, initiate political reform, etc.
With urban studies I haven't done this professionally so I am a little less confident, but I think we oversupply that category even more. We have tons of urban planners in the US - we just don't let em do anything! We hire them by the dozens in every city and then suborn them root-and-stem to elected officials and an infinite array of veto points by local councils and lawsuits. Boosting the supply of graduates would do absolutely nothing - in fact its a "flakeout" career as we call it in the industry, the kind of job someone majors in, gets hired in the field, and then leaves after a few years because it turns out to suck for w/e reason. (though again, never dug into the data on this one, so grain of salt on this specific claim. Wider thrust is true).
I think this ties into a general principle I have - the US higher education system is not a lever for social change. In some small ways sure, and for academia oh yeah ofc and I have a ton of ideas on that one. But overall its downstream of wider social forces, and its decently-optimized to cater to the needs of those social forces. You can't squeeze new social goals out of society's certification system.
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I wonder what he means when he says I am trying to take more risks with the sound? I wonder which direction that will go in, “she is beauty we are told class” or more “out of my system” .
I have really been thinking about this and I’m so curious about it too.
Between the end of tour last year and Tecate (besides Aus/ Jakarta), Louis has been listening to hundreds of hours of tour recordings and doing the final edits on the Live album. His priority has been on live performance and how to present music with a live band.
So I think it’s going to be with the sound of a live environment in his head— vocal, instrumental, and audience. Maybe he’s looking for something different than the tour sounds that he and his crew have already created.
Perhaps one of the reasons that the DMAs and Giant Rooks will be touring with Louis is that he’s very familiar with their sound and style already; this leg is stressful and you need reliable people to open. Louis hasn’t had a chance to listen to or check out a lot of other artists.
One thing that was interesting last year was Louis following James Ford on social media. The Arctic Monkeys have had a huge shift of sounds over their career; some fans hate it, some love it, some diehard fans will follow whatever direction they take. It is admirable and interesting when bands don’t continually cater to the sound that made them famous, willing to experiment even if their experiments never take them back to the heights they came from.
I think it’s pretty clear that Harry Styles’ first album— being a departure from pop— did not deliver at the level that was expected, and he did a 180 back to top 40’s pop (with a layer of soft sleaze). The hype and the propaganda of the reincarnated 70’s rock star, live instruments and all, was erased from the internet. Harry’s guitar playing never progressed from strumming acoustic chords on stage. His sound chased TikTok. That was also his marketing strategy. To some extent, a lot of artists follow this formula. Taylor’s new album doesn’t break any rules. Her most creative work, folklore and evermore, were done not with tours in mind. Themes on Tortured Poet are exactly the same as all of her themes since age 15.
Breaking from the past takes courage. Fans don’t necessarily like it. With Louis, existing fans are 90% of his marketing plan, and most of them sing loudest during the One Direction covers. A big part of his fandom only posts 1D covers from his concerts to their social media. Their tastes are Gracie Abrams and Olivia Rodrigo and Taylor. They don’t listen to the bands he listens to, for the most part. So it will be interesting to see where he chooses to go.
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knestlms · 17 days
AI in Education: The Secret Weapon for Future Leaders
We’ve seen countless innovations touted as the “next big thing,” but few truly transform lives. AI in education, however, feels different. It’s like that spark that ignites a diya in the darkness, illuminating a path to a brighter future for our children.
Now, before you worry about robots taking over classrooms (have you seen the state of our traffic? ), let’s unpack the real potential here. AI isn’t here to replace our wonderful teachers, those teachers who guide us towards knowledge. It’s here to give them superpowers!
Magic of Personalization
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Learning at your own pace: No more feeling lost or bored. AI tutors adjust difficulty and suggest resources based on your progress. Finally, learning that feels like that sweet spot between a delicious sweets and a refreshing glass of lemon juice — just right!
Unleashing your inner genius: Whether you’re a visual learner who thrives on vibrant graphics or an auditory learner who soars with interactive podcasts, AI caters to you all! This creates a truly inclusive environment where every student shines brighter than a festive light.
Instant feedback, faster growth: Remember the agony of waiting weeks for graded essays? AI tutors offer feedback on the fly, like a wise counselor guiding you on your path. This allows you to identify areas needing improvement and course-correct before moving on, accelerating your learning journey like a bullet train!
Beyond Personalization: AI Has Your Back
The benefits of AI extend far beyond personalized learning. Here’s how it empowers both teachers and students:
24/7 Support System: Learning doesn’t stop at the 4 pm bell. AI tutors are available around the clock, like a friendly neighborhood tea stall owner — always there to answer questions, clarify confusing concepts, and provide additional practice exercises. Imagine having a tireless assistant ready to support you whenever a learning hurdle arises.
Freeing Up Time for What Matters: Grading mountains of essays can feel like climbing Mount Everest! AI-powered systems can automate these tasks, allowing our teachers to focus on the magic stuff — sparking curiosity, fostering in-depth discussions, and building those irreplaceable relationships with students. This creates a more enriching and fulfilling experience for both educators and learners, just like the vibrant tapestry woven during a traditional Indian wedding.
Immersive Learning Adventures: Ready to walk the streets of ancient Rome or explore the depths of the ocean, all from the comfort of your classroom? AI-powered virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) can make it happen. Imagine learning that’s not only informative but also truly immersive and unforgettable, like a breathtaking journey through the Taj Mahal!
Addressing Concerns
Innovation often comes with a healthy dose of skepticism, and AI in education is no different. Here’s a reality check on some of the most common concerns:
The Irreplaceable Human Touch: AI excels at data analysis and personalization, but it can’t replicate the empathy, creativity, and emotional intelligence of a dedicated teacher. AI is a powerful tool, but it’s a helpful companion on your learning journey, not a replacement for our wise and inspiring teachers.
Data Privacy and Security: As AI systems collect student data to personalize learning experiences, concerns regarding data privacy and security are paramount. We need robust safeguards in place, just like the high walls protecting a historic fort, to ensure that student data is used ethically, responsibly, and remains completely secure.
Educational Equity: Bridging the Digital Divide: Access to technology can vary greatly across different regions of India. We must ensure that AI-powered learning tools don’t exacerbate the education gap. Initiatives are crucial to bridge the digital divide and ensure equitable access to technology and AI resources for all students, just like ensuring everyone gets a chance to participate in the joyous celebrations of festivals.
Collaborative Learning Ecosystem with Knest LMS
The future of education isn’t a battle between human teachers and AI. It’s a collaborative effort, like a perfectly choreographed Bollywood dance sequence, where humans and AI work together to create a learning ecosystem that’s:
Engaging: Learning shouldn’t feel like memorizing dusty textbooks. AI can personalize the learning experience, making it interactive, stimulating, and even fun – like participating in a lively game of songs with your friends!
Personalized: Every learner is unique, just like the intricate patterns on handwoven clothes. AI helps us cater to individual needs, learning styles, and goals, ensuring every student thrives like a well-watered banyan tree, reaching its full potential. Here’s where Knest LMS comes in. Knest LMS is a powerful Learning Management System that can seamlessly integrate with AI-powered learning tools. This allows educators to create personalized learning pathways for each student, leveraging AI’s insights alongside their own expertise. Imagine a learning platform that adapts to your individual needs, recommending resources, providing targeted feedback, and keeping you on track for success that’s the power of Knest LMS combined with AI!
Effective: Learning that sticks! AI provides constant feedback, facilitates deeper understanding, and personalizes learning paths to maximize learning outcomes for all students. Imagine graduating with knowledge that’s not just theoretical but can be applied to real-world problems, empowering you to be a changemaker in our society. Knest LMS further amplifies this effectiveness by providing comprehensive reporting and analytics. Educators can track student progress, identify areas where additional support is needed, and measure the overall impact of AI-powered learning initiatives. This data-driven approach ensures that teachers can continuously refine their methods and personalize learning experiences even further.
Final Words
As someone who’s spent a quarter-century building businesses in India, I’m not prone to empty promises. But AI in education is different. It’s a game-changer with the potential to transform the way our children learn and grow.
However, embracing AI isn’t just about deploying technology. It’s about ethical implementation, fostering a culture of continuous learning for educators, and ensuring equitable access to technology for all students. Here’s what we can do to harness the power of AI in education, working together like a well-oiled team during a cricket match:
Invest in Teacher Training: Our educators need the necessary training and support to effectively integrate AI tools into their teaching practices. Workshops, online courses, and professional development opportunities are crucial to empower teachers to leverage AI’s capabilities for maximum impact.
Develop Ethical Guidelines: Robust ethical frameworks for data collection, use, and storage are essential. Transparency is key, ensuring parents, students, and educators understand how data is being used and have a voice in how AI is implemented. Just like strong ethical values are the foundation of a happy family, ethical guidelines are the foundation for a responsible and trustworthy AI-powered education system.
Bridge the Digital Divide: Initiatives focused on expanding access to technology and the internet are critical to ensure all students have the opportunity to benefit from AI-powered learning tools. This could involve public-private partnerships, community outreach programs, and government funding for technology infrastructure in underserved communities. By working together, we can ensure that every child in India, regardless of background, has the chance to learn and grow through the power of AI.
Want to Learn More About AI in Education?
I’ve created a YouTube video that dives deeper into the exciting possibilities and practical applications of AI in the classroom. Check it out to see real-world examples of how AI is already transforming education in India: AI In Education.
By working together — educators, policymakers, technology developers, and parents — we can harness the power of AI to create a future where every student in India has access to a personalized, engaging, and effective learning experience. Let’s not fear the robots; let’s embrace them as powerful tools to empower the next generation of learners and illuminate the path forward for a brighter future of education in our great nation.
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How to Prepare Your Backyard for Summer Pool Parties
Summer is just around the corner, and with the mercury rising, the idea of cool, refreshing pool parties is becoming increasingly appealing. Transforming your backyard into the perfect party venue involves more than just inflating a few pool toys and firing up the grill. It requires thoughtful preparation to create an enjoyable, safe, and stylish environment for guests of all ages. Here’s how to get your outdoor space ready for the highlight of the season: unforgettable summer pool parties.
Check and Maintain Your Pool
Before sending out invitations for your summer bash, ensure the pool itself is in pristine condition. Start by giving it a thorough cleaning; scrub the walls, vacuum the floor, and clear out any debris. Next, balance the chemicals to keep the water safe and sparkling. Filters also need attention — clean or replace them as necessary to keep the filtration system running smoothly. Additionally, if you suspect any issues with the pool structure, consider hiring a professional for pool leak detection to address any repairs well in advance of your party.
Upgrade Your Poolside Furniture
Comfortable and ample seating is key to any successful pool party. Evaluate your current poolside furniture. Is it both functional and inviting? If not, it might be time to invest in new lounge chairs, umbrellas, or even a hammock. Choose furnishings that are not only durable and water-resistant but also complement the aesthetic of your backyard. Adding colorful cushions and throw pillows can enhance comfort and inject a splash of summer vibrancy.
Create Shade and Lighting
While sunny days are perfect for swimming, it’s essential to offer shaded areas for guests to relax without exposure to constant sunlight. Install large patio umbrellas, a pergola, or a canopy to provide necessary relief from the heat. As the sun sets, proper lighting can transform your pool area into a magical evening environment. Solar-powered lights, string lights around the patio, or even floating LED lights in the pool can create a captivating ambiance. Consider adding tiki torches or citronella candles to keep away insects and add a tropical vibe to your evening pool setting.
Plan Your Party Menu
A fantastic pool party features a menu that keeps guests fueled and happy. Opt for light, refreshing dishes that are easy to eat poolside, such as fruit skewers, salads, or grilled veggies. For the main course, barbecue classics like burgers and hot dogs are always a hit. Don’t forget a selection of cold beverages to keep everyone hydrated. Set up a designated area for food and drinks to keep the pool area uncluttered and clean. Incorporate a few sweet treats like ice cream or popsicles to cool down and delight your guests, especially the younger ones.
Ensure Safety Measures Are in Place
Safety is paramount when hosting a pool party. Clearly mark the pool’s shallow and deep ends, and if children are attending, have enough life vests and flotation devices available. It’s also wise to have a first aid kit on hand and ensure that at least one adult present is knowledgeable in CPR. Setting up a few ground rules, like no running or rough play near the water, can prevent accidents and ensure that everyone enjoys the party without any mishaps. Additionally, ensure the pool area is free of slip hazards by using non-slip mats around the pool edges.
Incorporate Fun Games and Activities
To keep the party lively, plan a variety of games and activities that guests can enjoy in or out of the pool. Water volleyball, pool noodle races, or even a diving contest can be great fun for all ages. For those staying dry, consider setting up a game area with classics like cornhole or Giant Jenga. Offering a mix of activities will cater to different interests and energy levels, keeping everyone entertained throughout the event. Include some music-themed games like a dance-off or musical chairs to add an extra layer of excitement and interaction among guests.
Preparing your backyard for summer pool parties can be as exciting as the events themselves. By focusing on these key areas, you can ensure that your pool is ready, your guests are comfortable, and the atmosphere is just right for making lasting memories. With a little planning and creativity, your backyard will be the go-to spot for summer fun. Get ready to welcome friends and family to relax, play, and enjoy the season to its fullest.
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propertyforsale2 · 1 month
Adore The Select Premia In Sector 77, Gurgaon - Welcome To Where Nature Lives
Adore The Select Premia project offers opulent 2 BHK & 3 BHK luxury apartments, epitomizing sophisticated urban living. Located in a strategic location with seamless connectivity, these residences showcase impeccable design, premium finishes, and a range of amenities, providing residents with an unmatched blend of luxury, comfort, and convenience.
Spanning across acres of prime real estate, the project is a harmonious blend of luxury, convenience, and sustainability. The developer’s vision was not merely to create physical structures, but to craft an environment where residents can thrive emotionally, and environmentally.
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Location is often considered the cornerstone of a successful real estate venture, and in this aspect, the Residential Project truly shines. Situated strategically on the project enjoys seamless connectivity to major business districts and recreational centers.
Adore The Select Premia Sector 77 is not just another addition to the skyline but a transformative concept that redefines the very essence of community living. The layout and architecture of the project have been thoughtfully designed to promote interaction among residents. Wide pedestrian pathways, lush green gardens, and communal spaces are strategically placed to encourage social engagement, fostering a neighborhood where people don’t just reside but truly belong.
From compact yet stylish apartments for young professionals to spacious family homes, every dwelling is a masterpiece of modern design and functionality. The homes are equipped with the latest amenities ensuring that residents experience the highest standards of comfort and convenience.
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Incorporating eco-friendly practices, the project boasts energy-efficient systems, waste management solutions, and green spaces that enhance the overall quality of life while minimizing its ecological footprint. A rooftop solar panel installation not only reduces the carbon footprint but also translates to lower energy bills for the residents.
State-of-the-art fitness centers and recreational facilities ensure that residents can unwind and rejuvenate without stepping out of the complex. Furthermore, curates events and activities that cater to all age groups, promoting a sense of belonging and camaraderie among the residents.
Safety and security are paramount in any residential community, and the Residential Project leaves no stone unturned in this aspect. 24/7 surveillance, well-trained security personnel, and modern access control systems provide residents with peace of mind, allowing them to focus on what truly matters.
For More Info -
Visit Here - Adore The Select Premia Sector 77 Gurugram
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hardynwa · 3 months
Obasanjo nearly punched me for canvassing constitution amendment – Olanipekun
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A former President of the Nigerian Bar Association, Chief Wole Olanipekun (SAN), said, on Wednesday, that former President Olusegun Obasanjo almost punched him for advising that the 1999 Constitution be amended when Obasanjo was the sitting President. Olanipekun said while delivering the Convocation Lecture of the Olabisi Onabanjo University, Ago-Iwoye, Ogun State. The theme of the lecture was: “Mass Exodus Of Human Capital In Nigeria: An Anatomical Analysis of The Causes and Effects.” Olanipekun, who described the 1999 Constitution as a fake document, said it was to blame for the myriad challenges bedevilling the country. “Every governor goes to Abuja now everyday and who do they go to see, directors, deputy directors. Is this federalism? “We need a constitution with a humane face. I’m a lawyer but we are deceiving ourselves; our constitution is fake and I have said this over and over, but then as lawyers you will ask us, if we say the constitution is fake, why are we practising it? “Lawyers and judges apply the law as it is, not the law as it ought to be; so we apply the law as we have it now and we have been pleading that we should amend the constitution, let us overhaul it. I, as President of the NBA, I led a delegation of the association to President Obasanjo in 2022; he almost boxed me. “I am here in Ogun State and I’m saying this, he is still alive, he said, ‘No, you can’t change it’. I said, ‘Mr. President, let us seize this opportunity to do it’ and we also appeal to the powers that be now, to our President, Bola Ahmed Tinubu, that the time for us to restructure this country is now. If we do not do it, these children that we have abroad might not return home, they won’t come here.” Olanipekun said the current situation of the country was so scary that those living abroad would never come to Nigeria. He said, “we are living in dangerous and hard times; our Obas in Yorubaland are being killed, being slaughtered like chickens. The Olufon of Ifon was slaughtered by the roadside about three years ago; two days ago in Ekiti, two Obas were slaughtered, one of them was an Associate Professor at Federal University of Technology, Akure. “For those who are there (abroad), when they hear the news, will they want to come home? They ask where do I come to? Nobody wants to come and die, nobody wants to die young, but our Obas are dying even in the gutters. “Joblessness, bad economy, frustration, man’s inhumanity to man, awkward federation that we described as federalism, we are running a unitary government, I’m a product of federalism. I was schooled in the Old Western Region, we were proud of that unlike what we have nowadays. “We need a system whereby when these children leave schools, they get employed and if they don’t secure one, the state must cater for them. You can’t just say let them go and fend for themselves. Yes, they should fend for themselves but provide the enabling environment for that.” Read the full article
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Service Apartments Noida:  Safe and comfortable place to stay
When it comes to choosing the right accommodation for your stay in Noida, service apartments are the ideal choice. Offering high standards of luxury and comfort at affordable prices, service apartments provide an abundance of facilities and amenities for all types of travelers. From fully-equipped kitchens and home entertainment systems to swimming pools and fitness centers, there’s something for everyone.
Facilities and amenities
For business travelers, service apartments in Noida offer meeting rooms with modern AV equipment, complimentary Wi-Fi access, and onsite catering services. Business trips can be made easier with the help of concierge services such as laundry, dry-cleaning, housekeeping, and car rental services. With such a range of amenities available, business travelers can rest assured that their requirements will be taken care of during their stay.
Families visiting Noida will appreciate the convenience offered by Service Apartments Noida when staying in the city. Kids’ clubs provide a safe environment for children to play while parents enjoy some much needed relaxation time in peace. Onsite restaurants serve up delectable meals throughout the day while babysitting services are also available so that parents can grab dinner alone or attend functions without worrying about childcare arrangements.
Safe and comfortable place to stay
Travelling to Noida can be a daunting experience for any individual. With the hustle and bustle of the city, finding a safe and comfortable place to stay is often difficult. But what if we told you that there was a way to enjoy luxury and affordability all in one place? Service apartments in Noida are the perfect solution for those wanting a safe and convenient accommodation while travelling.
Service apartments offer travelers not only comfort but also safety and convenience. Each apartment is professionally maintained, with modern amenities such as air conditioning, Wi-Fi access, kitchenettes, laundry services, 24/7 security staff, among others. These amenities make your stay more enjoyable and stress-free, allowing you to focus on exploring the city instead of worrying about your living conditions.
What’s more is that service apartments are considerably cheaper than hotels or other kinds of accommodations. They come with competitive rates that don’t break your bank account — making them ideal for budget travelers who want quality without having to spend too much money. This makes service apartments an excellent option for those looking for an affordable yet luxurious place to stay while travelling in Noida.
In addition to affordability and luxury, Service Apartments Noida also guarantees safety and privacy for its guests. With 24/7 security staff always monitoring the premises, visitors can rest assured that their safety will never be compromised while staying at these apartments. Moreover, each apartment is equipped with secure locks so guests have peace of mind knowing their belongings are securely stored during their visit.
Service apartments in Noida offer a great solution for those looking for luxury and affordability in one place. With modern amenities such as air conditioning, Wi-Fi access, kitchenettes, laundry services, 24/7 security staff and secure locks, guests can enjoy a comfortable stay at an affordable price. Moreover, the 24/7 security staff and secure locks ensure guests’ safety and privacy during their stay. This makes service apartments an ideal choice for budget travelers who are looking for quality accommodation without having to compromise on comfort or security. Whether you’re looking for a short or long stay in Noida, service apartments are the perfect option.
Source URL- https://sites.google.com/view/service-apartments-noida-4/home
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airgenerationau · 6 months
Ducted Air Conditioning Systems
Ducted air conditioning systems are a great option for cooling large homes and provide efficient whole-house cooling. They are also the best choice if you want zoning as they have superior temperature control.
Air is pumped from the outdoor unit to the indoor fancoil through a network of ducts that are hidden in the ceiling and walls. A remote controls the system to cool or heat your home.
1.        Efficient Cooling and Heating
Ducted systems use a system of ducts that distribute air throughout your home, with outlets or vents hidden in the ceiling and walls. These are a great option when aesthetics is a priority, and they also support zone control which allows you to cool areas that require it, turning off those that don’t – making them much more energy efficient than split system options.
The outdoor unit uses a powerful inverter that monitors indoor and outdoor temperatures, increasing or decreasing speed to optimise performance. This means that your system will only operate when needed, delivering an impressive COP while keeping you cool and comfortable.
However, ducted systems can be more expensive to install than split systems due to the complexities of working with existing ducting. It is important to consult a professional who can assess your property and air conditioning needs to recommend the right solution for you. They will also ensure your ducts are properly installed and sealed to avoid leakages and other problems that can lead to inefficient operation.
2.        Reduced Noise Levels
Air conditioning systems are notorious for generating noise, especially in larger homes and properties with multiple levels. Ducted air conditioning systems are less prone to this as all the noise generating equipment is located out of sight in the roof space or beneath the floor.
The ducts are virtually seamless and can be run through the roof cavity during new builds or renovations, making the system less intrusive than split system wall units that require a large space on the wall. Additionally, the zoning system can be set up so that areas like living rooms are kept at a comfortable temperature for relaxing, and bedrooms can be cooled separately to reduce waking disturbances.
The modern inverter-driven compressors used in ducted air conditioning systems also significantly reduce power consumption. This can help to keep your electricity bills low which can be a huge benefit.
3.        Increased Value of Your Property
Installing Ducted Air Conditioning systems are a desirable feature for many potential buyers. Unlike bulky wall units or boxy split system air conditioners, they are hidden in the roof and ceiling of your property and are less visually intrusive.
They also come with features that cater to your lifestyle. These include zoning, timers and smart home compatibility that allow you to control your ducted air conditioner remotely. Ducted air conditioning systems also come with built-in air filters that capture dust and allergens in the air, creating a cleaner and healthier environment for you and your family to live in.
However, property investor and mentor Orsolya Bartalis warns that installing air con in a property will not automatically increase its sale price. She explains that buyers look at the benefits of air conditioning rather than its cost. Having said that, a wellinstalled and efficient ducted air conditioning system can add value to your property. It can also help you achieve a higher return on your investment if you decide to sell it in the future.
4.        Easy to Operate
Ducted systems allow you to cool and heat your whole property at the touch of a button. This makes them perfect for workspaces, public areas like libraries and museums and even homes, in the case that everyone agrees on a single temperature!
A ducted air conditioning system is also very easy to maintain. Because the indoor unit is hidden away in your ceiling, you only see vents or the controller – this keeps it discreet and stylish, a popular option for homes and offices where aesthetics are important.
Additionally, ducts can be cleaned by professional cleaners regularly to ensure they are clear of dust and debris which may cause allergies. Ducted systems can also be zoned if you want to control the temperature of different rooms. This can be especially useful if you have kids or pets who require separate cooling to adults.
Moreover, the indoor units of a ducted air conditioner can be controlled remotely via Wi-Fi or smart devices.
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jovialss · 6 months
What Is Medium Term Accommodation?
Medium term accommodation NDIS is a type of home and living support the NDIS may fund. It’s available for participants who have confirmation of a long term home, such as an SDA tenancy or SIL.
It’s usually funded for 90 days. The NDIA will assess your situation and goals, such as your best long term home, when adding this support to your plan.
It’s a temporary place to stay
Medium term accommodation can be added to your NDIS plan as part of your home and living supports, but you don’t have to have a long term home in mind. It is also a useful option to have in place if you’re being discharged from hospital and are waiting for a vacancy in SDA, SIL or ILO, you’re awaiting completion of home modifications, or your current living arrangements don’t suit you.
NDIS health liaison officers will work with you and your hospital discharge team to identify your disability support needs and the best home and living supports for you. They’ll help you collect the evidence you need to support your application for home and living supports such as assessments, daily support needs reports and a home visit from a BIT specialist.
MTA is typically funded for up to 90 days and can be combined with other core supports such as a home automation system or a sifter bed. You can find housing that accepts MTA funding on the Housing Hub here.
It’s not a home
NDIS participants can access Medium term accommodation if they are unable to move into their long-term home because their disability supports aren’t ready yet. It’s usually funded for 90 days and is included in their plan under Home and Living Supports.
The NDIS considers a participant’s circumstances, daily support needs and whether or not the proposed supports meet their needs and preferences when considering if they should receive Medium Term Accommodation. This information is recorded in the participant’s plan and may include assessments by allied health professionals or daily support needs reports.
At Montrose, we provide a high standard of accommodation with well-trained staff focused on your comfort, privacy and dignity. Our goal is to help you to become as independent as possible during your stay. We also work closely with your informal carer, hospital or rehabilitation staff and BIT specialist to ensure they are able to visit you as often as possible. This is important because it gives them a break from caring duties and provides you with a different environment to rest and relax in.
It’s not a hostel
When we hear the word hostel, we immediately think of a cheap, shared place for backpackers and young people on gap years. We envision dingy rooms, bunk beds (possibly with bed bugs), a shared kitchen and a communal shower. But is this a fair stereotype?
Hostels are also changing rapidly. Some of them now offer upscale services and amenities, including gourmet kitchens, digital workspaces, female-only rooms, and group travel experiences. Others are more traditional and cater to a slightly geriatric crowd.
If you have MTA funding included in your NDIS plan, you can find a provider on the myplace portal or by researching providers online. You may also wish to chat with your Local Area Coordinator or planner to get more information. They can assist you in finding a home that meets your needs. They can also help you with organising a home assessment. MTA funds can be used to pay for housing and daily living supports.
It’s not a hotel
Medium term accommodation (MTA) provides NDIS participants with a temporary place to stay while they’re waiting for their long-term housing options to be ready. It can be a residential house, unit or apartment. In addition to providing a safe and comfortable place to live, MTA providers offer a range of engaging social activities. This is a great way for participants to take a break from their usual routine and recharge their batteries.
MTA is usually funded for up to 90 days. It doesn’t cover day-to-day living costs such as food, internet or electricity. However, it can be paid for using core support funding.
If you’re interested in having MTA included in your plan, talk to your NDIS planner or local area coordinator. They can provide you with a list of MTA providers in your area and help you decide whether it’s the right option for you. They can also help you find a provider that accepts your preferred payment method.
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junkboysusa · 7 months
Junk Removal: Decluttering Your Space Made Easy
In a world where we accumulate possessions faster than we can manage them, junk removal services have become a lifesaver. Whether it’s your home, office, or any other space, the clutter can quickly pile up, causing stress and inconvenience. In this article, we will explore the world of junk removal, its benefits, and how to choose the right service for your needs.
The Growing Problem of Junk
Understanding the Accumulation
In today’s consumer-driven society, it’s easy to fall into the trap of accumulating more items than we actually need. The convenience of online shopping, frequent upgrades, and changing trends contribute to the clutter.
The Impact on Your Life
A cluttered environment can affect your mental and physical well-being. It creates a sense of chaos, increases stress, and makes it challenging to focus. Moreover, it can be a safety hazard in your home.
Why Opt for Junk Removal Services?
Convenience and Efficiency
Junk removal services offer a hassle-free solution. They come to your location, handle all the heavy lifting, and ensure proper disposal. This frees up your time and energy.
Environmental Responsibility
Reputable junk removal companies prioritize recycling and responsible disposal methods. They help reduce the environmental impact of waste.
How to Choose the Right Junk Removal Service
Research and Reviews
Start by researching local junk removal services. Read online reviews and ask for recommendations from friends and family.
Licensing and Insurance
Ensure that the company you choose is licensed and insured. This protects you in case of any accidents during the removal process.
Pricing Transparency
Get multiple quotes and make sure the pricing is transparent. Hidden fees can be frustrating and unexpected.
Recycling Practices
Inquire about their recycling and disposal practices. A green-conscious company is a plus for both you and the environment.
The Junk Removal Process
Upon arrival, the junk removal team will assess the items that need to be removed and provide an estimate.
Once you agree to the estimate, they will start removing the junk. You don’t have to lift a finger.
Responsible Disposal
After removal, the company ensures that items are disposed of properly, recycled, or donated.
Benefits of Professional Junk Removal
You save time and effort that you can redirect towards more important tasks.
Professionals handle heavy and potentially dangerous items, reducing the risk of injury.
Your space is left clean and clutter-free, promoting a healthier environment.
Junk removal services are a valuable resource for regaining control over your living or working space. They offer convenience, environmental responsibility, and a clutter-free environment. Remember to choose a service that aligns with your needs and values.
Is junk removal expensive? 
Junk removal costs vary but are often reasonable, especially when considering the time and effort you save.
What can I expect during the junk removal process? 
You can expect a team to assess your items, remove them, and ensure responsible disposal.
Do junk removal companies recycle? 
Many reputable companies prioritize recycling and eco-friendly disposal methods.
Is junk removal suitable for businesses? 
Yes, junk removal services cater to both residential and commercial needs.
How can I book a junk removal service?
You can book a service by contacting a local junk removal company or using their online booking system.
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protribeseniors · 9 months
Choosing The Right Assisted Living Facility: Factors to Consider
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Balancing work and caring for ageing parents, especially when they need constant care, can be overwhelming. Despite all your best efforts, you might fail to offer them the care they need. Here, Assisted living becomes a win-win; your loved ones receive the care they need, and you don’t constantly worry about them. Choosing a suitable assisted living facility can be overwhelming, with there being a variety of services to choose from with varied costs.. Thus, this blog discusses factors to tick off while selecting the right facility for your loved ones.
Assess Care Needs
Start by evaluating the level of care needed. Determine if your loved one requires independent living, assisted living, memory care, or skilled nursing care. Understanding their specific needs will help narrow the options and find a facility that can cater to their unique requirements.
Location and Accessibility
Consider the facility’s location concerning family and friends. Proximity to loved ones can significantly impact emotional well-being and provide a sense of connection. Additionally, ensure the facility is conveniently located near essential amenities such as medical facilities, shopping centers, and recreational areas.
Experience matters
Look for a facility with the most experience. Experienced staff makes for expert care and comfort as they are well-versed in their practices.
Safety and Security
Prioritize the safety and security measures implemented by the facility. Look for features such as secure entrances, emergency call systems, well-lit common areas, and staff availability 24/7. Ensuring a safe environment will grant both seniors and their families peace of mind.
Quality of Care
Research the reputation of the facility and its staff. Read reviews and testimonials from current and former residents and their families. Visit the facility in person to observe staff interactions with residents, ensuring they provide compassionate and respectful care.
Staff-to-Resident Ratio
Inquire about the staff-to-resident ratio to understand how personalized attention your loved one will receive. A lower staff-to-resident ratio generally indicates that staff can provide more individualized care and support.
Range of Services and Amenities
Explore the services and amenities offered by the facility. Beyond basic care, consider factors like meal preparation, housekeeping, social activities, transportation services, and wellness programs. A well-rounded array of services can contribute to a fulfilling and enjoyable living experience.
Cleanliness and Maintenance
During your visit, assess the overall cleanliness and maintenance of the facility. A clean and well-maintained environment speaks volumes about the facility’s commitment to providing a comfortable living space for residents.
Trust the Residents
Ask people living in the facility if they are comfortable and what are the issues they face. This will provide you with a firsthand review and undeniably help you decide if that facility is suitable for your loved one.
Social and Recreational Activities
Engagement in social and recreational activities is vital for seniors’ emotional well-being. Please inquire about the facility’s activity calendar and how they promote a sense of community among residents. Participation in activities fosters friendships and prevents feelings of isolation.
Cost and Affordability
Discuss the cost of the facility and any additional fees that may apply. Understand what services are covered in the base fee and which ones incur extra costs. Ensure that the facility’s pricing aligns with your budget and that there are no hidden fees.
Contract Terms
Carefully review the facility’s contract terms, including the termination policy, refund policy, and any potential rate increases. Seek clarification on any points you find vague or unclear.
Visit Multiple Facilities
Take the time to visit multiple senior living facilities to compare their offerings and environments. Schedule tours during different times of the day to get a comprehensive understanding of daily life at each facility.
Balance of Professionalism and Empathy
The workers must be professional with their services as well as empathic towards their loved ones. Professionalism brings in expert care and advice, while empathy brings in emotional support and well-being. Hence, both are extremely important at a senior living facility.
Involve Your Loved One
Include your loved one in the decision-making process as much as possible. Their input is invaluable, as they will be the ones living in the facility. Listen to their preferences and address any concerns they may have.
Consult with Professionals
Seek advice from healthcare professionals, social workers, or senior care managers with senior care expertise. Their guidance can provide valuable insights and help you make an informed decision.
In conclusion, selecting the right senior care facility is a significant decision, and various factors must be carefully evaluated. By considering the individual’s care needs, the facility’s location, safety measures, quality of care, services, and budget, families can make an informed choice. Additionally, involving the seniors in the decision-making process ensures a facility that suits their preferences and promotes a comfortable and fulfilling living experience. Thoroughly researching and comparing options will lead to finding a senior care facility that provides compassionate care and enhances the overall well-being of the resident.
This blog was originally posted here — https://www.protribeseniors.com/choosing-the-right-assisted-living-facility-factors-to-consider/
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onlinecoolers · 9 months
Portable AC | Buy Online Portable Air Conditioners In Dubai & UAE » coolersonline.ae
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Welcome to CoolersOnline.ae, your ultimate destination for finding the finest selection of portable air conditioners in Dubai and the UAE. We understand that staying cool in the scorching heat is not just a luxury but a necessity, and that’s why we are committed to providing you with top-notch portable AC units that combine efficiency, convenience, and affordability. In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the benefits of portable air conditioners, the factors to consider when purchasing one, and why CoolersOnline.ae is your go-to source for all your cooling needs.
The Advantages of Portable Air Conditioners
When it comes to staying comfortable in the UAE’s relentless summer heat, portable air conditioners offer a range of advantages that make them a preferred choice for many. These units are not only versatile but also provide efficient cooling without the need for complex installations. Here are some key benefits:
1. Portability and Flexibility
As the name suggests, the primary advantage of portable air conditioners is their mobility. You can easily move them from room to room, ensuring that you stay cool wherever you are. This flexibility is particularly useful in spaces where traditional central air conditioning might not be feasible.
2. Easy Installation
Unlike traditional AC systems that require extensive installation processes, portable air conditioners are incredibly easy to set up. You don’t need a professional technician to install them, and they come with user-friendly guides that allow you to start enjoying cooler air within minutes.
3. Cost-Effectiveness
Portable AC units are a cost-effective alternative to central air conditioning systems. They are suitable for cooling smaller spaces, which means you can focus your cooling efforts only where you need it, saving energy and reducing utility bills.
4. No Permanent Modifications
Installing central air conditioning often involves making permanent modifications to your living space. Portable air conditioners, on the other hand, can be set up without any permanent changes to your environment. This is especially important if you’re renting a property.
Factors to Consider When Buying a Portable Air Conditioner
Selecting the right portable air conditioner for your needs requires careful consideration. Here are the key factors you should keep in mind before making a purchase:
1. Cooling Capacity
The cooling capacity of a portable AC unit is measured in British Thermal Units (BTUs). The higher the BTU rating, the larger the area the unit can effectively cool. Make sure to choose a model that matches the size of the room you intend to use it in.
2. Energy Efficiency
Look for units with high Energy Efficiency Ratio (EER) ratings. A higher EER indicates better energy efficiency, which can translate to lower electricity bills in the long run.
3. Noise Levels
While portable AC units are generally quieter than window units, noise levels can still vary. Check product specifications for noise ratings to ensure your chosen unit won’t disrupt your peace and quiet.
4. Additional Features
Modern portable air conditioners come with a range of features such as programmable timers, remote controls, and adjustable fan speeds. Consider which features are important to you and align with your cooling preferences.
Why Choose CoolersOnline.ae
At CoolersOnline.ae, we take pride in offering a curated collection of the best portable air conditioners in Dubai and the UAE. Here’s why we stand out in the market:
1. Wide Selection
Our diverse range of portable AC units caters to various room sizes and cooling needs. Whether you’re looking to cool a small bedroom or a larger living area, we have the perfect option for you.
2. Expert Advice
Not sure which portable air conditioner to choose? Our team of cooling experts is here to assist you. We provide personalized recommendations based on your requirements to ensure you make an informed decision.
3. Quality Assurance
We understand the importance of investing in a durable and efficient cooling solution. That’s why we only offer products from reputable brands known for their quality and performance.
4. Hassle-Free Shopping
Our user-friendly website makes the purchasing process a breeze. Browse through our selection, compare features, and place your order with just a few clicks.
In conclusion, CoolersOnline.ae is your ultimate destination for purchasing the best portable air conditioners online in Dubai and the UAE. With our wide selection, expert advice, and commitment to quality, we are dedicated to ensuring your comfort during the hottest months. Don’t compromise on staying cool — choose CoolersOnline.ae for a premium cooling experience.
Source:- https://coolersonline.ae/portable-air-conditioner/
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How to Prepare Your Backyard for Summer Pool Parties
Summer is just around the corner, and with the mercury rising, the idea of cool, refreshing pool parties is becoming increasingly appealing. Transforming your backyard into the perfect party venue involves more than just inflating a few pool toys and firing up the grill. It requires thoughtful preparation to create an enjoyable, safe, and stylish environment for guests of all ages. Here’s how to get your outdoor space ready for the highlight of the season: unforgettable summer pool parties.
Check and Maintain Your Pool
Before sending out invitations for your summer bash, ensure the pool itself is in pristine condition. Start by giving it a thorough cleaning; scrub the walls, vacuum the floor, and clear out any debris. Next, balance the chemicals to keep the water safe and sparkling. Filters also need attention — clean or replace them as necessary to keep the filtration system running smoothly. Additionally, if you suspect any issues with the pool structure, consider hiring a professional for pool leak detection to address any repairs well in advance of your party.
Upgrade Your Poolside Furniture
Comfortable and ample seating is key to any successful pool party. Evaluate your current poolside furniture. Is it both functional and inviting? If not, it might be time to invest in new lounge chairs, umbrellas, or even a hammock. Choose furnishings that are not only durable and water-resistant but also complement the aesthetic of your backyard. Adding colorful cushions and throw pillows can enhance comfort and inject a splash of summer vibrancy.
Create Shade and Lighting
While sunny days are perfect for swimming, it’s essential to offer shaded areas for guests to relax without exposure to constant sunlight. Install large patio umbrellas, a pergola, or a canopy to provide necessary relief from the heat. As the sun sets, proper lighting can transform your pool area into a magical evening environment. Solar-powered lights, string lights around the patio, or even floating LED lights in the pool can create a captivating ambiance. Consider adding tiki torches or citronella candles to keep away insects and add a tropical vibe to your evening pool setting.
Plan Your Party Menu
A fantastic pool party features a menu that keeps guests fueled and happy. Opt for light, refreshing dishes that are easy to eat poolside, such as fruit skewers, salads, or grilled veggies. For the main course, barbecue classics like burgers and hot dogs are always a hit. Don’t forget a selection of cold beverages to keep everyone hydrated. Set up a designated area for food and drinks to keep the pool area uncluttered and clean. Incorporate a few sweet treats like ice cream or popsicles to cool down and delight your guests, especially the younger ones.
Ensure Safety Measures Are in Place
Safety is paramount when hosting a pool party. Clearly mark the pool’s shallow and deep ends, and if children are attending, have enough life vests and flotation devices available. It’s also wise to have a first aid kit on hand and ensure that at least one adult present is knowledgeable in CPR. Setting up a few ground rules, like no running or rough play near the water, can prevent accidents and ensure that everyone enjoys the party without any mishaps. Additionally, ensure the pool area is free of slip hazards by using non-slip mats around the pool edges.
Incorporate Fun Games and Activities
To keep the party lively, plan a variety of games and activities that guests can enjoy in or out of the pool. Water volleyball, pool noodle races, or even a diving contest can be great fun for all ages. For those staying dry, consider setting up a game area with classics like cornhole or Giant Jenga. Offering a mix of activities will cater to different interests and energy levels, keeping everyone entertained throughout the event. Include some music-themed games like a dance-off or musical chairs to add an extra layer of excitement and interaction among guests.
Preparing your backyard for summer pool parties can be as exciting as the events themselves. By focusing on these key areas, you can ensure that your pool is ready, your guests are comfortable, and the atmosphere is just right for making lasting memories. With a little planning and creativity, your backyard will be the go-to spot for summer fun. Get ready to welcome friends and family to relax, play, and enjoy the season to its fullest.
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During hyperinflation periods, thousands of people go through harsh lives because of the increased cost of living and devaluation of the currency. Everyone wishes to have more control over their finances. Financial experts project that inflation, war effects, and the high cost of living have affected most people across the globe. The Recession Profits Secrets is a financial guide warning that the financial apocalypse is already in progress. Effects of covid-19, hyperinflation, wars and other factor are affecting the financial market today. With this secret, you can avoid losing your wealth and protect your family from the financial crisis by controlling your money. When the world suffers recession, you can walk away wealthy. You do not have to worry about your spouse and family leaving you because you have been drained; you will keep them intact if you heed the advice in this blueprint. This braindead simple, step-by-step blueprint turns normal people into wealth-creating success stories.
You will learn how to increase your wealth regardless of the state of the economy rather than watching it decline due to inflation. Richard Pierce is adept at foreseeing the precise second that a recession or financial crisis will occur. At 35 he became a millionaire and today he is a multi-millionaire. Through his Recession Profit Secrets program, he teaches clients how to create wealth even during a recession, and he’s been helping people for over 10 years. The strategies that he has laid out in this system have all been tested and found to work in a real-world environment. He's been featured in the Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg News, and numerous other thought-leader publications. He has also trained thousands of business leaders worldwide on strategies for surviving and thriving during recessions. His book brings together his years of experience and expertise to offer practical advice that can be put into action right away—a priceless asset for any business facing these uncertain times.
Richard Pierce claims that the program provides an almost hassle-free method of gaining wealth without hard work or the risk of losing a job. The guide offers practical and systematic strategies that most wealthy people use to ensure their finances remain guaranteed regardless of the economic crisis. The Recession Profits Secrets promises to help you gain wealth without working numerous hours or taking several jobs to cater to your daily needs. It’s certainly normal to get depressed when you find your money isn’t growing as much as you’d like. Richard Pierce actually claims that the financial crisis can be used as a secret tool to make more money. To use this program, you don’t need to make big investments to make more money. Your wealth can be protected from a financial crash. With a deeper insight into market fluctuations, you will learn how to take steps to protect your assets over the long term. Contrary to conventional thinking, Richard thinks that if you invest in the right assets and act now, you might benefit greatly. The Recession Profit Secrets comes with a pretty solid refund policy that lets you test out the service risk-free. If you’re not satisfied with the service, you can request a full refund within 60 days of signing up. I’ll give this money-back guarantee an A, as it is double the standard practice of 30 days. This also shows that Pierce has a lot of confidence in the Recession Profit Secrets program. During the Depression, more people became millionaires than during the 1880s Gold Rush. A recession creates millionaires. Others seize opportunities while others waste them. Taking precautions today will secure your capital for years to come.
Click Here To Recession Profit Secrets From The Official Website
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hardynwa · 3 months
Obasanjo nearly punched me for canvassing constitution amendment – Olanipekun
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A former President of the Nigerian Bar Association, Chief Wole Olanipekun (SAN), said, on Wednesday, that former President Olusegun Obasanjo almost punched him for advising that the 1999 Constitution be amended when Obasanjo was the sitting President. Olanipekun said while delivering the Convocation Lecture of the Olabisi Onabanjo University, Ago-Iwoye, Ogun State. The theme of the lecture was: “Mass Exodus Of Human Capital In Nigeria: An Anatomical Analysis of The Causes and Effects.” Olanipekun, who described the 1999 Constitution as a fake document, said it was to blame for the myriad challenges bedevilling the country. “Every governor goes to Abuja now everyday and who do they go to see, directors, deputy directors. Is this federalism? “We need a constitution with a humane face. I’m a lawyer but we are deceiving ourselves; our constitution is fake and I have said this over and over, but then as lawyers you will ask us, if we say the constitution is fake, why are we practising it? “Lawyers and judges apply the law as it is, not the law as it ought to be; so we apply the law as we have it now and we have been pleading that we should amend the constitution, let us overhaul it. I, as President of the NBA, I led a delegation of the association to President Obasanjo in 2022; he almost boxed me. “I am here in Ogun State and I’m saying this, he is still alive, he said, ‘No, you can’t change it’. I said, ‘Mr. President, let us seize this opportunity to do it’ and we also appeal to the powers that be now, to our President, Bola Ahmed Tinubu, that the time for us to restructure this country is now. If we do not do it, these children that we have abroad might not return home, they won’t come here.” Olanipekun said the current situation of the country was so scary that those living abroad would never come to Nigeria. He said, “we are living in dangerous and hard times; our Obas in Yorubaland are being killed, being slaughtered like chickens. The Olufon of Ifon was slaughtered by the roadside about three years ago; two days ago in Ekiti, two Obas were slaughtered, one of them was an Associate Professor at Federal University of Technology, Akure. “For those who are there (abroad), when they hear the news, will they want to come home? They ask where do I come to? Nobody wants to come and die, nobody wants to die young, but our Obas are dying even in the gutters. “Joblessness, bad economy, frustration, man’s inhumanity to man, awkward federation that we described as federalism, we are running a unitary government, I’m a product of federalism. I was schooled in the Old Western Region, we were proud of that unlike what we have nowadays. “We need a system whereby when these children leave schools, they get employed and if they don’t secure one, the state must cater for them. You can’t just say let them go and fend for themselves. Yes, they should fend for themselves but provide the enabling environment for that.” Read the full article
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