#but literally this is the cruelest joke the universe could play
southerngothicaf · 1 year
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lilflowerpot · 3 years
Reincarnation anon Lotor Before meeting Keith "We can't interact with The Paladins" Lotor after meeting Keith "Ok, so, we need to kidnap the red paladin. Don't ask questions!"
Stop it! Stop sending me cute aus! If you keep distracting me like this I will literally never finish the next chapter and you’ll only have yourselves to blame!
But.. god. Imagine Lotor seeing footage of the Paladins breaking into some Imperial facility or another and feeling his heart jump to his throat because he knows that face, has traced its sharp edges with his fingertips more times than he can count, and no matter how many lifetimes his lover cycles through the Empire’s Prince would know those eyes among a thousand even if he himself were struck blind.
So he pursues him because of course he does - how could he not? - and manages to track the red Paladin to some inconsequential rebel base on an even less important moon, and, okay, so the location isn’t exactly the most romantic thing but- but that’s not him. The man who winks at a giggling Olkari, blowing them a flirtatious kiss, is... not the one he expected to find. Lotor ducks out of sight immediately and reevaluates: though it makes no sense, if the blue Paladin is flying the red Lion then it would (he supposes) follow that the red Paladin is flying blue? For some reason??
It’s the best guess he’s got, and as Emperor pro-tem Lotor hardly has a lot of time to go gallivanting about the universe before Haggar starts sticking her nose where she doesn’t belong, so off to the blue beast he goes.
Except that one yields Princess Allura, who is explaining with a diplomat’s smile exactly where the Voltron coalition’s newest emissary can shove his-
Formidable a beauty though she may be, Lotor has eyes only for someone far more so.
He sends his Generals to vet the other Paladins, but his stomach is churning something fierce because... Princess Allura had been wearing pink armour - pink - and in Altean culture that colour only ever meant one thing.
Lotor cannot have lost him before they’d even found one another again, he cannot.
That would be the cruelest joke the universe has played on him yet.
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Do you ever notice the similarities/parallels in Buffy and Angel's journey's as heroes, there relationships with other people etc. post season 3? I remember seeing a gifset of it and being amazed at how similar there storylines could be and how they could echo the other or even the past. What are the biggest parallels that come to mind for them both in your eyes?
Yup, I did! And I’ve talked about it in many of my posts. There’s one meta I wrote recently which is about Buffy and Angel as heroes and touches on their journeys a bit. There are so many different types of parallels between the two characters that I can only attempt to explore some of them here. 
One of the most obvious parallels is Dawn/Connor. They were written into the shows to replicate the impact Buffy and Angel had on each other. Dawn and Connor are even similar characters: misunderstood, sweet, heroic, brave, tough, stubborn, angry, lost, without a parent (Connor lost his mom and his adoptive dad, and Dawn lost her mom plus her dad is absent). Although their journeys are different, they end them feeling at peace with themselves and their parental figures. Dawn and Connor both challenged Buffy and Angel, hated themselves, thought they were to blame for the terrible things happening around them (with Dawn being the Key, and Connor being a miracle birth that should never have happened). Ironically, Dawn embraced being a ”normal” (yet extraordinary) person living with slayers and witches, and Connor embraced being a “normal” guy who attends college, despite being a very powerful child of vampires.
A second parallel is Spike/Darla. When Buffy was at her lowest, her version of self-harm and self-care was sex someone she hated, someone who was worse than she felt. She ended up caring for Spike though, especially once he got a soul. Angel only slept with Darla once in season 2 but the reasoning was similar. He was feeling destructive, lost, hopeless, and Darla was there, like always, so he probably thought something along the lines of “If you’re going to hell, keep going”. Yet Angel also cared about Darla. He and Buffy knew better than to keep repeating past mistakes however. They ended things with their former partners and had some closure in the end. 
Angel’s season 2 arc isn’t unlike Buffy’s season 6 arc. They’d both found hope but that hope was stolen from them. Buffy found peace in “heaven”, which gave purpose to her suffering on earth (those hard choices she talked about in The Gift paid off in heaven). Angel found a purpose to his life and an ending to his pain (becoming human). But Buffy’s friends ripped her away from heaven, and she went back to making hard choices she couldn’t understand and becoming a person she was increasingly unfamiliar with. And Darla becoming a human only to die as a vampire, again, was the cruelest joke the universe played on Angel. If Darla becoming a human didn’t change anything for her, than what would it change for him? If being human means redemption, then what does it mean that she couldn’t keep her humanity (literally)? Did it mean that Angel was doomed because even if he Shanshued he had no guarantees that it would stick? 
The latter bits of Buffy and Angel’s journeys are about them struggling to hold on to their vulnerability, to hope, to themselves. Angel changed a lot in season 5. He struggled to find his way back to his original goals, which were to take down Wolfram&Hart, help people, inspire change in others, fight no matter the results. Buffy was a shell of her former self in season 7, and it was one hell of a fight for her to learn to smile and hope again. She found her way out of the prison that being a slayer was to her. Both Angel and Buffy, in different ways, fulfilled their originals goals and dreams, and lived up to the people they used to be before life got unbearably hard. 
There are tons of parallels I could mention. Too many to count. Like, how Giles and Wesley grew despondent, sometimes even cruel, and their relationships with Buffy and Angel fell apart and never recovered. Trust was lost and their goals and methods were too different. Or how Wolfram&Hart and The First were both the biggest challenges of Buffy and Angel’s lives, and their towns were destroyed by them. Both were powerful, vague entities, operating from the shadows and using corporeal beings to do their biding. 
I don’t know... I guess I’m uninspired today! If you have something specific that you want me to talk about, say so. 
Thanks for the ask!
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scottsflow · 5 years
Luka, please help the fandom figure this all out!! I’m getting really stressed and confused, why is Jackie in that photo?!?
The honest answer is: I don’t know. 
Obviously, we all know what it looks like but literally I have no idea. 
There are a million things that are unexplained if it’s true so many things from the past year specifically and I don’t how to rationalize that if it’s true. 
I’m also just going to come out and say we don’t actually know anything right now. It’s possible it’s not her (I know it’s slim but it’s there), it’s possible she’s just there as a friend, it’s possible she has a connection to SO that we don’t know about and that’s why she’s there, it’s all up in the air right now until we get something else. I know it looks bad, believe me I know, and I wish I could say anything for certain but I can’t right now. 
All I know is that, if it’s true, I have no idea how to explain anything I’ve seen from them since the comeback and honestly feel like this is the cruelest joke that the universe has ever played. 
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