#but like actual jersey lore about the jersey nickname
millimononym · 1 year
Galactik football x Homestuck AU type thing
well, more like me troll-ificating the Snow Kids. I only drew headshots because i couldn't figure out the shirt designs as you'll see
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explaining the important HS lore for this AU:
-in HS, there is an alien species called Trolls who live on a planet called Alternia. Alternia is a violent shithole where everyone is seperated with their place in society being decided by their blood color-there are 12 and they're based on zodiac signs
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(Lowblood castes,the extinct limebloods who are considered a mutation now due to rarity, midbloods, highbloods and the 2nd highest blood caste is seadweller royalty, and the top blood caste only consisting of the queen),
-and the queen wants to take over as many worlds as possible to add to the empire
°for the purpose of this au, just like the GF novelization claims (it isn't canon but it's better than nothing) that the humans came to the Zaelion Galaxy out of nowhere and settled on Akillian, the same happened here but with a group of trolls. The bitch ass queen isn't a thing anymore(probably got defeated) because the Alternian empire would obviously want to take over the Zaelion Galaxy if she was alive.
°blood color also isn't as important anymore because well...obviously. let's assume that most of the trolls that somehow came to the Zaelion Galaxy were a progressive bunch. There's still a monarchy lead by a queen and vague aristocracy but that's about it.
-in HS depending on which caste they are, the troll may have a power. The bottom 3 lowbloods(rust,bronze and gold) all have psychic abilities, the extinct limebloods had something about them that had the queen wanting them dead, the olivebloods are generally lucky and the higher up you go on the spectrum, you don't have abilities but you do get a resistance to them. Unless you have a mutation that gives you psychic abilities
°this still applies in the AU, however it is not considered a flux. My reasoning for this is that only certain members of the species have it so it doesn't apply. And also some members of the flux society clearly have psychic powers but flux use is illegal sooo? And as well,i consider the flux to be like the bending from Avatar. It's not genetic,spiritual or physical but some secret 4th thing. The GF novelization even states that no one knows where flux comes from so they still get the breath of Akillian! (but not for long because WHOOPS there goes the glaciation!)
-in HS on Alternia, there are no adults. The baby grubs (because yes the trolls sre insects) are taken care of by animals called lusii until they are old enough to become the animals' caretaker themselves. Obviously traumatic and not very effective method of raising well adjusted members of a healthy society
°so in this AU they developed past the point of abandoning children to be taken care of by animals and the adults actually parent.
°the reason why all of the names in the pic are 6 letters is because all of the trolls in HS have 6 letter names. I couldn't bother with Tia so let's just say its a shortened nickname. Sinedd and Rocket are the only ones with valid troll names which once again proves they are the edgiest
DESIGN explanations:
-i picked the blood color/zodiac based purely on vibes because we don't know the SK birthdays and most of them are spot on in my opinion. Except Ahito and Thran who didn't really fit anywhere so i just picked indigo bc blue color. Also i wanted to make Rocket a goldblood(gemini) because of the whole duality aspect between s1 and 2 but since i was drawing on paper and so focused on the horns i forgot literally ALL OF THE GOLDBLOOD DESIGN ELEMENTS. so i changed him to a jadeblood and lo and behold it fits better as well
-the horns are based mostly on shirt designs and jersey numbers(rockets' is the netherball one) with the exception of Mei and Micro ice. I had no idea what to do with them so i just. Drew some shit
-i made Mei a purpleblood purely because they all wear clown makeup. Still makeup nonetheless
-all of the trolls have black hair so anyone here that doesn't dyes it
-all of the trolls wear their zodiac or extended zodiac symbol on their clothes, but i really, really could not be bothered to figure out which one all of these people are. So i just drew headshots. I thought of taking the extended zodiac quiz answering the questions as i think each of the characters would based on the color i chose for them but that would take WAAY too long. Feel free to do it urself if u want
-i thought it would be cool if the horns could be utilized more in the design, so i made a version where the characters painted their horns their football teams' color before a match! Could have picked the shadows colors better but whatever
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i used a guide to touch up the designs after i already drew them on paper and the HS wiki to check out if my blood color takes were correct.
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The sinedd and ugly mei up top were drawn in school
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ivettel · 1 year
mcr anon again!! seeing your reply made me so happy, you have no idea!
i don’t have a favourite album just yet but i love the black parade (it’s the album i started with), three cheers, danger days, and even though whether it counts as one of their albums is a little unclear from what i’ve seen, i absolutely love conventional weapons! bullets is the album that is probably most different to what i’m used to, but the songs have been growing on me and i’ve started to love it more.
i have not gotten the chance to get into much of the lore yet! i’ve seen bits of the black parade stuff and a mention of the demolition lovers but not much more than that. i’ve been a little hesitant to reach out to anyone to ask about the mcr lore because there’s just so much that i’m a little intimidated and don’t know where to begin 😅
anyway i absolutely love you and your blog as a baby killjoy (i think?? it’s been 3 months since i got into them) and a seb fan <3
hello again!
oooh hell yes the black parade is what a lot of people would consider to be their magnum opus, i adore it--if you haven't already, please check out the black parade live in mexico! something about their live performances is just soo visceral and exciting and it almost makes their studio versions pale in comparison, esp when it comes to this album! seeing them live last september was genuinely actually life changing. my personal fav is three cheers, but there's a mcr album for every mood <3
also, yeah, cw isn't reeeally an album, even if people basically group the songs together like one. in short, what happened during the making of the black parade was really sad, like the band moved to a haunted mansion, mikey had a crazy mental breakdown, etc, and gerard was like so incredibly into the concept of the album that it took. Everything out of him? and like all artists do, he had that moment where he was like, well, i don't want to need to hurt myself irreparably to make art. so the goal for the next album was to just play it straight--no high concept, just pure fucking rock. and they tried a bunch of things that led to cw! but ultimately they couldn't make their sound work as A My Chemical Romance Album, no matter how they sliced it, and also there was some talk that the boys were getting tired of each other. danger days came out of the ashes of conventional weapons, which you can hear musically, and it's very cool! but so like there was a huge gap between the end of tbp and dd and people didn't know what happened in the interim until after the band broke up and released cw.
bullets is SO beloved--like you say, it's the most sonically different! part of that is the sound production quality (they recorded in a friend's basement studio under an indie record label called eyeball records, got signed to reprise after) and they had a shit drummer nicknamed otter (who thankfully got sacked before three cheers), and the boys were ohhh so very new to all of this. another part is That Was The Scene, they were raised on new jersey rock legends like the misfits, thursday was (and still is) super popular, etc. it's crazy though like, ray was going to try and get into the film industry! gerard had been interning at cartoon network! frank was trying to make it with his own band called pencey prep (he didn't join until may 30 2002)!
it's a very romantic album i think, a time capsule of the era for sure. gerard was suffering from crazy tooth pain and had to get punched in the face to stop bitching about it. frank wasn't even in the band and he hung around the studio smoking and napping on the couch. they didn't sell their CDs, they just gave them out to try and spread the word. they were piss drunk for their first ever show because they were so goddamn nervous. there's a lot of extra context that i think makes the album more accessible! but also if u keep an open mind and listen to bullets just as it is, and let all the melodies and themes wash over you, listen to the lyrics, you might find yourself loving it :)
for more info: i would absolutely recommend starting with life on the murder scene for a glorified summary of their time starting out and during the recording of three cheers! and for a full fairytale kinda rundown for their time in the band, tom bryant's true lives is like the beginner's bible. they'll give u a sense of who the band is! the lore and the ~characterizations~ given to them from those two sources have stayed to this day. but then yknow, you get deeper into it and you find that some things are kinda handwaved for the sake of story and you end up obsessed with whatever happened in 2007, and ugh. anyway! lots of levels to this. but def start out with those!
sorry this got so long, i could talk about this band forever LOL. but cheers, appreciate it, and if u ever wanna come off anon and dm we can totally chat! x
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dianacavendishisgay · 4 years
zipper au part 3
part 3! this is similar to part 2 in which its the same format. sorry for the choppy writing. 
its the red team this time!
updated (11/30/20)
part masterpost
Akko lore; Akko is a speed bearer. She absolutely loves her bearing because it's the same as Chariots. As a kid, she went to an event held by the college to see Chariot fight. At the event she got an oversized jersey that her parents got signed for her. 
She goes to LNU because of Chariot. Akko joins the track and field team for exercise and to develop her ability more. This is perfect considering Ursula is the coach and she can give Akko pointers without being too obvious. Akko heavily encourages the college to reinstate the fighting team. 
She meets Lotte and Sucy through the dorm because they get stuck living together. She also runs (literally) into Sucy at student orientation. Amanda meets her through the track team and the remainder of the green team meets her through Amanda. Akko ends up meeting Diana in a philosophy class they have together. Danny, of course, makes fun of poor Akko because she was supposed to take PSY 103 not PHL 103 (authors note: for my college PHL103 was intro to logic and i loved it). 
Track practice is directly after that class. 
The professor of PHL103 pairs them up at the beginning of the course for the remainder of the term. Because of that they have to become acquaintances. Which leads to them meeting each other's roommates and a bunch of other fun cute events. 
Akko considers the LNU Festival to be the only way to reach Chariot after all these years since she went underground. Also, she wants her picture next to the Chariot one in the hallway. 
Herself, Amanda, Hannah and Diana are the only ones who actually participate in the first LNU Festival. 
She's a sports psychology major (because Chariot), but she has no idea what she wants in her life and has crippling anxiety. She's mainly doing her required classes first before getting into anything. 
She doesn’t have a solid job because of track, but she does whatever she can to get some money. Which leads to some fun odd jobs around campus for a lot of the professors.
This au is called  Zipper au because “Zipper” is the nickname Amanda gives Akko. I will elaborate more on nicknames in Amanda’s section. (authors note: more than one person has asked about Diana’s nickname ‘Danny’ and I will be explaining it there)
Sucy lore; Sucy is a poison bearer. As in, she can detect if something or someone has poison in it/them. She can also poison someone if they are within two meters of her as long as she has the poison on her person. She does not have to touch or interact with them at all.
When she was young, she would wander out into the forest and pick mushrooms that were poisonous. She had a little secret poisonous mushroom collection. 
She works in the student garden on campus throughout the au for some cash. She only takes care of the mushrooms. Some even think she sabotages some of the other plants for fun (kekeke test subjects).
Sucy goes to LNU because of their specialized research course made by professor Lukic. Her major is the aforementioned specialized research study course. She wants to be the person that dissects cadavers, so she also has to do a bunch of medical classes. 
She meets the squad through Akko. 
Lotte lore; Lotte is a spirit bearer. She can generate spirits and ask them to do stuff. Most of them manifest like the little blue glowey dudes from canon, you know the ones.
She’s majoring in literature and minoring in creative writing. 
Nightfall is a thing in this au and the reason she loves it in the anime is the same reason here. However, instead of not wanting to be a writer, she DOES want to be a writer. 
Over the course of the au, Barbara and herself become really close friends and write together. They have a lot of classes together too. 
When Akko goes over to the blue team’s apartment for the PHL103 projects she has with Diana, Lotte goes with her to hang out with Babs. 
Lotte works in the library for some money. When the squad studies in the library they make sure to schedule it while Lotte is working. She brings them coffee and water whenever she can.
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so forgive me if this is kinda a stupid question but i have an oc from Boston and I've never actually been there (I'm from the south so my experience with anything in the north is limited lol) but I was wondering if there are like... certain phrases/interests/general info that I could use to build up her character a little more?
Not a stupid question! An exciting question!
So, disclaimer: I’m not a native Bostonian. I was born and raised in New Jersey. If I have any followers who can swoop in and correct or add to any of this, please do! But I’ve lived here on and off for 12 years and married a local, so I’ll give it my best shot.
First of all: Where in Boston is your OC from? This is pretty vital to pin down. It’d be a hugely different experience growing up in, say, Beacon Hill vs. Mattapan. There are plenty of basic breakdowns of the different neighborhoods online, but my one strength in answering this question is that I’ve moved all over this city like an erratic Ping-Pong ball. So if you need inside information about any specific area, I’ve lived or worked in: the Theater District, Back Bay, Allston, Brookline (not actually part of Boston, but closely associated with it), Kenmore/Fenway/Longwood (that’s kind of all one neighborhood, but I’ve got all three parts covered), the North End, Lower Mills (part of Dorchester, which is huge), and Mattapan. I’ve also hung out a lot in Downtown Crossing, Chinatown, Beacon Hill, and Cambridge (which is also not part of Boston).
If you don’t know what part of the city your OC’s from yet, think about her economic background, ethnicity/nationality, what she or her parents did/do for work, the kinds of places you imagine her spending her time, etc., and see if you can find a good match.
Other Boston things:
The accent: The Boston accent (as in “We pahk the cah on Hahvahd Yahd”) is real, but not universal. It’s mostly a thing in working-class families who’ve lived around here (and remained working-class) for at least a couple generations. My mother-in-law, who’s from a blue-collar Irish family in Dorchester, has it. Her husband is straight from Ireland with a full-blown brogue. And their four kids--all raised in the suburbs, all educated at private Catholic schools, after which they all went to college--have no trace of either accent.
Phrases: I feel like you want to be really careful with regional words/phrases in general, lest a character come off like a walking parody, but here are a few tips:
Possibly the most stereotypical Boston (and general New England) word is “wicked,” which is used to modify adjectives, as in “It’s wicked cold out” or “I’m wicked hungry.” (A girl from Maine was playing with my hair once and told me it was “wicked pretty,” and it was, like, the highlight of my life.) This is NOT something I hear on the regular, but I wouldn’t balk if your OC used it once or twice over the course of a story.
A liquor store is called a “packie” (short for “package store”). Don’t ask me why. My husband calls them this every time without fail, and was previously unaware that it was not a universal term.
A milkshake is called a frappe (which is pronounced “frap,” and does not involve coffee). Or at least, the drink in which you mix milk and ice cream, which would be called a milkshake in any other part of the country, is called a “frappe.” Supposedly, if you ask for a milkshake, you’ll get a drink made of milk and syrup with no ice cream, but I’ve never attempted this.
You don’t make a U-turn here--you “bang a U-ey.” Again, I can verify this one based on the fact that My Husband Says It. (And he once yelled it while playing a multiplayer video game involving cars, and was horrified when none of his fellow players had any idea what he was talking about.)
Interests: You’re probably already aware of the sports teams (Red Sox for baseball, Patriots for football, Celtics for basketball, Bruins for hockey). This is New England, Land of the Endless Winters, so hockey is pretty big (including casual kids’ hockey teams). Ice-skating is popular in general; the Frog Pond on the Boston Common (which doesn’t actually have any frogs) is a favorite spot.
As someone who is Not A Sports Person, I can also assure you that whether you want them to or not, the Red Sox will affect your life as a Bostonian. You will find yourself almost smothered to death on the T by dense crowds of drunk people in Sox gear on their way to or from a big game. You will be casually shopping downtown when a deafening wave of noise approaches, confetti rains down from the heavens, and you are nearly trampled to death by a post-World Series parade. You will be unable to sleep a wink the night after a game if you live anywhere near Fenway. And do not set foot in a bar at such times. DO NOT.
Other things that Bostonians care about more than the average person, in my experience: SEAFOOD; St. Patrick’s Day (I’ve never been to the parade because of reasons, and honestly, I’d also recommend avoiding the bars, the T, and even the very streets if possible); the Boston Pops concert and fireworks display at the Esplanade every Fourth of July (ok, that’s actually pretty fun); and all things American Revolution (well, you may not be interested, but you probably studied it intensively in school and visited a lot of local historical sites).
Public transit: Boston’s train/bus system is called the MBTA (Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority), but literally everyone calls it “the T.” If you travel on the T regularly, you probably have a CharlieCard:
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These are named after an old campaign song by a politician who promised to lower the fares. It’s absurdly catchy.
Knowing what neighborhood your character is from tells you which T stations she would’ve lived near, which is also super important to my Bostonian mind. Is she a Red Line kid? Green? Orange? Blue? Or maybe she mostly took Silver Line buses, or rode the Commuter Rail (a.k.a. Purple Line) to work. (I‘ve only ever lived on the Green and Red Lines and certain bus lines, so I have Biases.)
College town: Boston is a college town. It is lousy with colleges. That’s what first brought me here, and even though I’m a townie now, I remember the culture well. College students make up around 20% of the city’s population when school is in session, and the downtown neighborhoods in particular are crawling with them. They swarm the bookstores and museums and bars (with real or fake IDs) and trendy restaurants. They work in every cafe and perform in every theater. They smoke clove cigarettes and take Duck Tours and ride the Swan Boats. If your character is a local, she’s had annoying encounters with college kids at some point or another. I promise not to take offense.
The Emerald Necklace: This is the nickname for a giant string of parks and waterways that surrounds the city of Boston. No matter where you live, including the most inner-city neighborhoods (which is where I currently live and work), chances are good that there is a substantial amount of green space and water in your general vicinity. Complete with hiking/bike paths that, if you follow them long enough, will take you through literal woods where you can see nothing but trees and hear nothing but birdsong. This is possibly my favorite thing about the whole New England region. It’s so heavily forested that you can still find your way to a little bit of nature in the most unexpected places.
Dunkin’ Donuts is not found only in Boston, but it is more beloved in Boston than anywhere else on earth. I swear there is one on every block in the city. It is the place to get coffee as well as doughnuts. Starbucks is around here too, but is scorned in comparison.
J.P. Licks is a local chain of ice-cream stores with locations all over the city. Everyone goes there. It is very tasty.
The annual Christmas tree on the Boston Common is donated by Canadians from Nova Scotia. There’s a story behind it. It’s pretty cool. (The tree lighting is a huge event with speeches, music, fake snow, and sometimes fireworks. They actually light up the whole Common, which is gorgeous at night. I could see it from my dorm windows in college.)
This is obviously just a tiny fraction of Boston lore, but it’s still probably more than you wanted, and I should wrap this up while the day’s still young, so...hope some part of this was helpful! Let me know if you have any follow-up questions. I’m happy to ramble about Boston all day (...which is probably obvious by now).
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ka-za-ri · 7 years
Tag Meme thing???
Tagged by both @roses-and-oceans and @cagedbycravings Sooo... yeah! Time to find out about boring me LOOOL
Name/nickname: Birb/Taciturn Gender: Female Star sign: Aries Height: 5′6″ Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw Favourite animal: Cats and birds and jellyfish Hours of sleep: Anywhere from 5 to about 12.... depends on how much I hate myself.  Dogs or cats: Cats Number of blankets: Right now? 4? 5? Can get up to about 10 when it’s cold. I’m a birb... I nest.  Dream trip: Somehow just globe trot and see all my friends and eat all the food. That’s all I want.  Dream job: Anything where I’m just allowed to create for a living. I just like making stuff >_>  Time: 2:08 AM Birthday: Sometime early in the 4th month.  Favorite Bands: Wagakki  Band and basically all the Indie groups their members are associated with, Goose House, .... uhhh.... ???? ???  Favorite Solo Artists: Jay Chou, Jhameel, DAOKO, REOL ???? ??? (I’m sorry I’m so tired...)  Song Stuck In My Head: Legends Never Die by Against the Current Last Movie I Watched: The Red Rain (AHAHAHAHA SO MUCH PAIN FOR THE H&L CAST FOREVER)  Last Show I Watched: Uhhhh ???? Probably some baking show on Food Network that put me to sleep?  When Did I Create My Blog: Ages ago, only dug it up to use as a writing blog about.... three? Four months ago-ish?  What Do I Post/Reblog: FFXV/Ignis, Writing stuff, High & Low, Pretty boys... BASICALLY I’M GARBAGE.  Last Thing I Googled: : “Puzzle and Dragons Gabriel” For reference.  Other Blogs: My main is Bobabread... I have a few URLs hoarded though.  Do I Get Asks: Sometimes, yes! =D I have a really cool Friend-Ship anon that’s pretty regular, but y’all have been so nice :3 Why I Choose My URL: I really liked this trash cat Greeed from OOO Following: 103 (pls don’t get offended if I don’t follow u... I get overwhelmed when I follow too many ppl and can’t keep up)  Followers: 139 (y’all are great. ;; I’m surprised I even broke 100 LOL)  Lucky Number: 18. My favorite numbers are 1,314 and 520... LIKE AN OVER ROMANTIC NERD. Favorite Instrument: Koto/Guzheng and any variation of that instrument.  What Am I Wearing: C9 jersey and teal shorts Favorite Food: Boba and Bread =D ... but I like all types of food so I feel bad picking a favorite ;;  Nationality: American Born Chinese Favorite Song: Akatsuki no Ito and Okinotayuu by Wagakki band, East Wind Breaks by Jay Chou, White Lie and Resting Stone by Jhameel  Last Book Read: I went through one of my PAD artbooks... Does that count?  Top Three Fictional Universes I’d Like To Join:  GARO, Puzzle & Dragons (shhhh they actually have lore, ok? It counts) And Fire Emblem. (Preferably 7 or 9 are my ideal worlds me thinks =D) 
I’m pretty sure anyone who would do this has been tagged??? Sooo do it if you want??? 
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boxwinebaddie · 3 months
*rm!clyde autism vc* erm, actually! its pterodactylus!~
but, no, fr. he is the moment, the movement!!!!
and everyone thinks it's because he's in his cool boy, cool blue, blue rad(s)berry, bad boy era, when in reality he's in his imy ky sad boi era.
like after they fought when the call girl news came out, which, tbh, i think ended with kyle about to call ravenstan 'stan' but then he stopped himself at the last second and yelled out, "no, fuck that! you don't Deserve to have his name! my stan would NEVER do this to me!
....fuck you, raven."
which...OOOOOOOOF. when stan and kyle know who each other are and don't call each other by their actual first names...its really bad. like actually, at the end of The Kyle Can't Say I Love You Fight where jersey is begging ravenstan to stay, stan gives him one last chance and is like "tell me you love me." and kyle is like "w-what?" and stan grabs kyle's hand, looks deep into his eyes, bearing his heart and is like "tell me you love me and i'll stay." n kyle tries and tries and tries
...but he Can't :(
so stan wipes his eyes, laughs a sad little laugh, drops kyle's hand, picks up his black jansport backpack and in The Voice just goes
"adios, jersey."
and SLAMS! the door behind him.
now, one of my favorite things about writing rm is a lot of stuff seems really cute and coy on the surface, but it's actually kind of insidious. or even that something as harmless/innocuous as a nickname might carry the weight of the world across a mere six letters. see, because when ravenstan called his kyle 'jersey' at the that first crimson dawn concert when he chose kyle as his victim, as we all now know, stan knew exactly who kyle was, but pretended not know, and what's more? stan gave kyle a cute little nickname...
cute, light, bouncy. on the nose, where blush ran like red snow across that valley of freckles and melted our college student ice king into glassless puddle at the mere utterance of that word from raven's lips. not too much to think about there. seems like a simple thing, calling the boy you like a funny name, to tease him or make him feel special.
to everyone but stanley marsh in that moment, calling kyle jersey and continuing to call him jersey wasn't something he did to be cheeky, it was strategic...it was personal. because it was much easier for stanley marsh to call his precious long lost kyle broflovski jersey...
...than kyle.
it's probably not as obvious as i think it is when i'm writing it in, but if you look closely in rm, you might notice that ravenstan almost exclusively calls kyle jersey, except for a couple really tender moments, or by accident. bc he's not supposed to use kyle's name/
one, it's just too hard, because saying kyle's name invokes way too much raw emotion in him, like the raven voice drops, he starts doing the stan voice, his eyes get shiny, it's half a sob, half a prayer, there's an overwhelming urge to hold him...like it's too obvious. kyle can't say ily and stan is not supposed to say kyle's name.
so he created jersey as a buffer, a fail safe. he created the jersey nickname to create distance between himself and kyle, so that he could keep his head on his shoulders and not go off book.
which is not to say that later on they don't use raven/crow and jersey/yersey when they're being funny/feeling fond, but if kyle calls stan raven in the shrewd deadpan voice or raven calls kyle jersey in the aloof, cool boy raven voice....THEY ARE FIGHTING!!! which...ya.
anyways, speaking of ravenstan's blue hair ( the closest approximate of which i think is this picsart monstrosity i edited [ which idk who drew this but all the credit in the world to them like thats my son ], i also did a blonde one ) after the fight, i just know stan was spiraling super hard, a bottle of chase azul tequila and a bottle of blue arctic fox hair in the other, washing his face w/ his tears, scream singing to abba on vinyl ( jersey loves abba, stan gave him a lot of shit for it growin up, their first dance at sadie hawkins was also an abba song )
and just boarded the plane the very next day with blue ass hands and blue ass hair...also pls note that when stan made the seating arrangements, it was well before they had that fight, so stan put himself next to kyle ( and its a small private plane so the rows only have two seats, i think ) and its a mess like...Roll Clip!
jers: "what? wouldnt'ya ratha sit next to ya girlfirend? here, i'll mov-"
raven: "kyle, you've been mentally preparing yourself to sit in this particular seat for weeks. you begged me to show you the layout of the plane so you could practice. you're not moving. plus, she has a window seat and you hate the window seat. i made sure you were sitting in the aisle seat so you could get up, so you don't feel trapped."
jersey, trying not to be rizzed: "and yet here i am...Trapped. With. You."
jersey, scoffing: "wow. blue? really?"
raven: "thought you'd be pleased, considering it's your favorite color"
jersey: "not anymore."
ravenstan, being a little shit: "oh, yeah? what's it now. whatever it is, i'll change it. i brought color oops just in case." ;)
jersey, rolling his eyes: "y'know, i actually don't like any colors at the moment. hate 'em all! guess you'll have to shave ya head." <3
raven: "no worries. gq magazine says i have the bone structure for it."
aAAAAAASASASAAAAA!!!!! they are being so cunty like boys relax oh my goddddddd...speaking of being relaxed. kyle is not that. kyle does not like planes, reads the emergency card 100 times, makes them check all the systems like 100 times and is particularly frightened by taking off the runway/turbulence so he actually...grabs stans hand by accident, breathing really and stan just squeezes his palm reassuringly and strokes the arch of jersey's knuckles with his thumb before they break away and kyle pretends like it never happened.
stan also...falls asleep on kyle's shoulder for like 70% of the flight, like kyle is just doing something dorky like the sudoku puzzle or reading hemmingway and stan's beautiful freshly blue chai-scented head plops on kyle's shoulder, sleeping soundly. and i shit you not kyle is scared to move that entire flight, a baby looks like its gonna start crying and kyle gives it The Glare and it swallows that sound back up. he's fighting demons and the demons are wanting to gaze longingly at your sleepy ex-sbf and kiss him on the forehead aaaAAAAAAA.
but ya! i love you manic blue hair stan! my hero! my zero!
-uncle nina, dyed hair idiot boy stan agenda
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