#but i'm going to a queer event tonight and the timing just felt right
jingerhead · 2 years
hiya! prompt idea??? i got a notification about the queer prom in my area and that immediately made me think of high school andreil. either them coming from different high schools meeting at the prom for the first time, established relationship going to escape their homophobic school, OR my favorite; loner andrew pining for jock neil who “must be straight,,,, right?” and then having an aneurysm when he sees him there. anyways, do with this what you will, i just think there is so much potential for my awkward murder babies :,)
OH anon that is just so wonderful that that exists in the first place, I'm so happy! I wish I could've gotten to go to a queer prom omg. I also think that idea is just perfect, I too am a sucker for the 'loner Andrew pining for jock Neil' trope. Literally perfect.
There is so much potential here, so I wrote a little thing :) I hope you enjoy the tiny drabble, thank you so much for the idea!! It's beautiful, and I REALLY want to go to a queer prom now hehe.
Andrew wasn’t sure what sufficed for a queer prom, but he definitely should’ve gone into it with less expectations. The event was taking place in a restaurant in the village that was equipped more for birthday parties than school dances, but the fact that it existed at all was “a win”, at least according to Nicky. There were streamers hung in waves on the ceiling, balloon arches and neon lights that flashed along with the music being played from speakers. In total there had to be at least forty kids in the place, all from different schools around the area.
Somehow, Andrew had been talked into coming along. Between Nicky’s nagging about how he never had a queer prom when he was in high-school (as if he was thirty or something) and Renee mentioning going once, Andrew ended up renting a suit and going. Most of the people there were couples, but some seemed to be friend groups having the time of their lives. Renee had gone off to dance with her girlfriend, leaving Andrew alone with the desserts he’d grabbed from the free snack table.
He wasn’t uncomfortable in crowds, but preferred to stick alone. The one person Andrew really hung around at school was his twin brother and Renee, uninterested in pursuing any friendships that wouldn’t last past the next two years. But this place was stuffy and loud, and Andrew had finished his last brownie, so he decided to head out one of the exits to take a smoke break in the empty alley next to the restaurant.
The music was still audible from where he was leaning against the brick wall, but it was muted and less irritating. Andrew felt himself calm the longer he was alone, slowly taking drags from his cigarette and letting the nicotine wash through him. He should really just leave after this, because Andrew wasn’t interested in trying to find a hookup tonight and Renee didn’t need him to drive her home. He should go back to the house, get the unopened rocky road ice cream in the freezer and spend the rest of his night watching shitty movies in his pajamas.
The door further down the alley opened suddenly, bringing Andrew out of his thoughts. He watched as a guy walked out and entered the alleyway, pausing when he noticed Andrew standing there as well. Andrew blinked in surprise when he noticed it was Neil Josten standing there, dressed in an all-black ensemble of dress pants, a button up and loosened tie. 
Star striker Neil Josten. Exy junkie from the high-school varsity team. Practically the jock of all jocks that Andrew had snuck glances at in the hallways. And during lunch. And in shared classes. Especially gym class. Not that it mattered, because exy-junkie-ultimate-jock Neil Josten couldn’t be anything but straight.
“Hi,” Neil said, walking down the alley.
“Hm,” Andrew hummed, busying himself with taking another drag from his cigarette.
“Air?” Neil asked.
Andrew hummed again. Neil kept standing where he was, just a couple of steps away, leaning on one leg and staring. “Who made you come?” Andrew asked before he could stop himself.
“Why did someone have to make me?” Neil asked, falling against the wall. Andrew was very aware of the few inches of space between them. 
“Here with a boyfriend, then?” he managed to get out, bringing his cigarette between his lips so that he wouldn’t say anything else.
“No,” Neil said through a soft snort. He held out a hand that Andrew placed a fresh cigarette in, handing over his lighter a moment later. Neil lit it and held it between his fingers, seeming far more interested in breathing than smoking.
“Why, then?” Andrew asked before he could stop himself.
“Last time I checked, being ace is a queer identity,” Neil said after blowing some smoke into the air. He had a challenging look in his eyes, like he was daring Andrew to say otherwise.
But there was nothing to argue with in the first place. “Yes,” Andrew agreed, unable to look away from Neil, studying the way his eyes matched the sky.
Neil seemed pleased with the answer, closing his eyes and tipping his head back against the brick of the wall. “You?”
“Here with a boyfriend?”
“No,” Andrew answered. He focused on smoking the rest of the cigarette in his hand, finally stubbing it out on the brick near his hip and tossing the remains on the dirty floor. Neil did the same just seconds later, and the two breathed together as the sun slowly set, the sky getting darker with every minute.
“I’m bored,” Neil said, taking a step away. He shoved his hands in his pockets and stared at Andrew, who did anything but stare back. “Hungry?”
Honestly he wasn’t, but Andrew said, “Yes.”
“There’s a place not too far that has a midnight breakfast menu,” Neil explained. He started to lead the way out of the alley with Andrew right behind him, heading towards the parking lot. “They have great milkshakes, too.”
It sounded amazing. “I’ll drive.”
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blackbird-brewster · 6 months
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The rest of their friends arrived in short succession and the tensions in the group instantly felt high. Derek and Beck hadn't seen each other since they both went to Chicago when Jordan was first arrested, which meant they also hadn't seen each other since Beck began sleeping with Tara. As if that wasn't enough, Derek was also facing Spencer for the first time after finding out he and Luke kissed each other.
But Derek wasn't the only one walking into the party with mixed feelings.
Elle had spent most of the day tossing up whether or not she should even go to a party for her co-worker's boyfriend. Elle had mostly been leaning towards skipping the event altogether, but her brother, Jameson, ultimately convinced her it would be nice for her to spend time around other queer people. He loved his sibling and supported her always, but he also constantly reminded her that she needed to find friends of her own, outside of him and his other cishet rugby pals.
This was the first time she would be willingly be spending time with her colleagues outside of work and Elle wasn't sure what to expect. Running into JJ, and subsequently spending the evening with her on game night, wasn't something Elle planned in advance. Choosing to come to the party tonight was.
Here she was, standing in JJ's foyer while trying to quell her nerves. Elle regretted not coming as Leo, knowing, for whatever reason, being Leo when she was around JJ seemed to make Elle feel more confident. Logically, she knew Leo would create his own tensions, considering she was only out as genderfluid to JJ and Penelope. Even so, Elle could have done with a bit of his confidence right about now, because currently, all they felt was awkward.
Penelope excitedly flung their arms around her. "Elley-mo-melly-bo-nana-fana-fo-felly! I'm so hyped you came. Welcome to the cool kids clique!"
Elle's arms were pinned to their sides as Pen crushed them in a hug. They let out a strangled, "Hey, Penny Dreadful."
"Come meet the gang!" Pen said as they released their death grip so they could loop an arm in Elle's to escort her into the other room. They lowered their voice slightly, "Just a heads up, we're all flavours of queer here."
[Read the Full Chapter on AO3]
Fooled Around (and Fell in Love) is a queer rom-com AU that celebrates coming out at any age or stage, polyamory, found family, and above all else, the love shared between JJ/Emily/Tara.
Read the whole series: [PART 1] || [PART 2] || [PART 3]
Listen to the series soundtrack on Spotify: Fooled Around (and Fell in Love) OST]
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