#but i swear i will think of something better im just too preoccupied rn hsksjsksk
miusato · 28 days
What would be the equivalent of the promise day (save and happy edition) in the highschool AU? Aigis finally getting a small moment with Kotone on the roof, then everyone rushes in to try and ask her out?
Hmmm I actually havent think of it so let me just type this one out on the fly lol
The logical one (and the one almost paralel to canon) is of course all of them graduating. Although in my AU, I honestly have trouble trying to string everyone together, especially since Aki and Mitsu will still remain as a senior. Not to mention in canon they at least have a reason to stick to each other for 1 goal and 1 purpose only which is to eliminate Dark Hour entirely, I just can't think of a very good reason rn why all of the cast would be friends with each other.
What I had in mind is there would be 2 groups seperating, with the outcast being Makoto, Aigis, Fuuka, Shinji and Junpei (sometimes) while the more favorable (or popular if I might say) is Kotone, Aki, Mitsu and Yukari. Shinji is pretty much in his own world and Junpei is pretty much has his own friend group as a school jock (but more of a manfailure kind of way lol). The idea in my head right now is that Kotone serves as a bridge between the outcast and the popular kids so like as time progress, both of the groups would bump into each other more often and maybe all of them will be involve into something, somehow, idk I havent think of that far yet lmfaooo
But god you made me think of something funny like what if Kotone actually has to move far away and Aigis knows this much earlier than others because Kotone told her and on her last week in town and last day at school she finally has the courage to ask her out on the rooftop but word got out about her going away so like everyone rushes to meet her to confess or ask her out as if they cant just text her lmfao that would be so chaotic like they would be "NO I KNOW HER LONGER THAN YOU!" "FUCK OFF I LIKED HER FOR A LONG TIME" "SHE DOESNT LIKE BOYS YOU BOZOS" "Im just her for the action" "YOU IDIOTS ARE PESTERING HER SHE CLEARLY LIKES ME MORE" something like that lmao im sorry its dumb and cheezy but mom said i can be cringe on the internet rawr XD
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