#but he is very cute. youll see why i included him anyway
im-still-a-robot · 1 year
I hope that everyone reblogging my Valentines know that I can see what they put in the tags and that I thus love them so much
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babysizedfics · 3 years
@switchyticklebug requested tickly teasy concept!!
ro teaching michael how much vee loves tickles and teases
side note: another concept i builded on in messages with someone else - @a-little-bit-flustered this time - so pls excuse any weird formatting r grammar hasdhshd and  any indednted text  is bea typing not me
i imagine during the time that michael stays over at the family’s house a lot in his top surgery recovery, he gets to see a lot of the family dynamics that he just hasn’t been close enough to witness before - including roman and vee’s teasy tickly dynamic
AHH makes my heart go whooosh to think of vee and michael hanging out with roman in the living room and vee has been giggly all day and rlly sweet but also is  gettin kinda of fidgety but neither or nor michael realise why
but occasionally mimmy will say smth sweet that embarrasses vee and she goes (⌯≧ ﹏ ≦⌯)  "nooooo" and wiggles and hides her blushy cheeks (and smile) on michaels shoulder
and michael is a sweetie and is like oh okay i wont say that again sorry kitty! because he just wants to respect it if she tells him not to do smth
but then roman sees vee pout a little but shyly go quiet and fidgety again and hes like OHHHH i seee what kinda mood she’s in....
and hes like "hey Michael wanna learn smth about vee vee?" 😏😈 hsjsjsj
and he scooches over and pulls vee into his lap and michales like aww :3 but vee is rlly blushy like HHHH ros gonna do it he’s gonna tease me in front of mimmy ! and tbh this is rlly what shewanted all along
and roman explains teasy "when she whines 'noooooo' , unless she says cotton candy then it ACTUALLY means 'pleeaaase make me blush and stutter more' " and vee squeaks and buries her face and michael is just like :0 ?really??
and ro whispers "and sometimesss..." and wiggles his finger rlly RLLY lightly under vees ear and vee squeaks and whines "it means 'pleeeasee tickle tickle tickle me'" and starts tickling vee in front of micahel hhhhss >///<
and michael just thinks its rlly funny and cute and laughs when roman 'teaches' him all the tickles vee likes
AHHH and imagine roman gets michael to hold vee in his lap while roman goes for her tickly thighs and vee is SO PINK and whiny and squeaky and giggly and wriggly
and michael is laughing like “ahh oh my gosh kitty youre so ticklish this is so funny!! awww youre so cute look at you!!" and he pinches her cheek while ro tickles her
and logan walks in on them tickling her so much and her rlly blushing and hes like “okay boys i know youre having fun but lets be gentle with vee okay? “
and michael instantly straightens his back and is like 'uh yes logan, sorry sir'
and romans like "yeah hang on right after this" and wiggles ALL his fingers right on the insides of vees thighs and she SCREAMS and accidentslly kicks romans shoukder rlly hard and roman falls back winded and michaels like OH MY GOD ARE YOU OKAY and vees still gasping for breath and logans just so apathetic like "you brought this upon yourself" and walks out
omg this is like during the day before a michael stays the night tho so like michael is gonan be there for HOURS and vee is gonna be so flustered jsjsjdjdj
@a-little-bit-flustered : AHHHHHHHH they’ll literally be chilling together later in the afternoon and vee will just be sat there STILL blushing and full of butterflies because she can’t stop thinking about how flustered all of the teasing made her and the little tiny smile/sparkle in her eyes never quite disappears until they go to sleep later ashdhfjfhh 🥺💗🥺
YESSS and when theyre laying in bed in vees room that night  then michael just has a rlly cheeky smile and vees cheeks burn again but faer lips pull up and fae hides it behind minty and whines "whaaaaat"
and michael teases "you like being tiiickleeed~" in a singy song hsjjsjd and vee just squeaks and buries faer head under the blankies
and michale asks a lot like "so why do u like it ? where are u most ticklish?? does only roman tickle you? how often does he do it ? why are u blushing? does me saying the word tickle make u squirm??? omg it does!!! tickli tickle tickle tickle" and hes just rambling constantly and vee is DYING
NOOOOO THE SINGY SONG VOICE omg poor vee just wouldn’t be able to handle it, she’d bury her face into minty and stay under the blankie to hide her blushing and the big big smile on her face and michael is just like “kittyyyy, come out of theeeere~” and very gently pokes her side like how roman showed him before and all of the teasing has made vee so sensitive that she *squeals* bc the build up and anticipation is just way way too flustering and she’s just a little puddle of giggles ahshdjfgh 😭😭💗💗
AAA omg the poke and squeal shsjjs ohh and imagien then patton ducks his head in a couple minutes later and they both clam up and blush rlly bright and micahel is like "we were just playing - um! n-not like—not like that kind of playing but like--"
and patton chuckles like yes honey i know vee likes to play the special tickly game (vee whimpers) , but i think you both need to get your rest - we have a hospital patient AND a baby in here, you both need an early night!
and michael feels a lil guilty and says sorry and good night and patton gives vee another bedtime kiss (and minty of course) and then hes like "anyway, the more sleep you get tonight the more energy youll have to play tomorrow!!"
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hi !! can I please get a 🍰?
i just came across of you writing and it is so cute !! (´-﹏-`;) every post made me feel all warm & fuzzy inside ~ please feel free to totally ignore this if this isn't the proper way to ask or if you already closed your request (also I'm sorry if you already closed your request I didn't noticed) . Also sorry if this has any grammatical errors or if the descriptions don't make sense, english isn't my first language.
so, uhm, to begin my name is elliot (she/her) I'm 5'4, I'm from argentina (south america) i speak spanish & english (among other languages) idk how much I'm supposed to put on here so I'm just going to describe myself as redacted as possible. (Don't know if this is necessary but I'm jewish ¿) ^_________^
I have short brown wavy hair, just a couple of centimeters below my ears, i have bangs, I'm very pale ¿ not chubby but also not skinny average if i may say so. My fashion style changes from time to time but i usually wear clothing in the range of black to white, also sometimes I like trying whatever aesthetic is going around at the time.
Personality wise I'm pretty calm at first, i'm not very good with getting to know new people so I try to be as quite as possible but once I get comfortable i tend to be very loud, i like making my friends laugh since i think that's the most sincere way of knowing they talk to me because they like me. I would say I'm like the mom friend/therapist friend since i really like helping and listening people talk. I love having deep conversations with friends/loved ones, they give me this sense of connection nothing else can give me. I am very blunt and it usually comes off as rude but i try to sugar-coat my words as much as possible.
And while I very much love everyone who is friends with me I have a very hard time showing it and/or showing my empathy for them (one of the reasons as to why I'm not good with meeting new people) but i try to become a better version of me day to day.
What i look in a person is someone who can understand me and my boundaries, since I'm germophobic PDA isn't really something that i enjoy doing but with time i can get myself around to it. Someone whom I can trust enough to be emotionally open with and vice versa. Talkative or not doesn't matter to me. My love language is acts of service. ^_________^
I hope you have a really amazing day ! ! remember to drink water and eat something yummy (*^3^)/~♡ don't be too harsh on yourself and keep in mind that many people love you, ba-bye ! ╰(⸝⸝⸝´꒳`⸝⸝⸝)╯
🍰 for @vvanteffect
Romantic Matchup
Sakusa Kiyoomi
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How yall met
You guys met during the All-Japan Youth Training Camp
(You were a partial manager from Nekoma during that time)
Shockingly enough he actually approached you
Granted his cousin was forcing him to socialize but that's not important
He had noticed how you tended to stay away from other people or how when you did talk to someone it was usually a very short conversation
Basically you seemed like the least contaminated person he could talk to so he just went for it
Right away he noticed how blunt you were
Like he would ask you a question adn the longest answer you would give him was about a sentence
“Hey how are you”
“Uh so what school are you from”
You get what i'm saying
But honestly he didn't really care he just kept talking to you
And the longer he talked to you the longer your responses would get
You guys spent the rest of camp together
And when it was time to go home you exchanged numbers so you could stay in contact
Your schools weren't too far from each other so you guys would see each other in person when you were both free
And well he ended up falling for you
What they love about you
Of course he loves that your also a partial germaphobe
It makes it easier for him to be around you knowing that you try your best to stay clean
He loves how simple you are
From the clothes you wear
To how you talk to other people
He tends to over analize if people are to complicated
But with you everything is just short and sweet
He loves how good of a listener you are
Like if he's had a bad day he can just call you and rant about it
And not only do you listen
But you also help him solve his problems
This next one isn't really something he loves more like something he's proud of
He's very proud that he's gained enough of your trust for you to talk to him
Like full blown conversations
Your guys convos have come a long way from the very first conversation you had
He's just happy that you trust him enough to talk to him
What you love about them
You love that he respects your boundaries
Let's be honest here
Mans isn't really into PDA either
Like come on
LOOK who were talking about here
But that's not the only boundary he respects
He respects All of your boundaries
Like all you have to do is tell him you don't like something and he'll stop
You love how he can handle your bluntness and not get offended
Honestly when you look back on how you met him
Your shocked that he even kept talking to you
That whole training camp people would keep on trying to talk to you
But then leave after a short while because you were being blunt and they took it the wrong way
But not Sakusa
He kept on talking to you even when you were acting pretty cold
And your very appreciative about that
Favorite things to do together
Ok so even though you live semi close together
It's not like your neighbors
So his favorite thing to do with you is to just facetime you and talk about each others days
And when you guys are able to get together
He prefers that you both just stay inside for the most part
So you do just that
Usually your in person hangouts include playing board games, reading,or watching movies together
And if you guys decide to go out
He makes you wear a mask the whole time
And you guys will usually just take a walk at a park or on the beach
Somewhere where theres not a lot of people yk
Random Hc
He has bought you two matching masks
His homescreen on his phone is a picture of you that he took while facetime you
Once you guys were in public and he accidently gave you a kiss while both of your masks were on
And now thats just became a norm for you two
You guys have these matching pajamas
Friendship Matchup
Kuroo Tetsurou
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How yall met
You are Nekomas manager
And since kuroo was the captain you worked very closely with him
Which eventually made a friendship bloom
Why you became friends
He kind of saw you as a compitition if that makes sense??
Like when he first met you it's almost like you didn't want to talk to him
Which couldn't be true because he's awesome!
Sure you are kuroo
Anyways kenma had made some backhand comment on how some people just dont wanna talk to him
And kuroo was like 🧐
So he made it his goal to befriend you
It started with him having basic conversation with you everyday
Then it turned into him talking to you during the school day
Which then turned into him inviting you to hand out after school
Eventually you guys just became besties
What yall love about each other
He loves how straightforward you are
Like if you don't like something youll say it
If someones ticking you off you'll tell them
Even though your bluntness is something you get insecure about sometimes
He thinks it's one of your best traits
He also loves that you are bilingual
It makes for a good time when your ranting about something because your languages will start to blend
And if your really mad you'll just switch to spanish and just start ranting
And even though he can't understand a word your saying
He just smile and nods till your done
You love how deep your conversations can get
Like he'll play along with whatever deep topic you talk about
“What's the meaning of life”
“I would say its to give life a meaning”
Yeah y'all talked about that for HOURS
You also like how helpful he is
If your ever having a hard time managing the team he'll always offer a helping hand
And if your ever struggling with schoolwork he's always there to help you
Random Hc
He was very shocked when you and Sakusa started dating
He threatened to kick his ass if he ever broke up with you
Hes tried to learn spanish but gave up after a week
But he did learn how to say all the cuss words in spanish
After he befriended you he rubbed it in kenmas face
Kenma was just like 😐 ok
But kuroo took satisfaction in his victory
You really had kuroo thinking for a whole day when you asked him
Did the color orange come before the fruit? Or is it vice versa?
Still hasn't come up with an answer to that question
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Soarin’ (m)
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pairing: jaemin x reader
au: disneyland worker!jaemin and reader
genre: fluff, smut
word count: 6.4k
warnings: smut, swearing, mentions of drugs (you’ll see), descriptions of sick? slight tainting of childhood (not enough to scar), controversial opinions (but not literally), unfunny humour
specific smut warnings (in case you dont want spoilers): fingering, blowjob, unprotected sex (but assume character is on the pill), semi-public sex?
summary: You have worked at Disneyland since the first year of uni, which has all but destroyed your ideals of magic. But when a new boy becomes the Mickey to your Minnie, you can’t help but find yourself intrigued by the bright-eyed newbie. Maybe Disneyland is magic, afterall. (this sucks im so sorry)
very, very heavily inspired by this thread on reddit. also, i hope you enjoy! any feedback will be much appreciated (this is my first fic as im sure youll be able to tell)
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Ah, Disneyland, ‘The Happiest Place on Earth’. If you’re a child, that is. Not only can you meet your favorite characters who are probably doing lines in the back between rounds, but you have the honour of being able to watch them dangle helplessly from a wire during the firework display and narrowly avoid death. It’s no wonder you’ve been working there since your first year of uni.
‘Johnny told me there’s a new Mickey coming today.’ Eva, Princess Tiana and, quite frankly, the only decent princess in the whole park, says. She’s currently struggling to pull the long, white gloves over her own blue plastic pair of gloves she puts on for ‘safety reasons’ - her words, not yours. Though, it’s not like you can blame her when the outfits only get washed...well, never.
The two of you are currently the only two in the spacious dressing room which is permanently accompanied by the stench of sweat clinging to the walls, especially since it’s summer.
‘Oh, really?’ You ask from in front of her on the worn wooden bench, pulling your clunky yellow shoes on that dwarf your feet in their enormous size. It took you months to be able to walk in them without constantly tripping. Thankfully, it seems they at least got a wash after being puked on a few days ago.
She nods, moving towards the vanity and smoothing down a stray hair. ‘I know, it didn't take them long. Poor Jeremy, though.’
You hum in agreement. Jeremy ran into some trouble whilst covering a shift for the Donald Duck regular, resulting in a few broken ribs, a black eye and a dislocated shoulder. Or so the NDA requires you to say, anyway. Needless to say he quit on the spot.
‘____?’ You turn and see Johnny, your manager, making his way over to you with a cute guy in tow. ‘This is Jaemin. Jaemin, this is ____. He’s the new weekend Mickey regular. I need you to show him around Toontown discreetly,’ He gives you a pointed look to remind you that your characters aren’t supposed to talk. ‘And then you can camp out in Mickey’s House until the attractions close.’
You smile at Jaemin and he smiles back sheepishly as Johnny walks away without another word. Jaemin has arguably the prettiest smile you’ve ever seen, accompanied by the prettiest lips and the prettiest - is that too many ‘pretty’s? -  twinkling eyes and you can wholeheartedly say you have no problem showing him around ‘discreetly’.
‘Hi, Jaemin.’ You say, suddenly aware of your current state of half-dress with your suit still unzipped and bunched around your waist. You catch him glancing at your exposed top-half and quickly zip up the back before clearing your throat and gesturing towards the locker opposite yours. ‘Mickey’s suit is usually kept in there.’
‘Uh, thanks.’ He turns quickly before looking back at you, clearly not wanting to ask you to leave but not wanting to change in front of you.
‘Meet you outside?’ You take the hint and stand up, grabbing Minnie’s head and placing it over your own.
He nods gratefully and you leave.
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‘You’ll have to get used to that, you know.’ You say quietly as he joins you. For a late Saturday afternoon in the summer, the park isn’t as busy as usual; only the occasional family loiters in Toontown, though in the distance you can see the beginnings of a crowd forming in front of Sleeping Beauty’s castle in preparation for the fireworks as the sun begins to set.
‘Used to what?’
‘To seeing other cast members undressed and to them seeing you undressed.’ You say simply, waving to a child with a short brown bob and bucket hat that’s walking towards you as you head slowly from the staff area towards Goofy’s Playhouse. The child stops and asks both of you for your autographs, something that every Disney cast member has to perfect before they get to wear their suit.
‘Right,’ He mutters when she leaves. ‘What happened to the guy before me?’
You glance at him from the corner of your eye, momentarily forgetting you can’t see his face. ‘What’ve you heard?’
‘Nothing, why?’
You sigh. ‘He was jumped by some asshole teenagers. You don’t need to worry, though,’ You add quickly at his sharp intake of breath. ‘You aren’t dressed as Donald Duck so you should be fine.’ You joke.
He laughs slightly at that. ‘Who thought dressing up as a kids’ character could be so dangerous?’
‘Oh, you have no idea.’ You laugh, a little too loudly, drawing more attention to yourself than usual but automatically correct your pitch to match Minnie Mouse’s. You wave at the kids that turn to look at you and they hurry over, asking to take pictures. After they run back to their parents, you turn to Jaemin and ask, ‘So, why did you apply for the job?’
‘Wow, it’s like a second interview.’ You shake your head, mumbling a quick apology. ‘I’ve never actually been to Disneyland before, and you know,’ He gestures his hand aimlessly. ‘This is supposed to be The Most Magical Place on Earth’ - he quotes - ‘so, I guess I wanted to experience the magic firsthand.’
‘That’s Magic Kingdom.’ You correct automatically.
‘That’s Magic Kingdom’s motto. Ours is ‘The Happiest Place on Earth’.’
‘Huh. I guess there is a difference, then.’
‘Of course there’s a difference. Magic Kingdom isn’t nearly as good as Disneyland.’ You say simply.
Jaemin snorts. ‘I’m sorry I offended you.’
‘Anyway,’ You say, ‘If you’re looking for a magical experience, you’re coming at it from the wrong angle.’
‘Exactly how bad is it to work here?’ He questions, though you can hear a hint of amusement in his tone.
‘The best I can give you is unforgettable.’ You would explain to him the number of times you’ve caught both members of the public and workers having sex in various places including on various rides, and how Haunted Mansion is notorious for having people leave their loved one’s ashes in it despite the fact they just get vaccumed up, but it’s only his first day and you don’t want to scare him off.
‘Gotcha.’ He merely says and you continue on to show him the Chip ‘n’ Dale Treehouse, your favorite place in Toontown. At night, the treehouse is lit in such a way as to make it whimsical, the ragged branches no longer menacing as they are during the daytime. You can’t complain at the fact that it’s quiet due to the fact that most people overlook it, either, instead mistaking it as decoration and not an actual attraction that you can go in.
This makes it the perfect place to hide out in the nighttime, when people are busy with the most popular attractions and has made it sort of an escape to you. Well, that and it’s given you a bad back.
You pause in front of Mickey’s House. ‘This is your crib,’ you joke. ‘Are you ready for your first official shift?’ You say, feigning drama in your tone.
‘Oh, gee, Minnie, I sure am!’ He replies in Mickey’s tone, emulating it perfectly and making both of you crack up.
‘I have to warn you, though, expect your arm to go dead within the first few minutes from all the waving.’
‘Noted. This job isn’t going to give me carpal tunnel syndrome, is it?’ He asks, only half serious.
‘No, but it may make you hate kids.’
He chokes, but before he can say anything in reply, a small boy who looks about four illustrates your point by pulling down his denim shorts and taking a dump right on the tarmac next to the hideous grey mouse-shaped letterbox.
You can read Jaemin’s horror in his speechlessness as you merely sigh and pull out your radio to call in, ‘We have a code Pooh outside Mickey’s House, over.’
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As you walk in your front door to your shared apartment with your roommate, Ailee, you catch her and her boyfriend, Sam, making out on the couch in the living room. You two met in the first week of uni when you both ended up at some frat party that you hated and hit it off.
‘Ew, gross, guys. You have a bedroom, you know.’ You say, throwing your bag on the coffee table and slumping down on the couch next to them, sinking into the plush white cushions.
Ailee merely throws her head back and laughs before saying, ‘Tell me all about it.’
You frown. ‘About what?’
She tuts at you impatiently. ‘Work, duh. Everyday you come home it’s been a bad day,’ She plays with a few strands of your hair comfortingly. ‘So, tell me about it.’
You scrunch your nose up. ‘Nothing out of the ordinary happened.’ You say simply, looking at your nails.
Sam laughs. ‘Even I know you look at your nails when you’re lying, ____.’
Your mouth falls open in shock, offended. ‘I do not.’ You insist and scowl internally.
‘You do,’ Ailee agrees. ‘But it’s okay, that doesn’t matter right now. What’s the juicy story for today?’
You roll your eyes. ‘I’m glad my misery is so entertaining. The only thing that’s different is that there’s a new weekend Mickey regular.’
Ailee and Sam share a pointed look. ‘And?’ She asks, drawing out the syllable.
‘And he’s cute. I guess.’ You add as an afterthought.
Ailee snorts. ‘You guess?’
You groan. ‘Okay, he’s cute, period.’ You concede.
‘So, ask him out.’
‘Can’t. It’s against the rules.’ You mumble.
She gives you an exasperated look. ‘____, sweetie, you’re the most lax person with a job still in the whole park. What’s one date to you that nobody knows about?’
You bite your lip. She does have a point. You think about how cute Jaemin was when he was nervous to greet the kids at the House and hide your grin.
‘She’d have to actually see him again, though, right?’ Sam interjects, interrupting your daydream.
‘Sam, don’t be such a Debby downer.’ Ailee whines.
Whilst it’s true that cast members in a couple usually split up, you doubt they would make Jaemin do his second shift on his own. Resolving to pluck up the courage to ask him out, you go to bed that night apprehensive about the following day.
Apparently God is punishing you for some unknown reason, because you don’t see Jaemin at all that day, or the week after. In fact, you don’t even catch a glimpse of him or the big round ears that are telling of Mickey’s character.
Eve informs you that Johnny teamed him up with Goofy for ‘variety’, meanwhile you’re being sent over to Soarin’ in Grizzly Peak, the most boring area in the whole park due to its unpopularity. You can’t help but worry slightly about Jaemin, though, thinking of the previous time you saw Daniel, Goofy’s actor, when he pulled a flask from seemingly nowhere inside his costume and took a long, deep drink before heading back out, slightly stumbling.
Before you step out, Bella, the girl who plays Cinderella (no, the irony is not lost on you), stops you and says, ‘Oh, ____, I heard the new Mickey Mouse arrived yesterday. Fingers crossed you don’t scare him into quitting, too.’ Ever since you auditioned for the part of Cinderella and lost it to her, Bella has taken to rubbing your inferiority in your face every chance she gets.
You roll your eyes and Eve says back, ‘Oh, fuck off, Bella,’ She turns to you. ‘She’s just jealous ‘cause she thinks he’s cute and he hasn’t even acknowledged her yet.’
You snort as Bella narrows her eyes and stomps away as best she can in her flimsy costume heels.
‘He was asking after you when he came in earlier, you know.’ Eve says.
‘Jaemin was?’
She hums before saying, ‘He looked so disappointed to be paired up with Goofy.’
You feel the blood rushing to your face as you smile. ‘Really?’
Eve looks at you knowingly. ‘Yep, said he wanted to thank you for being so understanding yesterday since no one wants to babysit the newbee.’
‘I’d happily babysit the newbee anytime if they looked like that.’ You say and Eve laughs.
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Whilst you’re at the most boring attraction in the park, the day is still no less than eventful. You encounter a child stuck in a tree trying to skip the line for Anna and Elsa’s Royal Welcome on your way to the bathroom due to the nearest one being blocked off. After you manage to actually use the bathroom, you’re surprised to see Elsa herself there, half-dressed at the sink and you can’t help but wonder if that’s the reason the line is so long. To top it all off, one of the only times you manage to fill the ride at Soarin’, you notice a couple getting on while holding a backpack that’s moving and alert the ride operators. When they finally report back to you that there was a six-month-old baby in there, they have to convince you not to ring child protective services.
After you slam your locker closed in the deserted dressing room, you sink down on the rigid bench, putting your head in your hands and massaging your growing headache.
‘____,’ A voice starts and you jump, looking up to see Johnny standing above you, clipboard in hand. He barely gives you a second glance when he startles you, instead pretending not to notice and continuing, ‘I need you next Friday for a grad night.’
You groan. Grad nights are the worst events Disneyland continuously puts on, in the past coming second only to Nights of Joy, the annual Christian festival, before it was cancelled for good. Even the managers rejoiced in the abolition of Nights of Joy. ‘Can’t you find someone else to be Minnie? Everyone knows how bad grad nights are.’
Johnny sighs. ‘Fine, then. I’ll put you on watching the cameras for Star Tours with Jaemin.’
You ignore the way you want to immediately jump on the chance for some one-on-one time with Jaemin and raise an eyebrow. ‘Aren’t you not supposed to do that? You know, because he’s new and I’m not trained in…’ You trail off at the glare he’s giving you and purse your lips, nodding your head in acceptance.
‘Great, thanks.’ He says sarcastically and walks out.
At least the next time you return to Hell on Earth it won’t be in a Minnie costume.
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You feel strange as you unlock and push open the door to the CCTV monitor room. If you had to put money on it, you would say it’s because this isn’t your job and you technically shouldn’t be here, but you’re not much of a gambler.
The heavy metal door gives way, opening to a small room with roughly fifty monitors, each displaying the Star Tours ride, the attraction itself as a whole and the surrounding area. You note the odd statue opposite the entrance that you don’t remember the name of - the satellites surrounding a distinct shape that is rocket-like. You shake your head internally at the sight. Why are the only pretty decorations reserved for Fantasyland?
You also note the dim red lighting and frown in confusion as your eyes land on Jaemin, sitting in an office chair in front of the wall of screens, wearing the same uniform consisting of a pale blue shirt and black trousers as you, except wearing it a hundred times better.
He turns upon your entrance, smiling as he takes in your attire. ‘I thought I’d set the mood with some lighting.’ He grins cheekily.
‘Oh?’ You say, stepping into the room, locking the door behind you. ‘What mood is that exactly?’
His smile grows wider as he says, ‘Adventure. We’re in for a night, so I hear.’
You groan, ‘You’ll wish you never agreed to doing this.’ You make your way to the chair next to his, sitting down on the flat cushion and leaning back.
‘How bad can it really be? These are literally a bunch of eighteen-year-olds who aren’t of legal drinking age yet and they’re supervised.’
You shook your head in mock sympathy. ‘Sweet, sweet, naive boy,’ You say. ‘Now you’ve jinxed it.’ You eye his coffee cup and wrinkle your nose in distaste at the black liquid. It looks like you’re staring into the pits of Hell. ‘What is that atrocity?’
He follows your gaze and laughs. ‘It’s coffee. Wanna try some?’ He maintains eye contact as he takes a sip and then offers it to you.
‘God, no. I have self-respect.’
He places it back down next to an intimidating set of controls, a hint of amusement in his eyes. ‘Also, I wanted to say thank you for the other week. For showing me around and stuff.’ He looks down shyly.
‘Oh, it’s, um, no problem. How have you been coping?’ You ask slightly awkwardly, not knowing what to do at his sudden personality flip-flop.
‘It’s a lot harder than I imagined it to be, honestly. I thought the worst that could happen would be screaming children and impatient parents.’ He admits.
You nod. ‘I thought the same when I first started last year. Little did I know the Karens were the least of my problems.’
He laughs breathily. ‘Tell me about it. I don’t know how you’ve managed to last so long.’
You shrug, embarrassed. ‘I just like making the kids’ day I guess.’
He coos and you push him lightly, smiling. ‘Why don’t we play a game?’ He asks, a mischievous glint in his eyes.
You narrow your own eyes. ‘What kind of game?’
‘Hmm,’ He pretends to think, tapping his chin. ‘How about twenty-one questions?’
‘Okay,’ You say slowly. ‘What are our rules going to be?’
He smirks. ‘You only get one get-out-of-jail card. And if you use it, you have to do what the other person says.’
You sigh. ‘Fine. Then, follow-up questions to your answers don’t count.’
‘Deal. I’ll go first,’ At your mildly worried look, he says, ‘Don’t worry, I’ll go easy on you. What are you studying in uni?’
‘Business and management.’ You say instantly, and he looks intrigued. ‘It was either that or English lit, and my parents weren’t too keen on me studying that.’
He frowns. ‘Why not?’
You avoid eye contact as you answer. ‘They’re both doctors,’ You clear your throat. ‘Are you in uni?’ You love your parents with all your heart but sometimes you wish they would just be happy with you being happy.
He takes the hint and moves on. ‘Yeah, I’m actually doing photography.’ He says, scratching the back of his neck.
Your head perks up. ‘Really? That’s so cool. My roommate is studying photography, too. Is that what you want to do after you graduate?’
His face relaxes. ‘I’m not really sure, to be honest. I just know it’s something I’m passionate about, you know?’ At your nod of encouragement, he continues, ‘There’s just something so amazing about capturing a moment forever in a way that really brings out its true beauty.’
You give him a small smile. ‘That sounds really special.’
He shrugs, though you can tell he appreciates it. ‘Anyway, it’s your turn to answer. Do you have a boyfriend?’
If you were drinking something, you’re sure you would have choked. ‘I-no?’
He looks slightly put out. ‘Is it complicated?’
You shake your head, maybe a little too hard. ‘No, sorry, you just caught me off guard. No, I don’t have a boyfriend.’ He looks instantly brighter. ‘Why, are you asking me out?’ You tease.
He blushes. ‘I mean, uh, I, um-’
‘Oh my God,’ You laugh, though you feel disappointed. ‘It’s okay, I was only joking. Ouch.’ You’re almost glad you didn’t get a chance to ask him out and make things awkward between the two of you. Maybe not seeing him for two weeks was a sign from the universe not to fuck up.
‘I didn’t mean it like that, oh God, I’m sorry.’ He groans and buries his face in his hands.
You tap him playfully on the shoulder. ‘It’s fine,’ You can’t help but feel hurt. Why did he ask you if he doesn’t care whether you have one or not? Maybe you’re just reading too much into it. ‘My turn, anyway. What’s traumatized you the most since working here?’
‘Learning that when cast members say ‘have a Disney day’ they really mean ‘fuck you’.’
You throw your head back and laugh. ‘That’s my favorite. Although as far as things go, that’s pretty vanilla.’
‘Maybe I’m a vanilla guy.’ He teases, and you can’t help but let your mind wander to an image of him hovering over you, reaching up to intertwine your hands together as he moans sweetly in your ear and you feel your face heat up.
‘So you’re admitting you’re boring.’ You joke halfheartedly, almost off-beat.
He places his hand over his heart in mock hurt. ‘That was uncalled for. Alright then, little miss kinky, where’s the most daring place you’ve had sex?’
Your eyes widen comically. ‘I-’ You glance at the monitors and see two figures in the back row of the mostly deserted ride, one hunched over with their head in the lap of what you make out to be a guy judging by the other figure’s movements. ‘Oh my God, no!’ You cry and fumble for the microphone.
‘What? What is it?’ Jaemin asks, his eyes searching. You can tell the moment he sees what you’re seeing, because he instantly cracks up laughing.
‘It’s not funny,’ You whine, pressing the red button on the microphone and saying as firmly as you can as monotonous as you can, ‘This is a family-friendly ride. Please refrain from scarring’ - you hiss and the figure has the decency to bolt upright and you see that they’re a girl - ‘the camera operators and fellow riders. Thank you.’ The others on the ride look around in confusion, and you can see the girl turn to say something to the boy. Judging by the way she gestures, it’s safe to assume it’s something biting.
‘I thought you said this happens all the time.’ Jaemin says once he’s calmed down enough to make the words out.
‘It does,’ You keep your eye on the couple, the guy wearing a smug grin as he zips up his trousers and the girl looking meek and embarrassed. Good. Public indecency is no joke. ‘But that doesn’t make it any less gross. This is a kids’ park for goodness sake.’
‘But there aren’t any kids around.’
You give him an exasperated look. ‘Well, I would never be okay with doing it on a ride in public.’
He licks his lips and you follow the movement only slightly too closely. ‘So when I asked where the most risky place you’ve had sex is…’ He trails off, smirking.
‘You can cross a literal children’s park from the list of possibilities, and proudly so.’ You say stubbornly. ‘Please don’t tell me you have.’ You rush to say upon seeing his face.
‘I haven’t.’ He says slowly, crossing his arms over his chest and sitting back in his chair, spreading his legs. You wish they didn’t look so inviting. You wait for him to elaborate, but he doesn’t.
‘But?’ You probe.
‘But nothing,’ He says simply. ‘So, are you gonna answer my question or are you gonna forfeit?’
You scowl at him. ‘What do you want if I do?’ You can feel your pulse racing in both excitement and fear but you keep your face blank.
His eyes shine as he leans forward, bracing his elbows on his thighs. ‘I don’t know yet.’
You swallow at his suggestive tone. ‘Fine, I’ll tell you,’ You concede, and he seems to not know whether to be pleased or disappointed. ‘My ex was a bit of an exhibitionist. He, um, you know, touched me when we went to see a movie.’
Jaemin raises an eyebrow, but you miss the glint in his gaze. ‘I thought you weren’t down for doing it in kids’ places.’
‘We were watching Paranormal Activity.’ You say flatly.
‘And it’s rated eighteen plus!’ You defend.
‘Is that the furthest you’ve gone in public? No compromising positions? No p in the-’
You cut him off hurriedly before he can go any further. ‘I’ve just never done it anywhere risky,’ You sigh dramatically. ‘I think I’m vanilla, too.’
He laughs loudly. ‘You don’t have to say it like it’s a bad thing. Anyway, I never said I was vanilla.’
You frown. ‘Earlier, you did.’
‘Did I? Maybe I was just saying it to tease you.’ He smiles a wide, boyish smile, completely contradicting what he’s implying with his words.
‘Oh?’ You say breathlessly. ‘Well, okay then.’
‘Don’t believe me?’
‘I-what? I never said-’
‘Would you rather I show you?’ He offers and your breath hitches as you meet his intense eyes. The warm brown seems darker and he glances at your chest as you breathe deeply. You can’t believe he said that. In the short time you’ve known him, you’re taken aback at how quickly he can switch between shyness and confidence.
When you merely stare back at him, not knowing what to say, he stands up and closes the short distance between the two of you so that his knee grazes your own as he stands above you. ‘____,’ He says, a slight rasp in his voice. ‘I need you to say it if you want this.’
You swallow and whisper, ‘Yes.’
He cups your face with his hand, his thumb softly stroking your cheek as he brings his lips down upon yours. You lift your own hand to hold his wrist which is currently beside your face and use the other one to grip onto the arm of the chair to ground yourself in the moment.
You let loose a small whimper as he glides his tongue across your bottom lip, and you part your lips to allow it in. He grips you tighter before he pulls away from your mouth to trail wet kisses across your jaw. ‘Guess you ended up tasting my coffee, anyway, hm?’ He whispers lowly into your ear before pecking it and you shudder, with both pleasure and laughter.
‘I guess so.’ You look into his eyes and see the pure hunger that makes you squeeze your thighs together.
Jaemin notices and pulls you up gently, pushing your hips into the desk with the monitors above it. Taking the hint, you spread your legs to give him room to stand between them, and he praises a quick, ‘Atta girl’, before leaning back down to reconnect your lips. You now take note of the slight hint of coffee on his tongue this time but you don’t care as you impatiently and desperately kiss him back and wrap your arms around his neck, bringing him closer. His hand ghosts up your thigh, making you shiver in his arms. He slowly moves to unbutton your bottoms, giving you time to stop him.
In response, however, you whine at what feels like his teasing and unbutton and unzip them yourself, causing him to chuckle as he pulls away. ‘Are you impatient, baby?’ You swoon internally at the pet name and nod, biting your lip.
‘Please,’ You manage. ‘Want you to touch me.’
He moans and slides his fingers into your underwear, not wanting to tease you over them after you asked so nicely. He grins as his fingers slide in your arousal and says, ‘You’re so wet already. Do you want me to make you come all over my fingers?’
‘Fuck, yes.’ You breathe.
His eyes drink in your rapidly rising chest and the utter desire written all over your face as he gently slides a finger inside you. ‘So tight and wet. How are you gonna take my cock if you’re this tight, hm?’ You whine and he eases a second finger in and starts thrusting at a pace that makes you arch your back. 
Your hand flies to his bicep, feeling the way it flexes under your fingertips as he scissors his fingers inside of you. His thumb finds your clit and rubs hard circles into it, the pressure being just enough to make your toes curl. You lean into him and rest your head on his shoulder, pressing a swift kiss to the juncture between it and his neck. You marvel at the way goosebumps rise upon your touch and the way your breaths feel huffing against his rapidly heating skin. You can smell the faint scent of earthiness and wood from his cologne, which you take a deep breath of and breathe in his aroma as your hand winds itself in his hair and tugs when a particular deep surge of his fingers hits a spot that makes your brain go fuzzy.
‘Jaemin.’ You moan and he all but growls.    
‘That’s it, baby, say my name. Are you close? Wanna see your face when I make you cum.’ His words weigh down your lower stomach like a ton of bricks, furthering you along in your chase to find your release. He nudges your clit deliciously, teasing you by rubbing around it every now and then, pulling you away only to bring you back with ten times the sensitivity and it’s enough to push you closer to the edge faster than when you touch yourself.
You feel the coil in your stomach tightening as you nod to answer his question and unbutton your top enough to fit your hand into your bra, your fingers finding your nipple and rolling it between them. You lift your face from his shoulder and stare into the seemingly pitless black of his eyes as they’re stuck to your face and the changes in your expression as he brings you to the edge. ‘Yes, don’t stop, please.’ You manage. His features are hard to make out in the dim lighting, but you notice the way his eyes zero in on your hand stuffed into your bra and it’s when he picks up the pace, fucking his fingers into you harder that you finally let go. Your eyes roll back and your grip on his arm tightens as you moan his name like a mantra.
He takes his fingers out after riding you through your high and makes eye contact as he sucks his fingers clean. ‘Mm, sweet.’ He teases.
You hide behind your hands in embarrassment and he laughs as he pries them away from your face. ‘You gonna let me bend you over this desk, now?’ He grins.
You nod meekly, your legs trembling as you stand up to your full height. Jaemin unbuttons your blouse as you return the gesture on him, pushing his shirt open to run your fingers down the ridges in his stomach. You teasingly flick your thumbs over his nipples and he gasps, to which you smirk and repeat the motion, causing him to moan and you bite your lip at the sound. ‘Sensitive, are you?’
He slaps your ass playfully in response, pulling your trousers and underwear down in one go. You reach behind you and unclip your bra as you step out of the pool of clothing at your feet, pulling it down your arms slowly. He opens his mouth to make a remark, but decides against it as your breasts come into view. He sucks in a breath and reaches up, tugging your left nipple that’s standing to attention. ‘You’re perfect.’ He says, taking in your figure.
You smile, hearing the sincerity in his voice. ‘I want to see you, too.’ You pout, pulling on his belt loops so that he’s even closer and then reaching down to undo them.
He helps you by unbuckling his belt and letting his trousers drop to the floor. You reach into his underwear and run your fingers down his length before wrapping your hand around it and moving it up and down. He throws his head back and you kiss down his neck, tasting the bittersweet salt of his sweat and the natural flavour of his skin. You pull him out of his underwear and begin to pick up the pace but all too soon he puts his hand over yours, halting you.
‘I want to come inside you.’ He phrases it like a question and you nod, turning around and bending over the desk. His hands smooth over the flesh of your ass as he says, ‘You look so good like this.’ Jaemin runs his length between your lips to lube himself and then situates himself so that he’s pressing against your entrance. ‘Ready?’
‘Yes. Please, Jaemin.’ You push your hips back so he gets the hint.
‘That never gets old,’ He pushes himself in steadily and you gasp at the stretch and how satisfying it feels. ‘Been wanting to hear you moan my name since the first day.’
You moan as he thrusts into you, hard and fast. His pace is almost bruising, the way he grips your hips assures you that you’ll feel a smattering of fingertip-shaped soreness tomorrow when you run your fingers over the area. ‘Me too.’ You say in between breaths. He reaches up to roll your bud between his fingers and you whine; your hand travels between your legs to rub your clit. It jumps a little from sensitivity but you keep at it until you just feel pure, white-hot pleasure.
‘Fuck!’ He shouts as you clench around him once he hits a spot that has you grasping his wrist. ‘You feel so fucking good,’ He praises, kissing up your back until he’s whispering in your ear, ‘So. Fucking. Good.’ In between thrusts. You shudder and turn your head, capturing his lips in yours. The kiss is messy but neither of you can bring yourselves to care, too lost in the feeling and taste of each other to pay it any mind. The sound of your hips connecting fills the small room, echoing as it bounces off the walls until your head is filled with his moans and his skin on yours and just Jaemin, Jaemin, Jaemin.
You feel yourself hovering over the edge almost embarrassingly quick and you cry out, ‘I’m so close.’
‘Yeah? Gonna come all over my cock like a good girl?’ He says huskily and you bite your lip and nod. You never would’ve guessed the timid boy you met on the first day who looked so innocent as the new guy had such a dirty mouth. It makes you shiver all over, loving the way his words caress your skin and make your nipples stand to an impossible hardness.
‘Yeah. Wanna be good for you.’
He groans. ‘You are, baby, you’re so good for me.’ At his words, you feel yourself come undone and your legs shake from the effort of holding you up. Jaemin whines as you clench around him sporadically, your breaths coming out in ragged puffs. You swear the sound pushes you harder for longer, wanting to do everything you can to hear him make such a pretty noise again.
‘Wait,’ You say, and he stops immediately. ‘I’m too sensitive. I can’t-’ Your voice cracks.
‘Can’t what, ____? Do you want me to stop?’ You can hear the genuine concern laced in his words.
‘No, well, yes,’ You huff and turn around, letting him slide out of you and you internally cringe at the feeling of him brushing against your sensitive walls. ‘Come here.’ You reach for his hands and pull him back over to you, closing the distance he put between you after you turned around. He looks confused as you smile lazily and kiss him sloppily, your hand moving between his legs to grab him at the base and squeezing him.
He moans and breaks off the kiss. ‘____, if you want to stop-’ You shush him as you drop to your knees and his eyes light up as you lean in to kiss the tip of him lovingly.
You trail your tongue from base to tip and take him in your mouth, suckling the head.
He curses. ‘Please don’t tease, I’m so close already.’
You relent, opening your mouth as wide as you can and sinking down to fit as much of him as you can. What doesn’t fit, you stroke with your hand. You can just about fit your hand around his girth and you can taste yourself on him, something you never thought you’d like but in that moment nothing could be hotter. He fists his hands in your hair, tugging slightly to make you look up at him. When you do, you moan around him at the sight - teeth tugging on his lower lip as he lets out moans here and there when you pay extra attention to the tip and his head thrown back, baring the honey-colored skin of his neck to your hungry eyes. He finally looks down at you and you’re close enough to hear his breath hitch as he watches you take him in and out of your mouth in a trance. You twist and tug him in a way that has his thigh twitching next to your head and so you place your hands on them and take him into your throat.
It’s when you simultaneously fondle his balls that he lets out a quiet ‘fuck’, followed by an ‘I’m coming’ and thrusts shallowly, causing tears to spring in your eyes. He releases into your mouth and you swallow it down and clean him off, earning that whimper that makes your clit throb.
Jaemin pulls you to your feet and into a kiss that you both commit to; one that’s passionate and slow as you calm both of your racing hearts and come down from the high of intimacy. You know he can taste himself on you, but he doesn’t hesitate to give his all. When he breaks away, he leans his forehead against yours, leaving wet kisses all over your face and you giggle. He runs his hands up your arms and says, ‘So, can I take you on a date now?’
You look into his eyes and nod, feeling suddenly shy at his vulnerable stare. ‘Yeah, I’d like that.’
‘So,’ He says casually, pulling you in closer by wrapping his arms around your shoulders. ‘Is this officially the weirdest place you’ve had sex?’
You gasp and slap his chest lightly but he just cackles in return, pulling you back into him.
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daftpatience · 5 years
Hi! If you don't mind me asking what is possibly a silly question, what exactly is the point of adoptables? Like, how are they different from commissioned art, for example? I can see them being able to be used as like OCs I guess? But I wondered- if someone was the type of person to have OCs, what would be the benefit of buying someone else's, if that makes sense?
hello! i might ramble a bit because ive been thinking about this sort of thing for awhile. thanks so much for asking!
to cover for those who don’t know: Adoptables are a bit more than just buying a drawing because you’re paying for ownership rights to the specific character design, so that you can treat them as your own & use them however you would use a character that you designed yourself (ie. art, comics, writing, animation, etc.) sometimes people offer ready-made designs, sometimes with full infosheets including name/personality and stuff, and sometimes people offer commissioned adopts, where you can request a design/suggest vague ideas that you have and the artist creates it for you.
i think the benefit is different for every person, depending on how they use/treat their ocs. for the kinds of artist who really love collecting ocs it can be really fun and special to get a design from an artist that they like, or to have a design that they find really cute but wouldn’t have designed themselves (ie. from an artist who has a different skillset/style/design sense). sometimes people wanna find a character to match an existing setting they came up with, or to ship with their other oc, or something like that. some people really don’t like coming up with designs, or don’t feel creative enough, but still wanna own ocs in order to make stories, yknow? and sometimes youll just find one that you really love the design of even if you have no issue making your own (and it wouldn’t be nice to just copy someone else’s design because you like it, yknow?) there’s plenty of reasons that adoptables are good fun, but it all really boils down to this: sometimes you find a character that you really like and wanna have as your own for whatever you usually do with your own characters!
i myself got an adoptable from @rhobi of a big ol wormy character because i wanted a worm oc and i love their artstyle & design sense a lot! they are very good at designing monsters that have a certain feel to them that i couldn’t have done myself.
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im not really using the character for anything specific aside from drawing him every so often (and getting other people to draw him for me with artfight), but he does make me really happy and i definitely enjoy having him!
 this is a bit unrelated and i definitely don’t feel like this is what you’re implying at all (your message is very nice and polite!!!) but it’s related to the topic of artists selling art and im just gonna bring it up while im talking: there’s this idea that i hear a lot from knitters and im sure that it floats around in other creative circles, where an artist is selling something and other artists say “why would i buy this, i can make it myself” which comes off as completely unsupportive and rude. (of course, this is a very good mentality when it has to do with things like fast fashion and other big company/unethical consumer products, but not so good when it’s about other artists trying to function as artists.) it’s basically saying, “why would i care at all if YOU make art, when I myself know how to make art?” and that sucks a lot. Creators need support from other creators too, yknow?
anyways thanks for listening to my ramble, hope that it helped ;w;
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huangfilms · 6 years
summary: hi i really hate this person and i saw your sign that you make personal bouquets and i would like you to make one where it gives the message of how much i hate them if it isn’t too much to ask for 
requested by: a lovely anon!! thanks love❤️
(A/N) ajsdhgf okay so She Is Here!!! i don’t know what i wrote!! i always never know what i write cause when i write sometimes i just black out and suddenly its finished but i hope this is what you wanted you lovely anon!!! thank you for requesting <333
okay so you just recently went through a break up
that fool was the biggest asshole ever and you don’t even know w hy
so you broke up with them !!! good for u sis !! 
honestly they cheated on u with a close friend of yours and you just,,, didn’t care anymore
well you didnt care That Much Anymore
u still care to the point where u are 2day
and thats going to a florist to passive aggressively say how much u hate them in flowers
i mean u saw a sign that says ‘we make personalized bouquets!!’ so u hope they can just do this For You
so you walk in a lil angry 
and you have This Mad Face and the florist currently working thinks its the cutest thing
the florist is donghyuck
and he just sees you fuming and you look?? like a lil baby munchkin so adorable omg
and so hes just waiting for you to say something And Eventually You Do Say Something
he didnt expect this rant to come out of ur mouth
‘my s/o just cheated on me like a week ago and Yes i am still mad about it and i saw your sign about making personalized bouquets and i just wanted to ask if you can make the most Passive Aggressive bouquet so i can tell them that i hate them without actually telling them i hate them??’
and you say more but at the end of your little rant donghyuck is just trying to hold in his laughter because youre so adorable omg
and hes all like,, ‘sure sweets,,, also,,,,,,, do u need to talk about it? i can have it done by the end of the day and i could use sum company since ill b the only one on duty’
and u get shocked cause LMAOOO this cute ass florist really b out here! making ur heart beat fast! just by asking u to keep him company!
___ don’t fall for the first person to b nice to you since ur break up challenge [FAILED]
so ur like,,, ive got no plans so sure
and you just hang around and look through all of the flowers
and while youre looking around youre just asking him what each flower means
and some beautiful flowers have the most unpleasant meanings LMAOOO
and hyuck is just living for this cause you are just so adorable lkdfjha
it becomes like 5 PM so suddenly and you needa go home cause yo mama will b wondering where u been for the last few hours LMAO
so you tell him that hey,,, you gotta leave but youll come back tomorrow to pick up the flowers!!!
‘it was nice meeting you donghyuck ! im y/n’
and u see him melt from u saying his name
its the cutest sight omg
and so you just leave and hyuck is just in awe because wow ! youre adorable t h e
so he just spends the rest of his time making the bouquet of hatred
its not that much time, he closes the store at 7 since hes got a lot of stuff to do like hw since hes in his last year of highschool
but anywho
you come back the next day bright and early on saturday
and hyuck is there bright and early
and you just greet him with a big smile and then u remember why ur there and ur smile is g o ne 
so you asking him if the bouquet is done and how much it is and all that jazz
and he says that ur total comes out to an even $11 so u give him exact change and then u ask what kinda flowers he included
so he goes into detail about each of them (i know nothing of flowers just the most basic info like red roses mean a deep love or whatever LMAO)
then at the end of his explanation you just evilly grin and ask him to write on a card very nicely of the names of each flower he included
he does just that and then he gives you a big smile ! the actual sun? yes.
and you tip him some money and then you wave him goodbye! and then the actual sun is not shining anymore cause you left
when you give your ex s/o the bouquet, you tell them ‘here, search each flower that was written on this card and find out their meanings, have a nice life.’
and you just leave cause!! wooo frick them! u r free !
then u miss donghyuck even tho u met him like yesterday
like he was real witty and funny when u guys talked
u just go home nd ur all like ‘SIGH’ and ur mom is just wondering if your okay LMAOO
but the next day u plan on seeing him just cause
but to make it not loo k like ur just trying to see him,,, u buy a SINGLE flower
when hyuck sees u walk in the shop he Lights Up omghhshs
The Actual Sun Im Telling You
‘hey hyuck!! how r u!!’ and he MELTS
well anyway you guys chat for a while and you decide youre going to buy a carnation or something
‘just a single flower?’ and he shyly grins at u
you turn the cutest shade of pink abby uwus her way thru this headconnon pt three
then he chuckles a lil and you laugh a bit with him
while hes totaling up your single flower, you chat with him some more
‘here’s your flower, have a nice day!’ and he smiles His Smile u all know what im talking about
and youre Sad Again
this continues for weeks
you buying ONE flower, him being the sun, u guys pining talking
you guys get to know each other more and more over the weeks go by
and suddenly you have these???feelings??? for the sun??? yes.
but of course you dont Say Anything cause he might not like u like that and u would still like to talk to him even if its just as friends
but sis,,,, u have No Idea that donghyuck has been Pining Over You Since Forever
cause sometimes you ask him to pick your single flower for the day and its him confessing his feelings through flowers but you dont need to know that
the Cutest Shit I Know
but then he just sighs when you leave and he feels the hurt of unrequited love
hyuck bub,,, chill out sweetie
literally everyone is rooting for you guys,,,, i cant--
everyone sees The Eyes whenever you guys look at each other, but the other isnt looking at you
sometimes hyuck even turns Red just by looking at you, like you dont even catch him or anything he just turns red
but hyuck is just like,,,,, hnnngg maybe they like me,,,,,,,,, so he picks out an aster and tells u to search up the meaning for this one this time
(its a symbol of love/daintiness) 
and when u do your heart absolutely Soars
because!! he likes you too!!! what !!!
when you come back the next day you just find him and pull him into a hug and say ‘i like you too’ and hyuck turns pink and its dshalkadorablejdf
and so he asks you out on a date and its cute cause you say yes!
the day of the date he takes you to a flower field and he picks small flowers and sticks them in both your hair and his
and many dates later hyuck finally asks you to be his! and u! yell ! yes!
OKAY BUT hycuk finding the most beautiful flowers to give you
like a red or white camellia !! (red means: youre a flame in my heart, white means: youre adorable!!)
and he just tells you the meanings cause you deserve to know and he wants u to hear it from him
ONE DAY HE GIVES YOU A BOUQUET OF DAISYS ! (innocence ! loyal love !) and hyuck is always shy when telling you the meanings
few months into your relationship, he gives you a red chrysanthemum,,,,, sister !
and you understand this one because you are IN LOVE with these flowers because they mean--
‘I love you.’
you then look up with a few tears in your eyes and you say--
‘i love you too, hyuck’ and you give him the biggest hug ever!!!
everything is soft everything is cute
im always soft whats new queens
but anyway!!! end!! hyuck as a florist would be so cute??? but him as ur bf AND a florist??? EVEN CUTER!
so! end!!! hyuck deserves the whole world omg
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evellyynn7 · 6 years
That Night pt.2 of Meeting Mr. Wrong
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            “It all started on a dark and cold night, November 7th to be exact.” I said very quietly almost regretting doing this. Dean was such a good listener, his eyes looked at me with such compassion as i told the whole story.
          “Lets do something crazy tonight guys!... unless some of you are gonna be little wusses” Steve was looking at us 3 girls, Nancy Wheeler, Barbra Holland... and me. He was of course mostly referring to Barb since she looked the most nerdy out of our bunch, he thought we would be at least a little bit easier to loosen up and i mean that in a dirty way too.
            Billy Hardgrove was there along with Tommy H and Carol. They of course were there to get lucky and wasted while my 3 friends and i were just trying to up our popularity status. “Hey here’s a clever idea, why don’t we play a little game to help these newbies ‘loosen up’ Billy said with a wink to me and his famous smirk. “That may be the only smart thing you’ve said all day Steve” joked. The others laughed and agreed while the rest of were nervous at first but warmed up to the idea while Barb was always against this ‘loosening up’ game.
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           “Alright, fuck it, how do you play the damn game” i couldn’t believe i said that, i guess that was just all that naughty that’s been shunned away from my good girl act. “Oooo this pretty little girl has a naughty side?” Billy said this in a shocked but intrigued way. “C’mon Billy just tell us how to play the damn game” Nancy saw how i was learning to just go with it so she followed along. “ Okay book worm don’t get aggressive” Billy said this with less interest and more annoyance of Nancy. “Okay so newbies have to prove themselves to us by doing some dares that are given to you by yours truly” he winked and let out a puff while gesturing to his friends. Steve interrupted fast “So i’ll start with miss wheeler, i da...” Billy cut him off with anger in his eyes. “But my good friend forgot to mention the best part!, if you guys cant complete the dare then you have to strip one item each time” he seemed proud of his lustful command.
         After several halfly and fully covered dares, there laid 4 girls in either just a bra and panty or maybe they still had a sweater or jeans on. I was one of the girls in just a bra and panty but i never felt so alive and bad but i loved it not to mention i was far past drunk. I knew that barb felt uncomfortable the whole time and so did the whole group so they went easy on her and she just had to take off her coat. “Ok so this one is for Liv over there.” Billy said grabbing my hand while I lounged on the chair carelessly with my drunken and half covered gorgeous bod. His eyes lingered and he couldn’t hide his blushing and lustful eyes. This drove me crazy cause he was so handsome and sexy but i didn’t want to get to far, i just wasn’t ready for anything that big. I stood up very unsteady and barb saw that, she came over and told me that we should all go and that she would drive. “I think we all had enough fun why don’t we start heading home, you don’t look to well Liv.” “I’m fine i don’t need you to be a mom right now, why don’t you go you never fit in anyways, and don’t say that i don’t ‘look good’ for all i know your probably just jealous.” I knew right after i said it that i screwed up but it was too late. “ You know what, im done trying to be a good friend, i will go home and good luck trying to get home like that, maybe one of your new ‘friends’ can sober up before driving.” she left in tears running towards the woods. “Whoa whats up her ass!” Billy laughed and began kissing my neck but i just stood there in shock and a dazed confusion.
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          Later that night Billy and i had made our way to Steve’s couch while tommy and carol took a spare bedroom and Steve led Nancy to his room. I had a feeling of what was going to happen but i was not in my right mind to fully stop it. He leaned in and starting kissing me slow then it suddenly turned harsh and passionate, i could feel his hands making there way up my thigh and i let out a small gasp. “Hey im not sure i wanna take this that far“ i mumbled against his lips but he ignored me and just kept going further up. I heard a faint scream and broke the kiss. “Did you hear that?” “Hear what doll, the only thing i wanna be hearing is you moaning my name.” he smirked then slowly went in again and then bit my bottom lip slowly. Little did i know that it was barb coming back to drive us home since she was actually a good friend who cared for us regardless and not just someone who was only trying to get in my pants. “ Billy i dont know about this” “Oh cmon your just shy but ill be gentle and then all youll feel will be pure bliss” he then lowered me on my back and made his way down by kissing me in every spot that sent chills to my body so i let go and just went with it.
          The next day Barb wasnt at school and nanc and i just thought that she was just mad at us but as a week went by we were beyond worried untill 2 days ago when we heard about her on the news, thats when our worried hearts turned into broken grieving hearts. The only good thing was that news report landed on a saturday and i could be a wreck the whole weekend and process things before heading back to school. Thats when things got crazy and people started suspecting her best friends and the sad truth was that i knew something others didnt, this slight piece of evidence could make everybody i care about turn on me.
                “And thats how it all went down Dean, I know i sound absolutely terrible but i want justice for barb.” He was looking at me with wide eyes and a dreamy gaze but i couldnt quite make out what he was thinking. “Wow olivia im shocked but so happy you told me, everything will get better from here on out” he gave me a reassuring smile and leaded me back to class and he happened to casually lay his hand on my waist and guide me, then whispered i think you sounded like a strong and beautiful girl for what you had to go through but im also gonna sound like a douche when i say this but im glad you didnt go after your friend cause it might have gotten you too and i wouldnt be able to meet the strong and beautiful girl standing right in front of me.” i blushed like crazy before walking into the class, once again all eyes were on me and Dean noticed so decided to do something about that. He walked in and said, “Every body should know that your classmate Olivia has helped this case tremendously and you all should give her a smile the next time you see her” “ i should be seeing you around miss hopper” he smiled and winked at you in a professional manner but you could tell it was far from that.
                  A week has past and your uncle hopper went away for a couple of days to solve this case with the winchester brothers, leaving you to watch El. Today she went to go hangout with her bunch while you stayed home and catched up on some vampire diaries. *knock knock* i was shocked to hear a knock on my door, maybe my uncle came back early i thought. I get up from my comfy spot and open the door to a pleasant surprise. “Dean!! how are you? we haven’t spoken in a while and i thought you were supposed to be with my uncle” i was confused yet happy since all my memories had been good with dean and i trusted him on something that meant so much to me. “ Well your uncle asked either me or my brother to check up on you and i happily agreed” he flashed his dazling smile and walked in. I sat on the couch and he sat next to me, for the past few hours we caught up and got to know each other on a whole other level, it was like weve always knew each other and time seemed to fly. I showed him my room and my personal things including some secrets. “ Ive always wanted to tell you this but i think your absolutely gorgeous.” he kept his beautiful blue eyes latched on me and leaned in for a kiss.I went in and soon enough we were naked on my bed over heated and satisfied. “You can spend the night” i said smiling at him with my fingers tracing his bare abs. “Im sure theyve got this covered for tonight” he smiled down at me and kissed my forhead, then we fell asleep in an instant.
              The next morning was amazing, waking up to a shirtless sexy Dean was priceless and epecially getting to watch his cute face sleep. He woke up with a smile and said “ Mornin gorgeous, how did you sleep, i know i slept well with you by my side” he pecked my lips “I could say the same” I got up to kiss him more passionalty and put some clothes on in the bathroom but as i was leaving i felt his eyes heavy on my naked body. I shut the door and got dressed but i stayed in the bathroom because i heard my uncle enter my room screaming his head off! Dean was shook and got up fast trying to defend himself while my uncle was saying “I cant belive you!! i practically told you to babysit her for a few hours and i come home to you naked in her bed doing who knows what! time to leave Mr.Wrong, youve helped enough. As i finished getting ready i walked out with shame all over my face and my uncle telling me to go for somebody my own age.
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callhimyoungk · 7 years
Day6 as Princes AU
the one who involves himself in JYP Nation’s political and social issues 
the social ambassador bc he’s good at A LOT OF LANGUAGES ( he studied abroad okay he’s a smart one) that’s why King JYP sends him to other nearby kingdoms to strengthen their alliances 
but the first thing Prince Jae does when he arrives ar other countries is to ask for food like lobsters, saying that the food would act as his welcoming and parting gifts. 
he’s not even guilty about it 
aCTUALLy he does more harm than good bc he gets into arguments with other people from different countries, including well respected and feared rulers. 
he successfully pisses them off but it’s nothing serious cause they always find him amusing and funny, (not many princes out there can be this sassy and funny and attractive at the same time, boy) 
invents the word “sweg” back in the day 
the people eventually get used to his sass and they even enjoy it 
which makes Jae proud, 
everyone in the country either lowkey hates him or is jealous of him 
“I’m a prince I have work to do” 
“No Jae, you’re just shooting heart eyes at Brian,” Said, Prince Sungjin, 
Has the best relationship with Prince Brian as they both studied abroad together and they both lowkey bully Prince Wonpil together 
and they both love the youngest of them, Prince Dowoon 
the one amongst the others who interacts with the people the most, you can always find him on one of the streets, talking and laughing with the people
or he’s playing his guitar, singing along with the crowd 
doesn’t act like a prince, as he wonders himself how he even ended up born as one 
the most down-to-earth prince with top sense of humour you could only find in the whole JYP Nation
the one who’s the most responsible out of them, 
probably the one King JYP trusts the most, 
handles a lot of issues within the nation as he tries to keep everything in order and makes sure everything is alright 
has to take care of his four other brothers, and to him, this is more tiring than handling nation issues 
gets annoyed at their pranks so he ignores them 
only succeeding in making Prince Wonpil whines even more at him, demanding attention
“Why won’t you talk to me?~~” whined, Wonpil 
“…” Sungjin and Jae’s same response for poor wonpil
he has a lot of responsibilities so he gets stressed a lot and singing is the only way for him to release his stress
the one prince who likes, loves to sing 
always sings at festivals, with the boys, 
and he gets absolutely happy when he sees people enjoying their singing
he would even dance occasionally, when he’s feeling up to it, twirling and flailing around the ballroom dance floor, 
causing people to hide their smiles and laughter 
but he doesn’t mind bc he enjoys it, so why should he care
when he’s walking on the streets, someone would always request for him to sing and he would always do so 
bc he’s the kind to never refuse a chance, an opportunity to sing 
and everyone is impressed of his singing
so he would sing, along with the crowd, until Jae comes running with his guitar 
so they would start all over again, singing again and grinning
until Dowoon and Wonpil come running along, yelling that they want to join as well 
they couldn’t find Prince Brian tho, who’s probably passed out somewhere, sleeping as usual 
the prince who has the most amazing voice you could never find anywhere but in JYP Nation
a real, actual breathing, annoyingly perfect prince
the one who actually seems like he could do anything, and everything, 
it’s like there’s nothing he can’t do 
he can sing, dance, play instruments, speaks different languages, devilishly handsome features, devastating smiles, a hot delicious body, 
(do i even need to list more?? i can bet that no one would have any trouble imagining brian as a prince) 
the one who’s the most popular 
receives flowers, love letters and chocolates daily, 
which he gets a little shy about it, but he doesn’t mind bc that means he gets to eat chocolate and probably a lot of other food that he gets everyday 
is mostly seen hanging around with Jae, mostly they eat or talk about food together 
or he’s nearby at wherever Prince Dowoon is 
everyone in JYP Nation knows how he adores Dowoon
probably the busiest prince too 
he’s almost always at the library, studying, with piles of books in front of him 
and a bulky bag filled with food next to him 
he always sneaks food in bc he couldn’t care less 
“Studying needs energy and we gain energy by eating.” He’d always say that
writes sappy bittersweet poems and he likes sharing it with other people 
bc he wants to hear people compliment him 
he sings them out as a song too, turning the words into lyrics, on the rare occasion when the five boys are all gathered together, singing
bc he’s always off sleeping, eating, or studying somewhere. Most of the time, he sleeps 
rumour has it that some girls even fainted 
everyone loves him and his sappy poems bc it’s so heartbreakingly beautiful 
gets vvvv happy and teary-eyed when people sincerely tells him that they enjoy his poems and singing 
BUT when he’s not off somewhere doing his thing, he’d probably gang up with Jae and bully Wonpil together (poor wonpil) 
or the both of them would get all heart eyes and smiley faces at Dowoon
the most prince-like Prince who’s going to keep torturing you bc of his perfectness
the cutest prince omg 
he gets shy when people compliment him for his good looks, or manners, or his voice when he sings, 
but he appreciates it, a lot 
he gets really happy and smiles very widely 
gets happy and excited everytime when he gets to sing 
turns into the cutest puppy ever
if he had a tail it would be wagging like crazy it might actually fall off 
he’s the type that would get sad too if you get sad
and get happy too if you’re happy 
everyone loves him bc he’s just so nice and kind??
except for Jae and Brian who likes to bully him, ESPECIALLY JAE
but ofc, our kind-hearted Wonpil doesn’t even mind 
bc he gets their attention anyway 
follows Dowoon around most of the time 
bc he adores the younger boy, a little too much (ofc everyone loves dowoon right?!)
which annoys Dowoon a little bc Wonpil’s basically glued to him 
hangs out with Dowoon at the nearest farm 
and he always tries to get close to the animals like the donkeys, sheeps, rabbits, dogs, 
but they usually ignore him, which makes him pout 
they just like Dowoon more, somehow 
plays the piano and is a genius at it 
everyone loves having him play 
anything he plays sounds like a masterpiece (it probably is) 
the type that’s always humming a tone softly no matter what he’s doing
gets absolutely excited and nervous everytime him and the boys get to sing in front of a crowd 
he gets a lot cuter when he’s nervous and excited
like he’d bounce lightly on his heels, he’d purse and pout his lips, he’d puff his cheeks 
but let me warn you, he turns into your great sin when he opens his mouth to sing 
those stares, and that voice, pure sin and pleasure 
the cutest prince with the brightest smile that you’ll definitely fall in love with
the youngest prince 
and no doubt, the one everyone adores and loves 
he’s a pure precious baby,
everyone is vv protective of him 
he’s also very kind, 
loves animals a lot
he’s almost always at the nearest farm/barn, taking care and playing with the animals
names the animals in a very savage but cute way 
for example, he names the chickens as “Jae’s kids” 
he loves dogs 
always has a dog with him everywhere
gets shy when people compliment him
the tips of his ears turn red
but he’s lowkey proud of himself
everyone else is very proud of him tho
no matter what he’s accomplished
gets annoyed when wonpil sticks too close to him
“Can you please get out of my bed?”
he doesn’t mind but he hates it when wonpil finds his way into his bed
tries to kick wonpil out
but wonpil never stops trying
so eventually dowoon gives up
and just share a bed with wonpil
has an amazing ability of just hitting random objects and turning it into some sort of beat or melody
he could be eating and he randomly starts hitting his chopsticks on his bowls
and when the boys catch on, they start to sing
and that’s how a random concert suddenly happens
everyone’s having a lot of fun
and he’s the happiest at the moment
the most precious prince and you’ll absolutely fall in love with him and his charm
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notedoesart · 7 years
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this is not notes full ref i still got to do his bad time mood, he does have one and im actually excited to do it, but i cant draw weapons very well....oh well practice makes perfect right? anyways like i said this is just part of notes ref but i will still add all his info this includes his bad time mood name:note age:havent decided (was thinking between 17 and 20) gender:male per:note is a mixture of bean gently and sweet to a shy, nervous wreck. most of the time he is fine i mean thats when he is not around people, note cant handle being around people that often, he will become shy and nervous and cant tell what to say and when that happens he becomes frozen in fear, this is when people just look at him like his weird say rude things under their breath and walk off, leaving note upset and more slucded, note gets nervous when people compliant on how cute he is, he will normally blush lightly and look away fiddling with his fingers, if someone really complaints him he will end up freezing in place, his eyes fade to black and he just stays in place squeaking. yes squeaking, sometimes when he is happy, scared, surprised or nervous he tends to squeak. he refuses to fight. as he is not much of a fighter but hurt a friend or attack someone who cant defend your selfs then, i say you better be prepared note is not harmless or weak he can get very mean when he is fighting, its like he becomes a whole other person. one more thing note can not for the life of him stand being alone, so if you make friends with him, but then suddenly leave him. he will go right into a panic attack and start freaking out, and if you end up coming back he might hate you for a while, he really does not like being alone. he also suffers from nightmares, so its best to be around to help him relax when things start to swirl around in his head bio/background note use to be a normal sans, being super lazy and sleeping half the time, well half the time most of his time was spent listening to music, and making wonderfully note puns when his brother yelled at him for not going to sleep, which resulted in him sleeping half the day away and staying awake during the night, another part of his reason for staying up is his father, W.D gaster always needed his help with his experiment, with trying to see if he could open some sort of portal to another timeline, though all of their attempts ended in failure though sans was never really bothered him, but it did however bother gaster, though he never really showed it, but sans could tell he was upset, he didnt need anything special to see how angry this was making gaster. though he just said a stupid pun which always made him laugh, they were happy though and everything was alright until......the year they came.....the human that is, sans was the first to greet them outside of the ruins he made friendly talk with them, but they just greeted him with a blank stare and a murders vibe, at first sans really didnt care and just said that they will see them later and soon left, he really didnt care for the human at this time, as he was more busy with other things, as he returned back to the lab he was greeted by gaster who had been watching the cameras with young alphys. he had asked sans if he could bring in the human, at first he was puzzle why did gaster want the human? before he could ask gaster quickly explained how the human could possess some kind of power he needed, sans was still puzzled and confused but agreed to bring the human in, before he left his brother showed up and asked him where he was going, quickly explaining what gaster wanted him to do, papyrus was all too excited to go, he never met a human before and he wanted to go, so sans allowed him to go i mean what harm could happen to them right? so sans and papyrus set off to find the human, little did they know the human was causing quite a stir, as they made their way threw snowdin, monster who were able too fled, others who coundt were...dusted to say the list, it was utter caous, monster fleeing for their lives while trying to say others they wernt really ready for this, their was little to no warning one of the royal guards who manged to survive a blow tried his best to get to snowdin and warn the monsters, but it didnt work out, as he was soon turned to dust, after that monster started to scramble running in fear, after an hour snowdin was silent, and dust flew around in the wind, their in middle of the town stood a lone child smirking, dust covered their ounce blue shirt with purple stripes, their brown pants no longer brown. the ends of their hair was also covered in dust. but they wernt done yet far from done and soon they made their way into waterfall..... hours passed and sans and papyrus soon came upon snowdin, sans was more rattled then papyrus as he noticed the dust, and soon tears trailed down his face as he saw pile of dust, a sudden thought in his head, what would of happened if papyrus would of been here, his eyes soon faded as more tears trailed down his check bones, papyrus soon noticed this and tried his best to comfort his brother, saying things were fine, but they were beyond not fine, thinking quickly sans soon grabbed papyrus and teleported back to the lab, where gaster looked confused, so sans quickly told him what was happening, gaster soon sighed and turned to alphys who looked scared and upset, gaster told sans he has been watching he too was worried about what was going on, and soon sent out a e-vac warning  to all monster who where alive, to flee that a murders human was coming, gaster was able to get alphys to leave but when he went to go and make sans and papyrus leave, well they were stubborn and refused to leave, mainly sans though both gaster and sans wanted papyrus to leave, as neither one of them wanted him hurt, but papyrus was stubborn like sans, and so he stayed, so the tree of them decided to stay in the lab, gaster and sans kept papyrus away from the screen as they watched the human as they made their way into hotland, sans was nervous the human looked strong, he wondered how much LV they gotten since coming here, and how much more can they get? sans was siting at a table as he was talking to gaster about what they should do, both of them heard something, before they could react something exploded sending sans flying into the wall, he almost passed out but he was strong enough to keep him self awake, gaster came rushing over to him and asked if he was alright, sans nodded and stood up looking at the rising smoke, before he could asked he saw something flapping in the wind of the explosion a red scarf. his eyes widen and he tired to rush forward but gaster held him back as he called out for his brother, but he was answered with creepy laughter, and soon the human came walking out of the smoke, looking at them both smirking, sans took a step back taken back by fear, his brother.....his brother papyrus was gone turned to dust, fear was soon replaced with anger and hatred, finally pushing his father off sans rushed forward, to try and revenge his brother  but the human was to strong and quickly grabbed a hold of sans and smirked, and said he should try again and went to go and kill him but gaster appeared ripping sans from the humans grip and getting hurt instead, he stumbled back onto a panel and panted from the wound though it didnt kill him, with quick thinking gaster quickly pressed a button and slowly a portal began to open, he then appeared besides sans who was half awake and half asleep, gaster last words were "dont come back son...until you've become stronger, please" with out a moment to lose as the portal didnt stay open for longer he pushed sans into it. as sans was pushed through the portal the human tired to follow, but gaster stopped them from following sans. as sans was floating waiting to see where he would end up, he passed out he didnt know what happened but his memories were eased. gaster after he said those finale words took his memories away, he didnt want sans to remember, not yet at least he was going to wait sans needed to remember on his own. finally after hours sans soon woke up in a empty space, remember nothing not even his name, and his clothes changed he didnt remember putting them on then again he didnt remember on how he got here or where he was, he became scared and alone, he didnt want to be alone he just didnt and soon had a mental break down, which he soon calmed down after an hour or two and just laid their crying softly, wondering what he should do......what was their to do? he didnt know, due to him not remembering his name, he was wondering what kind of name would he want? he wondered this after he calmed down, looking around he noticed the violin and thought for a bit before grabbing it and picking it up and tugged on a string, after letting it go it made a noise, he actually liked it  and did it ounce again, but he didnt know what this was or how to play it but over time he slowly learned after many many trial and errors, as he played it he noticed that the notes on his sash and head band would glow, with faint yellow light. and he soon got his name from that note it seamed fitting to him and he enjoy the noises that came from the thing he played, and he started to feel less lonely, he spent a lot of his time learning how to play the violin, he loved it, but he noticed that ounce in a while, he will have these nightmares, which cause him to panic cause he will sometimes see flash images or hear voices calling out a name he didnt understand he was scared of them and blocked them out, he didnt want them to bother him...at all ahhh and their it is! at least a good bit of his bio/backstory its not done yet but *shrugs*what eves anyways ill start the comic on super soon i gotta sketch it out first and from their i will start the amazing adventure of note!! other info status level:30 HP:3,000/3,000 ATT:40 DEF:50 exp??? weapon:violin (youll find out soon) aromor:none gold:0 (for now) bad time mood info when note goes into bad time mood, he has to play his violin first, it has to be a very upbeat song. as his violin and bow string can turn into weapons, his bowstring becomes a sword, and his violin becomes a shield the shield only appears when he throws up his hands to block weather it be one or two hands, his shield can deflect most things if he is not carefully his shield can crack, which intern can crack his violin,  which is why he does not use his shield often, his sword is the same way but it is stronger then his shield and holds all of the magic also in bad time mood note is able to make wings appear on his back allowing him to fly, though their not strong enough to keep him afloat for long attacks note is unable to summon bones, but how ever he is able and summon notes, as his attacks are music base ...yet....is somehow able to summon a gaster blaster. when he does summon one it will have faint glowing notes on its body and when firing a shot it almost sounds musically   small note~ note is smaller then a normal sans i would say about 1 foot shorter, he really hates to be called short magic color: light yellow, all his magic ties with his violin he is barely able to use magic on his own soul color: light yellow with light yellow aura around it, it faces down like a monster soul outfit: wears a dark navy blue suit, with a white dress shirt underneath, wears a lighter navy blue colored dress pants, wears navy and light yellow colored boots with black notes on them, he has a big fluffy white collar(uses to cover his face with, i will allow people draw it where his fluffy collar is actually a hoodie), his sash holds his violin and bowstring, and he wears a headband with notes on it, the notes on his sash and headband light up when he plays his violin, the notes on his violin also glow up when he plays his violin i think thats it, if i need to add anything else i will, cause their is still stuff i need to add to note note belongs to me, his au name is quitetale sans, gaster and undertale belong to toby fox
~3~ hmm enjoy 
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