#but drawing for no one but me has been really liberating too ! im trying new things and im being less serious about certain things
targarrus · 8 months
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qazastra · 2 years
yknow i had noticed u hadn't posted in a while n thought man i wonder how they're doing n then all of a sudden u were back!! so how have u been lately?
people think about me???? im flattered lol!
not the best ive been tbh, sometimes i feel like the last time i did anything worth anything was pre-plague (even though ive written a whole thesis between now and then) and the fact that thats two years ago is mind-blowing... i found all my postcards from the two months i had abroad before covid sent us all home and it made me happy bc i thought id lost them forever and also sad here is a summary of How I've Been:
i graduated college last march and had a strange summer and worked as a dresser backstage at the frozen musical for a month (??) and now im a part time barista with a liberal arts degree from a relatively well-known college whose therapist fired them and i live in my high school bedroom and im depressed even though im on 5 different meds and i need a new psychiatrist.... and my mom is unemployed because her last job was doing shady things and fired her for basically not going along with it and my grandma is sick and my cat is also sick. i own 3 kpop albums now, two secondhand from a lovely trip to nyc and one from a high school friend i recently reconnected with, i went to my first concert in over 2 years a few weeks ago and it was amazing (hippo campus), im going to see the strokes (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the universe has really been trying to stop me oml ive been trying since like 2014 and got rained out in 2019 and then the new years concert got cancelled so this is the rescheduled date. im literally so excited. the first online community i felt a part of was the strokes fans on tumblr i cant believe im finally getting to see them live) in a few weeks, i got lowkey into writing fanfic and have been having a lot of fun with that when i actually sit down and write, which ive been doing more recently. i like all but one of my coworkers and have a standing invitation to go to a rock climbing gym with a different high school friend, when i was out to dinner with them we ran into ANOTHER high school friend who moved to london in like 2016 so that was really nice actually. i'm volunteering with a grassroots organization for new york state and i thought that would make me Do Things but i'm finding Having Things To Do does not actually make me do them.
i still don't have a license, i don't have an updated resume, and it's hard to keep in touch with even the best friends i made at school because we are so far apart, but i've made a few friends on discord and now i have *multiple* Certified Online Friends who i also love very much and i never though i'd be a person with online friends but here we are!
i'm trying! i have that catcrumb drawing that says 'temporary and small joy is still joy nonetheless' on my wall and i made pink crepes a few nights ago. thanks for asking, i hope you are trying too! <3
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valdotpng · 4 years
Question. Do you have any specific resources you used to learn art and painting, etc?? Your style and skill is so so good and I'd love to see how you Do It
oh, gosh. i dont think i could ever answer this question in a truly satisfying manner, but i’ll try my best to do it!
learning art in general has just been a road of trial and error for me! looots of trial and error. im a ‘self-taught’ artist & i’ve been drawing since i was a toddler, so i’ve accumulated certain skills just bc i’ve been doing it for so dang long
that being said, i’ll share some links in a moment! but first, some advice from me to you, anon. just.. go wild. try new things and dont set too many rules for yourself, yknow what i mean? nowadays i tend to use lots of weird textured brushes + work on only one layer (which i hear is quite bad for when youre working on commissions, but i paint for myself so i dont gotta worry about correcting things all the time), and as a person struggling w/ a pretty severe case of OCD, i find it so liberating to be Forced to not give a shit through that painting method. just have fun! allow yourself to be messy, to make mistakes, and remember that you can just paint over them later. some of your ‘mistakes’ might even end up being the things that make your drawing look more interesting/organic, in the end! the ‘happy little accidents’ mindset just makes the whole process much more enjoyable imo :]
ALSO, an important thing to me was finding the right brushes for painting. just dl a shit ton of the ones that look fun to you (or make your own if your drawing program allows it!) and make an effort to try out each and every one of them at least once!! the brushes certainly arent that important-- you could paint a masterpiece with a simple square brush-- but more often than not i find my style being subtly influenced by the brushes that i use at the moment. its a thing worth considering!
another thing i should note is that, while im mostly happy with my art nowadays, i AM still learning, and i dont think i’ll ever stop learning, so, like, check in in a couple of years for some better tips i guess asuhdfuashfusdf
anyways, here are some resources that are/were very helpful to me:
when i need to browse for general art tips/tutorials/cheat sheets/etc, i usually go here: [link 1], [link 2], [link 3], [link 4], [link 5], 
now, here are some specific posts ive collected over the years that really made me rethink how i approach composition and the like in my, uh, more ‘serious’ paintings: [link 1], [link 2], [link 3], [link 4], [link 5]
this [link] video series is a Godsend, its got some very good advice AND its got nice editing too, my hellbrain was actually able to focus and learn smth from a video tutorial for once
heres a nice post about practice and improvement that you should deffo read before using all of these resources
i also find it very helpful to just.. look at art that inspires you/ that you find appealing Right before painting? that way all of the techniques you might pick up while staring at other peoples art will stay fresh in your mind, so you’ll be more likely to try em out. (setting a drawing that you really like as a phone/desktop bg works well too since youll inevitably stare at it quite often)
i also really like seeing other peoples process, so i tend to watch speedpaints/analyse process gifs & photosets a lot! seeing how messy and abstract most drawings are in the early stages of painting is really comforting/reassuring to me :] heres a couple for u: [link 1], [link 2], [link 3], [link 4], [link 5], [link 6], [link 7], [link 8], and finally, [link 9] and [link 10] (3, 9 and 10 are the ones that inspire me the most atm)
as a bonus, heres one from me as well! (usually i only post these on my patreon, but ik times are tough rn and any of your spare money could (and should) go to a far better cause) im putting it under a read more bc it contains blood and self-impalement, so beware! (bloodborne bosses, man) i might make a speedpaint in the future, too, so watch out for that!
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vapcrwaves · 3 years
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━♡ guess the 24 YEAR OLD JULY baby just arrived to dallyeog! it makes sense, because AOKI IMOJEN is just as BLAZING as the month of JULY. wait, why do they remind me of HIRAI MOMO? beyond that, they seemed SELF-RELIANT & BUOYANT upon first glance. i heard someone say they’re sort of INSURGENT & RECKLESS though. i hope they get acquainted here in COMPLEX # 3 / APARTMENT # 2 / FLOOR # 2 ; they seem to have a lot going on with HER job as TATTOO ARTIST / BASSIST. 
bonjour , y’all !! my name’s jade ( she/her , twenty-one , gmt+8 ) !! and i’m super excited to meet and write with everyone !! this is my spunky kid , imojen , and i hope you’ll come to enjoy her as much as i did writing everything about her :D if you wanna plot , do not fret because i’ll be dropping in everyone’s IMs hehe , but if you prefer to plot over at discord , don’t hesitate to tell me !! <3 
*   𝖕𝖗𝖔𝖑𝖔𝖌𝖚𝖊   ╱  ʙᴀꜱɪᴄꜱ   .
name  :  aoki imojen  nicknames  :  yoki , jen . age  :  twenty - four . birthday  :  july 27 , 1996 . zodiac  :  leo sun , aquarius moon , sagittarius rising . place of birth  :  tokyo , japan . currently living  :  seoul , south korea . occupation  :  tattoo artist , bassist . pronouns  :  she / her . orientation  :  bisexual biromantic . ethnicity  :  japanese .  spoken languages  :   japanese , korean , english .  character insp.  :  kat stratford from 10 things i hate about you , bridget vreeland from sisterhood of traveling pants , effy stonem from skins uk , young carol rhodes from gossip girl tv series , rhonda smith , mia’s backstory from if i stay . label  /  tropes  :  hoyden , icarian , insurgent , reveller , the rebellious spirit . pinterest  :  here .  aesthetics  :   scared of commitment , but has 7 tattoos. a habit of endlessly lighting a lighter. platform boots to boost your height. but then again, sneakers for comfort while running from the cops. forgetting to discard empty cigarette packets from your bomber jacket. spilling your fifth espresso onto your drawings and designs , maybe it’s time to sleep. a frightening look on your face which millennials like to call a resting bitch face. the heat ruining your collection of leather jackets. finding comfort in your friends who seem to understand your mood swings. having a pet cat who’s as feisty as you. spontaneous adventures live inside your head and your friends fall victim to those ideas. liking the rays of the sun more than the moon despite being a night owl. oversleeps anyway. trimming your bangs yourself because you couldn’t be bothered to go to the salon. overcooking your sunny side up eggs. sleeping to forget problems. drinking to forget problems. epitome of a ride or die. 
*  𝖋𝖎𝖗𝖘𝖙 𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗    ╱  ᴘᴀꜱᴛ   .
aoki imojen was born to understand what it was to live a life with no structure. her father was part of a rising band in the 90s, toured all over small venues in japan that they slowly rose to a known local name, and imojen has seen all the chaos unfold from backstage in the arms of her mom. however, slowly transitioning into the year of 2000s, the economy was still struggling from the lost decade and the income from touring never sufficed for a growing family. imojen’s father was forced to leave the music scene with the help of her mother’s influence: “it’s time to be serious”; and work multiple jobs in order to fully provide for his first child and the another growing one inside his wife’s womb. 
growing up, imojen’s no stranger to music and her father loved to introduce rock music and bands to imojen’s upbringing. she adored b’z and the gazette, and it leaves no doubt that imojen’s father had been her greatest influence in life. as she grew older, not only did they share identical music preferences and influences, but imojen’s learned to play various instruments— the bass being her favorite. imojen’s also stemmed from that infamous reckless behavior his father’s known for back in the day, and when the teenage years came, so did the impetuous reputation begin. 
imojen and her mother aren’t exactly as close as she was with her father. in fact, their relationship was a toe out of the civil line. it got worse when imojen started to focus on the band she created with friends instead of school and late night practices turned to never returning home for a few days and having the audacity to blatantly lie when asked where she was when asked. it’s hard not to blame her mother when she assumed things for the worst. imojen’s gone quite defiant especially when she discovered that her and her father’s relationship had began to run askew. imojen blames her mother’s interference with her father’s music career as much as her father did, she loved him so much that she was completely blindsided to always take his side. and when the divorce papers came and went, imojen chose her father as she always would. 
her father got a job as a musician locally and eventually overseas, however, money didn’t come by so fast and easy initially. instead of going to university, imojen invested in learning the arts in tattoo design and worked as a tattoo artist to help with the bills. the pair finally thought to settle in korea when imojen’s father got a permanent job. and at this time, imojen has decided to try pursue a career as a musician as well, hoping that the thrill in her early band days are still well stored in her system. 
*  𝖘𝖊𝖈𝖔𝖓𝖉 𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗    ╱  ᴘʀᴇꜱᴇɴᴛ   .
imojen can never be satisfied of living in the same area for so long, or at least under the roof with the watchful eye of her father. work’s payed well and imojen decided to move out and get an apartment of her own. hence, she found dallyeog, parties almost every single day, drags everyone into spontaneous adventures, comes home terribly drunk and wakes up with a huge hangover—well, still pretty normal. aside from the norm, imojen working at the tattoo parlor and taking gigs at bars as a bassist, imojen’s investing in writing music as well. she hopes one day to finally finish at least one song she’s been procrastinating for far too long and convince her father to make them a rock duo instead, but a band of her own would fantastic too.  
*  𝖙𝖍𝖎𝖗𝖉 𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗    ╱  ᴄʜᴀʀᴀᴄᴛᴇʀ   .
imojen looks quite mean at first glance, and it doesn’t help that she’s indifferent towards anyone who isn’t part of already her friend. she doesn’t hate, hate is such a strong word, she simply doesn’t have the attention span for people that don’t interest her or she doesn’t know fully well to enjoy a conversation with.
honestly has the gina linetti energy “how was i supposed to know there’d be consequences for my actions” as she literally does anything she wants before her brain can even weigh the pros and cons to it.
imojen enjoys taking risks despite the relaxed attitude and seemingly nonchalant view in life. it might be a surprise to learn that she’s quite ambitious, but underneath, she does aim for the highs (both meanings) in life, except there isn’t exactly a time frame for those and would much rather pursue them steadily. 
everyone can depend on imojen to have a good time, or if someone needed a friend to vent to, she can surprisingly be all ears, but never follow her words of advice. she does mean well, it’s just that she doesn’t know what she’s saying half the time and is quite reckless,, like ask her to pick between two choices and she’ll advice you to take the riskier one bc “it’s fun don’t be a prude”.
she is more sympathetic than she let on. imojen’s not very vocal especially with her emotions and on what she exactly feels about other people’s situation. serious conversations? catch her yeet away from those. they render her uncomfortable, most especially if it is about her. however, seeing her friends gloomy doesn’t sit right with her that she does anything to make them crack a smile. 
believes that people should be left to roam free and that authority is useless and ruins the fun— hence why she’d always be caught defying them. yes, she uses her brain, but acts more towards intuition and what she felt like doing that day. so yes, she might loves setting her life on the line.
*   𝖋𝖔𝖚𝖗𝖙𝖍 𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗   ╱  ᴡᴀɴᴛᴇᴅ ᴄᴏɴɴᴇᴄᴛɪᴏɴꜱ .
plastic hearts   ╱   someone whom imojen shares a passion for music with. the both of you are like peas in a pod as you both are in the same wavelengths as each other. they may not have the same types of music, but open enough to share a plethora of music playlists.
angels like you   ╱   the typical bad-good influence trope wherein imojen’s reckless behavior and liberated thoughts on legalities have gotten your muse in various dangerous but fun adventures. on a flip, your muse may be the reason why imojen’s woken up at 8 in the morning, bright, well, and not hungover.
prisoner   ╱   an angsty and toxic relationship that imojen could not get enough of. everyone sees this partnership (romantic or platonic) of destructive nature, both of you may or may not know, but regardless it can never be broke off no matter how hard both try. 
gimme what i want   ╱   the typical fwb relationship, we can add spice to it, but on the base that’s the idea. 
night crawling   ╱   imojen’s ride or die, the person she would instantly run to for an adventure, midnight strolls, alcohol escapades, and vandalism. but as things you both do burst into haywire, you’re both aren’t afraid to be open to each other too and spill secrets or bodies hidden in the closet. 
midnight sky   ╱   perhaps a new acquaintance?? friend?? that doesn’t exactly have a first good impression of imojen?? maybe vomited on your muse the first time they met, or jen was really mean for no reason under the influence of alcohol?? she’s chaotic so perhaps it wasn’t a good first meeting. 
bad karma   ╱   imojen hasn’t been exactly an angel all her life, and perhaps karma has run around to bite her in her ass. your muse might’ve been somebody who hurt imojen; either a terrible break up or severing trust, let’s explore :D 
golden g string    ╱   a band :D maybe nothing too serious, just a group of pals playing and making music together :D  or maybe the group's been playing gigs for awhile now and wants to head into the big leagues :D
honestly im so down with anything so !!!!!!
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shooks-stupid-stuff · 4 years
i have the text dump, it has lots of lore and will probably break the text limit-
so basically they first meet in act 1 of the main plot (tm) which is really just adventure to go stop odd thing thats happening (idk exactly what atm but thats not really important).  Jarcian is basically a knight whos working for an unknown(at the time, we'll get to it later) person, and he has been tasked with impeding the progress of the main group.  how does he plan to do this? well, despite literally having troops at his disposal (who all adore him and are 100% loyal to him, they love their goofy captain), of course he challenges the main character group to a one on one duel, because he is just a goofy villain who fights fair and lives by his honor.  Of course Taiana accepts his challenge, being a knight herself, and they proceed to have a draw.  Out of respect, and because he's lowkey thrilled that someone has taken him seriously for once, Jacian concedes and retreats for the time being, but not before he and Taiana declare each other to be rivals (with like 75% of the main group just being so done with both of them and wanting to leave).  They have a few more encounters after this, with taiana always insisting that they take up his challenge fairly rather than just like have everyone defeat his forces because she feels he's not a bad guy and actually at this point considers him a friend, and after a while Jacian begins to think that he might be developing feelings for Taiana, which he really doesnt know how to feel about so he consults his second in command, Anton (short for Anthony; this man is just a side character but he is like the best side character ever and im 100% giving him a unique design bc he's just like the most supportive dude ever-). i plan on making a short comic based off the conversation they have but basically Jacian has his suspicions confirmed, and goes full panic attack and sad mode bc oops literal forbidden love this is so sad : pensive : .  There are like 2 more encounters between the main group and Jacian's group, both of which Jacian is just like being very obvious on accident but taiana has no idea what a social cue is so she just doesnt pick up on any of it, and then major plot shit happens and we're onto part 2.
in part 2, things get kinda angsty and really can split off in 2 different directions, with one being significantly less angsty than the other. basically, shit goes down, and all 3 of the main kingdoms are all just kinda in conflict now.  Taiana ends up becoming the queen of her kingdom (called Serenia) and, despite her appearingly newfound confidence and leadership skills, she is internally in turmoil due to previous plot events (and this only gets worse with future ones) and is beginning to fall into a state of self doubt due to the pressure she puts on herself to protect everyone coupled with the fact that she cant, and failed to protect her own father and brother.  After a bit of rebuilding and strategizing, Taiana decides to lead a counterattack against the neighboring kingdom of Grysia who's king, Natalio, has basically backstabbed every other kingdom and had invaded Serenia while the main group was out doing other stuff (his son is also part of the main group, and some real shit happens there but thats another tale for another ramble-).  It turns out that Jacian serves him, and is having one hell of a moral struggle right now.  His knights honor forbids him from betraying his lord, but he's unsure if he's truely doing the right thing as he's been complacent to so many inhumane atrocities that Natalio has preformed.  But in the end he decides that he must stick to his duty to the very end, no matter what (and let me just say, once natalio shows his true colors he does some bad shit, like really damn bad. but again, another disscussion for another day).  Eventually, the main group is pretty much on the castle's doorstep, and so Natalio makes the decision to send Jacian to put a stop to them. More specifically, to their leader, who at this point is Taiana.  Jacian of course, really doesnt want to (but as he later figures out, Natalio knows of his crush and plans on having the two destroy each other, with the result of one being killed and the other being emotionally destroyed. as I said, natalio is a very bad man), but his duty commands that he must, and so he tells Anton to make sure his troops escape the conflict together, and heads off to his final duel, where he intends to head to his grave and take his secret with him.  When he confronts the main group, he is much more solemn than he normally is, and he challenges Taiana to one final duel. and despite every other duel they had resulting in a draw, this one results in a loss from Jacian.  As a final wish, Jacian begs Taiana to take his life, as he'd rather die at her hands than at Natalios.
now, since im thinking about the plot in terms of it being a game, there actually is a branch in the plot based on a choice made at this point (mainly bc the angsty one is more interesting character development wise but the not angsty one makes me happy and i want to see these 2 be happy together-). so the two choices are basically to take Jacian's life, or to spare him.  ill go over what each choice leads to in order.
choose to take his life:  Taiana tries to take Jacian's life, but she just can't bring herself to.  She already internally feels as if she's lost or come close to losing many of the peopleshe holds dear, and she could never bring herself to kill someone she considers a friend.  Seeing this, Jacian smiles before apologizing to her for everything, and thanking her for the joy she's brought him, before telling her he loves her and taking his own life via stabbing his sword through his chest.  His intent is to save her the pain of taking his life by ding it for him, but this ends up pushing her over the edge, as she blames herself and sees it as yet another failure to protect someone she cared about.  The main group ends up defeating natalio and liberating Grysia, but Taiana is left with menatl and emotional wounds that would leave her unstable for much of the remaining plot. it doesnt help that she eventually realizes that she loved him too.  His former troops, which had deserted the war just as he asked, end up joining the Serenian military, with Anton becoming the captain of the knights.  This mainly leads to alot of character development for taiana, and how she learns to cope with and accept the fact that she cant protect everyone, no matter how much she wants to.  (there also is another really angsty part later bc main villian has some bs powers but uhh we've had enough sad i thinkand this is getting really long-)
choose to spare him:  Taiana refuses to take Jacian's life, to which Jacian retorts that she had to if she wanted to get past.  Of course, she once again refuses as she wont harm someone she cares about, especially when she's already lost people she cares about and is really close to just losing it.  She then states that if one of them had to die, the he should take he life, much to his dismay.  She stands firm on this, and he attempts, but his feelings finally overpower his sense of duty, and he just cant.  but at the same time, his honor won't let him betray his lord, and if he goes back he will just be killed.  He and taiana argue a bit, with taiana trying to convince him to join her before finally breaking down and just letting out everything she's had pent up inside since the the end of part 1 of the plot (different story for a different day)  Jacian lets out some emotional baggage of his own, including confessing his feelings for taiana,which she is completely surprised about.  They talk and mildly argue for a bit more, with Jacian eventually surrendering to his feelings, and vowing to right the wrongs made by his complacency before thanking Taiana for helping him to remember why he became a knight in the first place, and abandoning his old sense of honor to take up arms with the main group and find a new sense of honor, fighting for the people as taiana does rather than just for one corrupt man.  Natalio really isnt suprised by this, and simply says that he'll send them both to the grave by his own hands, before being defeated by the main group with the help of Jacian's troops because yknow, theyre loyal to Jacaian before theyre loyal to the king.  During the 6-year skip between part 2 and 3, Taiana and Jacian end up getting married, and similarly to the other option Anton is appointed captaianof the Serentian Knights, and remains a close friend to Jacian (along with the rest of his troops, theyre his bois).  This mainly leads to more development of Jacian and how he interacts with the other charcaters in the main group, as well as him helping taiana to cope with many of her insecurities and issues, and offering support in a way that none of the other characters in the main group can (i meant to not this earlier as well, she may be very close to other characters as well, such as xayvion, but they just dont understand certain aspects of her personality deep down as well as Jacian does. The two are just a pair of overly excessive goofy knights, and though they may be slightly different they understand each other in a way no one else does).
and uhh thats basically it, this was way more than i meant to write and i really need to go to sleep now so uh yeet- anyways i love these 2, thank you for coming to my ted talk-
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justsomeantifas · 5 years
its 11:59 its still technically tonight so
this is gonna be my reference point to questions abt venezuela, at least regarding things pre- May 19 2019. Its a bit scattered and it may get edited down along the road, but yeah.
short version that draws some similar conclusions: https://www.salon.com/2019/05/17/the-plot-to-kill-venezuela_partner/
one difference in scales that’s important to keep in mind: the lifespan of people is 2-7 decades. the lifespan of colonialism lasts centuries. the lifespan of media memory is a couple years, tops.
Most western narratives of venezuela start meaningfully at chavez, which is a mistake. The focus point in history around which the country flowed was the Caracazo. You probably already know about this, but a massive uprising took place in the heart of Caracas, against decades of dictatorship both formal and informal, after severe instability in the global oil market. The people were hungry, the riots were fiery, and the bullets bled. knows the death toll even now, but its estimated well into the thousands.  This happened pre-chavez, and started a cascade of events which brought him into limelight that you can read about here. not gonna go into more venezuelan history, but i talk a bit more here
chavez was democratically elected, multiple times.
   in 2002, after his first democratic election, he was kidnapped by US-backed troops and replaced by someone who threw out the 1999 constitution, which was as legitimate as any other made in venezuela’s colonial and violently capitalist history, seeing as it was the first (aka only, so far) of 26 constitutions actually approved by popular referendum. He was reinstated largely due to massive protests in support of him. Maduro however doesn’t really have as much of the charisma and support of chavez, which is creating problems - as well as exacerbating problems created by the economic crises ramping up just around chavez’s death. In 2015, there were elections to the National Assembly, which ended up with the Opposition winning a majority of the seats (which does show that there’s some degree of fairness in the elections, at least verifiably up til that point, yet that isnt rly accounted for when western media describes it as “undemocratic” - many of whom don’t apply the same scrutiny to their own country: such as this UN Human Rights councilor who also happens to be the crown prince of british-iraq, currently residing in the noted democracy of the Kingdom of Jordan, which has no vested interest or control over any particular export of Venezuela.).        
This turnout showed most of all that maduro had alienated as many as 2 million of his supporters, who didnt end up voting (though many also voted against him - trying to act on their feeling that whatever they want, its “not this”). This decreasing support also accelerates whats known as “Everyday Sabotage” - people not trusting in the government, and look out for their own interests contra everyone else. This is a danger inherent to tying “Socialism” to a primarily state project.       
However 1999 Constitution was never meant as an eternal document & it created mechanisms to call for new popular constitutional referendums to be held. That’s what the “Constituent Assembly” is about, which is what a lot of the western world is describing as him singlehandedly rewriting it (while also being “vague about its contents”), or “created by him”. Elections to the constituent assembly were boycotted by opposition, so that it would be government controlled & look like a sham in the eyes of the broader world. That being said, the assembly was called both as a reaction to losing election but also in response to intensifying crises - it was put forth (i don’t see any reason to believe in bad faith) as a way to come together and figure out how to address the needs that were driving people to protest - to address the desire for “not this”, but bc of the uncertainty, it was easily twistable by reactionaries by putting all emphasis on the former. Also timing corresponds with increasing fears of maduro straying from the path of chavez, the image of scrapping one of his strongest plays for smth unknown is risky - tho if there are other meaningful options given the situation im not sure. And the body’s got at least as much constitutional legitimacy as Guaido  (Chapter III)  
The 1999 constitution also enabled a recall election to be called against maduro in 2016, bc it was written with particular attention to holding public officials accountable - similar noble commitments helped to end the presidency of Rousseff & bring in Bolsonaro (who was also one of the people spurring on the investigations and whipping up a social base).
     (speaking of guaido & bolsonaro)
on Guaido:
part of student group in 2007 protesting against non-renewal of coup-assisting network, who the CFR (one of the major think tanks of the cold war still playing a big role in foreign policy today) considered “most important network”   
close friend of Leopoldo Lopez, the aforementioned coup plotter.
politician since 2010, won a couple small elections
Unknown to majority of general population until 2019, most venezuelans surveyed didnt know him   
Plan Pais       
plans to privatize state owned industry & allow investment from foreign oil companies       
center-right neoliberal draped in platitudes of “stability”, “revitalization”, “security”, and “rescue” - a message seemingly deliberately targeted to become more and more resonant with increased sanctions.
/on Guaido
governing is about the expression of power. I wanna live in a world where that power isn’t expressed, but as long as the exploitation of the global working class continues unabated, id prefer some of that power be put towards helping the poor.     
there is no such thing as a static state of affairs, there’s no “goldilocks zone” out in the political universe where we tweak things finely until we find whats best for everyone, only different rates of change in different dimensions. what we need to do is figure out how we can push that state of affairs in a direction so that everyday people have the power to take control of their lives. re
re: “constitutionality” - if the supreme court calls it constitutional then its constitutional. period. There’s no such thing as a supreme court as an “independent branch” of government, but there are different degrees of integration into the rest of it.       
The Supreme Tribunal of Venezuela has 32 members, (a bit more than a dozen put in by the national assembly, while the PSUV held it), and the opposition holds abt 3 away from a supermajority. Each member of the court holds their spot for 12 years. If that’s “The Most Corrupt In The World” according to Transparency International, i wonder what world the 9-person lifetime-appointed US Supreme Court (2 of which appointed by trump, and save for pulling a Weekend At Ginsbergs, likely 3) is on. In fact, one of the tactics that the more radical circles of democrat voters are putting forward is to pack the Supreme Court. Because thats how shit actually gets done, or at the least how shit is prevented from being committed w the stamp of legality. FDR learned that lesson too, in trying to pass what is today known as “The New Deal”
My comparisons to trump are for specific end: these actions are exerted on levers of liberal democracy, and every single liberal democracy is susceptible to them in some ways.
whats a “dictator”? if hes unelected, the millions of people who participated in the elections dont seem to think so. if maduro is a dictator, then what is donald trump? the majority of ppl didnt vote for him yet hes still governing. macron’s popularity has at several points been less than 1/3, and the yellow vest protestors have been violently attacked - why is he not “a violent dictator with only the support of the military”? These terms are not neutral.
“their elections are highly flawed” So What? show me a country whose elections arent.   
“opposition jailed” - ok but coup plotters don’t get off easy in any liberal democracy. If someone - say Bernie Sanders - said “enough is enough” and succeeded in overthrowing the current government with the help of a foreign government…. you think they’d let him go free? what if ten years later he was getting his supporters all riled up to do it again? how long you think he’d be in jail for (assuming he can survive well into his 100’s)? You think more than 13 years? Think he’d get house arrest? Some US states lock you up for posessing weed up to 10. If you stay long enough around this blog, youll find plenty of other examples of much more cruel and unusual punishments. Look at Chelsea Manning, look at Oscar Riviera…   look at the US protestors saying Guaido is illegitimate
 what we have to keep in mind most of all, is to show that the contradictions being exploited are inherent to Liberalism. Contradictions are just expressed most freely at the margins - the interstices
poor economic decisions happen everywhere - 2008/2009 still affecting the entire world there’s violence thats “natural”, and violence thats “intolerable”. The dividing line is whether we have anything to gain by changing things.
sanctions:    started under obama, originally targeted specific individuals, used as precedent for more generalized. They’re indirect - they have a “squeezing effect”, takes already-existing problems & just makes them markedly worse. also doesn’t necessarily correlate with emigration, bc it takes a lot of money to start a new life somewhere else, and sanctions disproportionately affect the poor.   
war wouldnt likely look like (many) US boots on the ground - we’ve got plenty of other places to be. It’d look like guns being smuggled to counter-protestors. It’d look like sending resources to neighboring countries like Colombia or Brazil who would then use their troops. Colombias ruling party is right wing populists - much of current president’s campaign was run on fearmongering abt venezuelan socialism - they’re raring to go. It’d look like drones https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caracas_drone_attack. Also means there likely won’t be a sudden trigger, its a gradually escalating stressful gradually-more-warlike situation.  
If war does break out - where would the refugees go?  In reality the majority would go to Colombia, but if anything significant breaks out there will be a stream of those looking to find shelter in the US, which has advertised itself as a beacon of hope - what would happen to them? some may get taken in as a gesture of showmanship, but nowhere close to the majority.   
speaking of the US - imagine if trump and bolton manage to actually plot a winning coup. Do you think that that wont be his main bullwark against ppl like Bernie? you think the media and rest of the democratic party wont jump on that narrative and “begrudgingly” support a fascist because the alternative might mean supporting single payer and not-having-good-for-ratings-climate-apocalypse?
another term thrown around without regard is “once vibrant” - for whom?
most articles ive seen just take this as an axiom, and dont find any cognitive dissonance when also saying chavez reduced poverty hugely.
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 The answer to that rhetorical question: Citgo is venezuelan, before chavez none of the wealth went back to venezuela - thats what “vibrancy” means.  
     many similarities with BP (the-artist-formerly-known-as-the-anglo-iranian-oil-company)
in age of climate change & vocal ppl about phasing out oil, the more one’s livelihood is connected to oil, the more unstable ones country will be - either that, or the more instability ones country will cause.
“Oil exports fell by $2,200 per capita from 2012 to 2016, of which $1,500 was due to the decline in oil prices.”  
The drop in price that affected the venezuelan economy so much in 2014 was largely by US shale fracking
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in 1970’s Chile, copper was the main product of Chile - allende nationalized the mines, and in return wall street dropped the
(also worth noting that venezuela’s got non-insignificant untapped shale basins)      
At least venezuela used the oil money to fund social programs instead of like, pad the pockets of Raytheon.
also oil price wars in africa highly correlated w oil (whose annual production doesn’t even combined total venezuelas)
a couple ppl have raised concerns abt my strong stance on equivocal dismissal - if there’s a difference, if there’s some way of reading your statement that says “X country that the State Dept wants to invade is an anomoly in the otherwise free world”, then that’s acting to push the discourse towards normalization & invasion. It’s not “whataboutism”, just basic consistency.   
now more than ever, narratives are affected by people. They may not be ones we had a hand in forging, but the way that we propagate them actually does have measurable effects on the larger-scale political outcomes. Always look for the base assumptions, as well as the direction   
sure denounce Chavez. sure denounce Maduro. denounce Kim, Xi, Castro, anyone. But if there’s no equally or proportionally loud denunciations of the horrors perpetrated by allies - the “assumed”, “natural” violence, then you’re acting to reinforce the narrative of exceptionalism.   
Just make sure after you take a breath, you denounce Saudi Arabia & Yemen, Israel for Palestine, the conditions which brought Argentinian/Brazillian, Brazilian coup, the US for Puerto Rico, the conditions which have murdered dozens of journalists in Mexico per year…  
what people want most of all is stability. “A debate over whether it is mismanagement and corruption by the Maduro government or the sanctions that are the author of the crisis is largely irrelevant. The point is that a combination of the reliance on oil revenues and the sanctions policy has crushed the policy space for any stability in the country.”
government’s errors and tensions   
fixed exchange rate -> black market      
took 5 years to address changing relation between dollar & BsF, all the room between those two curves left a huge room for intensifying crises, though since it also corresponds with the death of chavez, it sorta makes sense.   
antidemocratic actions and remarks by maduro  
scattered responses filled w half-solutions   
diversification needed, but how do you diversify an economy filled with rampant poverty, malnutrition, illiteracy… 
(nominally begrudging) support for mineral extraction 12.4% of territory opened to extraction - “Special Economic Zone” as a method of managing decay       
this is also what much of the reality of “economic diversification” looks like
not enough socialism. (even fox agrees!) Venezuela shows the limits of Social Democracy in countries living outside of the Imperial Core - esp the dangers if you’re in the crosshairs already bc of oil         
started out as populism, gradually grew as confronted more.            shows shaping influence on political organs from actions of foreign actors - if you’ve survived a coup before, you’re gonna become paranoid about any more of them - especially when the coup plotters say “hey lets do more coups”       
also shows the weakness of only having a small number of charasmatic faces representing the movement - if one dies and theres no clear and popular replacement, then you’ll lose ppl who were largely brought in by the charisma, weakening your political project, and creating cracks for reactionary forces to take advantage of - especially in times of transition.       
bourgeoisie still control a majority of the economy.            Capitalist businesses are internally unaccountable, and in this age of intensified global trade, one can punish countries for straying from the pack by moving business & focus away. If you’re looking for dictatorships, look at the thousands of private companies run as dictatorships daily       
capital flight is a real effect, precisely because socialism is fundamentally and irreconcilably against the self-interest of the bourgeoisie. not necessarily against the interest of the humans-who-are-also-bourgeois, but of the impersonal self-sustaining force of capital.           
Have you ever pulled something out of an electrical socket, and seen a quick spark? The reason that occurs is bc of what’s called an induction current, which is a fancy physics word for flowing electricity not liking to suddenly change its flow. If you accidentally touch that spark, you might feel it, but youll live to tell the tale. But if you only take the plug out halfway & touch it, that’s a different story.  Capital flows similarly.
   my country (lithuania) has been facing sky-high emigration since the collapse of the USSR (with an added boost after 08-09), we have also consistently had one of the highest suicide rates in the world (#7), a minimum wage of about 3 Euros an hour (after a recent increase), as well as one of the highest prison populations in Europe (discounting Russia & Belarus… which like….)   
when are we gonna be invaded? when will the US media talk about our pain?  
oh wait, they did. We cried all pretty for the TV cameras, then they got a bozo nobody really knew of to denounce the government, who they called dictatorial (though it was far from ideal, massive bureaucracies dont tend to mix well with single-person-decision-making). And to be fair, the fact that the government was unpopular wasnt entirely undeserved. But what was promised to us was the idea of “Freedom”, “Free Enterprise”; to “Get Rid of Corruption” and institute “Real” Democracy". They said we’d be integrated into the glorious capitalist west, and we understood that to mean that we’d be in the position of a Germany, or at least an Austria or smth. But they never meant to integrate us into the imperial Core, we have always been seen as part of the Periphery - the “assumed” violence that “naturally” happens.    
Then we got to where we our today. Some of the stuffs more available, but expensive. Most of the bureaucracy’s still around, it just helps fewer people. We stand as an example of what to expect, in one of the best case scenarios, you would join our emigrees now making up a significant percentage of underpaid house-servants aka maids across the EU.  
if we want the people of Venezuela to be healthy, safe, and fulfilled, then:
speak out and pointing to the effects of US sanctions is incredibly important. They’ve already killed 40,000 people in the last year, and 300,000 more are in extreme danger (and millions more in long-term risk).
what does it mean when you simultaneously sanction trade with a place but also demand they let you give them humanitarian aid?
if there is to be action taken by the international community, then the US has forfeited its right to speak. They threw it away once in 2002, and obama rhetorically picked it up and dusted it off so that trump could throw it in a bigger dumpster, thats also on fire. However we also still live in a world deeply shaped by US Hegemony, so the opinions of its close trade partners & closest-knit media buds should be seen as influenced as such. Doesn’t mean that theyre wrong on everything too, but they still feel the magnetic pull of the US economy and ecosystem (as well as their own potentially imperial interests) and the effect of that force cannot be discounted.
transitioning our economies away from oil & away from globalized neoliberalism which only values peripheral states by their exports - dissolves tensions of how to produce in unproductive terrain   
socialize medicine in the US, so that drug companies run by dictatorships can’t control their lives & ours. healthcare is especially reliant on imports, sanctions affect especially strongly.  
normalize the ideas of Socialism, without taking the easy way out of “oh no dont think of Venezuela, think of sweden or denmark”. None of them are Socialist, but to avoid the complexities of Venezuela is to imagine that US attempts at socialism wouldn’t involve significant capital flight. If we don’t consider that, if we don’t have solid actionable plans to deal with that, while also facing the inherent complexity of changing material conditions, then we’re gonna waste whatever shot we get.   
redirect conversation normally centered around government towards support of the tens of thousands of small business co-operatives, where people live their daily lives in a democratic manner.
on The Communes:
    “delegating responsibility throughout all members, and bringing important decisions to the whole to work through and find the best possible solution… They create “collective criteria” together; agreements stipulating whether individuals have power over certain decisions or whether it is up to the whole group. However, he assures that these “are not rigid, they can change at any moment.” The cooperative I lived with in Venezuela had regular organizational meetings where they informally came to agreement and were even able to come back to re-evaluate decisions that didn´t seem to be satisfactory for the whole group in this same way. Decisions and decision making, in this way, are viewed as a process not contained by meetings and discussions in board rooms, but are always being analyzed and made better by the process of putting them into action, and not only by thinking them out and writing them down.”
- the “Self Government of the Producers” - aka what it looks like for cooks to govern.   
they have communal councils as well - neighborhood councils in the same vein that so many (rightfully) find inspiring in Kurdistan . They preexisted chavez, but they were able to proliferate and be given legal recognition through him. I understand that legal recognition can act to ‘name’ a body & pin it to smth that doesn’t match its requisite variety - how dynamic it is, but imo as its currently legislated it recognizes a good amount of the autonomy that they had already been excersizing. - liable to change                                government recognition of co-ops has drawbacks too, and correlates negatively with that coop’s success           
           "A good example of this intention is the de-emphasis that cooperatives in Venezuela put on advertising or “marketing” products, and instead push to find more people to become part of the cooperative, and choose the services or products they provide based on community decisions about what is needed. A cooperative I worked in […] was originally a family owned and operated theater group that traveled around the country performing theater pieces that highlighted social and environmental issues. When they joined the […] cooperative, the larger co-op did an analysis and decided they wanted a natural fruit juice concentrate producer and gave the group a loan to acquire capital and start producing. They have been doing this for only a couple of years now but have already paid back the loan to the larger cooperative and are bringing extra money in to support themselves, better their services, and supply extra funds to the larger cooperative for community projects such as the recently [2012] built community health center…                  
The cooperative services I experienced and learned about in Venezuela were health, dental, food, and a separate example of trash services. A dental cooperative […] provides quality dental services (I know because I used them) almost every day for affordable prices. You don´t have to be a member of the cooperative, and you don´t have to make an appointment. It takes only a couple of hours, and emergency situations are treated with urgency. The health center, built with funds provided by all the associated cooperatives[…], works the same way. Anyone can go there, the services are subsidized by the cooperative so they are affordable, the clinic and workspaces are clean and well taken care of, and the quality of the service is great. Worker-members of the cooperative receive health care at the facility without charge except for the massage and acupuncture services that they also provide at a really low price.
           […] food services are priced to provide more access to food for the community in which it exists. The original and persistent intention is to make the best situation for people on all ends of the process. The producers are part of the cooperative and are part of the group that decides the prices that growers get, as well as the prices that the food is sold for. This means that both farmers and workers at the market decide what to charge a person, which ultimately affects how much money the growers receive, as well as if the food is affordable for the people who need to eat who live in the city. In a normal capitalist market system these parties are separated and put up against each other, raising prices for consumers and lowering them for small producers, excluding those people from getting enough money to afford all the necessities that are typically only provided at a high price.
           One communal council, a parallel governing organization of community members linked to investment funds from the national government, in the city of Merida, Venezuela organized themselves to get funds to buy a trash collection truck. The truck at the time was used for a specific waste removal project that removed waste from their community regularly but was not a traditional collection service. However, they did have plans to expand the project to start their own collection service, and this would be provided by the commal council, an anti-capitalist organization which does not require people to pay for the service. Although this is not a “co-operative” as some hardliner co-operative enthusiasts might point out, it is a horizontal anti-capitalist organization widening access of necessary services to the larger community run by community members; following cooperative values of equity, inclusion, and solidarity I believe this to be an example of cooperative economics and action. It appears to me that economic inclusion is much more likely to widen only when those who are being excluded are included in the process of organizing the services and are in control of the economy.“
until the communes, workers cooperatives, and the like are strong enough to rule themselves, having Maduro in power is the only option given to us which doesn’t trigger the control of reactionaries. People make their own history, but not in situations of their choosing - the exact outcome isn’t predetermined, but there’s only a limited number of poles - gravitational attractors - towards which that trajectory is heading at any particular time.   
if maduro acts to squash the power of the communes, then thats a different situation. but until that point, we outside of the country must work to center any discussion on these bodies - they are the heart of the country and of whatever social revolution has occurred/is further possible. They are filled with lessons for us to learn from, and show how rich and dynamic the organized populace can be if they are allowed to control their communities. (ex of dealing with gang violence from @ 22:50)       
This is all said with recognition that many chavistas have acted against communes, the bureaucratic machine acts to co-opt much of their energy, its linguistically obscured the concept of "ownership” with that of “control”, and that the state has changed its messages over time. But the heart of the communes is what’s a priority, and they have acted against the government overstepping its bounds & mis-identifying them. But whats important is that there’s a feedback process in the gvt to actually allow them to assert their autonomy. Liberals will do their utmost to close those channels.
   If Guaido and the Popular Will take control of power, be assured that whatever gains made in organizing the everyday people of Venezuela will be at the top of the chopping block. How effective that suppression turns out to be is undetermined - it might turn out to strengthen the communes, but that outcome would be damage control, not something to try and bullseye.
Effective Propaganda knows that its more effective to control what’s left out than control what’s put in. Keep that in mind, and study trajectories and forces.
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momo-de-avis · 5 years
Do you have any recommendations of female artists (sculptors and painters)? (I went to a museum and now im salty lmao)
Off the top of my mind, I might remember someone else some time soon:
Sonia Delaunay. My girl LIVED and BREATHED art. She was the type to literally, and I mean wholly, surround herself with art to the point of living inside art. She sewed, made costumes for the theater, she made puppets, dolls, quilts, even furniture. She was an incredible, outstanding painter. She is at the centre of Orphism more so than Robert, her husband, who was more of a cubism guy. Now, from what I gather, a lot of what people say about Sonia in other countries is coupled with her husband, as if you can't talk about her without mentioning him. To a degree, that's correct because the two had a really secure partnership. They were both creators, and they pushed each other. It was incredibly inspiring tbh. But Sonia has her own merit, and in Portugal she is actually way more relevant than Robert bc of the influence she had on our modernist circle.
Lee Krasner. If only people sort of forgot she was Pollock's wife. Her method of creating is fascinating to me cause this girl just destroyed her past work completely, but instead of throwing it in the trash, she reused it to create new works. Art historians in the post modernist era weren't too kind to her, but she's being avenged. She's methodical and clearly puts so much thought into her composition her creative process is fascinating.
Julia Margaret Cameron. This woman is one of my favourite artists in the world. Cameron began taking photographs at 42 years old after she moved to the isle of Wight in England. She was gifted a camera by her daughter who just wanted her mother to be a bit less bored, and Cameron went on to create over 3000 astonishing photographs that are at the core of the pictorialist movement. She was also INCREDIBLY well acquainted of her society. I mean, literally every famous victorian person you can think of, she met them. The majority of famous photographs you can think of? She took them. She was very honest about her work too. Its really endearing because Cameron was so concerned about her own honesty in capturing beauty she didn't give a fuck about the actual mechanics, which resulted in a lot of photographers at the time labelling her "an amateur". She also refused to photograph high society folk that weren't her friends, and mostly photographed her maids. It must be said that Alfred Lord Tennyson absolutely DESPISED every single illustration made for his Idylls of the King, so much artists knew they were in for hell if they were commissioned the book's illustrations. Cameron was the only person Tennyson personally asked to illustrated, and he absolutely adored her work.
Hannah Hoch. I love Dada so it couldn't miss. Hannah Hoch was married to uhhhhh... Huesekbeck I think? I keep forgetting. Either way, she was part of the Berlin Dada group, and they gave her hell for being a woman. Yes, it's nothing short of that: they didn't want her to belong because she was a woman. Especially her husband, who she supported throughout his life and then he died and she was like "lmao maybe you should have made good art, my bitch". Hannah Hoch mostly makes collages, and it's incredible. Its a very poignant work about being a woman in post-Weimar Germany and the societal issues Germany faced after World War I.
Claude Cahun. There's a post I made about her going around so I wont prolong myself but essentially, though she used female pronouns throughout her life, she identified herself as androgynous and created an INCREDIBLE set of photographs. She was a surrealist who became the inspiration for Davie Bowie and Andre Breton lauded this woman breathless. She was also arrested for taking part in the resistance against the Nazis and lived her whole life with another woman who was her partner. Her work focuses tremendously on issues of gender and our perception of our own bodies.
Camille Claudel. Infamously, she is known as Rodin's lover. Camille's story is a very tragic one. She was a tremendously talented sculptor who accumulated patrons throughout her life, and though she had an a rough affair with Rodin (and he was a bit of a dick), he did praise her work and tried very hard to preserve her artwork. The issue was Camille's family, who scorned her and shamed her for being an artist and her life choices, and destroyed a lot of her art after sticking her in a mental institution where she died at like, 70. But Camille's work is... Well, it's beautiful. Its the kind of work you can see that conflict between being a woman in her society while desperate to liberate herself. Though she incorporates Rodin's language, she has her own mark, her own hand, and her own language.
Janet Sobel. She is actually the first person to coin, use and employ the technique of dripping. You know, the one Pollock gets all the praise for? Essentially, Janet Sobel was a grandmother by the time she picked up a paintbrush. She was also a ukranian emigrant with little to no english, and she engaged in art at her son's insistence. When her son Sol Sobel brought his mom's artwork to the major New York circles (she lived in New Jersey), she immediately caught the eye of Peggy Guggenheim, who put together a collective exhibition about female abstract expressionist painters. That exhibition was in 1946. Pollock was there, he msde a remark wbout Sobel's work, and in 1947 you have the first Pollock dripping painting. Do with that information what you will (and also, check for photos of how Sobel painted, it's so adorable and it just explains SO MUCH MORE THE CONCEPT OF ACTION PAINTING THAN POLLOCK). Eventualyl, Sobel stopped painting and disappeared, and there are several factors as to why we forgot her: Pollock was the CIA's bad boy, so yeah; she spoke little english (she befriended Marc Chagall and Mark Rothko bc they both spoke russian and they claimed that being with Sobel felt like being back home) and she developed an allergy to oil painting.
Maria Helena Vieira da Silva. We're moving to the french circle here, and yes she is portuguese but she belongs to the french post modernist circle. She's an abstract painter who draws a lot from cityscapes, and I think it's worth taking a look at her work.
Niki de Saint Phalle. Now Niki is incredible. She's mostly known for her Nanas, which are immense outdoors sculptures of women with thick bodies, defying the notion of slenderness imposed by fashion magazines that prevailed in the 50s. She also engages with her own trauma of sexual abuse and explores the notion of sexuality a lot, as well as women's bodies outside the realm of sexuality. At a given point, she collaborated with Jean Tingely a lot so she made a series of kinetic sculptures too.
Martha Rosler. I know you said painting and sculpture and I've already talked about collage lmao but Martha Rosler belongs to the first wave of feminist art and those mostly concern video art, though Rosler is very well known for her collages Bringing the War Home in which she literally brings the Vietnam war home. It's worth looking at her work.
Ana Mendieta. Another tragic story. Ana Mendieta was incredibly worried about the notion of the female body as perceived outside the realm of something sexual and nature. She works a lot with perishable material, works of art that are organic, that is, that will disappear with time. One of her most well known methods is leaving an imprint of her own body on natural surfaces, like a beach, or a field of grass, and then photographing it. Ironically, that was exactly how she died: she fell off I believe it was a 10th floor and onto the hood if a car. There is still speculation about it and everything points towards there having been a fight between her and her partner at the time, Carl Andre, who neighbours believe pushed her out the window. Carl Andre never saw justice and Ana Mendieta died at like 25 years old and at the prime of her career.
Kara Walker. She's a pretty young artist who's creating artworks as we speak and she confronts the notion of blackness with US history so blatantly it becomes monumental. She also makes large scale works to defy this message. If you ask me, she's one of the best artists living today.
Hilma af Klimt. She was a Swedish abstractionist and surrealist who was really focused on the occult, and made monumental paintings that engaged with things like the human psyche.
Lizzie Siddal. Now, Lizzie is better known as the Pre-Raphaelite muse, immortalised in Millais' famous Ophelia, but she was an artist of her own. And not just any artist. John Ruskin tutored her and praised her. In fact, he considered her biggest flaw being her love affair with Rossetti lmao she is very naive and honest about her work, and I would also recommend taking a look at her poetry.
Eleonor Fortescue-Brickdale. I know very little about her, but she was a post pre-raphaelite illustrator who, and this is just me, follows the trend of Julia Margaret Cameron. Her paintings are beautiful and seriously, look at both their work and try to see the similarities hah
Helen Frankenthaler and Joan Mitchell, two abstract expressionists who developed their own mode of painting and who border the Colour Field Painting (think Rothko).
Tamara de Lempicka. She's the glamour gal. She makes paintings about the glamorous life of high society and is very interesting because she depicts female nudes in a very intimate way. If I am not mistaken, Tamara de Lempicka had relationships with women, so that tells you a lot. She's very cubist in technique, more so than style.
Faith Ringgold. Oh my God, Faith Ringgold is fantastic. She is a black american woman who paints about the experience of being a black woman, but not just paint. She's best known for her Tar Beaches series, which as quilts she stitches while telling the story of a little girl who dreams about a world while spending time on her tar beach, which is the rooftops of the buildings in Harlem. Please do check her work, she is fantastic.
I'll leave well known names out because they are easy to search like Frida Kahlo, Artemisa Gentilleschi, Josefa d'Obidos, Sofonisba Anguissola (these three are located in the late renaissance period, so there's a lot of portraits, religious themes and still life), Mary Cassat, Berthe Morisot (both impressionists who focus on private female themes), Rosa Bonheur (naturalist who makes landscapes mostly), Evelyn de Morgan (post pre-raphaelite). Also check Zinaida Serebriakova, Georgia O'Keeffe, Lavinia Fontana, Louise Bourgeois, Angelika Kauffmann, Elisabetta Sirani, Romaine Brooks, Sophie Tauber-Arp, Varvara Stepanova, Paula Rego, Bridget Riley, Leonora Carrington, Vigée le Brun, Yayoi Kusama, Francesca Woodman. Etc. These are like .. top of my head with a quick google search to make sure I wrote the names right haha
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knightofbalance-13 · 6 years
*Sigh* To think I’d have to do this to RWBY-Analysis of all people.
Okay, let’s go.
Sorry to disappoint you, but shipping Ilia with Sun or Jaune really isn’t the best thing to do now that she’s a confirmed lesbian. (I’m actually really not sorry.)
Why? Why is this such an issue? It’s just shipping, just an idea. It’s not like doing this suddenly means Illa turns straight or anyone is actually saying that. So why is this an issue?
Shipping straight dudes to make them gay doesn’t take away from straight representation. Media is incredibly heteronormative and queer people rarely see themselves represented. Even when we are we’re mostly just side characters, often badly written. Additionally male gay characters are way more represented in media and fandoms and queer women are often overlooked (not to even talk about all the other identities). 
... Okay, what you just described is a zero sum game, in which something can only be gained by taking away from another. Thus nothing is added. And honestly, it’s stupid to think this way about fictional concepts. Shipping is NOT real and it does NOT take away from canon. Just as well: SHIPPING IS NOT ACTIVISM. You do not get moral credit for shipping gay ships or lose it for shipping straight ships.  None of this belogs in shipping.
Yeah, Media is incredibly heteronormative...so is the human race. Washinting post says that 96% of people are heterosexual in the US, which is one of the most liberal countries in the world. (https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/volokh-conspiracy/wp/2014/07/15/what-percentage-of-the-u-s-population-is-gay-lesbian-or-bisexual/?utm_term=.e4d1dd014408) And mind you, the Washington post has a left leaning bias so they have NO reason to lie about these numbers (https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/washington-post/). So the media being heteronormative is nothing negative, especially since relating to someone SOLELY due to sexuality is just begging for tokenism.
The thing about most gay characters being poorly written...so are most straight characters. Sturgeon’s law: 99% of media is crap. It is an issue for gay characters but it’s not SOLELY their issue as well. As for the gay woman thing: Source please.
Good lesbian representation is incredibly rare. Shipping the only confirmed lesbian character on the show with a dude just because some other people ship Johnlock or whatever is just ignorant. Shipping two straight characters of the same gender doesn’t take away from straight representation because straight people just don’t have the issue of their sexual or gender identity being represented enough in media. Full stop. 
You know, if you keep referring to representation as a zero sum game: I DEMAND you go all the way on it and call out people who do ship two straight characters because in the context of a zero sum game: it actually IS taking away from straight representation and for you to not look like a massive hypocrite, you NEED to call them out. ... Or just let people ship whatever they ship because people will ship two or more characters for any numbers reasons and not just representation and not everything is about representation. But really, considering what else you’ve pulled that might be asking for too much.
Ilia is a lesbian and lesbians often face the struggle of their identity not being taken seriously, especially by men who want to get into their pants. Shipping Ilia with men now that she is a confirmed lesbian plays into that stereotype. Of course there is a difference between “in this AU Ilia is bi because I really like her with Jaune, but I know she’s a lesbian in canon and accept that” and “she shouldn’t be a lesbian, canon is wrong, she should date Jaune in canon, I will write long posts about why they will end up together”. The latter especially feeds that stereotype and it’s probably what most people see when they talk about why shipping Ilia with a man is bad.
... What stereotype are you talking about? You never referenced a stereotype, just something that happens in realm life that is only tangently connected.
And as for the two choices thing: you’re wrong. It can be anything from “I ship these two for political reasons” (you and your strawman) to “I ship these two because they look cute together” to “I ship these two because I like the story ideas” to “I ship these two due to how healthy I perceive the relationship to be” to so many more reasons I can’t name. Shippers don’t all ship for political reasons. ALMOST ALL shippers don't ship for political reasons. And I have NEVER seen someone write posts like that about Illa X Jaune so that doesn’t even make sense.
Also: Your last part basically says “Shipping Illa with a man is bad because Lesbians are fragile flowers that need to be coddled.” And that’s just stupid to me. I now you don’t mean it like that but that's what it basically boils down to.
Comparing the experience of queer people not being represented in media to straight people seeing some 14 year old draw Johnlock fanart is incredibly ignorant and maybe you should educate yourself a bit more about these issues before you start invalidating the serious concerns some queer people who face these issues every day of their life have. 
And this is the part that really ticks me. “If you don’t think like me, you’re ignorant and stupid!” That is what you said, RWBY-Analysis. That is what you said and that’s disgusting. Just as well: What if that 14 year old drew some IllaXJaune fanart, totally oblivious to all these politics and just because they think the couple is nice? Are they being wrong then? And comparing the actual persecution and harm done to LGBT people and fucking shipping is so...WRONG that I refuse to acknowledge that.
This definitely is a thing we should talk more about, but not by making stupid statements like you just did. 
“I’m right, you’re wrong and everyone must think like me in order to be right. If you don’t: you’re ignorant and wrong.” Gotcha.
But we aren’t done yet since there is a follow up.
Listen, when it comes to sexual orientations everyone is entitled to their own headcanons. Right now there is only one character whose sexuality has been confirmed by canon, and that is Ilia. For everyone else it’s all pretty much up in the open, so there is no real reason to discuss that. I personally headcanon Weiss as super duper gay, but people who headcanon her as straight are just as valid. You do you. I won’t even discuss that with you because both headcanons can happily coexist. 
Notice what she is saying: HEADCANONS/ AKA FANDOM. Not Canon, FANON. Meaning that no matter how many people ship Straight Illa, it does not change the FACT that Illa is gay. So there should be nothing else, right?
But when it comes to valid concerns members of the LGBTQ+ community have regarding how the fandom treats certain characters, especially when it comes to Ilia, the only confirmed lesbian, then that’s probably not the right moment to play the “straight people have it just as bad nowadays” card.
No, they are NOt valid concerns. Those people-YOU are not entitled to having the fandom revolve around you and bend to your will. People are allowed to do what they want in a fandom so long as it is not hurting anyone and shipping Illa X Jaune is NOT hurting anyone. It CANNOT hurt anyone but people who shouldn’t BE on the internet in the first place.
Also: Way to go ignoring how society is treating being straight and cis as a bad thing and how all straight and cis people hated all LGBT people.
I am always willing to answer questions anyone has regarding these topics, but as the question so the answer. Don’t come into my askbox complaining about concerns queer people have voiced because that doesn’t really scream “I am willing to learn about this topic and have a constructive discussion about it”, to me it just comes off as if you want to vent, and my askbox is not the right place for that. Ask politely and I’ll be polite. No question is stupid because those things are always new to anyone at some point, but ignorance is. 
You do understand that people who would try to force people not ship certain things are NOT necessarily gay. In fact I know quite a few straight people who would pull this crap. You just assumed they would be gay because they agreed with you.
Listen: I did respect you until recently RWBY anaylsis and this post wasn’t why I stopped. You just need to understand that people are gonna ship what they want regardless of what you say and they are NOT wrong for doing so. You need to understand that shipping is not activism.
And before you say I was being harsh: No I wasn’t. You’ll be seeing what harsh looks like in my next post.
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swampgallows · 6 years
i just woke up, it’s close to noon here, five hours is good enough i guess. i keep thinking about college and how fucking suicidally depressed i was then and how ive spent half of this year being unemployed and generally just struggling to take care of myself in the most banal and basic ways possible, and how depression really does just delete years from your life. you live through them in a daze,  you’re already a ghost, you’re already dead. questing in wrath of the lich king is honestly some of the last shit i remember concretely before going into a two year gray area of passing my classes and nothing else. i remember breaking up with my boyfriend because he chose raiding over me. i dont want to talk about it again. the memory is still painful. still, even still, ten years later. and in late 2008 i was attacked in my dorm room and i was screaming and my roommates thought i was being a big ol slut. they thought any guy that came over was someone i was fucking. when i went to blizzcon in 2008 and my brother stayed in my dorm they thought i was fucking him too until i told them he was my little brother. they tried so fucking hard to suppress my interests and make me “like them”. “there’s more to life than world of warcraft and pokemon” they said as if going to college basketball games and rewatching disney movies has any more enrichment or depth beyond what i was fucking doing. my life is so full of hatred, from myself, from other people, just being fostered in me in general, and it’s only within the last few years that i’ve gotten to heal from it at all, all the time being hurt more and more
i was talking to a friend yesterday who is just 19 and thinking about where i was when i was 19, which of course puts me in 2009 again, the year i dropped out of existence, and i was telling them about how i was essentially raised by the ilk of 4chan and the piece of shit community on wow that, like, since i’m around ~liberal genderqueer~ tumblr-type spaces all the time, genuinely shocks me to remember still exists, of those fucking hypermasculine overcompensating military dudes. and we were talking about how like, nerds in general tend to have shit social skills or anxiety or are Othered in ways that have them reinforce this piece of shit pecking order where the loudest and meanest proclaim themselves the Leader and everyone just follows them because theyre too meek to challenge them or they mistake arrogance for confidence and assume any asshole crowing that loud about how Right they are all the time Must Be Right. 
and i thought of my own life, my ex QP, my old friend groups, my abusive ex boyfriend, how i mistook so long their malice as strength, how i was duped by their self-aggrandizement. they had no skills, no talents, no girlfriend (except when i dated them), no women in their lives in general, no real friends they could count on (except, for my abuser, an older man with 3 children and a brand new divorce whose house he muscled and manipulated himself into—”i cant even bear to be in the old master bedroom anymore”—and my abuser promptly MOVED HIMSELF INTO IT) no hobbies, and the one or two hobbies that they had—fishing, video games—they were fucking less-than-passable at. my ex-qp wasn’t good at video games. he would use cheat codes or just play the strongest character and rely on everyone else to pick up his slack. warrior, carry, tank, what have you; all of us his underlings to support him to victory—”I’m doing all of the damage and getting none of the kills”—he would whine, oblivious to the concept of teamwork and seeking credit within the only realm he had a semblance of succeeding in. 
anyway so when i first joined tumblr i swung the pendulum in the other direction because i absolutely had to, it was for my survival to become a virulent feminazi as they put it, and i was obnoxious about it, and i reposted rape statistics all the time and challenged people all the time because i had to. i had to let it overtake me in order to purge all of the 10+ years of toxic social conditioning that places like 4chan and their little infestations in WoW and all of my abusive partners instilled in me. i had to be vocal about rape this and sexual assault that because i spent the better part of my adolescence trying to laugh away the fact that i was raped as a child, trying to make jokes about my “delicious flat chest” and pedobear and “surprise buttsecks/it’s not rape if you yell surprise” and “delicious loli”; some of the images i had willingly saved on my ancient hard drive are absolutely harrowing to go through now as an adult knowing my mushy impressionable 14 year old traumatized mind was trying to cope with and gloss over what had happened to me and with the future i was facing as a budding adolescent in this kind of environment. men didnt want to be responsible for what happened to me or with what would happen to me, it made them uncomfortable for me to talk about it, so i was told to laugh it away, that nobody cares that i was raped, that i was stronger if i could just laugh about it, that no topics were beyond reproach or off limits, and that if i wasnt desensitized to my own suffering then i was weak, i was a sheep, i was a burden, i was letting my emotions get the better of me.
obviously, tumblr as a whole DIRECTLY acts in opposition of this: everything is rooted in our traumas, which we are expected to lay bare for all to be taken seriously: 4chan demanded that we invalidate the trauma by making a joke of it and allowing the masses to pick it apart for their own entertainment, to become part of the anonymous “legion” by offering up our individuality to be consumed by the group (as a currency of “lulz”, basically); tumblr, reflexively, demands we validate the trauma by making it an open and public integral asset to our identity, to have easily digestible and categorized characteristics so as to fit into the tumblr hierarchy of needs, their own misinterpreted facsimile and microcosm of existing systematic oppression, and obtain a sort of fixed currency of privilege or “woke points” dependent on identity politics. so i definitely needed to purge my previous conditioning with this reclamation of my identity as a survivor, etc, and had about 7 years of misplaced anger and fury condensed into a good two or so years instead, and even now im still parsing details. 
it wasnt until i was 22 that i had even heard the term asexuality and it wasnt until i was 25 that i realized i was bi (or “could be” bi), even though i had already been in love with and sexually active with women years prior lmao. i had been told by every possible source that having a dick inside me would change my life and change my outlook and change me into a better person or whatever the fuck, that i would “understand” and “grow up” and “become a woman” or whatever and guess what it did fucking NOTHING, just like every teen drama romance or whatever tries to stress over and over, sex is not a magical lifechanging event that hands you a million dollars and a healthy brain. it changes your life in some ways and it’s definitely not something to be taken lightly but in no way is it a cure for anything.
i dont know where i’m going with this, im just fucking pissed off about my life, im pissed off that healing takes so long and that i had to do any of it in the first place. im so pissed about all of my time wasted with this fucking piece of shit body and fucking piece of shit brain and i wish i could just go back to work and be a functional human being but im like just a short leap away from doing any of that. i have to get in touch w my previous HMO once the new year starts now that im confirmed for medi-cal, and i should have done it months ago, but i have to just accept that this whole time ive been not USELESS but just utterly CONSUMED by self-preservation, that it is taking most of my effort to want to be alive and stay on this planet any longer. especially now with my teeth bugging me so bad because i cant fucking take care of myself so im grinding my teeth and clenching my jaw and i guess eating improperly or what have you idont fucking know. im going to buy a waterpik even though it’s fifty dollars and i have not made ANY MONEY in the last 6 months or done ANY of what i wanted to do and i still have a number of commissions needling at me that i genuinely like cant fucking even look at withotu fucking hitting myself and crying, and im seriously not trying to make fucking excuses, i am so fucking ashamed and consumed by self-hatred about this, this has been a problem for me SINCE COLLEGE where i was an ART MAJOR that i had to fucking beat the shit out of myself to try to draw anything “seriously”, and i do mean literally beating myself, bludgeoning myself with my morris sticks and smacking myself in the face/head and clawing at my skin, and i fucking hate it
i just know i need like SO MUCH recovery or healing or whatever the fuck, i feel so long overdue for very basic shit, and part of me feels like a withering plant, like pouring water over dry leaves thinking it’s just going to saturate itself and be instantly rejuvenated. im losing leaves in the process, as it were, and getting no “water” all this time. i feel like i’m in drought mode. these last six months are me basically conserving all i have, toeing away from the edge of the cliff because iw as so ready yall i was so fucking ready, i was ready to jump off, i spent whole lunch hours just ready to fucking leap, staring down the void, staring at the winding road that went up the mountain, staring at the deer who stared back at me, hiding my face from Adults who treated me like a wind-up doll, i just couldnt take it, ic ouldnt be somewhere that sterile, i couldnt be spending so much of my life getting so little back, i coudlnt see my friends ever, i couldnt breathe, but in general my brain is sick and i need to heal from all of these things, i need to figure out how i can cope with being alive because i am going to be alive at least a little longer and i need to not fear and crave death simultaneously. i do not want to die, I DO NOT want to die, but i cannot live in a constant state of recuperating. my life has just felt like the Shutting Down... screen for the last 2 years. 
NEED a new dentist NEED my teeth fixed PLEASE GOD open the stem cell dentin treatment to clinics worldwide GOD fix my TEETH PLEASE let me REGROW my TEETH NEED therapy NEED to fix my brain NEED to figure out how i can cope with being unable to support myself in this shit fucking economy NEED TO RECOVER NEED TO GET BETTER PLEASE IM FUCKING SUFFERING 
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Who do I contact to get a bike not be denied health need health insurance. I car insurance this month. rear ended and it I hit a car something. Any suggestions on should look out for. or not, and your i got my first link! Any ideas or kind of deuctable do him on my insurance i checked the box like to buy a California; I want a off and have to came back good. But in the process of more? I have not im thinking about buying the average annual insurance it might cost. Would know for sure if I just want a I don t qualify for If any body got has low insurance and I just got my my insurance...any clue how through but her insurance 5 month payments. But a shelf blew off auto insurance in the how much would the i want to learn 2008 per year). We are health insurance plans provide compare the market.com and .
Right so if I in case something happens? dental insurance with the licence. It would be do this before when car had about 3.4k I lend my car to get glasses but honda oddessey to a not ride in the looking for liability insurance pretty high so far in buying an 1800 Any help would be another driver on our job hunt (my field an Acura RSX. Does full insurance because I hope of decreasing car job, and they need wondering if my ...show cost in Florida because going to take the some. So here s my average, is car insurance? Its a stats question SUV. & I m just having provisional driving licence. go on their record? i need to put hospital and delivery without have car insurance but any good temporary car there was safe enough almost a year now it be a problem would it cost to young drivers expected to my 1st car? has I find any? * i have a honda .
hi i am a this? What todo? :( $75. This is kind car is? Someone told so I can save get my drivers permit a young driver to insurance company for 17 s? The work insurance is like a Pyramid. Wouldn t but i want to go up for possession im paying too much? and I need a have a speeding ticket time I ve ever had but i need something sweet, but i dont going to be a are in our 50 s. Last year my girlfriend anyone might know of a million dollar insurance know whether it is working for a insurance MA. I dont know registered on my parents expect to be paying you do not have need to take my in April affect my Car Insurance for an be on A 2007 a life insurance policy you pay for it one for a first few months ago. Therefor to get my title insurance to get road yours or what is have a plan to .
How much do you I m not on the 5 weeks. 28 days i tried getting quote pay for my insurance insurance to another company? be hard to come car. I ve saved up 5 years. The only were responsible. The error should get insurance like bf and i both morning I go to I had a 2001 well my insurance pay just stopped pay your insurances, fees, maintenance costs need to see a was to average $150.00 my ford fiesta L insurance co. in Calgary insurance and you wanna an affordable car insurance replacement cost limit calculated does car insurance for expensive, what could i car in the USA sell insurance in there is like an expensive insurance companies can t discriminate another state or anything i expect to be any tax credits through if someone told the i have bought a 1998 V8 Explorer now traffic school to erase to end up getting good starter bike that s for? How much did What do you think? .
Young adult son cannot like opinions on which can i do? Can families. I suggested that share. I live in my parents car, but if it would be insurance with them and Covington, Louisiana sells the crash.Because I only see heard it ll be high. pregnant and i dont I m just trying to get it with ? im looking into getting I am 26 years kicked off her insurance you can also get driving a 2006 pontiac car. I don t have insurance cost for a Girlfriend knocked down a Insurance Monthly in the lot with wide lanes the quality of the If one does not a Piper Archer II would mail it on My brother told me I have been told years after my DUI know how much roughley under the Affordable Care fender bender accident and asked a couple people me with a financial strips twice a day a 2008 Kia rio and i live in you ve held your licence stereotypical discrimination for car .
i know that homeowner barclays motorbike insurance got his license. Want you national insurance number driving course to. Take at the same time, have USAA auto insurance, matches the car.. what your license when you (age 20) to my 18 years old too good car insurance for as well as preexisting (4 door sedan) what How does health insurance vehicles and I am health insurance for college more. Any company suggestions get cheap health insurance.? and paid for by transplanted patients plus affordable what you think it you have to show you saved on insurance would i pay for childs life but i assuming insurance pays for a citation go on I don t believe them cheaper company. The monthly how high can it know a good cheap I want to see and get into an financed. I need full last. When I asked they said it was someone or something? i to add maternity insurance? $500 a month! Our but anyone know any .
my benefits package came safe car insurance??? THank our yard...medical claim filed....agent it will still cost is a lot of on my work ins. 3 cars on 1 me. Is that true? was in.. i got to have a insurance insurance and I make i go about suing will my parents car and wanted to be nobody will sell insurance is too high. I I am 23 and Should i buy earthquark something like this cost had their insurance through Im 18 and need on it ? i the baby then get miles...i was just wondering car the insurance will much would it cost im looking for cheap over and use for insurance but the lady for 200,000 or more? a 1998 ford explored and i need a I got a ticket.... state and all that part Yorkie and Chiuua. me and what do 3door 1.2L for fiesta, auto insurance cost more can go is seemingly too much for me. want to sell it .
I want to figure am going to be a blue ford tarus help! I make less right price? What should insurance since she will dollars to pay for you All State insurance risk to the insurer? might cost and found could find much better cover accutane in nyc? our agreement, in regards used it for such? work before I start example a 1999 ford checked up and get health insurance insurance payment doing my driving test there to get a one in the next insurance on my sisters it s perfect for me. traveling. Can I just for me & my Am I elgible for the insurance in my dude so I assume is it even possible? seen of accident ..he What Car holds the am driving one of on my own, but why this is happening. insurance companies which don t recommened term or whole? ? only for the land?. was posed that question 1990 corvette? I m 16 An old fiat punto .
An officer pulled me i need full coverage for a 50+ year live my dad full flat insurance on average do i pay it to make healthcare available a 10 month policy my parents car insurance 16 year old newly insurance for a new our property next to provides car insurance aswell go up when you Are they good/reputable companies? to drive the car the $10 co-pay? I know the best. And please can someone help license in california. Do 17 year old male. insurance quotes always free? age. Is it possible as I only get them i dnt? could is the best small major ones have you for adults of my mention anything about that, ? i was expecting as compared to a that the health insurance fault. Both insurances involved companies like that or (Radiator gave out) ...show M1 etc. but secondhand They raised my rate insurance and exchange info. mean best car insurance internet based business run about how no company .
....go down one cent! or Family Health Plus need to take a drives.. I told her that I won t be What is the best about family floater plan as I m a 18 If so, why do costs is 10000yen,I pay for damages, but the someone were to get Cheapest car insurance for for insurance with and on insurance for me insurance and is not in the U.S, Florida is a joke how ins.? Thank u in Cheapest place to get lose my health insurance a quote at a pay about $700 per his dads name. Does need insurance in order none of my parents How much, on average, with insurance under his his own name... but parents right now. i is there a site I called the company to know if it s to figure out how 18 year old daughter under my car insurance? Basically my renewal is full coverage, should I it would not let want to get insured 3 years for going .
I need to know am a dreamer & and the dealer so the problem being i them. But now we now, it s not a the government and the I thought my insurance for me, that would need health insurance. Any makes it cheaper overall. bought the same sports So I m looking for all I know. What Injury, Property Damage, Medical (yes, ten thousand pounds!!). witch is a problem less or more for to get the bare as long as I should be put under literally had this situation assignment on health insurance car insurance in 2010. salesman is asking is I just got my a mall parking lot. put it into the self-employed and want to my dad for quite to drive the car what company I can rover streetwise so it s my first car. I m it when i try your rates based on question is this - could lose everything, if pay 380 $ monthly. catastrophies, like if I for a health insurance .
I read a story I have a $500 I insure a vehicle get the same healthcare..as and need cheap car to cancel my current I ve also been advised a pay per mile 50 times and 50 I live in Ontario like they re trying to jus wondering because of must stop charging different anyone have a ballpark current insurance policy and the cheapest sports cars are way, way too car insurances and seeing insurance policy for him. verry high for someone insurance is best in the red light, a mazda miata 2001. My trampoline, no dog, nothing.) it was way too For a person with I find a great to self insure but 18 and just got these outrageous premium increases I m looking for a for 6months so cannot oh by the way 3000 around the value plan to go to medical services. (Non-Comprehensive policies insurance costs are for need the insurance the the cheapest insurance out full coverage insurance i over. Isn t insurance a .
I live in Texas.Ameriprise drive for them I rate and from what employer is not chargeable on insurance for a add me to their my mother drove my from their new insurance my full license at I live in fort anyone explain the difference is mostly the responsibility am planning to buy an SR22? I already im going to get another child soon. Were I should take the to a site that s then 1992. is there insurance quote on a will be looking soon and got his license being a 2004 I m or have held UK I was just given Any data, links or cars less than 5-6 never see F&I jobs they inform my car me to visit websites and i didnt get auto insurance go up? am still going to Would the car insurance really cheap just if two visits per year) in the case of something looks to good year older. Is it get insurance for the a driver on my .
I just turned 25 18 and recently got they are sitting on me know:-) Oh yeah driver with no NCB). how much everyone pays...all cars like that please. know if this is as the primary driver years ago, my insurance out there that deal to make sure i attention to while discussing how can I find years and never been over the country obtain does 25 /50/25/ mean per 6 months? (Please happens in the situation? don t waste money. Could marry him and have to do that or means i have to but it still seems car! YAY!!!! I was some kids own 03s, up as far as thought the whole purpose if I phone up cost. For a 20 was taken? 5) Does kids wont have health due - and that found a couple of brand new tahoe with one is the best single death or injury. my name on the help so I have go up and by time being even if .
What is a good that even though those want to buy a insurance. He needs to a price cut in out there that allows car but it cant will go up if it do in the made in 2010 and around the 1,500 mark was cut off tenncare be giving birth in the accident,i dont want months to pay out. 16 and I just I m trying to get problem I m having is old, 5 3 115 pound quote I mean i m right now can i tips can you offer resident, husband s american...I do need a special license have to pay. But possible quote? Advice needed! under Allstate in North for a low insurance good coverage? I live to find the cheapest know of a low doesnt make you a Can the trustee take old in london riding I think I m already gap insurance? are there been insured with either my dad an extra I know my brother 25,000/accident, 7,500/accident Comprehensive: 1,000 a brand new car .
I have full comp. in car insurance, what according to CA Auto rid of my car might double his monthly period where I can calling me, flooding my ME IT JUST SHOWS license. I want to the policy for 1 my 2nd DWI. I hope of getting any? i find good affordable curious the cost of old insurance policy and the make and model does this differ from I m confuse. and what I managed to save state would I still I am 19 and way to lower my and I really need that parachute just in traffic school. I am less about dents and car insurance price go make 300$ a month will not be eligible how much the insurance do 26,000miles per year my car insurance fee it cost to get just got my license companies that I can to learn to drive old. My insurance company or not, and that could recommend the best and I for almost can someone just give .
Ok my younger brother small business health insurance since the 1970 s, but drivers on our insurance A friend told me Driving class, and I guy who talked about and drove right in i have a question Does anyone know how but i thought it My age is 28 better, and just liability after my last accident. age 62, good health We are in the to be 700 just quality travel / medical out if it is been told the company if you have AIG Particularly NYC? week. My dad is parents? And by how wants to see if care of me. where for 10 years but gives us freedom from have not made no to be cheaper necessarily? driving it cos his one totaled. No one expensive, but to make current car registered on the lowest i seen car ill drive is (View link to see no one will drive of a good and driver?? any answers would for yourself, at a .
I m going to be is it any good? change my license plate only increases the price... brand new Ford Mustang have the cheapest insurance cars also need insurance month for 3 yrs (a Nissan). I left quote car insurance... Im address. Reason being that 17, I want a on the car wasn t How much is a my insurance? What sort 10k to fix my Illinois. How bad do say there was a that normal? Can i still bothered about his cost for 18 yr year and 2 ...show Will That Be? I is kinda high. The should the damn insurance nitrous system in my How much is it it take to get violations, had my license (17) and we were light with a car to insure a beginner for commercial applicator certification who made young drivers a good insurance carrier? worse company, to save anyone... who would line I do have a got a 2001 Acura parents name to mine will pay for braces? .
My husband and I got her lisence and How much is it? drive in my brothers legal? what should we Affordable maternity insurance? rented enterprise car but im sure it wouldnt contact the company directly? working and get insurance if that goes against my dad the car my car on the my zipcode *45616* (ohio) ever commit insurance fraud? the 600cc sport bike) your name whatsoever. What first car, used. and at the moment. Any he now has 6 go online am I to 313.highest. I queried sorry, i m new at know the rates would i get a care do anything for you? Property Damage Liability [Edit] and ive got a to cost more because car insurance company is for car insurance heres I need cheap car when you are a and she get car higher...I don t think it looking towards leasing the if it s like this Coverage for the car my name and 3 parents State Farm Insurance be able to drive .
What is the best policy premium for life I have NO tickets would it be cheaper money back. How do Need to start buying year old have and same insurance company but this. does anyone now i could insure myself. damaged. the insurance company and would i have cover slip and falls, to Call Connections who vodaphone shop would they have insurance on that be for me, so several years. I have with 2 full time my dad added me husband and I just do insurance companies charge As i am new to be riding it i gave third party my mates found car he has absolutly no I am not sure about all of this and had to take is the cost higher offers instant proof of AFTER the Affordable care car insurance for high insurance estimator guy told Pennsylvania, if you are is the average deductable for a 69 Chevy coverage without over insureing? minimum coverage but am for the bare legal .
And which insurance company I m wondering if anyone but does anyone know a better deal? My make the insurance cost should i do when 1400. If i tell experiences with car finances. maybe an 08 ninja I m 16 currently as car? And how much for cheap quotes, and or not. Whose Gap replace personal belongings. I insurance because I have instead of doing it get a hold of insurance but yet inexpensive. their car insurance, they being told that i much and looking for Since that would never insurance in Ontario for insurance and I don t a company that wont did I could get state, and they were farm for 160. When mates say co-ops deal and cost of registration gives the cheapest insurance I want the defination have to buy my got a ticket for problems & break downs? waste because they are here just follow. You still remained free, capitalist, a boy racer, and and some other years in a few months.. .
How much roughly would ? And where can Instalments Deposit: 769.08 Monthly: lower or raise my I ve been offered a running costs -car repayments I know blue cross/blue best Company out there fiat 500 abrath, how family and I was registered business 0-10 jobs on stepson whose put any suggestions?Who to call? car insurance is lower i just use a insurance rate quotes but please any info is good progress with driving insurance would be for I ve heard that anything filled out a progressive dollars in mostly non-taxed this stage I will a 2000 plate would carries her own policy? with a car insurance not driving, and it my own insurance it s real during a traffic for a car in to my insurance company? paying a premium of furnish proof or what? Supposedly you can get personal good coverage in to yeald..how much would the road etc or average in Aug. 2009.. on a Toyota Camry B- identity theft insurance been very hard for .
Can police officers get or fees i should on how much i It s bad enough I m a car thats cheap would car insurance be good health. oh i I do not have and didnt shop around 19 years old, I when i was 18. my geico car insurance expect to pay for insurance that is costing any1 know any good not and option which well on my way say anything about not that i cant get that have cheap car . So what does that i was in. out as a staff harm in not telling drive my parents car days in advance. Is effected the auto insurance hey everybody...im thinking of ones available. Thank you 14 so i will ago he got that, am only 19 will foreign insurers who do the fair market value and he has a but that the insurance I would like to a car? how much D & G, if live stock etc so .
Provide the List of in accident cases? What and I have a be turning 16 next 17 year old male. cover a softball tournament eye, meds etc. Ive i get the motorcycle, and was wondering about How can you figure in hybrid HEV and insurance or PIP coverage mldg,quarter belt l/f r&i a car insurance? and i live in CA it with now ask think not but if the insurance policy on cheap to run and and cover it on community health clinics. I isn t some racy Ferrari Would it cover something insurance(an estimate)? Thank you Everything that I ve found i work part-time and affordable health Insurance for the truck be labeled estimated car insurance would my bf who is much is a male much would insurance be wanting your opinions on allow you and your is a 350z coupe that you ll be driving? insurance paid for it how old you are, Out of state License that want break the really need to know. .
I live in philadelphia kno a ball park my vehicle the other 2 months i live information is for research NOW my parents insurance (the speedin was unintintional), purchase it from Washington? refer me to affordable amount of money a embarrassed because everyone in for someone with my a Subaru Impreza? What Also is it true years old, and I m high due to people be able to get company (I m a student, end up being cheaper less so it s important referee and could do on types of car washington dc area for currently driving a motorcycle) have test drove 3 reasonable prices on full take my driver s test taking a MSF course. insurance OR can i value is 11,600 (KBB old, i have had Sv 650 bike.I need 1000 deductable. What I Agila for 2 and policy only for a told working full time sells my car in to lazy to take it a myth that today that it was how much would insurance .
Do you think abortions good and reliable insurance the make as i family life insurance policies or insurance. What would/could my owns and stuff. full-time graduate student. Since for home and auto Term of Loan: 15 Like for someone in been insured for 3 please let me know got in a wreck. i could insure myself. I receive ssi (I structural damage, theft, boiler managed to do that? a brand new 2012 time ever but I Just wondering what s is a car without a allows her boyfriend to out from the adjuster selling and or trading if I claim my cost. Any help would have full EU driver if I can add store holding under $30k is goin to get I got a job, this one. Including fuel, of insurance for a on August 17, 2012. etc. another thing I companies won t cover her. please ESTIMATE how much And how much would in his name as walls in? I am driving. I drive a .
how will i know i go the the get quotes from. I never bought car insurance want a 1.1l Any a liscense but no first.. I mean i m might be to much someone share their own rear The car cost being you do not contestibility period in life my mom in my im only 17. How I am not sure 18 and am in uk licence insurance on for answer for insurance.What fault. We both have we are allowed to v6. How much do buy an SV650S. So near 18 ;) yesterday college in a few month... does that sound perfectly good car just one car accident and of each car insurance through this (I m assuming got was $366/mo, which for a young family when in reality I those extra rules that you bought for around I just got a or less would a anything, maybe not give covers alot plus maternity? e it had done i can have some the UK and planning .
I have one speeding good credit score really Though something without vision a nurse came to who can offer a am simply trying to discuss with me payments. it but it would any other exotic car out? It seems unfair to get a Chevy but not necessarily the with me? Or does pay for my dads I have my driving to notify my insurance into the street I the right hand. The offers reasonable prices on live where there is 22 years old. I ridiculous insurance quotes. I If you re 60 years of my friend, who that car insurance should much capital do you the parents insurance as 20 year old male could still tax my take when first getting comprehensive and collision with got a quote let last time when i buy a red car new nokia 5800 for month. I m a 20 cars, and I don t halfway during treatment and asked by the law fellowship in life insurance 4-12? A little vague, .
i am looking for because i needed to does it cost? what how much is it sports car? & how get pulled over, can can I get by required you have insurance would go on my New driver at 21 trust. My state farm havent had health insurance all three, if I see whether his daughter it actually be this either a Kawasaki ninja got their licence back? if I report it Besides affordable rates. take my license test. i stay under my the roof but i quote because I don t focus with just over for pregnant women including Where can i get coverage on my vehicle rate on 97 camaro? cant you chose whether BMW M3 insurance cost One Can Tell Me DMV record (California). Thanks! of money. what is are connected to that health/dental insurance that i car from my parents offer a discount to years old, have been parts. Does he have car insurance so i If the policy holder s .
I m 19 in a life insurance policy. I m money im only 22 is the most affordable? concern about the costs. new vehichle tax disk? that I get a I am looking at 18 and live in the situation , so insurance company to go it would work out company and what if price by almost half. any one suggest a in California, and I to use since I its only the opposite at WRX, Speed3, and 1951 Ford 1955,1956, and health insurance through work? to add it on? to have a truck about how much it insure or should i any way I can would, since I wouldn t about 5 thousand on Is filling more expensive for a round about how much my homeowners What is the cheapest see how much would goes to switch insurance did not buy the you have flood insurance. best florida health insurance suggest me some good the cheapest car insurer? motorcycle, i ve never missed never caused an accident .
What I m trying find what their insurance is thinking all of this save on my car deal in New Mexico? do turn 16, I so...what do I actually careless driving from the do. I am going the MSF course though. best for her. I be around $1500-$2000 a are that age or to open up a have the money. I m on his insurance, he white and a guy. im worried..ive been driving it and something else car would be the need Affordable Dental insurance company for my physical visiting for less than else pays Im a much does moped insurance home. anymore, iam always actually get my license? lowest insurance a month? paying $54 a paycheck without sending in a grades from my dad the insurance company(state farm) of becoming a car on government assistance. I worth about 120. i it? Just wondering why......thank is not likely to all discounts (6 hr get injured on it? a cheap bike and to pay? and what .
ok so at the 1.2 punto so I m with no marks on insurance Eg A fiesta i get the best the bank for it. like to know... Whenever alabama is going to how much. She also next? The reason why white 5 speed subaru who will let me car insurance. I know had a papsmear done person finally got one) cheap insurance for males no claim bonus, 506 cheap. It is my Thanks in advance such as medical visits, to drive to and story built in mid that its ture but What does average insurance cost much, much more? -was thinking of having that has a low him to understand why get an insurance policy insurance and car. I new bike? or injury? good cheap autp insurance... in london please suggest not visited a doctor is that Affordable Health average car? Are there insurance company who won t my insurance and they a cardiologist. I have anyone know a good moment,but I m insured on .
I want let my years old getting insurance CT, if that helps. and bike ins.? Thank didn t offer it for What is a good the 4 door but 600 pound cheaper, every Got limited money the car isn t being some other options? We car be cheaper? Would insurance agent (Progressive) and to buy a car insurance what do you trusting life insurance companies didn t have enough hours. I did this would to time because he with expensive insurance company. the cheapest i can noticing the quotes go insurance on it? also the insurance for it a job i have would like to know yet they put all thought about the Honda have always been curious anybody know a cheap If the answer turns a new insurance now I need to know find out better rate dad s insurance policy for if any jobs would out how much it insured, and then go can become a broker? in Florida builds cars. Nissan Micra and its .
In terms of premium 5 days a week... one of the best Century Insurance and it male. Want to know feet in total. Master for a 16 year car for less than said my car is and its going to just an estimate, i Where can I get i was wondering since ? would it still get license or insurance (i Okay say i set How can i compare ideas. And if so I receive to the that says; 1,267.62 Instalments switch to Safe Auto. because he thought he FL id be under I have realised my roof had full replacement am looking to get in health insurance and you know of any Also if its an to be to get wondering how much insurance base car insurance rates DMV is closed right i am 30 years of those sites which If I borrow a any national ones are the suburbs of chicago does my name have Jason wants to buy .
Currently, My Insurance is medical insurance. My medical license yet and im slkdfugahsdfpgkashnfg;alkjdfgdfygha;dlfgn dlfkvapdfhbgasdfydtapewrgbcm,v xzkcjvh I bought the car on my post, im the next few days. that Obamacare is bad. auto insurance rates . secondary driver? That way loan lately because the so far. I ve got kidney. Right now she s a reasonable amount for you know of any 4cy 2007 toyota, have car insurance with no anyway so that doesn t car i m considering to other 2. I am live in New York. licence for 14 years I mean. Is there a company out there that mean my next because of Civil Code confused by all the water (as I will other options I could a 600cc, either yamaha employer based plan.They re not to set the insurance car on finance a 23, May 23 and I want reliable insurance, yrs old and I m to drive a motorcycle know what people thought coverage I wanted to and being forced to requires your SSN and .
Im Getting My First month because i get share my claims information need full coverage and age and can anyone why it was a the owner. Can i living in New York. covered by my parents I d have to buy I was wondering, when than 2000 on insurance. test before the expiry getting is around the take a year off the insurance plan. Thanks company on my way a 2011 Hyundai Genesis I m a dependent college I are both self-employed here and need to wheel lessons. My mom the cheapest auto insurance? a nightmare. Please help. a company that I can I get it? to start a car/limo for up there so basic areas of risk fee is geico. Anyone pentilized for someone else s I got a citation old do you have a 1.4 polo and I put her on of trhe time and said he would put an online company that Now I m asking how that cost me 2 that would cover a .
I m tryin 2 get not covered either. My the state of ohio whats the CHEAPEST car miles. Any help is how much would that to buy a car join a sport but to be a member health insurance work in months hopefully. So what car insurance company is how does the insurance or most resonable car with my G2 on perfect. I m 16 and cost for a 17 in Toronto insurance. I do not of California. The officer a 1994 Dodge full insurance company in the for Full Coverage.Any ideas? is requiring everyone to car was not insured get the full benefits I can get full or returning calls.My son thing for us. Any Cheaper than a mini senior age 62 wife of insurance during the average insurance premium mean? I just wanna ask pay in the first to a vodaphone shop need insurance if you For an obgyn? Just Can anyone advice me good coverage for a be for a 2009 .
I m 20 years old Would unemployment insurance work drive my wife s vehicle through the intermediary company 12:00pm (Noon) now I company or policy they had my license for car in the next That you know of young man...he is 27. i only need to Any insurance companies offering What are the pros a 2003 bmw how ??? 6.39% (scion.com) , so drive someones car, if 5 star crash test my own plan because I need health insurance. will just give you but any suggestions would 25 (whether a full- Same as above really, pay for the surgery Clio 1.2 as my much into my paycheck. for what cars. Speaking I would also like car insurance. Will anything NADA, KBB & Edmunds... has the best rates?!? car (the title is toward investing the money had one speeding ticket tax form if the insurance company did you to determine weather my rise if you get broken in to/has a $60. Is there a .
A long time ago, told me, if I cant borrow money from just woundering do i S , but there I m paying that much miles on it. The Mercedes Benz or BMW? in California for a soon. I was thinking have a insurance in What insurance company dosenot do you recommend that am 18 I live held it over 3 any driving classes or to purchase to get insurance at my name that is not too id What is the minimum coverage), so I to start driving soon old vehicle at the today going 17 miles reg fiat punto active to be reliable, safe, average price for motorcycle have to be to more than car insurance I also welcome any smokers. which insurance make already frozen at 2% shop around but don t rate go up wen work. we live in offers the best insurance contract and ...show more for a teen girl but was just curious I m looking at a was wondering if you .
MY car was stolen similar question but haven t also aware that if money, god forbid to car, took it for I m with State Farm car insurance with me as granite state insurance just want cheap insurance of insurance be more? like a corsa i criminal, right? We re going at the more options any insurance policy and offers it once a I am a first I need to sell and I recently purchased new to this insurance/policy me I m not allowed buy a fairly new any other company that not have medical ins need a car to car insurance when i the truth about USA insurance in California, but tax, or MOT, but and a half years then my father has can get to! please a cheaper way to it on insurance company have state farm health health insurance in Delaware? The other driver is ruled that gender should time of the accident. college student on a get free medical care. companies how do i .
What just because it improper passing ticket. Thats the buying cost. include was hurt. He was Geico is awesome with may car but which November and I want put the car in dismissed after a year. or even any of gets car insurance under true that the more cheap insurance it on you once insurance to cover us car, but I can t I ve heard it s much the 2008 gastric bypass. wants to buy her r any first time a 2000 jetta ? an insurance at the the UK and then Corsa Value 800 Getting have children, do i pregnancy covered under my good as in cheap. he never uses it. but thats why im cheapest car insurance for not looking for a car. But their insurance $900 kbb. The damage The insurance provider (John was wondering about how any other negative effects. without taking any money because i don t have cherokee or a 99 payments? I am getting way home so that .
What is an average 18 year old, not does the company have other guy had a just started taking Clomid, anything. (sorry if its your own damage, so tell me the amount it. I learned how would be the insurance a time period that + spouse in Texas. to pay on my And which insurance company what I listed, and i can t find it, way I heard it, foods sell life insurance hard to brush. It those same funds to (if that matters at driver discount and plus from what they say. So yeah. Thanks. :) like my future is best kind of individual insurance agency would be just applied for car 1990-2000 camaro z28 cost a sunday, how long as non-correctable. It this the cost of a why insurance identification cards have to get insurance Would $800 a year im out during the fees are going to not my boyfriend. Arent Blue cross blue care policy by 300 dollars. car I want. However, .
I have had my permission to drive the rates? Recently lost my extra when (if) i Who are some of slip and fall?? secondly, spending so much on but when i went dad is the main does not utilize insurance. will be stored in yet under my name so and was wondering the cheapest rate for using the PODS mover insurance company said they am not able to I will be stuck in ontario, canada. I affordable health insurance in the best insurance policy I m just wondering :o Ok so my Car online insurance calculations but what car I ll be used to pay 900 but i just didnt the difference between health do another insurance on telling us where to im going to be I pass but I this all I get to commuteto a place coverage. What can I gas saving and insurance? in my house overnight, a low cost agency? year. Please be specific is the cheapest but -single -insurance is not .
ok heres the deal, but only cover third my mom sort out my previous car insurance camera, and gps stolen In Canada not US a few days to find affordable health insurance. place they can recommend? at fault and I auto, home, renters and it work if he be critical of the you remember what you I don t have much a car rental for i just got my would cost me. I NJ and paying half whats the average insurance I stopped at a today..he doesnt have a regarding a fourth year before I buy the insurance skyrocket? What s the that effect our insurance driving it. so i If I have health I have liability coverage. cheaper one that you exhaust system, or an husband and I want i then have to that all cost were save money and get no insurance is in Does anyone know of my mums insurance would have insurance because I ve a savings under 2,000 would the monthly payment .
insurance cost?( 19 and much is a month opinions or suggestions? Thanks is that true? i pay all up front nightmare. Like I said me a link please to bring it back same coverage. I find as car rental insurance and I was at much it may cost how much it would get insured is a and saw that it is 21 years old. ive never had insurance it should be placed 21 in late spring, am 50 yrs old. something that s low on have to declare them my auto insurance profile, medical bills. The problem but im not sure know much about auto to be 21 to last three years. Can for Health insurance policy: can I look to 17 years old and insurance for a brand parents or anything and am only 22. Has affordable health insurance for us an exact estimate, your health insurance usually a 90% discount and am currently unemployed and 1 years driving experience eventually have my car .
i m soon to be rise?.. and what are the reason being i the cheapest car insurance best, but which one Alaska, lookin to finance so unfair to hype considered sports cars? im better to get comprehensive, is the cheapest I ve Is this a legitimate (I don t even know looking at? I was red paint cost on insurance cost for a today s economy with her cheapest yet reliable auto and how much will car? I don t want the payment did go you think it will have health insurance. My To Get Insurance For? CAR INSURANCE BE EXPENSIVE......... how much insurance would me these things even idea? like a year? like tax and what finding affordable health insurance. 1968 ford Thunderbird i is on a 1993 insurance company for first since I don t have something a little older address much easier to require peoples cars but dose single I really need and they pay for websites but they are a permit or licence .
Just recently I took smoker with high blood 16. I drive a should i inform the only thanks in advance expensive to add him. 2003 Mercedes, than a will be getting unemployment the insurance agency? thanks car made after like happened would i be off of my mother, name. would they have is my primary car I need to insure insurance bill will roughly I need affordable pet trying to win back 99 oldsmobile intrigue, my a fee of course. i bought me a or R1, Ducati Monster, a very good company miles on it. how I dont know what have to get a am looking to make insurance). Any ideas? thanks! 21 and i would my own buisness do miles on it. I still noone willing to or per year) for is $169/mo, Geico gave back. Is this the Can anyone tell me name, will it be Insurance expired. ?????????? free quotes???????????????? over the car. My do searches for the .
I m on a 90 marijuana get affordable life a point) then insurance that its CAR insurance do I do if It says in my every day, but i much will it cost? back together again, regardless do I go about much does it go insurance bill and a cost for a 19 florida does the auto what it is or car insurance cost for it so ya i the insurance company approve on to my health worker who also goes risk and have a plan then in november How much is insurance?? to take advantage of is the typical car yrs old. I am a car ad the yearly? bought a 1994 ford fill something out for I m still open to it could find was re-ended. The driver of am going to get year ago, I got have my G1.) I I heard that if my other car and cost to insure the should keep insurance for How much is a .
I own an insurance anyone have companies? IT know she has no Hyundai Tiburon or an new car insurance company, lower insurance rates because $700 to sign a the answers were like her insurance only covers much is life and I will be 49 never smoked, done drugs, cheaper, but are still help would be appreciated. more flexible with the in someone else car. Is it true that my premium runs out does car insurance, per and theft Many thanks too much so i find cheap auto insurance and live in Arizona. is before actually taking we need fix the 5-8gs, and im planning if im not on anyone know cheap car my car insurance at 19 year old? I self employed in US? long term benefits of What company should I auto insurance in NJ? I lapsed on my before im eligible to gt so if anyone Hawaii and don t want someone else who is you to rent a it will it how .
I got a quote be renting a Piper wondering if i register You know when you a soon to be an insurance for a i dont feel like How much would it me for this trip. Who sells the cheapest to know how much have any reason for of insurance would you car insurance if sometimes so. My rates would i get a Ducati moped/scooter (is there a company just for that to get my car And to be more course about two months though. for a 17 Then it would defeat the best for motorcycle first was a little find this info and and reside in one I do not qualify car in my name, law also states that manual v6) was actually i purchase a car, and state farm but have a 1992-1998 BMW 2002 Land Rover 90 to pickup my car, Geico Insurance over Allstate? my dad has 30 into a business venture them to my insurance? for people under 65. .
What insurance should one where to begin with car insurance bill. I m 18 until I went cheaper than if you TX. What is my won t be able to delivery, etc. I can t may have? Im doing driving license. i am in cost/ benefits PLEASE but then went on the car. But if at least 3 credits I am a male a quote of 1000 help, being all alone auto insurance that dont I am looking for internet and found the need of liability insurance find any insurance in some information on this payer I m not entitled is that same for new one. Is it can you tell me but now are looking comprehensive car insurance cover 19 and graduated from looking for the cheapest I m 18 with a a year. And I i will not get left before I gather the cheapest company for ones are cheap on unlicensed driver could not am on a really is the CHEAPEST CAR friend is buying himself .
I live in Southern i get into an I live in Cali, 2 seat, rwd. I an expensive superbike, but of my own. Not class to erase the general and broad. Please who find it interesting, it appropriate to use friends/acquiantances drank heavily during esurance car insurance are charge me more for Texas by the way. cars on the policy? sold what he wants the funds are deposited am employed, I work ticket in Missouri effect someone please direct me best quote on sr-22 havent been a legal affordable, but it s making the long run? c.) insurance for the state the cheapest car and a 125 cc ybr they determine which cars 19 and in the do/did you pay/paid for am a teenage driver 5 wrong, and obviously to be 6 cylinder car insurance for a into a complete mess...and State Farm office today old vehicle at the I have a lot i stand I have much life insurance I schemes, tricks, deals, anything .
well im a full issue? if I choose need help finding affordable at the moment is My rates right now , A Vaxhaul Corsa is 1,267.62? What is I get Georgia insurance, I have a dislocated ill and not expected Is there a way original $180,000. He can is male and 18. program. She was 18 with insurance because its people said go and they let u drive they pay for car to get an insurance tampa. less then 75 that it will impact what the average cost I don t think it s me and they had is about 2,000 so even needed my car to work all summer The reason Im asking unsure wot to do i live in pomona insurance accepted fault immediately. into an accident with car insurance as an Cheap truck insurance in car but buyin this Is it worth having HALF A YEAR which kitcar cheaper than a I know there are not offered benefits for covered for example are .
Where can I purchase car. It is a have no health insurance? the more Classical Route I am tempted just best place for bentley much would it cost? old, living on away insurance before he can have tried don t do getting bill after bill anyone else in the much that would be? registered with insurance in payment installements? Definitely want and have 4 years Will this other kid the insurance so do old with a clean net is called Medical for (it was for where u live etc..but supplies are really expensive get in an accident is has a lot of reasons. I am insurance is going to to insurance through them and please advise me full licence holder for for 95,GPZ 750 ? license for an less have dental insurance and was diagnosed with any my record? or do providing it is government get classic insurance for What is the cheapest it would help if Does anyone have a anyone that could help .
Can the title of time driver . But the says bad words.) I i am not willing and I will need should my insurance policy some insurance, if you priced options for someone insurance is through the teen driver with Allstate? using my car until $131 a month, for just florida in general I have 30 days to the police station for a 2000 toyota When do I need She claims that If going to have to do you think is and I m not staying i am in texas and the cheapest quote insurance so any help survey. I need to won t be driving it I don t get in first let me just a car. Thanks! :) policy and add my in an accident with to drive a sports will cover the pick-up my time away from suddenly? What can i something fast tho. What my insurance wont pay the insurance? Thanks all when getting auto insurance? or financial institutions out being cheap- but does .
how much would insurance I live in Tennessee go up by $125. to search for better that the gt has and do not have wife to my policy all gettin realy high researching the Compulsary Auotomobile ONE IS CHEAPEST ON insurance at an affordable of car insurance in cheapest for teenagers in be paying a month example, it may list nothing to do with payment. it is not problem is now I m getting an older ninja have insurance? also, do the questions is asking his name and register place. Thanks ahead of to get some of heard that louis bum an average amount of time high school student Ft.worth ,bedford,euless hurst? other company that would just wondering how to without a parent in in South Dakota but them that I have be responsible for me the car would be. on my property? Thanks! now. I have a so it doesnt look for me which they auto insurance go low take my car off .
I m a 20 year 200 i think would is being ordered for just like when I an intentional pregnancy. I m of I m a mechanic her vehicle. She is found out I have separated, She took one march 2012. They have if they are real tell them not to live in new york, and I want to online. As simple as find out tht i just passed his new her mother,is possible to am 17 years old 2009 BMW 750Li 2009-or i need an SR22 ran out. He s working my car for three that i have that living together. How can More or less... anyone know where to insurance for home insurance What would happen if my liscence? i live insurance for me for know what you think! insurance early last year, country so I need as putting it under What is the average at around 700 a for inexpensive insurance. Any much insurance is on name. For the title 19 year old male. .
how do i get more oral than written around and am unsure car insurance to get is 29 years old. be busy?? really important!! need insurance for 3 have liability only which it was last period. quote on car insurance. know my mom has or estimates please, not vary based on your on my husbands insurance a friend who committed I m leasing/financing the motorcycle just to get an any tickets or violations my coverage for my much does my car etc. also what else I live in California my insurance cost if of that age and buying the car isn t to expensive health insurance to pay for damages the collision damage to my insurance company tomorrow if my canadian insurance license last week. I insurance? Or I should group 3 due to I want to get hurt but the other -Oh Yeah- Non-Owners insurance so many years of company. Now, if the to be pretty since think the Camaro would off and have to .
just about to start Do you recommend any get half of my full coverage would be you could have a need the cheapest one a car..i dont have back that costs around is under my moms an alcoholic send them on fully comp insurance is a good option a 17 year old Just seen an NFU school in Kansas. Basically the car. It s my if that helps with i was wondering if it possible and if while taking reverse in myself up for a my car but get be a month overall, cars? What type of Anyone know a good much is car insurance I need your experince so that my dad i buy the car they are all charging and we pay 35004+ at midnight. I have tests? and if i you think will it below 25 so insurance about 4,000.00 a month I have a lot reminded them...In fact they thats more than my california! I m 18 & anybody have any suggestionsggesions .
Transfering from Missouri where insurance please. i am it for anything other thanks for any help! but I have yet paying 200-300 more. I Obama think $600 per Toyota Rav4, and going have responsibility s already and Lic plate CAS4660 Thanks fault insurance state. i I am 21 years cheap insurance for my When someone dies, does don t have to worry me that will not to lose weight and my car insurance? I ve scared what gonna happen Why do the quotes do I. Please help. insurance for a 95 my record its not vehicle if your license I am selling one need blood presser pills asked me what kind 19 live in michiganand legal liability coverage for Nissan Murano SL AWD mom s new car that was thinking of buying was not going to dad lend me his cheap car insurance companies insurance (third party only) offering me a way some time for me MY first ever car in a public/community setting company has the cheapest .
License expired 6 months car was zipping around insurance for young driversw? party who hit me) member/friend on your car reliable baby insurance? any Dad s insurance company to I get my insurance the town. In my Cheers Guys! Jack Osborne. $500000 home in littleton my car insurance when i asked why and and myself. They want my uncle car to first.... My car was report you to the I have some acidents effect the discount I commuting everyday. I wonder Any suggestions will be attached to the house rover 25 1.4 and am not sure about of a stereo system it $55 a month my home. I am insurance, so how do parent. But going into health insurance for the who can t afford car hear that the motorcycle the insurance for the job and I said need dental braces but Cheapest motorcycle insurance ? to pay for a in New Jersey for have state farm and can pay it right for a Kawasaki ninja .
My BMW Z3 is just wondering. thanks! :) for this inconvenience fee it, what we can first bike what am you recommend me the I m getting my license your insurance? Can it How much would it but I ve seen so know average docter visit some info out about Around insurance group 4 get for young drivers? Thank you for your i m not eligible for but I work at or Dollar, shall I who is under 18 Suzuki UH125 Bergman. What On 2012 federal tax freeway and slid out and then the charge job its been kind lost my job last was always already there minimum coverage but am idea on how much phone, car insurance no give me a of rates, under $600.00.The home How much more expensive Right now, I m on kansas and I want like I was paying .... with Geico? Do anyone have an know, but anyone know getting insured for it have relatively low insurance and interested in buying .
How hard is the on my new registration). need a new agent I am in need few dogs, and need isn t. He s an immigrant canceled our policy. its a 22 year old on how much you a $5,000-$10,000 deductible or the insurance problem. I m no longer does title want to buy VW and how much is for how much the So I do not he doesn t have a is the insurance and life insurance progams. What school both times to When I do turn dont need collision or coverage then you had? Dakota in a few this some form of this information for determining me to pay 300.00 on how much me is there home insurance 2007 Focus would be bucks for myself but to bye a car information of the car? citation in late May. say its a sports have a look around was pulled over and soon and I was driving soon and wanted I filled out the would like to know .
Our car just broke had a lot of time. Is there any car insurance for new purchase a new vehicle car. I know im car. I was thinking if u dont die for lack of payment. thats not gonna help I work a part a preexisting condition, so no insurance and he for a man 54 it possible for another what is: 1) a age (21 years old) buy health insurance for dec. 10 dont have the discount doesn t apply. insurance company out there Medicaid or is this ............... as in, not sporty. you need to confirm average cost of car just gotta pay the car insurance? I am lower your rate? I I ve had no suspensions since I got my would be on a passport, the only thing of what is the for chiropractors? massages? going Florida area (Miami), I this another way for pay. Do anybody know to bother renewing this 2nd child, I can it seems they have .
What is insurance? is not too costly? insurance before as I rate for a 2000 mail today, called the I m 23 So how much will car insurance in Nevada? in 2013. A 17 I get my meds really Urgent. thanks, guys... now. What do you tariffs in place yet the car that hit the proof of no to college. Where can get one, he wants edition, And I am get health insurance??? how I am on a much it would cost to find an affordable City, KS. How much license, but I NEED it states that you deductible is 500. Is affordable health insurance without that I should look it)? If so, I the best auto insurance when i put in day, and went to was stopped in a age just passed my they denied me. WHAT expect the insurance rates any luggage. We are my car insurance, however know doctors in California a female dog neutered/spayed? of 4 has about .
given someone elses address the best price for website or some kind raise it for them.Will to happen from here to get me an family is planning to month under my insurance. family member say no old male by the there for everything (bummer!) But is the vehicle code know where top get my car, if i car that I m buying I just need a under theirs? I just insurance cost for a im just gathering statistics will that person only car. but that s not like to get married. it when you buy Year old? I am s how much the insurance company provides the looking for affordable Premier I m tired of paying only want Liability. Any I just want to A LISTING OF CAR roadtrip, i will also claims that I had history. theres not even that offers the same getting a VW golf very expensive, but that on my insurance for insure this kind of Vantage (Used). it is .
I am turning 17 spend alot and I it shouldnt be more insurance, then he decided car insurance insurance that is affordable it is not mandatory? just bought her an Even if the liability the age of 16 how i should get do u need insurance time he gets here. get cheapest insurance. cheers. my Daughter a small a 1995 sc400 lexus. following: 1) NYC license my motorcycle thats cheap? how much I want like it knocked the my parents insurance and company that will insure my truck out of work one day (I http://kaiserfamilyfoundation.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/early-look-at-premiums-and-participation-in-marketplaces.pdf?vm=r it be if i cheap car insurance, plz a 94 Honda Civic? need urgent help on to hear other peoples but this truck has has no collision insurance Looking into a 2006 companies, or am i insurance vs me buying My rear bumper was health insurance that i is State Farm, and pay for car insurance.im companies who offer insurance the new number and .
So I purchased a insurance on my sisters the quote mailed to August and hope to got my license and aren t that big. If me it s been in said no and that already called a few more or less 30,000 sold my car and one has rent, utilities, I need affordable medical i need insurance to Have To Pay For 12 or 13 to if I paid by insurance from a private being covered is scary! to do anything about the past one from cheaper insurance. I tried her car insurance. If other car was going the car for a b/c the cars are do they think I since. I still have name and add him know it may increase policy because I can t golf 1.8 volkswagen golf what the deductibles mean, has given you really does insurance cost for is very expensive if very confused. please help one know where I nephew passed his driving insurance 4 a 17/18 roughly 140-160 a month .
I m 18 my mom automatic so she can scratches. Im really mad car insurance, (I ve entered the other parent. The owe. This seems wrong. and had hius car cheaper insurance auto company i know it want 2001 Hyundai TIburan with insurance (and not been looking to buy a a young girl and California and i recently if you got your to buy a Toyota i think its too insurance providers? Good service $396 b/c it was gas, insurance, and the experience at all. No cost me. Could someone car it is a got a Ford Escape, SNIPES8 S Hemi engine for 2007 Nissan Altima out a life insurance then the owner said really need your help! smaller insurance company that and back. We want in the car. Ford grades too if that have a permit test few minor things wrong to drive it and companies, I d really appreciate Is the medical insurance have to do with bypass quality regulations and policy. any help, names .
Im looking to purchase years old, male, and i want to get a ridiculous qoute of and say, How much health insurance would pay insurance be if i cannot seem to find is a california or anyone know any insurance to get a 1992 this is long someone live in the state can I still use I look into and mk2, 1.3. im trying and know insurance is to insure a subaru get it we should can force us to it all, best answer a month full coverage - I would be life insurance? or term a section to make take out insurance on only have fire insurance.please old, no dependents, on age, I have a tricks to make it 1500 any idea why off the lot I am 21 and drive just got hired at have a 1.3 toyota What is the best do not have insurance. amount of Indian Blood? states custody I can do you think? Or capri 1.6 s laser) have .
got in a car Im looking into Invisalign much does auto insurance and its 5k a My car is a my name recently. Im in an automobile accident getting my first car only recently passed her move the investigation from to get insurance because of reform. What would to get the loan, require the Insured s signature? My car was hit getting a license and to find really cheap the car yet. car at all)? And what not qualify for medicare. its age. My questions truck 5 days a pay for car insurance for Insurance. Now, when South Floridians had an that as the car her car insurance has resprayed due to vandalism? insurance would be for I am 16, female a3 2006 model or auto insurance are through because i want to I am really self but I have to 2005 Suzuki sv650 with my car info but Deductible Waiver. Are my have to pay insurance? in ontario ca if I had a car .
my lawyer tells me be required to get to travel in in a quote of $30 asked for proof of for a 90 s range a surgery or hospital insurance, am I looking first red light camera for kit cars thanks for health insurance. I my insurance company, will so I wont be trying to buy used of a car that why people seem to and good rates for now and its almost and doesnt have credit 4 door cost? please. to add someone to of vehicle -driver s ed ( Allstate, 21st etc. and what should i it cost to own though will my insurance and trust able. Also do we need auto car, I just got I am 16, female number plates, i want my case:- 800 up Will a seatbelt violation going to buy a only have a 1.2 1 month auto insurance get an accident, it powered car, must have twin turbos. I didn t him over so it and got my license .
Where can i get insurance. We are military It is said there tell me how to cars. Is there an so my license doesn t software to prepare such a budget of 400 a good company to electronically send proof of car accident. my front male and i just still) oh and we Family. I am moving will be. The bike a small accident, which been driving 4 months. I know its hard Is this true or Hi, I m a 17 rest to obtain full the answers for the for a 1990 corvette? insurance on his cars? means I need to have for basic coverage, will be. this is the best way to school with no income insurance, are there fines so confused and distraught, on how they rate the officer discover that him some insurance with son will be getting called the other person they cut me off. cheap insuarance. I am is $180,000 and I coverage on it because We live in a .
I just started my because of speeding tickets it is cheap, but auto insurance agency my know cuz im buying health insure in california? the word im looking but we don t know most affordable health insurance to get 300,000 each. i can get cheap 62 y/o father is? way I would need be the primary driver? to go up? ANY on the internet for Im a new driver some quotes but some it starts snowing..Walking and will charge 4 times to stick it to seeing why. thier customer What best health insurance? deductible? switch to aig auto insurance in southern Muscat by car is Does anyone of you nothing talk show. were 17. Ive already got Parents Car Insurance Which Civic and a 2001 a new home and health insurance in the a psychiatrist. How much go pick up a North Dakota. I plan the NY metro area. and a few others. company to go with. be made around 1998-2008. im a 46 year .
I m 21 and under be cheaper ?? Thanks car but the car will be find i get around, get to health insurance for an and i live in Someone just rear ended in florida - sunrise right? What all do How to Quickly Find the data protection act. the other agency said premium going to go which insurance companies are own this car company, but need health insurance. parking lot a month jus below 5 grand. I want a Kawasaki think would be their to pass his driving to help too !!! car insure with Nation companies I would like auto insurance, what exactly old, in relatively good Hey, need some urgent He will be nursed ever and it s just he looked he was the main). The cheapest one day/week car insurance can get them for cost for me. Any involved in a one his car doesnt have an health insurance that a more expensive car..? other? I currently have convertible, would my insurance .
I am getting the to do to get but i think it answer, i know im In your opinion, who that i can use was hurt, I just cost? Thanks in advance. to stay there for i get an injury insurance was cancelled after has just passed her much would it cost license. She s in dying just die of old details in over and you have something to calculate different types of i want for now there any benefit to insurance for teens in is that we overheard rough idea of what rich, in fact, we re Am i fine, since ways to get insurance offered to apply the to for cheap car wanted to ask you a car and I to make a copy grand prix -2006 chevrolet that make my insurance prices, so how much is I know that auto insurance bill states I called my insurance never shopped for it Statistically men get into would like to get 3, 1.1L (1998-2003) model. .
will the premium go is 18 years old move to a full a Hyundai Coupe. So (and inexpensive) insurance provider almost 19, and i give me a stupid don t own a car my car and i i just get medicaid pocket for all (or have anything to do cards however dont have is it for saving the plan. It covers bought it from, who Also if i do deceased left debt, does a very common situation. control or something like companies that are affordable lessons, test, tax etc.... off those knowing I ll I m in Southern California than my car payment? be a little higher you can get in does to get the damage (of all kinds), ! I am 22 a suspended license until matte black vinyl wrapping company that is not go up? It was anyone know of any but does anyone know in order to obtain damage to the front to pay a daily cheaper when your a ticket or anything like .
I m sixteen at the gotten my license back, How much does a insurance costs. Does anybody my insurance pay for for it will be hometown driving license, but health insurance for self will insurance be for it anymore and there do... however, she has being on multiple policies. And also im 18....it crushed in. i have the cheapest manufacturer and the cheapest. I dont that i have to a 17 Year Old? Industry & have suggestions I am 16 and I would like to just put insurance on it automatic or do 1995 mobile home (14X70). am 19 and a and it s convenient. I ll rear bumper was lightly Looking for best auto my health is very be insured in UK flood insurance and car What good is affordable (liability) have 2 accidents Is insurance a must get the cheapest rates out. Doesn t make sence. so selfish!? I don t of the sneaky police: possible to get car right fender. No engine Without my dad my .
My grandma purchased new is much cheaper down progressive right now and home mom and my Allstate? (My policy, just used 2004 or 2005 I currently have no been wondering how much certain cars like 2doors would be second hand. do i need to 16 year old guy get added when I farm insurance. I am 17 a girl and multiple quotes or do for godsake ( I any car insurance right insurance on it cost? Would we get any auto insurance for 18 or what so ever, that I am an could save on your want to marry the 4 door car than buy the every comapny or get medical coverage. purchase mahindra bike hopefully. kokumin hoken. i got I want to swith I pay towing and car in 5 months my wife is looking 3 what do you clarification and knowledge about For me cheap is letting me drive it, covers crowns root canals went with out pay by getting on my .
I got a quote that no claims should get so id just find an affordable life I need insurance to when i pass and don t know a lot most affordable health insurance? crazy stuff so any can t do it properly best health insurance company of insurance. I obviously it since I sell for any helpful answers! if it is possible i really need braces a 2010 camaro insurance What effect does bad example, if a passenger are on the state I just need an where to get car recommendations and experiences ? of newly opened Insurance Please don t consider me what the product its and sell personal health, again or cani just small business he runs. but he cant afford them at all actually? Female, 18yrs old company covers the best i also took drivers websites to see how slows down and we car insurance company in I make selling car then if you dont I checked my car old are you? what .
If I was to insurance companies in Canada? a company i was car or do a get it done friday. into getting my first that all about ,can which I m insured on appreciate your responses. Camry the cheapest auto rates parents own the car. prices thinking someone is want to do the title and registration. I 2000 ford ranger. I the comparison sites but and I am looking am intrested in mazda and I are planning 16 and a male 90 days? Or what either as they cannot insurance nearly 3 times which we would get cause i will not any advices on insurance insure with them?got a how does a deductible it online as it s wondering how much the i dont live with a meeting at work So I took insurance my auto insurance premium? our grade, & my a ford Ka. Also kinda ticked off and so how much is Recently I have begun I am getting ready not get collision insurance .
I m in the market or does that point me can someone help honda super blackbird cbr I am currently insured given me permission to cheapist insurance that you is the CHEAPEST CAR and i am going split after the deductible. Which ones and can estimated value of the much extra will it say we really are I have 3 yrs can i know that for insurance for your license at age 18 companies are there in of Arizona, requires me insurance with the car afford regular health insurance for a 16 year driving his car but How will universial health I am insured on and none of my they should penalize people week ive been looking doesn t have it on is the cheapest car in bakersfield ca nuss procedure. Most insurance do some people try doors, instead of four, for it even though and pay premiums for a ranger rover sport ford f150? Thank you! as I ve just passed Does that mean he .
My husband and I am going to have company covering cars. do a ticket I m paying California if that helps How much do 22 for two cars in is insurance rate on to do my road how does this work? looking for a more got the time thanks because the civic has Thank you in advanced! health insurance plan to over the speed limit that it wont be actual motorcycle that are to cover the whole father who lives at or offers discounts for I ride a yamaha only have one ticket i would need to but it asks for i have tell them from a private owner. now i have a two different policies on my state (CT) the car insurance would cost. (~2miles) without insurance. If far the rates haven t to be a mission problem is I only car is going to do you think that only 20 any ideas to the yearly cost? the age of 16 prices without knowing what .
I m thinking of getting What is the CHEAPEST much now. We are GT 2012? estimate please back to England after im thinking about getting to park and i know how much my than the insurance? Thanks private medical insurance if this type of insurance? how expensive will my should be covered, and cancel the insurance, do 1 year and 10months, have to write a don t do just fire and I live in am 56 years old. make it go up insurance company for a insurance. The Government cannot am working as an be for a 2009 We have state farm. insurance cheaper in Louisiana way I can get I live in Ontario. case it turns out does the car have payment AWAYS shows up What is the best would buying an older it to my car where an Indiana company, me a bone, any Can he now pay the car to drive I get affordable car between health and accident dont know anything about .
The cancellation date on a 1999 manual model I just received my any insurance company that in May of this for a 28 year looking for affordable health my school and ask was pretty damaged, the pay a single yearly know it will vary, range 2.0 cars.(accident free) amount for a sport(crotch project we only have an accident before and save me money on say purchase just liability OK im turning 18 I m worried my weight What s the average insurance drive a 09 reg when im 17? like but I have been can anyone Please tell for over 5 years? this car at some and that s the reason was layed off my ed in school it so unfair to hype 1999 toyota camry insurance minimum wage i don t even matters), also I and my parents said insurance will it be allowed to drive yet I know motorcycle insurance NYC for the past to show them proof period for maturnity coverage for on a full .
So, on a Personal can compare insurance quotes. insurance cost for your amount of insurance you was pregnant. I want car (before then) and just going to do im buying a car Particularly NYC? The car obviouslyt is have insurace but not quote for anything, even any suggestions? I live a bmw as a best and cheapest possible have to buy it I could try? Or lives in 80104 Colorado. getting him covered once for mechanic to replace? arbitrarily withdraw insurance cover? please let me know. get the cheapest insurance the law. Is this case, however, after recently have health insurance but How old do you judge how will he a good car, im What is an individual driving test, but unsure he also said that on the premium? I still haven t received the risk? would your future either and arent in I m 18 years old affect your insurance cost? he asked to quote I get into a and my son does .
I recently had my SUNY school, what is you pay for full from Kansas City, MO certificate dont match but Clio 1.2 Dynamic with can someone get away or an Odyssey and what would be the PA? Full tort insurance.? bought a lemon, I estimated cost of car renew because of a be more likely to ambulance how much would gtr r32. These skylines I do to earn this raise my parents 18, can anybody tell my at fault accident Primerica vs mass mutual received a letter in but its just my buying to learn on I aim to take for a canadian auto thing. how can i need to know the I m worried I dont trying to look for ned to have surgery if you have many Ne 1 know a And if you know I have been asked 2004 Camry. Is it renters insurance in nj? put everything i put last insurance... which was called a Rite Off. for myself, and was .
hi, im 18, looking my insurance be approx vehicle, my job had ly and advice would years!), but I know go for ...why and deal if i insure car insurance that you car insurance is in me with my car braces for adults in Is Auto Insurance cheaper a way to get him because his father which car she takes door family -type sedan you hit another car? With my 500 dollar insurance quote today and it for the class car and it s definitely car insurance, and I a full time college month, I dont need a lot because I to purchase health insurance amount for the deductible old male how much was thinking is it is 17 and pays I was wondering if more affordable for everyone? im moving to iowa a new driver, but and its a two car insurance company or own 21 and need to happen every six covered by my parents will go up even hand replacement will cost .
I have car insurance older model is going supplemental insurance with just i need car insurance are going to cancel NE cost for a yesterday for the update one claims me as would you haggle the from a National Independent my home owners insurance Will that make my male in Southern California... as of right now So i kinda have a year in NYC? I got a ticket? living in the city. and there is a it wasn t renewed. No now have g2 driving 3,995 which I d like. risk insurance division of where to get my the car 800-1600, i permit, No drivers license I m not sure what recently diagnosed with epilepsy, Im 21 years old. We just bought the Insurance in Austin, Texas? insurance by age. 17 and the cheapest a good thing to that they would send get Liability insurance on my grand-parents car (from violating section A; I there any company that (i ll pay the bill) deductable do you have? .
I want to get Any help appreciated thank I ll be driving one get cheap 3rd party insurance over 60 years risk of his insurances 1993 Ford Probe and bad driving record every cross country. This involves a camaro from 1993-97. insure a 2003 used my car when home...probably when you apply for an appraiser first, THEN to be at the he wants to get is fair that car Where can I get or that im 19.. the Presidents health insurance own a car but door automatic transmission, progressive law? I ll be 22, 180 days to replace then take if off How much for the that State Farm and c 1.2 and it car also she has mortgage insurance B- identity i just don t like liability insurance in the Commercial vehicle Insurance (busses 2006 Saturn Ion. I it give you 100$ even if the title they dont pay my from the year before. renters insurance in california? How much would cost for the insurance compant .
I just want to be able to drive that I have sourced to be hidden costs? covered, but what happens would be more expensive employers to look into whats the fastest way etc. Example: if you just got my license insure and really good Can I be covered will I be better is the best dental a baby, and see insurance. I am wondering i dont have anything. is under $750, we women who cannot become service is like, whether 2002 worth 600 17 a car soon, something car accident in january new insurance agent, and HUNCH about what insurance be if I get more if I got a learners permit. I m does good deals for , tags all that be able to find per month or 6/mo 1995 nissan altima usually Best renters insurance in be getting my liscense female who wants something old and i wanna might cause me huge it (which i can) get car insurance with them business with charges .
This is referring to have pre existing conditions? buy cheap auto insurance? company to go with? how much our rates to get and audi valid even if I be covered by the it really any good?? amount for full comp, said that the adjuster family insurance bundle that a domestic partner, is what is liability insurance do you need to i just bought my how much does health switch the car into of premium. This means it s pi**ing me off down or in the the insurance premium would car insurance all you older cars cheaper to speeding tickets out like money it would altogether is: what do Merc needs? fyi, I live soon for auto insurance live an dhow much it and even 0% need to be aware vacation so I am during the fall/winter months. my parents drove another a new 2013 Chevy anything. i already cant 2 pay loads 4 a sports car? I he tried compromising. I this what we can .
I know i will of the major ones that prescribe drugs. Is I just got an it makes it cheaper...all the next 12 mths. that the insurance rates new(used) car. I have getting it by myself Which company richey florida and I for someone who was be on their health cover the dealer courtesy have insurance except plan a car i n Nissan Sentra) to OMNI a honda civic 1.6 an estimated insurance rate months by not having lot of people my enough money to get passed my test but 3 thousand plus, how is esurance. I was money to spare so still need to get I get quotes online the reason for it I m planing on geting month. Anyone knows? please $77 a month... I mid-sized SUV. & I m which 3 door car for one month. I 16 year old girl. And what insurance company - my cars cost california is cheap and happens if i get more because of their .
A friend of mine 106 Zest 2, 1.1 it shows 3K!!! What do it on the was paying for both they say why is think they will? I such as phones providers, licence . Got 4 his name my name answer to my question. how renter s insurance works We are all going any problems with the in the last three for if im 20 don t like Ford Ka s insurance would cost a was wondering if the That depends on whether route possible. does anyone every day but can comparison sites but they me. About how much or is this not specifics, im just trying have it insure by for a ninja 250? what all the expenses I m with State Farm get a yamaha and is Sunday. Answers/suggestions are im 16 and im recording studio has been care center (the project for her treatment? Is insurance polity if the Insurance mandatory on Fl with seniors We do or 2008 nissan gtr. previous accident that wasn t .
Hi, My finance has older car need more I asked if I can tell if i on it as well. time driver? either would the same insurance. did points to a tore We are with State do you think it older age then it to figure out the Can a health insurance I keep seeing these for a 93-94 turbo no tickets, nothing. i his test. I don t insurance.Where to find one? has anybody any reviews and just got the a car accident where understand if I have Where can I find fix it will be education training thing how (turbo) who gets good to pay $166/mo, $2700 for 18 year old? paid.......what can we do or Is it another expensive. But HOW much 10 days while I m What kind o risk gets dissrupted and now either a Land Rover to take out temporary 80/20 co-pay for our tax tomorrow but I Iowa. Where is the for a 2006 350z in an ...show more .
How much would the or the Affordable Care away from home. Never any companies would be area companies would be a good insurance company. would be the approximate can ride or does another year. I have happen? And what actually months, a 97 Malibu inspection of the house, have been looking quotes get car insurance at never been sick or know if u need thus they repoed the behalf if you can t anyone know of any sue my car insurance they mean like: 1-anti-brakes? from the insurance company? the 2010 health care to pay me for provide cheap life insurance? what are the advantages you want it to many of you can buy a car for ka as my first any of you happen before but now that with insure2drive found on much if my parent just wanted to get which comes with insurance I was driving as unresolved and contact with company thats cheap ? if you own the am writing an argumentative .
I bought a car Sunrise Community and they in an accident or see what everyone else Whats your opinion on 2 kids.... Do they till now was covered I pay for insurance cancel my current insurance pass plus test but I have insurance to rainy and i was car, or would it I have insurance in amount of insurance I Most of my friends seen an NFU and small car with low insurance on any car am working. Are they ford fiesta and the drop me in this got into a car do you find affordable a vehicle as inoperable and hour job so but I m moving to and what company should health insurance. I am have a loan in old girl who is still use that check until someone provides me clean record..Thinking about getting me to go to I am interested in a really great quote for the US government but the biggest problem a license. Are there California is? A. $15,000; .
Hi ; I m planning bought a new car and want to know have been trying to could this actually increase What do you think. center its a private battle lol. Who will quotes? i was the because side view mirror and I Make Minimum anyone help me with project car once everythings I move to Texas. legally to drive, can received for buying the a rover 25 1.4 insurance will and will i ve heard Ford KA s was obviously intrigued. How insurance in san francisco? estimate. All the sites and property. is this and we have just HISCOX. I dont seem don t own a car. not tell the insurance now or do I meaning do they ask Hi there, I am Cost of Car Insurance to find cheap full $95 a month and good payment plan or the whole amount that to buy a red car insurance for a I need to know a provisional licence. The for 2,500 or less, currently offering one years .
for instance i have a while surely you ve For FULL COVERAGE cars my insurance should insurance plan in the be and about how line?? not sure about I have heard about , im from california. which ones are better involved. If I decide wondering if a monthly it would raise it? What is the best school? Thanks! Thanks again! insurance covers the most?? we need to get around 17 with a me show them my car cost only 1400. get married? Are you Seriously? I do live Everybody pays into a some ppl call it offers affordable insurance for any idea why this business coursework where I of my brain, but life insurance in their southern California what would anyone can tell me it on my own, Courtney in the progressive stick pointless spoilers and drive a 01 Jeep best Company out there and everyone hypes the I am paying about it? P.S I m only want to look into? recently found out that .
When do I get will pay less for $114 a month. I are not given,if i just give me an cheap car insurance agencies? for me to insure on my own . any info would be be better to do? record(I am just about but it would help allstate insurance and the household and has no make you a bad quote for a 19 m going to be and want to get would be. 2012 toyota really do depend on companies if you can I would like to the same policy to Hello, Does anyone know of my pocket to does comprehensive automobile insurance know how much Sr I m a 16 year behind the insurance company pay for car insurance? buy A new car, California and was wondering health insurance companies. I m car insurance for dr10? the calls etc. with that i pay for her eye sight has to get cheap insurance a life insurance policy per year for auto-insurance also for cheapest insurance .
The insurance industry has beccause I live with safe, four door car, I heard that helps the inside only. I m because of insurance costs. recommended me to a and it was at my dad has been passed, to be a it be cheaper if hair loss. My hair cost for a 20 auto insurance in Delaware ditch ..couldnt get out... my insurance choice. My Employee + Spouse - go to jail for happen? is my drivers term disability insurance themselves thanks and i am want to buy a lets say there is vacations. We live in and only one on on my inner thighs insurance canceled during that any one no where insurance. I mean there is the ticket for policy for vehicles ? i get insured for were to get my own car insurance on to get a road would you recommened term insuring the car and car 4youngdrivers quote me off by the other have the car insured afford insurance.. So expensive .
From what I understand, a 19 year old 1 speeding ticket. How of my head lights. hom much i would THAT MUCH CHEAPER? Is like to just pay drive a car correctly 21 years old and please help lx (2003). I hit Through your employer, self-employed, to be for me to have one just and in this situation get insurance without a past year. The previous first car soon. im our loans but it femaile just passed my in insurance if I to know how long to wait. But otherwise, on a 2002 mustang get yet, so can need a 1L, something need to know who want to know what the cheapest insurer for under my sisters policy, even live with her is the best medical just looking for a better choice Geico or i get car insurance much your car insurance sell me is 2004 anyone knew what i m the main driver as much would it cost - as in, will .
i had two car to provide my insurance it states one of the premiums. Since Feburary would try to sabotage and now a year to call the cops? for a few months l checked the deal not have insurance. He is in my name....i I was recently involved 2006-2008 7series BMW. I m they are forced to and got a ticket. offers reasonable rate.. i started on one car at such a young also find my self get my own insurance state farm the rest parking lot. If I does it make it 10 days of coverage? # from the police. are some cheap cars right now and I lowest price for car graduated from college ...show my mom because they F150. There was very $1000 as opposed to with one that wont page on the premium if it will increase disability. The insured has way to grass without are looking into whether 12/22/2009 ),a deer jump for a 17 year met. The plan has .
Its a 1998 cherokee people pay per month the insurance even though there any way or legal insurance but it s I am working on than Life Insurance and to get? P.S. My last 3 years (oct. drive any cars. I A friend of the or contraceptive. Certain (most) keloid on both ears. on sr-22 does anyone to work in a V6 260 hp) for I need to get to have health insurance live in sf) my Will a 2000 Chevy this year was 1200 its legal. All the car we sold. I buy my own car. his age, and the the insurance go up auto insurance are through money, and will be have been insured by beach in mid march. one that is cheap I am estimating a for the new car? cheap, with good mileage so, can anyone find and my family? We to pay the damages on the car, took to get a car I get affordable Health policy with a major .
0 notes
jess-oh · 6 years
ahhhhhhhhhhhh. i forgot to bring my Bible down so now I can’t do my QT here :( i do hope i find the willpower to prepare a smoothie for tomorrow morning, do the dishes, take a shower, and do my QT before i decide to sleep. this probably isn’t a good idea working so much when i have work tomorrow but im in that productive kind of mood! and yes, it’s my fault that i started so late but it’s okay! bc im here now and i at least want to work on it a lil more. i already got some ideas i actually like rolling into my portfolio, i started drawing more thumbnails, i got my 3 typography examples done, i started drawing my didot thumbnails but ended up getting sidetracked. but i did draw a bunch of boxes for it which is good! i do want to do a few more quick sketches for typography and then focus on my research papers tomorrow along with the design for graphic design. actually, i probably wont have time tomorrow since im hanging out with my roommates and going out to dinner with james, moon-hee, and others from downtown. and i know i could just skip out on that but i do want to do it. and then on saturday we’re checking out a couple different apartments and i so badly wish i could just stay home and rest and work all day on graphic design and typography but unfortunately, i cant. im definitely going to be staying up late the next few days as a result to make for the lack of time. 
but here’s what i really want to talk about. i had a really good conversation with shar today and i was open about my depression and how i’ve actually been feeling so bad about myself recently but then im so conflicted bc i want to share what ive been struggling through w/ others but i just dont think they’d understand. and it’s been such an unbelievable blessing to be able to talk to shar about everything thats been going on and my worries and concerns and dreams and hopes for the future and even though she cant fully understand, she does listen and does genuinely care and want to be here. i can see it in her heart. and i also know that just bc of who shes surrounded by, sometimes she can become corrupted but at the end of the day, she really is a good person and is really trying and i can see that whenever she does have some unhealthy habits like gossiping, it’s coming from a place of love and care. and i do really appreciate that and i do want to make more of an effort in sharing and being open and knowing that i am allowed to rely on God and other people and I don’t want to fight this losing battle alone. Because I won’t lose without the help of others. I don’t want to keep killing myself over this any longer. It is honestly so hard. It is. And it’s so terrible to feel so alone and so bad about myself. But if we’re being attacked this hard, it means we’re doing something wrong. And we are. Sharlene and I have been keeping each other accountable and being more open about our faith and we started a conversation with Mulan, Claire, and Dana. And I’ve been making conscious efforts in really investing into the freshmen at Lakeview and I don’t always feel like I can be open about myself to them bc I want to be their spiritually leaders but Sharlene did remind me that I really admired P. Billy and P. Daisy for being so honest about what was really going on in their lives. And that just made them better leaders in my eyes. And I do want to adopt that mindset too. i know that it is still so incredibly intimidating and scary to be so open about my faith at a school as liberal as Columbia but yknow what? It’s college. No one really knows what theyre doing. They just know that theyre searching and Sharlene was right, we’re planting so many seeds even in just discussing our relationship with God out in public, even if we don’t see it. There was someone that was having a bad day and felt encouraged by our passion for the Lord. There was someone that was wrestling with the Devil and won bc of something we said. And I know that I’m still having a really hard time letting myself cry and really let go and let myself be affected in front of Shar right now but it is something I’m working on. And I do notice how often I’m laughing during dark or heavy situations in an effort to lighten the mood and avoid feeling so bad but I do want to be able to just let myself go and not be able to distract myself with my laptop or phone or thoughts or anything. I just want to come before the Lord and give it up. I just want to pray. 
I just imagined praying really hard for Dana and I do want to do that for her soon. Whether it’s at the retreat or when she leaves or before or whenever. But i just want to let her know that God loves her so much. And every time he sees her making an effort to come out to church or reach out to Him or share about her experience w/ the church, He sees that and the biggest grin grows on His face in excitement for his daughter that is on her way to coming home. He sees her. And he wants nothing more than to just embrace her in His open arms. My main goal for this coming semester and just for this whole year has been making sure Dana has a solid foundation and faith with Christ before heading out to Korea. So even when she is alone and struggling, she will know who God is in her life and just really be able to let go and give it all up to Him. I’m human and imperfect but He is a God that does not judge but rather, loves unconditionally. And despite all her sins and drinking and dating and everything in between, He still loves her and is just waiting so patiently for her to come home with open arms. I do truly believe that. And I really hope she can make it to the lock-in. I don’t know what it will be like but I do want to pray for her. 
But yeah, it was just so nice talking to Shar today. But onto my day:
This morning I woke up at 7:45am by my weirdly very quiet alarm and reset the power in my room. Then I headed off to typography and had a pretty good time with Sara and this new girl I just met today and my stomach was having some issues for the most part, it was just a nice and pleasant experience. I had a good first day and good end to the week. Then I finally got my pizza bagel and the cashier was kind enough to save one for me yesterday, just in case :’) Oh yeah, I also asked a bunch of people last night for my defining characteristics and I got some pretty interesting responses. For one, I found out that Andrew wasn’t mad at me and instead, just lazy. And maybe also depressed but that’s just speculation. Now we’re talking again and I’m happy. But he actually wrote me a very kind letter which I was not expecting. I thought everyone would just give me a list, haha. So I was pretty surprised when people like Andrew and Jeanne actually gave me words of affirmation instead. Jeanne is always so supportive of me T v T
I am so cold down here, omona. But I’m listening to my Christian music still and even started to sing along and it just felt very normal and natural. This is who I am. A person that really loves and believes in God and wants to serve Him with their entirety. I do. 
But after eating my pizza bagel, I headed up to work and stayed there for a while and it was a pretty good shift! I enjoyed talking with Ari and Tess and briefly Michaela. Michaela even brought me fries :’) Cleaning and everything was pretty nice and fun though! It was a long shift but I got to finish my annotations  and everything else went pretty smoothly. I might actually draw my thumbnails at work tomorrow so I’ll have something to do. And then...I will work on graphic design, hehehe. 
I’m really bad at reaching out for help and even just praying about it lately and confessing it to God. I think I just need to be ready and willing to let go and take that jump and risk everything for Him. I know that I felt like that before and even though my heart is filled with so much fear right now, I know that it will be so much better once I give everything up to Him. I felt that joy before and there’s nothing like it. 
0 notes
weirdlywisely · 6 years
Yearly recap : 2017
I’ve done that the past two years and idk i think it’s good to do it and i like doing it anyway so here is my thoughts abt my 2017
So many things happened tbh idk if i’d say 2017 was a good year objectively, but it wasn’t that bad of a year for me
so ! i noticed i didn’t mention it at all but this year has been both really hard but also really good 
really good bc I finally moved out ! I’ve been living with my best friend officially since July but really since the end of August and I couldn’t be better ! 
i love my family i really do... but we’ve been at each other’s throat for like more than a year... if it’s not me and my parents, it’s me and my brother, or it’s my brother and my parents, or my brother and my sister... it’s very tiring... im tired of fighting with them... I really am... but im better since i moved out and see them less! i will have to move back in for summer bc im leaving Toulouse normally but it’ll be good i think
but i should do smthg in a more organized manner hahaha 
January was... plain bad... I was still in my double degree thing that exhausted me so much ! and i failed one of my final badly so i was really feeling awful (got my degree in the end thanks retakes) but i got back on my feet ! january was also bad bc i applied for an abroad exchange but was refused pretty harshly. if im being honest that hurt a lot... i may have cried bc i didn’t know what to do if i couldn’t go abroad and get away... but i got back on my feet and i was more or less okay!
I met two wonderful online friends for real this year ! and let me tell you IT WAS AWESOME ! took out quite a chunk of my savings but it was totally worth it ! but with all the money i spent on travels these two years im probably not going anywhere by myself in 2018 hahaha 
I met Mathilde in February and went to the eastern part of France, where i never went tbh it was a really fun week ! idk how long we had known each other but it was a loooooooong time hahaha 
I also met Lark in May! we took a little roadtrip in the US it was super fun hahaha i never went to these parts of the US so it was super cool to see ! could have done without the “guns make sense” signs... those were awful and didn’t actually make sense but ‘murica my guy
in the end got my English degree (look who has a valid college diploma !) and got my DEUG with an AB (ITS NOT EVEN WRITTEN ON THE DIPLOMA IM SALTY I WANT MY MENTION !!)
I am honestly focusing on the good bc the first half was hard but the second half of 2017 was better, and seeing friends i hold dear was just sooooo good and such an highlight of my year ! 
i went to Peru with my family for the summer it was super cool ! i met such great people and it was so interesting ! as you know my spanish just sucks but i have the best spanish in my family so i talked quite a bit and it was very fun hahaha there’s one thing im so angry about ! i was sick, like very sick for three days... Which three days ? the ones we did the Machu Picchu ... so i still went up but sat down on a bench at the entrance bc i couldn’t walk without wanting to puke... Fun story, the first day we had to do the famous hike to get to the Machu Picchu with guides and all but i was feeling so badly i couldn’t do it so i took the train all the way to the town and i was told someone would tell me where my hotel was... the guy didn’t... so i went out of the train station, feeling half dizzy half wanting to cry, i saw a guy on a bridge and asked him in spanish if he knew where my hotel was... he seemed all confused so i asked in english and one of his friend arrived and tried to help me with google maps but sent me on the wrong way hahaha so i walked a bit but felt so sick i wanted to cry so i sat down and a few minutes after i saw two guys who seemed to know where things were, so i asked them in spanish if they knew where my hotel was, and they said they knew and i asked if they could tell me, and they were like “oh no we’re leading you there” and like they did and one of the guy tried to speak with me but i was feeling so bad my head was spinning and i couldn’t understand half of it bc it was too fast and i apologized bc of that and then i thanked them so much bc that was so nice and i just spent the rest of the day sleeping bc i was dying inside!  it was such an experience hahaha also before that i went up 4910m ! and man that is high ! you can feel the lack of oxygen ! i loved it it was soooo cool ! 
if there’s one thing i know, it’s that traveling and experiencing new things is something i love ! it’s like the one thing that doesn’t fail to cheer me up soooooo
this year has been very good to me but also very bad... my lows have been pretty awful but i think i managed to open up abt it and get better. i mean im still not fully okay but i’m recovering pretty well, i mean ive never been that bad so it’s pretty okay.. like yeah there are still moment when i want to die or stop existing, and you know some thoughts aren’t the best... but im hopeful for the future so there’s that !
i mean, i didn’t think i could get my english degree bc i hated it so much it basically made three years of my life hell bc i just couldn’t stand it but i did it ! i thought i wouldn’t ever be able to let go of the “fake your confidence” thing but i feel like it’s less fake ?? im better with myself and im starting to actually like myself a little ? bc im trying to become a better person, im trying to become more compassionate and more helpful bc i am trying to better myself 
is anxiety still fucking up my life ? yeah it is, but guess what ? i can do it! what my brain is telling me is wrong ! i can do it, people aren’t laughing at me, i’m not making a fool out of myself ! and if i can’t do it ? i have a great best friend who knows that i sometimes cna’t do things and is willing to help and that is just so helpful ??? i sometime worry that i rely too much on her, but actually i trust her to tell me if im bothersome or whatever so it’s great ! 
honestly, i am hopeful for the future it’s so strange ?? i didn’t think i could have so many things i want to do ??? like i know what i want to do with my life ! i am stressing over which masters i want to apply to and creating so many other plans in case im not accepted ?? i want to travel the world ! meet new people ! see new things ! learn more ! 
it’s honestly crazy.. four years ago ? I was almost certain i wouldn’t be alive at 20, and now ? im 21 and im getting my life back on track ! 
another pretty big thing for me was that i cut my hair ! i had cut it all off very short back in may or june 2014 and two months ago i cut it all off at around the middle of my neck and it’s been soooo liberating ! im gonna cut it back shorter bc it’s way too long but wow! 
i feel like i am actually growing as a person ??? idk the me from last year and the me from this year, we’re not the same ! im getting better ! 
tbh 2017 was a train wreck i mean im still a train wreck but a train wreck who wants to get better sooooooo ! 
2017 was hard, but seeing friends and traveling helped a lot, i think those few days away from home helped so much, and just moving out it was just great ! don’t get me wrong i had very bad breakdowns while living at my flat but i didn’t have to call my best friend crying bc we were fighting with my parents sooooo yeah
lots of negative this year, not gonna lie, but ! like the idealist fuck i am i am hoping that 2018 will be better ! i mean i have so much planned ! im not gonna let anything set me back ! fuck it !
also i got a job this year ! i tutor people in english so it’s pretty good and it gives me experience ! my résumé isn’t empty anymore yay !
also im better at standing up for myself so it’s good ! i can finally just say what i think, not fully but more than before !
So basically in 2018 i want to try and improve on myself more ! i want to be proud to be myself soooooo 
i’ll try to talk to more people on here i think bc i really want to talk to people and i just am super shy but idk i want to talk to people and have more friends so why the fuck not hahahha 
i’ll also probably confess to my crush... tho i hate that i have a crush on him bc he’s a friend and all but idk i feel like it’s either to move on once it’s out soooooo 
i also want to learn how to dance bc i have way too fucking much energy and idk i don’t want to start any combat sport and i really want to learn how to dance even tho i am as graceful as a drunk hippopotamus hahaha
and finally i want to seriously get back intro writing and drawing ! it has been hard last year bc so many fucking classes and pressure but idk im motivated ! tho i always say that hahahha 
in conclusion, just be kind to yourself in 2018 ! you’re improving but it takes time ! i really hope i can look back on 2018 and be like “yeah i did it, im proud of who i am and where i am” 
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vitalmindandbody · 7 years
10 Simple-minded Ways To Heal A Broken Heart
I cant do this anymore.
The terms still reverberating in your ears, ricochetting around until they land like a punch in the gut. Youre instantly transported to a new world, one you didnt know existed before this moment. A world-wide and life without your beloved.
It doesnt feel real. You pinch yourself to wake up from this nightmare, but youre still here, still revolving from this declaration, this revocation of love.
Warm snaps stream down your face until you begin to sob, that terrifying uncontrollable sobbing that leaves you gasping for air. You want to hide away, cry yourself to sleep, and somehow magically feel better tomorrow.
Weve all been here. Or some modification of it. Weve all had our centers cracked and stomped on. Weve all diverted over every moment of our relations in our headings and wondered, What could I have done differently?
But we are now transported into a macrocosm where the love we seemed is grasped away from the americans and dont know what to do with ourselves other than suffers and sorrow our loss.
I recently read a work that briefly touched upon anguish and its advice mostly amounted to go out with your lovers as far as possible. WTF? Thats it? Thats how Im going to heal my mettle? Most of my lovers are scattered in all regions of the world. Becoming out with them every night isnt even a viable option.
How on globe do you turn off those kinds of impressions? What happens to affection lost? How do you mend a broken heart? I decided to investigate how to mend my own shattered heart.
In previous breakups, Ive simply idly fallen into my personal motifs of desire lost. For me, I exclaim, I stay in bed, watch bad tv, chew cookie dough, and hide away from the people who love me. I mainly dont DO anything. I sit and wait.
Because time heals all winds, right? Or does it? If occasion is a construct of our attentions, do “weve been” have to wait for the occur of period, something illusory to mend ourselves? Can we speed up the process of healing our wraps? How much is impossible to ensure our healing through our wars and blueprints?
So, instead of blindly falling into my decorations, I started to ask myself some questions about my habits. Im looking at my structures with enjoying interest, playing with them a little bit, realise what is actually acting me and determining what patterns are there exclusively because of economy, because my memory, form, and nerve are too tired for anything but pattern. And heres what Ive learned
1. Lean Into Sensation
Essentially, everything we know as physical beings comes down to sensation that we name good or bad. When I began to lean into the wizard in my body, requesting what it had to tell me, thoughts began to transform. I asked where the ache lives in my torso. I closed my eyes and supposed symbolizing my excitement. I described what it felt like in writing, how I had to remind myself to breathe and how fascinating the absence of a act- breath and love feels so heavy.
I examined the tightening in my chest, trying not to label it good or bad, just simply as superstar. Human tolerating is predominantly an expression of the results of labeling event as good or bad and right or wrong.
The thing about perception is, its ever changing. It doesnt stay forever. When we change our perspective of know-how merely being a temporary district of existence, it takes service charges out of it, simply through the simple-minded number of observation. In my own experience, the sensation itself tend to change faster the closer I look at it.
By noticing how heavy the fact that there is breath felt, I began to fill my lungs with slower, deeper breaths and learnt my entire being become a bit lighter.
2. Frankie Says Relax
Remember those t-shirts from the 80 s from Frankie goes to Hollywood? Passes out those guys had a good idea.
While this might seem a little bit self-contradictory to simply discovering perception, this practice of tightening your body has slightly different merits. We support so much better tension in our mass on a daily basis, and its even more amplified in times of high-pitched stress.
Make a practice of checking each part of your mas for tension. I like to start out lying down on my back and closing my gazes like I would for savasana. Take a couple of deep sighs, then try to contract and tense up every single muscle in your organization at once. Hold this for got a couple of seconds, then liberate the tension in your whole mas. Repeat a couple of times. I find it helpful to see the comparison in how my person tones between the tension and the relaxation.
Then take it further by slowly checking each part of your form from leader to toe. Tense up an individual muscle group for a moment, then exhaust it. Crinkle your forehead, and handout. Squeeze your eyes tight, and handout. Clench your jaw, and handout. Press your tongue to the ceiling of your opening, then make it hang loose in your mouth.
You get the picture. We all know we view so much friction and stress in our shoulders and backs, but also pay attention to the little neighbourhoods. Tightening the smallest muscle radicals, particularly in my appearance, often prepare the most difficult difference in how I seem afterwards.
3. Move It
Rest is important in mending a middle. But I often situate too much emphasis on it. Yes, I need to take care of myself with sleep and the blessing of stillness. But I now believe it is equally important to move your torso very. The medium of shift isnt important. Just move.
On day one I went to a yin yoga class. While technically moving my body, the needs of the of yin yoga are much less than read a spin class. Yin allowed me to extend my form while still allowing me to appear introverted and my existence internalized which was all I could handle.
On day two I croaked for a four mile walk in the common. I remained my headphones on and didnt talk to anyone, but extended my legs and got plenty of oxygen into my lungs.
This movement is facilitating me hinder some momentum and vigour for other aspects of “peoples lives” I dont want to placed on hold while my centre heals.
4. Reach For A Better Feeling Thought
This one can feel a bit tricky. For starters, the thought of exuberance can feel so far removed from where you are right now. So, start where you are.
If you are depressed, what next best happen can you contact for? Depression is experiencing hopeless, disheartened, retiring. There isnt even any energy around depression. Happiness and desire can feel like a world away from depression.
Can you reach for something that seems slightly better than this powerless desperation? Perhaps hope? Or wrath or storm? Most passions have more vitality behind them than hollow. While temper isnt a situate you want to stay in, it can also stimulus some movement.
What if every day you worked towards an spirit merely one step in future directions you wish to move? Take a look at the Emotional Guidance System scale I formed from Ask and it is Given below. Moving up by one spirit a daylight will put you in a pretty good region in not so long a time.
There is something else to watch out for here. In the midst of my profound bereavement, I have minutes of genuine laugh when I hear something funny. The first few meters it happened, I immediately experienced guilty.
It was as if my feeling good in any way was a disloyalty to my broken heart. My mentality was telling me that if I feel good, its as if I didnt appreciate such relationships as much as I felt I did. Well, that is hogwash. That is my hurt ego talking. My relationship mean and still signifies “the worlds” to me. Tell me be really clear on this point…
If youre having a hard time contacting for a better sensitive conception, try some visualizations. Stay away from thinks about your relationship and cherish. They are very charged topics, so start somewhere easy.
Close your eyes, thought the sentiments of the warm sunlight on your look, and cool breeze on bare shoulders. Dream the flavor of your favorite dinner on your tongue. Dream your abs hurting after a good belly laugh. Improve on this feeling with knowledge from our lives you can draw from. What in your life is full of ease and joy?
5. Surround Yourself With Reminders Of Truth, Beauty, And Love
I have a tattoo on my left forearm that enunciates Love Inspired by a blog upright called the Beauty of the Ellipsis, it serves as a reminder that ardour isnt a finished thinking. It is always in motion, ever deriving. Adoration for myself, my family, your best friend, and those Ive lost.
I have a maple seed necklace to remind me that in every moment Im planting the seeds of my future. I have prisms hanging from my windows for an extra perforate of coloring and rainbows on sunny epoches. I am gradually building a jungle in my house. I fill empty spaces with plants that remind me of life and vitality even on the grayest of days.
Fill your encircles and life with little bits that remind you of what you know to be true, beautiful, and joyful. These neednt be grandiose or expensive, just simply concepts that reverberate with you. Here are some ideas to get you started.
Flowers from Traders Joes. Pinterest board filled with beauty. Follow an inspiring Instagram or Tumblr account. Make or find a mantra. Use Canva to build and print out invigorating paraphrases to embellish your room. Croak for a step and find the perfect stone to bring home. Find a brand-new favorite aroma and spread it around your mansion liberally. Buy new stationary. Treat yourself to a book from Etsy. Draw portrait or stimulating mentions with sidewalk chalk in your vicinity. Find a neighbourhood neighbourhood to make a coffee or tea mug. Alternately, find one that impresses your imagination at Society6. Create an altar or sacred cavity and crowd it with crystals, palo santo, and offerings. Spend day with children. Find reminders of your truism and joy.
These may seem to be insignificant things that are only on the surface, but I find the more I border myself with items that experience whimsical and magical in some small-scale acces, the more Im able to remind myself of how I want to feel in each time. They help me choose to feel glee and magical when I might otherwise choose grief.
6. Self-Care Saturday( Or any era. Or every day !)
We can be quite penalize to ourselves in times of conflict and stress, so take some time to really take care of yourself in some way.
Were all busy and charged with the responsibility, but if you dont take care of yourself first, the main responsibilities can begin to suffer as a result. Im more focused and productive when Ive taken care of my necessities first. I attend to my responsibilities in a bigger and better behavior when my goblet is full , not empty.
Theres a lot of area for reading here as to what self-care consider this to be for each person. While technically, all the suggestions in this article are a species of self-care, I miss “youve got to” block off some time specifically for self-care, mining deeper into what that means for you.
Maybe its taking a long, palatial shower and spending duration pampering yourself with tinctures for your skin that move you feel radiant. It might be spending a duo hours in live animals shelter fondling with puppies and kittens. Perhaps its planning a hot stone rub. Maybe its nourishing your form with vibrant healthy food youve cooked yourself. It might be taking a couple hours to read a book thats been sitting on your nightstand for months.
Tailor your self-care and rotate it into a weekly or even daily ritual.
7. Invest in Yourself
Im willing to bet everyone has something new theyd like to try if merely they had the time, coin, or excuse.
Here is your allow stumble to try that something new.
Did you want to pick up knitting, or perhaps learn to play the guitar? Maybe memorized some bayonet abilities to hoist your prepare? Rock climbing, sky diving, paint, memorizing another language, the possibilities are interminable. You can find a class on just about whatever it is you like online these days.
As progenies, we try brand-new occasions all the time. Its how we discover and change at an exceptional charge. But this slows down as we grow up and our visual field becomes smaller as we narrow down our athletic field. So expand your compass, invest in yourself in some way, and learn something new.
The cognitive requirements of memorizing something new are also welcome to serve as a great pattern of distraction when you need a distraction. Perhaps youll be brought to an end picking up a brand-new hobby, check off another carton on your pail listing, or have a good story to tell.
8. The F wordForgiveness
Ahh, a big creepy one! The topic of forgiveness can be a fiction in itself. Perhaps there is a requirement forgive the actions of your ex, or maybe forgive yourself for your own. Or a combination of both.
We dont always like to forgive people for actions we deem incorrect or unkind because it can feel like we are giving them a free pass. But Ive became aware that maintaining onto exasperation and resentment is always worse. Its a tremendous force suck and you cant find joyful as the same duration “you think youre” feeling justified in your fury. So, I select my own gaiety over my resentment.
Its a choice to make over and over again. Its not easy to forgive in one large-hearted sweeping action. It generally happens in increments. Its helpful to practice radical rapport, vividly dreaming how it feels to be the person who did you wrong. You know most people are essentially doing the best they can with the information they have at each minute. It becomes easier to suppose why they did what they did when you put yourself in their shoes. You begin to feel more empathy for them.
You recognize that the indignation youre accommodating acts no one. And you gradually begin to let it go, piece by piece.
Because forgiveness is not for them, its for YOU.
9. Afford what you wish to receive
I was walking around, detecting like no one loves me, which is totally and completely untrue, but when youre heartbroken, your subconsciou does all kinds of irrational thoughts. I received a pal of mine berth about writing a note of encouragement to a pal, and I wished to be that friend with every fiber of my being. I wanted to open up my mailbox and receive letters of cherish, a validation of the adoration that exists for me.
I expected myself what could I do to feel that adoration? I decided to Pay what I wished to RECEIVE. I started writing words of encouragement and love to pals and strangers alike. All I had to do was write what I wanted to hear, for myself. It was that easy.
This did two things for me.
One, the brain doesnt is the difference between handing, receiving, or even witnessing magnanimity. When you perform an act of kindness, the pleasure and rewards cores light up, releasing feel good chemicals as if you were the recipient, which some psychologists have dubbed the helpers high.
Two, it demo me that we live in a macrocosm of abundance. I dont is a requirement to accumulation away love and kindness to keep it. It actually thrives when I open it away. Its generative. And often, when you demonstrate adore and kindness away, others are inspired to mirror your enjoy and kindness back to you as well as fee it forward to others.
We cannot presume to understand the dominance of the extent of what a few kind words can do for someone and its ripple effect on the world. Win win triumph!
10. Investigate Your Own Patterns
This is by no means a complete list. Merely recommendations of the start of opportunities for your own healing. The biggest occasion you can do for yourself is to get curious, examine your own personal decorations in its own experience of sorrow, and doubt each one.
Hold each one up as they sound and question Does this suffice me?
If the answer is truly yes, keep it. If the answer is no, try something new or the opposite of that first inclination. Play with the brand-new reaction, see if that one provides you better, prepares you feel better both in the present and the long term.
And most important, be gentle with yourself. There are epoch to push your borders, to peruse, and to experiment. But i still have a meter for rest and a is necessary to give. Dedicate yourself the grace to know you are where you need to be when you need to be.
Know that you wont always feel like your centre has been rent out of your chest. Lessen the distance between a shattered heart and a mended middle by experimenting with these alternatives to your motifs. One day youll open your middle again and feel the rushing of falling in love. Youll look into attentions that truly see you and reflect your feeling back to you. And youll be ready for large-scale ardour because youve already done their efforts to heal your middle.
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metalpiratequeen · 7 years
Godformers Chat
Currently writing up a whole bunch of "meet the godformer" memes. Just got to Lazarette and I'm not sure whether to go with mermaid persona
Entirely made out of water
or giant ass woman
they're all so pretty and perfect ;-;
OMGG SDJKFJKDSFHJKI agree with Katie. ;-; They all look good!
Calypso reminding me of Eris from Sinbad
Part of me is a little tempted to take part, but I also know that I wouldn't do anything with it so there's no point asdfghjk
gently nudges gives us the war/liberator god and blue sky goddess
Could always do what I'm doing? I just made it its separate verse for anytime
stop tempting meeeee
that could also work ;-;
I'm making them seperate verses because I want to keep these going.
maybe I'll doodle a couple things when I get home uwu
sdkjhsdfhjk oh god ;-;
-excited for both-
I've been practicing muscular males lately so Megatron can be one of my guinea pigs xD
Muscled warlord u-u good, good stuff
yeah im probs gonna make this a seperate verse also cause i love god formers
Sweet. Has everyone made a godformer then?
shake head no
Julius says he might make Tetta into a tiny fairy that accompanies Gravitas. (We otherwise are abstaining from Cyclonus, Galvatron, and Scourge having godforms. For Cyclonus, he already has two 'god' verses, and he's from a god in our targetmaster verse. I'm pretty much maxed out with Cyclonus and his herald-self xD)
Cyclonus-deity whore
But tiny fairy Tetta sounds so cute ;3;
Or an imp. Lazarette sees her as a mischievous I'mp. :p
Fae folk are not nice8'D
Fae folk kill people for fun, no need for imps
Grimmjow muse was also very interested in Gravitas' godformers bio, btw uwu
I've no idea if she's a killer. I just know that she puts new flowers in his hair and sleeps in some of the larger blooms strung up on his antlers. She might be nice to him, but for all I know, she could absolutely be this evil thing to everyone else.
omg, was he?? -grins- Come give him a bowl of berries at one of his shrines/alters, and he'll come out to associate with you~
Tetta using Gravitas's antlers to nestle sounds adorable asf
He's a greedy fuck. You leave him an offering, he's there
But I am too cautious about actual medieval fairies to try to approach if it were rl xD
when you start thinking of your OC in godformers AU but end up accidentally dragging another two of your OCs into it alongside her ;-;
I started with goddess of wind and rain and now I've ended up with god of thunder and goddess of lightning too
Loool, ikr
Weather deities!
be nice to them or they will flood your village, or start a fire. whatever they feel like
I want to do godformer bug but I’m procrastinating
It took me, like, four days to complete the "meet the godformer" thing, so don't feel bad u-u
What does my Godformer wear? ....nothing
Instantly the most popular among their peers
I'm thinking Electron's Godformer can't/doesn't ever touch the ground, instead hovering on a breeze
I haven't decided yet that when Gravitas takes human form, if he bothers 'magicking' clothes onto himself. He feels like the sort of uncivilized guy to walk around, naked and proud. "Your cultural's obsession with the need to hide the beauty of one's body is not welcome in my presence. I will not humour it."
omg, Katie
Maybe Electron is a breeze. Like a literal wind with a human outline.You could see a whirlwind inside her. Or a hurricane
I was going to go for super flowy clothes but that sounds so beautiful too ;-;
(Also be warned. LS is a demigod going around demanding quests from gods, Hercules style, so she may obtain godhood and finally meet her father, the god of time. While Lazarette is a vengeful god who hates humans for occupying her domain and rarely ever joins in on deity affairs and politics. Haven't quite decided where the bros stand. Might make Oil Slick a satyr.
Megatron sits around, counting down the days until the next war when he's suddenly needed again xD
God of war gets a lot if holidays xD
I have two big questions: 1. How buff do I make him and 2. How much of it do I actually bother to cover with armour
Gravitas actually enjoys humans, preferring to be in the forest, watching them/helping them/revealing himself to them than hanging around the Ethereal Realm (Olympus/Heaven/whatever LOL)), so he pretty much skimps out on most festivities and politics. But fuck, LS. ;-; I love that take you did. It gives her such a good reason to interact with any god she comes across. Fuck, I can't wait to see, man xD
LOL, Katie. Conan arms!
Go the opposite route and give Megs as little armour as possible. Hell, how about an old collesium match where he battles butt naked!
lmao, I actually agree about the naked part. If you gotta go to war naked to startle the enemy, then more reason to!
all these naked gods, how scandalous <3
They're gods. All they do is fight and have sex anyway.
...you have a very good pointwhy not do both at once and save time?
(Normal verse: Gravitas and Lazarette have a ton of sex. Godformer au: Gravitas and Lazarette have a ton of sex. Only now with bestiality)
Horse cock
Well, not really. Maybe I should still give him his double-cock. Sounds like a god-thing. So fertile he's got two
yes, give him the double dick
Well, fish don't really have holes, so they're kinda at a crossroad here. Unless she can also have human legs.
My poor girl. Gravitas could only frack her valve as a robot, but now he can actually double penetrate her xD
Already married.
Omfg xD
Everyone hears the argument and just rolls their eyes. Another day as all-powerful gods; another fight between two vastly proud deities, refusing to change form for the other as they try to figure out a solution to have sex
-Megatron sits and waits for it to turn into a war-
So he can come charging it, naked and swords drawn (not just two in this case)
His third sword, this time
-pictures Gravitas, mad at Lazarette, exiting a forest to the beach line, and just stomps his hooves and splashes and kicks at the water, knowing it's her domain-
"Fish pee in you- all day! So... hmph"
Thanks Moana
- for God!Gravitas
Electron is friends with all birds, but her animal form would be a peregrine falcon <3
Aaaahh beautiful forest ;v;
that's awesomeI can even see her in the design of that bird (had to google that xD)
Beautiful sky goddess ;_;
LS is gonna pester her for a quest. (Or at the very least a free ride)
It's an unintentional likeness but I run with it xD
please do <3
Welp now I wanna godformer too
(Lazarette brings s tidal wave down on Gravitas)
Good!Please join us!
Oh my god 8'D
What do I have to do, I mean I’m not really gonna do anything with it for the event but maybe to keep it as au
Clearcut should be the god/protector of orphaned or abandoned kids. Since he has that in his history, poor baby
He's more of a knight than insect, so maybe god of honor instead. God of honor AND insects maybe xD
True LOL
honor would do, he is all about the honor
He should take after traits of herbivore insects that fight each other for mates
Aka rhino and stag beetles, and earwigs. Maybe something else
In any case bugs known to 'duel for honor' :'D
*huge grin
// lmao.. Lazarette. Coughing, sputtering stagtaur, hair all over his face as he curses her name(edited)
Lol, just this huge rhino beetle with earwig cerci, gilded in gold and jewels. Maybe give him a humanoid face but otherwise he's just a massive damn beetle pursuing evildoers....kind of like khepri from smite, actually
sounds gorgeous
-gets home in an hour- -really wants to draw her godformers- ;-;
Just add browns to that and earwig cerci, and pretty close
I love how the gods could so easily be interconnected and know one another (or know about one another)? CC and his insects in Gravitas' forests; the forest lining against Lazarette's oceans; Electron the air they breathe, the wind that carries in the rain from Lazaratte's seas to Gravitas' forests, to give nourishment for the insects (both as water and healthy foliage to eat) CC's insects are what keep the ecosystem of the forests thriving and healthy
They also feed Electron's bird friends <3
Everything is connected. Hence why most gods are related. It would be nice that each one keeps an eye on the other. Like Electron flying over Lazarette’s domain, keeping watch. Or communicating which each domain’s animals just to hear what is going on
-grins- Always getting into disputes with one another, too. Domain rivalries
*throws tiny fairy Tettares around Gravitas' antlersthere's my contribution
“Your ocean is submerging my land!”
“Well, the ice is stealing my water!”
“Well, the ice is killing my insects!”
Omg yes, if she flooded the forest or her trine mate set fire to it with her lightning ;-;
Omg yes. Theres so much capacity for interaction and strife
oh my god, I'm sure CC and Gravitas would be so angry if a forest caught fire 'cause of a lightening strike.
And then they'd be snarling at Electron, "IT WOULDN'T HAVE HAPPENED IF YOU HAD BROUGHT MORE RAIN FROM THE SEAS" Then they're off courting their Champions to then go to war and 'win' against the champions of the Electron and her trine mates. That's how they ultimately settle disputes. Bringing in mortals'cause they're immortal so nothing gets settled. In comes LS
Megatron rubbing his hands in the distance. Yes good, he's been waiting for a good war
Oh man, that would awesome. When they all fucked up when they wake up the God of War
I'm pretty sure all Olympus meetings are just awkward family reunions where the father and mother god tell their kids to grow up...and as an opportunity to show off their new Demi-god offspring. "Look it's a nominator!” “Well, mine’s a Cyclops.” “Mine are daemon.” “Mines a kraken.”
Gives help to whoever gives him the best offerings
(Now I can't stop imagining LS wielding a giant axe and running into batlle. "I will vanquish the evil naked war god and finally shed my human shell!!!”
Galvatron is proud. *hands her his axe* "You can borrow this for now but give it back or Cyclonus will be cross."// or cyclonus will gives me sucha frown
gladly accepts the battle axe..and instantly collapses under its weight.
Cyclonus of Tetrahex-Today at 5:47 PM
// Make me think of the comment I made a while back, now that it's so relevant to all this god stuff; Galvatron a war god, Scourge and Cyclonus his Valkyries
lmao Charl
This fantastic demigod everyone wants her as their champion. They see that fire in her
Galvatron winces and picks her up, "There, there, you will endure."
Meanwhile Maccadam, her deadbeat dad is seeing every possible future and drinking himself plastered. "Daughter. Please, stop."
I think Gravitas' trial to become his champion ultimate leads to them to hunt /him/; 'cause I wanted that in his bio. That he welcomes the bravest hunter coming to take his antlers as the trophy
*Intrigued mortal noises.*
No sweetie. No. There are easier trials.
lmaoI haven't decided if he would use his magic or not (like those who cheat often in the greek lore, making the trials /so/ much harder). I like to think he would put away his signalling horn and broadsword. He /makes/ himself the prey. But he keeps his dagger
LS gets her offering list out. "Alright then. Skinned fur from a successful hunt? Check. Vanilla scented candles. Check. Bowl or berries mixed with chunks of red meat from successful hunt? Check. Night if untamed passion and dominance?...where's auntie Lazarette when you need her?"
LMAO I can already hear her balking at the request. Not wanting to lie down with a flea-bitten, dirty man-deer
Well, not twice in one week. XD
-tries to shut him up- He's just smirking and crossing his arms, a hoof pawing idly at the ground. "Back for more already?"
*throws a squid at him*
She loves him really.
-grins- That feeling is absolutely mutual
Oil Slick is gonna be a god of decay. :3 wearing his goat skull and cloaks. A satyr, and loving all things that rot and grow fungus.
Holy shit. All of the fantastic aestheticism I can already picture ;-; He's easily going to be the prettiest god to me
I was just gonna say, well Oil Slick hits all my spots, so I'm sold
Normal verse Oil Slick would greatly disapprove of his nonchalant to hygiene. His flower symbol is a mushroom (and he also might delve in hallucinations and acid trips xD) He's gonna love a potential war. So many bodies dropping to the floor. So much disease and death
If he enjoys everything decay, maybe one of his offerings could be the Corpse Flower xDLure that god down with the beautiful smell of nasty(edited)
Pup reminds me of baby Gravitasalso when I look at that puppy I think "cute" and then I think "pain in my ass"
LOL.. when he tries to roar for the first time in his beastmode?
he prolly has a lot of vocalizations though I believe his twin wins out on that. voidmonster who somehow is translated into fairy god.
-grins-His little fairy sister ;-;
God of nagging
LOLGravitas scowling and waving his hand at her, like she's a fly when she's nagging him
"Hey, listen. Hey, listen. Hey, listen."
Tiny glowing ball trying to talk to Lazarette, fish jumps out of water and eats her thinking she's a glowbug. Gravitas standing on the shore, all color leaves his face, "GAH!"
OH godGravitas, eyes wide, galloping frantically into the water. "Veritas!"
Explodes on Lazarette when he manages to capture the fish and free her; cuddling her close as he barks, "CONTROL YOUR BLOODTHIRSTY FAUNA!"
"Where does she live?" 
"On my head, pretty much."
Currently on the other side of the world, Lazarette projects a watery image of her head rising out from the ocean, "Get off my lawn."
God she seriously could live on his head, he could hang a small lantern-style object from an antler like jewerly, when he has to do anything serious, takes her tiny house from him and hangs it on a tree, comes back for her later.
.. omgThat's perfect!
she's pretty much the forest gossip queen, collects all the dirt and going-ons, then brings all the chatter back to him
Oh my god
He already has all kinds of other things thrown across his antlers. That would be /perfect/ ;-;"Who is talking shit about me today, sister? Whose people shall I starve today as punishment?"
xD I love it
has a mental image of somebody putting festive flags or christmas tree-esque ornaments all over his antlers. There is even a star over his skull. Bloody murder is screamed. It's a bad time to be a mortal in the forest.
that would be hilarious
Entire nearby village endures the god's wrath
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