#but doing it about people you know LITERALLY nothing about other than their income bracket
wahbegan · 10 months
You know i know we love dehumanizing people on tumblr dot com and the internet at large but maybe if y'all could be a bit less openly gleeful about random-ass people you know nothing about dying in terror at the bottom of the ocean because they were rich
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orderrup · 6 months
I think it's worth saying that scarcity only exists if you're poor. Like if you've never been in the company of rich people, you don't understand.
Grocery stores in rich neighborhoods have overfilled and overflowing shelves without unsightly 'gaps'. Even different stores of the same chain in different areas are vastly fucking different.
If they need gas, they don't do the precise math of how many gallons they can get with the money they have, and how long until their next paycheck is, and if that this gas will take them to work or not.
There isn't the same careful rationing of resources, of money, of anything (until, of course, it becomes rhetorically useful to say so). Then, of course, budgeting and saving is noble and wise. And we can't have *everything*, can we.
There are people who aren't even feeling the difference with greedflation right now. Their grocery bill increases by 20% and it means nothing. They haven't changed their habits. There are YouTubers right now making conspiracy theories from discount and private labelled retail goods. (no seriously).
If you're poor, you might assume everyone else is as careful with money as you are, it's just that some people simply have more to be careful with.
Nope. They get excited about sales because they can buy more, not because they can afford to buy *anything at all*.
This is what wealthy people mean when they say "We're comfortable :)". They mean they aren't even thinking about money. That there will just always *be* money. They don't have to borrow cash from parents, partners, or neighbors or friends. They don't *need* connection, and if they want it, they can just call up friends and pay for a night out. Take a vacation. Join a paywalled club.
If you've never seen that world, it is alien. This is the America is what reactionaries and conservatives are defending. An America that literally doesn't exist below a certain income bracket.
And they know on some level that this abundance doesn't come from "growing the pie" or "the free market" or whatever your preferred aphorism. They know, even buried deeply, that this world is a beautiful construct built on nickle-and-diming people lower on the hierarchy than they are. So they justify it.
They worked hard to get where they are! And to stay where they are! Everyone is just envious, and lazy, and and and...
If you've never even been upper middle class, you just won't know. You don't know the entitlement that abundance breeds. The social networks it replaces. The deep, existential and isolating terror of knowing that juuuuust out of your line of sight, someone who works harder for longer receives less than the value of what they do, so you can have more than your share.
This is the terrifying, unseating and unsettling thought that plagues liberals. That the end of capitalism will be the end of abundance. That the construct and the fantasy will be taken away from them. That their whole world will completely collapse without their permission. That they'll have to see, and speak to, and meet people who they *just know* are not as deserving as they are.
That finally, when the money is gone, they'll have to think about finite resources, and they'll have to think about others.
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dollsonmain · 2 years
You are getting worried over a lot of incorrect information. First, you are not married, you can file your own taxes and he can still claim you as dependent, but you will not be taxed at his rate. Second, you don't even have to file unless you make $12,500. Third, if you did have to file the 1099k is reported on a schedule c, not the other form you're looking at, that is for different 1099 forms. You need to calm down and get better information.
See that's the thing: I have no idea what is or isn't good information because this is 100% new to me (unemployed for the past 15 years and only earned W-2 income before that) and my attempts at looking it up for myself via the IRS are not working because they're not specific enough to answer my questions, only bring up more questions.
I do know that I can file separately and still be claimed as a dependent which would keep me in a lower tax bracket (presumably a don't touch my pennies tax bracket).
As far as I know I DO have to file because of the new tax reporting laws that go into effect for the 2022 tax period.
As far as I know.
Because the laws have changed. Or will. Or something. And a few people are trying to change the change before it goes into effect from $600 to $6000 but I'll hit that anyway, probably.
That's where the confusion is coming in. Last year's rules no longer apply and I've had different people come at me citing last year's rules.
Trying to look that up I get conflicting information, old info, or multiple sources that directly contradict each other. I'm finding like "If you work for someone else, didn't earn more than $12k-ish and get a W-2 you don't have to file but you might want to. Though you may have earned more than $400 and gotten a 1099." and that doesn't help, it just stops there.
A couple places I can find outdated info (like 2019) saying "You have to file if you earned $400 and got a 1099." with no information about whether or not you'll owe taxes on that, just that you must file.
Almost all of the "You don't have to file if you earned less than $12k" resources are talking about W-2 earnings, not 1099 earnings.
What I've been told directly by a tax person is that I do need to file because will be generated a 1099-K by eBay, and do need to fill out those itemization forms because they will drop my taxable income considerably, but won't owe income taxes because my gross individual income will be below $12k.
Which means I'd need to get the rest of this information ready because I'm at around $3k right now (well over the new $600 reporting threshold), looking to earn maybe another $2k through the rest of the year which wouldn't be enough to have to pay if I were getting a W-2 but I'm not getting a W-2, I'm getting a 1099-K.
AND all of that info is federal taxes only, not even starting on state taxes.
The literal most anxiety inducing thing for me is not knowing exactly and this is the kind of thing I don't want to assume I understand and be wrong.
It would help if the multiple sources I'm trying to draw good information from would all give the same answers.
The only person I haven't asked, yet, is a CPA and I can probably contact That Guy's CPA and get his input without too much hassle he's pretty chill.
But also, as stressful as this has been for me, very very, if it's true that I'm stressing over nothing right now and everything I'm worried about doesn't apply to me because my income is so low, better to get into the habit and routine of doing it right in case it does matter next year or the year after.
And also yes, a lot of this stress is just my anxiety making it worse than it really is.
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el-smacko · 5 months
There is a bumper sticker not uncommon on Teslas which says something like “I got it before we knew [about Elon Musk].” He had a cameo in Iron Man 2 where “his” design for something is praised by Tony Stark. The latter character goes on to single-handedly invent time travel, while Elon. Well. If I had a nickel for every Anglo figure for whom “genius” was merely a carefully curated brand… would be rad if we could somehow ever at all realize that detail before we put them in unaccountable positions of power, but the people always saying “I told you so” usually have their politics called “utopian.” There was literally never a liberal reckoning for being wrong about Elon Musk. He said “I make electric car” and Al Gore voters literally fucking launched him into the stratosphere. He said, “America, don’t ever change, just ~switch to renewables~,” like? Our way of life is toxic.
People on the left and right hear the unofficial motto of Iran, “Death to America,” and, because their Americanness makes them epistemologically vacant, they never bother to ask: shit, what did we do? Because ending a nation’s sovereignty for oil and then bullying them out of nuclear energy—so they wouldn’t have to worry about oil!—when they become self-governing is fucking bleak dude. The Ayatollah is an Islamic Extremist? Weird! I wonder if that’s because the native Persian military and kingship had become so tainted by hostile European influence that the only governmental medium left for the executive was ecclesiastical? They used to be Persia, does that sound familiar? It was the name of the country for decades of my parents’ life! Notice though how Persians are treated in the American movie 300–yes, the Zach Snyder one. The British and the Russians are the ones who ended Persian sovereignty (this latest independence came after almost a millennium of dominion by khans and caliphs), then America’s “market.” Imagine being a Persian in a bipolar world, Anglos on one side, Russians on the other, both of them the ideological descendants of Greek civilization, the original polity to brand them as the paragon of barbarity. No, they would be Iranian, “comrade.” I’m not Iranian, I don’t agree with the Ayatollah, this digression was to point out that if we would have a little humility and patience, we could understand a person’s reasoning, no matter how inimical to us it might be.
Maybe someone has a point when they say “death to America”? Have you seen this place? Everybody puts up with being tired, depressed, anxious, and broke with the worst healthcare, education, and life expectancy in our income bracket, which is the fucking highest. Literally the very top. Our preferred mode of travel kills north of 500 people a week. A week. To say nothing of injuries and the fucking ludicrous cost of all these wrecks. Not for nothing, car travel is that deadly and guns are still the leading cause of death for American children. Our “War on Terror,” most recently manifesting as an ongoing genocide, is waged for oil for these fucking cars. And Elon fucking Musk says: “Keep building roads, we’ll just stop using oil,” and then sold his carbon credits to car companies not making electric vehicles while torpedoing large-scale non-car infrastructure. His individualistic, carbon-footprint-centered propaganda wagons are therefore worse for the environment than any pickup truck, with none of the sex appeal.
Did you know that so many Japanese people lived in Hawaii, an indigenous nation whose independence we robbed in the 20th century, that the entire state was put under martial law for the duration of the war? Less Japanese people lived in internment on the mainland than under martial law in Hawaii. Together they are approximately the number of Japanese massacred in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Just so we’re all on the same page, America murdered with atomic fire almost as many people of the same ethnicity as they had in internment camps domestically. But that wasn’t genocide and Hawaii is not an imperial province under apartheid? I long for the day that an international criminal court awards even a fraction of the proceeds from Disney’s Lilo and Stitch or Moana properties as reparations. Hawaiians would be able to have free healthcare, public transportation, a military, and a space program just from that. Considering the mere—well, I say “mere,” but I must emphasize: nihilistically cynical, numbingly unintellectual—mere existence of American Godzilla movies, we should consider ourselves lucky that “Death to America” is not a much more common sentiment in Japan. Godzilla, a dinosaur, is an antediluvian reptile made a fire-breathing devil by the crime of the men living in a place they style Eden. As an atom bomb incarnate, he must be killed by the only deadlier weapon, one meant to signify supreme hostility to life: the “Oxygen Destroyer.” You do not have to believe in God to know that atomic weapons are Satanic and that it is literally diabolical that their Nazi-assisted inventor and only ever user appropriated the tragic atomic monster invented by their victim, especially as some kind of objective moral paragon when for the majority of his history he had been a specifically Japanese tutelary figure. They place him beside King Kong while entirely erasing the latter’s history as a parallel for African Americans: taken from their home to be exploited in chains, then murdered for scaling a tower of industry and “stealing” a white woman.
These examples are prototypical, not outliers. America as the heir of Britain is the Great Satan, the propaganda calumniator, the single greatest fountain of evil in human history, a Rome and a Babylon to countless people… but it says it is all worth it because of the benefits of “civilization” and the market which floats it. You will not convince me that any of its geopolitical objectives are righteous, done in good faith for the common good. That is Edenic naivety.
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babbushka · 3 years
I’m confused, I was always taught that Reagan was one of the best and most progressive presidents we ever had, granted I went to a Catholic school way back when, what did Ronny do? (In a not accusatory or snippy way)
Hello my dear anon! Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to talk about this, because while I am firmly a believer that everyone can have their own political opinions, objectively, Raegan literally ruined the country through something called Raeganomics -- and that's not just an exaggeration.
Here are some of his biggest lasting legacies that make people remember him in a negative light:
Purposeful inaction on HIV/AIDs
Purposefully widened income inequality through 'trickle-down' economics
Suppression of unions
Slashing of public assistance
Excessive corporate influence on government
Explanations under the cut (with links to articles for further reading, if you're so inclined)!
Purposeful inaction on HIV/AIDs
One of the most notable things that Raegan was responsible for was his failed response to addressing the HIV/AIDs crisis. The first case was recorded in 1981, but one of the first nationally pieces of recognition, the New York Times, posting an article about it in 1982. This was when it was first called GRID, or Gay-Related Immune Deficiency. Because it was affecting primarily gay men, the general public, and the government itself, did not feel any need to stop the disease from spreading. Literally, because it was the gay disease, the overall perception was that this was God sending a cure for the country.
Raegan said and did nothing, not about the disease, or about the deaths, or about the hate crimes that were growing more and more prevalent against queer people. So despite YEARS of begging and marching and millions of people dead -- it's not until 1985 when he even publicly acknowledges the disease that had thousands of Americans dropping dead on his watch. It's not until 1987 when the administration finally forms a committee to look into trying to cull the disease. 47,000 Americans are estimated to have been affected by AIDs by then. It's not until Ryan White, a straight white young man who contracts AIDs and dies when he is only 18 in 1990, that the disease becomes a matter of importance for the rest of the country, because suddenly they understood that disease does not discriminate. HIV/AIDs is still a disease that we deal with today, with over 1.1 million people living with AIDs today in the united states.
Purposefully widened income inequality
It is no secret that associated with the Raegan administration is something called 'Raeganomics', which, while being a very complicated economic theory, ultimately boils down to establishing a "trickle-down" economy. Where, in theory, those at the very top who hold the majority of wealth in the nation, allow that wealth to move down through the middle and lower classes by either investing it or spending it in communities.
And of course, as is well evident, that just, didn't happen. The wealthiest of the nation received large tax cuts in order to hold onto their wealth to trickle down, but instead of actually spending it, they put their money into off-shore banks and then asked for more. I could get into the why's or how's of economics, but just know this -- the tax rate used to be anywhere from 71 and 94% for the highest tax bracket, money that was used to fund this nation's infrastructure, roads and schools, maintain a healthy economy, provide public services and budgets for progressive programs.
Raegan slashed it down to 28%, and in doing so widened the income inequality gap almost immediately, something that we're still seeing today. The reason why you and your family pay more money in taxes than billionaires like Bezos and Musk is directly because of Raeganomics.
Suppression of unions
The backbone of this nation has always been fought by the Unions, which are organized groups of laborers who fight for better working conditions, safer working conditions, and good pay. The reason you have a weekend is thanks to the unions. The reason why we don't have child labor is thanks to the unions. And in the 1950s, 60s, and 70s, unions were an incredibly powerful part of working society, because they ensured that workers would not and could not be exploited by the CEOs who want so desperately to exploit them. Well, thanks to Raeganomics and the tax cuts, CEOs were starting to play a much larger role in the The Raegan administration, and ultimately, Raegan sided with them to effectively put measures in place that slashed the importance or power of unions.
It first started with dismantling the Air Traffic Controller's union, then followed up with slashing taxes for the elite rich who employed the union workers. Then it continued when the recession that the tax cuts caused laid off workers in the auto industry, and still declined when he appointed a "management-sided" man named Donald Dotson to chair the National Labor Relations Board.
But what really put the nail in the coffin, was his push for something called the Right To Work law, which mean that state governments have the option to not fund or support unions, removed protections for unions, and that employees do not have to join unions if they don't want to. What happened as a result, is that companies began firing employees who threatened to unionize, turning the unions from having great PR, to being a thing of fear.
This is directly related to why minimum wage has been so low for so long. Thank Raegan for that.
Slashing of public assistance
Because of the enormous tax cuts for the ultra rich, the country fell into a deep recession, and as a result many programs were cut for the poorest of the nation. Food Stamps, the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act, Federal guaranteed loan programs for higher education, Legal Assistance, etc., all took a big hit.
The reason your student loans are through the roof? Raegan. The reason unemployment benefits are near impossible to navigate? Raegan. Directly his fault.
Excessive corporate influence on government
I think one of the things that's very important to understand is that Raegan was a film actor before he went into politics and became president (sound like someone else we know?) and he was actually neither a Democrat nor a Republican -- he was a Libertarian. And what Libertarians do, is look at America like a business. Which is exactly what Raegan did, and exactly why his presidency fucked up our nation. He thought that the president was like the CEO, and that the people were employees, which, is fundamentally not how that works.
So it's with no surprise that he allowed SUPER-PACs to completely take over political parties in accepting money donated heavily by them to write the policies that shape this country. The reason why so many politicians, particularly Republicans, are in their seats of power is because of the millions or sometimes billions of dollars that CEOs fund them, to write the laws they want. That's entirely Raegan's fault, and at his encouragement.
So, from these 6 major things alone, we have a country that has been ravaged by disease, thrown into poverty and recession, killed the middle class, boosted the wealthy 1%, accrued enormous amounts of debt, and prevented economic mobility for anyone to hope to climb out of it. And that's not even mentioning his war on drugs and increase of mass incarceration for privatized prisons, his insane military budget leading a larger budget deficit, the Iran-Contra scandal, among many many other things.
As I said earlier, people are allowed to think he's a great president if they want, but factually, his actions (and inactions) have fundamentally and irreparably broken the economic landscape of our nation for the poor, working classes.
I encourage you to research further into this, if you so desire. There's a lot more than I mentioned here, I only picked what I thought to be the most famous of his failures as a president.
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ginnyzero · 5 years
War Games & Unpopular Opinions
There is a relatively new phenomena in games that confuses and at times, outright enrages me. These games are based off a previous games that mostly predated the internet. These pre internet games had a few options that these web only games don’t have and I wish they’d bring back.
A little history, my father always insisted that knowing computers was important. So, I’ve been around them from a very early age. I don’t remember the age he bought SimFarm, but I do remember that for a while, unlike its counterpart SimCity, it was my favorite game. You got to build things and earn money! (There is some sort of research out there that explains why humans like numbers increasing so much, it is why idle games are popular.) As I grew up, I got into the city building games of Caesar (over Civilization) and I don’t remember exactly what happened, if I saved my allowance or if it was a gift (I think I saved for it) but I eventually got the Star Craft battle chest. And when I went to college, I was the girl who got invited to the LAN parties in the computer lab or over the computer network as my friends and I duked it out over Star Craft, War Craft and Command & Conquer: Red Alert.
Not that I was very good at this mind you. You see, I would get in my corner and gather resources and research SCIENCE and hunker down behind my bunkers and tanks instead of ruthlessly building miner dudes, finding more resources, building more miner dudes and building lots of flamethrower units. “Flamin’!” This barricade strategy tended to work pretty well, if no one found me. See, to attack others wasn’t ever the reason I played the game. I wanted to research SCIENCE, watch my resources increase, and take out zerglings. Like I said, not exactly the best when it came to LAN wars.
Fast forward to the future, these types of games are still rather popular and to make matters interesting, they’ve made them “free” to play. The way they make money off these games is that you can use real world money to buy perks and resources. You can register at games like Dragons of Atlantis, Nords: Heroes of the North, Forge of Empires and I lose track of the names and gather resources, research science, increase the size of your village and troops, take on the computer AI enemy and… oh… go raid every other player around you no matter what level they are and take their resources.
This is when I rage. I like these types of games. There is a computer controlled enemy for everyone to fight. There are systems in place so different players of different levels have different resource abilities and troop quotas. In a lot of these games there are special types of units you can build and research, Dragons of Atlantis for example, has dragons. There is nothing more infuriating than logging off the game to go to bed and coming back in the morning to find your city raided by a person who is three times your level and has min maxed the system and you wouldn’t have been able to fend off anyways and now you’re out of resources because instead of coming once and leaving you be when they realized you were off for the night, they came again and again and again, until there was nothing left.
This folks is called bullying.
I don’t care if you call it a “war game.” When someone repeatedly attacks another player who is lower than their level and literally can’t defend themselves from attack, this is bullying. There is absolutely no call for it. I’m not talking about a level five attacking a level four here. That’s fine. They’re probably on close to level footing. I’m talking about a level fifteen coming in and attacking a level two player.
When you don’t have systems in place to keep lower level players from being attacked by higher level players there is an incredible imbalance in the system and means you are going to lose more and more players and potential players as word gets around that the game system is toxic. These games are not self-sustaining. The only ones who get ahead in these games are the ones who hear about a new game coming out early, get in on it and build up their resources and troops fast enough that they become the new bullies. There were hundreds of cities, hundreds of them on the maps that never changed beyond level 2 because higher level players would repeatedly come in, wipe their troops out, take their resources and that player would abandon the game.
The developers of these games seem to get this, because these games they clone over and over giving them different skins but essentially the exact same mechanics. When instead of cloning them, if they’d put the proper systems and level guards in the first place, they’d have a lot more players who would be willing to pay them money to sustain the game. Instead, they have a system that is easily abused.
Look, war games can be fun. Remember what I said about LAN games. I wasn’t great at them, but I was having fun with my friends. The thing about LAN games was the player had the option of play with others and you all started out with the same things for the same amount of time. On these new ‘war games’ sure, you have an option, your option is to either play them or not play them. There is no way for you to sit in a corner or on a Player Versus Environment server and play out the story against the computer controlled villain if you want to. You have no choice but to set up your city and prepare to be attacked at every turn. Taking this option away, takes away potential players from kids as young as I was when I first started playing SimFarm, to adults who just want to relax and not worry about being beat up by other players.
Hey, I want to just raise baby dragons and find their armor and maybe get a bunch of minotaurs to defend my city! No. I don’t want to play Farmville. I want to raise dragons. (What part of this is so hard to understand? Why is there this divide? Why do the ‘war game’ bullying kids get the cool stuff? Give me a farm game with dragons, damn it!)
And the way these games are advertised, such as Dragons of Atlantis or Nords, especially Nords, it is not inherently obvious when your first get into them, that they are player versus player based rather than player versus environment based. I shouldn’t have to dig into the forum and ‘about the game’ to figure out that this is not really player versus the computer, but player versus player. This is wrong.
My confusion sets in because I cannot for the life of me figure out how some of these games are still going and why the people who continue to play them, like them. The attitude I have received when, as a concerned player who is a potential source of income, have pointed this out in the terms of “could we make this more strategic, please aka level attack brackets or PvE maps” is mind boggling. You’d think I’m taking away their candy and telling them to go to bed. How is raiding anyone who can’t defend themselves against you in any way fun? If it is a strategy “war” game, then bully raiding isn’t really a strategy at all! Just the path with the course of least resistance. It is like these games just bring out the worst in some people.
I back away slowly.
Calling me a wimp and saying I don’t understand the point of the game, doesn’t change the facts. Bullying is wrong. These games are toxic. The internet doesn’t give anybody the right to be an asshole. These type of “Free” games have lost me as a player.
No matter much I want to raise dragons!
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guccifloralsuits · 4 years
how is buttigieg's "medical for all who want it" policy different from how health insurance is being run today? sure, he wants to give people the option of public insurance, but allowing privatized insurance companies to still be running directly harms people, especially those who are uneducated on the topic. it seems like medicare lite tm, as do his environmental policies in comparison to the green new deal. don't get me wrong, bernie's policies aren't flawless, but imo +
Anon Asked: + 
buttigieg’s policies leave little to be desired, with concepts that aren’t refreshing or innovative, but rather seem like he’s trying to “deviate” from the norm, in this example the norm being bernie’s policies. i also read that he’s lost an immense number of black voters fairly recently. he just comes off as disingenuous. i wish i could like him, i mean i’m gay & having a gay prez would be great, but that doesn’t excuse his blandness. also, he’s blatantly lied about taking corporate donations
also i forgot to add but i totally understand supporting buttigieg, he seems like a decent guy overall, i just would like to seem something more refreshing or original from him regarding his policies. i think bernie has been really innovative and sometimes i get skeptical when democractic politicians come out with policy proposals that are so incredibly similar to bernie’s with *marginal* differences, you know? but bernie definitely isn’t immune to criticism, either
I disagree with your statement on policies specifically because another key problem I have with Bernie is that his policies read like a youtube thumbnail - which is to say they look good on the surface but don’t correctly incentivize priorities and effect the targeted populations in the ways they plan to. 
On medicare for all (and bear with me we’re about to get a lil into health econ): 
in current market conditions, the largest problem in USA Healthcare cost (HC) is the principal of adverse selection. Adverse selection pretty much goes like this: a healthy person feels no need to buy healthcare because they are; a sick person will buy healthcare when they are, well…sick. Sick people drive up the cost the and then the healthy people aren’t in the market to help bear the burden of the cost, which is why we end up with huggggeeeeee medical bills. 
Pete’s Public-option helps get around these costs because the government can eliminate intermediary costs (which are like 2Billion (i think I havent checked the #s in a while), and it allows those who like their plan to avoid the taxable income issue (if an employer includes insurance benefit as part of a work-hire-package, the cost of that insurance plan isn’t taxed by the government. if they mandate a new Bernie plan, some of the income might be saved in net, but the rest is now taxable, and this tax once added to the additional necessary tax increase to impliment is the problem. Plus it creates tax bracket movements which can substantially increase tax rates compared to before. I know this sounds I’m by no means a teacher, so it’s a lil hard to explain but might be making some videos on it for our econ department and if they get posted I’ll share the link if you’re interested. 
On black voters: 
An anon pointed out that some of the claims in this part were just...based in ignorance and actually I agree. I’m going to look into this more & update my knowledge on the subject.
On the Green New Deal: strong disagree, the green new deal is SO inefficient, too vague in definition, and lays out a set of goals but with no clearly written, step-by-step plan to get there. The entire ‘how to’ is missing. It’s not cost effective. It’s not issue-specific so much as a re-structrue of the government which is just…..not feasible? A theory is great, but I’m more interested in actions that can actually be passed into law so they can have a real effect, instead of just being some ‘what-if’ scenario which won’t likely ever play out. 
On donations: he’s the least wealthy candidate by like 400% OC he’d take donations I personally don’t give a shit about campaign donations, because if we try to expose the shady shit every candidate has done with regards to it we’d be here until the general election (Warren I’m looking at you)
My problem with Bernie is that he forgoes taking actions that can easily get accomplished in favor of his perfect ‘what-if’ scenario, and that ends up with nothing being actually passed. Like, I’d rather have a watered down version passed into law than his idealistic policy which remains nothing more than a fantasy. Think of it this way: i want guns banned, but that isn’t going to happen in the forseeable future. I have two options: I can change track and argue for universal background checks, or I can scream until my head hurts that we should ban guns. If I scream, nothing is going to change republican positioning. But if I go the magazine path, I might be able to get some on board with the idea and sure we still have a long way to go, but at least a some of the legislation enacts help and now we have a point to build off of. That’s better than sicking to the full “no guns” and thenh having nothing get done. 
also i have personal grudge because his staff holds some of the literal worst people I’ve ever had to work with, and I have met people from Ted Cruise’s office….on the hill it’s pretty much understood that staff is a mirror reflection of how congressmen run their office which…YIKES. saying they are horrible is an understatement oh my god
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otnesse · 6 years
Might as well post this regarding Linda Woolverton based on something that she said a little while back.
In particular, something she said in the article really irritated me, which is the following in regards to the so-called Disney Princess culture:
"'I grew up in that princess culture,' Woolverton said. 'I remember feeling very incensed that the men would retire to the library and talk about interesting things and the women and girls were supposed to be over here baking and sewing. We weren't supposed to be thinkers or philosophers.'"
Okay, first of all, Woolverton, I'm pretty sure that is NOT the Princess culture (in fact, technically, the Disney Princess culture didn't even EXIST at the time she's referring to, as the only three movies that existed of Disney Princesses were Snow White, Cinderella, and Sleeping Beauty. The Little Mermaid had yet to exist, let alone Beauty and the Beast and others, heck, the idea of an interconnected franchise regarding those characters like Disney Princess was not even an idea yet.). In fact, I don't recall it EVER being implied in the movies that women were not supposed to be thinkers or philosophers at all. Far from it, Cinderella at least was actually shown to have studied history if her naming one of the mice after Emperor Octavian, or more accurately, his nickname of Gus, is of any indication. So don't conflate your experiences with the princess culture.
Which brings me up to my next point: Don't imply that what you described was even widespread enough to be a culture, or that women during that time weren't allowed to be thinkers or philosophers, or even allowed to enter libraries. Sure, maybe YOU have personal experience regarding that bit, but that doesn't mean it was even remotely widespread enough to qualify as a culture, since it's unlikely that most common Americans at the time, heck, most common Californians even, had that experience you did (or various people in the world, for that matter). Actually since it was mentioned earlier in that article that during her childhood she learned to tie knots on the family's 45-foot boat and often went sailing there, she's actually closer to one of the more wealthy citizens of America at that time, meaning that DEFINITELY wasn't a common occurrence among mainstream America (for example, my parents weren't exactly slouches in terms of income or being well-off when they were children, with my dad being the son of a traveling businessman and being raised in Edina, Minnesota, and my mom being the daughter of a traveling Baseball announcer who settled down while still young at Massachusetts. However, not even THEY could afford during that time a 45-foot boat to travel the Atlantic coast or even one of the lakes of Minnesota.), or even the world for that matter. At most, this was just something your own family had as a social rule.
And here's the final point on the matter (and I learned of this yesterday): From what I gather, it was common among the upper class at the time that, around the time of dinner, the men retreat to the library in order to talk about stuff like baseball and other topics, while the women often separated to take care of dinner prep. It had more to do with a social rule among the elites, one that wasn't even embraced by all (not that my Dad's family was anywhere near the upper class, but he had a similar story: During dinner parties, the kids were often separated from the adults when they had conversations, mostly because the subject matter was simply not stuff the kids would have had the emotional maturity to deal with). Even assuming she had an actual legitimate grievance towards it, there was technically never anything stopping her from, say, actually entering the library. Sure, it's unorthodox, and not quite approved of by her class, but it's not like she'll get punished AFAIK by her parents like she would for, say, breaking curfew or refusing to clean up a mess, or that she'd get arrested for that.
I don't mind strong females by any stretch (heck, my #1 DP, Ariel, is plenty strong. And I'm also a fan of Misty from Pokémon and Samus from Metroid, both of whom were very strong females), but Linda Woolverton's attempts at strong females I do not approve of at all, especially not when she is trying to push the radical feminist agenda (and let's face it, her view of feminism and what she tried by her own admission to push onto children IS radical, from bashing the concept of marriage to such an extent in BATB that she effectively implied in the film that it was a woman's worst nightmare and that any woman who even remotely supported marriage in any way was some brainless bimbo who only falls for the town hunk, to basically bashing men by depicting them as either villains, incompetent, or doofuses like she did in BATB and Maleficent. Heck, even speaking as someone who actually has respect for the Beast, I have to admit she definitely had him poorly handled, especially in the ending where he was unable to do ANYTHING to save himself or even his servants when they were attacked, something that he was at least perfectly capable of in his old ways, unless Belle was physically present, as if Belle just castrated him.). And quite frankly, I thought you ruined Beauty and the Beast with your insistence of using that to push the feminist agenda, like Paul Verhoeven did with his pushing an anti-War agenda in Starship Troopers. Belle didn't come across as having true beauty within, and if anything those triplet sisters came far closer to that mark (to say little about their outer beauty). And there was literally nothing in common with the original tale (either version) save for the bit about Beast being cursed and her father encountering him. I'm sorry, but even the Disney version of The Little Mermaid was a lot more faithful to the source material than BATB is, and that's the one that got complained about being ruined by Disney for a changed ending (a changed ending's nothing to literally most of the entire plot being rewritten to such an extent that it came across as an in-name-only adaptation, the latter of which was BATB's problem.). Yes, several Disney films before then had significant rewrites as well, some even going as far as to be in-name-only adaptations but most of that was either due to time constraints (such as Snow White cutting out the poisoned comb bit) or otherwise trying to tone down the material due to the source material otherwise being too inappropriate for the age bracket to do a direct adaptation (eg, The Jungle Book). BATB was the first film to literally rewrite the whole film from the story it adapted from for the sake of pushing a socio-political agenda onto the masses, onto children even. And I wouldn't call that a good thing. To add insult to injury, you arguably insulted the original authors of the tale, Villeneuve and Beaumont, by having the story effectively imply that Belle was not only the only one of the village who was literate, but that she was an outcast for that reason especially due to her being female. Quite frankly, the only reason that jerk is working at Disney is thanks to Jeffrey Katzenberg insisting on a feminist twist to the story after critics complained that Ariel was "cloyingly sexist" just for the fact that she even wanted to go for Eric at all (completely ignoring, of course, that Ariel had already shown badass credentials in the very opening scene where she managed to encounter a shark and beat it, not to mention was explicitly shown to have an interest in humanity to such an extent that she already WANTED to become human long before even being aware of Prince Eric's existence, let alone meeting him face to face, or the fact that she, you know, saved Eric at least twice, and Eric returning the favor himself about that same amount.). I'd even go so far as to argue that, thanks to Katzenberg and this decision, that was the start of Disney shedding its wholesome family values reputation in favor of pushing leftist agendas that is currently plaguing the company right now.
3 notes · View notes
allenmendezsr · 4 years
Magic Article Rewriter And Magic Article Submitter
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/magic-article-rewriter-and-magic-article-submitter/
Magic Article Rewriter And Magic Article Submitter
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    Laugh at Google’s Duplicate Content Ban when You Discover…
From the Desk of Alexander Krulik Wednesday, 11:11am
Dear Friend,
There are tons of ways to generate traffic and build your business or
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practice online. There are new slick marketing ideas popping up all the time, one after another, claiming to be the next best thing.
However, one of the easiest, proven, most time-tested ways to attract new business and more traffic to your site is to become a sought after authority and gain expert status in your field. 
One of the biggest secrets that the top marketers don’t talk a lot about is the fact that they ALL have built their credibility, visibility, and their lists of gold by writing articles.
In fact, multi-million dollar online entrepreneur Ali Brown says that:
“This is a tried-and-true method that will NEVER stop working, unlike the latest and greatest gimmicks to spoof the search engines.
(Try one of those and see how quickly your traffic halts once the bottom drops out.)
Search engines love real content and will always love real content.
Ali Brown, http://AliBrown.com
And this is only scratching the surface…
As thousands of Internet Marketers already know, backlinks from articles offer the surest route to high rankings in Google, tons of free traffic and lots of targeted customers.
That’s what Yuwanda Black found out…
“I wanted to create more passive income, I decided to give article marketing a REAL try. I decided to submit one article to 25 top-rated directories for 30 days straight.
Only a week into it, my Google Adsense income has quintupled (increased 5 times) and my subscriber rate has increased three fold. And this is after ONE WEEK.”
Yuwanda Black, PubliserInkwellEditorial.com
There’s nothing better than seeing first-hand the profitable results of your article writing.
And it’s a “dream strategy” for many other reasons, too.
Increase web traffic – With article marketing, visitors can constantly come to your website.
Achieve massive publicity
Build your list of targeted prospects that want to hear from you right now
Boost your reputation, credibility, and name recognition
Gain link popularity & Improve Search Engine Optimization (SEO) rankings.
Create affiliate relationships and JV partnerships with highly influential web publishers.
So if you’ve learned to write articles, then congratulations.
You’re halfway there!
Writing effective articles and submitting them to popular article directories is the first step. But you also need to know the “Dark Side”:
Send the same content to 1000’s of places and Google ignores it…
Here’s the problem:
You have spent 3 or 4 hours writing a great article.
You take another 3 – 4 hours to submit it to 100’s of article directories or blogs. Each site gives you a rank-boosting backlink.
Google only counts one. You get no credit for the other 100 or so.
Some unscrupulous marketers deliberately duplicate content across domains in an attempt to manipulate search engine rankings or win more traffic. Deceptive practices like this can result in a poor user experience, when a visitor sees substantially the same content repeated within a set of search results.
It’s called “Content Spam”. Guess what Google does?
The ranking of the site may suffer, or the site might be removed entirely from the Google index, in which case it will no longer appear in search results.
Not what any of us want.
By making sure every article you submit or post is 100% unique.
Most people rewrite their articles by hand. Selecting sentence after sentence and reworking the content. As you can imagine it takes them hours and hours.
But you aren’t like most people, are you? You know deep down in your heart that there has to be a better way. I knew it, too. I used software that was supposed to ‘spin’ my articles.
The problem was: the resulting articles looked like they were rewritten by a program.
I knew I could do it better. After many long hours locked in my office, I finally figured it out. How to rewrite text easily and quickly, that looked and read like it was professionally done.
And here’s what happened when I started using unique articles to drive traffic to my site…
Then I watched with amazement as my sales took off on autopilot!
Now I have a very important question to ask you: Are You Ready to…
With Magic Article Rewriter, you can save hours of tedious drudgery rewriting articles for posting to article directories. And best of all? It is so easy to use!
“…Number 1 in Google!”
I understand why I bought the program. I hope it sells well for you, I know it will save a lot of time for me. 🙂
Tom Lyons www.makingyoufindable.com
Let’s start with a quick walk-through Magic Article Rewriter right now…
With Magic Article Rewriter, you can rewrite your articles quickly and easily and make literally thousands of unique, well-written articles in minutes.
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First Step: Open your article in Magic Article Rewriter or type it out in MAR
Second Step: Open the Synonyms box and select a word to spin…
There are over 30,000 words and their synonyms in Magic Article Rewriter. Plus you can easily extend them as much as you wish, and then reuse them in all your other articles.
Third Step: Change Whole Sentences
It’s wonderful that you can change individual words but the real power of Magic Article Rewriter comes from being able to exchange entire sentences.
Each sentence can be completely replaced automatically and randomly by Magic Article Rewriter.
And it gets even more powerful! Imagine spinning different words within each different spun sentence…
Final Step: Sit back and relax… Let Magic Article Rewriter do all the work!
You can either make one new version (Spin) of your article or you can “Mass Rewrite Articles” and save hundreds of new article files on your hard drive.
“…Cut My Spinning Time by Two Thirds!”
Hey Aleksandr,
I have absolutely nothing but wonderful things to say about Magic Article Rewriter.
I spin articles for use in multiple programs – Traffic Kahuna, Free Traffic System, Article Drip Robot, SENuke – and many, many smaller programs.
This is incredibly time consuming to do by hand with curly brackets, and it’s also extremely difficult to find outsourcers who can do it skillfully for a decent price.
However, Magic Article Rewriter is the solution for this problem. It’s cut my spinning time by two thirds – which, in essence, means I’m outputting three times the content and getting three times the backlinks in the same amount of time.
Not only that, but it’s SO affordable at only $47!
If you are a content marketer, you NEED Magic Article Rewriter
Melanie www.NicheChick.com
But that’s not all Magic Article Rewriter does…
To just spin words and sentences is great, but I wanted to add to Magic Article Rewriter’s effectiveness and speed. I wanted to make rewriting articles so fast your head will spin as your articles spun…
That’s why I came up with Tokens.
As you are working with the Synonyms you can convert specific words into Tokens.
Then when you want to spin a new article, instead of using the Synonym function on all the easy words, like “one”, “this”, or “that”, you only have to click the “Apply Token” button and Magic Article Rewriter does it all automatically for you!
Then all you have to do is go over the few remaining words and add variations to them.
Your set up time per article is cut by up to 80%, after you have set up your Tokens the first time.
“…Finished in One Hour What Usually Takes Me All Day!”
WOW! Alexander
I bought your software, I’ve got to say I am so impressed I can’t hardly believe it!
I was able to spin 5 articles within 1 hour which normally would have taken me all day to accomplish. And the “Token” feature saved me a ton of time on the last four!
You should be selling this for $100. My inexperience, in computer skills gave me a little trouble getting started.
Your assistance was fast, easy to understand and very professional! Excellent software! Excellent price! Excellent customer support!
I’d recommend Magic Article Rewriter to anyone! Buy it people!
Not only that, but it’s SO affordable at only $47! If you are a content marketer, you NEED Magic Article Rewriter
Steve Crowley Prairie du Chein WI
Magic Article Rewriter will help you rephrase your content in five easy steps:
1) Launch the Magic Article Rewriter spinning tool. 2) Load your original article into Magic Article Rewriter. 3) Select a word, sentence or paragraph you would like to rewrite. 4) Pick as many synonyms as you want throughout the text or insert your own variations. Use Tokens to speed up the process. 5) Press the rewrite button and get brand new, top quality, exclusive and unique articles!
This takes between ten and fifteen minutes per article and if you work with the Tokens database, you can be done in five minutes!
We use a secret (some would say “Magic”) formula to save you from the tedious job of constantly rewriting your articles.
You do understand that with Magic Article Rewriter, you could be creating hundreds of unique articles and watching your traffic stats explode…
Forget about out-sourcing article rewriting to the Philippines, Eastern Europe or India. you can be doing it yourself in seconds a day!
“…No More Proofreading Spun Articles!”
I have been in SEO for quite a while now with great results.
The problem was spinning content, and coming up with unique content. I have to say your tool was the best time saver I have seen.
For once I can spin an article and not have to proofread each version because I pick the words that make sense.
I just did in 20 minutes what I did yesterday in about 3 hours!
Good thing I have the day off today, it is time to some damage to those search engines!
Thanks for developing and offering such a great price on this product! Brent Sweet www.one-way-links-now.com
But no more…
If you are one of the first 275 Fast-Action-Takers deciding to take me up on my offer today, I’m willing to give you a full 39% off the regular price of Magic Article Rewriter.
You’ll get Magic Article Rewriter for just $47. After we fill the 275 spots, Magic Article Rewriter goes to $77, and believe me it is a steal at that price for all you get.
But space is extremely limited. As soon as we reach the maximum amount of members, I’ll be forced to increase the price.
The strategies you’ll discover in Magic Article Rewriter alone have been used to build multi-million dollar businesses on the Internet. But you’ll also receive these FIVE Super Bonuses valued over $425…
Super Bonus #1 Bum Article Super Glue Report (Value: $127)
How To Make Your Articles And Ads Stick To Google Like Super Glue!
Tired Of Your Listings Being Dropped By Google After Just A Few Days?
It’s Time To Strike Back!
And for those who HATE writing articles….
Super Bonus #2: 27,000 Private Label Articles (Value $97)
27,000 PLR Articles for more than 800 niches!
Start using Magic Article Rewriter today, even if you have never written an article before…
And with this professionally written package, you probably never will!
But even if you like to write, it is important to have the best money-pulling keywords…
Super Bonus #3: Keywords Killer List (Value $27)
Making your articles into profit-pulling magnets requires a strong keyword list focused on your Niche.
Discover How To Make A Killer List Of Thematically Related Keywords for FREE!
Once you are bringing lots of traffic from your keyword-rich articles, what will you sell your readers?
Super Bonus #4: Affiliate Marketing Handbook (Value $77)
An entire industry has grown around online affiliate marketing since the mid-1990’s and it is getting bigger all the time.
Conventions are regularly held and attended by thousands of people and there’s even an offline magazine devoted entirely to the subject of affiliate marketing.
Entire affiliate networks such as Commission Junction, Linkshare and Double Click Performics exist for the purpose of bringing merchants and affiliates together.
There are THOUSANDS of merchants with affiliate programs.
The Affiliate Marketing Handbook will get you started on the right foot.
And then all you need is an proven action plan to follow…
Super Bonus #5: The 48 Hour Affiliate Action Plan (Value $95)
New Report Gives You A Step-By-Step Action Plan To Show You How To Create Your Own Money Making Website In Less That 48 hours!
Here’s a specific plan for you to start your online business in less than 48 hours (less than 2 days!) and what’s better is that you won’t empty your bank account while you’re doing it…
If you want to skip the steep software learning curve, and the confusing and time-consuming process of manually rewriting your articles…
If you want to forget about the complicated spreadsheets, the frustrating collections of thousands of keywords, and the costly errors that set you back even further…
In short, if you want to remove EVERY possible barrier between you and successful article marketing, with a tool that is GUARANTEED to quickly and easily rewrite your Niche articles, you need Magic Article Rewriter.
Even if you have no technical skills or business experience, you’ll be able to quickly and easily use this proprietary almost magical tool to quickly rewrite your niche articles and start driving buyers to your web sites — no matter how long you’ve been trying to do this on your own.
For just about the cost of web hosting for a single year, you’ll have access to this simple point-and-click tool that completely automates the entire rewriting formula.
In just a few “point and click” steps lasting just a few minutes, you’ll have unlimited unique well-written articles for your site, blog, article directories and much more, and you’ll be ready to start getting new traffic to your new website right away.
“…Massive Boost in Rankings!”
Hi Alex,
your new Article Submission software is great
I have seen a massive boost in rankings for a very competitive keyword over just three days
This software makes article submission so quick and easy I am amazed you are selling it so cheap!
I just hope my competitors don’t find out about it!
Nick Davison – High Impact SEO
Get immediate access to Magic Rewriter, covered by our complete no-risk guarantee, now, by clicking the link below…
Be one of the first 275 Fast-Action-Takers deciding to take me up on my offer today, and receive a full 39% off the regular price of Magic Article Rewriter.
You’ll get Magic Article Rewriter for just $47. After we fill the 275 spots, Magic Article Rewriter goes to $77, and believe me it is a steal at that price.
If you’re still not sure if Magic Article Rewriter is right for you, here’s what I suggest you test-drive them with my…
When you claim your copy of Magic Article Rewriter, you will have a full 30 days to review your membership and ensure your satisfaction.
I am 100% confident you will be absolutely thrilled with everything you are about to discover…
But you are fully covered by my iron clad, no quibbles satisfaction policy, which means if you are not totally delighted with Magic Article Rewriter and Magic Article Submitter, you will get a prompt and courteous refund.
Information marketing is a multi-billion dollar market, which is expanding every year, and submitting unique, well-written articles to hundreds of popular article directories is your ticket to dominating your Niche today.
Anyone with this system — regardless of experience or previous success — can now build a highly successful online business, beginning today!
…A system so advanced you’ll almost feel guilty with all the money you siphon off of the internet!
…Being able to live the internet dream of FREEDOM, because you cracked the secret code and never looked back.
…Working whenever you please, or taking that well deserved time off in a luxury resort on a tropical paradise!
…Strolling into work and firing your boss because you make more money in a day than he/she does in a month
If you made it this far, if you’re ready to unlock the secrets that only advanced marketers will ever discover.
All you need to do is click the “Order Now!” button above to make your one time payment of $80. Then, you’ll be given full access all the goods so you can start profiting now!
Download the programs, read everything carefully and take notes. Then, take action! Don’t sit around thinking “gee, that’s cool”, put it to work for you NOW!
Don’t wait. Take action today!
Warm regards, Alexandr Krulik
P.S. I mentioned this earlier, but just want to stress it one last time because I think it’s one of the most important benefits to you by using the Magic Article Rewriter system. Articles are at the foundation of any information-based product, service, or strategy you ever buy or sell. You MUST master this basic marketing strategy to make an impact in your market, or you will be left behind.
I’m sick of seeing internet marketers try to fool or distract you with the latest traffic gimmick or “traffic-secret-of-the-month”. You deserve to know just how simple and easy it can be to build steady streams of targeted visitors to your site just by using articles. Remember, that this method is also completely FREE.
And once you have your articles written & spun into unique versions for different directories… they’re evergreen! That means, long after you’ve moved on to other articles and projects, you will still see new traffic visiting your site from your articles.
P.P.S. As soon as you claim your copy of Magic Article Rewriter, you’ll get a 5 Super Bonuses worth over $400 – FREE!
Currently, the only way to get these bonuses is through this limited time offer. As a Magic Article Rewriter member, you get them absolutely free!
“ I know what I am saying when I say there IS a need for a product like this“
Alex I have just reviewed Magic Article Rewriter and appreciate the opportunity to have used it.
Let me tell you that I have essentially made a career on the internet writing and rewriting articles for my websites, blogs, article directories, videos, forums and ebooks – so I know what I am saying when I say there IS a need for a product like this.
To CLARIFY, for anyone shy on using spinners – this one is human controlled, meaning it only spins the content that YOU put in it. In my mind, this is a very clever, time saving, production boosting tool that every internet marketer can find a use for.
If you have ever bought any PLR content, Magic Article Rewriter can turn that dormant content sitting on your hard drive into money making, original articles. Now Alex as a long time user and advocate for Power Article Rewiter, I was skeptical to try something new but I quickly learned how may features you jam-packed into this product to make it, IMHO the leading human article spinner on the market right now.
You have added the word count, synonym bank, and tokens to help speed things up even more, but I also noticed a rather quick and intuitive work flow and layout, so the actual rewriting doesn’t seem daunting – it seems like you are getting a LOT done in a little amount of time.
Marty J
  “…Fast Results!”
On the weekend I purchased the Magic Article Rewriter and the Article Submission software too. I rewrote an article and then used the Magic Article Rewriter to create accounts and submitted my article in the spin format. I used the same url but different anchor text.
The article was submitted on Saturday, today is Tuesday and I already have 27 published and over 100 waiting for review according to Article Rewriter, and my article has been downloaded 7 times, twice from the same directory.
Wow! Talk about fast results, your programs are fantastic. I had been procrastinating about writing articles because of all the versions needed to be effective. Now I can write just one and then easily make all the versions I need.
I also like the account creation and activation on the Magic Article Rewriter, for me it saves my wrist form all that clicking.
Thank you so much for creating them both.
“…Made 4 Sales Already!”
Hi Alex,
Your new Article Submission Software really rocks !!
I bought it yesterday .. submitted 3 articles about a new sales page only published 2 days ago and I have made 4 sales already.
They came from direct links in the articles as that’s the only marketing I have done for this sales page.
“…Way Better Than the 6 Other Programs I have Tried!”
I just wanted to let you know I just finished rewriting my first article and found your program to the best of it’s type that I have used – and I have tried at least six!
Thought you’d want to know.
John Thibdeau
“The best articles spinner !”
In my opinion this is the best articles spinner that is available on the market today. the synonyms that are available and the ease-of-use is extraordinary. Not only has a lot of time and effort went into the development of this software, but a lot of time and effort has went into the synonyms used inside the software. Now, this does not automatically spin the articles, but it allows you to easily and effortlessly spin a readable and quality article. It is absolutely amazing and a no-brainer for anyone who wants to mass-produce spun
Shannon Herod
“I was very impressed!”
wanted to provide some feedback on this tool. I took it for a spin (no pun intended) last night and the tool works flawlessly and is by far one of the best spinners out there. The best feature for me is the ability to export the spinnable articles for the various article networks (i.e. AMA, UAW, etc.). Of course there are several other great features I could brag about but this one was the most important to me. I also want to say that Alex provides unbelievable customer support – the best I’ve ever experienced to be honest. I had a few questions after I purchased and he got back to me every time within minutes. I was very impressed. Thanks for creating such a great and useful tool and for providing terrific customer support as well. It’s rare these days that you get both a quality tool and strong customer support. Kudos!
Shannon Herod
“UNMATCHED in quality support!”
Magic Rewriter and Article Submitter are so fabulous that it is almost beyond belief that two such integrated products are available at such a great price. I’ve searched for Article Spinning software, and had a few that were both more expensive and not as powerful as MAR and MAS, so I can say Alexsandr has really done his homework in developing these two terrific products.
As for support, it is UNMATCHED in quality, Timeliness, and Professionalism. Alexi is brilliant and has demonstrated that in how he can quickly find the problem and fix it on-screen with you, using Teamviewer.
I highly recommend both of these Article Re-Writing and Article Submitting programs. You will have NO problems putting your articles on the web quickly, accurately, and without fear that something will go wrong.
Being able to automate the article submission process to nearly 1,000 directories with the press of a button is truly remarkable!
Saved me time and trouble of having to go through the hundreds of registrations individually over the course of days and maybe weeks with other programs versus an automated process that made me smile with delight! That is what Alexasnder does…He brings the entire process down to automatic, virtually one-touch article writing, spinning, publishing all within minutes.
Terry Kulp Hawkinsville, Georgia USA
“Now I press a button and I am done!”
Alexsandr you have saved me so much time I cannot thank you enough! I use to spend hundreds a day for a writer and now I press a button and I am done!
This program is worth far more than what you are asking! This is a must have for every marketing professional! Thank you for an absolute wonderful product!
Rodney Harper www.kortia.com
0 notes
mitrofan-online · 4 years
Laugh at Google's Duplicate Content Ban when You Discover...
Dear Friend,
There are tons of ways to generate traffic and build your business or practice online. There are new slick marketing ideas popping up all the time, one after another, claiming to be the next best thing. However, one of the easiest, proven, most time-tested ways to attract new business and more traffic to your site is to become a sought after authority and gain expert status in your field.
One of the biggest secrets that the top marketers don't talk a lot about is the fact that they ALL have built their credibility, visibility, and their lists of gold by writing articles. In fact, multi-million dollar online entrepreneur Ali Brown says that: "This is a tried-and-true method that will NEVER stop working, unlike the latest and greatest gimmicks to spoof the search engines. (Try one of those and see how quickly your traffic halts once the bottom drops out.) Search engines love real content and will always love real content." Ali Brown, http://AliBrown.com And this is only scratching the surface... As thousands of Internet Marketers already know, backlinks from articles offer the surest route to high rankings in Google, tons of free traffic and lots of targeted customers. That's what Yuwanda Black found out... "I wanted to create more passive income, I decided to give article marketing a REAL try. I decided to submit one article to 25 top-rated directories for 30 days straight. Only a week into it, my Google Adsense income has quintupled (increased 5 times) and my subscriber rate has increased three fold. And this is after ONE WEEK." Yuwanda Black, PubliserInkwellEditorial.com There's nothing better than seeing first-hand the profitable results of your article writing. And it’s a “dream strategy” for many other reasons, too. Increase web traffic – With article marketing, visitors can constantly come to your website. Achieve massive publicity Build your list of targeted prospects that want to hear from you right now Boost your reputation, credibility, and name recognition Gain link popularity & Improve Search Engine Optimization (SEO) rankings. Create affiliate relationships and JV partnerships with highly influential web publishers. So if you’ve learned to write articles, then congratulations. You’re halfway there! Writing effective articles and submitting them to popular article directories is the first step. But you also need to know the “Dark Side”: Send the same content to 1000's of places and Google ignores it... Here's the problem: You have spent 3 or 4 hours writing a great article. You take another 3 - 4 hours to submit it to 100's of article directories or blogs. Each site gives you a rank-boosting backlink. Google only counts one. You get no credit for the other 100 or so. Some unscrupulous marketers deliberately duplicate content across domains in an attempt to manipulate search engine rankings or win more traffic. Deceptive practices like this can result in a poor user experience, when a visitor sees substantially the same content repeated within a set of search results. It's called "Content Spam". Guess what Google does? The ranking of the site may suffer, or the site might be removed entirely from the Google index, in which case it will no longer appear in search results. Not what any of us want. So... By making sure every article you submit or post is 100% unique. Most people rewrite their articles by hand. Selecting sentence after sentence and reworking the content. As you can imagine it takes them hours and hours. But you aren't like most people, are you? You know deep down in your heart that there has to be a better way. I knew it, too. I used software that was supposed to 'spin' my articles. The problem was: the resulting articles looked like they were rewritten by a program. I knew I could do it better. After many long hours locked in my office, I finally figured it out. How to rewrite text easily and quickly, that looked and read like it was professionally done. And here's what happened when I started using unique articles to drive traffic to my site... Then I watched with amazement as my sales took off on autopilot! Now I have a very important question to ask you: Are You Ready to… With Magic Article Rewriter, you can save hours of tedious drudgery rewriting articles for posting to article directories. And best of all? It is so easy to use! "...Number 1 in Google!" Alexsandr, I understand why I bought the program. I hope it sells well for you, I know it will save a lot of time for me. :) Tom Lyons www.makingyoufindable.com Let's start with a quick walk-through Magic Article Rewriter right now... With Magic Article Rewriter, you can rewrite your articles quickly and easily and make literally thousands of unique, well-written articles in minutes. First Step: Open your article in Magic Article Rewriter or type it out in MAR Second Step: Open the Synonyms box and select a word to spin... There are over 30,000 words and their synonyms in Magic Article Rewriter. Plus you can easily extend them as much as you wish, and then reuse them in all your other articles. Third Step: Change Whole Sentences It's wonderful that you can change individual words but the real power of Magic Article Rewriter comes from being able to exchange entire sentences. Each sentence can be completely replaced automatically and randomly by Magic Article Rewriter. And it gets even more powerful! Imagine spinning different words within each different spun sentence... Final Step: Sit back and relax... Let Magic Article Rewriter do all the work! You can either make one new version (Spin) of your article or you can "Mass Rewrite Articles" and save hundreds of new article files on your hard drive. "...Cut My Spinning Time by Two Thirds!" Hey Aleksandr, I have absolutely nothing but wonderful things to say about Magic Article Rewriter. I spin articles for use in multiple programs - Traffic Kahuna, Free Traffic System, Article Drip Robot, SENuke - and many, many smaller programs. This is incredibly time consuming to do by hand with curly brackets, and it's also extremely difficult to find outsourcers who can do it skillfully for a decent price. However, Magic Article Rewriter is the solution for this problem. It's cut my spinning time by two thirds - which, in essence, means I'm outputting three times the content and getting three times the backlinks in the same amount of time. Not only that, but it's SO affordable at only $47! If you are a content marketer, you NEED Magic Article Rewriter Melanie www.NicheChick.com But that's not all Magic Article Rewriter does... To just spin words and sentences is great, but I wanted to add to Magic Article Rewriter's effectiveness and speed. I wanted to make rewriting articles so fast your head will spin as your articles spun... That's why I came up with Tokens. As you are working with the Synonyms you can convert specific words into Tokens. Then when you want to spin a new article, instead of using the Synonym function on all the easy words, like "one", "this", or "that", you only have to click the "Apply Token" button and Magic Article Rewriter does it all automatically for you! Then all you have to do is go over the few remaining words and add variations to them. Your set up time per article is cut by up to 80%, after you have set up your Tokens the first time. "...Finished in One Hour What Usually Takes Me All Day!" WOW! Alexander I bought your software, I've got to say I am so impressed I can't hardly believe it! I was able to spin 5 articles within 1 hour which normally would have taken me all day to accomplish. And the "Token" feature saved me a ton of time on the last four! You should be selling this for $100. My inexperience, in computer skills gave me a little trouble getting started. Your assistance was fast, easy to understand and very professional! Excellent software! Excellent price! Excellent customer support! I'd recommend Magic Article Rewriter to anyone! Buy it people! Not only that, but it's SO affordable at only $47! If you are a content marketer, you NEED Magic Article Rewriter Steve Crowley Prairie du Chein WI Magic Article Rewriter will help you rephrase your content in five easy steps: 1) Launch the Magic Article Rewriter spinning tool. 2) Load your original article into Magic Article Rewriter. 3) Select a word, sentence or paragraph you would like to rewrite. 4) Pick as many synonyms as you want throughout the text or insert your own variations. Use Tokens to speed up the process. 5) Press the rewrite button and get brand new, top quality, exclusive and unique articles! This takes between ten and fifteen minutes per article and if you work with the Tokens database, you can be done in five minutes! We use a secret (some would say "Magic") formula to save you from the tedious job of constantly rewriting your articles. You do understand that with Magic Article Rewriter, you could be creating hundreds of unique articles and watching your traffic stats explode... Forget about out-sourcing article rewriting to the Philippines, Eastern Europe or India. you can be doing it yourself in seconds a day! "...No More Proofreading Spun Articles!" I have been in SEO for quite a while now with great results. The problem was spinning content, and coming up with unique content. I have to say your tool was the best time saver I have seen. For once I can spin an article and not have to proofread each version because I pick the words that make sense. I just did in 20 minutes what I did yesterday in about 3 hours! Good thing I have the day off today, it is time to some damage to those search engines! Thanks for developing and offering such a great price on this product! Brent Sweet www.one-way-links-now.com But no more... If you are one of the first 275 Fast-Action-Takers deciding to take me up on my offer today, I'm willing to give you a full 39% off the regular price of Magic Article Rewriter. You'll get Magic Article Rewriter for just $47. After we fill the 275 spots, Magic Article Rewriter goes to $77, and believe me it is a steal at that price for all you get. 2CheckOut.com Inc. (Ohio, USA) is an authorized retailer for goods and services provided by Alexandr Krulik. But space is extremely limited. As soon as we reach the maximum amount of members, I'll be forced to increase the price. The strategies you'll discover in Magic Article Rewriter alone have been used to build multi-million dollar businesses on the Internet. But you'll also receive these FIVE Super Bonuses valued over $425... Super Bonus #1 Bum Article Super Glue Report (Value: $127) How To Make Your Articles And Ads Stick To Google Like Super Glue! Tired Of Your Listings Being Dropped By Google After Just A Few Days? It’s Time To Strike Back! And for those who HATE writing articles.... Super Bonus #2: 27,000 Private Label Articles (Value $97) 27,000 PLR Articles for more than 800 niches! Start using Magic Article Rewriter today, even if you have never written an article before... And with this professionally written package, you probably never will! But even if you like to write, it is important to have the best money-pulling keywords... Super Bonus #3: Keywords Killer List (Value $27) Making your articles into profit-pulling magnets requires a strong keyword list focused on your Niche. Discover How To Make A Killer List Of Thematically Related Keywords for FREE! Once you are bringing lots of traffic from your keyword-rich articles, what will you sell your readers? Super Bonus #4: Affiliate Marketing Handbook (Value $77) An entire industry has grown around online affiliate marketing since the mid-1990's and it is getting bigger all the time. Conventions are regularly held and attended by thousands of people and there's even an offline magazine devoted entirely to the subject of affiliate marketing. Entire affiliate networks such as Commission Junction, Linkshare and Double Click Performics exist for the purpose of bringing merchants and affiliates together. There are THOUSANDS of merchants with affiliate programs. The Affiliate Marketing Handbook will get you started on the right foot. And then all you need is an proven action plan to follow... Super Bonus #5: The 48 Hour Affiliate Action Plan (Value $95) New Report Gives You A Step-By-Step Action Plan To Show You How To Create Your Own Money Making Website In Less That 48 hours! Here's a specific plan for you to start your online business in less than 48 hours (less than 2 days!) and what's better is that you won't empty your bank account while you're doing it... If you want to skip the steep software learning curve, and the confusing and time-consuming process of manually rewriting your articles... If you want to forget about the complicated spreadsheets, the frustrating collections of thousands of keywords, and the costly errors that set you back even further... In short, if you want to remove EVERY possible barrier between you and successful article marketing, with a tool that is GUARANTEED to quickly and easily rewrite your Niche articles, you need Magic Article Rewriter. Even if you have no technical skills or business experience, you'll be able to quickly and easily use this proprietary almost magical tool to quickly rewrite your niche articles and start driving buyers to your web sites — no matter how long you've been trying to do this on your own. For just about the cost of web hosting for a single year, you'll have access to this simple point-and-click tool that completely automates the entire rewriting formula. In just a few "point and click" steps lasting just a few minutes, you'll have unlimited unique well-written articles for your site, blog, article directories and much more, and you'll be ready to start getting new traffic to your new website right away. "...Massive Boost in Rankings!" Hi Alex, your new Article Submission software is great I have seen a massive boost in rankings for a very competitive keyword over just three days This software makes article submission so quick and easy I am amazed you are selling it so cheap! I just hope my competitors don't find out about it! Nick Davison - High Impact SEO Get immediate access to Magic Rewriter, covered by our complete no-risk guarantee, now, by clicking the link below... Be one of the first 275 Fast-Action-Takers deciding to take me up on my offer today, and receive a full 39% off the regular price of Magic Article Rewriter. You'll get Magic Article Rewriter for just $47. After we fill the 275 spots, Magic Article Rewriter goes to $77, and believe me it is a steal at that price. 2CheckOut.com Inc. (Ohio, USA) is an authorizedretailer for goods and services provided by Alexandr Krulik. If you're still not sure if Magic Article Rewriter is right for you, here's what I suggest you test-drive them with my… When you claim your copy of Magic Article Rewriter , you will have a full 30 days to review your membership and ensure your satisfaction. I am 100% confident you will be absolutely thrilled with everything you are about to discover... But you are fully covered by my iron clad, no quibbles satisfaction policy, which means if you are not totally delighted with Magic Article Rewriter, you will get a prompt and courteous refund. Information marketing is a multi-billion dollar market, which is expanding every year, and submitting unique, well-written articles to hundreds of popular article directories is your ticket to dominating your Niche today. Anyone with this system -- regardless of experience or previous success -- can now build a highly successful online business, beginning today! Imagine... ...A system so advanced you'll almost feel guilty with all the money you siphon off of the internet! ...Being able to live the internet dream of FREEDOM, because you cracked the secret code and never looked back. ...Working whenever you please, or taking that well deserved time off in a luxury resort on a tropical paradise! ...Strolling into work and firing your boss because you make more money in a day than he/she does in a month If you made it this far, if you're ready to unlock the secrets that only advanced marketers will ever discover. All you need to do is click the "Order Now!" button above to make your one time payment of $80. Then, you'll be given full access all the goods so you can start profiting now! Download the programs, read everything carefully and take notes. Then, take action! Don't sit around thinking "gee, that's cool", put it to work for you NOW! Don't wait. Take action today! Warm regards, Alexandr Krulik P.S. I mentioned this earlier, but just want to stress it one last time because I think it's one of the most important benefits to you by using the Magic Article Rewriter system. Articles are at the foundation of any information-based product, service, or strategy you ever buy or sell. You MUST master this basic marketing strategy to make an impact in your market, or you will be left behind. I'm sick of seeing internet marketers try to fool or distract you with the latest traffic gimmick or "traffic-secret-of-the-month". You deserve to know just how simple and easy it can be to build steady streams of targeted visitors to your site just by using articles. Remember, that this method is also completely FREE. And once you have your articles written & spun into unique versions for different directories... they're evergreen! That means, long after you've moved on to other articles and projects, you will still see new traffic visiting your site from your articles. P.P.S. As soon as you claim your copy of Magic Article Rewriter, you’ll get a 5 Super Bonuses worth over $400 - FREE! Currently, the only way to get these bonuses is through this limited time offer. As a Magic Article Rewriter member, you get them absolutely free!” From the Desk of Alexander Krulik
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mattsammonsez · 5 years
Brass Tacts: How a Whiskey-Drinking, Chain-Smoking Lawyer Became the Face of a Rebel Airline
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It’s funny when you talk to people about air travel. Everyone knows that flying is not always fun, unless you’re a comedian, because then you have an endless source of jokes for your routine. But when people talk about how flying commercial was much more glamorous many years ago, they tend to fall in to the typical fuzzy memories of thinking something was much better than it actually was.
Fifty years ago, commercial flying truly was not fun, and it was accessible to only a limited income tax bracket. Tickets were extremely expensive compared to today’s economy, there was a much greater chance of your plane crashing compared to now, and if you weren’t a smoker you still smelled like a pack of Pall Malls thanks to the smokers puffing away in the back few rows of the cabin. It turns out our “fond memories” of flying tend to be based on some fancy meal you had on a plane 30 years ago, and that truly is the big difference between now and then when it comes to flying.
Rewind to 1967, supposedly the golden age of flying, as the jet age was in full roar with the Boeing 707 cutting through the skies. With major carriers such as TWA, Pan Am, and Eastern controlling the business since their birth in the 1920s, who could come in and actually shake up the stodgy and politician-protected industry? Enter a 36-year-old lawyer from New Jersey, who figured he could hit it big deep in the heart of Texas.
Herb Kelleher was hired by a client, Rollin King, who teamed up with banker John Parker. King operated a small airline, and he and Parker needed Kelleher’s help in establishing a new airline. Despite advances in the interstate highway system in the 1960s, travelling between Dallas, Houston, and San Antonio was difficult to go through. You would either spend several hours in a car or bus, or spend way too much money puddle jumping from one city to another on a major air carrier. The idea was simple-- create an airline that would serve all three cities at a low cost, and nothing else. Let the big boys have their routes to New York and Chicago and L.A., this airline was going to bank on the booming oil mecca in the Lone Star State.
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The concept wasn’t really new, as Pacific Southwest Airlines (a.k.a. PSA) had proved you could have a successful intrastate airline in California, which was also growing in leaps and bounds at that time. Kelleher filed the paperwork for the new airline in November 1967, and the Texas Air Commission approved it in February 1968. But that would not be the end of the story. It would rather be the beginning of a cantankerous ride through courtrooms battling the big airlines and their well-funded lobbyists in Washington. The airline that would become Southwest wouldn’t actually lift off until June 1971, and it couldn’t fly outside of Texas until September 1979. In its first 10 years of existence Southwest would battle political roadblocks, internal strife with two CEOs leaving by 1981, and a legendary fare war with the Texas-based Braniff International Airlines. And all along the way, Kelleher was there to navigate the legal quagmire while eventually becoming the CEO and President. Kelleher’s “wild child” way of life (he once confessed the best things in life were a pack of cigarettes and a bottle of Wild Turkey bourbon), helped personify the “spunky start-up” in the stuffy airline service.
Southwest would go on to reinvent commercial air travel with fit and trim operations while flying into revitalized airports such as Love Field in Dallas and Midway Airport in Chicago. While the big airlines were moving to humongous suburban airports, Southwest moved in to smaller and more convenient airports typically found near the heart of the city’s business activity. These are tactics Southwest still uses, and while other airlines (some defunct) have tried to match Southwest’s techniques and identity, Southwest has created an insanely fierce brand relationship with frequent flyers.
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Kelleher retired in 2008 and died this past January 3rd, but Southwest still operates with the spirit of Kelleher despite becoming a major air carrier. The airline with a business model that literally could fit on a cocktail napkin now serves over 100 destinations in 41 states, and pulled in nearly $22 billion in revenue in 2018. It has carved its niche with value-conscience travelers who want to save money while also being treated like a valued customer, and the airline’s “bags fly free” promotion is still popular with passengers while also serving as a Kelleher-esque thumbing of the nose at the competition.
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So how does the rise of Southwest Airlines and Herb Kelleher translate into broadcasting and content creation? Here are some connections:
Find a better way of doing something: Kelleher didn’t invent the airplane or commercial flying, but he was part of a group that took a stuffy business and injected some personality while making it profitable. You didn’t invent broadcasting or content creation, but there’s a good chance you and your team can do something better than what’s being done now.
Realize you’re part of the solution, not THE solution: There’s often confusion that Kelleher started and ran Southwest from day one, and as you saw that’s not the case. Kelleher was one of three co-founders, and he was brought in as an ancillary part-- the legal expert. Only after Kelleher helped get the airline off the ground and after the departure of two CEOs did he get the chance to become CEO and President. But when that happened in 1981, Southwest had moved past many of the legal hurdles thrown at it. And when it was time to grow, Kelleher’s personality fit the airline’s personality. When you work collaboratively on a common goal, even if it started with your idea, realize it takes a group of many talented and dedicated people to get the idea moving in the right direction. Sometimes it happens with people with differing opinions than yours, or different ways of getting things done.
Realize it will take some time to get done: People love the Southwest story because it’s your typical, underdog story. It really is David vs. Goliath, but it took decades for the airline to become what it is now. One of my favorite inspirational quotes comes from Reed Hastings, a co-founder and now CEO of Netflix; “Most entrepreneurial ideas will sound crazy, stupid, and uneconomic, and then they’ll turn out to be right.” So go ahead and try that crazy idea of yours... there’s a reason why you like it so much. It just may take a while for others to realize how incredibly smart and progressive it is.
Have fun! Southwest Airlines has to deal with the same issues as the rest of the airline industry, and often it’s the passengers who feel the issues in terms of grounded airplanes or delayed flights due to weather. But if you have ever flown Southwest, you know there’s a big difference between them and other airlines-- the Southwest people appear to be having fun. From the flight attendants to the pilots to the ground crew, there’s a contagious feeling of fun you don’t consistently see with other airlines. So have fun and smile! It’s easy to get bogged down in the minutiae of a project or a broadcast when in reality we’re in the entertainment business.
So what content are you creating that is better than what’s out there? How are you injecting fun into your broadcasts? Do people think your ideas are crazy, and you take that as a complement? Visit SammonSez.com to see how we can help you take to the skies with fun broadcasts and creative content.
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powertomeindia-blog · 5 years
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Financial literacy is nothing but understanding the source of money and how that money can be planned and utilized for the present and future requirements.
In India, the awareness about Financial Literacy is currently at the lower end when compared to other countries. Many people believe in the myth that Financial Planning is a discipline needed only by the wealthier sections of society.
This article will help you to understand why financial literacy is a need for all-
Financial Literacy-Definition
Financial Literacy- A Need
Why Financial Literacy is Important
Scientific overview of the need for Financial Literacy
Financial Literacy Class (e-learning)
Financial Literacy is the education and understanding of various financial areas like personal finance management, money expenditure and investment.
Financial Literacy focuses on the ability to manage personal finances in an efficient manner, and it includes the knowledge of making appropriate decisions about personal finance such as insurance, investment, real estate, education expenditure, budgeting, retirement and tax planning.
India is moving close to becoming the most populous country in the next 7 years. According to the studies, India is ageing much faster than previously thought and may have nearly 20 per cent population of its population in the age bracket of 60 years and above by 2050 and if we don’t address the need of Financial Literacy now, it can be a major problem. Financial Illiteracy is directly associated with a shortage of money in retirement, this makes financial education a heavy burden on the nation, as the Government’s expenses on financial security increases.
Today Financial world has evolved, and hence, it’s a necessity for us to work towards the upliftment of Financial Literacy.
In the last twenty years, life expectancy took a huge leap. Average lifespan has increased to 80 years and an increasing number of people living into their 90’s. Whereas there is a continued extinction of guaranteed pension plans and now the people are concerned about outliving their resources
The expenses related to health care have doubled over the last few decades resulting in the consumption of one-third of a retiree’s resources
The rise in the number of investment schemes and providers over the last couple of decades has created too many choices which have led to confusion and ultimately investment paralysis
Looking at the life expectancy, current and future generation will spend an additional 15 years on average caring for family members, so either a child or an ageing parent or both will face financial challenges.
College and School tuition fees continue to be extremely high
Many studies conducted on the level of financial literacy has shown a strong correlation between the level of financial literacy and a set of behaviours throughout the life cycle.
For example, a study conducted by Van Rooij, Lusardi, and Alessie, 2011 clearly indicates that individuals with greater numeracy (the ability to understand and work with numbers) and financial literacy are more likely to participate in financial markets and to invest in stocks. Also, a study stated that financially literate individuals can choose mutual funds with lower fees (2).
Lusardi and Mitchell (2007) have shown that elderly who display high levels of literacy were more likely to plan for retirement and, as a result, accumulate much more wealth.
Financial Literacy had not only affected the asset side, but it also influences the liability of household balance sheets. A study done by Campbell (2006) has shown that individuals with lower incomes and lower education level are less likely to refinance their mortgages during a period of falling interest rates.
Power to me In India is providing you with an opportunity to upgrade your level of knowledge and information in terms of Financial Literacy.
We are here in India to make you understand today’s need for Financial Literacy for future’s benefit.
Through our online class, we lead you towards the journey of Financial Literacy. Financial Literacy can’t be achieved without personal empowerment. Keeping the need for personal empowerment in mind, we have structured the entire course on it. This course structure will empower you, enlighten you about the need for financial literacy and eventually it will provide you with a deeper understanding of personal finances. Under the Financial Literacy course, we will help you understand the basics and technicalities of financial literacy, financial planning, and Investments.
If you still have doubt about the need for financial literacy, just think about these questions and answer them silently -
Are you effectively managing your finances?
Do you know basic financial concepts, like compound interest, mutual funds, stocks, credit scores etc?
Are you living a debt-free life?
Are you investing well, and saving your tax?
Do you have enough savings for the emergency?
If you are not confident about the replies to these questions, you know where you stand.
To know more about Power to me, you can click here. You can also get in touch with us for any details. For more information and detailed blogs on Personal Empowerment and Financial Literacy, click here.
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Danielle Roberts: What You Need to Know About Medicare
About Danielle Roberts: Danielle Roberts is a founding partner at Boomer benefits. Which is a National Agency specializing in Medicare-related insurance products since 2005. She’s been serving thousands of Medigap policyholders in 48 States. Boomer benefits help baby boomers learn the ropes regarding Medicare, a nationally recognized expert in the Medicare sector of the health insurance industry. Danielle is a past President of the Fort Worth chapter of the National Association of Health underwriters, and a Forbes financial council member. She’s been featured and or quoted by major news outlets around the country such as Fox, Yahoo, finance, and Business Insider. 
In this episode, Steve and Danielle discuss:
1. Why do people feel so overwhelmed about Medicare when they’re approaching age 65?
I think it’s because your whole working life, you’ve had someone choose your health insurance for you, you work for a company, that company has an HR department, HR department reviews, a bunch of group health insurance plans, and they come and say here, you know, you can sign up for this plan. Here’s what it’s going to cost you out of your paycheck. And that’s what happens. Maybe you work for a company that gives you a choice between a PPO and an HMO they have two plants to choose from, but you never have to do any of the heavy lifting and learn what deductibles and coinsurance are, you know, you just sign up and go with whatever insurance that’s given to you. Well, when you turn 65, and you’re retiring and you’re leaving that group health insurance whenever if it’s at 65 or later. Either way, you’ve got to learn this National Health Insurance Program, which is a beast with four parts, 10 supplements, and literally thousands of Medicare Advantage or Part D drug plan options. 
2. Why haven’t they made it easier to comprehend or done some type of Medicare course to help people get introduced and acclimated with Medicare?
Yeah, you’re speaking my language. We have a private Facebook group where we allow people to join and ask their Medicare questions. I have heard that same question. Probably hundreds of times, like people will say, Why didn’t anyone prepare us and I often like to say, there should be a class when you’re 50 that you have to take could be online, and they could do it in an hour, but preparing you for things that people generally don’t know about Medicare, namely, that it’s not free, that you’re going to pay for it, and also that it doesn’t cover 100% of the cost of your healthcare so that you have time Get ready for that. Because we have met over the years, many, many people turning 65 getting ready to retire who were just blown away to find out that there’s a cost to this healthcare that they’re going to pay their whole life, that it’s going to be deducted from the cost, their social security check, and they’re not ready. So we’ve seen a lot of people decide to work a few more years because they were so caught off guard. So the government really does need to do a much better job. They send out a handbook. It used to be mailed to you now not even everyone gets the book in the mail. There’s some legislation too, that’s in Congress right now to take place to try to do a better job of preparing people for when they should enroll. So they don’t end up with penalties that they incurred just because they didn’t know when and where and how they should have signed up for Medicare.
3. Is it because they’re so confused or just so not in the know about what it actually involves and what it’s gonna entail? Usually when there’s things that people don’t really know anything about, and they’re a little nervous about, they tend to avoid it. 
Yes, people will procrastinate until the very last minute, or they just don’t make any decision at all. They sometimes end up in trouble for that. One example that we’re dealing with a lot now is that people who don’t have employer insurance who’ve been insured the last few years through the private health care exchange, they have had a subsidy which, which helps to make that insurance, very inexpensive for them. So they might be paying 50 or $100 a month for a health insurance plan because the government picks up part of the cost of the premium under the Affordable Care Act and so they’re like, well, I love the insurance coverage I have I just not going to sign up for Medicare. Well, what they find out later, is that it was never intended that the ACA Plans replace Medicare, they’re supposed to leave them and enroll in Medicare at 65. So not only will they pay a late enrollment penalty for signing up for Medicare because of that, but furthermore, once the government catches up with them, they’ll make them pay back all the subsidy dollars that they’ve been given since age 65. And you can just imagine there are literally thousands of people in that bucket who don’t know any better. So it’s so important that people start doing their research early. The early 60s is a good time, but certainly no later than age 64. You need to dive in and learn the parts of Medicare and learn the enrollment periods and familiarize yourself with all that so that you don’t accidentally make a huge blunder that is going to affect your coverage and what you pay for it for the rest of your life.
4. Can you fill in our listeners on exactly what that entails when you start being eligible for Medicare as far as price?
So part of the reason people think Medicare is free is that during your working years, you pay FICA taxes, and you see on your paycheck stub, the amount that’s pulled out of your paycheck to go toward Medicare and to go towards social security. So people think that they’re prepaying and that Medicare will cost them nothing when they get there. And on one part, that’s true, Part A, which is your inpatient hospital coverage under Medicare that is funded by the FICA taxes that you pay throughout your working life or if you were married to someone, you have to work at least 10 years here in the US or be married to someone who did to get Part A for free, and most people do work so about 99% of all Medicare beneficiaries, enrolling in part A will pay nothing for it. You can purchase If you a lot of times immigrants who are recent to America, maybe don’t have that work history, you can purchase it, but for most people, Part A costs nothing.
5. What exactly is Part A?
Part A is your inpatient hospital coverage. If you’re admitted into a hospital, Part A is the fund that pays for inpatient hospitals, skilled nursing, hospice, blood transfusions, things like that, that would occur in a hospital setting.
6. So that doesn’t cover all the other stuff? It only covers if you get sick, and you have to go into a hospital or you have to get skilled nursing?
Sometimes, people who can’t afford or didn’t know they have to pay, won’t sign up for the Part B which is the outpatient coverage, and that’s a big mistake if Medicare is going to be your primary coverage if you don’t have other coverage, such as through the VA or through retiree coverage through an employer, because although Part B does pay for outpatient things like you and I would think of as outpatient like doctor visits and lab work, it also covers things which may happen in the hospital because physicians perform services at a hospital and physicians fall under Part B. So if you were to have outpatient surgery or chemotherapy or radiation in a hospital, Part B is actually the part that covers those services. Part B is not free currently in 2020. The base premium, the standard base premium for Part B that most people pay is $144.60 per month. That typically goes up a little bit every year. People in higher income brackets about 5% of Medicare beneficiaries pay substantially more than that because they’re in a higher income bracket. 
7. What about the senior or the aging person who doesn’t want to pay $144 for part B, and has either a pension which includes health benefits or is still working and has health benefits, do they need to get Part B?
They don’t. If you work for an employer, past age 65, and that employer has more than 20 employees, then you can keep your employer coverage and it’s going to pay primary and Medicare will pay secondary. 
8. What is Part C?
Part C is the Medicare Advantage program. To understand how that works, I’ll first state that when you have your Medicare benefits in place. They work similarly to other insurance that you’ve had in the past when you have employer group health insurance. When you go to the doctor, you have a copay. If you go to the hospital, you pay a deductible. Well, Medicare has those same things. You have a deductible when you go to the hospital, there’s an outpatient deductible, and then Medicare covers only about 80% of your outpatient expenses. So you need some sort of supplemental coverage that’s going to cover that other 20% and also pay those deductibles for you. So you could choose to enroll in a traditional Medicare supplement that goes alongside the original Medicare that picks up those things for you or you could opt for the Medicare Advantage Program instead. And that is just a way where you can get your original Medicare Part A and B benefits through a private insurance company that operates a local network in your area.
9. What’s the difference if someone wants to do Part C and Part D, they can either get that through Medicare, or they could get it through private companies such as Boomer Benefits?
The Medicare Advantage program is not something Boomer Benefits offers, you would enroll in a doctor, a private insurance company, and all the same companies that you’re used to that operate in the under 65 world. They offer Medicare supplements and Medicare Advantage plans. So in your local area, you might be signing up with United Healthcare or Blue Cross or Aetna or Cigna Anthem. There are dozens of carriers that offer these plans. The main differences are with original Medicare and a Medicare supplement. Medicare is the primary payer and if you have a Medicare-approved claim which Medicare approves most medically necessary care. Medicare pays its share and then sends the rest of your supplement company and the supplement company picks up their share, leaving you little out of pocket. And the advantage of sticking with original Medicare and going that route is Medicare doesn’t have a network There are over 1 million providers that participate in Medicare across the United States. So you can see any doctor you want anytime you don’t have to pick a primary care doctor, you never have to get a referral.
10. If I was over 65 I could use any doctor, even in another state under my part C?
Original Medicare with a Medicare supplement is the one that you could see any doctor Part C is the one that has a local network. 
“What’s really important to know Is that Medicare has election periods and you need to know how they operate and when to use them.”
                                                                                                        —  Danielle Roberts
To find out more about the National Injured Senior Law Center or to set up a free consultation go to https://www.injuredseniorhotline.com/ or call 855-622-6530
Connect with Danielle Roberts:  
Facebook: Medicare Q&A with Boomer Benefits Instagram: @boomerbenefits Website: https://boomerbenefits.com/ Pinterest: Boomer Benefits YouTube: Boomer Benefits Phone: 855-732-9055 
Website: http://www.injuredseniorhotline.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/attorneysteveheisler/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/the-law-offices-of-steven-h.-heisler/about/ Email: [email protected]
   Show notes by Podcastologist: Kristen Braun
Audio production by Turnkey Podcast Productions. You’re the expert. Your podcast will prove it. 
The post Danielle Roberts: What You Need to Know About Medicare appeared first on The Maryland Injury Lawyer.
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meraenthusiast · 4 years
A Doctor’s Primer On Real Estate Professional Status
A Doctor’s Primer On Real Estate Professional Status
It seems like real estate investing has become the “hot” investment among doctors and other high-income professionals these days. Why? Many are becoming gun-shy of the volatile stock market and want diversification.
Others are sick of paying Uncle Sam half of their check each month and are looking for tax advantages.
How about you? Do you fall into either of these categories? I don’t know too many people that want to continue receiving a HUGE tax bill each year. Myself included.
One of the top questions I get asked from members of the Passive Investors Circle is:
“Will investing in passive real estate syndications lower my practice income?”
The only income that investing in syndications lowers would be the passive income it produces and NOT your practice’s income.
The depreciation from an apartment syndication offsets the monthly/quarterly distributions. This is great as these distributions are received and zero tax have to be paid!
Related article: How Is Passive Income Taxed
But there’s also something out there that could help doctors significantly reduce their tax burden called Real Estate Professional Status (REPS).
Have you ever heard of this? Most haven’t. But if you’re already a real estate investor like myself, then using this designation could potentially save you a huge amount of dinero when it comes to paying taxes.
Interested? Let’s begin…..but first a disclaimer.
[Disclaimer: I’m not an accountant, lawyer or financial advisor. This article is informational only. Please consult your own team of professionals about the topics covered here today.]
Going, Going, Gone…
Dentists and physicians alike have very few tax advantages.
Unfortunately, many of the tax deductions that most people get are in the lower income brackets keeping us from benefiting from them.
As an example, most deductions begin to phase out the higher the income made. You may have encountered this when attempting to deduct student loan interest.
Here’s how I felt when I tried this: “Sorry, we’re going to punish you because you trained and sacrificed and had to take on student loan debt in order to do so but wait, you now earn too much so no deductions will be allowed.”
As a side note, when we reached debt-free status, most of our practice’s deductions were phased out leaving us with a HUGE tax bill. So much for enjoying being debt-free!
Passive Real Estate Investing
The majority of the Passive Investor Circle members are too busy to become an active real estate investor and for that reason, focus on investing in passive real estate.
The definition of a passive investor is someone that does NOT “materially participate” in the buying, selling, or management of properties.
A popular type of passive investment (that we invest in) are called real estate syndications.
These allow the passive investor to pool their money with others (plus the sponsor who handles the day-to-day property) to purchase an asset (i.e. apartment building) that they couldn’t normally do so on their own.
Other examples of passive investments are:
Real estate funds
Real Estate Investment Trusts or REITs
As stated earlier, these types of investors are subject to passive activity loss rules. This means if your real estate investments generate losses, you’re NOT able to deduct those against your practice’s income.
Passive investment example
Most syndication deals are for accredited investors only which allows the majority of doctors to qualify for due to a high income.
The minimum investment for most of the deals that we’re currently in is $50K. If you invest in a deal then you can expect to receive a K-1 tax form annually.
If a particular deal that you’re in generates a $20,000 loss from depreciation, you can’t offset that $20,000 against your W-2 or practice income.
However, you can offset that loss against any passive gains you have in the current tax year. Most of these will be used against your monthly/quarterly distributions your investment spins off.
Active Real Estate Investing
When I first made it a point to begin the process of acquiring streams of passive income, real estate investing was one of my first choices.
At that time, I thought that in order to get into real estate, I had to become a landlord. As you can imagine, I wasn’t too thrilled with the thought of getting a second job. For me, practicing full-time along with being a husband and dad puts plenty on my plate.
But back then I was clueless about other options available. I thought that I wanted to buy a handful of single family homes and eventually pay them off to reap the benefits of the cash flow rolling in.
As an active investor, you’re responsible for:
finding investment properties
acquiring financing
managing yourself or hiring a firm
marketing vacancies
repairing holes in walls 🙁
As you can tell from the list above, being an active investor acquires much more hands-on attention vs passive investing.
Active investor
The IRS states that an active investor are those who materially participate in the management of the real estate business. In this situation, they’re substantially involved in the business’s operations.
Unlike passive investors, active investors can offset losses from real estate investing against their ordinary income.
Good news, right?
If you’re a doctor or other high-income earner, think again.
If you’re an active investor and married making over $150,000 a year, no deduction is allowed. Again, it seems as if we’re being punished for being successful, right?
For those who earn less than $100,000 (single) or $150,000 (married), they can deduct up to $25,000 of losses against their ordinary income from W-2s or 1099s.
But wait, there maybe something you can do about it….
What Is Real Estate Professional Status?
If you’re able to claim real estate professional status (REPS) on your taxes then you can be exempt from both the passive loss rules and the active investor’s income limitations.
This is great news!
In order to qualify for REPS, the good ‘ole IRS states you must meet a few conditions:
(1) must spend the majority of his or her time (more than 50%) in real property businesses in which you materially participate.
(2) the taxpayer must spend 750 hours or more in the real property business and rentals in which he or she materially participates (roughly 15 hours per week).
In layman’s terms: You have to work on real estate more than you do any other job. So being a real estate professional is your primary profession which means you spend more hours in real estate than you do treating patients.
You also must work at least 750 hours on real estate activities with most of this coming from the day-to-day management of your rentals.
Literally anyone can qualify if the criteria above is met. No special license or degree is needed.
How can a doctor qualify?
If you’re a doctor or other high-income professional that typically works more than 40 hours a week, it may not be that easy to cut back in order to claim this status based on your work situation.
But wait…there is another option. Have I ever told you that I love options? 🙂
If your spouse currently doesn’t work, works part-time or is looking for a career change then this could be the key to success.
Basically only one spouse needs to qualify (not both). So if you’re a full-time dentist, then you can continue treating patients (if you want!) and your spouse can fulfill the real estate professional status requirement.
This way, BOTH spouses can benefit from the deductions and possibly HUGE tax savings while not sacrificing any income.
Does This ONLY Work For Real Estate Losses?
The short answer is “yes.” In order to obtain a tax benefit, you have to show losses on any real estate activity you’re in.
If you know anything about psychology then you’re probably familiar with how the brain works when it comes to loss vs gain.
We’re wired to AVOID losses more than we are to try to GAIN something.
For instance, if we have been searching for a particular pair of basketball shoes and Zappos claims that there’s ONLY one pair left….then we’re MORE motivated to buy ’em from FEAR of loss.
Just last night, I told my youngest son that if he doesn’t come to the kitchen and eat then his mom was going to put all of the food away.
He was there in less than 20 seconds :). He didn’t want to lose out!
So now when I tell you that the ONLY way to benefit from using the real estate professional status as a type of tax shelter is to actually show a loss on your real estate then you may initially have a negative reaction.
I get it. NOBODY like to lose. But when it comes to real estate, I’m giving you permission that it’s OK to lose (just this one time)!
That’s what makes real estate investing so great.
Taxes and real estate
One of the key reasons most doctors SHOULD look into real estate investing has to do with the multiple different ways to EXTREMELY lower their taxes.
The MORE you make, the MORE taxes you’ll pay. So you can continue working your tail off putting in longer hours just to make a little more or work SMARTER.
If you play your cards right, you can work less yet make MUCH more.
It all starts with how taxes are calculated when it comes to real estate.
The NOI, or net operating income, is what’s left over after all expenses have been paid. This is what you pay taxes on.
But one of the cool things is something called “phantom expenses” which are expenses you don’t actually pay for. That’s right, you read that correctly.
Not only do you NOT have to pay for them but the IRS will actually allow you to claim them on your taxes.
Sound too good to be true?
Let me introduce you to one of the most powerful phantom expenses around.
Let’s briefly define what depreciation is. In accounting terms, depreciation is nothing more than the reduction in value of an item over time.
An example of this is the value of the computer I’m currently typing on. What I paid for it a few years ago and what it’s worth now (not much) is much lower. In other words, it’s depreciated in value.
One of the BEST financial gifts we could ever receive (ironically it’s from the IRS) is having the ability to depreciate an appreciating asset.
By doing this, it creates a phantom or paper loss that can be used to offset actual gains which saves you in taxes.
Remember, this isn’t a true expense. You don’t have to worry about taking money out of your pocket to pay for this….
If you claim real estate professional status, losses from depreciation allow you to offset your W2 clinical income and reduce your tax liability.
Is REPS Right For You?mi
I get it. Being a real estate professional is not for everyone. But if you can swing it, it could be extremely beneficial to your family.
Remember, if you’re married and both of you work, then you’ll first need to figure out who’s going to become the real estate professional.
Your two choices are:
scale back treating patients or…
commit to working more hours in real estate than your practice with the minimum number of hours being 750 hours
Consider keeping a detailed log of the hours you’ve spent, but also what exactly you’ve been doing during that time.
Examples include:
searching for new properties
marketing to fill vacancies
responding to tenants, etc.)
If you have further questions, consider hiring a CPA that’s knowledgeable about qualifying for the real estate professional status.
The post A Doctor’s Primer On Real Estate Professional Status appeared first on Debt Free Dr..
from Debt Free Dr. https://ift.tt/31X7Wtv via IFTTT
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rebeccahpedersen · 5 years
Monday’s Quick Hits!
Too Much Information…
Have you ever had gum-grafting?
I did.  On Friday.  And it was far worse than I thought it would be.
I almost chickened out, to be quite honest.  After they froze my teeth, mouth, lips, gums, and basically half my face, I panicked.  But eventually I calmed down, and in the words of Gary Gilmore I just said, “Let’s do it.”
It’s awful.  I’ve been splitting blood for three days, and that made for some very interesting client interactions on Saturday & Sunday.
So………on to something real estate related, then?
F*** The Rich, And Tax Them Too!
Nobody cares about this, right?
Only me?
In 2019, I see just as many examples of people caring too much about things that don’t affect them as I do the complete opposite: people not caring at all.
Toronto City Council, in its infinite wisdom, is contemplating (ie. this is already a done deal) the creation of a new land transfer tax threshold for those properties selling over $3,000,000.
Read the article here:
“Create New Land Transfer Tax Bracket On Home Sales Over $3-Million, Toronto Councillors Propose”
Man, it must be nice to be a city councilor!  You just sit around all day and come up with ideas for new taxes, without consulting anybody in the process.
This idea is being floated by none other than Joe Cresey, he who would literally put a safe-injection site in your living room if he could.  In fact, he might have already tried, but you wouldn’t have been told, because he doesn’t like communicating with his constituents when they disagree with him.
Now I understand that people who don’t own housing, or people who purchased for $985,000 really don’t care about the land transfer tax that those buying over $3,000,000 are going to pay.  But maybe they should.
Let’s not forget, the Toronto Land Transfer Tax didn’t exist until 2008 when Mayor David Miller essentially pulled it out of nowhere.  Well, not nowhere, of course.  The Ontario government already had the same tax in place, but the Toronto government thought nothing of doubling the tax.  Imagine Toronto City Council suddenly coming up with a 13% sales tax to match the HST?  And suddenly we paid 26% in tax on every purchase we made?  Crazy, I know.  Except that this is exactly what happened with land transfer tax, and the fight against it just wasn’t strong enough.
Toronto expects to collect a whopping $730 Million this year from land transfer tax, which goes a long way toward paying the bills at city hall.
But how much is too much?
City council has increased the land transfer tax amounts twice already since its debut in 2008.
And we’re constantly hearing the boo-hoo’s of city council about “missing their targets” and not raping home-buyers enough, as per this December 2018 article:
“City Of Toronto Land Transfer Tax Revenues Miss Target For First Time”
Just couldn’t quite make that $818 Million “target,” eh?  Boo-f’ing hoo.
Imagine that.  A “target” for tax revenue.
Am I the only one insulted by this?
I just can’t get over the fact that this tax didn’t exist just over ten years ago, and now the city cries when it can’t quite get it’s billion dollars for absolutely, positively, nothing.
This is a nothing tax, plain and simple.
We pay property tax to the city, which is a tax directly attributable to services received in exchange for home ownership.
And the insult to injury here is the new’ish fee of $75.00 required in order to pay your land transfer tax bill just to begin with!
Folks, don’t delude yourselves into thinking that city council’s pending increase in LTT for homes over $3M is an isolated event.  It merely opens the door to further taxes down the road.
Every resident of the city should be outraged.  Or, I dunno, maybe you just love paying taxes…
Can I Get A Do-Over?
This is from the library of “Worst possible scenario.”
Imagine you put your home on the market and everything is going according to plan.  You’re getting showings, the open house is busy, and you’re gearing up for an “offer night” on Monday.
But then imagine the worst possible scenario.
What could it be?
Perhaps, I dunno, a massive tree falling down in a storm and crushing the house?
A couple of weeks ago, a house flooded during the Sunday open house, and this was one day before offers were scheduled to be reviewed on the following night.
If I were the listing agent for the property, there’s no question what I would do: I would terminate the listing, fix the problem, and re-list in a couple of weeks, or a month, when the buyer pool is less scared of the problem.
What did the agents in this particular case do?
They went ahead with the offer night!
They sent an email to everybody that had shown the house and disclosed what had happened, which was great; that’s exactly what you’re supposed to do.  But it just reeked of “Nothing to see here, folks.  Just this little spot of water, which we’ve cleaned up, and now there’s no problem.”
Why in the world would they go ahead with the offer night?
What buyer in his or her right mind would purchase a house that just flooded?
The listing agent sent a 3-page email complete with times, dates, repairs, and photos, which, again, is exactly what you’re supposed to do if and when making a disclosure.  But the tragic decision to go ahead and try to sell this house on the scheduled offer night, to buyers that wanted to purchase a newly-flooded house, was terribly misplaced.
The house still sold, and over asking too.  I know, I know, “over asking” means less and less these days, but it did sell a good amount over list.
However, there’s absolutely, positively no doubting that one, two, or ten buyers said, “Thanks, but no thanks” at the prospect of buying a house that just flooded, and for the life of me, I just can’t understand this course of action by the sellers and the listing agent.  Unless they needed to sell, like, that day, then there’s just no reason for this.
How Tough Is The Rental Market?
Really tough, if you’re incapable of performing common, routine, day-to-day functions.  Honestly, just listen to this…
I have a listing right now in an area in the northwest-GTA, and the interactions I’m getting with would-be tenants and agents are bizarre.
I’m looking at an Equifax Credit Score of 522 right now.  Five-twenty-two.
I have never seen a credit score that low in 15 years.  I’ve never actually seen one below 600.  Bless these folks for trying, but two prospective tenants who both have credit scores in the 500’s, one of them unemployed, and looking to spend 65% of their household income on rent.  It doesn’t make sense.
But the real kicker here was the folks who took eight days to get their offer and supporting documentation together.  For real, an agent sent me an offer to lease eight days ago, with zero accompanying information.  Even if it wasn’t common knowledge in the agent community that you need to have a credit check, employment letter, and rental application (plus often pay stubs and references from previous landlords), I always write this on my listings!
I told the agent that the offer wouldn’t suffice, and he just said, “Oh.  Okay.  So now what?”  It made me want to spit blood….
I outlined exactly what the agent needed to do, and every day for the past eight days, I’ve been receiving one more piece of the puzzle.  Except even those pieces don’t fit.
For example, I received an email saying, “Here is the husband’s credit report,” only it wasn’t a credit report, but rather it was an iPhone screen-caputre of the first page of an Equifax Credit Score Report, which is typically 12-15 pages in length.  I told the agent to please have the tenant download the report, save it as a PDF, and email it.  I was told, “He doesn’t know how to do that, and I can’t help him right now.”
Really?  Then how is he going to take care of a house?
These folks completely disregarded the process required to find housing in this market, and seemed to be willfully ignorant about what they needed to do.  The agent kept asking me, “Is this really necessary?  These are good people.  I promise!”
This went on for eight days; I’m talking employment letters that aren’t signed by anybody, and are in an MS Word file, upside-down photos of the OREA Rental Application, only 1/3 filled out, and a screen-capture of a TD Bank account with 10-15 debits/credits, but no date, no name, no account number, nothing.  So, this would-be tenant spent $87.20 at Fido last month?  Great!
And you know what?  I don’t blame the prospective tenants.  I blame the agents representing them.
It’s times like these I couldn’t be happier that it now takes a 2-year college course through Humber College to get into real estate.
Not In My Backyard!
A friend of mine is part of a running group that passes through several different areas of the city with a horde of joggers every week, and I was shocked to hear about his latest experience.
Do you know Heath Street?  Great spot, right?  Family-friendly, scenic, really nice jogging trails connecting to the ravine.
Well, a local yahoo apparently told this group of runners that they “weren’t welcome” and stressed that they, apparently, had no right to trespass on this particular section of city-owned streets.
But it didn’t end there; this yahoo also called the head of the running group (I suppose this person was listed online?) to complain, and tell them to stay away.
Isn’t that nuts?
It reminds me of the Nike ads from the late 1990’s comparing the treatment of skateboarders to other athletes.  They did one about running…
Bottom Of The Barrel?
You know we’ve really become lax with the rules surrounding home building when you see this noted on the MLS listing:
“All Building Permits In Place And All Done Legally”
Really?  We’re actually advertising this now?
It’s like a parent bragging, “I take care of my kids.”  We’re just noting things that are supposed to be done?
A person selling a newly-built house got permits?  And it was done legally?  And this simply MUST be noted on the listing?
Yeah, well, I guess that’s where we are now.  That’s how far we’ve come.
Toronto is full of homes that were renovated without permits; some even built without permits!  And I have a sneaking suspicion that the Canada Revenue Agency is going to start coming after the buyers of homes if they can’t go after the builders.
Consider the “substantial renovation.”  You all know what this is, right?
The developer keeps the side walls of a brick bungalow so he can claim this wasn’t a “new build” but rather a “substantial renovation,” and then doesn’t apply for the TARION warranty so he doesn’t have to charge GST.
The Canada Revenue Agency has become more fierce than ever.  Just ask your accountant, and he or she will tell you stories.  And guess what, folks?  They’re coming after your substantial renovation.
Like every other agent in Toronto, I have sold homes without a TARION warranty.
But going forward, consider the red flag raised.
Okay, if you see me this week, just cut me some slack.
Yes, I look like a vampire.
Yes, I look like I have the mumps too.
Yes, I scare my daughter daily with my bright purple mouth, dripping blood like a zombie.
And yes, I have consumed eight packs of Kraft Dinner, five cans of Zoodles, and a family-pack of Spaghettini cooked so soft you could almost drink it.
Happy Monday, everybody!
The post Monday’s Quick Hits! appeared first on Toronto Realty Blog.
Originated from https://ift.tt/2CzvaIQ
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oldguardaudio · 7 years
Rush Limbaugh Explains -> President Trump Promised a Tax Cut for Everyone
rush limbaugh cut spending lower taxes at HoaxAndChange.com
rush obama shadow government against trump at HoaxAndChange.com
Rush USA Flag at HoaxAndChange.com
Oct 23, 2017
  RUSH: Axios: “The Republicans on the House Ways and Means Committee — engaged in a high-pressure, high-stakes tax policy rewrite — are currently exploring not cutting the income tax rate for people who earn $1 million or more per year.”
This is not what Donald Trump indicated all during the campaign. All during the campaign, President Trump made it clear that he was going to cut taxes across the board for everyone. I have to be honest. There were times where he went out of his way to say that people like him “didn’t need a tax cut.” And I got nervous when I heard that because when I hear people in government start talking about who “needs” and who doesn’t “need” money and a percentage of what they earn, my antennae go up.
The Democrats are famous for this as a basis of their tax policy. “Well, they got more money than they need. They don’t need a tax.” Remember Dick Gephardt? Little Dick Gephardt. He was a congressman from Missouri, and he actually tried to say one day during a period of time that we’re going through this usual promise of cutting taxes that very rarely happens… Gephardt, he was famous. He always had these “friends” that he quoted that nobody had ever met. It was one of his rhetorical devices, the I-have-a-friend rhetorical device.
“I have a friend who told me…” “I have a friend who said to me…” And one of Gephardt’s little friends, he said, “I have a friend — a rich man. He told me, ‘If you really want to make me rich, you’ll raise my taxes!’” He literally said that. He said he had a friend begging him to increase his taxes as the way to really get rich, and we have a version of that here in this story with an upcoming sound bite from President Trump.
Here are the stats. “Right now, the marginal tax rate for anyone who makes $418,000 or more per year is 39.6%.” “So 418K and above, 39.6%. Now, the Republican tax reform proposal lowers that to 35%. “The Republicans’ opening gambit — secretly negotiated for months, and endorsed by Trump — would have cut the highest tax rate to 35%. But now, House Republicans’ thinking has changed. Under their current thinking, people who earn between $418,000 and $999,999 will be in a lower tax bracket. But those earning $1 million or more will not.”
So the way it will work out is that if you earn $418,000 up to $1 less than a million, you will get the tax break. You’ will get the reduced rate: 35%. A million dollars or more you will not get a rate cut. As of now, the rate stays the same: 39.6%. But if they’re thinking this way, it’s not a very big step to raising that rate. “Let’s just makes it an even 40%,” somebody might say, or, “Come on, they don’t need it. Let’s make it 42%. After all, we’re talking about people who earn more than a million.” And, of course, once you the premise — once the Republicans establish the premise of raising taxes — the Democrats are gonna run the House again someday.
I mean, the law of averages, it’s gonna happen. So if the Republicans do this, they are essentially etching in stone yet another tax increase by the Democrats when they get control. Meanwhile, all kinds of deductions are gonna vanish again here. This is not what the president intended — or said that he intended — and, look, it’s really hard to defend the rich, and that’s not what I’m doing. I’m not defending the rich here at all, although I don’t mind doing it. If somebody asked me to, I’d be happy to. I’m not nervous or frightened of that at all.
RUSH: Here’s President Trump this morning. Maria Bartiromo: “Look, these rich people already pay 40 to 50 of all the income taxes now. Why are you so afraid to cut their taxes?”
THE PRESIDENT: It’s about me representing rich people, being representative of rich people. It’s very interesting to me, Bob Kraft, who was down… Was very nice. He owns the Patriots. He gave me a Super Bowl ring a month ago, and he said to me, “You have to do us all a favor. Give the tax decrease to the middle class. We don’t need it. We don’t need it! We don’t want it. Give it to the middle class.” And I’ve had many people, very wealthy people tell me the same thing. I’ve had very few say, “I want more. I want more.” They really want to see… You know, the middle class has really not done very well over the last long period of time.
RUSH: Now, I want to play for you this Dick Gephardt sound bite that we made a bit out of when we get back from the break at the bottom of the hour. You’ll see how similar it is to what you just heard.
RUSH: Now, what President Trump said in that sound bite was he doesn’t want to defend the rich. He doesn’t want to be representing the rich. He doesn’t want to be seen defending or representing the rich. He doesn’t want the appearance of cutting taxes on the rich. He’s afraid that he’ll be demagogued and criticized and held to account as not caring about the little guy if he makes a big push on cutting taxes for the rich.
He wouldn’t have to make a big pitch on cutting taxes for the rich. All you have to do is across-the-board tax cuts for economic growth. That’s why we’re doing this. I mean, they’re not saying they’re cutting taxes for fairness. They’re saying they’re cutting taxes for economic growth. Well, in the process here, we are still demonizing and using envy on a certain segment of our population, and they happen to be the people that do most of the hiring.
Now, it’s very tough — and I understand the president’s position on this. It’s very tough to be seen as defending the rich within the confines of the way the argument is being or the policy’s being proposed, and it is this: Washington is going to magnanimously cut people’s taxes, and this is happening from the standpoint of Washington determines how much people get. Washington determines how much people have.
Washington is going to favor the middle class more than anybody else, because it’s just safer. There are more people in the middle class than there are in the upper-income brackets. So even if everybody in the upper-income brackets aligns to vote against you, they can be vastly outnumbered and outweighed by people in the middle. That whole premise bothers me. The premise that we have a certain amount of money as people in government and we’re going to give some of it back — and they come up with a dollar amount.
You don’t think they arrive at these rates arbitrarily, do you? That’s not how they do it. They figure out what their budget is (although it doesn’t matter because they run a deficit every year) and they determine how much money that they are going to let people keep. And then they say, “It wouldn’t be fair… If we’re going to cut taxes…” Let’s just use a number that may not be accurate but it’s easier to explain this if I use a number. Let’s say we’re gonna cut taxes $1 billion. That’s it. We’re gonna cut taxes a billion dollars.
That’s a phony premise. It’s a false way to do this in the first place, but it’s the way they always do it, and it maintains the belief that all money is Washington’s, that all money originates in Washington, and what you end up with is because of the good graces of your elected representatives. So we’re gonna cut taxes $1 billion. Okay. Well, who’s going to get the money? Well, if the rich are going to get a portion of it, then it’s easy to demagogue and it’s easy to object.
“The rich don’t need any more money. They’ve got plenty! All that money ought to go to the middle class.” It’s much easier to say, “Yeah. You know what? You’re right! That money should go to the middle class, because we have determined the rich don’t need it.” They’re already paying… The people we’re talking about here are already paying… The top 1% are paying 40% of all income taxes. The bottom 50% are paying nothing, and yet they want to talk to us about fairness.
So we’re gonna cut taxes a billion dollars — and in that billion, the way we’re gonna do it, is we’re gonna reduce rates because we can’t reduce the rates are on the rich because the rich will get some of that billion dollars and nobody will benefit from that politically. So we are going to make sure the rich don’t get any or maybe even make ’em pay more because then we’ll really be loved by the middle class, who have been conditioned by Democrat envy politics for decades to feel good when other people get skewered.
That’s the whole premise for cutting taxes.
That whole premise is wrong.
It begins with a phony premise that all money is Washington’s. The second premise is that Washington gets to decide who gets what based on Washington’s definition of who needs what, and also based on Washington’s definition of how they can most benefit by way of votes, by quote-unquote “giving” this money back. When in truth, what’s really happening here is that the end result of the tax rate reduction is that people are “allowed” (there’s that word again) to keep more of what they earn, because the money is theirs.
The money is theirs to begin with, and everybody who earns money should have the same right to the money they earn. You shouldn’t have any right to somebody else’s earnings, and nobody should have the right to some of yours. But that’s the way we structure policy now. In cutting taxes, we’re gonna say that some people have a claim on the earnings of others, and other people do not have a claim on the earnings of others — and then, even worse, some people don’t even have a claim on their own earnings!
The pure and clean way to do this is to do what you said during the campaign: Announce an across-the-board tax rate reduction to stimulate the economy, to allow people to keep more of what they earn because that’s the just and moral thing to do. It’s their money. And then you get out of the way for all the new money rolling into Washington, because doing all of that is going to create new jobs, because new businesses will form, existing businesses will expand and need new employees, which means additional taxpayers paying taxes.
So tax revenue will rise even though everybody gets a rate reduction. There’s a happy medium where you lower the rates a certain amount, it stimulates the economy, and the total revenue coming in exceeds even the projections from the nonpartisan CBO. But doing it this way is made-to-order to demonize the wealthiest, demonize the people who are already paying way more than their share. Now, I know this is a losing argument. It’s a losing argument by virtue of the numbers, and I say all this not to defend the rich — and the rich will never defend themselves.
I’ll never forget I saw Andy Grove. He was the CEO intel, and it was in the early nineties. It was Bill Clinton’s first term, and at the time, Bill Clinton was proposing (and it eventually was signed into law) a tax policy that would not allow corporations to deduct as a business expense anything over a million dollars they paid executives. It was targeted at CEOs. So let’s say the XYZ Company has a CEO that they pay $10 million.
Under Clinton’s plan, they could only deduct the first million as a business expense, and they’d have to eat the other nine million. They asked Andy Grove, “What do you think of this? This is the height of unfairness,” and Andy Grove said, “I’m not gonna go there, George!” It was George Will who asked. “I’m not gonna go there. I’m not gonna get into discussions of silly social policy,” because there’s no way Andy Grove wanted to be seen as upset that he wasn’t getting his fair share.
The rich will never defending themselves in these circumstances — and, look, I understand how tough it is. You know, back when I had this show in Sacramento, I could complain about a lot more and relate to a lot more people. I can’t complain about anything now. I can’t complain. If I started complaining about things that bother me, the reaction will be, “Really? Grow up!” Or “grow a pair” or “Grow up! Do something. Are you really complaining?” But we all have complaints, except I can’t share mine anymore.
Well, more properly stated, I don’t. I’m not a complainer anyway. I’m not a whiner anyway, although there are a couple things right now I would really love to unload on but I can’t. And the rich cannot unload when they are being targeted and when they are the result of an envy campaign and so forth. They have to stand silent, or go out and applaud and say, “Tax me more! Tax me more!” How do you think Bezos, how do you think Bill Gates and Warren Buffett get away with nobody demanding they give their money away?
Because they’re out there and they routinely claim they don’t think they’re paying enough taxes. They routinely claim that they think tax policy is unfair, that their secretaries pay a higher tax rate than they do; it’s not fair. (applause) The hordes and the barbarians at the gate applaud them. So when it comes time to go steal money from the rich, they’ll leave Gates and Buffett alone because Gates and Buffett already agree. But you don’t see ’em giving away their money.
The Kennedys did this. The Kennedys were famous for keeping people away from their money, because the Kennedys made it look like the only thing they cared about was abortion and the downtrodden, and that’s the trick. That’s the game. So you heard here’s Trump, and he’s saying, “Yeah, I talked to Bob Kraft, owns the Patriots. He gave me a Super Bowl ring a month ago. He said, ‘You gotta do us all a favor. Give the tax decrease to the middle class. We don’t need it.’”
So right there, confirmation. There’s a pool of money that is by the good graces of Washington going to be sent back to the people who actually own it. Bob Kraft is saying, “Of that money, give it all to the middle class. We don’t need any of it.” Excuse me, but it’s not Bob Kraft’s responsibility to determine whether or not I or anybody else get a tax cut. But he’s being used as an excuse. Here’s the bit that we put together after Gephardt tried something very similar to this back in the 1990s.
ANNOUNCER: A lot of kids have imaginary friends.
LITTLE BOY: Mommy, Cowboy Bob and I are gonna go outside and play soccer.
MOTHER: That’s nice, Honey.
ANNOUNCER: Dick Gephardt has a friend, too.
GEPHARDT: “I have a very wealthy friend who came to my office the other day. He told me that he had made $2 billion over the last 10 years!”
ANNOUNCER: Dick still has the imagination of a child.
GEPHARDT: But he said, “Let me tell what I’d rather have. I’d rather you keep my tax cut!”
ANNOUNCER: When a child pretends, people say it’s cute…
LITTLE BOY: Cowboy Bob and I are thirsty. Can we have some Red Eye? (giggling)
ANNOUNCER: But when Dick Gephardt does it, it’s just another lie.
GEPHARDT: He said, “In the end, if you practice Democratic economics and invest in the people in this country, I’ll really make money over the next 10 years! Don’t give me the money in tax cuts!”
ANNOUNCER: A message in the public interest from the EIB Network.
RUSH: I’ve told you about my friends. Ha! I have a friend, I told you, the only reason he voted Trump was tax cuts. He believed everything Trump said on tax cuts, and he’s at a point in his life where he’s maxed out earning what he can earn. The only way, in his mind, he can have appreciably more disposable income is via a tax cut. He believed Trump, and this story came out over the weekend about the — and it’s not new. I mean, I predicted this some time ago, that the rich would not actually get one of these, and might actually have a surcharge.
He was fit to be tied, and he said, “Aren’t you?” I said, “I’ve gotta be honest with you: From the first moment that I began earning a lot of money, I have always thought Washington was gonna come take it from me.” I’ve always thought it. I don’t know how many years it would take, but the point is I’ve never expected a tax cut. I never expected one, because of the very politics that we just heard. There isn’t a politician under the sun since Ronald Reagan who wants to be seen as defending the rich or speaking up for them.
Because that’s the way it’s always cast. There are ways around it. You know, a tax cut for the economy, a tax cut for the country should include everybody who pays taxes if you’re talking about fairness alone. But because the issue’s been so demagogued, none of this actually surprises me, that the Republicans are not gonna cut the top personal rate. Never expected it to. I’ve always…
In fact (snorts), to be honest with you, I’ve been kind of amazed the rate hasn’t gone up in the last 10, 12 years. Bush did cut some of the top marginal rate, and look at the price he paid for it politically. But it wasn’t necessary. He could have defended himself, and he could have fought back on it, but you know how that drill went. I don’t want to spend the whole program on this, folks, and I’m not going to, but it’s just…
It’s a bugaboo of mine because there’s a way to do this that includes everybody that can benefit everybody. And the way they structure it, “There’s certain people we want to benefit, and there’s certain people we don’t — and the people we don’t want to benefit, we want you to know we’re not benefiting ’em because we know you resent ’em! And we’re gonna help you resent ’em even more and we’re gonna help you get even with ’em by not cutting their taxes.” That’s the simplest route to go.
Here is Bill in St. Paul, Minnesota. Welcome, sir. Glad you called.
CALLER: Hi, Rush. Thank you. Thank you for taking my call. Yeah, I’ll just be brief. I’m very disappointed in the Republicans as well as President Trump. I think there’s a consistency of principle here. On the one hand, they want to make significant reductions in the corporate tax and they justify that through job creation, economic expansion — and those same principles would apply to tax cuts to the wealthy. I mean, it’s just very obvious to me. I’ve got a degree in economics. But like I said, I feel the Republicans actually are sort of compromising their own principles as they push towards a corporate tax cut, when they then turn around and say, “Well, you know, the wealthy tax cuts are just tax cuts for the rich, and they don’t have a similar impact, positive impact on the economy.”
RUSH: Well, I’ll tell you what they’re gonna say to that, although that’s a great point. It’s a… (silence) I’m sorry. The cough button’s in an entirely different place here than it was in LA. I keep turning my mike off. After only one day, I formed a habit out there. Sorry about that. Here’s the thing. It’s an excellent point. If you listen to everybody talk about why we need to lower the corporate rate from 35 to 20, they say, “We need that money brought home here! We need that money overseas brought home. We need that money infused into our domestic economy.”
As though they’re just excited as they can be to cut the corporate rate from 35 to 20. Also, keep in mind that there are exceptions, but for all intents and purposes, corporations don’t pay taxes. They find a way to recoup whatever they pay in taxes in either increased prices or paying fewer dividends to stockholders or any number of ways. When you run the numbers at the end of every year, corporations actually don’t pay… Well, they pay taxes, but they’re not the ones that do it. They get the money from others. But look at the principle.
“We need to lower that rate to incentivize these corporations to hire more and to invest more.” But when it comes to wealthy individual taxpayers, somehow that whole line of thinking vanishes and is replaced by, “We need to punish them. They don’t need tax relief. Corporations apparently do, but individuals don’t.” Now, what they will tell you out there, Bill, is that the changes they are making in the pass-through on the sub-S (which is where a lot of small business owners file) is gonna be a great benefit. But that’s not exactly who we’re talking about here.
RUSH: “Hey, Rush. Isn’t there a tax on unearned income and a tax on earned income?” That’s true. Earned income is earned income, and you pay your marginal rate. Unearned income, an example of that… “Unearned” is really a poor word. It’s just meant to describe income that’s not salary and wages. Cap gains is considered unearned income, meaning you invest in a stock or something, and if it grows and you sell it, then you pay tax on how much you’ve gained, and the capital gains rate’s relatively low.
And it is thought that the wealthy do not have earned income, that they have unearned income, living off investments. That’s not altogether true. There… (interruption) No. If you were in the Lotto, you haven’t invested anything other than your little ticket. The Lotto is earned income. Unearned income is a narrower focus — clipping coupons on investments and this kind of thing — and it has a lower tax rate. Cap gains is the best example of that.
But it’s a fallacy to think that the wealthy do not earn income, that they’re not… Now, the reason why people get away with that is that there aren’t a whole lot of salaries of gazillions. But that’s, you know, actors and actresses are paid salaries. Athletes are, and they pay earned income marginal tax rates on that money and they have to pay it in all the different states they work in, if you’re an athlete traveling around all summer — or baseball or football season.
That’s reason enough why you need an accountant. It’s tricky. I mean, there are so few people that we’re talking about. That’s one of the things about this that bugs me. We’re talking about so few people actually paying 40% of all taxes. So few. And they are the ones who it is said don’t need any more, and it’s Washington saying that, and then it’s Washington people saying that their rich friends are telling them that. Well, sorry, I don’t care.
If you have a rich friend who doesn’t want his taxes cut, that’s fine. But he doesn’t get to determine policy for everybody, as far as I’m concerned. But the friends are used as a convenient excuse. Gephardt popularized it, and now Trump is using Robert Kraft, the owner of the Patriots. But again, it’s based on this false premise that there’s a certain amount of money that Washington has determined it’s going to give back, and that’s not at all what taxation is.
It’s what everybody now thinks of it as, especially people in Washington. But that’s not what it is. The premise is that all money is Washington’s and what you have is what they graciously and famously and compassionately decide you deserve. And the more middle class you are, lower middle class, the more you deserve. And the more you make, the less you deserve. And it’s just… It’s worked itself out to be a productive political formula.
RUSH: We head back to the phones to Shelby Township. Where is that, Michigan? And this is Dan. Great to have you, sir. How you doing?
CALLER: Good. How you doing, Rush?
RUSH: Very well. Thank you very much.
CALLER: I’m referring to I saw a video on YouTube of Donald Trump in the late eighties, maybe early nineties. I saw a couple of them where he’s talking about the 1986 tax reduction where they brought the top tax rate down to I think 26%.
RUSH: It was 28%.
CALLER: Okay, 28%. He was saying that it dried up a lot of venture capital in the building industry, and indeed they went through a bad period at that time. He said that it was a disincentive to use capital investment as tax she did that because the taxes had gone so low. He made that point, and I think it’s a good point. I don’t know if it would happen again this time. But I don’t think they should go down to… A million dollars is too low. I think it should be maybe $10 million. Even then I’m kind of against it. I’m not really for it. But he did make that point and I think that could maybe happen again. Millionaires are looking to reduce their taxes no matter what words… You said businesses, well, if they get reduced taxes, they want to put it back into the businesses, expand —
RUSH: Wait a second, now, we’re talking about something here that I need to include in your description of the ’86 tax cut and what Trump was talking about.
RUSH: The real estate industry was creamed by virtue of the… Particularly the rental real estate market was wiped out by the tax rate reduction to 28% for a while, and that’s the market Trump was in.
RUSH: And there were people… Those people… (sigh) The deductions were gone is why, and the deductions and the expenses that they had incurred in investing and borrowing money to build, it wasn’t grandfathered. And some of them got… It wasn’t the rate that did it to them, although, see… (sigh) It was in a way, because if the top marginal rate’s 28%, then that’s the maximum per dollar you can deduct. So if you’re gonna give a dollar to charity, you only get to deduct 28% of it. Same thing now. If you give a dollar to charity, you can only deduct whatever your tax rate is — and if you’re in the top bracket, you don’t even get to deduct that. They’ve taken ’em all away from you.
CALLER: Right. I know. I know about the… They didn’t grandfather in these items that would cause them to really kind of be cut off, you know, in the middle of their investments, and that hurt a lot, too.
RUSH: Well, because they changed the rules on ’em in the middle of the game. (sigh) I mean, this is the age-old argument about whatever happens in an economy, somebody’s gonna be hurt by it. The drop in the oil price, for example, is great for consumers at the gas pump and for whatever other energy expenses they have. But it is a nightmare for the producers. It’s a nightmare for the drillers. It’s a nightmare for the people that dig down deep and try to find the stuff. Now, taking that top marginal rate down to 28%? It limited a number of things, but the economic impact overall was dynamic.
Rush Limbaugh Explains -> President Trump Promised a Tax Cut for Everyone Rush Limbaugh Explains -> President Trump Promised a Tax Cut for Everyone Oct 23, 2017 RUSH: Axios: “
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