#but by season 3 and ESPECIALLY by s4 5 and 6 it gets fucking INSANE
hella1975 · 11 months
WHAT DO YOU MEAN THEY REDEEM ENJI BUT NOT TOUYA???? and WHY am I getting upset about a character from a show I’ve never watched? I’m gonna end up watching this aren’t I. I need to stop taking recommendations from you it NEVER ends well (ethel cain dead poets society everything everywhere all at once etc) I’ve already got bsd on my list. help
please please please i know you'd love touya and you'd understand him the reason the mha fandom gets such a bad rep is bc their collective critical thinking skills are non-existant like touya's tag is either pure porn or people continuing to villainise him and i cant take it anymore
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lesbianrobin · 3 years
If you had to rank all the 14 ST characters in the main group from most to least fav what would your ranking look like? (And by main group i mean the characters including murray and erica, and excluding karen, basically everybody involved in the final battle in 3x08)
ok let me preface this by saying that i literally love all of these characters i don't hate any of them okay?? let's go... ascending order for the drama!!
14. murray. no explanation needed. no offense to brett gelman he's phenomenal and i honestly think murray is really funny, but he's more or less just a plot device with some comic relief slapped on top.
now things get spicy <3
13. erica. love her to death! but she's fairly one-dimensional, once again primarily a comic relief character. maybe in s4 she'll get some more depth like the older kids have, but for now she's sort of a default next-to-last :/
12. will... no tea no shade but the kid's barely in the show! i absolutely want good things for him but like. i barely even know him. yknow? he’s only above erica bc he’s gay and she’s a capitalist. also that scene in s1 right before he gets snatched by the demogorgon when he just runs straight to the shed and grabs a goddamn shotgun and loads it fully ready to defend himself... that shit slapped good for him!!
11. this Will be controversial among some and i Know this character is many people's favorite... if you follow me already this is probably not going to surprise you but. nancy. i just think her character is kind of inconsistent, so i have a hard time really clicking with her :/ sometimes i love her and i think she's so cool and funny and hot (that hospital scene in s3... my GOD what a badass!) and other times i would like to fistfight her.
also let me get this out of the way right now: i'm aware that jonathan's character is ALSO super inconsistent!! i know okay??? i know!!!! please nobody judge me for how high rat boy gets on this ranking okay i'm literally making this up as i go along so idk if he's next or if he's like in the top five but i have a disease called Unreasonably Invested In Wildly Speculative Meta-Analysis Of Stranger Things which makes it impossible for me to be normal about jonathan and this is my ranking so i pick the bad taste!!!
10. joyce! i love her bro she's MOM and she tries so fucking hard all the goddamn time and she's so STRONG and kind and adorable... joyce is honestly a very unique and refreshing character ESPECIALLY if you’re considering stranger things within the horror genre which is often defined by these very specific archetypes of mothers and motherhood that i can get into if anyone is interested but like basically. love her <3
9. dustin <3 what an icon... i love him i love how he straight up killed a man and hardly flinched because it was to protect his friends and i love how he and his little girlfriend have a song they sing together and i love how he either has an insanely warped perspective on things due to low self-esteem or he just sometimes flatout lies to gain sympathy either way he’s a BABY and he’s so FUNNY and KIND and even when he’s scared he keeps going... ugh god and i love how even when he doubts his friends’ devotion to him he NEVER ever questions his devotion to them and he never ever considers leaving them behind or not stepping up to help them... he’s so brave!
8. mike is such a fucking BITCH but even more than that he is an ANGEL... literally his range who is doing it like him??? nobody!!!! graffiti’d the bathroom stall at school... hates cops.... what a legend. also i like how fucking goofy and dumb his hair looks in s3. also he’s very soft with his friends and it makes me cry. ALSO he literally stepped off a fucking CLIFF he was ready to DIE FOR DUSTIN and i know all the kids have risked their lives for each other but this wasn’t even a monster yknow this was just... bullies.... threatening his friend..... and mike couldn’t fucking let it happen bro he was ready to just step off the edge to keep dustin safe and it’s SO MUCH... and god the kindness he showed el when they first met!!! he’s a total angel and a total shithead and it’s amazing.
7. lucas my tiny baby hero.... he’s so strong and cool and capable yet at the same time he’s such a COMPLETE dork!!! he very seriously believes his slingshot wrist rocket is a lethal weapon and then he ACTUALLY USES IT AS A LETHAL WEAPON TO SAVE HIMSELF AND HIS FRIENDS!!! he hacks off a giant monster’s freaky tentacle arm thing with an axe to save his friend AND he keeps a bunch of action figures and random dice on his bedside table bro he just thinks they’re neat!!! like... i genuinely love him so much god he cares so much about his friends and he’s so brave and smart and loving... i know he is not tiny anymore but he is my tiny baby hero okay...
6. hopper! big man care for little girl... protect and love kids... dance to dad music... be goofy and hot... have trauma.... admit his faults and attempt to grow from them.... what's not to love?
5. jonathan... look i can’t explain it except that he loves his goddamn baby brother so much and i’m a sucker with extensive headcanons alright!
4. el!!! feral little darling girl!!! i literally cannot articulate the love that floods my heart whenever i see her face or think about her for too long she’s just... so strong but more than that she’s so incredibly KIND!! when she has every reason to be selfish and cruel and yeah at times she does let herself get a little mean but on the whole she’s always so goddamn kind and loving and selfless no matter how afraid she is or how she’s hurting... and i hope that with her powers gone in s4 she’ll maybe learn how to see herself as more than a tool to protect those she loves yknow but that’s off topic skdncmn i just think that el is such an incredible character with such depth!! she can be so grave and mature yet she’s still such an innocent child at the same time, and i think that both the writing and mbb’s acting are handled such that both of these things WORK and feel real and they make el (and her trauma) so believable. i just love her to death.
3. robin, light of my lesbian little life!! unfortunately she's wayyy too much like me to snag the top spot lmao. maybe once we get another season with her she’ll trample the competition but for now my baby is in a solid third place <3 i’ve never seen a lesbian on screen who i felt so accurately represented me and my experiences!! she feels so real and in just one season she’s become one of my favorites on the whole show, and i cannot fucking wait to see what else we learn about her and what development we see from her in s4. 
2. as u may have guessed... max!! i know i said this was my subjective opinion but here i’ll just say it: max is objectively one of the best characters on the show. she’s so strong and funny and quick on her feet while harboring some real pain and insecurity at the same time, and both of these aspects of her character are married perfectly, logically connecting to one another and joining with sadie’s incredible acting to create an amazing character who feels just... so real!! i absolutely adore her and i CONSTANTLY tear up just from thinking about her skdncmn...
1. what if my number one wasn't steve. like can y'all imagine???? if i just said like will or some shit???? genuinely i did consider giving max or robin top billing here but i just Can't i've dedicated too goddamn much of my life to steve harrington to deny that he's my one and only. is there anything to say that hasn't already been said? look at the bitch. just look at him. 
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what other answer could there be?
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ace-charlie-kelly · 5 years
now you've been asked fave episode of each season!
sldjkfds thank you!
Season 1: The Gang Gets Racist. The first season is definitely the weakest imo but the very first episode is pretty solid and got Sunny off to a good gay start.
Season 2: Dennis and Dee Get a New Dad. I started watching Sunny in 2015 and I watched it out of order so of course I already knew Frank wasn’t Dee and Dennis’s biological father by the time I got to this one (in fact, at first I didn’t even know he raised them), but I still thought it was funny as heck, especially Frank’s meltdown at Guigino’s (thank u Emmy award winning Danny Devito) and the twist at the end that he might actually be Charlie’s dad. Love it.
Season 3: The Gang Gets Held Hostage. This was one of the first episodes I remember liking a lot. The McPoyles are wild and fucking hilarious. There are so many iconic moments (Dennis, I love you; RYAN, STAB SOMEBODY; *Dee cocks gun at the gang* GET ON YOUR KNEES, BITCHES!) The pacing is great. All that insanity and SCREAMING and build up to what was looking to be a huge ending where SOMEONE was gonna get shot or stabbed to death and then the McPolyes just...leave. And that’s the end lmao.
Season 4: Mac and Charlie Die AND The Nightman Cometh: Okay LISTEN I can’t choose between THE most iconic episode (Nightman Cometh) and my personal favorite, not just in s4 but in Sunny as a whole (Mac and Charlie Die) so I’m gonna mention them both. Charlie and Mac getting up to dumbass Shenanigans™ together is one of my favorite episode setups and I could watch the car crash scene on loop for hours and still think it’s hilarious. And there’s no need to explain TNC. It’s one of the most popular and well-known episodes for a reason.
Season 5: Mac and Dennis Break Up: It’s just the macdennis of it all...
Season 6:  I wanted to say A Very Sunny Christmas because it’s my favorite episode overall after Mac and Charlie Die and Wikipedia lists it under season 6. But I think it’s technically not a part of any season so that episode aside I’ve got to go with Who Got Dee Pregnant? The flashback-style storytelling. Dee becoming more and more birdlike until she’s an ACTUAL EMU. Frank dressed as “Man-Spider.” Artemis “I Don’t Remember Most Evenings” Dubois. “YOU WILL CALL HER!” The bombshell (and fake, thank god) reveal that the answer to the titular question was DENNIS, holy shit! A good, funny episode that worked in Kaitlin’s irl pregnancy perfectly.
Season 7: CharDee MacDennis: The Game of Games. Another quintessential Sunny episode. It combines my two favorite types of episode setups: a Charlie & Mac team up and a gang-centric storyline that takes place in the bar. Love it!
Season 8: Reynolds vs. Reynolds: The Cereal Defense. Again, I love gang-centric episodes, especially ones that shine a light on the gang’s intricate and surprisingly sacred internal arbitration system. Mac’s “Science is a LIAR sometimes”/”BITCH” speech is one of my top favorite scenes in the whole show.
Season 9: The Gang Gets Quarantined. Another gang-centric episode set in the bar! Nothing is funnier than Frank, hairless and mostly naked, squirming around on a floor covered in hand sanitizer (except for maybe fully naked Frank crawling out of a couch. Why hasn’t Sunny won an Emmy yet???).
Season 10: Charlie Work. There’s a reason it has the highest episode rating on IMDb! Bc it’s good.
Season 11: Mac and Dennis Move to the Suburbs: NEWSFLASH ASSHOLE, I’ve been stanning Suburbs the entire goddamn time!!!!!
Season 12: The Gang Goes to a Water Park. Rare Mac & Dee team up. Dennis being as close to wholesome as possible spending his entire day mentoring Abby on the art of scheming. That horrifying 10 second long squuueeeaaak as Frank’s back skin gets scraped off by that dry-ass slide. Mac putting his ass on the pool drain and looking me in the eye while he does it. The only thing I didn’t like about this episode was its weirdly short run time.
Season 13: This one’s hard because I haven’t rewatched most of these episodes since they premiered last year. Obviously I’m tempted to say Mac Finds His Pride, but looking back that (incredible!!!) final scene is the only big reason it stands out to me as a noteworthy episode. When it comes to which episode I enjoyed most as a whole, I think that might be The Gang Gets New Wheels. I don’t know what this says about me as a person, but I’ve never laughed harder than when Mac and Charlie beat up those children slkdjfjsdk.
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Ranking of Drag Race finales
13. S6 
While this season is generally fantastic, predictable winner fatigue sets in around the Chad Bono episode and after that everything feels slightly unnecessary. Drag Race really could have just crowned Bianca at the end of the previous episode and saved us from having to sit through this slog.  
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12. AS3 
Imdb viewers rated this as the all-time worst episode of Drag Race, a title that I think is unfair, if understandable. To see Shangela screwed over so clearly is painful, as is the terrible final lipsync and the jury process as a whole, but the first half of the episode is a fun affair. The Kitty Girl performance in particular is really fun, but overall this episode is a clear net loss to the season and possibly even the franchise. 
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 11. S5 
This is similar to S6 in that it is largely uninteresting but I believe three things marginally save it. 
1. The winner is less predictable. Jinkx may have the best track record but a strong case could also be made for Alaska (or, honestly Roxxxy but there is no way she’d be crowned) 
2. The reaction and dicussion around a villain is interesting to me, so Roxxxy’s sheer presence adds intrigue. 
3. This LOOK above from Detox. Overall though, it is definitely not one for a rewatch.
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10. S3 
While S3 is my favourite season of RPDR, the finale is fairly painful. This is largely related to the reason 3 is such a good season and that’s the length of the season. This makes the season a great fun to watch for a drag race superfan who can’t get enough but for the queens it is clearly exhausting. So, seeing Alexis & Manila lose out is feels unfair, even though Raja also deserves it, because they’ve fought so hard. 
Champion is not a good song either, which certainly does not help matters since it is played ALL EPISODE LONG. 
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9. S8 
Another season with a predictable winner, but a much more entertaining finale than 6, due to the performances. Bob is predictably fantastic & Naomi & Kim are aided by infectious bops. Plus, the most rightful winner of Miss Congeniality, Cynthia Lee Fontaine won in this finale which is a net plus. 
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8. AS1 
While AS1 is in mine and many people’s opinions the worst drag race season, I actually kind of enjoyed their assignments this episode. Raven’s finale look is beautiful and imo, the rightful winner was crowned. Nothing to really complain about, even if I would have put Shannel in the Top 2, but that’s more about my deep love for Shannel than anything else. 
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7. S1 
The fact that Rebecca turned up to the finale in a recycled outfit that was basic to begin with will forever be iconic. Other than that, a really fun rap challenge, with Bebe unleashing her Jungle Kitty talents almost 10 years before AS3, and stunning looks from Bebe & Nina. 
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6. S7 
After a couple of dud season finales S7 made them fun again. The Ben/Michelle gag was great, the Katya win fakeout was ridiculous and the Top 3 performances were good, if not great. While I might prefer good ol’ Minj Ginj, Violet was a satisfying winner which is always nice, not saying any names, AS3. 
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5. S4 
While it does follow the same format as the two seasons following, mostly due to Sharon & Willam, we get a fabulous finale. Sharon is fantastic with the crowd and gets smart jokes in throughout and Willam is on fire, mostly when confronting the publicly reviled Phi Phi O’Hara. 
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4. S10 
A mess, but a glorious mess. The fact that the S10 girls had the thought process of “How do I top Sasha Velour?” and reached the conclusion of butterfly breasts and Russian nesting dolls of reveals is hilarious to me. Aquaria correctly wins which is another boost for the series when for the last few seasons they have faced some criticism for ‘wrongful’ winners. 
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3. S2 
Not a second is wasted in this finale. The slapping challenge with Ru is very fun and all the girls look beautiful. Whether you are someone who loves Tyra or Raven there is something for you here. 
If you love Tyra you see her rightfully win the crown and dance her ass off in a fantastic lipsync. 
If you love Raven, you get to see her absolutely savage ‘keep looking to the stars, you’ll never be one’ message to Tyra and you’ll feel ok again. 
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2. AS2 
The editors of Drag Race were fully in their glory days during AS2 and the suspense offered in this episode is proof of that. Realistically everyone knows that Alaska is gonna win the season, but the eleventh hour turn of interest towards Detox & Katya in both this and the previous episode is weirdly convincing. Add to this fantastic runway looks & an incredibly rewatchable performance, and you’ve got a winning (well of 2nd place, condragulations Raven!) episode. 
1. S9 
Insane. This episode sets my world on fire. Interestingly, I am not necessarily crazy about Peppermint or Sasha but to see them both, and especially Ms Velour, turn it the fuck out is pretty fantastic. Shea & Trinity going home in 3rd/4th could feel unsatisfying, but the performances put out by the other two flips this assumption around. Unmissable TV.
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