#bui p5x
persona-game-info · 1 month
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P5X Mobile wallpapers
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mat-er-ials · 4 months
that silly hatsune miku one from p5x
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p5x-theories · 1 month
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Textless phone + desktop wallpaper versions of various art was just posted!
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yosukeburger · 3 months
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milkshake-hime · 29 days
Persona Fusions except they get more chaotic
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thebrightsilverlining · 2 months
Types of Phantom Thief Outfits
Oftentimes when someone genderbends one of the male Phantom Thieves, their Thief outfit is always redone to include a skirt. This is something I always found strange, considering the fact that none of the girls wear skirts as part of their Thief outfit. In fact, with P5X introducing a truckload of new Phantom Thieves, I realized that the lack of skirts and dresses almost seems to be a rule when it comes to the designs, as NONE of the new characters wear skirts.
So, because of that, I wanted to break down the kinds of outfits the Thieves actually wear, from most common to least common.
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The most common type of outfit the Thieves wear is a one-piece. While most of these are skintight bodysuits (Oracle, Puppet, Panther, Queen, etc), there's also jumpers (Fox), and rompers (Riddle). These outfits can include modifications and additional parts (Skull's vest and Moko's cape) but ultimately the main outfit is one article of clothing.
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Next up is long pants. The second most popular category, it is pretty much exactly what it says on the tin. All these characters where a typical ensemble of long pants and a shirt, with a variety of different styles and accessories to keep things from becoming boring.
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After long pants are shorts. Notably, there are only women in this category, while the previous categories had a mix. These shorts can be worn with or without leggings, with Sophia's outfit getting the closest to something that could be considered a dress, due to how short her shorts are and the fit of her shirt. If the character is not wearing leggings or tights, they seem to instead be put in long socks.
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Now we enter into the smaller categories. Only two characters are in the poofy pants category, but I thought it was worth pointing out. Not too much to say here. Both poofy pants characters have their entire body covered, with boots or leggings going right up to the end of the pants.
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Finally, we're in the singular character categories. Bui gets the closest to a skirt or dress, even closer than Sophia. However, because of the way her outfit is designed, it appears as if she's wearing a long shirt with leggings, rather than a really short dress. Worth noting, though, due to the fact that it is one of the few outfits that could be argued to be a dress.
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Finally, Wonder gets his own slot, because I genuinely can't tell what he's wearing. Is that a bodysuit with leggings? Shorts with leggings? Where does his cape end and his under outfit begin? Who knows. So he gets his own category.
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yusuke-of-valla · 6 months
God. I have a thought that would work SO WELL if there was actually a coherent story plan for the Persona 5 spin offs, unfortunately despite the fact that I like all of them I do not think that's the case so this is probably me seeing patterns in the chaos.
But basically, my main issue with Goro in Third Semester (other than the fact that the last quarter of this game has too many fake out deaths for a story to have any stakes) is that like.
If that ISN'T Goro then it kind of invalidates any growth or interactions he has with the Thieves because like he wasn't there?
If that IS Goro it raises a fuck ton of questions about why Maruki thought he was dead and why HE was so convinced he was dead (because Maruki convincing Goro and the others that Goro's dead deliberately to manipulate them into accepting his deal seems like a dick move above and beyond what he would do?) and generally kind of seems like a cop out as a way to get the big dramatic 2/2 choice but not like. Actually kill him which is cheap
BUT you CAN marry these two ideas IF you assume third Semester Goro is Joker's Erina (ie a manifestation of the part of his heart that wants to fight Maruki's reality based on his bond with Goro)
Goro isn't actually in Tokyo, hence Maruki thinking he's dead because Maruki's reality doesn't extend outside the area covered by Mementos, BUT the character stuff isn't invalidated because via Persona bond magic it is Goro enough that the emotional aspect is still there even if it physically wasn't him
Also this allows for future Goro appearances to actually be a wildcard (yes I'm coping, shut up)
It would almost be enough to justify Tactica coming out after Royal AND make Tactica fit in the Royal timeline specifically even better, it's just I still don't buy that there's a grand plan here and they aren't making shit up as they go along so I, specifically, am going to be disappointed with whatever they end up doing IF we get another game with the main cast (no I don't count P5X, if relevant canon stuff happens with the main PT in a Chinese mobile spin off I'm gonna be frustrated for different reasons)
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so earlier today khoiazo told me that it is legal to own an owl in japan and idk why but after reading that I started to think about owls as service animals and hence have created the ‘blind wonder au’ its basically just p5x except wonder is blind and luffy takes on the role of not just a constant companion but also a disability aid.
How I think this would work is luffy would help wonder with avoiding hazards , traffic lights , crowds and navigation. I think I saw someone else post about a head canon of luffy acting like google maps and I think luffy in this au would when it comes to real world navigation act very similarly with him Scouting out routes flying ahead to check for things like road closures and telling wonder how far away they are from a destination but wonder still uses a cane incase they get separated and he’s just had it for so long its like an extension of his body now and he feels weird with out it. I think in this au wonder got pretty much everything though online shopping because he could use things like voice type/search and get their device to read out things such as prices and names but now with luffy he actually goes to the stores more and luffy can read the prices and help wonder deal with the challenges of stores and I think in this au wonder enjoys the social aspect of going out and buying stuff and lots of the shop works have got him pegged as the kid with the owl and he’s gotten a-bit of a reputation for both the owl strange shopping habits due to meta-verse stuff.
Speaking of meta-verse as for how this would effect meta-verse. I think in this au wonder would lean alot more towards ranged combat and relay more on his guns since though they can navigate close combat through their other senses its a bit risky and you don’t really want the party leader taking the brunt of the damage anyway.
thank you for reading my incoherent AU ramblings ^^
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daxieoclock · 7 months
Tactica Impressions Part 5, No Spoilers
I finished the DLC. It is stupidly good. Day 1 DLC is never not going to suck on the consumer end, and the fact this game costs like. 90 bucks to get the full experience? horseshit. that being said, if you could buy Repaint Your Heart on its own for 20 bucks, I'd say you owe it to yourself.
Minus a few bits of potentially upsetting content and the metatext of "everything here will be basically non-canonized by the end" (and issues of sound mixing endemic to the base game and Strikers), it is one of the strongest pieces of media Atlus has ever released, and does insane justice to two fan-favorite Thieves who have needed that since Royal. The fact that it's relegated to Day 1 DLC is a fucking travesty.
In one scene, Kasumi discusses her grief over losing her sister. Kasumi discusses her grief. For the first time since her character was introduced and then rectonned out of existence in Royal, Kasumi gets to articulate how she feels about losing her sister. It's the best take of the character I've ever seen outside of me and @lilyhoshikawa's assorted writings (but @superrabbittank still has the best written Sumire to date, no question).
Speaking of, I can and will be referencing both Erina and Guernica in Deja Vu at some future point. Maybe not main fic, but I need to write these two. Possibly at the same time. Cool girl rights.
Guernica is just generally one of the strongest written characters in a Persona game? Which is hilarious to say considering she only has a few hours of screen time, but she's a fantastic sympathetic foil to the Thieves, AND an imposing and threatening antagonist, with a fully realized arc. I know she's relegated to the same terminal one-game status as Sophia, Hikari and Zen, but I do hope we see more of her in the future SOMEHOW. At the very least, add her to P5X when that eventually comes out. Ditto with Erina.
Back to main campaign.
Haru of course is so wonderful to see, but Ryuji is genuinely charming in every interaction too. He's such a sweetheart, and his :D face makes me grin every time I see him. Sunshine boy real.
Toshiro had a cool moment. He still sucks. Despite this one thing, that I thought was cool, he still sucks.
Erina managing to walk off a legitimately life-threatening injury while Toshiro throws a fit over a graze. Not surprising, but g-d he's such a piss baby.
Ann smiling while she threatened Toshiro made me holler, I'm so fucking here for it. AND IT WAS ABOUT HIM LYING TOO, like, that's Ann's number one thing whenever I interpret her, and here canon is proving me right! We love to see it!
This picture of Futaba.
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Haru (and Ann) Close Read Lines: 7
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persona-game-info · 5 months
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We have our first set of character info for beta 3
Yui -  A female player the protagonist met in an online game.
Obsessed with acquiring in-game land, both decided to grow crops on them per the protagonist's suggestion.
She has a naïve personality and occasionally reveals a very ditzy side.
codename: BUI
Persona: Apseudes
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arcsin27 · 1 year
until atlus and/or perfect games corrects me im holding onto the theory that p5x is about akechi wishing he could go back in time to undo everything hes done and have another chance at a normal life (with ren maybe? "if only wed met a few years earlier").
maybe as a disguise, a desire for a completely fresh start, or thats just what he looked like back then, akechi appears as a second year with shorter red hair.
akechi is wonder. they have a few minor visual similarities (black outfit with a high collar and red lenses over the eyes of the mask, and both their actual eyes are reddish). also, we know that wonder was responsible for some big "choice" that caught luffys attention. in this theory that choice was to either create or enter this new reality. this would also explain that rumor a while back that we're getting an akechi spinoff game
but the time travel (er i suppose dimension hopping, whichd explain the altered signs and landmarks around tokyo shown in the trailers) was unstable or it fucked up or something, and now time is all outta whack. a la spiderverse, the various times and universes are converging, and people from across existence are appearing in p5x's tokyo.
this is your gacha system. whos gonna pop outta the wormhole? buy currency and maybe the next arrival will be yosuke hanamura! or maki sonomura! or akihiko sanada as a sees member! or akihiko sanada as a shadow ops member! i mean, the universe is falling apart anyways, might as well take advantage of the cracks in reality and enlist some help from fellow experienced persona users if you can pull them from the lootbox.
im not sure about every detail of this headcanon though. would akechi remember the past year? was it a conscious choice or an accident? who sent him here? maruki? philemon? and why is his outfit so different from both forms we saw in p5?
also DISCLAIMER: i know this wont happen. wonder really doesnt look that much like akechi the longer i look at him. thisd be really dumb and out of left field (hell, as much as i love persona 2 innocent sin, that games universe hopping time travel shit was lowkey infuriating), and it relies heavily on the ending of another game that it clearly has very little to do with. im also not great with characterization and symbolism so its very possible and even highly likely that this plot would undermine a lot of akechi's personality and development in royal. like yknow not wanting to leave his true reality even if the other one can give him everything he wanted. so if this is the actual plot thatd kinda be terrible, this is more of a crack theory or really just a fun fanfic au idea :)
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p5x-theories · 2 months
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A new Phantom Idol is getting added to the beta on May 9th!
Visible behind her, her Persona appears to be Thalia, as previously datamined. She's currently listed as bless, but for the first few hours of this post, she was apparently mislabeled as ice instead:
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Information on her from the post's description:
[Character Contract-Sweet Diagnosis] During the event, the probability of getting 5★ Kaitou idol "Minami Miyashita" (Blessing | Rescue) by signing a contract will be increased for a limited time. Minami is a non-limited character. At the end of the event, she will enter the character's ordinary contract, but she will not join the special reward of 300 times of ordinary contracts. Optional range. An independent and sensible girl who runs a shop with her father, she is careful, lively, responsible and accustomed to taking care of others. Because she has lived with her father for a long time, she is well versed in how to deal with people. Even if she is facing the opposite sex, she can be like a spring breeze, and she is very popular among the neighbors. Influenced by her late mother, she secretly dreams of becoming a nurse. The conflict between her strong sense of responsibility and her own dreams brought a lot of pressure and contradictions to Minami. By chance, she met the protagonist and asked the captain to come together to witness this story about dreams and responsibilities. As a "rescue" character who is good at healing, Minami Miyashita can effectively heal teammates in the team who are in poor condition based on her own health by consuming the accumulated "Mother's Tears", dispelling the abnormal status of her teammates and increasing their maximum health. In addition, Minami's HIGHLIGHT skill can restore a large amount of health to teammates and increase their maximum health, while also giving them a state of restoring health after taking action.
Her 5-star weapon is referred to as "Angel Heart", and is the weapon pictured with her in the images above. Two slightly different versions of this image are also included in the post: a closeup of her, and a closeup of her weapon.
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Notably, no codename is given for her anywhere in the post (it also refers to YUI by her online name instead of codename, Bui.)
Also, as always, please be aware that Google translate's guess at her name- Minami Miyashita- may be incorrect!
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yosukeburger · 5 months
P5X New Character Info
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All the character info are shown on the live. Everything is presented under the cut.
Yui Bui (CV: Chika Anzai) Persona: Aspdueds A mysterious girl the protagonist meets in the virtual world. Obsessed with acquiring large amounts of land, the two decided to grow crops on the land at the suggestion of the protagonist. She has an innocent and innocent personality, and occasionally reveals her confused side. She is an Electric teammate.
Hina/Akina/Haruna Nishimori Riddle (CV: Yui Ogura) Persona: Daeira A 10-year-old childrens clothing model was selected as a model for an advertising agency because of the cute and delicate appearance. Cheerful, with strong curiosity, she walks follows adults and asks questions. When she doesn’t get the answer she wants, she will act like a spoiled brat… It’s so overwhelming! She is a Psy teammate.
Toshiya Sumi Sepia (CV: Junya Enoki) Persona: Gorgyra An unemployment young man who often hangs out at the fishing grounds and is known as the “fishing immortal”. There was a glorious record of catching the fish king without a fishhook. Although he is not very old, he has his own unique logic of understanding emotions and life, and his words are often astonishing. He is a curse teammate.
Miyu Sahara Puppet (CV: Kana Ichinose) Persona: Nemertes A girl in the first year of high school, the daughter of a member of the local House of Representatives. The appearance looks docile and polite, but in fact, she has her own opinions. Because she violated her parents' ardent expectations in future planning, she ran away from home and was determined to support herself with both hands. She is a navigator.
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milkshake-hime · 3 months
Halloween costume head-canons for the 4 thieves introduced in the 3rd beta:
Sepia: A pirate captain, because he likes to fish, and also because I head-canon him as a One Piece fan.
Riddle: A stylized engineer costume. I imagine her wearing TF2 Engineer’s costume lol.
Puppet: A jester costume because her belt on her thief outfit looks like a jester’s hat.
Bui: A dress similar to the one she wears with rabbit ears (Because her persona resembles a rabbit).
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lopjh · 4 months
P5X Third Beta Character Info Thread
Welcome to a good amount of this blog, where I post rough translations of any Gameplay Info for P5X Characters.
The character posts will go over their:
Role(Single Target DPS, AOE DPS, Tank, Healer, Support or Debuff)
Level 1 Stats
Persona Trait (Awareness Level 0)
Awareness Levels (1 - 6)
and Character Exclusive Mechanics
Info is taken from:
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 5 months
you know its sad, that you've turned into a Persona-salter from being a fan more than a decade ago.
I hate it too man. I miss being excited for stuff ;w; Theorizing for P5 was so freaking fun before the game came out..... P3/5D and PQ2 got me hyped but were a bit of a let down. P3R.....I.....I'll just set myself up for failure if I do theorize tbh, I've been kicked in the teeth enough. At this point I'm just waiting for the game so I can be surprised about something new (or not be disappointed when there's not ;w;)
(I was happy for the P3P/4G/Arena ports, I bought them......but there's not much to talk about with those! TT0TT I know yadda yadda bad PC port for P3P, I get it yeah it sucks, but I don't think I was negative about it. I was just happy they did a port and a remake like I'd been hoping. And I hope they do the same with P1/2! Gimme ports and a remake! I'll buy both! Hell keep porting the cellphone games I bought that day one! I'm all about preserving the older content! There's just not a lot to say on those matters other than "yay I'm happy they did this!" and then leaving it at that TT0TT It's not really something I can continuously gush over)
I do wanna do more P5X stuff, but it's hard to get ahold of info, plus stuff seems to be changing (they changed the 109 building again! *alien music* what does it meaaaaan???? O0O probs nothing but jdklsjfs still fun), and I don't have a lot of time. I am happy they are going with a new timeline route for sooooooo many reasons (1) fresh start, 2) finally utilizing the multiverse!!!)
P5X (and Refan) are giving me hope and I'm afraid. TT0TT I don't wanna be hurt again even tho it's looking promising. (Have to get over the red flag of the gacha mechanic, but I'm not really someone who plays gacha games so.....it's outta my element other than knowing they can be predatory ;w;)
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