#btb leo
hermitcraft-8 · 1 year
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yeah okay iteration poll propaganda
(iteration poll run by @whatinthefuckingninjaturtles, redline au by @tmntredline)
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memestarsblog · 2 years
Melanie Raabe Eltern
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Melanie Raabe Eltern Die deutsche Autorin Melanie Raabe wurde am 1. August 1981 in Jena, in der Region Gera, in Ostdeutschland geboren. Melanie Raabe wurde in Jena geboren und wuchs ohne die UnterstĂŒtzung ihres aus Benin stammenden Vaters in den thĂŒringischen Orten Graitschen und Wiehl auf. An der Ruhr-UniversitĂ€t Bochum studierte sie Medienwissenschaften sowie Allgemeine und Vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft. Im Jahr 2011 wurde sie erstmals fĂŒr ihr Schreiben ausgezeichnet. Beim Wettbewerb um den Deutschen Kurzkrimipreis im Rahmen des Krimifestivals Tatort Eifel belegte sie mit ihrer Kurzgeschichte "Die Zahnfee" den ersten Platz.
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Melanie Raabe Eltern Auf der Leipziger Buchmesse 2015 stellte sie ihr btb-DebĂŒt The Trap aus. Das Buch wurde noch vor seinem Erscheinen unter anderem nach Frankreich, Italien, in die Niederlande, nach Spanien und in englischsprachige LĂ€nder verkauft. Auf der Berlinale wurden auch die Filmrechte verkauft. Die Hörbuchversion von Die Falle erschien zeitgleich und wurde von Devid Striesow und Birgit Minichmayr gelesen.
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Melanie Raabe Eltern Die Wahrheit, ihr zweites Buch, ist im August 2016 bei btb erschienen. Der Schatten, ihr drittes Werk, ist im Juli 2018 erschienen. Melanie Raabe, die in Köln wohnt und Vegetarierin ist, ist offizielle Lesebotschafterin der Stiftung Lesen. Seit Mai 2019 moderiert sie gemeinsam mit Laura Kampf den Podcast Raabe & Kampf, in dem sie ĂŒber Kunst, KreativitĂ€t und die Arbeit als Freiberuflerin sprechen.
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Melanie Raabe Eltern Auszeichnungen: Deutscher Kurzkrimipreis, erster Platz 2011 2015: Preis des Oberbergischen Kreises fĂŒr Kulturförderung Die Falle debĂŒtierte 2016 in der Kategorie des Stuttgarter Krimipreises. Der Schatten steht auf der Shortlist des Leo-Perutz-Preises 2019. https://youtu.be/kKhtQVzyVtQ Melanie Raabe Eltern Read the full article
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getallemeralds · 4 years
hello everyone i am close to crying bc of funny stick game
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gegendensatz · 5 years
Karin Boye: Kallocain
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Eine Gesellschaft gegrĂŒndet auf Misstrauen
„Die KollektivitĂ€t steht bereit, das letzte Gebiet zu erobern, auf dem asoziale Tendenzen bislang noch Zuflucht suchen konnten. Wenn mich nicht alles tĂ€uscht, heißt das schlicht, dass die große Gemeinschaft kurz vor ihrer Vollendung steht.“
Was wĂ€re, wenn selbst Gedanken ĂŒberwachbar wĂ€ren und der Staat dies gnadenlos ausnutzt, nicht nur um Verbrecher aufzuspĂŒren, sondern um jegliches Andersdenken auszuschalten? Die Reihe an Zukunftsdystopien ist lang. Sie reicht von Aldous Huxleys Brave New World (1932) ĂŒber George Orwells 1984 (1949) bis hin zu Ray Bradburys Fahrenheit 451 (1953), doch keine von ihnen schafft eine solch beĂ€ngstigende totalitĂ€re Kontrolle und Überwachung wie Karin Boyes Kallocain. Der erstmals 1940 erschienene Roman entwirft eine dĂŒstere Welt mit einer auf Misstrauen gegrĂŒndeten Gesellschaft, in der das Individuum keinen Wert besitzt und nur eine winzige ‚Zelle‘ im gewaltigen Staatsapparat ist, den es selbst nicht zu durchschauen vermag. Nach seinem Erscheinen wurde der Roman von der Kritik als Meisterwerk gefeiert, doch heute ist er im Vergleich zu Orwells oder Huxleys Werken in Vergessenheit geraten. Dabei hat er nichts an AktualitĂ€t eingebĂŒĂŸt und ist angesichts der immer weiter voranschreitenden Wissenschaft umso erschreckender. Kallocain ist jetzt bei Btb in einer Neuausgabe mit einem Nachwort zum biografischen und geschichtlichen Kontext der Autorin erschienen.  
In der Zukunft, in der wir uns befinden, ist die Welt unter zwei SupermĂ€chten aufgeteilt: dem Weltstaat einerseits und dem Universalstaat andererseits. Ersterer ist wesentlicher Schauplatz der Handlung. Er ist totalitĂ€r und militĂ€risch organisiert, d.h. jeder ‚Mitsoldat‘, wie die MitbĂŒrger hier genannt werden, muss neben seiner normalen Arbeit MilitĂ€r-und Polizeidienst leisten, der hauptsĂ€chlich aus Überwachung  der Mitmenschen besteht. Die Kontrolle endet jedoch nicht an der HaustĂŒr sondern dringt sogar bis ins eheliche Schlafzimmer vor, da alle RĂ€ume der standardisierten Wohnungen mit Mikrofonen ausgestatten sind. Überhaupt ist hier alles standardisiert und genormt: das Essen, die Kleidung und selbst die Arbeit. Niemand soll hier auf den Gedanken kommen, mehr als nur ein RĂ€dchen im Getriebe des Staates zu sein. Jeder ist austauschbar. Besonders beeindruckend vermittelt Boye dies ĂŒber das Konzept des freiwilligen Opferdienstes, bei dem Menschen sich aufgrund ihrer scheinbar marginalen Rolle aus freien StĂŒcken dazu entschließen, an sich Experimente mit ungewissem Ausgang durchfĂŒhren zu lassen.
Wie es bei Dystopien oft der Fall ist, wird hier nicht aus bloßer Fantasie eine Zukunftsvision entworfen, sondern es werden zugleich aktuelle Entwicklungen gespiegelt.  Auch Boyes Werk wird zur Gesellschaftskritik und es lassen sich zwei totalitĂ€re Systeme ausmachen, die ihr als Vorbild dienten: die stalinistische Sowjetunion und das nationalsozialistische Deutschland. Sprachlich brillant zeigt Boye, wie UnterdrĂŒckung auf der Basis von Sprache funktioniert. Der Befehlston, das durch MilitĂ€rbegriffe geprĂ€gte Vokabular und die teilweise hetzerischen Reden von Höhergestellten könnten durchaus dem nationalsozialistischen  Regime entstammen.      
„Aus Gedanken und GefĂŒhlen entstehen Worte und Taten. Wie sollen Gedanken und GefĂŒhle denn die Sache des Einzelnen sein können? Gehört nicht der ganze Mitsoldat dem Staat? Wem sollen seine Gedanken und GefĂŒhle gehören, wenn nicht dem Staat? Bisher ist es nur nicht möglich gewesen, sie zu kontrollieren – aber nun ist, wie gesagt, das Mittel dazu entdeckt worden.“
Leo Kall, Chemiker und treuer Untergebener, entwickelt Kallocain, ein unfehlbares Wahrheitsserum, das jeden Menschen seine intimsten Gedanken offenbaren lĂ€sst. Im Überwachungsstaat ist eine solche Erfindung unbezahlbar und die Regierung beginnt unverzĂŒglich, mithilfe des Serums StaatsverrĂ€ter aufzuspĂŒren. Schon bald jedoch gerĂ€t die Entdeckung außer Kontrolle und unter den Menschen verbreiten sich Angst und Schrecken. Jeder kann nun zur Polizei gehen und gegen beliebige Mitsoldaten Anzeige wegen Hochverrats erstatten, denn wie sich herausstellt, hat beinahe jedes Mitglied der Gesellschaft regimekritische Gedanken. Auch Kall selbst muss einsehen, dass er GefĂŒhle hat, die im Weltstaat unerwĂŒnscht sind: Sehnsucht zum Beispiel nach seinem kleinen Sohn, der – wie in dieser Gesellschaft ĂŒblich – in einem Kinderlager lebt oder Eifersucht, weil er vermutet, seine Frau könnte eine AffĂ€re haben.  Diese Empfindungen machen Kall im durch unterkĂŒhlte  GesprĂ€che geprĂ€gten Weltstaat zu einer sympathischen Figur. Im Verlauf wird immer mehr deutlich: Universell menschliche BedĂŒrfnisse nach Liebe, WĂ€rme und NĂ€he lassen sich nicht unterdrĂŒcken oder kontrollieren. Kollocain wĂ€re vielleicht eine Möglichkeit gewesen, genau dies zu beweisen, GefĂŒhle und IndividualitĂ€t zu legitimieren und die totalitĂ€ren VerhĂ€ltnisse aufzulösen, doch das Misstrauen sitzt zu tief.  Das Serum wird nur noch dazu verwendet, unliebsame Mitsoldaten diskret aus dem Weg zu schaffen. Kall kommt ĂŒber den Nuten seiner Entdeckung ins GrĂŒbeln, doch dafĂŒr scheint es inzwischen zu spĂ€t zu sein

Der Roman ist auf eine doppelte Weise beĂ€ngstigend und fast schon real: Zum einen ist da die totale Überwachung, nicht nur durch Mitmenschen, sondern besonders auch durch Technik wie Mikrofone  und Kameras. In Zeiten von Big Data und der Diskussion um Datensicherheit ist Boyes Dystopie in Teilen sicher schon real geworden. Und genau wie die Menschen in ihrem Roman nehmen wir die Dinge einfach hin. Wir sind uns der ZustĂ€nde bewusst und  prangern die Speicherung unserer Daten und deren Weiterverwertung an, doch das hĂ€lt uns trotzdem nicht davon ab, weiterhin Onlineshopping zu betreiben oder intimste Dinge in sozialen Netzwerken zu posten. Nach der LektĂŒre fragt man sich, wie frei die Welt in der wir heute leben wirklich ist und  besonders wie frei man selbst darin noch ist.
BeĂ€ngstigend wird Kollocain zum Anderen auch durch das Hervorkehren der Tatsache, dass  es in der Wissenschaft keinen Weg zurĂŒck gibt. Der ‚piont of no return‘ war bereits bei der Entwicklung des Wahrheitsserums ĂŒberschritten und Kall hat, nachdem er das Mittel an die Regierung abgegeben hat, keinen Einfluss mehr ĂŒber dessen Verwendung. Das wirft die Frage nach der Verantwortung der Wissenschaft gegenĂŒber der Gesellschaft auf. Wie weit darf man zum Beispiel bei der Genmanipulation gehen? Der Roman liefert einen entscheidenden Fakt, um diese Frage nach Ethik in der Wissenschaft zu beantworten: Man muss sie vor der Erfindung beantworten, denn danach gibt es kein ZurĂŒck mehr
Kallocain – eine reale und  beĂ€ngstigende, aber dennoch beeindruckende Dystopie, die unbedingt in einem Satz mit George Orwells 1984 und Aldous Huxleys Brave New World genannt werden muss.  
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cagematchdotnet · 2 years
Name of the event: 1FW
Date: December 10th 2017
Promotion: 1 Fall Wrestling
Location: Cornelia, Georgia, USA
Arena: Landmark Arena
Attendance: 100
-John Claymore defeats QT Marshall
-Karissa Rivera & Riley Shepard defeat Miss Drew Renee & Thunder Blonde
-Battle Royal- Winner: The British Wolf
-Sugar Dunkerton defeats D3
-Sam Shaw defeats Baron Black (w/Robin Maddox)
-Brandi Rhodes defeats Jessica Leigh
-Curry Man defeats CB Suave
-Josey Quinn defeats LSG
-Six Man Tag Team Match- Primal Fear (Manny Soriano, Matthew Omen & Skred) defeat Cody Vance, Jaxson Cassel & Nick Comoroto
-Luke Grimes defeats Gil Quest
-Punishment Martinez defeats Elijah Evans IV
Name of the event: 1FW
Date: January 21st 2018
Promotion: 1 Fall Wrestling
Location: Cornelia, Georgia, USA
Arena: Landmark Arena
-Six Man Tag Team Match- Cody Vance, Jaxson Cassel & Nick Comoroto defeat Primal Fear (Manny Soriano, Matthew Omen & Skred)
-The British Wolf defeats Fearless Musa
-D3 defeats Tim Miller
-Alan Angels defeats Chad Skywalker by DQ
-Sugar Dunkerton defeats CB Suave
-John Claymore defeats Mike Reed
-LSG defeats Baron Black
-Gil Quest defeats Luke Grimes
-Elijah Evans IV defeats Raphael King
-Drew Renee defeats Karissa Rivera
-Gunner Miller vs. QT Marshall - No Contest
Name of the event: 1FW
Date: February 17th 2018
Promotion: 1 Fall Wrestling
Location: Ellijay, Georgia, USA
Arena: Gilmer County Civic Center
-Luke Grimes defeats CB Suave
-Elijah Evans IV defeats Chad Skywalker
-Gil Quest defeats John Claymore
-The Good Ole Boys (??? & ???) defeat Mike Reed & QT Marshall
-Cyrus defeats The British Wolf
-Josey Quinn defeats ???
-Three Way Match- Drew Renee defeats Jessica Leigh & Karissa Rivera
-Six Man Tag Team Match- Cody Vance & Georgia Heat (Cody Roberts & Josh Cantrell) defeat Primal Fear (Manny Soriano, Matthew Omen & Skred)
Name of the event: 1FW Road To Greatness
Date: October 12th 2018
Promotion: 1 Fall Wrestling
Location: Norcross, Georgia, USA
-Cousin Shaggy defeats Lamar Diggs
-Matt Sells defeats Jaxson Cassel
-Erik Havok defeats Alan Angels
-Chad Skywalker defeats QT Marshall
-Aja Perera (w/Dara Destiny) defeats Ravana Xin
-Tim Miller defeats Mike Reed
-Elijah Evans IV defeats Fearless Musa
-Cody Vance defeats Bishop King
Name of the event: 1FW Fallout
Date: February 22nd 2019
Promotion: 1 Fall Wrestling
Location: Norcross, Georgia, USA
-JD Munoz defeats Movie Myk
-Kit Sackett defeats Michael Marshall
-Lamar Diggs defeats Leo Pryde
-Matt Sells defeats Fearless Musa
-Fred Yehi defeats Chad Skywalker
-The Havok Brothers (Axel & Erik Havok) defeat Jaxson Cassel & Tim Miller
-Three Way Match- Bshp King defeats Alan Angels & Baron Black
-#ExtraXin (Aja Perera & Ravana Xin) defeat Dara Destiny & Thunder Blonde
-1FW Heavyweight Title Match (vacant)- Elijah Evans IV defeats Cody Vance
Name of the event: 1FW Vindication
Date: June 7th 2019
Promotion: 1 Fall Wrestling
Location: Norcross, Georgia, USA
Arena: One Fall Power Factory
Attendance: 60
-JD Munoz defeats Lamar Diggs (6:21)
-Justin Law defeats Kit Sackett (8:54)
-Donnie Primetime defeats Johnny Lerman (9:21)
-Nasty Leroy defeats Matt Sells (4:45)
-Swiss Dean defeats Matt Sells (0:13)
-Leon defeats Matt Sells (6:02)
-Elijah Evans IV defeats Michael Marshall (11:01)
-Josey Quinn defeats The Fearless Musa (14:41)
-BTB (Brandon & Rowe Bullock) defeat The Havok Brothers (Axel & Erik Havok) (10:35)
-Three Way Match- Thunder Rosa defeats Shalandra Royal & Thunder Blonde (12:45)
-1FW Heavyweight Title Match- Tim Miller (c) defeats Jaxson Cassel (12:31)
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drjosefinamonasterio · 6 years
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Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.” Leo Tolstoy Except for Vibrant at any Age Championships the know meaningful and lasting change starts from within @drjosefinamonasterio #btb #body #mind #spirit #spiritualmuscle #noexcuses #nevergiveup #gymtime #goals #vision #passion #purpose đŸ”„đŸ”„đŸ”„đŸ’„đŸ’„đŸ’„đŸ’„đŸ’„đŸ”„đŸ”„đŸ†đŸ†đŸ’ȘđŸŒđŸ’ȘđŸŒđŸ’ȘđŸŒđŸ’ȘđŸŒđŸ†đŸ’ȘđŸŒâ€ïžđŸ‹đŸœâ€â™€ïžđŸ’„đŸ’„ (at Indian River Shores, Florida)
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vipairdrop · 4 years
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GÜNCEL Kripto LİSTELEME VE DELİSTLER Bibox Listeleme: ABBC Coin (ABBC) BiKi.com Listeleme: Multicoin (MTCN) Wrapped Bitcoin (WBTC) Compound (COMP) Bilaxy Listeleme: Ormeus Cash (OMC) Ormeus Coin (ORMEUS) RiverMount (RM) Flexacoin (FXC) IDEX Token (IDEX) BitcoinPoS (BPS) SwissBorg (CHSB) Storj (STORJ) CoinDash (CDT) Compound (COMP) V-ID (VIDT) SyncFab (MFG) xDAI Stake (STAKE) QuickX Protocol (QCX) BABB (BAX) Eklenen iƟlem çiftleri: ZelaaPayAE / Tether (ZPAE/USDT) Binance Listeleme: Everipedia (IQ) Penta (PNT) DigiByte (DGB) Eklenen iƟlem çiftleri: Bitcoin / British Pound (BTC/GBP) Ethereum / British Pound (ETH/GBP) XRP / British Pound (XRP/GBP) Binance Coin / British Pound (BNB/GBP) British Pound / Binance USD (GBP/BUSD) Bitfinex Listeleme: BTSE Token (BTSE) RingX (RINGX) BitForex Listeleme: Essek Tov (ETO) Bitmart Listeleme: Nuls (NULS) Eklenen iƟlem çiftleri: Dropil / Tether (DROP/USDT) BitMax Listeleme: BetProtocol (BEPRO) Bitstamp Listeleme: Stellar Lumens (XLM) Bittrex Listeleme: 4ART Coin (4ART) Arweave (AR) Eklenen iƟlem çifti: Origintrail / Ethereum (TRAC/ETH) Origintrail / Tether (TRAC/USDT) Bit-Z Listeleme: Bgoex (BGO) EDCC Coin (EDCC) BKEX Listeleme: Siacoin (SC) Quick Cash (QC) Bancor (BNT) Eklenen iƟlem çifti: Gas / Tether (GAS/USDT) BTSE Listeleme: UNUS SED LEO (LEO) Changelly Listeleme: Travala (AVA) Aryacoin (AYA) Coinbase Pro Listeleme: Compound (COMP) CoinBene Listeleme: Bitcoin Vault (BTCV) CoinDCX Listeleme: Everipedia (IQ) CoinEx Listeleme: Bancor (BNT) Aave (LEND) SimpleChain (SIPC) Coinone Listeleme: Compound (COMP) Treecle (TRCL) CoinTiger Listeleme: Nuls (NULS) Crex24 Listeleme: TerraBit (CREDIT) Paytomat (PAYTOMAT) Billetcoin (BLT) Infinite Ricks (RICK) Halving Coin (HALV) Delist: LeisureCoin (LSR) Digifinex Listeleme: AEN Smart Token (AENS) FTX Listeleme: Compound (COMP) Exx Listeleme: Chainlink (LINK) EJF Coin (EJF) Kyber Network (KNC) Gate.io Listeleme: Arweave (AR) HitBTC Listeleme: BitBall (BTB) Electra (ECA) Gleec (GLEEC) Hotbit Listeleme: Energi (NRG) Crypto Price Index (CPI) Everipedia (IQEVPD) VN99.Trade (VN) Storj (STORJ) WorldPet (WPT) Compound (COMP) Gold Mining Members (GMM) Arweave (AR) Status (SGT) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBwJVBPg9hTsdsnt4OGulswC6yn0pClqUS6nbw0/?igshid=ermgk1twfm3a
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heinzduthel · 5 years
Block Chain and Digital Currency Investors Directory Special Edition
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Block Chain and Digital Currency Investors Directory
Heinz Duthel's insight:
  ($$$) Money , (1337) 1337 , (1CR) 1CRedit , (1ST) First Blood , (2GIVE) 2GIVE , (42) 42-coin , (420G) GanjaCoin , (611) SixEleven , (808) 808Coin , (888) OctoCoin , (8BIT) 8Bit , (ABN) Abncoin , (ABY) ArtByte , (AC) AsiaCoin , (ACCI) NxttyACCI , (ACES) Aces , (ACN) Avoncoin , (ACOIN) Acoin , (ACP) AnarchistsPrime , (ADC) AudioCoin , (ADCN) Asiadigicoin , (ADT) The Aladin , (ADZ) Adzcoin , (AEON) Aeon , (AGLC) AgrolifeCoin , (AGRS) Agoras Tokens , (AIB) Advanced Internet Blocks , (ALL) Allion , (ALT) Altcoin , (ALTC) Antilitecoin , (AMBER) AmberCoin , (AMIS) AMIS , (AMP) Synereo , (AMS) AmsterdamCoin , (ANC) Anoncoin , (ANS) AntShares , (ANTI) AntiBitcoin , (APC) AlpaCoin , (ARB) ARbit , (ARC) Arcade Token , (ARC) ArcticCoin , (ARCO) AquariusCoin , (ARDR) Ardor , (ARG) Argentum , (ARGUS) Argus , (ARI) Aricoin , (ARK) Ark , (ASAFE) AllSafe , (ASC) AsicCoin , (ATMS) Atmos , (ATOM) Atomic Coin , (ATX) Artex Coin , (AU) AurumCoin , (AUM) Alexium , (AUR) Auroracoin , (AV) AvatarCoin , (AXF) AxFunds , (B@) Bankcoin , (B3) B3Coin , (BAC) BitAlphaCoin , (BASH) LuckChain , (BAY) BitBay , (BCC) BitConnect , (BCF) BitcoinFast , (BCN) Bytecoin , (BCY) Bitcrystals , (BELA) BelaCoin , (BENJI) BenjiRolls , (BERN) BERNcash , (BEST) BestChain , (BGC) BagCoin , (BIC) Bikercoin , (BIGUP) BigUp , (BIOB) BioBar , (BIOS) BiosCrypto , (BIP) BipCoin , (BIT) First Bitcoin , (BITB) BitBean , (BITBTC) bitBTC , (BITCNY) bitCNY , (BITEUR) bitEUR , (BITGOLD) bitGold , (BITS) Bitstar , (BITSILVER) bitSilver , (BITUSD) bitUSD , (BITZ) Bitz , (BLAZR) BlazerCoin , (BLC) Blakecoin , (BLITZ) Blitzcash , (BLK) BlackCoin , (BLOCK) Blocknet , (BLOCKPAY) BlockPay , (BLRY) BillaryCoin , (BLU) BlueCoin , (BLZ) BlazeCoin , (BOAT) Doubloon , (BOB) Dobbscoin , (BOLI) Bolivarcoin , (BOST) BoostCoin , (BPC) Bitpark Coin , (BRAIN) Braincoin , (BRIT) BritCoin , (BRK) Breakout , (BRX) Breakout Stake , (BSC) BowsCoin , (BSD) BitSend , (BSTAR) Blackstar , (BSTY) GlobalBoost-Y , (BTA) Bata , (BTB) BitBar , (BTCD) BitcoinDark , (BTCR) Bitcurrency , (BTCS) Bitcoin Scrypt , (BTD) Bitcloud , (BTG) Bitgem , (BTM) Bitmark , (BTQ) BitQuark , (BTS) BitShares , (BTSR) BTSR , (BTU) Bitcoin Unlimited (Futures) , (BUCKS) SwagBucks , (BUK) CryptoBuck , (BUMBA) BumbaCoin , (BUN) BunnyCoin , (BURN) President Sanders , (BURST) Burst , (BVC) BeaverCoin , (BXC) Bitcedi , (BXT) BitTokens , (BYC) Bytecent , (C2) Coin2.1 , (CAB) Cabbage , (CADASTRAL) Bitland , (CAGE) CageCoin , (CALC) CaliphCoin , (CANN) CannabisCoin , (CAP) Bottlecaps , (CARBON) Carboncoin , (CASH) Cashcoin , (CASINO) Casino , (CBD) CBD Crystals , (CBX) Crypto Bullion , (CC) CyberCoin , (CCM100) CCMiner , (CCN) Cannacoin , (CCRB) CryptoCarbon , (CDN) Canada eCoin , (CESC) CryptoEscudo , (CF) Californium , (CHAO) 23 Skidoo , (CHC) ChainCoin , (CHESS) ChessCoin , (CHOOF) ChoofCoin , (CJ) Cryptojacks , (CLAM) Clams , (CLINT) Clinton , (CLOAK) CloakCoin , (CLUB) ClubCoin , (CME) Cashme , (CMT) Comet , (CNC) CHNCoin , (CNO) Coin(O) , (CNT) Centurion , (CON) PayCon , (CONX) Concoin , (CORG) CorgiCoin , (COVAL) Circuits of Value , (COXST) CoExistCoin , (CPC) Capricoin , (CRB) Creditbit , (CREVA) CrevaCoin , (CRT) CRTCoin , (CRW) Crown , (CRX) Chronos , (CSC) CasinoCoin , (CSH) Cashout , (CTO) Crypto , (CUBE) DigiCube , (CURE) CureCoin , (CV2) Colossuscoin V2 , (CWXT) CryptoWorldX Token , (CXT) Coinonat , (CYC) Cycling Coin , (CYP) Cypher , (DAR) Darcrus , (DASH) Dash , (DASHS) Dashs , (DBG) Digital Bullion Gold , (DBIC) DubaiCoin , (DBIX) DubaiCoin , (DBTC) Debitcoin , (DCR) Decred , (DCRE) DeltaCredits , (DCT) Decent (Pre-Launch) , (DEM) Deutsche eMark , (DES) Destiny , (DEUS) DeusCoin , (DEX) InstantDEX , (DGB) DigiByte , (DGC) Digitalcoin , (DGCS) Digital Credits , (DGD) DigixDAO , (DIBC) DIBCOIN , (DIME) Dimecoin , (DISK) DarkLisk , (DIX) Dix Asset , (DLC) Dollarcoin , (DLISK) DAPPSTER , (DMC) DynamicCoin , (DMD) Diamond , (DOGE) Dogecoin , (DOLLAR) Dollar Online , (DOPE) DopeCoin , (DOT) Dotcoin , (DP) DigitalPrice , (DPAY) DPAY , (DRACO) DT Token , (DRAGON) BTCDragon , (DRM) Dreamcoin , (DRS) Digital Rupees , (DSH) Dashcoin , (DTB) Databits , (DTF) Digitalfund , (DUB) Dubstep , (DUO) ParallelCoin , (DVC) Devcoin , (DWC) DeepWebCash , (DYN) Dynamic , (EAC) EarthCoin , (EB3) EB3 Coin , (EBT) Ebittree Coin , (ECC) E-Currency Coin , (ECN) E-coin , (EDG) Edgeless , (EDR) E-Dinar Coin , (EDRC) EDRCoin , (EFL) e-Gulden , (EGC) EvergreenCoin , (EGG) EggCoin , (EGO) EGO , (EL) Elcoin , (ELC) Elacoin , (ELE) Elementrem , (ELS) Elysium , (EMC) Emercoin , (EMC2) Einsteinium , (EMD) Emerald Crypto , (EMV) Ethereum Movie Venture , (ENRG) Energycoin , (ENT) Eternity , (ERC) EuropeCoin , (ERY) Eryllium , (ESP) Espers , (ETC) Ethereum Classic , (ETH) Ethereum , (EUC) Eurocoin , (EVIL) Evil Coin , (EVO) Evotion , (EXCL) ExclusiveCoin , (EXP) Expanse , (FAIR) FairCoin , (FAZZ) Fazzcoin , (FC2) FuelCoin , (FCN) Fantomcoin , (FCT) Factom , (FDC) Future Digital Currency , (FEDS) FedoraShare , (FFC) FireFlyCoin , (FIRE) Firecoin , (FJC) FujiCoin , (FLAX) Flaxscript , (FLDC) FoldingCoin , (FLO) FlorinCoin , (FLT) FlutterCoin , (FLVR) FlavorCoin , (FLY) Flycoin , (FRC) Freicoin , (FRGC) Fargocoin , (FRK) Franko , (FRN) Francs , (FRST) FirstCoin , (FRWC) FrankyWillCoin , (FST) Fastcoin , (FTC) Feathercoin , (FUN) Alphabet Coin Fund , (FUND) Cryptofund , (FUNK) The Cypherfunks , (FUZZ) FuzzBalls , (G3N) G3N , (GAIA) GAIA , (GAIN) UGAIN , (GAM) Gambit , (GAME) GameCredits , (GAP) Gapcoin , (GARY) President Johnson , (GAY) GAYcoin , (GB) GoldBlocks , (GBC) GBCGoldCoin , (GBG) Golos Gold , (GBRC) Global Business Revolution , (GBT) GameBet Coin , (GBYTE) Byteball , (GCC) GuccioneCoin , (GCC) TheGCCcoin , (GCN) GCoin , (GCR) Global Currency Reserve , (GEERT) GeertCoin , (GEMZ) GetGems , (GEO) GeoCoin , (GLC) GlobalCoin , (GLD) GoldCoin , (GMB) Gambleo , (GMF) Grumfork , (GML) GameLeagueCoin , (GMX) GoldMaxCoin , (GNT) Golem , (GOLOS) Golos , (GP) GoldPieces , (GPU) GPU Coin , (GRC) GridCoin , (GREV2) Greencoin , (GRN) Granite , (GRS) Groestlcoin , (GRT) Grantcoin , (GUA) Guarany , (GUN) Guncoin , (GUP) Guppy (Pre-Launch) , (HAL) Halcyon , (HAM) HamRadioCoin , (HBN) HoboNickels , (HCC) Happy Creator Coin , (HEAT) HEAT , (HILL) President Clinton , (HIRO) Hirocoin , (HKG) Hacker Gold , (HLB) Lepaoquan , (HMC) Hommalicoin , (HMP) HempCoin , (HNC) Helleniccoin , (HODL) HOdlcoin , (HONEY) Honey , (HPC) Happycoin , (HTC) HitCoin , (HTML5) HTMLCOIN , (HUC) HunterCoin , (HVCO) High Voltage , (HXX) Hexx , (HYP) HyperStake , (HZ) Horizon , (I0C) I0Coin , (IBANK) iBank , (ICASH) iCash , (ICN) Iconomi , (ICOB) ICOBID , (ICON) Iconic , (ICOO) ICO OpenLedger , (IFC) Infinitecoin , (IFLT) InflationCoin , (IMPCH) Impeachcoin , (IMPS) ImpulseCoin , (IMS) Independent Money System , (IMX) Impact , (INCNT) Incent , (INFX) Influxcoin , (INPAY) Inpay , (INSANE) InsaneCoin , (IOC) I/O Coin , (ION) ION , (IOP) Internet of People , (ISL) IslaCoin , (IVZ) InvisibleCoin , (IXC) Ixcoin , (J) Joincoin , (JIN) Jin Coin , (JINN) Jinn , (JIO) JIO Token , (JNS) Janus , (JOBS) JobsCoin , (JWL) Jewels , (KASHH) KashhCoin , (KED) Darsek , (KLC) KiloCoin , (KMD) Komodo , (KOBO) Kobocoin , (KORE) KoreCoin , (KRB) Karbowanec , (KTN) KarmaToken , (KURT) Kurrent , (KUSH) KushCoin , (LANA) LanaCoin , (LAZ) Lazaruscoin , (LBC) LBRY Credits , (LDCN) LandCoin , (LDOGE) LiteDoge , (LEA) LeaCoin , (LEC) LeCoin , (LEO) LEOcoin , (LEPEN) LePen , (LEX) Lex4All , (LFC) BigLifeCoin , (LIR) LetItRide , (LKC) LinkedCoin , (LKK) Lykke , (LMC) LoMoCoin , (LOG) Woodcoin , (LOT) LottoCoin , (LSK) Lisk , (LTB) LiteBar , (LTBC) LTBcoin , (LTC) Litecoin , (LTCR) Litecred , (LTH) LAthaan , (LUNA) Luna Coin , (LVPS) LevoPlus , (MAC) Machinecoin , (MAD) SatoshiMadness , (MAID) MaidSafeCoin , (MAR) Marijuanacoin , (MARX) MarxCoin , (MAVRO) Mavro , (MAX) MaxCoin , (MBIT) Mbitbooks , (MBL) MobileCash , (MCRN) MACRON , (MEC) Megacoin , (MED) MediterraneanCoin , (MEME) Pepe , (MEOW) Kittehcoin , (MER) Mercury , (METAL) MetalCoin , (MG) Mind Gene , (MGM) Magnum , (MI) Xiaomicoin , (MILO) MiloCoin , (MINT) Mintcoin , (MLN) Melon , (MMXVI) MMXVI , (MND) MindCoin , (MNM) Mineum , (MOIN) Moin , (MOJO) MojoCoin , (MONA) MonaCoin , (MONETA) Moneta , (MONEY) MoneyCoin , (MOON) Mooncoin , (MOTO) Motocoin , (MSCN) Master Swiscoin , (MST) MustangCoin , (MTLMC3) Metal Music Coin , (MTM) MTMGaming , (MUE) MonetaryUnit , (MUG) MikeTheMug , (MUSE) MUSE , (MUSIC) Musicoin , (MXT) MarteXcoin , (MZC) MazaCoin , (NAUT) NautilusCoin , (NAV) NAV Coin , (NBE) BitCentavo , (NBIT) netBit , (NEOS) NeosCoin , (NET) NetCoin , (NETKO) Netko , (NEU) NeuCoin , (NEVA) NevaCoin , (NEWB) Newbium , (NKA) IncaKoin , (NLC2) NoLimitCoin , (NLG) Gulden , (NMC) Namecoin , (NOBL) NobleCoin , (NODC) NodeCoin , (NOTE) DNotes , (NSR) NuShares , (NTCC) Neptune Classic , (NTRN) Neutron , (NVC) Novacoin , (NXC) Nexium , (NXS) Nexus , (NXT) Nxt , (NYAN) Nyancoin , (NYC) NewYorkCoin , (OBITS) OBITS , (OCEAN) BurstOcean , (OCOW) OCOW , (OK) OKCash , (OMC) Omicron , (OMNI) Omni , (OP) Operand , (OPAL) Opal , (OPES) Opescoin , (ORB) Orbitcoin , (ORLY) Orlycoin , (OS76) OsmiumCoin , (P7C) P7Coin , (PAC) Paccoin , (PAK) Pakcoin , (PANGEA) Pangea Poker , (PASC) Pascal Coin , (PASL) Pascal Lite , (PAYP) PayPeer , (PBC) PabyosiCoin , (PCS) Pabyosi Coin (Special) , (PDC) Project Decorum , (PDG) PinkDog , (PEPECASH) Pepe Cash , (PEX) PosEx , (PHO) Photon , (PHS) Philosopher Stones , (PIE) PIECoin , (PIGGY) Piggycoin , (PINK) PinkCoin , (PIO) Pioneershares , (PIP) PipCoin , (PIVX) PIVX , (PIZZA) PizzaCoin , (PKB) ParkByte , (PLNC) PLNcoin , (PLU) Pluton , (PND) Pandacoin , (POKE) PokeCoin , (PONZI) PonziCoin , (POP) PopularCoin , (POST) PostCoin , (POSW) PoSW Coin , (POT) PotCoin , (PPC) Peercoin , (PR) Prototanium , (PRC) PRCoin , (PRES) President Trump , (PRM) PrismChain , (PRX) Printerium , (PSB) Pesobit , (PSY) Psilocybin , (PTC) Pesetacoin , (PULSE) Pulse , (PUT) PutinCoin , (PWR) Powercoin , (PX) PX , (PXC) Phoenixcoin , (PXI) Prime-XI , (QBC) Quebecoin , (QBK) Qibuck , (QBT) Cubits , (QCN) QuazarCoin , (QORA) Qora , (QRK) Quark , (QTL) Quatloo , (QWARK) Qwark , (RADS) Radium , (RAREPEPEPRTY) Rare Pepe Party , (RBIES) Rubies , (RBT) Rimbit , (RBX) Ripto Bux , (RBY) Rubycoin , (RC) RussiaCoin , (RCN) Rcoin , (RDD) ReddCoin , (RED) RedCoin , (REE) ReeCoin , (REP) Augur , (REV) Revenu , (RHFC) RHFCoin , (RIC) Riecoin , (RICHX) RichCoin , (RIDE) Ride My Car , (RISE) Rise , (RLC) RLC , (RNS) Renos , (ROUND) Round , (ROYAL) RoyalCoin , (RPC) RonPaulCoin , (RUBIT) RubleBit , (RYCN) RoyalCoin 2 , (SAFEX) Safe Exchange Coin , (SAK) Sharkcoin , (SANDG) Save and Gain , (SATOSHICARD) SATOSHICARD , (SBD) Steem Dollars , (SC) Siacoin , (SCORE) Scorecoin , (SCOT) Scotcoin , (SCRT) SecretCoin , (SDC) ShadowCash , (SDP) SydPak , (SEQ) Sequence , (SFC) Solarflarecoin , (SH) Shilling , (SHELL) ShellPay , (SHIFT) Shift , (SHORTY) Shorty , (SIB) SIBCoin , (SJCX) Storjcoin X , (SKC) Skeincoin , (SKR) Sakuracoin , (SKY) Skycoin , (SLFI) Selfiecoin , (SLG) Sterlingcoin , (SLING) Sling , (SLR) SolarCoin , (SLS) SaluS , (SMC) SmartCoin , (SMLY) SmileyCoin , (SNGLS) SingularDTV , (SNRG) Synergy , (SOAR) Soarcoin , (SONG) SongCoin , (SOON) SoonCoin , (SOUL) SoulCoin , (SPACE) SpaceCoin , (SPEX) SproutsExtreme , (SPHR) Sphere , (SPORT) SportsCoin , (SPR) SpreadCoin , (SPRTS) Sprouts , (SPT) Spots , (SRC) SecureCoin , (START) Startcoin , (STEEM) Steem , (STEPS) Steps , (STRAT) Stratis , (STRB) SuperTurboStake , (STS) Stress , (STV) Sativacoin , (SWIFT) Bitswift , (SWING) Swing , (SWT) Swarm City , (SXC) Sexcoin , (SYNX) Syndicate , (SYS) SysCoin , (TAAS) TaaS (Pre-Launch) , (TAG) TagCoin , (TAGR) TAGRcoin , (TAJ) TajCoin , (TALK) BTCtalkcoin , (TCOIN) T-coin , (TCR) TheCreed , (TEAM) TeamUp , (TEK) TEKcoin , (TELL) Tellurion , (TERA) TeraCoin , (TES) TeslaCoin , (TESLA) TeslaCoilCoin , (TGC) Tigercoin , (THC) HempCoin , (THS) TechShares , (TIC) True Investment Coin , (TIME) Chronobank , (TIPS) FedoraCoin , (TIT) Titcoin , (TIX) Tickets , (TKS) Tokes , (TLE) Tattoocoin (Limited Edition) , (TODAY) TodayCoin , (TOKEN) SwapToken , (TOR) Torcoin , (TP1) KolschCoin , (TRC) Terracoin , (TRI) Triangles , (TRICK) TrickyCoin , (TRIG) Triggers , (TRK) Truckcoin , (TROLL) Trollcoin , (TROPTIONS) TROPTIONS , (TRST) WeTrust , (TRUMP) TrumpCoin , (TRUST) TrustPlus , (TSE) Tattoocoin (Standard Edition) , (TSTR) Tristar Coin , (TTC) TittieCoin , (TX) TransferCoin , (U) UCoin , (UBQ) Ubiq , (UFO) UFO Coin , (UIS) Unitus , (UNB) UnbreakableCoin , (UNC) UNCoin , (UNI) Universe , (UNIBURST) UniBURST , (UNIC) UniCoin , (UNIT) Universal Currency , (UNITS) GameUnits , (UNITY) SuperNET , (UNO) Unobtanium , (UR) UR , (URC) Unrealcoin , (URO) Uro , (USC) Ultimate Secure Cash , (USDT) Tether , (USNBT) NuBits , (UTA) UtaCoin , (UTC) UltraCoin , (VAL) Valorbit , (VASH) VPNCoin , (VC) VirtualCoin , (VEC2) Vector , (VGC) VegasCoin , (VIA) Viacoin , (VIDZ) PureVidz , (VIP) VIP Tokens , (VISIO) Visio , (VLT) Veltor , (VLTC) Vault Coin , (VOX) Voxels , (VPRC) VapersCoin , (VRC) VeriCoin , (VRM) VeriumReserve , (VRS) Veros , (VSL) vSlice , (VTA) Virtacoin , (VTC) Vertcoin , (VTR) vTorrent , (VTY) Victoriouscoin , (WA) WA Space , (WARP) WARP , (WAVES) Waves , (WAY) WayGuide , (WBB) Wild Beast Block , (WCT) Waves Community Token , (WDC) WorldCoin , (WEC) Wowecoin , (WEX) Wexcoin , (WGC) World Gold Coin , (WGO) WavesGo , (WINGS) Wings (Pre-Launch) , (WMC) WMCoin , (WORM) HealthyWormCoin , (WOW) Wowcoin , (WSX) WeAreSatoshi , (WYV) Wyvern , (X2) X2 , (XAS) Asch , (XAU) Xaucoin , (XAUR) Xaurum , (XBB) Boolberry , (XBC) Bitcoin Plus , (XBTC21) Bitcoin 21 , (XBTS) Beatcoin , (XBY) XtraBYtes , (XCI) Cannabis Industry Coin , (XCN) Cryptonite , (XCO) X-Coin , (XCP) Counterparty , (XCRE) Creatio , (XCT) C-Bit , (XDE2) XDE II , (XDN) DigitalNote , (XEM) NEM , (XEN) Xenixcoin , (XFC) Forevercoin , (XGR) GoldReserve , (XHI) HiCoin , (XID) International Diamond , (XJO) Joulecoin , (XLM) Stellar Lumens , (XLR) Solaris , (XMG) Magi , (XMR) Monero , (XMY) 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hermitcraft-8 · 1 year
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back to black design dump because skully really wanted me to post these
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jflare205 · 6 years
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“L-Leave me a-alone... I’m n-not your p-puppet...”
“No... but you are my toy.”
There’s the shy boy. The shy and... possessed... boy. Heh, a lot of my characters have dark secrets now. Dang. Even though ever secret is different, I seem to be using that dark secret thing a lot. Buuuuut, I am proud of this! I’ll admit, I was kinda lazy with this. Sowwy... I hope you guys still enjoy though! Until next time, live life like an Xplosion! JFlare out!
16 notes · View notes
getallemeralds · 4 years
also at some point we decided henry has different outfits for most routes in CtM so time to.. draw some of those........
3 notes · View notes
bitcoinegoldrush · 7 years
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The World’s Largest FX Exchange Hopes to Tame Bitcoin Volatility
The Chicago Mercantile Exchange & Chicago Board of Trade otherwise known as CME Group announced its bitcoin futures specs this week. Alongside this, the Chairman Emeritus of CME Group, Leo Melamed, told press bitcoin is set to become a new asset class.
Also Read: Bitspark Receives Investment From Fortune 500 Company
CME Group Reveals Specs for Bitcoin Futures Contracts
Last week news.Bitcoin.com reported on the world’s largest options and futures exchange CME Group launching its bitcoin-based futures before the end of the year. Now the company has released the BTC futures specs giving more details to how the fund will be traded. Contract specifications include a contract unit of five bitcoin defined by the CME CF Bitcoin Reference Rate (BRR). Product codes will be called “BTC BTIC: BTB” and trade alongside other options during the CME Globex and CME ClearPort trading hours.
“Trading in expiring futures terminates at 4:00 p.m. London time on last day of trading. Position limits and spot position limits are set at 1,000 contracts,” explains CME’s bitcoin futures specs. “A position accountability level of 5,000 contracts will be applied to positions in single months outside the spot month and in all months combined — The reportable level will be 25 contracts.”
Investors will probably be interested in hearing about CME Group’s plans to create limits for bitcoin price fluctuations. According to the Wall Street Journal, the publication has seen documents that detail thresholds will initiate when the value of its bitcoin futures change by 7%, 13%, and 20%. “The first two thresholds for 7% and 13% moves are for “soft” limits, which could potentially trigger a two-minute pause in trading of bitcoin futures,” a person familiar with the matter explains.
The 20% limit is a “hard” cap on how far CME’s bitcoin futures could swing on any day.
 Examining the Change Bitcoin Represents
Chairman Emeritus of CME Group, Leo Melamed.
On the same day CME released its futures specs, the 85-year old Chairman Emeritus of CME Group, Leo Melamed, told Reuters bitcoin is becoming a “new asset class.” Melamed believes a large swathe of mainstream investors will be getting involved in bitcoin futures and even “tame” the decentralized currency’s markets.    
“That’s a very important step for bitcoin’s history — We will regulate, make bitcoin not wild, nor wilder,” Melamed explains. 
We’ll tame it into a regular type instrument of trade with rules.
The CME executive said at first he wasn’t convinced bitcoin had unique qualities, but it reminds him of when he helped launch the International Monetary Market currency futures trading back in 1972.
“The world in the 1970s didn’t look at currency trading as a valid instrument of finance. I too went from not believing in bitcoin to wanting to know more,” Melamed notes.
My whole life is built around new technology — I never said no to technology — People who say no to technology are soon dead. I’m still that same guy who believes in at least examining change, and that’s what bitcoin represents.       
CME Group’s Rivals Eye $1.6B in Revenue Opportunities
CME Group’s bitcoin futures markets will follow Ledger X’s lead as the firm just recently started swapping millions worth of bitcoin options. Additionally, the Chicago Board Options Exchange (Cboe) is preparing to jump in on bitcoin futures trading as well as the firm is eyeing the $1.6B in revenue opportunities. CME Group’s rival exchange, Cboe, has made an exclusive partnership with the bitcoin trading platform Gemini to capitalize on its bitcoin options markets.    
What do you think about CME Group’s upcoming futures markets? What do you think about the statements made by the CME executive Leo Melamed? Let us know what you think in the comments below.
Images via CME Group’s trading floor, CME Group, and its affiliated logo.
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The post The World’s Largest FX Exchange Hopes to Tame Bitcoin Volatility appeared first on Bitcoin E-Gold Rush.
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mylenejgarcia · 7 years
The World’s Largest FX Exchange Hopes to Tame Bitcoin Volatility The Chicago Mercantile Exchange & Chicago Board of Trade otherwise known as CME Group announced its bitcoin futures specs this week. Alongside this, the Chairman Emeritus of CME Group, Leo Melamed, told press bitcoin is set to become a new asset class. Also Read: Bitspark Receives Investment From Fortune 500 Company CME Group Reveals Specs for Bitcoin Futures Contracts Last week news.Bitcoin.com reported on the world’s largest options and futures exchange CME Group launching its bitcoin-based futures before the end of the year. Now the company has released the BTC futures specs giving more details to how the fund will be traded. Contract specifications include a contract unit of five bitcoin defined by the CME CF Bitcoin Reference Rate (BRR). Product codes will be called “BTC BTIC: BTB” and trade alongside other options during the CME Globex and CME ClearPort trading hours. “Trading in expiring futures terminates at 4:00 p.m. London time on last day of trading. Position limits and spot position limits are set at 1,000 contracts,” explains CME’s bitcoin futures specs. “A position accountability level of 5,000 contracts will be applied to positions in single months outside the spot month and in all months combined — The reportable level will be 25 contracts.” Investors will probably be interested in hearing about CME Group’s plans to create limits for bitcoin price fluctuations. According to the Wall Street Journal, the publication has seen documents that detail thresholds will initiate when the value of its bitcoin futures change by 7%, 13%, and 20%. “The first two thresholds for 7% and 13% moves are for “soft” limits, which could potentially trigger a two-minute pause in trading of bitcoin futures,” a person familiar with the matter explains. The 20% limit is a “hard” cap on how far CME’s bitcoin futures could swing on any day. Examining the Change Bitcoin Represents Chairman Emeritus of CME Group, Leo Melamed. On the same day CME released its futures specs, the 85-year old Chairman Emeritus of CME Group, Leo Melamed, told Reuters bitcoin is becoming a “new asset class.” Melamed believes a large swathe of mainstream investors will be getting involved in bitcoin futures and even “tame” the decentralized currency’s markets. “That’s a very important step for bitcoin’s history — We will regulate, make bitcoin not wild, nor wilder,” Melamed explains. We’ll tame it into a regular type instrument of trade with rules. The CME executive said at first he wasn’t convinced bitcoin had unique qualities, but it reminds him of when he helped launch the International Monetary Market currency futures trading back in 1972. “The world in the 1970s didn’t look at currency trading as a valid instrument of finance. I too went from not believing in bitcoin to wanting to know more,” Melamed notes. My whole life is built around new technology — I never said no to technology — People who say no to technology are soon dead. I’m still that same guy who believes in at least examining change, and that’s what bitcoin represents. CME Group’s Rivals Eye $1.6B in Revenue Opportunities CME Group’s bitcoin futures markets will follow Ledger X’s lead as the firm just recently started swapping millions worth of bitcoin options. Additionally, the Chicago Board Options Exchange (Cboe) is preparing to jump in on bitcoin futures trading as well as the firm is eyeing the $1.6B in revenue opportunities. CME Group’s rival exchange, Cboe, has made an exclusive partnership with the bitcoin trading platform Gemini to capitalize on its bitcoin options markets. What do you think about CME Group’s upcoming futures markets? What do you think about the statements made by the CME executive Leo Melamed? Let us know what you think in the comments below. Images via CME Group’s trading floor, CME Group, and its affiliated logo. Need to calculate your bitcoin holdings? Check our tools section. The post The World’s Largest FX Exchange Hopes to Tame Bitcoin Volatility appeared first on Bitcoin News. https://news.bitcoin.com/the-worlds-largest-fx-exchange-hopes-to-tame-bitcoin-volatility/ To get started: http://bit.ly/unlibitcoin To double its value: http://bit.ly/btc-gold
from Earn Bitcoin Philippines http://www.facebook.com/pages/p/134403977174420 via Rodrigo M. Palacio Tumblr
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