#bruno bangnyfe x reader
Haiiii hello haiii
So mini announcement
As I just finished Burn the Witch, we will be adding Burn the Witch headcanons to this blog!!!
You can request Burn the Witch character headcanons along with the regular bleach characters!!
I absolutely love the series and KUBO PLEASE I NEED MORE
Sorry about that
So please. PLEASE request it.
- Giselle!!
(I’m having Bruno brainrot.)
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ryoskuna · 1 year
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i’m leia, although some people also call me nani. honestly, you can call me whatever you’d like as long as it’s respectful. I’m twenty-two years old and a full-time contributor to capitalism because I have bills to pay, although i will be taking grad school courses in the summer of 2023. my pronouns are she/her/hers (they is also acceptable).
content i make: sfw, fluff, angst, nsfw (minors do not interact), tons of aus, oc x canon character content, content specifically for readers and/or original characters of color (will be specified), whatever SELF-indulgent content I desire. 
this is my blog, i will put the content I wish to see on there, and write for content that I want to write for. I have the right to deny a request, and while out the kindness of my heart I may tell why, but you’re not entitled to a justification for why I do or don’t want to write a request - it is case-by-case, but should you insist I write the same request you sent in or I specified I would not do that content will get you an immediate block.
you also don’t have to be in my inbox solely for requests, feel free just to stop by and talk and chat or for concepts. 
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fandoms i write for: bleach, naruto (though i will NOT touch boruto with a 10ft stick), jujutsu kaisen, fire force, my hero academia, haikyuu, burn the witch, demon slayer, monster prom, genshin impact, blue lock. fandoms i’m considering writing for: sk8 the infinity, chainsaw man. this list is subject to change.
masterlist (needs updating) | rules | tags (wip)
miscellaneous: ko-fi (if you want to leave me something/or help with my medical bills) | ao3 | spotify
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created oc x canon ships 
you may, on occasion, see content for them and you’re welcome to request or give ideas for drabbles or ficlets you’d like to see, or questions that allow me to fully flesh either their relationship or my ocs. more than likely, a lot of these come from wips I have drafted for actual multi-chapter fanfictions. or you just may see clips from me playing them in the sims 4. again, this is my blog and if you don’t like the content I write involving them, don’t interact.
angelkitty - grimmjow x cassandra beckett (bleach), saint grafitti - bruno bangnyfe x genevieve “viv” astaseul-riley (info - warning, sudden audio playing if on a computer) (burn the witch), kitsuki - kakashi hatake x mitsuki hanabusa (naruto), storm motion - natsuo todoroki x andie paris (mha), hellbunny - mirko x harlow aelius (mha), keiki - hawks x suki fujimura-hansley. there’s also some ships involving bokuto, daichi, and keishin ukai from haikyuu, akitaru obi from fire force, damien from monster prom, some ships from jjk, and childe and arataki itto from genshin impact.
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popular works:
shaken, not stirred universe, ft. bartender!sukuna and co.
promised eternity, hades!sukuna x persephone!reader.
union, satoru gojo x original character (only on ao3 as of now).
favor fire, joker (fire force) x reader [NSFW]
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do not reblog.
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k-dokja · 3 years
ii: what? you aren’t dating bruno bangnyfe already?
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— Let’s rip the kiddie band aid off. He has been pining after you for a while, and he knows you like him back too. What is stopping the two of you from crossing the line already, you might ask? Because he thinks of you as a friend now, not simply as a romantic prospect, so do you. You care about each other... and that complicates everything. 
— Before, he can think, “Yeah if I confessed and got turned down then they definitely do not worth the time.” After, he thought, “Maybe now that we are friends, I will stop liking them because I will find out they have a quirk or habit that will weird me out for good.” Unfortunately for him, the more he finds out about you, the more he’s into you, and he’s now stuck with a... predicament.
— However, now he has your friendship on the line, with his stupid pining underneath, he’s conflicted. There are times when the two of you feel like a couple already, with him being in your personal space far more often than anyone else, and him casually throwing his arm around your shoulder whenever you are around him.
— It’s a friendly affection thing, “you are my person” thing, caring protective thing, “I have a fat crush on you even before we became friends please send help” thing. 
— This is good in a way because it makes everyone misunderstand that the two of you are an item. On more than one occasion, people have pointed out you and Bruno make a cute couple. You scramble to correct people the first time it happened, however, Bruno only keeps his face nonchalant and his arm over your shoulder when he shrugs. “They ain’t wrong.” Smooth Bruno, smooth.
— Yeah, you’re friends. Friends who hold each other’s hands to cross the crowds when it gets too dense. Friends who fall asleep on each other’s shoulders after a long day of work. Friends who hug each other for a bit too long because they have unspoken feelings for each other. Friends who sometimes look too deep into each other’s eyes and almost lean in for a kiss. Platonic, casual friend things...Yep, Bruno’s going to snap one day, you know it.
— In fact, no one was surprised, least of all you, when it happened. The next time around you put your face too close to his and Bruno, high on the adrenaline of his last battle, doesn’t even hesitate to close the gap. Swift and forceful, it was every bit as intense as he is and gives you the entirety of his feeling with one simple, chaste kiss. He only comes back down when he lets you go, suddenly aware of what happened when he saw your expression. Regret shows on his face in the immediate aftermath, but when you kiss him again, you can feel his smile in the kiss. 
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Cheater - v2.0 || [Bruno Bangnyfe x reader]
(v1.0 - I had to write it the other way around as well)
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“Jesus, Bruno, it was a stupid mistake, there’s no need to go ballistic over it.” The Deputy Director of the Inks sat on the chair across from his boss and folded his arms over his chest. “What’s wrong with you? You’ve been on the edge the whole week.”
Bruno drew in a sharp breath and angrily closed his laptop. Tom was his friend, he knew a lot about his private life, so he could just as well tell him the truth. He had to talk to someone otherwise he would go crazy in a matter of days.
“She cheated on me,” he said with a shrug, trying to act cool about it. “She showed me an article on her phone and she received a message from some guy while I was reading it. The preview was all I needed to realize it wasn’t from a simple friend.”
“Did you confront her?” Bruno shook his head in response. “Why the hell not?”
Silence followed his question and Bruno almost felt ashamed of himself. “I hoped she would admit it without me saying a word. I know she knows that I saw the message. But she said absolutely nothing and it’s been three whole days.”
Tom rubbed the bridge of his nose as he let out a groan. “You need to talk to her or you’ll go insane. If you make one more person cry in here, I promise you will be summoned by HR.”
“And what should I say? ‘Hey, I know you’re cheating, why don’t you tell me the truth?’ Thanks, but no.”
“But this would be a great start. Look, this is like a band-aid, just rip it off. Listen to her excuses then throw her out. It’s simple,” Tom said with a shrug.
Bruno shook his head then rested his forehead on top of his laptop. “I don’t want to throw her out. I love her and I really hope we can fix this,” he mumbled before looking up at his friend. “Am I pathetic?”
“You mean right now? At this moment?” Bruno nodded. “Yeah, a little. Just man up and talk to her.”
Before he replied anything, Bruno reached into a drawer and put a black box on the desk. “I bought this for her a few weeks ago.”
“Wow. If this is what I think it is that explains why you don’t want to throw her out,” Tom told him with a sigh. “Talk to her. You need to sort things out before you even bring up marriage. If she wants to stay with you—”
“I’ll ask her.”
“What? No. You’ll have to wait to do that. Damn, why are you so desperate? If she really wants to stay with you, she won’t go anywhere. Just make sure she stays faithful this time before asking her anything.”
Bruno put away the ring and stood up. “You know what? You’re right. I’ll talk to her now.”
“Now? It’s the middle of the day. Don’t you have to work?”
“Fuck, you’re right, I have a meeting I can’t cancel,” he said as he sat back down. “Tonight it is, I guess. By the way, thanks for the pep talk.”
Tom flashed a cheeky smile at him. “I’d better go or my boss will be mad at me. He’s been in a really bad mood lately.”
“Screw you,” Bruno said jokingly as he watched his friend leave the office.
But the smile disappeared the moment the door closed after him. He was afraid to talk to you because he had no idea how it would go down. He really didn’t want you to leave him but if your relationship with that other guy was serious… No, he didn’t want to think about it, he would only get mad again. And Tom was right, he couldn’t lash out at his co-workers every time he was upset.
The hours passed painfully slowly and he could barely focus on work. But eventually the day ended and he told everyone he had to leave on time today so he would deal with whatever their problem was the next morning. Only half an hour later he was staring at his front door, trying to get himself to finally open it. How could he be such a coward? That wasn’t like him.
And what if you started crying? How would he handle it? Maybe it wasn’t the right time to talk to you, he needed a strategy. Whatever that would—
His phone suddenly buzzed in the pocket of his jacket. ‘Don’t be a coward. Talk to her,’ Tom wrote in a short message. How the hell did he know? No wonder they were friends.
Taking a deep breath, he finally entered the apartment and walked to the living room where you sat on the couch and worked on your laptop. You barely looked up at him as you said hi so he had to take the device away from you to get your attention. “We need to talk.”
You watched as he put the now closed laptop on the coffee table and pulled up your knees defensively as he sat down next to you. Bruno wondered if you knew what he wanted to talk about.
“Who’s the guy?”
“What guy?” you asked with raised eyebrows, looking honestly confused.
“The one who messaged you when I was reading that article on your phone.”
You gulped. “A friend,” you said cautiously.
“A friend wouldn’t write… What was it? Oh, yeah, it was ‘I miss you and so does my bed.’ Who the hell writes such nonsense anyway?” he asked angrily. “Just be honest with me and tell me who’s that guy.”
A minute passed in complete silence. Then another passed. And another. He was beginning to think you would never answer, but then you closed your eyes and let out a long sigh. “It only happened once, I promise. You worked on something for a few days and I barely saw you so I went out with the girls. There was this guy who came over to us, we had a few drinks and,” you fell silent and he knew why. “I didn’t give him my number, he just found me on social media and started bombing me with messages. I’m serious, Bruno, I… I already feel shitty, I wouldn’t make this worse by keeping him around.”
“Why does it feel like you’re trying to make this about yourself? About how shitty you feel?” he asked with a growl. “What about me, huh? I love you. I know I sometimes work a lot but you knew about my job, you knew what you signed up for. I make time for you whenever I can because I want to be with you. And this is what I get, damn it!” He could see you were on the verge of crying but he didn’t care. Not this time. “Listen, I need an honest answer: do you love me or not? Because we can’t continue this relationship if you’re not putting your whole heart in it.”
He was worried about what you would say. What if you said you wanted this to be over? What would he do then? But then you shook your head and said, “No, no, Bruno, don’t think I don’t love you anymore. I do. I will always love you. I was just… You were so focused on your job that I had a feeling you weren’t all that interested in me anymore. We just need to fix this. We can fix this.”
“Are you a hundred percent sure?” You nodded and he felt a lot better now. Well, for now. You had a lot to talk about later as well. And suddenly a thought hit him. Something wasn’t right. You had said you went out with your friends. Including… “Libby.”
“Libby was there that night, wasn’t she?”
You tilted your head to the side a little. “She was, why?”
He should’ve known that bitch had something to do with it. “She’s been against our relationship since the beginning. Hell, she once tried to set you up with some guys when I was standing right there. She was the one who told you I’m not interested in you anymore, wasn’t she?” Bruno waited for a few seconds, staring at you intensely until you finally bit on your lower lip and nodded. “This doesn’t mean that you’re not at fault here, but at least I understand what happened. Look, if you want to continue this relationship, you have to promise me something.”
“Anything,” you said right away.
“You need to cut ties with her.”
“What? But—But she’s my friend.”
Bruno shook his head. “If she’s willing to do this to us, she’s not a real friend. You’re better off without her. I wouldn’t ask for this if I didn’t think it would be good for us.” But while he expected you to agree, you instead ended up hesitating. Why were you hesitating? “What’s wrong?”
“I can’t do this, Bruno. I mean, not like this. I’ll talk to her and tell her we can’t meet again, but then what? We have the same friends. Does it mean I can’t spend time with them either?” Funnily, this was the topic that eventually made you cry. “I can’t live my life with… work friends. Ugh, no. I need friends outside of work.”
“I never said you need to stop meeting your other friends. I’m sure they will understand and meet you without Libby. If not… Well, then it says a lot about them,” he said with a reassuring smile as he took your hand. A few seconds passed without you saying anything so he let out a sigh and said, “Do you need a few days to think about it?” You finally looked at him and nodded. “Okay, then I’ll pack a few things and go stay with Tom for a while.”
“There’s no need,” you told him. “I promised to visit my parents anyway, I guess I’ll reschedule it and leave tonight. You gonna be okay here?”
He let out a short laugh. “Don’t worry about me, I only want you to come back to me. Just… promise you won’t tell Libby about this. I don’t want her to convince you to break up with me.”
Wiping your tears with the sleeve of your hoodie, you nodded again. “I promise I won’t do that. I was an idiot for letting her manipulate me. But you’re right, I need to think about this. I love you and I don’t want to lose you. But I don’t want to lose my friends either, you need to understand that.”
“I understand.”
And he really did. Your friends meant a lot to you and whenever he worked a lot, they were there to keep you company. Libby was the only one he had a problem with, but if you decided to cut ties with her as he had asked, everything would be better. You stood up and went to the bedroom to pack a suitcase, but he didn’t bother you. This had to happen to fix things. Yeah, because it could be fixed. He considered himself lucky.
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solara-bean · 4 years
UGGGH! I can't take it anymore!
Bruno Bangnyfe x Reader Who Likes His Dragon Headcanons
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( since we don't have that much info on him this was all I could think of 😫)
pretty sure Bruno is that type of guy everyone wants
he thinks he's all that ( cuz he kinda is )
his egos a bit too big
but then they come along
whether it be they work at Wing Bind or is a civilian is up to you
he sees them and he's like " oh this'll be easy "
so he summons Rickenbacker to impress them
and they are very impressed
but not by him
his triumphant smirk fades when they run past him to beam up at Rickenbacker
they ask the dragons name, what gender they are, how they like to be pet and if they like to be pet
he's so stunned and confused but through his shock he manages to answer all their questions unconsciously
they begin to try to make friends with Rickenbacker. introducing themselves, letting him sniff their hand, giving him small pets and cooing over how pretty his blue scales are
Bruno just watched, now shocked that Ricken is letting them do this and absolutely loving the attention
he even purrs a little and nuzzles their chest, making them squeal and hug his face
Bruno realizes that he's been outplayed by his own dragon
he doesn't give up tho ( stubborn as hell )
he hangs out with me them in hopes that knowing more about them will aid in his endeavors of wooing them
but all his efforts fall flat
they're still much more interested in cuddling Ricken than going to dinner with him ( but a simple coffee date as pals is fine with them )
his team makes fun of him for it too
so he stops and just decides to be friends with them
tho the rejection stings like hell he still likes being around them and Ricken really likes them too ( he'd never seen him act so much like a puppy )
he'll use Ricken as an excuse to visit them
" Rickenbacker missed you so I thought I'd come over. If you're free right now that is. "
the rejection has also made him more humble and unsure of himself so he gets flustered around them alot
they spend more time together ( he even shows them how to ride on Ricken ) and he's completely come to terms with they aren't into him and that's ok
but then the fight with Cinderella happens
they come to see him as fast as they can
as expected they run straight to Rickenbacker
" Ricky you poor thing! Oh no your wing!! Did that mean dragon do that to you? I'll fight em!" they say while holding his face and trying to sooth him with pets
as usual Ricken is soaking up all the attention and Bruno can't help the ' fuckin traitor ' murmur in the back of his mind
then they come over to him and hold his face too, angling it side to side to check all the injuries
" Ow that looks like it hurts. Is all this blood yours?"
he's a blushing mess " U-uh yeah."
they frown " Jesus Bruno. As cool as imagining you fighting a legendary dragon is you can't be so reckless. I don't know what I'd do if something happened to you..."
he smiles at that. knowing that they worry about him is sweet. he stops himself from getting any ideas. friends worry about each other
but then they kiss his unbloodied cheek and his brain looses a circuit
" What... was that for..."
They get flustered as if realizing what they did
" Uuhhhh..you know...you not dying." it came out more as a question
they're in an awkward silence
" Well let's get you patched up!" they start pulling him along
he wants to question them but the shook is too heavy and he's too tired
he looks back to see Ricken following with an amused little smirk and Bruno scowls back at him ( of course he knew what was going on )
they have a really long talk about it later. they both confess. turns out they liked him too but figured he wasn't really interested in them and all the stuff he did before was just for show
which hey they aren't wrong but dammit he wished they said something sooner
they ask him out this time
he's overjoyed
but in normal smugness fashion he goes to his Inks team the next day and announces
" I still got it boys!"
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mudkipmagicks · 4 years
Careful {Bruno Bangnyfe x reader}
*************SPOILER WARNING FOR BURN THE WITCH EPISODE 3****************
*also adding in a small content warning for mild language and vaguely sexual intimacy (stradding lap, possessive touch. Reader is also not written as a specific gender)
     I may or may not be obsessed with the ‘tough guy that is only soft for his partner’ thing, so here’s that with Bruno. This actually ended up softer than I was intending, but I still love it. I am also making the reader specialize in healing/protective magic for the sake of the story, but it wont play a big role in this. Enjoy!!
     The news was pure chaos as glittering destruction fell towards the city, each stardust particle reflecting in terrified eyes of civilians. You watched with shallow, panicked breaths as your eyes locked onto the television in front of you. Bruno was circling one of the seven dragons that was supposed to be a myth, Rickenbacker dodging between stars. Cinderella sat perched on a high clocktower with her wings spread, white feathers glowing in the crimson flames. Two pipers you didn’t recognize were also flying with Bruno, but you could tell all of them were struggling against the Marchen.
     Despite the overarching orders to stay inside, you were finding it hard to idly watch your boyfriend get battered by Cinderella’s attacks. You were anxiously pacing the apartment you shared with Bruno, your own dragon eyeing you from their resting spot on the couch. You knew they were also getting restless with the constant rain of explosions outside on top of being stuck inside for the time being. You were trying to stay away from the windows in the apartment just in case, but you hated not being able to see Rickenbacker flying around.
     “Should we go wait for them?” you asked your dragon. They raised their head and let out a soft growl. You nodded an slipped on a jacket to protect yourself while flying, as well as a mask reminiscent of Bruno’s. Grabbing your witch kit, you and your dragon slid out the front door and through the hallways to the roof. Surveying the city was devastating. Numerous fires combined to fill the sky with choking black haze. The starry glitter was mesmerizing in person, but equally terrifying. You mounted your dragon and waited for a few minutes to fully grasp the situation. Bruno and the pipers had just tried to trap the Marchen, but she sent them flying back with a catastrophic explosion. You gasped before taking off after them, your dragon quickly diving over the edge of the building.
     You landed next to to Bruno and Rickenbacker, quickly sliding off and over to your boyfriend. After removing your mask, your hands instantly flew to his shoulder and face, maneuvering his head so you could assess his bloodied features. 
     “What the hell are you doing here?!” Bruno exclaimed as he shoved your hands away and took a step back. He roughly pulled his mask off and you could see him trying to figure out which thoughts to voice. He was worried and you knew it, but damn it all if you were going to sit by while he could get killed.
     “Do you expect me to just wait in an exploding building and watch you fight a literal fairy tale? Not happening!” you retort, grabbing his face again. His eyes studied yours for a few seconds before you watched his features soften, his initial anger melting away. His gloved hand came to rest over yours and hold it to his face. 
     “Fine, but you are not fighting that thing directly. It’s bad enough Rickenbacker is already injured-” he started, wrapping an arm tightly around your waist, his fingers digging into your hip as if you would disappear.
     “Not to mention you, but okay,” you interjected, pulling at the red-stained fur around his collar. Bruno rolled his eyes at this, but relented.
     “Yeah so let’s keep it at that. I don’t want that shitty dragon hurting you.” You pressed a quick kiss to his jaw as a huge shadow passed overhead. “The hell? Where’s it going??” Bruno questioned as he let go of you and followed the Marchen to the edge of the building. It continued on as you stopped beside Bruno, a hand resting on his back. Your eyes tracked the large, otherworldly dragon towards where the pipers had fallen.
     “Shit, those brats..” you heard Bruno curse moments before explosions blossomed on the roof where they landed. Without hesitation, you both mounted your dragons again, thankful that Rickenbacker was alright after being stunned. Both beasts took off in a wide arc around Cinderella as she landed in front of the pipers and what looked like two civilians to you.
     “Something’s off...” you heard Bruno mutter as you flew next to him with practiced ease. Suddenly a bright bolt of light streaked before the city skyline, striking Cinderella through the crown. Both Rickenbacker and your dragon stopped and reared up as you and Bruno looked at each other with shock. Her massive white body glimmered with silenced stars as she fell from the rooftop. Slowly, you both guided your dragons to land on a nearby rooftop and you dismounted. 
     Bruno’s arm returned to its previous position around your waist and his other hand rested on your cheek. You leaned into his touch as you both scanned each other for new injuries. Bruno sighed as he didn’t see anything, and your hands lightly ran up his chest and to his shoulders as you finished checking.
     “Sit down so I can take care of your face?” you suggested, rubbing your thumbs across his collarbones. He waited a few seconds before grunting an unassuming reply and slowly letting go of you. He went and sat on one of the few rooftop benches as you prepped your witch kit and a few bandages. As you approached him, Bruno pulled on the back of your leg to get you to straddle his lap. 
     “I shouldn’t be surprised,” you mused, rolling your eyes and smiling a bit. He only smirked in response. One of his hands rested on your thigh while the other circled your back, pressing your chest into his.
     “Don’t let me distract you babe. Face reaaally hurts,” he said dramatically, starting to rub your thigh and back a bit. You simply kissed the tip of his nose in response and got to work cleaning the blood and casting minor healing spells over his cuts before bandaging them. Each bandage you placed glowed with a faint green light before it settled, showing that your magic was working.
     “There,” you started, pecking his lips lightly. “All done with your face.” You brought a hand up to rest on his cheek, the other going to his chest as he kissed you again with more fervor. He pulled away slowly and nestled his face into your neck, letting out a deep sigh. Bruno pressed a kiss onto the skin there as a silent thank you, his body completely relaxing against yours as you carded your fingers through his hair. You both stayed like that, enjoying the safety and comfort of having each other so close. Bruno broke the silence after a few minutes.
     “Let’s go home,” he breathed, wanting nothing more than to fall asleep with you in his arms. You hummed in response, but didn’t let go quite yet. He just sighed before sliding his hands down to your thighs and standing up with you in his arms. You looked up at him with a questioning look, but he didn’t say anything. Somehow he managed to maneuver both of you onto Rickenbacker’s spine, you still in his lap. Rickenbacker took off, your dragon following closely behind as the blue dragon flew to your apartment building.
     Bruno was already sliding off of the dragons neck as soon as the large being landed on the roof. You hung onto his neck as he entered the building, your legs squeezing his hips more as he walked. You made note of the amount of skewed pictures in the halls, the result of the star ash explosions. Bruno only put you down upon entering your apartment. Both of you shrugged off your jackets and hung them up near the door. Two pairs of footsteps padded down the hallway past cracked windows and shaken dust. Your witch gear became forgotten on the couch next to Bruno’s, your shoes stacking on top of his haphazardly. 
     As you entered your shared bedroom, Bruno stripped off his shirt and you quickly changed into more comfortable clothes. Your boyfriend collapsed on top of the bed, easily pulling you on top of him. Your head slid onto his shoulder easily, his arms encasing you protectively. 
     “You know we’re gonna have to write a report, right?” you mumbled into his skin, already dreading the duties that would follow tonight. Bruno just groaned in response, his voice becoming something of a drawn out ‘no’. You let out a quiet laugh and pressed yourself further into him as sleep started to claim both of you. The last thing you felt was a small series of kisses being placed on the top of your head and Bruno’s strong hands helping ease any tension in your back.
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Listen, I know I should be working on Kinktober, but there’s only one fic of Bruno on AO3 and I can’t let that stand. 
Subject: Burn the Witch, Bruno Bangnyfe
Title: Reverse London’s Newbie (NSFW, fem reader)
Trigger Warning: Non con, groping, coercion, suicide (fear of) public (kinda) grinding/humping, this could be counted as animal abuse NGL, reader fears for her life
You were new. Everyone knew you were new. So when you caught the attention of Bruno Bangnyfe, director of Inks, of all people in Wing Bind, it was like you’d gained the attention of the rest of the office when they started ignoring you. All because of him. No one wanted to know what you’d done to garner Bruno hanging around your desk and pulling you away from tasks, they just knew it would likely lead to trouble and they wanted none of it. 
And then Bruno surprised you, “You want to see my mount?”
Considering you’d been stuck in the office, alone, you couldn’t say no, especially when you’d wanted to see dragons that weren’t just the ones on the news: that’s why you’d gotten a job at Wing Bind in the first place. You followed Bruno to the roof of your building and he summoned his mount, “Rickenbacker.” Just the growl of his voice was enough to summon him, a flurry of dark energy and lightening made the beast appear, enormous with scales the same color as Bruno’s streak. “He’s beautiful, isn’t he?”
“Yeah,” you breathed, unaware of the hungry look Bruno was giving you. You couldn’t take your eyes off the way his scales caught the sun, how all four of his wings seemed to have flexible joints to let them change angles. Fascinating. 
Bruno ran his hand over your shoulder, “You want to ride him?” There was something in the roughness of his voice that made you think he wanted you to ride more than the dragon, but you couldn’t deny how badly you wanted to experience London’s breeze against your face. You nodded. “You know how to mount a dragon? It's easy.” He walked by you, easily getting up on Rickenbacker’s back before offering a hand to you. He pulled you up and seated you in front of him. “Keep your legs wide, he won’t jolt you off, but you need to keep your core low so you won’t blow away.” 
You didn’t see or ear what command Bruno gave his dragon, but Rickenbacker was flapping his wings and taking off into London’s sky. Wind tore at your hair and clothes, exhilarating and freezing cold. You were torn between clutching onto Rickenbacker’s spiny ridges and throwing up your arms as if you were on a rollercoaster. It was amazing, an experience you’d never forget. You turned to thank Bruno but you felt something on your hip. His hand. 
Maybe he was holding you steady, you thought, but it wandered, mirrored by another hand going in the opposite direction. They were big and warm through your clothes, impossible to ignore in London’s freezing atmosphere. One moved up to touch your breast, the sudden warmth then cold again making your nipples harden against your bra. The other one slithered down to your thighs, lightly rubbing, the thumb teasing you by nearly brushing against your clit. 
“M-Mr. Bruno,” you said, your voice tight, “wh-what are you doing?”
“You should consider yourself lucky,” he growled against your ear, hot breath making goosebumps rise along your exposed skin, “I don’t bring many girls to see my dragon. None of them are worthy, not like you.” He kissed your neck, peppering a hot trail down to the collar of your shirt. “You like how it feels to fly, right? It's a release from the mundaneness of your life. And I’m willing to give it to you, if...” He pinched your nipple through your clothes,  your core heating up as slick began to build. 
“If?” You parroted, voice tight as you fought the waves of pleasure coursing through you from his touch. 
“If you make yourself cum on my dragon,” he growled, “I’ll let you ride him whenever you want and I won’t tell anyone in the office how much of a slut you are. You wouldn’t want them finding out you let yourself get groped just to ride a dragon. Rumors travel fast, especially in your section.” He squeezed your breast again, groaning at the softness. “And I’m not above confirming what they’ve heard.” 
He’d left you with no options and no way to escape. You were literally on a dragon flying over London. Not only that, but you’d just gotten that job and you’d wanted it for so long, you couldn’t give it up, not when hard work could earn you a mount like this. You swallowed. “You promise, you won’t mention a word of this to the others.”
“Whatever it takes to hear that cute little voice scream,” he purred. He seemed to consider what he’d said, “And I want you to say my name when you’re close. Beg for me to finish you off while you hump your pathetic little cunt on my dragon’s back.” 
You cringed at his harsh words, but you really didn’t have a choice outside of social and literal suicide. “Fine,” you whispered, “it's a deal then.” 
Bruno leaned back, clearly comfortable on his dragon despite the height they were at. “I want to see it all. Turn around.” 
“Turn. Around.” 
You swallowed. Slowly, you lifted a leg to turn, but Rickenbacker seemed to hit turbulence because your body crashed into his, the hard spines that you were sitting between suddenly much harder and slipperier than you remember. “Do I have to?” You whispered, voice small, nearly lost in the wind. 
Bruno heard you loud and clear. “I have to include you were a coward in the rumors, too?” He sighed, scratching at his crotch where the outline of his hard cock was painfully visible. “Just do it, you’re not gonna fall.” 
You tried again, the ends of your feet tingling, all too aware that there was nothing under you if you fell. You swallowed and tried again. You pressed one sweaty palm behind you and turned, quickly bringing your leg down to join the other one before moving it over. You were now sitting backward on Bruno’s dragon, staring straight into his arrogant smile, lust making his pupils large enough to devour his iris. 
“Remember,” he said, “say my name when you cum.” 
Carefully, you pulled your legs further apart, feeling the hard spine of Rickenbacker against your slit. What had his poor dragon done to deserve this? Actually, what had you? This must have been what Bruno was planning from the moment he started hanging around you and driving away your coworkers, to isolate you and make you his toy for his own amusement. The thought made you angry and then it all vanished when a rough torrent of wind had you nearly falling face-first into Bruno’s crotch. He and his dragon were the only things keeping you from death. 
“I’m waiting,” Bruno snarled. 
You glanced down at the tops of London’s buildings, buildings you could very much end up a splattered mess against if you did this wrong. But there was no other way out of this, and then you’d get to ride Rickenbacker again, although you weren’t sure if it was worth it considering who’d you’d have to ride with. You pushed back and bit down on a moan when you felt the dragon’s hard spine press against your clit. 
“C’mon!” Bruno shouted, “It's fucking loud up here and there’s no one to hear you but me. Make some fucking noise.” 
You shot him a glare. You weren’t used to performing. When you got off at home, you were quiet as not to disturb your neighbors. Sucking in a breath, you put pressure on your clit again, letting your moan free this time, core tightening and slick building. Your inner muscle started to pulse, reaching for a cock that wouldn’t come. Again, you repeated the motion, letting out every noise and whimper that came to your throat. It was feeling better and better, and it really shouldn’t have considering you were being forced to make yourself cum on a dragon’s back, but here you were, your head getting dizzy with pleasure. 
Your nipples against your bra as they strained for release. You let go of the dragon with one hand and began to massage your breast, palming the thickest part to earn some friction against your nipple. That got you to gasp, legs twitching when you brought yourself back down on your clit. You were getting close. You took your nipple between your fingers and layers of fabric and pulled. “Bruno,” you moaned, “Bruno, I’m gonna—.” You cut yourself off, riding the dragon’s spine harder, pinching your nipple tighter until white-hot orgasm had you screaming, “Bruno!” 
Slick with your own sweat, you collapsed right into Bruno. He pulled you into him, rubbing your back, hard on pulsing against your leg. “I’m going to have fun with you.”  
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k-dokja · 3 years
what? you got bruno bangnyfe’s interest? i
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— Vanity happens to be his trademark sin. He carries himself with this haughty air of confidence that makes one thing he'd simply approach the relationship with that overinflated ego. Couldn't be further from the truth, actually. Bruno will take a while before he actually does anything about his romantic interest. For once, he doesn't know whether if you would be worth the chase, he wants to see that you are someone extraordinary before making a move. 
— It's arrogant but he knows himself better than anyone, and he doesn't want to waste his precious time chasing someone not even worth the effort. Second, this is for him to snuff out any infallible infatuation, if the crush goes away in a period of time then it must have meant he never liked you enough to chase after you, to begin with.
— Once he knows better what he's feeling about you, he will spend more of that time watching you from a distance away. Won't deliberately seek you out without a solid reason, because that looks desperate and he's anything but. However, on occasions where he runs into you at a work function or any other occasion, he will keep a close eye on you. 
— By observing you and determining whether if you are worth the hassle, he will also learn more about you. This gives him an edge when it comes to how to approach you. A minor problem with this is that he’s about as subtle as a bull in a china store, it’s simply not his forte. He prefers to go in his bombastic and outrageous manner than to sit back and watch, make no mistake, he will absolutely do that when he finally approaches you. 
— He has a hot head and impatient when it comes to garnering fame and reputation. This somehow combines into a convoluted mix where he is super eager to approach you, but can’t because he doesn’t want to make himself looking like a buffoon... Which results in him unable to make his attention on you any less subtle.
— It would become pretty clear that he has a deeply vested interest in you from how often his eyes are on you, whether you come to the conclusion that he harbours a crush on you or he wants your neck, that’s on you. If you figured out it’s the former, you can always save him the trouble and make the first move, but that would make him awfully conceited afterwards. Even if it’s cute to see how giddy he becomes, it might be better to wait out the duration of his continued suffering.
— Probably stage it so that the first remarkable interaction the two of you have with each other is a rescue romance. Not to say he purposefully causes an incident to harm you just to score some points, he would never stoop that low. However, if you happen to be in the area and having some difficulty with the dragon you’re fighting, no reason why the magnanimous Director of the Inks shouldn’t be lending you a hand. 
— And if you happen to end up being carried in bridal style in his arms by the end of it, then it’s simply another extension of his... generosity. Not going to lie, if you managed to handle yourself, well, that’s more the reason for him to like you. He knows you are competent by your own merits and it is one of the reasons why he’s drawn to you in the first place, even if he somewhat sees you as a rival at the same time as a romantic prospect. 
— Imagine your first interaction with any weight as a combat couple? Seeing how in sync you are with him? How the two of you complement each other’s skillsets? 10/10 and excuse Bruno, he might be a little turned on. 
— However it goes, as long as you are receptive to his attention, he will take this as the get-go to be more open and friendly from there on. He will call out for you if he sees you first, engaging in conversation with you, showing you sides of him that he knows would be more appealing, even if his arrogance always seep in. To everyone with a functional eye, he is clearly interested in you. 
— How quick you’d let him in is another story completely. He likes working for it, as long as he gets desired rewards with every step of the way. As long as you show interest in return, he won’t back down, even if he wants to rush to the finish line already. He won’t fight for something he knows will reap no benefit for him, and he doesn’t have time to waste on things that won’t carve his name in the history. You show him the thrill of the chase and he will be there for the ride, as long there is a visible finish line. 
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solara-bean · 3 years
Hey so I read your Fic about Bruno and I was so in LOVE WITH EVERYTHING 😭💜 So I don't know if your requests are open because mobile tumblr sucks sometimes, so if its not pls ignore this : How about reader being soft and shy and they don't have a dragon but a huge phoenix and it gets all ruffled up when they blush and Bruno doubles his flirting game to see it?
I actually don't do requests but I LOVE this idea ( my inner child who's obsessed with Phoenix's and mythical creatures has be awakened once again!! ). I'm going to interpret soft as chubby if you don't mind. Feel like I went a bit off script with this hope you like it☺️.
(This is gonna be long, sorry😅)
Bruno x Chubby, Shy Reader with a Phoenix
Despite what some might think, there actually is a nineth division in the Top of Horns. A very small and quiet one that is. They're called the Scales, run by Ester Fae. She's an enthusiastic old woman with carmel skin, long beaded hair and pointed ears like that of an elf ( tho no one's sure of she actually is one ). Her division is so overlooked to the point where it's pathetic. No one takes them seriously because they care for and protect mythical creatures.
You'd think that would be important in a world like this, but considering that the more dangerous creatures are usually put down and or experimented on, not so much. So besides the dragons owned by high ranking Wing Bind officials, their most lethal case would be the blind griffin or the manticore with no teeth. All the other creatures were harmless, cute and even babies. Needless to say they were looked at as softies. Their logo being a heart shaped dragon scale didn't help.
" What's so great about the Scales? All they do is play with griffin cubs all day."
" Yeah. Bunch a slackers."
" Waste of funding if you ask me."
It all made Y/n boil with rage, although they'd never outwardly show it. They loved their job. How dare people undervalue it! Sure they played with griffin cubs but those things liked to bite dammit! Hell, they had the scars to prove it!! They had quite a few small scars actually. Caring for magical creatures wasn’t always fun and games. Thankfully they were able to befriend animals much easier than most. Thats why they were Ester’s star pupil. 
It’s also why they’d been sent to Top of Horns meetings in Ester’s place. The poor woman had gotten severely hurt during the capture of a very rare and powerful creature: a phoenix. It was about the size of an average dragon and just as lethal as one. Y/n, and even Ester despite her injuries, couldn’t blame it judging from the broken chains around its neck and its bloody feathers. Thankfully Ester pull in under a sleep spell before any more damage was caused. Now they all had to decide what to do with it.
Y/n was more than willing to help. It’s just that they were shy and skittish as hell, especially around powerful people. Calm a raging dragon? Sure no biggy. Say good morning to Sullivan Squire without squeaking?! Hell no. They stood off to the side for awhile, no seats were left. Then Bruno noticed them.
“ Why are you here?” he asked, it wasn’t meant to sound rude but it did all the same.
“ U-uh...you know..the phoenix...” Y/n managed to murmur.
He nodded, got out of seat, found another chair then put it next to his. They looked at him dumbfounded. Bruno Bangnyfe wasn’t known for being gentlemanly.
“ Well? Don’t just stand there looking pretty, get over here.” 
Their face instantly flared with heat. 
Y/n coming to the meeting at all was hard enough. Now they had to convince everyone to keep the phoenix alive and sit next to Bruno?! This was gonna be a long meeting. 
That was around five months ago. To Y/n’s surprise the Top of Horns not only spared the phoenix but also left it under her care. Ester was beyond proud. As expected, the phoenix was very hostile. Over time, however, she began to trust Y/n more and more. Within the fifth week, she let them pet her feathers while they sat next to her. She was still a bit weary around the other Scales workers, but she didn’t attack them anymore. Ester had come back too. The two got along as if the attack never happened, but Y/n expected that.
What they didn’t expect was Bruno continuously visiting them for “ check ins. ” It was nothing out of the ordinary. He’d look at the phoenix’s condition, see if she would attack him or not then leave. One day he brought his dragon, Rickenbacker. To both his and Y/n’s surprise the two became instant friends, chasing each other around the inclosure like a pair of puppies. This lead Bruno to bring Rickbacker over for playdates while him and Y/n talked. After a while Bruno started to grow on them, but they knew it was just a meaningless crush.  He had admirers all over Reverse London. There’s no way he’d like the awkward, potato-shaped Scales worker right?
Y/n came in early for their shift, throwing on their uniform lab coat and greeting the other Scales workers as they went by. They arrived at the giant inclosure and typed in the passcode. The inside was set to a moderately high temperature and was full of massive plants and flowers. The glass dome roof allowed the sunlight to pass through as if they were really outside. Despite how overlooked the Scales were, they did have good enough funding.
“ Topaz!” Y/n called out.
There was a strong gust of wind followed by a loud whoosh sound as the phoenix landed in front of them. 
“ Topaz! Oh I missed you. Weekends are too long.” Y/n cooed as Topaz chirped happily and leaned down to nuzzle into them.
Y/n gladly pet her fluffy feathers. The hue of them had improved drastically. Instead of a dark red they were now multiple shades of yellow, orange and pink blending into one another. 
“ Your flying’s improved a lot. You’re so fast that I could barley see you.”
Topaz’s now no longer cracked beak stretched into a smile. She loved compliments. 
The fun was cut short when the door unlocked. Behind them entered two familiar faces. Topaz let out an excited screech and instantly ran towards Rickenbacker, who did the same. 
“ Wait!” they halted.
Y/n pulled down Rickenbacker’s bandaged wing. They took some of the wrapping off to check the wound which had now began to scar over.
“ Ok you’re all good. Go play.” 
The two immediately ran off. Y/n began to follow them before a hand fell on their shoulder.
“ No ‘good morning’ for me, Y/n?” Bruno said with a frown.
“ O-oh, yes good morning. Sorry, I was bit distracted.” 
“ Oh..right. I was worried that you were still mad about...you know...”
Y/n’s heart sank.
“ I was...but I’m over it now. I know that you were just doing your job. Cinderella was a threat, dragon or not. I doubt we’d be able to take care of her anyway...”
“ Well,” Bruno sighed. “ I guess I brought this ‘please don’t hate me’ gift for nothing.” 
He pulled out a freshly baked cupcake from behind his back. They gasped.
“ My favorite!” they instantly took a bite and groaned. “ So good. Thanks Bruno.” They then noticed a slight blush on his face. “ Something wrong??”
“ Hm? Oh! No no. You know how hot it gets in here.”
They didn't question him and made their way to where the two were most likely playing, Bruno followed. They sat on a nearby bench and watched Rickenbacker and Topaz play with a few of the toys left in the inclosure. 
“ So,” Bruno said as he finished his own baked treat. “ Did you ask Ester yet?”
“ No.” Y/n sighed. “ You know how hard it is to claim ownership of a rare mythical creature. Not to mention getting clearance to ride one and learning how to on top of that.” 
“ You can't know if you don’t try. Besides, didn’t you say that Topaz has probably been in captivity all her life? Where else is she gonna go? She loves you more than anything so she might as well belong to you.”
“ I know but...” Y/n closed in on themselves.
“ You’re scared?”
Y/n nodded. They remained silent for awhile. 
“ I’d just need really good, solid proof that Topaz wants to be with me too. Without it, the file might never get approved.”
Bruno thought on that. Then he got an idea.
“ Now that I think about it, I remember reading a long time ago that a phoenix’s feathers will match its rider’s emotions.” 
“ Oh yeah! I think it was in an old fairytale, but I doubt its tru-” Their eyes widened when they looked back at Bruno. “ Why’s your shirt off???” 
Bruno gave them a mischievous grin.
“ What? I told you it gets hot in here. Besides, I’m wearing an undershirt aren’t I?” 
“ Y-yeah but-”
“ Uh-uh. I’m not taking judgement from a cannibal.”
Y/n’s brain nearly lost a screw.
“ A what!!” 
Bruno chuckled.
“ You heard me.” he said lowly, leaning closer to them. “ You devoured that cupcake as if you aren’t one yourself.”
Y/n’s entire being went ablaze.
“ I..I-I....I’m not..I’m not a-”
“ Sure you are,” he purred. “ So sweet and soft,” he emphasized his point by putting a hand on their side and giving it an affectionate squeeze, making them squeak in surprise. “ Not to mention that you always smell so good.”
They were so close that Y/n could feel his sugar coated breath faintly dust their cheeks.
“ Umm...t-thanks its the shampoo that I use. Would you like to try some-”
They paused once they noticed Bruno’s hands go on either side of the bench behind them, pinning them. 
“ Do you know what else I like about you?”
They gulped.
Bruno leaned in closer, if that was even possible. Y/n could see every shade of blue in his eyes. Were his eyelashes always that long? He’d look good with eye makeup. Actually he’d make anything look goo-wait no why are they spacing out this is serious!!
“ Despite how shy you may appear on the surface, I know you’ve got a fire in you. This burning determination to protect creatures that could take down cities if they wanted. I saw it for the first time at that meeting all those months ago. I’d never heard you speak louder than a whisper, let alone with such confidence. You even got Sullivan’s attention with that spark of yours.”
Y/n managed to look away.
“ I don’t have a spark. You’re being silly.”
Bruno gently took hold of their chin and turned their gaze back to him. They were stunned by the sincere, soft smile on his face.
“ Maybe I am. You have that effect on me. Cute things always did drive me crazy.”
Bruno thought they were cute!!!
Oh that did it! They have to make a move. This is their shot!
“ Bruno I-”
All of sudden he moved their face towards Topaz and Rickenbacker. Confused, they stared at the two and came to one hell of a sight. Topaz’s feathers had turned a soft shade pink and were also fluffed out like a scared cat’s tail. She didn’t react to the change, but Rickenbacker sniffed at them with concern then stopped when he couldn’t find a threat. 
Y/n merely gawked, unable to process everything. They hadn’t noticed Bruno putting his shirt and jacket back on.
“ Well that should be enough proof.” he gave them a solid pat on the shoulder, knocking them back to reality. “ Feel free to call if you need any good flying trainers.”
He called Rickenbacker and made his way to the exit. It dawned on Y/n what that whole flirting thing was for.
Of course it was that. He didn’t mean any of it. Dammit I nearly embarrassed myself back there! 
“ Wait I forgot something,” he jogged back to them and knelt down to their level. “ Would you like to go to dinner with me sometime?”
“ Dinner?”
He nodded.
“ Oh! Yes! Dinner. I love dinner- I mean I’d love to.” they stammered out.
Bruno smirked at them then rested his thumb to the side of their mouth, flicking off a tiny bit of leftover frosting. He stared them right in the eye as he licked it off. 
“ See you then.” 
And he was gone.
And Y/n began to think.
Topaz, her feathers still pink, came to check on them and nudged their shoulder. After giving her a few pets Y/n marched to Ester’s office with a newfound confidence. Maybe Bruno was right about them having a spark. 
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They got no idea about me and you (Bruno Bangnyfe x reader)
note: This one was inspired by Taylor Swift’s song “Dress”. Happy 3rd birthday, reputation!
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The annual Wing Bind Ball was here and Bruno still hated it with every inch of his body. Even if it wasn’t the boring, old-fashioned ball it used to be, people were still trying way too hard to be on their best behavior. Weren’t they there to have fun? Be this serious on the job, not at a party.
But this year’s event was different for two reasons. Next year’s ball would be organized by the Inks therefore he had to officially pick up the baton and promise to throw the best party even blah blah blah… And the more important reason was you. As the deputy director of the Billionaires you were in charge of the event which meant you couldn’t just sneak off to spend time together. You both had responsibilities and general priorities that night.
Also, no one knew you were together. This certainly made things a lot more complicated. And interesting. And maybe a little more exciting. Would you be able to interact without people finding out the truth? Could you even find an opportunity to do so?
The thing is, it wasn’t easy to find you alone since everybody wanted to talk to you about the event. When he had followed the protocol and congratulated Harry for the success of the party, he casually pointed out that you did most of the work and so people should bother you instead of him. No wonder every guest wanted a piece of you. Letting out a sigh, Bruno pulled his phone out of his pocket and began to type a message in the encrypted app you used for written communication.
Bruno: I’d like to congratulate in person. It’s strictly professional, of course. Harry told me you’re the brain and heart behind this.
Y/N: Then why don’t you come over here now?
With a wolfish smile he looked up from the screen and searched the room to find you. When your eyes locked, he could immediately tell you felt the same way he did. Keeping this safe distance and acting like there was nothing between you two was the worst thing he had to endure lately. He wanted to pull you close and kiss you and be affectionate but he couldn’t do it. You weren’t alone which would surely make this encounter even worse. Did he want that? Did you want that?
Bruno: I don’t like to share.
Bruno: Also, I don’t think we should be alone in a room full of people because I’m not sure I could behave.
At first you only smiled at him, but then you rolled your eyes.
Y/N: I can’t recall the last time you could behave.
Bruno: Ouch.
Y/N: But it’s true and you know it.
Bruno: Yeah, but still, you shouldn’t say it.
Y/N: You said it would be strictly professional. Come on, I don’t bite.
Bruno: Not in public 😏
Y/N: Hey!
He screwed up with that last one. Not because you got mad but because now his mind couldn’t stop playing reruns of the times you had playfully bit him in the bedroom. The two of you made a great team and he wished you could make your relationship official. But telling HR about it would come with a lot of paperwork and neither of you wanted to deal with bureaucracy. Normally, he preferred to follow the rules, but this time he simply didn’t feel like filling out a bunch of stupid forms.
Before he knew it, Bruno was surrounded by fellow members of the Inks and he had no choice but to focus on that conversation instead of you. He felt his phone buzzing in his pocket over and over again, probably because you were bombing him with messages that he couldn’t check right away. He had to try and stay patient, even if it wasn’t as easy as it sounded. His body wanted to act on its own, reaching for the device the moment he didn’t focus on self-control, so it took a lot of effort not do it.
It was only a painfully slowly passing hour later when he could finally get away from people long enough to check his messages. There were quite a lot of them along with a few missed calls from you. But calls? Why would you call him? You had previously agreed not to do that to avoid suspicion.
Y/N: I have a surprise.
Y/N: Don’t you want to know what it is?
Y/N: Bruno, don’t ignore me, please!
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Y/N: Please, answer your phone, it’s important!
Y/N: You know I wouldn’t call you if it wasn’t.
Y/N: Fine: Harry can’t stay until the end of the party so I’ll be the one on stage with you!
Y/N: Because of this change ‘sadly’ we have to discuss the choreography of the whole thing.
Y/N: And when I say discuss it…
Bruno didn’t believe it at first, and he couldn’t decide if Harry really had to leave this early or if you just somehow managed to convinced him. Either way, he liked it. No, he loved it. He really loved the idea of finally spending some time alone with you.
Bruno: How about the meeting room on the top floor? They said we can use it.
Bruno: Hello, Y/N! So do you wanna meet?
Bruno: I can bully you as well, you know.
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Y/N: Sorry, Harry wants to talk to me about something before he leaves.
Y/N: We’ll meet on stage soon!
Y/N: PS: I love you 🧡😙
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He watched the screen for a while but apparently you hadn’t even seen the message yet. So much for his plan to kiss you before leaving. Or to do so much more in that meeting room where an employee would have temporarily turned off the security cameras. Harry isn’t the type to respect the meetings of the Top of Horns and now Bruno knew that apparently, he was also the master of cockblocking.
But at least this gave him a little time to think. He hated this. He truly hated that the two of you had to hide all the time. Maybe he should bother with that stupid paperwork after all. And then he suddenly realized that being on that stage together in front of all those Wing Bind employees actually gave him the chance to prove you he was serious about this relationship.
Later, just before he was about to join you on stage, Bruno took a deep breath. This was for the best. He had to do it. So he walked up the small stairs, briefly waving at the crowd then stopping next to you in front of a microphone. You were talking but he couldn’t focus on the words. He was losing his patience. He couldn’t stand the idea of standing so close to you any longer without doing anything.
“Oh, fuck it,” he said quietly before putting a hand on the back of your neck and pulling you close for a kiss. Not a simple little peck on the lips. No. It was the kind of passionate kiss he desperately needed after pining after you all evening. When he pulled away with a wide grin on his lips, he noticed how confused you looked. You clearly enjoyed it and didn’t even try to stop him but it was surely unexpected. Clearing his throat, Bruno turned back to the crowd. “Okay, okay, you can stop murmuring. Yes, we’re together. Yes, I love her. Yes, I’ll do the paperwork on Monday,” he added, looking at the head of HR. “We hope you had fun tonight, see you next year and so on. Bye!”
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Dating – Bruno Bangnyfe headcanon
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The thing about Bruno is that he likes to be in charge of every situation. This obviously applies to your dates as well, so even though you always discuss where to go and what to do, it’s him who makes the final decision.
You both love things that can raise your adrenaline levels, this is why it’s not unusual for you to go and play paintball. Considering he uses spray paint for spells, you often wonder if this is the reason why he prefers this over other games like laser tag.
If he’s the one who accidentally shots you at a place that leaves a bruise, Bruno usually tries to make it up to you by bringing different treats as gifts.
Sometimes he agrees to go on dinner dates with you, and he knows you like it when he puts on a suit so he’s often willing to do it. there’s one condition, though: you have to go to Front London because he doesn’t want to risk anyone from Wing Bind see him dressed like that.
He always acts cool when he’s with you but there are always little signs of his true feelings that are screaming that he loves you. You know it, he knows it… hell, everybody knows it. Not like anyone except the two of you would point it out, though.
Whenever he cancels a date with the excuse of not being the best company after his day at work, you usually go over to his place to eat junk food and watch a movie with him. Although Bruno’s not exactly the type of person who says such things, he always makes an exception with you and says thank you for ignoring his decision.
If you’re alone, Bruno always lets his guard down and becomes the most chill, affectionate, and caring person you’ve ever met. He loves to cuddle, he tells you about his feelings, his insecurities, and his family, he takes care of you when you’re sick, and every now and then he even tries to cook for you. Trying being the keyword.
The two of you play video games quite often. In the beginning, he wanted to let you win, but once he realized you weren’t a rookie, he decided not to hold back against you anymore. When you’re playing on the same team, though, teamwork becomes more important than anything which usually leads to your victory.
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solara-bean · 4 years
A Happy Thought:
Bruno giving his s/o his jacket cuz they're cold. Then they proceed to steal it from him later.
S/o: Babe jacket. Gimme.
Bruno: It's the middle of July????
S/o: Don't care. It's fluffy🥺
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Cheater (Bruno Bangnyfe x reader)
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That damn buzzing sound was driving you crazy. In the past few days, you’d begun to hear Bruno’s phone buzzing more and more frequently, and you could tell it wasn’t work-related. He kept avoiding your eyes whenever you asked him if everything was okay which made it clear he was hiding something. Normally you weren’t the jealous type but with his history, you couldn’t help but assume the worst.
One evening when he left to take a shower and you once again heard that buzzing sound, you quickly picked up his phone to see what was going on. Since he usually unlocked it with face or fingerprint recognition and you didn’t know his password either, you could only rely on the notification on the lock screen. But no luck. Bruno wasn’t an idiot, he changed the settings so the content of the notification would be hidden.
The phone was back on the nightstand by the time he returned with a wolfish smile on his lips. “I missed you in there,” he told you as he lied down next to you. “It’s been such a long day. I couldn’t wait to come home to you.”
“Well, now you’re here.” You fucking liar, you added in yourself. “Oh, I know you said you’d probably be free all weekend and we could spend it together, but I promised to have lunch and watch a movie with the girls tomorrow.”
You tried to sound like you felt really bad about changing your plans, hoping in the end he would walk into your trap. Because this was a trap: you’d only asked your friends to spend the rest of Saturday afternoon with you earlier that evening. Based on your previous experience with him he would use this opportunity to meet up with that woman. All you had to do now was getting evidence to prove he was cheating.
“It’s okay,” he said, successfully snapping you out of your thoughts. “I know you don’t meet as often as you used to. Maybe I’ll use this time to hang out with Rickenbacker then.”
While he slowly repositioned himself to be on top of you and you saw those bright blue eyes again, you began to question your judgment. What if you were just being paranoid and he wasn’t hiding anything? After all, he hadn’t become distant lately and he still kissed and touched you like he always did. You hated this. All it took to turn you into some stupid, naïve schoolgirl was one kiss.
But he knew this perfectly well. If he knew you were suspicious, maybe he used sex to make you forget about your little theory. For now, you decided to play along but the alarm was still ringing in the back of your mind so you wouldn’t forget what you suspected he was doing behind your back.
A few hours later you woke up to the all too familiar buzzing sound, although this time you could also feel it. Bruno didn’t move, he kept sleeping with an arm around your waist, so you tried to move very carefully as you looked around. When your eyes fell on his arm he had wrapped around your body, you suddenly remembered: it was his watch you felt vibrating. He was tracking his sleep, this is why he never took it off at night. And for your luck, he saw his notifications on it but unlike on his phone, he couldn’t hide its content.
Making sure you wouldn’t wake him up, you quickly checked the notifications. It was a message from a woman you hadn’t heard of before, confirming to meet him the next day. You were right then, he was cheating on you.
After this, it was hard to act like everything was okay. Bruno was talking about his plans for the evening during breakfast, but all you could think about was what you should do now. Was there a chance he would get bored of her and stay with you? Or was history repeating itself? Either way, you had to stay calm and smile while you figured that out. You couldn’t even tell your friends about it because we told you so was the last thing you wanted to hear.
Everything changed in the afternoon, though. When he kissed you, you could smell that bitch on him. What an idiot, he should’ve taken a shower. You took a few steps back to build some distance and buried your hands in your hair. Well, you clearly couldn’t ignore it.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” he asked worriedly.
“Does she know you have a girlfriend?” you asked angrily. “Or did you tell her what you had told me back in the day? You know, that you’re keeping a break?” Bruno opened his mouth to say something but you weren’t interested. “Don’t even bother, I don’t care about your excuses. I can smell her perfume on you, Bruno! Did you really think I wouldn’t find out?”
For long seconds he remained silent and you could tell he was trying to determine what answer wouldn’t provoke an even bigger fight. “I fucked up, I know,” he admitted eventually. “But she knows it’s only temporary because I don’t want to leave you.”
“Well, too late, you already lost me. Please, sleep somewhere else tonight because I want to pack my things in peace.”
“Y/N, listen, damn it!” This was new. He sounded desperate. Letting out a sigh, you folded your arms over your chest and leaned against the wall behind you. “You have every right to believe I’m lying but I promise I’m telling the truth. I love you, I want to spend the rest of my life with you, and yes, I know this sounds like bullshit after I cheated on you. She… started flirting with me and I think I just wanted to see if I was over that phase.”
You couldn’t help but laugh at this pathetic excuse. “You would’ve figured that out after one night!”
“I told her it was over but she couldn’t leave me alone. I’m willing to admit that I’m stupid and weak, and I shouldn’t have agreed to meet her again. Please, give me another chance,” he tried.
Bruno still didn’t get it. The moment you’d told him you wouldn’t be home this afternoon he asked this woman to meet him. He didn’t hesitate and he acted like everything was perfectly fine. If what he said was true, that he really wanted to end that affair, he would’ve acted accordingly and you would’ve noticed that he looked troubled. But he didn’t. You were sure he wasn’t planning to end it. Shaking your head, you went to the bedroom and started packing your things, ignoring as he tried to convince you to stay.
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Note: Sorry for the typos or mistakes. Inspiration: “Alarm” by Anne-Marie.
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A little more time (Bruno Bangnyfe x reader)
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Great. Another one. Another friend of yours had announced they were expecting a baby and now you looked just as sad as you usually did after hearing such news. Knowing perfectly well what was bothering you, Bruno let out a sigh and sat down next to you on the couch.
“Look, I’m still not saying that I never want to be a father, I just think it’s… too soon.” Without even looking at him, you nodded then pulled your knees up to your chest. Well, he didn’t have much choice now but to tell you the truth he had figured out after your last breakup. “If I’m about to be a father one day, I’ll only do it if I can be present in my child’s life,” he admitted.
Finally, you turned to him with your eyes being wide from surprise. “Are you serious?”
He always assumed you knew he had never lied when he talked about the timing. If you had known that, though, you wouldn’t be this surprised to hear it now. “Why wouldn’t I be? I’m the Director of the Inks which comes with a lot of responsibilities already. And I work a lot. If we had a child now I’d either have to give up my position before I could make my mark or I would never be here with the two of you.”
To be honest, Bruno expected to see a smile. Not a big bright smile, only a small one. But what he got was quite the opposite. If anything, you looked guilty. “I didn’t notice how selfish I’d been all along,” you began quietly as you leaned your head on this shoulder. “I never… really considered your career, even though I knew how important it is to you.”
“All I’m asking for is a little more time. A year, maybe.” He slowly wrapped an arm around your shoulder then kissed the top of your head. “You know what? One year can work. Just one.”
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What you think would be Bruno's ideal s/o? As in appearance, personality, etc.
Something tells me appearance is not that important to Bruno because he cares a lot more about his S/O’s personality.
He’s probably looking for someone who understands him and his ambitions. Remember what he said about Balgo: “Whoever takes him out will go down in Reverse London’s history forever.” Then later when he headed out to kill Cinderella, he told Ninny “there’s no better way to make a name for myself.” It’s really important to him apparently and I’m sure there are situations when it comes up in his private life or when it causes tension at Wing Bind. This is why he definitely needs an S/O who–instead of judging or dismissing him for wanting to leave his mark in Reverse London so badly–stands by his side every time.
I also assume his partner would have to be smart and dedicated because I’m sure he hates idiots and slackers. During the meeting of the Top of Horns Bruno was mad at Saka for once again not even bothering to show up and he also told Harry to stop chewing gum. This says a lot about his work ethics if you ask me. Long story short, he needs someone who he can consider an equal because I truly believe he loves the idea of the two of them being a power couple.
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And the last one is more like a theory since we don’t know Bruno that well. (It’s sad but true.) We don’t know if he’s as old as he looks. We don’t know when he became the Director of the Inks. Let’s assume he took this position when he was still really young. What if he was insecure in the beginning? What if he still feels this way sometimes? This would explain the whole making a name for himself thing. So if that’s the case, he needs an S/O who can calm him down and make him believe he deserves his position. But this would also require his partner to be not only supportive but discreet as well: Bruno wouldn’t want others to think he’s weak.
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We got unfinished business – Bruno Bangnyfe headcanon
(Inspired by “Back to you” by Selena Gomez)
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After the breakup Bruno promised to leave you alone and he kept his word. It was hard for him, but he decided to focus on work while he waited. Because he was waiting. He was waiting for you to slowly realize it would be insane to throw away the life you’d built up throughout the years.
A month or two after the breakup you began to listen to your friends and went on a few dates to test the waters. You had fun but… something was missing. They were either idiots, utterly boring or even worse: condescending assholes who for some reason believed you were some desperate damsel in distress who was waiting for a prince.
Even though you started dating one of the guys eventually, it was just for show to make your friends shut up. They hated Bruno and you couldn’t let them know you still missed him like crazy. Hell, you were convinced they had gone out to celebrate after hearing about the breakup.
Some nights you could’ve sworn you heard Rickenbacker outside your apartment, but by the time you reached the window and looked out, there was absolutely nothing outside. It was just your imagination messing with you. Times like this you couldn’t decide which one was worse: hearing these familiar sounds or dreaming about him. Each one gave you hope that he came back to you, but when you looked out the window or woke up, it was simply ripped away from you.
Little did you know you were usually right about Rickenbacker. It was really him you heard. But Bruno was good and always made sure to hide every trace of his presence just in time. The last thing he wanted was you thinking he was some creep. Although… that’s exactly what he was sometimes. He often watched you from afar without the intention to actually talk to you. Only knowing you were okay and unharmed was enough.
One evening Bruno got home after a very, very long and annoying day at work, wanting nothing more but to drink something strong and then go to sleep. But his anger disappeared the moment he saw you sitting on the hallway floor next to the door of his apartment. You were there, obviously waiting for him, and you looked like a nervous wreck. Even after all those months spent apart, his first instinct was still to pull you into a tight hug and gently kiss the top of your head to calm you down.
While you were waiting for him to arrive, you thought about every possible outcome of this meeting. You were terrified by the idea of him telling you to leave but you had to take this risk. The only way to keep your sanity was to apologize for screwing things up back then and tell him how you truly felt. Because even though you had tried to move on and forget about him, it was impossible. The guys you had dated since the breakup, even the one whose parents you met once, simply couldn’t compare to him.
When you pulled away a little to look up at him, you opened your mouth to explain you were there, but he interrupted you with a kiss without hesitation. The moment he had laid eyes on you, he had recognized the look in your eyes that he knew perfectly well. You still loved him. This is why he didn’t care about what exactly made you decide to come back, all that mattered was the fact you were finally back there with him and he didn’t want you to leave ever again.
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I’m pretty sure he’s a big softy when it comes to his S/O.
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