#bravern thoughts
Some thoughts about things on Bang Bravern… (bit long, sorry)
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Why do I clock the German major general Heidemarie as a lesbian?
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So what if “ga-ga-pi” is some kind of a code, similar to Morse code or the binary code? Lulu has her “ga-ga-pi.” The other Deathdrive has its “ga-ga-ga. Pi-ga-ga-ga-pi. Pi-ga-ga-pi-ga.” The sequence is different in order to convey another meaning. The only solution is how to interpret it. Or perhaps, I am just overthinking.
So what are the Death Drives?
From the series’s glossary:
Death Drives : A mysterious mechanical life form that suddenly attacked the earth. Their goal is to achieve the best "death" that each of them wants. They came to this earth around all the galaxies in search of an existence that will fulfil their wishes.
Those drives sound like a part of Sigmund Freud’s psychoanalysis’ theory, the theory of pleasure principle (Lustprinzip).
Did Masami Obari, the director, turn to the Austrian psychoanalyst to gather the blueprint for his latest work?
(I know that Freud doesn’t have many fans among the Tumblr folks. But he “is” my neighbour. After having seen “Freud’s Vanished Neighbors” and read an article that the Viennese didn’t accept him as part of the community because he was not born in Austria and had Jewish family, and was still referred to as “Zugeraster,” a derogatory term for an outsider, he earned my respect and like everyone who was born centuries ago had other mentality that was not at all fitting in the modern era.)
Deathdrives, or death drives, in Freudian psychoanalytical universe, mean Thanatos, Todestrieb in German, is a term that describes: the drive toward death and destruction, often expressed through behaviors such as aggression, repetition compulsion, and self-destructiveness.
From Freud’s book, “Beyond the Pleasure Principle” :
Our departure point was the great antithesis of life drives and death drives. Object-love itself shows us a second such polarity – that of love (affection) and hate (aggression). What if we succeeded in connecting these two polarities, what if we succeeded in tracing one back to the other! We have always acknowledged a sadistic component in the sexual drive; as we know, this component can develop a life of its own and turn into a perversion that dominates a person's entire sexual life. It also occurs as a dominant partial drive in one of those forms of organization of sexual life that I have termed ‘pre-genital’. But how could we possibly suppose that the sadistic drive, which aims to harm its object, derives from Eros, the preserver of life? Isn't it altogether plausible to suppose that this sadism is actually a death drive that has been ousted from the ego at the instance of the narcissistic libido, and as a result only becomes apparent in conjunction with the object?
So you have the enemies, the Death Drives, ready to destroy the humans, and Bravern on the other with the quality of being the Eros. The sentient robot’s ethos is to save the humanity first. All the while obsessing with his pilot, Ao Isami. Obsession and kindness overlapping.
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@whypolar analysed their names, then doing some googling of the meanings of both Isami and Lewis’ names, it seems the two share the same description. Yours truly is not at all a Japanese language expert, this website suggests that Isami has 21 variations in kanji.
勇 means "bravery, courage."
Brave - Showing courage and strength in the face of danger or difficulty.
Daring - Willing to take risks and try new things.
Strong - Having great physical or mental power.
Courageous - Having or showing courage in the face of danger or difficulty.
Resolute - Firmly determined to do something.
Soldier - A person who serves in an army.
It describes Isami’s personality perfectly!
Lewis, on the other hand…
From the celebrated author of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, Lewis Carroll, to lauded actor Daniel-Day Lewis, a boy called Lewis is in good company! Lewis is of German origin and means "Renowned warrior." It has many variations in Latin, French, and Gaelic languages that all point to the same sentiment of “strength” and “courage”. With the name Lewis, you can hope to instill your baby boy with a fearless optimism for life.
All three of them—Bravern, Isami and Lewis—are “strong and courageous.”
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kira-yura · 2 months
Just had a "bravern thought", could Isami be lost in the system of the Orthos?.
And an amicable system was created, called Lulu?
The 'towers' are the enemies, and now Smith has 'befriended' Lulu, to help Isami to "complet the mission".
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chibiveneficus · 4 months
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I will have to say Knock Out, as atrociously horny as he is, has been outdone by Bravern in that area.
Where Knock Out says "You're reeeeeal heavy duty >:)" Bravern says with his entire soul "NICE COCK!" while blasting his own theme music and where Knock Out says "The thought of you fleshies...INTERFACING *audible horror*" Bravern is like "HUMANS GOT MY HYDRAULICS PUMPIN! HAVE THIS FANFICTION I WROTE ABOUT THIS GUY! READIN IT RIGHT HERE RIGHT NOW! S E X!"
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coredrill · 3 months
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better luck next time
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niyin · 2 months
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Upcoming Bravern merch coming from Premium Bandai. for sure bravern's chibigurumi are going to be crane prizes, fuck bamco COSPA also announced new merch in their store i'm respectfully looking at that tricolor smith
Animage upcoming issue wcover with interviews and illustrations done by the characters designers yes, i'm going to get this along with pash! and animedia
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beeftony · 2 months
I knew that Bang Brave Bang Bravern switched genres like 3 times in its premiere, but I wasn’t expecting the mid-season twist that it was also a time-travel romance the whole time.
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wobblyjellyfish · 3 months
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messengerofmechs · 5 months
[Puts on my clown wig] Bravern is a mockery.
They're making all these Brave references and making him so tonnally different from the rest of the cast but not because they care about Bravern. The whole episode the writing seems to mock him and what he is.
Bravern has not has a single genuine conversation with anyone. He talks but all he does is shout catchphrases.
Despite how much he talks about Isami, he has not had a single conversation with him. Bravern asks where Isami is, but does not do any investigation himself. Imagine for a second, a world where Bravern discovers that Isami was being tortured. Imagine a world where Bravern actually cared about Isami.
Right now, in the show, Bravern does not care about Isami.
Despite all the Exkaiser references, Bravern completely fails to have even a fraction of the care and gentleness that makes Exkaiser so endearing.
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cyber-neptune · 3 months
I love it when Bravern drives into battle pussy first, love that for him
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whypolar · 3 months
My favourite reaction to the "In Japan, they call this omiai" title drop is people being like "No we don't"
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chibiveneficus · 4 months
i'm probably thinking too hard about this but the way that Bravern knows about the attack on the ships before he's contacted, the way his symbol and name appeared on the radar screen....did he hack the military. is he just constantly chilling in their systems. did he even think about what he was doing before doing so because it's just second nature to connect to your allies 'cloud mind' so to speak
and for that matter, if he did just slip into top secret servers nbd, of course he has internet access. he has watched James Cameron's 1989 The Abyss. what is his internet search history like. inquiring minds wish to know
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You watch Bang Brave Bang Bravern and you ask yourself, how much of this was intentional and how much casual.
The girl in the box is an actual child. We see her grown up in the future, and her face and body changed, she is a child and she get adopted and watch cartoon and does not have a romantic relationship with one of the leads. But her body is still sexy, and in the beach episode she have a bikini and low waist jeans, and her tits giggle, and it is normal for tits to giggle, but was this fanservice for the classic mecha public, was it a critic to how these character are represented. She is a baby, but we see a shot of her ass, and we are not sure if the very cis very male director didn't do this scene as a consolation price to the men forced to draw oiled abs and men grinding on each others.
The CIA waterboard the protagonist, and it is a traumatic experience not even being saved and thanked can cancel out. There are two other waterboarding scenes after, one against a child and one against a giant robot. They both play comedically, because they both fail. It is just to show how the genre of the story changed, from real robot to super robot, or does it means more? Is it a critic to the system of torturing people to get information, because it will never function, and maybe waterboarding a giant robot will not get you anything, or is it just for laugh?
And you ask yourself, why are you asking these questions on a gay mecha anime, and well, i would not ask these questions if it was not a gay mecha anime.
It is a show decided to change genre three times and mix real robot and super robots in a gay romance that save the worls, and it is meant to be a love story to the old super robot genre, and to aks the question of why these type of stories exists. Maybe i should ask myself these questions.
They reference evangelion, but they are not able to give a woman character space, and you have no idea if it is for parody or for being unable to do it. There is an autistic fujoshi, and she is only an autistic fujoshi. There is the woman love the protagonist, and she save his life, but she is not important to the plot to she stay on the sideline. They tell you the military is not that bad, and you close your eyes to it because it is set in a not so far future and maybe things have changed, and than they give you two men singing a love song to each others shirtless.
And then the story tell you that the desire to die honorably, the very japanese feeling of getting out in a spectacle, is not good. It is actually what the evil guys want, to die honorably. You deserve to live, and you deserve to want to live. You can say no and hope in a future with the men you love. And if you want to live any diegetic explication for the super robot effects will disappear, and people will be able to transfer you the energy to resuscitate the commands and transform in the final gold form, and your hairs get longer and you can now defeat the final main guy, a giant angel created from the deaths of your other enemies. And since now everything does not need anymore to make sense, your partner is send to you again, for a third time, and you want to kill him for what he put you thought but you take his hand and the sky is blue and everyone is happy and the world is saved.
Where does the comedy end. Where do the serious thoughts start. How does the fanservice, and which kind of fanservice, control the plot. And it is a gay mecha show.
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coredrill · 3 months
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mincedpeaches · 2 months
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Someone out there is definitely drawing the natural extension of this where Bravern licks his chest right. asking for a friend.
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captaindeadpoet · 1 month
Sometimes Lewis wants to be pretty.
He’s not sure how to explain it, really. He’s grown up in a military world, one that wasn’t always forgiving of people who didn’t fit the right image. He’s been raised in a world that told him he was supposed to look a certain way. “Like a man.” That’s what his drill sergeant had said.
It’s a few months out of basic training that Lewis started waxing all of his body hair. At first, it’s an act of rebellion, spurred by all the annoying quips of the commanding officers about being “manly.” Lewis felt he was perfectly manly. He’s a man, isn’t he? He’s met the qualifications on that alone. So it’s not like taking his chest hair out of the equation changed anything. It would grow back.
Except upon leaving the salon, smooth legs rubbing about the rough fabric of his cargo pants, he decided he kind of liked himself better this way.
When he got home, he stared into the mirror for a while, looking at smooth skin still a bit pink from the wax and running his hands over it. His skin felt softer. He felt more comfortable.
So, Lewis just started doing it all the time. After a while, he added a good moisturizing routine to the mix. It made his skin softer and brighter, and that made him smile. He liked being able to go home after work, muscles aching and body sweaty, and take a good shower, put on a face mask, and rub some lotion on himself. It’s relaxing. His private time. A time when he’s not going to be called handsome or sexy or hot, where no one is going to joke about how they can’t believe he even has a separate face wash because “all guys just use that 10-in-1 soap, shampoo, and drain unclogger, right?” This is his time. And in his time, he gets to think.
I feel pretty.
As time went on, Lewis didn’t think about it much more than that. On deployments, he can’t be picky. He’s a Marine, so pretty is never the first thing they think when they see him. It’s not even the tenth or the hundredth. It doesn’t really bother him or anything. It’s just how it is.
Then he met Isami, and for the first time, he wanted someone else to look at him and see pretty.
But he let go of that pretty quickly, too. Isami didn’t need pretty. He needed strong and sturdy. And Lewis knew those things weren’t mutually exclusive, but to so many people, they are.
And most importantly, he doesn’t want to make things about himself when Isami needs him.
Especially once he’s come back again, and Isami’s so relieved to see him. In that moment, Lewis decided he’d be whatever Isami wanted. Isami can see him however he wants.
Then they’re living together with Lulu. Lewis locks himself in the bathroom with a self waxing kit because there’s something embarrassing about going to see someone about it when it’s not really a necessity, and he bites down on a sponge to muffle the noise as he works. He waits until Isami goes to bed to moisturize, because he doesn’t want to bore Isami with his silly routine. If Isami notices any of it, he doesn’t say anything.
As things slowly return to normal and Lulu is going to school for the first time, Lewis takes her shopping for new clothes. Isami’s elsewhere in the store, not much for fashion, so Lewis and Lulu take their time looking through the racks. Everything Lulu picks is full of color and has fluttering elements, perfect for twirling and jumping. It’s cute. She’s a free spirit, and Lewis loves that.
As she’s trying things on, Lewis chances a look at other clothes. Ones in his size. Cozy oversized sweaters. Cute rompers. Pencil skirts and blouses and casual dresses. They’re so colorful. They have nice shape. Lewis wonders.
Would I be pretty in any of these?
“Oh, Mama! That one!”
It’s funny how kids seem to just know things. Lewis turns to look at Lulu and smiles.
“That one won’t fit you, sunshine.” Lewis says with a chuckle.
“Not for Lulu, for Mama!”
“We’re not shopping for Mama, silly! We’re shopping for Lulu.”
Lulu takes the dress off of the rack and thrusts it at Lewis. Lewis takes it, his fingers pinching the fabric and rolling it. It’s a nice dress. Navy blue and dotted with sunflowers. Sleeveless. Button up. Pockets. The skirt would swish around the wearer’s legs beautifully. Lulu pushes Lewis toward the dressing room.
He’s never been able to say no to her.
“Okay, okay, Mama will try it on. Just for a second!”
He does just that. As he stands in front of the mirror and moves the skirt around, he can’t stop himself from thinking.
I feel pretty.
He figures he should probably show Lulu and steps out of the dressing room. It’s not just Lulu standing there, though.
Isami’s looking at him. His eyes travel up and down Lewis, taking him in. Lewis blushed and starts to open his mouth to defend himself.
“You look pretty. Are you getting that one?” Isami asks.
You look pretty.
“I-I was just trying it on for Lulu! I don’t really need…” Lewis trails off, his hands gripping skirt tightly.
“I need it. I like looking at you in it. Do you want to wear other stuff like that?”
Lewis bites his lip before nodding slowly.
“I have some ideas. Want me to show you?”
“You don’t mind?”
Isami shakes his head. “It suits you. Promise me you’ll start going back to a professional for your waxes, though. Your legs look like they hurt.”
Lewis pulls the skirt to try and cover his legs. “Sorry.”
“You should be. I don’t want you hurting yourself. Come on, I want you to try on some other things.”
Lulu hugs Lewis’ waist and smiles. “You’re pretty, Mama!”
Isami’s lips turn up in a barely noticeable smile. “Yeah. Pretty mama.”
Sometimes, Lewis wants to be pretty. And finally, he can be.
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