dancefan435 · 2 months
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dancefan435 · 2 months
i am so excited for this
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dancefan435 · 4 months
ellie self and her big bag of awards 💀
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dancefan435 · 4 months
Prix de Lausanne 2024 - Finals Awards
The scholarship prizes:
201 Joao Pedro Dos Santos Silva (Brazil)
415 Martinho Lima Santos (Portugal)
317 Paloma Livellara Vidart (Argentina)
106 Crystal Huang (USA)
315 Airi Kobayashi (Japan)
411 Jenson Blight (Australia)
417 Juliann Fedele-Malard (France)
302 Natalie Steele (USA)
207 Taichi Toshida (Japan)
Contemporary Dance Award: 415 Martinho Lima Santos (Portugal)
Best Young Talent Award: 313 Ruby Day (Australia)
Audience Favourite Award: 317 Paloma Livellara Vidart (Argentina)
Web Audience Favourite Award: 201 Joao Pedro Dos Santos Silva (Brazil)
Best Swiss Candidate Award: 407 Giuseppe Schillaci (Italy)
Beaulieu Award: 317 Paloma Livellara Vidart (Argentina)
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dancefan435 · 1 year
I loveeee mady kim doing molly choreo sm I hope she gets a jazz solo this year
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dancefan435 · 1 year
Speaking of p21 stans, I don't suppose you have any recommendations for non-p21 focused accounts? Don't get me wrong, I love the p21 kids, but seeing nothing but them on here can get a bit tiring at times (plus, some of the fans are a lil crazy)
If you’re seeing this and you’re a general ld account, please reply or reblog this so anon can follow you!
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dancefan435 · 2 years
I’ll always be grateful to Briar’s Dangerous and Eva’s River (and other dances, but those especially) for killing the notion that dances with lots of acro/tricks were automatically immature or “gymnastics not dancing.”
I feel like the way acro comes across to an audience has a lot to do with the way the dance carries themself on stage. You have to have the stage presence and movement quality for it. Briar and Eva had people eating out of the palms of their hands. Same with Miss Jackson. Aaliyah does a shit ton of tricks in that solo, but she’s owning it and they’re so well executed that it’s just captivating. If you want acro to be well received, you have to dance through the tricks and not around them, you know what I mean?
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dancefan435 · 2 years
can someone post it?
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dancefan435 · 2 years
i think she still has radix!
Savannah Manzel is the first dancer this year to win 1st place at all BTF events! Incredible!
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dancefan435 · 2 years
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dancefan435 · 2 years
say it louder for the people in the back
I hate when people (reddit...) make a big deal over who trains in what class and who's in the weaker or stronger class or whatever. first of all it's stupid as hell to judge the levels of kids you don't teach, second of all they all neglect the fact that every kid is different. Some kids thrive when they're at the top of a class because it boosts their confidence, other kids stagnate in that position because they're uninspired. Certain kids do best when they're the "weakest" in a class because they're more inspired to improve and can take direction from the "stronger" ones, whime others would rather not be in that position because it's too stressful for them. We literally only see those kids dance for a few minutes onstage, we don't know wtf their learning styles are. And why are you as a random redditor trying to decide what class a kid needs to be put in anyway? Wild
So much goes into level placements. I started dancing at 12 and competing at 13. When I started competing, I was on a company with girls much much younger than me because my skill level fit that company the best at the time. As the years went by, I caught up to the girls my age and moved up to the highest company. Starting on the lowest company allowed me to get the basics and gain confidence because I wasn’t constantly trying to dance on a higher level. I was able to take certain classes with the higher companies while still on the lower ones and I’d get pulled into their group routines sometimes, but the only reason I was confident enough to dance with them part time was because I still got to train with my level, so I wasn’t a small fish in a big pond all the time. So yeah, I was one of those kids who would have been discouraged by being the weakest in the room at all times.
Some things just aren’t for us to judge as outsiders. We have no way of knowing what level is best for a kid. It’s really not as simple as it seems. We don’t actually know these kids. Like you said, some thrive in different environments. There’s no one size fits all approach to training levels. I’m not saying every studio gets it right for every kid, but I’d hope that most try their best. Also, just because a kid is in a lower level doesn’t mean they’re a bad dancer and you might think you’re being supportive by saying they should be higher when you might just be making them feel bad.
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dancefan435 · 2 years
the way NONE of the girls in black and gold are still at p21
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dancefan435 · 2 years
izzy lynch + gracyn for 2022 bd tbh
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dancefan435 · 2 years
sammi and jojo both 4th!
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dancefan435 · 2 years
why is isabella's contemp solo literally fart noises
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dancefan435 · 2 years
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dancefan435 · 2 years
Someone was asking for the Dyllan/Selena/Gracyn post that got taken down :) 
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