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🪷🌺🌱 Petite 🌱🌺🪷
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✨🥯🌸 Bagels 🌸🥯✨
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💎❤️‍🔥🔥 Hyouki 🔥❤️‍🔥💎
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🕊️🦋 Bloomers 🍀🌿
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💖🍒 Cherries 🪩🛡️
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🌪️🌖☄️ Dustest ☄️🌖🌪️
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spookyuu · 2 years
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I've been wanting to do some art for The Horizon and the Little Star for a while, and now I've finally gotten around to it (especially since @horizonandstar gave me a taste of a ref I could use to even MAKE the art with)
First pic is basically what happens in the first chapter, Sun trying to feed the reader a peeper because he thinks they're bad at hunting (they are).
I still don't know what their patterning is so you get a yellow boy and a bioluminescent moon peeking from the dark
You should go read the fic if you like Mer!Sun and Moon, Subnautica, and surprisingly enough, a good depiction of aliens learning human things. It makes me happy when Sun makes progress in learning how to human speak.
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literategnome · 4 months
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still waiting for bts of my son
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b4kuch1n · 11 months
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these templates are so cool if only I have a tablet I can draw on. anyways I will be on team transgener I mean team werewolf I mean. do u wanna see my profight. I mea
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arrozaurus · 2 years
some dodo type channel: this person adopted [non conventional animal] and discovered it was just like a dog!
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So this inspired a new question...say Cody had to get an atrocious haircut for a role. Which would you be most able to tolerate assuming he'd have to keep it like that for months?:
The Hawkmo
A hollowed out horseshoe flattop
Bowl Cut
Emo Fringe (but only the front is long, everything else is short)
Long ponytail (down to the small of the back at least)
R9 cut
Why do you guys like to torture me 😂
You really listed the best of the best here. I’m a bit torn between bowl cut and emo fringe. Solely for styling purposes.
I think a bowl cut would be easier to style into something else when he isn’t filming so I’m going to go with that one. I think we would both get a kick out of him having that haircut. He would know how ridiculous it is so he wouldn’t be hurt when I giggle at it from time to time. He would randomly say things like “I’m thinking about keeping this haircut after filming” or “I hated this at first but it’s really starting to grow on me now. Might keep it” just to see the look on my face. It would definitely not be on my list of favourite haircuts but we would have fun with it.
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doctorcurdlejr · 5 months
In caveman times Jughead painted on the cave walls and Betty (hunter) would turn to Veronica (invented fire) like woww bowlhead (caveman for Jughead) is always just over there drawing his pictures... Don't get me wrong they're nice or whatever but really wish he like contributed... Maybe we should use him as bait next week. Meanwhile Archie (healing after Betty used him as bait for a dire wolf) is like Betty just let him draw his pictures they're really nice...
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I know Jack Horner is a horrible being with a lot of money on his hands and has ZERO value on human/other being life.
When he was putting his gloves on while saying
"Little Jack's dead. I'M BIG JACK HORNER."
It...made me feel things...I don't know..maybe its his cottoncandy-pink bowlhead cut. Kinda hot.😮‍💨
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teawizardry · 9 months
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Bowlhead for @b4kuch1n!
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pmdnightfall · 1 month
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Everyone involved is taken aback by Nova's sudden outburst.
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BENSON: Whoa-ho-ho! What the hell was that?! BOWLHEAD: Kueh! I don't know man, but I refuse to deal with this specific kid! Let's scamper off, Kue-hee-hee!
Team Skull quickly abscond in fear after such a close call, leaving Ouka and Nova in relative peace once again.
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Ouka sweats nervously. OUKA: W... What was that?! Nova's obscured eyes shift to a more concerned look as they frown, worried that their momentary loss of control scared the friendly Pokemon they just met. NOVA: I Am Sorry... NOVA: I Did Not Expect To Get So Overwhelmed The Espurr puts their hand on Ouka's shoulder. OUKA: It's... It's okay. I just got caught off guard. That... That was actually pretty awesome!! Ouka's face lights up as she quickly sits up and grabs Nova's hands, excited. OUKA: You know what this means?? The cosmos have gifted you awesome power to help with whatever crisis we'll face soon!! NOVA: What OUKA: We'll be invincible together!!
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Before Nova could say anything, the excited Gligar drags them by hand to the town. OUKA: Come on!! I'll show you around town!! Wait, I guess you don't have a place to live, huh? We'll figure something out!! NOVA: Ok
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lesserknowncryptids · 9 months
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Lesser Known Cryptid 9/11/20: Bowlhead
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skeletonshorts69 · 2 years
I love that every time someone meets the main character in six crimson cranes their like: " Why do you have a bowl on your head?" Or " Bowlhead freak". Cause like why are judging? She pulled more guys than you have and she can't speak and no one can see her face.
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countlessrealities · 5 months
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@technodromes sent: A little surprise gift prompt from Rocksteady to Morty
[🎄] Rocksteady has to bend over quite a bit to hand out what would be a very colorful and old-fashioned mixtape. It has Anarchy and Peace stickers all over it and the casket of the mixtape has band logos and names scribbled on it with different markers. The paper inside the casket has all songs listed that are on the mixtape. 'No More Heroes', 'Babylon's Burning', Skankin’ to the Beat', 'Boredom', 'Sheena Is a Punk Rocker', 'Rudy, A Message to You' and several more. All early punk, ska and even some jazzy ones.
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"Hey bowlhead, 'ts from me an' Bebop. Some actual beats before all the shitmas carols be cookin' yer brain! The last one's from Bebop's gramps! If Bee didn't have ta help the boss stealin' some shit for Krangy, he'd be here too. Hey, is that christmas roast yer dad is cookin'? Ya have a bite for a pal too, don'tcha?"
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Morty is left staring at the mixtape for a good ten seconds. Not only he hadn't been expecting someone from the Technodrome to come visit him, instead of Rick or Summer, but being given a present too? That already felt almost like some wild dream.
Small fingers prod at the casket, as if they had been trying to make sure that it was real and they hesitate for a split moment before he opens it. He doesn't say or shows it, but in truth he was expecting it to be some kind of prank. Instead, the cassette that appears before his eyes isn't just authentic and legit. It also looks heartfelt.
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"G-Geez, is it...I-I mean, for me? T-That's...you know, I-I wasn't..." He stutters, pieces of sentences spilling from his mouth. He's not making much sense and he's painfully aware of it, but he can't help himself. He's so stunned and so touched that he can't find the right words to express what he's feeling.
To an eye attentive enough, or to someone who knows what being undervalued and neglected means, what he's experiencing is pretty obvious. He simply can't believe that someone has gone through the trouble of getting him a present, especially one that's handmade, even if they had no obligations to.
He is struggling to wrap his mind around the concept.
"Uh, I-I...Thanks? Y-Yeah, thanks!" He ends up blurting out, even if the shock doesn't fully fade from his expression. "An-And say thanks to Bebop from me too. This...This is awesome. F-For real."
The mention of the roast is almost a lifesaver, because it gives Morty the chance to leave behind his stunned awkwardness. Thankfully, because he has already made enough of a fool of himself.
"Y-Yeah, that's...Dad makes it every year. An-And sure, there's plenty for you to eat! W-We usually end up with leftovers every year, s-so..." He moves out of the way, to allow Rocksteady inside the house. "M-Maybe you can even get some to take back to the Technodrome. F-For Bebop!"
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rebbbb · 6 months
dude i wanna fucking change my icon so bad but like i feel like its a part of me now. like how else will moots recognize me when i crawl to the surface of the earth every 7 moons to change my user and like a few posts. bowlhead shiba reigns eternal.q
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ocmontessoriacademy · 8 months
Our Haslemere taxis serve Haslemere, Churt, Beacon Hill, Hindhead, Grayshott, Headley Down, Bramshott, Liphook, Milland, Iping, Midhurst, Lodsworth, Lickfold, Lurgashall, Chiddingfold, Grayswood, Fernhurst, Henley, Brook, Bowlhead Green, Wormley, Northchapel, Plaistow and Ebernoe. We can take you anywhere in the UK and offer newer, clean, and comfortable cars with reasonable rates for the quality of our cars and drivers.
Tudor House,Station Approach,Haslemere,Surrey,GU27 2PE
01428 787222
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Pt 8 : "Life, Death, Love and Rebirths
"It has already been a Whole 2 and Half Months since Lambert murdered 2 of his Beloved Wives with Lady Dimistru and later on Ascended M3gan(Lambert's 3rd Beloved Wife) in Peace inside the Temple. soon enough he felt as though it's time to bring them both back and as Rebirthed Versions through Indoctrinating Both Dimmi M3ggy back into the Cult after hearing some absoutely Splendid News from his Good Friend S O U P the Angelic Guardian of The Gateways of Old Faith.
Lambert then went upwards towards the Gateway and saw his Friend/Foster Guardian S O U P peacefully standing but watching him walk slowly towards his Passage but not too fast due to S O U P being pretty Cautious about the young Lamb traveling into his Dimensional Realm.
The Bowlheaded Guardian smiled kindly at Their Adopted Calf with as much Graditude.
S O U P : "Ah, Well Hello Again Young Lambert! How are thy doing this Fine day?
Lambert then smiled back while he bowed proper & Gentle like while holding his Blue Fleece like a Gown.
Lambert : "Good Morning, my Favorite Guardian! I am mighty fine this wonderful day thanks for asking.
S O U P : Well alrighty then!, Glad to see you pretty excited. mind telling me why your excited hm. is it because of my upgraded wheel of fortune isn't it? *giggles*
Lambert stood surprised that the Guardian read his mind in a instant and knew exactly what he was thinking which soon started to laugh at how easily fooled he was by them.
Lambert : *scoffs nervously* oh yeah, of course i was thinking about the Necklaces and the Wheel of Fortune getting a huge update trust me you will not believe how much I LOVE your necklaces especially the..
"Right Before Lambert was about to finish his sentence, S O U P then interrupted"
S O U P : "The golden skull, your personal favorite one i know!
Lambert : Yeah that's the one!, how you'd know that Soupie? *laughs*
S O U P : I've been knew since you first tested it on your three wives Samantha, Lady Dimistru & M3gan ever since that day.. and afterwards you was obssessed with those specific golden skulls!
The Guardian smiled and while they quietly reminisced about all of those fun times Lambert enjoyed the Purgetory Runs and getting god Tears even while regulary crusading every week & even everyday of his Thriving Cult when increasing devotion through his followers. soon enough he saw Lambert grabbing a few god tears he's collected in his recent purge run last night and already was ready to spin that wheel.
Lambert : Oops sorry i was interupting your thinking Soupie.. i was just grabbing a god tear i've collected last night and wondering if i could spin it right now?
S O U P then nodded in agreement to Lambert's Question "You May Young Lamb!
Lambert then jumped while kicked his bottom hooves while happily giving S O U P his god tears while the wheel spined
Lambert was lucky to get 3 Gold Skull Necklaces & 1 Missionary Necklace which he was really glad to obtain them all.
Lambert : Gee that was good spin for today! Thanks Soupie!
S O U P : Your very welcome little lamb! glad your happy gaining my fine necklaces for your collection.
Lambert then walked back to his Cult to check on his followers while really glad he had S O U P as his not only his new guardian but even his Bestest Friend!
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