#bow wow frog masked singer
jrueships · 1 year
i don't know but you are that frog to me.
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The Masked Singer Season 3 Characters!
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1st: Night Angel - Kandi Burruss
2nd: Turtle - Jesse McCartney
3rd: Frog - Bow Wow
4th: Rhino - Barry Zito
5th: Kitty - Jackie Evancho
6th: Astronaut - Hunter Hayes
7th: Banana - Bret Michaels
8th: Kangaroo - Jordyn Woods
9th: White Tiger - Rob Gronkowski
10th: T-Rex - JoJo Siwa
11th: Swan - Bella Thorne
12th: Bear - Sarah Palin
13th: Taco - Tom Bergeron
14th: Mouse - Dionne Warwick
15th: Elephant - Tony Hawk
16th: Miss Monster - Chaka Khan
17th: Llama - Drew Carey
18th: Robot - Lil Wayne
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I wanted to draw Frog/Bow Wow as a real phrog. Cherish him. I might de-furry other masked singer costumes if I feel like it.
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mirkwoodshewolf · 3 years
A new kind of competition RA on the Masked singer pt. 1
*Author’s note*
Hey guys well like I said on my last post, this is the 1st part of my Masked Singer chapter. And let me just tell you after literally MONTHS of trying to figure out a playlist for this chapter I FINALLY came to a good playlist that I could see the Rock Angel doing if she were to compete in the Masked Singer. So follow along and listen to the songs I’ve listed if you really wanna get into the mood of it and I hope you all enjoy this fun little chapter and until next time :)
*February 2021*
This was a whole new game changer for me, but I’m happy I signed up for it.  While visiting my son Georgie (through a very brief period when the pandemic was at a standstill, before the States closed down again), I had been asked by the Producers of NBC’s “The Masked Singer” if I’d be willing to participate in the show.
Having seen the show through Youtube videos and even seeing the UK’s version of it back home during our lockdown, I immediately hopped on board and said I would do it.  But of course being as secretive as this show was, they forbad me from telling anyone or announcing it on Social media, if I even breathed a word of my appearance on the show to anyone, they’d revoke it and kick me out of the show.
The character that they had chosen for me was the Lioness and boy was she a gorgeous creature.  Much like how they had the Lion all the way back in Season one, she was pure gold however she wasn’t covered with armor like the Lion was. I had asked for some flexibility to the outfit cause I wanted to give the audience a side of me that they’ve never seen before.  I wanted to be able to move much like Bow-Wow did on the last season of the Masked Singer as the Frog.
They took some of my ideas into consideration on allowing the outfit to have that flexibility for me to dance my heart out. I wore platform high-heeled boots much like I always did back when I first started off as the Rock Angel.
I also wanted to honor Freddie in a way with my outfit.  I had asked for the gloves if it could be possible if we could add some diamond claws. I showed them (whatever pictures I could find of the 1974 Rainbow concert. Thank you all for the lovely gifs) just so they could get the idea and when the costume dept. saw it, they fell in love with the idea.  They even agreed to shape the diamonds as real lioness claws.
Once the costume was fully complete and I got to put it on for the first time, it felt like I had actually become The Lioness. Of course it came with a price too, I wasn’t allowed to talk to anyone, even when I just had to go around with the mask, I was given the famed DON’T TALK TO ME black hoodie so that no one was able to hear my real voice.
I was also forbidden from talking to the other contestants as well as hear them rehearse until we would begin filming the episodes.  I was placed into GROUP B along with creatures such as the Piglet, Black Swan, the Chameleon, and Grandpa Monster.  I was also told that there would be some major game changers this season but no one, not even the judges knew just what those changes were, only the Host.
Weeks and weeks of rehearsals and performing each of my songs that I had picked out and wanted to do, never did I think I’d get as far as I did.  But I could care less about the trophy, I just enjoy singing and this was a whole new game changer cause now my fans get to see a whole new side of me that they never do get to see on stage with me.
Sure I’ve had courage to go up on stage constantly, overcome every obstacle known to man, hell even stay a sane person after having a rough childhood, but the Lioness has given me courage to do things that I’ve never done before on stage, whether performing with my boys, by myself, or with other singers that I’ve performed/toured with.  Back then or present day.
And I hope you all can guess correct just who is beneath the Lioness mask. Enjoy my dears.
“Alright! Alright! Alright!” the current host of MS5 Niecy Nash said after the last contestant Black Swan performed her opening song.  “Now this next contestant is gonna prove that she belongs on this stage. Give it up….for the Queen herself! The Lioness!”
The crowd cheered and I walked out with the Men in Black strutting down with pride in each step.  I greeted the audience with the royal wave before standing next to Niecy.  Even though I could vaguely see out of this mask, I still had some sense of the stage.
“Oooo girl you are stunning to look at look at this ya’ll ain’t see a Queen or what?!”
“She looks amazing!” I heard Jenny exclaim.
“Yeah I’m jealous look at those claws of hers. I wish I had those.” Nicole stated.  I gave them a sexy clawing motion with my hands as they all hooted and hollered.
“I agree with you Nicole. Now let’s find out some clues on just who this Queen Lioness is.” Through the TV, I knew my first clue package would be playing.  Here’s out it went down.
You would see a 3 layered rock platform, on smaller rock, one slightly taller in the middle and finally a large boulder that stood tall like a throne with me sitting on top of it.
“Welcome to my Pride. Being the top lioness isn’t always easy but it’s all worth it in the end. Something that I believe the world could benefit from.” The screen would change to me walking along a virtual plain with various animals.  “Growing up, we weren’t allowed to really show our true colors as much as we can now. If you were even slightly different from the rest of the world, you were condemned.” A zebra with the LGBTQ patterns for its stripes came up.
“An LGBTQ flag. Could be a member of it.” Pointed out Robin Thicke.
“But it still hurts me to see that even as society begins to change, there are those that still cling to the old ways of life.”
“Maybe a politician. This is a lot of politics going on here.” Nicole stated.  The screen changed to me holding the world in the palm of my hands.  I crushed the world down.
“I just hope that one day the world will come to understand that we are all One people, one world.” I opened my hands up and soon a rainbow appeared before ending my 1st clue package.
The stage was dark except for one spotlight shining down on me.  Well more like half of me, half of my body remained in the shadows while the other half was sparkling under the spotlight as I spoke with my American accent, the voice modulator turning off for my performance.
“We are a nation with multi-graphic boundaries. Bound together through our beliefs. We are like-minded individuals, sharing a common vision. Pushing toward a world rid of color loins.” Already I could see that people were trying to figure out who I was by hearing my real voice, but due to me American accent and natural British accent being two completely different voices, it was throwing people for a loop.
I then did Janet’s famed countdown with my right hand before the song came on full force and I and my backup dancers began to dance the Rhythm Nation dance.  ALL in perfect unison.
The crowd went insane and I could even see the judges standing up in shock as well as cheering.  I strutted towards the mic stand at the corner of the stage and began to sing.  My natural alto range came forth and I could see the audience singing along and even do some of the dance moves to the song, especially once the chorus hit.
I strutted across the stage before I would rejoin and lead the pride that was my dancers in the famed dance, before strutting forward on the stage, coaxing the audience to cry the chorus out loudly.
With music by our side To break the color lines Let's work together To improve our way of life Join voices in protest To social injustice A generation full of courage Come forth with me
People of the world today Are we looking for a better way of life We are a part of the rhythm nation People of the world unite Strength in numbers we can get it right One time (Sing it up!) We are a part of the rhythm nation
My backup dancers and I then did probably the most difficult dance break that Janet had set for all dancers to perform in perfect unison.
“She’s has got this dance DOWN!!” exclaimed Nicole.
“This has to be a natural singer!” Jenny told Robin who agreed.
“No question!”
Rhythm Nation baby!
Sing it for the children Sing it for the people
Rhythm Nation baby
Sing it for the man!
We are a part of a Rhythm Nation!
My dancers and I saluted and the crowd went absolutely berserk from my first number.
“Yaas Queen!” I heard Niecy exclaim as she came up to me.  “Lioness all up here slaying it!” I gave a graceful bow (as low as I could go without the mask falling off) and she said. “Judges what did you all think of our lovely Lioness’s performance.”
“Niecy you don’t need to say anything else cause you summed it up! I think we are in the presence of a true performer here.” Nicole first started off.
“Agreed. Never did we see someone actually have the guts to pull off—probably one of the hardest choreography dances ever!” Jenny agreed.
“Alright judges now you know the drill. It’s time to put your first impression guesses into the tour bus.” I could see some of them complaining as they wrote down their guesses on who I was as the little tour bus came through to collect their First Impression guesses.  “Now then, do any of you have any clues on just who this Queen of the Beasts could be, let’s start with you Mr. Robin.”
“Wha Me? Oh man….” The rest of the panel laughed at his misery while I mimed a laugh by putting my hand to my opened mouth mask. “I mean—this could literally be anyone but based off the clue package she spoke a lot about the world and people around it. So this definitely isn’t someone who is recently famous. She’s been around for a while.”
“Whatcha trying to say Robin that she’s old?” Niecy defended me as I got into a fighting position.
“Oh Robin you’re about to get mauled by the Lioness!” Ken teased him.
“No, no, no, no! Not insinuating anything!”
“Cause you know you never insult a woman’s age there Robin Thicke!” Niecy exclaimed.
“Tell him mommy!” Ken cheered.
“Sit down Kenneth!”
“Yes ma’am.” He said as he sat down on his chair.
“Where I was going with this is that maybe she came from an era where it wasn’t okay to bring about your sexuality or gender.”
“True, true.” Nicole agreed with him.
“And seeing the LGBTQ pattern on the zebra, I’m thinking this might be Shea Diamond.”
“Okay, okay not a bad guess.”
“I’m afraid I’m gonna have to disagree with you there Robin. I’ve listened to Shea Diamond sing and that’s not her.” Ken said.
“Then who do you think it is Ken?” asked Nicole.
“Okay I know exactly who this is.” Oh god here we go. “Okay from the clue package alone there was obviously the LGBTQ brand with the Zebra. Maybe she’s an advocate for the LGBTQ community. I’m going with Lady Gaga!”
Okay not a bad guess but it’s not her.  I could see some of the audience pondering Ken Jong’s rare, good guesses.
“Well Lioness whoever you are, you are a star.” Jenny stated as she pointed at me.  I blew her a kiss and Niecy said.
“Now Lioness before we go, I have to ask you. How long did it take you to do that dance?” I put the mic up to the thinnest part of my mask and answered with my voice modulator now on, making me sound like a warm, motherly Chipette.
“It took months actually, but I’m a fast learner when it comes to dancing.” I hinted that little clue and only my super fans would realize that I love to dance, especially when it was with my Brother Mine back in the day.
“Okay. Well give it up one more time for the Lioness!” the crowd applauded and I waved goodbye before walking off the stage.
After all the performances of Group B went, we all lined up and found out just who among us was going home for the first round in our group.  It was suspenseful but the votes were in and Grandpa Monster was the one to be eliminated from the first round.
I was safe for now.  I just hope I can keep going on and maybe go all the way.
It was now Round 2 and I was going to perform after the Chameleon.  I heard him do the song “21 Questions” by 50 Cent ft. Nate Dogg.  I’ll admit he was an impressive performance, especially with how he can rap so my best guess is that he could be a rapper.  Unfortunately, I’m not quite educated in my rappers (plus one rapper in particular still gives me a bad vibe after what he did) so I wouldn’t know who to begin guessing if I were an audience member.
After going to a commercial break it was now time for me to perform my second song choice that both me and the Producers thought would be a good fit for me.
“This Queen last time she crushed it with Janet’s Rhythm Nations, and now she’s back to hopefully crush it once more. Let’s dig up some more clues on the Lioness.”
The next clue package stood as followed:
“I’ll admit, 1st round I was terrified. Never have I done something like this before. But once I got up on stage, I overcame that fear and just sang. In fact, it was music that helped me overcome my shyness.” I told the camera.
I opened up a closet and inside it was my Red Special guitar, a pair of drum sticks and a Fender Bass guitar (the one that Deacy always played with).
“Growing up I had very low self-esteem. I was shy, insecure, and thought I’d never amount to anything.”
“Aww that’s so sad.” Nicole awed.  “Don’t worry I’ve been there too honey.”
“But when I found music, it changed my life. I would become a whole different person everytime I played an instrument. Or just sang to myself.” I picked up the Bass guitar and strummed it. “I especially loved the Rock and Roll artists growing up. Just seeing them perform live, gave me the confidence I needed to one day reach a dream of becoming a Rockstar myself. And low and behold it came true.”
I was now performing on stage with the Men in Black surrounding me pretending to be crazy fans holding up signs with hearts and I love you Lioness.
“So I’m here to say that if you feel like you’re alone out there in the world, or feel like it’s against you. Just listen and jam out to some of your fav tunes. Because in them, Life creates a new path for you.” I did a wind-mill and my mask gave a gleam at the right eye, symbolizing a wink.
The lights were dark and I took a deep breath in before exhaling out.  Soon the guitar strum of “Eye of the Tiger” came on before I threw my fist in the air with each punch the guitar gave, while fire spurted from the stage.
The crowd cheered as Survivor’s most popular song came through the speakers and I went up to the mic stand and sung my heart out. I changed a word or two just to make it fit more towards me but it didn’t take away the effect my song had on the audience.
The backup band was jamming out to the song with one lioness on the guitar and a male lion at the drums and another male one on the bass.  I belted out the last note
Rising up, back on the street Did my time, took my chances Went the distance, now I'm back on my feet Just a girl and her will to survive
So many times it happens too fast You trade your passion for glory Don't lose your grip on the dreams of the past You must fight just to keep them alive
It's the eye of the tiger It's the thrill of the fight Rising up to the challenge of our rival And the last known survivor Stalks her prey in the night And she's watching us all with the eye
Of the Tiger
The eye of the tiger The eye of the tiger The eye of the Lioness
At the very last explosion of fireworks and fire, I punched my hand in the air and the crowd cheered.
“YASSS LIONESS!!!” I could hear Nicole cheering from the panel booth as she pointed at me.  Ken Jong, Jenny and Robin all bowed before my performance as Niecy came back up and she said.
“And the Queen slays us AGAIN!!” I bowed before her and took her hand and pressed it to my open mouth giving her a ‘kiss’. “Oh and I’m getting a royal kiss from the Queen herself!”
“Lucky mommy!” Ken proclaimed.
“Sit your butt down son! Panel, what did you think of that song?”
“Lioness, you took us to a real rock concert. I mean the fire, the electric guitar. And I think I even saw you doing a little air guitar in there somewhere!” Jenny said.  I shrugged guiltily.  Yeah I did do a little air guitar, come on I know you all do it too! “But that was a killer performance!” I bowed my head in gratitude.
“What made you choose that song in particular?” Niecy asked me.
“It’s always a good rock anthem. You can just let yourself loose and not have a care in the world. And it really got me through my 1st year of being who I am today.” That got the panelists attention.
“Alright so we went through your personal journal and found out just who exactly your childhood crush was. Men in Black! Bring out the 1st crush clue!” Niecy announced as two of the men in Black came out with a large flat platform with a sheet over it.  “I’m excited to see just who it is you had a crush on. Now let’s see who it is…..”
Niecy took off the sheet and it revealed the late great Prince.
“It’s Prince!” exclaimed Nicole.
“Okay! Okay I see you Lioness! Little chocolate love there.” I laughed and said into my microphone.
“First thing I always notice about a man are his eyes. And growing up, Prince stole my heart with those eyes.”
“You sure it wasn’t also his dance moves?” Niecy asked me with a ‘for real’ look.
“Mm that too.” Everyone laughed before Niecy asked the judges.
“Okay so any guesses panel on just who this could be? Let’s start with you Jenny.”
“Oh my god why!?” we all laughed. “Okay going off by the tonality of your voice. You are truly a Rock star under there, there’s no way you could be a Pop artists or rapper under there. And my guess in Pink.”
A very good guess. In fact when Pink came on the music scene, everyone thought she was trying to copy my voice but she’s a total talented artist on her own. That’s all her voice, and I’m proud to have not only mentored her, but become her very dearest friend and confidant.
“Yeah it does kinda sound like Pink. But the clues didn’t really point out to her.” Nicole said.
“What you thinking Scherzinger?” Niecy asked.
“Okay so we saw LGBTQ last time but I also took notice of the instruments that were in this week’s clue package.  The red guitar specifically.” Oh shit she’s got it. “And I remember seeing this performer on my 12th birthday. I’m going with the Rock Angel (Y/n) Kline.”
“Ooo okay. Not a bad guess Nicole.”
“Yeah it could be the Rock Angel but it’s not!” Ken bluntly said.
“Oh god here we go again.” Jenny said as she flopped against her chair.
“In the clue package we did see the guitars and the drumsticks. And Sticks rhymes with what? Nicks. Stevie Nicks welcome to the Masked Singer!” Oh god Ken.
No way could I ever be compare to Stevie Nicks! She’s way above me and no way could I ever be better than her or do her vocal ranges like she can do.
“Ken I swear I’m about to hit you in the head with this pen.” Nicole said.
“Alright, alright, alright calm down up there. Look no matter who is under here, let’s agree that the Lioness gave yet another rockin performance. Give it up for the Lioness everybody!” I walked backstage.
“The panel has given some good guesses. But there’s gonna be surprised to see just who I am. And—”
On your screens it would’ve staticed up and there on screen is the infamous Rooster with clues, Cluedle-Doo.  The rooster that’s been helping the viewers at home guess just who is under each mask, while also trying to get people to guess who he is.
“So sorry Lioness but I’m here to give the audience a little bit more than you’re letting on. Don’t let her voice fool you for she’s a Lioness that lives……across the pond.” His deep voice spoke to the camera as he walked over to his map with a pushpin pointed right at England.
“Hold on what was that? Something fishy is going on around here, and I’m gonna find out what.” I told the camera as I waved my fist.
A couple more performances later as well as the reveal of our group’s Wildcard, The Crab and it was time to reveal who was going to be unmasked.  I almost feared that I was gonna be the one to go home since Nicole had said my name and the fans would demand that I be unmasked.
But when Niecy read out that the Crab was gonna have to be unmasked I sighed with relief but I was also sad for the crab. He actually performed well tonight and I wanted to see just how far he was gonna go.  As me and the rest of the group that was safe headed back to our rooms, I kept thinking to myself just how was I gonna make it through without making my voice sound too obvious.
 Okay. This round is sure to throw them off my scent this time.  This is a song I’d never thought I’d do but it’s the only way to keep me going to the next round and not risk getting unmasked.
“Her last two performances have been killer! Now it’s time to see what else she’s got up her paws. Release, the Lioness!” Niecy announced.
I was staring into my reflection at a watering hole.
“This has been a wild ride for me. Most fun I’ve ever had in years.” The letters MSG flashed on the screen written within the mud.
“MSG? Madison Square Garden?” asked Ken.
“But I’m here to show that I truly belong here and deserve a shot to go the Distance.”
“Go the Distance. Isn’t that a song from a Disney film?” asked Robin.
“Yeah Hercules. Could she be in an adaptation of Hercules?” Jenny said.
“So for this next performance, I’m gonna do a song I’ve never done before, and hopefully that will keep me in with the pride and out of the spotlight for just a little while longer.”
I stood there with the spotlight on me, the mic stand right in front of me as Miley Cyrus’s song “Wrecking Ball” came on.  The last time this song had been used on this show was way back during Season 1 with Mrs. Gladys Knight.  And she did a phenomenal job with her rendition of the song.  However I had a little something extra up my sleeve.
I started off with a smooth, ballad like tone for the opening using my hands and arms to give forth a more deeper emotion as I sang the song.  Before I finally unleashed the fire within me.
Like Freddie always did back in the day when Queen first started off, I tore the mic stand off the rest of it and fell into the passion of the chorus using the mic-stand like a sledgehammer when I could. I could see everyone lip-syncing the chorus and even the judges were singing along to the song.
I went back to my ballad like tone as I was kneeling on the ground looking up towards the heavens before standing back up and slowly walked towards the back of the stage as the lights dimmed down to only a spotlight on me.
When the 2nd chorus came back on, I pulled out my big surprise.  When the lights came fully on, a makeshift Wrecking ball stood in the middle of the stage. In order for me to fully be on it with this costume, the Wrecking ball was built around a swing-set and was hidden within the walls of the Wrecking ball, but I could stick my feet through a curtain that would give the illusion of me actually being on a Wrecking Ball (much like Miley was).
Everyone in the audience was losing their minds, I even saw Nicole getting really into the song as she would raise and circle her arms in the air.  I kept swinging back and forth as I continued to sing until my final note.
We clawed, we chained, our hearts in vain We jumped, never asking why We kissed, I fell under your spell A love no one could deny
Don't you ever say I just walked away I will always want you
I came in like a wrecking ball I never hit so hard in love All I wanted was to break your walls All you ever did was wreck me Yeah, you, you wreck me
I never meant to start a war I just wanted you to let me in And instead of using force I guess I should've let you win I never meant to start a war I just wanted you to let me in I guess I should've let you win
Don't you ever say I just walked away I will always want you
I came in like a wrecking ball I never hit so hard in love All I wanted was to break your walls All you ever did was wreck me
I  came in like a wrecking ball Yeah, I just closed my eyes and swung Left me crashing in a blazing fall All you ever did was wreck me Yeah, you, you wreck me
Yeah, you, you wreck me
This was probably my best performance of this entire competition.  No way was the audience gonna unmask me yet.  I got off of my makeshift Wrecking Ball and Niecy came up bowing before me.
“OH MY GOD!!!” Nicole and Jenny both exclaimed.
“The Queen remains on top!” at that point the crowd began cheering my character in a rhythm clap.
“LI-ON-ESS! LI-ON-ESS! LI-ON-ESS!!!” I coaxed them to keep chanting with my hands, going in time with their claps.
“Pardon my language but that performance definitely had balls.” Niecy said which made all of us laugh.  
“This is definitely the first time in Masked Singer history that someone was even able to do that with costumes like these.” Robin said.
“Lioness tell us how do you feel after that performance?” asked Niecy.
“Tired.” That got a good laugh out of the audience and the panel. “But it’s all worth it cause it’s either go big or go home. And I definitely do not wanna go home just yet.”
“Well we definitely don’t want you to go Superstar.” Jenny told me.  I gave her a heart shape ‘I Love you’ with my hand and pointed at her and she accepted it and sent one back to me.
“So any clues that you guys might’ve picked up on?”
“I’ll start off.” Ken said.
“Oh boy, here we go.” Robin said as Nicole laughed and I placed my hands on my hips.  This outta be good Dr. Ken.
“Okay so in this clue package we saw the acronym MSG. What’s that stand for? Madison. Square. Garden. This actress was born in Manhattan, NY. She can sing because she played a Porcupine in a film this my friends is none other than Black Widow herself, SCARLETT JOHANSSON!!”
“No! No way that’s Scarlett!” exclaimed Jenny.
“Have you seen the movie Sing? That’s totally her voice!”
“No it’s not!” Jenny argued back.
“Maybe not but Lioness might be connected to Scarlett in a way.”
“What you got cooking in that brain of yours Mr. Robin Thicke?” Niecy asked him.
“Well going through the clue package we saw the LGBTQ obviously, she is known for speaking up for the community especially since a few friends of hers are a part of that community. I’m gonna go with Nicole and say this is the Rock Angel.”
“Okay. Okay not a bad guess.”
“Just hearing the voice alone it just makes me think of her.”
“Yeah but the Rock Angel wouldn’t be able to do what Lioness did.” Jenny tried to argue.
Oh she don’t know me very well, does she? I’ve got some moves in these old bones Jenny.
“Well whoever is under that mask. This was definitely your best performance not only for you but for the show itself. I don’t think we’ll ever have a number quite like that again.” Nicole said.
“I agree girlfriend. Alright Lioness, you head on backstage and rest up. You’ve earned it honey.” I waved to the audience and left to go backstage.
“That was probably the—toughest performance of my life. With or without the costume.” I laughed.  “But I gave it my all and win or lose, I’m glad I did this show.”
After the elimination of the newest Wildcard the Bulldog.  Which wasn’t according to the votes, but by Niecy’s own will, Bulldog was revealed to be none other than Nick Cannon.  Who had returned to host the show after recovering from his COVID scare.
It was a huge surprise to see him back and actually competing in the show.  Although he wished he could’ve gone onward with the show but he was just happy to be back with the judges and to see us progress onward into the final few rounds.
After that filming, I was in my trailer resting after that performance, having the fan on full blast to try and take away my sweat, I phone rang and I saw Brian’s handsome, wrinkly face pop up on the screen.
“Hey Bri what’s up?”
‘Oh nothing much really. Just been……fiddling around with Red Special, keeping Anita company, and above all trying not to lose our minds over the lockdown.’
“I hear yah. America’s really been trying to tighten the leash on restrictions. But of course stubborn Americans, especially Trump supporters are still denying this pandemic and refusing to wear their face masks.”
‘Right up arseholes I tell yah. This isn’t some conspiracy thing. It’s real life.’
“I know Brian. But let’s change the subject before you go off on an angry rant and have another heart attack.”
‘You’re right, you’re right sorry. The reason I called was because I want you to clarify something for me.’
“Clarify what?”
‘Well. I don’t know if you’ve seen my Instagram lately. But our followers are telling me that I should ask you if you’re a part of a show called the Masked Singer?’
“The Masked Singer? Which version? Cause you know we’ve recently got one too now.”
‘They’re saying that you could be the Lioness on the American version. Is it true?’
“Bri. Come on. I’m in lockdown with my son during a pandemic, I run on the high risk factor due to my recent high blood pressure. Why would I do a show like that?”
‘They’re pretty adamant about it. So come on (n/n). Tell me the truth.’
“No Brian Harold May. I am not the Lioness. Besides even if I were, it’d be too obvious. Everyone knows I’m Roger’s lion cub. If I were to choose a creature, I’d be a griffin or White-wolf.”
‘Okay. If you say so. Stay safe out there love.’
“You too Bri. Hopefully, America can get their shit together so that I can fly back home soon. I miss you and Rog and Jack. How are they by the way?”
‘Well that husband of yours is still working hard to preserve the peace in London. Hardly any serious criminal activity, just rotter’s not wanting to wear their face masks inside local buildings. Rog is good, he’s been posting up a lot more on his Instagram lately. Been asking about you and worried sick over you.’
“Some things never change. Alright Bri well I know it’s pretty late over there, so get some sleep. You’ve probably never slept in this late in so long your body must be aching for it.”
‘Yeah I suppose your right. Have a good night love. Love you.’
“I love you too Bri. Bye.” He said goodbye and I hung up on him.  “Bloody hell that was close. Thank god he didn’t hit facetime, otherwise he would’ve been suspicious.”
Now it was time to change things up with this weeks performance.  I’ve been giving out killer hard-rock/pop songs but now it was time to allow the audience to just solely focus on my vocals alone.  Plus this performance was in dedication to a very special someone.
“Now here to wow us once again and seeing if we can dig up more clues on her identity. Here’s the Lioness.” Nick Cannon announced.
“Being on this show has really meant a lot to me.” The screen showed my last performance as well as my 1st performance. “But now I’m gonna take things back and really allow you guys to get to know me.”
I was in my ‘house’ writing at my desk a letter. And on the laptop it said a number code. 149121.
“Oh wow a number code. 149121.” Jenny said.
“Throughout my career I’ve met a lot of great people. But unfortunately I’ve had to say goodbye to some of them, some gone far too soon. Others for other personal reasons.”
“So she’s lost someone. Maybe a partner.”
“This one person in particular even though he’s still around physically, I had no choice but to let him go. We practically did everything together. But I understood why he did what he did, and I never pressured him to come back to the spotlight.” I touched a shadow figure of a male lion. “So this performance is for my brother. And I hope he’s living out a happy life doing whatever it is he wants to. I will always love you forever, my Brother Mine.”
It was just me up there with the spotlight down on me.  I took a deep breath in before softly exhaling.  This one’s for you Deacy.  I opened my mouth and sung my next song, “I will always love you” by Whitney Houston.
The audience was in tranced by voice alone, some of them pressing their hands to their hearts and I could swear I saw some of the judges already starting to cry.  When the bridge came up, I thought back to all the memories Deacy and I had together.
Playing the bass, me sitting the Deaklings when they were little babies, us always dancing together at the after parties (after some liquid courage).  To the big moments whenever the two of us were on stage together and we’d interact with each other.
Him doing his “Disco moves” on stage during our sets, or how during the medley’s during the “Kind of Magic tour” we’d be the ones to stand together as he played his bass and I would have my acoustic guitar or tambourine on me.  Remembering his happy smile, the way his eyes wrinkled whenever he’d smile that adorable, gapped tooth smile of his.
If I should stay, I would only be in your way
So I'll go, but I know
I'll think of you every step of the way
And I will always love you
I will always love you
I hope life treats you kind
And I hope you have all you've dreamed of
And I wish to you joy and happiness
But above all this, I wish you love
Finally I unleashed the power that my voice had gained throughout the years.  As the lights danced about with the beat of the song as well as my voice, the audience cheered as I belted out that famed last bit of the chorus.  Some were in tears while others were just in awe.  Ken and Nicole were dabbing their eyes trying to rid of their tears while Jenny and Robin were just shaking their heads in pure awe.
I don’t know if you’ll ever see this Brother Mine, but if you do, know that this performance is for you.  I hope you’re happy, safe, and healthy.  Both physically and mentally.
And I will always love you
I will always love you
I will always love you
I will always
Love you
I will always love you
I, I will always
Love you
You, darling, I love you
Ooh, I'll always,
I'll always love you
I held out the last note as I slowly extended my arms before finally ending the song.  The audience cheered and applauded for another killer performance.
“Unbelievable! The lioness really pulling the heartstrings now!” Nick said as he came up and stood beside me.  “You even had me going there for a second there Lioness.” I gave him a comforting pat on the shoulder.
“Oh my god Lioness, let me just say. Your last few performances you were slaying and killing it with hardcore dancing, rock and roll and semi-aerial stuff. But this week……we truly got to see your voice. And that—rawness it just……you have me in tears.” Nicole said as she continued to wipe away her tears.
“I agree with Nicole.” Robin said.  I gave them a bow of my head.  “It’s—it’s really rare when we see female artists do such songs on this stage. Especially one as difficult as that song in particular. But you were the perfect voice to sing that song.”
“Thank you Robin.”
“Now it’s time to find out just what is inside the Mind of our Lioness. If you would just quickly step on over to our mind-reader. We would like to see just what’s within your Lioness brain.” I walked over to the machine that was gonna give an extra clue as to who I was.  “Scanning, scanning, scanning and it is…..a Police badge.”
I stepped out from the machine and walked back towards Nick.
“Do we have another Jackson family member on our hands?” asked Ken.  I remember thinking back to La Toya Jackson who was “the Alien”.
“Unlike Ms. Jackson I’m not a police officer. But I am directly involved with them.” The audience ooed.
“That give you any guesses panel?” Nick asked.
“Not a single one.” Jenny shook her head which made us laugh.
“Indirectly involved with the police. I mean does that mean she’s an informant? Reality star maybe?” Ken suggested.
“Maybe she played one on TV. Maybe it’s Priyanka Chopra.” Robin added.
“Yeah cause of her role in Quantico.” Nicole agreed.
“No guys I don’t think it’s Priyanka. It really doesn’t sound like her. Lioness has a more richer tone than she does.”
“Well we’re stumped!” Ken said as he sat down on his chair throwing his hands up in surrender.
“Oh now don’t give up son!”
“I can’t do it daddy! Just take off the mask and show us who you are Lioness!” Ken demanded but I shook my head and placed my index finger over my masked lips in shush.
“She knows the drill. Well you wowed us with your vocals, go on and head backstage. Give it up one more time for her royal highness the Lioness everybody.”
“That performance……really took a lot out of me. I was even crying at one point under the mask. But I hope I secured a spot for the Super 8.”  As I take my leave, the infamous Cluedle-Doo shows up and he tells the camera.
“Another infamous secret you might want to know about the Lioness here is that she also has ties in with space. Look at these stars, does it give you any hints? Because 2 people she cares about study it.”
“Oh it’s you! Come back you yah cocky Rooster! I’m really gonna turn you into fried chicken now!” I exclaimed as I chased after the Rooster whose been trying to give away more secrets about me.  He gobbled out in laughter as he ran away.
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photolover82 · 4 years
The Masked Singer Season 3 Episode 16: The Finale/The Winner is Announced (Commentary & Reveals)
Hello fellow lovers of the Masked Singer. Welcome to the last Ana’s Masked Recap of Season 3 (don’t worry I will be back for season 4 in the fall... hopefully, depending on how busy I am). In the meantime, I am probably going to do more recaps of other shows (maybe AGT or World of Dance since they are starting up next week, let me know if you want to see that, I have no idea how I will do it but I will give it a shot) Anyways, for the last time *sheds a tear*, let’s freaking do this: (P.S. they are spoilers just a warning for y’all & I will be revealing them as I go similarly to the format of when eliminated contestants are revealed episode by episode, oh & we are still doing PANEL SPOTLIGHTS woohoo but this time we are gonna give all the judges’ guesses & reward them with a 🏆 or give them the 💩 emoji)
Alright, first & foremost, we have the mask that came in 3rd place, who was: 
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Performance: To be honest, his performance of “Bad Boy For Life” by P. Diddy was probably the worst performance of the night, only because there wasn’t any improvement. It was the same kind of performances that he has been doing, which makes sense why he got 3rd place. However, I do gotta give him credit because rapping ain’t easy & he is a great dancer so congrats to him on being in the finals. 
Having said that, the frog was revealed to be: 
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Yup, guessed it since his first performance! It was pretty obvious due to the clues & here are the latest set of clues: 
Road to Finals Clues 
Australian Flag= hosts R&B Friday Nights, an Australian night time radio show
Toy car with a 9 on it= reprising his role on the 9th Fast & Furious movie
likes shade no matter how you say it= reference to his real name Shad 
Finale Clues 
People saying things about him on social media= he has a problem with people trolling him on social media (i.e. the Bow Wow Challenge) 
Playing Basketball= he was in the movie Like Mike 
Jenny: Lil Romeo 💩
Ken: Kid Cudi 💩
Robin: Bow Wow 🏆🏆 (2 because he came up with it & said it for weeks) 
Nicole: Bow Wow 🏆 (she just rode Robin’s coat tails but whatever I'll still give it to her... even though she at first said MC Hammer which was a terrible guess) 
Alright, now onto our runner-up who was: 
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Performance: OK I am so upset about this one, because I feel (and a lot of people I saw on social media felt the same way as me so I don’t feel as dumb for feeling this) that he had the best performance of the night with Before You Go by Lewis Capaldi and he should’ve won honestly. He was the most vocally diverse on the show, he legit gave me chills & if it were based on talent, he would’ve won. This is genuinely the first season in which I don’t agree with who the winner is. In my heart, Turtle won but he didn’t get the trophy. Actually never mind let me give him a trophy: 🏆, here ya go, you deserve all the love in the world & I genuinely am a big fan of you with or without the mask. 
Having said that, let’s get into who he was unmasked (someone who I am still a huge fan of... the same feeling I have towards Astronaut I have towards him): 
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(Yes I said freaking because I am hyping him up, btw he came out with a new single, it’s called Friends & it slaps, I 100% recommend it if you are a fan of the Turtle like myself) 
Ok, again, I saw this coming, I’ve listened to his music since the Disney Channel days (around like his Beautiful Soul days... 2004-2006 or so) so I recognized his voice immediately & I did some clue digging... and here are the latest set of clues: 
Road to Finale Clues: 
Chocolate Chip Cookies= voiced Theodore in Alvin & the Chipmunks
Surfboard= played a surfer in Summerland & won Teen Choice Awards 
Finale Clues:
entered next phase of life with new Mrs. Turtle= got engaged last year 
Jenny: Jesse McCartney 🏆
Ken: Nick Jonas 💩
Robin: Adam Lambert 💩💩 (worst guess ever... does he even know Adam Lambert’s voice?) 
Nicole: Jesse McCartney 🏆 
Now, time to introduce to you, the winner of Season 3 of The Masked Singer: 
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Performance: Ok, yes, she’s the first female to ever win The Masked Singer & congrats to her for that, that’s amazing, girl power (I am a girl myself so I love that). However, her performance of River Deep, Mountain High by Tina Turner wasn’t anything groundbreaking nor was it enough to beat the Turtle. I can say that about her performances in general. They are great, but they aren’t anything spectacular. Not saying that she sucks by any means, she is a great singer, I just don’t think she won based on talent alone, but probably because she is a female & they wanted a woman to win the show this season since men have won twice before. I am a bit disappointed, this is the first time I don’t agree with the winner of the show & it makes me sad because I am the first person to want a woman to win, but this time I don’t feel like it was deserved. It is what it is though, no hate towards her by any means. 
Having said that, the winner of the Golden Mask trophy was revealed to be: 
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Again, this was not surprising at all! It was pretty obvious due to the clues & here are the latest set of clues:
Road to Finale Clues
Party Hat= did a song called Tardy for the Party 
“Rights, Gates, Board” = Bills, Bills, Bills reference 
Finale Clues 
Having kids= Kandi has 3
Jenny: Kandi Burruss 🏆
Ken: Teisha Campbell 💩
Robin: Kandi Burruss 🏆
Nicole: Taraji P Henson 💩(she was way too confident on this one, and she was way like way off) 
Oh wow! It's the end, I cannot believe it! I just want to say thank you to anyone who has read any of these posts, I work really hard on them so it makes me happy to see people liking them or reposting them or even reading them in general. I genuinely am a fan of this show & all I say is just my opinion, for fun & entertainment purposes, so if you have a different opinion, that’s cool, let me know what it is & we can chat about it. Alright, so that’s a wrap for season 3, and hopefully next week I will see you guys with another show recap! BYE!!
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saget-simp · 4 years
How Shai found out her dad was on The Masked Singer
Shai: hey Frog
Bow Wow: what?- fuck...
Bow Wow: NO-no it just sounded like you said Shad!
Shai: Frog.
Bow Wow: what- GODDAMMIT
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snowlessknitter · 4 years
The Masked Singer: S3 Finale Final Guesses
I’m not going to do a running commentary tonight because I’m pretty sure of my guesses for the celebrities who will be unmasked in this season’s finale. So, instead I’m gonna run down some of the clues for each of the Final 3 and give my final guesses.
Frog 🐸:
Some bills totaling out to $106, references the BET music show 106 & Park. This celebrity hosted that particular show.
Many references to the city of Atlanta, Georgia.
A reference to CSI. This celebrity starred alongside Patricia Arquette on the final series in the CSI franchise, CSI: Cyber.
Has a daughter.
One clue package referenced the number 23, which was Michael Jordan’s jersey number. (A movie called Like Mike also starred my guess.)
A set of hair rollers, seems to indicate the movie Roll Bounce, which also starred my guess.
My guess: Bow Wow.
Turtle 🐢:
Was in a boy band, later referenced the date 1999, the year Dream Street formed.
A surfboard, possibly referencing the TV series Summerland.
Has toured with New Kids on the Block.
Is from New York.
My guess: Jesse McCartney
Night Angel 👼:
Has worked with TLC.
Has lost someone close to her (the celebrity who is my guess tragically had a fiancé who died).
Has a close connection to Atlanta.
Motel room numbers 4, 5, and 6 were featured. This celebrity also featured on a 1999 R&B song by Solé called “4, 5, 6”
My guess: Kandi Burruss
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vampqueersarchive · 4 years
okay masked singer guesses (99.9% sure on all of these) I only didnt get the llama so like im pretty confident in these 
turtle- jesse mccartney 
 frog - bow wow 
 angel - kandi burruss 
banana - bret michaels 
tiger - Gronkowski 
kitty - hayden panettiere 
 astronaut - hunter hayes 
kangaroo - jordyn woods 
rhino - barry zito
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stolenxkissess · 4 years
Time for the masked singer finale! Final guesses are
Turtle- Jesse McCartney
Frog- Bow wow
Night angel- Toni Braxton
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deadlinecom · 3 years
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youngandhungryent · 4 years
Kandi Burruss Wins “The Masked Singer,” Bow Wow Revealed To Be Frog
Since we put all of the information in the title, it may be a tad too late to advise you that there are spoilers ahead. The Masked Singer closes out yet another season, and the finale had some surprising revelations. After performing Tina Turner’s “River Deep, Mountain High” as the Night Angel, Kandi Burruss took home the crown as the winner of this season of the popular competition series. It wasn’t difficult to figure out that Kandi was the singer behind the costume considering she has one of the most distinctive voices in the industry.
“For so long I had to convince myself that I wasn’t enough,” Kandi said as the Night Angel prior to her unmasking. “When I didn’t find success as a solo artist, I decided to develop other businesses behind the scenes of music. I did what I had to do because I’m a mother.” She added, “I’m here not just for myself, but for all women and for my little angels — to show them it’s never too late to be the person you were meant to be.”
Bow Wow took to the stage to perform a hip hop favorite: “Bad Boy For Life” by Diddy, Black Rob, and Mark Curry. As the masked Frog he said, “After years of people always having things to say about me on social media, I started to really doubt myself.” Being on the show gave Bow Wow the confidence and opportunity “to get back to my first love, which is music.” 
After his unmasking, Bow Wow was asked if he believed he would make it to the top three. “No, not at all, not at all,” the rapper said. “But there was a lot of strong vocalists here, so I knew I wasn’t going to out-sing or out-ballad anybody. So I said, you know what, I’m gonna come with the swag, I’m gonna add a little bit of this, a little bit of that. I want the people behind me. If I get the people behind me, that’s going to be my little cheat code to get to the top and it worked.” Kandi’s win makes her the first woman to top The Masked Singer. Check out clips of their performances below.
from Young And Hungry Entertainment https://ift.tt/2yjL5Mi via Young And Hungry Ent.
source https://youngandhungryent.blogspot.com/2020/05/kandi-burruss-wins-masked-singer-bow.html
from Young And Hungry Entertainment https://ift.tt/3bS2SI2 via Young And Hungry Ent.
source https://youngandhungryent.blogspot.com/2020/05/kandi-burruss-wins-masked-singer-bow_21.html
from Young And Hungry Entertainment https://ift.tt/2ykXjnR via Young And Hungry Ent.
source http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/yahblogger/~3/T1kF9xavoxI/kandi-burruss-wins-masked-singer-bow_57.html
from Young And Hungry Entertainment https://ift.tt/2LNFYaj via Young And Hungry Ent.
source https://youngandhungryent.blogspot.com/2020/05/kandi-burruss-wins-masked-singer-bow_79.html
from Young And Hungry Entertainment https://ift.tt/3gbLDot via Young And Hungry Ent.
source https://youngandhungryent.blogspot.com/2020/05/kandi-burruss-wins-masked-singer-bow_30.html
from Young And Hungry Entertainment https://ift.tt/2A2zodf via Young And Hungry Ent.
source https://youngandhungryent.blogspot.com/2020/05/kandi-burruss-wins-masked-singer-bow_22.html
from Young And Hungry Entertainment https://ift.tt/3cV71fT via Young And Hungry Ent. source https://youngandhungryent.blogspot.com/2020/05/kandi-burruss-wins-masked-singer-bow_9.html
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kvsp-fm · 4 years
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Kandi Burruss wins 'The Masked Singer,' Bow Wow revealed as the Frog
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truemedian · 4 years
[VIDEO] 'The Masked Singer' Recap: Season 3, Episode 10 — White Tiger
Masked Singer host Nick Cannon shocked — shocked! I say — the judges of the Fox reality show Wednesday when he announced that that night’s Super Nine double episode would be his last. As Jenny McCarthy Wahlberg, Nicole Scherzinger, Ken Jeong and Robin Thicke had varying degrees of success trying to look surprised, Cannon suddenly shouted, “April fools!” Oh Nick Cannon, you card! Cannon’s tomfoolery was the theme of the two-hour event: Wahlberg pretended not to have shaved her armpits, Cannon tried to trick everyone into thinking his friend was guest judge Snoop Dogg, White Tiger tried to pass off what he did on stage as “singing.” Y’know, the classics. Read on for the highlights of all of the Super Nine performances. TURTLE | The shelled soloist turned in a very good rendition of Steve Winwood’s “Higher Love” — who else here is in love with that Whitney Houston remix? — and offered some new clues. He works out with a 40-lb. pack to prepare for wearing the costume (“That’s a quarter of my body weight”), and he is not a trained dancer. Also: A comic book called The Amazing Adventures of Shellboy with a price of $10.13. (My guess: Former Summerland star Jesse McCartney)
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KANGAROO | I won’t pretend to have any idea what Kangaroo’s big clue — a blow-up kangaroo that she pulled outta her pouch, I think? — means. But I will point out that her performance of Dixie Chicks’ “Not Ready to Make Nice” was breathy and a little listless. C’mon, woman, summon your inner Natalie Maines! (My guess: Life of Kylie‘s Jordyn Woods) WHITE TIGER | He came. He flossed. He didn’t even try to carry a tune as he performed Right Said Fred’s “I’m Too Sexy.” Ladies and gentlemen, I give you… (My guess: Former New England Patriot Rob “Gronk” Gronkowski) KITTY | It takes some big, furry ones to take on Celine Dion’s “It’s All Coming Back to Me Now,” but that’s just what the fancy feline did, and she did it pretty well! Her clues included: “Christmas is truly the most wonderful time of the year,” with the Tree costume from Season 2 showing up alongside her; and a shout-out to Robert Redford, who “helped me get my very first role.” (My guess: Victorious star Victoria Justice)
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BANANA | Has Banana taken voice lessons during his off-weeks? Because his version of Lynard Skynard’s “Sweet Home Alabama” was objectively good. Stronger than we’ve heard him before, and with enough swagger that he really landed the dismount. (That “Banana!” with the rockstar hand? Baller.) While dropping clues, Big Yellow basically said he wasn’t a stand-up comedian, which makes me really start to think that he’s… (My guess: Poison frontman Bret Michaels) FROG | Frog could win the whole season, and it would be well-deserved: Dude knows how to entertain. He perfectly executed Kriss Kross’ “Jump,” including the miggida-miggida-miggida-mac-daddy part, which I can’t imagine was easy while heaving for breath inside a giant, foam rubber prison. His big clue? A suit of armor. (My guess: CSI: Cyber‘s Shad “Bow Wow” Moss)
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NIGHT ANGEL | “I’m not just a voice. I’m a mogul,” the scary looking but beautifully voiced contender told us during her clue section. Which is awesome, but I don’t know that I would have chosen Andra Day’s “Rise Up” for this week’s selection: Night Angel’s chest voice is so rich, her head voice — which was called upon a lot in this tune — comes across as a little thin in comparison. (My guess: Real Housewives of Atlanta‘s Kandi Burruss) RHINO | Rhino downplayed the judges’ panel’s belief that he’s an athlete, because “music has been my passion since I was a child.” He added that he’s been on the Billboard charts and has an album. Also? “I’m not nearly as tall as you think I am.” His very ambitious choice of song, “What a Man Gotta Do” by the Jonas Brothers, was a little shaky at the start but blossomed into something pretty great. Way to stretch your boundaries, Rhino! (My guess: Former Major League Baseball player Barry Zito)
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ASTRONAUT | Moon Man’s falsetto held up nicely as he performed “Never Gonna Give You Up” by Rick Astley, which was a great vehicle for his smooth voice and burgeoning dance style. Also, he apparently has broken a world record at some point in his life, which plays directly into… (My guess: Singer/songwriter Hunter Hayes) THE BOTTOM THREE | White Tiger, Banana and Rhino were on the chopping block at the end of the episode. THE UNMASKING | White Tiger was chosen to go home. When he was unmasked, he was revealed to be Gronkowski. Now it’s your turn. What did you think of the episode? Sound off in the comments! Read More Read the full article
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aspiestvmusings · 4 years
GROUP B/ GROUP 2: (contestants 7 - 12)
EP 3x04: CLUES & MORE: RECAP for remaining 5:
Location: Hollywood (CBS?) Lot: 1920s street/building 
His clues video is done in black & white (like a 1920s silent film) 
B&W image: MIB sitting on a bench, on a street, as newpapers are being thrown at them (by a paperboy)
Newspaper: The Daily Ribbit (price: 5 cents) 
Newspaper headline: Frogs are jumping! Frogs are jumping!
Newspaper headline: Tadpole plucked from large creek!
Newspaper article subtitle: Toad’s crazy ride begins! 
Newspaper photo credit: Frog joins The Masked Singer 
Newspaper article [this is a nod to the detectives among us, viewers]: TEXT HERE LATER “So there was this tadpole just swimming along, doing its tadpole thing, thinking “Hey, life is pretty good!” Who needs legs anyway?” Then one day it was swimming near a horseshoe and mustve felt lucky. It waived it’s little fishy tail and swam faster than ever and the metamorphosis began in the blink of a frog’s eye. Good bye tail, hello legs! “What arethese weird spongy things in my body? Oh, lungs! Cool!”  The tadpole became a frog, but seriously are you actually  reading all this? Did you pause on me? Are you hoping for more clues? Or should I say hopping for more clues? Well here’s a frog joke: Why are frogs so happy? Because they eat whatever bugs them! Hahaha. Sorry, that wasnt a clue, but hopefully there’s a kid in the roomto enjoy it. I’m impressed you’re still reading this small print. Back to the frog: it really did have a wild, wild ride. Though it did have some interesting eating habits and I'm not just talking about dining on flies. By the way, have you seen slo-mo videos of frogs using their tongues? Pretty fascinating. Okay, you’ve made it this far. I’ll just tell you the tadpole who became a frog is the celebrity we all know and love who goes by the name” [ARTICLE ENDS HERE] 
Sign on the wall of the building “arrow pointing to the left” 
Papar bags on the ground next to the bench with “Leftovers” written on it & “leftovers” from one nag have fallen out...to the ground. 
The frog’s shadow behind the window/glass is seen using his tongue to catch/eat a fly on the glass
Poster on the (office) floor: 1996 Games: 1000-Meter Leap Frog
The frog & MIB doing dance moves on the street (as he comes out of the building) 
Old school michrophone with the “LIKE” sign on it. 
Dollar bills on the “counter”: 100 dollar bill +  5 dollar bill + 1 dollar bill (100 + 5 + 1 = 106 dollars) 
“News Flash: My metamorphosis has been anything but typical.”
“I leapt to stardom as fast as the lightning bolt.” 
 “Never had a chance to evolve my image, and do things my way.” 
“I was slitherin with the big frogs from Jump-Jump. Just had to fit in and survive.” 
“But now I can write my own masterpiece” 
“Showing this new side (of me) gives me butterflies in my stomach.”  
“But I'm ready to drop the hammer, and sing my face off.” 
Song choice: “U Can’t Touch This” by MC Hammer 
Look/Costume: Frog is wearing a purple suit & a yellow/purple checkered tie. He has a matching hat with a feather (1920s “gangster” style) & “Gatsby” style shoes. 
Stage: Moves around & dances a lot, while rapping. Very energetic. Touches the brim of the hat during “questining”
Height: Short. Seems around 170 -173cm = 5 feet 6 inches 
Build: He’s small, but athletic. 
Mic hand: Right. 
Talking: “I feel free, baby! I came here to win it all, baby, that’s what I came to do - win it all!”  (when answering "How does it feel to dress up as The Frog?”)
Shad Moss aka (Lil) Bow Wow (rapper/singer/musician) - for me the dance moves confirmed it’s him, cause I am not super familair with his voice alone. But last  year when many suggested he could be "The Rottweiler”, I looked him  up, and the dance routines he and his kid do in several of his posts leave me with no doubt that it’s him. I would not have gotten this one from the voice alone. 99% chance 
Paper bag “Leftovers” = Doggy Bag -- his artist nme was/is Bow Wow + it’s the title of one of his albums (Doggy bag)
Mic + Like sign = Like Mike 
106 dollars = he hosted the”106 & Park” music vid show
Location: many clips used from Georges Méliès silent film(s) - “Astronomers Dream” watch on YT 
Silent film era style clips from a (movie) theatre
Most of her clue package is in black & white, in “silent cinema” style. Lot of footage from the time films were first made & lots of references to the film of that time. 
(Stage) Curtains opening
B&W: People watching the performance though binoculars. 
B&W: Audience clapping (during the performance) 
Kitty Mask appearing on each lens of the binoculars. 
B&W image: a group of men coming to the stage, in one line...as we see it from the audiences POV. And Kitty Mask appearing in front on them...as the only in COLOUR image that has been added to it. 
B&W: (Astronomical) Observatory with a telescope pointed at the Moon. There is a globe in the room. A stand with drawings and shapes (geometry) on one side & a blackboard with AB + CD = [more math...which I can’t type in here...for reasons] An old man/astronomer in a wizard hat is sitting on a chair, reading a book. Then gets up to write something on the blacboard. There is a coat of arms on the back of the chair. - a clip from Georges Méliès "The Astronomer's Dream" (old film from 1898)
In colour:  Kitty walking to center stage - alone on the stage, in an ampty theatre 
B&W: The Moon with a face being blown up - a clip from Georges Méliès "The Astronomer's Dream" (old film from 1898) 
Blinking dressing room lights (a wall full of them) in the background of Kitty Mask 
A glass jar/bottle of milk  + a glass of milk...with Kitty mask sitting on top of he glass...as milk is poured into it.
B&W: Pirates sword-fighting on an old ship deck. 
Kitty doing the CATwalk... with greenish-blueish lights in the background...
A (big) glass rose shattering to pieces as it falls to the ground... with rose petals fling everywhere... 
“In all my wildest dreams I’d never imagined I’d be here where I feel at home among the weird and the wonderful.”
“It’s almost like this show was made for me. -- A little bit of heaven where I can wipe the slate clean as the purest snow.” 
“Sometimes it feels lonely, because people don’t think of me as the person I’ve become, but the person I once was.”
“But now under these light - among the cream of the crop - I get to start from scratch.”
“And just like a Kitty will always find a way to nuzzle into your heart, Tonight, for my big debut, I'm going for high drama...as I show you why I'm the pick of the litter”
Song choice: “Dangerous Woman” by Ariana Grande 
Look/Costume: Burlesque/(Vegas) showgirl costume - sparkly dress with straps, and feathery skirt + feathers on top of the head (inside a small crown”, and added to that are sparly silver boots. Wearing a leotard under the dress (it seems to be a  Red Silver Tabby cat). Kitty mask with different-coloured eyes (heterochromia) - one blue & one brown. The costume has a kind of Satine from “Moulin Rouge” feel/look to it. 
Stage presence: Dancing sensual “Cabaret” chair dance while singing. Her backup dancers are dressed as “Chesire cats” 
Height: Short, looks around 155-163cm =  5 feet 1 to 5 feet 4
Build: Petite. Very small & slender. 
Mic hand: Alternates between left & right 
Talking: “I am being somebody that noboby has ever seen before, and its always been inside of me, so... it’s great!”  (when answering “Whats it like being The Kitty?”) 
Sarah Hyland (actress) -- the voice & the stage presence remind me of her...the most, though alost none of the clues fit her (rose for BF & drama for being on a popular mock series with lots of “drama”...are the main ones fitting her) 50% chance 
Emma Watson (actress) - several clues fit her, but I am uncertain about the voice being a good match
Chloë Grace Moretz (actress) ...so many clues seem to reference to the movie “Hugo” she was in...that was a “tribute” to Georges Méliès...
Kate Bosworth (actress/model) - she has heterochromia + several clues fit 
Mila Kunis (actress) - she has heterochromia 
Lily Rose Depp - I am not that familiar with her voice to make a definite yes/no decision, but several clues match - pirates connection through her dad & French connection though her mom. She starred in a film titled “Planetarium”... and in the Vanity Fair’s “Secret Showcase/Talent” she did has a very similar oldie feel to it...like the clue package has 
some/any “former” Disney actress, who is now in their late teens to late 20s
With this Mask I am more confused than I have ever been with any other mask...any season. Some fit the voice, some the stage prsence, some the clues. But none seem to fit (to me/to my knowledge) them all. And I still cannot decide on the voice..even after re-listening/watching. I really need that 2nd & 3rd song to make up my mind. 
Location: (Restaurant) Kitchen 
Location: Hollywood (CBS) Lot: streets/parking lot 
MIB dressed as chefs (in buffed up/sumo suits) preparing food - tacos
The taco lying on the plate as MIB chef adds some seasoning to it 
VHS tapes...on the counter 
Anchor (nautical.. ships anchor) on a plate 
A (solved) Rubik’s Cube on top of a bowl filled with lemons/limes. 
Fresh food in the fridge as the door is opened (salad, peppers) - a red trolley (tramcar/streetcar) is on top of the food 
The MIC chefs adding more seasonings, and then ketchup to the taco. Writing TACO as a decoration on the plate, next to the taco, with ketchup. 
The taco jumps off the plate, and onto the kitchen floor, adn starts running away..as the MIB chefs run after him (with ladles in hands)...He runs out of therestaurant...and onto the street
The MIB looking out between large TMS door and waving for Taco to come their way...and the Taco running into the studio...as the doors close just in front of the chasers
Sign next to the TMS mask logo doors: Studios 36 & 46 Main Entrance [arrow pointing to the left]
Sign on the wall inside the TMS studio doors: Stage 46 [arrow to the right] 
“Like the comfort food I am, I’ve been a confirting part of your lives for decades” 
“I’ve got plenty of seasoning & I'm in a good place, but my routine can get a bit mild, so I'm here to bust out of the buffet...and spice things up.” 
“To enchiladas and beyond!“ 
“Here I go...as fast as I can.” 
“I want to be the last mask standing.” 
“I just hope I don’t fall apart out there.” 
“Time for Taco Wednesday.”
Song choice: “Fly Me to the Moon” by Frank Sinatra 
Look/Costume: Dark green suit under a taco suit/costume. Cherry tomato for a head. Ketchup bottle for a mic. suits in the background. 
Stage presence: Moon & stars theme: Big Band with starry suits. Swing music style..very 1960s Sinatra vibes. 
Height: He’s around 170cm = 6 feet (about the same height as the host, Nick)
Build: Tall-ish & lean-ish. 
Mic hand: Right 
Talking:  "This is how  dress normally! No(w), the weirdest thing about this experience is being ignored by everyone, cause they don’t know who I am. For the first time (in my life) I feel invisible!” (when answering “How is his normal life different from being on TMS?”) 
Tom Bergeron (TV show host & comedian) 99% chance 
Tim Allen (actor/comedian) 0.5% chance 
Tom Hanks (actor) 0,5% chance 
Though the voice at times makes it seem as this could be the actor (and comedian, and writer, and artist) John Lithgow and/or the clues at times make it seem as this could be the actor Ted Danson...it cannot be either of them. They’re just too tall to be the person in that costume. 
VHS tapes =  America’s Funniest (Home) Video’s - he hosted the show..for years
The trolley = the exact trolley/model like in “Mr. Roger’s Neighbourhood” +the 2019 film about him - hesang a song on the 2019 films “soundtrack”
“...as fast as I can” = the title of his (autobiographical) book is “I'm hosting as dast as I can” 
Location: Football field 
The Mouse holding a megaphone & gicing orders through it to others (shes the boss of them all)
MIB dressed in dark slacks & yellow jerseys + wearing helmets...ready to play some “american football”
One MIB is dressed as a cheerleader - with pink tutu skirt & golden pom-poms...cheering them on...
There is a dark football helmet with the US flag on the bench next to the Mouse Mask
The Mouse standing on top of a car/trcuk tire...that’s on the foorball field 
Whiteboard with game strategy on it. Title: Bang Bang Formation. Football field drawin under it...with each players moves indicated. 
The four cardinal directions: N for north, S for souts, W for West & E for east (in a different colour!) on each side of the table. 
The MIB athletes doing push-ups..with The MOuse standing on top of one of their helmets
The MIB yellow jerseys say “Wariors” & their numbers are “19″ & “79" 
The MIB athletes tackle the trainign equpment the mouse is standing on, making her fly, and (crach) land of the grass
“Just like a mouse I’m small and cute. But don’t let my size fool you, because my presence is larger than life. ” 
“I’ve always been a leader in my field, really.” 
“I wrote the Playbook.” 
“But as much as I love calling the shots, and showing everyone who’s the boss, I also love having a walk-on role to play.” 
“They say: “Don’t sweat the small stuff.”  But now that I'm putting myself in, you should. Because I never accept anything less than gold.” 
“So, to all my copetitors, you “cheddar” watch out” 
Song choice: “Get here” by Oleta Adams 
Look/Costume: Pink-ish mouse costume, wearing a long fairy skirt/dress (with flowers in front) & fairy wings on the back. 
Stage presence: Static. Sitting during both the performance/singing AND the “panel guessing” part [indicating she’s older and/or has a health issue and/or it’s done just to fool the viewers about her height...and hence the line “don’t let my size fool you” in the clue package] 
Height: Shorter than the host, Nick. Seems about 170- 175 cm = 5 feet 5 iches to 5 feet 7 inches  tall. 
Build: “Normal” ...to smallish
Mic hand: Right 
Talking:  “Not being able to talk. Yeah, you know, I’m a chatterbox. And I love talking and they always tell me...that I can’t say anything to anybody.” 
(when answering the question “what makes this experience different from her day-to-day life?” 
Warriors 19 & 79 = 1979 [the year, the number] = This is  the year, when her album “Dionne” was released.
Gold (pom-pons) in her clue package = many of her (her bands) albums/songs have gone Gold. 
Dionne Warwick (singer) 90% chance 
I dont really have other guesses. I was conflicted for a bit during the original airing, cause it looked like she was wayshorter than the host, but thats cause I did not pay attention to the fact that she was sitting the whole time. So my confusion “that’s D.W.s voice, but the height excludes her... cause she is a bit taller than that” was over as soon as someone pointed it out to me, and I was able to re-watch & see that she sat not only during the Q&A, but also her performance. 
Location: Football field 
Location: Party/Tour bus 
Four small fruit-shaped “hobbit houses” - one pear, one stwarberry & 2 watermelons...behind a white picket fence + theres a bicycle nxt to the fence 
Banana sleeping & “yawning”  outside, on a grass (football field)... on a blanket
A cowboy hat next to the sleeping banana 
A tomato & a blowfish next to the sleeping banana 
MIB texting “Banana! Where R U?” to him..on an orange-coloured phone 
All kinds of veggies and salads + a banana peel..on the grass. The MIB “walking and texting”, and hence not seeing the banana peel & slipping on it & falling down next to the blanket 
The Banana sleeping under the blanket...with two dressed in green “cowgirls” sleeping on either side of him. The Bananas clothes/costume is on the floor/grass next to them...so he’s “naked” under the blanket 
All kinds of veggies lying around the blanket, on the grass õA
A blue (dog) collar on the grass next to the blanket
Banana partying on a tour bus with the two green creatures
Banana dancing on the table...
[Banana sleeping on a football field & getting a text “Where R U” from MIB] “What? Where am I? Oh, no, I’m late for the stage! Aaahh” 
[12 hrs earlier] “Ugh, I cant believe I overdid it last night. You’d think this was my first rodeo.”
“I’m the banana because I'm tough on the outside, but a total smoothie on the inside. And a hoot to have at parties. Am I right, ladies?”
[getting up from under the blanket] “Help me get dressed, dadgumit.” 
"I cant wait to peel back my layers, and show I can use my voice in any environment.” 
"I just wanna see you smile.” 
Song choice: “A Little Less Conversation” by Elvis Presley 
Look/Costume: Yellow costume suit & a banana head with banana peel for a collar
Stage presence: Very energetic, moving around & dancing a lot. Ends the song with an “Iron Man landing pose”
Height: He’s around 180cm = 6 fee (around the same height as the host, Nick) 
Build: He’s tall & lean
Mic hand: Right 
Talking: “[chuckles] Technically... No. My kid. -- I’m getting ready to work out -- she hands me a banana, and it’s a sign. So here I am - The Banana. And I’m peeling it. I’m peeling the music.” (when aswering the question “Did you always want to be the Banana?” 
Bret Michaels of “Poison” (singer/musician) - those denace moves! and stage presence just give him away. 
Cowbvoy hat = he wars one quite often (its kind of one of his trademarks) 
Blowfish = they are poisonous & “POison” is the name of his band 
The MIB slipping on a banana peel & falling = Bret famously fell once during Tony Awards in 2009
Blue Collar = he has a pet clothing line + his daughetrs name is Bleu 
First mask to be voted out in ep 4! 
I am sad, cause I really liked his performance. But I get it...they’re all really equal, so it just depends which voie/mask has most “fans” in the audience that day/moment. 
The clue package video hinted at a sportsman (athlete: skateboard, acrobatics, parkour, snowboarding...or similar..based on the MIB choreography). An individual sport, not team sport. The blue birds hinted at his company name + kinda his last name, too. 
What people shoul’dve picked up, too were: his “limping” as he entered the stage. His “sliding to his knees” on stage (a move in his sports...to protect from falls). And... even though it was most likely just about “he's moving to the beat of his own drum” with the drums/drumming, but Id like to think that is was a nod to his role in that “Guitar Hero” add, where he & 3 other famous athletes played band members...and he was the drummer.
As promised, I’ll be doing this for the first episode of each group (3x01 for group A, 3x04 for group B, and in a few weeks 3x07 for group C). But that’s all I’ll be doing. Those three. Cause I have no time or energy to write it all down each week. 
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photolover82 · 4 years
The Masked Singer Season 3 Episode 13: The Battle of the Sixes (Commentary & Guesses)
Hello my Masked Singer loving friends! It’s that time of the week, time for Ana’s Masked Singer Recap. We are nearing the wire with the Masked Singer, now down to the top 6. So, ya, now the judges are like in their aha moment & they are going on the same page as me (and most of the internet as I saw from YouTube & Twitter comments), so we are going to honor the judge who got it with a trophy emoji because they deserve a trophy & a round of applause yelling FINALLYYYY YESSSS! Anyway, the guest judge for this episode was pro chef & the Simon Cowell of the culinary world (think about it, that’s a pretty accurate description for him), Mr. Gordon Ramsey, so the contestants had food clues called “Masked Munchies” which we will be talking about. Anyway, let’s get started! (Disclaimer: Spoilers ahead, proceed with caution.. don’t say I didn’t warn you)
Alright, so let’s start with the elimination/mask coming in 6th place (I kind of wanna do their places from now on) was: 
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Ok, so yeah I was really upset by this one. Seriously?! He went out wayyyy too early in my opinion... his performance of Story of My Life by One Direction was amazing & it showed his vocal range, I loved it. He was one of my favorites on the show (only him & Turtle are my faves), so I am so sad to see him go. I adore him & not like just Astro but also who he is (which I knew from his first performance... actually from the promo of his first performance haha) 
Having said that (and cried a bit out of disappointment), he was revealed to be...
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Notice how I said freaking in between his name. It’s because I genuinely adore Hunter Hayes. I am not a country fan but I like love him. If I were older (we are 8 or 9 year apart age wise), I would 100% wanna date him, because I genuinely think he’s super cute and so talented... and did I mention that I love him? Because I do! Ok, anyways, having said that, bitch ofc I knew who he was from Day 1 baby! His voice is so distinct & the new clues gave it away as well: 
Masked Munchie: King Cake = Hunter is from Louisiana where this cake is a delicacy for celebrations
Crawfish= his hometown is the crawfish capital of the world (again I say Louisiana baby!) 
Alright, not a clue, but let’s give the 🏆to Nichole because she ended up guessing as her final guess Hunter Hayes, hallelujah! To the other judges, it was a no from me, dawg. 
Alright, so here we have it our top 5, baby! It’s not the top 5 I would’ve hoped for because Astro isn’t there, but it’s fine, I still am routing for my main man, Turtle.
Anyways, let’s look at the remaining 5 & do some commentary on their performances/reiterate why my guesses are all spot on: 
1. The Kitty 
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Performance: Ok, so she sang “Diamonds are a Girl’s Best Friend” by Marilyn Monroe and I really don't think this was her best performance (not her worst either, but not her best). I was expecting more from her to be honest. It wasn’t her best in terms of vocal ability. I just don’t feel like the song fit her voice nicely or as great as others she has done in the past. I think the song choice was a bit off for me.  
Guess: Jackie Evancho  
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Masked Munchie: Cake identified by Gordon as an Opera Cake= Jackie is known to be an opera singer 
Silver Apple= album called Songs from the Silver Screen 
Nobody gets a  🏆 because none of the panel guessed it even though Gordon Ramsey was the closest. 
2. The Rhino 
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Performance: First of all, I am a bit salty that he didn’t leave so I am going to be a little more critical with him because I thought he should’ve been eliminated & not Astronaut. Ok, so he sang Die a Happy Man by Thomas Rhett and yes it was his best performance yet, but it doesn’t compare to the other contestants. He’s great and all but the other masks have more personality than he does and more vocal ability too. 
Guess: Barry Zito
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Masked Munchie: Spaghetti & Meatballs= reference to his last name Zito, Italian & sounds like Ziti (baked Ziti, get it?) 
Yoga clues in the package= Zito is really well known for doing yoga & meditation before and after his games.
Alright, for this one, let’s give the 🏆 to Jenny McCarthy-Wahlberg for finally connecting the clues. *round of applause* 
3. The Frog 
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Performance: Ok, again, I am gonna be critical, but this is mostly because I don’t like Frog and that he’s way overhyped, sorry I said it, if you like him, good for you, but no I don’t (I know a lot of people who do but I personally don’t). However, I do gotta say that this was his best performance and he did do something different which is what I wanted him to do in the previous round. He sang “Whatever it Takes” by Imagine Dragons, and it was surprisingly really good. I just, I don’t know, there isn’t any versatility in his vocal ability like some of the other contestants who can go into falsetto or a high note (or actually sing and not just rap, no shade just facts). 
Guess: Bow Wow  
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Masked Munchie: Cat Fish= someone pretended to be him on the show Catfish & also it is southern (he lives in Atlanta) 
Holding a basketball= “basketball is my favorite sport, I like the way they dribble up & down the court” 
Alright, not a clue, but let’s give the 🏆 to Robin, YESSS I am so proud, I could cry (but I won't because I saved my tears for Astronaut’s elimination, yes I am still salty). What I really liked from him getting it was that Nichole was like ya it could be Bow Wow and there are a lot of Bow Wow clues, but no it ain’t Bow Wow, it’s Omarion... really Nichole?! 
4. The Night Angel
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Performance: Yeah, oh no I am going to be critical again, yikes. Yeah, she can sing and has a great voice, she sang “Black Velvet” by Alannah Myles, which showcased her vocal range. I don’t know I just think that she is trying so hard to belt every note out that it’s getting repetitive. Omg, yikes I feel like I am being harsh, I swear I am not, I just don’t think this was her best performance. 
Guess: Kandi Burruss 
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Masked Munchie: Crickets on a stick = co-wrote “Bug-a-boo” by Destiny’s Child
Rotary phones in the clue package= reference to her group Xscape’s 2nd album off the hook  
Alright, not a clue, but let’s give the 🏆 to Jenny again but I am not surprised she guessed it because she kind of got it previously but second guessed herself a few times so.. I kind of believed in her. I was losing hope in Robin tbh. 
5. The Turtle 
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Performance: Ok, I saved the best for last aka my favorite ever! Did I think his performance was his best one yet? No, by any means, but I was happy to see that he did choreography. I loved the dancing, he really was being competitive with Frog, which I think is super smart of him to do. The singing is amazing, like always, but it didn’t show as much of his vocal range that I know he is capable of freaking doing some beautiful falsetto and I kind of missed it a bit. However, he really did stepped it up and performed the crap out of that song, which was Stay by Alessia Cara & Zedd (not my favorite song tbh). 
Guess: Jesse McCartney  
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Masked Munchie: Chips & Apple Salsa = he is from NY aka Big Apple 
King chess piece with a heart over it= he voiced 2 characters in the popular video game Kingdom Hearts 
Stuffed Ram= he’s an Aries 
Chess game= he has a song called check mate 
Nobody gets the 🏆 because lemme reiterate this for the people who are as clueless as the judges IT IS NOT ADAM LAMBERT, THAT DOESN’T SOUND LIKE ADAM LAMBERT, ADAM LAMBERT DOESN’T SOUND LIKE A TEEN HEARTTHROB OR A BOY BANDER 
Alright, so we are done! Let me know your thoughts! See you guys next week! Top 5 wow, my prediction is that Rhino will leave next. Bye!! 
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outlawmichealtomsik · 4 years
Welcome to my odds page.
Due ro the fact we do not have cable or tv odds may be posted the next day after the show.
This is only for fun and entertainment!
You can not legally wager on TV shows in USA!
All the odds are made by THE OUTLAW MICHEAL TOMSIK.
The Masked Singer Host:
Nick Cannon
Jenny McCarthy
Ken Jeong
Robin Thicke
Nicole Scherzinger
Elephant                         Tony Hawk    
Mouse                             Dionne Warwick
Miss Monster               Chaka Can
LAMA                              Drew Carey
TACO                                Tom Bergson
BEAR                                 Sarah Palin      
SWAN                                Bella Thorne    
T REX                                 Joja Swia  
White Tiger                     Rob Gronkowski    
Kangaroo                        Jordyn Woods    
Banana                             Brett Micheals
ROBOT                             Lil Wayne
FROG                                              -1000                                                                              
TURTLE                                         -500                                                                          
NIGHT ANGEL                             -750                                                                      
Thanks for joining my Masked SInger Odds and Blog!  
I may be back for season 4 !
3RD Place Winner was the FROG : Bow Wow
2ND Place Winner was the TURTLE: Jesse Macertney
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