hueniings · 5 years
「 txt realizing they fell in love 」
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couldn’t stand being away from you
he realized he loved you the day he came back from shooting a music video
he came back pretty late and decided to visit you
and saw you still awak sat on the couch watching whatever was on tv
he smiled
took a second to uwu
and kind of just collapsed onto the couch next to you
he turned his head and gently pecked your cheek
he looked at you with total adoration and love in his eyes and he instantly knew
“i love you”
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I picture you two eating at let’s say a restaurant
Soobin is stuffing his cheeks
you’re laughing at his shenanigans
Then you begin to stuff your face
he looks up from his food and sees you eating happily and you both make eye contact
his cheeks flushed pink and he smiled shyly
he really couldn’t imagine himself here with anybody else but you
he kinda blurted it out ngl
“i love you so much.”
“I love you too soobin.”
que giggles and flushed cheeks
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I’ve said this before but I’ll say it again
I think he’d realize he’s in love while cuddling
he’d walk out of the shower
literally fucking destroyed from a long day and just wanting to cuddle you and love you and be loved back
and he’d wrap his arms around your waist and lay his head on your lap as you did something else
and when you instantly stopped what you were doing to show this boy the love and affection he so dearly deserves
he smiles tiredly
“i love you.”
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i absolutely adore him
he’s a mature boy and is probably very honest with himself
which is why I would think he’d come to the conclusion he loved you as soon as he had an inkling it wasn’t just a puppy relationship to him
one day you both were taking a quiet walk through the park trying to relax
he held your hand and turned to look at you while walking, you didn’t notice but if you had you would’ve seen his eye full of love and he smiled
when he walked you back to your house he placed a small kiss on your forehead muttering the quiet words
“i love you.”
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he’s so baby ♥︎
huening kai
he’s young
and I see him as someone who wouldn’t immediately understand that he fell in love
but as soon as he does I think he’d want to get it off his chest and tell you
y’all would be studying or something along those lines
he caught you staring at him and kind of giggled ya know (how could you not though?)
he probably gets distracted
and stares at you, studying your face and then smiling when he finally realized
“kai why are you looking at me like that?”
“i dunno i just love you.”
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strawbwrry · 5 years
‘can you come over please? i need you with me right now’ + ‘maybe i don’t want to be just friends’ + ‘seeing you like this breaks my heart’
(not proofread)
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“Can you come over please? I need you with me right now.”
“I’m on my way.”
Looking down at your phone you let out a small sigh, before rubbing your eyes. It was 4:17 in the morning and as tired as you were you knew Soobin wouldn’t just call for no reason. You pulled a sweater on quickly running to your door slipping shoes on and beginning to walk a few houses down to where he lived.
When you got there you were greeted by the sight of darkness in the living room, you ran towards the door nonetheless and pulled it open. Your ears perked at the gentle sound of crying coming from the couch. Once the door was closed and your shoes were off you were crouched down in front of Soobin who sat on the couch.
“What happened Bin?”
“I had a nightmare, I’m sorry I called you here this early,” he had just managed to choke out
Your hands delicately brushed the tears away from his eyes and you leaned up to place a gentle kiss to his forehead. “Do you want to talk about it?” He shook his head, before starting to pull you next to him on the couch. He leaned his forehead against yours and you both sat there.
Your hands found their way to his in which you gently brushed your thumbs over his. “Seeing you like this breaks my heart Bin.” As you spoke your lips gently brushed against his and he struggled to regain a steady breathing pattern.
“I really love you y/n. Thank you for being an amazing friend.”
“Maybe I don’t want to be just friends.”
His sniffling came to a halt, but never said anything. He gently moved his face to press his lips against yours in a gentle kiss before pulling away.
“I don’t either.”
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smileyliaa · 5 years
new itzy blog!
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soon i’ll be writing for itzy!
I have already been writing on a fairly new txt blog named “booomgyu” and have been wanting to write for a girl group and itzy seemed right to me. so feel free to request and I’ll try my best to write it as soon as possible!
two rules:
no smut !!!!!!!!!!
and I do have the right to choose to not write a request but you can request something else
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hueniings · 5 years
「 txt when their s/o falls asleep on their lap 」
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he stared down at your face and lightly stroked your hair
he might honestly just kinda stare at you contently and’ll just think
“how did I get so lucky?”
he probably also falls asleep
they’ve been promoting a lot I hope their alright ;-;
when you wake up later on he will too
he’ll probably say something along the lines of
“can I lay my head on your lap now?”
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probably fell asleep before you
you got bored and tired and gently laid you head in his lap trying not to wake him
you didn’t btw
he woke up a while later and was so happily shocked to see you fast asleep
head on his lap
his heart swells with love
he loves you so much omg
got really shy tho but just tried to make sure you were comfortable
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he noticed you haven’t been sleeping well
and he saw you were getting drowsy while having a movie marathon so he said
“hey do you wanna sleep?”
and like you nodded but you both didn’t wanna get up so he put a pillow on his lap and was like
“wanna sleep on my lap”
you laid your head on his lap and he gently kissed your forehead
and proceeded to stroke your hair until you fell asleep
was really happy seeing you sleep after seeing you struggle being unable to sleep for a while
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you had laid your head on his lap because you wanted to calm down
you had a really bad head ache
and it was something about the way he gently brushed hair out of your face and gently stroked your cheekbone with his thumb
or maybe his body heat that made you drift to sleep
but neither of you were complaining
he didn’t notice tbh
and when he did he really just hoped your head didn’t hurt anymore
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huening kai
noticed when you fell asleep right at the moment you fell asleep
the most shy from them
he stared at you curled up head in his lap and could only think
“omg omg omg their so cute, are they comfortable tho??”
let’s you sleep for as long as you need to
takes a pic or two
will eventually wake you up and will probably say
“hey wanna cuddle you seemed like you wanted to sleep”
and obviously y’all will end up cuddling
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hueniings · 5 years
「 txt when their s/o is on their period 」
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omg yeonjun is the cutest ilhsm
the sweetest
yeonjun realllllllly loves you and would 100% do anything you asked
you need pads or tampons?
he’s putting a coat and shoes on and is heading over to the nearest place to get them
cooks you food cause he can actually cook lmao
if you want to cuddle he will do it with no issues
might place his hand on your tummy if you’d like that
if you want space he’ll give you as much space as you need for as long as you need
really will take care of you
kinda clueless
not like he doesn’t know what they are, but just doesn’t know what you personally want
when you tell him he’ll instantly ask if you need anything
“do you need anything cutie?”
if you’re hungry he’ll go and buy you whatever you crave
probably already had a lot of foods you might crave tbh
he likes food that’s common knowledge
he’s really just waiting for you to tell him what you want
tbh waits on you as much as he can cause your his princess
he’s a hyper boy but would definitely calm down for your week
if you ask him to buy tampons or pads he’ll ask to take a pic of the box you buy to make sure he gets the right one
will also buy you all of your favorite snacks while he’s out buying them
is the type to just deeply stare at the aisle for a little bit trying to figure out what the fuck everything is
c o n f u s e d
he’ll probably end up buying two boxes just in case
will do anything to make you smile or laugh
but that’s just usual beomgyu
he’d be awkward but would care about buying you anything imo
he gives no fucks cause he loves you and you need them
another one who’ll buy you your favorite snacks
might throw in a random snack that you’ve been want to try
gives you space but if you really want cuddles etc he won’t mind and will cuddle you
buys you food cause he can’t cook (I believe)
really relaxed about it because he doesn’t want you to feel awkward or uncomfortable asking for him to buy you pads or tampons
definitely gets the comment ‘awe what a good boyfriend’
huening kai
the most experienced
he has two sisters
i think he’d have a good idea as to what to do
casual about it all
he’s honestly glad you didn’t feel awkward about it
because in the relationship im pretty sure this is where he’d be the least awkward
buys you food
asks if there’s anything specific he can do to help with your uncomfortableness or pain
will do whatever you ask
i see him as being somebody who would be very loving and comfortable about it
really relaxed about it because he doesn’t want you to feel awkward or uncomfortable asking for him to buy you pads or tampons pt.2
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hueniings · 5 years
friends to lovers
fluff with taehyun cause ilhsm (might be a series)
not requested lmao, this is like a non idol taehyun, cause yeah
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what’s he so cute for :(((
he’s had a crush on your forever bro
you could probably say he same
y’all met in elementary school
he was smol ™
he was being taehyun and keeping to himself, eating his food quietly
you having nowhere to sit stood around wondering where tf to sit
and taehyun looked up and saw you and thought “what she doing, doesn’t she want to eat or smth”
you two made eye contact and you gathered up all you’re little kid courage and asked if you could sit with him
“uh, hi! is it okay if i s-sit with you?”
quiet boi didn’t know how to respond so he nodded his head and continued to eat the sandwich his mom made him
after that whenever you had to partner up with anyone in class he always walked over to you from the other side of the classroom and would just be like “partners?”
after some awkward times you two grew really close after a while
y’all would study with eachother, do homework together, you guys lived decently close to eachother so you were always at each other’s house
y’all always got teased by your other friends but neither of you cared tbh
when you got to the last year of middle school you guys drifted apart
you guys still talked but, it wasn’t as often and you had stopped hanging out with eachother out of school
you guys still walked home with eachother though
and one day you were just having a god awful day
it was a total shitstorm
you woke up late and didn’t eat breakfast
in your rush to school you forgot your wallet
so you couldn’t even buy food
and your friend shared her food but you knew she was hella hungry to so you didn’t try to get that much
you slipped on the way to the restroom and you were pretty sure you were gonna get a bruise
then surprise surprise, there was a test that you totally forgot about!
just a really fucking bad day.
you walked out of school frustrated, starving, in pain, and just in the worst mood ever
taehyun was going to walk home with beomgyu that day and hang out with another friend (kai) at his house
but he saw you and honestly was like
holy shit are they good?
(you weren’t)
he said he had a change of plans and couldn’t go and fucking ran after you
when he came behind you and poked your shoulder and you two came face to face
you just fucking broke down
you began to cry and taehyun took you into his arms and just let you cry into his shoulders
couple minutes later you found yourself sat on a bench eating ramen outside of a convenience store with taehyun
after explaining your horrid day he was like
“I’ve never met anyone as unlucky as you”
and you kinda both just laughed about it
you had finally had a chance to just relax and you were finally getting food!!1!!1!1!!
after a while y’all ended up at your front door
as you were about to enter you turned around and gave him the biggest hug ever and placed a peck onto his cheek
he smiled shyly his cheeks flushed red
and gathered up all his courage and placed a kiss onto your forehead
“taehyun do you want to go on a date this weekend?”
he was shocked but quickly responded
“yes I would like that very much”
and you laughed at his very quick and tense reaction
“I’ll see you then.”
you said as you walked into your house and blew him a kiss and waved before finally closing the door
taehyun being the dork he is giggled blushing bright red and saying to him self “see you then.”
beomgyu and kai saw the both of you on the bench in front of the convenience
“dang he ditched us”
and kai was like
“at least they’re finally going out istg”
and beomgyu was like
“true, but ima be a third wheel now!!1!1!”
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hueniings · 5 years
「 cuddles with txt 」
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have probs used this gif already but it seemed fitting
so he’d be really cute about it
he’d love having you wrapped up in his arms
it comforts him being with you
if he’s had a stressful day and so have you, y’all will get ready for bed, eat, whatever y’all need
and will cuddle until the both of you are asleep
strokes your head and gives you kisses your shoulder
if you lay on his chest one hand rests on your lower back and the other on your head
he’s the big spoon no questions asked
just wants to be close to you
“babe, can we cuddle?”
probs pretty shy about it sometimes
always big spoon cause he’s a tall bean
i definitely see him as one to subconsciously play with your hair
if and when you fall asleep on his chest he’ll stare and you and just think how much he loves you and how amazing you are
kisses the too of your head and your forehead
likes when you kiss his jaw cause you can’t reach his cheeks or lips
if you play with his hair so help me that boy is putty in your hands it’s unbelievable
absolutely L O V E S cuddles
absolutely L O V E S cuddles pt.2
likes facing you so he can place kisses on your cute lil face
adores seeing your eyes get heavy
unrelated but probably realizes he loves you when cuddling but that’s for another reaction
likes being the last thing and first thing you see
when you stare at him trying not to fall asleep his heart absolutely M E L T S
another things that KO’s him is just you snuggling into his chest
I see him being both a small spoon and big spoon 🥄
if you or him are ever in a bad mood
c u d d l e t i m e
a boy who definitely likes cuddle a lot
i see him as one who prefers spooning or facing you with his arms around you
if y’all are spooning he has his arms wrapped firmly around you and has his lips on the back of your head
and basically the same for if you’re facing each other except his lips are on your forehead
he’d probably really like when your arms are wrapped around his neck (when you guys are facing each other lmao)
and you like fiddle with the hairs on his neck
he loves that shit
if you lay your head on his chest he’d play with your hair 10000000%
i don’t think y’all would cuddle like A LOT but pretty often
he finds it relaxing
huening kai
i think he’d like when you lay on his chest the most idk why
his second favorite is definitely spooning cause he has the tendency to back hug you a lot so it’d be really natural
he falls asleep super easily when cuddling so you know
like the heat of your bodies is like so calming and before he knows it he’s asleep
another one who’d LOVE if you played with his hair
if he wrapped his arms around you it would be more loose
a big spoon
100% always pecks you on the lips before he falls asleep
it’s a tradition he can’t break it
he also doesn’t want to break it cause you get all cute and shy about it
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hueniings · 5 years
「 txt when you surprise hug them 」
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i ran out of group gifs so solo gifs now lmao
but then he saw your smaller arms wrap around his waist and he melted
he instantly turns around and hugs you back
if you bury your head in his chest omg
truly realizes how w h i p p e d he is for you
kissed your head and face
“what’s gotten into you baby?”
“i missed you”
“i missed you too baby.”
y’all 100% just stay there for a while with each other
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he’d be so softttttt omg omg omg
this cutie would honestly love when you surprise hug him
the first time you did it, he felt you place your head against his back and wrap your arms around his waist and
he went uwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwu
you two would stay like that for a while
then eventually he’d turn around a kiss the top of your head and say
“love you cutie.”
then stay like that for a while
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another who’d go uwuwuwuwuwuwu
he does it to you a lot
so when you surprise him with a hug he’d smile to himself then turn around
and when he saw you there idk what it was but he giggled a little bit and his face went red
he buried his face in your neck and went
“you’re so cute babe.”
then you’d be blushing
he’d live for these moments so idk
please do this a lot
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as soon as your hands near his waist he’s blushing
even if he saw your hands he’d still jump a lil when they landed tbh
he’d look down to see your hands laying on his stomach as you hugged him from behind and just grinned so much
would turn around might even throw in a lil kiss on the lips or cheek and would hug you back
would say
“i love you and your hugs so much but you really scared me”
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huening kai
hes honestly whipped y’all
also gets scared when you hug him tho
is honestly just excited that you hugged him
because he loves hugs
e s p e c i a l l y if they come from you
turns around and kisses the top of your head before resting his cheek on your head
“that was cute”
“you flinched tho”
“hey! besides the fact you scared me”
hug him a lot please
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hueniings · 5 years
「 txt when their s/o is naturally flirty 」
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L O V E S I T pt.1
omg he’s very affectionate
ie. him with all the members
he lives flirting with you so much
hall might have tiny competitions on who can make the other blush more
overall cute at it
gets a teeny bit jealous if you unintentionally flirt with others
but knows you don’t mean it and that’s just who you are
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shy shy shy
the definition of shy boy
definitely the type to blush and cover his face when you flirt with him
“omg stopppp, were already dating you don’t need to flirt”
but 100% low key enjoys it
will never tell you that though
doesn’t really like it when you accidentally flirt with others tho
he knows you don’t mean it but can’t help it
shower him in love and affection and he’s all good
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L O V E S I T pt.2
i don’t think he’s intentionally flirty
but he’s definitely a confident boy
most of the times lmao
and would enjoy having a flirty s/o
i don’t think he’d get jealous
more or so like “hey hey hey that was a little to flirty babeee!”
on the look out
would flirt back occasionally
not all the times but when he did he’d make you
b l u s h
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he wouldn’t be shy necessarily but more like shocked at how flirty you could be without noticing
another one who’d just kinda gently make sure you didn’t come off as to flirty to random guys
i don’t think he’d say it out loud tho
like if the two of you are out he’d like squeeze your hand twice so you get the message
the poor boy is too shy to flirt back
“y/nnnnnn! stop you’re making me blush!”
overall a cutie
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huening kai
he’d be so pouty if you flirted with someone else
please please please just shower him in love and affection
would flirt back tbh
another who might does get shy
not as shy as soobin or taehyun tho
thinks it’s cute
and does like like when you flirt with him
careful tho though he rarely flirts back when he does you’ll have never blushed as much as you had in that moment
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hueniings · 5 years
「 txt having a crush on you 」
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i liked the gif leave me alone
yeonjun ☆彡
omg he would tease you to no end
but like if you were to tease him back he’d probably blush but laugh to hide it
he probably takes care of you and will scold you
“y/n i told you to bring a jacket!”
don’t be fooled he’s whipped
stares at you whenever he can
will 1000000% get caugh and will be bright red
just loves making you and laugh an smile pt.1
he confesses after the boys assure him you like him back
they like saying they got you two together
they kinda did tbh
was 1000000000000% worth the nervousness
soobin ☆彡
shy boi pt.1
omg his face is always red when you’re near him
take care of you but in a more loving way than yeonjun
so help me if you cry the boy is stuck to your hip, and mad at whatever made you cry
“y/n do you want a hug?”
and then you proceed to bury your face in his chest
you do this thing where you like link your arm with while you two walk and he goes
uwuwuwuuwuwuwuwuwu (๑>◡<๑)
is just waiting for a sign you like him back
when he’s positive you like him back he’ll shyly tell you and hides his face in his hands after you say you like him back
beomgyu ☆彡
just loves making you and laugh an smile pt.2
he’s always playing with you
doing anything he can with his whole self to make you laugh
definitely not shy about his crush
kinda makes it obvious tbh
likes making you shy cause it’s cute and uwu
holds your hand whenever he can cause “he doesn’t want you to get lost”
is probably your best friend and uses that to his advantage when he confesses cuz he knows what you like
just overall a cute fluff ball that fell for you hard and just wants to you be happy
love him
the other boys had probably bet on when he’d confess
taehyun won the bet he just knew
taehyun ☆彡
where to start
shy boi pt.2
i actually think he might be slightly more confident when it comes to having a crush on you but just ever so slightly
gives you a lot of attention cause he just can’t help himself from paying attention to your beautiful self
“hey y/n will you like stop being so pretty?”
“taehyun wtf?”
accidentally makes you laugh
helps you with your homework cause he knows you probably zoned out during your class and he actually cares
confesses after he gets hyped up by the rest of the guys
he just needed an extra boost ya know
shyly smiles at you when you told him you liked him too
huening kai ☆彡
i’ve said this before and i’ll say this again
the most awkward person ever
both of you put your notes from class together and try to get a cohesive idea of the less cause neither of you were paying attention
stares at you lot, more discreetly than yeonjun tho
he can’t help but smile whenever in your presence
gives you kinda awkward compliments
“your hair looks n-nice today, i mean it always does but-“
poor bby
probs sends weird pics of himself to you
cuz bby knows it makes your day
confesses after beomgyu found out and told you that he had a crush
and then he just told you himself cause you wanted confirmation
was happy overjoyed to hear you return his feelings
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hueniings · 5 years
「 txt when you wear their sweatshirt 」
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they’re so cute i love them was gonna post this yesterday but my bitch ass didn’t save it and just left the draft so im a day late sorry lads
yeonjun ♡
literally him
he’d live for it
idk i see him as one who wouldn’t mind you stealing his sweaters as long as you return them at some point
might be one to not even notice at first
just thinks it makes you look hella cute
his heart definitely flutters at the sight of you
the definition of ╰(*´︶`*)╯♡
he’d probably really like it if it smelled like you
he’d never tell you that tho
soobin ♡
shy shy shy
loves it and makes it obvious so you’ll keep doing it
when he notices it for the first time he’d be all cute and shy about it and give you a back hug
“you look cute sweetheart.”
he’d probably mumble it into the top of your head and kiss your head
he’d see that you started to play with the sweater paws your his sweater gave you and he fucking
m e l t e d
thinks your precious and just loves it
beomgyu ♡
omg he’d notice and would think it was cute
but overall would be casual about it
would look up from his phone to see you standing in a sweater that he got that was large on him too and would just be like
“babe you look cute.”
but later on when you’re cuddling he’d take like a looooooooooong look at you and would just think
“omg why are they so cute!”
would 100% compliment you the whole day
y’all share sweaters pt.1
really doesn’t mind tbh
taehyun ♡
either hella shy about it like soobin
or hella casual like beomgyu
or both idk
he’d see you walk out of the room and would look at you for like a good moment trying to figure out what felt off
then he took a look and the sweater and was like
“oh that’s my sweater”
he’d definitely tell you looked cute
“would’ve complimented you earlier but i didn’t realize that was my sweater, you look cute sweetie.”
after the compliment he’s kinda shy but like still thinks you look cute
maybe warn him next time he was looking for that sweater
huening kai ♡
ive had a theme for him for almost all the reactions and that’s
a w k w a r d
but tbh i don’t think he’d be the awkward about this
would 100% love it
kinda shy but overall cute about it
“awe you should wear my sweaters more often cutie!”
might discreetly leave his sweaters in a place where it’s vulnerable to be taken by you
probably shops for sweaters so that you’ll like them too cause y’all share his sweaters now pt.2
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hueniings · 5 years
「 txt being jealous 」
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yeonjun ☁︎
id say he gets jealous pretty easily tbh
like he loves you
and just wants to know your safe and happy
and he trusts you
but doesn’t trust other men sometimes
he’d be a pouty silent jealous baby
if he wanted your attention he’d wrap his arm around you, kiss you, or hold your hand
or all of the above
and when you finally gave him attention he’d deny being jealous
“yeonjun were you mayhaps jealous?”
“who’s jealous i dunno her.”
an actual pouty baby 1000%
kiss him and he’ll be over it
soobin ☁︎
big baby omg
i think him being jealous might come from a sense of insecurity
like he’ll see you talking to a guy and goes into all possible scenarios
“is he better than me, am I not enough?”
even though he know 10000% that he has your heart at his fingertips
i think he’d be quiet about it but would tell you he was jealous
“hey cutie who was he?”
“he’s my cousin bin, why?”
“oh, i just felt jealous.”
and you’d proceed to show him you love him by showering his face in kissed and then he’s a happy boy
beomgyu ☁︎
not afraid in any way to say he’s jealous and will act upon it
he’d tell you jokes and get you attention away from the other guy
you’d be in pain from laughing so much
he’d hold your hands and maybe throw some pecks on the lips or cheeks in there
when y’all got home and we’re about to go to bed he said something along the lines of
“well he was awfully flirty wasn’t he?”
“were you jealous babe?”
“yeah a little bit but then you paid attention to me so im all good now.”
you’d probs laugh and kiss his cheek
i don’t think he’d get jealous extremely often and if he did it was never extreme
knows you love him and makes sure you know he loves you so y’all are 👌👌
taehyun ☁︎
this is a kinda common opinion and i agree with it
he wouldn’t get jealous often
he’s a very calm boy and knows very well that you love him so he wouldn’t be all that jealous
if he got jealous i think it would be cause you’re paying all your attention to the other boy
but then you notice he wasn’t talking as much and you got his hand and stroked his pointer finger with your thumb
and he looked down and your hands and smiled and realized he had no reason to be jealous
it was all friendly banter he was just in his head a bit too much
and then he became his normal self talking with the two of you
huening kai ☁︎
i think he’s a mix
like gets jealous every once it a while
not as much as yeonjun
but more often than taehyun
he wouldn’t mind you talking to other guys as long as the conversation was just friendly and fun ya know
if you were being touchy with let’s say one of your best male friends then that’s where he gets jealous
would place his arm around your shoulders and would relax when your arm went around his waist
would tell you later
doesn’t see why he wouldn’t tell you
“hey y/n i was kinda jealous earlier.”
“awe, kai you have not reason to be jealous you big baby.”
then you’d like peck his cheek and he’d be happy
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hueniings · 5 years
【 that just happened 】
maybe, just maybe, does kai have a crush on his best friend. just a guess though. 〔 fluff; 1.1k words 〕
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His hands nervously played with the hem of his sleeves not being sure what to do. He sat across from the person he had known for quite honestly his whole life. Their head laid on top of their school work that was mostly finished. Kai’s heart raced at the sight of them like this across from him on their dining table. Finally deciding he should do something he gently, but repeatedly poked their shoulder in an attempt to wake them up without annoying them.
“y/n wake up,” he said softly trying to to disturb them that much knowing they had been killing themselves making up work and studying for their important test. They lifted their head up their eyes just barely opening enough to make eye contact with Kai.
“Kai I’m so tired,” they said before proceeding to bang their head against their arms that laid on the table. Kai laughed at what seemed to be the only phrase they repeated constantly.
“I can tell, how about we go to the convenience store get some snacks, take a break from this and get back to this later?” he proposed. Y/n smiled before giving Kai their signature smile. They stood up and looked at Kai then down at their clothes.
“I’d usually stay in my clothes but I haven’t washed these in a while so I’m gonna go change,” y/n said before walking towards their room to go change into newish clothes. Kai continued to sit except now starting to tidy up all their work that laid in a mess on the table. They then walked out of their room in clothes very similar to what they had already been wearing. Just their daily look he thought not really paying any mind to it.
“Kai let’s go,” y/n said smiling at the male as they walked towards the door, slipping on their shoes. They then proceeded to closes and the the door behind them and began the walk towards the convenience store nearby.
“Hey y/n how’s it going with that one guy you had a crush on?”
“Ugh don’t even mention them.”
“What could they have done that was so bad.”
“It was fine until they got all defensive and weird about us being friends.”
“Why would us being friends be a problem,” he said adding a light chuckle to the end of the question.
“Honestly I have no idea but whatever I’m better off hanging out with you than with him.”
“Should I take that as a compliment?”
“Yes, yes you should!”
They arrived at the store and instantly went towards the back Kai picking out chips of his liking, and a drink before going to find y/n. He found them crouched towards the bottom shelf trying to decide on what to take. “Kai which one should I take?”
“My first thought is the one on the left but since you always do the opposite go with the one on the right,” he said crouching next to them. They laughed in response, “Because of that I’m going to get the one on the left.”
Y/n walked towards the drink freezer picking out their favorite drink before returning to Kai. Looking at the four things they’d be buying they looked at eachother as it planned they both said, “Who’s paying?”
“Rock, paper, scissors?” Kai suggested
“Rock, paper, scissors, whoever wins pays.” Y/n agreed.
“Rock, paper, scissors, shoot!”
They looked down at their hands Kai’s hands in the shape of a pair of scissors and y/n’s in the shape of a piece of paper. Kai mumbled under his breath, “The one time I win this game.” Y/n couldn’t help but laugh at his comment.
Y/n and Kai walked to the cashier and y/n’s face instantly fell at the sight of a certain someone she just happened to dislike.
“Y/n! How are you?” they asked their smile fake their kind words laced with sarcasm.
“Doing a lot better than I know you think I am,” they responded just as sarcastic smiling genuinely.
He chose not to respond and rung them up. “That’ll be $13.87.”
Kai sighed took the money out handing it the the cashier not having muttered a single word to him.
“Have a great day y/n!” He said giving them a taunting smile. They both walked out and kai couldn’t help saying, “He’s such an asshat.”
They laughed at his comment, “I couldn’t have put it better!”
They sat at a bench at a park and began to eat their snacks laughing at jokes Kai told y/n that he had heard from his other best friends. Y/n gently stuck their hand into Kai’s chip bag getting chips. As a result their hands brushed against each other’s in the confined space of the small chip bag. The sun was setting and he was glad, he was getting a little flustered.
Their chip bags now untouched, the park now empty, they stared at the sunset in silence. “Hey Kai will you push me on the swings?”
He smiled instantly standing up, he hadn’t had time to play at a park in quite a while. “Heck yeah.”
Y/n sat down on the swing and Kai began pushing them excitedly. He had the widest smile on his face as they both began giggling and laughing at the simple activity that seemed to bring back memories from a time long gone. His face flushed and his heart eratic as they stood up from the swing and faced him. They walked towards him smiling, “Wanna head back home?”
Kai wasn’t sure in the slightest what had possessed him but he gently roomed their hands and home and in a moment of temporary braveness said, “Before we go I just wanna say I really like you and I really enjoyed today.” You looked up at him and he started to panic his confidence immediately demolished. He was just about ready to run away from you, until you simply smiled and stood on your tippy-toes and gently pressed your lips to his and saying. “I feel the same!”
His face instantly flushed a shade of pink and he shyly took his hands from yours and gently covered his face, “Omg that just happened.”
You laughed in response to his shy reaction to your temporary confidence, “You’re too cute.”
His face continued to flush now a brighter shade of red, “Hey stop that!” He gently grabbed your hand in his, picked up your trash, and the both of you began to walk home. Your hands rocked back in forth between you as you two walked home.
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hueniings · 5 years
「 txt as boyfriends 」
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yeonjun ☆彡
a tease
really loves you tho
tends to really like being near you
misses you a lot
vvvv soft for you
backhugs you if ur okay with that
i feel like he’d give forehead kisses a lot
kinda protective (not overbearing tho)
over all just love him back ♡
soobin ☆彡
talk about soft he’s absolutely and utterly whipped
you make his absolute day
kisses the top of your head cause he’s v tall
c u d d l e h i m
he’s always big spoon cause ounce again he’s v tall
he’s pretty shy at the beginning
gets pouty easily
just adores you and loves you so much
beomgyu ☆彡
loves your attention sm
lovingly teases you
very playful relationship
loves your smile and laugh
is very happy when he is the reason you smile or laugh
quick pecks on the lips are very common
he gets shy about them tho
almost regrets the kiss but then doesn’t cause it made you just as shy and it was cute
c u d d l e h i m ( p t . 2 )
taehyun ☆彡
the shyest of them all
you’d definitely have to initiate skinship
loves hugs
loves having deep talks with you
study dates lmao
if you smile at him expect him to forget whatever he was think about
you’ll occasionally peck his cheek
and he’ll go all red and say
“hey stop it”
huening kai ☆彡
he’s an awfully weird boy and loves being weird with you
will be shy at the beginning but i think he’d get used to it faster than taehyun
loves your attention pt.2
he really likes holding your hand
he did it one day, ever since it’s a habit
since he’s also pretty tall i think he’d playfully tease you not as much as yeonjun tho
he sends you a lot of memes
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hueniings · 5 years
「 first kiss with txt 」
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yeonjun ☆彡
he was so nervOUS
like you can’t even comprehend
you were walking back to the dorm after a date
swinging your interlocked hands
and you too got to the dorm door
you two were gonna watch a movie with the guys
but like he had to take this chance
so he like leans forward and cups your face with his hands
and then he lightly kisses you
you two were h e l l a red
kai and beomgyu opened the door to find you two kissing
poor bby yeonjun had never been so embarrassed
soobin ☆彡
okay so i feel like it would happen while cuddling ok
y’all were spooning and being cute
and you turned to face him and played with his hair
and his eyes just analyzed every part of your face
the curve of your nose, the sharp of your lips, how fluttery your eyelashes are
e v e r y t h i n g
in a moment of courage he leaned forward and kissed your lips and it was actually kinda long
you two were h e l l a red (pt.2)
beomgyu ☆彡
probably the most confident
he didn’t plan it it was kinda in accident
h a p p y a c c i d e n t
so you two were doing homework together
it was quiet both of you were focused
and he lifted up his face and saw you staring back at him
he smirked
“wow do you like my face that much babe?”
he got closer to you and just leaned in, you were kinda shocked but like kissed him back ya know
he pulled back and just smiled his beautiful smile
and he just peppered your face with kissed cause he was happy :)
taehyun ☆彡
s h y b a b y b o i
you’d have to initiate it if not it would literally never happen
you were like running around the park just having fun (kai and beomgyu were also there)
then kai and beomgyu saw a squirrel and we’re betting who could get to it the fastest
beomgyu won lmao
besides the point, as they were running away he was so focused on them it was v surprised when he felt something on his lips
his eyes widened and when you pulled away he shyly looked down at you, ears red and said
“c-can you do that more often?”
you kissed him again right after
was vvvvvvv happy
huening kai ☆彡
his hands were H E L L A sweaty
you guys went to the arcade had some fun
you were both carrying some stuffed animals you two had won
he was walking you home
and y’all were laughing your asses off
he literally almost fell down on the way to your house
and you two looked at each other and he like leaned down and
boop (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)
he was shy and giggled during the kiss causing the kiss to end but it was precious omg
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hueniings · 5 years
[2:28 am]
huening kai smiled as he turned his head and came across the sight of you staring out the window at the moon. he wouldn’t want to be here with anyone else other than you.
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