#book: the third reich in power
nerdygaymormon · 2 years
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Berlin had become the “gay capital of the world,” a city with a booming queer nightlife scene and the center of new academic ideas calling for greater acceptance of homosexuality and gender non-conformity.
To the Nazis, homosexuality represented a “threat” to the “Aryan” race’s survival that needed to be stamped out. Although male homosexual activity had been technically illegal in Germany since the 19th century, it was generally tolerated and even celebrated prior to Adolf Hitler’s ascension to power in 1933.
The Nazis began their anti-queer purges by targeting clubs, societies and Magnus Hirschfield’s renowned sexology research institute, burning the books in its library. Decades of pioneering work and community life had been erased.
By 1935, Paragraph 175 of the German penal code was revised to include a harsher sentence and criminalize virtually any kind of male same-sex intimacy.
Between 1933 and 1945, an estimated 100,000 men were arrested for violating Nazi Germany’s law against homosexuality, and of these, approximately 50,000 were sentenced to prison. An estimated 5,000 to 15,000 men were sent to concentration camps on similar charges.
In the concentration camps, they were subjected to barbaric tortures, including sexual abuse, castration and medical experiments. The other prisoners also ostracized them. Overall prospects for gay prisoners were poor: an estimated 65% died, and an unknown, albeit likely disproportionate number committed suicide.
As the Allies swept through Europe to victory over the Nazi regime in early 1945, hundreds of thousands of concentration camp prisoners were liberated. The Allied Military Government of Germany repealed countless laws and decrees, but left unchanged the 1935 Nazi revision of Paragraph 175.
For the queer survivors of Nazi oppression, 1945 did not bring about any kind of liberation; rather, it marked the beginning of a systematic process of persecution and willful suppression—one that would result in their erasure from the pages of popular history.
Under the Allied occupation, homosexual concentration camp survivors were forced to serve out their terms of imprisonment regardless of time served in the concentration camps. They were easy to identify because in the concentration camps they had an upside-down pink triangle sewn to their clothes.
After the war, Jews, children, and political prisoners could apply for financial and moral support from the new German governments (a.k.a. reparations), homosexual men could not. Similarly, gay survivors were not allowed to collect a pension for the time they spent working in the concentration camps while other survivors could.
The Nazi version of Paragraph 175 remained on the books of the Federal Republic of Germany (West Germany) until the law was revised in 1969 to decriminalize homosexual relations between men over the age of 21. This resulted in the arrest of around 100,000 gay men between 1945 and 1969. Paragraph 175 itself would only be entirely removed from the penal code in 1994, following Germany’s reunification.
Advocacy groups successfully rallied for the creation of memorials, and the German Bundestag finally voted to pardon and compensate the victims of Paragraph 175 in 2017, a meager and all-too-late offer of justice as most of the victims were long dead.
The Nazi-era oppression of queer women and intersex individuals has been overshadowed due to a combination of homophobia and sexism. Lesbian women, for instance, may not have been systematically persecuted under the Third Reich, as Paragraph 175 only targeted gay men, but that did not deter the Nazis from shutting down their clubs or arresting them for “anti-sociality,” deeming them “morally unsound,” labeling them as “lesbisch” (lesbian) political dissidents and sending them to concentration camps.
For years, LGBTQ organizations were ignored and even shunned from Holocaust commemorations. The gathering of their stories was not considered important. The suppression of the Holocaust’s queer voices remains a stain that lingers on to this day.
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gay-jewish-bucky · 1 year
Words alone cannot express the hatred I feel for the idiots in the Marvel fandom who dare to antagonize you for their own immoral failings as members of the community. I had no idea that Peggy Carter was based on a Nazi. I thought only Nazis were men? Is that historically inaccurate?
it's honestly just so bonkers to me when steve rogers was literally created to fight this very complacency! (which is actually almost word-for-word what i said in the tweet that got this specific person so obsessed with me)
Post about how Peggy Carter is based off of Cynthia Glass (something they outright state in the AC season 1 book)
Yes, there were women who were nazis! Here are some articles and blog posts about women in the third reich:
Women in the Third Reich | Holocaust Encyclopedia (ushmm.org) Nazi Ravensbrück camp: How ordinary women became SS torturers - BBC News "Ordinary Women: Female Perpetrators of the Nazi Final Solution" by Haley A. Wodenshek (trincoll.edu) The Violence of Female Guards in Nazi Concentration Camps (1939-1945): Reflections on the Dynamics and Logics of Power | Sciences Po Mass Violence and Resistance - Research Network The History Press | Vera Eriksen: The Second World War’s most enigmatic spy A Guide to Female Nazi Guards - Holocaust Matters Nursing Clio More than Accomplices: The Crimes of Hitler’s Female SS Female Nazi war criminals (capitalpunishmentuk.org)
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In its attempt to strip nakedness of its sensuality, the Third Reich not only banned nudism (a ban which, given the powerful influence of the ideal stereotype, was scarcely relevant) but, more especially, drew a sharp distinction between the private and the representational. Arno Breker’s nude male sculptures continued to be in official demand, and semi-nude men and women decorated public spaces. But it was an abstract, smooth, almost transparent nakedness and a frozen posture which dominated the representational sphere, a dominance achieved by recourse to Winckelmann’s purified concept of beauty.
The Nazis encouraged physical training and here the problem of nudity arose once more. Hans Surén in his German Gymnastics, Physical Beauty and Training, a book which went through several editions during the Third Reich summed up the effort to strip the nude body of its sensuousness in this particular setting. He advocates nearly complete nudity in the pursuit of sport or while roaming through the countryside. But the male body had to be prepared carefully before it could be offered to public scrutiny: the skin must be hairless, smooth, and bronzed. The body had become the abstract symbol of Aryan beauty, as it was, also, in Leni Riefenstahl’s film of the 1936 Olympic Games. Sensuality is transcended by being aligned with Greek forms—figures that could be worshipped but neither desired nor loved.
“Nazi Aesthetics: Beauty Without Sensuality and the Exhibition of Degenerate Art,” The Fascist Revolution by George Mosse
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eretzyisrael · 9 months
In March 1941, Nazi theorist and ideologue Alfred Rosenberg launched the Institute for Research on the Jewish Question. Its inaugural conference, “Research in the Struggle against World Jewry,” featured talks by many scholars, including the Institute’s director, historian Wilhelm Grau, who concluded that the only viable solution to the Jewish question was for the Jews to disappear.
Rosenberg’s Institute was one of several established to support the Third Reich’s efforts to provide an empirical basis for their anti-Jewish policies. To that end, the scholars affiliated with these institutes endeavored to put in place a new interdisciplinary field of study that would draw on various academic disciplines to promulgate antisemitic scholarship about the Jews.
According to Alan Steinweis’ book, “Studying the Jew: Scholarly Antisemitism in Nazi Germany,” this new brand of scholarship, which he dubs “Nazi Jewish Studies,” demonstrates its practitioners’ “cynical manipulation of scientific knowledge, historical events, religious texts, and statistical data” in the service of “justifying the disenfranchisement, expropriation, and removal of Jews from German society.”
Fast forward to August 2023. 
Two academic leaders of the U.S. Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (USACBI) – San Francisco State University Professor Rabab Abdulhadi and University of Massachusetts Boston Professor Heike Schotten - co-authored an article explaining why they recently established the Institute for the Critical Study of Zionism (ICSZ).
Describing ICSZ as “explicitly anti-Zionist” and “strictly committed to abiding by the BDS picket line,” Abdulhadi and Schotten link their new Institute to “the long history of struggle” against efforts “to conflate Zionist politics and ideology with Jews or Jewishness.”  
In October, the Institute will be holding an inaugural conference entitled “Battling the ‘IHRA definition’: Theory & Activism” to provide academics and activists with tools for delegitimizing the most widely accepted definition of antisemitism, which rightly identifies anti-Zionism as a form of antisemitism, but is being portrayed by conference organizers as “a tool of and a shield for repressive state power.”
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Don’t blame the Holocaust on the Jews. This past May, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov was asked how his country could credibly claim to be “denazifying” Ukraine when the latter is led by an elected Jewish president. “I believe that Hitler also had Jewish blood,” he replied, later adding, “Some of the worst anti-Semites are Jews.” While these claims may sound bizarre, they are far from isolated.
As I wrote at the time, ever since World War II, people have attempted to pin the Holocaust on the Jews. A 1938 Gallup poll found that 54 percent of Americans believed that “the persecution of Jews in Europe has been partly their own fault.” Another 11 percent said it was “entirely” their fault. In other words, as Hitler rose to power and implemented his anti-Semitic architecture, a large majority of Americans blamed European Jews for their own oppression.
This victim-blaming has persisted to the present day. David Icke, one of our era’s most prolific conspiracy theorists, has claimed that wealthy Jews bankrolled the Holocaust, asserting, “The Warburgs, part of the Rothschild empire, helped finance Adolf Hitler.” (Icke has also said that “Hitler was a Rothschild.”) The anti-Semitic book in which this passage appeared was later enthusiastically promoted by the author Alice Walker in The New York Times.
Along similar lines, Mahmoud Abbas, the president of the Palestinian Authority, devoted his entire doctoral dissertation to the conspiracy theory that “Zionist” Jews had collaborated with the Third Reich in order to spur Jewish immigration to Palestine. (The dissertation also claims that no Jews were murdered in the Nazi gas chambers, and that the overall number of Jewish victims was exaggerated by several million.)
Others do not go so far as to blame Europe’s Jews for their own genocide, but instead try to use their murders to attack their descendants, insinuating that this or that group of Jews “failed to learn the lessons of the Holocaust.” But Auschwitz wasn’t a philosophy seminar with some unfortunate fatalities. And the Holocaust was not some moral test that the Jewish world failed, but a moral atrocity committed against it.
In all of these cases, those who weaponize a people’s greatest trauma to bludgeon them once more inadvertently reveal the very inhumanity that made such brutality possible in the first place.
  —  How Not to Talk About the Holocaust
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litteratured · 3 months
John Giorno Interview: Inside William S. Burroughs' Bunker
Step inside ‘The Bunker’ in New York, the windowless former apartment of the legendary writer William S. Burroughs, and let yourself be guided around – from Burroughs’ typewriter to his shooting target – by its the current resident, the iconic poet John Giorno (b.1936 - d.2019). William S. Burroughs lived several places throughout his life. Between 1975-82 the drug addict and writer –famous not least for his automatic writing in books like ‘Naked Lunch’– lived in 222 Bowery, one of New York’s first YMCAs in the 1880s. Performance poet John Giorno has lived at the address since the early 1960s and was delighted to host his friend and colleague, who lived in the basement for seven years and dubbed the windowless space ‘The Bunker’. “ He was a brilliant transcendent writer, but he was more brilliant here,” Giorno recalls and explains how Burroughs was high from nine in the morning, and then would have vodkas and joints at five o’clock in the afternoon. Giorno himself would join him, albeit a bit later in the day: “Doing that for those endless years and years, that was a lesson – not sure what the lesson is though.” Having downed several more bottles of vodka and smoked more joints, Burroughs and his guests would shoot at the target poster, which still has its original bullet holes. John Giorno has been using ‘The Bunker’ as a guest room for visiting friends and today everything has been restored and kept like it was when Burroughs lived there: the target poster, the typewriter, the gun magazines and the desk all set for someone to sit down and write. We also get to see the ‘Orgone box’ – a box invented by psychoanalyst William Reich, who believed that orgones are vibratory atmospheric atoms of the life-principle, which can be concentrated as a creative substratum. “And if you sat in there you would collect orgone energy of the universal power,” Giorno adds. Burroughs “always believed there could be chaos and catastrophe, so every house should have a vessel to be able to save enough water to live for four days. So that’s why that was there,” says Giorno about the big water tank on the floor. Giorno also shows us Burroughs’ lamp, which is made from a – still functioning – rifle from the Civil War, as well as his BB gun: “It's a generational thing of his, coming of age as a young person in the 1920s and 30s, living in the country in St. Louis, and also outside, and being alone and being frail. I don't think his family were shooters, somehow it entered his life, all of those things.” John Giorno (b.1936 - d.2019) is an American poet and one of the most influential figures in contemporary performance poetry with his intensely rhythmic and philosophical poetry. He has published a wide range of poetic works such as the collection ‘You Got to Burn to Shine’, spoken words with William S. Burroughs and Laurie Anderson. In 1962, Giorno was the subject of Andy Warhol’s 6-hour movie ‘Sleep’. Giorno has also created Giorno Poetry Systems, which has published more than 40 spoken LP’s with acclaimed artists such as Allen Ginsberg and Patti Smith. William S. Burroughs (b. William Seward Burroughs II in 1914 – d. 1997) was an American writer and artist. He was a primary figure of the Beat Generation and a major influence in popular culture and literature, he wrote eighteen novels and novellas, six collections of short stories and four collections of essays, found success with his confessional first novel ‘Junkie’ (1953) but is best known for his highly controversial third novel ‘Naked Lunch’ (1959).  Along with artist, writer and poet Brion Gysin, Burroughs re-invented the literary cut-up technique in works such as ‘The Nova Trilogy’ (1961-1964). Much of Burroughs’ work is semi-autobiographical, primarily drawn from his experiences as a heroin addict. In 1951, he accidentally killed his wife Joan Vollmer with a pistol during a drunken ‘William Tell’ game and was consequently convicted of manslaughter. Through the years, Burroughs also created and exhibited thousands of paintings and other visual artworks, including his celebrated ‘Gunshot Paintings’. He did not, however, exhibit his artwork until 1987, and for last 10 years of his life, he presented his paintings and drawings at museums and galleries worldwide. He died at his home in Kansas after suffering a heart attack in 1997. John Giorno was interviewed by Christian Lund in New York City in October 2017.  Copyright: Louisiana Channel, Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, 2018
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xieyaohuan · 15 days
I'm going to launch another propaganda campaign for The Third Reich of Dreams by Charlotte Beradt. It's not "scientific," and it's not meant to be, but it's probably one of the best and most unique explorations of what totalitarianism does to the human psyche, and, by extension, why people fail so easily to stand up to it collectively. Some of it is pretty specific to the Nazi area and the overall historical context, but other themes, I'd argue, apply universally to people living under totalitarian systems.
The English translation is out of print, and the few used copies that are for sale are prohibitively expensive (apparently, publishers would like to publish a new edition yet failed to track down the author's heir), but if you have the book available in a library near you and are interested in these themes, I strongly recommend you give it a read.
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            Adolf Hitler was born and raised in Austria and had an unhappy childhood. His father was brutal, but Hitler looked up to his mother. He was a frustrated teenager and his artistic pursuits were disappointing, even though he had artistic talent. He served as a soldier in the German army during World War I where he was wounded. After the war he was lonely, isolated, and frustrated and he fantasised about much greater things and got entwined in politics.
            Germany was in an economic crisis and the German people were desperate for better days. In Munich, his party the National Socialist Party (NSDAP) attracted servicemen and disgruntled citizens. In 1924 Hitler was sentenced to five years in prison for staging the coup ‘Beer Hall Putsch’, he served only nine months and spent that time writing a book. Hitler’s book Mein Kampf (My Struggle) was published in 1925, the book was about his life and his political ideas. After his release he recruited Herman Goring, Heinrich Himmler and master propagandist Josef Goebbels.
            In 1933, his party won the parliamentary elections, there started the Nazi party, Third Reich and Hitler was their Fuhrer. Hitler predicted they would be in power for a thousand years and those who initially believed that the Nazi party wouldn’t last, would regret that they didn’t do more when it was possible.
            During his time in power he was known for his hatred towards Jews, Communists, Gypsies, political opponents and anybody else he disliked - he had them cruelty treated and killed. On 30 June 1934, was the Night of the Long Knives he destroyed any opponents, to get rid of Jews out of power and made sure he had total control. Hitler created the SS who were loyal only to Hitler and the secret police called the Gestapo. He had anybody he found undesirable sent to concentration camps, where millions died.
            Hitler embarked on a military program on a massive scale to make Germany a mega power. He attempted to take power wherever he could, the capture of Austria, Czechoslovakia, and the Rhineland; he then invaded Poland in 1939, which led to war with France and Britain. Winston Churchill refused to be duped by Hitler and even though Hitler first aligned with Stalin, Stalin later turned to side with the allies. In 1941 Hitler invaded the Soviet Union; the Russians were able to drive the Germans back. He then seized Denmark and Norway and then took over France in a matter of weeks. Hitler then declared war on the United States. The Allied troops invaded Germany from the east and west and had Germany in ruins.
            On 30 April 1945, Hitler and his wife Eva Braun commit suicide inside his Berlin bunker. The night before, around midnight, he married Braun. He wrote his will and declared Martin Bormann his deputy and expelled former right-hand man Hermann Goering and Heinrich Himmler for disloyalty. The two men had been concerned for Hitler’s mental state and doubted his ability to head the party in the last weeks of Hitler’s life when they would have known that the Third Reich was about to fall.
            Hitler and his closest aides had moved into the bunker below the Reich Chancellery garden on 16 January 1945 as allied forces closed in. The bunker housed medical staff, aides, telephonist and his secretary’s. The bunker was decorated in furnishings and artwork.
            On 22-23 April, those in the bunker had left but Hitler chose to remain until the end. On 30 April, Allied and Soviet troops moved into Berlin, prompting Hitler and Braun to end their lives. Braun swallowed a cyanide capsules and Hitler then shot himself. Afterwards Bormann doused their bodies with gasoline and set fire to them. That same day, Hitler’s minister Joseph Goebbels and his wife, killed their six children and then committed suicide. A week after Hitler’s death, Germany surrendered which ended World War II. The charred remains of Hitler remained in Russian custody, a skull fragment complete with a bullet hole and four teeth. Hitler and Braun were buried in unmarked grave in east Germany, their bodies along with those of the Goebbels family, were exhumed in 1970 on the orders of KGB boss Yuri Andropov, they were incinerated again, and the ashes poured into a river.
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#adolfhitler #worldwarII
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sophieinwonderland · 7 months
This is a warning of antisemetism and anti-black racism. 
hi sophie! as a preface, im also the system who sent https://tinyurl.com/RAMCOAAnon. i think i have an excuse to get into why i feel weird about calling ourselves RAMCOA. we have memories of being programmed, but after we started doing research into the history of programming, im realising those memories are dubious at best. I'm going to start using proper grammar for ease of reading, It's a lot. To programmed systems out there who are thinking of reading this, take care of yourself first. 
I also want to state upfront I think systems who believe they have been programmed do need respect and should not be harassed. I also think that the current sysblr sphere is not very safe for healing systems who think they’ve been programmed. At least from personal experience,  the programmed system tag was very re-traumatizing. It might not be for others. I don't want to make things worse, but I'm also very uncomfortable with the amount of systems repeating really racist ideas without realizing that's what they're doing.
If you choose to publish this ask it’s is going to cause discourse and its a heavy enough topic to needs its own tag. I’m proposing #Ciscoursewheeler. 
Getting into it…
The texts most often cited as resources for programmed systems are They Know Not What They Do and How The Illuminati Create Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slaves, by Fritz Springmeier and Cisco Wheeler. 
 Links: https://tinyurl.com/TKNWTD, https://tinyurl.com/TIFUTCAUTMCS 
You’re welcome to look them over yourself,  I’m more interested in a third book by Springmeier, Bloodlines of Illuminati. https://tinyurl.com/BOIFRITZ
In Bloodlines of Illuminati, Springmeier names who he believes are the “13 elite bloodlines of the illuminati.” These names include the Rothschilds, a jewish banking family. I don’t know enough about the other people to really comment on them. He accuses the Clintons of practicing witchcraft in the white house and makes sure to point out that the Secretary of Labour was a jew. He remarks, “Secretary of Labor—Robert Reich -- a Zionist Jew (over 50% of Clinton’s major appointees were Zionist Jews, strange considering Jews only make up 2% of the population.” This sentiment echos beliefs that jews are overrepresented in banking and government, a common antisemetic talking point. 
Springmeier’s antisemetism is not an accident. Springmeier cites Edith Star Miller, author of Occult Theocracy, and Alexander Hislop, author of The Two Babylons, as primary sources. 
In Occult Theocracy https://tinyurl.co/EdithStarrMillerOccTheocracy, ESM: 1. accuses Jews of blood libel, “Serious investigations had resulted in the conviction of three Jews who had confessed to the commission of the abominable crime for Jewish ritual purposes of procuring human blood,” 2. accuses Jews of trying to rule the world, “The Russellite teaching, drawing its own arbitrary conclusions and proclaiming them as final, professes to prove from Biblical sources that all Christian churches are evil and corrupt, that the time of the Gentiles ended in 1914, and that the Jews must henceforth reign supreme over the world.” 
3. Praises the K.K.K  as a stand against race-mixing and jewish control
“The Jewish power, in particular, recognized a challenge to its established dominion of American Freemasonry for the K. K. K. constituted an " Imperium in Imperio " in the heart of Judeo-American Freemasonry, a Christian empire sound and free and, as a masonicsect, one refusing to adhere to three of its chief tenets namely; Mongrelization of race, Anti-christianity, and Internationalism”
5. Cites the antisemetic forgery The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, a text which, during Nazi Germany, students were required to read as part of justification of the Holocaust. “The second of the aims and its method of attainment is exposed in the so-called Protocols of the Wise Men of Zion so loudly denounced by the descendants of those who devised The Secret Doctrine in Israel, Israel here meaning the Jews as a religious community, most of whom remain quite ignorant of the intricate subversive schemes imputed to them.” 
As for The Two Babylons, I haven’t read it, but as I understand it it’s an erroneous history of the catholic church. 
Fritz Springmeier dismisses people who point out the obvious antisemetism in his books as abuse apologists. “In example of a slide, is that the New World Order is satanic, but that only Nazis and stupid people think that Jews are involved. This is a slide, because then the Rothschilds who hide behind their jewishness, can not be mentioned as suspects without people yelling "Antisemitism." In reality exposing these abusers has nothing to do with Anti-semitism, it's simply that all abusers no matter what good front they have, need to be correctly identified as dangerous“ (Page 158, How The Illuminati Create Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slaves) 
Another source of his is “ England Under the Heel of the Jew” by John Henry Clarke https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Henry_Clarke (Page 126,  Bloodlines of Illuminati.)
Beyond Springmeier, there’s Cathy O’Brin and Mark Philips, who wrote Trance Formation Of America.https://tinyurl.com/TFOAPhilips
 Honestly, I’ve read this entire book, and Philips entire biography reads like self-insert fanfic about saving a hot lady. It’s uncomfortable how many of these people who “saved” programmed women married  them. The also the case with  Candy Jones and her husband Long John Nebel. 
I’m writing this anon in a Google doc and it’s two pages long. I’ll make this short. Or try to. 
Philips cites “A patriot friend, Steven Jacobson, published his book entitled Mind control in America 2 in 1985, eloquently exposing the science of mind manipulation through advertising.“ https://tinyurl.com/JacobsonMCIA 
Jacobson, in turn, cites “The Decline of the West” by Oswald Spengler, a Nazi. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oswald_Spengler 
Philips accuses Steve Hassan, yes, BITE model Steve Hassan, of being a cult programmer, as well as numerous miscellaneous celebrities. 
Philiips also “[s]omewhere in the process of finding a referral professionally acquainted with Dr. Hammond, I telephoned dissociative disorders specialist, Dr. Bennett Braun, a well-known and published psychiatrist in Chicago, Illinois.” Bennett Braun has since been sued for abusing Pat Burgus. https://tinyurl.com/PBAMPD 
So like…there’s a lot of reasons to doubt programming. And if someone who is reading this thought they were programmed and is doubting everything after reading this, I’m so sorry. I’m so fucking sorry. Everything about this awful. I hope you find somewhere safe in your future. 
Well, that's certainly a lot.
I really can't comment on most of this and don't think I'm the best person to reach out to about it.
I do agree that those claims are out there and seeped in really gross racism and conspiracy theories, and that's not the best source to use as evidence of programming.
But I also know for a fact from the tulpamancy community that intentionally creating headmates with specific purposes is possible. Obviously, this isn't literally the same as mind control programming methods. There are huge differences there that need to be acknowledged. (Before anyone accuses tulpamancy of being a cult. The biggest having to do with consent, and the difference between making a headmate for yourself vs having someone else program one into you. And also the torture this process often involves.) But I think the mechanics hold up, and are at least similar in a very broad sense.
A close intermediary might be the Bambi Sleep files which are used to hypnotize and create a personality with a specific purpose in the victim. These reports seem credible to me, consistent with my understanding of how plurality and tulpamancy tend to work.
Essentially, if you ask me why I believe in programmed alters, I would break it down as such...
I know first hand that headmates can be intentionally created with certain personalities and behaviors pre-chosen and their core characteristics and beliefs can be difficult to change later.
I believe there are credible reports that headmates and other autonomous personality states can be intentionally created and programmed in adults by other people through hypnosis, in contexts that are completely removed from these cult claims.
The mind of a child, based on evidence of DID, appears to be even more susceptible and vulnerable to this sort of manipulation. Especially when paired with abuse that causes dissociation.
Is this something that's happening on a widescale?
I don't know.
Can some people have false memories?
Can you personally trust your own memories, especially when you notice inconsistencies?
That's not really my place to say.
Should the history of racism and dangerous conspiracy theories of these "sources" be acknowledged and better sources found?
But do I believe, based on personal experience and what I understand of the science behind multiplicity that intentionally creating and programming alters as is described is possible?
100%. There's not a doubt in my mind on the possibility of this form of mental control existing.
I choose to believe RAMCOA survivors about their experiences.
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oleworm · 2 years
Tagged by @yvehattan, @discworldwitches and @fairybumpkin, thank you!
Tag 9 people you want to get to know better!
Favourite colour: Every time I’m asked this question the answer changes. I don’t think I can have a single favourite colour, rather a set of them, such as the Marian blue used in the Middle Ages as well as the strong yellows and reds that feature so strongly in works reminiscent of that era, if not necessarily created in it.
Currently reading: I’m reading “The Third Reich. A New History” by the historian Michael Burleigh. This was a book I impulsively asked to be bought more than a decade ago but never felt the need to read until now. I have a tendency to buy or ask to be given books that are very long and comprehensive and not deigning to touch them for a very long time, like with “The History of the Peloponnesian War,” which I actually finished recently, and “Anatomy of Melancholy,” the famous 17th century monograph on, well, melancholy.
I’m reading this book now right after “Peloponnesian War” because nazi Germany is a subject of which many of us know the generalities, bits and pieces here and there, but have not taken the time to actually study, and with these turbulent times we are living, I suppose that it is the way in which I cope! Some people read escapist romances to cope, others deep-dive into worst case scenarios. But it is also true that I want to understand. The political landscape is not identical to how it was after the First World War, and how could it be? But it is not insignificant that in certain regions you see some similarities. Economic crisis, middle classes falling into the lower class or fearing that they will be absorbed by it and share their standard of living; scapegoating of foreigners, Jews, the disabled, and other minorities for these economic problems, to a greater or lesser degree.
More disturbing is that extremist groups in certain countries are explicitly emulating the nazis not only in their spirit but in the strategies that they used to come to power. I remember reading an article a couple of years ago that it had been leaked some of them had admitted to it themselves. But it’s different to read an article than to read a whole book about it. The more I learn about this the more I understand how much the far-right is taking from the nazi proselytism playbook, from infiltrating neutral interest groups (remember cottagecore?) to turning everything into a rage-and-panic inducing matter of life or death. That is something that they were doing back then with very clear intention. A difference is that in the early 20th century they had to print these things out and distribute them or talk to people face to face, and with the internet it can be so easy for them as posting or programming bots to share their views.
The next thing I should read ought to be something that may more directly affect me. Something about US imperialism in Latin America, ha!
Last song: “Little Dark Age” by MGMT
Last series: A couple of weeks ago I watched The Sandman up to the third episode, it’s very pretty so far! I was sleep deprived when I watched the second and third, though, so I don’t think that I remember very much!
I’ll have to admit that I don’t watch much television. Before The Sandman the only shows that I remember watching in the past four years or so are The Terror (2018) that I rewatched ten times and never again and Оттепель (The Thaw), a Russian series about Soviet filmmakers in the time of Khrushchev, when attitudes to censorship became more relaxed. The main character was such a piece of shit! How shit he was impacted me until now. I’m still mad that such a man exists even in the mind of the writers, though it is worse that many like him exist in real life. I was intrigued by the drama of the other characters, but by God. The show was good and I enjoyed it, but it was instrumental in the choice I've actively made since then not to give my time to media that gives too much prominence to abusive straight men. My friend sometimes reads to me from Reddit relationship advice threads and it’s sad and cringe that men like this are still alive and that women can’t seem to let them go. Perhaps it’s inappropriate to see it this way when I know it’s because of patriarchy and abuse, but I don’t want to see something that in real life is so horrifying in what is supposed to be fun.
I realise it is the opposite of the reason I gave to the previous question about why I engage with certain material. Do I contradict myself? I suppose it is that I feel relatively safe from one thing, and with the other, I feel that I have to prepare myself in some way, though there are others that know a lot more than me and feel just as powerless.
Last movie: I don’t watch many movies. I don’t remember, sorry!
Sweet/savoury/spicy: All three! Together.
Currently working on: I’m writing a novel with my friend, which I won’t elaborate on because if I do my mind will take it as a sign that it is finished; I’m also working on a couple of other stories, though not they’re not as important to me as the first one. I’ve also been teaching myself Javascript and doing coding exercises daily; bracing myself to do this type of work in exchange for currency, ha. The social aspect is always more frightening to me than the actual work. There are a couple of important things that I need to research, also. This question reminds me that I need to fold my laundry, study and clean my room... I’m working on becoming stronger, so I guess I must do some weights as well!
Tagging @bacchanalium, @winking-owl ​, @plantpretender, @elbiotipo, @osmanthusoolong, @trying-something-old, @surumarssi, @panikpanikpanik, @lliona if you want to!
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zoltanbago · 1 year
Project Secret Sky: Mysteries of the Third Reich
Allied pilots noticed strange light phenomena over the European battlefield. These unidentified flying objects were called “foo fighters”.
But what could be behind the mysterious fireballs?
The Nazis or some other unknown power?
The Thule Society and the Vril Society, as well as the Ahnenerbe, played a significant role in the Third Empire.
What consideration led to the creation of these organizations?
And what role did they play in the rise of the Nazis to power?
The deployment of the Wunderwaffe or the “Wonder Weapon”, could have decided the outcome of the Second World War.
But what was the mysterious Wunderwaffe?
Perhaps this covers the atomic bomb or some other weapon?
Between the two world wars, the plan for the first space station orbiting the earth was already born.
Would the Nazi scientists have been able to carry out this huge project?
And what were they going to use the space station for?
The mysterious Die Glocke or the “Bell” was an anti-gravity device that may have been part of a propulsion system.
Did this strange machine really exist?
And what was the purpose of the project?
Ahnenerbe launched many expeditions to ancient archaeological sites around the world. And to places as far away as Antarctica.
But what were the Nazis looking for in Antarctica?
What did they do on the ice continent?
According to some, there is a “Hollow Earth” that can be entered through the poles.
Were the Nazis in touch with the strange inner world?
Maybe UFOs come from inside the “Hollow Earth”?
The story of the mystic Maria Orsic and the “Vril ladies” is about a cosmic relationship in which the Aldebaran beings and the Nazis made a deal.
Perhaps they had something to do with an advanced cosmic civilization?
And did the aliens share some of their knowledge with them to gain world domination?
The Nazis researched the knowledge of the ancient Vedic civilization.
Have they reconstructed the machinery of a prehistoric advanced civilization?
Or have they deciphered the technology of a crashed flying saucer?
I am looking for answers to such interesting questions in my book.
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A Review and Reflection on the documentary Final Accounts
Last night, while making stuff and looking for something to listen to as I did, I found a documentary on Netflix, called Final Accounts. I hadn’t heard of it before, but from the synopsis I could see that it was interviews with Germans who lived in Germany at the time of the Third Reich. I thought that sounded interesting. Little did I know I would be absorbed by one of the most fascinating documentaries I’ve ever seen. I’m so haunted by it that I watched it again today.
I’ve made a study of World War II since I was in elementary school. I’ve read countless books about many aspects of the conflict: the underground resistance movements in Nazi occupied countries, fleet actions in the Pacific and Atlantic, Rommel and his tanks in Africa, the Blitzkrieg and miraculously timely leadership of Churchill, many accounts of the survivors of the Holocaust and their experiences. Some of it I’ve read from a strategic interest as someone who has always studied wars and how they have been one or lost; some of it I’ve read from a point of terrified fascination regarding how regular people can allow their country to do something so terrible in “modern” times. This documentary afforded me a new perspective, that I truly didn’t expect to get under my skin as much as it did.
Beginning in 2008, the filmmaker of Final Accounts decided he was going to go and interview German people who had lived within Germany during the rise of Hitler, and through World War II. He interviews individuals, usually one at a time, in their homes, and asks them questions in a largely chronological way. Many of them were children when Hitler came into power, and they recount their recollections of being part of the mandatory Hitler Youth organizations, beginning at age 10, for males and females. We see the warmth of the recollections of camaraderie and youthful excitement, and hear some of the trepidation in a few accounts regarding the discomfort as relatives perhaps questioned what was happening in Germany.
In those sections, I saw what I largely expected. There was discussion of how Jews were starting to be treated poorly in the earlier 1930s, and shame at some of that. Honestly, without examining my own perspective too much, I thought we would see some warm fuzzies at the lost activities of youth, but widespread condemnation of what the Nazis did after their full rise to power. And we do see that in part. But as the documentary progressed, and the recollections became those of no longer children but now active German adults in Nazi Germany, a lot more human nature showed itself on display.
Where the self accountability really began to diverge is when the subjects began discussing their recollections around Kristallnacht, November 9-10 1938. For those who may not be aware, that is the night that Hitler gave a fiery speech against Jews, and all across Germany a systematic attack against the Jewish people began. Many were murdered, more than 1400 synagogues were burned, thousands of Jewish homes and businesses were burned and looted (the term Kristallnacht, or “crystal night”, itself comes from the smatterings of broken glass across the streets of the Jewish neighborhoods), and more than 30,000 Jewish people were arrested. And what was fascinating, is while the documentary subjects had been forthcoming about seeing Nazi material and what they did in the Hitler Youth organizations, suddenly some of them were…mysteriously unaware. They claimed they saw smoke, but had no idea what it was from. They were taken to the neighborhoods to view the aftermath, but oddly didn’t know why they were taken there. Most shocking, was a man who when asked if he considered the burning of the synagogues a crime, candidly said, “No. No I don’t consider it a crime. I didn’t feel bad for the Jews.” Then we see him reflect further, and say, “Well I suppose technically it must be a crime. It was someone’s property, so I suppose technically according to the law it was. But I didn’t consider it to be.”
This cognitive dissonance is fascinating and unnerving, and it was just the beginning. What I realized as I watched, is that we were seeing the aftermath of decades of guilt, whether realized or not, and the coping mechanisms these people had created over the course of the ensuing 70 years. They could recall the exact marching songs for hiking in the woods as Nazi children, but couldn’t remember Kristallnacht. And this is the sort of refrain that would become increasingly common as we moved through the timeline of World War II.
When asked about concentration camps that were in the towns some of the subjects lived in, we see many claim to have had “no idea” what was happening. Meanwhile, their contemporary subjects are saying they saw plumes of smoke from 2 kilometers away from the ovens, they could see starving prisoners over the gates, they saw trains of people coming in and never trains of people leaving. They saw people being beaten and hanged. And to see these two very different types of recollection, was chilling and fascinating. Clearly there were many who chose to stick with the “company line” of ignorance, EVEN IN THE CASE OF SOME WHO WERE WORKING AT THE CAMPS.
Most the men interviewed were SS, and yet some of them claimed that the SS had nothing at all to do with the camps; that they were soldiers of honor who only fought for Germany on the frontlines. Meanwhile, as one of their contemporaries pointed out, sure there were SS on the frontlines. They were the ones burning entire villages in pogroms, and then sending the survivors in on trains. For those who aren’t aware, the SS were essentially the ringleaders of much of the exterminations, in many ways. The claim that they weren’t involved, would be laughable, if it weren’t such a dire subject.
One of the most impactful scenes to me, among many that I am sure will stay with me forever, is one of the former Nazi soldiers standing in the gated yard of a farm and talking about how the nearby camp had many prisoners. He offhandedly mentions that many of the prisoners would be found within the walls of the farm, trying to escape. He then mentions that it was his family farm. The interviewer asks him, what happened to those people? Oh, they would be rounded up, he says. And then what, asks the interviewer? Oh I have no idea. No one knows. No idea. The interviewer asks, how did they know that there were people hiding here? And we then see the answer, that the interviewer called and turned them in, get painfully and evasively answered. On display across his face, is guilt, defensiveness, evasion, discomfort, and the hints of self loathing, chasing one another like clouds.
There was one former Nazi soldier who seemed to me, have been trying to come a reckoning about his part. Unlike many of the other interviewees, he admitted that he was complacent, and that his complacency and the complacency of others like him is what allowed this to happen. We are shown a room with this man speaking to a group of young people with blurred faces. He tells them that he is proud that he served his country, but ashamed of what his country did. And in a shocking rebuttal, a young man in the crowd vehemently argues that he had nothing to be ashamed of. That this man should not be ashamed of fellow Germans, but instead of “Albanians who would stab you on the train”. This uncomfortable discussion happens, in which both men are arguing back and forth, with the former Nazi saying, You sound just like them! And to hear the arguments that Hitler used to justify his terror, come from the mouth of a young person in the current day, was absolutely bone chilling. I felt that the former Nazi in this scene had done the closest one could come to self atonement. He did not seek to skirt responsibility; he did not use the excuses that so many others did in their interviews, of “I didn’t know. It wasn’t me. It was others who did it. I had no idea.” He takes credit for both his actions and his inactions, and has decided the only way to make up for it is to educate others to try to keep it from happening again.
As I previously alluded to, I went into this, without thinking very hard about it, having expectations of how people would behave. And my expectations were woefully off in most cases. As I reassess the reality of how the former Nazis dealt with the guilt of the Holocaust, as an American of course I looked at it through that lens. In America’s history, there are many awful acts. The slave trade, the treatment of the Native Americans, manifest destiny, Jim Crow laws…there are many acts that are shameful in our past. Frequently, in thinking of how we as a nation parse that history without tearing ourselves apart, I have compared the shame of our sins to the shame of Germany’s. But it was only after watching this documentary, and being shocked by not only the denial and excuses, but also by the modern Nazi ideals raising their head again, that I realized an important difference I hadn’t pondered before.
In recent years, it’s been clear that in America we are still reckoning with much of our past. And we have our share of deniers, as well as those who stunningly think the past doesn’t deserve to be examined or taught, unless it makes us feel good. What I believe is an important distinction in America’s reckoning, that seems to have heavily affected the way some Germans process their sins, is that the issues in America’s past have been changed from within. We didn’t stop the slave trade because the rest of the world forced us; Americans decided it needed to change and it did. The Jim Crow laws and racial segregation didn’t start to change because the UN said so; Americans thought we could do better. But in the case of Germany, the Final Solution didn’t fizzle out at 6 million Jews, instead of all of them, because the German people decided they had had enough. It stopped because the Allies finally defeated Germany, and Hitler ate a bullet rather than face accountability.
I believe the most important thing to do when history is uncomfortable and shameful, is to shine a light on it and figure out why it happened, until we can be sure that we aren’t accidentally waltzing the same steps to a different song, and thinking we have come up with something new. When I was a child in school, the school system I was part of seemed to believe that too. I was lucky in that I was taught about the Trail of Tears, the Holocaust, and how awful slavery was. But that is increasingly becoming a rarity in many parts of our country.
We need to be proud, not of the mistakes that we’ve made, but that we took the steps needed to start on the hard road to change. Because as this documentary helps to highlight, that is rare in human history. Most of the ugliest parts of history were born from the seeds of complacency and looking the other way. And from what I can glean, if someone comes in and forces you to change, it’s much harder to admit that you’ve made mistakes. One of the subjects, a literal SS officer, said he didn’t even blame Hitler for the Holocaust. He said, “Nuremberg said Hitler was guilty, but the German courts didn't. So I don’t believe I am guilty either, according to Germany.” That lack of accountability, wrapped in shame and evasiveness, is a poison that it would seem still needs to be drained.
I know that Germany has a nation has done many things to atone for what it did, and has made great strides to be equal and face down its past (in many ways, they seem to be doing better than we are at it these days). But the fears born of populism, the Other, and feeling unheard are able to combine into very heady cultural monsters, and they are never as far away as we think; particularly in the age of misinformation and a seeming lessening of critical thought. This documentary truly did a wonderful job of reminding us that human nature hates guilt, and it will take the grains of sand from a shameful past and use whatever excuse it can to coat them with pearls of complacency and evasion. And it’s a lesson we should all listen to. Please watch this very important film. It’s only on Netflix until March 1st, which is a shame. Because it’s truly one that should make us all examine what we think we know, and remind us of where true evil really lies: just around the corner.
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e350tb · 1 year
Hitler’s Soldiers: The German Army in the Third Reich by Ben H. Shepherd
During the Cold War, it was customary to believe that the Wehrmacht of the Second World War had fought an honourable and just war, unlike their comrades in the Waffen-SS - largely with the support of the NATO powers, who needed to make rearming West Germany against a potential Soviet threat politically acceptable. Since the 1980s and 1990s, this mythology has been steadily and comprehensively dismantled by academia, but it retains its toehold in the popular imagination. This is not only among terminally online ‘Wehraboos’ who have a near sexual fascination with Tiger tanks and can tell you the order of battle of Army Group Centre down to the individual battalions; it can also be seen in mainstream culture, be it in the form of the noble German General delivering the final speech in Band of Brothers, or in heavy metal songs about the last stand of the Ninth Army in 1945. So while Ben Shepherd’s Hitler’s Soldiers may not be bringing too much new to the table, it’s not hard to see while examinations of the criminality of the German Army might still be needed.
Hitler’s Soldiers concerns the development of the Heer - the German Army - from Hitler’s rise to power until the end of the war, examining it from both a military and moral perspective. Militarily, I would say Shepherd’s work is competent - looking at his previous works, it would seem he’s focused in the past on anti-partisan warfare in the East, and I did find his analysis of the war on the Eastern Front to be pretty good. As for the Western Front, while it’s certainly not bad, it does fall a bit into the old Monty-bashing cliches. He also cites a statistic that, man-for-man, 100 German soldiers in Normandy were worth 150, and while he does elaborate that wars are not fought man-for-man, such comparisons have always struck me as more than a little arbitrary. It must be remembered, after all, that the Allies were attacking an entrenched enemy, often in very dense country, and that no two engagements are the same. That said, the fact that I’m quibbling over a small statistic and the characterisation of one man instead of going over the book’s entire representation of tactics, strategy and logistics is a point in Shepherd’s favour, surely.
The meat of the book, for me, is its discussion of the growing criminalisation of the Heer, from general to private, and how this came to be. The highest ranking generals, it would seem, sold their souls to Hitler for political gain early on, but this did not turn the army into a Nazi organisation overnight. Indeed, brutalisation occurred for a multitude of reasons and was often unevenly distributed - younger men and elite units, or those in the East and the Balkans tended to be more receptive to ‘Nationalist Socialist Warfare’ then older men or ‘regulars,’ or those stationed in the West. Nevertheless, even the less-Nazified men of the Heer were still assisting the efforts of the SS and Einsatzgruppen, directly or indirectly, in their crimes against Jews and other targets, and were directly responsible for the mass deaths of Soviet POWs. The moral spectrum that Shepherd presents is too complex to do justice to in a short review, so I can simply say that his analysis here is well worth the price of the book on its own.
It’s hard to say I enjoyed this book, given the subject matter, but I certainly appreciated it. I would recommend Hitler’s Soldiers - there’s little new here, but it’s well written and argued, and would make a perfect gift for your friend who’s a little too into building plastic Panzer kits.
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redshift-13 · 2 years
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Karl Kraus, one of my favorite writers, and also, I’d like to think, a kindred spirit, has renewed relevance for this American moment.
Today’s right boils with violent anger.  Conservative paranoia, scapegoating, bigotry, its mind numbing rhetorical simplifications, the incessant lies of its political figures and media barkers, its feckless and routine embrace of misinformation - it speaks in voices redolent of what I see in readings of the Weimar era.
I haven’t read this Kraus work yet and I can hardly wait to get it.  I’m thinking it would pair richly with Victor Klemperer’s Language of the Third Reich: LTI: Lingua Tertii Imperii.  I’ve read the first volume of his I Will Bear Witness: A Diary of the Nazi Years, 1933-1941, which I’d recommend.  
The first complete English translation of a far-seeing polemic, written in 1933 by the preeminent German-language satirist, unmasking the Nazi seizure of power
Austrian satirist and polemicist Karl Kraus’s Third Walpurgis Night was written in immediate response to the Nazi seizure of power in 1933 but was withheld from publication for fear of reprisals against Jews trapped in Germany. Acclaimed when finally published by Kösel Verlag in 1952, it is a devastatingly prescient exposure, giving special attention to the regime’s corruption of language as masterminded by Joseph Goebbels. Bertolt Brecht wrote to Kraus that, in his indictment of Nazism, “you have disclosed the atrocities of intonation and created an ethics of language.” This masterful translation, by the prizewinning translators of Kraus’s The Last Days of Mankind, aims for clarity where Kraus had good reason to be cautious and obscure. The Austrian Jewish author Karl Kraus (1874–1936) was the foremost German-language satirist of the twentieth century. As editor of the journal Die Fackel (The Torch) he single-handedly after 1912 conducted a sustained critique of propaganda and the press, expressed through polemical essays, satirical plays, witty aphorisms, and resonant poems.
“[A] savage dissection of the Nazi media . . . Kraus’s drop-dead analysis of the rhetorical barbarities of the Hitler cult stands as an inspiring model for what’s needed (steely courage, a strong stomach, prophetic verve) to excoriate the language of autocracy, early and often.”—Bill Marx, Arts Fuse “No one saw the rise of the demonic Adolf Hitler and Nazism with the clarity Austrian satirist Karl Kraus did . . . Now Bridgham and Timms provide a brilliant translation . . . Essential.”—S. Gittleman, Choice “The final testament of old-world European humanism in its fading luminescence . . . [by] Vienna’s keenest satirist, Karl Kraus, whose literary energies were devoted largely to the process of unmasking the pretensions of the Austrian bourgeoisie, but later, to the papered-over brutalities of National Socialism, as well.”—Ari Linden, Public Books CHOICE 2021 Outstanding Academic Title “[A] critical bombshell. . . . In the Age of Trump, Kraus’s book could hardly be more timely. . . . In its brilliant and cruel dissection of the Nazi media of 1933, The Third Walpurgisnacht is . . . a truly prophetic work.”—Marjorie Perloff, from the foreword "When I was a student of German Literature in Berlin in the 1960s, Karl Kraus was seen as a Viennese crank—a curmudgeon with a serious if all too local ax to grind. Too limited, too far away to be interesting. Suddenly, The Third Walpurgis Night reads as if ripped from the front pages of tomorrow’s newspapers. Too real, too frightening, too prescient. The brilliant translation by Fred Bridgham and Edward Timms brings the collapse of Weimar democracy into focus in a way that demands attention. 'Never again' really is the proper response to reading this work."—Sander L. Gilman, co-editor, The Third Reich Sourcebook
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cqcandchill · 2 years
shocked but not surprised that shirer is so blatantly homophobic in “rise and fall of the third reich” by referring to the gay members of the SA as “sexual deviants” whose homosexuality apparently predisposed them to fascism or something, despite writing a 1,200 page book that talks about all the ways n^zism opposed deviancy of any kind. including how those people were very much deliberately purged by h^tler for being homosexuals after using their support to gain power.
like… sir… did you not see the irony or……..
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Weekly Recaps (13th – 19th May 2024)
Read 13 articles
33 short readings
Read 3 poems
Reading (non-fiction)
Read Genghis Khan: His Conquests, His Empire, His Legacy – author's note, introduction
Read The Third Reich in Power – preface
Read The Story of the Jews – foreword
Read Sailing the Wine-Dark Sea: Why the Greeks Matter – The Hinges of History, introduction
Read Fashion on the Ration: Style in the Second World War – introduction
Read Spoken Here: Travels Among Threatened Languages – ch 1
Read Alpha Beta: How 26 Letters Shaped the Western World – foreword, intro, ch 1
Read Rough Magic: Riding the World's Wildest Horse Race – ch 1-6
Read Jangar: The Heroic Epic of the World's Nomads – introduction, cycles 1-3
Listened to Steeleye Span (Good Times of Old England: Steeleye Span 1972-1983) – 25 songs
Walked up & down hill (x2)
Flat (etc)
Cooking, dishes & rubbish (Monday)
Put washing on (Thursday)
Food in fridge (Thursday)
Tidied some of desk (Saturday)
Sorted out library books, study, study sections & wrote them up
Sorted out knitting with Mum
Shopping list (x2)
Emailed to confirm psych appt
10 Killer Sudoku
3 Code Crackers (Clueless)
2 Chain Letters
1 Red Herrings
0 notes