#boo boo is not a fan of the goats just in general
woundedheartwithin · 10 months
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A girl and her goat ❤️
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mjfass · 3 years
Notes from Becky Lynch’s appearance on Ryan Satin’s podcast
Becky didn’t enjoy her pregnancy, but she loves her baby more than anything and calls Roux the light of her life. She says that she feels like she made “the GOAT baby”
She reveals that she wrote the first draft of a book about her life during her pregnancy and that publishers have been in contact with her, however she hasn’t submitted a second or third draft yet.
Seth and her filmed an documentary during her pregnancy but they’re unsure of if it will air.
When Becky left WWE for her maternity leave, she was genuinely unsure if she would come back to wrestling. She just wasn’t sure whether she would grow super attached to her baby and want to stay at home all the time with her. She says she was 60% sure she would return and after giving birth, she missed the ring a lot.
Becky knew that when she left, she was losing her top spot but she likes challenges and wanted to come back on top, just as she was when she left.
Roux travels on the road with Becky and Seth and their nanny. Becky said that it’s great because she doesn’t miss anything, but it is tough too because if Roux doesn’t want to sleep, then she can’t sleep until Roux does.
For RAW last week, Becky opened the show, then went backstage and put Roux to sleep in her tour bus and then went back out to the ring for the Bianca vs Charlotte main event.
Ryan asks what the cutest thing Roux has done is - Becky says that she’s started saying “Mama” and Roux is always chasing Seth around and she finds it cute how her and Seth play around.
Becky says she’d like her baby to think of both her and Seth as the “cool” parents but she feels like it’ll be Seth because he’s a very doting father and he adores Roux so she’ll probably think of him as the cool parent.
Becky started doing yoga 3 days after giving birth and went back to the gym a week after giving birth, even though she was supposed to not do anything for 6 weeks after giving birth.
She says she kept up with the product while she was away and watched everything.
Ryan asks about her return and she says that she assumed she would return as a babyface because she thought there’s no way Vince would turn her heel, but she was told by WWE that she was returning as a heel.
Becky says that people were upset about how she beat Bianca so quickly at Summerslam but she says that that was the intention. It was going to be extremely difficult to get the fans to turn against Becky and favour Bianca so they had to do something big to get that to happen. Now the fans are rooting for Bianca to get the title back, which is how they want the fans to feel.
Becky gets a lot of comments that people don’t like her as a heel because she’s “annoying”. She says that’s perfect, she doesn’t want you to like her so she doesn’t care. If you boo her, great. If you want to cheer her, great.
On a potential Ronda vs Becky singles match, Becky says she still thinks the singles match will happen.
Ryan asks why Becky doesn’t use Twitter as much as she used to before her pregnancy. She says that Twitter is a very angry place and she wouldn’t want her daughter on social media in general because it’s such a toxic, nasty place. She says people wouldn’t say half the stuff they say on there to people’s faces in person because it’s not normal to speak to people like that. She doesn’t think Twitter is a great place to be on, so she’s been reflecting on that and how much she uses it. She may start using it more in the future but only to promote her feuds and do character work.
Bianca, Sasha, Charlotte and Asuka are Becky’s fave people to beat up, and she says she wants another feud with Asuka.
Becky called The Rock before Summerslam (they’re good friends) and asked if she could use The Rock Bottom as her permanent finisher and he gave her permission to do so. She says The Rock has always been so generous towards her with his time, even when he’s been super busy, and she’s lucky to be able to call him a friend.
She is so amazing and I adore her.
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anywherebuthere · 3 years
idk personally they got the characters, casting, and storyline all wrong and fucked
but that's just me :))
oh yeah the casting is.. not perfect but not the worst? idk I only finished up to episode 4
I like Freddy's vibes and the hair, but the voice and eyes aren't quite right and.. lowkey ruin it just a little.
I think Kit has the charisma for Jesper but not quite the look.
not a huge fan of Nina's casting just because she's not plus sized but her face definitely fits the role?
Matthias, pretty on point except something about his face doesn't quite do it for me? that's just a me thing tho
Alina is perf only because of Jessie Mei Li, but the way they inserted the racism plotlines,,,, not my fav, it was so in your face and just,,,, not it, coming from an Asian
Darkling is the Darkling, I just boo everytime he's on screen but Ben has done a good job so far
INEJ IS PERFECT MWAH- except I feel like they haven't done enough with her character? like she's such a badass and they've barely shown it. they had her do aerial silks but where's the tightrope ma'am??
idk I think they made it hard on themselves by combining the two when they're supposed to be seperate but most book fans I know are there for the Crows so I see why they did it.
the whole crows kidnap Alina plotline doesn't really make sense? they don't do the best job of handling both storylines and switching back and forth, and some of the transitions are like,,, not it.
I want them to stop making the crows look straight at the camera. Make it stop, it's literally breaking the rules of film and the fourth wall sTOP-
The whole Aleksander thing threw me off, it made it matter less and I don't like that. The whole general kirigan instead of the darkling thing is stupid to me.
I haven't gotten there yet but I like the change to alinas collar because it makes it more clear just how intrusive it is
As far as an adaptation goes, they're definitely not doing the worst job? But I could see it going far, it would just be very clearly its own thing set apart from the series.
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thej13579 · 4 years
Paper Mario Sticker Star: Really That Bad?
This will be the first in a series that I have made called Really That Bad? It's where I judge a negatively reviewed product to see if it's really as bad as people say it is.
If you have your own suggestions for Really That Bad? or you just want to give out your own opinions on either this critique or the game itself, comment down below.
Paper Mario is a series that I really liked growing up. From its humble roots as a spiritual successor to Super Mario RPG to its generally considered superior sequel in The Thousand Year Door to even its weird diversion into platforming with Super Paper Mario, I considered these three games to be some of the best Mario games ever made.
But starting with the game that I’m discussing today, the Paper Mario subseries has gone in a different direction that has not been received all that well. Considering that Paper Mario: The Origami King just came out recently, I have been wondering if Paper Mario: Sticker Star deserves all the hate it gets, or is there something worthwhile in the direction that the subseries is undergoing. Let’s find out if I think Paper Mario: Sticker Star is Really That Bad.
Story and Characters
Let’s start with the story. A basic rundown is that Bowser has disrupted the beloved Sticker Fest by causing the Sticker Comet to explode. Now Royal Stickers and pieces of the comet have been flung far and wide, and it's up to Mario and his ally Kersti to set things right by recovering them. That’s basically the entire story. A basic Mario story with nothing aside from the paper theme making it stand out. 
Sadly, the characters don’t come out much better. Nearly all of them are basically bland and generic with very little in terms of personality or character design making them stand out from each other. (The Toads in of themselves have become a meme because they’re all the same exact character model) Even Kersti, an ally that follows you on your entire journey, stays static from beginning to end. Characters like Mizzter Blizzard, who actually does have a fairly sympathetic reason for what he does with him wanting to live longer and not melt, are very few and far between.
Overall, the story and characters lack any real charm from the other games and it comes across as a generic Mario story at the end of the day. While the first Paper Mario game had this exact same plot with the stars instead of the stickers, there were several things making that game stand out with its unique and memorable cast of characters and you also get to play as Peach every now and then to help Mario on his quest which was always rather nice. Not a particularly great start to this analysis.
The graphics definitely are one of the highlights of the game. It’s fairly bright and colorful and the Nintendo 3DS takes good advantage of the fact that the world is paper. Some may dislike the extra emphasis on paper compared to the previous three games but I think it does add a little charm to the game that is sorely needed.
My main problem with the art direction essentially boils down to the locations; mainly, how generic they are. The designers fall back on various Mario locations that have been done to death by the time this game came out: Grasslands, deserts, jungles and finally Bowser’s castle. You take out the paper style, there will be nothing distinguishing it from most Mario platformers in the franchise and that’s a shame because the game actually looks pretty good on the Nintendo 3DS.
On a side note, I don’t really care that much for the 3D function of the Nintendo 3DS so I’m not taking that into account when evaluating the graphics.
Overall, the graphics, while good at taking advantage of the paper theme, suffered from a lack of originality when it comes to its locations (a flaw that later Paper Mario games did fix). It’s good but not great.
I’ll admit that the soundtrack is actually pretty good. It does have plenty of great tracks and the jazz motif throughout most of them really make it memorable in my eyes. Special mention goes to the main battle theme, Boo Night Fever, the Gooper Blooper battle themes, and the final boss themes.
I honestly don’t have much to say in this section. I just find this a very good soundtrack and I bet even most of the people who hate Sticker Star will agree with me on this.
Now, here’s the main part that many people have been criticizing this game for; the gameplay.
Let’s start with some positives. I liked the exploration aspect. I liked roaming around the areas, looking for stickers, solving puzzles. It really does feel like I’m accomplishing something whenever I found a secret passage that leads me to a different goal than when I was going down the beaten path.
There’s also the paperize power where you can reveal areas where you can place stickers down to enable certain events whether it is simply placing a sticker to make a ? box appear or a Thing that can really affect the environment, allowing you to progress further into the level..
That leads to the Things that you find by looking around the levels and I kind of like how they can affect the environment such as using the Faucet to fill up a dry oasis in the desert world and I especially like the animations that are played when you use them in battle. My personal favorites are the Goat, the Turkey and the Water Gun with how fun and bizarre they are. Sadly, they are not perfect for a major reason that I’ll get to in a bit.
Then we get to the battle system and here’s where most of my criticisms on the game design start to pour in. For the most part, it seems fairly similar to the RPG battle system from the first two games. You and your enemy take turns attacking each other and you have to get their health points down to zero to win the battle. Sounds exactly like the first two games... but that’s where the stickers come in.
Stickers come in a fair amount of variety with various forms of jumps, hammer attacks, and items. The main problem with them comes in the fact that all of them are consumables, even just the regular jump and hammer attacks. If you ran out of them, your only options are to either wait to die, or run away. Granted, you usually find enough stickers around the area just by looking around so it never really became a problem for me during my playthroughs. But the fact that it’s possible is not good game design.
The idea of your basic actions being entirely reliant on consumables would have been bad enough on its own, but then there’s the fact that, unlike nearly every other RPG ever, you get no experience from fighting enemies. What do you get from enemies? Coins and stickers. Two things that you can easily find on your own throughout the levels and you get plenty of the former the first time you actually complete a level. Not a very good incentive to battle if I say so myself. You are basically better off just avoiding enemies and saving your stickers for scripted encounters and boss fights.
And here’s where we get to what I consider the worst part of the game, the boss fights. The main issue can be boiled down to the fact that they are puzzle bosses with too much emphasis on the puzzle part. They are so powerful with their high health points ranging up to the hundreds and attack points they are all but guaranteed to wipe the floor with unless you have the proper Thing (and without a walkthrough, you probably don’t). If you do have the proper Thing, the boss quickly becomes a joke, hence the puzzle boss with too much emphasis on the puzzle. This is the flaw that I was referring to earlier when it comes to the Things. You have very little knowledge of what Thing you need for the fight until you’re already fighting the boss. Without a walkthrough, the only way to know is to die and possibly get a hint on what Thing you actually need.
To best describe what I’m talking about, let’s go with the very first boss, Megasparkle Goomba. To beat this boss, you have to fight the boss like normal until the sixteen Goombas that the boss is made out of reveal themselves and start to flip. From there you need one of two Things: Scissors or a Fan. Seems simple on paper (pun not intended). However, the main problem is that there is no indication that you need either of those Things to beat the boss. 
It’s far from the only example of this design issue at work and not the worst, the final boss takes that spot, but it’s a perfect example of how the Things work when it comes to bosses and how poorly designed the bosses in this game are. This is not helped by how the game actively discourages trial and error considering that, one; you only have a limited amount of space for stickers and Things take a huge chunk of space in your inventory. Two, they go away once they are used so you have to either buy them which costs quite a bit of coins, or you have to go to the place where you originally found them which can be long and tedious depending on the level.
Overall, the exploration aspect of the game is kind of fun with plenty of clever puzzles and platforming. But the battling system ranges from pointless at best to downright cryptic and poorly designed at worst. The gameplay is an extremely mixed bag ranging from pretty good to pretty bad.
Is It Really THAT Bad?
So, after all that, is Paper Mario: Sticker Star really that bad? Yeah… sort of.
I will admit that all the parts the game gets flack for do genuinely deserve all the criticism it gets and then some. The lack of emphasis on story and characters, the uncreative environments, and especially the battle system with its stupid reliance on consumable items to do anything in battle and lack of any good incentive to actually fight enemies along with the awful bosses. Aside from the art style, which I do like, the game lacks the charm that the first two Paper Mario games, and even Super Paper Mario, had. The fact that the very first Paper Mario did this exact same plot but did it better with more creative characters, environments and better game design just makes Sticker Star look that much worse by comparison.
But, I can’t find myself to really hate this game and that’s for several reasons. First, when I’m not battling any enemies and I’m just travelling the world, overcoming obstacles and solving puzzles, Sticker Star can actually be pretty fun. There may be some issues with that, mainly when Things are involved, but I’m still having a good time just exploring the levels, uncovering whatever secrets they may have.
There’s also the graphics and music which are still top notch with the extra emphasis on paper in the former and the excellent jazz motif throughout most of the tracks in the latter. The game overall, looks and sounds nice and it’s definitely a point in Sticker Star’s favor.
Overall, I wouldn’t call Paper Mario: Sticker Star a good game as it has too many flaws and inadequacies to push the overall product beyond okay. The game was rejected by most Paper Mario fans for fairly good reasons with its lower emphasis on writing and a poor battle system that gives the player very little reason to battle. But I think that the game does have some potential as an action-adventure sort of game. If the people at Nintendo are really that insistent on this direction for future games then I think that these are some of the things they should take into account if they really want to go in this direction. Perhaps The Origami King could take those criticisms into account?
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ober-affen-geil · 5 years
My Roswell Rewatch liveblog
1x05 AKA People Go Into Places That Would Kill Them If This Was Horror
I feel for the sunburn Isobel is gonna have later. can they get sunburned?
Max coming through with the logic, thanks boo
*shared look* god peak sibling rep here
First of all, Liz looks amazing. Second, I literally have that outfit and nothing has ever made me happier
this jumping the gun on “rosa is sleeping with jim valenti” still makes me mad. its a really big leap smh
the fact that the batteries still work in that thing is incredible
“Healing what others believe to be irreparable” foreshadowing 
also wait who records a podcast in a crowded diner
bro you are a terrible liar
There is. a lot of green around this cabin for New Mexico. Like I know they shot on location but. >.>
“She could be the trouble” OH WOW OK WOW WOW WOW 
Ok boys I love you but why on earth did you leave the truck behind and run instead of DRIVING IT TO ISOBEL
yes alex call him on his shit
love how kyle just asks alex to help him move the table. doesn’t bother to ask about if he can, doesn’t infantalize him because of his leg, just asks him to help him move it. beautiful.
“not gonna let anything bad happen to you” *shares look with Michael* UH HUH OK
YES alex babe look at you immediately putting two and two together and deciding to investigate later YOU GO
HAHAHAHA I’m sorry Liz smashing through a window with no hesitation in a parallel to Kyle’s thing earlier will never fail to make me laugh
“I’m intrepid” liz omg
god the significance of those shared looks after Isobel makes that slip of the tongue UGH ACTING
Poor Alex, he’s just sitting there awkwardly while Kyle has a lot of very personal revelations
“Alien fake news” AHAHAHA
“Every doctor and general who investigate the original crash, dead” YEAH NO SHIT THAT WAS 70 YEARS AGO
“Sometimes you keep things from the people you love for their own good” *michael looks at isobel* YEAH
Michael closing the tailgate before max drives off is ME
I really don’t understand the logic of dragging all the stuff outside to set fire to it, why not just burn down the warehouse? drama? probably the same reason the car blows up so spectacularly tbh
Alex bb I love you so much
kyle come through hell yeah besties again i am HERE FOR IT
rip grant green
wonder if Kyle is gonna get roped into being the pod squad’s personal doctor in season 2.
MICHAEL DAMMIT give your sister a tshirt or something smh ffs
“you have to tell me the truth” YEAH NOAH AND WHAT WOULD THAT LOOK LIKE HUH
has Kyle had any sleep at all??
YES ALEX YES but why tf was that there in the first place
the way these two scene are inter cut i mean wow the tension
“Love makes you do things. Beautiful things and terrible things. Things you would never do.” LOVE this quote
“secrets are just gonna tear us all apart” CRIES
Max looks so broken UAGH
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extremedivas · 6 years
What’s around Han Seohee and her connection with YG Entertainment?
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1: What is around Han Seohee at the moment ?
The Lovers tarot card reversed indicates a breakup between partners, families, and friends.
Han Seo Hee is mad that T.O.P is moving on with his life. I feel like he ditched her to be with someone else.
She is upset that T.O.P doesn’t want her no more. I see she is acting very erratic and imbalanced in her behaviour. I see Han Seohee is a crazy ex girlfriend of T.O.P. She will do anything to ruining his legacy and reputation. Han Seohee never gonna stop still she get what she want for him. It’s not about money but to married him.
2: The challenge - The Sun tarot card reversed indicates new beginnings, success and happiness being blocked by foolish behavior.
What I see with Han Seo her attention seeking behavior is causing problems with her life right now. She is so vain that she doesn’t see what she is doing wrong. She just want to marry T.O.P and have his children. However, Han Seohee evil ways cause a lot of negativity between T.O.P and her.
I believe she suffers a depression and miscarriage recently for her disturbing behavior . I wonder the people around her cause her stress and anxiety.
I see someone paid her off to shut up or paid her to ruin T.O.P image. But she doesn’t need the money because her family got money and status.
3: The basic situation - The Judgement Reversed indicates self-opinionated and casting judgement on others due to a dysfunctional belief system.
Han Seo Hee is using social media and SNS to cause problems on T.O.P.
Han Seo Hee is bad-mouthing others, gossiping or bitching. She is ruining people reputations by these real hurt careless remarks. However, others may be treating or judging Han Seo Hee unfairly. There is a angry mob or group may be looking for Han Seo Hee to blame and want to make a scape goat out of her.
What I see that Han Seo Hee is going to a English interview and interview in general to bash T.O.P also Kpop celebrities.
She need to be careful what she says about other celebrities in Kpop especially BTS and Korean Rappers .
Han Seo Hee will get slap or get a lawsuits.
4: The Past - The Seven of Pentacles indicates that a vision that will pay off in the future.
Who is the person paid Han Seo Hee off?
Why she is paid off? Or someone paid her off to shut her up about dirty secret in the Korean Entertainment industry? I feel she is going to do a MET TOO! Movements soon.
If she gonna do that she need to stay strong on what she say is the truth.
And by the way Han Seo Hee did someone paid you to destroy T.O.P image and his reputation? If so, Shame you and taste your karma.
5: The Present - The Justice card indicate that you will have to settle your differences in court, or get lawyers involved.
Han Seo Hee is going to get sued by Yang Hyun Suk and T.O.P family even some celebrities. I see she gonna has a lot of problem with fans and authorities.
I see she will go to jail over fighting with a fans or person she knew.
However, Justice in your favor and you will get your justification for having proof about the case. Han Seo Hee get justice soon or later about the T.O.P situation.
Because her family got connection with the court general.
6: The Future - The Reversed Hanged Man may indicate that Han Seo Hee hanging onto a relationship that is not working because she couldn’t be bothered to either sort it out or get out of it. Han Seo Hee maybe jumping from one disastrous relationship to another and laying the blame on her partner all the time. If Han Seo Hee bothered to take the time to reflect on why this happens all the time, she might see a pattern and learn a thing or two.
Han Seo Hee need to let T.O.P go and move on with someone better.
7. Han Seohee - The Five of Pentacles reversed can sometimes indicate the persistence of inner, spiritual poverty.
Han Seo Hee have become estranged or alienated from friends and family, a thaw has set in and feelings towards her changing. Han Seo Hee maybe invited back into the fold and brought in out of the cold. Doors open to Han Seo Hee now instead of slamming in her face as people accept, tolerate or forgive her situation.
I see Han Seo Hee will do a tell All interview in English and Korean. I see her speaking her truth about the corruption in Korean Entertainment industry. I feel like she is talking about the injustice in Korean culture.
She gonna made a whole conservatory speech about idols as people and her lifestyle with them.
8: External influences - The Three of Wands often suggests that Han Seo Hee have decided to emigrate. This is bound to have been a very difficult decision to make for her. However, I see her leaving into a another country like Paris or America maybe somewhere in Switzerland and China.
Han Seo Hee, I see you are gonna confronting T.O.P new love interest and expose them. So, The world can see and heard about T.O.P news love interests. If you do you might leave South Korea for a while. T.O.P Korean fans will hurt and harassing you.
So, Please don’t do it!
9: Hopes or fears - The Hermit Reversed maybe indicate Han Seo Hee feel left out in the cold by her family and friends. She may be an outcast on the fringe of society. Han Seo Hee might be a true Hermit living on the side of the hill, unsociable and avoiding close contact with anyone.
I see that Han Seo Hee hope is to be this rebellious without cause. But her fear with the Hermit reversed is being shunned by the people around her and society.
I see Han Seo Hee want to be alone but she scared of loneliness.
10: Outcome - The Tower represents a sudden wake up call in Han Seo Hee life. The changes it brings will be harsh but in the long run will generally be understood and cleansing. Again remember that this time too will pass. After the path has been cleared for Han Seo Hee , She will be much the wiser and better informed to continue on her journey.
I will definitely not like a Tower cards on my Outcome. Han Seo Hee you will get your down fall soon. You will get your bad karma as well. What you did to T.O.P will come back to you in three time three. What come around go around to you boo.
What I see is a car accident and going back to jail. Maybe I see attempt suicide soon.
11: After Outcome - The Moon Reversed acknowledges Han Seo Hee fears about setting out on a new journey in her life. Han Seo Hee is reminds that it is very necessary that she make this journey now regardless of how afraid she might feel. And she doesn’t go back to her evil ways ever again.
Han Seo Hee will get help she needs and move on with her life. She is going to live her true feelings and emotions about herself as a person.
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ruthdu · 6 years
This is a post about Sports
I am my Mother’s daughter and my Father’s son. I grew up doing ballet, religiously practicing the piano, and appreciating a detailed skincare regiment while playing rec soccer, going to basketball camp and watching sports. Sure, you can argue that my Chinese immigrant parents were very ambitious and “forced” me to participate in these activities when I was younger, but because of their stern suggestions, I became a dancer, I fell in love with music, I will always look like I’m 25 and I have a mild obsession with Sports.
If you’ve worked with me during basketball season, you know that I will be streaming the game on my computer in the production office or suggest going to a nearby bar to catch tip-off. If you’ve had the privilege of being a friend of mine during the Olympics, we will have never ending text message chains about the crazy triple toe-loop or how blurry Usain Bolt on television. If I’ve dated you during football season, you probably know that my very first poster that I put up in my room was of Troy Aikman. I was 5, barely understood English but I thought he was such a hearthrob.
I’m not very outspoken about my social, political and world views. My first presidential election was Obama and I didn’t quite understand the 2008 Recession until much later in life (I was 20 years old). Race was always an issue and I supported the occasional Tiger Mom articles on HuffPo, or essays about a HAPA and every once in awhile engaged in some Twitter conversations about “Yellow Fever” but it wasn’t until recently that there was truly a platform to be Chinese Born - American. That didn’t mean that I didn’t support racial justices in general, but it meant that I hid behind those big trendy topics. Of course, it wasn’t until we were in a disaster of a political situation where I even considered watching a Senate hearing nor cared about our local Congressmen / woman. With that in mind, these kind of public posts are far-in-between and very delicate for me. But after what I watched + experienced this weekend, I was compelled to share because it all coincided with Sports.
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This past weekend I watched 20-year-old Naomi Osaka conquer and overtake tennis Queen Serena Williams, who I believed acted poorly against the (yes unfair) Umpire at the US Open Finals. I was severely disappointed in Serena, especially after learning so much about her journey to motherhood. I had a new found respect for Serena not only as a phenomenal athlete but also a Superwoman that overcame the most difficult time of her life. I sat there, jaws on the floor when Serena consistently bashed Carlos Ramos. I was disappointed, watching her take the argument even further with officials when all I wanted for her is to take that energy and refocus on the game. True athleticism is mental and sure, we cannot help the way we feel, ESPECIALLY when we are losing. But those athletes who can outplay and outlast, the “GOAT”s, the champions, should be able to take a few breaths and make a comeback.
I’m not saying that what Serena was fighting for wasn’t valid. YES, the umpire was probably intimidated that a strong black woman was yelling at him YES, he should have given her a warning and YES, I’m sure he’s been told many terrible things on the court without giving a penalty point but felt that he needed to keep his masculine power by ruling an unprecedented action. Even with all of that potential wrongsay, there’s a time and place to object to rules and there’s a time to suck-it-up and play the game.
I sat there and cried during the awards ceremony because Naomi Osaka apologized for winning. My tears were for her family who was so proud of her but knew there would be this heavy cloud of doubt over her for the years to come. I cried because I saw a part of my little sister in her, awkwardly holding the trophy and not sure if she was representing her country as well as she would have wanted. All I wanted is for her to feel joy, pride and strength. I cried even more when Serena told the crowd to stop booing because I knew that at that point, perhaps she felt that THIS was the repercussions of her actions. I love sports because I also love sportsmanship. Much like Serena thought that Carlos owed her an apology, I think Serena should apologize to Naomi for the bittersweet outcome of the tournament.
Naomi Osaka IS a champion. She played the best game of her life. She trained hard and she has that tunnel vision that transforms a player from great to the Best. I ask that you all take some time to learn more about Naomi Osaka. She’ll be on the tennis radar for years to come and I cannot wait to watch her play next.
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This past weekend, I also witnessed the epic return of the greatest QB of all time. I claim this with extreme bias but am not alone in this statement, especially after his tremendous game on Sunday night. When Aaron Rodgers was carted off in the second quarter of the opening game vs. the (new and much improved) Chicago Bears, a little part of me died. I’ve been a Rodgers fan for years. He was the QB Hearthrob: insanely attractive, hilariously respectful and probably the best ice-cream eating companion. My adoration escalated when I started a diehard, bleeding-green Packers fan who claims he looks like a slightly petite version of Aaron. Last year’s collar-bone injury led to a sour fall season but made our relationship much stronger. There was a lot on the line this football season with Aaron’s return. When Aaron was lying on that field, grasping his left leg, it became deeply personal.
The Packers came back with a limping Aaron Rodgers and won the game 24-23. We yelled and screamed with joy. We drank tequila and celebrated. The cats (Starks and Jordy, named after former Packer players) were annoyed but we didn’t care. THIS was sports. THIS was athleticism at its best and even with the controversial hoopla of the NFL, THIS was football.
I understand why there was a boycott against the NFL. I know that Roger Goodell is a Trump supporter and I know that behind many of these massive teams are corporate millionaires who voted Red. The League made a decision this year that if players kneel during the national anthem that they would subject to fines which arguably means they are charging players fees against their freedom of speech. Yes, I do believe that this is a harsh rule, but I do believe it was a rule to take politics out of the game.
Last year was the only time I remembered watching the National Anthem in any regular season football game. It truly didn’t matter to me but it became such an issue that of course I “fell’ into the trap of curiosity. This year, I am not boycotting because I am watching football for the players. I am watching to see the unexpected comebacks, to see that crazy 75-yard run to the end zone, to see that near interception that nearly gave me a heart attack. I am watching not because I am supporting our idiot-president Trump, but because I respect the bellies of the defense linemen and the sprint of the wide receiver. I am watching because I believe in will power and strength of mind, which is how Aaron Rodgers came back ferociously, playing football with one good leg.
Remember when Kerri Strug won an Olympic Gold ‘96 even though she was severely injured? Did we protest the Olympics because there was probably some weird underage and illegal shit going on? Do we still support team USA even after the corporate probably knew the actions of their disgusting coach? The answer is YES, because we support the players. We support what they want to accomplish and what they’ve tried out their entire lives to accomplish. Yes they are millionaires and this is their “job” but I guarantee that if they had the choose between a massive paycut to play, most everyone would 100% choose the paycut. An athlete doesn’t just train their bodies 365 days a year for a big paycheck (that’s just the bonus) but talk to those former players who didn’t make the cut their third year, or the former player turned coaches of their local highschool - if they had a shot to play on the green, they would do it no question.
I will watch the NFL until the players decide not to play anymore. The game is changing and I’m happy to hear of new strict hit rules to the QB and new technology for player protection. I will yell and scream and jump in disappointed and joy and I will eventually earn that Rodgers jersey that I desperately want from my new Packer partner.
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For those who actually read this post, thank you for time out of your busy day to do this. Why am I so passionate about Sports? “Ruth, you make movies! You sit in front of a computer all day long and you do budgets! And you write! Why do you care about sports?” I consider myself an athlete. I’ve been in competitive sports the majority of my life and I know what it feels like to lose. I used to rehearse 6-8 hours on weekends out in the hot sun, practically running close to 15-20 miles a day.
As a dancer, I trained like an athlete: slow push-ups, squats, abdominal conditioning, the whole damn thing. And in my now adult life, I go to challenging HIIT/ Boot Camp / Strength classes to make sure that I have the ability to survive a zombie apocalypse, or be fast enough to run to shelter during the Big One. I attribute my film career to my athletic training: play smart, play hard, follow the rules and always thank your teammates. These are skill sets that now engrained in me. So this is why I am passionate about sports: because its about survival, mind over matter and it’s about those you play the game with.
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ideahat-universe · 4 years
Bad, Good, Grey entertainment
Okay so there’s been a lot of pedo talk about various forms of entertainment and I want to set the record straight on what we are dealing with here. 
Toddler’s and Tiaras/Dance Moms/Little Miss Sunshine/ and Honey Boo Boo probably:
No one with empathy for children or just humanity in general liked those shows. Those shows were popular and went on for several seasons because the production costs were low and the reality television audience is very passive, very addicted to drama, and love watching freak shows. 
You can’t find a audience more entertained by human suffering than the people that love watching reality shows. 
The success of those shows is not an indictment of America, especially Little Miss Sunshine which is a movie that no one has seen. If you defend Cuties by saying that Little Miss Sunshine had something like that in the third act I have to respond with “No one who isn’t a hipster douchebag or a film reviewer has seen the ending to that film”
Normal people don’t watch shit like that. Do you even remember the trailers? I do! I saw a review for it either and it looked like the cure for insomnia. 
The average person thinks Honey Boo Boo was the worst, they think dance moms is for sociopaths who like seeing little girls cry, and they think Toddler’s and Tiara’s are for pedophiles. 
Big Mouth: 
Big Mouth is a coming of age show for adults and it seems mostly like a thinly veiled excuse to watch westernized lolita and shota soft core porn, it might be that but the big problem with calling Big Mouth fans pedos is that big Mouth is basically like every other raunchy adult comedy, including the sacred cow South Park. 
There’s not a lot of stuff that Big Mouth has done that South Park hasn’t also done and in standard American fashion the art style is more repulsive than endearing and good hentai lives and dies on how well the human body is drawn. 
You have to have a strong understanding of the human anatomy just so you can bend those rules for unrealistic proportions and still have people invested in the quality of your work. It’s real fucking work drawing good looking pornography. 
Big Mouth isn’t drawn like a show that loves the human body. It’s drawn like a show that kind of sees the body as something gross and it’s half played off for laughs while the other half is reassurance that you’re relatively normal. 
If you were going to make a show about a subject matter like this, you probably can’t do worse than Big Mouth and you probably can’t do any better either. 
Cuties exist supposedly as a way to spark a conversation about how we sexualize young girls. It’s from France so it’s probably more relevant there than it is here but not many people are making that argument. I would make that argument though. After all, France is where the infamous novel “Lolita” was originally published (although to be fair it was written by a Russian). 
French culture is extremely sex positive and the plot is about a Somalian girl acclimating to a dance group that would only exist in the western world and would have the most acceptance in France. 
The mass immigration of people from the Middle East created a culture clash in France and other places where people who abandoned religion have to butt heads with people for whom religion is basically everything. 
Sexuality is condemned in fundamentalist Islamic culture, especially the sexuality of women. I could go on for awhile talking about my theories why and how it speaks to a series of social, emotional, and mental disorders hidden within the members of the Islamic faith but that’s a conversation for a different subject. 
America has problems with sex and sexuality but lets face it, if the Somalian girl was Christian instead of Muslim and set in America there wouldn’t be a film or alternatively there would be a film but it would just be Mean Girls. 
Most stories about sexuality and coming of age is usually about riding that line between being liberated but not so far out that you fall in with bad people who want to exploit your sexuality for profit, physically abuse you for pleasure, or give you a disease that will forever lower your quality of life if not be the lead cause of your own death. 
Many stories of sex are about the regret of even having it or having had it with the wrong people or refusing to have it with the right one until it was too late. 
The real question is “Is Cuties truly a satire of french culture?” 
It can’t be satire of American culture because the abuse of children is met with public derision and disgust when it’s brought to their attention. America is still very religious and the inherently conservative nature of islamic culture can fit within America with only modifications to how it views the concept of punishment for breaking religious rules. 
In order for Cuties to be a commentary on how America sees the sexuality of girls it would have to be pro pedophilia because the antagonist that’s being criticized would be the religious faith and not the hedonism of the Cuties. 
This can however be an critique on how France’s sexual openess is just an excuse for debauchery and sexual exploitation. 
Only the French can say for sure or not, I can’t say if that’s a fair critique, my investigations has led to people affirming that French people are “More honest about romance and sex” which is distressingly vague given the subject matter but I don’t know where the french draw the line so I’ll leave it at that. 
In any case the production of the film regardless of intent is child abuse. Either they exploited the pre-existing sexuality of young girls or they sexualized young girls specifically for the film. Effectively grooming them to be sex pots for the purposes of authenticity. They had hundreds of kids tryout for this as well. 
How many of those children have been raped before or during the production of the film? Even when a child is being hired for a G rated kid’s film or show there’s still a high chance that someone on set, in the studio, or in Hollywood has sexually touched the kids, sometimes with the consent of the parents (I mean the parents get all the money, if you were a selfish prick willing to make your child famous so you could get rich, would you care if Dan Schneider touched your daughter?) 
It’s massively irresponsible at best and at worst, part of the film’s message relied on throwing actual little girl’s into the lion’s den to make a point about how immoral and corrupt french people are. 
It got an award at Sundance. The co-founder of Sundance is a confirmed pedophile. If the intent of the film is to oust french people and non religious people as nonces and nonce enablers well mission accomplished I guess! 
I’ve never seen a film throw everyone that liked it under the bus. 
Well. Does Freddy Got Fingered count? I digress. 
That’s the conversation one is supposed to have about Cuties. I get really fucking annoyed when people say “we need to have a conversation about this.” or “it’s a conversation starter.” but they don’t really initiate a conversation and they use that phrase to end the conversation they are currently in so it’s a lot of bullshit. 
We’re done talking about Cuties but we’re not done here yet. 
Some person named Brittany made some video where she took shots at Shark hololive girl. Said the person was Lolibait and that she had an audience of 40 year old men. 
Where does one begin?
Apparently this person has done this before. I keep thinking of Jessica Valenti which is another person so clearly what this person did or does has been lost to me. I can only assume it involved gamergate or Donald Trump because all roads lead to those two subjects for some bizarre reason. 
But that’s the past. Right now is what matters and right now you can’t just make a video saying that someone makes content exclusively for pedophiles which is what she did. That was some Keemstar level shit right there and I’m under the impression no one will make her regret that choice. Everybody always talks about actions having consequences but it appears like only certain people suffer from the consequences. 
But we’ll see. 
She talked about Hololive like it was another Project Melody. Unfortunately for her it’s not, It’s a real business and a real business is designed to deal with defamation in a serious way so things could get ugly if Yagoo actually thinks his ladies are being threatened by drama mongers. 
These vtubers are doing really well. Pokimane deciding to become a vtuber that is just her normal self but animated is boomer level imitation and extremely funny. 
The appeal isn’t that they’re animated by the way, the appeal is that they’re fun people doing streams. The animation works by letting the audience create a para social relationship with a fictional character of sorts so that the actress can have a private life while still maintaining a streaming setup that’s very personable for the audience. 
This is a meaningful evolution of an online persona.
The only real downside is that anyone who wanted to have an animated avatar in general will be defined as a vtuber when that may not be the intention of the streamer. 
I’m just waiting for one of these girls to be part of an ARG. 
Okay so to wrap up:
Reality shows are trash and always have been.
Indie Films are also trash and only pretentious douche bags like them. 
What happens in France should stay in France. 
and Hololive is GOAT but tragedy of the commons is still a thing. 
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celmation-gibson · 6 years
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Well, It's Time I started these 'Best of' Reviews for what Animated thing had Happened this Year, and Now I'm ready for it, and for me, I think that 2017 was a great Year for Cartoons on TV (and one on the Net), and here are my Reviews on why.
Ben 10(2016 series) – Although the Show was Made and Released in 2016 at other Foreign territories, It finally got a Release in the US in 2017. And some Folks might say that some reboots aren’t very too Bright (and I would agree on TTG and/or PPG 2016), But I find this to be a Nerve Calming excitement, some of the Character Designs/Re-Designing look Cute & Likable to Me. And the One Thing that gets me Fired up for this Series is that some Artists I know worked on this Program, like Mr. Ryan Krammer(Uncle Grandpa, & SpongeBob's 'Food Con Castaways' episode), Ms. Monica Ray(Harvey Beaks, Magic Children Doing Things) as Storyboard Artists & additional Writers& Mr. Colin Heck(Legend of Korra, Harvey Beaks) as Supervising Director. And It was Wonderful to hear Ms. Jessica DiCicco(Lynn & Lucy Loud) voicing a Different-looking FrightWig, who the Character was previously voiced by Cree Summer in the Original Series. But believe me, I remember seeing the Original Ben 10 series along with Alien Force, but didn’t quite go thru the Rest of the Series until the Reboot came. Even the Original villains of this Show look so Cute (except for Billy Billions), which that Cuteness also goes to the re-Designing of the other Villains from the Original ‘Ben 10’ series, and the More appearance I’ve ever seen from a Villain is Steam Smythe (voiced by Roger Craig Smith of ‘Sonic the Hedgehog’ & ‘Regular Show’).
Billy Dilley’s Super-Duper Subterranean Summer – Quite an Interesting Show, and I bet many people thought that the Program reminded them of ‘Uncle Grandpa’, so Keep in Mind, Most of the Artists & Writers who worked on this Series previously worked on ‘Spongebob Squarepants’ & ‘Uncle Grandpa’. Even the Show’s Creator Mr. Aaron Springer voicing Billy almost sounds like Paul Rugg of 'Freakazoid', 'Pig, Goat, Banana, Cricket', & 'Secret Mountain Fort Awesome'.
Samurai Jack(Season 5) - I truly Enjoyed watching 'Samurai Jack' when I was Young, this Program along with 'Courage the Cowardly Dog', 'Juniper Lee', & 'Chowder' are Probably the only Good Old Cartoon Network Programs that I give Full Circle to in my Childhood. After the "Jack and the Baby" episode, the show went into a Deep Cliffhanger, and I truly Sympathize the Great Hero Jack for it, But Twelve Years Later, a New Season had Finally cometh, with the Show's Original Creator Mr. Genndy Tartakovsky coming to Ex. Produced the series after some Great Work back at Sony Pictures Animation(Hotel Transylvania films, & that Popeye Test Footage). And Instead of the Program being a-little Lighthearted like the Past Seasons with just Slime, Oil & Robotic Guts, and Major Boo-boos, the New Season 5 now airing on Adult Swim has moved to a Darker Tone, which I like as much as 'Return to Oz', 'Over the Garden wall', & 'the Black Cauldron', with some major Blood, Profanity, and some Grown-Up jokes put into it. And it was a Surprised to see some Old Characters that I recognize to make some Cameos in that one episode(or few), such as the Woolies, Demongo, and the Ravers, the Robots and their Robo-Samurai, and the "Jump Good" Monkey man & his Tribe. And some Fresh New Voices came in by Surprise, such as Mr. Chris Parnell & Keegan Michael Key in some Episodes. And I was Lucky to film the Final Confrontation between Jack & Aku during the Premiere of the Series Finale for Instagram. And did I nearly weep during the Part that Now that Aku is Gone, Ashi will Never be Born in the Future(because of the Space Timing Continuum), and I got to say, Ashi was a Cute Character that I truly Sympathize because of her Dark Past & People Torturing her back then, and I like her Voice Actress, the Legendary Ms. Tara Strong (Powerpuff Girls, My Little Pony, Ben 10, & Chowder). And even since Aku's Original voice actor Mr. Mako passed away back then, I say that Mr. Greg Baldwin really did a Good Job impersonating Mako voicing Aku, just like he did with Iroh of 'Avatar: the Last Airbender' & 'Legend of Korra', almost sounded like If Mako aged Puberty. I would say I'm Gonna Miss this Show, just like how I'll miss Chowder, Regular Show, and soon Uncle Grandpa.
Star vs. the Forces of Evil: Battle for Mewni /SvtFoE Season 3– To come Clear, I only watched the First Four Stories of that TV Movie Special, from “Return to Mewni” to “Marco and the King”, Because during the Further Episodes there was an Artist whose Career I clearly dislike, Tyler Chen of ‘Clarence’, ‘Fish Hooks’, ‘Pickle & Peanut’ & the Overrated Bravest Warriors minisode “drama Bug”, and that’s why I never made it to the Ending point, But I do read Perfectly that Star won the Battle against the Vile Toffee, and she got her Wand Redesigned. But what I can tell you that one of my Favorite Episodes from that so Far is “Moon the Undaunted”, and I gotta say that Eclipsa, Queen of Darkness is one of my Most Favorite Characters from the show so far. As for the Rest of Season 3 so Far, I’ve only watched Episodes that are NNOT directed by Chen, cuz remember when I said I don’t like his Career, but my Most Favorite Episodes out of Season 3 so Far is ‘Stranger Danger’, ‘Lint Catcher’, & ‘Trial by Squire’. Also, Despite having appeared in the 2016 episode "Page Turner", I like Hekapoo's appearance in the 2017 episode "Running with Scissors", which is One of my Most Favorite Episodes of Season 2.
The Loudest Mission: Relative Chaos - I really Enjoyed this Half-Hour Special of ‘the Loud House’, the New Characters there seemed Likable/Lovable unlike the Unlikable/Hate-able ones in Royal Woods where some Folks aren’t that Disgusting as Hell(Funny Business, Cereal Offender), and It’s also a Good Episode where no Sister Siblings were Complete & Utter jerks(Sleuth or Consequences, a Novel Idea), Even what surprised me Completely is that this was the First Thing in a Kids’ Cartoon to showcase a person with Down-Syndrome, and believe me, I felt Really Disappointed on how they were Portrayed in Adult Cartoons, Mostly *COUGH*Family guy*COUGH*. But in a Kids Cartoon, they were Treated Properly with Good Respect. And the Character Rosa reminds me of Mrs. Claus/Mama from Rankin/Bass’ ‘Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer’ for some Wacky Reason, “Eat, eat, EAT”. And I still Love the RonnieColn Fandom Completely, that one LH Episode “Back Out There” almost Ruined some Things, and that Led me to have Mixed to Negative Feelings for Lincoln’s Friends Clyde, Rusty, Liam, Zach. So I would say that ‘the Loudest Mission: Relative Chaos’ is a Fun-Filled Episode that I could watch Multiple Times, It’s got Cute & Funny moments, some Heart-Warming Drama, and some Great Entertainment when the Alley Cats run amuck in the Casagrande apartment.
OK K.O! Let’s be Heroes – This Show has become a Great New addition to the Grand CN, It was created by Mr. @ianjq, who was previous storyboard supervisor & storyboard revisionist of ‘Adventure Time’, Writer & Story Artist for ‘Secret Mountain Fort Awesome’, voice of Wallow of ‘Bravest Warriors’, & developer, co-executive producer, supervising director, storyline writer & storyboard artist for ‘Steven Universe’, and I really like him Voicing Rad & other Characters such as Darrell & Crinkly Wrinkly in the K.O. program. It was based off a short Pilot episode ‘Lakewood Plaza Turbo’ back in 2013, in that Great Year of Discoveries along with other pilots for ‘Steven Universe’, ‘Over the Garden Wall’,  & ‘Clarence’, and that was a Time when I was also Fascinated with Disney’s Nine old Men and their Work/Book ‘the Illusion of Life’, and watching that Awesome Documentary on Cartoon Network’s ‘Next Generation of Animation’, I will always accept New Cartoon Network shows like ‘Adventure Time’, ‘Regular Show’, ‘Uncle Grandpa’, ‘Over the Garden Wall’, ‘Steven Universe’, & ‘We Bare Bears’ into the Cartoon Society. But as for ‘OK K.O.’ , the seems pretty Wonderful, It has a Blend of 1970’s Obscure Anime looks into the Western Animation looks, and How they have some Classical Cartooning Principles(Funny Cartoon Noises, Jokes & Gags) into the Modern Day Greatness. Even some of the characters seemed likable, Mostly on either Lord Boxman(voiced by the Great Jim Cummings), some of the Villainess Characters that the Heroes might met(Professor Venomous, Cosma, & Mr. Cardsley), and even some of the Main Good Characters, especially the Ones I also Sympathize like K.O., Rad, Enid, Dendy, Carol, & Mr. Gar, and I gotta say that Character Crinkly Wrinkly is the Funniest character that I’ve ever seen. I think it was Good that I first get to watch the Series when It was On-Demand before it aired on actual TV, but I have yet to see it’s 2013 Pilot episode along with the Rests that Aired on 2013, But I do know that it had a Mobile Game back then (though I did not Download it or played it) and a Series of Shorts by other Animation Studios, but I haven’t watch them because I am Never a huge fan of SCIENCE SARU and I’m Not too certain about Studio Yotta. But I gotta say also, This Show is a Fanstastic Experience on the Grand CN, Filled with Precious Heart-Warming episodes with Good Life Lessons like How to handle your own Duties as an Employer or how Great your Boss can be (‘Legends of Mr. Gar’), or If you Try not to Spoil your life by being a Self-Proclaimed Selfish ‘Cool Kid’ like Brat, you should have a More Focused Future ahead of you, even without going to Jail (‘We’ve Got Pests’), and the Show had some Crazy Developments such as Enid & Rad used to being a Couple (‘Second First Date’), and Enid being a Witch and being in a Family of Halloween-Themed Characters (‘Parents Day’). Plus the shows got a Good crew, Like the Program's Supervising Director Toby Jones, who Previously worked on 'Regular Show', and one of the Show's Story folks Dave Tennant, previously does some Stories for Pete Browngardt Cartoons, Which I think makes it Better for Me.
Pickle Rick – Why not, It’s “PICKLE RIIIICK!!!!”, I thought I would pass on this, But eventually won my Heart, don’t ask why, but Things just happen like that.
The Summoning - I just Discovered this while browsing on the internet probably from Fan-Art on DA, and I watched it on Youtube, and I gotta say, this Cartoon is Really Cute, Funny, & Creepy at the same time. The Main Characters seemed Lovable, and I mean Claire & Edgar, the Bunny Character is hugely Funny in a way, Though I feel Terribly Bad for the characters accidentally eating some things like Eating some Dandruff from a Big Head Island which Claire thought it was Dirt, and Eating Poop which Edgar thought it was Chocolate. But to make Matters Better for the Cartoon, Celmation Hero Ms. Natasha Allegri(Bee & Puppycat, Fionna & Cake) worked on the short as Director, Story Artist, & Character Designer, WHAT A HERO!!! And the Animations/Celmation was done by Digital eMation inc., the Celmation Team behind ‘Ok K.O. Let’s be Heroes!’ & the Season 5 of ‘Samurai Jack’.
The Movies of 2017 & Probably some on Video Games should be made soon.
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islesblogger · 5 years
Post Game 20190228 VS TOR: We Don't Need You
The return of John Tavares to Fort Neverlose was something special. A 6-1 Victory that was nothing short of spectacular.
The Staff (Lineup Changes)
 LWCRWL127Lee29Nelson07Eberle L218Beauvillier13Barzal12BaileyL317Martin53Cizikas15Clutterbuck L416Ladd51Filppula47Komarov FR32Johnston14Kuhnhackl LDRDD103Pelech06PulockD202Leddy55BoychukD325Toews24MayfieldDR04Hickey21Sbisa##Seidenberg GOAL 40Lehner 01Greiss
Mayfield in for Hickey
Lou’s Burger of the Game (Hero)
Casey Cizikas. There are a lot of candidates for the Bobby Nystrom Award this year, but it’s nights like tonight that people will put on the highlight reel when they hand him that award. 19th goal is a shorty. Shut down Johnny Pajama when they were on the ice together, and smiled every second of the game. Man that guy must go through a ton of toothpaste.
Into the Chili (Goat)
John Gruden and Nick Leddy are gonna share this until there is a spectacularly bad game by an Islander, or an opponent. They share it because Nick Leddy should not be on the PP1. He is there for zone entries. But even when he makes a nice one, he becomes the dog that caught the car. “Okay, now what do I do?” . He is now officially the 6th defenseman.
Salad Bar (Random Thoughts About the Game)
The much anticipated crowd reaction to John Tavares’ return to the barn did not disappoint. When Tavares had the puck the crowd booed enough for it to be audible on the TV broadcast. “We Don’T Need You” pretty much says it all. In his defense, as he was until July 1, 2018 Johnny Pajamas was a class act all the way. Acknowledging the Islanders, and the fans after the tribute and sulking through the post gamer… Stan must be in Israel.
The Islanders controlled momentum for last two thirds of the game. I’d say they were on the right side of the puck, and playing physically for at least 45 minutes. That’s the way it’s got to be until June. By HDCF% the momentum swing didn’t happen until the second period, but by physicality it started within a minute of puck drop.
The chants of “A-Hole” were a little much. I think “We Don’t Need You” was a HR. “A-Hole” was a foul tip third strike. a.k.a. a bad bunt with bases loaded and two outs.
The hits just keep on coming. The #Isles have been know for their physicality ever since the first time MC^2 was put together. It’s been a while, and I don’t think I’ve ever seen a game this one sidedly violent, with so few penalties. Great job!
Barry Trotz understands the value of momentum. This team had hit a bit of a lull. This game was going to be incredible no matter what 18 he threw out there, or how he threw them out there. But he’s starting to show why standing pat at the deadline, was able to generate offense for free.
Mayfield and Toews are playing out of their minds. The balance of a strong stay at home defenseman and an offensive minded D is special. It’s what was in mind when the Isles first paired Leddy and Boychuck. But Scott and Devon are starting to build something special. Because they both have enough of their counter-attributes to show those talents every night. Mayfield had at least three rushes from the defensive zone through the offensive zone, that result in a shot, or good possession time. I’m looking right at you Nick Leddy. We know you have it in you.
The Bubbly (Playoff Status)
TEAMW L OT P  PPG PRJGRLCDPOATLA0TBL49124102        1.569 1291720A1BOS3817985        1.328 1091812A2TOR3921482        1.281 1051811A3METM0NYI3719781        1.286 1051911M1WAS3621779        1.234 101189M2CBJ3624375        1.190 98198M3WCW0PIT3322874        1.175 96198W1CAR3423674        1.175 96198W2OUTXXMON3423775        1.172 96187PHI3026868        1.063 87184FLA2825965        1.048 86204BUF2926866        1.048 86194NYR27261064        1.016 83193NJD2531858        0.906 7418-1DET2332955        0.859 7018-3OTT2237549        0.766 6318-6
The bubble is currently 96. The Islanders only need 15 points with 19 games to go. This is no time to coast, but they could. Making the playoffs is not a concern at the moment. What they will do battle for every night is HTA.
Dessert (What’s Coming Up)
WAS (03/01/19) The Islanders are now two points ahead of the Washington Capitals with only a game in hand. This will be the most important game to date for Barry Trotz’ Isles. This game will probably determine whether it’s a two team race for first, or a battle between WAS, CBJ and PIT for home team advantage in the Metro’s second playoff pairing.
PHI (03/03/19) The Flyers are hanging on to their playoffs hopes by a thread. They can only lose four games with 18 remaining to make the bubble. They know where they are, that’s why Simmonds is in Nashville.
OTT (03/05/19) Since my last review OTT fired their coach Guy Boucher and replaced him with fiery Marc Crawford. Seems a little odd to name an interim coach at this point. I think we can all assume that Ottawa is just getting a jump on the next five years.
Post Game 20190228 VS TOR: We Don’t Need You was originally published on islesblogger.com
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frontstreet1 · 6 years
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WASHINGTON — The Pentagon on Friday approved a request for additional troops at the southern border, likely to total several hundred to help the U.S. Border Patrol as President Donald Trump seeks to transform fears about immigration and a caravan of Central American migrants into electoral gains in the midterms.
“Every citizen benefits when we have a strong, beautiful border,” Trump told several hundred young black conservative leaders at a White House event on Friday.
“It’s a big caravan,” he said, prompting boos from the audience.
“I called up the military. We’re not letting them in, they ought to go back now because we’re not.”
Defense Secretary Jim Mattis signed off on a request for help from the Department of Homeland Security and authorized the military staff to work out details such as the size, composition and estimated cost of the deployments, according to a U.S. official.
Mattis, who is traveling in the Middle East, is expected to approve the actual deployments after all the details are ironed out, according to the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss planning that has not yet been completed or publicly announced.
Here’s the latest for Friday October 26th: Pipe bomb investigators at South Florida mail facility; US Troops could go to Mexico border; Two dead after fall in Yosemite National Park; US territory in Pacific dealing with typhoon damage.
The action comes as Trump has spent recent days calling attention to the caravan of Central Americans slowly making their way by foot into southern Mexico, but still more than 1,000 miles from U.S. soil.
“Millions of people right now are waiting, and they’ve been working this process for in some cases 10 years, and they’re almost ready to come in and then they look on television and they see people just walking in?” Trump asked, rhetorically. “Not going to happen, it’s not going to happen.”
Trump, who made fear about immigrants a major theme of his 2016 election campaign, has been eager to make it a top issue heading into the Nov. 6 midterm elections, which will determine control of Congress. The president and senior White House officials have long believed the issue is key to turning out his supporters.
The additional troops, possibly numbering 800 or more, would provide logistical and other support to the Border Patrol, said the official. This likely would include military engineers, aviators and perhaps military police to assist with security. No combat forces are to be deployed, but because some troops may be armed for self-defense, Pentagon lawyers were working out rules governing the use of force before final deployment decisions are made, the official said.
It’s not unusual for the National Guard to help with border security. Although active duty troops are sometimes called on for domestic emergencies like hurricanes or floods, they rarely deploy to the southern border. Fears of militarizing the border were fanned by a May 1997 incident in which a Marine on a counter-narcotics mission shot to death an 18-year-old who was herding goats in Redford, Texas.
In the current situation, active duty troops will not be on armed security missions.
The additional members of the military would assist the Border Patrol by providing things such as vehicles, tents and equipment. There already are about 2,000 National Guard troops there under a previous Pentagon arrangement.
Trump has used the caravan to bolster his election-season warnings that the U.S. is being infiltrated by illegal immigrants “pouring across the border,” whom he has painted with a sinister brush.
He has claimed without any apparent basis in fact that “Middle Easterners” were among the shirking group. At rallies and on Twitter, Trump has tried to portray the Democrats as pro-illegal immigration, even claiming, with no evidence, that Democrats had organized and paid for the caravan.
He tweeted Thursday that, “Democrat inspired laws make it tough for us to stop people at the border” and said he was using the military to respond to what he called a “National Emergency.”
The migrants in the sprawling caravan — once estimated by the United Nations to number more than 7,000 — are hoping to make it to the United States. Most are Hondurans, seeking to escape the poverty and violence that plagues the region.
The caravan swelled dramatically soon after crossing the Mexican border on Oct. 19, but sickness, fear and police harassment have whittled down its numbers. Since entering Mexico at its southernmost tip, the group has advanced roughly 95 miles.
Trump tweeted a direct message to the migrants Thursday, urging them to return home.
“To those in the Caravan, turnaround,” he wrote. “We are not letting people into the United States illegally. Go back to your Country and if you want, apply for citizenship like millions of others are doing!”
The migrants have largely been disconnected from news reports about them while on the road. When asked about Trump’s tweets critical of the caravan and his vows to keep them out, they have generally responded that he should stop attacking them and said they would keep trying to reach the United States.
Trump earlier this year ordered the deployment of National Guard members to the U.S.-Mexico border to respond to a spike in illegal border crossings. But those members remain under the control of the governors of the states where they’re positioned, and their activities are limited to supportive roles, such as providing surveillance.
The addition of 800 or more active duty troops, if approved, as expected, by Mattis, is in response to a request from the Department of Homeland Security, which manages the Border Patrol, a U.S. official said.
DHS asked for help in various forms. It was not immediately clear why active duty forces were chosen, since National Guard troops can perform the same functions. Earlier this year Mattis authorized Pentagon funding for up to 4,000 National Guard troops on the border and thus far only a little over 2,000 have been used.
Federal law prohibits the use of active duty service members for law enforcement inside the U.S. unless specifically authorized by Congress.
Trump had tweeted Monday that he’d alerted Border Patrol and the military that the caravan was “a National Emergy,” but the Pentagon said then that they’d received no new orders to provide troops for border security.
But Trump told a rally crowd in Wisconsin on Wednesday that moves were underway.
“Wait’ll you see what happens over the next couple of weeks. You’re going to see a very secure border. You just watch,” he told the crowd. “And the military is ready. They’re all set.”
By ROBERT BURNS and JILL COLVIN – Oct 26. 2018 – 3:36 PM EDT
Follow Burns and Colvin on Twitter at https://twitter.com/robertburnsAP and https://twitter.com/colvinj
Pentagon OKs Request For Military Help At Southern Border WASHINGTON — The Pentagon on Friday approved a request for additional troops at the southern border, likely to total several hundred to help the U.S.
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newstfionline · 7 years
On Tour’s Mountain Roads, Beer, Baguettes and, Briefly, Bikes
By Andrew Keh, NY Times, July 18, 2017
MONT DU CHAT, France--A white-haired man was dancing naked in the middle of the mountain road, his sunburned body rocking imprecisely to a pop song pounding from a set of speakers. His halfhearted attempt to cover himself with one hand as he swayed was mostly ineffectual, which only made his friends laugh harder and cover their eyes. Behind them was a 20-foot-long, homemade banner that read, “VIVE LE TOUR.”
It was late Saturday afternoon on Mont du Chat, a full 24 hours before the competitors of the Tour de France would ascend these brutally steep roads. But the merrymaking, as the man’s striptease made clear, was already in full swing.
For connoisseurs of cycling, mountain roads provide an optimal vantage point to see a race in person. On flat pavement, riders speed past in a thick pack, gone in a flash. On steep climbs, though, they lumber past, often slowly enough for fans to talk to them or touch them or even run alongside them for a bit.
But reaching these roads is no easy task. Prime spectating spots tend to be several miles above sea level, on windswept outcroppings of rock, or, as here in the western edge of the Alps, cut out of thick woods. Local authorities tend to close mountain access roads in the days before the Tour passes through. There is a longtime tradition, then, of cycling fans camping out in the mountains for days, or even weeks, to claim a coveted place along the course.
That type of pop-up community was on display last weekend on Mont du Chat, the toughest climb during the first mountain stage of this year’s Tour. In the days before the race rolled through on July 9, an impermanent society of tents and mobile homes developed, where sun-bronzed hordes of multinational partyers--nature lovers and attention seekers, rowdy young people and tranquil retirees--communed in crowded, roadside quarters.
The fans had little to do but wait. But for many of them, waiting was half the fun.
“We just enjoy being outside,” said Ferdinand van der Duin, 67, of Groningen, the Netherlands, who sat quietly in a lawn chair on that Friday morning. Van der Duin and his family had arrived on Thursday and pitched a couple of tents on a narrow, slanted patch of grass next to the road. “If the cyclists never came up on Sunday, we’d still be O.K.”
There were more than two days to go before the race, but the mountainside was brimming with people.
Up the road, nine men from around the French department, or region, of Isère--mostly in their 50s and 60s--were constructing a refined dining room amid the trees, using bamboo scaffolding to support a tarp roof and an overhead lamp. They placed a citronella candle on a floral tablecloth to dissuade bugs, and their dinner left nothing to be desired: thick coins of saucisson, a dry-cured sausage, to start; a simmering pot of mahogany-hued chicken tagine; a wheel of Brie and a hefty brick of Comté; and homemade génépi, a liqueur infused with alpine herbs, to cleanse their palates.
“Bravo to the chef,” they said, clapping, after mopping the stew with bread.
Wine flowed throughout. The men talked politics and howled with laughter recounting their trip to the Tour last year, when a trusting stranger stumbled upon their camp and left so drunk that he passed out in the woods.
The men were lucky enough to claim one of the best views on the entire mountain--the Alps towering in the distance, Lac du Bourget shimmering below--but that was all invisible in the dark as they cleaned up their plates and refilled their glasses.
A few hundred yards up the road, a group of young men in their teens and early 20s--hailing from Le Bourget-du-Lac, the town just to the east of the mountain--was only starting their night. They pulled beers from a cooler and played endless rounds of pétanque, a French lawn game.
They said that they come up to Mont du Chat often, mostly to hunt wild boar and goats. They were excited about the Tour--like many other people there, they hoped to make it onto the television broadcast of the event--but the race, they said, was just another excuse to meet up on the mountain for a good time.
“Before the Tour de France we’re up here, and after the Tour de France we’ll still be up here,” said Thibault Joram, 18, who wore a beret atop his wiry frame.
At 3 a.m., the young men rumbled down the slope, setting off firecrackers and clanging an enormous cowbell. It was 6 a.m. when they finally decided to call it a night.
Just a couple of hours after that, early Saturday morning, Gisèle Machet scooted up the mountain in her Peugeot 106 with a sack of baguettes on the passenger seat. Machet, 67, who lives in the nearby town of Meyrieux-Trouet, was not a camper--just a woman who understood the daily need here for fresh bread. After picking up loaves from a local bakery, she was driving up the mountain, from R.V. to R.V., to drop them off.
“I’m doing this as a service,” Machet said as she accelerated up the road. She was charging the campers her cost: 1.10 euros per loaf, no profit. “If the situation were switched,” she said, “they’d do the same thing for me.”
Some people had arrived as early as Monday, but the mountain truly came to life on Friday afternoon. People painted the roads, leaving encouraging messages, or taunts, for the riders. Neighbors made small talk. Some campers sought out their countrymen, taking clues from license plates and flags. Les Aigles, the only restaurant on the mountain, and the site of its only toilet, did a brisk business.
Otherwise time passed slowly. Inje Dienaar, 56, of Zutphen, the Netherlands, spent hours that afternoon seated on a prime corner of the course--a spot she and her husband had claimed on Thursday--crocheting a doll for her granddaughter. Her Jack Russell terrier, Ellie Bellie, sought refuge from the punishing sun under their R.V., which boasted a satellite dish, a solar generator and, crucially, a television.
“We’ve got a season of ‘Inspector Morse’ and the newest season of ‘MasterChef Australia,’” Dienaar said.
On Saturday, before the sun began to set, the police closed the road for good. Anyone traveling it up or down from that point on would have to walk or ride a bicycle along six miles of curving road.
Parties in the mountains tend to get wild the night before the race, and it was no different on Mont du Chat.
A group of two dozen or so young men from Le Bourget-du-Lac and Chambéry, a nearby city, set up turntables and speakers in a clearing that featured a heterogeneous array of objects reminiscent of an American fraternity house: a barbecue grill, a hookah, a sombrero, a flat-screen television balanced on an old wooden desk, two refrigerators filled with beer, a hammock, a shopping cart, a coffee maker, many pairs of flip-flops and assorted costumes.
They planned to wear the costumes--Marge Simpson, a pig, a Dalmatian and a cockroach, among others--when they ran alongside the riders on Sunday to improve their chances of getting on television. This was the ultimate goal. When a race official suggested that the image of a syringe they had painted near their campsite, with Chris Froome’s name written next to it, would hurt their chances of getting on camera, they quickly splashed it with a layer of white paint.
“We have fun, but there are rules about what you cannot do,” said Jean-Philippe Taravele, 27, who wore an Atlanta Falcons football helmet. “We’re not stupid.”
Up the road, another party--the one that later would inspire the elderly man to remove his clothes--was raging. Fans danced in the middle of the road, yelling exaggerated encouragement to the last amateur cyclists chugging up the road ahead of Sunday’s stage.
Sunday morning moved fast. More people arrived after hiking up the mountain. The riders started the stage from Nantua around midday, and the fans on Mont du Chat gathered around strangers’ televisions and radios to track their approach. An ominous early thunderstorm fortunately cleared by late morning.
Near the summit, Szymon Konieczny, 28, of Katowice, Poland, prepared enormous cutouts of his favorite riders’ faces, an idea he said he had borrowed from watching the N.B.A. His wet socks hung on a wire behind him.
“Paint the street? That’s old,” Konieczny said. “Hold a flag? Old. A head? That’s new. They will come by and say, ‘Wow!’ It will give them energy.”
After days of waiting, the mountain became engulfed in noise when the first riders arrived around 4:30 p.m. Warren Barguil of France led the group at one point and inspired crazed cheers of “Allez!” Froome, the three-time Tour de France winner, was close behind and was mercilessly booed and cursed the whole way up.
Crowding the course, inches from the cyclists, the spectators could yell almost directly into their ears and look straight into their eyes. George Bennett of New Zealand cracked a big smile when he spotted a man dressed like an insect, furiously snapping his cloth pincers. But otherwise the riders had blank, detached expressions. Some seemed pained. A few of the stragglers received pushes from helpful fans.
“They go so slowly that you can actually see the effort and see them suffering,” said Caitlin Van Hooten, 28, of Chicago.
It took a little more than half an hour for the entire pack to make it through, and when the last rider went over the top, the weekend (or, in a few cases, the week) came to an abrupt end. It grew eerily quiet on the mountain. Within an hour, most of the roadside tents had been packed up.
“You’re here so long, and then it’s over so quick,” the Dutch teenager Brent van Lieshout said as he loaded his car. “It’s bizarre, if you think about it.”
But Thomas Adelskov, 53, the mayor of Odsherred, a municipality in eastern Denmark, tried to savor the moment. He has an election in November, and he was looking for a way to spend time with his sons Mads, 27, and Jonas, 24, who live in Copenhagen.
They had arrived in an R.V. on Thursday and soon met a young Danish couple who had pitched a tent nearby. The five watched the race as a group and were surprised and elated when Jakob Fuglsang of Denmark appeared near the head of the field. They screamed his name as he rode by and buzzed about the moment for hours afterward.
“Four days on the mountain,” Adelskov said as he settled into a lawn chair surrounded by trees, “and for that, it was worth it.”
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