#bonus points if the horror novel has spice lol
yllcm · 1 year
what are some sexy horror novels you guys have been into lately? can be adult or ya whatever, just something that's really just spooky. and sexy. like cannibals or evil covens. slashers, too. i love me a good slasher novel ( i've basically read everything by adam cesare and whatshisface hendrix lol who wrote the final girls support group)
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angie-j-kay · 3 months
ok off the top of your head, your three most developed OCs:
what's their favorite color
are there any movies that would make them cry
how do they handle scary things/horror?
Thanks for the ask, and it's nice to meet you!
Okay, so my three most developed OCs in What You Cast Out are Tracey, Sarah, and Reliquus.
Favorite color Tracey: It's black. She's actually pretty uncaring about color, but black is a neutral color that matches everything and freaks people out, so she gravitates towards that. Sarah: Sarah loves greens and blues, with a hint of purple or pink sometimes to spice things up. She's not unaware of the irony in her liking green, but will roll her eyes and get annoyed if anyone brings it up. Reliquus: The Reliquus... if they have a favorite color, it's probably something outside of the human visible range and doesn't have a name in any human language.
Movies that would make them cry Tracey: Don't tell anyone, and she will deny everything if you ask her about it, but she cried her eyes out at The Shape of Water. Sarah: Just about any sappy romance will do it, bonus points if it's a queer one. At the point in the story we meet her, any movie involving sibling relationships might also trigger a fit as well. Reliquus: I legit cannot even imagine the Reliquus watching a movie at all. Fiddler on the Roof, maybe?
Horror and Scary Things Tracey: Tracey has already survived things that would land most people in a hospital, and come out the other side... okay, maybe "okay" isn't the word, lol. She's quite good at compartmentalizing the fear, most of the time, but she does have limits. Mostly, she prioritizes getting to safety over the indulgence of panicking. Sarah: If Sarah has someone to protect, such as her niece and nephew nearby, she will go full Mama Bear and focus on protecting them at all costs. If it's just her, she's a lot more normal about it: screaming, having to fight back panic, but probably still surviving it. Reliquus: The Reliquus is the horror, thank you very much. And they're slightly offended at the implication that they're not the scariest thing in the room right now. You might want to start running.
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What You Cast Out: A Tale From Little Egypt is a dark fantasy novel set in Southern Illinois. It follows a rookie police officer and an autistic punker as they investigate a murder, leading them back to the place the punker ran away from as a child and the things she told herself she must have imagined.
Monsters will attack. Elves will get high. And while all hell breaks loose, the locals will continue to complain that nothing interesting ever happens in Southern Illinois.
The novel is published in serial zine format on my Patreon and Ko-Fi pages. The first two chapters are already out for my supporters, ready to be downloaded and printed at your convenience!
All of the art on the chapter covers is made by me, a combination of watercolor, collage, and just a smidge of digital manipulation for the covers themselves. NO AI WAS OR EVER WILL BE USED IN THE PRODUCTION OF MY ZINES.
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