#bonus points if keith is fighting someone over something dumb
cluelesslesbian · 3 years
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Listen- I adore the idea of Keith being overprotective of his friends so like?? adding in a lovebug that reduces his already pretty shit impulse control and makes him fight random aliens at the drop of a hat???? Good shit right there
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evannashamrock · 6 years
Let’s play a game, shall we?
I will talk about my favorite Paladin hehe and his interactions with Axca throughout all seasons.
Fact: Both Keith and Axca are half Galra and share similar character traits, especially if it comes to them fighting. Opinion: They are two sides of the same coin. May be related. (My opinion: Axca is basically a girl version of Keith. Same personality, character traits, they even gave her a cropped jacket in s7).
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Fact: Axca had the oportunity to kill Keith (season 2) but she decided to spare him. Opinion: She liked him since she meet him. (My opinion: She had a serious reason to spare him while being loyal to Lotor at the same time. Code of honor? Plus, the plot would be no more with Keith dead).
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Fact: Keith and Axca did not talk, only fought. When they met again, Keith did not kill her. Memory of them being allies distracted our Paladin. Opinion: He likes her, that's why he was distracted. (My opinion: Favor for favor).
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Fact: Keith was also distracted when Lance saved him, stopped in the middle of a battle to smile at him. Opinion: He likes Lance romantically. This is a romantic trope. (My opinion: Keith was impressed by his skills).
Fact: After that, Axca decided to attack Lance. Keith, when he realized that:
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Me: What kind of lovestruck bullshit is that, Keith?
Fact: Axca and Keith met again in "Kral Zera" episode. She helped him with Commander Gnov. They exchanged an annoyed expression. Opinion: She helped him because she liked him. (My opinion: Axca's motives are unknown. She's switching sides and I don’t trust that easily).
Fact: Later (s4?). Another meeting, Axca wanted to fight with Keith again. Opinion: She always wanted to be close to him and had a thing for him from the beginning.
Fact: Axca appeared out of nowhere in s7 to help Voltron coalition. Opinion: Axca returned just because of Keith, because she likes him. (My opinion: This might be her redemption arc).
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Fact: Ezor and Zethrid teased Axca, saying that Axca's "always been sweet on that one with the flippity hair" and "It must be true love", because Keith is her "favorite paladin", when Axca showed up to save Keith. She did not acknowledged that on screen. Opinion: Axca must be in love with Keith, because they said so OR Axca may indeed have feelings for Keith.
Fact: Keith is having none of their shit. (He did not show any romantic interest in Axca or any girl whatsoever). Opinion: Keith is gay-coded. (My opinion: They were enemies, it was a time to fight, not to talk about being in love, for fucks sake! AND He is just awkward with any social interactions/ might be demisexual, but him being gay is also interesting).
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Fact: Keith went to save Axca because, as he stated himself, she saved them. He returns the favor. Opinion: Keith is hetero now.
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Fact: Axca showed up in the season’s last episode, when Krolia and Keith visited his dad's grave. Keith did not see her. Opinion: They want to push a hetero romance there. She acts like a creepy stalker OR she really likes Keith romantically. (My opinion: Loyalty doesn’t have to be romantic).
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Facts: They saved each other lives many times. They were exchanging dreadful glares throughout seasons. No more serious interactions before s7, nothing explicitly romantic.
TO SUM UP: Their 'relationship' is mysterious as fuck.
MY OPINION: It might be some half-assed, pushed love trope BUT it doesn't have to be. We will know when season 8 comes out. By now it remains... unsolved (but we can be sure that Keith did not showed romantic interest in her).
Relationship status: NOT CANON.
Some of Keith's interactions with other people:
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(This pic is me when I see forced het-romance, with little to no interaction, but canon because it was m|w)
Fact: Keith was angry when Lance forgot their "bonding moment". He over-exaggerated and his voice literally cracked. Opinion: Keith likes Lance romantically. (My opinion: 'Bonding' is really important to Keith, because he wanted someone to acknowledge him. Still, that one moment was weird).
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Fact: Keith said "I love you" to a man (aka Shiro). Before that, he said "You're my brother". They are not real siblings. Opinion: Keith loves him romantically. (My opinion: Keith really loves Shiro, but this is the kind of love we call "unconditional" and it doesn't have to be romantic).
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Fact: When someone is hugging him (Allura, an Arusian, Hunk), Keith acts flustered BUT he was not flustered when he and Shiro hugged a few times. Opinion: Keith is the dumb-dumb when it comes to social interactions OR he loves Shiro. (My opinion: Keith only feels comfortable when he is really close to someone, like Shiro).
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Fact: Keith does not like to be vulnerable around anyone BUT he was vulnerable around Lance. Opinion: He likes Lance and feels comfortable around him. He really cares for Lance but it’s hard for him to admit that.
Make of that what you will.
(Ps. If I forgot about something about Axca, please add it in the comments! I’d really like to know what the others think).
(Ps2. MY OPINION again. Keith could end up with Axca if their relationship, if there was any, had more romantic built up. But exchanging glares and trying to kill each other - even if they spared themselves everytime - is not love. I never knew I’d say that but, at this point, Allurance makes more sense than this fucked up bullshit. Unless VLD suddenly wants to show us that Keith’s hetero (nice timing btw, after all that happened throughout the seasons?), and aggressively push that nonsense, there is some shit going on and you know it. What happened with Keith in s7 just doesn’t add up, just like Axca showing up out of nowhere. As I said before - I don’t trust that easily. THERE IS STILL MORE STORY TO UNFOLD and I will not acknowledge that straight romantic 'star-crossed lovers’ bullshit unless something serious happens).
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Sleepy Mornings (Part II)
So it was never my intention to continue this, but I was struck with the idea of going into how Pidge copes when Lance and Keith aren’t there, as well as how Lance copes when Pidge and Keith are gone. And then it just sort of got out of hand and I ended up writing how the three of them got together.
Long story short, this is now a 3-chapter fic, with a bonus 4th chapter that’s just silly mini-stories.
Part I: Keith
Also on AO3
Part II: Pidge
Even before she started dating them, Pidge had the habit of diving so deeply into projects to distract herself from everything else that was happening around her, that she would keep on working through all meals and on into the night if no one was around to pull her back to reality. Too often she'd find herself falling asleep in the middle of whatever she was doing, no matter how uncomfortable it was. It was just how she worked.
And then, slowly, she found herself getting distracted.
Keith started to find where she was working and would sit with her. Mostly he just let her ramble on about her projects, but every now and then he'd ask a question.
It had been unsettling at first. Having someone who wasn't part of her immediate family take interest in the things she loved wasn't something she was used to, even after a year in space. But there was Keith, of all people, sitting next to her and showing a genuine interest in learning.
She started to look forward to their talks.
It took Lance two months to catch on to what was happening, and from that point on he insisted on joining them. It'd been frustrating at first; Pidge had been so sure he was just there to annoy Keith and goad him into another dumb argument. She found herself missing that short period of time when Keith finally rejoined them after working with the Blade of Mamora, when the novelty of him being home was still fresh and Lance went out of his way to avoid picking fights.
And then she started to see what was really happening.
The secret smiles they shared.
The way Lance's casual touching would linger just a little bit longer with Keith than with anyone else.
How Keith didn't avoid all physical contact, even going as far as to initiate some of it on his own.
“You're dating,” Pidge blurted out, her heart twisting uncomfortably at the revelation. (She ignored it.)
Her words were met by two very guilty faces.
“But why are you both here with me and not, you know,” she made a wide gesture to indicate anywhere but the small room littered with tools and pieces of electronics.
“Well, um...” Keith ducked his head, his cheeks lighting up red. “We want to be here. We like you.”
“Wow, you're really bad at this, aren't you?” Lance teased.
Keith's head snapped up so he could glare at his boyfriend. “You aren't any better! I'd like to see you try!”
“I will!” Lance stood so he could walk over and sit down directly in front of Pidge. His arm shook only a little as he reached for her hand and enveloped it with his own. As he looked her in the eyes, his determination wavered a little at the intense curiosity and confusion he found there. “I like Keith. Like, a lot. I have for a long time. But the thing is, I also like you, and so does Keith. So maybe... I mean, we were hoping the three of us could date? If you like us too? If you don't, that's okay. We understand. Three people dating – wow, it sounds kind of crazy, right? Even way out here in space, with everything we've seen, I don't think-”
“Lance,” Keith calmly interrupted. “Maybe don't break Pidge's hand when you're trying to ask her out?”
Lance dropped her hand as though he'd been electrocuted.
Pidge wanted to make sure she was understanding correctly before agreeing to anything. It was all so weird to her to think that there wasn't just one boy, but two, who were interested in her.
Her! Scrawny, nerdy little Katie Holt who was too smart for her own good and took great delight in learning everything she could and sharing it with others. Her, who'd dismissed boys early into middle school as being too insensitive, too dismissive of her intellect, and therefore unworthy of any attention from her.
But Keith and Lance weren't the kids she went to middle school with. They were her teammates, her friends. She knew she could trust them with her life (and had done so on more than one occasion), but what about her heart?
“Okay, so you two are dating,” Pidge said. “And for some reason, both of you think you also want to date me? How does that even work? Can it even work? We're all so different, what if we end up dating each other? What if I end up liking one of you more than the other? Or if you guys decide that you don't like me after all and just want it to be the two of you? Or what if-”
Keith's startled laughter cut her off mid-sentence and she looked away from Lance to glare across the room at him, a little hurt that he wasn't taking her concerns seriously.
Lance smiled softly as he drew her attention back to him. “Keith said the same exact thing the first time I brought it up. Well, maybe not the exact, but pretty close. The thing is, we don't have the answers. We just have decide whether or not it's worth the risk.”
Keith walked over to join them. “Right now, we know this: we like you a lot and we'd like to try dating, all three of us, but only if you're also interested.”
Looking between them, Pidge realized she didn't have to think too hard about it.
“See, I told you she'd be here,” Keith's voice was warm with fondness.
Lance chuckled as he approached her sleeping form, carefully stepping around the delicate pieces scattered all over the floor around their girlfriend. He knelt down and easily lifted her up, cradling her in his arms.
Pidge murmured in her sleep, lifting one hand to clutch at his shirt, but otherwise didn't stir.
“She's exhausted,” Lance quietly said as he made his way back to the door where Keith was waiting. “Think she's been working the whole time we were gone?”
Keith frowned at the thought. “I hope not. Hunk didn't head out to visit Shay until this morning, so hopefully he got her to eat something before then.”
“Yeah,” Lance agreed, yawning. “Let’s get her to bed. Food can wait until the morning.”
Keith nodded and led the way back to their shared room, where they soon fell asleep with Pidge nestled between them, right where she belonged.
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