#bones burrow
suprgamr66 · 6 months
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Writer’s comment: this is a part 2 of the “timelines collide storyline” if you haven’t seen part one the link is here, https://www.tumblr.com/suprgamr66/735083899719401472/writers-comment-this-all-originated-from-a-weird
The infinitewatch chronicles:Timelines collide part II
As infinite walked through with eren, zeke, mikasa, Levi, armin, Reiner, porco, piek, Laura, Falco, and colt infinite says, “oh by the way, the curse of Ymir has no effect here. Or anywhere now that you’ve set foot here. You can keep your titan powers and live longer than 13 years.” Eren and the others look stunned except for Levi who is stunned by another fact. When he’d entered infinitewatch home base he was somehow completely healed from his injuries. Eren asks, “how is this possible?” Infinite responds, “You’re in one of three rooms that remove all negative effects, and injuries. So long as you once lived without those problems. Considering you’ve only had the curse of Ymir since you got your titan powers and not your whole lives the room’s properties were able to heal it. You won’t have to worry about it again.” Eren looks at mikasa, relieved knowing he can finally live a long life with her. Infinite says, “oh by the way, eren.” Eren responds, “what?” “You can now access the founding titan without touching a titan of royal blood. Eren looks shocked and asks, “How?” Infinite replies, “I’ll teach you how to in time. For now I need to evaluate your skills so that we can prepare for the fight to come. It was too late to save your timeline, but there’s a chance we can save the one colliding with it.” Levi says, “how do we do this.” Infinite says, “We’ll start by evaluating your skill set. Titan, you take care of the Titan shifters, this will include colt and Falco.” Colt and Falco look confused as infinite says, “should’ve probably explained you’ll be given armors that can mimick Titan abilities.” Falco says, “I was going to inherit the armored Titan. But is it ok if I get a hybrid?” Infinite responds, “sure, but no matter what there’s gonna be some form of armor. If you want, I can show you the Titan you’d have gotten had I not pulled you out of the dying timeline.” Falco says yes as titan pulls eren yager aside and asks him something that infinite can’t hear. Infinite shows falco the titan he’d have gotten and Falco tells infinite, “I want that titan.” Infinite says, “then it shall happen. And colt?” Colt replies, “I want the colossal.” “Fine.” Infinite replies, “but it will take a large amount of training for you to wield it.” Colt says, “whatever it takes.” Infinite says, “your training will begin soon. Unfortunately your test run will be sooner than I’d have liked. For now, you will be evaluated by Titan when your turn comes.” Infinite walks through one door with everyone except Reiner. Titan and reiner walk through another door into a giant room. Infinite appears through a hologram and explains, “Reiner Braun. This is your evaluation, defeat Titan in battle or hold your own and you will be deemed worthy of our ranks.” The room shifts into a giant colosseum over 100 meters tall. They here infinite’s voice say, “begin!” Reiner makes to first move and bites his hand as Titan grows to 15 meters. Yellow lighting begins sparking everywhere and he turns into a 15 foot armored titan and charges at Titan. Titan makes a swift move with the wings on his back flying up. The armored titan has too much momentum to stop and runs into the wall. Titan flies down pointing the King Kong teeth on his hands at the armored titan. But as he is about to make contact the titan goes up in a cloud of steam. Titan growls out of frustration, and shrinks back down to his normal size. The Godzilla dorsal plate on each of his wrists glows blue and radioactive blue fire shoots out from his armor as he spins making it into a ring that begins expanding. More yellow lightning appears as the armored titan reforms across the arena and begins walking towards Titan. Titan regrows back to 15 meters and begins to charge back at the armored titan. The armored titan tries to punch Titan but Titan shrinks back to normal size to dodge the punch and runs in between his legs. The armored titan tries to stomp Titan into the ground but Titan grows back to 15 meters while grabbing the armored titan’s foot with both hands.
He throws the armored titan across the colosseum, into the wall and leaving it severely cracked. The armored titan charges forward but this time, before Titan and fly up, tackles him to the ground, punching him repeatedly. Titan releases gold lighting from his armor’s power core. “Thank god I got the king ghidora beam.” He releases a larger beam and pushes him back, burning away the armored titan’s armor where the beam hit and began charring the armor around the area. The armored Titan screamed in anger and agony. Before leaving his titan body. He began to run and bit his hand again but this time the armor on the titan seemed weaker. He punched Titan in the stomach before uppercutting him. Titan says, “I’ve had enough.” He retracts the King Kong teeth on his hands and punches him across the arena. He flaps his wings once and it propels him across the colosseum and he pins him to the wall. The dorsal plates glow again and he burns the armored titan’s head to ashes. He reaches into the neck and pulls Reiner out of the titan and crushes him with one hand. Suddenly, the room transforms back to normal and Reiner is reformed next to his titan body, which was beginning to steam a large amount. Infinite’s hologram was projected again and said, “Reiner Braun! You have been welcomed into the titan division of infinitewatch. You will be assigned to an armored titan reserves until your first mission. You will continue to train at least once a week against enemies of your choosing from a list of enemies you could potentially face or invite others from your division to train with you.” Suddenly, a door opens in one of the walls where he joins the others. “Armin arlert will be the next one to enter the process.” Armin timidly walks forward and begins to ask something but the door shuts before he can say anything. The room once again turns into the colosseum and Titan charges at Armin, this time drawing a battle ax with one arm, which seemed to have Godzilla dorsal plates for blades and a bone for a handle, and a staff with a pointed end on one side and three blades on the other end. He throws the staff with the pointed end piercing Armin’s torso. He panicked and a large blast of yellow lighting began to spew from the wall where Armin was pinned and where Armin had once been a giant mushroom cloud stood and when it cleared the colossal titan stood at 60 meters tall, with the entire colosseum being turned to rubble from the explosion produced by the transformation. “Finally,” Titan muttered as he rose up got out of the rubble. He suddenly grew to 15 meters tall and in a second flew up to the colossal titan’s eye level. He reached out his hand and the ax flew to his hand where it grew to the right size for Titan’s use while flying through the air. He brings it over his head but before he can swing he’s blasted with a large blast of steam and is sent to the ground, leaving a large crater. Titan stands up and grows to 60 meters. He unsheathes his King Kong teeth from his hands and stabs the colossal titan in the chest on each side with the teeth, taking the titan body to the ground and he begins burning the head but before he can burn it completely, the colossal titan punches Titan in the side and he gets knocked to the side. The colossal titan begins to crush Titan’s helmet with his head inside. Titan screams in agony and the armor begins to glow red and releases a powerful blast knocking the colossal titan onto its back. Titan stood up and picked the colossal Titan up by the neck and released another blast. The upper body looked charred and the entire lower half was completely disintegrated. Titan growled as the colossal Titan began to release steam. He slammed the colossal titan into the ground with the nape facing up. He rose his foot up and stomped down on the nape. The room reverted back to its normal shape and Titan shrunk back down to human size. As Armin reappeared next to the steaming colossal titan body, the same door Reiner went into opened and infinite gave the same speech to armin as he did Reiner and said,
“Porco Galliard! You will be the next to be evaluated.” Porco walked out and before the room could even change he bit his hand and transformed but this time the arena changed to a forest. Titan’s yellow V on his mask changed to red as he said, “fuck you infinite” and grew to 15 meters tall, drew his axe, and threw it causing it to circle around and cutting down all the trees and nearly killing the jaw titan. Titan throws his staff in an attempt to kill the constantly mobile jaw Titan but fails. He recalls the ax to his hand and sheathes it on his back and does the same with his staff. The jaw titan jumps at him but he hits it midair with his staff sending it to the ground at his feet. He kicks it but this time the jaw Titan sticks its claws into the ground stopping it from flying farther. It charges towards Titan and dodges when Titan tries to spear him. He dodged again when Titan threw his ax and before Titan could recall the ax the jaw titan jumped up and clawed Titan’s mask. Leaving a scratch mark. Enraged, Titan screams and fires the gold lighting from his core as well as use the radioactive fire from his wrists, charring porco’s titan body as he exits and steam envelopes the titan body. Titan tries to sprint forward and stomp on Porco but he transforms first and grabs onto Titan’s leg, climbing his way up the body. He bites off Titan’s arm but instead of blood, blue smoke begins pouring from the hole before the suit closes off the hole. Titan growls and grabs the jaw titan with his remaining arm and throws him across the once tree filled forest but now only left with stumps. Titan picks the arm back up and opens the hole as he reattaches the arm. The jaw Titan screams but with a single flap of Titan’s wings he grabs Porco and with another flap they are suddenly flown 100 feet into the air. Titan drops the jaw titan and when it hits the ground, Titan flaps his wings a single time to propel himself straight down. He points his King Kong teeth straight for the chest and lands on both sides. He lifts him into the air and disintegrates the entire titan body with Porco inside. The room goes back to normal and Porco returns on the ground as Titan shrinks back to human size. He walks over to the door and before infinite can give his speech he says, “What the hell man, we agreed the colosseum was best because it provided neutral advantage for both sides. Why did you switch it to the forest!” Infinite responds, “You already have to advantage with your armor and without something to make mobility possible Porco’s titan would be harder to use. I wanted him to have an equal chance at winning. Besides. You handled it well on your own.” Titan growls and walks back out. Infinite gives the same speech and chooses Laura Tyber for the next fight. The room turns back into the colosseum which appears to turn the V on Titan’s mask back to yellow. Laura turns into the war hammer titan and Titan once again grows to 15 meters. This time Titan makes the first move and uses his wings to propel him straight at the war hammer titan. Before he can reach it, it creates a giant hammer and sends Titan flying into a wall. Titan gets on one knee and uses his staff to get back up. The war hammer titan creates spikes that shoot up through the ground and pin him to the wall. He suddenly begins screaming as he begins to glow red again releases a large burst of energy breaking the spikes pinning him to the wall and sending the war hammer titan onto the other side he shot the gold lightning at her which brought her flat on her back. But a giant spike shot Titan into the air but failed to pierce his armor. He came crashing down leaving a giant crater in the ground. The war hammer titan creates a giant hammer and prepares to swing it down onto titan’s chest but before it makes contact he releases a giant bolt of gold lightning that destroys the hammer and shatters it. He flies out of the crater and dives straight for the war hammer titan. They end up in a crater formed by the collision and Titan begins crushing the armoring near the head.
An explosion of blood and titan hardening flies from the crater as the head is crushed. He reaches his hand into the titan’s neck, pulls Laura Tyber out, and crushes her in one hand. When he opens his hand blood pours onto the ground and what’s left of Laura’s crushed body falls into the pooled blood. The room goes back to normal and Laura comes back next to the titan body. Infinite welcomes Laura and when it’s time for eren’s test he tells Titan, “I’ll handle this one. You take a rest for a little bit.” Titan walks through the door and sits down against the wall, his head hanging from exhaustion and the light on his mask going dark. Eren asks infinite, “why do I fight you instead of Titan? What about Zeke?” Infinite responds, “Titan is too tired. He can’t fight anybody else for a little bit. Besides, he’s not prepared to fight a god class being like you.” “God class?” Eren asks. Infinite responds, “titan is a size category. We also have categories based on power levels. You’ll still be in the titan division but you’ll be a high rank.” Eren asks, “but how will you fight me at your size?” “You think you can beat me?” Infinite asks, “then let’s make this interesting. Kill me in battle and you will lead infinite watch.” Eren asks, “What happens if you kill me?” “Then you’ll be revived and you will join the titan division as you would’ve otherwise.” Infinite responds. Suddenly, the room turns into shiganshina and Eren looks around realizing where he was. “What fucked up joke is this.” Eren said. Infinite says, “If this fucks with you then you aren’t prepared to do the rumbling if we need you to.” Eren growls and bites his hand and turns into a 200 meter tall version of his attack titan. He seemed to be surprised. There was a flash of yellow lighting on one of the walls as the beast titan appeared. “Motherfucker!” Infinite exclaimed. “You have the founding titan and still need a second person to fight me?” The beast titan throws several rocks at infinite. He simply holds out his hand, curves his fingers, and purple lighting flies from his finger tips. It destroys all the rocks before they can reach him. Infinite leaps at Eren because the beast Titan is too far away at the moment and Eren punches infinite and he flies through the air. He hits the ground and a giant crater is left in the ground. He materializes a sheathed sword on his back and pulls it from the sheathe revealing the six infinity stones on his blade. He looks up at the wall and sees the beast titan. Infinite looks up and sees the beast titan above him. He punches the wall as he was right next to it and the beast titan falls over the other side and it plummets to the other side the founding titan screams out of instinct, and suddenly the walls fall and hundreds of millions of wall titans are released from their confines. Infinite’s light on his visor turns into a mixture of yellow and red. He leaps up and the power stone begins to glow at the same time as the blade. He quickly swings the sword at the napes of titans in front of him but doesn’t hit them with the blade, instead hitting them with an energy wave, taking out all the wall titans in front of him. Then the beast titan screams and several pure titans appear from the ground. Before the beast titan can command his pure titans, the yellow ring on infinite’s power core begins to glow and the titans suddenly start running at the beast titan. The pure titans attack and tear apart the beast titan’s body. It screams out of agony. Infinite turns his attention toward infinite and the wall titans which had begun marching towards infinite. He sprung up and leaped on one of the wall titan’s shoulders one of the wall titans tries to punch infinite but he jumps away and the wall titan punches the wall titan infinite had been standing on instead, knocking it down which led to a chain reaction, knocking over the rest of the wall titans around it. One last wall titan remained and infinite reached out his hand and yellow lighting flung from his fingertips as the yellow ring began to glow brighter.
It hits the last wall Titan but the wall titan doesn’t fall, instead walks to infinite and reaches out his hand, offering to carry him to eren. Eren screams out of rage and the titan begins to falter, unsure of what to do, but infinite releases his control of the pure titans the beast titan had created, causing them to charge at infinite, however they suddenly stop and scatter as Eren’s titan glares at them. Infinite strains harder and overrides Eren’s control of the wall titan. Eren, furious at this new development, creates a giant spike of titan hardening which pierces it in the nape of the neck, killing it. Infinite plunges his sword into the titan’s body as it falls to the ground before it can start steaming and disappear. When infinite reaches the ground he uses his sword to tear a whole in space and walks through it. Suddenly, a similar whole appears on Eren’s shoulder. He raises his hands in front of them and curls his fingers towards each other and shoots the purple lighting at his fingers. Before Eren can realize what’s happening, infinite thrusts his hands onto Eren’s shoulder, causing the lightning to flow across the titan body. Eren screams in pain and suddenly, all the wall titans somehow are revived and immediately charge at infinite, “shit.” Infinite says he does what he did to take down eren but instead of hitting a titan he throws his hands into the air and releases all the purple lightning into the air. It hits and kills every wall titan that had been revived. Eren comes out of his titan body and infinite materializes a purple dagger which appears to be made from a power stone. He throws it at Eren and it hits him in the chest. He begins screaming in agony as the area around the wound turns black and begins to have small cracks of glowing purple. It quickly expands from the wound throughout the body and upon consuming the entire body causes and explosion. Infinite sits down and rests against eren’s dead titan body. Eren and zeke come back to life in front of infinite. Infinite says, “you’re both accepted into infinite watch, you guys remember the speech right? Now leave me be.” Eren says, “with all do respect sir-” infinite cuts him off and says, “Call me infinite. It’s not my name. It’s a title.” Eren restarts saying, “Infinite, with all do respect, I would like to know how to control my abilities and how you can do what you just did.” Infinite says, “Fine. Zeke, you join the others, titan will give you your orientation. You all are under his command now. That will include you too Eren, once we’re done here of course.” Zeke leaves and Titan leads Zeke and the others to the rest of infinitewatch home base. Eren asks, “how did you just create those items from thin air?” Infinite responds, “I didn’t. It may have appeared that way but they were all stored in my suit except for the lightning. That’s easy for me to produce and doesn’t require much stamina normally. Manipulating it for certain attacks is trickier and a little more draining. As for the items you say I created out of thin air, I just used my suit to move them from the outside to the inside. If I had to recreate and entire sword with each infinity stone and a dagger made from a power stone in battle every time I’d be too drained to do anything. Truth is as far as my time goes I’ve been in this position for a short while. Well, short for me anyways.” Eren looks at infinite surprised and interested before asking, “And how do I access the founding titan’s power?” Infinite says, “Well right now you can’t. The reason you could in the combat simulation is because it altered your titan to have the abilities that you will once you’re injected with a melted down reality stone.” Eren taken aback asks, “how will that change anything?” Infinite responds, “Well we won’t give you enough reality stone to control reality but we’ll give you enough to unlock your founding titan abilities. From there all you need to do is focus on what you want to do. During the simulation you let anger and survival instinct get in the way.
This led to you screaming and when you did your abilities focused on your instinct and anger instead of your logical will.” Eren responded with, “I see, I only have one more question, why were us titan shifters tested but Falco, Colt, Mikasa, and Levi were unevaluated.” Infinite responds, “The next mission will be evaluation enough.” Suddenly, a siren begins screaming and infinite says, “why can I never get a fucking break.” He sprints back to the room where he brought the new recruits in calling to Eren saying, “COME ON, I’LL CALL YOUR FRIENDS TO THE ROOM JUST COME WITH ME WE NEED TO HURRY!!!!” Suddenly, the yellow ring in his core starts glowing and they see Titan as well as the others right behind him running to the room. Infinite says, “Rift! What is it!?” Rift, looking at the monitor says, “We have a perfect merger. Shiganshina has been merged with bones burrow, killing anyone who was left in shiganshina. The wall titans have been freed as well. Titan says, “we need to hurry and save who we can. Do I need to retrieve the other titans in our reserve?” Infinite responds, “No, monsterverse titans are going to be too messy and civil war could break out between the autobots and decepticons too easily right now. Our new recruits will be all we need for now. Eren, your injection needs to happen now if we want any chance at stopping this, I don’t have enough energy to go into another battle I’ll watch from the monitors and guide you, follow titans commands.” infinite opens his hand and a syringe with a red liquid appears in a flash of purple lightning in the palm of infinite’s hand, “You, will be given the abilities of the founding titan.” Infinite’s voice sounds noticeably more tired. Infinite reaches his arm out showing his fore arm. Infinite inserts the syringe and injects the liquid. Eren winces and has a subtle red glow for a minute. Rift presses some buttons on a console and a crack in reality appears leading to the bones burrow fused shiganshina where the rumbling of the wall titans can be felt even through the crack in reality. Amazingly, they hadn’t trampled bones burrow yet but infinite knew it would only be a matter of time. Titan yells out, “Time for your guys’s first mission. Colt says, “but wait! Me and Falco don’t have our armors yet.” Infinite growls with effort as he shoots colt and Falco with the lightning but instead of killing them it forms a power core and an armor the would supposedly allow them to transform. He says, “good luck. Kill as many wall titans as you can but remember, it will be Eren’s job to get the situation under control with his founding titan abilities.” Eren nods and they all walk through the crack. As it closes infinite collapses to the ground from exhaustion. Rift runs to infinite and says, “Are you alright?” Infinite responds, “I’m fine.” Infinite grunts as he creates a rickety wooden chair with the little energy he has left and sits down while watching the monitor. He says, “time for the mission to begin.”
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lilmcttens · 2 years
I know that some are confused as to why Amity was doing this strange activity in the library, but needt I remind you all. These things are ALIVE in her world. 
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axeylotl · 29 days
Roger Jones Is A Prey Species: My Biology PHD Thesis
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horizontal pupil
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hides when he's scared (even if he's not doing a good job of it)
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skittish, easily spooked
Okay that's it that's all I got thank youuuu
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tmgstudios · 8 months
im so fucking insane about thorn already. hes a reluctant cult leader hes got so much anxiety he loves his wife he rejects the divinity his people place on him hes terrified of his in-laws he has lightning bolt scars hes looked in to the eyes of something Unknowable and it Looked Back. oooh my god im so invested in this fucking stoat.
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soubidou · 6 months
I love how Aabria's physicality expresses how into the game she is, as a commited DM but also as someone who's just having the time of her life every time she's at a table
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tswwwit · 1 year
Dipper diving into demonic music just because, and then finding a song that Bills ex wrote about Bill and him, and it's like those cringy tiktok songs and he's just listening like "(0.O) i-what?? I'm not a harpy?? what- that doesn't even rhyme??"
He also finds a disturbing amount of love(lust?) songs about him, theres serenades, most of them are absolutely trash, and surprisingly some of them are catchy. Catch someone looking at dipper listening to something with earphones on thinking he's probably listening to regular music but it's demonic music and the lyrics are like "I want to ######## ###### ####### #### and ###### ########## Bills husband" Or smthng along those lines
Sorry for ranting this ws just on my mind 😔
Also consider: Dipper, still not quite fluent in the common demonic tongue, finding a fairly catchy song and thinking 'hey, that's cool'. Pretty rare that he finds something demonic that he actually jives with.
Which is when Bill walks in on Dipper humming along to a song that paints him in a very profane light. Most times Bill would laugh at Dipper shimmying to some tune 'cause he didn't get how lewd it was, but this one is not it.
In the moment, Dipper's bewildered at Bill's fuming, sulking, and possessive reaction. Also complains about the speaker getting smashed. It's not until he hears it playing again much later, and actually listens to the lyrics, that he goes 'well, shit'.
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stim-burrow · 6 months
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Source: [How To Clean A Wolf Skull]
Please be warned this video is fairly graphic and features dead animals.
I just wanted to make the skull showcase into gifs and this was the first video I found if I’m being honest ^^,
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morequeerbytheyear · 7 months
That Burrow’s End episode has me FEARING FOR MY LIFE with an Aabria Candela Obscura chapter
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ralofofriverwoods · 7 months
Stoatal recall: old dogs, old tricks
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Did you know that a stoat’s ears are actually positioned at the midpoint of the skull, which goes halfway into the neck? Well now you do!
Stoat season was so good I just had to make an oc about it. First d20 oc ever and it’s a little stoat guy!
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thisisnotthenerd · 7 months
candela obscura: the circle of tide & bone episode 1 airs the week before the finale of burrow's end.
two chances for @quiddie to break my brain in the span of seven days. we already saw the bear in burrow's end. knowing aabria's work with pirates & seafarers in the past? co:ctb is going to be incredible.
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supermarket-goblin · 6 months
I know that we are still in the autumn of Aabria but when are we getting the winter of Aabria. Or the Spring of Aabria. Just... more Aabria please.
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willowbirds · 6 months
Candela Circles and their Chapter Vibes 🕯️
Vassal and the Vail: New circle consisting of mentor/parental figures and their respective young adult (Vibe: Episodic and creepy, sorta like episodes of the X-Files)
Needle and Thread: Already established circle filled with familial bonds (Vibe: Eldritch horror at its finest)
Tide and Bone: New circle with four paranormal weirdos and one normal woman (Vibe: Aabria, respectfully, WHAT THE FUCK?!)
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tmgstudios · 8 months
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this screenshot is important to me
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overgrownthrone · 7 months
I want to be just like wolf of theseus when i grow up
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kittyoverlord · 8 months
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Ordered a stamping plate with some *cough* STOAT designs, and did some spooky Burrow's End themed nails (it was soooo hard to match the themes lol).
I tried to make the cute things the stoats were originally holding look like bloody organs. I made the brain and heart blue, for reasons, and added some random bones to represent stoat food. I also decided to use these blue clouds to show the dust storm.
In my head the stoat standing up is Lila and the one on his back is Jaysohn.
@quiddie if you see this I hope you enjoy the blood!
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