#boarwalk empire
Gentleman with a dark side
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Arnold Rothstein x Fem reader
Requested by: @noonenobodydontask
Warnings: smut, fluff, swearing, Luciano so you know what to expect.
A/n: (18+) please if you are under the age of 18 go look at my non smut. Thank you 🌹
Arnold set the telephone back down onto his desk, and walked over to the large window. Y/n stepped into the room and crossed her arms.
"Arie, who was that?" She asked.
He turned to her and shook his head, Y/n slowly came closer.
"Who was it? Luciano? Lansky? Mazzeria? Rosetti? Torrio? Nucky? The President of the united fuckin states?"
Her last guess made him chuckle, taking a seat in his arm chair he held his hand out for her. She took it gently and sat on his lap, facing him with her legs on either side of his.
"It was Mr. Thompson, darling." He said in a hushed tone.
"Well why didn't you confirm it when I said 'Nucky'?
"Because, you didn't say Mr. Thompson."
Smiling she leaned in and pressed her lips to his, slowly pulling away Y/n undid his bowtie and threw it behind her. She unbuttoned his shirt half way down and planted gentle kisses down his neck.
"You remember when 'Mr. Thompson' and you were having that fight a month ago?" She asked.
He answered 'yes' with a breathy moan.
"Well, Charlie and I over heard him say that you were dead below the waist."
She smirked at him, and slowly palmed at his member through his pants...
"Boy, was he wrong."
Y/n could feel him harden under her touch, she let out a giggle and got up off his lap. She knelt down in front of him and unbuttoned his trousers, freeing his member.
Y/n looked up at him, Arnold ran his fingers through her hair and brought her lips closer to his throbbing cock.
"Come now, little one. Don't make me beg."
As she took him into her mouth, he leaned his head back and relaxed in his chair. He had been so stressed out with making all these deals, having all the other bosses at this throat constantly.
He was relieved to have someone who cared so much about him, someone who was always there for him when he needed her most.
"Don't stop, pretty girl." He whispered.
Y/n remembered Lucky asking her the day of the fight..
"So is he really dead down there? Or was that just bullshit?"
Y/n looks over at him with an expression that could only be described as 'What the fuck?'.
"Well, I guess what I'm trying to say is...does he-...does he please you or...do you have to look somewhere else for that kind of thing, because I'd be more than happy to-"
"No." She waisted no time with he answer.
"What do you fuckin mean no?"
"I mean no, I only love Arie."
"Love has nothing to do with it, and what did you call him? Fuckin Arie?"
She nodded. "It's called a nickname, Lucky."
"I know what a fuckin nickname is. Why don't you just call him AR like everyone else?"
"Because AR is a business nickname."
"What's the difference?" He asked.
"It's too formal."
AR let out a deep groan as his hot seed flooded into her mouth, she pulled away out of breath and sat on his lap again. He held her close and began lining himself up with her entrance.
"Just say when, darling."
She nodded and he slowly dropped her down onto him, Y/n wrapped her arms around this neck and rolled her hips over him. He leaned in and attached his lips to her neck, gently sucking and nibbling.
A/n: I'm legit falling asleep
Y/n let out a quiet whimper as he started thrusting harder into her, crashing their lips together there was a sudden knock at the front door.
The butler opened it, greeting the two men whom stood on the front porch.
"ah, Nucky and Eli Thompson. Mr. Rothstein isn't available right now."
Eli stepped in and looked around, he picked up a vase and examined it.
The butler looked back and forth, from Nucky to Eli..
"Is there anything else I can do for you?" He asked.
Eli practically slammed down the vase, he marched over and grabbed the poor fucker by the front of his shirt.
"Where is your boss!?" He yelled.
"Standing right here." AR's voice sounded from the staircase.
The Thompson's turned and saw Y/n and AR, Eli let go of the frightened butler and went over to Nucky.
"Arnold, I thought you weren't available."
The Thompson's looked over at the butler with annoyed expressions. Y/n giggled and Rothstein gently rested his hand on the small of her back.
"Well, I'm here now. What is it you came to see me for?" Arnold asked.
Nucky stepped up to his level..
"In your office, let's talk business."
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valleydean · 1 year
When I think about boarwalk empire and I think about Richard Harrow, my love for him is in the same vein as my love for Castiel Supernatural. He has never done anything wrong apart from the atrocities.
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camiqwerty · 7 years
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(Not mine)
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adriansfrombrooklyn · 9 years
So want some Benny headcanons? Yep, it's happening.
So Benny was the biggest candy fiend even into his later adulthood, and I have this headcanon, see. I incorporated it into my fic I posted a few days ago, for those of you at home keeping score. 
Often when he was young, his sister Esther would take him to the candy store when he was in trouble, because she knew what it did to his mind and his mood when he got to thinking that he'd messed up and how much that fucked with his self-worth. She knew without him having to say a thing. And she knew that it helped to calm him.
And so when Benny grew up he kept eating candy all the time, like to the point of carrying candy in his pocket so he could have it at all times, because it was soothing and reminded him of his sister.
Aaaaaaand that also explains why he was spending $15 a week on candy (this was in 40s money, when candy still cost, like a nickel AT THE MOST) when he was in prison awaiting trial for the Greenberg hit, because he'd messed up, like maybe more then he ever had before.
On that note, I imagine he was eating a lot of candy in '47
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lackingndepth · 9 years
Richard Harrow mask was sold yesterday in auction.screenbid.com for 8,100$ .
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scripties · 9 years
Especial: Boardwalk Empire en cinco personajes
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Es muy difícil, pero mucho, hacer un resumen de la magnífica Boardwalk Empire que terminó el pasado 26 de octubre. Más aún hacer una recopilación, en este caso de personajes, en una serie en la que los protagonistas y el peso dramático ha recaído en tantas y tantas personas. Muchos no estarán de acuerdo pero aquí va un pequeño ranking ordenado de lo mejor que ha pasado por la serie. El criterio es muy simple: quién me ha calado más.
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1.- Nucky Thompson (Steve Buscemi)
Indiscutible. El personaje de la serie por derecho propio. Coprotagonista en la primera temporada con Jimmy Darmody y protagonista absoluto en las emisiones siguientes. Enoch L. Thompson es el capo de Atlantic City, el gran jefe, el que hace y deshace desde su posición de tesorero del condado. Por el camino dejará este cargo y acabará dedicándose en cuerpo y alma a lo que ya supervisaba como político: liberarse de la Ley Seca durante los felices años veinte. Amable y caritativo, su carácter se endurece con el paso de las temporadas, al tiempo que hace frente a una nueva generación de gángsters que quieren hacerse con el control de su territorio. Nucky está basado en un personaje real (Enoch L. Johnson), aunque a los guionistas se les dio libertad creativa para su personaje. Sheriff en su juventud, acabó por morir a los 85 años y estuvo preso desde 1941. Al fin Steve Buscemi tuvo el personaje que se merecía.
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2.- Gyp Rosetti (Bobby Cannavale)
Probablemente el personaje más violento que ha pasado por la serie. Italiano de nacimiento, Rosetti es un hombre que se deja guiar por sus instintos y no tiene problema en realizar cualquiera de los planes que se le pasen por la cabeza para llegar a sus objetivos. Más preocupado por el qué dirán, y por lo que él considera respeto, más que por el poder, ocupa la mayor parte de la tercera temporada, en la que Nucky le hace lo que él considera un desaire, una falta de respeto, entonces, comienza la diversión. Le da lo mismo quemar casas, poner bombas, torturar a enemigos o llevar a cabo una matanza con el fin de dejar claras sus intenciones. El personaje es totalmente ficticio y para el recuerdo queda su asesinato a tres personas mientras practicaba sadomasoquismo o su demostración de furia en una playa. Larga vida a Gyp.
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3.- Richard Harrow (Jack Huston)
El frío, expeditivo y leal Richard Harrow. Veterano de guerra y desfigurado, necesita de una máscara para no mostrar parte de su rostro. Una situación difícil para alguien que quiere reinsertarse en la sociedad y que, por el contrario, provoca más repulsa que cariño. Con un minimalismo expresivo, Jack Huston (dato curioso, es el nieto de John Huston) nos muestra un personaje que si bien es frío y tremendamente calculador, también es leal y cariñoso como pocos. Entra en la serie como compañero de Jimmy Darmody, pero una vez desaparecido éste en la primera temporada, continúa con sus promesas y luchas hasta límites insospechados por mantener con vida a Tommy Darmody, a defender a su abuela Gillian y, más tarde, a arrebatarle al niño por ser lo mejor para éste último. Probablemente sea el personaje más poético de la serie, siendo el único personaje que carece de estridencias. Todos hemos querido ser Richard alguna vez.
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4.- Al Capone (Stephen Graham)
Amigo o enemigo, yo lo tendría claro. Ante todo intentaría conseguir la amistad de Al Capone. Y, aún así, tendría muy claro que mi integridad física no estaría asegurada en ningún momento. Stephen Graham da vida al, probablemente, gángster más famoso de la historia. Un hombre criado bajo las órdenes de Johnny Torrio y que consigue hacerse su propio hueco en la corrupta América de los años 20. Y no sólo eso, consigue no deberle lealtad a nadie y actuar por su cuenta y riesgo. Casi bipolar, Al destaca por su carácter excéntrico, viviendo en una planta completa de un hotel donde tiene su particular búnker, su centro de operaciones. Mujeriego y fanfarrón, el dueño de Chicago llega a invitar a periodistas a ver la película que le han hecho y se regodea en su paso por los juzgados. Para el Olimpo de las relaciones padre – hijo, la historia de amor y odio con su vástago sordomudo. El final ya lo conocemos todos: “Chicos, pagad vuestros impuestos”.
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5.- Nelson Van Alden (Michael Shannon)
Por último, el personaje más atormentado de toda la serie. Nelson Van Alden es un agente federal que se ve expulsado del cuerpo y termina su propia travesía por el desierto a las órdenes de Al Capone. Por el camino pasa de vendedor de planchas a matón a sueldo para el dueño de una floristería. Auténtico talibán del catolicismo, Nelson trabaja todo lo que puede contra el exceso y los vicios. Su exceso de celo le lleva a ser desterrado de la policía federal y, a pesar de vivir gracias a la mafia, continúa con sus ideales hasta el final, una lucha que le provocará continuas contradicciones y, por ello, una profunda depresión, un hombre atormentado que vive por y para sacar adelante su familia. Para el recuerdo quedan sus violentas actuaciones para aplicar su propia ley, como el bautizo en el río. En la vida real Nelson fue el policía jefe que organizó la operación que acabó con Enoch L. Johnson (Nucky en la serie) en la cárcel.
Ha sido difícil acotar la lista a cinco personajes, más aún ordenarlos por orden de importancia, pero desde aquí quiero hacer un breve recuerdo a Jimmy Darmody, Chalky White, el doctor Narcisse, Arnold Rothstein, Meyer Lansky, Lucky Luciano, Eli Thompson, Eddie Kessler, Mickey Doile, las dos grandes mujeres de la serie Margaret Schroreder y Gillian Darmodi, todos y cada uno de los personajes del pasado y tantos y tantos otros que seguro que me dejo por el camino.
Por Alberto de la Torre @Patotastico
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boardwalksoul · 10 years
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Van Alden's Norwegian nanny-turned-wife, Sigrid Drops the bomb.
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theplaylistfilm · 10 years
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Fall TV Preview: Our 22 Most Anticipated Shows For The Rest Of 2014
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martian-night · 10 years
Soon, soon, there will be more Arnold Rothstein and Margaret goodness
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vasdef · 10 years
Nelson Van Alden makes it rain for his woman
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missmoonwillow · 10 years
Something that really confusses me...
Margaret thinking that Owen Slater is a better man than Nucky Thompson. I really can't wrap my head around it. Owen is a hired gun, he has killed more people than Nucky, and did it for money. I am not saying that Nucky is any better, but she honestly thought that Owen was some sweet Irish man, when he killed, and I mean really killed a lot of people. Sorry, but she's really let me down as a character who hated Nucky for his sins, yet last time I checked, Murder was one big honking sin.
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claudiasentada · 10 years
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dcbowers · 10 years
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Steve is finished!
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mistrafantastic · 10 years
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Dizilerin film posterleri.
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innersp3aker · 10 years
Don't make me go all Steve Buscemi on you
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