#blueberry boy [self insert oc]
undertow1326 · 3 days
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recent art dumppppp
i honestly just havent been drawing enough lately
dont have the motivation
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raptures-songbird · 2 years
SHIELD with an oc of your choice!
this is for an au ver of my blueberry boyo, in which theyre a massive alien lizard
Blue grumbled as he stomped down in front of his sister. His six golden eyes gleamed with anger towards the marauders quickly scrambled backwards in fear. They though, just because of who she was, they could bully and harm her. And oh, were they wrong. Oh so very wrong.
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milli-string · 3 months
Lore and design are still in concept, but here is the imp in its human form ✨️ I guess she may be my semi-Stalker OC.
The outfit is supposed to be mixed with the idea of Blue-blood tail coat, the Workshop Master's Workwear, and Someone's Memory. I might adjust her outfit in the future.
I have yet to finish my original Imps lore overall, but to make it short, they're basically world observers.
Ending spoilers ahead!
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Another Lies of P OC, heh (with a small mascot insert).
She (or "it") is mostly used for funsies in my mini comics and drawings. She has her own separate fanfic AU from Uon.
Omp is the name! The people at the hotel didn't know what to name this strange little creature, and neither did P. So, they thought to name it "Omp." One of the hotel members believed she resembled an imp, so they tried calling her imp. However, someone misheard "imp" and thought they heard "omp." So now, it's Omp.
Omp found P at Krat Central Station when he was sleeping in one of the train carts (which happened to appear to be a secret workshop by Geppetto). She found him by following a little blue butterfly since she could also hear Sophia's voice (my imps can hear any divinity voices in each world they visit). When P woke up, Omp decided to follow him. P was confused about what she was, neither human nor puppet. In the end, they ended up traveling together, and the puppet grew curious of her. The two slowly bonded, and Omp grew attached to the puppet. Eventually, they began traveling together throughout the game.
After killing the archbishop at St. Frangelico cathedral, Omp desired to be closer to the humans in this world, especially with P. Her desire was so strong that with ergo, she was able to manipulate her body to look human. (When an imp grows attached to their companion, they would mimic their forms. In this case, Omp tried to be a "puppet" and "human." She did not know a puppet was an automaton until later on, and then decided to be "human" instead.)
She was able to adapt to the environment and learn the history of Stalkers and their factions. After the earthquake and the King of Puppet's performance, she hid her identity as an imp from Simon Manus and Geppetto and pretended to be a Stalker. She does not have a confirmed faction, and she took the animal "lamb" as her mask. However, her horns stood out, so Stalker enemies along the way would think she was a goat. So, they spread her name as "The False Lamb." Her mask would bleed black tears whenever her powers became overwhelming from ergo along with her imp-like abilities merging as one. (The symbol of "lamb" represents Omp's willing to sacrifice herself for P.)
Omp's connection with P would be a "knight and prince" relationship. Oddly enough, she had a connection with P's old past self, "Carlo," but she wasn't sure why. All she knew was that she had to protect him. Though, sometimes, she would get carried away, and Gemini would find it very odd due to her overwhelming, guardian-like behavior. Then again, the two knew she wasn't quite human and was still adapting to the world. P liked her the way she was, and sometimes found her chatter and odd behavior humorous and entertaining.
Omp would attempt to be flirtatious, being charismatic, but awfully failed at them (mostly because she was doing this in front of a puppet, in which P had no clue how "flirting" worked). Gemini found this hilarious, and Omp would constantly be in embarrassment.
A very weird additional info, but my Imps have a strong and natural aroma of "honey and blueberries." (This is due to their natural diet by eating fruits constantly, and eventually their bodies mimicked the fruity scent.) Members had no idea why, but whenever she walked by, they always described Omp smelling very nice. Eugenie believed Omp must've bathed regularly, even though Omp did not. P did not understand scent, but as he became more human, he found her scent oddly "stress-reliving."
Real Boy Ending:
With the fall of P, Omp was devastated and heartbroken. She refused to let Geppetto win, and so she became the strings for P, known as the "Abyssal Strings." She used her small body to sit inside his chest cavity, where his P-Organ once was. Players would play as "Carlo" (NP) and fight the controlled Pinocchio.
Once the player successfully stopped P, Geppetto attempts to capture Omp for experiments. With Carlo's manipulation, Omp would be successfully captured and used to "save Krat."
Rise of P Ending:
Omp wanted to go home but realized she enjoyed her time in Krat. She had yet to explore more about P's growth as a human in a puppets body and the rest of the "fairytales." For now, she vowed to assist P and stop the Petrification Disease. She eventually became "The False Lamb" stalker and built a small guild of surviving stalkers to restore Krat. No one knew she was an imp, but they saw her as an odd person who could do amazing gymnastics across Krat.
Stringless Puppet Ending:
Omp realized P still had much to learn, and so she protected him along the way back to the hotel. Like the Rise of P ending, She still vowed to help P and stop the Petrification Disease. She still took "The False Lamb" name but did not build a guild of stalkers.
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Okay, we've reached 69 responses for the survey (nice), so I'm closing it down and sharing the results now!
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55% of players are EN only, 22% are JP only, while 23% play both versions
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At least a third of the fandom plays the EN version and relies on wiki translations for story content
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32% heard of the game through word of mouth, while 30% heard of it through tumblr posts. Counting up the additional responses, 12% found the game through other social media sites (mainly YouTube).
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Octavinelle is overwhelmingly the most popular dorm at almost 25%, with Pomefiore and Heartslaybul both tied for second at 17.4% each.
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Unsurprisingly, Floyd and Azul took first and second place with 32 and 31 votes respectively. Third place goes to Jamil with 30 votes, while fourth place is a tie between Kalim and Jade with 27 votes, and fifth place is a tie between Deuce, Lilia, Malleus and Yuu with 23 votes.
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80% of you have ocs, and honestly, I'm surprised it's not higher.
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Moreover, more than half participates in romantic self-insert content, while more than a quarter participates in platonic self-insert content!
I didn't create graphs for the shipping questions (mostly because that would have been. So much to type out lmao) but counting up the results, eleven people mentioned Ace/ Deuce as their favorite pairing, eight people just said some variant of "I don't have any ships", and seven people mentioned Vil/ Rook.
Additional comments:
I ship everyone
I don't think there's any canon romance but platonically I like the friendship/family bond w the Octatrio
Are there canon ships? Aren't they all headcanons? (oh noo im sorry T-T)
Grim x Canned Tuna
Regarding the oc/ self-insert ships, most of you are down bad for either Malleus, Azul, or Leona lmao.
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Also, this result was actually surprising! I didn't expect the majority to be yes :0.
To cap it off, here's some of the headcanons I think deserve to be seen:
Ruggie sings "It's A Small World" when Leona won't get out of bed in the morning.
Curly fries are illegal contraband in NRC and you can bribe Crowley with them (it's my injoke because for some reason the game blocks/censors it if you try to type curly fries in your profile)
if ruggie was on TLC's Extreme Cheapskates hed 1000% be a fan fav
transfem deuce REAL
Kalim has sensitive tastebuds and can detect subtle changes in his food (helps in his ability to detect poison)
Leona purrs like a cat when you pet his head.
floyd eats fresh cucumber slices with blueberry jam and french whipped cream. unironically.
Kalim invites Desi/Muslim!Yuu over to Scarabia all the time, which helps with their homesickness.
That Vil and Neige are half siblings. I dunno why but they give me sibling vibes.
OH I like to think that when we use lesson items like the macarons and cupcakes, it's the boys eating in class to boost morale
vil wears glasses in the privacy of his room, i refuse to believe he hasn't ruined his eyesight
deuce is korean!
Korean deuce :)
Lilia can purr (bats do it sometimes ghkgss)
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xenotwink · 2 years
Yooo I also hc that Chiss are Very Tall. One of my OCs (the self-insert) is tall for a human but short for a Chiss (I am a short human), so it’s just funny to imagine someone only knowing her and then meeting her family looking up at them like “OH FUCK”
I love my OC I should do more with her and refine her story lmao she needs some love
How has your weekend been? The food looks very good I am Jealous. What’s your favourite pancake topping?
Did you get BOTW?
Omg I love that so much. I imagine Ar’alani as being soooo tall, like just the tallest (im gay) and also Thrawn and the boys but her? Her.
Big fan of blueberries in pancakes but mostly just do butter (not real butter) and syrup (only real syrup in this house)
I haven’t gotten it yet! Still trying to decide. Plus I have a bunch of other games that I haven’t finished yet so 🤷 we’ll see
I hope you’re feeling a little better 💙
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allmightluver · 4 years
I find it interesting that more people don't have oc's in a relationship with All Might the same age as him. Most are just like 'the 30-something age gap between us doesn't matter' and that's fine but my blueberry boy is in a rare position to also wear dad sweaters, be out of touch with technology and share a romantic nap on the couch in the middle of a warm Sunday afternoon.
I think some people make oc’s as self inserts, so their age represents the creator’s age, or near to it. It’s nice to have characters that vary in ages instead of focusing on one age range!
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eerythingisshaka · 5 years
Play Though?  Pt. 2
Part 1
(Dad!M’Baku x Black!OC)
Word Count: 4.8K
A/N: I started the first chapter as a Reader insert, but I’m starting to feel more for original characters, so our main girl, Xavier’s mom and M’Baku’s love interest is Remi!  
Remi had a problem, a pretty big one.  A couple of days had passed since the unexpected friendship between M’Baku and both of their children.  Xavier had talked his mother’s ear off to death about his spunky little new friend he made, and it made Remi genuinely happy to hear.  She wanted her son to get in touch with his new friend again and have a solid friend, however thanks to her father, that may not happen.
M’Baku thought he was slick giving his number to her instead of the other way around.  This forced Remi’s hand to have to make the decision and time to make the phone call and invite them over for the playdate that was promised.  And sure, if Remi said she didn’t want to see M’Baku again, it would be a lie.  But she didn’t even know where to start with him.
“X, get your backpack, it’s time to go baby.”  Remi says, sliding her shoes on as she grabs her keys.  
Xavier drags his feet into the kitchen along with his backpack on the floor.  “Mama.”
“You didn’t pack your game in there right?  I don’t want a kid to steal it.”
Remi grabs her purse talking to herself.  “If I am late again, I’ll fire my damn self.  Shit!”
“Mama!”  Xavier yells out.
“Oh!  Mama’s sorry, I know that’s a bad word.”
“Daddy say that all the time.”  Xavier says matter of factly.
Remi turns to him with her hand on her hip.  “Excuse me?  ALL the time?”
Xavier nods, picking at his nose.  “Mama I don’t wanna go.”
Remi sighs walking over to her son and kneeling at his level.  “Why not?  You had a good time last week.  You have friends there.”
He shrugs.  “I don’t feel good.”
Remi puts a hand to his forehead.  “You’re not hot...Is it your tummy?”  
Xavier shakes his head.  “Sometimes I don’t wanna go is all.”
Remi looks at her son’s round face lovingly.  Her eyes looking back at her has always been a quick source of pride for Remi.  Her hair texture, face shape, and bits of personality brought back memories of when she was a little girl.  She took her time with him in moments like these.
“Well son, you know how Mama has to go to work everyday?”
“Not Saturday!”  He corrects.
Remi chuckles.  “Yes, smart boy.  Not everyday do I work, But when I have to I go.”
“But you’re big, you have to.”
Remi smirks.  “I am, but you have things to do too.  Like keeping your toys cleaned up, and eating your peas and carrots.”
Xavier crosses his arms.  “I don’t like those.”
“I know X.  But think when I wasn’t feeling good on your birthday and you wanted your favorite blueberry waffles and sausage links with lots of syrup and scrambled eggs?”
Xavier’s eyes widen with excitement.  “Can I have some now?!”
Remi shakes her head.  “No, but do you hear me?  I was sick and still gave your your favorite breakfast?”  Xavier nods.  “So things like that happen.  You do stuff you don’t want to because you want to do right for other people.  I wanted you to have a good birthday even though I didn’t feel good.”
“Whose birthday is it?”  Xavier asks.
Remi hangs her head from this merry go round of a conversation.  “No one’s.  But you have friends and learning to do, which you need to be a big strong boy, so we have to go.”
Xavier pouts heavily as she puts on his backpack and pushes him out the door and in the car.  Once she pulled up to daycare, Xavier’s face is covered in tear trails and snot bubbles, grips her hand tightly as she walks him to the entrance.  A smiling worker greets Xavier happily.
“Ohhh, are we having a rough morning?”
Remi smiles tightly.  “Kind of.  He wasn’t feeling like going out today.”
The daycare worker kneels down.  “Well I’m glad you came.  Today is when we learn about planting with crushed up Oreo cookies and gummi worms and all kinds of good stuff.  Doesn’t that sound fun?”
Xavier rubs his eyes hard nodding his head.  Remi rustles his braids.  “Sure does!  You go ahead with Ms. Faye and have a good day.  I’ll be back soon, ok?”
Xavier, hugs her legs with one healthy squeeze before going in.  Ms Faye stays back with Remi for a minute.  
“He’s been really great with the other children lately.  First whole week without even a threat of an incident.”
Remi nods, folding her arms over herself.  “I think that the word ‘threat’ is a bit strong but I appreciate the update.”
Ms. Faye shrugs.  “Look, it’s tough on everybody involved.  But we try to be supportive and encouraging so he is reminded that no one is against him.  Does he display any aggression at home?”
Remi shakes her head.  “And once again, please watch the words you use to describe his behavior.  Aggressive?  Never.  He is a mama’s boy, turns into a puddle whenever I call him out on the smallest thing.”
Ms. Faye nods stoically.  “Ok.  I know he used to mention visiting his father more often, has he been able to get time with him?’
Remi shifted nervously.  Xavier’s father was a sore subject for Remi to dive into at any point in time.  He is a slick talker, big dreamer which was half the reason Remi gave him the time of day.  He has a way of making her feel like a sinking ship was still rising on the other side of the surface if you hold your breath long enough.  But his promises never came to fruition and led her and eventually her son down a road that they barely got out of unscathed.  She’d hoped Xavier was still young enough to not be worried about the troubles of the past, but it doesn’t seem that way.
“We have plans to see him soon, yeah.  Just don’t bring it up to him, that’s a little too heavy to have on his mind when I’m not there.  Ok?”  Remi says.  Ms. Faye nods knowingly before bidding her farewell.  Remi checks her phone:  of course time got away from her again.
Remi zooms over to the beauty shop, parking in the back as she jogs in the back door to make it to her chair.  
“Uh uh!  I know you not trying to get past us that easily Re!”  
The voice that called her out belonged to Patricia or Trixie, the shop owner.  She’s a middle aged Black woman who looked like Storm’s auntie, grey locs and all sitting atop her head in a bun  and headscarf.  She’s putting a roller set into an elderly woman’s hair.
“I’m sorry Trixie.  I got behind dropping my son off at daycare.”  Remi says, prepping her area.
Trixie fixes her mouth before speaking.  “You spoil that boy too much.  Why don’t you have my cousin watch him?  She run a daycare from her house and won’t charge you an arm and leg to do it.”
“Are we just gonna forget the trap house she lives next to?  Or how she turns deaf and blind soon as someone calls her on that phone she stays glued to 24/7.”  Remi says.
Trixie waves her off.  “Oh the boy gotta learn how to handle himself in the world eventually.  When his father coming by to get him?”
Remi calls a waiting patron over to her chair.  “I don’t know anymore.  I haven’t tried calling him lately.”
“Oh hell, you shouldn’t have to!”  Mika says out the blue across the room.  She works with Remi too, started not long after Remi did.
“Thank you!  The boy ought to be calling you to spend some time with his firstborn!  I still wonder if he lying bout that…”  Trixie adds under her breath.
Remi starts walks her patron to a sink bowl.  “That’s the truth, believe me.   The man acts like his dick is solid gold and his sperm is diamond encrusted.  Surprisingly he don’t give it out willy nilly.”
Trixie helps escort her patron under a dryer.  “He was always so odd to me.  Too pretty to be like that, he oughta be having babies right and left.”
Mika chimes in from her filing her nails.  “He could be like Prince or Leonardo di Caprio out here: had all these women in a tizzy but no kids.  They kept they shit on ZipLoc.”
Remi and Trixie laugh at her suggestion.  “Ok, ok.  But to be serious a second, he should be calling you, for real.  He needs to see his son and you need a break.  I can tell you running yourself ragged making sure the sun revolves around him.”
Remi towel dries her patron.  “I’m good.  Xavier IS my world, I’m not ashamed to admit that.  I’m raising a Black man in the making, and I will not fuck this up, deadbeat daddy be damned.  Plus, I get me time with you all here.  That’s socializing enough.”
Trixie makes a face with a slight eye roll.  “I mean that’s noble and all, but hell, I don’t need you being a spinster at your age.  You still got all that youth, you need to put that beauty and energy into something that’s gonna appreciate it.  You know, someone that doesn’t require potty breaks and reads at high school level.”
Remi scoffs as she combs out her patron’s hair.  “What’re you trying to say?”
“GIRL GET YOU A MAN!  A date, a one night stand, a something with a dick and a pulse!”  Mika exclaims.  The whole shop goes quiet looking at her like the aftermath of an explosion.  “Y’all were thinking it.  You too Mae, I know you know.  You been married 50 yrs and his death didn’t stop you.”
Remi’s patron Mae turned around in her chair wordlessly away from Mika in response.
Trixie tries to even things out.  “Thank you for that Mika.  But what I’m trying to say is you need a night out or something.  You say you socialize with us but you never go outside of this shop with us, and that’s not cuz we ain’t tryin.”
Remi sighs.  “You right, you right.  I got a routine is all, and what if I go somewhere and-and Xavier needs me cuz he misses me?  Having a nightmare?  Wet the bed?”
“Ohhh my God.”  Mika groans.  
“Mika, shut the hell up.  Re, I get that.  When my kids were small, they had my undivided attention cuz I was young, younger than you, and had to hustle to make sure my babies had what they needed so their lives were good despite the circumstances they were brought in.”
“Thank you!  Yes!”  Remi exclaims feeling vindicated.
Trixie holds up a hand.  “But!  I didn’t have a life because of it.  I lost a little bit of what it meant to be me outside of being a mother.  Now, like I said I was younger, less established and had an extra couple kids before your age compared to your one.   All I’m saying is, you have a means to make a life for yourself still without losing yourself.”
Remi sighs.  “The boy is a handful though.  I won’t put a man over my son.  Even like this past weekend, some guy tried to talk to me up with his kid at the park.”
“Oh?”  Mika perks up.
Remi nods, oblivious to Mika’s excitement.  “Yeah!  Interrupting my time with Xavier so he could try and talk me up.  Like he wouldn’t take no for an answer.”
“Wait, wait wait.  Ok, first of all, what was the exact situation here.  Did he look like one of these dusty van driving niggas using a kid to lure women or something?”  
“No, Mika!  But he don’t have to, he’s a big ass dude.  Like a fucking...oak ass tree ass, thick looking nigga…”  Remi says hesitantly.  She bites her lip at the thought of his appearance, almost forgetting how handsome he is with the amount of time having passed.  
Trixie walks up to her pointing.  “Girllll, I see you!  He was FINE huh?  Light skinned, dark skinned?”
“Dark skinned, yeah.  His daughter is just as cute too, like gorgeous and smart.  He treats her like a doll.”
“How much time did y’all spend together??” Mika’s voice asks in a high pitched voice, fanning herself.
Remi stamps her foot.  “Y’all stahp!  It’s literally not like that at all.  He tried it though, giving me his number like he just know he gonna see me again.”
Trixie and Mika look at one another one second before falling out in laughter and praise dancing in the middle of the shop.  Remi looks at them in wide eyed wonderment before coaxing them to calm down.
“Aye aye!  This is a place of business y’all, the hell you doin?”
Trixie stops to catch her breath.  “Child this MY place of business, you better turn up!  If you don’t call this fine single father who gave you the go ahead to seek him out, I WILL!”
Remi rolls her eyes.  “It’s gonna be a waste of time though!”
Mika chimes in.  “Let him waste your time!  You got your time too organized, you stiff!  You need something to break down your walls….oh shit!  You see that double entendre!”  
Trixie and Mika screech, giving each other a high five.
“Excuse me!”  Mae says in Remi’s chair.
Remi turns to her.  “Oh oh, I’m sorry!  I’ll get you under the dryer right now.  Excuse the noise.”
She shakes her head.  “No dear, the man who is sweet on you.  Why not try to get to know him a little?  You’re too beautiful to be single, and you both have children.  There’s a lot to relate to one another about.”
Remi smiles sweetly at the old white woman.  “Thank you, I appreciate your advice Mae.  I’m still thinking about it though.”
“Well that is a start in itself.  Pray about it, you’ll know what’s right.”  Mae’s saggy cheeks lift a little as she smiles with a closed mouth as Remi escorts her to a chair for drying.
Mika and Trixie finally got off of the subject of Remi’s potential love life and got through the appointments of the day.  What little time she had to herself was spent thinking of dinner for Xavier and NOW checking the new contact in her phone and wondering if she should take the plunge dive in some uncharted waters.  By the close of business, Remi was zooming over to the daycare to see her little boy; she missed him so much by the end of the work day.  She’s thankful he is still small enough for her to hold and snuggle, though he’s growing up so fast.
When Remi arrives to the daycare, Faye walks Xavier out, who runs the rest of the way over to her.
“Hey X!  Did you have a good day?”  Remi asks, picking him up into a big hug.  He smelled like outside and the coconut oil spray she conditions his hair with.  
His little arms tightened around her head.  “Yeah!  I planted gummi worms and made mud!”
“It was pudding.”  Faye chuckled.  “Xavier was the life of the party today.”
Remi kisses his cheek greedily as she puts him in his booster seat in the back.  When she closes the door, Faye grabs Remi’s attention.
“Remi, he was great today.  He even helped out with the project, passing out our ‘flower pots’, which were just styrofoam cups.  But he really showed a lot of leadership and gentleness today.”
Remi looks back at her little boy in the car with pride.  “That’s what he is, gentle and bossy.”
Faye nods.  “So great.  He even had a lot of conversation for me today.  Someone he met taught him about plants before.  Some kind of strong trees from Africa?”
Remi searches her mind; she always took Xavier to the library for books of all kinds for him to learn about the world, but she didn’t recall anything from books or TV on that.
“Really?  I’ve got to ask him about that, must’ve been on PBS or something when I wasn’t paying attention.”  Remi surmises.
“Well it stuck, I love seeing comprehension in children at a young age.  He’s got a strong foundation for it in you.  Thanks for bringing him by.”  
“No problem!  I wouldn’t mind a discount on fees since he is such a joy.”  Remi says jokingly as she walks to the car.
“If only!”  Faye retorts, waving back proudly.
Remi and Xavier drive home, bopping to the radio edits of their favorite hits the whole way back.  Xavier’s mood lifted Remi’s so easily; she was dog tired on the way to pick him up after hours of being on her feet, but now she felt like they could party all night.  Looking back at his serious jam face mumbling the riff of a Miguel song tickled her, such a performer.
Once they arrived at their home, Remi starts to rundown the menu, heading to the kitchen.
“Ok X-man, we can have some spaghetti, I got turkey meat for sandwiches.  Or I could make those fish tacos, you liked those last time.”
“Mama, can I have my birthday today?”  Xavier calls from the couch he is standing on.
Remi closes the fridge door to approach her son.  “Mk, first, get off the couch.  We don’t even do that on birthdays.”
Xavier jumps off standing by his mom.  “Please?  Can I have my birthday?”
Remi pulls out some bread to make a sandwich.  “Sweetie, I don’t have any waffle mix or blueberries.”
Xavier crawls into a chair.  “No mama, I want birthday.  Not waffles.”  
Remi stops prepping the sandwich to look at her son carefully.  “Your birthday isn’t for six more months, why do you want to celebrate so early?”
“I want Sunny to come over and play.”  Xavier says reaching for a lunch meat slice to chew on.  
Remi looks at Xavier with confusion.  “Who is Sunny, baby?”
“My friend from the park.  Her dad came too, I want to see her for my birthday.”  Xavier says through a mouth full of meat.
Remi chuckles to go back to assembling her sandwich.  “X, you don’t need a birthday to see Jolasun, we can see her anytime.”
Xavier’s eyes light up.  “Can I see her tomorrow??”
Remi groans as she thinks.  “Uhhh, probably not….”
“If it’s my birthday tomorrow, can I see her?”  Xavier asks.
Remi gives her son a look.  “Xavier, what’s this birthday mess you keep talking about?  We will see her when I say we can,  I’m just not sure yet.”
Xavier’s face falls.  “But you say you do cool stuff for my birthday, even if you feel bad.”
Remi purses her mouth and steps away from the sandwich ingredients.  She pulls a seat up next to her son giving him her full attention.
“Listen, that’s different.  I told you that so you would understand why you have to go to school in the morning.  It doesn’t work for other things like seeing friends.”
Xavier’s eyes begin to water as he looks sadly at his turkey slice.  “But I want to see Sunny….”
Remi rubs his back.  “We will, X!  I promise we will, don’t get upset.”
Xavier sniffles.  “But you don’t want to…”
“No! No, I do want to see her.  She’s a lovely little girl.  I’m just nervous about...stuff.”  Remi says curtly.  Mika and Trixie could barely understand her thoughts on M’Baku, how would a 4 year old.
Xavier looks at her with puppy dog eyes.  “I am nervous too Mama.  At school and when I saw Sunny, but then I was happy because they were nice.  Sunny is too mama!”
Remi pulls her son in for a hug as chokes up a little.  His whole world crumbles so easily, she hated to see him get this way.  “X, now calm down so Mama can talk to you.  It’s ok to have friends and I’m glad you want to see them.  I;m so proud of you for being a big boy and not getting nervous.  Ms. Faye told me how good you were today.”
Remi nods, pulling him back to face her.  “Of course!  You’re always a smart little gentleman, don’t forget that.”  Remi wipes his tears and grabs a napkin to get at his nose.  “And I know Sunny thinks you’re great too.  So, since she knows how cool you are and wants to see you, why not go see her.”
Xavier’s face lights up again.  “For real??  Are we going to the park again?!”
Remi grabs her phone.  “Well, I don’t know exactly but I’ll call her Dad and we’ll see, ok?”  Remi gives him half the sandwich she made and a cup of juice and chips.  “Sit and eat while I talk.  Don’t drink all the juice and eat all the chips before you finish the sandwich.”
Remi walks over the the living room, sitting in her easy chair to scroll to his number.  Her heart felt like it skipped just at the sight of his name:  M’Baku.  Such a good name, took little effort once you got past the hard B, then your lips and tongue just fall in line with a whisper into the last two syllables.  It’s been days since their first interaction, would he even remember their interaction, her name?
She shakes her head free of toxic thoughts as best she could or she’d never go for it, and hit Call.  This is for Xavier and Jolasun after all, this would have little to do with you and M’Baku if she got her way fully.  The phone rang and rang in her ear, with each ring she wondered if calling was too much.  Maybe she should’ve texted or maybe go to the park like Xavier said and hope to run into-
“Hello?”  M’Baku’s deep, elegant voice bound through the phone to her ear, causing a tingle in her brain.  
“Oh, uh hey!  This is Remi, uh from the park?  You came over to help me with my groceries.”
M’Baku does a low chuckle.  “Yes, Remi, I haven’t forgotten you at all.  But I thought you had forgotten me.”
His tone dropping into a realm of hurt ego, it made him that much more charismatic.  “Well Xavier hasn’t forgotten Jolasun.”  Remi says, steering the conversation back on track.
“Tell her I said hi!”  Xavier yells from his chair with a mouthful of sandwich.
“....and he says hello.”  Remi adds.
“Ahh, I heard.  Jola is still napping, but I will relay the message.”  M’Baku says very relaxed, as if he is settling in comfortably for an intimate conversation.
An awkward pause of silence fills the conversation as Remi plays with her nails waiting for M’Baku to say something, anything to hopefully make her hang up an say that it can’t happen.
“Was...that all you called for?”  M’Baku inquires.  She could hear the smile in his voice.
“No.  Um, Xavier wanted to see Jolasun so I wanted to coordinate with you and see when you’d be free...basically.”
“Ah, so your son persuaded you.”  
“...yea.”  Remi adds curtly.
“Am I invited as well?”
“I mean you would want to bring her here I thought, so….in a way...yes?”
M’Baku groans demonstratively, muttering a few things under his breath for dramatic effect.  “Well, that is good enough for me.  Do you feel like having dinner tomorrow night?”  M’Baku asks.
“Uh, I mean I want the kids to spend time together, we’re not going-”
“Remember when I offered to show you an exquisite, nutritious meal that meat and plant eaters alike could enjoy?”
Remi smacked her forehead.  As hard as she tried to keep this conversation off of flirtation, she maneuvered herself into a ditch of embarrassment.  “Right.”
“Then me and Jola will come by, we can cook as they play, and we will all eat together, eh?”
Remi looks over to Xavier.  “That sounds nice, but I really don’t want to be stuck with trash and dishes.  Sounds like more work then I want to sign up for.”
“I know how to clean and take trash out.  I will bring my own pots, I am particular about my cookware anyway.”  
“Oh?  Are my pots and pans subpar?”  Remi quips.
“I don’t know yet.  I’ll have to come see for myself.”  M’Baku says.  Remi could practically hear his wink.
“Oh God, this is ridiculous.”  Remi shakes her head, gripping the bridge of her nose.  
“What is ridiculous is passing on a chance for a free meal and company since we all get along so well.  The kids have their playdate while we have our-”
“Dinner.  A good meal and babysitting, sounds lovely.”  Remi says.
M’Baku chuckles again.  “Yes, a meal in your beautiful home.  And I sincerely cannot wait for it.”
Remi felt herself getting warm.  The way he said beautiful, it didn’t feel like he meant the house.   She fought herself on wanting to hear that word from his mouth in connection to her instead.  “I...know Xavier and Jolasun will have a good time.”  
Remi hears shuffles on M’Baku’s end.  “I will have to let you go now, lady of the house is stirring.  See you on tomorrow!”
Remi smiles, saying goodbye before hanging up her phone and looking off into space for a bit.  She gets lost in remembering his features, his stance, matching his expressions with the cadence of his voice over the phone and imagining that wide smile excitedly planning a night with her and Xavier.
“Mama!  What he say?”  Xavier asks through a mouthful of crackers.
“Chew your food!  But they will be coming.”
“YAYYY!!”  Xavier pops out of his seat and runs over to his mom, climbing her feet roughly to get in her lap.
“Ouch, boy!”  Remi picks him up the rest of the way, laughing to herself as they embrace.  Xavier looks into his mother’s face, forehead to forehead, nose to nose.
“What do you say?”  Remi quizzes her child, her vision blurred as his features become a Picasso from her eyes crossing to look at him from point blank range.
“Thank you mama!”  Xavier’s breath smells like every component of his dinner.  She loved making her baby boy happy.  It’s not always so easy to do.
The next night, Remi lays out a couples of pots, pans, and various utensils to prepare for the night with M’Baku and Jolasun.  He texted earlier in the day to let her know he would be bringing groceries with him so Remi wouldn’t have to worry about having the right stuff, no matter how much she protested against this.  Remi still felt off about tonight, like something wasn’t quite copacetic but she reminded herself this was not a date.  More like a summer camp and they were the counselors….not horny ones like the movies always depict, that’d be gross…
It had been so long since Remi let a man interested in her inside of her home, she really was not sure how to act.  M’Baku could still be just a nice buddy, with little interest in her especially exclusivity.  
Remi groans at the tracks her mind went on.  She keeps steering into a romance thing!  The kitchen was set, so she changed atmosphere, going upstairs to check her face and make sure she was good to go  look-wise.
She tried to keep her outfit cute, but not too elementary school teacher-ish.  Enough to show her assets, but conservative enough to wear to church.  But not too formal to keep up with the kids and there impending messes, just over the line of looking like she cares.  She is at her house for this, but some freshening up is necessary for guests.  
She takes out a nude lip to touch up as she calls out to Xavier.  “X!  Come here so I can see you!”
Xavier’s feet stomp rapidly up the hall to stand outside her bathroom.  He has on his favorite CoryxKenshin shirt with a little plaid shirt layered over it and canvas pants with his Keds.
Remi beamed.  “You are so handsome!”
He looks down at himself, almost going into a headstand as his braids stood up to gravity.  “I do?”
“Yes!  Of course, always!  Are you excited?”
He nods.  “Are we going to sing happy birthday with cake?”
Remi laughs as she fills in her brows.  “No baby, remember?  We aren’t going to do your birthday.  This is a regular day with your friend Jolasun.”
The doorbell rang on cue.
“Sunny!”  Xavier exclaims racing away.
“Xavier, don’t open that door!  I’ll get it!”  Remi’s heart rate picks up as she tries to summon the energy of her co-workers to gage as much of the possibilities tonight has to offer as possible.  Checking her phone, looks like they are a but early, she thinks as she heads downstairs again.  
Xavier is bouncing by the kitchen, ready for an adventure.  His smiling face calms Remi effortlessly as she glides in her confident walk across the floor to the door, putting on a genuine smile as she opens the door.
“Hey, Remi!  And little man!  Look at y’all!”
Remi’s face drops instantly.  “Ron?”
Part 3
@yaachtynoboat711 @chaneajoyyy @bidibidibombaclaat@sarcastic-sunshines @great-neckpectations @wakanda-inspired @klaine15689  @foulmouthedandfanfic @nickidub718 @supersizemeplz @yofavcocoa @ashanti-notthesinger
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sqoiler · 7 years
Do you have any OC? Doesn't matter for what. OC's for your own stories? OC's form 7 years ago? Super embarrassing self insert batgirl OC's ? Tell us about them. Unless you have work. then do your work. hugs.
hoo boy this is gonna get long real fast
as many of y’all know, I’m writing a book, so here’s a bit of the main cast:
Princess Robin Rebecca--the protag, a teenager who decides to cure an illness through magical means. The key to curing this illness falls right into her hands via a case of mistaken “chosen one”
TT--the other protag. Originally a boy, considering making a girl. Robin’s love interest and full of family issues
Lark--Robin’s half fairy best friend, who’s ace and literally only cares about dragons
Princess Madelyn Rose--Robin’s other best friend, who happens to be gay for Robin, is kinda the outside help, sometimes just sits around and looks pretty
Cherrie and Taylor--winged twins who were supposed to be the chosen ones, however the spell failed and now Robin thinks the chosen one is her
Bianca--TT’s helpful little sister, training to be a wizard and fully figure out how to do the spell that will make her body match her gender
Queen Gothel--Robin’s abusive mom, obviously the main bad guy
King I-Forget-His-Name--Robin’s dad, kinda passive but means well
and there’s obvs others but i’m not going to go into the whole cast
I also have these OCs who will probably be the stars of a comic, someday, who knows
Crystal Arlington--Bright, sunny, cheerful, big fan of the color pink
Sam Bryce--rarely smiles, blue haired girl, Crystal’s BFF
Blueberry the Psycho--small troll thing, makes up evil plots, 
Liz--Blueberry’s human clone, really super nice
Stick---His real name is “Matthew Matthews”, giant crush on Crystal, all around “nice guy”
Erin Arlington--Crystal’s cousin, jealous of Crystal, generally bitter and petty
Crystal’s Evil Older Sister--CEOS, for short. Nobody calls her by her first name, and only I know what it is. Hangs out with Blueberry, texts a lot
Emily Arlington--Crystal and Erin’s cousin. Very smart but has an irrational fear of mermaids
Koral--the mermaid that (accidentally) gave Emily her fear
Dove Lucas---likes music a lot, has purple hair 
Raven Lucas---Dove’s twin sister, has greyish white hair, likes sports
Jay Lucas--really tall, Raven and Dove’s older brother, kinda chill
Aiden Quigely--bakes cupcakes but would never tell anyone, has a crush on Aud
Aud Bennet--Her full name is not “Audrey”, it’s something stupid, and she hunts monsters like Blueberry and is completely oblivious to Aiden’s crush
there’s of course, more, but i don’t wanna get into that right now
and of course I have Batman next generation OCs, hold on
Thomas Grayson--Dick and Bab’s son, becomes Batman
Jamie Grayson--Thomas’s sister, becomes Spoiler
Penny Wayne--the heir to Wayne Enterprises, Damian’s child (but more like a clone--Talia decided she needed grandkids, and Damian wasn’t getting onto that fast enough, so she decided to “help him along”), becomes Nightwing
Marty Drake-Kent--adopted spawn of Timkon, decided crime fighting wasn’t his thing, became Oracle
I-forget-her-name-and-I-can’t-look-it-up-rn Thomas --Duke and Claire’s child, becomes Batgirl
Miranda Cain Row---Harper and Cass’s adopted daughter, becomes Black Bat
Sam Harper-Todd--Biological child of Kori and Jason, actual child of Joyfire, becomes the cutest Robin ever (though none of his parents really wanted him to)
and that’s all, I think, omg
check the “my book” (i think) tag for some art and more descriptions of the people from my book, check the “sam and crystal” for some of them, and there’s some pictures under “next gen batfam” but i need to update that tag because it’s before i recently revamped this
ask me stuff!
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kuipernebula · 7 years
still doing planning things on my latest incarnation of the one piece self insert
i have to nail down where this happens in terms of canon. i could make it pre-skypiea but skypiea is kind of a big arc with a lot going on and i don’t know if messing with it is going to work out as well as i’d hope. i could put it before or after the davey back game arc, since it’s a breather arc in the first place and narratively putting something between there and water 7 would make sense in terms of giving robin more time with the crew.
before skypiea does make sense from a standpoint of giving myself more time in the narrative, and I don’t know how much of the alabasta stuff I can reasonably mess with before I seriously mess up the pacing.
that said, since rocky and blueberry news are in the grand line in the two games he shows up in, i can at least rule out a pre-grand line placement for the story.
maybe just before jaya could work? it would change the pacing of jaya being robin’s first adventure with the crew, but iirc dead end adventure was set between alabasta and jaya so it’s not like that time frame hasn’t been padded by other media before
yeah, i think just before jaya would be best...
... maybe i should also make a female oc to pad out the boy/girl ratio of the straw hats because oh man that’s an issue on its own
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undertow1326 · 3 months
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drew my trollsona cuse its been a bit and i miss them :(
gotta make a ref for them Eventually
[maybe if someone pokes me w a stick ill make it later today]
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undertow1326 · 9 months
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been thinkin about how cute my ponysona is
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undertow1326 · 8 months
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recentish art dump ft gifts for my boydfren @darksinrebel
like 2 of these arent for him n thats it
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undertow1326 · 1 year
really painful project i gave myself: simple refs of each of my blueberry bois furry forms that didnt have refs yet [theyre a shapeshifter bc im Indecisive]
anyway enjoy the fruits of my labor bc this took way too long
[nsfw vers in read more-]
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undertow1326 · 8 months
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day 1 and 2 of OCtober bc i forgot to upload yesterdayyy
Day 1: Fav OC
to no ones surprise its my self insert boyo, the blueberry themself!
Day 2: Oldest OC
ok so it's actually a tie between these two bc i cant remember if Coppie [the kirby oc] or Ricecha [pronounced Ricochet, the minecraft oc] was first
they were made around the same time so
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undertow1326 · 9 months
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assorted doodles i did recently
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undertow1326 · 1 year
skyrim oc shitpost time
self insert editionnnn
[part one bc 10 picture limit kills me]
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