#bliv's muses
internal-bleating · 8 months
I wanna share a crossover i've been thinking about with ya'll that's sort of outlandish but also just makes so much sense???? Bullet Train x Helluva Boss
Like, think of the comedic interactions both groups of characters could have with one another! Think of the absolutely fucking CHAOS! Think of all the possibilities of how you could do this cross over!
I can already think of a few!
The White Death would probably be PISSED still about Ladybug and could hire IMP to kill him and his good/bad luck could make for some pretty funny shenanigans when they try to kill him and are just unable to for increasingly bizarre coincidences and such. Not to mention he and IMP could have some fun interactions and dialouge I feel like.
Tangerine could ALSO hire IMP to kill Ladybug for killing him come to think of it!
Oooooor maybe somone the twins previously offed could hire IMP to go after the twins. I feel like the twins and IMP could also have some fun interactions seeing as Tangerine is pretty foul mouthed like Blitzo is.
Not to mention, imagining how the different characters would look as sinners :0 :0 I def think that The White Death would be big a scary and quite possibly quickly work his way up to being a demon Overlord and he'd DEFINITLY have his red mask be incorperated into his design somewhat and also the missing chunk of his face possibly in the form of a shattered horn on the mask and a big badass facial scar!!!
Idk how I'd make The Prince look as a sinner but I feel like she'd also thrive in hell and use her deception and manipulation skills to become an overlord herself. Or, perhaps she'd just be a demon who works from the shadows that no one has ever seen before?
Idk I just think it could be a pretty cool crossover. Let me know what you guys think!
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welcometoteamz · 7 years
LIST OF RP FAVORITES AND LEAST FAVORITES !  / repost, do not reblog. TAGGED BY: @phiiltatcs TAGGING: @posttraumaticennui @psychiczombiebarbie @chakrabcrti and whoever else wants to
FIRST NAME: Tim FAVORITE FCS TO PLAY:  The actor who portrays the character? whoever fits the character? FAVORITE SHIP YOU’VE EVER HAD:  i mean, bliv is up there but idk if that’s bc iZombie is still an ongoing thing. I would say Frankenwolf from OUAT, even tho they kinda screwed over the actors and that ship. abandoned the plans they DID have for it. FAVORITE FANDOM YOU’VE BEEN IN: probably this one. Least drama. FAVORITE SONG TO GIVE YOU MUSE:  I’ve made Blaine playlists in the past. There are so many different ones depending on the Blaine in question. Human. Zombie. Cured. Amnesiac.
For Season 1 Blaine? Villain by Theory of a Deadman. With S2, there’s so many really... that’s when we really got into his character...
LEAST FAVORITE FCS TO PLAY/PLAY AGAINST:  i don’t really give a fuck who someone uses as an fc. LEAST FAVORITE RP EXPERIENCE:  I’ve been sort of guilted into playing with people in the past. I’ve dealt with people who have been petty and passive aggressive. Different people who were all to different degrees territorial, leading to misunderstandings.. Just a bunch of bullshit. LEAST FAVORITE GENRE OF WRITING: lmao action sequences. I don’t think I suck at them, but given how rarely I actually write them... I think that’s my weakest area. LEAST FAVORITE FANDOM YOU’VE BEEN IN:  once upon a time. that fandom is as overly dramatic as they come. also, the show is p much shit now. LEAST FAVORITE THING PEOPLE ASSUME ABOUT YOUR CHARACTER:  that he’s completely heartless and irredeemable, just because he’s done ‘evil’ things in the past. He’s pretty layered, actually. I hate that people assume if you like Blaine, you condone/excuse his actions. Recognizing his upbringing and explaining what made him the man he is/was doesn’t equate to woobifying him. I’m not excusing anything at all. He’s done some heinous shit. Murder. Turning a hooker into a zombie so she’s forced to work for him. It’s frankly disgusting, ngl. Yet he’s charismatic, and there’s still level of humanity there. You can’t completely despise him, even though you should. IDK, maybe some people do. OTHER CHARACTERS YOU’D LIKE TO PLAY:  there’s a few, but IDK if I could keep up with more muses than I have already. Most aside from Blaine have dwindling to dormant levels of activity.
and, for the bonus round, bold whatever rp-related things appeal to you from the list below!
MUSE PREFERENCES: females / males / canons / ocs / corrupted / good / live action /animated / human / supernatural / other species / hopeless romantic / averse to love/younger (15-25) / older (25+) / easy for you to relate to / hard for you to relate to.
PLOT IDEAS: accidentally married / affairs / (legal) age gaps / angst / apocalypse / arranged marriage / boarding school / college roommates / criminals / enemies to lovers / enemies with benefits / exes / fake relationship / fluff / forbidden relationship !!!!! / friends with benefits / online relationships / pregnancy / prison / professor/student / road trips / rich kids/ royalty / smut / supernatural / toxic relationships.
POSSIBLE TRIGGERS IN PLOTS YOU’RE OKAY WITH: abuse (I don’t think Blaine would be abusive to a partner, but it’s a canon part of his backstory so it’d likely come up)/ bdsm / daddy kink / drinking / drugs / dub-con / gore (so much as brain harvesting/eating) / incest / kidnapping / murder / non-con / prostitution / stepcest / stockholm syndrome / torture.
The bolded triggers are things that I have no issue with, & the italicized ones are things that I’m fine with touching on/mentioning in threads, but that I’m probably not going to write explicitly. & incest is just a no for me. No thanks.
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ansar4012 · 4 years
Short story of the day: Fængsel
En mand stod op på scene og mens alle heppede på ham, og skreg så vildt at det gøre ondt. Der stod mand med mikrofon, og var klar til at sige noget. Hele verden var muse stille, så stille at men kunne høre vinde hvirvel. “Jeg ville slippe ud af fængslet på en time”  der bliv heppede, råbt. I det samme sekund han sagde det, var han sikker på at han kunne klar det. Med det 
Gik han nu ned af…
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internal-bleating · 1 year
Funny random hot take,
Even though "No one steals from Big Jack Horner" -Goldielocks 2022, I feel like you could EASILY get passed his security by pulling a Shrek 2 "Yeah we're from the union" on their asses. This guy does not treat his staff very well for sure.
You could just sneak into his office after that, pray he's away for whatever reason, and yoink something from his collection and then make up some elaborate exuse as to why you have it if anyone questions you on your way out.
Like yeah, you'd be screwed cuz he's gonna be LIVID when he figures out what just happend (RIP whatever subordinate told him about how they just let you waltz right in and steal something) and puts a bounty on your head. But technically, you stole something sucessfully!
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internal-bleating · 1 year
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I don't know if this has been done yet but it popped into my head while scrolling through The Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals tag
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internal-bleating · 1 year
Me: Jack Horner is an iredeemable villain with zero desire to better himself hence why fluff prompts with him sort of miss the point and I wish there was more content of him just being him with no amount of gentleness to his character :/
Also me when people are unecessarily shitty and harass the folks that enjoy writing fluffy prompts of Jack Horner: Actually, Jack would indeed change and be very loving to his partner and also protect them with his life. All of those writers who are writing about him are very much so correct and I'm gently patting them all on the head and ya'll haters can go take a hike.
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internal-bleating · 2 years
As much as I love six pack abs shirtless Heisenberg, I'm a firm believer that that guy has a dad bod and that opinion cannot be swayed.
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internal-bleating · 1 year
🎶✨ when u get this u have to put 5 songs u actually listen to, publish. then, send this ask/tag 10 of your favourite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool)✨🎶
Saw this on my dash from @residentdormouse. I never miss a chance to excitedly share stuff I like with others! 1.) Pierre's Lion - Elias and the Error
2.) Everything Is New to Me - Gregory Mann, David Bradley, Guillermo del Toro's Pinocchio
3.) Lights On - Kyle Allen Music
4.) Erica Western Teleport - Emperor X
5.) Sleeping in the Flowers - They Might Be Giants
Plucked from my On Repeat playlist on Spotify. All of these slap and they give me seritonin~
Tagging @orjizzy @asexualrawr @sai-gemflower @icicle117 @n3vv3rmor3 @starleska (dw you guys don't have to participate if you don't want to) also anyone else is free to join in!
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internal-bleating · 11 months
I'm indifferent to the new Wonka movie ngl. But I'm not looking forward to the new wave of people bashing the 2005 movie...
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internal-bleating · 2 years
Doing the tag game where you spell out your URL in songs again cuz I changed my URL
I - I'd Like to Walk Around in Your Mind by Vashti Bunyan
N - Nice Boys by TEMPOREX
T - There Was Something Behind You by SHUDDER
E - Erica Western Teleport by Emperor X
R - Run Rabbit Run by Flanagan & Allen
N - Nothing Man by Sodikken
A - Anarchy by Egg
L - Little Boxes by Walk Off the Earth
B - Bullets by Tunng
L - Lost by scntfc
E - Evening Lake by Steward Copeland
A - All I See is You by Sweet Tuesday
T - Two Time by Jack Stauber
I - Imposter Syndrome by Sidney Gish
N - Never-Ending Performance by Yu-Peng Chen
G - Go Tell Aunt Rhody by Michael A. Levine and Jordan Reyne
Also tagging @sai-gemflower @scoobydoosbooty @orjizzy and @residentdormouse
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internal-bleating · 2 years
Saw the new My Father's Dragon movie
Didn't know Cartoon Saloon animated it until I saw the opening credits. I was just like "Oh! My mom read that book to me when I was little! Didn't know they made a movie adaption of it" so of course I watched it with my mom.
But WOW was the movie different from the book. There was no such thing as an "after dragon" in the book and also Boris didn't lift up the island but simply took animals back and forth across the river against his will. Another big thing, the animals in the movie were not complete assholes unlike in the book. In the book they were straight up abusive to Boris and weren't simply trying to not drown, but make crossing the river easier for them.
That aside, the movie was very good and the animation was very pretty! Definitly recomend.
Also I did not know Gaten Matarazzo voiced Boris until after I got curious and looked it up, or that Rita Moreno was in it either!
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internal-bleating · 1 year
??????? Sweet Tuesday's whole song library has been purged from Spotify what???????????
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internal-bleating · 1 year
mmmk so I was GOING to watch Skinamarink cuz one of my fave artists is talking about it and all but I gotta be totally honest with me self... I'm a fuckin scared ass fuckin pussy and I simply ✨cannot do it✨
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internal-bleating · 2 years
So I got a transparent phone case a while back since my phone used to have a very boring basic black case and I wanted to get a cooler case for my phone to ✨make it unique and express myself✨ but I couldn't decide on or figure out what i wanted to be on the case... Sooooooooo I had the brilliant idea to instead get a plain transparent one so that I could draw my own designs and put them in the back!
And since I always procrastinate things, it took me a while to actually get around to like you know, actually making a drawing to use on the back (so for a while it was just the blank boring blue of the back of my phone)
But I fiiiiiinally got around to making a drawing finally!!
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I made it a drawing of my fallen angel girly Occealrei!
Also made a handy little template to trace for when I feel like making more~
I don't really have any tools to cut circles into paper, so i just stabbed a circle of holes into the paper and popped the paper out(stabbed my finger by accident while doing this but i'm ok), hence why the circles for my camera and fingerprint look so jagged. Also made sure that they lined up and didn't cover either thingy.
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internal-bleating · 2 years
Joining in on this tag game cuz I enjoy making my OCs in picrew and I saw @residentdormouse doing it!
(picrew in question btw)
Doing my main gang
Arial, Dire/Darryl, Elijah, and Zira
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Tagging @sai-gemflower and... idk what other mutals I have that have OCs sryyyyyyyyy
Anyone else is free to join in tho!
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internal-bleating · 1 year
hmmm yeah ok im starting to understand what people mean when they talk about the new Wednesday show...
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