odinsblog · 1 year
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Candace Owens is a con artist and a sellout, and she won’t ever have to worry about being a part of Black culture any more than Clarence Thomas does
👉🏿 https://www.thehour.com/norwalk/article/Schools-pay-37-500-to-Owens-family-8240741.php
👉🏿 https://www.theroot.com/your-girl-candace-owens-ran-a-trump-bashing-website-les-1826071683
👉🏿 https://newsone.com/3848636/candace-owens-receipts-con-artist/amp/
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rebeleden · 10 months
Watch "Ariana Grande Held Wife’s Baby & Said She Wanted 2Be Mom|Wants Married BF 2Get Visitation 4Photo Op" on YouTube
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earthboundrocketman · 3 years
This uptick in blackphishing is making my ass itch.
When I was coming up, non-black people dressed like us and listened to hip-hop/rap/R&B and it was annoying then.
But now they’re doing hair and skin like us.
It’s absolute bullshit.
Knowing they can go wipe that shit off and walk away clean as a sunrise is a slap in the face to black people.
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yee-to-my-haw · 4 years
Dear White people.
Stop trying to become a different ethnicity.
Thank you.
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dabistits · 4 years
ngl there were times where someone expressed their concerns regarding the anti-semitism they experienced on your server or on your blog and your only response was that you hated all whites even the “oppressed” ones and idk man that’s just...not how that should be handled as a goy. Even the smaller shit like using the blm movement to talk about some drama you were in and how people owe you an apology despite you not even being black is the shit that doesn’t support this or your server being a safe space for anyone who looks like me. Obviously idk the color of your skin but screenshots got around in fandom servers for poc creators of you talkin about black people saying “i’m taking their poc card” and that’s just...not your place to say that. I’m not tryna stir up drama but I just want you to know as someone who was following you for awhile there are definitely times where I get the vibe that you think you can speak on our issues or claim them as your own and yeah an apology would be nice but idk how you’ll even take this because half the time you just accuse people of blackphishing or say you want more opinions. Going on anon is obviously sketchy if you get a lot of hate but like fuck i wouldn’t wanna talk off anon either after the shit i’ve seen of people getting trash talked in your vent chats for the tame ass takes. Idk what else to say other than I hope you don’t take this as an attack just something to think about when you’re addressing shit in the future
i am answering this in good faith, because i do think it’s important to do so if only to make people more comfortable with bringing these things up. however, as far as my recollection goes, some of these points are misplaced.
1) the issues about antisemitism in my server were: a member saying something antisemitic, getting shut down, and apologizing for it, and?? someone getting angry that jewish people in my server said something in annoyance about russians. i made the “oppressed white people” post after that, which, i repeat, is about slavs. i can go into my server and into my privated asks to pull screenshots on this. 
2) police brutality is a topic of conversation on my blog because police brutality is a worldwide phenomenon (and demonstrating the ways police in japan have historically acted against civilians is important to me). when someone questioned my use of “police brutality,” i explained myself thusly. otherwise, IIRC, i do not specifically link drama to BLM, and as far as i recall, i discuss BLM as separate from fiction.
3) i said the person who owed me an apology is a white woman who was posting screenshots of me and tacitly sent her followers into my inbox to send hate. i stand by that, because i believe if she really is sorry she owes me an apology as, like, a human in general.
4) on that note, several of the anons who i accused of racefaking were always people came out of the woodwork after i discussed something as being racist or antiblack. for example, this anon after a post about not using BLM as an AU or fanart material, or this anon after i posted about aforementioned white woman’s fanart. i don’t trust people who show up in my inbox on anon, visibly using AAVE (which not everyone believes sounds legit anyway?) after i point out an incidence of racism/antiblackness, especially when it’s proven that white people will racefake online and use AAVE to do so.
5) if you have those screenshots of me saying i’ll revoke a black person’s poc card, please, just... show me. because the only thing that comes up when i search ‘card’ (in relation to poc) on my blog is a post about hawks.
6) “Going on anon is obviously sketchy if you get a lot of hate.” uh, yeah. i do get a lot of hate.
7) i don’t think everyone needs to agree with every “take” in fandom, and if people want to talk about some character being horrible and how much saying a certain thing about them sucks, i think that’s fine. and if people are passing around screenshots of me saying some shit i’m not going to stop members from discussing other people either (within limits).
i hope you can take these in good faith, anon, and be willing to further engage with me if clarification is needed. these are the incidents that i recall. if i’m forgetting an incident that embodies what you’re saying, or other people recall it and can link or quote me to the post, or if you still think some of these things are antiblack and want to discuss it more, i would appreciate that so i can start from there.
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narrie · 3 years
As a woc I am absolutely speechless at jesy and her team okaying the song and the mv. What pisses me off more than anything isn’t the blackphishing in hear appearance (which ofc is already problematic on its own), but how she appropriates black culture and makes herself part of so much so that she acts as if she’s some sort of marginalized, trouble maker outsider in a white neighborhood, when she has never and will never have to feel that way. I can’t believe nobody in her corner explained to her why this is not okay and on the contrary legitimized her feeling attacked by the rightful objections and critiques to the point she went ahead and blocked people over that.
☝🏽 exactly!!!! the way she was like "i didn't know ppl were calling me out for that" which was questionable in the first place bc ppl have been LOUD about it for ages but anyway instead of doing better and learning from/about it after publicly recognizing it, she turned around and dropped THAT??? nah
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odinsblog · 8 months
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I hate sellouts with a passion, but I try to remember something I once read:
“Every minority and every people has its share of opportunists, profiteers, freeloaders and escapists. The hammer blows of discrimination, poverty and segregation must warp and corrupt some. No one can pretend that because a people may be oppressed, every individual member is virtuous and worthy. The real issue is whether in the great mass the dominant characteristics are decency, honor and courage.”
—Martin Luther King Jr., Why We Can't Wait, 1968
Anyway, this may be old news for some of us, but definitely not for all of us. Salute to all of the Black and Brown people with morals and heart, who don’t sellout, even though the overwhelming majority of us could easily get rich quick (if we were sellouts). 🫡
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