#bl/ql ask game: the ugly the bad the worst
invisiblegarters · 8 months
BL/QL Ask Game: The Ugly, the Bad and the Worst
Thank you to @waitmyturtles for tag and @clara-maybe-ontheroad for the idea. This looks like a lot of fun - I'll do my best to answer all but my memory is kind of a sieve sometimes so I make no promises. Also I'm pretty easy on most shows in general so...
Worst soundtrack / weirdest song choice in a BL: All the Christmas instrumentals in Thai BLs. The last one I remember is Never Let Me Go, and I think it was Silent Night but don't quote me.
Most cringe-inducing line (cute): Oh gosh I can't remember the exact line but the one where Charn tells Tinn his wound will heal because he's the one taking care of it. He's such a loser (so so fond I love him)
Most cringe-inducing line (actually bad): Pass.
Most stupid decision made by a character: Fucking Kang bringing a gun to Sailom's house. Also branding him a pedophile. WTF, rich boy?
Worst plot line: Let's all forgive the manipulative gaslighting teacher because he has trauma too! Or let's not. How about let's not. Also the same with the murderous uncle from He's Coming to Me.
The most problematic show you've watched: TharnType, I guess?
A show people love but you find bad: Cutie Pie, maybe?
A show people find bad but you will defend: Cupid's Last Wish you leave it alone it's adorable. Also Enchante. Also Live Action Given hush I have great taste.
A show that is just objectively bad but you enjoyed it: Evan Sun. No trust me it's bad I had a good time but I sometimes think I'm way too easy
A bad show that you kept watching because you were intrigued/fascinated: Even Sun and Why R U. What even.
A bad show that you kept watching because you were horny: Love in the Air
A bad show that you kept watching because of that one character: Also Love in the Air. Sky.
A bad show that you would still recommend: Be Mine Super Star.
The character that ruined a show the most: Amp in Tonhon Chonlatee. Maybe it was when I watched it but I was so over her from minute one.
Most awful character that you hated: Sanada from Shigatsu no Tokyo wa...
Most awful character that you loved: Oh, Boston for sure. My horrible darling.
A character that wasn't awful but that you just don't like: Non - Cupid's Last Wish
A hero that should have been a villain: Both Tharn and Type from TharnType I guess?
A morally bad character you're into: Nawin from Laws of Attraction. Also Charn but idk if he can count since he doesn't end the show totally morally corrupt.
A morally bad character you're not into and you wish people would stop being into: I don't think I can answer this one. I mostly like reading people's thoughts even on characters I hate, even if I can't agree with them.
The show that disappointed you the most: Okay, really controversial but Bad Buddy. Everyone loves it and I wanted to as well but I didn't even manage to finish it.
The Worst Show of Them All Because of Your Own Reasons: Tonhon Chonlatee. Not even Khao could save that for me, sorry.
tagging @frostluvrs, @chawarin-panich, @reformedcharacter, @alan-apologist, @sandrayy
No pressure but I'd love to see your answers!
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wen-kexing-apologist · 8 months
BL/QL Ask game : The Ugly, the Bad and the Worst
Alright, I was tagged in this game by @clara-maybe-ontheroad, so it's time to make some enemies.
Worst soundtrack / weirdest song choice in a BL
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I don’t really pay the most attention to this, I can’t recall anything that sticks out to me as particularly egregious even if it may be a tad odd. Weirdest song choice though is Jojo and Ninew letting First sing in Only Friends. I love the boy but we all have our flaws and his is being horrifically out of tune.
Most cringe-inducing line (cute)
“Then I am gay too,” Bee from Between Us. A show that I did actually enjoy despite many people grumbling. I hold that it’s cause I didn’t wait three years for it, and didn’t know Until We Meet Again existed when I started watching it. But regardless, Bee and Prince had like 5 minutes of screen time, max and they won my motherfucking heart.
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Most cringe-inducing line (actually bad)
Not a specific line, but literally any time that Nuea questions whether or not Hia Lian loves him in Cutie Pie 2 You. Bestie, you already agonized over that for far, far too long in Cutie Pie, by the time you ran out of the marriage proposal at your father in law’s birthday, I was already way past over the bullshit. And now you want to get back on the bullshit when you are planning your wedding? Come on…
Most stupid decision made by a character
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I agree with @bengiyo, Teh giving up his spot in school for Oh. Honestly, you know what, looking even further back the stupidest decision was Oh and Teh’s friends coming up to Teh AT FOUR O’CLOCK IN THE MORNING THE DAY HE WAS GOING TO GO COMMIT TO COLLEGE TO TELL HIM OH WAS GIVING UP. Y’all couldn’t have fucking waited like…one day? You know Teh is stupid motherfucker prone to grand gestures.
Worst plot line
“I’m going to kill your mother from third hand cigarette smoke and spend the last hour and a half of a genuinely otherwise beautifully crafted show making the world’s longest anti-smoking campaign” by New Siwaj in My Only 12%. What a way to ruin a show at the very last minute.
The most problematic show you've watched
Fish Upon the Sky, what in the racism, support of stalking, invasion of privacy, manipulation was that show?
A show people love but you find bad
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Enchante. I just hate Theo so goddamn much.
A show people find bad but you will defend
Also gonna agree with @bengiyo here and say Wedding Plan, I have seen so little conversation around that show since it aired and it was super adorable and very very outside of MAME’s typical taboos. Just fluff, lesbianism, and lavender marriages abound. But if you think La Pluie is bad, then I will fight you to an early grave.
A show that is just objectively bad but you enjoyed it
I wouldn’t say it is my favorite, but I didn’t mind Vice Versa, but maybe that’s cause I was paying attention to trying to predict the next episode’s colors and not to the plot?
A bad show that you kept watching because you were intrigued/fascinated
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Mine is the same as @waitmyturtles. It’s currently still airing, so it’s entirely possible I drop it, but, Dangerous Romance, I am so mad at how quickly it is brushing past interesting topics, but I am still watching it because I am curious where they intend to go with it. I don’t think they can salvage it, but I need to know what it is they want to say that made them think handling this show the way they are is better than exploring literally any of the class questions presented in the first couple episodes.
A bad show that you kept watching because you were horny
I don’t really watch shows because I am horny,  I watch shows because- Why R U? FighterTutor, only reason I watched that show, I skipped through most of the rest of it.
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A bad show that you kept watching because of that one character
Why R U? Because Fighter was such a compelling character and I thought Zee did a phenomenal job in the way he handled Fighter’s internalized homophobia. I wish they were giving Zee more complicated roles than Hia Lian because he’s a strong actor and I think his talent is wasted on Cutie Pie.
A bad show that you would still recommend
I don’t really recommend shows that I think are bad to people, so it is a case by case basis. I did not end up liking A Boss and a Babe, but I did recommend @emotionallychargedtowel watch at least some of it so she could get a better idea of Book’s acting ability.
The character that ruined a show the most
Nadia, My Ride. She’s such a self-entitled, incredibly judgemental bitch and I hate her, runner up is Toy for destroying Boss’ bookshelf.
Most awful character that you hated
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Tawan, KinnPorsche. I hate him, I hate him, I hate him, I hate him. I was glad when he died, and I must commend Na for his performance because he did such a good job playing an asshole that I still hate his face when I see it.
Most awful character that you loved
Korn from KinnPorsche, I am obsessed with how casually evil he is, and how he keeps his loyalty through faked compassion rather than abusive fear the way Gun does. He’s consistently winning, even when his lies are revealed. I think he does a superb job of flying under the radar as a visibly awful character. But he’s a terrible person.
A character that wasn't awful but that you just don't like
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Saifah, Why R U? It’s not his fault, but I just hate Jimmy’s face.
A hero that should have been a villain
Palm, Never Let Me Go, I had too many theories about the ways in which Palm could have betrayed Nuengdiao. Hell, I’d have settled for Chanon being a villain, but no, only loyalty :(
A morally bad character you're into
*ahem* *gestures to my username*
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Wen Kexing, Word of Honor who has done nothing wrong in his entire life.
A morally bad character you're not into and you wish people would stop being into
Theo, Enchante, I hate that motherfucker with a burning passion. I know that I said I think Book should be able to play more assholes cause he’s doing a great job with Mew’s revenge era, but Theo was a goddamn fucking major asshole who was not really presented as such.
The show that disappointed you the most
Again, it’s not done yet, so there is still time to maybe climb out of this hole, but I am very disappointed by Dangerous Romance at the moment.
The Worst Show of Them All Because of Your Own Reasons
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Enchante because how the fuck do you think it is okay to write a romance where one of the romantic interests both creates the most fucked up, convoluted lie to mess with your feelings, AND is so goddamn helpless that you GET FIRED FROM YOUR JOB FOR HELPING HIM, and not have either of those things be a wake up call or deal breaker?!
Tagging @ranchthoughts, @respectthepetty, @solitaryandwandering
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twig-tea · 8 months
BL/QL Ask game : The Ugly, the Bad and the Worst
Thank you for the game, @clara-maybe-ontheroad! And thanks for tagging me @clara-maybe-ontheroad and @lurkingshan! I started out by saying to myself that I'm going to do my best to ignore my urges and just answer the first thing that comes to me rather than treating this like a quiz. And then I went into a fugue and worked on this for >5 hours. WHOOPS.
Original version here for anyone else who wants to play!
Also quick warning, this is asking about the worsts, so TW for mentions of horrific plot points below.
Worst soundtrack / weirdest song choice in a BL
Ohhhhh man, ok so the first thought that came to mind was Never Let Me Go, which mostly had fantastic background music, and that's maybe why when it didn't hit it stood out so badly (sorry to my man Pond, not all BL actors should be singers! And having his OST play over their kiss in Part 7 4/4 was just mean). For the record I love this show (actually maybe it should go in one of the below categories because so many tumblr folks dislike it) but this was rough.
Most cringe-inducing line (cute)
These don't tend to stick with me...there are so many, and I am allergic to sincerity so everything earnest is various levels of cringe to me. So with that in mind, basically everything Gavreel ever said in Gameboys counts.
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Most cringe-inducing line (actually bad)
Anytime someone said "Once I start I won't be able to stop" or some variation.
Most stupid decision made by a character
Jun Ho deciding to die rather than bite Min Hyun in Kissable Lips. Min Hyun was offering. it would have made Jun Ho human. He could have had his friends around to make sure he didn't go too far and kill him. Instead he decides to fade away in his arms like a dick. WHY.
Special mention to NuengDiao going back to his hotel where his murderous uncle is waiting with no plan other than to walk in wearing a suit and a cocky expression in Never Let Me Go.
[@bengiyo and @wen-kexing-apologist are correct about Teh giving up his spot to Oh Aew in I Told Sunset About You as the actual correct answer, btw]
Worst plot line
Every penultimate episode crises resulting in the leads splitting up so that they can reunite in the finale that are not earned and significantly detract from my enjoyment of a series [this list is not comprehensive]: 2Gether, Minato's Laundromat S2, Enchanté, Love Class, Plus & Minus.
The most problematic show you've watched
I've seen literally all of them so this feels like an unfair question lol there are layers of problematic; like, is it even worth considering all of the problems with A Round Trip to Love, or The Shortest Distance is Round, or What the Duck s2? I wrote out summaries for these and then decided no thanks. If anyone wants to know they can DM me.
In terms of series that are problematic but not often considered problematic, I'm calling out Love Area the series. It hits two of my pet peeves: shitty treatment of a poor character by an oblivious rich love interest that directly affects their sources of income, and an ableist subplot. I think it also has an unearned separation in the penultimate episode but honestly I remember thinking they should stay split up so maybe it was earned.
A show people love but you find bad
Vice Versa. Sorry to all who love that show. I wanted to like it; the colouring and cinematography are beautiful and the alternate universe was neat worldbuilding. But the plot makes me so, so angry.
Ditto Cutie Pie the series. I just can't enjoy it.
A show people find bad but you will defend
Honestly there are several, but the one that is most disliked that I will ride hardest for is probably Secret Crush On You (which I argued ended with one of the most healthy relationships in a BL here LMAO). I get why people find this show hard to watch, the cringe is real. But the gender expression! The found family! The "he's a weirdo and that's why I love him" dynamic! The mutual lusting! The body dysphoria! The fact that both start by playing into BL tropes and it's only by throwing those out that they can actually have a meaningful relationship! The way both characters have real growth! And like yes Toh is a fanboy stalker but that is problematized in the show! It gave us the growth from fanboy to faen that Be Mine Superstar didn't. I have a lot of emotions about this show.
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ALSO because I cannot stop, I will forever to my dying breath defend Color Rush. I don't care what you say about dead fish kisses I can't hear you over the incredibly powerful metaphor about the queer experience!
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A show that is just objectively bad but you enjoyed it
Bahahhaha. Um. So many, my friends. OH I'm going to take this chance to shout out the lesser-known webseries Discipline Z: Vampire (Korean, YouTube, 2020). It's ostensibly a sequel to Discipline, but the only thing they share is a single character so you don't need to watch it to understand what's happening in Discipline Z (they are entirely different shows in every way; Discipline is more youth slice of life with a queer story as part of the ensemble). Listen, I'm talking about this show in this category for a reason; it's about a vampire who falls for a street dancer, whose motley crew of hacker friends help rescue the vampire from an evil corporation that wants to experiment on him to understand his immortality. It is BAD.
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But. BUT! I love it. Everyone is so pretty. There is a cute hacker girlie. There is scifi nonsense to explain immortality. There is a good kiss. There are characters willing to sacrifice to do the right thing. I am a simple woman. [Fair warning to my happy ending only pals: this ending is ambiguous at best; there was supposed to be a follow-up epilogue for the couple, but it never got filmed.]
Bonus, En of Love was absolutely trash and it has a very special place in my heart. It's not good (like, at all), but it's great.
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A bad show that you kept watching because you were intrigued/fascinated
Let's go with Physical Therapy the series. At some point I just kept watching like a car wreck to see how bad it could get. Also shout-out to Dinosaur Love, which was...similarly bewildering.
A bad show that you kept watching because you were horny
@lurkingshan already stole my first answer for this, but oh man I stay a Why R U apologist for the Fighter/Tutor chemistry. I actually think somewhere in there is a really interesting show, if the pandemic hadn't made it impossible for them to film the ending that they wanted to, but based on the Korean version and the parts that we were told had to be cut, maybe it would have actually made it worse. But just to get on my soapbox for half a sec, Tutor was in debt, working himself to exhaustion, and Fighter (after he got over himself) protected him at his one job, joined him to help him meet his sales targets at another, hired him for a third, paid off his debt collector to take the pressure off, and then took him on vacation to help him relax--twice. I have issues with depictions of poverty in BL but at least my man secured the bag while also pursuing love or whatever. Also he whispers "get inside me" while they're making out, sorry, Tutor will forever be a fave of mine.
Since that's taken, I'm going to use this as an excuse to shout out the hotness of My Day the Series. It was predominantly not great but the heat moments....
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A bad show that you kept watching because of that one character
I'm giving this to Noey Watplu from I Will Knock You. I was obsessed with him. I want his confidence so badly. I love how he's essentially a dork in cosplay but gets away with it because of his rizz. Truly iconic. This man decided he was being seduced and said "bet". I really enjoyed this show because of him and him alone.
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A bad show that you would still recommend
I'm going to put Ghost Host Ghost House here. It's "bad" in the sense that it had low production values (like, really bad, so bad the time of day changes at random because they lost the light while filming). But the romance was cute, the story around the romance was interesting, the worldbuilding around the merit credits was fascinating, the side mystery was so heartbreaking, the various characters actually had a lot of difficult emotions to portray, and overall I think this show is underrated.
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I also already have and will again recommend YYY as a fun and fascinating watch to anyone who asks about it, @waitmyturtles is correct on that call.
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The character that ruined a show the most
There are several annoying sides in BL, but I'm giving this to the side hets in My Oxygen. A fujoshi who records people without their consent for online clout is bad. A doctor using his role as a doctor to get closer to his patient is really bad. Pretending to be interested in his friend because the girl he likes is a fujoshi is worse; then using her brother as his friend's stand-in when his friend won't put up with it anymore is the WORST.
Most awful character that you hated
I mean, Lhong in TharnType takes it for not only arranging the gang rape of Tar, but being forgiven for it in the series. Neung in Tonhon Chonlatee comes a close second for attempting to rape Chonlatee and then claiming the moral high ground against his homophobic "friend". Tony in History 5: Love in the Future doesn't get enough hate for trying to murder someone just because he was his love rival. Namning in La Cuisine had her love rival bullied, beaten and who knows what she was going to do with that gun. Also shoutout to @wen-kexing-apologist's answer of Korn, in KinnPorsche, he was so insidiously evil, it was so well done.
Most awful character that you loved
I'm going with "awful" as not necessarily (just) morally bad but that people didn't like: Jaime from Win Jaime's Heart. Objectively he's a fuckboi of the worst calibre. He agrees to go on a webshow in which he dates Heart so that he can seduce the creator of the show Winston. And Jaime is so charming that I don't care about his bi wrongs (partially, to be fair, because the premise is ridiculous so it's hard to take too seriously).
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Special mention (because it's not a series) to Wine in Red Wine in the Dark Night. I love a murder twink (speaking of, things are looking really good for me to stay in love with Ai Di from Kiseki if it keeps on this track).
If we're interpreting "awful" as characters that other people don't like, it'll probably go to Toh from Secret Crush on You or Gus in Diary of Tootsies. They're flawed, they're femme, they're fantastic.
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A character that wasn't awful but that you just don't like
Can in Love By Chance and the sequels. Tinn is an asshole and knows it; Can is an asshole but is also self-righteous, but in all honesty his biggest flaw for me is that he's not competent and I have little patience for that.
A hero that should have been a villain
Tempted to give this to Ko from Love Poison for essentially trying to love spell date rape his love interest--this is only not that bad because magic isn't real so of course it doesn't do anything.
Possibly Athit (Boun's character) from Even Sun? I put a question mark there because this was so convoluted and hard to follow I'm not even 100% sure I remember it right, but from what I remember, this was not a romantic story at all.
Taking a totally different approach to the question, Joke from Hidden Agenda should have been a secret villain (in the sense that he should have been scheming and sociopathic but hiding it, ineffectually, from Zo) in order to make the series make sense, but apparently I can't have nice things.
And finally, special mention to Phu in The Promise for being the villain for so many of us already.
A morally bad character you're into
Zhu Zi Shu, canon war criminal and child murderer from Word of Honor. He thought he was doing bad things for good reasons (protecting the people he loves), realized he was just doing bad things and the people he loves were all dead anyway, and crafted a convoluted plot to get out of the secret society rules that he created to prevent anyone from leaving. And then he wanders aimless until he meets Wen Ke Xing and becomes as loyal to this equally morally dubious man as he was to his secret society. I love him (and them) so much.
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Same type of deal, different scale of crime: Akk from The Eclipse. I have a soft spot for this trope.
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A morally bad character you're not into and you wish people would stop being into
Xue Yang from The Untamed. Also a mass murderer, but doing it just for the vibes/to avenge his finger, so he gets zero love from me. People woobify him just because he's sassy it's...rough.
The show that disappointed you the most
From hype to execution? So Much in Love / Ni Yam Ruk. I slogged through such awful subs TWICE (because they claimed they redid them, but they are still terrible) to try to give this show a chance, because the premise sounded right up my alley. I still think there's a show in there that I would have liked, but it is literally unwatchable.
Most disappointed from what the show seemed like it was doing at the start to what it delivered in full is a tie between The Shipper and Step By Step.
The Worst Show of Them All Because of Your Own Reasons
That's My Candy. I've only ever dropped/not finished I think 3 or so shows? And this was the most painful and the one I am least likely to ever finish. The pairing was overplayed, the comedy was heavy handed, and the plot was absolutely cringe inducing. It was literally torture trying to watch this.
If you made it this far, thank you for reading!
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Tagging @visualtaehyun @nothingsbetterthancoffee @lurkingteapot @snidgetwrites @formayhem @slayerkitty @respectthepetty @ginnymoonbeam no pressure as always! And if you play and I didn't tag you but you're reading this, tag me anyway! I love reading everyone's answers.
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clara-maybe-ontheroad · 8 months
BL/QL Ask game : The Ugly, the Bad and the Worst
I feel like starting a random tag ask game for all the terrible shit us QL-lovers put up with, sometimes for pleasure, sometimes for pain, sometimes for both ! This list has 22 questions so no one has to do them all, just the ones you want, but I'm excited to see what everyone comes up with :)
The categories are :
Worst soundtrack / weirdest song choice in a BL
Most cringe-inducing line (cute)
Most cringe-inducing line (actually bad)
Most stupid decision made by a character
Worst plot line
The most problematic show you've watched
A show people love but you find bad
A show people find bad but you will defend
A show that is just objectively bad but you enjoyed it
A bad show that you kept watching because you were intrigued/fascinated
A bad show that you kept watching because you were horny
A bad show that you kept watching because of that one character
A bad show that you would still recommend
The character that ruined a show the most
Most awful character that you hated
Most awful character that you loved
A character that wasn't awful but that you just don't like
A hero that should have been a villain
A morally bad character you're into
A morally bad character you're not into and you wish people would stop being into
The show that disappointed you the most
The Worst Show of Them All Because of Your Own Reasons
I'll do it myself later but for now, I'm already tagging @waitmyturtles @lurkingshan @ranchthoughts @twig-tea @slayerkitty @distant-screaming @neuroticbookworm @chickenstrangers @thatgirl4815 @wen-kexing-apologist @jgyapologism @jjsanguine @bengiyo @dimplesandfierceeyes!
Whoever wants to join is most welcome of course, and again you obviously don't have to do all the questions... But come on I want to see all the terrible terrible dirty QL shows you guys have been watching and complain and rejoice together !
Please reblog for maximum trash ❤️
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bengiyo · 8 months
I was tagged by @clara-maybe-ontheroad on some fandom asks in a tag game. I normally don't think this hard about things I don't like, but here we go.
Worst soundtrack / weirdest song choice in a BL
Remember Me. It was horrible.
Most cringe-inducing line (cute)
Probably “Kiss you until you drop.” Sarawat is low-key a gay disaster. I still find it endearing.
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Most cringe-inducing line (actually bad)
“I’ll make you my wife.” I know the Kongpob line was a big deal, but I’m still not into it.
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Most stupid decision made by a character
Probably Pat’s decision to help Wai since he got shot for it. Also Teh giving up his spot for Oh-aew.
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Worst plot line
I’m still salty about it, so the stupid fucking amnesia plot in Minato’s Laundromat 2.
The most problematic show you've watched
Honestly, it’s Handsome Stewardess because of the IPV and the way it was handled.
A show people love but you find bad
Probably Star in My Mind and Sky in Your Heart?
A show people find bad but you will defend
Right now? Wedding Plan. Historically? Make It Right.
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A show that is just objectively bad but you enjoyed it
Rainbow Prince
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A bad show that you kept watching because you were intrigued/fascinated
Low Frequency
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A bad show that you kept watching because you were horny
‘Cause You’re My Boy because Frank and Drake had that.
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A bad show that you kept watching because of that one character
Ocean Likes Me for Holland’s character.
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A bad show that you would still recommend
Once Again. It was kind of difficult, but it executed its themes well.
The character that ruined a show the most
Puen in Vice Versa.
Most awful character that you hated
PLERN PLENG from Together Wtih Me. I know @negrowhat and @lurkingshan got my back on this one.
Most awful character that you loved
Green from 2gether. Gun deserved and still deserves better.
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A character that wasn't awful but that you just don't like
I don’t like Dr. Sing in Triage that much.
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A hero that should have been a villain
Is this where I dig at Tharntype?
A morally bad character you're into
Zhou Zi Shu from Word of Honor
A morally bad character you're not into and you wish people would stop being into
Vegas from KinnPorsche
The show that disappointed you the most
Bite Me
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The Worst Show of Them All Because of Your Own Reasons
The Shipper and My Extraordinary
I don't think I'll tag anyone specific, but if we've been chatting about BL since before 2gether, I wanna know your answers.
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lurkingshan · 8 months
BL/QL Ask game : The Ugly, the Bad and the Worst
Tagged by @clara-maybe-ontheroad to start some trouble. There are a lot of these, so I'm mostly going to do quick hits and maybe expand on a few that really get me going.
The categories are:
Worst soundtrack / weirdest song choice in a BL
It would be easier to list the BL soundtracks that are not horrible (offense intended).
Most cringe-inducing line (cute)/Most cringe-inducing line (actually bad)
I'm so bad at remembering specific lines of dialogue unless I think they're beautiful/heart-wrenching, so I got nothing.
Most stupid decision made by a character
In a BL?? Baby, I do not have all day.
Worst plot line
Hmmm I'm gonna give in to recency bias and say faking amnesia to get your fiancé to love you again after you iced him out and denied him sex for four years because of your tiger attack-related PTSD (no I am not making that up, never change actually Naughty Babe).
The most problematic show you've watched
Problematic is in the eye of the beholder, so honestly who can say.
A show people love but you find bad
LOLOLOL. There are. So many. Probably the one with the wildest fandom fervor :: Shan personal enjoyment ratio is KinnPorsche.
A show people find bad but you will defend
Theory of Love and y'all stay wrong about this. It is easily one of the best early Thai bls and the writing, character development, and narrative structure are all excellent, but people hate slutty characters so they can't deal with it.
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A show that is just objectively bad but you enjoyed it/were horny/because of that one character
Why r u? What can I say, I'm a Fighter/Tutor girlie.
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A bad show that you kept watching because you were intrigued/fascinated
Hmmm I usually just drop it if I'm truly not having fun. I guess you could count me finishing Minato's Laundromat 2 despite knowing any hope for it was over at the end of episode 9. I just needed to see how mad I was going to be in the end (pretty damn mad).
A bad show that you would still recommend
There is too much BL nowadays to be trifling with the bad shit.
The character that ruined a show the most/most awful character that you hated
PLERN PLENG (Together With Me). cc: @bengiyo the co-president of the Plern Pleng antis.
Most awful character that you loved
Boston, a beautiful chaos demon (Only Friends).
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A character that wasn't awful but that you just don't like
Anyone played by Podd or Jimmy (it's their faces I can't stand them sorry to those men).
A hero that should have been a villain
This is an interesting one! I’m not sure this counts, but I’ll just say I did not love the way The Untamed white washed Wei Wuxian and removed his culpability for all his worst choices (I recognize this was largely due to censorship). I much prefer the more morally complex and deeply flawed version of him we got in MDZS.
A morally bad character you're into/you're not into and you wish people would stop being into
I don't believe in holding fictional characters to real life moral standards. Bad behavior makes for good stories.
The show that disappointed you the most
Let me take this opportunity to drag Plus & Minus again, a show that had all the right ingredients to be a top tier friends to lovers narrative and absolutely blew it to do some beyond clichéd noble idiocy and breakup bs that violated character and undercut the relationship to such a degree that I can never rewatch or enjoy anything about it again.
The Worst Show of Them All Because of Your Own Reasons
Hmm I do not have one. It's rare for me to not be able to find something of value in any media I consume.
Tagging @chickenstrangers @sorry-bonebag @kayatoasted @blmpff @twig-tea in case you want to play!
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slayerkitty · 8 months
BL/QL Ask game : The Ugly, the Bad and the Worst
Thanks to @clara-maybe-ontheroad and @twig-tea for tagging me!
The categories are :
Worst soundtrack / weirdest song choice in a BL: Oh man. Um. It might be the song that plays at the beginning of Wedding Plan, during Prapai and Sky's wedding, Battle of the Hymn Republic.
Most cringe-inducing line (cute): "Do you like grilled fish?" Pharm to Dean in UWMA, after they almost kissed, while standing in an aquarium.
Most cringe-inducing line (actually bad): "Keep looking at me like that and I'll kiss you til you drop," Wat to Tine, 2Gether. This line wouldn't be nearly so cringe-y or bad if said kissing had actually happened. It could've been hot. Instead it ends up feeling silly.
Most stupid decision made by a character: Pharm's grandfather/Korn's father keeping the loaded gun Korn and In used on themselves in what looks like a cookie tin-like box on his bookshelf for 30 years where anyone (*ahem* Pharm *ahem*) could find it.
Worst plot line: Chains of Heart - Din as Lue kills the man who tried to kill him and Ken years ago and instead of having a conversation with Ken about why he took on a new identity and pretended to be dead, etc, HE JUST LEAVES AND THEY NEVER SEE HIM AGAIN.
The most problematic show you've watched: Tharntype.
A show people love but you find bad: Tharntype.
A show people find bad but you will defend: Bed Friend. For all it's issues, it's themes around trauma, sex and mental health were amazingly well done.
A show that is just objectively bad but you enjoyed it: Unforgotten Night. It's awful. It's also campy and unpredictable in places and there's a m/m/m threesome, so...
A bad show that you kept watching because you were intrigued/fascinated: Chains of Heart. Something about it hooked me though it's not a well done show, lol. Plus it spawned our Chains of Confusion weekly chats, which I loved.
A bad show that you kept watching because you were horny: Why R U? It turned into a fanservice sexfest toward the end (thanks, Covid) but I can't even be mad because Zee and Saint went for it and I respect that.
A bad show that you kept watching because of that one character: Dinosaur Love. I watched for the chemistry between the mains and Chalarm.
A bad show that you would still recommend: Ummm... this is complicated because I think it would depend on who was asking. If it's a show with tropes I know the person asking would like, I would maybe recommend it with the caveat that it's bad, LOL.
The character that ruined a show the most: Pluern-Plang from Together With Me. Oh, I don't even know where to start with her. Also, Dr Bright, same show. UGH.
Most awful character that you hated: Uea's mother in Bed Friend. I actively wanted her to die and that is just not who I am.
Most awful character that you loved: Vegas, KinnPorsche. Oh, I have complicated feelings about him but overall I loved his character for just being evil and unapologetic.
A character that wasn't awful but that you just don't like: I couldn't think of an answer for this, LOL.
A hero that should have been a villain: Joke, Hidden Agenda. He should have been a stalker.
A morally bad character you're into: Literally every character in KinnPorsche, pretty much. I love them all. Morals? Those characters don't know her.
A morally bad character you're not into and you wish people would stop being into: I also couldn't think of an answer for this one. One will probably come to me later, LOL.
The show that disappointed you the most: Hidden Agenda. I am still feeling that burn. Chains of Heart also goes here. I still like both of them, I just had higher hopes for more.
The Worst Show of Them All Because of Your Own Reasons: Tharntype.
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nieves-de-sugui · 8 months
BL/QL Ask Game : The Ugly, the Bad and the Worst
Thank yo to @waitmyturtles for the tag!! I love these games. I'll try to be nice ❤
Worst soundtrack / weirdest song choice in a BL I do not pay enough attention to music in the show that I watch to be able to answer this question. But I guess it would be that time they used the german national anthem in a show? I can't remember which but it was so random xD
Most cringe-inducing line (cute) Holy guacamole.
Most cringe-inducing line (actually bad) My brain does me the favor of erasing these inmediately from my memory. But I'm pretty sure there have been a few recently. Anything relating to "little me"s in BL makes me cringe.
Most stupid decision made by a character Since I can't rememeber well bad stuff from plots of past shows I'm gonna try to recall the last few I was watching. Mmmmm. For Jaab to kiss Jane and then never adress it properly
Worst plot line Either the amnesia in Minato's Laundromat or the fight between Punn and Ashi in Be Mine Superstar
The most problematic show you've watched TharnType? I feel like there's been worse but I can't remember if I watched them or not...
A show people love but you find bad I generally agree with the mainstream consensus. It is very rare for me to dislike something that is generally liked. Oh I know! About Youth.
A show people find bad but you will defend Utsukushii Kare. It might not be the most unpopular but I've seen a lot of people not being able to enjoy it and I will defend it until I die
A show that is just objectively bad but you enjoyed it Dangerous Romance. It hasn't ended, I know. It's not amazing, it could've been better, it was false advertisement, but I'm enjoying it a lot :)
A bad show that you kept watching because you were intrigued/fascinated Future the series. Morbid curiosity is what we should call it
A bad show that you kept watching because you were horny Wedding Plan xD
A bad show that you kept watching because of that one character Remember me...
A bad show that you would still recommend My day xD It's hilarious
The character that ruined a show the most The main guy in Future the series. I couldn't, how tf did I watch that?
Most awful character that you hated The fucking ex in Mr Cinderella
Most awful character that you loved Aoey in Lovely Writer
A character that wasn't awful but that you just don't like Jaab in Step by Step
A hero that should have been a villain I can't think of any
A morally bad character you're into Ray
A morally bad character you're not into and you wish people would stop being into Don't kill me but... Boston. Like, yeah I love what he's doing as a character and all that but I'm not particularly liking him too much xD
The show that disappointed you the most MODC. No show has wrecked me like that so unpromptedly ever before and since
The Worst Show of Them All Because of Your Own Reasons I don't think I have a worst one, I generally move on when I don't like a show. But if I had to chose I guess What The Duck?
Tag time! Let's get to know people! @aspaceformyself @xagan @cangse-sanren @dribs-and-drabbles @emotionallychargedtowel @mikuni14 @troubled-mind @wanderlust-in-my-soul and whoever wants to do it :)
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waitmyturtles · 8 months
BL/QL Ask Game : The Ugly, the Bad and the Worst
Thanks so much to my fellow Only Friends Ephemerality Squad compatriot, @clara-maybe-ontheroad, for the tag on this FASCINATING tag game! I will admit: I don't think I've seen quite enough BLs to have a strong opinion for a lot of these questions -- so I will answer those that I can. (And here's a link to the original post with all of the questions listed!) Of course, many of the shows I'll reference below came from the Old GMMTV Challenge, so I'm focusing on Thailand here!
Worst soundtrack / weirdest song choice in a BL --> I cannot STAND the original SOTUS theme song. It was actually a kind of perfect theme song for the early-college-years setting that SOTUS was situated in, but -- oh god, I had to FF it every time it came on.
Most cringe-inducing line (cute) --> "Do you like to eat grilled fish?" --> Pharm, to Dean, at the AQUARIUM (Until We Meet Again) LOLLLLL
Most cringe-inducing line (actually bad) -->This isn't quite fair to Type, but when he says to Tharn, "The slap was nothing compared to what I did to her," and you hear that out of context, as I mistakenly did the first time I saw this particular scene, it just -- made me want to throw my computer out of a window. I'd say 95% of the lines in TharnType were bad cringe.
Most stupid decision made by a character --> For fucking Nan to get together with fucking Phu in The Promise. Nan, you were WAY TOO GOOD for Phu, and you should have gotten with Party. FUCK.
Worst plot line --> All of TharnType
The most problematic show you've watched --> All of TharnType
A show people love but you find bad --> TharnType?
A show people find bad but you will defend --> KinnPorsche. It was a cultural zeitgeist for a reason, and it's worth a defense for its symbolism in the scope of Thai BL
A show that is just objectively bad but you enjoyed it --> YYY, 100% bad show that I totally love
A bad show that you kept watching because you were intrigued/fascinated --> LOL, Dangerous Romance?
A bad show that you kept watching because you were horny --> DEFINITELY DANGEROUS ROMANCE
A bad show that you kept watching because of that one character --> UNFORTUNATELY THE PROMISE BECAUSE OF COFFEE DUDES, to which I am susceptible
A bad show that you would still recommend --> YYY, if people want to see critical commentary in an utterly BONKERS show
The character that ruined a show the most --> FUCKING PHU IN THE PROMISE
Most awful character that you hated --> Type, TharnType
Most awful character that you loved --> BOSTON.
A character that wasn't awful but that you just don't like --> Hmmmmmmm. I can't really think of one.... maayyyyybe Boss from 2gether? But that's not fair because I love Gunsmile. I dunno on this one!
A hero that should have been a villain --> SHOULD have been a villain... Dan from Not Me.
A morally bad character you're into --> Boston
A morally bad character you're not into and you wish people would stop being into --> That guy James from I Feel You Linger in the Air (Pat's shooter, get grazed motherlskfjlwker)
The show that disappointed you the most --> The Promise
The Worst Show of Them All Because of Your Own Reasons --> TharnType
I did it! TAGS! @solitaryandwandering @omarandjohnny @amerain-k @nieves-de-sugui @he-is-lightning-in-a-bottle @thatgirl4815 @invisiblegarters @clairificusrex @so-much-yet-to-learn @tm-trx and whoever else wants to join in!
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visualtaehyun · 8 months
BL/QL Ask game : The Ugly, the Bad and the Worst
Thank you for tagging me @twig-tea 🙏 I read your post and the questions while going Ohhh interesting but when I actually tried to answer them myself, I realized that I'm usually pretty positive about the shows I watch or else I just move on from them. Most of the time, I don't fault characters or a whole show for being bad anyway, it's more the writing/script, directing choices, or editing that I tend to have gripes with.
So! Of the entire 22 original questions (by @clara-maybe-ontheroad), I'll only be answering a handful. This will also only be about Thai BLs because they make up the vast majority of QLs I've seen.
1 Worst soundtrack / weirdest song choice in a BL
My knee-jerk reaction was "Never Let Me Go country song NC" lmao but then I went to rewatch said scene and it barely stood out to me. So after re-thinking I'll have to nominate two shows: Dangerous Romance and Until We Meet Again, for basically the same reason.
Chimon's OST สายลม (Wind), which I actually fell in love with when it dropped because Chimon's voice was such a pleasant surprise, is being entirely overused in DR, to the point that I'm starting to tire of a song that I actually like. Honorable mention: The completely random and unnecessary stage performance of Perth and Chimon's ซบกันไปนานๆ (Sunset) in ep. 5. Was it not enough to have them sing and vibe to it in the car earlier in the same episode??
Similarly, UWMA's OST is either entirely by one guy or entirely one song but it sure was grating on me, my patience and my enjoyment of the show. P'New series are already hit or miss for me but that singer/song/OST had me so fed up.
5 Worst plot line
The first show I ever dropped was Star In My Mind which is ridiculous considering how short it is. But the entire premise of Kluen being unable to open his goddamn mouth frustrated me to no end. I did pick it back up again at a later point though, so I could watch Sky In Your Heart and indulge in the JoongDunk cuteness from there on out.
7 A show people love but you find bad
I'm sorry to say but- it's Vice Versa. It was one of the first Thai QLs I watched along with as it aired but ultimately I gotta say Oof. It has a fun premise, the cinematography is super nice, and it's genuinely sweet. But the amount of product placements was staggering! I also just didn't vibe with JimmySea's chemistry, they just gave too much Friend energy for me to find them believable as a couple. They're not the only ones or the only series where I didn't really find the spark but that's not a Them problem. That's a me 'Needing my fictional couples to be head over heels for each other for my acespec ass to see/experience the attraction and connection' problem lol
8 A show people find bad but you will defend
Cutie Pie! And I will die on this hill, @twig-tea 😂 It has everything I love: good production quality, good acting, tangible chemistry between the couples (see last question lol), complicated emotions, push-and-pull between the romantic leads, a dedicated cast and crew, a great OST, I'm certain I'm forgetting a lot of stuff but there's just so much I love about this show.
At its core, it's about two people who turned themselves into the versions they think they should be for each other, based on their upbringing, expectations placed upon them, status differences etc. and how they learn to be honest with themselves and each other.
I've re-watched this show a number of times, each with different levels of Thai proficiency, which made me consider that this show might've been such a hit in Thailand but not as much internationally because there's maybe a language and trope/culture barrier here? On my first-time watch, I knew no Thai and was largely unfamiliar with what tropes are common in Thai romances and such. At the time, the show didn't hit me very much, I struggled to make sense of that pivotal fight in episode 1, I enjoyed the singing, it was mostly just a nice romance. On my most recent re-watch a few months back, I had reached the point where I could follow a spoken conversation in Thai as long as there were translated subs to guide me along. And suddenly the full weight of episode 1 but especially the fight at the end, setting up the central conflict, hit me and I realized: Oh wow! This is good writing! Introduce your characters, their backgrounds, their goals, and the show's core conflict and that's how you hook viewers.
This has already gotten long enough but I wanna mention how much it means to me to have this show not just call for marriage equality repeatedly but also to have them shout it out to the world by having their mlm couple fully make out in what is arguably one of the busiest corners of Bangkok - Siam Square! More specifically it is the area with the fountains between Siam Paragon on one side and Siam Center on the other, and the skywalk (that connects the various malls in the area) as well as the central BTS station Siam both overlooking that space. It's also called Parc Paragon, there's frequently events there, and it is busy as all hell!! And they not only cleared it for filming a lengthy queer kiss scene but, in the show, the huge LED/ad screens are used to project pride colors, a call for equal rights, and a queer marriage proposal in plain view of the entire square!
If you've never been to Bangkok, I beg you to look up photos, via Google Street View or the IG location tag for Parc Paragon so you get an idea of what I'm talking about. 🙏 (this isn't the only busy prominent location they used btw but djdjhdjsdj let's not write a whole damn essay here)
10 A bad show that you kept watching because you were intrigued/fascinated
Dinosaur Love - I watched the first episode, excited for Tonnam and Pepper, and found it charming with its low budget, pink-filtered tropey-ness. Except I quickly realized that this show was Actually Bad. The framing and blocking were often a big question mark to me. The pink filter and the background music got annoying quickly. The acting was subpar. At some point in episode 2 I started questioning if they ever even did more than one take per scene. There was a panning shot involving a mirror where the crew is just fully visible in the reflection?? Suffice it to say that I dropped this show like a hot potato when episode 3 very suddenly and very graphically had a side character self-harm. Squicked me out like nothing before, moving on!
11 A bad show that you kept watching because you were horny
I mentioned this already but I'm on the aro/ace-spectrum (...somewhere, don't ask me specifics lol) so I don't really watch shows for horny or eyecandy reasons. If I don't vibe with the characters or dynamics then I won't even perceive them as sexy, to be honest.
12 A bad show that you kept watching because of that one character
Why R U (the og Thai one), I guess? Everyone who's seen it probably knows that the production and filming suffered because of Covid so I wouldn't hesitate to call this show bad on that basis. I set out to watch it because I wanted to see more of Zee Pruk's acting, in another role, after having seen Cutie Pie. And Fighter ended up being most of the reason I stuck around till the end. The nuanced struggle with his own sexuality was so well-portrayed. Tutor is a very memorable character as well! And I'm entirely 🥰 about Hwa, she just perfectly fits this character archetype that I will always, without fail, completely adore.
21 The show that disappointed you the most
Most of the time, I either don't have big expectations or I let go of them quickly enough once I get a vibe for where a given show is going. The closest thing to 'disappointment' would then probably be all the shows that I kept seeing being recommended and hyped but that didn't leave a lasting impression on me after watching, like KinnPorsche, Love Mechanics, Manner of Death. None of these are bad OR disappointing and there's things I genuinely enjoyed and liked in them but ultimately I just didn't Get why they're so popular. I'm sure part of it is to do with me not having been around to follow along on a week-to-week basis but watching them long after they were done airing, basically in a vacuum. But alas!
I don't know how you managed to do all 22 questions, Twig Tea, when this fraction has already taken me like five hours 💀 Passing this time-eating curse on then to @airenyah @cangse-sanren/@zeesqueere @sadwetcatray @sorry-bonebag @telomeke @thegalwhorants @pharawee I'm sure this tag is making the rounds so some (if not all) of y'all have probably done this already. If anyone I didn't tag reads this and wants to play, feel free to tag me in it, I do enjoy reading hot takes and impassioned essays lol
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thatgirl4815 · 8 months
BL/QL Ask Game : The Ugly, the Bad and the Worst
I was tagged by the lovely @waitmyturtles for this game! Thank you! It was fun! Admittedly though, it has been very difficult for me to pin down some of my answers. I know that there are definitely more bad BLs/QLs that I've managed to forget about (thankfully), so this is what I managed to come up with off the top of my head.
I'm learning as I'm doing this that I am much more equipped to talk about what I like compared to what I don't like, so apologies for unintentionally side-stepping some of these questions, haha.
*Original post can be found here
Worst soundtrack / weirdest song choice in a BL -> This might be an unpopular opinion, but the part of LITA where Payu sings to Rain stands out in my mind, because it just felt so forced in and uncomfortable. I also watched 2gether a long time ago, but I remember feeling like some of the singing just felt...off. I always find singing in BL cringey to some extent, so it's hard for me to judge any song fairly because I'm too busy squealing in agony.
Most cringe-inducing line (cute) -> To keep it recent, I'll say "Without wind, how can a windmill spin?" from Dangerous Romance, because it's so on the nose, but I'll admit it is endearing. The wind/windmill thing is giving me MAME, LITA flashbacks, and I'd just prefer to avoid those cliches altogether.
Most cringe-inducing line (actually bad) -> As I said above, I'm sure there are many more I could pick out with time, but the one standing out in my head is "If you don't have sexual intercourse within 2 hours, the poison will spread to your internal organs and you will die." For reference, this line comes less than a minute into the first episode of Tonhon Chonlatee. Suffice to say, I promptly closed my computer screen and that was the end of that. (I love Khao but they failed him here.)
Most stupid decision made by a character -> For Leo to give a single flying fuck about Fiat in Don't Say No. I know this sounds harsh, but I have such disdain for Fiat's character. All he did in TT season 2 and Don't Say No was whine...and yet Leo still liked him? He still wanted to be in a relationship with him? I'm failing to see what it is about Fiat that attracts him.
Worst plot line -> There are a lot of contenders here, but SCOY was pretty bad and ultimately pointless. And I don't think I've ever cringed harder for an extended period of time.
The most problematic show you've watched -> The fact that I'm going to put TharnType above KinnPorsche speaks volumes. At least KP was self-aware and eased us into the problematic content. TT didn't hold its punches at all.
A show people love but you find bad -> For me, it's probably A Tale of a Thousand Stars. Bad is a strong word, because I wouldn't say it was bad...it was just boring. I was really into it for the first couple of episodes, but the longer it went on, the more depthless I found Phupha to be. There was actually a point I remember thinking that Tian should be with Longtae instead. And thus my love for Khaotung was born.
A show people find bad but you will defend -> I'll say KinnPorsche too, because I also think it was a cultural reset for Thai BL in a lot of ways. I know a lot of people found Love Mechanics problematic, but I personally really like YinWar's chemistry and found the storyline compelling enough, so I'll defend it for that.
A show that is just objectively bad but you enjoyed it -> War of Y? Not sure if this counts since I didn't finish (but I'll give myself a pass since it does cover a bunch of different couples, so it's basically like several shows all in one). I think it had the potential to say interesting things about toxicity in the Thai QL industry, but it just...didn't? Or it tried to, but it ultimately fell flat. Anyways, the part that I watched (BillySeng's storyline, I think) was entertaining enough.
A bad show that you kept watching because you were intrigued/fascinated -> TharnType. I was fascinated to see if either of the leads (but mostly Type) could possibly get more annoying/problematic. Spoiler alert: they could.
A bad show that you kept watching because you were horny -> Hmm, maybe Big Dragon?
A bad show that you kept watching because of that one character -> This is so hard because I don't think Until We Meet Again is a bad show, but the first thing that popped into my head was Win and Team, mostly Win. I was getting annoyed with the main plot, but I looked forward to seeing my man Win whenever possible. (Plus BounPrem are cute together.)
A bad show that you would still recommend -> Goodness, idk...Why R U? was kinda fun. Even though I wouldn't say I found it particularly great (probably due to the cuts they made due to COVID).
The character that ruined a show the most -> Fiat in Don't Say No. That one's a no-brainer.
Most awful character that you hated -> Fiat. Get him off my screen.
Most awful character that you loved -> Vegas. I love to hate him.
A character that wasn't awful but that you just don't like -> Rain in LITA. I found him annoying. I get that his behavior was supposed to be cute, but he just came across as pouty and immature.
A hero that should have been a villain -> I kinda think Kim in KinnPorsche would've been a good villain? It would've been unexpected. Also, something about Jeff Satur playing a villainous character is just *chef's kiss* (if he had played Vegas, I think I would've lost my mind).
A morally bad character you're into -> Vegas from KP. Also Vee from Love Mechanics because the cheating stuff was bad, but I also just find him very endearing? He was having an internal crisis, which isn't an excuse, but I empathized with him. (Can I throw Ray from Only Friends in here as well? Not sure he entirely fits. Apparently I'm just looking for any excuse to bring up Khaotung, lol.)
A morally bad character you're not into and you wish people would stop being into -> I'm having a hard time with this one...my first thought was Boston because his behavior makes me sick to my stomach, but I think it's funny how other people are into him. Like I get it even if I don't agree with it (Neo is hot, in any case).
The show that disappointed you the most -> This one is hard. I guess I'd say A Tale of A Thousand Stars? As I said above, I loved it at first, but I started to get so bored.
The Worst Show of Them All Because of Your Own Reasons -> Don't Say No. Sorry Fiat.
Whew, that was much harder than I thought! Will tag some of my moots if any of y'all wanna play--as always, no pressure! :) @abstractelysium @thegalwhorants @nihilisticcondensedmilk @bird-inacage @aprilblossomgirl @dreamedofyou @firstkanaphans @itsmelb @k-white @way-too-indecisive @autisticbokutoenthusiast
And of course, anybody and everybody is welcome to play along!
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negrowhat · 8 months
I saw that @bengiyo did this and I would like to participate!
The categories are :
Worst soundtrack / weirdest song choice in a BL
I think some of the background music choices in Love in the Air/Wedding Plan were odd, mostly during SkyPrapai scenes. I think in one scene Itsy Bitsy Spider was playing and in their wedding scene some random ass old song was playing too. And I can't remember which BL it was where a Christmas Song kept playing in the background during random scenes.
Most cringe-inducing line (cute)
Pleum to Kevin: "You're lovely, trust me on that. If you weren't lovely I wouldn't fall for you from the first time we met." The cringe the cheese and he was always saying cheesy stuff like that to Kevin but I ate it up because he was sincere and so up front. We stan.
Most cringe-inducing line (actually bad)
Rain to Payu: "If you don't stop being angry you're going to scare your wifey." I hate how attached MAME is to the "wifey" title for her characters. That scene was cute but that line is just ugh. And the subbers like to translate it as "Darling" but we all know the truth.
Most stupid decision made by a character
Yu Xi Gu leaving to go buy salt for that stupid soup. (History 3: Make Our Days Count)
Worst plot line
Whatever the fuck the step brothers in History 4 had going on. I could honestly move past them being step brothers if every single thing else about their storyline was not so messed up. (History 4: Close to You)
The most problematic show you’ve watched
1000% TharnType and I completely own that shit. TT was a hot ass toxic mess and I ate up every single bit of it.
A show people love but you find bad
Dark Blue and Moonlight. I just hated every single thing about that series. I hated the stupid cheating plot. I hated both of the main guys. Hated the acting. But when that shit came out I remember that people just LOVED it.
A show people find bad but you will defend
En of Love: Tossara. People found Tossara boring and I just loved their lil series. I love Gun and Bar and sure the acting was a little stiff but they gave me such a warm and cozy vibe. They were honest with each other and had relevant conversations and were mostly unproblematic.
A show that is just objectively bad but you enjoyed it
The Best Twins. Like the plot made no sense and depending on which couple was on screen it felt like 3 series in one and some of the acting was not good but it was a funny lil series that featured a ton of our faves before they were our faves. Also fucking THOR??? He's a gem.
A bad show that you kept watching because you were intrigued/fascinated
History: Obsessed, because what the fuck even was that? I had to see how they made it out to the end.
A bad show that you kept watching because you were horny
Waterboyy...Earth looked really, really hot in that one, but my gawd I would never, ever watch that series again. Between them revoking that one girl's lesbian card, the cheating, the sexual assault, and Waii's daddy getting together with Waii's best friend I couldn't stomach it. Highkey glad EarthNew didn't last.
A bad show that you kept watching because of that one character
My Gear and Your Gown. That character actually being the ship PureFolk, because otherwise that series was a total snooze fest.
A bad show that you would still recommend
My Engineer. The series was quite literally a mess and almost felt like a fever dream with it's wacky characters and random happenings with the plot (also some people didn't like the main couple) but the series is so much fun and we were given a gem of a ship with RamKing/PerthLay. It's just a fun series.
The character that ruined a show the most
Fucking Wai in Bad Buddy. I just couldn't stand him outing his own best friend to the whole school. That was so fucking dirty and Pran was still trying to apologize??????? I almost dropped the series after that because I knew he would never apologize and still everything would be forgiven.
Most awful character that you hated
Tita Susan from Gameboys the Movie/Gameboy S2. Plern Pleng from Together with Me. San from TharnType. Lee So Hee from Light on Me. Fighter's daddy.
Most awful character that you loved
Type from TharnType. Ritsu from The End of the World With You.
A character that wasn’t awful but that you just don’t like
Ben from Never Let Me Go. Dome from Ingredients.
A hero that should have been a villain
Theo from Enchante. Waii from Waterboyy. Yeon Seok from First Love Again.
A morally bad character you’re into
Denis from The Director Who Buys Me Dinner.
A morally bad character you’re not into and you wish people would stop being into
The younger step brother from History 4. Day from Love Syndrome 3.
The show that disappointed you the most.
Check Out the Series and Even Sun.
The Worst Show of Them All Because of Your Own Reasons
Dark Blue and Moonlight
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BL/QL Ask Game : The Ugly, the Bad and the Worst
Thank you so much to @twig-tea for the tag!! I love these. My memory is not that great but let's see. I'm gonna keep this short.
Worst soundtrack / weirdest song choice in a BL The song playing in Palm and Nueng first time. It completely took me out.
Most cringe-inducing line (cute) DBK
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Most cringe-inducing line (actually bad) Anytime Sarawat talks about boobs. I hate it with a passion.
Most stupid decision made by a character Oh God there so many. But really everyting Knock did in Together With Me.
Worst plot line Amnesia. Nuff said.
The most problematic show you've watched TharnType
A show people love but you find bad I don't know if people loved it so I'm just going off of the sheer amount of gifs on my dash at the time. Bed Friend.
A show people find bad but you will defend Theory of Love, all day, everyday.
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A show that is just objectively bad but you enjoyed it Tonhon Chonlatee
A bad show that you kept watching because you were intrigued/fascinated I do this more often than I should. It takes quite a bit for me to drop a show. With all that said - Big Dragon. History5. The Promise.
A bad show that you kept watching because you were horny Nope.
A bad show that you kept watching because of that one character I Will Knock You. There is so much about this show that bugs me but Noey kept me coming back.
A bad show that you would still recommend If I think it's really bad, I wouldn't recommend it.
The character that ruined a show the most Aoey. Lovely writer. Every time he was on the screen I just wanted him to go away.
Most awful character that you hated Plern. Prapai. For obvious reasons.
Most awful character that you loved Tod. Not Me. I loved every time he was on the screen.
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A character that wasn't awful but that you just don't like Both sisters in both why r u. I mean they aren't evil... but I just… can't.
A hero that should have been a villain I'll borrow from @lurkingshan (if they don't mind) because I can't think of any others. The Wei Wuxian from the novel was just such a more complex character. The sanitized version of him is just way less interesting to me.
A morally bad character you're into Vee. I will defend him till my last breath.
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A morally bad character you're not into and you wish people would stop being into Thua. Let's not elaborate.
The show that disappointed you the most Step by Step. It could've been so good.
The Worst Show of Them All Because of Your Own Reasons Bed Friend.
I'm still not that comfortable tagging people and I don't know who else as done it but I'll tag my compatriot @itsallaboutbl and @williamrikers (because they owe me one 😊).
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colourme-feral · 8 months
BL/QL Ask game : The Ugly, the Bad and the Worst
Thanks for the tag, @lurkingshan!
I'll try to stick to shows that have been released this year to keep things simple for me!
The categories are:
Worst soundtrack / weirdest song choice in a BL
Any time there's uncopyrighted Christmas music used in a scene that has nothing to do with Christmas, I scratch my head.
Most cringe-inducing line (cute)/Most cringe-inducing line (actually bad)
With my memory, I'll be lucky if I remember what happened in some shows 😬
Most stupid decision made by a character
Just about any decision that any character in Club Friday: Deepest Love makes, tbh.
Worst plot line
Basically any that involve amnesia, also whatever happened in the finale of Hidden Agenda.
The most problematic show you've watched
Different shows have different problems and what matters is understanding what makes something problematic. That said, Club Friday: Deepest Love made me raise my eyebrows.
A show people love but you find bad
Step by Step, this one goes out to you, your editing, your pacing and the way you were written let me down after ep 7 or 8, which ruined the entire show for me.
A show people find bad but you will defend
Chains of Heart was objectively not a great show, but it so fun to watch even though most of us did not understand what was happening and were mostly caught up in The Glove Discourse. And who was who. It was confusing!! Personally, I enjoyed how beautiful it was. And of course the locations used, unsurprisingly.
A show that is just objectively bad but you enjoyed it/were horny/because of that one character
House of Stars. Every week, I watched it without understanding what was going on, but you know what? I still wanted to see murder and murder there was.
A bad show that you kept watching because you were intrigued/fascinated
Club Friday: Deepest Love. That was an experience that I cannot recommend, yet still had a lot of fun watching because it was so wild. No spoilers, but I cannot believe it is supposed to be a real story.
A bad show that you would still recommend
Chains of Heart was incredibly enjoyable, especially when I turned off my thinking cap and just accepted things as they were.
The character that ruined a show the most/most awful character that you hated
Phu from The Promise, lol
Most awful character that you loved
I can't think of one right now...
A character that wasn't awful but that you just don't like
Ye Chan from Love Tractor. His himbo puppy energy was a little too much for me.
A hero that should have been a villain
If Ye Chan from Love Tractor had been a villain, maybe I'd have enjoyed him more. See my next answer.
A morally bad character you're into/you're not into and wish people would stop being into
I don't, but I think Nawin from Laws of Attraction, who is one of my favourites, should have more fans.
The show that disappointed you the most
THE PROMISE. I dropped you and never looked back. Remember Me sits at the same table.
The worst show of Them All Because of Your Own Reasons
None, because I probably avoided certain shows for those reasons.
Tagging @aprilblossomgirl, @blmpff, @callipigio, @dribs-and-drabbles and @ranchthoughts if you'd like to play!
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jjsanguine · 8 months
BL/QL Ask game: The Ugly, the Bad and the Worst
From @clara-maybe-ontheroad
I feel like starting a random tag ask game for all the terrible shit us QL-lovers put up with, sometimes for pleasure, sometimes for pain, sometimes for both! The list of questions ended up being very long so no one has to do them all, just the ones you want, but I'm excited to see what everyone comes up with :)
The categories are:
Worst soundtrack / weirdest song choice in a BL
I listen to basically anything so I've yet to really be weirded out. I have kpop, world music, afropop, Afrobeats, gospel, country, drill, R&B, praise and worship (?) and others I don't know the genre names for jumbled together in the same playlist lmao.
Most cringe-inducing line (cute)
"Let's kiss the dog together" in Lovely Writer. I don't like dogs so this made me crease even more. Kissing animals is gross I'm sorry.
Most cringe-inducing line (actually bad)
Any line I truly disliked is blissfully gone from my memory.
Most stupid decision made by a character
Any of Phupha's decisions in The Promise (2023), but chiefly the decision to disappear from 10 years. I know it was the driving force in the show but it was still a fucking terrible decision.
Worst plot line
Gram x Eugene in Not Me. Literally huh ??? I choose to ignore it.
The most problematic show you've watched
Probably Tharntype. I do not care what happened in Lhong's life man. Why are you muddying a cartoon villain with a sob story.
A show people love but you find bad
I never finished Love In The Air or Gap the Series. I didn't find them bad really, I just got missed an episode and then never caught up.
A show people find bad but you will defend
I don't know if people dislike the while show but secret crush on you episode 1 makes you want to peel off your skin and wring the ick out of your bones. But after you've taken a month or so to recover from that, it's a masterpiece.
A show that is just objectively bad but you enjoyed it
Probably Tharntype, purely based on me watching it several times but also wanting to throw my phone for like 80% of the runtime. It's like when I eat food and go "I'm not sure how I feel about this" the entire time, but have to conclude logically that I liked it somewhat since I finished it all of my own volition.
A bad show that you kept watching because you were intrigued/fascinated
A lot a lot of them. I am easily pleased.
A bad show that you kept watching because you were horny
There's no level of horniness that will make me stick with a show that I'm losing interest in. Why would I bother with something that has a plot in that case lmao.
A bad show that you kept watching because of that one character
I've never done this with a QL because I could just watch a fancam, but I am going to keep watching Outer banks even though season 3 was character assassination because Pope is my baby.
A bad show that you would still recommend
Why would I recommend a show I think is bad??
The character that ruined a show the most
He didn't ruin the show but Not's off screen redemption arc in Be My Favourite soured the ending a tiny bit for me. Not everyone has to win y'know?
Most awful character that you hated /Most awful character that you loved / A character that wasn't awful but that you just don't like
If I dislike a fictional character I usually just forget about them.
A hero that should have been a villain
Joke in Hidden agenda. He was a troubled guy but they could have gone full on toxic with it.
A morally bad character you're into
Kinn. Well, most characters in Kinnporsche. If they were real I'd want a few dozen degrees of separation between me and anyone with such casual disregard for human life.
A morally bad character you're not into and you wish people would stop being into
I don't really keep track of who others are into.
The show that disappointed you the most
Step by step. You don't even need to change the plot, just the pacing.
The Worst Show of Them All Because of Your Own Reasons
I 100% purged my memory of it, whatever this show was.
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theheightofdishonor · 8 months
BL/QL Ask game : The Ugly, the Bad and the Worst
by @clara-maybe-ontheroad
This looked fun and it's been a second since i've talked on Tumblr about what i've been watching.
The categories are :
Worst soundtrack / weirdest song choice in a BL
Anytime they’ve made First Kanaphan sing. This includes Moonlight Chicken’s theme song, it includes Only Friends and it includes the Eclipse OS. The boy’s already talented as hell, why must he also be forced to sing?
Most cringe-inducing line (cute)
Gun’s roar in My School President. It’s adorable but it makes me cringe
Most cringe-inducing line (actually bad)
I was going to try to name scenes I hadn't done before but the bathtub scene in VV is still unmatched. For those of you who haven't watched the show, there’s this scene early on in Vice Versa where they’re sitting in a bathtub and Puen’s like “oh your heart looks like it’s been unused, let me wipe away the dust from it” and it’s so cringe, to the point that I still remember it vividly. I also think of this as the point where the show took a turn for the worse. My household refers to it daily.
Most stupid decision made by a character
When Wen Kexing decided to fake his death and expected Zhou Zishu to just shrug and move on with his life. What a fucking dumbass.
Worst plot line
In Tharntype 2 when Type made that whole plot to kidnap Fiat and make him think he’s going to be raped. It was so out-of-pocket and made Type’s character 10x worse than he’d ever been.
The most problematic show you've watched
Recently? I watched Double Mints which isn't a show but is ql. It was great, very fun.
A show people love but you find bad
2gether is bland and boring, I said what I said. But that's a basic opinion to have on tumblr so I'll admit to finding La Pluie boring. I tried to like it, I really did but it's a no. I also couldn't get into GAP the series which was devastating.
A show people find bad but you will defend
SCOY ofc is excellent. I have seen people criticize aspects of Bed Friend and I think that show was very good for the most part.
A show that is just objectively bad but you enjoyed it
The Shipper just is genuinely a bad show. I'd go as far to say that it's malicious though perhaps not intentionally so. Regardless, I did very much enjoy it. Tharntype too.
A bad show that you kept watching because you were intrigued/fascinated
Oh there's a lot I could name for this. VV obviously. 609 bedtime story wasn't necessarily bad but it was mediocre and disappointing so I suppose that counts. I liked the concept of My Sweet Dear, enemies to lovers is always my jam, especially when it's food-related but it wasn't that good.
A bad show that you kept watching because you were horny
Tharntype and WRU?. I didn't initially plan on watching either but I was so desperate after BBS to find something with good chemistry and I heard these had that so.
A bad show that you kept watching because of that one character
I watched the entirety of I Will Knock You because I was charmed by Noey.
The character that ruined a show the most
Puen in VV is still my least favourite love interest ever in a ql but Mork from FUTS also comes close.
Most awful character that you hated
The stepbrother from history 4. I like a good toxic relationship and obsessive love interests but he was too much even for me. (though as is the way of things, i think i've become slightly more fond of him over time, why am i like this).
Most awful character that you loved
Everyone in Only Friends, especially Nick. And the office worker Mitsuo from Double Mints. And Type from Tharntype. I like awful characters sometimes, alright.
A character that wasn't awful but that you just don't like
Neungdiao and Palm from Never Let Me Go both intensely irritated me for different reasons. This next one is also going to be unpopular but I couldn't stand Techno in Tharntype either.
A hero that should have been a villain
I'm still annoyed that Kinn turned into a classic bl protagonist midway through instead of staying terrible. Also Mork is a villain and should be treated as such.
A morally bad character you're into
Charn from Laws of Attraction is so my type that my wife laughed and called me predictable.
A morally bad character you're not into and you wish people would stop being into
I honestly don't care what other people are into but I find Vegas from KP overrated.
The show that disappointed you the most
Recently, Step By Step. I had very high hopes for that show. I've also given up on Dangerous Romance and have very little hopes that it can redeem itself.
The Worst Show of Them All Because of Your Own Reasons
The Bad Buddy Our Skyy eps. It's the one show that I 100% wish I had never saw. Did irreparable damage.
Well on that note, this was super fun to fill out. I'd tag people but I don't think i'm familiar enough with the ql community here on tumblr to do so.
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