#big dab
‼️big dab‼️
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‼️big dab‼️
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the-fat-of-instagram6 · 2 months
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Pics of @controlyouroutcome on Instagram, He had such a huge belly
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This is his friends , sexy belly
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listeningtocake · 1 year
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I’ve made a few joints
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bambismokesalot · 29 days
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They’re hard to juggle. Gimme a hand? 🥹
😈 Cüm play with me
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dabqueen22 · 3 months
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I ♡︎ Dabs
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japhan2024 · 6 months
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he's so excited! brb crying
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shelovesplants · 8 months
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Dual OG💨 Crumble 🙌😋
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eveblazebabi · 5 months
Big dabs and big asses 🖤
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og-reesetti · 8 months
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A-Wall and Scorch are my current combo in Titanfall 2, very happy the game is back and I've always wanted to get better at drawing tech/mech shit, since I've never been very good at it. Here is an A-Wall and a silly Scorch comic.
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p1nkcanoe · 7 months
thinking about mountain and swiss and aether, all together on one of their beds, cuddling in more of a “I’m tired and whatever my body decides is comfortable is how I’m gonna lay on you” type of way. together, their pile makes mountain’s king sized bed look tiny. feet hang off of the end, hands fall wherever they want to, one of aether’s arms hangs over the side and brushes his fingertips against the floor…
mountain is on his back, one leg straight and the other bent at the knee against the mattress, with both arms out to the side that used to wrap around the other two but have since gone lazy. aeth is halfway on top of him, using his bicep as a pillow while his legs tangle with the one of mountain’s that’s bent, and swiss is almost diagonal across the mattress, using the earth ghoul’s chest as a pillow.
they’re almost too big for the bed when they pile together like this, but it also allows them to feel each other in a way that nobody else can give them. it’s a chance for them to not feel so big for once.
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jrbwpb92 · 1 year
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wwweedfairy · 4 months
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Howdy, I’m ophelia.
I started as @wwweedhead
I’m 31, married to @woundedwarlock
I’m a mom and a full time cosmetology student.
I also smoke a lot of weed.
Ask me where I show ass
*faceless/ageless/empty bio’s get the block
*minors DNI
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the-fat-of-instagram6 · 3 months
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DJ kaled here !!! he has such a fat body
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starleska · 1 year
I hope you had a lovely trip! Hopefully this doesnt seem too demanding, but do you have any jack horner headcanons you're willing to share? Romantic, perhaps even yandere/possessive? Or just general headcanons? If not thats perfectly okay!!!
d'aww thank you sweet anon, i had a great time!! although i am very sleepy now 😴 i'm not even gonna lie to you, i whiled away the train journeys by gazing out of the window and thinking up little meet-cute scenarios with Jack 😂😂
oh HELL yes!! don't you worry, that's not demanding in the slightest - i'd be happy to oblige 😉 honestly this has steered off more into backstory/total fanfic territory, but i hope you like it anyway. i’ve written this with a bit of a feminine-leading-nickname bias, but this is for all readers!! i’m nb myself 🥰 feel free to substitute certain names for others 🔥
'Big' Jack Horner x Reader romantic/yandere headcanons:
historically, Jack hasn’t had much interest in romantic dalliances. coming from an upper-class family with a great deal of wealth means he received plenty of offers even when he was young, from hopeful families wanting to marry into his lucrative business. however, Jack always found the suitors from these families dull and predictable; they knew exactly what to say and how to say it, and their compliance infuriated Jack to no end. 
as a result, throughout his teens and early twenties Jack mostly abstained from romantic connections. it was at this time that he began to increase in size: he shot up like a weed and bulked out enormously, which greatly increased interest from a variety of parties. this came alongside his succession to the head of his pie business, and the flourishing of his criminal empire. although Jack was propositioned left and right, he only engaged in the occasional date and/or lay, and considered them to be stress relief. 
as his obsession with collecting magical artefacts and increasing his power grew, Jack’s dim view of romance as nothing more than fairy tale junk - something he has come to abhor - solidifies into a type of confident nihilism. he believes that he is simply built different, and that truly powerful figures don’t concern themselves with such trivial matters. that is, of course, until he meets you. 
at first, Jack is horrified. first, he believes he has fallen ill; why is his heart beating so fast around you? why does he feel hot and sweaty and clammy all at once when you pop into his thoughts? this quickly descends into a type of paranoia: he is convinced that you must be some type of magical artisan, one who has cast a spell to drive him mad. we know Jack isn’t the patient type, so he confronts you, dragging you into his office and threatening you with the business end of the Huntsman’s Axe from the Little Red Riding Hood fairy tale.
rather than the reasonable reaction of terror and attempting to escape, you stammer and blush, almost hyperventilating at the proximity. he’s so much larger than you, and it takes everything you have not to melt into his arms. you manage to tell him that you find him impossibly charming, and just being around him makes you feel lighter. this takes a moment for Jack to process. he questions you repeatedly: “You find me attractive?” “Y-yes.” “You’d like to become an item? With me?” “Yes, sir.”
once he is certain that there is no trickery afoot, Jack is ecstatic with you. the full extent of his smarm and arrogance pour over in waves. Jack is not a man prone to embarrassment , and he makes no secret of your relationship whilst going about the daily business of running his criminal organisation and pie factory. he freely plays with your hair, rubs your shoulders and gives you kisses in full view of all his workers, much to your humiliation, but the way Jack looks at you with approval after every  teasing show of affection makes it all worth it. Jack’s staff even give you a  nickname: The Baker’s Wife. 
in no time at all, Jack becomes your fiercest protector. someone calls a rude comment to you in the street? they’re found the next day, strung up by their thumbs outside the village walls. a debt collector comes to harass you and your family? how interesting: they choke to death on a pie, overstuffed with plums. you soon find that members of The Baker’s Dozen are assigned to keep you safe: following you around his mansion and accompanying you outside without so much as a word. you try to question Jack about these events, knowing in your heart he is responsible, but the way he tells you, “No one hurts my princess,” makes your heart squeeze. indeed, day-to-day Jack treats you like royalty: only the finest garments, cuisine, and entertainment for the love of his life. 
however, in private, Jack lets his sadistic side shine. he is delighted by how easy you are to fluster: how a filthy whisper or a well-placed touch can make you tremble and squeak. he enjoys your size difference, playing with you as if you were a doll, and he chuckles darkly whenever you squirm. there’s nothing he loves more than pinning you against a wall with a blade, enacting the predator/prey dynamic he knows you enjoy so much. he leans in close and breathes into your ear, telling you how small and helpless you are, and how easy it would be to rip you apart. he relishes in making you beg to be touched, how much you crave his silver tongue and those awful, atrocity-stained hands. Jack tells you that you are his, forever, until the day you die: and that is something you love more than life itself. 
hope this is what you were looking for, anon 😉
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bambismokesalot · 1 month
Just tying a little coquette bow. 🎀
Exxxtra coquette 🌶️
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