#bg3 oc Lorelei
coreene · 3 months
Confession hug needs its own batch of gifs
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maykitz · 4 months
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my opinion on durge and orin relationship pre worm incident
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mensiscollar · 2 months
pardon the inactivity i have lotsa shit goin on but here's some art
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littlemkara · 6 days
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* If we want the rewards of being loved, we have to submit to the mortifying ordeal of being known.
Do YOU like pretty girls?
Do YOU like pretty girls that TURN into dragons and potentially are a GOD?
Introducing: Lorelei 'Makara' Pentaghast!! A fandomless oc with a couple of verses including: BG3, POKEMON & FALLOUT. TW for themes of violence, gore, and nudity upon other. Inspirations taken Monster Hunter's monster: FATALIS.
REBLOG or LIKE if interested in interacting! Follows from @dancingdingohub
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imblee · 3 years
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Half-elf / Wood
Druid / Circle of the Moon
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coreene · 5 months
Omg I love this. This happens right after if you manage to escape from the tendrils in Moonrise Towers - the ones near the kitchen.
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Lorelei dislocated her shoulder xD Now I'm imagining her whining as Shadowheart tries to put it back in and Astarion is holding her other hand for support because she's a big baby
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coreene · 22 days
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A nice simple plan
Pairing: Astarion x Fem!Tav
Rating: Mature
Word count: 1.3k
Summary: Astarion's confession about his "simple plan" of seducing Tav (Lorelei). A retelling of the scene from Tav's first person pov. And the answer to what I think Astarion would want in regards to cuddling, post-confession.
Read 👇✂️
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“Do you have a moment? I… I think we need to talk.” Astarion spoke. He looked nervous.
“Are you alright?” I said as I got up. I didn’t like the look on his face.
“Oh yes, I’m fine.“ He said with a sad smile. “I just –…feel awful.” He had a frown on his brows now. I had never seen him in such sadness before. “Look, I had a plan. A nice, simple plan – seduce you, sleep with you, manipulate your feelings so you’d never turn on me.” He finished with a nervous chuckle.
I stayed quiet. I was having trouble understanding what he was trying to say. Because it sounded awfully like he was just another one of those people who only wanted to use me.
“It was easy – instinctive.” He looked up and away. “Habits from two hundred years of charming people kicked in. All you had to was fall for it.” He looked back to me with so much pain in his eyes. “And all I had to do was not fall for you…” He smiled softly. “Which is where my nice, simple plan fell apart.”
He looked at my eyes with the most intense gaze I had ever seen on him. There was so much admiration in them now. “You – … you’re incredible. You deserve something real. I want us to be something real.”
I turned my gaze away from him. I needed a minute to process everything he said. Was he saying that he had fallen for me? But what about all the other things he did before then? I looked back to him. He was waiting for me to speak.
“Were you even attracted to me? Or was it all a lie?” I asked trying my best to hide the tremble in my voice.
“Of course I was attracted to you. Look at you, for goodness’ sake!” He said like it was the stupidest question to ever ask. It made me smile. “You’re a vision. And you’re so much more than that.”
So much more than that. I repeated in my mind, looking down. “The nights we spent together, they didn't mean anything to you?” I looked back up into his eyes.
“Of course they did – that’s the problem! Or part of it.” He looked down. “Being close to someone – any kind of intimacy – was something I performed to lure people back for him.” A frown appeared in his beautiful silver brows. I could see how hard it was to say these out loud for him. “Even though I know things between us are different, being with someone still feels… tainted. Still brings up those feelings of disgust and loathing.” His gaze turned to me once again. “I don’t know how else to be with someone. No matter how much I’d like to.” He finished with a pained expression on his face.
I had no idea. The way he acted the other morning, the way he was trying to tell me something ever since the Underdark. It all made sense now. I felt like such an idiot for not realizing this sooner. He had told me this is what he did to bring people back for Cazador.
How could I be so blind and not see it? I recognised the feelings of disgust and loathing - I felt them after every one of those meaningless nights, but what he had to do for Cazador was something else completely. At least for me, sleeping with those losers was my choice. He had no choice but to obey.
I looked into his eyes. I took a small step closer to him. He didn’t flinch – didn’t move away. “I care about you, Astarion. Deeply.” I said holding his gaze.
“Really?” I could hear the doubt in his voice but his eyes were begging to believe me. I looked down for a moment. Not knowing what I could do to make him see what I felt.
I stepped closer to him. Close enough for a hug. When he didn't stepped away I wrapped my hands around him, settling my head to his chest. It took him a moment. He was surprised. I could tell he was debating what to do. I held my breath as I waited for him.
I let go of it when I felt his hands slowly wrap around my body, holding me tight. He buried his face to my hair. Even though I had hugged him so many times before this – this one was... different. Better.
“You… you are full of surprises, aren’t you?” I could hear his smile in his voice.
I took a deep breath in and whispered. “We can be together without sleeping together, for as long as you need.”
I felt the rumble of a chuckle in his chest. I smiled. “Why that almost sounds like a challenge.”
“Whatever you need.” I said and stepped back to look at him in the eyes.
“Honestly, I have no idea what we’re doing. Or what comes next.” He looked much happier than he did when he approached me tonight. He held his hand open for me. I took it. He stepped closer, placing his other hand over mine. I looked up to him. It was like I was seeing who he really was for the first time. He returned my gaze with the same intensity with a smile. “But I know that this? This is nice.”
I didn't think this was how we were going to end the night when he appeared. But I couldn't remember the last time my heart felt so full. I stepped into him as he wrapped his arms around me without hesitation this time. We stood there, enjoying each other.
It didn't matter that we were in a place filled with shadows. Didn't matter what we had to do tomorrow. Didn't matter that we were in the middle of the camp and anyone could see us hug like two idiots. It was only the two of us now. Just swaying slowly side to side. Happier than we were ever before.
I took a deep breath before I looked up at him. "How do you want to sleep tonight? I don't mind sleeping by the fire if that's what you need."
"I can't kick you out of our tent and into the cold now, can I?" He said with a chuckle.
"Okay, I guess we can sleep without touching each other." I said pressing my head back to his chest.
"No, I need you in my arms." He squeezed me tighter.
I chuckled. "I'm serious, Astarion. If that's what you need, I'd be happy to give you the space and time to figure things out." I said looking up at him with a frown. He had played pretense long enough.
"So am I, my love. I need you in my arms - just as long as we keep them over our clothes." He said with sincerity and added with a slight chuckle.
I smiled. "I'll keep my hands to myself."
"Come on, you need to sleep." He said as he pulled me inside the tent.
I was trembling a little bit. Part from cold, part from everything that we just talked about. I got under the blankets quickly as he joined me. He was a lot warmer thanks to the guards he slurped up today.
He wrapped his arms around me pulling me into his chest. I warmed up in no time, my trembling gone. It was perfect - being inside his arms and feeling like there was nothing holding him back anymore.
Despite everything that happened throughout this strange journey - this was the best night I've ever had yet. And I could see better ones in our future. It was an unfamiliar and scary but also beautiful. I felt his kisses to my head, his hand stroking up and down my hair, my back. I was grateful to have him. Whatever came next, we were going to face it together. Whether it was the Absolute or Cazador.
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This is a snippet from my longfic. Lorelei's Journal. Which is the journal of my Tav, Lorelei, retelling the events of the game from her POV in first person.
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And this is my notes for the scene. I really was planning on cooling them down fully but it didn't feel right with the way I was writing him and they are both a bit clingy to each other, if I'm honest. She loves that he can't let go of her. It comes up a few more times in their relationship in future chapters.
And the no sex thing is something she also needs because sex was a transaction for her, for a long time. Not in exchange for money, but in a 'you scratch my back - I'll scratch yours' kind of way.
They both don't know what caring for someone and being loved really is and when they find it, they will not let go.
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coreene · 9 days
A little sfw treat from my Sims 4 playtime with Astarion and Lorelei
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coreene · 5 months
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I really love this moment - it has such meet-cute energy. Years later Lorelei is telling the story of how they met to the Baldur's Gate's upper class:
"Oh, he held a dagger to my neck and accused me of kidnapping him. I fell in love in that moment." She has hearts in her eyes and Astarion is like "awww"
Meanwhile the patriars:
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coreene · 3 months
I can't focus enough to write for them so I decided to make a few gifs for my babies
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coreene · 3 months
RULES: post 5 songs associated with your oc, followed by 3 outfits they would wear
Thank you @bardic-inspo for the tag. ❤️❤️ It really was fun and different to do - doing this made me get interested in her again! I really should use pinterest boards more.
I am tagging @justporo, @bearhugsandshrugs, @littleplasticrat, @twistedapple, @cerudinae I cannot remember if you guys did it before I'm sorry if you did but feel free to fill it for another OC! Or not do it all together!
Let's do this for my rogue, half-elf Tav: Lorelei
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formal-casual-lingerie for the outfits
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I don't know why but when I was looking through pinterest to find a style for her my hands always went to outfits with emerald-green and teal colours. I guess I can say it as canon now that that is her favourite colour xD here is her pinterest board
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I am going to put the songs under the cut because I don't want to make this post too long on people's dashes!
Titiyo - Come Along | She sings this to Astarion (she's not a bard but she has a nice singing voice)
2. Feeling Good - Nina Simone | She can't sing this but she definitely listened it the day she ran away from her house.
3. Resonance - Home | She listens this when she wants to chill. It makes her think about warm summer nights on the beach under the stars.
4. Not Your Hero - Becky Shaheen | This is just her general vibe. She's no hero but giving up is not her style.
5. And finally where her name comes from: Lorelei - Theatre of Tragedy
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coreene · 6 months
I don't know why I like writing scenes where Lorelei and Astarion bathe together so much but it keeps happening.
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coreene · 4 months
WIP Wednesday
Thank you for the tag @bearhugsandshrugs!! ❤️ ❤️ It's not Wednesday anymore but fuck it we ball
It's just a little chat around the camp fire, answering Arabella's questions... and giving some advice on how to efficiently kill people, as you do. It is going to be part of chapter 38 in Lorelei's Journal.
“But you all have scars?” Arabella looked confused. “It depends on the scar, the placement of the wound, when you drink the potion… lots of things can effect the healing process.” Gale spoke once again. “Also on the coatings, wyvern poison can leave some nasty scars.” Karlach entered the conversation. “Alright, can we move on from the scars now?” I said giving a subtle nod. I didn’t want her to think about these things. “Why are you motioning us to stop for the kid? She should learn these. I would be happy to teach her how to gut a man in two quick steps.” Lae’zel interrupted. “You will always want to have oil of accuracy with you, very simple to make with daggerroots.” I shook my head side to side. Withers was right. This was no place for a kid. We were either going to scar her for life or create the most versatile fighter in the history of Faerûn. I looked at Arabella listen Lae’zel intently. Knowing Arabella, she was probably going to be the latter.
Tagging @twistedapple @wintersmolder as I didn't see you guys do this yet and I don't know who else...
no pressure to do it but also if you see this and want to do it consider yourself tagged by me (and tag me actually because I want to read your wips!)
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coreene · 4 months
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oh-uh something's coming (and not in a sexy way)
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Oh. Oh dear.
Same, Astarion. Same...
I loooove this scene. It gave me so many flashbacks to human reaper reveal at the end of Me2. It's just great. Both are amazing scenes.
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coreene · 5 months
How about 3 and 30 for the couples ask questions? 🙂
Oh hey - thank you for the ask! I was not expecting it and both questions gave me a pause, not going to lie. Here is the post with the questions! I'd love to answer more if anyone else is curious.
But let's go for #3 and 30!
3. What's their favourite thing to tease each other about?
They both love teasing each other for showing affection. They are both bad at it and when they see it on each other it's a perfect opportunity for a laugh.
Separately Astarion likes letting her take the lead in explorations. Even though, she will occasionally get lost or pull them into trouble because she saw a book or a shiny gem. You can be sure that he will tease her about it when it happens but he won't offer to take the lead.
Lorelei on the other hand loves teasing Astarion about his silly plans. She will listen to him go on about his grand dreams of usurping some kind of power with no intentions of enabling him considering said plans usually come down to "we'll just kill everyone."
30. Where is their relationship the strongest?
I started typing something for this but then thinking about it I changed it. Their strongest trait as a couple is they work incredibly well with each other.
From the moment they've entered to Wither's temple, it was clear how much in sync they were. She would notice the traps and he would disarmed them. He could conjure up an illusion as Lorelei slipped behind the enemies They were both rogues specializing in different skills. Hide-ambush, detect traps-lock pick doors, it became a reflex almost instantly.
They made a perfect tomb raiding pair. It put them together in many occasions. Whenever they needed stealth it was just the two of them working together. And they were good, much better than they would be if they were working alone. Covering the skills the other was lacking.
So the answer is working together. That's where their relationship is the strongest.
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coreene · 5 months
Rolled a nat20 while trying to convince Nessa to wait for me to attack Yurgir. Astarion looks so proud. Look at that smile xD
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