bi-lesbian · 3 years
Not trying to be rude, I’m genuinely curious, but what would you call a non men who’s only attracted to non men then, doesn’t that kind of erase our identity? And there’s nothing wrong with liking men but a big part of the reason why people hate lesbians or at least from what I’ve gotten is for not being attracted to men, so although similar, we don’t face the same type of oppression.
yalld just be using lesbian- something being an umbrella term doesnt erase anybodys identity. gay being an umbrella label for the entire community doesnt erase gay men. if you really want to be sure and specific about it you can use modifiers like mono lesbian or the like (mono lesbian probably wouldnt be good for including enbies though), or perhaps even coin a new term, bc lesbian has historical significance to bi people as well and is often still used by many of them, and ppl taking it just bc they want a term for themselves doesnt sit well with me- especially when its usually put alongside biphobic rhetoric (claiming theyre untrustworthy, theyre the reason men prey on lesbians, theyre aiding in their own oppression by associating with men, etc), and the exclusionism of bi people from the lesbian label was mostly started by radfems around the 70s.
bi women using lesbian isnt the reason why predatory men prey on queer women. its bc men are often taught theyre entitled to womens bodies, and changing the defintion of lesbian (which isnt universally agreed upon, mind you) to exclude men isnt really doing anything to tell predatory men to stop preying on mono lesbians, because they dont. Care. and it usually just ends up pointing fingers at bi people instead bc theyre an easier target, in an aggressive "relating to yall is putting us in danger, youre the enemy" way, its clear how thats biphobic, yes? bi women have always used lesbian since it existed, but then radfems deem them the enemy, blame them for predatory men who often also prey on bi women as well, and try to take the label and thus also bi womens own history away from them, its why im not okay with whatever reasoning people use to try to keep that mindset in place.
and oppression is a messy thing, its not neat and strict across labels. talking about oppression that are typically identity-specific is fine, but people need to realize that queerphobes dont really care about peoples specific identities, if they perceive them as a thing then theyll treat them as such, so saying its expressly different oppression for different labels just doesnt really hold up. straight trans ppl can be treated like gays or lesbians, a gnc person can be treated like theyre trans, a bi woman with her feminine enby partner can be treated as two mono lesbian women, and various other things. and people refering to it as "misdirected" i think is frankly kinda gross.. its not misdirected, our oppression is intrinsically linked, and thus will overlap and mix- bc its all about how society views us. and someone not experiencing the """right""" oppression doesnt mean theyre not still suffering from it.
and remember, not all bi lesbians like men either, bc many use bi to mean liking 2 or more genders, which doesnt necessarily include men. this is another reason why a lot of people see overlap in lesbian and bi, even aside from using lesbian as an umbrella label.
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sanshine · 4 years
as a 29-year old with joint problems whenever i watch san headbang or aggressively hip thrust i'm just like child HOW do you not break something always rip
BFJDHFJD I agree tho for some reason my knees have been cracking literally every time I did a squat my whole life AND IT'S SO LOUD it's reallypathetic how out of shape I am even the joint cracking aside but yes fjsnfjsjd
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rel-ish · 4 years
I do be falling in love with you doe
turns out that post wasn't a failure after all 
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mittelfrank-divas · 2 years
sorry to be in ur inbox AGAIN bfjdhfjds but i have a question. i'm kind of confused as to what the catalyst is supposed to be in azure moon for rhea relinquishing power enough that Byleth can reform the church? Insofar as Rhea believes, the Holy Kingdom only *just* curbed a revolution from a Nemesis wannabe, and if Rhea's position in a time of PEACE was to go oh we need to kick the shit out of one noble's civillian army, i just can't understand why she'd have the character development that's prompted in routes like VW. not me wishing the devs had let azure moon have it's drawbacks instead of trying to hackjob bandage them over with hapi's inclusion lmao
but also on the other hand ough ;-; even edelgard's death being a force for good which lead to a measure of change and reform ;-;
First off: I will never forgive Instys for using Hapi as a bandaid to retcon out some of the negatives that made AM uniquely interesting and tragic in its own way. All the routes are flawed in their own way including CF, and those flaws should have been allowed to stand rather than using a DLC character's precious few supports to fix them rather than furthering her own character.
BUT ANYWAY that's a rant you've all heard from me before.
Obviously one part of it is that Rhea just thinks Byleth is the Second Coming of Sothis and is happy to put them in charge. But I do agree that there's more to it than that, because she is awfully quick to step aside and retire, not even sticking around to hang out with her not!mother.
I'm gonna go off into pure speculation territory here, but: this is another reason why I choose to believe that it was specifically Edelgard's choice to hold Rhea alive in secret. Because Rhea's change of heart on the non-CF routes can't be explained if Rhea was just sitting around by herself in a prison cell, never seeing another soul. If anything, I would expect her to be more vengeful, more entrenched in her beliefs.
But what she says to Byleth in their S support (which I believe is only available on SS?) is:
Though my intention was to keep the peace in Fodlan, I still propagated a false history and deceived my faithful followers. I also took advantage of my position of archbishop to further my own selfish goal of seeing my mother again.
Where is this perspective about her actions coming from? Outright calling her rewrites to history false? Admitting that she took advantage of her position as archbishop? Seteth certainly isn't likely to have criticized her for this, given that he actively participated in the rewriting history himself. Nobody in SS is seen directly challenging her on any of this.
Meanwhile, isn't false history one of Edelgard's biggest problems with Rhea? Doesn't she specifically call her out for that in CF? Doesn't this sound like Rhea is quoting Edelgard?
I would suggest that rather than sitting around by herself, Rhea has spent the past five years with nobody to talk to except her captor.
And it is worth remembering that in the non-CF routes, Edelgard spends most of her time in Enbarr Palace. She herself is more or less trapped there, unable to directly join in on the war the way that she can with her Strike Force.
So. For five years, Edelgard and Rhea were more or less trapped with each other for company. I doubt that engendered any love between them. I don't think Rhea ever decided that Edelgard was in the right for what she was doing. But it sounds to me like she at least gained some perspective on the affects that her actions have had on Fodlan.
So. I think Edelgard did have an affect on Fodlan's outcome even despite her death.
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tankaramo · 7 years
i’m rewatching s1 and silver is so,,,, annoying. it’s like he was harboring all of his negative personality traits in that one (1) leg
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choisanii · 4 years
@sanshine ALSKDJD ok good to know i will next time!!!! also idk if u saw but
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i’ve been in my seonghwa feels lately 😔
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drarw · 6 years
whats your twitter?? i'd like to check out more of your amazing art! (i love you💕✨)
aw thanks..🥺 i have one, But no art on it and I don’t really use it. Bfjdhfjd if u wanna follow me on there just dm me and I’ll give it to ya tho 💛💛💫🌟🌟🌟😎🙌
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