#best video marketing atlanta
boltentertainmentusa · 3 months
The Power of Business Video Production: Elevating Brands through Digital Videography
In today's digital age, video content reigns supreme. From captivating commercials to informative training videos, businesses are increasingly turning to video production to convey their messages and engage with their audiences. This shift towards video content is not without reason; studies have shown that videos are more likely to be shared, remembered, and acted upon than other forms of content. As such, investing in professional business video production services has become a crucial component of any comprehensive marketing strategy.
Digital Video Production Services: A Holistic Approach to Visual Storytelling
Digital video production services encompass a wide array of activities aimed at creating visually compelling content. This includes everything from conceptualization and scriptwriting to filming, editing, and post-production. The objective is to craft videos that resonate with the target audience, effectively communicate the brand's message, and drive desired actions. Whether it's a product launch, corporate training, or brand awareness campaign, video production has the potential to transform how businesses connect with their customers.
The Stages of Business Video Production
Pre-Production: This phase involves meticulous planning and preparation. It includes tasks such as scriptwriting, storyboarding, casting, and location scouting. The goal is to establish a clear vision for the video and ensure that all necessary resources are in place before filming begins.
Production: This is the actual filming phase. It involves capturing the footage according to the script and storyboard. A skilled production team will ensure that the filming is done efficiently and effectively, capturing the desired shots and angles.
Post-Production: This is where the magic happens. Post-production involves editing the footage, adding graphics and special effects, and creating the final product. A good post-production team will bring your vision to life, creating a polished and professional video.
Distribution: Once the video is complete, it's time to share it with your audience. This may involve uploading it to your website, sharing it on social media, or using it in a presentation. A strategic distribution plan will ensure that your video reaches the right people at the right time.
Bolt Entertainment: Setting the Standard for Digital Videography in Atlanta
When it comes to digital videography in Atlanta, Bolt Entertainment is a name that stands out. With a team of experienced professionals and state-of-the-art equipment, they offer a wide range of services to meet your video production needs.
Corporate Video Production: Bolt Entertainment specializes in creating compelling corporate videos that showcase your brand values and engage your audience. Whether you need a promotional video, a training video, or a company overview, they have the expertise to bring your vision to life.
Commercial Video Production: If you're looking to promote a product or service, Bolt Entertainment can help. They have experience creating high-quality commercial videos that drive sales and increase brand awareness.
Event Video Production: Whether you're hosting a conference, a trade show, or a corporate event, Bolt Entertainment can capture the highlights and create a video that showcases the best moments.
Training Video Production: If you need to train your employees or educate your customers, Bolt Entertainment can create engaging training videos that are informative and easy to understand.
Animated Video Production: If you're looking for something a little different, Bolt Entertainment also offers animated video production. They can create custom animations that bring your ideas to life in a fun and engaging way.
In addition to their video production services, Bolt Entertainment also offers video marketing and distribution services. They can help you create a strategic video marketing plan and distribute your videos to the right channels to reach your target audience.
In conclusion, business video production is an essential tool for modern businesses looking to connect with their audience. From corporate videos to commercial videos, the possibilities are endless. By understanding the process of digital video production and working with a trusted partner like Bolt Entertainment, you can create high-quality videos that drive engagement and achieve your business goals.
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poledancingdinos · 2 years
You’ve Got Me Hooked - Chapter 7
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Pairing: Captain Syverson x OFC (Riley McKenzie)
Word count: 2.7k
Warnings: Sex work, Stripper, OnlyFans, Strip Club, Lap dance, Alcohol, F Masturbation, Angst
Catch up: Series Masterlist
Taglist: @amberangel112 @utterlyhopeful-fics @marantha @kebabgirl67 @littleone65 @omgkatinka @luclittlepond @marytudorbrandon @enchantedbytomandhenry @foxyjwls007 @peaches1958 @identity2212 @summersong69 @liecastillo @islacharlotte @evansabove1981
A/N: If you want to be added or removed from my taglist, let me know!​
Divider by @firefly-graphics​​
Riley (5 hours earlier)
I spent the last several days working on my proposal for Don. This is more than just an advertising project. Don seems to think he will need a significant investment in order to really make a lasting effect on his business and keep the place afloat and I’m pained to say that I have to agree with him.
Yesterday I called around and got quotes from various contractors in Atlanta and the neighboring towns to run a proper analysis and I think we can make this work if we take it one step at a time.
Don and I agreed on the top three most important improvements to make on the garage and then made a list of the "nice to haves". I don't want Don taking out a personal loan any bigger than it has to be and I'm hoping the extra income from the urgent improvements will allow him to eventually tackle the rest of the project list.
I've done the math three times now and it always turns out the same. If they keep going like they are, Don will have to close up by the end of the year. He asked me to keep that little detail between the two of us though since Sy apparently doesn't know how dire the situation is.
I prepare the folder with all my notes, designs and the various contractor quotes and pack it in my bag by the door.
I have a few hours before Sy gets home and before I have to leave for work. I hadn’t really planned to film today but I guess I could get ready at home and film something before heading off to the club.
I do all my makeup and change into an outfit that, with any luck, will attract attention without getting my videos blocked on Tiktok. I’ve just gotten my account back up and running after the last time I was reported.
I film enough to splice together a few posts then change my makeup and my outfit to something a little more bold and repeat the whole process. Hopefully, no one will notice that everything was filmed the same day.
The big problem is that I don’t have a video to post to OnlyFans tonight because I worked double shifts at the diner all week on top of the work for the garage. Not posting might make me lose over a hundred dollars of tips and subscriptions which I really can’t afford.
With a sigh, I pull out my good camera and set up the tripod in its usual spot. I dig through the box of toys I keep hidden in my closet and decide on a small bullet vibrator and a pink realistic-shaped dildo. It’s nice and veiny like I picture Sy’s cock would be. God that makes me sound like a creepy stalker, doesn’t it?
I feel like those girls in high school who have a crush on a male teacher. When we talked about his ex-girlfriend, I could tell how much he longed for a different life, one where he could have a house with a white picket fence, a wife to kiss when comes home and a couple of mini Syversons running around and raising hell. He deserves to have everything he dreams of.
Sy’s already had an entire career in the army and now he has his new job at the garage. I’m a failed marketing assistant with mountains of debt and the only relationship I’ve ever been in lasted all of two months back in college.
I know I can’t be with Sy. I’ve done my best in the weeks since he’s moved in to keep him out of my head but seeing him with his shirt off the other day? That left me all hot and bothered in the kitchen. Just thinking about it now has my stomach fluttering with interest. Why does he have to be handsome, kind and caring?
I start my recording and stand in front of the camera so my body is visible from my lips to my mid thigh. I squeeze my breasts for the camera as I welcome the audience with a dirty introduction. I dart my tongue out, wetting my lips before blowing a kiss to the lens, then walk backwards toward the bed.
I get on my knees, facing the camera while wearing nothing but lacy black underwear. I grab the bullet and run it slowly over my breasts. When I reach my nipple, the sudden intense sensation makes me hiss. I close my eyes and imagine it’s Sy’s tongue teasing me rather than a little piece of battery-powered plastic.
In my fantasies he’d wait until I was soaked and begging before even getting anywhere near my pussy. I wonder how his beard would feel on my skin or between my thighs. I bet it would be rough but that the scratching would only add to the sensation.
I switch positions getting on my back and reach for the dildo. With my knees pulled up and my legs spread wide, I tease the tip through my folds. I beg out loud, telling the viewer behind the camera how much I need their cock even though there is only one man in the world that I truly want in my bed.
The dildo I’m using is the biggest I have but it’s by no means enormous. It’s a modest seven inches and no more than an inch and a half thick. I push the tip into my cunt and moan at the intrusion. I picture Sy’s wide body above mine, whispering his dirty desires in my ear and praising how well I’m taking him. After I get used to the girth, I turn the bullet back on and hold it against my clit.
My eyes are still closed and my thighs quiver violently when I pump the dildo, relentlessly against my G-spot. Sometimes I make it last, pulling back every time I’m close to my peak and denying myself until I can’t hold it anymore. Right now, I’m too pent up to stop when I start teetering over the edge.
Sy’s deep southern drawl echoes in my head. “Takin’ my cock so well. Be a good girl and come for me.” The imaginary words are my undoing. I fall apart and I almost call out Sy’s name but manage to turn it into a moan before it’s too late.
Fuck, that was so intense that I feel droplets of sweat running down between my breasts and the evidence of my release dripping on the bedsheets below me. Shit. I’m going to have to shower before I get to the club.
I look at the clock by my side and my eyes go wide when I realize that I’m absolutely going to be late by the time I make my post. I don’t technically have to be at the club before opening, I just choose to get there that early to get opening credit. Getting there later tonight will mean paying an extra sixty for house but it’s better than if I hadn’t had anything to post tonight.
I jump out of bed, turning off the camera and dropping my toys in the sink to deal with later. I rip off my wig and carefully pack it in my bag. Hopefully the curls will be fine and I won’t have to redo them at the club.
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I just recently started working at this club but I’m lucky because my online reputation precedes me. They contacted me on social media, inviting me to come work with them without the usual audition process. What they really want is the free advertising that I can provide if I post about their club on my page.
Nevertheless, I tried it out. The girls were welcoming and the house rules were similar to what I am used to so it was an easy match. The fact that it’s in Atlanta also means we get clients with deeper pockets. I have yet to post about it publicly but if I choose to make it a permanent part of my work week, I will definitely be inviting my followers over.
I’m especially happy about the special performances they hold for birthdays. The birthday package doesn’t actually require it to be the person’s real birthday. As long as someone shells out the cash, the owners don’t much care who is on stage. It’s expensive enough that it doesn’t happen every night which helps keep the appeal alive for the regulars. One of the clubs I performed at in Vegas used to make the lucky guest strip down to their underwear in front of everyone so the version of the show that we perform is actually tame compared to some I’ve been a part of in the past.
Tonight, I am intent on making the performance memorable because I haven’t worked the room beforehand. I got here just in time for the floor manager to put me on stage. There are a lot of girls working on weekend nights and the competition makes it harder to earn good money. Most of them already have regulars in this club which is an added level of difficulty for me.
The outfit I brought with me for the evening just so happened to scream “I make men like you bow and lick my boots” which is perfect for the situation. Sugar is playing the role for the first time and her inexperience shows in the tentativeness of her strikes. I tell her to really go for it but even then, the spank is more of a gentle tap so I offer to show her how it’s done. The man at our feet flinches and groans but he doesn’t use the safeword we gave him. He takes his ten strikes and earns his reward.
With the bright stage lights, I don’t notice Sy sitting in the audience until it’s too late. The look on his face when we lock eyes perplexes me. He looks… guilty, maybe even ashamed but he doesn’t seem surprised.
I don’t miss the way Kira is perched on his lap or the kiss she gives him as she leaves. I am very much ignoring the wave of possessive jealousy the kiss instills in me when in the blink of an eye, the man behind Sy pushes him to his feet and practically drags him out while a younger man runs after them.
I don’t have time to wonder what’s wrong, not with four hungry looking men waving bills in my face. I’m busy dancing for the birthday boy when the younger man comes back to the booth. Alone.
The birthday boy’s friends aren’t subtle about following me online or subscribing to my OnlyFans. I do my best to keep in character until it’s time to move on to other customers but as uncomfortable as the extra attention makes me, it ends up being a blessing. After other patrons hear me being called a “pornstar”, I get asked for more bed dances than I’ve done in all my months as a stripper combined.
I take my time removing my wig and makeup after the club closes. I’m the last to leave and I can tell the bouncer is annoyed at having to wait for me before he can finally call it a night. When I tell him I’m ready, he locks the backdoor behind us and walks me to my piece of shit car. Once I’m safely on the road home, the weight of this evening’s event comes crashing down on me. When I make it up the stairs to my front door, I feel like I’m about to burst into tears.
I freeze on the fourth floor landing, clutching my keys in my hand with the other wrapped tightly around the strap of my duffle bag. I know Sy is home, his truck was parked in his spot. It’s well past 4 am and logically, I know he is most likely asleep but some part of me is worried that he might have stayed up. Worse, some part of me wishes that he’s stayed up thinking about me.
“Fuck, I can’t do this.”
I turn around and run down the stairs. I get back in the car and scroll through the names in my contact list. I select a number for another waitress from the diner who does the opening shift and lift the phone to my ear.
“Riley? What are you doing up at this time on your day off?” 
“I just got off at my other job and I… I must have dropped my house keys in the breakroom without noticing. I can pick them up when I go in for my shift later but for now, do you think I can come sleep at yours?”
I hate lying to Kathy but I’m not ready to talk about what happened nor am I willing to tell her about my secret night job.
“Oh honey, sure. It might be a little noisy once the kids wake up though.”
“That’s fine. You’re doing me a big favor, I promise to cover for you the next time you have a family emergency.”
She laughs on the other end of the line. “I won’t say no to that. Come on over, I’ll leave the side door unlocked if you don’t make it before I leave.”
I thank her again then hang up and put my car in drive. I pull up in front of her house just as she walks down the front lawn.
“Guest bed is ready for you. Upstairs, last one on the left.”
“Thank you, have a good shift.”
She waves as she drives off and I climb the stairs as quietly as I possibly can. Once I’m safely behind closed doors, I fall face first into the mattress, muffling my sobs in the fluffy pillow until I eventually pass out from exhaustion.
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I wake up dazed and confused by my surroundings until I remember that I crashed at Kathy’s for the day. I dig through my bag for my phone only to find that the battery has died when it refuses to turn on. I use the black screen as a mirror to check my appearance and once I’m convinced my bedhead won’t terrify Kathy’s boyfriend, I leave the room in search of a charger.
As it turns out, I was asleep much longer than I thought because I bump into Kathy in the kitchen.
“Hey sleeping beauty, you want some dinner?”
“I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to stay so late.”
She waves off my apology. “We’re having spaghetti. You can sit next to Kade.”
I want to refuse but my stomach answers for me with an embarrassingly loud growl. I was so busy yesterday that I completely forgot to feed myself. Kathy gets me a charger and we sit down for dinner with her family. It’s nice, her toddler is hilarious and her older daughter can’t stop saying fun facts about animals. Apparently, elephants can’t jump. I have no idea if it's true but it doesn’t matter because it makes me smile.
By the time I leave, it’s too late to stop at home before going to my regular Saturday night club. I quickly look at my phone after pulling into the parking lot and see that I have five missed calls from Sy and two voicemails eight hours apart.
I play the first one which was left at five o’clock this morning.
“Um, hey Riley. I was just callin’ to make sure you’re alright. Ya didn’t come home last night and…” There’s a pause and for a second, I think he might have hung up. “Could ya just send me a text so I know you’re safe? Please?”
The annoying voicemail beep pierces my ears before the next message plays.
“It’s me again.” Sy’s voice in the last message sounded concerned. Now, however, he just sounds pissed. “Just lettin’ ya know that I’ll be back for my things as soon as I get a new place. Keep whatever food’s in the fridge.”
What? I stare at my phone, completely dumbfounded before playing the message again, then again for a third time as if it will magically change the words.
Sy is gone. Sy is gone and it’s all my fault.
Chapter 8
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incarnateirony · 10 months
Paramount: 60M subs Max: 123 M Disney: 157.8M, declined rom 164.2M. Hulu, Disney owned: 43.8M Netflix: 238.4, with password shakedown. Has been relatively stagnant compared to competitors though, 221.84 even Q4 2021. Amazon: it's amazon. Peacock: 22M
What I see here: Netflix is hitting just about its peak of growth in market. It had been losing, then password shaked down, and will be rattled by its empty pipeline but will have cash to mostly recover.
Paramount+ and Peacock/Universal need to give it up. Stop trying to make them happen. They're not gonna happen. Their best luck would be CBS and NBC cooperating, while Paramount sells off a chunk of its wares to Tyler Perry, and go in on something together, and if they retained, they'd still be under most of their competition.
Hulu being Disney owned and Disney+ both being there seems like an inevitable merging of their features ala Max/Discovery merger. They could actually break 200M subscribers and be on foot with Netflix while it equalizes.
Amazon is Amazon. It's here to stay.
WBD is in financial crisis despite its looks or how it spins data, but has a successful library and successful individual membership.
Likely future array:
#1/2 Amazon, Netflix
Amazon has 101M Video subscribers notwithstanding prime; including prime, it's about 175M with monthly individual users but can tap into wider Prime bases~; Netflix has 238M+)
#3 Disney-Hulu
#4 Max, if it doesn't implode from the strike aftermath.
If Peacock/Paramount's remaining vestiges band together, and maybe onboard deals like Fox Sports, it may be able to pull in to join 1-5 as a #5, but just as likely is Tyler Perry's black entertainment plans to fill a similar role. On the other hand, Paramount has been working very very heavily with WB since before WBD and continuing since, so there's a potential it ends up more like:
#1/2 Amazon, Netflix
#3 Disney-Hulu (200M current collective, if done right)
(The above 3 streamers as-such would make the above-200M club respectively)
#4 Max-paramount (180M current collective)
Disney could choose to import from Fox Sports since it already had relations with Fox with the 21st buyout, to try to get an edge on sports lives.
Think linear TV "Big 4 + smaller option like CW", but in streamer mode. That's what's really being fought for here. And then the weird independent streamers and breakoffs will be the equivalent of tiny cable channels mostly airing reruns and weird stuff.
From there, like for example whatever Tyler is planning, he could bring in his--cough, I mean Atlanta--cough--I mean Gray's pipeline deal with NBC Universal and snap up Peacock, then bring in what he bought off of Paramount with BET/VH1/et al once that finalizes. And it eventually will. And there's your #5 with a heavy favor on black entertainment like original TBS before Time Warner picked it for parts.
There. There's my "what this shit is gonna look like by 2025-2026" projection. Obviously scale up membership gains accordingly, I'm using their current bases plugged together, everything might gain something like 33-50% over 2~ years, so 300M club, and so on.
Expect average streamer price to end up around 10/mo for ad based and 20/mo for high end ad free with extra baubles. And then to get the big 4 it's 40/mo with ads or 80/mo with no ads, and 60 for in between depending on how you use which, and pans about to old cable costs. That's about how this is gonna have to work out.
Some streamers may also consider tiers, such as; if Hulu is eaten by Disney main, there may be a Basic Subscription With Ads for just Hulu content, but save Exclusives for Plus, for example--your rerun library, if you will. And whatever other streamers for similar things that get partnered in, like wherever Fox shoves Tubi's ass. These will become the equivalent of channels. So in theory people could bring down their bill by getting a few basic level streamers to watch their fave reruns on but send exclusives up to the parent streamer.
So for example, let's say Disney will break into the Hulu package, the Plus package, and under Plus have the 21st Fox shows, and maybe Fox Sports stuff as "channels" or channel replacements you can file through. Max could have its CW equivalent, and its DC section, and put CNN here instead of on CNN+ that closed, and so on with higher packages
If handled like this, a big 4/5 could maintain competition while making streaming sustainable but offering wide varieties internally that are like mini-cable packages yourself. And then you can ask, do I really watch X provider shows, and if you are a Poor, then you can still optimize like--well I want the basic Disney package for all the marvel stuff, no ads tho... so I'll go premium. Am I really watching Netflix exclusives anymore? Nah. I don't need that dusty library. Amazon I use prime anyway so I'm good there- is black entertainment important to me? Yeah but I don't mind ads with my sitcoms, so a true basic ad package is fine. And then you're really only paying like 25 a month for a fairly broad "digital cable" package.
And by 2026 or so Big 4 should at least be approaching the 300M club, and we talked in another post the 15mo/avg/median, and be talking 4.5Billion per streamer, and then you break out my earlier math on shows, and costs, and 10/10/10 schema, and even 2 billion spent on shows per streamer + residuals paid to everyone that earns it makes it a sustainable profit while broadcast shuts down, and so on. [jazz hands] it truly isn't rocket science but like, paramount+ and peacock for example need to learn when to throw in the towel. It too late, pals.
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celtfather · 9 months
Fun at Dragon Con 2023
Did I go drinking with hobbits this year? You bet I did. Hear all my stories escapades from Dragon Con 2023. Learn what new musical pin is in my store and how I’m keeping them organized through upcycling.
This is Pub Songs & Stories #274.
0:20 - Marc Gunn “Arthur McBride” from St Patrick’s Day
I am Marc Gunn. I’m a rhythm and folk musician and podcaster. I perform at Ironshield Brewing in Lawrenceville, Georgia this Saturday.
If you’re new to the show, please follow us on your favorite podcatcher. You can do that PubSong.com or even better or you can subscribe and download all of my songs in this show and the last one. Just send me an email.  pubsong@celtfather.
You will get an auto responder to download the month’s songs. You will also get that subscribe link. It’s quick and easy. While you’re emailing me to get your free EP, let me know what you’re doing while listening to this episode.
SEP 23: Ironshield Brewing, Lawrenceville, GA @ 5:30-8:30 PM
OCT 13: Ironshield Brewing, Lawrenceville, GA @ 6:00-9:00 PM
OCT 19: Bandcamp Internet Concert @ 7:30 PM
OCT 20-22: Multiverse Con, Atlanta, GA
DEC 3: Nerdy Wonderland & Holiday Market at The Lost Druid Brewery, Avondale Estates, GA
DEC 10: Nerdy Noel, Huntsville, AL
12:29 - Dan the Bard “Drink Drink Drink” from Unicorns & Dragons
The show is brought to you by my Gunn Runners on Patreon. If you enjoy this podcast or my music, please join the Club. Every week, you get bonus podcasts, downloadable songs, printed sheet music, blogs, or stories from the road. Plus, you get weekly access to my Coffee with The Celtfather video concerts. Sign up for as little as $5 per month and save 15% with an annual membership.
Thanks to my newest Gunn Runners on Patreon: DWS, Melissa Randall, A. Lynch, Traci Girard-Turner, Michelle Hahn, Lisa, David Willer, Jo Navarre, Tracy O'Shea, Antoinette Brenion, John Dowling, Kate Smith, Gina Colaianni, Ruth Acoya, Gordy Euler, Iain Benson, Kerry Komai, Dannan Tavona, Tom DiGenno, Mazer
If you can’t support us financially, you can leave a review for free.
24:56 - Marc Gunn “Those Characters Died” from Sci Fi Drinking Songs
37:09 - CLOSING
37:45 - OUTRO 
Thanks for listening to Pub Songs & Stories. The show is brought to you by my Gunn Runners on Patreon. Sign up for new podcasts, videos, and songs every month. The show was edited by Mitchell Petersen with graphics by Miranda Nelson Designs.
You can follow and listen to the show wherever you find podcasts. Sign up to my mailing list to read the show notes for this episode and find out where I’m performing.
And of course, please tell one friend about this podcast. Word of mouth is the absolute best way to support any creative endeavor. Have fun and sing along at www.pubsong.com!
Remember. Reduce, reuse, recycle, and think about how you can make a positive impact on your environment.
#pubstories #danthebard
  Check out this episode!
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90363462 · 2 years
Kanye is heading towards a road called self destruction and it’s all his fault
Kanye West is DROPPED by fashion house Balenciaga
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has lost a major business deal with fashion house Balenciaga.
On Friday  reported that Balenciaga had dropped the troubled rapper who has been on a tirade lately calling for death to Jews who have wronged him and also calling President Biden the 'r' word.
Meanwhile, his ex wife , 42, still models for the French brand.
Parent company Kering said the French fashion house would no longer be working on projects with the rapper and fashion designer who has legally changed his name to Ye.
'Balenciaga has no longer any relationship nor any plans for future projects related to this artist,'  Kering told WWD.   
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Earlier this month West made his surprise modelling debut at Paris Fashion Week.
The 45-year-old singer opened Balenciaga's SS23 show, walking down a muddy catwalk. 
Demna, creative director of the luxury fashion brand, explained that the mud is 'a metaphor for digging for truth and being down to earth'.
The Georgian fashion designer explained: 'Individualism in fashion is downgraded to pseudo trends dictated by a post in stories of some celebrity of the moment… fashion in its best-case scenario should not need a story to be sold to someone… let us let everyone be anyone.'
The 'Good Morning' hitmaker wore an oversized jacket, leather trousers, a baseball cap, and his hoodie over the top.
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Among those in the audience was Kanye's former sister-in-law Kylie Jenner, while Kanye and his ex-wife Kim Kardashian's brood - North, Chicago, Psalm, and Saint West - were seen arriving to the event with their father.
Kanye follows in the footsteps of SKIMS founder Kim, 41, in modelling for Balenciaga.
Earlier this year, the reality star turned heads wrapped in layers of yellow and black tape emblazoned with the Balenciaga name.
German sportswear giant Adidas on October 7 said it was reconsidering its partnership with West after the US rap star publicly criticized the brand. 'After repeated efforts to privately resolve the situation, we have taken the decision to place the partnership under review,' the company said in a statement. 
Meanwhile, Ye has had trouble with Gap as well.
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He accused Gap of 'copying' his work.
The rapper claimed the retailer ripped off ideas from his Yeezy Gap Engineered by Balenciaga collaboration with their own designs.
He shared a message exchange with an unknown person, in which the texter had sent a link to a photo of a navy T-shirt with the Gap logo on the front along with the message: 'This is Gap copying — YGEEB.'
Kanye replied: 'Exactly.
'Do you want me to post this text message?'
The 'Stronger' star used the caption of the post to air another grievance about the company, claiming they had axed a planned photoshoot with his kids without him knowing.
He wrote: 'But they canceled the photo shoot with my kids in Japan without me knowing. (sic)'
In a separate post, Kanye claimed he had been cut out of meetings by Gap.
He shared a photo of some Yeezy Gap sunglasses and wrote: 'Gap held a meeting about me without me?'
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The 'Bound 2' hitmaker also shared a video in which he addressed a group, possibly of Gap staff.
He declared: 'This is not celebrity marketing. This is not a collaboration. This is a life mission.'
And in a later post, Kanye hit out at both Gap and another of his collaborators, Adidas, for failing to fulfil a promise to build 'permanent stores' for their ventures.
Sharing his plan to open independent Yeezy stores around the world, beginning with Atlanta, he wrote: 'I'll buy the land and or building.
Then we gonna open up in every state and then internationally.
'Anyone who has over 10 years retail experience and is ready to change the world post your instagram handle or store location in the comments and we'll find you.
'I signed with both Adidas and Gap because it contractually stated they would build permanent stores which neither company has done even though I saved both of those companies at the same time.'
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hopessolution · 3 days
Competent Animation studios in Atlanta, GA
What About the Hope Solution Team?
Are you running a digital company that wants to make more unique animation videos? If yes, then you must connect with the best animation studios. In this manner, Hope's solution stands out in the market. The company and this animation studios in Atlanta GA, is a name in the field of creativity and technology that can transform your ideas into life with animation services. We are passionate and dedicated and can bring dreams to life to leave a lasting impact. We aim to satisfy our customers with captivating animations to educate and entertain, which then drive engagement, audience and brand recognition. We are located in Atlanta, GA, so collaborating with us means unlocking the power of compelling animations to resonate with the audience. Our quality animation services can bring ideas to life with excellence and precision. 
List of Services Our Professionals Provide:
As we are a reliable animation service located in Atlanta GA so we offer different services as per needs. From the creation of storytelling animations to engaging marketing materials, we offer 2D and 3D animations. With expertise in this field, our animation studios in Atlanta GA can bring ideas to life in all industries and platforms to resonate with audiences. 
Motion Graphics:
With our expertise in providing motion graphics services, we can integrate charts, infographics and diagrams for designing graphics, visual elements and typography to add to titles, presentations and intros. 
Educational Animation: 
In our educational animation services, we use different animated content to explain concepts, history, and subjects. We are placed in Atlanta, GA, to create engaging content to fulfil the needs of education, lessons, tutorials, and educational videos. Using this service, customers can make complex lessons easy to understand. 
Visual Effects: 
Visual effects also known as VFX which include 3D animations, CGI and special effects in films, shows and commercials. With our expertise in Atlanta GA, our animators can boost visual storytelling with the help of computer generated elements in live scenes to create the best visual experience. 
Product Visualization:
In our product visualization services, our experts of animation studios in Atlanta GA can create demos and presentations of products, prototypes, concepts and architectural designs. 
Character Animation:
In our character animation services, our experts can create characters, cartoons, short films, ads and videos with the use of movements, emotions and interactions. Also we can integrate digital elements, transformations and simulations. 
Game Animation:  
In our game animation services, we can create characters, objects and environments in video gaming and media. Also we can create active animations of games and bring a cinematic look. 
Medical and Scientific Animation:
In our professional medical and scientific animation services, we provide animations for training, patient education and research. We are located in Atlanta GA so we can create animations to explain biological processes, medical protocols and scientific concepts. 
What is your delivery time for a local project?
We care for the satisfaction of our customers and try to deliver the project within a short timeline as per the expectations of customers. However the timeline may change with the change in scope and complexity of the project. In case you need urgent work you have to connect with our experts to provide you quick services. 
Do you offer any deals for non-profit organizations?
Our discounted rates and special offers are available for non profit organizations as we support meaningful causes and initiatives. We provide different packages for the companies who have less budget.
How do you handle client feedback during the editing process?
During the editing process, our professionals at animation studios in Atlanta GA use collaborative tools and maintain communication to handle or manage customer feedback to assure satisfaction. 
Can I meet with the Animator in person to discuss my project?
Whether you want to meet our professional animators in person or virtually, you may contact us any time in any case for discussion of projects. 
How do I book your video Animation services?
Once you want to start the animation project, you have to provide us with a voiceover script and storyboard for the completion of the project. Before booking our services you have to discuss your project flow and requirements with our team.
What happens if you are not happy with the final video?
If you are not happy with the final animation video, we can provide you revisions to satisfy you with the final results. For changes you can contact our team to provide you with multiple revisions in case you need changes. We make sure that the end product is fair enough and our client is satisfied. 
How much do your animation video services cost?
We can offer you customized estimates and pricings as per the scope and requirements of your animation project. However, the cost might depend on the size, complexity and number of videos you need. All you need to do is to contact our expert animator team to discuss your project requirement along with the budget. 
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arallen14 · 20 days
China Halal Food Market | AR Allen
Food vlogs Food vlog Food vlogs video Food vlog Food china halal food china halal food market guangzhou china halal food shenzhen china halal food xi'an china halal food halal food in shanghai china halal food in beijing china china southern airlines halal food chinese halal food in china how to find halal food in china halal food in chongqing china chinese halal food chinese halal food recipes china muslim food street china muslim food market hindi china muslim food market chinese food halal jakarta halal chinese food london halal chinese food malaysia halal chinese food singapore china halal street food halal chinese food birmingham chinese food halal bandung best halal food in china beijing halal food halal chinese food in china china muslim city food china muslim food eating mosque halal food muslim street in xi'an china ep 3 halal food in hangzhou china halal food in china halal food in beijing chinese muslim food in china halal food in guangzhou china halal food in shenzhen china muslim halal food in china halal food in xiamen china jeju halal food halal restaurant in china halal chinese food kuala lumpur makanan halal di shanghai halal food china mac halal chinese food penang food ranger china halal
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k12academics · 3 months
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Our team has a combined 20 years of experience creating attractive, effective, and impactful film and television content. We focus on the art of storytelling and eye-catching visuals to bring our clients' visions to life.
We also offer a service for companies looking to take their visual footprint to the next level--by creating marketing strategies to best fit their video campaigns.
Our goal is to make sure our clients see the results in the form of higher returns of investments, more streaming views, and brand upgrading.
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appel1988 · 4 months
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Do you know the Types of digital marketing?
Affiliate marketing
Mobile Marketing
Influencer marketing
SMM is highly used today
Video Marketing
Audio marketing
Viral marketing
Digital Marketing
Radio advertising
Content creation
Google AdSense
Native advertising
Online PR
Television advertising
Sponsored content
Marketing Analytics
Instant messaging marketing
Marketing automation
SEO search engine optimization
SEO banner
#Affiliate marketing;
#Mobile Marketing;
#Influencer marketing;
#SMM is highly used today;
#Video Marketing;
#Audio marketing;
#Viral marketing;
#Digital Marketing;
#Radio advertising;
#Content creation;
#Google AdSense;
#Native advertising;
#Online PR;
#Television advertising;
#Sponsored content;
#Marketing Analytics;
#Instant messaging marketing;
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#Alabama #AL #Montgomery #Huntsville
#Alaska #AK #Juneau #Anchorage
#Arizona #AZ #Phoenix
#Arkansas #AR #Little Rock
# California #CA #Sacramento
#Colorado #CO #Denver
#Connecticut #CT
#Delaware #DE #Dover #Wilmington
#Florida #FL #Tallahassee #Jacksonville
#Georgia #GA #Atlanta
#Hawaii #HI #Honolulu
# Idaho #ID #Boise
#Illinois #IL #Springfield #Chicago
#Indiana #IN #Indianapolis
# Iowa #IA #DesMoines
#Kansas #KS #Topeka #Wichita
#Kentucky #KY #Frankfort #Louisville
#Louisiana #LA #Baton Rouge #NewOrleans
#Maine #ME #Augusta #Portland
#Maryland #MD #Annapolis #Baltimore
#Massachusetts #MA #Boston
#Michigan #MI #Lansing #Detroit
#Minnesota #MN #SaintPaul #Minneapolis
#Mississippi #MS #Jackson
#Missouri MO #JeffersonCity #KansasCity
#Montana MT #Helena #Billings
#Nebraska #NE #Lincoln #Omaha
#Nevada #NV #CarsonCity #LasVegas
#NewHampshire #NH #Concord #Manchester
# NewJersey #NJ #Trenton #Newark
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#NorthDakota #ND #Bismarck #Fargo
#Ohio #OH #Columbus
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boltentertainmentusa · 4 months
Unlocking the Power of Digital Video Production Services: A Comprehensive Guide
In the fast-paced world of business and marketing, the demand for high-quality digital video content has never been higher. Digital video production services play a pivotal role in helping businesses create engaging and compelling visual narratives to connect with their target audience. This article explores the diverse range of services offered by digital video production, with a focus on the expertise provided by Bolt Worldwide, a leading agency in the field.
Services Offered by Bolt Worldwide Bolt Worldwide, a prominent player in the digital video production landscape, offers a suite of services tailored to meet the unique needs of businesses aiming to enhance their online presence through captivating visual content. Let's delve into the key services they provide:
Business Video Production Businesses today recognize the importance of incorporating video into their marketing strategies. Bolt Worldwide's Business Video Production services cater to the specific needs of organizations looking to create impactful promotional content. Whether it's a corporate overview, product demonstration, or client testimonial, their team ensures the production of videos that resonate with the target audience.
Digital Video Production Services The core of Bolt Worldwide expertise lies in its comprehensive Digital Video Production Services. From concept development to post-production, their skilled team manages the entire video production process. This includes scriptwriting, storyboarding, filming, editing, and the integration of visual effects. By leveraging the latest technologies and industry best practices, Bolt Worldwide delivers videos that not only meet but exceed the expectations of their clients.
Atlanta Digital Video Production As a hub for innovation and creativity, Atlanta has become a hotspot for digital video production. Bolt Worldwide takes advantage of this vibrant environment to offer specialized Atlanta Digital Video Production services. This involves understanding the local market dynamics, trends, and preferences, ensuring that the produced videos are not only visually stunning but also culturally relevant to the Atlanta audience.
Digital Videography Digital videography is an essential aspect of modern video production, and Bolt Worldwide excels in this domain. Their team of skilled videographers utilizes state-of-the-art equipment to capture high-quality footage. Whether it's a corporate event, product launch, or documentary-style content, Bolt Worldwide's Digital Videography services guarantee visually appealing and professionally shot videos.
Why Digital Video Production Matters In today's digital landscape, the significance of video content cannot be overstated. Here are some key reasons why businesses should invest in digital video production services:
Enhanced Engagement: Videos have proven to be more engaging than text or static images. They capture the audience's attention and convey information in a visually appealing and memorable way.
Brand Building: High-quality videos contribute significantly to brand building. They help create a strong brand identity, establish trust with the audience, and differentiate a business from its competitors.
Increased Conversion Rates: Websites and social media platforms with video content often experience higher conversion rates. Compelling videos have the power to influence purchasing decisions and drive customer action.
Versatility: Videos can be used across various platforms and channels, making them a versatile tool for marketing and communication. From websites and social media to presentations and email campaigns, videos can be repurposed for maximum impact.
Conclusion Digital video production services have become indispensable for businesses seeking to thrive in the digital age. Bolt Worldwide, with its range of services including Business Video Production, Digital Video Production Services, Atlanta Digital Video Production, and Digital Videography, stands out as a leader in the field. By harnessing the power of visual storytelling, businesses can connect with their audience on a deeper level, foster brand loyalty, and stay ahead in the competitive market. As the demand for digital video content continues to rise, investing in professional video production services becomes not just a choice but a strategic necessity for businesses aiming for sustained success.
To learn more about Bolt Worldwide's digital video production services, visit their official website: https://boltworldwide.com/
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creativecourse · 5 months
Will Wright Teaches Game Design and Theory Information Learn the art and science of game design with Will Wright, the mind behind SimCity and The Sims. In this game design class, Will teaches you how to create games that empower players and unleash their imagination. You’ll develop a tool set for understanding player psychology, as well as learn Will’s approach to generating and pitching ideas, prototyping, playtesting, and building a community. What you’ll learn The Fundamentals of Game Design Generating Game Concepts Early Prototyping The Relationship Between Story and Games Exploring Player Psychology Design Player-Centered Experiences Develop a Game Language Designing a Visual Aesthetic Game Mechanics Game Demo: Morey Iteration and Scoping Prototyping Case Study: Proxi Playtesting Designing a Sound Aesthetic Pitching Ideas Game Demo: Flooded Market Choosing and Understanding Your Platform System Design Leadership and Collaboration The Future of Game Design Final Thoughts About Author Will Wright is a game designer and entrepreneur who is best known for creating a number of popular and influential video games. He was born on January 20, 1960, in Atlanta, Georgia, and developed an interest in computers and game design at an early age. In 1989, he founded Maxis Software, a game development company that went on to create several groundbreaking simulation games, including SimCity, The Sims, and Spore. Wright's games are known for their innovative gameplay mechanics, open-ended design, and attention to detail. They have been widely praised for their ability to engage and entertain players of all ages and backgrounds. Wright has received numerous awards and accolades for his work, including induction into the Academy of Interactive Arts and Sciences Hall of Fame in 2002. He has also been involved in various philanthropic and educational initiatives, such as the Stupid Fun Club and the entertainment technology program at the University of Southern California. More courses from the same author: Will Wright (MasterClass)
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ztownmedia · 6 months
Best Video Marketing Company in Atlanta
Discover the best video marketing company in Atlanta with ZTown Media. Our Creative Concept Development: We start by understanding your target market, brand, and objectives. Then, we develop an original concept that serves as the basis for your video.
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caddcentrenagpur · 7 months
ATLANTA COMPUTER INSTITUTE in Nagpur is Central India's Leading and Best Computer Education Institute in Nagpur. Atlanta Computer Institute Nagpur Centers has been conducting IT Training Classes from last 27 years. Atlanta Computer Institute Nagpur is An ISO 9001 : 2015 Certified Company. The Computer and IT courses taught are Basic Courses, MS-Office , C , C++, Java , Advance Java , Python, SQL, Web Page Designing , PHP, MySQL, AutoCAD , 3d Studio Max , Revit , Staad Pro , Pro-e , Creo, CATIA , Ansys , Unigraphics NX , CAD CAM, Solidworks, ArchiCAD, Hardware , Networking , Photoshop , Coreldraw , Graphic Design, Web Site Development, Oracle , Animation Courses, Visual Basic, VB.Net , ASP.Net , C#.Net , Joomla, Wordpress, Revit MEP, Ansys CFD, PHP Framework, Search Engine Optimization, Animation Courses, MS Excel Course, Software Testing, Primavera, MS Project, Embedded Systems, Matlab, Programming Courses, Coding Classes, Dot Net Courses, Advance Dot Net LINQ, AJAX, MVC, Android, Multimedia, Illustrator, Google, Sketchup, Lumion, Rhino, V-Ray, Video Editing, Maya, ISTQB Software Testing, CCNA, CCNP, CCIE, MCSE, MCITP, MCP, MCTS, MCDBA, MCPD, MCTP, Red Hat Linux, Angular Js, HTML5 CSS3, Magento, Codeigniter, Cake PHP, Full Stack Web Development, Full Stack Developer Course, UI UX Design Course, Laravel, Bootstrap, Vmware, Data Analytics, Business Analytics, Power BI, Tableau, Data Science, Machine Learning, Big Data, R Programming, Python, Django, IT Training, Ecommerce, Matlab, Android, Robotics, Arduino, IoT - Internet of Things, Ethical Hacking, Java Hibernate, Java Spring, Data Mining, Java EJB, Java UML, Share Market Training, Ruby on Rails, DTP, Inventor, VBA, Cloud Computing, Data Mining, R Programming, Machine Learning, Big Data, Hadoop, Amazon Web Services AWS, ETABS, Revit MEP, HVAC, PCB Design, VLSI, VHDL, Adobe After Effects, VFx, Windows Azure, SalesForce, SAS, Game Programming , Unity, CCC, Computer Typing, GCC TBC, SPSS, ChatGPT, QuarkXpress, Foreign Language Classes of German Language, French Language, Spanish Language, Business Analyst Course, PLC SCADA, Flash , University Syllabus of BE, Poly, BCCA, BCA, MCA, MCM, BCom, BSc, MSc, 12th Std State CBSE and Live Projects. Project Guidance is provided for Final Year students. Crash and Fast Track and Regular Batches for every course is available. Atlanta Computer Institute conducts classroom and online courses with certificates for students all over the world.
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artikgato · 7 months
Life update
Ooooohkay well, obviously, I haven't been updating on here, nor have I been going out for exercise daily. Honestly, that lasted a little longer than I thought it would. Maybe once my fall convention gauntlet has slowed down, and if I can convince myself to go out jogging in the cold, I'll get back into it. As it stands now, though, I'm either too busy or too tired to go out jogging, sadly.
Last Wednesday, I went to go see the Ghost Files live show down in Atlanta. I drove down earlier in the day so I could make my pilgrimage to Sweet Hut, a chain of restaurants in Atlanta that primarily sell these very cheap, very delicious bread buns. Like the name suggests most of them are sweet, but they have a fairly good selection of savory buns, too (think like bbq pork, ham and cheese, green onions, cheese filled, etc.). I stocked up on a bunch of those to eat all weekend for lunch and dinner and just as snacks.
Ghost Files live was a wonderful experience. The venue it was at was an old several stories tall church called The Tabernacle. I had a pretty good seat, all things considered. The episode they screened was the season finale (still not actually out on Youtube as I'm writing this!) which was of course absolutely hilarious, they had to pull out all the stops for the finale naturally. Watching it with a room full of strangers was a next level experience. There were parts where I was laughing so hard I was crying. And then after the show, of course, the Ghoul Boys themselves came on stage to tell jokes, have witty banter, and answer audience questions. And they did an estes spirit box session on stage, resulting in a ghost having "liquid beef" with Shane Medej.
10/10 experience, will absolutely go again if they tour next year and come anywhere near where I'm living. It was great. And that was only the start of the weekend!
Thursday morning I got up bright and early to get my badge for Anime Weekend Atlanta. I had a few hours to kill until I had anything to do, so I wandered around the Cumberland Mall, attached to the Cobb Galleria via a sky bridge. I hadn't been since 2019 (to the mall or AWA), and in the intervening years they ADDED A WHOLE ASS ARCADE WITH JAPANESE RHYTHM GAMES? So I might have spent over $20 on credits to play said Japanese rhythm games. And y'all, I have a couple of litmus test DDR songs that I try to play every time I get the chance, to test where my level of stamina, coordination and general health is at. Not only did I pass them, I actually did better at them here than at Dragoncon! What the heck! I got a high B on Daikenkai on Standard mode!! I also got to dick around with some taiko drum master, a couple of new rhythm games I've never played nor seen in any con's video game room, and get my ass kicked at Time Crisis 5. It was fun! A great way to kill a few hours!
Then I did the Super Happy Fun Sell, AWA's Thursday night flea market. Once I got set up I literally didn't have time to leave the table or even look at my phone for more than a minute or two. I was swamped. I sold a lot. I bought Lucina and Robin Amiibos from the table next to mine. It was very packed.
AWA, in general, was pretty packed. All weekend, but on Saturday afternoon in particular, I found myself having to employ Dealer's Room crowd tactics in most of the Galleria. It's definitely time for them to move to a new, bigger venue. I just hate that they are, because I have such fondness for the Cobb Galleria and the Renaissance Waverly. I have over a decade of memories at that location. It's sad to see them move, even if it's for the best. Also they'll be in December next year?! What the fu-
I decided on a whim to enter the costume contest, because one of my hotel roommates was entering and I went along with her for solidarity, realized in line I could enter Izou, filled out the application, and got a judging time. Spoiler alert: I didn't win anything, but it was still a lot of fun to be in the contest itself! I got to cheer on the other contestants, I got to see some cool ass cosplays, and I got to show off my (fake) man tits on stage to a crowd of adoring fans. Or at least a crowd of indifferent fans and some people cheering.
On Friday I also got to meet Michelle Ruff (the voice of Yoko from Gurren Lagann), tell her how much Gurren Lagann means to me (a whole lot) and get her to sign my box set! I went to the Type-Moon photoshoot as Izou and there was another Izou there!! He was in the second ascension form (with the big hat and the red hair) and we got many pictures together. It was great! There was a great turn out, lots of characters, including ones I haven't seen often at cons!
Saturday morning I got up early and got into my Xellos cosplay to meet another voice actor. This time it was Veronica Taylor, the voice of Amelia from Slayers! She called me Zelgadis, which I'm attributing to muscle memory because she probably said the name Zelgadis 2000% more times than the name Xellos. I got to tell her how much Slayers means to me (a whole fuckin lot), got a picture with her, and she is just one of the kindest, coolest people out there.
I then proceeded to make a full loop of the entire dealer's room and artist alley, spend way too much money, and come away from the experience so ready to get changed out of Xellos. Unfortunately I was changing back into Izou for the costume contest, so I didn't get much respite from the heat, but oh well. In the dealer's room I found something I've been searching for for a while - the nendroid of Izou! And also Okita Souji, which I got a discount on. I also spent far too much money at the only booth I've seen selling CDs, but I found the Fire Emblem Awakening OST, Slayers NEXT and TRY, the Digimon Adventure 02 character song CDs, and the effing Gurren Lagann soundtrack. Like I wasn't going to just throw my money at them?? I also found some cool stuff in the artist alley. All in all, not too bad.
As mentioned earlier, the costume contest was pretty fun. Afterwards I peeled myself out of my fake chest and put on normal clothes, because I had to repack the car for the journey ahead.
Sunday I got up super duper early and got on the road headed to Greenville for SC Comicon Jr, where I had an artist alley table! I did pretty decently and managed not to spend all of my earnings on dumb shit. Just some of them. I found a vendor selling the 151 Erika full art cards and blacked out and I have two copies of one and one copy of the other one. Leave me alone. The same vendor also had that tin with Hop and Wooloo on it which I've been looking for for ages so, y'know, it all worked out.
After SC Comicon Jr I had dinner with some friends at the local Menkoi branch and then got on the road to finally go back home. And after being stuck in traffic for an hour and a half more than necessary because of construction and wrecks, I finally made it back at like 10pm.
And then I had to work solo the next day. And the next. And now we're at today, where I called out sick for a very deserved day of rest and packing for Nekocon, because I am insane. I just did 1.5 cons and a live show last weekend, next weekend is a convention volunteering with the manga library, the next weekend is an artist alley con here in Charlotte, then a one-day con down in Charleston on the 19th, and by the end of this gauntlet I just hope I have the money to buy a license for Hatch Embroidery and/or a PS5 so I can finally play Baldur's Gate 3 and Fate/Samurai Remnant, and eventually FF7 Rebirth in February.
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kevinb3896 · 8 months
Paul Brown Talks Gallery 63 and How 'Auction Kings' Changed His Business
Paul Brown is an owner of auction houses in the second generation. The auction house was purchased by Gallery 63 in Sandy Springs, Georgia, in 2005 under his guidance the company has expanded and prospered. In the interview in this video Brown speaks about the story of Gallery 63 as well as the influence on the reality series " Auction Kings," and the vision he has for the next chapter of this auction gallery.
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How did you become involved in the auction business?
I was brought up in Atlanta, Georgia. My dad owned an antique shop and auction house. I got exposed to auctions from an early age. I worked at the auction house during weekends and in the summer. Following high school, I went to university to study literary studies. However, after graduation, I realized I was interested in working within the auction sector. I began as a pickinger. That is when I search for things for auction houses. Within a couple of years I was elevated to manager. Then, in 2005, purchased Gallery 63 from my father.
What were some difficulties you had to face in the beginning when you took over Gallery 63?
Auctions can be extremely fiercely competitive. There are many auction houses within the Atlanta region, so it isn't easy to distinguish yourself from the rest of the pack. One of the difficulties that I had to overcome when I took over Gallery 63 was attracting new consignors. Also, I needed an avenue to advertise Gallery 63 to a larger public.
What strategies did you employ to overcome these obstacles?
The first thing I did was focus on providing top-quality services to my buyers and consignors. Additionally, I committed to offering a variety of auction items. I was hoping for Gallery 63 to become a destination where people can look for unique and exciting objects, no matter what the amount they can afford.
I also began marketing the auction house with more vigor. I set up a website as well as a social media profile to promote Gallery 63. 
Also, I began to run ads in local newspapers as well as magazines. In 2010 Gallery 63 was included in the reality television series " Auction King."
What impact did this have on your company?
"Auction Kings" was a massive hit. The show was telecast on Discovery Channel for six seasons and brought in thousands of viewers. The program helped place Gallery 63 onto the map. The gallery began to draw buyers and consignors from around the globe.
It also helped alter the way people think about auction houses. Prior to "Auction Kings," many believed that auction houses were reserved for the wealthy. However, the show proved that auction houses are entertaining and enjoyable for anyone.
What do you want to achieve regarding the future direction of Gallery 63?
My aim is to increase the size of Gallery 63 and become the best auction house across the Southeast. Also, I want to invent and discover creative ways to communicate with both sellers and buyers.
One of my main goals is to increase the size of the reach of our auction website. I'd like to ease the process for buyers and sellers to purchase things from around the globe. Also, I would like to devise creative advertising and marketing methods to connect with a wider audience. I am also dedicated to helping the local community. Gallery 63 donates a portion of the profits to local charitable organizations. Additionally, we sponsor local events and fund-raisers.
What tips would you offer anyone who's contemplating starting an auction company?
Auctions are very labor-intensive however, they can be extremely satisfying. If you're thinking of setting up your own auction business I'd advise you to research your options and develop a well-constructed business strategy. It is also important to build a team of experienced and knowledgeable professionals. Finally, I would advise you to be patient and persistent. It can take time to establish a profitable auction business. If you're willing to work laborious work, you'll succeed.
Auction Daily is a welcome update to the auction market. Its cutting-edge features and dedication to providing excellent customer service make it an excellent competitor to take the highest spot. One website that sets itself apart in the field of auctions online is Auction Daily. It is an extensive guide for anybody who is interested in auctions and provides a wide array of details, such as auction overviews, auction schedules, auction updates, as well as connections with auction house antique dealers paintings dealers, and antique dealers.
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digitalriya07 · 9 months
Top 5 Digital Marketing Institute in Surat
Digital marketing is a way to promote our buisness online through digital medium like website, social media apps, search engine optimization etc . We use different mediums like pay per click, advertisment , content marketing to help reach our targeted audience . By using of right digital marketing tools and technique our business can reach to million of audience and we can be the best digital marketer. Lets introduce some best digital marketing institute :-
Godigital Institute “Welcome to Go Digital ! The Best Digital marketing course training institute in Surat, dedicated to provide comprehensive and 100% practical training in all aspects of digital marketing. We offer a range of courses, including SEO, PPC, social media marketing, email marketing, content marketing, Website Development Course and more. We provide both online & Offline batches with latest industry study materials and recorded lectures.” Contact : 8780799202 ADDRESS : 430, Avadh Arena, VIP Road, nr. Shyambaba Temple, opp. Marvella Coridoor, Vesu, Surat, Gujarat 395007 WEBSITE : godigitalinstitute.com
ASDM Institute ASDM is known one of the best reputed institute in Gujarat for Digital Marketing Training. Established in 2012 has trained more than 50,000+ Individuals, 10000+ entrepreneurs and Startups. We are highly passionate for Digital Marketing and we are spreading our knowledge to our participants. ASDM is proudly recognized by GOOGLE and AMAZON India. We are alone training partner in Gujarat who is directly connected with AMAZON INDIA.” Contact : 9016970734 Address : Patel Health Club, SF 348, Four Point, C.B, VIP Road, Vesu, Surat, Gujarat 395007
Frameline Institute “FrameLine Digital Marketing Training Institute, founded in 2016, is a highly qualified training company based in Surat for Digital Marketing. We focus on delivering the finest quality customized practical courses. We have trained over 13,000 students worldwide. The course is designed for professionals & students who want to start their own business or earn by excelling in Affiliate marketing, blogging, and freelancing within the comfort of their homes. We offer our students internships and jobs, giving them more growth opportunities. Our trainers have been actively helping individuals achieve their business objectives throughout and after the course. It has been said that learning never stops, and we adhere to it.” ADDRESS : Shop no. 32, 3rd Floor, Atlanta Shoppers, opp. Pooja Abhishek Residency, near Reliance Market, Vesu, Surat, Gujarat 395007 CONTACT : 7567777091
SatvBiz Institute
SATVBIZ is a Best Digital Marketing Academy – Vesu. Training journey’s end in Surat delivering complete digital marketing course Our course module design very effective and simple way with practical learning on all the tool of digital marketing like Search Engine Optimisation, (SEO), Social Media Marketing, Google Adwords, Website development, Mobile app Development, Creative Making, Video Makin, E-mail Marketing, Analytics and Many tools. You get to learn all of it from Certified Trainer and experts. We Teach Digital marketing course in Surat through classroom training program with weekday and weekend. NEW! customize Digital Marketing Courses are also accessible.
ADDRESS : People’s Bank, HG-8, SNS Platina Opp. Reliance Fresh Market, above Surat, Vesu, Surat, Gujarat 39500
CONTACT : 9726233377
iPlace Technologies
ADDRESS : Sardar Complex, B-26, 2nd floor, nr. Gujarat Gas Circle, Adajan, Surat, Gujarat 395009
CONTACT : 9737778612
These are some of the best institute in surat . Hope this information blogs is useful for you guys . Digital marketing helps brands reach their target audience and promate their product or service . While that’s the goal of traditional marketing camping too, digital marketing allows brands to target more specific or niche audience.
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